#uhhhhhhh what are his guys names again
everychojuro · 2 years
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seirooo0 · 2 months
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I fucking lost it
Type: Drabble (??????????)
Synopsis: You, a robot. Rui, your creator
Content warnings: GN!Reader as usual : 3, probably angst if I can write angst good enough; Uhhhhhhh you got abandoned yaur hahhahahahaha
C. Note: I've lost it, have this content before I disappear for the next few months again <3 love you guys fr fr — Thing under cut!!
For as long as you remember, you were created for the purpose of accompanying someone..
That someone was your creator.
You were created to be with him, to cater his needs—particularly the need for a friend. Despite the fact you don't quite show the enthusiasm when he rambles about his little inventions or when he has a new show idea, you still show that you're listening to him regardless of your inability to feel emotions or express yourself. "So this one brings you anything you need or want, just say its name and the thing you want it to bring to you!" Exclaimed Rui, showing off a robot in his hands. You nodded, your face painting a rather blank look as you clapped with your metallic hands "That sounds amazing." Spoken with a monotone voice. Rui's expression slowly falters as he smiles rather sadly. The concept of emotions was an alien to you, that you, subconsciously, tilted your head in mere confusion. Confused, as to why he looked sad, confused as to how you made him sad. Question after question popped in your head but before you could even ask, the purple haired man shook his head. "No, it's nothing. Sorry, I just remembered something." He immediately answered, even though you haven't asked the question yet.
Of course, he knew what you were thinking—or at least assumed and got the correct answer—he made you after all. Programmed the way you think, behave, move, speak, everything. That's why it's not a wonder how he knows almost everything you're about to say even though you haven't opened your mouth yet.
Truly, truly, you knew you cannot replace a real human, someone to accompany Rui; your creator. You cannot replace the warm feeling of talking to a human being. You cannot replicate the emotions and the enthusiasm one would have when talking with someone. You cannot emphasize, you cannot replace whatever every human has. You are made of metal after all—pure metal—and some computer programming shenanigans. Even though you are unaware of some things, this one you are fully aware of. And because of that awareness, rather than feeling a tiny bit of relief that you are able to at least alleviate the pain of loneliness, you felt pity. Not only towards him, but also towards yourself. The you whose only sole purpose was to accompany Rui and make his days less dreadful and yet you brought nothing more but a sole reminder of the boy's loneliness.
You wished for the best for him, you encouraged him to talk to others thanks to your advancing AI knowledge. After all, he programmed you to be an AI who learns based on experience. So from all the research and data gathering you did—even though you barely understood emotional needs, you couldn't really make your heads or tails on the topic—you brought out the best in you to help your creator. That overtime, to Rui, you felt like a real human; a real friend to him. He considered and saw you as an actual human being, not a robot he created to cope with his loneliness. Rui considered you one of his closests friends aside from Nene and Mizuki.
Time flew by rather quickly for you, or perhaps it's because you don't really have a sense of time. But now you watch as the once young middle schooler slowly grows in his second year of highschool. You couldn't always be there for him, since they never allowed a (almost) human-like robot to be a student nor a visitor there (they banned Rui from bringing you to school for a reasonable purpose). So seeing him make more friends and even reconnected with his childhood friend and a friend from middle school made your heart—albeit non-existent—feel warm. Oftentimes, he'd tell you about his troupe; how he blew this friend of his, Tsukasa, out of a canon again and up in the skies; how Emu gave him another amazing show idea— or the way Nene would profusely groan everytime Tsukasa would proclaim yet another 'poetic' speech from how Rui described it— it was rather heartwarming. Really. You couldn't be any more happier for him if you could even feel.
One day, he introduced you to his troupe, the one he always mentions day by day after school. And the first comment one of them made—Tsukasa was the name, was it?— It was quite amusing to say the least.
"You're friends with a robot, Rui?! Did you make this?"
And you watch as Rui answers with enthusiasm, answering questions while you watch Tsukasa who has a dumbfounded expression on his face. You very rarely speak, so hearing a voice out of your metallic body further shooked the duo (excluding Nene, Rui had introduced her to you first before the other two anyway). Tsukasa kept making comments about how it was possible that Rui made this, you being a robot. Something a 5-year-old child would fawn over. Similar situation with Emu, however she complimented you more than anything, and that made you smile—or at least, you think you smiled. You couldn't really tell.
"Is it right to call it a 'friend' rather than your creation, though? I mean, aren't robots incapable of feeling anything?"
Tsukasa absentmindedly commented, which brought you back to painful reality.
You were never human. Right.
Watching as Rui talked more with his friends, even saying along the lines of "How cruel Tsukasa-kun! My friend here may be a robot but they accompanied me throughout my earlier years!" although maybe more dramatically. Tsukasa apologized to you, but you don't really understand why there was a need for it. Nevertheless, you never dared to ask.
Throughout the conversation, you felt rather… for a lack of better words; alienated. Sure, you're aware that you're not human. But having it pointed out made it… how would you call it.. awkward on your side, perhaps.
But of course, like any other time. You didn't mind. You're not programmed to think about complicated things after all.
However, watching him slowly drift away from you was something you expected from the beginning. But nevertheless, you were happy for him.
At least, you think you do.
But now that you've thought about it, you constantly refer to this weird thing as 'feel', 'feeling', any other synonym it has. From all the research you've done after your dilemma over this issue, you came to a conclusion that indeed; you are feeling emotions. And perhaps, one of the biggest flaws as a continuously learning AI robot is slowly learning what they are. You felt happy for Rui, but you knew that his slow yet painful detachment to you was overpowering your happiness. However as a creation whom Rui believed to be flawless, you refuse to speak about this out loud. You knew that as much as Rui made you this advanced, he never intended to give you any emotions. He never intended, because he doesn't know how to. And also maybe to avoid making you feel sadness. After all, happiness will never be without sadness, the same as dark cannot exist if there's no light.
So here you are, finding that you are more and more in a 'shutdown' state. Usually, it was automatic as a way of resting and recharging your battery. However, Rui reprogrammed you to be powered off manually now, and you never dared to ask why.
Now, you're here. Finding yourself sitting down on the floor absentmindedly as Rui looked at you with a rather melancholic look before approaching you leisurely. Muttering a silent gratitude, you watch as he reaches for your power button. You couldn't quite see his face clearly, but you assumed he wore a sad smile; the same smile you remembered he always wore back in middle school. Watching with a blurry vision, Rui puts you inside the closet, keeping you locked away until the next time he uses you. You wished that you could be used again— to see his face again and tell you about his new invention, or his new show idea. But now, it feels like a faraway dream as you slowly slip out of consciousness.
The last image you had seen was his face, slowly disappearing as he closed the closet door.
It was enough to make you cry, but you couldn't.
Silently, you wished you could.
Footnote: We eating good tonight
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
Yeah i went again on sunday and really wanted to cry after because it's over forever Q_Q i am inconsolable but for the fact that there may be a halloween party... but uhhhhhhh anyway here's what I noticed this time!!
(also here's the notes from my first time for reference [x])
Ad libs:
Final show energy & lots of ad libs! Which were apparently real unscripted ad libs!! A lot of them were just little things (so I can't recount most of them) but they were very very good. the blorbos became real people for a second there
When Rich is looking for Mountain Dew Red at the party, Jenna appears and says "I have Mountain Dew Blue?" and he explodes at her (possibly "Not now, Jenna!")
When Christine and Jeremy talk together at the party, they're sitting on beanbags; after they get scared off by the skeleton guy, they're laughing and crawling back to their seats - Christine, through laughter: "oh where's the beanbag...."
Changes (?)
VIMH: Rich: "The ladies are gonna get to know the real Richard Goranski... And the dudes." Then he stares into the distance for like 30 seconds (a very long time), making calculating gestures in the air (like the woman with math meme) before going "Oh. My god............... I am totally bi!"
Maybe wrong, but I swear there was a wind part added to the middle of Michael in the Bathroom??? I thought it might be a flute or digital flute..... but as a flautist I might be projecting.....
The Play: Multiple thin green lights flickered down on people as they got squipped, with a cute video game chime sound. But fairly certain this was always there and I just noticed it this time lmao
Smartphone Hour: Background acting on the little platform at the very back of the stage: a scooby-doo esque chase sequence where a firefighter rushes on from SR and disappears SL (implied Jake's house is SL); the fireman reappears with Jake in his arms and runs back SR to safety. Then Jake runs back across to get something from his house and the fireman is trying to stop him. Then Jake runs back out of the house holding a teddy bear he saved from the fire; the fireman is chasing him back out of the house. It was fucking hilarious 10/10 especially because I couldn't be sure if it was a new addition or if I just completely filtered it out last time like a basketball gorilla dslfjdslfk
Also on Jake: between the teddy bear and the Upgrade scene (also detailed by Dani) where he's talking about archery while holding a plush duck - unsure dramaturgically if it's supposed to be a real dead duck or a toy, but anyway.... Jake who likes stuffies??? IDK if I buy it but I don't know enough about Jake to NOT buy it and its also a very fun headcanon I think so it's going on the pile for me. he can collect plushies with jeremy as far as im concerned dsljfsdkfjs
Oh yeah Jeremy also had a big white duck plush on his bed. edit: this is actually a seagull plush! Its name is Katie and it belongs to stage crew member Anya!
More details I saw this time
Christine actor was actually amazing she has this giggly honk voice she uses when being like obnoxiously loud and silly and idk how to describe it but such intense LOUD SILLYGIRL ENERGY. A little different than the chris im used to and it was fun to see another version of her!!
Maybe I'm insane but I think Christine also pronounced Jeremy kinda like 2 syllables (Jare - me). This extremely slight difference somehow led to me perceiving her singing "Is he worth it? Germyyyyyyy!" IDK Sorry Jaclyn if you are reading this ldksfjdlsk
Lots of times when Jeremy is talking about becoming cool he does little hip gyrations (think Rich at the urinal i guess but more subtle)
Jeremy does this thing where he holds his hand bent stiff with his fingers all together and taps hard on his right temple to express some kind of frustration with the SQUIP- e.g. when he's trying to get the SQUIP to turn on after the first day; during the end of the Halloween party, etc. Actually it very much has the same conceptual energy as "C'c'c'come on....." now that I think about it
Michael blows a cloud of smoke during a few of his entrances (MTS and maybe Halloween - or that was Dustin maybe)
He also uses a vape pen I think? When he says 'we gotta get stoned in my basement'
Preshow montage
Before the show, there's a montage of screenshots from the teens' lives on the back wall --- that is, their selfies and their text convos. Pretty sure the texts were that gossip submitted by fans? I only remember two:
"i heard that guy who wears hoodies all the time only listens to weezer" <- (I only noticed this one 'cause it KILLED ME honestly I feel like Jeremy would love Weezer and Michael would hate it sdjkfljdsf ) edit: this text was submitted by @/thesquirrelqueer!
I don't remember who was on which side, but Brooke or Chloe sending Chloe or Brooke a big comforting text after her breakup and making plans to go get ice cream I think?
"Dad haven't you ever heard of privacy?" He says this while putting on his belt after the opening.
Jeremy's actually gesturing towards his locker for like the entire conversation between Brooke, Chloe, Jenna; when they notice him finally it kinda looks like he's just pointing at them and that's part of why they think he's weird I think?
M: "Humanity has stopped evolving!" Jeremy then takes like 20 seconds of looking confused before going (approximately) "is that supposed to be good...?"
"Christiiiiiine Canigula!" Each Christine section he eventually (around 3rd time) starts using this fanboy totally-losing-his-mind-over-this voice which is REALLY hard to describe but i'll try: like lower & less articulate, like how it sounds when you raise your soft palate (?), and going up at the end kind of laugh-like like he's really excited. (For a bmc reference maybe sounds a little like will roland's tone in i even got some blood flowing / with no computer screen around). Anyway i'm not gonna lie it did make him sound really lame jsdlkfjdsf
"Why can't someone just help me out?" As Jeremy sings this bridge it's all dark except for a light on him. Students line up chairs behind him and sit down. At this line, two guys walk forwards on either side and touch his shoulders (looking kind of solemn / sympathetic) , and guide him back to sit in the chair in the middle. Then the lights come up on everyone and more group choreo wheeee
Post-ILPR MTS reprise
Christine: "Sorry, Jeremy, did you say something?" -> after this scene, she runs off giggling loudly, apparently glad to not be interrupted and VERY visibly excited about Jake asking her out
Jeremy sings "I don't wanna be special / Don't even want to survive...." (Instead of usual "Don't even need to survive.") Not sure if it was intentional but it happened at both shows I saw and made me sad both times noooooo........... guy...........
