#umbrella academy unpopular opinion
thesevenumbrellas · 1 year
Five in a school setting would be weird as hell idk why people want that. he’s not a child. That would be the equivalent of his alternate self from s2 sitting in a classroom of 13 year olds. Its a very uncomfortable situation. That’s a 60 year old man. I truly do not understand the allure of it.
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Pogo and Grace were accomplices to Reginald and his abuse and that’s why they had to die in season one I don’t see people talk about this
Even if Grace was programmed to obey him Pogo has no excuse even his loyalty/gratitude is a weak one on his part, they were abusers just as well as victims
People acting like Pogo was neutral or good even and Grace the people that hate her do for completely different reasons or love her wholly as if she didn’t stand by and let that shit happen (it’s possible she was unable to interfere, but it’s unconfirmed as far as I know and if so than how can she even still operate after Reginald’s death? I have questions)
I’m not saying you should hate their characters I’m just saying they weren’t by any means innocent and I never see anyone talking about that
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Unpopular opinion incoming but Allison rumouring Luther in the SA scene isnt out of character
Hear me out
Our Allison that we’ve known for 2 seasons used her power rarely, she said herself to Ray that it has a cost. She was on her best behaviour, had built two lives for herself and was a ray of sunshine.
However, during the S1 montage of Allison driving to Viktor with Stormy Weather playing and we hear some of her rumours over the years, one is ‘I heard a rumour you loved me’
Now in the comics this is said to Luther, but in the show its left open to interpretation
Shes done this before just not in front of us, the audience
I loved Allison. But actually seeing that side to her has made her hard to sympathise with. I love and miss the Allison we knew, but she wasnt the full scope of this character
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seanceofthedamned · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: my favorite version of Luther is season 2. I understand him and still like his character in season 1 but he's obviously not at his healthiest self and in season 3 he is too himbofied for my taste. In season 2 his arc is about letting go of his number 1 persona and while he gets more disillusioned this is healthy for him cause he gets to be himself without expectations and is not so dependent on Reginald anymore, he even stands up to him. A thing about season 3 Luther is he does face Reginald and tell him everything he has to say to him but for some reason i can't get involved with him as a character in season 3. I just love season 2 Luther for how he can be a himbo in some scenes but he still gets moments like apologizing to Viktor and giving Allison a speech about being "special" and sacrifices when they had to go back to 2019. He is still the flawed and conflicted character from season one but more likeable
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Not to sound like a huge bitch, but in season 4, if Allison doesn't either end up losing EVERYTHING or DYING to save everyone else, I'm gonna be pissed 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tbh I never got good vibes from her character, and when she started going down that REALLY evil path, I lost all respect for her. EVERYONE in her family suffered tragic loss, the fact that she's blind to that and thinks she's the BIGGEST VICTIM OF THEM ALL - and even BETRAYS THEM ALL - leaves me with zero sympathy or love for her. Trauma is not an excuse to be malicious and cause harm. PERIOD.
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adotham-1776 · 10 months
So here are my thoughts on Luther Hargreeves:
He's an ass. Now, hes a good person sometimes, and hes been through stuff, but sometimes he is an ASSHOLE. that might just be because he genuinley isn't that smart though.
He locked Viktor in the Isolation Chamber, which was a shitty move, especially considering Viktors position. And despite the fact that the rest of the family disagreed, he did not budge. He is one of the reasons for the first end of the world.
He also KILLED Klaus, and just left him there. And i know that he just went through some stuff, and was prob not thinking straight, but it was still uncalled for. He never appologizes either.
Also, he acts like a child. I get that all of the siblings are messed up in their way, but Luther just never seemed to grow up. And he was so into all the Numbers, and being number one after their father died.
IDK, i just dont like him as a character
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seenthisepisode · 2 years
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Does anyone have their own unpopular Umbrella Academy opinions? Mine are that I’m not too fussed about Dave or Kl*ve and I don’t like Lila or di*lila
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quinnfebrey · 2 years
look i get that allison being a shit ass person this season has tainted peoples view of her but regarding her argument with viktor, she’s kind of right…?
