croimilis · 2 years
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title: 2+2 
characters: natasha ‘phoenix’ trace  x gf!reader (callsign: dove)
rating: 13+
words: 3k
theme: established relationship, not so secret relationship, and they were roomates, just gals being pals
warnings: fluff, silliness, the dagger squad are idiots, mentions of homophobia, cursing, drinking
summary: 'secret relationship is that which is known to them but unknown to people'
how long does it take a team of aviators to put 2+2 together and figure out their friends are dating?
a/n: just something a little sweet and silly while i work on the other parts of the fly me to the moon series. 
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When you and Natasha first got together, it was long before top gun and even before the two of you joined the navy, you were high school sweethearts falling for one another in freshman year but neither of you brave enough to make a move until senior year after you had both come out to your friend circle, At that point you decided to keep it among your friend group, the pair of you not sure how your conservative military family members would react. 
And then you both enlisted into the navy and saw first hand how being gay and out in the military was not necessarily safe after another member of your basic camp was basically run out due to homophobic bullying, and you both realised that it might be better if you keep your relationship between the two of you and the decision followed you through your time at Top Gun and throughout all of your deployments. 
Including the uranium mission and after when you both got permanent assignments at Top Gun, you as a full time instructor and Natasha splitting her time between instructing and dagger squad missions. It wasn’t deliberately a secret at this point, just a habit you had fallen into after many years of fear of what would happen if you were to be out in the navy and it wasn’t that you didn’t trust the rest of the squad, the two of you trusted them completely but you had just got so used to keeping it between the two of you that it was hard to break. But ever so slowly, the habit started to break and one by one the members of the squad began to figure it out. 
Bob was the first one to find out about a month after the uranium mission, and it was a complete accident how he found out. He and Phoenix had a rough training session and had to eject from their plane which resulted in a quick visit to the doctor on base to make sure they were okay, after he had been checked on and was given the all clear he headed over to Phoenix’s  room to see how she was. 
He was expecting a nurse or two to be lingering about, taking notes and fussing as they usually did, what he was not expecting was for you to be in the room with Phoenix and he certainly was expecting to see the two of you in a gentle embrace, one of Natasha’s hands on your waist while the other held your cheek gently and your arms wrapped around her shoulder to pull her as close to your body as possible as you shared a kiss. 
Thankfully, the two of you are so wrapped up in each other you don’t notice Bob enter, or leave as he quietly slinks out of the room with wide eyes and a flush on his face with his heartbeat drumming in his ears as embarrassment from walking in such a private moment fills his entire being. He decided to leave the medical wing and allow the two of you the time alone. 
It was the next day, as Bob and Natasha sat listening to the other pilots as they went through the training exercise for their next mission in a few weeks time, the pair grounded until the next day on the doctor’s orders, that Bob let’s Natasha know that he saw and he promises that he won’t tell anyone. It isn’t his secret to tell and he was not about to out the two of you when you weren’t ready.
 Natasha is shocked, alarm bells ringing her mind (something she is sure is a trauma response after her family didn’t respond well to finding out she was a lesbian) and fear settles in her stomach as she turns to Bob with wide eyes. A feeling that quickly settles as Bob promises to keep your secret. Over the next few weeks, she finds it nice to actually have someone to talk to about your relationship, about how happy you make her and her plans to marry you one day. 
The next person to find out is Rooster, almost a full month after Bob. It happens late one night when he’s a little drunk and you and Natasha are helping him into your home to put him to bed in your guest room. It wasn’t the first time he had been to your home, he had been over many times for drinks and pizza nights, the three of you enjoying a movie night at least once a month that included wine and a bitching sessions because, despite how much he denied it, Rooster was one of the biggest gossips in the dagger squad. But it was the first time he was actually spending the night. 
He had never considered your sleeping arrangements, seeing as you lived in a 2 bedroom he just assumed one was Natasha’s room and the other yours but when he hears you muttering the word ‘guest room’ to Natasha as you both discuss what to do with drunk giant who was stumbling around the living room of your shared home, it sends his mind reeling for a second. Guest room? That meant you and Natasha shared a room. Why would you and Natasha share a room?
