#tysm for asking! he's so! <3
willowser · 1 month
i was asked about my nighttime routine with my fave of choice and i am choosing bakugou, ofc !!! 🥹🥹
gosh i feel like it would be so hard with a pro hero partner 🥺 i think both our shifts change pretty frequently, so sometimes he's home late or i'm home late or we get lucky and manage to line up for a little while 🩷 BUT !!
if he's not coming home until later, i think i do the pretty standard things once i get home : warm up/cook something for dinner, set a plate out for him in the microwave, put away the rest. katsuki is v insistent on splitting housework so if i cook, he cleans, but i'll rinse the dishes off best as i can for him hehehe 😌 then i'll take my shower and do my skin care and maybe watch some tv and go to sleepy.....but even if he comes home at three in the morning, i'm wobbling out into the kitchen to lean against him as he eats 🥹 to half-hear him tell me something about his day that i will have to ask about again later, bc i'm still pretty bleary eyed. and then once he takes a shower, we'll finally cuddle up in bed together 🥹
and when i'm not coming home until later, i think he does much of the same !!! maybe stays up a lil later and does some work in his office. probably plans out anything we want to do soon, bc it's easier for me to take time off than him 🥺 i think he's the kind of person that plans a weekend vacation like. six months in advance LOL he's researching the area we're going to and making a list of the best places to stay and what we're going to be doing 😌 he just strikes me as the kind of person that is like, checking on the hot water heater and looking for the hole in our fence so he can repair it 🥹 he likes to take care of our house 🥹 and then he kind of piddled around with other little things like that until i come home 😌
AND THEN, on the occasion that we get to be home together at the same time, we do the usual : cook, clean, shower ! but i convince him to lay on the couch and watch a movie with me and we eat lil snacks he doesn't normally eat 😌 he tells me about the plans for our mini vacation and what he's gonna do about the leak under the sink 🥹 i check and see if he needs me to get him anything in the next day or so, like new socks or something particular from the grocery store and i'll rub some arthritis gel into his knees or elbow 🥹 we just talk and touch and fit together while something plays on the tv behind us, and then eventually we go to bed 😌😌😌
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bitternace · 3 months
Xemnas and Xigbar for 37 if that number hasn't been done? If it has, how about 74?
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no puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortal // ay, todo lo que he hecho por ti.
[ID: a mostly black and white drawing with a purple overlay of xigbar and xemnas shown from the hip up on the left side of the image. the background is black and has some diagonal lines with a bit of transparency on the right side. the shadows are harsh, with only a bit of light falling on their faces.
they stand before each other turned to the audience. xigbar, holds the handle and the middle of No Name before him, head tilted down as he looks to the audience. xemnas stands a full head taller behind xigbar, his left hand held some distance below the bladed tip of No Name, his left eye is covered by his fringe.
xemnas visible eye is painted ochre with a white pupil, while xigbar's eye is white and gold. The eyes on no name's handle and the gazing eye on the blade are a vibrant cyan. the caption reads the spanish lyrics "i can't ask a simple mortal for a forever" and "oh, everything i've done for you." /End ID.]
close-up under keep reading.