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
I am so mad at you right now. A canon event?? A canon event? You kill Arthur in every universe? Why? WHY??😭😭 My cute little sunshine boy deserves the world! And, suicide? Drug overdose? What happened to those realities, that made sweet Arthur so depressed that he killed himself and used drugs to the point of dying that Max and David didn't see? Didn't successfully prevent? That was not cool. So I've come up with two theories.
I believe that Other Hermes and Other Max knew that the moment Hermes figured out it was Max that took the blood and gave it to Kyle he would be taking Max's magic. Which means that Other Max will lose his magic too. I sincerely don't believe that Max would be willing to give up his magic (unless he is dying earlier that I thought? Or he is not dying at all?) So I think they figured out a solution to this. Like Other Max will leave something to Hermes, a message from other Hermes that lets him know what Other Max/Max did was with permission. Was a necessity. I really hope that's the case because if Max loses his magic, he will be truly, truly lost. Like, worse than David lost. And no one can afford Max to become lost to the world like in IALS. No one, and especially me,please stop hurting our Max😭
From the moment you said what kind of a clusterfuck changing a canon event can be, I believed that someone would change it. I don't know who, but I'm ready to bet someone will. And at first I thought that would be a very bad decision, like preventing Mallory/Lucifer from hurting Lance, it wasn't worth it because there is a way to deal with the consequences. Even in LBAF and IALS were those consequences hit the hardest, there was a way to deal and even be happy for the Mavid family. And then you made ARTHUR'S death a CANON EVENT. So I'm team David, screw the universe and screw Other Max. I vote they pull an Umbrella Academy and restart the universe because as Five put it, maybe the universe needs a reseting. A universe that makes Arthur's death a canon event definately needs a reseting.
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(This man, let this man in LBAF for five minutes, he'll make sure everything is fixed, look at him he has an axe, let him throw it at Lucifer)
Unpopular opinion: The reason I really didn't like Other Max was because I thought he was tearing apart the universe just to be with David. It was an incredibly selfish thing to do and it also hurt Max a lot. Made him do things and feel things he normally wouldn't. It of course helped David, but mostly he just took the support Max would've given him from someone else. I completely appreciate Other Max fixing a bunch of stuff for Mavid and thank God he did, but dealing with those things together would've brought them closer and not doing it tore them apart. Killing Arthur and helping to create the guy who kills Lance, with the intention of killing Lance is also very fucked up and makes me want to fight him.
BUT, the pain and the things he has lost to willingly do those things. To lie, to allow Arthur and to help hurt Lance, for Max to reach that point. I just can't picture it and I really don't want to know. The way he always hesitates when it's Magnus just the implication of whatever happened to the rest of his family, to the rest of the world. We hear demons everywhere but until you describe it, until we go to the Other timeline and get a full description of the chaos, I don't think we can judge Other Max. Because it's still Max we're talking about.
I am aware I am always a little less hash with Max and a little too hash with anyone that hates him, which is not fair. But I relate to David a lot as a character, so you can not blame me for that, it's like a requirement you need to have so you can relate to David.
This sound/aesthetic gave me huge Other Max/Lance vibes, and I fell in love with it
I'm drowning in feelings and pain and I'm being delusional to survive it, Dani LBAF 6 escalated really really fast! And we still have LBAF 7 and Lucifer showed up like once? What even? Also, Kyle and Madeleine have been around for years and did so many bad things. And then that asshole shows up ONCE and MURDERS ARTHUR? I don't care how hot he is, I kinda want God to send him back to hell for another 5 thousand years or so. Please and thank you🤗🌼
Hiiii. Okay let's see.
About the Other Hermes and Other Max Theory - you're basically going to find out a lot of things (if not everything) that went down in the Other Timeline during the interlude. So, you can see for yourself if you are right or wrong :)
We 10000% need to let Number Five into the LBAF universe. Excellent idea! I fully support it!
