#ultra b+k
7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 11/03/2024
Season 2 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner YTPMV Collab (Eek!).veg
Ripped by Kirbio, SAF
God, man. Season 2 of SiIvaGunner was so cool.
And like, I know that that's what I *always* say when I'm writing about a Season 2 rip, in everything from Patched Plains Fusion Collab to Rippin'! Mashin'! High Quality Grand Prix and the SilvaGunner: Rebooted 1st Anniversary event...but I can't help it! There was just such an energy of excitement, of pure joy permeating throughout the entire season - excitement not just for the Christmas Comeback Crisis, but for how SiIvaGunner was *actually* back, firing on all cylinders. The rips were referencing events we were already nostalgic over, althewhile introducing new jokes in clever, memorable ways - the Inspector Gadget takeover and Become as Gadget will forever stick with me as one of the most engrossing events the channel has ever done.
To put it one way...in my (nostalgia-blinded) eyes, Season 2 was the most "unified" the channel ever felt. We were all invested in every little corner of the channel's ongoings, we were all aware of the origins of and meaning of all the active jokes...that kind of investment and attachment to all the featured jokes felt sort of like if Season 4 Episode 2's Summer Fes had lasted for an entire Season! And while we've certainly got a far wider, far more ambitious output of rips in Season 5 onward in particular, it was that feeling of unification that made rips like ULTRA S+G hit like fucking crazy.
The thing you'll immediately notice when clicking on ULTRA S+G is, of course, the visuals, a full-length parody of the visuals featured in the original ULTRA B+K music video, completely reimagined to feature several of SiIva's own memes from Season 2. The visuals are, of course, in sync with the main joke of the rip, in being a huge meme medley of various sources, most replacing the original song's "bass" and "kick" vocal samples. The resulting sound hits you like several trains throughout the rip, be it the opening of "DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE ; KAY-KAY-KAY-KAY-KAY!!", the beat-dropping "Miney Crafta"s and "GRAND DAD"s, the midsection covered by the good ol' PSY samples a la One Winged PSYcho - V​.​S. Sepsyrop...and while all that is happening, you're met with visuals that go absolutely above and beyond just parodying the original. It has little references to the events of Season 1, such as the infamous Bean or the Mr. Rental storyline of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options...and, hey - an animation of The Voice Inside Your Head!! What ULTRA S+G conveys above all else is the extent of the journey we had all been on over the course of almost two years, a hype-beyond-belief shot directly into the arm of everything SiIvaGunner embodies.
Kirbio's output on the channel is impressive in its sheer scope, and recently of note arranged one of Season 1's greatest in the form of Return to Collision Clouds. Its likely coincidental, but I enjoy how both that arrangement as late in as Season 7, as well as ULTRA S+G, manage to convey that feeling of the long journey the channel's been on in entirely different ways: Return to Collision Clouds has a sentimental feel to it, wheras ULTRA S+G may as well be hype incarnate. An explosive beginning to the end of Season 2, its the kind of rip that I cannot stop returning to for the memories alone - helped, of course, by the rip itself being an incredible watch and listen.
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Solar Opposites in The Ultra Opposites Episode #4: “Electric Rage” (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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On a normal typical school day, Jesse Solar-Opposites was walking through the halls, until suddenly she got hit by an eraser. By Stacy K and the Stacies.
Jesse: Uh oh, the Stacies.
Stacy F: Oh my God. What the fuck are you doing in our halls?
Jesse: Uh…
Stacy K: Oh my God, Jessica. You are so embarrassing! Ugh!
Stacy B: Get the fuck out of here! hump kicks Jesse as she moans
The Stacies laugh as Jesse started growling and electrify spreads around her body. Miss Frankie sees Jesse and gasp in horror.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit! Better call her dads.
Later, Korvo and Terry head to the Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie exchange awkward looks at them than last time.
Terry: Uh is everything okay with our kids?
Korvo: Don’t tell me Yumyulack-
Miss Frankie: Oh no. It has something to do with your daughter. She looks very stressed.
Korvo: What?! Really?!
Principal Cooke: To be honest, the Stacies have been harassing her for the past weeks and she look very overwhelmed.
Terry: What?! Jesse has been picked for the last couple of weeks? Why didn’t she tell us?
Miss Frankie: I-I’m afraid the stress has gotten to her. So, I think it’s best if we suspend her. For two weeks.
Terry and Korvo: What?!
Korvo: But Jesse didn’t do anything wrong!
Principal Cooke: We know, but it’s for the best. All the stress is causing Jesse to react in some kind of weird energy.
Terry: Uh?
Principal Cooke: So, I think it’s best if you guys keep her home. Now, get the fuck out of my office!
Later in Ms. Perez’s class…
Ms. Perez: Now class, I notice you’ve been going through some changes. It’s a big thing for you kids. Especially that one day, you’ll blossom into a beautiful adult.
However, Jesse is not enjoying it because the Stacies are longer objects at her.
The Stacies: laughing mischievously; quietly
Jesse: groaning in annoyance
Ms. Perez: Jesse, is there anything wrong?
Jesse: Ugh, you see-
But then, Jesse gets grabbed by Korvo and Terry who panicky took her home. Later, Jesse's sitting on the couch with Korvo and Terry looking at her worriedly.
Korvo: The fuck is wrong with you Jesse? Why didn’t you tell us the Stacies are bullying you?
Terry: Sweetie, we are really worried about you. These girls are a bad influence and pushing you too far.
Jesse: But I want to be like them! Ugh! I hate this decision! It’s too much pressure!
Suddenly, a white Goobler sprouted out off Jesse’s mouth as it lies on the floor. Korvo and Terry froze in horror once Janiz came down and gasp.
Janiz: Oh my God. Is that a White Goobler?
Korvo: Oh shit! Not again!
Later, Janiz did some research on the white goobler as she gasp.
Janiz: Aw man, I’m afraid this would happen! All the stress has catch up to Jesse. It created another White Goobler.
Jesse: Aw no, not again! Ugh! electricity spreads around her body
Korvo: Whoa whoa whoa. Easy there honey. Take it easy! If you keep doing this, the white Goobler is gonna grow bigger than last them.
Jesse: Aw okay.
Terry: We should start training you first thing in the morning. But first…
Janiz made a huge tube keeping the white Goobler locked up. The next morning, Yumyulack and Jesse were in their bedroom where Yumyulack grows annoyed by Jesse reading a magazine.
Yumyulack: Damn it, you are seriously reading about pretty girls again?!
Jesse: But I love it.
Yumyulack: Oh really? That how come you are not pretty?!
Soon enough, it was the last straw. Jesse’s anger caused her to release a huge amount of that shocked Yumyulack as he scream in pain. Jesse’s anger then fades away as she gasp and tears burst from her eyes.
Yumyulack: Oh shit. Jesse I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it.
Jesse: tearfully Y’know what?! Maybe, it’s best if I just leave. I’m too much of a burden anyway. I wish I never found these stupid powers in the first place.
Jesse runs off crying.
Jesse: in tears Don’t follow me!
Yumyulack: Jesse! Don’t be like that! Come on, talk to me!
Later, Jesse is shown the ship crying as Korvo approaches her in a concern tone.
Korvo: Jesse? What’s wrong babygirl, are you still upset over what happened yesterday?
Jesse: tearfully Yes. You were right. I do have anger problems. I having trouble controlling my anger. I don’t even know what my powers can do.
Korvo: Oh Jesse, this is all my fault. I should’ve given you more attention and I should’ve never put all that fucked up pressure on you and bullied you.
Jesse: crying Well I deserve it! Everyone thinks I am the weakest link of them all.
Korvo gasp in concern as he puts his arms around Jesse and started to soothe her.
Korvo: Oh honey, I am sorry. I never should’ve treat you like shit all those years. I guess it was because I hated myself and you all know it.
Jesse: sniffles It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I just can’t do anything right. crying
Korvo: Oh honey. That is not true. You done so many amazing things. You did an awesome job at the pronunciation bee! You defeated a giant Goobler! You saved Yumyulack from a giant penis! You are a very brave young lady and you’ve grown so much since our mission. I am so proud of you. And I’m sorry I never told you that all the time. You are a special girl and I should’ve given you more credit. I am so proud to call you my daughter.
Jesse smiles as tears swell from her eyes, finally receiving attention from her step-father for the first time in her life.
Jesse: Come here you big lug.
Jesse and Korvo hugs as Janiz watches and smile.
Janiz: So how are you two doing on here?
Jesse: Everything’s okay now. But, I think I should training on my powers. Because, I don’t want to get anyone hurt again by them.
Janiz: Don’t worry. I’m sure this training session will be perfect and- Yumyulack taps her on the shoulder with a remorseful look on his face Huh?
Yumyulack grabs Janiz as he looks at her remorsefully.
Janiz: What is it honey?
Yumyulack: Aunt Janiz, can I be the one to help train Jesse? I really messed things up with her lately. And, I want to make things right with my sister.
Janiz: Aw okay honey. You go right ahead.
Yumyulack smiles and hugs Janiz as he heads off. The next morning, Jesse approaches the training room. She then sees Yumyulack in his Ultra Opposites suit
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey uh sis.
Jesse: Why are you here?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I decided to make things up for what happened yesterday with some training.
Jesse: thinks about it Hmmm… okay!
Yumyulack: Good now let’s get started:
Cue training montage:
A few minutes later, Jesse had finished training as Yumyulack grows impressed.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Wow. You were amazing.