And then the realization hit him like a ton of bricks and suddenly a lot of things started to make sense, how the two of you were attached at the hip, how you were a little touchy with each other, hands always finding some part of the other to rest on, how your eyes always found each other no matter where you were in the room, the fact that you were fucking living together. Everyone, including him, thought you were just friends, best friends and nothing more but now it made sense to him. 
As the pair of you guide him into the guest room, he throws his hands around your shoulders and he whips his head between the two of you, a goofy smile plastered across his face. 
“I’m happy for you guys and I promise not to tell” You roll your eyes at him but a smile makes its way onto your face, one that Natasha matches and the two of you know that even though he’s drunk, he’s telling the truth.
The next ones to figure it out are Payback and Fanboy, with Mickey figuring it out when he spotted the two of you out on a coffee date on one of your days off and there was just something about the way the two of you were sat so close together, practically in each others laps, with Natasha’s hand resting on your thigh that screamed more than friends.
Now, Fanboy wouldn’t consider himself a gossip, wouldn’t be one to go around starting or fuelling rumors, but Payback was his best friend and as Fanboy watched you and Natasha interact around the base and at the hard deck he was simply starting to burst at the seams needing to tell someone what he saw. So a week after he saw, when it’s just him and Payback in the locker room (something he double and triple checked) he asked the question that had been burning at the forefront of his mind, “Do you think Phoenix and Dove are a couple?” 
Payback turns to his back seater and best friend, a questioning look on his face and one eyebrow raised, as he halts the action of putting his t-shirt on, “What makes you ask that?” 
Now, Payback had his own suspicions, he was one of the most observant people in the group and had noticed the way Natasha’s hand would linger on your lower back when you were walking through a crowd or when you were standing at the bar at the hard deck, almost as if she was creating a barrier between you and the people around, he had noticed the way your eyes would linger on Natasha as she maneuvered through the hard deck on a busy night, watching to make sure she was okay and that no one tried to touch her, your body tense and ready to step in at any second if there was any indication that she was in trouble. 
He had noticed the way the two of you looked at each other, eyes full of nothing but loving and gentleness, even as you argued with one another, noticed the way each of you would smile as the other walked into the room as if the two of you shared a secret the rest of the world couldn’t know. It was obvious to anyone who paid attention that there was something more there, but Payback just assumed you were really close friends, practically family seeing as he knew the two of you didn’t have the best relationship with your parents but now that Fanboy has suggested it might be romantic the puzzles pieces seem to fit into place and he can suddenly see the pure love that radiates from the two of you. 
“Saw them on a date the other day, seemed real close.” 
Fanboy says it casually and Payback knows he has no issues with the two of you being together, no one in the squad would, but they’re both well aware of the implications it could have on your careers and how others on the base treated the two of you. Payback shrugs his shirt on and turns to his friend, “If they are, it’s not our place to out them” 
Fanboy nods his head as he leans against his locker with his arms crossed over his chest, “Not our place. But we should at least let them know we know.” 
Payback agrees with his friend and the next day, the two of them approach you as you’re doing some maintenance on your plane. Payback hs a shy smile on his face and Fanboy looks like the cat that ate the canary as they enquire about your relationship with Phoenix and you don’t have to say anything for them to get their answer, the way your face lights up and a soft smile forms on your lips tells them all they need to know and they promise to keep your secret until you’re ready. 
Next to find out is Coyote almost 4 months after the uranium mission during a small get together at Rooster’s place to celebrate his promotion to Lieutenant Commander, the entire squad was there (minus Hangman who had traveled home to see his parents for their anniversary). Everyone is scattered throughout the small living room, Payback and Fanboy are standing in the corner, Coyote is sitting on the couch with Natasha at the other side while Rooster and Bob set up the game of beer bong Bradley insisted they play while you get yourself another beer from the kitchen. You were planning on sitting in between Natasha and Coyote, but Fanboy had planted himself down before you could but you simply shrug your shoulders and decide to sit on your darling girlfriend's lap. 