Squip song
Rich actually rubs his hands all over Jeremy's face (in addition to his arms)
"Top secret can't even look it up on the internet type shit": Rich looks to the side and mimes a rectangle (computer screen) then mimes typing where the keyboard would be
"I don't want that to be my future! Sad, and alone, and ... " - The music cuts out at "sad" instead of at the beginning of this line.
On their relationship in general, I think Michael irritates Jeremy more than fanon typically has it lol. Very excitable Michael who kinda lacks volume control (in several scenes - including VIMH even after Jeremy tells him to be quieter). Constructive interference of autism etc etc
(Again fun to see this!! as a jeremy stan i am definitely guilty of making michael a godlike perfect friend to jeremy and like.. no... they don't actually mesh that well even just in the script!! Often times Jeremy doesn't understand or care about the things Michael says. So yeah absorbing this into my headcanons now thank you)
Also back wall was this like vaporwave looking low-poly 2 person first person shooter game footage (think wolfenstein but with a very different aesthetic - purple and blue, and i think with some objects depicted in mesh).
When Jeremy's spasming on the ground (last time I thought he looked mostly in pain - this time he was vibrating a bit more like he lost muscle control) - local build-a-bear employee Jared Kleinman (JARED KLEINMAN...) and some other people start filming him.
Jared keeps filming him through the scene until SQUIP: "All they see is you having an animated conversation... with yourself." Jeremy turns and notices him; Jared doesn't stop filming but just waves at him nonchalantly (in a mocking way like hey buddy welcome back to reality)
Jared also has a BaB apron and BaB backpack on (or a bear sticking out of his backpack i dont remember). Pretty sure he also had a bear with him in another scene, probably Halloween?
"Lookin pretty sexy, brooke" -- says it in like a low Elvisy voice (like will connolly)
"Everything about you is going to be wonderful" -- Jeremy rolls up his cardigan sleeves so they're just below the elbow. (One of them slipped back down and he put it up again but I didnt think it was intentional lol). I was surprised how much instantly cooler that made him look but maybe that's just because my older brother wears his sleeves like that ljdsfkdsfklsfdlk
......also note that MICHAEL usually wears his sleeves rolled up like that in this production.... inch resting.....
MTS reprise
When the lights first come up, Jeremy is snoring with his head hanging off the side of the bed. He stops breathing for a second, then jerks awake.
Chris: "I know you and Jake used to date...." Chloe and Brooke simultaneously go "Oh my god, no!!!" --- Chloe to Christine (mockingly), meanwhile Brooke is unrelatedly browsing her phone and says it in distress because she (implied) has just seen that Eminem died. As convo continues, Brooke sits next to another student (Leo Collins?) and shows them the article. (She still says 'yeah jake is so gross' to Chloe, just sounding upset)
I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT JEREMY AND BROOKE WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER JLKSDFLDFSJ. I decided to only watch them during this song (/ _ \) Based on their acting when they walked near the stage stairs, they had climbed to the back of the bleachers and were walking precariously on the outside of the railing - specifically, they went over the stair railings - first Brooke and she teeters a bit and jokingly pretends like she's gonna fall off; Jeremy goes under the rail, comes up on the other side and does a gesture like *tada!*. Then they sit down together and are talking and its just really cute. making me ship puppy love over here jdsifojdslkfdjsflk
Michael was at the dance in costume - during a certain point (I think right before Rich starts losing it) Michael gets lost out of the group choreo, seems to be stressed out and runs off stage (presumably to the bathroom)
One of the guys is dressed up like Guy Fieri and it's really good. Like I remember last time I even had a moment where I realized I was interpreting this actor as playing The Real Guy Fieri At Jake's Halloween Party. Also in MITB he uses his hat (which is a combo of visor and fake hair) to knock on the door.
Chloe: "...rock this baby fast asleep" then, laughing: "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she kinda topples onto him. The actress said she got this from the West End production!
When Jeremy says "I can't stand up." It was kind of implied it's because he has an erection not because his legs are frozen; right before this line he stands up then sits down and puts a pillow in his lap. Either way though ig it was still the SQUIP stopping him (S: "you're welcome.")
GTIKBI reprise
as Dani pointed out, Christine was sitting kinda numbly on the beanbag with headphones on; she takes them off when Jeremy starts talking to her.
Voices in my Head
Jeremy's wearing an X-Men shirt!
Re: expensive headphones - Michael's rubbing Rich's shoulders (???) when he says "I'm sure someone would be lucky to have you" (and then of course he still says but not meeeee while sending him flying)
"Throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice" Jake fist bumps with Jeremy (or equivalent gesture i dont remember)
Stagedorks kiss: after C says yes, they walk to the center of the stage. Jeremy rushes forwards and puts his hands on her cheeks (i think?) to pull her into a kiss. They separate, beat, then Christine goes forwards again and they have a long slow kiss while the ensemble keeps dancing and singing around them.
Not intentional i dont think but Patrick the Jeremy actor was crying a bit at the end /( T_ T \ )
OK YEAH i might add more to this if I remember and/or edit it back into the first post...... but hope that was fun to read????
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Can I
Media - Star Wars The Force Awakens Character - Petty Officer Thanisson Couple - Thanisson X Reader Reader - First Order Prisoner Being Transported Rating Smuttish Word Count 686
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I sat inside my cell bored out of my mind, nothing but a bed built into the wall and a table by the door, I sat on the bed lazily in this scratchy red prisoner jumpsuit they supplied me with even if I had undone it and pushed it away as much as I could. I was being transported on the finalizer to Xmexa the prison planet in sector nine. They had always threatened me but I didn't think they really would... Until I... stole a blaster and tried to escape from the cells on the Tansmin docks. 
The outer door opened and I wondered some first-order boy, He came through with a tray unlocking the electrified second door and heading in.
"Dinner. Prisoner 897."
"Thank you," I sighed, "You're not the usual one?"
"Humm? Ohh! A bunch of the troopers have reinforcement training." He says as he sets the tray on the table. "I'm a petty officer usually,"
"I see," I nodded, 
He nodded and I noticed he was lingering, not sure why and then I noticed his eye line. He stood his eyes staring at my breasts where my jumpsuit was unzipped and pulled down, revealing my cleavage, 
"Hey! My eyes are up here petty boy."
"Sorry!" He jumped looking away blushing, "Sorry I uhh..."
"It uhhh I've been on the finalizer for two rounds now... kinda been a while since I uhh... you know." 
"Yeah... sorry again."
"It's fine." 
"It's fine. I don't care." I sighed, "Look all you want,"
"Yeah," I shrug, "You've been on here a while and I'm bored out of my mind so go ahead." 
"...You really don't mind?" He sheepishly stepped closer, 
"Nope, Look all you like."
".... I ughh... thank you," He blushed quickly he knelt on the floor of my cell beside my bed and stared longingly at me and my body, I laughed and just let him clearly he was happy. I even spotted him drooling, "Can uhhhhhhh can I uhhhh I know its uhh-"
"You wanna touch them?"
"...Yes please,"
"Go on," I rolled my eyes,
"Thank you!" he happily jumped forward his hands grabbed my jumpsuit and he began to grope and fondle my breasts, "Uhh... Uuuuughhhh... Ohh fuck-"
"Really?" I chuckled, 
"I have been stuck on this ship for two rounds of duty that's six cycles. and I share quarters with five other guys." He complained, "Please.... uhhh just let me have this," 
"Alright you have fun," I laughed, 
"Could I uhhhh... could I take your jumpsuit off?"
"You can go on,"
"Thank you!" He smiled almost ripping open my jumpsuit to expose my bare breasts by how he was really drooling and breathing hard as he grabbed my breasts fondling them and groping them in his hands, I couldn't help but chuckle it was kinda adorable seeing him so needy, his hips even slightly bucking the more he groped, "can I uhhh can I please..."
"... it's a long shot... but I am...Begging you... Please... can I..."
"whatever it is you can do it,"
"sure go on,"
"Ummmm!" He groaned as he moved and kissed my sternum keeping his head between my breasts as he fondled and groped all but motorboating me, it tickled so I laughed and petted his blonde hair, 
"Whoa! You really are desperate aren't you?"
"Ummm mhm...." He groaned between kisses and gropes,
I chuckled and moved him away a moment making him whine but I moved my hand to my jumpsuit zip and pushed it as far down as I could pealing it off me and opening my legs, "You think you can last long enough for me too?" I asked him
he started with wide eyes and gulped, "Uhhhh... no." He said, "But I by god I will try!"
"You think you could... be my usual guard from now on? dropping off my food and such it would certainly keep us entertained for the rest of the trip to Xmexa"
"It would... Okay! deal!" He smiled climbing onto my bed to kiss me but he pulled back, "ohh uhh I uhh I don't know your name..."
"Hi, and you are?"
"Ohh right.. Thanisson,"
"Pleasure so... shall we?" I rubbed my nose on his,
"Ohhh god yes!" He groans pulling me back to kiss him. 
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420technoblazeit · 5 months
For your boy Reggie:
What is your character’s relationship with their parents? How would your character define a friend? What kind of image does your character try to portray to others?
FELLOW PARTY MEMBERS LOOK AWAY IM SERIOUS. knowing renn this'll probably come up at some point reggie will like. have a hallucination about it or smth. i have no doubt with the kind of ttrpg that ordem paranormal is that this will get used for angst
ok so reggie's mom died when he was 10-ish. she got really sick really fast and it was kinda hard for him to lose her that young. i don't think he fully understood what was going on and they were really close so yk. that's rough buddy. she taught him piano and he quit after she died and never picked it up again. and i think it kind of fucked up his view of death and gave him an existential crisis. maybe that's the root of his whole live life to the fullest no matter what mentality ykw i mean?
reggie's dad took his wife's death really hard and became kind of withdrawn in the aftermath. he wasn't like. neglectful and i don't think he was a horrible dad or anything. he was trying his best but really struggling with his mental health and that's part of the reason why reggie's such an attention seeker to the point of it being a little unhealthy now. it doesn't help that the treatment for the illness was really expensive either. i think reggie tried to repair his relationship with his dad later on but yk. there was already damage done. they're still not that close
also this wasn't part of the question but im including it anyway because reggie's older brother is basically like his third parent atp. i havent fully fleshed him out but he's like. a type a personality guy i imagine he has some big corporate job as a ceo or finance analyst or something. he doesn't fully approve of reggie's whole influencer job and thinks he could be using his talents for something better but respects his hustle and work ethic. he really does love his brother. i think his support is a big reason why reggie can be so laidback even now, he's a real dependable guy and unlike reggie isn't afraid to take on responsibility. hold on im gonna name him how about uhhhhhhh devon. idk. ill workshop it im not fully feeling devon we'll see. suggest smth in the notes or the inbox or smth. ok this answer is already way too long so im not gonna answer the other questions here LMAO
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harveylikestoart · 2 years
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This was supposed to be a comic but I wrote way too much dialogue and decided to just draw a scene then post what I had planned or something. The thing has a lot of. Well. Dialogue. Anyways it’s under the read more thing don’t look at me it’s not the BEST. I’m a lil rusty and keep in mind it was for my brain.
The second the dads had walked past the tree line with Walter, Nicholas had only spared a single nod at Nick’s spectral form before looking towards the other kids around the fire. It’s now or never.
He takes a deep breath.
“I have something to talk to you all about.”
The kids eye him with different expressions, Lark’s being that of annoyance, “are you supposing to lecture us about ANOTHER mundane thing we have done to, undoubtedly, give you ire?”
A sharp snort sounds from Nick floating behind the Oak twin. Nicholas rolls his eyes.
“No. Just, give me a second Lark.”
Terry Jr puts a hand on his shoulder, “it’s cool just take your time dude.”
“Thanks. So. I know I’m not the most well liked in the group-“
“a bit of a stretch there-”
Sparrow cuts him off REAL fast with a, “No no Terrance! He is correct for once, go on NARCOLAS.”