Jesse: I know and look! summons a wrecking ball I have a wrecking ball.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yeah. Hey, sorry for being a dick yesterday. I was treating you the same the Stacies treated you and that wasn’t very nice.
Jesse: Aw you may have been a dick. But it’s okay now.
Yumyulack and Jesse hug but then Jesse accidentally shock him.
Yumyulack: Aah!
Jesse: Oops sorry.
Yumyulack: It’s okay. I still like your hugs.
Jesse: Aaaw.
But then, Janiz notices the white Goobler growing.
Janiz: Jesus Christ, what’s happening now?
Korvo: comes in Damn, looks like Jesse’s stress are getting worse.
Terry: Aw our poor little girl.
But then, they heard something outside. Jesse was walking peacefully until, the Stacies came again and bump into her.
Stacy K: Ugh. Ew. Jesse, you never told us you live here.
Jesse: I did on the first day of school.
Stacy K: Next time speak up Messica! If you weren’t part of school, you wouldn’t be here with us!
Jesse groans in frustration but Korvo, realizing the Stacies are treating Jesse the same way he treated her in the past, looks down remorsefully. Then, his face turns to anger and he marches down the stairs.
Terry: Korvo, where are you going?
As Korvo heads outside, Jesse solemnly heads back to her room. Korvo marches towards the Stacies in anger as he grows extremely pissed off.
Korvo: You three!
Stacies: Huh? What the?
Korvo: How dare you treat my sweet little girl like that, you three fucking brats?!
Stacy K: Excuse us?
Stacy B: You don’t scare us, Mr. Opposites.
As the Stacies laugh, Korvo growls and transforms into his Super Shlorpian form and growls.
Stacies: Aaaaaahh!
Stacy F: Aaah! Jesse’s daddy is a monster!
Stacy K: Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The Stacies ran away screaming as Korvo watches and chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Ha ha ha. Still got it.
Janiz: Damn Korvo, why did you do that?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Well, let’s just say I’m like a Hawk. I may look pretty as I look, but mess with my lil chicks, you get the fucking talons!
Terry: Damn honey, you were pretty badass.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thank you.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips. Later, Janiz was heading up to her lab, until Aisha and Eva pop up.
Aisha: Janiz! Quick! Something strange has gone wrong!
Janiz: What?! What the fuck happened?!
Janiz rushes to the lab and gasp to see the tube broken and the White Goobler gone.
Janiz: Oh shit.
Meanwhile, the Solar Opposites are looking at the meteor shower.
Jesse: Wow. The meteor shower sure is beautiful.
Korvo: It sure is. These stars look beautiful to gaze at.
Yumyulack: It really is beautiful.
Pupa: Stars!
Terry: Pretty amazing once you think about it.
Suddenly, the family heard a rustling sound and birds going crazy.
Korvo: Shut up! Do you hear that?! tippy toes quietly with his family Use the single match app on your phone to get us more light.
Terry: Right. gets out his match app Steady. I hope this work. This app only has one match before it makes you watch an add. Phew, there we go.
Terry lifts up the phone and the light shows the white Goobler gigantic now. The family screams in shock and horror. The white Goobler then grabs Korvo as he gasp.
Korvo: Help! It’s hugging me! Help! Help!
Janiz: The white goobler got out! And now I know what happened! I think he’s eating other people!
Korvo: Yeah! Thanks for telling me that! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! gets eaten
Terry: Oh no! My Korvy!
Jesse: We have to get you guys somewhere where you can transform!
But before they could do that, the white Goobler grabs Yumyulack.
Yumyulack: No ho!
Jesse: Yummybear!
Yumyulack: screaming as he gets eaten alive
Terry: We need some speed luckily I wore my healies. rollers get stuck in mud Man stupid naive rolling in the dirt.
Jesse: Run Terry!
Terry: I’m trying! These heely shoes betray me! gets eaten by white Goobler
Janiz: drives her motorcycle Auntie Janiz to the rescue!
Jesse hope on her aunt’s motorcycle, puts on a helmet and the two Shlorpian drives off.
Janiz: We gotta do something before they get digested!
Jesse: comes up with an idea I have an idea! But first, Auntie Janiz, ram this baby up for speed!
Janiz: What?! Why?!
Jesse: Trust me!
With that said, Janiz raves up her motorcycle as it brooms up into the white Goobler. Jesse and Janiz made it down here where it turns out the family has transformed into their Ultra Opposites forms.
Jesse: Wow, I didn’t know you guys transformed that quick.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, that bad news is, I’m afraid those powers have been proven immobile to the goobler. My ice powers just make his gut more stronger.
Yumyulack/Psylock: And I couldn’t even find his brain with my mind reading powers. I think it because it doesn’t have a brain.
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah, and I’m afraid I use my powers in there, we’ll melt since we’re in his stomach.
Janiz: Well, what do we do now?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hmm… then realizes how it all started and comes up with an idea That’s it! Jesse, imagine me as the worst Stacy in the whole neighborhood.
Jesse: What? Oh it’s Stacy K.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: That’s right. Now, I’m gonna act like her and you are gonna confront her!
Jesse: Huh? What?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: teenage girl voice Oh my God Jessica. You are so embarrassing. It’s your fault you’re a loser.
Jesse: gasp Stacy K… shut.. shut…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on Jesse! Imagine me as Stacy K! You can do this! Let all that anger out!
Jesse’s eyes then shine as she started to let it all her fury out as electric lightning sparks spreads around her body.
Jesse: Shut up Stacie K! It’s your fault my family and I are trapped in here! If it weren’t for you and your fellow Stacies bullying me, I would never had another fudging white Goobler in the first place! You and your Stacies are nothing but a bunch of bullies because I am not beautiful and glamorous as you three are. But, that ends today!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K I’m not a bully. Don’t try to pin this on me!
Jesse: stomps her left feet as the sparks grow stronger and she starts floating I’m not done! You three are rude, mean and selfish and you just hate yourselves and everyone at school knows it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: looking up at Jesse Y-You don’t like them?
Jesse: No. I don’t like you girls. Korvo was right about you girls. You never let me join in your group activities and you always make fun other girls who are less prettier than you.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K Alright Jessica, you can hang out with us if you calm down. smirks
Jesse suddenly starts glowing
Terry/Solar Flare: Woah! What's happening???
Jesse/Electra's Transformation Sequence:
After transforming, Jesse uses her electric wrecking ball to explode the White Goobler.
Janiz: Alright! We're free! But...what happened...?
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Unless I'm mistaken, Jesse's anger must have tapped into her powers...
Terry/Solar Flare: WHO CARES?! Her transformation was super cool!
Yumyulack/Psylock: No. It was weird.
Jesse/Electra gives Yumyulack/Psylock a death stare.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh, I mean cute.
Jesse/Electra: giggles Better.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Bravo Jesse! I am so proud of you! Welcome to the Ultra Opposites!
The family embrace Jesse, as she smiles with tears of joy in her eyes and she walks towards the White Goobler’s corpse.
Jesse/Electra: Guess what you damn dirty Goobler?! You just got… Electra’d!
Jesse, now going as Electra, does her own super hero pose as she smiles in triumph. Two weeks, Jesse has return to school with a smile on her face as she heads towards the halls. But then, the Stacies came.
Stacy K: Hey Jessica. We like a word about you about your father.
Jesse: with tranquil fury No! You listen here Stacies! I had a horrible week! A horrible day! My family was almost devoured by a fucking white Goobler! And I had enough you girls pushing me around! So if you don’t mind, GET OUT OF MY FACE!
The Stacies: run away screaming
Stacy K: running away;crying out You’re scarier than your daddy!
Jesse laughs as Yumyulack smiles with Daryl.
Daryl: Damn honey. Your sister’s all badass now.
Yumyulack: Yeah. She sure is. heads to Jesse I’m really proud you saving us last night. Thanks for saving our asses.
Jesse: No problem, and thank you for training me. You may be a dick, but you’re my big brother. And I love you. Come here.
Jesse and Yumyulack hug as the screen fades to black.
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listentoace · 13 days
Feederism Challenge Roulette
Pick your personal feederism challenge based on the first letter of your name. You're a hardcore piggy? Pick a second challenge based on the first letter of your last name as well!
A: All and any water you might drink for the next 3 days will be replaced by soda, milkshakes, and other high-caloric beverages
B: Go to Burger King and order 5 burgers, 2 sides and a 32oz/1l drink of your choice
C: Chug 16oz/0.5l of heavy cream
D: Roll a dice, stuff yourself with 1,000x the eye count of calories (roll a 5 -> 5,000 calorie stuffing)
E: Eat until your snack cabinet is empty
F: Go to the store and fill your snack cabinet as full as you possibly can
G: Roll a dice and gain the eye count in pounds. You've got a week!
H: Share the hang, get on your hands and knees and show off how deep that belly of yours hangs
I: Time for inspection. Show off all the new grown folds and rolls you have recently discovered
J: Join the gain-train and put on 3 pounds by next week
K: Know your limit. But to know your limit you'll have to stuff yourself until you reach it first!
L: Lazy day. Take no more than 500 steps today. Preferably done on weekends.
M: Go to McDonald's and order 5 burgers, 2 sides and a 32oz/1l drink of your choice
N: No cumming until you've consumed 10,000 calories. You can take as much time as you need
O: Road to obesity. Your weight gain goal is increased by 25 pounds.
P: Pizza time! Eat 2 pizzas. One just isn't enough, is it?
