#understandable but PLEASE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ someone help him out he needs it ā˜ ļø
sjm-live-commentary Ā· 10 months
if i could go back in time and tell myself to prepare for one thing before reading queen of shadows it would be a warning that chaol is a dramatic-ass man in this book šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ every single chapter heā€™s saying some shit like ā€œgods aboveā€ or ā€œgods help them allā€ like boy if you dont get with the program like everyone else
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eddies-artofsuffering Ā· 1 year
steddie ask 1, 14, 16 please ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
Omg yes!!! Thank u for the ask heheh Iā€™m extremely pleased to tell youā¤ļøšŸ„¹
1. Why do I like this ship?
I guess the short answer is that I always get into a ship when I can see myself in the characters involved & I can see them loving each other that I want to be loved, and by far steddie are the closest to all of those things in any types of media Iā€™ve seen (maybe the next closest is bbc Sherlockā€™s johnlock lmao) But the long answer is ā€”I mean, I am a bi disaster myself, a lanky ass dude with dark curly hair and dark eyes who grew up closeted in a small town, and I spent a big portion of my teen years living with someone else other than my immediate family who was absent. I was known as a jock in high school, musician to those who knew me better, and secretly a big fuckin nerd who enjoy metal music in my own time. I knew monsters from whom I got PTSD, and I have both emotional/physical scars that will last me a lifetime. I really think steve and Eddie compliment each other because the way they need love & want to love are similarā€”and it happens to be the way I want it as well. So itā€™s really important for me to have these two idiots who share my past and present fall in love, you know?
14. Steve joining corroded coffin or just a fan?
Honestly????????? Kind of neither. Now donā€™t hate me just yetā€¦. I just think that Steve would definitely supportive, but not necessarily in love (!) with the music itself. I believe heā€™ll be a fan of Eddie (eventually) and will help out here and there when they need it, maybe during the early days if they later become famous etc. but I feel like he wouldnā€™t really know or understand the ethos of CC. Like heā€™ll go along with it and will make it to the gigs and performances concerts etc but heā€™ll also have ear plugs with him bc it hurts his ears and heā€™s already suffering from head trauma ā˜ ļøIdk thatā€™s my HC so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
16. Overdone HC
Again: Iā€™ll premise it by saying that I absolutely love these overdone HCs: Eddie realizing that heā€™s gay before Steve realizing his own sexuality. The most common fanon Iā€™d say is 1) Eddie knowing heā€™s gay whether he has experience or not 2) Steveā€™s bisexual awakening is Eddie and he consults Robin about it 3) Eddie being a flirty motherfucker whilst Steve (whoā€™s normally smooth) being very flustered ā„¢. Now I fuckin love this shit SO much and will read the hell out of it every time. But I do want more of oblivious Eddie whose sexuality crisis is super delayed bc of whatever reason, and Steve understanding / being well versed with the language of attraction from a young age regardless of gender, therefore having these epiphanies before even meeting Robin. Growing up I didnā€™t have a Robin šŸ˜­and I needed to figure shit out on my own. It was pretty apparent to me that I wasnā€™t straight since I was 12 or 13, and I want to see Steve in a similar situation who help Eddie navigate that!!! Which is why Iā€™m writing a new fic exactly about this lmao. (Shameless promo)
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kimbap-r0ll Ā· 2 years
hi hii requesting for a twisted wonderland match up!!^^
iā€™m an enfj scorpio though i believe i lean a bit more to the ambivert side. i do know how to socialize especially when needed (like in events and stuff) but i donā€™t necessarily love it. i just get overwhelmed easily so i prefer keeping things lowkey
which i find a bit contradicting because i have the tendency to present myself in a way that would give most people a good impression of me so i get to their good sidešŸ˜­. cause of that, i appear reliable which i donā€™t mind cause i do love helping them but it could get pretty tiring sometimes. overall, in every friend group i am in, iā€™m always the ā€œmom of the groupā€. a bit weird but rather than craving academic validation, i crave peopleā€™s dependability on me. i always get chosen to lead groups, activities, and events so at times when iā€™m not, i feel like i no longer am a reliable person. though i guess because of the pandemic, my will to help and guide has slowly disappeared so now iā€™m just really quietā˜ ļø
i tend to be cautious of how i act towards others especially if iā€™m not close with them, i wouldnā€™t want my image to be stained. though i find that a bit hard due to my short-temper. i donā€™t like repeating myself thrice, i hate when i feel like my authority isnā€™t being put to good use if people donā€™t listen, i dislike when things donā€™t go the way i wanted and planned them to be.