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#capisnotonfire#PUTS MY HAND TO MY STERNUM AND FALLS TO THE FLOOR ON MY KNEES /affectionate#warning to whoever might open the link; there's a slightly suggestive several 'ay's at the beginning porque shakira it's also bass heavy#OBJECTIVELY THE FUNNIEST SONG THAT COULD'VE COME UP. it's the gift that keeps on giving!!#this specific remix's been on my top list... several years; top five for a couple. i've loved it forever. top radio edits ever.#it's basically about a guy that makes up excuses to hide he's cheating and a gal that's fed up with his bullshit and is like. okay. bye.#i briefly considered going with............ right now i know my heart is yours <- in regards to i'm already half-xehanort#as per usual not ship art but it would be HILARIOUS if it was. it would've been able to go so many incredibly funny tragic ways#nano does reqs#my doods#xigbar kh#xemnas kh#IT TOOK SO LONG. putting this out there because i WILL lose my marbles if i do anything more. it's not as polished as it could.#fret not if you've asked for a req i am still doing 'em this one just. kicked my ass (been busy). i tried a couple of things and failed#THEN the file corrupted like 9 hours in and i wanted to die a little (thank the heavens my drawing app has a#thing to get back corrupted files through their screen recording) but i GIVE UP (affectionate)#Does this make sense thematically? Fuck if i know. i forgot all lore (half serious). it looked cooler in my head (jesting)#anyways. mwah tysm for the ask<3#i love posting at mystifying times (i finish at terrible hours and get excited)#described#74
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Ari I’m crawling through the desert in need of water…humbly I beg & plead for your Ken-geto twin AU headcanons 🙏🙏🙏 I think they’re the only thing that can quench my soul rn
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ODI . MY BELOVED . I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WAHHHH pls take a seat and get ready for a long long rant……… i’ll do my best to quench your thirst 🙏🙏🙏
OKAY SO . god. where do i even begin………
basically!!!!! i’m writing a fic where kenny is. your best friend’s older brother <33333 the best friend in question being sugu!!! i still haven’t decided if they’re twins or if kenny is a couple years older…… buuuut either way i have lots n lots of thoughts abt their dynamic :33 and how the two of them treat you!!!! sugu is just…. your reliable, soft best friend, and kenny is . the way he is 😭 but anyway…..
i picture kenny as being a bitttt of a bad boy in this au?? not exactly. but like. he has a tongue piercing and moved out really early and he’s maybe a little bit twisted . cares abt suguru but can’t really show it. he’s silly and talkative but also a bit condescending…. a bit of a know it all…… i feel like he almost acts more like a father than an older brother sometimes which suguru absolutely hates 😭 there’s a lot of tension between them!!
personality wise i feel like suguru sort of . adapts to kenjaku? he’s a bit of a social chameleon. and he really doesn’t like the idea of people seeing them as similar…. so if kenny is acting more serious and pretentious, suguru acts more childish — and if kenny acts more silly then suguru takes a more responsible role . it’s like that!!! it’s weird bc i see suguru as being very sincere at heart, and kenny as being fairly insincere, but with the way they act you could get the impression that it’s the other way around. kenny doesn’t care abt how others view him, suguru very much does. but sugu has a sincerity to him that kenny kind of lacks?? ig it’s less that kenny is insincere and more that he’s just. detached. in a way.
also sidenote kinda but !!! i picture both sugu and kenny as sweater boys 😭😭 they LOVE their sweaters. i feel like kenny wears turtlenecks religiously. and sugu goes out of his way to wear more leather jackets and hoodies bc he doesn’t like when they’re wearing the same stuff LMAO…. kenny sometimes makes their outfits match just to piss him off <333
anddddd going back to the whole . brotherly rivalry stuff…… i think kenny was always a bit of a black sheep growing up . and bc of that suguru automatically became the golden child!!! sugu can be mischievous and bratty but he gets away w it bc he’s the youngest/good at hiding it…. and in front of their parents he’s always very straightlaced. it’s almost like suguru holds back just so that he won’t appear similar to his brother, which i think kenny kind of finds pathetic. there’s just soooo much to their dynamic 😭😭 they’re similar and different and just. gah. they give me a headache!!!! bc kenny is such a wildcard in the way that he acts, and suguru is so prone to changing himself depending on the situation he’s in.
but overall i just feel like kenny is pretentious and teasing…. and kinda mean . while sugu is well-behaved and calm, but a little more teasing and silly around people he’s close to….. and he’s also super kind . he’s warm!!!! and kenny is sort of cold. that’s the way i picture their dynamic. but it’s very fluid i think …. sometimes kenny acts like the oldest, sometimes the youngest LMAO
ANYWAYYYY gosh i’m already yapping so much 😭😭😭 I HOPE YOU’RE STILL HERE ODI ….. here’s another drink for you 🧋 .