Q: Eat 1,000x calories equal to your birth month. (June/6 -> 6,000 calories)
R: Rapid gain! Put on 5 pounds by next week
S: Time for the famous Sprite and banana bloating. Chug 48oz/1.5l of Sprite and eat 4 bananas. Let's stretch that stomach
T: Trouble getting up? Stuff yourself until you can't get up. Experience temporary immobility!
U: Ultra-Challenge. Do the feederism challenges for the second and third letter of your name
V: Visible changes. Keep stuffing yourself with at least 5,000 calories a day until someone comments on your weight gain
W: Weight update. Step onto the scale and share your current weight
X: Share your exhibitionism and show off your body with as little clothing as you're comfortable with
Y: Get heavy. Weigh yourself now and then stuff yourself until you're at least 6lbs/2.5kg heavier
Z: Zone out, grab snacks, edge yourself and cum once you're completely stuffed
Feel free to share proof of completing your challenge!
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blueparadis · 8 months
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ Nanami decides to pay you a visit on such an auspicious day to congratulate you but fate had other plans for him.
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ fem!reader x (morally grey but ultra-soft)!nanami kento, canon+ fix it au, manga spoilers, mention of clan head!gojo, secret relationship b/w reader and nanami, mutual pinning, angst, scar worship, friends with benefits dynamic, s&d dynamic, mention of orgasm denial, orgasm control, love-hate séx (make-up séx ig) + unprotected, baby trapping. 2,6 k word count. half-based on this thought ( + I've a lot of hcs about gojo clan; one of them being that satoru had a half-sister whom he found accidentally while on a mission, so i used that here. ) | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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Nanami walks through the porch of the Gojo estate while taking a call. It has been half a month since the grim reaper graced him with a peck on his cheek showing him a glimpse of the afterlife. He has been facing trouble adjusting back to his old life again despite healing himself through the reverse cursed technique. He has left behind the life of being a jujutsu socerer but partly. Besides, he now works as an advisor for all jujutsu socerers who are gradually making their way to earn their ranks yet deep down, a part of him wants to tell how bold farced lie is all this is.
But something is still holding him back, and deep down he is vividly aware that he wants to grow his roots rather than uproot them. He is just unwilling to admit it out loud. Nanami is still unable to untie his attachment towards a certain girl who is also best suited to be the head of the gojo clan, as per the strongest’s opinion, y/n gojo. He still remembers the night he spent in that cheap motel with you, talking and drinking, drinking and touching, touching and kissing; making promises to you while being inside you. He does not regret it per se, he is afraid for those wishes to come true. There is too much at stake.
When he got the invitation to the ceremonial celebration for you being bestowed with the title and authority to act as a clan head by Satoru’s side he did not know why he could not refuse or not bother to turn up. Maybe he needed an excuse to apologize at length for not being in touch with you. Maybe you would not be so angry if you knew death was knocking at his door but he had to come back, he had to make it through the tunnel to see you, to embrace, to kiss you, for one last night time.
With such thoughts clouding his mind, the sound of sliding a door almost did not reach his ears yet strangely, he turns back only to find none other than you. Standing five feet away from you, in his Yukata he looks more handsome than before, especially with those scars on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’ll call you back.” With each fall of his words, his eyes move from head to toe. You are still not ready for the ceremony yet. Wearing a plain hakama, hair braided, a few loose strands kissing your jawline, and a mole near the corner of your lip that just unlocked the memories of that night.
“Nanami-san. . .” you murmur and bite your trembling lips. Tears threaten to flood your cheeks as you take a few steps towards him. He immediately backs away averting his gaze. But you can see him, his guilt, his silent sea of sadness. Nanami Kento is now nothing but a tapestry of quiet despair. A tug on one loose end of a thread and it will all come crashing down.
“Hey...” he states as soon as he realizes the gravity of his action but it is too late now. You have already turned around, started to stroll inside the room, and prepared to slide the door. Clicking his tongue he follows you but does not enter just stands on the other side of the wooden bar separating your room and the porch. His shadow is covering your whole body. He can only see your back, so he does not look up, just stills his eyes on the ground. “Congratulations on your succession —” His voice trails off as your haori drops on the floor.
“What’re you doing?” He raises his voice perking his eyes up at you. You turn your head slightly in his way and he notices bruises around your neck. Suddenly he can feel every bead of perspiration running down his spine. Have you been fucking other men while he was away? He has been wrecking his mind day and night thinking about how to let you down lightly, how to end this relationship without hurting you, what to say, and what not to say so that you can just move on with your life but meanwhile, but you have been seeing other men. How vile! How insulting!
“Why are you still here, Nanami-san?” You turn around without averting your eyes from him.
Nanami enters the room without a second thought closing it behind. “Is it what I think it is ?” He enquires curtly.
“I don't know. You tell me,” You murmur pulling up the sleeves of your nagagi, “what you are thinking. . .” There are certain wounds all the way up your neck in a particular pattern as if someone carved them on you. He does not budge. His brain cells do not finish the path of such thoughts.
Watching his contorted face you let out a disappointed sigh,“Yes. The answer is yes. I went through the ritual.” Nanami swallows, his eyes unable to avert from your body. He wants to see those marks, see each scar, and kiss them. That would be very unethical, wouldn’t it? “If tooru-ni would have been here he wouldn’t have let me go through it.” You walk away towards the window finishing that line of thought, “But I can’t always rely on him. Can I now?” 
Okay, that’s good. You have made half of his confusion clear. What about the bruise on your neck? With long strides, he closes the gap between you two. His strong muscular toned arms curled around your waist before his lips aligned with yours. “have you been seeing other men?” He rasps against your mouth. Your hand rests on his firm chest. It is possible actually, since you are going to be appointed as a supportive clan head, marriage proposals are going to lurk like wild animals amongst the shadows of celebration, especially Zenin Clan. They do not let any cursed energy bearer getaway.
“Why? Would that make you jealous?”
“Yes. definitely.” You can not help but ket out a short-lived simper that not only makes Nanami’s throat dry but also fills his bones with your pesky ignorant attitude. It makes him wanna loathe you. He lifts you a little yanking you by the window side, caging you between the wall and him. He has not let go of his hand from your waist and his other hand rests on the concrete. You look at him with eyes full of longing and lust. You know this is wrong, this whole thing of meeting him here, seeing him before the ceremony. It is wrong in so many ways. Your fisted hands unfurl. You could feel his heart rate being faster now. 
“Can’t we just run away?” you murmur so low and so meek that Nanami thinks he might just hear it wrong. Suppose he did run away with you. What then? People from the Gojo clan is going to hunt him until the end of time. He always has to run away and hide, like a coward.
“That wouldn’t be appropriate,” 
Another chuckle. “Yeah? Then, what’s appropriate? Are you telling me this isn’t inappropriate? you and me, locked in a room, so close to each other. anyone might think we are— 
“Then, let’s make their suspicion into something real,” He breathes against your mouth. There is just a thread of gap between his lip and yours before he opens his mouth with a ‘pop’ and you feel his warm, wet tongue along the column of your throat that makes you shut your eyes instantly, tears rolling down along your cheeks for holding back for so long, for waiting for him so long. Your arms slide along his shoulders slowly as he explores your neck and chest with his mouth making you almost melt in his arms. 
“No. No. No. No. we can’t be doing this again,” He moves away from you shaking his head so much, his breathing labored and irregular. There is that look in your eyes, that sad look of having to fight all alone with no one by your side, that look that has so much sincerity and loyalty underneath. 
“But Nanami-san, I’m not seeing anyone.” You mutter inhaling deeply feeling dizzy. Oh dear! Aren’t you a little too naive to be a clan head? Maybe there is no way out, day in and day out he thought about it but he could not find any. “what happened when you said you would take me to Malaysia?”
"You know we can't do that, baby." He shifts his gaze at you, rasping, "And, you know we were both just drunk and talking about what ifs...does that count? should it count?" You bite your lips looking at the robes scattered on the floor, him and yours, lifeless and entangled with each other. Nanami feels his heart constrict in his ribcage, as if someone had tied his heart with ropes and now both the free ends are being pulled like in a tug of war.
“Ahhh,” he groans. “Fuck it,”  with that he holds your face in between his big soft palms kissing your lips as long as he can. Your fingers clamp around his wrists as you feel his tongue go inside your mouth before he sucks your lips, one by one, fervently, as if you are the source of his oxygen, not the air surrounding you two. He guides your limbs around his nape breaking the kiss to breathe in before kissing down the column of your throat. 
“Take it off,” His husky whisper hot against your chest as he waits.
“But—” you try to protest making him more impatient. It is not like he does not get your point. You will have to go soon otherwise people might come searching for you. These fucking clan rules. Without any delay you let the upper wrapper cloth of your yukata fall down revealing your breasts. 
“You know, you shouldn’t be roaming around like this,” He tartly says before licking up from the base of your chest to the middle of your collarbone.
“Oh Yeah? was waiting… for you,” Nanami’s hand finds your mounds, firm and large hands massaging both of them simultaneously as he presses his hard-on against your waist. His hands now rest on your hips pulling you into his body, while his mouth peppers kisses all over your bosom. Your nipples are so taut, skin awake with goosebumps. His hands travel around your back pulling you into his embrace. Your breath hitches as his grips grow stronger while his mouth latches onto your boobs, sucking your tits and biting them making you moan shamelessly. 
