twokinkybeans · 4 years
Fic prompt: Tony gets turned on when peter wears his clothes which is a problem when peter shows up to a avengers meeting in Tony’s mit hoodie ;)
I took a tiiiiiiny bit of liberty with this prompt, but I hope you like it! Also, I somehow can’t keep these prompts short so y’all get to enjoy a whopping 1673 words whoops <3 -Lien Warnings: Adult Peter Parker, mutual pining, voyeurism, exhibitionism, daddy kink, masturbation, mentions of sex and cock sucking ... The first time Tony saw Peter in his clothes was when the young man had spilled motor oil all over his nerdy pun T-shirt. Tony had led him to his bedroom. He opened the door to his walk in closet and browsed around, though when it hit him that whatever he picked out was exactly what Peter would be putting on his body, the room turned a little warmer than it was before. He licked his dry lips as his hand glided over the many shirts on their hangers. Did Tony mean to pick one of his most expensive pieces of casual wear? No. But he did. And damn, it looked good on Peter. Maybe next time Tony wouldn’t turn away as Peter delicately slid the fabric over his toned chest. If there even will be a next time… There was a next time. Many of them, even. And Tony didn’t mind it one single bit. He was fairly certain Peter was ruining his own clothes on purpose, just so he could wear Tony’s wardrobe again. At one point Tony started letting Peter into his closet and had him pick something himself. It didn’t matter how many times Peter left the tower with Tony’s fabrics caressing his skin, Tony always had to rub one out afterwards. He wanted to be the one touching Peter, not his stupid priceless clothes. He was aware he’d never have Peter. Not in the way he wanted to have the younger man. The age difference was too big. It didn’t matter how many stares Peter stole at him. How often Tony caught him cupping his hard on through his ripped jeans, swallowing up the compliments Tony gave him. It was nothing. He was just a twink with a praise kink. He didn’t actually want Tony. He couldn’t want Tony. He- “Mister Stark?” Peter called out from the other side of the lab, breaking Tony away from his train of thought and his already growing hard-on. Damnit. “I’m a little cold, is it okay if I grab something from upstairs?” “Sure, kid,” Tony turned a circle in his desk chair and stood up, waving his hand. “You know the way to the closet. I’m gonna go ahead and set up the meeting downstairs.” The plan was to quickly get off in the toilet before actually heading to the meeting room, but unfortunately for Tony, he ran into Steve on the way down, who wanted to discuss everything beforehand. The Captain wouldn’t allow Tony any time by himself in the bathroom and kept talking to him, ensuring Tony’s erection fell flaccid.  Splendid. Twenty minutes into the meeting, Tony wondered where the heck Peter was. He knew the young man was in the building; they were literally tinkering on the Iron Man suit barely an hour ago. None of the other Avengers questioned it, Peter was usually late. Never this late, though. Tony tapped his glasses twice, guiding the AI to show Peter’s location with his eyes. Tony nearly spit out his drink at what he saw next. Peter. On Tony’s bed. Wearing nothing but Tony’s old MIT hoodie. The faded colour of the fabric contrasted perfectly with Peter’s pale skin. With one hand he clutched the hoodie around his chest and with the other he was pumping his shaft at a rapid pace. Tony tightened his jaw at the sight only he could see right in front of him. None of the Avengers were any wiser. Tony should’ve looked away, turned off the footage, he knew he should’ve. But he couldn’t. Part of him wanted to stand up and rush to his room to rail Peter. But he was still young. Peter probably just had to quickly get off and got lost in the pleasure. He’s not doing this for Tony. “Tony-“ The lack of audio might still convince Tony that whatever word he just read on Peter’s lips wasn’t his name. But there was no denying it. Especially not with E.D.I.T.H. captioning Peter’s moans and whispers. It hit him like a brick. Peter did want him. And fuck, Tony wanted Peter. More than anything. “E.D.I.T.H.?” Tony asked out of the blue, interrupting Rhodey, who had just started giving his part of the presentation. “Could you