“ANYWAYS, you might have noticed me acting a little bit weird AND I HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD EXPLANATION. It may seem odd but please keep an open mind, lord knows I have.”
Terry Jr rolls his eyes, “I think that part will be pretty easy with all that’s happened Nicholas. If it’s something that beats three previously dead grandparents who have arisen with super powers, I’ll bite.”
Nicholas temples his hands downwards and sweat builds up on his neck. Despite having travelled with the others for a while and even sleeping in tents with them, in this fucked up version of a camping trip, he had never been that close with any of them, least of all the Oak-Garcia boys. If he would call anyone his friend it would probably be Terry Jr, being more level headed, even more so since he and Ron had actually started talking to each other.
He liked hanging with him, intelligent conversation was investing to him if he were to be honest and Terry was super cool! Nicholas did not want to seem even more outcasted from this group. He didn’t want to be alone, even if he did have a ghost clone by his side, although it makes him look like a lunatic if he were to only talk to someone no one else could see.
And having his dad by his side is obviously nice, he’s a great guy! Just having him be his only friend seemed a bit. Well, sad.
“Right, okay, so. Ever since the end of Glenn’s trial there has been a new member of the group who no one but I can see. He kind of looks like me and his name is Nick, Nick Close.”
Grant’s eyes grow wider, thinking back to what Darryl had said to him as the group narc continues to speak.
“He says that he’s Glenn’s son and that he was with you all the entire time before the trial and that MY dad and I were never here!”
Grant tries to interrupt but Nicholas continues, “which is CRAZY because everyone knows we were here right? We all got transported here at the same time! I just thought he was some weird hallucination manifested from the stress because, like I said, no one else can see him!”
The other boys stare at him. There is a brief moment of silence before Terry Jr speaks, “uhhhhhhh. Okay. What does-“
Sparrow cuts him off once again, “Did the trial teleportation perchance mess with your head? Split your mind in twaine? Like some weird jekyll and hyde situation? Tell me Narcolas, do you feel the urge to commit atrocities now?”
Nick floats by groaning in frustration. He had hoped this explanation would be fast and easy but that seems to have been the wrong assumption. Now he’s been demoted to Nicholas’ evil twin. Well jokes on him. He happily accepts this new role.
“Wait, you said Glenn’s SON right?” The group finally turns to Grant who is staring intensely at Nicholas.
“Because my dad was talking about that to me yesterday. That YOU were Glenn’s son and not, well, your dad’s. It had like, something to do with that trial thing too.”
Nicholas blinks real hard at the reveal as Nick zooms into the middle of the group staring at Grant and yelling in excitement.
He floats around feeling triumphant in his theory being confirmed but Terry Jr then asks, “is uh, is the ghost kid here? Ghost clone, you know, uh, Nick?”
Said “ghost clone” freezes in the air and looks towards his counterpart who raises a brow to confirm whether or not he should say yes. He nods and Nicholas looks back at everyone, “yeah. He’s been floating around you all for a while, he got REALLY excited at what Grant said.”
“So this ghostly clone is just another narc who can report back to you? This is MOST disappointing AND boring!” Lark leans an arm onto Sparrow who nods with fever as Nick snaps out a “HEY.”
“Well, he’s actually more like Glenn, you know, punk rock I guess, unruly, annoying, loud-“
Nick shoves his hand through Nicholas’ head, making him cartwheel his arms as he almost tips over backwards from the jumpscare, “STOP DOING THAT!”
The group jumps at the sudden outburst, Grant hovering closer to Nicholas in worry, “what’d he do?”
“He’s being QUITE ANNOYING as I said.”
The floating boy blows a raspberry in response. Nicholas squints his eyes, not willing to be looked down upon.
The twins immediately perk up, “so you’re saying, he is a cooler and more RAMBUNCTIOUS version of you? A RULE breaker? Your opposite? Interesting, interesting indeed…”
Nick smiles, “hell yeah I’m interesting!”
He goes to fist bump Lark, stopping short when he remembers his predicament. His hand stills before he crosses his arms and leans back in the air. A soft “fucking damn it” slipping past his lips.
Terry turns back to Grant, intrigue evident on his face, “what else did Mr Wilson say about this whole, swapping thing?”
The group’s attention falls onto the Wilson kid as he begins to get a little nervous from the multiple pairs of eyes, “well, uh, he said like uh, that when Glenn lost the trial Nicholas basically got a new dad? Something about timelines? The Law? Guys I dee kay I had a panic attack trying to put it all together in my head honestly. I just don’t think he or the other dads know about ghost Nick.”
“They don’t?”
“I mean! He didn’t say anything about there being ANOTHER kid! He just said Nicholas was Nick Close.”
Sparrow leans over, head in his hands, “Grant I can feel my OWN panic attack coming on, how, pray tell, would Narcolas be this Nick if there is already a Nick that he’s seeing! My brain is about to COMBUST!! It is also very annoying that you both have some form of Nick in your name you are OH SO confusing!”
Lark softly noogies his twin’s head, concern in his gaze before turning to the rest of the group, “well, we already call him Narcolas so it only appropriate to refer to the duo as Nick and Narc!”
“HA! Sweet.”
“Well, this is just a theory,” Terry starts, gaining the attention of the group, “but maybe he’s like a projection of the life you could have had? If the dads are correct AND this isn’t another Dennis thing, then this Nick could be like. Ugh. Fuck, some kind of like remnant of this changed timeline that can’t go anywhere because you are already in the body he would have?
In philosophy club they talked about what makes a person a person and that if you were to put a deceased person’s working brain into the body of someone with a damaged brain it isn’t the same person? But also it’s technically the same person? Even though it’s now this weird abomination to na-”
Sparrow shoves his head into Terry’s torso in an attempt to make him stop talking. Terry Jr immediately apologises and grabs the weird leather water bottles Walter had provided them, making sure the now pale faced boy isn’t actually going to puke. Lark has a hand on his brother’s shoulder and has started chewing his cheek, Grant is on the ground smushing his face into the dirt and letting out a loud groaning noise in distress. Nick grimaces at the display.
“This is…. weird. And also batshit. Maybe we should stop tryna figure out WHY I’m here and more about HOW to get me to be like, not a ghost you know?”
“Yeah, yeah I agree.”
Nicholas turns from Nick and sighs heavily, dragging a hand down his face, “guys if we try to figure this out we’ll explode, let’s leave it to the dads they’ll probably understand it, even though it is the most confusing thing ever.”
“I agree with Narc for once! Quick question, what is a philosophy club and how does it help Nicky-boy?”
Everyone jumps at the now noticeable presence of Paeden.
Shit they forgot he was there.
The little fighter stares up at Nicholas, a mischievous glint in his fiery eyes as he grins and bounces in place, excited energy radiating from him.
He starts howling into the night air and tugging on Nicholas’ arm as if it would connect him to the ghostly boy. Nick snorts at this, a fond smile tearing its way across his face. Leave it to Paeden to lift the mood, “hey shortstack.”
“Uh, he said “hey shortstack.” Nick, I mean.”
“OhOHOHO THAT’S DEFINITELY HIM! FUCK YEAHHHH! NICK BABYBOY WE’RE GONNA GO BUST YOUR DAD OUT OF JAIL AND ALL WILL BE RIGHT AGAIN! I was working on a pair of brass knuckles for you but I guess in this reality Walter says I was making them for Glenn? Which is stupid because they’re for YOUR little baby hands!”
“AW SICKKK! The second I can hold things I’m gonna totally punch the shit out of someone with them!”
“Wh- don’t do that!”
“What’d he say what’d he say?? Whatever it was I agree with it FULL-HEARTEDLY!!”
The rest of the boys watch as Nicholas tries to relay messages to Paeden, who grows more and more lively as they talk about whatever violent acts he will commit with Nick once they are fully reunited. Sparrow slowly uncurls and leans onto Lark, a smile shakily forming, his brother reflecting his expression. Terry Jr sighs and leans back relieved that the atmosphere has been infected by Paeden’s excitement and Grant who has now lifted his head, dirt sticking to his cheek, is chuckling at the scene.
Nick feels something for the first time that day that wasn’t just the small joy of a successful prank or the annoyance of a busted lighter. It’s warm. The kind of warm you get from drinking hot chocolate in winter, the kind from putting your hand in someone’s bigger hand, the kind of warm you feel when you’re in bed being read biopics until you fall asleep.
The warmth of someone you love just being there with you for once.
The night air felt a little bit colder.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Postal OC (Beachtime Dude) x Postal 2 Dude
The worst
Hiiii :) I made a postal oc a while back called Beachtime Dude but never made a fic with him until now! Like his name suggests he’s a beach themed Dude! He’s a stereotypical surfer Dude basically. The idea for him kinda came from just Ken from Barbie and doll swimsuit lines being called stuff like “Beachtime fun 🤪”. His nickname is Ken bc of that :D uhhhhHHH YEA I HOPE U ALL LIKE THIS 👍
“Yknow, you’re probably the worst version of myself I’ve ever came across.” Dude said matter-of-factly from across the table as he took another scoop out of the ice cream the other Dude had bought for him. Yes the same one who he was currently bad mouthing. The blonde raised a eyebrow but didn’t look too fazed as he tossed the frisbee Champ and his own dog, Pal, had brought back to him. “Is that so? Would love to know why.” Was all he replied with as he watched Champ and his golden retriever kick up sand as they carelessly chased after the toy.
‘Would love to know why’ Dude repeated in his head with a scowl. There are so many reasons why he was the worst but they all pretty much equated to this version of Dude being too perfect. He was too sane to be a Postal Dude..and just too different in general. The man had blonde hair and a sculpted body for Christ sakes. He honestly looked sculpted by the Gods while most Postal Dudes Dude knew were ginger and on the skinny side or like in his own case, flabby. It pissed him off. Not to mention that the blonde, in the three days Dude had been stranded and stuck with him, hadn’t shown a single moment of his mask of sanity slipping. He hasn’t seen one instance of the other seeming pissed off by the world or pissed at himself. It just didn’t make sense. He wasn’t even annoying sly like the Postal Dude with the brown trench coat was. He was just some ‘ordinary’ Dude by the looks of it…it wasn’t fair and oh god did he hope there wasn’t more like him. He couldn’t take another version of himself that was basically a ‘what could have been’ being rubbed in his face.
Of course he didn’t need to really know that right now however. Dude just sighed and watched the blonde for a moment longer. “Ken?” He asked. The blonde looked over and took his sunglasses off before he began to rub the lens against his the bottom of his tight shirt, probably to get the sand off or something. “Hm?”
“Do you really spend all your time just chilling at the beach? Like.. you aren’t always running around.. living the busy life?” Dude asked before again, taking another bite of his ice cream, trying to ignore the fact this other Dude had insanely mesmerizing light blue eyes (another thing he hated him for). “Mhm. Well- occasionally I help organize events for the beach or beaches near by.. or help bring awareness to keeping them clean by having people sign petitions. Other than that I mostly just take it easy.. and get up to things I wanna get up to.” Ken explained as he continued to rub away at his sunglasses and once he was happy with them, he slid them back on.
Dude felt like if he scowled anymore at the other he’d get stuck that way. Really? This guy was one of those ‘keep the earth green’ hippie guys too? He was more like a young Unlce Dave if anything else. Ok not that Dude was against the message but y’know…again he wasn’t like any other Postal Dude he’d met.. he seemed like too much of a goodie two shoes. Dude decided to yet again basically repeat himself from earlier “You suck.” Ken rolled his eyes with a grin before taking the spoon Dude was using from his hand and taking his own scoop of Dudes frozen treat. “For what? Caring about something important? I’m so sor-”
“Has anything shitty happened to you before? Ever?” Dude blurted out without really thinking about it.. and by Kens expression, he could tell that he was maybe catching on to Dudes jealousy.. or at least train of thoughts. Ken only looked at him a moment longer before bringing the spoon up to his mouth and yep, put it in his mouth even though it had just been in Dudes. “Yeah? I guess… Had a bit of a uh..traumatic at home life with my parents. But I don’t exactly wanna get into it.” Oh.. well Dude of course wasn’t going to celebrate that but at least Ken seemed a little more relatable with this now known fact. “Oh… sorry.” was all Dude offered in return.