Your constant tugging and fidgeting with the sash of his hakama has now paid off. It hits the grown revealing him in boxers. You take his cock out pumping, sliding the foreskin, and exposing the slick crown of his cock. Nanami grunts, taking his cock and pumping it by himself. “Look at me, look at me, baby”, he murmured while rubbing his nose against your neck, your skin glistening with sweat. He clusters your hakama around your waist and your hands hold them in place, around your stomach. He smiles at that gesture. He is impressed. 
Lifting you up by clasping around your inner things, he holds your back against the wall ready to push his cock inside you. You guide his cock at your slick entrance. As soon as the cock-head is inside he quickly scans your features. You are panting, sweating, mouth open, and eager to take him. He pushes his cock inside you with a deep strong thrust hitting your spot. His grip on your thighs becomes stronger as he starts to glide his torso, to and fro. Eyes flying back ripping off your sanity as he pushes his cock inside you as if he was not hitting the spot making you squirm underneath him.
The bridge of his nose grazes your pulse point as he groans right into your ears asking, "You good?". You stare at him through the corner of your eyes, mouth open ajar, panting rashly too sucked into delirium to form words, but you nod. Kento knows your melting point yet seeing you taking him so well, being so obedient, being so responsive his lips curve in delight. He hums weighing his thoughts about whether it is okay to pull out another orgasm from your heated overstimulated body or not since he has been fucking you nice and slow for what seems like hours. Every time you are close he diverts your attention by pausing and then putting his mouth to work, either on your lips or on your nipples.
His warm cackle reaches your ears as he jerks up towering over your body, fingers clamping underneath your inner thighs. "Oh Gawd!", you whimper earning a smirk from him. "Don't worry angel! I'm not gonna stop until you ask me to!", he declares as he thrusts his cock with a single broad stroke earning a gasp from you. Those chocolate brown eyes gleam in an insatiable hunger as he starts to move in and out, slowly, watching your cream leaking around his cock from previously denied orgasms.
"You're still clenching me so hard baby!", he utters with a chuckle slamming his cock inside you with brute force followed by a long pause and making you arch your body like a bow against the wall. It is euphoric. It is aching. It is maddening.
"So good! such sweet pussy.", he groans as he starts to thrust harder, faster folding your legs over his broad shoulders. You grab your boobs, squeezing, biting your lower lip, filling the room with trails of whimpering moans blessing his ears. With his throbbing cock still inside you he yanks you into his lap, lips never disconnecting from yours he takes you to the futon laying you down. The hakama is clustered around your waist covering your pussy but it is better this way. At least, you are not so coy-like that night.
Kento quivers, balancing himself on his arms against the futon and letting you relax your legs. "Fuck wanna cum in you already", he coos immediately crashing his lips onto yours not giving you a chance to register his momentary lapse, a desire to see you carrying his babies. Moreover, he loves the taste of your salt while sucking your puffy lips inside you. Curling your hands around his nape, fingers skimming through his hair you moan into his mouth breaking the kiss. 
His eyes blink as he feels your hands over his arms. While he is still feasting his eyes over your ravishing sex glow, you roll him along the futon without pulling out. Eyes soaked in surprise Kento is still taken aback by your strength as he gawks at your naked beauty with lust-blown eyes. “Your wish's my command, Sir”, you amend. As the words fall from your lips you start to glide, slow but steady strokes. He holds you by your waist, his lower lip being exploited in between his teeth as you bounce on his cock.
Seeing you bob like an animal, boobs bouncing at a steady rhythm he was in nowhere to decline you; after all, he wanted this too, to fill your womb with babies and those breasts with milk.“Oh yeah! Yea-ash baby!”, he mumbles as you keep jerking. He is close, you can sense it. He flinches feeling his cock twitch in pain but could not care less about it. All he wants is to fill you up to the brim. He sits up adjusting you in his lap.
“Say you hate me.” he huskily mutters.
“What?” you do not pause, just slow down.
“Say you hate me” he quips holding your waist and making you pause your movements. “Or I won’t let you cum,” When you do not believe him he quips with a smirk, “You know, I can do that, don’t you baby?” and strangely you remember how he felt you alone in the room when you made a move on him. You do not want that to happen now, absolutely not, especially with his dick inside you.
He starts to make you bob again, at this point so close to your orgasm that you do not even put up a fight. “Yes. yes. I hate you. I hate you nanami kento I hate you,” you whimper out those words as he thrusts you on his cock. Good, good, that is good; he can not have you admit those feelings out loud, just like him. Your legs quiver feeling the euphoric high approaching, marking his back with crescent indecent as he shoots his cum inside you. Warm, thick, and seeping along your thighs, soaking the sheets. He pulls out with a pop; a prideful glint smothers his face watching his marks all over your chest that run up to your pulse point on the neck. Kento shoots a look at you, your face. He maintains eye contact, puts his mouth around your nipple, and continues to suck until he feels your gummy walls clenching his cock again. “Ahhh—aH!”, you scream hands resting on his shoulders nails digging into his skin. He hates you, he hates you so very much.
Nanami hunches down a little more, kissing your temples, and before sitting upright again he whispers, “Yeah, let’s go to Malaysia. Let’s just run away, honey.”
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
Nicki Minaj’s The Pinkprint Era (+No Frauds)
#PrettyHeiressDiaries: Eras Edition 🎀
this is my first #PrettyHeiressDiaries post. as i’ve previously stated, this series is going to be me diving into my fav muses and celebs and dissecting what i can take from these lovely ladies. this blog will focus on Nicki Minaj’s branding from 2014-2017 roughly. + a few Queen era looks.
The Pinkprint Era Style Elements:
the pinkprint was alter ego free, and a return to hiphop and r&b for nicki. meaning she was highly stripped of the campy pop rap star we had come to know. it was chic DOWN. think collector barbie vs the harajuku barbie. don’t mistake me though, onika was still very in touch with her cutesy girly side. there was a balance of sexy and chic with a few drops of cute. and this is why the pinkprint era is my absolute favorite, with her looks being a standard i follow for a lot of my looks.
nicki’s cute mirrors 🎀
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nicki’s iconic black barbie insta selfies, wearing real hair or natural extensions(often textured ponytails and blowouts), minimal makeup and natural beats 🎀
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lots of black and neutrals, statement purses (often times chanel) 🎀
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nicki makes a return to the harajuku barbie aesthetic during the pinkprint tour 🎀 +
prissy pink looks i loved from this era 🎀
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No Frauds Era Style Elements:
after the pinkprint era was dying down and nicki had become the victim of “the nicki hate train,” her style was still reminiscent of pinkprint. but i would say her branding shifted from the demure somewhat sweetheart to more of an unapologetically bad bitch. this is marked as the “no frauds era” (the time between pinkprint and queen)
glamorous gowns, grandiose blingy bodysuits and adornments, continuing from the pinkprint aesthetic, she’s still wearing natural glams and hairstyles 🎀 +
latex catsuits, lacey looks, pink as seen in the paper magazine cover and the motorsport video 🎀
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literally queen couture (tiaras, headpieces, and maximalist furs), the subtle return of the barbie chain, 40 inch “you b*tches can’t even spell prague” naomi/cher hair 🎀
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My Fav Queen Era Looks:
ex. tusa videoshoot, harpers bazaar vietnam cover, 2018 vma look, chun li cover art look, 2018 harpers bazaar look 🎀
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So What Can We Learn?
Nicki’s style has never been anything short of ultra femme and makes it clear she’s not afraid to take up space and your attention.
As her branding and look shifts through these eras, it’s as if she’s becoming more aggressive with the her fashion to speak to the public.
During The Pinkprint Era, she said “Look, I can put the pink wigs and rainbow paint away and still capture attention while making quality work. Respect me.”
The No Frauds Era saw her evolve into a more flashy Nicki while taking hints of her past looks to say “I AM the greatest, you will NEVER top me, and I can remind you who I am.” Note the Barbie chain while also dressing like modern day royalty.
Nicki Minaj is a highly polarizing figure in pop culture but that should not stop us from acknowledging the cultural resets she’s delivered us in the fashion and beauty industry. When she said “I got all these girls wantin’ to be Barbie Dollz,” it wasn’t just a line, ITS TRUE. So many influential girls on instagram look like either Nicki, Kim K, or Madison Beer, just to name a few. The girls have taken a heavy note from the colored hair, bussdown middle part inches, bulky chains, all while trying to maintain an untouchable level of HYPERFEMININITY. An actual BLACK BARBIE.
-PrettyHeiressDiaries 🎀
credits: nathyyy and blessing mukosha via youtube, @thevirgodoll and @babyphat05’s breakdowns on femmes in the culture on the respective personal blogs.