Coyote chokes on his beer at the sight of you bending down to place a kiss to Natasha’s lips before slipping onto her lap with your back against her chest where she slips a hand round to rest on your thigh and places a kiss against the groove where your neck and shoulder meet. 
Your turn to look at Coyote, wondering if he was okay before your eyes widened ad you cringed letting a “Fuck” slip past your lips as you suddenly remember not everyone in the room knows about your relationship with Natasha and bury your hands in your hair, but Natasha simply smiles and places a small kiss to the corner of your hair, “It’s okay dove, he was bound to find out eventually.”
Coyote’s look of confusion turns into a smile as he regards the two of you, you looked happy together and he couldn’t fault you for wanting to keep it secret so he let the fact that you kept it quiet go and instead asks the one question going through his mind, “How long has this been going on?” 
You smile sheepishly as you lean further against Natasha’s back, her chin placed on your shoulder, “Senior year high school” You bring your beer to your lips as you feel Natasha turn and place a soft kiss to your cheek that has you flushing. You were used to Natasha’s affection, she loved to pepper your face with kisses, but it was new to have it done in front of other people, especially the team. But it was nice to finally be able to show affection in front of the people who mean the world to you.
“And the rest of you know?” Coyote points his beer accusingly at the other men in the room with a raised eyebrow, they all nod sheepishly and rub at their necks awkwardly as they all explain how they figured it out. 
“Wait, wait, is Hangman the only one who doesn’t know now?”  Rooster looks around the room, watching the faces of the other pilots as the realization comes over him that their missing friend had no idea about the two of you as a couple.
“Oh we can make this fun, how long do we think it’s going to take him to figure it out?” Coyote loves his best friend, truly he does, but he was not going to miss the opportunity to mess with him and so the bet started on how long it would take Hangman to figure it out and or/find out, 
It's a whole year after the uranium mission, and eight months after Coyote finds out that Hangman finally finds out that you and Phoenix are dating, he’s the last of the squad to know and since Coyote found out there has been a running bet on how long it will take. Payback had lost long ago, saying he would figure it out 2 months after Coyote did and Bob and Rooster are currently leading with their bets of a year and they say that Hangman won’t actually figure it out (or believe it) until you’re walking down the aisle. 
They were half right, while it is a year later that Hangman finally finds out, it isn’t you walking down the aisle that gives it away but rather the pair of you walking in with pretty silver bands decorated with jewels on your ring fingers, the two of having proposed at the same time the night before. 
He has to do a double take and almost chokes on his beer at the sight before him, head whipping around to take in the faces of the other pilots around him expecting their faces to mirror his own but they were all just looking at him with amusement in their eyes.
“Okay what the fuck is going on?” The two of your have joined the group at your usual spot, nestled into the corner with the pool table, and you meet Hangman's gaze with a questioning look as you cock your head to the side. He uses his beer to gesture between you and Natasha frantically. 
“You two! What is going on?” 
Natasha rolls her eyes at the dramatics, pulling you into her side and wrapping her arm around you shoulders as yours wrapped around her waist and she placed a kiss to your hairline, “We’re engaged Bagman.” You gently hit Natasha’s chest and glared at her slightly letting out a quiet ‘be nice’ that causes her to let out a small chuckle and look to Hangman once again, “We’ve been a couple since senior year of high school, we kept it quiet because our families didn’t react well and we saw things when we first joined the navy that we knew it would compromise our safety if we were to come out.” 
Hangman nods his head in understanding, dropping his arm so it now rested on his side but his eyes watch the other pilots, remembering their reaction when he first saw the two of you and how they weren’t reacting to the news.
“You guys knew!?” The disbelief is clear in Hangmans voice and his annoyance is obvious as he glares at the other pilots around him who are all nodding. Hangman felt a little betrayed if he was being honest, believing that you had told the other pilots about the relationship and had just decided to keep him in dark for whatever reason. You're quick to see the sadness in Jake's eyes and are even quicker to respond. 