I appreciate you giving Other Max the benefit of the doubt, I am EXTREMELY curious to see how everyone will feel about him after the interlude (not that the point of the interlude is to change opinion ha, this outline was written ages ago).
And you are so right. Lucifer only showed up once, for like 5 minutes, and look what has happened already. That's real power. ASMODEUS AND BELIAL COULD NEVER.
See you soon 🌼
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conduitandconjurer · 3 months
I’m getting a sad vibe from Klaus this season, looking at his expression in that picture, his posture, and the way he moves in a short video posted by Netflix (I’ll add a link to some gifs at the end), so while I’m definitely worried about the writing I could still see Robert Sheehan being genuine in his performance. It’s not much but I’m holding on to that for now.
Also, this might be an unpopular opinion but I do like how different he looks because it makes it harder for anyone to pretend there’s nothing going on with him.
Gifs: https://www.tumblr.com/brellygifs/741151405411368960/the-umbrella-academy-season-4-first-look
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I think Klaus has always contained a certain fragility that speaks of sadness, even when he thinks he's nonchalant, drifting and content. I think that tension between truth and performance is one of the most interesting components of his character.
That said, I do see what you mean, and a drastically changed appearance is, I realize, consistent with his attempts to cope with shit he doesn't face. Every season, he has looked significantly different, often in order to blend in and therefore take the path of least resistance (one of his best-developed survival skills, which a lot of fans seem to scorn as laziness or cowardice, frankly revealing their inexperience with properly recognizing and processing trauma...but I digress). I think the hair would work better for me if they'd let it stay curly/spikey as in season one, but it's interesting to me too that rather than seem healed (even with his world-reset detox), he looks more like he did as a child and teenager than he ever has. The short straightened hair both de-ages Robert Sheehan's appearance, and resembles Klaus's hair as a teenager still firmly under Reginald's control (yes, even when he lashed out, got high and defaced parts of his bedroom).
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Non sequitur but it also looks a lot like Viktor's hair when Viktor transitions, so I'm wondering if that alludes to some storyline parallels (letting go of their closeted queer lover from the 60s, being OP and not knowing it till way later because their father is evil as fuck, feeling alienated bc of said powers from their siblings, dropping guilt/baggage and reinventing themselves).
Maybe he's returning to his roots and starting over phoenix-style. I hope so. I know a couple ways his story could end and they don't appeal, but that's probably something I should be braced for regardless. This show isn't known for resolutions, happy or otherwise.
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auroracalisto · 1 year
aurora's 2,000 followers celebration
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welcome, friend! take a seat, stay a while—this celebration is for you! like i've said before, i honestly do not know how i even amassed 100 followers, let alone 2,000 of you! i appreciate you so very much and i'm so glad to be able to celebrate with you.
when: january 1st through january 8th who: i would appreciate it if you followed me to participate, but it is not necessary. also, you can be anonymous or not—the choice is entirely yours! how: send me an ask, along with what is asked of you (see below) | please be sure to either send me the emoticon or the name that corresponds with the emoji so i know what you want!
more information is under the cut ♡
✎ blurbs [send me a prompt from this list here and a character you'd like to see it with (scroll further to see who i'll write for); blurbs will not be any longer than 900 words]
♢ mini games [fmk, top five, this or that, would you rather]
☆ ask me anything [with this one, ask me what you want to know. it could literally be anything. ask for advice. ask about my wips. you could even ask for my unpopular opinions with this one]
☼ cast my mutuals [send me a thing and i will cast my mutuals]
☺ playlists send me a character or a ship and i'll make a playlist with 5 or more songs!