They sat in silence for a bit in the sunset as Ken took a couple more bites. The silence had been alright for them both for awhile but Dude could tell there was something on Kens mind. It only just now occurred to him that maybe just randomly asking someone you didn’t exactly have the closest bond to yet about their possible troubled past wasnt the best idea. He was about to try to get some sort of apology out until Ken held up a finger as though he was about to speak before he swallowed his spoonful of ice cream.
“If you don’t have the best uh.. mental health or if you wanna change your mind set, have you tried exercising? It-” Dude interrupted Kens thoughts with a scoff before propping his elbow on the bench table and resting the side of his head on his hand. “What’s next? You’re gonna sell me crystals?” Dude joked with a roll of his eyes. Everyone always said the same thing when it comes to this kinda shit. Do people think it’s honestly that easy t- “if you’d let me finish…” Ken continued, now interrupting Dudes thoughts “I was going to say, I know it’s not for everyone but it helped me. I don’t even think of surfing and swimming as exercise half the time. It’s more of a hobby. I was going to say you could try finding a hobby too asshole…” he said with a tease as he just twirled the spoon a bit in his hands, still watching Dude in front of him, even ignoring when the dogs came back with the frisbee and dropped it by his feet.
“Don’t have time for ‘em. It’s always something or another going on with me. I haven’t quite figured out the way to be a beach bum and relax all day in a little travel camper thing like you yet so..” Dude trailed off with a grin. Ken ignored the ‘bum’ part for now as he sighed and looked over to the ocean to the left of him. The waves had calmed down quite a bit and not many people were still hanging around.. not many people stayed very late on weekdays anyways. The few people who were still on the beach were just relaxing near the shore line while others were swimming in the water.. and that’s when Ken got a idea.
He turned back to Dude and was suddenly grinning but before Dude could say anything, Ken took another scoop and held it up to Dudes mouth. “Here. Hurry up ‘busy boy’. I got a idea”
Dude felt his cheeks heat up a bit at the nickname as he roughly pulled the plastic spoon out of Kens hand and into his own, making the scoop of ice cream fall onto his own pants. “Whatever…I can feed myself you weirdo. Just give me a second.” Dude grumbled. Ken didn’t seem to mind though as he suddenly got up and tossed his own trash away in the nearby garbage can and made his way over to his little camper parked right on the sand not far away.
Dude watched with a frown as he quickly finished before tossing the empty cup out and catching up to the blonde who had opened the back doors of his camper and was rummaging in what looked like a pile of clothes for something or another. “What the hell are you doing?” Dude asked as he leaned against the back of the truck. Ken shuffled a couple things around a moment longer before he held up a pair of swimming trunks. “You said you didn’t have a swimsuit yesterday right? Well you’re going to try swimming now.”
It took a bit of convincing to make Dude actually try them on. Ken had to tell him that yes they were washed (even though he knew Dude really wasn’t one to give a shit about wearing clean clothes), and also yes, they’d fit and he wouldn’t look stupid. There weren’t even many people around anyways even if he did. He obviously could tell that despite the tough, rugged persona Dude put on he was pretty easily embarrassed and self conscious.. but it wasn’t anything some positive reinforcement and praise couldn’t fix. And eventually, Dude did emerge from a nearby changing stall in the ‘stupid’ trunks Ken had picked out that were just black with flames on them.
“Here. Happy? I hope you don’t expect me to go very deep by the w-”
“See!?” Ken cut him off. “Look at you! You look fine! You can even keep those if you want. I barely wear them anyways. I get so many from companies and brands that I don’t even wear the same ones more than once anymore.. anyways cmon, let’s go.” Ken said with a grin before taking Dudes wrist before Dude could go on just standing there, complaining further. Dude followed him though confused as he did so. “Companies send you shit? Why?” He asked. Ken however didn’t answer and instead slipped his hand into Dudes as they approached the shore line. Dude felt his face get a little warm again but didn’t really make move to take his hand away..he just didn’t hold Kens hand back.
“Ok. So..there isn’t anything to be afraid of okay? I don’t know what horror movies you’ve seen but it’s really not that dangerous until you swim wayyyy out.. wait do you even know how to swim?” Ken asked. Now Dude took his hand out of Kens grasp. Of course he knew how to swim. He was 26. He wasnt a child… Dude huffed. “I’m not stupid Ken. Just shut up already would ya?” He asked as he finally took a couple steps in. He was fine. The only thing bothering him was he was pretty sure he already stepped on a sea shell but it didn’t matter. Ken watched him with a grin before shrugging. “Whatever man. I’m still making you actually swim a bit.”
And the whole thing.. turned out less annoying than Dude thought it would. The water felt really refreshing against Dudes already ‘old’ and warn our body.. especially when Ken wasnt making actually swim out some (with his help.. Dude had gotten a little rusty and forgot how to really swim so some help was needed. Which Ken actually kindly gave) and allowed him to relax. The time together actually made Dude a lot less pissy with him earlier as they shared some laughs, stupid life stories, and some nice moments together. They barely had noticed when the sky had gotten darker until the last other person on the beach had gotten out to get dried off some.
At least Dude had watched that person leave anyways. Ken was being stupid and was under the water for some reason or another until he popped up beside Dude and flipped his wet hair back out his face and grinned. Dude wouldn’t admit it but.. damn did Ken look nice with his hair all messy with that stupid grin. “Necklace.” He randomly said. “Huh?” Ken lifted a arm out of the water and presented some necklace he definitely hadn’t had on earlier. This one had a nice, pretty sliver butterfly charm on it “Someone lost it I guess. It’s mine now.” He grinned as he moved to put it on Dude, only rolling his eyes and chuckling as Dude swam back away from him a bit at the action.
“If it’s yours why the hell are you putting it on me?!” Dude asked as he went to grab a hold of it. “Because? I wanna. Chill out. If it’s mine I can give it to whoever I want.” Ken replied with a shrug, still grinning. Dude was quiet a minute before letting go and leaving it on. “Hm.. I guess you are a little bit of shitty person then. Stealing some poor girls necklace to give to a guy you barely know.” Dude finally grinned back. “Eh, if someone loses something while swimming here they rarely have hope they’ll be able to find it again. I’ve seen like maybe.. one or two people try though and I actually helped them thank you very much.. and it’s not like I pawn the stuff I find off anyways.”
“Oh so you give them to whoever lucky girl.. or uh guy.. I guess.. you’re with for the day?” Dude teased, now slicking his own messy wet hair back too. Ken smirked and moved a bit closer to him. “Mm.. nah. I might give some away but I actually use most accessories I find in my photos online! Well the ones someone can’t be like .. totally sure it’s theirs anyways.” Ken explained. “Ah.. you post a lot of pictures online? What? You got a ‘onlysurfers’ or something?”
Ken chuckled and shook his head. “Nah. Remember how I told you I get people sending me things? I got a good social media following.. I guess you can kinda say I’m a model. It’s usually like beach life brands sending me shit. I get paid to promote their crap.” Ken explained before he glanced over to their two pups who were now just laying about on the sand. “Ugh… you’re a social media influencer? I think me and Champ are going to have to leave you soon now.” Dude teased, shoving him playfully. Truth be told, it really didn’t surprise him that Ken was a bit of a model though. Hell, if he looked like him he probably would post pictures everywhere of himself too. “Aww don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Ken joked as he looked back to Dude. Okay now he really was sounding like that one other ‘Postal Dude’ with the brown jacket.. maybe he was a more sane version of that specific Dude.. though he honestly didn’t give a shit about thinking about all that anymore at the moment.
They swam for a bit more, just talking until something felt.. really wrong and painful. Dudes face twisted into a pained look as he hissed and lunged forward onto Ken since the pain was in his foot and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep himself up right with the painful muscle spasms. “AGH! Shit!” Dude cursed only just now realizing he’d thrown himself against Ken when Kens arms wrapped around him.. oh god. “Are you alright?” Ken asked in concern as Dude still gripped on. “Ah- sorry yeah. Got a fucking cramp from all this swimming though. Didn’t mean to grab you though let me just-..” Dude tried to shimmy away to maybe swim back to shore himself as quickly as he could but it seemed like Ken had other plans as he held onto him as he started swimming back to shore.. Dude was pretty sure he’d never been more embarrassed in his life. This shit was something out of some girls diary where she wrote about some blonde hot life guard man coming in and saving her. Dude couldn’t help but to groan and cover his face once Ken got out of the water but still held onto him, now bridal style. Ken only grinned though as he happily walked Dude over to his camper. “Poor thing.. see this is why you need to keep swimming! You can build up your tolerance and-”
“Or I could just not go swimming in the first place” Dude spat glaring at him but for some reason.. still not telling him to put him down. “Pfft. But where’s the fun in that?”
Eventually Ken had gotten both dogs back in the camper and shut the doors as he had Dude sit on the bed as he digged for some kinda medicine to help Dude with his pain. Dude hated how bright it was in his little camper but it was somehow better than his own trailer home.. even though it was much smaller. It was nicely decorated and not cluttered somehow and he’d somehow managed to fit a sofa in there which is what Dude had slept on the past two nights.. hell there was even a little spot inside the camper for Kens dog. How he managed it, he didn’t know.
“Sorry you’re feeling bad.. I shoulda realized you probably couldn’t swim as long as I can.” Ken said as he finally found the medication he was looking for and grabbed a water bottle before handing both to Dude. Dude shrugged and took the meds before speaking. “Not the worst pain I’ve been in. At least I had a idea that it was coming…”
Ken wasn’t exactly sure what Dude meant by that but as he looked over his body… he could probably piece it together. The other man had many odd shaped scars all over his body and with the way he was talking earlier, it wouldn’t surprise him if Dude really did get up to more.. dangerous things around town all day. It wasn’t a ugly look though, more interesting than anything else really. He’d have to ask about it eventually but as he looked up to Dude, he noticed he’d probably been checking his body out too long because his face had gone red.. it was so easy to see it too since he was your typical pale ginger. “W-what?” Dude asked, only now just remembering to turn and grab his shirt he’d left on the bed and toss it on.
Ken shook his head. “Nothing. Just.. you can take the bed tonight. I kinda accidentally pushed ya too hard. I’ll take the couch.” He said as he began to shut the blinds to some windows. It had gotten pretty late and Ken really seemed to have a much better sleep schedule down than Dude.. Dude watched for a bit, thinking to himself… The couch wasn’t terrible but, god would he be pissed if he had to let some basically ‘homeless’ guy take his bed while he slept on his couch.. that’s what Dude told himself his thought process was at least before he awkwardly coughed before speaking up.
“Uhm… you don’t- I wouldn’t mind…” Of course Dude couldn’t actually get what he wanted to say out, it was too fucking weird and embarrassing. He scratched the back of his head and looked away from Ken as he tried to think of how to continue. “Hmm?” Ken asked as he turned a light off. “Get on the damn bed.” Dude spat out awkwardly.
Ken rolled his eyes and just thought Dude was being hardheaded. So he tuned off one other light before grumbling a “fine.” And climbed onto the bed, thinking Dude would stand up but he never did. It was only when Ken laid down and Dude followed his action until he got what Dude wanted. “Oh…” He smirked, now flipping to lay on his side toward Dude. “If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked” he teased. Dude grumbled before taking his sunglasses off and rubbing his eyes. “I can get up if you’re just going to be a ass.” Dude huffed. “No~ I’m sorry. You’re just trying to be nice. I know it’s hard for you.” Dude ignored that and just moved to actually get under the covers, which Ken did as well. Once they were both comfortable, Ken spoke up again. “Hey Dude?”
“I get a.. little lonely at night. Can I hold you?” Ken asked barely holding in the laugh at the end though he was serious. Dude opened his eyes to give a mean glare at him. “Whatever. This is already gay enough as it is.”
“ I don’t know why you’re acting like it was my idea for this mr moody.” Ken said before snaking his arms around the other. Dude didn’t dignify that with a response.. well more like he didn’t know how to respond to that. He was just so tired and it did feel nice to have someone hold him like that so he just stayed quiet. And it stayed like that until they both fell asleep, gayly in the same bed.