“We didn’t tell them if that’s what you're thinking, for the most part they figured it out or saw something they shouldn’t have. We weren’t keeping it from you because we didn’t trust you, we do trust you. I wanted to tell you after Coyote found out but the rest of them,” Your eyes narrow as the rest of the guys shrink away from your gaze, “Wanted to see when you would figure it out.”
“Oh we all had a bet going on how long it would take you to figure it out” Coyote sips from his beer as he sees some of the annoyance and tension drop from Hangmans shoulders at your reassurance that you weren’t deliberately keeping him out of the loop, “Pretty sure Rooster and Bob win.” 
Hangman turns his glare strictly to Coyote, who barks out a laugh at the look, “Even you Javy?” Coyote places a hand to chest and pretends to be hurt before letting out a laugh at his best friend's reaction. 
“Oh come man, how many bets have you made against me before?” Hangman rolls his eyes but he has to agree with his friend, he had made many a bet against Coyote in the past so it was only fair he had made one against him in return. 
Hangman turns back to you and Phoenix and smiles at the two of you,you had the purest smiles on your face and looked just so in love and perfect for one another that he would drop the bet for now. Hangman raises his beer in a small toast that the rest of the aviators follow.
“To Phoenix and Dove, may forever treat you well”
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snxxiao · 2 years
Fuck it brainless sundrop yandere headcannons that probably make no sense, I can’t take it anymore,,,,, he’s become one of my… almost comfort characters…. (darker hc will be below the cut n have separate warnings) I’m sorry I just needed to get this out of my system, I’ve been working on lots of other things for y’all i promise
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sundrop x afab!reader
warnings: soft! Yandere, um light mention of dubconny/nonconny stuff, kidnapping (not in detail), delusional sundrop, SEPARATE WARNINGS LOWER DOWN (aka most of them are more fluffy so there are lower warnings for gore, necrophilia, and torture before those sections start so you can read most of this still if those things trigger you) ty, not proofread or edited just needed to get these thoughts out lol
dark content warning! pls be 18+ to read
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☼ he calls you sunshine, I don’t make the rules
☼ he calls sad days your rainy days (“I didn’t know rain was in the forecast, sunshine”)
☼ very jealous :( would absolutely hate to share you with moondrop so you’ll have to get used to sleeping with the lights on
☼ he’s programmed to constantly be hyper and have high energy as well, so he’ll rarely let you sleep when you’re together
☼ so try to get as much sleep as you can while he’s working with the kids! He’ll want you awake when you’re together! Maybe not playing, but at least talking and holding you :)
☼ I’ve said this before but he’s also not programmed to have any sort of language for romance or what he feels for you, so he’ll just think of you as his bestest and most special friend!
☼ praise kink! Will constantly want you to tell him he’s doing a good job (especially with his drawings and how he’s taking care of you) and will get really sad if you dont :(
☼ he’s the worst when he’s upset :( so I don’t recommend you make him. Even after he’s kidnapped you and forced you to stay in his room
☼ unless the lights go out. But we won’t talk about that.
☼ he would absolutely convince himself he’s the father of your kids! If you had a partner he wouldn’t think they’re a proper one at all! He takes care of them all day :(
☼ some day he wants to be able to move out of the daycare and into a nice house with you so you two can have kids :) until then you’ll be stuck in his mess of a room though :/
☼ he’s not one for punishments if you act out, he’ll most likely give you the silent treatment and talk poorly about himself until it makes you feel bad enough
☼ then you’ll come back to him! He knew you never actually hated him :) you were just lying so it was okay!
☼ you have to teach him a lot of human things, which he doesn’t mind at all. He loves learning about you and what you love
☼ be careful though, he can easily take things too far and have no sort of off switch for it
☼ he does not understand the difference between feeling good and bad too well
☼ if something is supposed to feel good, it must always! He has no concept of something only feeling good sometimes or if the conditions are right :)
☼ good is good, bad is bad, and he’s not bad, so nothing he does can be bad! But moon is bad, so everything he does must also be bad :/
☼ he just wants to take care of you! Even if you don’t want it
☼ he knows you better then you know yourself anyway :) even if you are telling him to stop and that it hurts
☼ he knows that eventually it’ll feel good :) cause it’s supposed to! Just like how glitter always makes him happy! Making you feel good must always feel good
☼ felt like you were getting wetter anyway!