now !!!! when it comes to their dynamic with you…… 👀👀 suguru is just a protective softie. he loves you so much!!! you’re his bestie!!!! and you’re the only one he ever acts bratty and pouty with…. he just feels comfortable around you :’3 so he can let his guard down and be a little silly… a little teasing….. but he’s always always always taking care of you . a warm sunflower boy <333333
then there’s kenny who . bullies you a bit 😭 JUST A BIT . bc he likes seeing your reactions <3 he’s kind of like your typical intimidating best friend’s brother…. a little scary ……. a bit of a dick….. he looks after you in his own way but . he doesn’t coddle you the way suguru does. when you’re kids he’s someone you look up to, but also someone you’re a tinyyyyy bit afraid of . but you get a crush on him anyway . and he has a soft spot for you. and then he leaves and doesn’t return until a couple years later ………. and he hasn’t really changed. but he’s less of a bully and more of a teaser. maybe a little condescending. but he’s charming, yk? alluring.
anyway as you can see i’m getting carried away LMAOO this fic is just . fluff?? kind of??? w a lot of tension 😭 you like kenny and he . well. you just don’t know what he’s thinking . he kind of sees you as a baby bird i think,,,,,,,,, and he’s . the big bad wolf. you get the vibes …….. here r some snippets of the fic just for fun!! it’s very near and dear to my heart hehe
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…….. he has me in a chokehold i fear 💔
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skelekins · 6 months
📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup
for Scar? :3 hehe. thought it'd either look silly or he'd pull it off surprisingly well -v-)
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hehehe =w= this was fun
[edit: prev below cut. wanted to bring it up a bit more]
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
glennry + cartoons ? :D
Oh cute!!!
Hm. I think that Henry likes cartoons in theory much more than in practice. He tends to appreciate the messages of a lot of kids cartoons (Henry thinks that most cartoons are intended for younger audiences), but when it comes down to it they're just... Not really his thing? Not from what he's been exposed to anyways. Glenn on the other hand, big cartoon guy. Anything Disney obviously, but also a lot of anime, he probably calls Nick "Nickelodeon" now and then, and though he isn't quiet about his dislikes I think he's basically always still willing to try something before he knocks it.
Post S1, Glenn spends a lot of time at the Oak-Garcia household. Unlike their dad, the twins LOVE cartoons (as a side note, cartoons were probably the one way they got to trick Henry into letting them watch stuff not made for kids lol), and at first it's not so much that the twins watch cartoons with Glenn, but more that he happens to be lying on the living room couch a lot when they put stuff on. With time, however, watching cartoons with uncle Glenn basically becomes a new favorite pasttime for Lark and Sparrow. They appreciate his snarky commentary and how much he enagages with the shows and with them, and on his end I think Glenn really likes bonding with the kids this way, something something it reminds him heavily of Nick and how they used to hang out. Glenn is also how the twins get introduced to anime (everyone else assumes that was from Nicky, but Lark and Sparrow know the truth loool). Henry catches on to all of this, and aside from it giving him (and Mercedes) a much appreciated break now and again, Henry also just finds it *very* cute, especially when the three of them are laughing together at whatever they're watching. Sometimes he joins them, though he generally finds himself paying less attention to the screen and more attention to how his heart feels when Glenn leans in to point out some obscur technical detail about the animation, or when there's a romantic scene and Glenn's face becomes soft in a way that Henry once would not have thought possible. All that to say... Henry eventually learns to like cartoons.