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dinobotisland · 11 days
i love the characters to bits, and i'm still insane about the thing that happened during the tutorial.
loop 13 - (why did it skip?) i forgot to press the switch. oopsie! YESSSSSS bonnie KILL. guesswork on that last question tbh i wasn't sure if i remembered i'm gonna cryyyyy why does loop not look at everyone? i guess they're supposed to be secret? for the love of god can i just hand this damn star the flower UHHHHHHH SIF JUST KILLED THE FUCK OUTTA THAT SADDNESS HOLY SHIT???? everyone looks so scared… he killed that thing super dead it looped on its own……….. sif????? sif doing that????? TIMELOOP HAUNTED???? WHAT WAS THAT???? GHOST SIFFRIN???/ odile heads or tails wins seem to be consistant, she's winning multiple times in a row another ghost on the second floor????? what????? still wondering what the spreadsheet in the head housemaiden's office is for??? why would she need this… they forgot how to see colors??? uh oh. odile might be on to siffrin. oops ? siffrin just cut himself on glass in front of everyone???? i guess the death conversation explains the ghosts? mira has papers about… people???? basic questions… maybe she wants more friends? star crest saddness smell sugary? siffrin tasted sugar in his throat… king made the saddness… hmmm sif learned a paper move awesome ? guess i should've expected it after the rock one fuck yessssss new sif weapon… knifekey sweep -ok ok thinking on after some sleep, the 3 culprits for causing the timeloop are loop, the king and sif, but i don't have much of any whys for any of them… siffrin actively does not want to be in the loop but the tutorial thing is def implying something, if it was the king it would loop when he died… loop seems the most possible… but i don't know what motive they'd have. maybe they react the way they do to the drawing is bc they know someone will die? looping to prevent someone's death? they said they wanted to be here… but maybe its that they needed to be? -ODILE IS SO ONTO ME, "you look a little out of it"… fuckkkkk "YOU'VE BEEN WEIRD SINCE YESTERDAY" OH GOD SHE KNOWS -the king froze vaugarde because its "perfect"? because it welcomes travlers with no name…. hmmm… siffrin no middle name no last name…. -the king is not doing it… i wonder if the party will comment on it after… since siffrin just said basically it -there's a scent around him…? the sugar…? -its happening again with the head housemaiden… burnt sugar again loop 14 -YES I GET TO DRAG ODILE AROUND YES -house with no flowers has the familytale… -HELP WE'RE ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE. -sif looks like they haven't slept in weeks? do they not actually sleep when it loops. uh oh -this book has been around fucking everywhere i swear -also the change god statue changed i swear to god. was it doing that before and i just didn't play attention -there's no research… -half vaugardian. huh! -ohhhhh, i understand… the split connection to your history…. a culture that should've been mine but isn't… yeah… -loop likes being in the sun -bonding proposals? -WE HAVE ISABEAU AT HOME HELP -awh poor mira feeling pressured to date -siffrin like just don't think about it -awhhh stargazing together -oh wow sif is so smart he's so good at talking about planets and the sun i know it -TRANS ISA WINNNN!!!! -stop being gay. dinnertime biiiitch
-i love all of these guys :-) -i just fucking realized after all of that i forgot to ask about time craft. i'm fucking booboo the fool -whatever i'll explode via tear and go up to the 3rd floor for the area i didn't check out loop 17 - -WOAHHHHH this room is so sick… biggg window. star charts? loop 19 - -ok we are doing this right THIS time!!!!!! -there's a chance the party will remember if sif does? -UH OOPS? I made sif remember something with the coin hoping loop would react -"you'll always forget about the things you love" siffrin are you good buddy???? -ok i'll do isa's event again tomorrow god fucking damn it i can't believe i forgot to ask about time craft in the library
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cakebread7 · 1 month
I re watched coco a little bit ago and felt the urge to write an au about it don’t know why it’s so long but yeah It’s also totally unfinished so :)
Have fun!
Coco but good omens (not all of the relationships in the movie are the same here more found family vibes than anything spelling will get worse as the post goes on):
Mamá Imelda is Crowley and they keep out anything that has to do with the sides (mainly heaven and Aziraphale) he left earth awhile ago but he keeps an eye on everyone he also is more friends with death and can see old humans that have passed. He keeps them away from heaven in fear of losing them and from having to face what heaven is actually like. He doesn’t realize that didn’t Aziraphale left on purpose and that he loved him back
Héctor is Aziraphale that tried to make a difference in heaven but is now stuck and if people forget him then he will be full erased from the book of life (any high powers in heaven or in hell are exempt from this) he wrote fiction books instead of music and remember me is a poem uhhhhhhh he is the same Aziraphale otherwise
Mamá Coco is Muriel who after being on earth has finally settled in but because of Crowley they can are one of the only ones besides Crowley (who we established doesn’t count) they look a bit older than Crowley and Aziraphale did. Muriel decided to age naturally so she’s just ancient and not going to die-die. She’s still active but only remembers bits and pieces of Aziraphale
Papá Julio is Warlock who in his adult years found Crowley and was on good terms when Crowley left and Crowley now watches over him and helps him in death honestly just wanted to add this guy in because I love warlock
Abuela Elena is pepper who was asked by warlock to watch over Muriel because they are very old and to make sure everyone else is ok. She is very strict on Crowleys rules because she feels scorned from another adult,an angel no less, lying to this sweet old person
Victoria is Anathema who always kept an eye out for Crowley and Adam and is chilling with Crowley she also kept Adam an Crowley I contact
Felipe and Oscar are newt (don’t mind it’s two people). who stayed with anathema and is just along for the ride. He’s still very jumpy.
Tía Rosita is madam Tracy who accidentally contacted Crowley and they became close . She ended up dead but was super nice when she met up with Crowley
Enrique is Adam who has tag teamed with pepper to keep Muriel well he also falls in line with pepper I mean she’s scary he also has dog still sorta like a Dante
Delacruz is metronome man obviously. He keeps Aziraphale from going home and seeing Muriel again and makes sure nobody knows him. His first step was erasing Aziraphales name from his books
I don’t know who Miguel would be so if you have any suggestions shoot all I know is that they would want to write fiction and meet metronome man. I don’t quite know what the relationship between Muriel and them should be soooooo.
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lavender-espurr · 3 months
HIIII HELLO WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!!!! im rinja and i go by they/them!!!!!! anyways ive decided i shojkd make a blog too. i thought it wojld be pretty fun!!!! also im 21 sooo keep that in mind if thats important to you!!!!!
im from lavender town but maybe youve already realized that by my url!!!! got my starter in kalos though when me and my family moved here!!!!!!! anywayd um. ummm. currently im in paldea its very fun here i thimk!!!!
pelipper mail and all that is always on!!!! pelipper malice is fine too actually!!!! oh oh and musharna mail and musharna malice is fine as well!!!! guys im CURIOUS!!!!!!
but anywaysssss NOW TO MY POKEMON TEAM!!!!!
Tumblr media
Espurr - Rinja - yeah dont be surprised they have the same name as me!!!! this little guy has been on my team since i was 12 when i moved to kalos!!!!
Nihilego - Niviria - AWWW NIVIRIA <3 <3 <3 look at them arent they cute and nice. they tend to rest on my head a lot i think its very cute <3 people have sometimes said stuff about them but???? why WOULD any of you say bad stuff about them????? what did they do to you??????
Hypno - Hitzers - oooughh Hitzers :) yyou know ive seen people not like this pokemon species very much but i always loved them!!!! and hes very friendly
Porygon-Z - Glitch - okay guys can i just say. can i just say ive met them while i was insome very. VEEERY bad conditions but theyve stayed with me even when i managed to get back. THEYVE KINDA REMINDED ME OF ME EVEN!!!!!
Gengar - Genlis - this one has actually been with me since i was a lil kid!!!!! im from lavender like ive said and i always loved the ghosts here!!!!!! i remember when he was just a gastly too!!!!
Parasect - Saori - you know i actually love bug types and paras and parasect have always fascinated me........ actually people have COMPARED me to her so. uhhhhhhh. yeah im sure its fine!!!!!!
//ooc under the cut. it also includes a reference of the trainer that uses this blog!
Hi!! Anyways, I'm Rinja myself, main blog is @rinja-espurr, and I also use they/them
everything ooc will be written //like that
The character in the blog is a.... host of nihilego for like what, 7-8 years at this point? So keep that in mind. Their style of talking may be a bit.... unusual for that reason, expect typos and a LOT of exclamation points and stuff like that. Also PLEASEEE remember that nihilego's neurotoxin does NOT let the nihilego control the host directly, it does, however, puts them in a state of an extreme excitement, takes away the host's sense of inhibition and amplifies their natural capabilities to an extreme extent. theyre not POSSESSED by it, theyre just. well. influenced by it intensely. they are NOT normal about nihilego
once again, pelipper mail, pelipper malice, musharna mail and musharna malice are all fine! in-character anon hate is fine too, after all, this is just a pokemon irl blog!
anyone from the pokemon irl community can interact! or not even from the community just..... please keep everything in-character
every pokemon has their own tag btw. theyre all in the tags of this post too
heres them btw!
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
( . . . )
Hello? You awake?
(Sprigg tries to blink their eyes open. Their glasses are somehow still intact.)
Ugh… huh?! Where am I? Who are you?!?
Oh, you are! You’re on Air Island. My friends and I found you and your friends lying on the beach unconscious, so we brought you up here!! I’m Strootheo, by the way, but you can just call me Theo. Anyways, you’re alive!
(@paidexp it’s the bird :D)
Uh… where are they?
Um, who?
My friends. You said they were unconscious too.
Oh, they’re just outside doing stuff! I don’t know exactly WHAT they’re doing, though, but I think I saw one of them try to jump off of a chair while the other started trying to make friends with literally everyone on the island.
“Make friends with literally everyone…” sounds like Toorie. Uh, can I get out of this bed now?
Oh, sure! I think Toorie told me that she was “worried sick” about you earlier. I think she’s by the bakery, eating a Big Salad with some Mammott.
You mean Mondo?
Uh… yeah, probably!
Oh, okay.
…Wait, what about Mauna?
Ehhh… who?
She’s about the same height as Mondo, has a volcano for a head, and carries a bright red bag around with her.
Oh, right, her! Yeah, I think she was talking with Xever about the “Dawn of Fire” or something like that. No idea what that’s about, haha!
(theo , are you done trying to talk to the fluffy green thing ?)
Oh, right! Yeah, I am, actually. Wait, what did you say was your name again, uh, green one?
Ah, okay! Yeah, uh, Sprigg, this is Shwam! She’s kinda shy, but she knows their way around here. :)
uhhhhh , hi ? um , i can lead you to your friends if you want …
That would be convenient, thanks.
okay , uhhhhhhh , i saw two of them over there by the bakery . i’ll lead ya there .
Okay, thanks, Shwam.
its been a while and we still havent seen sprigg
do you think theyre dead or smth
What ?! No , No !! They’re Probably Just Studying Their Surroundings , Like How They Usually Do On New Islands . Let’s Just Hope They’re Fine !!
Plus , Mauna Managed To Survive Being In Water , So I’m Sure They’re Okay .
uh … are these your friends , sprigg ?
Oh , Sprigg !! It’s You !! Welcome Back :D
we thought you fucking died
(Toorie nudges Mondo, still smiling.)
…You what?
i jumped off a chair btw
I know. Theo told me.
Uhh , Who’s Theo ?
the pink bird guy with one leg who checked on us to see if we were ok
Oh , Right ! It !
Anyways , We’re Glad You’re Back .
Yeah, I could tell.
…So are you two gonna save that Big Salad for me and Mauna?
Of Course !! We’re Not Leaving Anyone Out .
speaking of mauna where tf is she
Theo told me she was talking with this guy named Xever.
i think i may know where she is … want me to go get her ?
Yeah, that’d be convenient. It’s dinner time for me and my friends anyways, and I don’t think she’d want to miss out on this, uh… salad.
okay , i’ll go get her .
~~~~~~~a few minutes later~~~~~~~
… uhm , she’s here ! i have to go now , though … uh , bye .
Okay , thank you , Shwam ! I highly appreciate your help .
you’re welcome . you can , uhh , eat , now .
Hi , guys !
Hey , Mauna !! :DD
Hi. Toorie and Mondo apparently ordered this huge fucking salad, and there is NO WAY they’re gonna be able to finish it by themselves.
O-oh . Uh , you two ordered THIS ?
we were hungry af
(Mondo Had No Idea What He Was Thinking When He Ordered This .)
Oh . Okay … let us dig in , then !! I have not eaten anything in a WHILE .
…Uh, what?