☼ so that’s must mean it was good :)
☼ plus if you every told him he was bad (and meant it) he would probably go crazy, maybe even accidentally turn the lights off
☼ he’s a neurotic mess
☼ omg also after you describe to him what a kiss is he’ll just push his face up against yours and thatll be his form of a kiss
☼ cause he don’t got lips heheh so he’ll just push his face against yours and get so excited about it
☼ it’s cute :)
☼ darker hc below pls read the extra warnings
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warnings: gore, necrophilia, uhh torture?, mention of moondrop killing u
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☼ he knows how dangerous moondrop is, so he would try to keep you away from him at all costs
☼ but don’t worry! If something did happen he would try his best to patch you all up!! He’ll do anything he can to make you better again
☼ if moondrop ever tried to take out your eyes as a punishment, he would try to replace them with googly eyes and feel so proud of himself for succeeding!
☼ sure you look a little different now…. But he helped you feel all better! Plus who hates googly eyes!
☼ if you ever actually died, he would blame it on moondrop, even if he was the one to actually do it
☼ he could never hurt his sunshine! It must’ve been that nasty moon! Don’t worry though! He’ll fix you up again! Just like he always did :)
☼ you couldn’t possibly be actually dead anyway, you’d never leave him :) he cared about you too much!
☼ absolutely delusional :)
☼ and cute :)
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bajisbabe · 3 years
— big, strong tengen (thoughts)
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warnings: brief mention of blood, implied poly relationship between Tengen, reader, and his wives, fluff, short.
Tengen Uzui is so strong that he can bend and twist your body however he wants whenever he wants. And you can’t do anything about it—not that you even want to. But he can be a bit mean when he wants to.
He comes home, splattered in blood, lugging himself about; he’s been injured. Heavy steps echoing through the halls as he makes his way into the room where you and all his wives reside. They pester and prod him, surrounding him, tending to his wounds. But you, you sit aside and finish off the book you had started upon his departure.
He doesn’t like that, glaring at your splayed out figure, you having the stupid book in hand. How could you care about something so boring and uninteresting when the flamboyant demon slayer was right there?
He picks himself up, brushing off the hands of his wives. And then, he’s towering over your prone form, breath ragged and he crouches at your feet. Without warning, he yanks you by the ankles, causing you to slide across the floor and closer to him.
From there, he presses his large hands onto the floor. Big, thick arms bulging as he lowers his bloodied face to steal a chaste kiss from you.
That’s all he wanted. Just a kiss—maybe a little attention. Was that so hard? Then, he’s up, snatching the book along with him and tossing it out of your reach. If you want it, you’re going to have to get past him and his wives. Not like he’d let you continue to ignore him after all this time. You’re not getting that stupid book back.
Unless, you’d rather pay attention to him now that he’s seated amongst his spouses. They’re all frantically tending to him, eyes flickering to you every now and then, waiting for you to join in now that you’ve got nothing to read.
Come on. What are you waiting for?
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togesbunny · 3 years
Todo Aoi x bimbo!reader
Warning: kind of dumbificafion, mating press, female reader, fluff
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Todo isn’t entirely sure how he scored such a pretty girlfriend like you.
It doesn’t take a lot of convincing for everyone to know that you’re indeed his girlfriend and very much head-over-heels for the eccentric sorcerer. You practically worshipped the ground Todo walked on.
You think too highly of him. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had saved you from a curse trying to kill you that you truly thought he was the best man in the world.
Insisting that you repay him for his hard work, you immediately dropped down to your knees to wrap your pretty lips around his cock. He didn’t expect it but it’s not like he can really reject a blowjob from a very attractive woman with a great ass and a nice pair of tits!
No longer spending on or thinking about Takada-chan, Todo spoils you with the pretty little outfits that you love. As much as he doesn’t like it when guys stare at your ass and tits that spill out of the tiny skirts and tight shirts, he can’t help but keep buying you revealing clothing. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he knows in your empty brain, you’ll only think of him.