ask Peter whether or not he’s going to come?” “Yes, boss,” E.D.I.T.H.’s voice echoed through the meeting room. Rhodey cocked an annoyed eyebrow, but he’s used to Tony’s mind doing four, if not fifty, things at once. So he shook his head and continued. Tony wasn’t paying him any mind, though. He was looking straight ahead at the live footage in front of him. Peter’s eyes opened wide at the question. A breathless “Yes” fell from his lips as he came. He caught himself just in time, angling his cock toward the tiled floor to prevent spilling on Tony’s sheets. Or the MIT hoodie. Tony’s tongue pushed into the inside of his cheek and he took a slow breath in. He then made the resolute decision to make Peter stain that hoodie. He simply had to. Tony swore under his breath when Peter had the audacity to walk into the meeting still wearing the hoodie. It certainly had Rhodey, whom Tony was roommates with at MIT, double take. “Hey, kid,” Tony greeted casually. “Nice hoodie.” Peter’s entire face turned red when the entire room turned their heads to have a look at the hoodie Tony mentioned. It was common knowledge to everyone in the tower that Peter’s clumsiness resulted in him wearing Tony’s clothes, so no one was surprised by that fact. However, Tony had heard the whispers in the hallway. How good Peter’s ass looked in Tony’s pantalons. How much more well defined his abs showed through Tony’s shirts… Everyone loved it when Peter wore Stark’s wardrobe. As did Tony. Obviously. It was only natural everyone wanted to see what Peter was wearing this time. In the meantime, Tony turned in his chair slightly and crossed his legs to conceal his crotch. “I should’ve picked something else, shouldn’t I?” Peter scratched the back of his head apologetically and quickly moved to sit down into the last free chair. Right next to Tony. “Nah, I haven’t worn that old thing in ages. It looks good on you.” Tony paired the compliment with a wink and Peter visibly contained a shudder. A wide grin appeared on Tony’s face and Natasha erupted into laughter. “Is that your way of telling Peter he picked the wrong college?” “Oh, come on,” Tony leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. “We all know MIT reigns supreme.” “Hey, don’t come at me, I wanted to stay in New York.” “Y’know, that’s fair. I wouldn’t want to leave me either.” “Bu-“ “Or your auntie.” “Can we get back to the numbers?” Rhodey sighed audibly and gestured at the holograms in front of them on the table. “Of course.” Tony leaned back again and folded his hands together, unable to take the shit-eating off his face. Peter went quiet, but Tony didn’t feel like easing up to him just yet. He was too hard, too horny, to hide his flirtatious behaviour. He couldn’t help it Peter looked like a whole meal in that hoodie. Tony wanted to turn Peter into a desperate mess below him, wearing nothing but the hoodie, just like he did earlier when touching himself. He wanted the young man to rut himself against Tony’s thigh, maybe make him suck Tony’s cock. God, the kid would look so lovely on his knees, staring up into Tony’s eyes, whining for his Daddy to fuck his mouth. And Tony would. Oh, he would. Tony’s hand slowly slid over the back of Peter’s chair, upwards to the young man’s neck. He didn’t even bother looking to the side, he could literally feel the hairs on Peter’s skin standing upright at the attention. Tony gently pressed his index and middle fingers on Peter’s skin, right where the neck hole started and Peter sucked in a breath. When he quickly turned his head to find answers for Tony’s touchiness, Tony leaned in, one corner of his mouth curled up, not looking away from Rhodey. Meanwhile, he slowly pressed his fingers down over Peter’s skin until they disappeared under the hoodie’s fabric for a second, before pulling his hand back again. “Tag.” Tony could see the look of disbelief on Peter’s face. And it was absolutely priceless. There was no tag in that hoodie. Tony ripped it out the second he got it. Peter bit his lip and released the air that had been stuck in his lungs. Tony noticed him glancing down at Tony’s crotch and the man, bold as he is, decided to manspread in his chair to show Peter what exactly he was doing to Tony. His tight pants left nothing to the imagination. Peter looked up again and made eye