What ? I was trapped in amber , and I did not have much to eat on the boat ride ! Anyways , this salad looks DELICIOUS .
…Yeah. I guess you could say that.
hgaujvHvhgvajhgvaygvhGJHGAJYGAJBJHbjhabuhbauyg sorry for not posting today!! as I said on my main, I had to go with my grandma to an appointment, then to a restaurant w/ my family, then I got a haircut and some parts of my hair dyed pink B)
dying hair takes a lot of time tho so yeah
that’s why I took so long to post-
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
how was garfield costume
it was WONDERFUL, thank you for asking, and hoo boy do i have a story for all of you
i walk into my history class and sit down. my teacher comes up, gives me a quick once over, and says that he likes where this is going. whatever, we’re vibing, having fun.
he goes around and asks everyone who dressed up who their historical figure is. he gets to me, i say james garfield, he laughs a little, moves on. again, whatever.
then he starts asking everyone for their papers. queue an oh fuck moment.
now, in order to get the extra credit, we had to write half a page on why our person was historically relevant to the united states- and i thought we would have class time! but it was HOMEWORK!!
he gets to me, asks, “okay, [NAME], is your paper online or on paper?”, looking expectantly at me while i’m staring at him like 😀
i say “uhhhhhhh,,,,,,, i don’t have it written, but i have it up here…?” and tap my head to say essentially like- i know what i wouldve said and can write it right now.
he looks at me for a second, thinking.
“could you talk about him for two minutes?”
i tell him, essentially, that i’ve talked about him for 15 minutes straight before (true), hell yes i could talk for two minutes straight.
he sets a timer.
he tells me that if i can talk about garfield for two full minutes, i can get the extra credit.
he starts the timer.
in front of my entire class, i start talking.
i talk about his childhood, how he was the last of the log cabin presidents, how he worked to provide for his family. i talk about his work in the civil war, raising money for ohio to fight with the union. i talk about his political career, how he never wanted to be in the house of representatives but lincoln persuaded him because he was just that good, how he didn’t even run but was elected as the republican candidate because of his excellent speech in support of another candidate. i talk about his advocacy for civil rights and agricultural development while in office, i talk about guiteau shooting him for being denied the position of ambassador to france, and, finally, i talked about the impact of his death on the nation- how people lined up shoulder to shoulder for two miles along the train track that was taking his body from its viewing place to its final resting place, how queen victoria sent a wreath for his casket, and how he was a great president because of how he managed to unite the nation, even after death, in the post civil war era.
the timer goes off.
i still have shit left to say.
i go on for about 10 more seconds, then stop, and wait.
i would like to inform you that while my description may sound eloquent, i was NOT. i am in no way a public speaker, and spent those two minutes frantically recalling all my favorite facts about him (and i missed some of my real favorites too, because they weren’t relevant enough D:), while uncontrollably bobbing my leg and refusing to make eye contact with anyone, instead choosing to stare at my teacher’s shoulders because that’s close enough to his face, right?
he looks out at the rest of the class.
“so, do you guys think she should get the extra credit?”
summed up, the response was pretty much just “YES WTF???”
afterwards, my friend looked at me and just went, “but like… why? why do you know all that?”
and i just shrugged and said “why not?”
anyways. i got the extra credit LMAO
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1008: A Super Macho Beachy Day (SSBU)
1:34 p.m. at the Smash Beach's Picnic Area.....
Tifa: (Fluffing an Orange Pillow Up) Just a little more fluff annnnd....there. Pillow's ready for you now, Daisy. (Places the Pillow Down on the Long Picnic Seat in Front of Daisy)
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, Girl. (Grosns a Bit While Pulling her Casted Foot onto the Pillow in Question) You didn't have to bring a pillow out here for me. ('Whew')
Tifa: (Smiles Softly as She Sits Next to Daisy on the Other Sode of the Table) I know, but I just wanna make extra sure your foot is taken care of for your appointment tomorrow.
Daisy: (Sighs Heavily While Looking Up at the Blue Skies) Finally!~ I can get this case removed. It's been so loooong.
Tifa: (Starts Snickering) Daisy, it's only been a month and a half.
Daisy: So? It still felt like ages ago! (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) Slow days are the worst.....
Tifa: Yeah, but at least the healing process is finally done at the neck of time. Sorry you had to miss out on the Strikers' Leagues though. I know how much you like participating in those games.
Daisy: (Shrugs) Eh. It's fine. There's always the next few years down the road. (Starts Smirking) But no worries. Once the time comes, I'm gonna the biggest comeback ever! (Turns to Tifa) And I want you to join my team!
Tifa: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Genuine Surprise) You do?
Daisy: Hell yeah, girlfriend!~ I mean, have you seen your own kicks? They're almost quick and powerful as Chun-Li and Bayonetta's combined! (Place her Hand Around her Shoulder) Trust me, with your skills and my natural leadership, we would be a force to reckon with in the soccer field! So whaddya say?
Tifa: Well....It has been a while since I've played a soccer game....or any other sport for that matter....You know what? (Smiles Softly) Sure. I'd be happy to join your future team.
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Sweet!
??????: 'Sup, ladies~
The duo turns and see muscular, tan man with gray hair, wearing noting but a speedo grinning down at the two of them in a flirtatious manner.
??????: (Pulls Down his Shades From his Eyes) Fancy seeing you two here in this radical, sunny day today~ (His Teeth Begins to Shine Bright)
Daisy: (Already Weirded out by the Man's Presence Along With Tifa) Uhhhhhhh.......
Tifa: H-Hello! U-Um.....Who are you....exactly?
??????: ('Tch') Honestly. Do you not know who I am? The name's Macho Man. (Starts Flexing and Doing a Manly Like Pose) Suuuper Macho Man!
Daisy: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Macho Man....Macho Man.....Hey, aren't you that guy who lost to Little Mac more than once in the boxing match a while back?
Super Macho Man: (Immediately Gets Upset) NEVER MENTION THAT LITTLE TWERP IN MY PRESENCE AGAIN! I ONLY LOST CAUSE HE'S LUCKY!!! (Quickly Takes a Deep Breath Before Calming Down) Besides, that's all in the past now. (Starts Smirking Seductively) Right now, I'm thinking about the future you two will have with yours truly~
The self proclaimed macho man starts moving his pecs up and down before making them move faster and then turning around and making his butt jiggle, much to the girls' distaste.
Tifa: (Trying her Hardest Not to Throw Up) Wow! I uh....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Listen, Mr.....uhhh.
Super Macho Man: Super. Macho Man.
Tifa: Right, right, Macho Man. Umm...We are.....really flattered by your.....affection towards us, but.....I'm afraid we're going to have to decline the offer.
Daisy: (Already Has an Annoyed Look on her Face) We're already taken. Go away.
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') Taken? HA! By who? A blonde, emo twink with abandonment issues and a wimpy scaredy cat for a Mario Bro? Who would wanna hang around with those bogus losers?
Daisy: (Angrily Slams her Hands Down onto the Table While Glaring at the Man in Question) Um. WE WOULD, ASSHOLE! I don't know what kind of frat boy, penthouse you've been living off of, but we just so happen to love our two boys to pieces, thank you!
Tifa: (Nodded in Agreement) That's right. (Starts Glaring at the Tan, Muscular Man as Well) And they're twice the men than you'll ever be.
Super Macho Man: ('Heh') Really? (Places his Arms Behind his Head Whole Doing Another Pose) Then how come those "men" of yours aren't rich and good looking as yours truly?
Tifa: (Starts Crossing her Arms While Rolling her Eyes) With all due respect, sir, but we think your looks aren't anything to write home about in hindsight.
Daisy: (Starts Snickering) Yeah. Look like an overcooked pot roast if you ask me?
Super Macho Man: A sexy overcooked pot roast?~ (Moves his Eyebrows Up and Down)
Daisy: ('Groans in Digust') No! A regular, annoying, unattractive one! (Sighs Heavily Place her Head onto the Palm of her Hand) I swear, where the hell is Little Mac when you need?
Super Macho Man: ('Groans in Pure Annoyance') Enough about the twerp already! Why do you have to keep bringing him up!?
Daisy: (Shrugs) I don't know! You guys fought before, right?
Tifa: Plus, you didn't really deny the fact that you lost against him. So.......
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') So nothing! Like i said, he only won cause he gotten lucky! (Crosses his Arms) I can totally take him down in five seconds flat the next time I see him! The same applies to your so called "men"!
?????: Really now?
Macho Man quickly turns around to see the blonde, emo twink he mentioned, holding a box of food and snacks in his hands while staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cloud: Don't really seem like a challenge, but I suppose punching that smug look on your face wouldn't be too much of a hassle.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly While Holding Two Cups of Frozen Yogurt in his Hands) We're back!~
Daisy: (Happily Raises hers Hands Up at her Boyfriend) Weegie!~
Tifa: (Giggles Softly as She Gets Up From her Seat And Walk Towards her Boyfriend) Welcome back, you two~ Was the line getting too long for you guys earlier?
Cloud: Yep. (Kiss Tifa on the Lips) The heat from the sun didn't make it go any faster.
Luigi: (Gives Daisy her Frozen Yogurt) Plus, some of the prices for the food has gone up for the year, so it took a while for us to find anything that's more cheaper. (Turns to Daisy) B-But Daisy! How is your feet doing right now? Is it aching? You and Tifa didn't have a rough time getting here, did you?
Daisy: Babe, relax. We made it here just fine. (Gives Luigi a Cocky Smirk on her Face) And do you really think a simply foot injury could slow me down that easily?
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Of course not. (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Smiling Sheepishly) I'm just worried about the well-beings of the princess I love, as usual is all.
Daisy: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Happily Hugs her Man) You worrywart~ I love you too.
Luigi: Daisy, that's my stomach your hugging.
Daisy: I don't care. It's nice and comfy~ (Kiss Luigi's Stomach)
'Ahem' A-HEM'
The gang finally turn their attention to an impatient Macho Man, glaring at all of them.
Luigi: Oh! Uh....Do we...know you or....
The muscular, tan boxer was about to speak until.....
?????: As I live and breathe, it's Macho Man!
Everyone turn their heads to see Dedede and Escargoon walking towards the table together with a box of food and snacks of their own.
Escargoon: (Pulls his Sunglasses Down) No way. Is that really the guy Little Mac beat that one time?
Super Macho Man: (Groans Once More While Facepalming Himself) Can't I go one day without being remind of that half pint? (Turns to the Duo Woth a Glare on his Face) And my name is SUPER Macho Man! Get it right!
Escargoon: (Turns to Dedede For a Brief Turning Back to the Boxer in Question) Well, gee, sorry about that, mister. We just never really thought of calling you that in the start of your name.
Dedede: Yeah. (Starts Smirking in a Troll Like Fashion) 'Specially when your win and loss ratio isn't looking too hot nowadays.
Super Macho Man: ('Scoffs') What are you talking about? (Crosses his Arms While Looking Away) My track record in the ring is hella consistent.
Dedede: Oh really? Then how come in one match, Mr. Sandman knocked you out to sleep with one punch?
Super Macho Man: I....wasn't paying attention at the time. And he does that to everyone on the ring.
Cloud: Except for Little Mac.
Super Macho Man: (Glares at Cloud) I will punch you.
Tifa: (Immediately Gives the Boxer a Dark, Cold Glare) And I will break every bone in your body if you try.
Super Macho Man: (Gulps While Sweating and Being Scared Shitless by the Short Haired Woman) Noted.
Escargoon: Then what about the time you literally got knocked out of the ring by Bald Bull?
Super Macho Man: How was I supposed to know he was going to use his head to attack?
Escargoon: Does the name "Bald Bull" ever rang any bells to you? He always uses his head to ram into his opponents.
Super Macho Man: (Shrugs) I dunno. I just thought he was bald and look like an ugly bull.
Dedede: (Turns to Escargoon For a Brief Second Before Slowly Turning Back to Macho Man Again).....Riiiiiight. And then there's that match between you and Aran Ryan.
Super Macho Man: ('Uggggh') Don't remind me....He only won cause he's a shameless cheater.
Escargoon: Yeah. (Smirks at the Tan Boxer) But he still Molly Whopped your ass to next week.