You wouldn’t let any other man touch you when you love your Aoi-kun so much! Anyway, it’s not like you can even cum without him. Your pretty cunny is just too used to being stretched by his massive cock.
You trust everything that comes out of his mouth even when it’s questionable. As much as everyone has tried to convince you that no, Todo cumming in your cunny will not make your tits bigger—you can’t exactly wrap your head around to whatever they say.
It doesn’t matter though you always blank out every time his cock is inside of your tight cunny. The mating press he has you in has his cock hitting all of the right places. You’re too busy focusing on how good it feels instead of what Todo is doing and saying. You’re creaming with every single thrust of his cock, squealing and sobbing about how it’s too much.
Todo loves you so much that he truly believes you were made for him. His muscles bulge every time he drags his cock in and out of the snug, squishy walls of your gushing pussy. He doesn’t truly understand how you can still keep up with him and his insatiable cock but he’s happy that you do because he doesn’t have to really worry about breaking you.
He pounds his big fat cock inside you, admiring the way it presses against your tummy. He knows the tiny swell of your tummy will only get bigger after every load he releases inside of you.
Yes, he definitely believes you were made for him. Airhead or not, he loves you the way you are.
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iwaasfairy · 3 years
i love how you can write vore and snuff, but you draw the line at fluff. it cracks me up, but you keep doing you and living your best life fairy <33
slkkkjBHdfbsfoh :/ thank you bby,, but no because if i started writing tw.fluff then i'd be going against my nature. sexualize first, think later
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bajisbabe · 3 years
— yandere!kirishima (thoughts)
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warnings; yandere, implied kidnap, fluff, crybaby!reader, short.
↑↑↓↓→← ᴬ ᴮ ˢᵀᴬᴿᵀ
nothing, just thinking about soft yandere!kirishima who insists on wearing you down with his affection.
he keeps telling you that he’s just trying to love you, that he just wants to make you feel okay, that he just wants to give you the world. and while you cry and kick and scream your head off, he’s grabbing at your hands and kissing your wet palms—the palms you’ve used to wipe your seemingly endless tears away.
“don’t cry, please don’t cry,” he’d whisper, a guilty look in his eyes. “m’not gonna hurt you… I promise.”
but he’s not gonna let you go either. he can’t. he needs you.
you’re bound to tire yourself out anyway, and he only makes it all the more easy for you to. tugging you into his big, strong arms, wrapping you up tightly against his broad chest, talking quietly in an attempt to lull you to sleep—because you just look so tired, and you are. his warmth makes you hazy as he soothes his large hands over your back, rocking you gently in his lap. he kisses your forehead, your ears, your nose, and neck, your chin, your jaw, the corner of your lips. but he won’t plant a real kiss on you, not until you ask him to.
eyes wet and body tired, you begin to sag into him. and he just lets you, humming a sweet song about love as you fruitlessly try to keep your heavy eyes open.
ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵒᵛᵉʳ
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bajisbabe · 3 years
[author’s note] I’m really out here writing everything but what I’m supposed to... damn. 🤨
warnings: fluff, lots of cussing, gender neutral reader, polyamorous relationship (Ran and Rin are just sharing the reader, nothing incestuous), Ran threatens to kiss Rindou solely to make him uncomfy, mention of Haitani’s parents even though IDK if they actually have any—
synopsis: You finally take the time to admire their tats.
word count: 1.5K
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photo cred (left to right): 1 3
You had never noticed before. Sure, you had seen their tattoos numerous times but you had never gotten a good look—not until now.
Ran had just gotten out of the shower, his skin and hair damp. He had thrown on a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips and had tossed a towel over his head, rubbing the fabric in hopes of drying his hair. He had taken a hair dryer out, plugged it in, and began to use it. Completely unaware of you lurking just behind him, your hands on his back.
But once he had dried his hair enough, he turned the dryer off and noticed your touch. He had tried to ignore it, busying himself with his phone. But you had been a little too curious and it had begun to annoy him.