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icarus-star · 4 months
nsfw alphabet // clyde
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he doesn't like getting uo afterwards, he's a little lazy. he just wants to cuddle you, but if you insist on getting up for something, he'll let you do whatever. and then after that, he'll force you to snuggle with him. maybe get stoned together.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
thighs thighs thighs. he doesn't care AT ALL if they're big, small, if you have a gap between them or not, if the gap disappears when you sit down. he is in love with them. he likes laying his head down on them, kissing them, biting them, squeezing them, covering them in hickeys. name something that someone would wanna do with another persons thighs, he's doing it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he actually really likes cumming on your face. he thinks it's really sexy when you're covered with it, looking up at him. of course, he's also a big fan on you swallowing it. and he definitely cums inside with a condom. his cum is also super salty, so do with that what you please.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i bet he keeps a polaroid of you in his pocket. what's the picture of? you with your face covered in his cum.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he's a virgin, 100% don't get me wrong, but the amount of porn he's seen is almost astonishing. not saying he's jerked off to it, no, (he likes to watch the super fake high budget stuff and make fun of it) but either way he has seen a ton. and he definitely has a decent idea of what he's doing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
spooning and doggy! there isn't really a reason, he just loves fucking you from behind. snuggling you while fucking you is sooo dear to him. it feels so nice and soft and he can't help but love it. but plain doggy, he can get just a little bit rough.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
definitely. sometimes, you guys have sex when he's super high and he can't help giggling at random things.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i don't think he shaves. maybe a little trim every now and then when there's too much, but he doesn't really care too much. i doubt he has super good hygiene, probably just a quick wash with a bar of soap.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he loves to be romantic!! he doesn't really have access to anything super fancy like expensive wine or rose petals, but he still tries!!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
definitely. before dating you, he would a couple of times a week. when dating you, he would just wait until one of you ended up making the move with leads to sex instead of jerking off.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
i don't think he's really kinky. does dry humping count? because he absolutely loves grinding against each other and just.. enjoying each other over your clothes. he would definitely try some stuff with you if you ask him to.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
anywhere there's a couch or bed. +the back of his van.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
neck kisses. if you start kissing on his neck he's gonna lose his mind. an innocent little kiss on his neck, on that spot in public? he's dragging you to the nearest bathroom.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he doesn't wanna hurt you. he doesn't like the idea of hurting you, inside and outside of sex. he also isn't into getting hurt in anyway. the most he would do is degrading you, and it wouldn't be much. calling you a slut or a whore at most.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
being given blowjobs makes him ultra horny, lemme tell ya. about 4 minutes in he gets desperate and starts fucking your throat. he always feels bad after because he didn't ask. fem!reader: he's such a sloppy and messy boy. he's so focused on tongue fucking your cunt, but luckily his nose is giving your clit just a little stimulation from gently nudging against it every time his tongue thrusts in. masc!reader: poor boy has no clue what to do. he'll lick down your shaft, looking up at you and asking if it felt good. he really mainly uses his tongue on you, he's kind of nervous to take you in his mouth.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he likes fast, but really passionate. he gets needy so he just can't stop himself from fucking into you as fast as he can, but he makes sure to hit that perfect spot inside of you every time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i think he actually likes them a bit. they're exciting. he likes to fuck you in bathrooms of random places, or maybe both of you are a little busy but you need to get something out of your systems.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i don't think so. he likes wearing condoms when he cums inside, and sometimes he still pulls out. but something public? maybe, if you're in a more secluded area together. maybe at the skatepark with his friends and the two of you sneak off to his van.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
honestly, probably one. it gets tiring to keep thrusting and thrusting, but if you wanna ride him? thats a different story.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
sure. he's actually a fan of using cockrings on himself, so why not get a little something for you? maybe a butt plug or something. a vibrator to share, maybe?
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he's not really a super big tease. maybe verbally, saying how dirty you are for letting him fuck your throat.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he definitely moans. and i mean he moans. he sounds way too hot, pounding into you while he groans about how tight you feel. he's loud.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's a big fan of mutual masturbation. he likes having your leg over his while you touch yourself, and while he jerks himself off.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
5.9 inches, a pretty pink tip. it's a lighter pink, and it looks so pretty when it's dripping with precum.
he's a bit of a needy boy, but not super horny all the time. maybe 7.8/10
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he gets sleepy. whenever you let him snuggle you like you're his personal teddy bear is when he'll fall asleep.
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pacific-coast-hockey · 2 months
Georgi Romanov: A Brief Introduction*
*bc there is not a lot of information about him in English.
Good evening to the greater Sharkudablr community, it has come to my attention on the eve of Georgi Romanov's Possible First NHL Regular Season Start that not all of you know about Georgi Romanov or appreciate him appropriately. This is insane to me as someone who spends approximately 40% of my waking hours thinking about Georgi, but then I realized that as a person with a blog, I can just say stuff to fix that.
This is Georgi Romanov:
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He's not exploding you with his brain, he's actually exploding his teammates with his brain, you're just standing there.
This is also Georgi Romanov:
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Goaltender Interference with the Barracuda is when Your Goaltender Interferes With You Beating The Shit Out Of Kole Lind 😌
This is ALSO Georgi Romanov:
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At beginning of the season, sadly he got a haircut so he looks less like the kind of beautiful Eastern Orthodox saint you'd find in a stained glass window who was like the patron saint of taking poppers at Ultra Europe. Who said that.
Georgi Romanov is so important to me. He was a frequent flyer on the Wichita Express this season which makes it all the more joyful that he made a) to the NHL, and b) saved...uh...a couple of...shots against Edmonton. Fuck Edmonton all my homies hate Edmonton. Anyway, the Cuda signed him this summer thinking they were getting a lil buddy for Beck Warm (in the ECHL) and then he proceeded to kick ass at the AHL level and matched or outplayed Chrona and Mäkiniemi every step of the way and then Jmac way overplayed him and he did amazing anyway. Then I got to experience Jmac and GMJW putting him on the Wichita Midnight Rider bc the Sharks had uh really been banking on Chrona and Mäkiniemi for their goalie prospect pipeline and were NOT expecting some 23 year old kid who had played ONE single KHL game to actually be very very very very good, but like Jmac is incapable of spreading starts evenly between all three goalies, so Georgi had to be removed from the premises.
But he is very very very very good. Even though he suffered severe Strauss Mann-ification, he has risen to the challenge again and again! When Chrona got called up to the Sharks and then Mäkiniemi went down with mono, he basically got called up full-time to be the third goalie in the Cuda and he has been killing it ever since.
Here is an interview SJHN did with him at the beginning of the season, by the only man I trust on this bitch of earth, Nikita Sokolov. It's a good article, here are some fun tidbits:
Had to learn to tie a tie when he came to North America because in his Russian team (TIER 2 RUSSIAN LEAGUE!!) he just wore tracksuits
Stayed in Knyzhov's house for a month before signing a lease, which doesn't help the "Nikolai Knyzhov is the eldest daughter of the Barracuda" allegations but is so so funny to me too
The mattress company never delivered his mattress and he didn't speak enough English to resolve this, so he had to get his teammates and agent to help him out. I love thinking about Nikita Okhotiuk arguing with a mattress company. I think I would just give him a free mattress at that point.
Bought a car here with a loan to build credit bc him and his wife "need to think about the future. We want to be here for a long time.” 🥺🥺🥺
Here are some facts about Georgi from k 18minutemajor, when I asked if they had any fun facts:
Romanizes his name as Romanoff on instagram
It appears his nickname is Gosha!
Cuda fans all love him very much 😭
They also did amazing art of the greatest hits of Situations Happening To Georgi which I cannot overstate has crossed this man from give Georgi a knife to give Georgi several hand grenades. Please look at it and appreciate it and click on the links bc Georgi has suffered so much and still he remains so beautiful and so deadly.
Here are some facts about Georgi that you may only know if you attend games regularly or watch games on AHLtv:
He habitually bangs his stick on the ice when he gets pissed at his team. Or possibly encouraging them but usually it's when defense is falling apart and shots are like 45 to 30 Firebirds/Cuda, he starts slamming his stick against the ice like...a warning...a reminder...he's coming for ALL your motherfuckers.
Cuda stick the back up goalies in the tunnel and MOST of our goalies are so normal and just sit a couple feet back from the glass and hang out. NOT Georgi. Georgi has Emi the athletic trainer drag his chair right up to the glass and then he crosses his arms on the lip of the board and then he rests his head on his gloves and watches the game with his face pressed against the glass.
When we were rocking a line up with Nikita Okhotiuk for a few brief beautiful weeks, I very much watched Georgi on at least one occasion go up to Okhotiuk during a stoppage and take his water bottle from his hands. MY water bottle. And Nikita just let him.
Often the Cuda lose at home. Often the Cuda are trying to get the fuck off the ice as fast as possible. OFTEN Georgi will do a little one man salute of the arena with his stick while the rest of the team is streaming off the ice. Guys I think he really likes us :(
Cuda Goalie vibes this year were INSANE like I do not even know how to explain what was going on there without going full Pepe Silva BUT by the end of the year, things seem to have um. Well. I once watched Mäkiniemi (with mono!!) run -- run!!! -- down the stairs from the scratches box to go stand by Chrona in the tunnel to watch Georgi face a shoot out and when they lost, both of them waited for him to get off the ice. Guys I think they really like each other :(
Signed for one more year which I guess you could look up on CapFriendly, but EYE didn't know that until this week and I spent no joke like the entire season barfing with anxiety that we don't bring him back. But NO. Provided GMMG doesn't give me a 15th or 16th reason, we have ONE MORE YEAR OF GEORGI 🥳🥳 and will maybe (probably) be rocking a Chrona/Romanov tandem. Which is so beautiful to me as an Employee Appreciator.
Also here's some photos of Chrona and Georgi hugging:
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It's the way Goosh was waiting for a hug and gave up for me lol
In conclusion: Georgi Romanov is so important and Sharkudablr needs to love him So Much. Thank you for listening 😌
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Poetic Names in Dunmer Culture
I have a notion about Dunmer naming conventions that my little linguist brain keeps coming back to, ever since I learned that Vehk, Seht, and Ayem are the "poetic" forms of Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia's names. It got me thinking: what if regular Dunmer have poetic name forms as well?
I think it would be interesting if they had them as a version of a nickname, but with more specific and honored meaning, something that indicates not just familiarity but a bond worthy of poetry, something that you have to earn the right to call someone.