Dedede: (Laughs Wholeheartedly) Ain't that right! Ooh! And that match with Glass Joe-
Super Macho Man: (Quickly Turns to Dedede and Escargoon with a Furious Glare) NO! Don't you DARE speak about that match in front of my presence!!
Cloud: Wait. Glass Joe. As in the guy who has over ninety-nine losses? (Turns to Super Macho Man) You lost to HIM once?
Dedede: Yeah! Last week!
Escargoon: It was one of the biggest highlights in all of WVBA!
Dedede: That man was cryin' tears of joy when he won that bout.
Super Macho Man: Oh spare me the sentiment bull crap! Croissant Boy only won that fight cause I was obviously feeling under the weather that day!
Escargoon: Then why did you even bother to step into that ring to begin with if you were sick?
Super Macho Man: So he wouldn't win by default. Duh!
Dedede: But wouldn't that been better than getting your ass pummeled on live TV? Where veryone of your fans and followers-
Daisy: (Whispers) If he even had one.
Dedede: would sat there and watch the whole thing play out?
Super Macho Man (Was About to Say something With his Finger Up in the Air Until Slowly Lowering it Down and Sighing a Bit) Okay. So maybe you do have a point there. B-But it doesn't and it never will change the fact that Glass Joe loser got himself lucky that night! (Crosses his Arms While Pouting) Would've make him add one more loss to his permanent record anyday of the week.
???: Mm.
Macho Man's eyes starts to open as he hears Cloud and the others talking among themselves.
Cloud: (Slowly Starts Shaking his Head) Couldn't admit defeat.
Daisy: I know, right? What a sore loser.
Tifa: We all have our moments of not wanting to admit our losses. (Turns to Macho Man) Even if some of us....have a punchable face.
Dedede: I bet if Little Mac was here, he would make him humble himself.
MM's eyes begins to widened by the mere mention that name as slowly starts to shaking in anger.
Escargoon: ('Scoffs') Doubt that. He'll probably go on and on about how he won over luck and we'll never hear the end of it.
Everyone: Yep./Uh-huh. / Sore loser at it's finest-
Super Macho Man: (Looks Up at the Sky in Anger) ENOUUUUUUGH! (Turns and Points at Luigi) You! Green boy!
Luigi: (Points at Himself in a Confused and a Tad Bit Nervous Manner) M-Me?
Super Macho Man: Yeah, you! (Sits Down at the Table While Putting his Elbow on it and Raises his Arm Up) Arm wrestle me, NOW!
Luigi: (Even More Confused) But.....why me exactly?
Super Macho Man: Your color scheme. It pisses me off!
Luigi: (Looks Down on the Black Tank Top and Green Trunks He's Wearing Before Looking Back at the Tan Boxer) I'm.....not really sure if that's a good reason to-
Super Macho Man: I DON'T CARE! I am not leaving here until you give me what I want!
Luigi: B-But-
Cloud: ('Sighs in Annoyance and Defeat') Just do what he says, Weeg. He's never gonna leave us alone at this rate.
Dedede: He ain't wrong on this one, boy. The man's persistent.
Luigi: (Sees Macho Man Crack his Finger's Knuckles Before Sighing in Defeat) If I must......(Sits Down on the Opposite Side of the Table) l I wish me luck.....
Daisy: (Starts Rubbing her Man's Shoulders With a Supportive Smile) Stay calm, sweetie. You can do this.
Luigi: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Nodding) Right. (Turns Back to the Tan Boxer in Front of Him Before Slowly Pullinghis Hand Out to Him) U-Umm....May the best man win?
Super Macho Man: (Chuckled While Grabbing his Opponent's Hand Tight) You better prepare yourself Player #2. Cuz I'm gonna show you why all of my fans in the whole wide globe call me the One and Only SUPER MACHO MA-
Five Seconds Later.......
Everyone free cheers for Luigi's speedy victory over the dumbfounded Macho Man in the game of Arms Wrestling.
Cloud: (Smirks Proudly at his Plumber Friend) Gotta say, Weeg, that was pretty well display of muscle strength you got there.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Damn right! How gotten so strong like that?
Luigi: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing and Smiling Sheepishly) I guess my daily morning workout routine really does payoff after all. (Turns to Daisy) And it's all thanks to you, dear. (Kiss his Princess on the Cheek)
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) You don't need to thank me for that, babe~ (Hugs Luigi Lovingly) I'm just happy to see you making progress. But makes me more happy....(Turns to the Tan Boxer With a Satisfied Grin on her Face) Is seeing you outta here! So bye-bye!
Super Macho Man: (Still Dumbfounded) .......................
Tifa: (Starts Snapping her Fingers in Front of Macho Man with Very Little Results) Uhhhh guys....I think we might've broke him.
Cloud: (Shrugs) Hey, if it means we don't have hear him speak for a while, then I ain't complaining.
Escargoon: Neither do I. I never really like that guy.
Dedede: Same here. Y'all wanna eat somewhere
Tifa: (Happily Nodded) Sure! (Picks Daisy's Crunches Up From the Side of the Table While Walking Away With Dedede and the Others)
Escargoon: I don't mind.
Cloud: It's a lot of moving, but sure.
Luigi: I....(Picks Daisy's Up From the Table) Gotcha! Ready to go?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Ready as you are!~ Let's find a comfy chair to sit together, yeah?
Luigi: (Finally Begins to Walks Away From the Table as Well) Yes, ma'am.
As the not so Super Macho Man continues to look silent dumbfounded by what just happened, the second well known champ of the WVBA Mr. Sandman shook his head at him in the background before walking away, causing the tan boxer to slam his head down on the table.
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x-other-souled-x · 8 months
I'm a little upset right now, due to system related things... I just wanna get it off my chest...
Our main fronter from I think around 2019 up till part of the way thru this year has disappeared and we havnt heard from him in a while. Actually, around April it feels as if the whole system disappeared and some new nameless, faceless guy got put in front and had to deal with things just... like that. The confusion was not great, I think. There's still a lot of confusion, since this nameless and faceless guy still has no name and feels as though he's an imposter living a life for someone else.
Even when "older" members of the system started popping their heads back in, none of them where any of who had the attachment to friends and life stuff the same way our former main fronter did. So we abandoned those freinds, I don't know how to talk to them and that may sound stupid but genuinely I feel like I don't know them at all.
Despite now having at least 5 active members who cycle in and out, we still have this lonely feeling. It feels downright BAD to have abandoned friends and just straight up ghosted them, while pretending to live life like normal. And I still wish I could reach out and say "hey we are plural and the guy you're used to talking to has been missing for like almost the whole year now and we don't know what to do."
Cuz like what are they going to do with that information?
I kinda just wanna bite that bullet and if they decide we are horrible for it then that's fine, but then I worry if our guy comes back and wants to try and hang out with them again it will be awfully fucked for him.
I'm someone who came about in the system to help out our missing guy back when he first started putting two and two together, we figured out together that whoever "we were" before 2019 is also gone and disappeared and we were the replacements. I'm really attached to our missing guy tbh, and I miss him a lot, and I'm really afraid that he'll be lost forever just like our previous main fronters.
And if that's truly the pattern, one fronter for several years who takes the main role in life and then after that disappears, well then we have an existential crisis looming. And maybe that's why our new guy hasn't been able to feel attached to anything for his own self. Maybe the fear that it will happen to him too is what's keeping him numbed out, no need to worry if there was nothing to loose anyway right?
Its been causing us some stress, lately we are fronting in pairs without him because being out without any attachment to a name or whatever else is keeping him from wanting to be out at all. I don't blame him tbh. Floating thru life and working 40 hrs a week with no purpose or self recognition sucks, it feels like being a zombie wading thru the hellscape of capitalism and not even being able to enjoy the pay you get for your labor. It feels like what I must imagine being soulless and empty must be.
I've tried to help, but nothing seems to stick. How do you make freinds if when they ask your name you just "uhhhhhhh idk" and blank out? We have eachother but even that gets kinda lonely bc we have very limited communication without typing. (I mean we do have communication but it's not constant and it feels like we have to fight some invisible wall to get through so it's kinda exhausting mentally too...)
And some days I wonder if this has anything to do with having a locked door separating the void where we sit from "everything else" in the brain. I've gone in there before, but once you come back out of the door you forget everything that's inside it.
I've rambled way way too much now. So I'll stop there...
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bread-writes · 3 years
I would like to request a Lookism one please
ok so:
The reader is like a single mom and after a couple dates eith either the lookism boys or girls she decides that she want's them to meet her baby (who's like idk 1 ig you can change it I dint mind) how eould some of them react to their s/o having a kid?
you can do what ever characters! (but can one of them be Vasco? You can have whoever else!)
OooO that sounds interesting!
I’ll be combining it with this request since it’s pretty similar.
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Writing under the cut!
CW: Children, Single parenting, Mentions of abuse and kidnapping (mild)
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Vasco, Samuel, Jake, and Sinu Finding out The Person They're Seeing is a Single Parent
Euntae Lee
he probably would’ve never found out you were a single parent until you told him
he just assumed that you were busy with your life
never questions when you had to leave a date early after getting a notification on your phone
after a few dates or so when you’re finally comfortable enough, you take him to see your child
inviting him to your home was easy enough, you suppose
he’s a little confused on why you’re insisting on meeting up at your home, but is actually very excited to see what your home life is like
is taken aback by the sheer amount of toys littering the ground
you apologize, clearly embarrassed by the mess
the babysitter turns to greet you, surprised and a little terrified by the man at your side
however when they see your interlaced hands, they understand almost immediately, excusing themselves after handing your child back to you
if Vasco was shocked before, he’s definitely very very confused now
upon seeing him, your child would freeze before whimpering and sobbing
dropping his hand, you coo at your child, gently brushing away their tears whilst gently bouncing them in your arms
“...Is that your little sibling?”
you softly shake your head, refusing to meet his questioning gaze
the gears start to turn in his head; from your early exits to the toys on the floor
this was your child
he’ll stare at you for a moment, his eyes shining brightly with an emotion you couldn’t quite name
he’s mesmerized by how quickly you were able to calm the child--your child and is captivated by pure amount of love your gaze holds
after your child calms down, they’ll stare at Vasco for a moment, protectively clinging to the fabric of your sweater
their gazes sends cold shivers down Vasco’s spine
would they hate him?
do they find him scary--
he’s broken from his thought as a small babble makes its way to his ears
your child reaches out to him, their grabby fingers grasping onto his clothes
he stills for a moment until you let out a soft laugh
he watches as you allow your child to latch on to him, the soft smile on your features sending butterflies throughout his stomach
yeah, he could get used to this
Samuel Seo
definitely one of the more suspicious ones when it comes to your secret 
he won’t question it as much if you tell him you’re okay or to stop being so nosey
but, to be fair, when have words ever stopped him?
he won’t do much, just a little digging
which lead him to the fact that you live with someone else
a someone that you’ve never told him about
however, that’s not the part that surprised him
what surprised him was that the other tenant was a minor; listed as your dependent
how he found this out, you’ll never know
he’ll confront you about this
you weren’t happy to see him snooping around in your life, but you eventually sigh before taking him to your house
the babysitter was surprised to see you back so early, but handed you your child nonetheless
Samuel’s eyes would flicker between you and the child, noting the striking resemblances between you and the child
unsure of his feelings, he would excuse himself before making his leave
to be honest, he’s terrified
he’s never been the best when it came to familial relationships
from a young age, Samuel was exposed to violence which blossomed into a few dangerous habits
ex: nearly losing it whenever he’s interrupted
he doesn’t want to project said habits onto your child and potentially lose you; the only one who’s been able to put up with him
when he comes by the next day, you raise a brow as you open the door but usher him in anyway
your child just stares at him and he stares back
it’s just really awkward until you step back in
you move to pick your child up only to be stopped by your lover
he bends down and picks them up underneath their arms, lifting them up lion king style before continuing to stare at them
“This is fine... I suppose.”
Jake Kim
like Vasco, Jake is an idiot who probably never found out you were a single parent unless you told him
there’s also the fact that he’s also extremely busy and wouldn’t question your random disappearances
the way he found out you had a child was actually an accident, really
you were just taking your child for a small stroll in the park when Jake spotted you
he was concerned as to why you were hunched over and what currently had your attention
as he approached, the light coos of your child began to fill the air, mingling with your laughter
a hand on your shoulder caused you to flinch, quickly turning to face the person
your eyes widen as your eyes land on none other than Jake, subconsciously trying to shield your child from your lover
when he sees the child the first thing that goes through is mind is whether or not you kidnapped this child
no, like, seriously
“...Did you kidnap a child?”