“Stop it, you weirdo.” Ran said, frowning softly, his brows furrowing.
He sat in front of you, his bent back facing you. His thumbs tapping over the dimly lit screen of his phone. Your fingertips glided over the inked skin of his back. His shoulders hunching when your fingertips brush his shoulder blades.
“Stop it.” He says, turning and grabbing your wrist. He’s giving you a dirty look. “Stop touching me.”
You immediately pull a pout, making your eyes as glossy and as wide as possible. Batting your lashes to make you look all the more pitiful. “I can’t touch you, Ran?”
“No.” He mumbles, glaring. “Now, go away. You’re distracting me—”
“Fine.” You huff, standing from the bed you both share. Crossing your arms, you turn your back on him. Sly eyes trailing up towards the ceiling as you get an idea. “Guess I’ll just go bother Rindou.”
Ran lets out a scoff, frowning even further. “He wouldn’t wanna be bothered by you.”
“Yes he would!” You say, shifting your weight onto one hip, allowing the other to stick out. “Rin Rin loves me!”
Ran gives a stifled laugh. “Right,” he says, threading his fingers through his hair. “Rin Rin.” He repeats, pressing the back of his hand against his mouth to refrain from laughing again.
“It’s not funny.” You say. “M’serious. I’ll go find him right now.”
“Do it then,” Ran murmurs, shrugging his broad shoulders. Eyes back on his phone screen, the light enunciating his pretty features.
Momentarily blinded by his beauty, you stay quiet for a beat too long. He begins grinning up at you when he notices. “C’mere,” he says, opening his arms and beckoning you forward.
“No,” you say, walking leisurely towards the door. Making another offhand comment as you go, “You called me a weirdo.”
“Oh, come on,” he rolls his eyes, a teasing edge to his voice. “Just come here. Don’t go to Rindou, come here. Seriously.”
You falter quickly, pacing back into his arms. Sighing contently into his chest as he squeezes you up against him. He parts his legs and leans back, letting you lay between them and listen to his heartbeat.
“You should put a shirt on,” you say monotonously, your fingers tracing the pattern of his tattoos, feeling the vibrations of his low laughter.
“You’re the one who wanted to touch me.” He mumbles, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. “You were—wait. Are you... writing your name on me?”
You pause momentarily, eyeing him wearily before resuming your actions. “Yeah, so what?”
Ran stays quiet for a beat, eyes closing as he lets out a sigh. He’d never admit it, but moments like this made him fall in love with you even further.
And it’s peaceful. You, laying there with him, and his large hands smoothing over your shoulder and down your back. It’s almost too good to be tr—
“You called?” The mattress dips under the weight of Rindou as he climbs into the bed.
“Ugh, get out.” Ran spits, eyeing his brother with distaste.
“Uh uh, fuck you.” Rindou mumbles, tugging at the hem of his basketball shorts as he climbs on top of you. He puts all his weight on you, laughing loudly as you begin to squirm beneath him. “They called me. They said ‘Rin Rin,’ I heard ‘em.”
“You claim that nickname?” Ran says. “You shameless shit.”
“Motherfucker.” Rin replies, wrapping his strong arms around you and stealing you out of the arms of his brother. But you remain beneath him and beside Ran. Stuck between them both as they brawl.
“Fuck you.” Rindou mumbles. “M’telling mom.”
“Fuck you.” Ran grunts, tugging your arm out from under Rindou, interlacing your fingers together. “And tell her. I dare you. She likes me better anyway—”
“No she doesn’t.” Rindou lifts himself off of you, using his arms to hover above you. Glaring at his brother, he raises his voice, “Stop lying!”
“Enoooough.” You groan, eyes still closed in hopes of reviving the calm moment from before. You know that it won’t happen. But you can dream. “Stop fighting. You’re both so loud. I can’t even hear myself think.” You cover your eyes, shaking your head for emphasis.
There’s a pause before they laugh. Rindou rolls over, resting on your left side, and Ran on your right.