♡ love letters mutuals only—send me the heart emoji and i'll write a love letter to you; why you are such an amazing and wonderful mutual. p.s., we don't have to be close mutuals for you to do this. i love you no matter what.
i will only write for adult characters.
for the blurbs, i will not write anything nsfw.
i'll write for any of the following characters: [bridgerton] anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, eloise bridgerton [marvel] matt murdock, otto octavius, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, loki [peaky blinders] thomas shelby, alfie solomons [stranger things] eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley [the last kingdom] uhtred ragnarsson, osferth, sihtric, finan [top gun] rooster, hangman, bob, phoenix, iceman, maverick, goose, slider [american horror story] michael langdon, xavier plympton, chet clancy, kit walker, james patrick march [the umbrella academy] viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, ben hargreeves, lila pitts, sloan, axel, otto, oscar character you want not listed? send me an ask and i'll let you know if i can write for them or not.
ALL POSTS WILL BE TAGGED WITH: #auroras2kcelebration
tagging some of my amazing mutuals who may want to participate: @imgoingtofreakoutnow @imaginearyparties @yn-ymn-yln @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @twinkiemaximoff @themarvelousbee @undeadcortez @prudentia-potentia-est @dizzydancingdreamer @gggoldfinch @hoebrowsalad @kpopgirlbtssvt @kitwalker02 @leossmoonn @lady-salvatore @xxwritemeastoryxx @captainsophiestark @vxidsti1es @bisexual-rebekah @no-mercy-bby @mrs-maximoff-kenner
disclaimer: you may send as many asks as you want. however, i do have a life outside of tumblr, and i often become overwhelmed. please be patient with me as i navigate through the asks. also, if there is anything that i may feel uncomfortable with, i will delete it. please be aware that there is a human on the other side of the screen, and do not take offense.
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Thoughts about YR S2 Trailer
Okay so the trailer is yet to release, and I have seen some discourse around the possibilities in the trailer so this is basically just a rant about it.
Like there are many people who are worried about the trailer being misleading as in the case of S1 trailer and I just want to say: that's kinda the point? Like, maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I kinda want the S2 trailer to be a little misleading. And I don't mean it in "Haha I want everyone to overanalyse every detail and suffer because I'm a maniac" kind of way. I mean, trailers are supposed to be a glimpse of the story, and a well-crafted trailer follows the concept of "show, not tell". It's not supposed to just info-dump basically the entire plot for the viewers(looking at you Netflix teen rom-com trailers). It's supposed to weave out a possibility(true or false) out of the source material to intrigue the general audience(and in case of movies/ TV shows with multiple installments, dedicated viewers too). A good trailer will not only intrigue the viewers to deduce their own possibilities, but it will also convince them to watch the show and find out if they are right or not.
And in my opinion, alluding to a particular theme in the trailer which may or may not be actually present in the show is a clever marketing and storytelling tactic. Let me take the example of another Netflix show and its latest season, The Umbrella Academy. Netflix created so much hype around a set of another superheroes, The Sparrow Academy for S3. It was evident in their Instagram posts, and most importantly the trailer. The trailer mostly alluded to the "Umbrellas Vs Sparrows showdown" plot, but the actual show was wildly different from that. Most of the Sparrows weren't even a part of majority of the plot, and there were many bigger plot points than the whole Umbrellas Vs Sparrows thing. It's clever from a storytelling standpoint because your viewers have assumptions about the plot but BAM! you hit them with entirely different twists and turns, which adds to the impact you want to have on the viewers. And it's even better from a marketing standpoint because you create buzz around the show before its release based on a completely different plot point but then the viewers are introduced to new themes and it keeps the buzz around even after the release of the show because there's just lot to unpack(like we still analyse the shit out of YR). And I really like this thing, watching well-crafted trailers and then watching the show is like seeing a magic trick and wondering how the hell does this work and then you find out the whole picture of how the trick is done and you feel even more awestruck. It's exactly that feeling.
Like I can understand many people not wanting to get "clickbait" in a way by getting something they don't like and trust me, I get you. I have also been disappointed by trailers. But this is YR. I trust Lisa, I trust the team because they have blown us away the first time and based on what we know about S2, I'm sure it will happen once again.