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tickletails · 7 months
The Fern art you posted made me go into ticklish Fern mode and now I’m really wanting to write a fic about it-
HELL YEAA!! I support u 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell + 21, 24 and 25?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i actually already answered this question here, so i will give an honorary mention for this ask, in addition: i am a big fan of the whole tgm-mav-lowkey-being-the-daggers'-friends'-cool-dad trope. like. the idea that they get to know him after the mission and he's obviously taken a genuine interest in all of them and their wellbeing so they all just...stay in touch. the idea that the call and check up on him when they know rooster is deployed, that they start to leave a few extra things at mav's place because he usually hosts their squad movie nights and it's just easier to crash there sometimes, that they realize he doesn't have many people to spend the holidays with now outside of obviously bradley, and they all come together and drag him to a surprise christmas party with them before they go on their own leave for their respective family christmases. that's their emotional support old navy captain and if u wanna mess w him u gotta get thru 11 daggers and 1 son first so good luck!!!
that being said, tho, it can go too far i think, if we're not careful. barring a couple specific circumstances (jake and whatever fucked up childhood/non-existent parental relationships he has had comes to mind) the daggers all have families of their own, and entire lives before meeting mav. i don't think he's like. their DAD per se. he's their friends' cooler than expected dad ('your dad is an ace? that's so cool! i wonder if he has any stories to tell us! he once flipped off a mig while inverted? THATS SO COOL') that they can become friends with and look out for too, and i KNOW he'll be looking out for them. if they need anything he's right there, because that is within his nature. but for the most part, they're all adults who have friendships, and not like. Extra Children. if you know what i mean. except for jake idk i think he needs a role model or something but i guess that makes mav a secret third thing to him idk
24. what other character from another fandom reminds you of them?
oof that is tough!! i think that on most levels, mav is very different from the characters in other fandoms that i have imprinted on the most, so i'm not going to be able to do a 1:1 comparison here. but believe it or not the very first character that came to mind for me is ezra standish from the magnificent seven tv series, and it's not an exact match but i'm just going to provide my presentation on the matter (i am specifically comparing tg86 mav with ezra bc i have no one to compare tgm mav with lol):
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horrible quality images (yes i did make these gifs but theyre very old so lets not talk about it lol) bc this is an obscure 1990s b-budget tv show shot on vhs probably. but this guy right here is either the second or third youngest member of his found family group (the seven ~lawmen~ a local circuit judge hires to manage an old west territory because it's so dangerous the sheriff and deputy he'd previously appointed ran out on the job). he's very accomplished at what he does, for his age, and has had way too many shitty life experiences and is much too world-weary already. everyone who works with him comes into it with a preconceived notion of how he's going to be. and how could they not? it isn't that the other six guys are short-sighted in assuming, exactly. ezra is direct about who he is and what he stands for, downright in your face about it, actually. you expect him to be kind of an arrogant asshole, and he tells you he's gonna be one. and then, for a while anyway, he kind of is.
loner type, doesn't need anyone, he's going to do everything his way because he knows best, needlessly theatrical about it in the process. they expect him to run out on them during their battle, and he does.... kind of. but he also comes through for them in a critical moment when he's needed most and they least expect him to do it, single-handedly taking out multiple enemies to save their lives. immediately, he adopted into the group, essentially, but ezra doesn't know enough about really having friends to recognize that it's happening until much later. additionally, his entire life and livelihood is overshadowed by his mother (who can be seen sitting in the bg of the larger gif), who is still very much alive, in his case, but whose actions and words define him, whether he wants them to or not. he had a shitty childhood bouncing between a hundred strangers' and distant family members' homes alike and is just overflowing with abandonment issues, and he expects the other six to give up on him at the drop of a hat, but they never do.