The House Dunmer of course can call their gods by these names because the Tribunal love to brand themselves as servants of the people, who all have a closeness with and reverence for their gods. Basically, it's acceptable because religion things. Also love how this makes saying "B'Vehk" roughly the same as saying "sweet Jesus" lol.
But like with normal people, I imagine it functions similar to getting to call someone by a nickname, except way more intense. Like you're either close family members, ultra bffs, lovers, or people who went through some shit together (e.g. soldiers who fought together, rivals who destroyed each other's lives, etc.). That's right folks! It doesn't have to be a bond based on love! It can be hate! Because it's the Dunmer, so of course. It just has to be Significant. Like Victorians calling each other by their first names but kicked up a notch. Or like going "bestie!!!!" (affectionate) or "worstie!!!" in the most deadpan way possible.
Anyway, so here's where we get to the linguistic part of this sociolinguistic headcanon. There are clearly conventions to how a poetic name is formed, based on the data given to us by the gods' names. The process is (usually) this:
Keep the initial letter of the original name. If the initial letter is a consonant followed by another consonant, the second consonant is considered part of the initial cluster and doesn't count towards #3. If the initial letter is a vowel other than a, the first consonant or consonant cluster remains as part of the first letter and doesn't count towards #3.
Add a vowel/diphthong by taking the final vowel/diphthong of the name and alter it according to specific patterns.
Add the second consonant. If the second consonant is the same as the first letter, use the final consonant instead. Y never counts as a consonant for this. Certain consonants must be altered according to specific patterns.
Vowel/Diphthong Changes:
a -> e, eh aa -> a, ah e -> e, eh i -> e, eh ii -> i o -> a, ah u -> u y -> e, eh ia -> ye ea -> ya ie -> ye iu -> yu ay -> ae ey -> ae ae -> a, ah ue -> u
h follows a vowel when the final consonant is k, m, n, or t
Consonant Changes:
b -> v c -> k d -> t th -> t
Poetic Name Examples:
Drelyth -> Drel Vavran -> Vehn Indrasi -> Indres Alarue -> Aur Tremona -> Trehm Ervynu -> Ervun Naryu -> Nur Aymillo -> Aymal Thathas -> Thes Llaals -> Llas Nethis -> Neht
That should give you an idea of how it goes. There are probably exceptions to these rules, and of course a lot of the poetic names are going to be the same, but there are lots of real world names that share nicknames, so I'm not bothered about it.
Also! I think this is exclusive to House Dunmer, and it's not something the Ashlanders do, because I think it started with the Tribunal.
I think Dunmer do have more conventional nicknames sometimes, but they're usually used by non-Dunmer or family members in a super casual way. I almost think of it like using -kun in Japanese when it's between Dunmer.
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ladykissingfish · 10 months
srrey to ask again but can u do some kakashi mpreg about his baby bump? i luv ur writing 💕
*Kakashi laying in bed, his hands folded on top of his stomach*
Gai: *bursts into the room* Rival! It’s time for one of my super-special ultra-rare breakfasts in bed!
Kakashi, smiling: What makes it “ultra-rare”?
Gai: *sets the tray on the nightstand and leans over Kakashi, kissing him* It comes with a unique set of appetizers. *keeps on kissing him*
Kakashi: Seems to me that your “appetizers” are what’s got you feeding me like this in the first place.
Gai: *puts his head by Kakashi’s large belly* Good morning, my child! I have a challenge for you; lay quietly and still this morning so that your mama can eat in peace. Okay?
*the baby gives a hard kick in response*
Gai: Yosh! My boy is going to be strong as a bull!
Kakashi: *grabs the plate of eggs off of the tray* Girl.
Gai: Girl? How do you know that?
Kakashi: Just have a really strong feeling about it. Call it intuition.
Gai: You know what? That’ll be fantastic! Imagine a gorgeous little girl with your stunning looks and my Taijutsu skills! And if you teach her to use chidori when she’s older … she’ll be unstoppable. She —
Gai: *looks at Kakashi and suddenly notices he’s crying*
Gai: K-Kakashi! What’s wrong?? Did I put too much pepper in the eggs again?! Here, let me —
Kakashi, sobbing: It’s not the eggs! It’s just … Gai how am I going to do this?? What if I’m a terrible parent? What if I end up screwing her life up so bad that she hates me?? What if —
Gai: *puts his arms around Kakashi and rocks him gently* Rival. I’ve never heard such nonsense. You are the best possible person on this earth to have this baby. You’re warm, you’re smart, and you have so much love in you.
Kakashi: B-but —
Gai: And what do you mean, what if you’re a terrible parent?! Go out into the living room right now and ask Naruto if you’re a terrible parent, or Sasuke, or Sakura, or Lee or Ten Ten or Neji. Or any of the dogs. Or any of the people you’ve mentored in the village.
Gai: *kisses the tears from under Kakashi’s eyes* We are going to be fantastic, Kakashi. I know it. But you know what’s not going to be fantastic? You not finishing your breakfast. So eat.
Kakashi: *grins and picks his fork back up* Actually, there’s another problem. You keep feeding me this way and I’m going to get incredibly fat. I mean, look at me now … *pats his belly*
Gai: I adore your pudge, rival. It makes you so soft and curvy. And it’s not that bad, you know. It’s —
*Naruto comes into the room*
Naruto: Oi, Sensei … me and Sasuke accidentally broke the kitchen table, dattebayo. Well it’s more Sasuke’s fault. Anyway, um, there’s no where else big enough for us all to put our plates on so … can we use your stomach?
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
sorry for the wait u_u
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(Text version, with dates under the cut below)
For franchises that had more than one submission, I grouped them together so that after round 2, there will only be one contestant per franchise. to try to be fair or whatever, so that a small number of franchises dont dominate the bracket
yes i know mdzs and tgcf arent anime but its my poll tourney and i do what i want godbless
this might be too much to ask but please watch the videos if you can and vote based on that! idc how much you like or dislike the anime, how much do you like the OPENING. obviously this is for fun so you can do whatever but if possible i dont rly want this to be a popularity poll :')
propaganda welcome :)
Tag List: round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals finals third place round propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs)
PART A (5/6 12:00pm ET)
Match 1: "Peace Sign" - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia) {VS} "Hitamuki" - SUPER BEAVER (My Hero Academia) Match 2: "THE DAY" - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia) {VS} "H. T. [Humanoid Typhoon]" - Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun 1998) Match 3: "Kaen" - QUEEN BEE (Dororo 2019) {VS} "Naru" - PON (Tsurune: Kazemai High School Kyudo Club) Match 4: "DANZEN! Futari wa Pretty Cure" - Gojo Mayumi (Futari wa Pretty Cure) {VS} "Bye Bye" - 7!! (Kimi To Boku) Match 5: "Hikariare" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) {VS} "FLY HIGH!!" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) Match 6: "Gun's & Roses" - Paradise Lunch (Baccano!) {VS} "Flyers" - BRADIO (Death Parade) Match 7: "MAN HUMAN" - Denki Groove (Devilman Crybaby) {VS} "Goya no Machiawase" - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami) Match 8: "Maji LOVE 1000%" - STARISH (Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%) {VS} "KICK BACK" - Kenshi Yonezu (Chainsaw Man)
PART B (5/8 12:00pm ET)
Match 9: "Papermoon" - Tommy heavenly6 (Soul Eater) {VS} "Resonance" - T.M. Revolution (Soul Eater) Match 10: "Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C" - Maeyamada Kenichi (Nichijou) {VS} "Parallel Hearts" - FictionJunction (Pandora Hearts) Match 11: "Easy Breezy" - chelmico (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) {VS} "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru" - Koji Makaino (Rose of Versailles) Match 12: "Tank!" - The Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop) {VS} "COLORS" - FLOW (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion) Match 13: "Melissa" - Porno Graffitti (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) {VS} "Golden Time Lover" - Sukima Switch (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 14: "Rain" - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) {VS} "Again" - YUI (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 15: "Monochrome Kiss" - SID (Black Butler) {VS} "Brand New World" - D-51 (One Piece) Match 16: "Smile Bomb" - Mawatari Matsuko (Yu Yu Hakusho) {VS} "Dream Island Obsessional Park" - Susumu Hirasawa (Paranoia Agent)
PART C (5/10 12:00pm ET)
Match 17: "R★O★C★K★S" - Hound Dog (Naruto) {VS} "Lovers" - 7!! (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 18: "Far Away" - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (Naruto) {VS} "Blue Bird" - Ikimonogakari (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 19: "Hero's Come Back" - Nobodyknows (Naruto: Shippuden) {VS} "BLOODY STREAM" - Coda (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Match 20: "Aoi Hana" - Kikukodan (Sweet Blue Flowers) {VS} "Unravel" - TK (Tokyo Ghoul) Match 21: "Setsuna no Ai" - GRANRODEO (Bungo Stray Dogs) {VS} "Gurenge" - LiSA (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) Match 22: "Scar" - Tatsuya Kitani (Bleach) {VS} "Eternal Blaze" - Nana Mizuki (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's) Match 23: "Sono Saki e" - RIRIKO (Children of the Whales) {VS} "Rondo-Revolution" - Masami Okui (Revolutionary Girl Utena) Match 24: "Motteke! Sailor Fuku" - Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara, and Aya Endo (Lucky☆Star) {VS} "Moonlight Densetsu" - Dali, Moon Lips (Sailor Moon)
PART D (5/12 12:00pm ET)
Match 25: "99.9" - MOB CHOIR feat. sajou no hana (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "1" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) Match 26: "99" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "Kibou no Uta" - Ultra Tower (Food Wars) Match 27: "Departure!" - Masatoshi Ono (Hunter x Hunter) {VS} "Sakura Kiss" - Chieko Kawabe (Ouran High School Host Club) Match 28: "History Maker" - Dean Fujioka (Yuri!!! On ICE) {VS} "Kaikai Kitan" - Eve (Jujutsu Kaisen) Match 29: "Drunken Dreams of the Past" - Lin Zhixuan (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) {VS} "Connect" - ClariS (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Match 30: "No Parting" - Jeff Chang (Heaven Official's Blessing) {VS} "Delicate ni Suki Shite" - Ota Takako (Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami) Match 31: "Kiss Me" - Celeina Ann and Nai Br.XX (Carole & Tuesday) {VS} "Sudachi no Uta" - Anemoneria (Wonder Egg Priority) Match 32: "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" - Yoko Takahashi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) {VS} "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" - Linked Horizon (Attack on Titan)
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How dare you treat my sweet little girl like that, you fucking brats?!