contact. Whatever was happening in that room, whatever Rhodey was talking about, it didn’t matter anymore. Peter cocked his head a little and took a breath, finding the courage to speak. “Thanks,” he whispered back. Peter’s words immediately shot through Tony’s entire being and when Peter made himself smaller, bringing up his arms to hide his upper body behind them, Tony had to hold himself back. If he truly had no shame he would’ve thrown himself on top of Peter right that moment. Bend the college student over the hologram table and thrust his cock against Peter’s prostate over and over to make him wail in front of everybody. Peter ignited something in Tony that he hadn’t felt since, well, his MIT days. And here Peter was, looking utterly and absolutely innocent in his hoodie. He wanted nothing more than to taint that innocence. Bring back the man Tony had seen on his bed only moments before. And so, when the meeting ended, Tony guided Peter back to his bedroom and pushed him into the walk in closet to give him what both of them had been dreaming about.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
because you asked for prompts: could you write about peter asking tony about what he likes in bed? like peter thinks tony is too focused on him and wants to please tony too (maybe if you could add a daddy kink too that would be nice but u can decide the kinks!)
2266 words! I went crazy with this one omg. I never intended any smut to happen, but hey, here we are. :P I hope you enjoy it! <3 -Lien
Warnings: Adult Peter Parker, smut, pure fucking filth, kink discussion, negotiated/under-negotiated kinks, dom/sub, daddy kink, praise kink, hoodie sex, mention of master/slave dynamics (not practiced), pet names (ranging from sweet to filthy), anal sex, coming untouched, cock warming.
It’s been about four months since Tony and Peter started dating. They took it slow at first. However, from the moment they had sex for the first time, they could barely let go of each other anymore. Every waking and sleeping minute was spent together and more often than not, Tony worshipped Peter’s body with the sweetest, softest kisses and touches. Life was good. Yet. Peter wanted more out of it.
Their sex was soft and vanilla. Even… Cute? Peter liked it, but sometimes Tony let go just a little bit. And those were the times Peter came the hardest. He knew Tony constantly held back. That he hid something from Peter. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted to make Tony feel just as good as Tony made him feel. Possibly even better. If only Tony would tell him…
It was a brisk spring morning when Peter draped himself over Tony on the large sofa. The man was reading something. Whatever it was, it was utterly unimportant now. Tony tossed the Stark Pad aside and smiled down at his lovers face. Peter’s curls were weighed away from his face by gravity as he laid flat on his back, head resting on Tony’s legs.
“Hello there,” Tony cooed, gently pushing his fingers through Peter’s hair.
“Hiii.” Peter had a mischievous grin on his face, which made Tony cock an eyebrow.
“What are you plotting?” Tony scoffed a laugh at Peter’s faux-innocent doe eyes.
“Nothing, nothing,” Peter chuckled. “I just, y’know, might be a little hard right now.” The comment ignited Tony’s insides and he leaned in over Peter’s face a little.
“Oh? Are you?”
“Mhm.” Peter pressed up to give Tony a quick peck on the lips.
“You’re insatiable,” Tony groaned with a smile, pushing in to kiss Peter more deeply. The younger man opened his mouth to grant Tony access.
It’s not long before Peter’s seated on top of Tony, gently rubbing their crotches together while moaning into Tony’s mouth and fluttering his eyes with each rut.
“Mm?” The billionaire couldn’t reply properly with Peter’s tongue pushed between his lips. Peter took his hands out of Tony’s hair and rested, stopping his movement altogether.
“What do you like?”
“No- no, I mean, in bed. What do you want me to do to help you lose your mind?” Tony pulled back and stared at Peter with wide eyes.
“Peter, I-“
“No excuses, Mr. Stark.” Peter moved forward again to breathe into Tony. Their noses touched and their gazes were locked. “I think you like it a little more rough. Hm? Am I right?” Tony huffed out some air, confirming Peter’s suspicions without actually saying anything.