It’s peaceful once more, but then Rin speaks. “What did ya want me for?” He says, voice quiet.
“I wanted to touch your tats,” you mumble, eyes feeling heavy. “But s’okay now.”
“Nah, go ahead.” He gets up, turning his back to you and pulling his shirt up and over his head. Keeping the hem of the fabric at his chest. “Touch.”
You lazily reach out a hand, fingertips grazing his shoulder. Then, Ran interrupts. “No fair.” He says, equally as quiet as Rindou had been. “Touch mine too.”
“But...but, well, you said—you said that I was distracting you.” You murmur. The comfortable warmth they create surrounds you, causing you to become sleepier and sleepier by the second.
“No, no.” He says, tugging your free hand up to caress his cheek. “I’m done, you’re not distracting me anymore.”
“They’re touching me, asshole.” Rindou says. “Back off.”
“You back off.” Ran replies.
“No, you.” Rindou says, narrowing his eyes. “Idiot.”
“Momma’s boy.”
“Little shit—”
“Stop it, please.” You nudge at them, bringing their attention back to you. “I’ll touch both of your tats, how ‘bout that?”
They give each other a nasty look, before quietly agreeing. “Fine.” Ran says.
“Whatever.” Rin sighs.
You get them to sit side by side, their backs facing you. Only then did you notice that their tattoos lined up.
“Oh,” your mouth is ajar, you’re in awe. “How cool.” One hand traces over Rindou’s back, and the other trailing over Ran’s.
They both smirk, giving each other a knowing glance and a subtle fist-bump that you don’t quite catch. They knew you’d be into their tattoos.
“That’s so cool,” you repeat quietly to yourself, sleepiness completely worn off now that you’ve finally seen the connection. “Wow.”
“Wanna see the front?” Ran offered, pushing at his brother to grab his attention, a smirk on his face. Rindou looks back at Ran with a sly grin, pushing back at his brother as they communicate silently amongst themselves.
“Sure!” You chirp. They turn to you, balancing on their knees atop the bed. You stand up on the sheets, peering down from above.
“Holy shit…” you gasp. “That is so cool!” You dropped onto the bed, rushing forward to get a closer look.
“Uh,” Rindou grabs your wrists suddenly, halting your touch immediately. You frown, tilting your head in confusion as you glance at him.
“Not so fast, darling.” Ran chuckles at your bemused expression. “Don’t you owe us something?”
“What’re you talking about?” You mumble, trying to pull your hands away.
“A kiss,” Ran says, invading your space and pressing closer to his brother’s side. “One for each of us, whadd’ya say?”
Rin merely smiles, feigning innocence.
You would gladly give them a kiss. But this was one of the few times in which the Haitani Brothers actually banded together to take you on. You knew nothing good could come out of it. Or at least, not for you.
“You guys are mean.” You sigh, tugging at your wrists, which had yet to be released.
“C’mon,” Rindou pipes up. “One kiss.”
“For both of us.” Ran adds.
“Can’t you both just kiss each other?” You groan. “You always try to gang up on me.”
They look at each, Ran raising a brow, a strange grin on his face. Rindou only frowns.
“M’not kissing you, asshole.” Rindou said, his grip on you faltering. “So don’t get any weird ideas.”
“Oh, you’re not?” Ran coos, eyeing you before giving a wink. You immediately understood what had to be done. “No kiss for you big brother?” Ran teases, poking and prodding at his brother’s exposed stomach.
“You’re not funny! I’m telling mom a-and dad, too!” Rindou releases you, desperate to escape his brother’s teasing and yanking down his shirt. And that’s when you grabbed him, pulling him down and trying your best to restrain him. Rindou flails his legs, biting back a string of curses as his brother puckered his lips, doing his very best to make Rindou uncomfortable.
“Oh, you’re fucking evil!” He mumbles, eyes narrowed and calculating—trying to land the perfect kick to the head of his annoying ass brother. Right then, he promises himself that he’d have no mercy once he got his hands on you. “You too,” he spat up at you. “You think you’re safe, huh? Lemme deal with this jackass first, and then you’re next!”
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