Korvo confronting the Stacies for bullying Jesse, before transforming into his Super Shlorpian form.
For @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77
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indigos-stardust · 10 days
List of Wips/planned works
Please ask me questions about my works! Saw this art trend going around <3
(they're all four swords, there's a few one shot aus, but most of it is for my series Color Spectrum lol)
The Other One (short fic, ultra whump)
Clueless Monster
Snuff the Ember (hurt/comfort)
Drowning in Charcoal
Fruit Bat Vampire <3
Bruised Blue and Violet All Over
Where the Tide Meets the Brittle Sand/ It Stings, doesn't it?
Kaleidoscope Nightmares
Anxiety Closet 0-0
We've Chosen this Mask to Become your Empty Shell
Here are my scars, are you happy now?/Intervention
Zelda Commits a Crime/He Might Be Watching a Murder
What If I Exploded And the Generational Trauma just Splattered Everywhere?
In Which the Links Have DADDY ISSUES
The Awakening/ Haha Get Borned lil Guy/ Aw sh-t here we go again-
I Lived B****es
Grieving in the Hunters Arms
Paranoia of the Actor
Feral Angel
Jealously Clawing My Way In
Blue Tries, Badly, but it... Works?
Swelling Heart
The Quiet Hold
Hytopia! This is Just a Fun Trip and Not a Death Trap:)
It Was Worse Than A Death Trap, Fu-
Hytopia Topic (Vio and Shadow discover goth and punk)
I've Been Watching Through Your Window -Your Girliepop
Manly/ Trauma is Stored in the Hips
I'm The Main Character
Squash Banana
Mom's Scales/ She's Here
The Wind Howls Through the Stoic Ravine
Training is Trauma for any Teen! (or toddler?)
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 2 months
Hey author, how are you? 💕
I'm curious to know what kind of music the RO's like. Who are their idols? Any artists/genres that are a guilty pleasure for them?
Any kind of music they pretend to like just 'cos it's popular? *discreetly looks at Kinsley*
Hello nonie~ I'm doing good thank you!
this kind of question is hard for me, personally, to think about because of my own relationship with music and music artists (which is why this took so fucking long) which is to say I love music and don't really pay attention much to artists beyond the fact they make the music I love (lmao I really don't care about celebrities, I find it quite concerning that so many people idolise them so much... like your(general) fave is just a guy at the end of the day lmao) (that being said I can understand having an influence and following the *work* of an artist you really connect to) and I find it hard to make hard line distinctions between genres, aha 🤭
That being said, let's have a look at some music! (This is an excuse to show off my extensive and exhaustive music reach and taste, so thank you!)
Dylan──they're open to all types of music but they only really purchase R&B albums! Artists like Stevie Wonder, Chaka Khan, Tina Turner, Prince, Alicia Keys, Frank Ocean, SZA, Kehlani and Miguel are all artists Dyl owns albums (and vinyls!!) for! Dyl introduced Kin to R&B and they usually listen to the artists she likes more when they're together (Beyoncé, Victoria Monét, Lionel Ritchie etc) They like ‘Foreign Language’ R&B too, artists like BIBI, DEAN, Cherrie, Girl Ultra, Adi Oasis, ØZI, Yseult and Lous And The Yakuza.
Shay──the real eclectic listener! He likes next to every genre of music, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, K-pop, J-rock, Folk, Funk, Phonk, EDM, Heavy Metal, Grunge, House, Synth, Soul... even Country... Country Fusion! Shay likes artists that kind of... don't have a genre? Like Sleep Token, Twenty One Pilots, Pink Floyd, Oingo Boingo, Lene Lovich, David Bowie, Gorillaz, Poppy, Bring Me The Horizon, Afterlife, Seventeen, Red Velvet and Hannah Wicklund. He definitely love finding new music as well as sharing new music! (Watch the YouTube/Twitch channel that's got a segment dedicated to reacting to new music!! Like HTHAZE!)
Kinsley──lmao she doesn't mind Popular music but, like, the last Taylor Swift album she actively sought out was 1989 (she's partial to This Love) and Kin would rather die than be subjected to Trap music. She's very into genres like Alternative Indie, Indie Rock, Neo Soul, and R&B artists like Hozier, Florence + The Machine, Lorde, Phoebe Bridgers, Lizzy McAlpine, Searows, Reneé Rapp, Ethel Cain and Noah Kahan. Her R&B influence is mainly from being Dylan's friend but she does love artists like Beyoncé (she really loved her self titled album and especially Virgo's Groove off of Renaissance), Victoria Monét (particularly the Jaguar II album) and Khalid as well as older artists like Mary J. Blige, Marvin Gaye or Lionel Ritchie!
J──they tend to listen to music for the beat, the bass, the instrumentals more than lyrics. They like heavier genres like Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Nu Metal, Grunge and other genres like EDM, Synth, Techno and Trance. They also listen to Italian artists quite a lot, mainly because J wants to keep up with the language (because their father refuses to speak it or teach them) so artists like Måneskin, Jovanotti, Lacuna Coil, Max Gazzé, Vanerus, and even Vivaldi. J also listens to anything their sister recommends them, even if it's the most bubblegum pink pop shit they've ever heard─if Bells likes it they're listening. Shay will also introduce them to the wonders of J-rock and K-pop which bend genre all the time!
Theo──a Pop lover! Or rather, Theo tends to stick to listening to the radio or the Popular Playlist on Spotify! They tend to like more instrumental artists like or soundtrack artists like Hans Zimmer, Hiroyuki Sawano, Danny Elfman, Vangelis, Rachel Portman (who was the first female composer to win an academy award for best original score!) and Michael Giacchino over anything else and they 'broaden their horizons' by being dragged to Jazz bars and open house cafés by C (and MC) so it's not like they're stuck in one/two genre's!!
Bonus! Some Modern/Nu Jazz artists C likes: Ezra Collective, Nubya Garcia, Masego, Cherise, Camille Munn, Blue Lab Beats, Kasami Washington, Esperanza Spalding, Snarky Puppy, GoGo Penguin, Mathilde Widding and Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah!
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van-yangyin · 1 year
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Razor's Outfit and hair (Genshin Impact) [Male frame]
我的「卢皮卡」的狼。它们是家人。~ The wolves are my Lupical. My family.
Sul sul, I've taken quite a while because I wanted to leave it the most complete as I usually do and because March has been a very busy month, but here I present today to you download of Razor's outfit and hair from Genshin Impact with a little extra earrings.
【Everything shared below, has been tested by @lea-heartscxiv and me in Ultra quality (non HQ) following our needs, if you find any problem let me or him know.】
Download under keep reading ↓ 
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
General Info:
clothes (Upper, Lower and Lower with boots)
gloves (2 versions, HQ and non-HQ)⁽*¹⁾
body marks as tattoo (4 swatches)
face scar (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, with original color of Razor model]
left earring (right earring and right and left earring at the same time
upper right bracelet
hair (24 EA Swatches + Razor swatch) [Male and Female Frame]
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible (only gloves have non-HQ version)⁽*¹⁾
In case you would like a version of whole outfit in one click or whole outfit in one click with game assets hair, let me know by commenting below or from Ask me anything
~Razor's outfit~
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Outfit Info:
Upper and Lower Clothing/Lower Clothing with boots⁽*²⁾)
gloves (2 versions, HQ and non-HQ)⁽*¹⁾
Razor's body marks as tattoo (4 swatches, only Male frame)
face scar (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, with original color of Razor model]
left earring
upper right bracelet
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible (only gloves have non-HQ version)⁽*¹⁾
All except tattoo is opposite frame compatible
Compatible with higher and lower game sliders
There are small bugs with some parts of clothes
⁽*¹⁾ Only download HQ version of gloves if you have "HQ mod" if this isn't the case, download non-HQ version because otherwise you will get a shiny pixel on left hand. ⁽*²⁾"Pants without boots" looks like in picture below, for that reason I've made another version with "pants with boots", in case you don't like how "pants alone" look, but I've also placed "boots" in case you download first option or you want to have "pants with boots" and "boots" alone to use it in other outfits. Hope that I've explained myself clearly 😆💦
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LODs Info: Upper Clothing: LOD0: 8k LOD1: 6k LOD2: 3k LOD3: 1k Lower Clothing: LOD0: 2k LOD1: 2k LOD2: 1k LOD3: less than 1k Lower Clothing with boots: LOD0: 4k LOD1: 3k LOD2: 2k LOD3: less than 1k Gloves: LOD0: less than k Boots: LOD0: 2k LOD1: 1k LOD2/3: less than 1k Upper right bracelet: LOD0/1/2/3: less than 1k
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Free, no adfly)
~Razor Scar and body marks~
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Razor's body marks as tattoo (4 swatches)
face scar (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, with original color of Razor model]
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible
All except tattoo is opposite frame compatible
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
~Razor left earring with extras~
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left earring (Original Razor's earring position)
right earring (Extra)
earrings in both ears (Extra)
left earring, right earring and earring in both ears merged
Left/Right Earrring: LOD0/1/2/3: less than 1k Left and Right earrings: LOD0/1/2/3: less than 1k
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Free, no adfly)
~Razor's Hair~
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Hair Info:
24 EA Swatches + Razor swatch (Child and Toddler version coming soon)
Base game compatible
Hat compatible
All genders and agender
Teen to elders
Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch
Split hair compatible (Patreon/SFS)
Custom Thumbnails
LOD Information: LOD0: 15k | LOD1: 12k | LOD2: 7k | LOD3: 3k
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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Hair with hat category:
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Split hair color:
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~Genshin Impact Eyes~
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color eyes of characters as non-default
color eyes of characters as make-up face
⚠️ Important: At the moment both only have swatch of Razor's eyes, but I'll add more as make other characters, which in that case will be notified in corresponding post so that if you wish you can download or re-download it with new swatch (if you downloadi it from SFS), for those who become a patreon on Patreon I'll simply modify the file and make it notify the update of that post, since it seems that if someone only follows me this function doesn't warn you (Thanks @lea-heartscxiv for the warning).