25. what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
the very first time i ever saw top gun was before tgm was ever a thing. i remember my favorite character being goose (isnt he always tho <3) and thinking mav was kind of a bland action hero guy with a story arc i did not understand at all or care about. i was like fifteen, tho, and hadn't seen hardly any movies or tv shows at the time because i had a kind of weird sheltered from media sort of childhood, so i don't think i had rly learned HOW to watch and interpret media and characters yet, tbh. when the sequel was coming out i rewatched top gun with my partner in preparation bc my parents were making me watch the new one, and they had never seen it. i was like oh !!! he's smol and traumatized. i bet there's fic about him and that blonde guy. i should look that up later. and then we watched tgm and that was it for me. i was like never mind him and that blonde guy i need to know if hIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS SON TURNS OUT OK......MY HEART..... and that was that lol. my dna has not been the same since <3
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watatsumiis · 1 year
hi general, passing by to send you some kisses /p
im handing you blankets (if the weather is cold where you are) and your favourite drink <3
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might I ask you to tell us about any random hc you have about ayato? (for example, that he has lots of moles or that he has calloused hands because of how much paperwork he does) If not it's completely ok!
Hiya Lucas! It's great to see you in my inbox !! thank you for the blankets and drink, feeling very cozy right about now :> !!!!
This has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute because I just haven't had much motivation to write, so sorry about that!
But Ayato headcanons, hooh, I certainly have a few!!!! I'll toss them below the cut :3
He's ambidextrous - with both writing and weaponry. He can seamlessly switch and tends to just use whichever hand is convenient (though he favours his right when he's doing calligraphy so he wont accidentally smudge the ink).
He tends to hyperfocus on things (especially work-related things) and will often forget to look after himself entirely, only realising that he has been sitting hunched over his desk for hours on end when Thoma tells him.
Speaking of, I really love the idea of Thoma and Ayato having a QPP-type relationship, they're really casual behind closed doors and just act like best friends when others aren't watching.
Ayato is really good with kids, though he isn't particularly fond of them (as in he won't go out of his way to interact with them). He got a lot of experience growing up with Ayaka and always knows how to deescalate situations or play along with silly little games and the like.
He shares a study with Ayaka, so they can keep each other company! They have two big desks in one room, though Ayaka tends to be out and about more often than not.
He gets really irritated if anyone moves anything on his desk - he's always able to tell right away, even if everything has been put back in its rightful place. His desk is often a horrifically chaotic mess, but he has a system in place and archons help the poor new hire who tries to neaten it up a little.
Terrified of insects. Gets super grossed out and may actually shriek if he comes face-to-face with a creepy crawly unexpectedly. Thoma is also afraid of them, leaving Ayaka or another housekeeper to have to scoop them up to take outside.
Had a bit of a rebellious phase growing up, though after his parents passed he matured quickly, though sometimes his defiant streak may shine through, especially when dealing with uppity nobles.
Can and will bitch and moan endlessly about all the stuck up idiots he has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Ayaka and Thoma often get an earful of this - sometimes his gripes become super petty and specific (for instance, he hates the way that the Guuji Yae smacks her lips when she eats).
Speaking of bad noises, he totally has misophonia - he's extraordinarily good at masking his negative responses to things (especially around others) but certain noises just trigger the rage response - Thoma and Ayaka have learned to keep an eye out for that slight twitch in his eye and the tense way he holds himself when he's close to snapping - not that he'd ever do anything outright rude or bad, but he may try something a little underhanded or not ideal for the current situation just to get out of it.
Ayato is a bit of a pessimist too, he calls it 'realism' and cites the fact that it's good that he's always "either correct or pleasantly surprised" as an excuse to continue being vaguely negative about things.
He twirls his hair a lot - I like to imagine his hair as being longer than in canon (more like how people theorised it when he was first revealed) and so often he'll just absently fidget with it.
He's awful when it comes to music. He cant carry a tune or hold a rhythm to save his life. If he's heard a song enough, he may be able to sing it presentably well, but ... not amazingly.
He likes to play silly little practical jokes on people when he gets the opportunity. I'm imagining this scene from mlp when it's in a situation where he needs to be polite and well put together, but there's definitely been times when he's had a bit of extra time on his hands and pulled together a pretty crazy and elaborate scheme (such as making poor Thoma think the entire household had been replaced by yokai after he'd been out to purchase some things)
Oh also !! I like to think that Ayato and Kokomi would get along pretty well and have a lot to talk about. I think Ayaka would also get along really well with her, but there's just an unspoken bond between Ayato and Kokomi as heirs to large important families who were burdened with their duties at too young of an age. They often correspond through letters and the like.