as iā€™m writing this, i have made a realization just how easily i get swayed by my emotions. when provoked, i say or do things absentmindedly and cry out of frustration . otherwise, i prefer thinking first before i act (becauseā€¦ image..ā˜¹ļø). itā€™s a bit hypocrite of me to dislike huge reactions from others because it tends to be awkward for me but then i, myself, could and would cause such fuss when upset.
idek if this would help i feel like iā€™m just rambling atp im so sorry but since iā€™ve been into a relationship already, i have realized a few things about me: i live for reassurance šŸ„². like, i understand if my s/o would be gone for a few hoursā€” DAYS even but please do reassure me AND make sure to make up to the time they were gone because iā€™d seriously be so upsetšŸ˜­. i love a perfect balance between exchanging of romantic words and then some playful banters and teasings. just not too much cause again, i dislike when huge reactions/emotions are stirred (but i suppose the sudden urge to just shower each other with love isnā€™t bad. i would love it in fact. i guess it can get a little overboard if done too much). i also love giving and/or receiving even the little things as a gift cause it shows that theyā€™re thinking about me randomly throughout the day (thatā€™s soā€¦ cheesy oh my godā€”)
iā€™m the type of person whoā€™d go in a state of panic if i donā€™t have major plans about my future so i would love someone who also set goals. itā€™s okay for me to change some minor things along the way as long as the major goal is achieved. as for hobbies, i switch interests quite a lot and the only person who can keep up with me is my bsfā˜ ļø. so someone who doesnā€™t judge and also show interests towards the things i like would be mwaaah (and iā€™d do the same for them too, of course!)
i thinkā€¦ i need to stop nowā€”šŸ˜­ BUT IF YOU ACTUALLY DO THIS ONE THEN THANK YOU SO MUCH! i wish for your blog to grow bigger some time in the future and may your hard work pay off! stay safe~šŸ«¶šŸ»
Hi! Thank you so much for the support! Thereā€™s a lot of characters from twst that I think would go really well for you, but the best match I think for you would beā€¦
If you need someone who is understanding but also is good at teasing, this mans got it all. Heā€™s the type of person to be completely fine no matter what kinds of hobbies and interests you have, and I feel like this stems from his own hobbies. Jade loves the mountains and he likes mushrooms, things Iā€™m sure merfolk judge him for. He doesnā€™t want you to feel any of that, and he actually likes it when people have different interests. He might ask you to teach him some of your hobbies actually, since heā€™s always been interested in human culture.
You set goals? Great! He wants someone who is prepared and has plans since heā€™s like that too. Heā€™s sort of like a mom for the Octavinelle trio, similar to your position in your friend groups. He likes how you are able to lead and present yourself in events well, since heā€™s similar. Like you, he doesnā€™t like staying in large crowded places or having to talk a lot, so you guys share a similar vibe. If anything, he admires how you prepared you are for situations and how independent you are.
Speaking of independence however, he will definitely reassure you whenever he can. Heā€™s busy with mostro lounge because of Azul and Floyd, but heā€™s the type to definitely make up the time he lost with you. He probably wants to keep close with you at all times too honestly, thereā€™s a lot of times where heā€™ll text you in the middle of the day to ask what youā€™re doing. He might surprise you if heā€™s been missing for a day or two by showing up with a gift or so. Overall you donā€™t have to worry about this guy going MIA anytime soon. Right, speaking of gifts he loves doing that! You will get all kinds of things ranging from cool shells heā€™s found when back home to mushrooms that lowkey look poisonous! He probably thinks heā€™s not the best at things like pda for forms of love language, so he sticks to words and gift-giving instead. Thus you two have have matching vibes!
Jade will also listen to you if you have any frustrating days. He might feel like a therapist sometimes since heā€™ll listen to you no matter how large or small the frustration is haha. Heā€™s also the type to offer advice if he can, and heā€™ll support you through anything. If it was someone that made you feel upset however, expect the person to get a ā€œkindā€ visit from the eel.
Heā€™s good at teasing. Like, really good. If you ever start a romantic banter or if you ever decide to flirtatious with him, youā€™ll be the one in a flustered mess. He loves seeing you blush and melt honestly, but he wonā€™t push you too far to the point where you get upset. Heā€™s good at keeping boundaries!
Overall the two of you are so cute together, expect Floyd to show up sometimes and tease you about it (he really likes having you around too!).
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