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
📻 @alwaysfreecc, @sssvitlanz, @public-ccfinds
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
tldr: censorship fucking sucks and word of honor and xena are mlm/wlw solidarity 
okay this was a random thought that came to me during a combo of rewatching of Word of Honor and reading a post that declared Word of Honor “didn’t count” on their BL list of whatever the fuck and here’s the thought, here’s the vibe, Word Of Honor has a lot in common with Xena: Warrior Princess
Hear me out
Everyone kinda knows that Xena - and by extension Lucy Lawless - as a bisexual/queer woman icon, and that Xena/Gabrielle is probably still one of the most prominent wlw ships in western canon. That’s a huge part of the shows iconography in pop culture. But like, if you rewatch the show, things between Xena and Gabrielle are kept pretty ambiguous but in that ambiguously totally gay way (like WenZhou!). 
The network was actively against Xena and Gabrielle being more than, what fans would probably call nowadays, bait. An executive told producer Rob Tapert that by making Xena and Gabrielle explicit there would be a surge of interested followed by a sharp decline. 
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It should be noted that Xena was already a controversial show for it’s era - not just for the gay subtext but under fire from religious groups, anti-feminist groups, and others. 
The showrunners and producers also didn’t intend for Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship to, eh, blossom the way it did. Fans ran with it. Ironically, the intention of the show was to push Xena’s men of color love interests which also made the network gun shy (remember folks racism exists alongside homophobia!). 
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Xena and Gabrielle operated in a highly censored space (that still exists in American media btw!! Take it from someone who knows first hand) that was beholden to network hand-wringing, capitalism, and societal homophobia at large.  So their relationship could only live within an ambiguous space. Ironically enough, just like WenZhou, Xena and Gabrielle are also referred to as “soulmates” in the text of the show. But ya know, sometimes soulmates are platonic, sometimes romantic. Which are WenZhou and Xena/Gabrielle? Well that’s up for the viewer to decide b/c the production teams hands are tied. 
Even so, even with the censorship, we all still view Xena as legitimate queer representation within the pop culture space. Why? Why Xena and not Word of Honor?
For me, they both count, especially WoH because it’s source material IS queer. But the filter of censorship snipped and cut the text away so everything would be forced to live within that ambiguous “up to the audience aka gotta make the advertisers comfortable” space. 
I don’t think it’s fair to throw WoH out because the production couldn’t, like they were not allowed, to showcase text on screen. Similar to Xena queer fans knew that her and Gabrielle were in love, soulmates (romantic) by the end (where Xena dies, like literal for reals death she’s ashes carried on by Gabby at the end btw spoiler alert for a 20 year old show at least WK got silver hair and immortality out of his death experience). 
Queer fans appreciated and cultivated what Xena gave us because, no offense but what the fuck else was there? Not a lot, and even less in the fantasy space. Hell, there’s still not a lot of queer representation in the fantasy space we’re only just now going “hey maybe Tolkien’s ultra white British view of things is not the only way to do things?" And now House of Dragon has Black actors in terrible wigs (they’re so fucking bad rip) in 2022. Woooo~ most queer chars in western fantasy media are mainly found in kids cartoons - which, fucking aces there but also - probably why there’s so many adults in those spaces in fandom (not my bag personally) and why I think the popularity of danmei, c-dramas, and k-dramas is on the rise. People are hungry for epic fantasy content, epic romance content, and queer content. 
but like, I think about queer folks who live in China, who watched WoH (ya know, the intended audience, not Americans) who are probably feeling the same thing people felt when they watched Xena. Yeah, Mr. Advertiser Xena and Gabrielle are soulmates (platonic) wink wink, Yeah Mr. Network ZZS and WKX are soulmates (platonic) wink wink
and I think that’s still valuable. idk I just don’t think it’s right for foreigners to be like “no you’re queer media doesn’t count actually because I deem it so” when the reason for the relationship being subtextual is literal censorship. And yet the text is hella gay anyway!! like at the end of the day we’re all battling the crushing weight of homophobia but not everyone’s fight is exactly the same especially country-to-country and I think that should still be respected. given how damn gay WoH is anyway I imagine the producers fought really fucking hard to give audiences what they did. Just like the producers of Xena fought against the network to do what they could. 
anyway, thoughts and shit
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compneuropapers · 11 months
Interesting Papers for Week 27, 2023
Experience-driven recalibration of learning from surprising events. Bakst, L., & McGuire, J. T. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105343.
Undermatching Is a Consequence of Policy Compression. Bari, B. A., & Gershman, S. J. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(3), 447–457.
Topographic representation of current and future threats in the mouse nociceptive amygdala. Bowen, A. J., Huang, Y. W., Chen, J. Y., Pauli, J. L., Campos, C. A., & Palmiter, R. D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 196.
Differential processing of decision information in subregions of rodent medial prefrontal cortex. Diehl, G. W., & Redish, A. D. (2023). eLife, 12, e82833.
Synaptic gradients transform object location to action. Dombrovski, M., Peek, M. Y., Park, J.-Y., Vaccari, A., Sumathipala, M., Morrow, C., … Card, G. M. (2023). Nature, 613(7944), 534–542.
An emergent temporal basis set robustly supports cerebellar time-series learning. Gilmer, J. I., Farries, M. A., Kilpatrick, Z., Delis, I., Cohen, J. D., & Person, A. L. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 129(1), 159–176.
The human motor cortex contributes to gravity compensation to maintain posture and during reaching. Hardesty, R. L., Ellaway, P. H., & Gritsenko, V. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 129(1), 83–101.
Position representations of moving objects align with real-time position in the early visual response. Johnson, P. A., Blom, T., van Gaal, S., Feuerriegel, D., Bode, S., & Hogendoorn, H. (2023). eLife, 12, e82424.
Learned value modulates the access to visual awareness during continuous flash suppression. Lunghi, C., & Pooresmaeili, A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 756.
Coupled Dynamics of Stimulus-Evoked Gustatory Cortical and Basolateral Amygdalar Activity. Mahmood, A., Steindler, J., Germaine, H., Miller, P., & Katz, D. B. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(3), 386–404.
Reward-Mediated, Model-Free Reinforcement-Learning Mechanisms in Pavlovian and Instrumental Tasks Are Related. Moin Afshar, N., Cinotti, F., Martin, D., Khamassi, M., Calu, D. J., Taylor, J. R., & Groman, S. M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(3), 458–471.
Structured cerebellar connectivity supports resilient pattern separation. Nguyen, T. M., Thomas, L. A., Rhoades, J. L., Ricchi, I., Yuan, X. C., Sheridan, A., … Lee, W.-C. A. (2023). Nature, 613(7944), 543–549.
Efficient sensory encoding predicts robust averaging. Ni, L., & Stocker, A. A. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105334.
The Stroop effect involves an excitatory–inhibitory fronto-cerebellar loop. Okayasu, M., Inukai, T., Tanaka, D., Tsumura, K., Shintaki, R., Takeda, M., … Jimura, K. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 27.
Distributed context-dependent choice information in mouse posterior cortex. Orlandi, J. G., Abdolrahmani, M., Aoki, R., Lyamzin, D. R., & Benucci, A. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 192.
Early understanding of ownership helps infants efficiently organize objects in memory. Stahl, A. E., Pareja, D., & Feigenson, L. (2023). Cognitive Development, 65, 101274.
Updating perceptual expectations as certainty diminishes. Thomas, E. R., Rittershofer, K., & Press, C. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105356.
Updating memories of unwanted emotions during human sleep. Xia, T., Yao, Z., Guo, X., Liu, J., Chen, D., Liu, Q., … Hu, X. (2023). Current Biology, 33(2), 309-320.e5.
Modulating the Activity of the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Alters Altruism in Situations of Advantageous Inequity. Zhang, H., Dong, Z., Cai, S., Wu, S., & Zhao, J. (2023). Neuroscience, 509, 36–42.
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