His expensive taste is not optional. He will literally break out in a rash if he has to use cheap soap or crappy sheets.
Does NOT know how to deal with animals at all. Has been chased around by the estate's chickens multiple times (mostly because Thoma babies them too much and they think every person is a friend)
Ayato's sense of personal space is really ... weird, too. With people he doesn't know well or doesn't care for, he stands several paces away (probably a little more than what's considered socially acceptable), but for his close friends and family, he's practically shoulder-to-shoulder with them.
Is super prone to misplacing or losing his things - others (read: thoma) usually have to keep track of important things for him or else they'll just disappear forever in his eight billion pockets.
Wears lots and lots of layers because he likes the comfort that the extra weight and pressure brings.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or used to teach bots!
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avianii · 7 months
Hey, I saw your post about failing the physics quiz. If it makes you feel any better, I'm currently taking physics, and I failed my first exam. I've always looked at it as a starting point. Where could i go from there as we can only get better from here.
Dont feel too bad about we all fail sometimes its just a matter of trying again.
I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I love all your art.
I saw this a while back and honest to god it nearly made me cry, you guys are so supportive even if I'm just rambling about the boring parts of my life like school. Anon I hope you have a great day too ily!!
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nin-varisse · 8 months
Silm ask 15, 16 & 17?
From the silm asks!
15 - Which two characters would you want as friends to defeat Voldemort Morgoth with?
Luthien for sure because she will singlehandedly carry our group and Beleg because he's loyal and optimistic and fun to be around!
16 - Your opinion on Eru Iluvatar?
He's so confusing to me. Because he keeps himself out of the happenings of Arda for the most part. He doesn't intervene as Morgoth is killing and enslaving his children and is ripping apart and distorting his creations. Or as Sauron is corrupting elves and men and tries to rule over Middle-Earth. And I always thought that was because all that peril is part of his plan, that it needs to happen. But then why intervene when the Numenorians try to sail to Valinor? Is that not part of his plan? Does that mean that things can happen that aren't part of his plan? How much do his musical themes actually dictate the happenings on Arda?
Also why is it okay for Aule to create the dwarves (eventually) but Melkor trying to create things by himself is not okay? Is it a different context with Melkor? Does he have favourites?
Questions after questions!
17 - Favourite AU setting?
Just fix-it AUs because we deserve that gsjls I also like fairytale AUs and just fantasy AUs in general. I don't like modern AUs.
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bigsnaff · 2 months
HELLO ! 7 and 17 for koorn because im obsessed w your edits of him
7. If asked to list a few fun facts about themself, what would they say?
He'd start off with the typical stuff; answers that an asura his age would generally give, or just answers that are expected. He graduated from the College of Synergetics. His mother is an Inquest Overseer and he's also quickly climbing the ladder. He knows the Commander personally.
Prompt him some more and he'd give some actual interesting answers. Much of his understanding of necromancy came via dissection of Awakened corpses. His favorite drink is apple juice. The enhancements implanted in his right eye are (mostly) his own design. He makes his own hair gel specifically involving a sac harvested from Fanged Ibogas.
17. How talkative are they?
Less so than Dokks, but probably moreso than the average person, depending on the circumstance and who he's talking to. It's hard for him to talk to new people. He's a little tone-deaf, tends to needlessly put his words on pedestal and overlooks when what he says may be (directly or indirectly) insulting or demeaning to the other person(s). This of course leads to people generally... not even wanting to talk to him.
This is partially masking and partially genuine. He talks himself up, comes across as very arrogant, may be difficult to even get your own word in. It's a protective layer for him. He needs to feel that what he has to say matters. The best way to handle this is just to be blunt with him, but not directly shoot him down either. He'll be a lot easier to talk to when he realizes someone won't feed into his egotism but is still willing to give him a chance.