Also, I've seen some people talking about Simon being barely there in the S1 trailer and Simon/Omar possibly having lesser screen time in S2. But for me, it was again a clever move. Simon, from a plot perspective, was the catalyst, the Ace of the deck, the constant that brought out a whole different outcome to the equation of the story in S1. Simon and his character arc was the driving force of the plot being the way it is, otherwise the show very well could have been just a Elite Boarding School drama with Wilhelm being in a possible love triangle with Felice and some other girl(but again, Lisa's writing is not like that but still it could have been a possibility). You don't give away the Ace in the beginning of the game, you keep it till the end. Simon's involvement gave a new direction to the story, which I think was the impact the showrunners wanted to save for the release. We all know how important he was to the plot in S1, and even if he's barely there in S2 trailer as well, it doesn't mean Simon/Omar has lesser screen time. It means that he has a bigger role to play in the story. And he's obviously one-half of the lifeline of the show, Wilmon. It would be plain stupid to reduce his screen time or him not having a prominent story arc.
And to the people who are going to dive straight into the show without watching the trailer: I have so much respect for you istg. It's an experience I really want to have but I have the patience of a grasshopper so my impatient ass won't be able to resist watching the trailer. Teach me your ways😩
Plus I like having my assumptions challenged in a way. It's like having your worldview constantly challenged, except the worldview is based on a fictional world in this case.
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julinamimunson · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm Júlinami, I'm gonna make this post so you can know a few things about me
I'm 17 years old and I'm from Barcelona, Spain
I like to read, write, listen to music and watch animes, cartoons and tv shows
I'm a Cancer and my mbti is ESFJ
My favorite national autors are Iria G Parente and Selene M Pascual, Marta Alvarez and Blue Jeans
My favorite international autors are Rick Riordan, Sarah J Maas, Cassandra Clare, Alice Oseman, TJ Klune, Taylor Jenkins Reid and Holly Jackson
The music I listen to the most is pop in Catalan Spanish and English. One of my favorite singers is Taylor Swift
I like and follow various influencers mostly in catalan, the Spanish and english ones that I follow mostly do content about tv shows movies and anime
My favorite bookfluencers are Niloa Gray, Josu Diamond, Clau Reads Books, Raiza Revelles, Cronicas de una Merodeadora and Andrea Rowling (they're all in Spanish, I'm not much into english book community)
One of my favorite Disney movies is Encanto, I write a lot about it. My favorite characters are Isabela Camilo and Mirabel and Camilo and I relate a bit to Mirabel
I don't watch much horror films but my favorite ones are the Fear Street trilogy and the IT duology
I love fantasy and comedy films and rom-coms. one of my favorite rom-coms is Do Revenge
Some of my favorite book series are:
- ACOTAR Throne of Glass and Crescent City
- The Shadowhunter Chronicles
- Heartstopper
- The Green Creeck Series
- Camp Half-Blood Chronicles
- Some of Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual's
- Mystical
- the Pretty Little Liars book series
- Memòrias de Idhun
- La chica invisible
- El Club de los incomprendidos
- The Lunar Chronicles
- A good girl's guide to murder
My favorite anime are:
- One Piece (My bi queen Nami the first reason behind my username)
- Pretty Cure (there's only a season that I don't like)
- Naruto
- Dragon Ball
- Kimetsu No Yaiba
- Black Clover (I"m watching it right now)
- Ojomajo Doremi
- Ranma 1/2
- Keroro
- Sakura Card Captor
- Fushigi Yugi
- Lamu
- Fairy Tail
- My Hero Academia
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Wedding Peach
- Madoka Magica
- Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
- Magia Record
- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeannne
- Kamichama Karin
- Tokyo Mew Mew
- Pichi Pichi Pitch: Mermaid Melody
- Nanatsu no Taizai
- Bandori: BanG Dream
- Aikatsu
- Pripara
- Love Live and Love Live: Sunshine
My favorite tv shows are:
- Stranger Things (My boy Eddie Munson the other reason behind my username, I relate to him and also to Robin. I also love Steve and steddie is my fav ship)
- Doom Patrol
- Titans (2019)