“Wha-- No! Why would I kidnap my own child?!”
it takes a moment for your words to sink in 
but when they do, Jake’s eyes are wide with disbelief and you’re covering your mouth 
your child only stares, unable to read the tense mood between their parent and the giant man
when Jake shakes himself out of his daze, he sighs
at first you think he’s mad at you
that is until his arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles his face into your shoulder
you can feel his lips pull into a smile as he continues to hug you
“You didn’t have to hide this from me. I would still love you regardless if you had a child or not.”
Sinu Han
he strikes me as the kind of guy who would already know but would want you to be comfortable enough to share it with him
when you do, he’s over the moon
...even if it was just a slip of the tongue
he’s so charismatic that you won’t realize what you said until you see the gleaming smile breaking his face
“I’m glad you’re finally trusting me.”
you blink up at him, “You knew?”
he ruffles your hair his unwavering smile sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach
“Of course I knew!”
when you offer for him to meet your child he’s so happy he almost immediately dragging you to buy gifts your child
even if you tell him that it’s fine and that Big Deal’s already tight on funds he’ll insist that he buy a gift because this is your child, after all
yeah, Samuel’s definitely pissed with his sudden splurging, but says nothing to his boss
definitely doesn’t stop him from glaring at the pile of toys and onesies  Sinu bought for your child
Jake on the, other hand, is just concerned
he knows his boss could be weird at times...but was it really necessary to buy three versions of a single cat toy?
upon actually meeting your child, they just instantly click
almost as if they were his child all along
not going to lie, you were pretty jealous
but as long as the to people you cared most about in your life were happy, who were you to be sad?
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i- uhhhhhhh I’m back??? Definitely not my best work... especially Samuel’s part, so if you aren’t satisfied with these feel free to shoot an ask! Again, so sorry for disappearing off the face of the Earth like that... 
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shoutogepi · 4 years
His Reaction When His S/O Reveals They Have a Breeding Kink
with Hawks & Todoroki Shouto
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genre : [ ✘ (NSFW!) ]  
hc prompt : how would he react when you reveal you have a breeding kink?
author’s note : so this is uhhhhhhh nasty but y’all asked for it (not that i hated writing it or anything heheheeee)
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honestly you’ve been waiting for a long time to tell him about your dirty little secret. it feels shameful to have such a weird kink, something that gets you dripping wet when you think about it. and you certainly have thought about it, many a time before when he’s thrusting into you. you’ll close your eyes, imagining him whispering those nasty words to you, instantly making you clench onto him— and he has absolutely no clue that your mind is racing with such sin.
it’s taken, well, an embarrassing amount of time for you to finally sack up and just tell him, and now that you’re here underneath him, your heart is racing in your chest. before he’d gotten home you’d been so confident that today is the day you’ll tell him, but now that he’s sucking his mark onto your throat, his rough and nimble fingers slipping underneath the hem of your panties to tug them down your thighs, your voice is silent.
when you finally manage to squeak out his name, hawks stops his assault on your neck and leans back to look at you. the tone of your voice immediately alerts him that you’re uncomfortable, and it startles him into moving his hands from your thighs to rest gently on your hips, those gold eyes peering into yours. “what’s wrong, feather?” he asks, the usual playful tone absent as his thumbs stroke across your skin. “not in the mood?”
you shake your head and look away, heat rising to your cheeks as the moment of truth approaches much sooner than you’re ready for. “i am, i just… i wanna tell you something,” you say, eyes trailing back to lock with his. “and if you don’t, i mean— it’s kind of, uh, weird— so if you’re not comfortable with it, please just forget i ever said anything in the first place, and we’ll just continue like normal, okay?”
hawks is looking at you thoughtfully, and he takes you by surprise when he presses a chaste kiss to your warm cheek.
“well, ‘yanno you’re dating a birdman, so i'm used to weird... but alright, go ahead, dove.” this man never fails to make you smile, even if this time it’s less than half-hearted, the blood rushing in your ears.
after a very uncomfortable pause, you finally say it.
“i kind of have an, um… breeding kink.”
you’re not looking at him but hawks’ eyes are the size of dinner plates. he’s absolutely floored that his sweet little bird indulges in such nasty thoughts— that something so intimate and rather, well, primal could possibly make you squirm.
you take his shocked silence as a rejection, just wanting for this embarrassing confession to be done with, and forgotten. your hands cover your face in mortification, hiding your skin so you can’t feel his judgement “oh god, we can just— please just forget I even—“
his hands grab your wrists, secure enough to pull them away from your face, but gentle enough not to shake your mess of emotions further. a sentiment unlike any you’ve seen before fills his half-lidded eyes, which hold your gaze almost magnetically.
“don’t be so mean, birdie. you’re gonna take it back before we even get to try it out?”
your flushed back hits the cool sheets as he pushes you down, crawling up your body so he hovers above you. it’s your turn to look at him with wide eyes, and that cocky grin is on his lips once more.
“want me to put a baby in you, dove? god, that’s fuckin’ sexy,” he groans, hand dancing along your jaw and dipping his thumb between your lips for you to suck on. his knee slips between your legs, pressing against your pussy so he can feel you twitch in anticipation.
red feathers shiver behind him, the only visible sign you can see that conveys how truly excited he is by the premise of breeding you. well, that and the raging erection he presses into your naked hip, his thin pair of briefs doing their best to hold back his throbbing cock.
“gonna fill you so good, feather, you’re gonna look so good all round with my kid— fuck,” he groans, ripping off his underwear and lining up his swollen tip with your slit. he’s achingly hard and a trail of precum dribbles down his length, another sign of how into this he must be.
he moans as he slips into you, and your back arches as his hips bump yours, his cock nestling all the way inside your ready core. he starts off slow and passionate, taking your leg and slinging it over his shoulder to reach even deeper.
he will not stop his impassioned assault until you’re begging for more— for him to fuck you harder, rougher, faster. and hawks is definitely a tease in bed, so he’s gonna be pretty playful, even while he’s humoring your kink.
“yeah, dove? you want me to fuck you faster? need ‘ta feel these balls fulla my kids slap your pretty pussy?”
“take it, feather— take this cock and show me how bad you wanna carry my kids. fuck yeah, louder— wanna hear you sing for me.”
“god, you’re fuckin’ soaked. y’like hearing me talk about knockin’ you up? y’like it when i tell you i’m gonna make you my mama bird?”
hawks wants to fuck you as deep as he can, so when he cums his seed covers your womb as much as possible. he knows you love it, and it drives him crazy when your pussy clenches onto him as he’s climaxing— like you’re desperate to milk him dry and take every drop of his load, so your body can become swollen with his kids. knowing that only makes him orgasm harder, and maybe he even shoots out a few extra ropes of release because of it.
he will certainly incorporate this new kinky knowledge into your regular sexual routine, and you can safely bet that he will also use it to his very satiating advantage when he’s dealing with his ruts.
GOD when he’s in a rut, this birdman will take you to the next level. his hormones are already screaming at him to mark and claim and fill you, and that extra awareness that you want the same thing just feeds it even more. pray for your pussy during these times. and thank god he has the salary he does, because you’re gonna have to keep buying new sheets, again and again.
hawks will never make you feel judged for having such a kink, because he himself embraces it wholeheartedly. it makes his cock so hard knowing that the premise of him putting a kid in you makes you that wet. he will indulge you to the absolute fullest, and when he’s finished breeding you each session, you’re gonna be worshipped like the absolute queen he regards you as.
so if you’re dating shouto be prepared for your friends to assume you like vanilla sex. it’s not that they don’t think he’s not physically capable of fucking you into next year (he’s a pro pero, like, have you seen his muscles?), it’s that shouto has always seemed more of a reserved, analytical kinda guy to most. but as his s/o, you’re exposed to the real shouto, the sassy, suave, and kinky motherfucker.
even if he is kinky, you’re still a bit hesitant to let him know about your breeding kink. the kink is, after all, not the most conventional, and it’s a bit of a… raw and crude kink, compared to others. and of course, you’ve never really revealed this part of yourself to any of your other lovers, because you hadn’t realized you even had the kink in the first place until you met shouto himself.
but the thing is, shouto is such a kind and understanding boyfriend, that you don’t feel too intimidated to keep the kink to yourself for long. actually, it kind of just slips out one night when he’s already balls-deep inside of you, taking you from behind as you’re bent over the kitchen sink.
his fingers are hooked in your hair, bending your spine to his will with his other hand firmly planted on your waist to keep you in place. he’s fucking you so roughly that your submissive nature is oozing out of every pore, your face probably twisted into the most lewd ahegao expression possible.
it’s clear that the reservations of your natural state are tossed out the window in front of you, and it’s not like shouto is holding anything back either with the way his hips are slapping into yours, groans tumbling from his lips.
at some point he’s shifting your leg up onto the ledge of the counter so he can drill his cock into that familiar sweet spot of yours, which coincidentally is located deep inside of you, close to your cervix and therefore your womb. the stars that dance along your vision cloud your brain, and you start babbling numbly as he finds the exact spot with precision.
“p-put a baby in me,” you whimper, pussy quivering to hug his intruding length, your legs nearly shaking at the intense stimulation.
shouto’s hips halt immediately as he sucks in a sharp breath, heterochromatic gaze connecting with yours in the window reflection. for a second he’s wondering if you mean you want to start a family with him, but after examining the carnal lust simmering in your eyes, he realizes what you’re truly asking of him.
and it turns him the fuck on.
“you wanna have my baby, hmm?” he growls and thrusts into you particularly hard, slamming into that sensitive spot and drawing a broken moan out of your breath-starved lungs. the hand on your waist travels to splay against your abdomen, long fingers pressing into your soft skin. “want me to fill you up,” thrust, “flood this pretty pussy with my seed,” thrust, “and make this perfect body swell with my child?”
you’re crying out as he starts pistoning into you, this time much harder and faster than before. he’s jabbing your g-spot with the head of his cock, the veins that decorate his thick length rubbing deliciously against your velvet walls. you can’t even form words, the premise of him knocking you up dominating your brain as you beg for more, for him to give you a baby.
your pleading is really getting him there, his cock aching to just stuff your pussy with his load already, but shouto wants something more. in no time he’s flipping you around, pushing your legs up so your calves rest against his broad shoulders. his hands gripping your waist, thumbs rubbing over your stomach as he eyes your flesh, he frantically pumps himself as deep as he can inside your heat. you can’t help but clench at the look on his face, his eyes fixed on your stomach as if he’s imagining what you’ll look like, belly round with his baby.
and oh my god, his dirty talk is absolutely sinful. he’s really finding enjoyment in exploring this new kink with you. 
“you’re gonna look so gorgeous carrying my baby, angel.”
“i promise i’m gonna give you load after load, ‘til you’re round and full and— shit, you really like that, huh?”
“you’re gonna be a good girl for me, right y/n? be a good girl and say ‘thank you sir’ when i give you this cum— fuck, come on, baby— say it.”
when you both finish (it doesn’t take very long after that), you kinda just laugh together, and even though you’re still a little embarrassed that you were the one to bring it up, shouto makes you feel safe and accepted, because he seems just as into it as you.
it’s safe to say, that isn’t the last time you two explore your breeding kink. after the pair of you have become more comfortable with the kink, shouto finds himself getting perhaps even more into it than you.
he’ll research what positions he can go the deepest in, and will not be afraid to bend you into them because he knows you love it when his cum seeps into you as deep as possible.
he buys you a plug to keep his cum inside of you— “you thought i was gonna stop after just one round? don’t make me laugh, baby, we’ve got another two gos at least until you’re full enough for me to use the plug.”
his mischievous ass will make you wear it out in public, dragging you out on a date or to grab lunch with his siblings. and you have to pretend that everything’s fine, that your pussy isn’t packed to the brim with his seed while you make small talk with his clueless sister.
when fuyumi asks if you enjoyed the meal, he’s quick to answer for you, his eyes meeting yours and glittering with something darker. “oh, y/n’s absolutely stuffed. isn’t that right, angel?”
you’re sure as hell getting dessert when you return home too.
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➥ masterlist
➥ prompt party masterlist
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