“What if I hurt you?” Peter couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that.
“Hurt me?” Peter shook his head a little. “You’ve seen the hits I can take. I’m Spider-Man. How could you ever hurt me?”
“I know, I know, you just… You look so fragile.” Tony pursed his lips and bit the inside of his cheek, pondering his next words. “Especially during sex.” The way Tony took in his next breath, slightly shaky and as an obvious reaction to the image in his mind, had Peter grin wide. He sat back a little and lifted his hand to hide his mouth behind his curled in fingers. The oversized hoodie gave him the sweet advantage he never knew he would need this morning. He pulled his hand back in the arm hole slightly, covering his palms with fabric so only his fingers showed.
“Mm, do you like me fragile? Small?” Peter grinded down into Tony again, only once, and Tony had to hold back a moan. Alright, Peter thought. That’s a yes. “Soft and delicate under your touch?” With his free hand, Peter raised Tony’s to meet the one he still had in front of his mouth. He slipped one of Tony’s fingers into his mouth, both his hoodie covered hands enveloping Tony’s. He sucked gently and blinked twice, cocking his head slightly.
“Jesus, Pete-“
“Wha- else do you wike?” Peter’s words are obstructed by Tony’s index finger still between his lips.
“You, kid, like I said, I like you-“ Tony seemed torn. He obviously felt embarrassed about this topic of conversation but he definitely did not want Peter to stop doing what he was doing. However, Peter wasn’t satisfied with the answer and pulled Tony’s finger out. He waved Tony’s hand in a circle to pretend the older man was lecturing him, finger pointed to the ceiling.
“Not good enough.” Peter started grinding again. “Do you want me to call you something? Do you like it when I call you Mister?”
“I think it’s best I don’t associate you calling me Mister with the things we do in the bedroom. You call me that a lot.”
“Fair. What do you want me to call you then?” Peter tried his best to keep his upper body still, only rolling his hips like a dancer over Tony’s crotch. The billionaire involuntarily bucked up and Peter knew the answer was right there on the tip of his tongue. He just wasn’t saying it. Gently, Peter guided Tony’s hand to his ass and rested it on top. With his other hand he pushed up the hoodie slightly, revealing his pale skin. “How about Master?” He cocked his head the other way. “Do you want me to be your slave?” Tony shook his head tightly. “No? I could be your sex slave, bound and at your feet, doing anything you want me to do.”
“No- Pete-“
“Just tell me what I’m working with here? I want you to feel good, Tony.” There was a beat.
“Fine,” Tony growled as he suddenly flipped them over. Peter ended on his back on the sofa, the billionaire hovering over him with a hunger in his eyes Peter had never seen before. His rough hands pinned Peter’s above the young man’s head. “Want me to speak my mind? Say what’s really going on in my head when I fuck you? No filter?”
“Please,” Peter sighed content. Finally. “I’ll use my safe word if it’s too much.”
“Good boy.” Peter’s eyes went wide and he let out a surprised moan that dripped with the sudden surge of arousal he felt at the praise. Tony had never called him that and, by God, it’s perfect. “Mm, so you like that too, huh? Fuck, Pete, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I think.” Tony pressed in with an aggression that had Peter’s head spinning. “But I want you to beg for it.”
Oh, God, yes.
“Please, please, tell me, Tony-“ Peter tried to push up his hips in an attempt to find back the friction he lost when Tony flipped them over. “I have to know, I- I need to, please!”
“God, Pete, you’re so fucking pretty like this, desperate and needy.” Tony’s mouth ravaged Peter’s skin, moving his wet kisses from his jaw to his collar bone that popped out of the neck hole of the big hoodie. “So cute, it’d be a waste not to rail your pert little ass with my fat cock. Wanna ram into you with all I have, show you how strong I am.” Peter doesn’t know what to reply with, other than another moan of want and lust. Tony is filthy. And Peter loves it.