- Pretty Little Liars and Pretty Little liars: Original Sin
- Heartbreak High (2022)
- Rebelde Way
- Ginny and Georgia
- Wednesday (#cancelpercy #cancelpercyhyneswhite)
- Sex Education
- Power Rangers (almost all the seasons)
- Heartstopper
- Never Have I Ever
- Cobra Kai
- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- First Kill
- Blood and Water
- One of us is lying
- Firefly Lane
- Young Royals
- Warrior Nun
- Gossip Girl (the original one)
- The Umbrella Academy
My favorite cartoons are:
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Ducktales (2017) (I relate to Webby waay too much)
- Amphibia
- The Owl House (I relate to Luz)
- Gravity Falls (as a kid I used to relate to Mabel)
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
- Steven Universe
- Bojack Horseman (unpopular opinion: I love Mr. Peanutbutter while also relating to Diane)
- Total Drama
- DC Superhero Girls (2019)
- Arcane
I'll mostly post in english, but my maternal languages are Catalan and Spanish
See you later!
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otacringe · 11 months
you always seem to get into stuff i was into a really long time ago ^_^. character thingy for five umbrella academy. he was my favorite little guy too hehe
yayyy moony five otacringe gets to talk about their namesake again :DDD
favorite thing about them: god there are so many things but I think his neurodivergent coding is very high up there. i think about the fact that he’s covered his walls with math equations even before he disappeared and klaus’s rant to him about how he spends all of his time thinking about how the world’s going to end and that he feels out of place in his body and is infantilized because of it a lot. he’s just soooo good at representing how weird and scary the nd experience can be.
least favorite thing about them: god awful team player. like look dude i fully understand you have trust issues and also the antisocial aspect of being on the spectrum is very real but you need to figure out how to cooperate better.
favorite line: “no twine, no birth mom.” that whole episode is free serotonin to me honestly the high five best friends dynamic is so fun.
brOTP: I call them high five like 99% of the time but I should probably clear up who they are so five and klaus. their weird silly antics captivate me, and i also feel like they probably have the most in common out of any of the siblings w/ the shared sudden war trauma and partners they can’t return to. they can do both silly and sweet and it’s great.
OTP: five/delores my beloved!!! i really wish he got more time with her because when he’s with her it’s cute as hell and also they have so much weird unconventional aroace old married couple swag. mannequins are super cool too so he has god taste.
nOTP: any hargreevescest ship but especially five/viktor or five/klaus bc they very explicitly do have established sibling bonds. five’s just hard to ship with anyone but delores.
random headcanon: living with klaus post-s3 since he legally needs an adult guardian (the government does not acknowledge time travel as real apparently.) klaus nagged him to listen to the magnus archives, and he’s now a big fan. his favorite entities are the stranger and the extinction obviously.
unpopular opinion: the “five is a boomer” jokes piss me off to no end because my guy was literally in the future for decades!!! he had full access to all modern media and technology up to 2019! also his job would basically need him to be good with advanced tech so he knows how to like, use a phone.
song i associate with them: YOUNG CAESAR 2000 BY THE MOUNTAIN GOATS!!!!!!! literally written about him idc what anyone else says
favorite picture of them:
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i know the fives are like the least different between mediums but both show five and comic five get photos here
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justacoupleofchaps · 2 years
This is probably an unpopular opinion but
Did anyone else find this season of The Umbrella Academy a bit...boring?
Like I just feel like it all was a bit cold and I didn't really care about most of the characters?
Maybe it was just that the characters I like the least got the most screen time? Idk it feels like no one really had a plot line that meant anything long term. (Other than obviously Viktor's transition). And all of the action was basically in the last episode.
Am I alone in this? I'm just a bit... nonplussed tbh?
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