caeliangel · 1 year
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IMAGE ID: a rectangular flag with 6 stripes that are, in order: pastel pink, magenta, royal purple, blue, verdigris, pastel green. END OF ID.
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EXPLANATIONS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
Bisexual gayflux, a term for where you're always a bisexual but sometimes gaylm / veldian.
MEANINGS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
1. Attraction to genders that are similar to your own. 2. Pride 3. Multisexuality 4. Attraction to genders that are different to your own. 5. Being sometimes gaylm/veldian 6. Queerness
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warriors-pride · 8 months
Snowkit icon with trans and autism flag? if it’s not too hard or
Cloudtail with homoflux, asexual and trans flag?
sorry if I worded that weird :)
I hope you meant homoflux as in veldiflux/turiflux/gay(man)flux. If not, please feel free to let me know what you meant because I can't find a general homoflux flag
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hey I have a question
for genderfluid I know there's terms where your gender is always feminine (genderfae or girlflux) or always masculine (genderfaun or boyflux) but still fluid
is there terms for abro where your attraction is fluid but always includes boys/masc people or girls/fem people or where you're always mspec? if not i've got some coining to do
sorry if you don't accept questions feel free to delete I just couldn't find any terms or other blogs to ask
We definitely accept asks so no worries there! And I found a few terms that might work
Neptunia: fluid attraction exclusively between feminine, neutral, outherine, and aporine genders
Lesbiflux/Turiflux: fluid attraction between women and nonbinary genders and men and nonbinary genders respectively
Multiflexible: fluid between multisexual identities
Sumisexual: abrosexual but always mspec
Unfortunately Neptunia didn't have an Uranic equivalent, though if you decide to coin one or other abrosexual sublabels feel free to @ me and I will boost!
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neopronouns · 2 years
Can you make a lesbian vergion of this: https://kenochoric.tumblr.com/post/672141300912488448/veldiaflux-turiflux ?
already coined here!
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caeliangel · 26 days
YOU ARE THE MOGAI MASTER butt I need help literally I'm only asking because I am too afraid to ask anyone else but I need some sexuality help.. and ur flags are really diverse so I've been looking at them a lot..
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(So to explain I've been bi or bi Flux for a really long long time but the thing is I like girls in like a lesbian type way and dudes in a really gay way but I've lost attraction to all genders on certain occasions or days or just even no attraction at all and I have no idea id love to go in further detail but thats the best way to explain..)
First of all, bisexual still works. I experience what you do experience and use collectively bi & velaurian. Mostly the bi-cycle combined with being velaurian / gaybian.
' typical labels '
' deep finds '
An orientation that's a combination of biflux, panflux, polyflux, omniflux, and abroflux. Not required, but it may also combine aroflux, aceflux, lesbiflux, turiflux, heteroflux, neptuniflux, autoflux, saturniflux, uraniflux, or any other flux labels.
Gaybianfluid/flux/fluix is a term referring to those who are fluid and/or fluctuate between the labels gay (man) and lesbian, they may or may not also be abrosexual
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