“Already out of words, pretty thing? Already a moaning mess for your Daddy?” Peter squeezed his eyes shut and bucked involuntarily. A lewd moan fell from his lips as he nodded. “Look at me,” Tony ordered. Peter immediately obeyed and opened his eyes.  He whimpered when Tony’s face appeared right in front of him, eyes piercing through him, capturing him and keeping him in place.
“D-daddy?” Peter tried the word and was pleasantly surprised at the pleasure that coursed through his body as he said it. Tony seemed to be affected by it too. His pupils dilated even further, hiding the deep brown shades behind an infinite lustful darkness.
“That’s right, princess. Fuck, I can’t wait to fill you with my cum. I want to wreck you until the only thing you can think of is my cock. Wanna make you mine; my pretty little cockslut- Do you want that too?” Tony growled.
Holy shit.
Whatever side of Tony Peter just unlocked, he wants to throw out the key and keep this man forever. He’s filthy and arousing and hot and yes- yes-
“Yes- yes- yes, Daddy, please give me your cock-“ Peter whined. “Fill me, claim me, shit, I need you inside me so bad-“ Tony wasted no time and sat back up to unbuckle his belt, letting go of Peter’s hands. Tony pulled out his throbbing shaft and showed it off. Peter could only stare at it open mouthed. “Daddy, please?” Peter licked his lips and Tony groaned above him. Precum showed at the tip and Tony immediately used it to slicken his cock.
“Which of your holes do you want me to fill, pretty Peter?” Tony grinned wide. His legs were still on either side of Peter’s body, knees pressing inward and squeezing Peter’s waist. It was so utterly possessive that for a second Peter forgot Daddy asked him a question.
“Any- Any, daddy, please, use me-“
“Oh,” Tony moaned and threw his head back. “Why did I not tell you about this sooner?”  Peter saw an opportunity and grinned. He raised his hands to his face again, still mostly covered by the oversized hoodie and angled himself.
“Maybe cause I look so innocent?” He fluttered his eyes a few times and Tony roared a laugh before pushing his free hand up Peter’s hoodie to tweak a nipple. The young man jolted and squealed before moaning out loud again.
“Should’ve known you’re secretly just as filthy as I am.” Peter pushed his hands through his own hair and arched his back up to lean into Tony’s attention more and more.
Tony, however, pulled back to tear off Peter’s sweats.
“Open up, sweetheart,” Tony said with a smirk, gently tugging at Peter’s legs. Peter immediately complied and folded himself up, spreading his legs as wide as he could on the sofa and presenting his prepped, pink hole. Tony groaned as he pumped himself a few more times, using some of the lube that they’d left on the coffee table last night. “Jeez, you were already ready to be fucked, isn’t that right, Petey?” Peter nodded aggressively, still staring at the cock in front of him.
“Always ready for your cock, Daddy-“ Peter moaned as he clenched around nothing. Though, that nothing turned to something in the blink of an eye.
“Then take it,” Tony growled as he pushed in. “Be a good boy for Daddy.” Peter mewled at the sudden girth filling him up and dragging on his insides. Tony was absolutely perfect.
“Y-yes, please, wanna be your good boy,” Peter panted as he adjusted. The hoodie felt too warm around his body, but he didn’t want to take it off. Daddy liked it on him. Made him hot and desperate, just like Peter wanted him to be. All this filth and aggression did things to Peter that he’s never experienced before. He felt a need to make his Daddy feel good at any cost. To please and love him. Serve him. Be used by him in whatever way he saw fit. Tony was right. Peter truly was a cock slut. And he loved it.  
It wasn’t long before both Tony and Peter started rocking against each other in a delicious rhythm that ignited them both. The room filled with the scent of their sex and the sounds of their moans and skin slapping together. After a little bit, Peter held Tony’s face in his hands and looked into his Daddy’s eyes.
“May I be yours?” Peter whispered through his whimpers while Tony rutted into him like a dog. Tony smiled sweetly and Peter could swear he saw him tear up at Peter’s soft words.