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10, 23, 24 for Portada!! -🍂
Not me procrastinating on writing Portada by writing different, shorter Portada lmao
anyways welcome back to 🔥Portada Hour⚔️ !!
Ship Ask Game
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
I dunno if this really counts as an interest or hobby but they train together! They both want to get stronger, and can go a little nuts (provided they're not using haki) because their Devil Fruits just happen to make it so neither of them can really hurt the other. They also love being out in nature together; Yara so she can collect her plants and Ace because he's a feral jungle boy who needs to be set loose in his natural habitat sometimes lol (he tries to impress her with his hunting skills like he'll just haul over some massive boar he managed to take down like "Yaraaaa!! Look what I brought!! 😁" And she'll pat him on the head like "That's nice, Ace. Thank you. 😌")
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Loyalty and intense, dedicated, passionate love. They are so ride or die for each other. Probably the most fated lovers I've ever written tbh
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
They are somehow simultaneously very similar while being very opposites attract. A lot of their trauma comes from the same place of desperately wanting to be loved and trying to find a place to belong in the world, so even though they appear very different on the outside (Ace with his sunshine golden retriever personality and Yara with her disgruntled black cat personality), they understand each other on a fundamental level. Their personalities complement each other nicely in their day-to-day lives-- Ace gives love where Yara craves it, Yara gives affirmation where Ace needs it-- and the only time where things really clash is when Yara wants her alone/quiet time and Ace gets all 🥺 about it, lol
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Hello helloo—I kinda stalked your Kenjaku posts a lil bit (I read all of them) & you just get him. They’re so fun to read
Like, I never thought I needed to go on a road trip with Kenjaku, & now I do. My eyes have been opened
With that being said, I gotta know: do you think Kenjaku would have a podcast?
HI HELLOOOOO <3333333 i’m so excited to talk to another kenny stan i’m jumping up and down with joy a bit. I LOVE YOUR ART. thank you sm for your service to kenny nation 🫂🫂🫂 AND AAAA i’m so glad my kenny stuff has your approval!!!! 😭😭 he’s such a wildcard that it’s kinda hard to characterize him sometimes pjskdb … but i Adore thinking abt him. our silly little mad scientist….. he really would be the most fun to go on a roadtrip with but 😭😭😭 it’s gonna be chaotic one way or another. more memories i guess!!!
now. for your question. he would ABSOLUTELY have a podcast you’re an actual genius???? that’s so fucking funny?????? he would do it just for the lols but he actually grows to really like it . because it gives him the opportunity to yap and yap and yap as much as he wants. his podcast has absolutely no sense of consistency tho…. one episode is just him reading a book, the next is him morbidly describing how a vivisection goes . he’s insane in the head. regularly brings guests along and they Always make it even more chaotic ? somehow ??? the episodes with mahito are always the freakiest, the ones with hanami are gibberish to any listeners, the ones with jogo always end with the pod abruptly stopping (he got mad and burned the equipment)… one time yuki joins in and it’s just them having a very intense scientific debate for five hours. same with tengen but a lot more homoerotic tension. takaba joins a couple times and makes kenny do comedy skits w him :33 etcetcetc.
basically !!! his podcast is a mess. and he loves it. i also think he’d be fairly popular bc 1) he has a gorgeous gorgeous voice 2) the chaos is entertaining!! his most loyal listeners affectionately call him ”ken-chan” <333 he hates it i think.
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huisang with whatever headcanons you have for him
i like to call this one how many pride flag color schemes can i fit into one character
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day 19/30 of pride character art (pls send more asks!!)
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adminkidd · 1 month
Your paracelsus is so bingus skrunklo ilovehowyoudrawhimmmmmchefKISS
Oh yes paracol is THEE bingus skrunklo <33 and a silly salmon with his wife
Also TYSMMMM!!! Anything to draw his emoji face lmao ATAGAJJAJAK-
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