“Forever-“ he panted with a growl. “Mine-“
“Y-Yours,” Peter parroted as he lost himself in the ecstasy when Tony angled himself to hit his sweet spot over and over and over and- “OH-“
Peter erupted, reminded of how his cock had remained untouched for the entire duration of their intense fuck. Tony always made sure Peter got the most attention. His cock, his ass, his nipples his everything. All he got this time was his Daddy’s dick hitting his prostate without remorse and for the first time in his life, Peter came untouched. His cum coated the navy blue hoodie and his convulsing and clenching around Tony swiftly resulted in the other man shooting his load into Peter. The older man rode down their highs and after a short while, he tried to pull out. Peter stopped him, though, and wiggled around until Tony was sitting on his butt again with Peter still on top of him, sheathing him. Tony smirked as he caught his breath.
“What’s this, baby boy?” He purred as he toyed with the hem of Peter’s cum covered hoodie. Peter leaned forward to rest against Tony’s chest, chin laying on the back of the sofa behind the billionaire.
“Mm, wanna keep you warm, Daddy,” he mumbled innocently. Tony chuckled.
“I think, you just want to keep my cock inside you for yourself.”
“Is that bad?” Peter whispered, kissing Tony’s neck. He felt so deliciously full. How could he ever want to end it? He loved being Daddy’s cock slut. Or sleeve. Whichever.
“Hm,” Tony pondered. “No.”  
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
soo i have a prompt! can you write a soulmate au where peter tries to convince/seduce tony to be with him? i dont have a more fleshed out idea i would just like to see where yall take it bcz i love your writing!
Hi theeere! This is what I came up with. I hope it’s to your liking! <3 Also aaaa thank you! <3 -Lien No warnings, I think? - It all started so innocently... Tony had heard great stories of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. The young man with a sassy mouth, who preferred tying the bad guys up instead of shooting them. When they first met, it was when Iron Man crashed one of Spider-Man’s late night patrols. The webling was chasing a bad guy that had done a little more damage than was acceptable, so it was Tony’s job to step in and teach the junior hero about responsibility. “Underoos!” Tony had called out as he overtook Spider-Man. His swinging halted for a second and his eyes went wide. He thwipped again and missed his angle, ultimately hitting a wall. Tony prioritized helping Spider-Man get back up over catching the bad guy, but what he didn’t expect was a groan and a frustrated… “Seriously?!” Tony’s brain short circuited, the letters on his lower arm itched and burned and they finally made sense. ... It all started so innocently… “Seriously, Mr. Stark,” Peter huffed as he picked up the pace to keep up with Tony, who’s had quite enough of the young man’s endeavours. They’d known each other for little over a year at this point and what Peter wanted would only get him into trouble. “No is no, Peter.” Tony waved his hand nonchalantly as he stepped into the elevator. “I know the meaning of the word, sir, I’ve had to learn the dictionary for my spelling bees when I was still in school. Want me to spell Chiaroscurist for you? ‘Cause I can-“ “Kid-“ Tony sighed audibly. Slightly annoyed, yet also continuously enamoured by Peter’s enthusiasm. The elevator started making its way up to the penthouse. “Listen to me.” The billionaire emphasized his words with his hands, looking Peter straight in the eye. “I’m 44. You’re… Not.” “Excellent observation, Mister Stark.” “You call me Mister and Sir and all those words-“ Tony flailed for a second and looked away from the college student with a scoff. “You’re too young, Pete. We could never be more than friends. The press would tear us apart.” “Like they already do because your soulmate is half your age? And since when do you care about what the press thinks of you?” Peter crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Oh, and by the way,” Peter said with a shit-eating grin, leaning his upper body towards Tony with one raised eyebrow. “I know you like it when I call you those things.” “I do, I just- ARGH!” Tony let out a frustrated yell before stepping forward and grabbing Peter’s shoulders with both hands. He pulled the young man close and pressed their foreheads together. “I don’t care about them saying things about me.” “Exactly, so-“ “I don’t want them to say things about you.” Peter stared at Tony doe-eyed. The tension rose, just as the elevator still did. Peter let out a shaky breath and opened his mouth slightly, licking his lips, but not breaking eye contact. “I’ve had my fair share of bad press as Spider-Man.” “Not as Peter.“ Tony whispered. “I want to spare you that.” “And I want to suck your cock.” The words were mumbled, yet they shot through Tony as if the young man had moaned them into him. As if they weren’t just having a conversation about Peter’s privacy from press. “I-“ “What do you want, Mr. Stark?” Peter’s hands crept up to sneak into Tony’s jacket to caress his abs through his dress shirt. The cheeky question caught Tony off guard. “I want you to be safe.” Tony had never given a more honest reply, yet both men knew that wasn’t what Peter was going for. Peter’s hands travelled down until his fingers were able to hook into the hem of Tony’s pantalons. He tugged at them gently. “I’m safe with you, Sir.” Peter purred the last word, licking his lips once more. Slower. His eyes fluttered and so did Tony’s heart. This kid… “I want to be with you. Want you to love me.” “I love you,” Tony replied breathlessly. Truthfully. His shoulders drooped as he relaxed more and more in the presence of his soulmate. Peter was intoxicating in the best possible way. Tony wanted this. More than anything. Peter closed his eyes and leaned in to whisper his words onto Tony’s lips. “Then love me.” So, Tony did. It all started so innocently…
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
When Kim and I started writing and made this account only two months ago, we never expected this to grow as fast as it did! We are only 6 away from 300 followers as of posting this and once we actually reach 300, we want to write a bunch of prompts! You can already start sending in your prompts/requests and we will throw them out once we reach 300! You can do it anonymously if you prefer that! Prompts that are already in our inbox will be added to it!
Smut, fluff, angst, we got you covered! Be as vague or detailed as you’d like! Mention kinks you want included or things you want us to leave out, etc.! Each prompt is going to end up being about 300 words long, so keep that in mind with your requests!
We are very much up to writing more than just Starker (for example, MJ is currently involved in the Jar of Dirt spin-off Tempio di Pietro, Kim just posted a Rom Howney one shot and Lien is in the process of writing a vampire AU one shot between Bucky, Tony and Peter). If you’re unsure if we’d write your ship, I’ll give you this advice: If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no. If you do ask, the answer might just be yes. ^_^
Thank you so much for your support! Kim and I talk about how baffled we are and how humbling all of this is on a daily basis! <3 (Also I really want to thank Kim here, cause she’s been so active on Tumblr and maintaining contacts, etc. This Tumblr wouldn’t have been where it is now if it weren’t for you, bean! <3)
Thanks again, and happy reading! <3
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
300 For 300 - Now Closed!
Aaaah we hoped you liked our little prompt fills, we got more than we expected and it’s been such a fun ride writing these for you! Our 300 for 300 celebration thingy is now officially closed, but feel free to send us prompts whenever! ❤️
Thank you all so much for your love and support, it’s truly amazing! ❤️
Much love,
Lien & Kim
ps. Have an overview of all of them! You can also find them on our AO3.
Bouncy Castle (SFW, Peter x Tony)
Beta Bitch (NSFW, Peter x Tony)
The Challenge (NSFW, Peter x Tony)
Distracted (NSFW, Bucky x Peter x Steve)
Mzzr Stah (NSFW, Peter x Tony)
Ahead Of Schedule (SFW, Peter x Tony)
Look Down (NSFW Peter x Tony x Rhodey)
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
1100 FOLLOWERS?! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
We're sorry for being so quiet lately. Both of us have been very busy with work and life. For me, Lien, it's been hard to find the time and inspiration to write at all but I have some time off next week!
Please send through some prompts to spark inspiration! Maybe I'll find the time to work on it for you! 👀
Thanks again for the 1100 followers! It means a lot to us! ❤️
-Kim and Lien
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