#trigger warning pet loss
ooc; pet loss
In June 2019, my next-door neighbor messaged me that there was a tiny kitten at their house. So of course, I had to go check that out. My Mom told me as I was walking out the door that I better not bring it home. I told her that I wouldn't but then I saw her. She had an injured tail and was clearly too small to be outside. So I brought her home to keep her safe and to get the vet care that was needed. I then promised my Mom that I'd find a home for her. Fast-forward to that Monday when I took her to see our veterinarian. He said that her tail would need docking because it had suffered too much trauma. So that's what we did. In the process of her healing and needing medication, we all fell in love with her. So she stayed.
We lost that beautiful little soul today. And I am so sad because she was the only cat that we have currently that behaved like a cat. She was so quirky and could be a little demon one moment and a devil the next. I called her my Gemini kitty. Her being gone is raw and I'm devastated because she was the best girl.
I will forever love and miss you, my sweet little Maizee Mae.
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RIP Maizee. June 2019 - May 19, 2023.
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hurtbymanysouls · 1 year
Link to video: https://youtu.be/n2bRyn-NoRc
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oddbunny · 1 year
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Such a fine, sunny day and you had to go. My Ahsoka passed in my arms early this morning. She was the sweetest dog I've ever known. She loved everyone she ever met with her whole heart. I never even heard her growl. It hurts so much.
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The night between the 8th and the 9th of July my cat Oliver passed away from kidney failure. I left him in Greece almost a year ago, when I under tragic circumstances had to move within only 14 days time. He lived with a family member of my ex, and I haven't known anything about his whereabouts since I left Greece. It was a roller coaster to both learn that he had passed, and that he had at the very least had a good and safe last year. I fought to get him with me out of Greece, but was sadly only able to bring one cat. I've felt guilty and bad each day since mid August when I had to leave. So it's both relief and sorrow I feel at the moment. I hope he didn't suffer in the end, and that he knew I loved him even if I had to leave him against my will. He was the sweetest goofiest boy, and such a big cuddle bug. He was very smart in his own way, kind, loving and just the biggest cutie pie. He was well mannered, so soft and a real teddy bear. He was my baby boy, and I have missed him every day, and still will. I loved him so much, and he was without a doubt one of my favorite cats ever. R.I.P. Oliver, always loved, always missed 💖
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punkpinkpower · 1 month
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I'm up late looking up quotes and stories about grief while Timmy naps beside me. He's exhausted from a beautiful day. All his favorite people came to see him, and he got special treats, and so much love, and purred the whole time.
I don't know how to say goodbye to him. I wish that I could make him understand that I'd give up my kidney, my lungs, my heart, if it meant he didn't have to go. But there is no magic I can conjure that can defeat the cancer in his lungs, nothing we can try that we already haven't, and I've bought him all the time I can.
I don't know what he understands. He knows that the person he's called momma for 17 years is crying a lot, and that he doesn't feel well. Does he know how much I love him? Does he know how many times he saved my life? Does he know how many hard nights he got me through, holding onto him, knowing I had to stay because who else would feed my cat?
17 years by my side, my faithful companion. And tomorrow the clock will start anew, counting the days I must go on without him, loving him and missing him for the rest of my life.
I don't know what he understands. I hope he knows how much I love him. ❤️
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latenightsushi · 1 month
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the world lost its bestest boy yesterday. leo was my mother-in-law's dog but was so goofy and happy that he was beloved by family and friends alike. we dogsat / borrowed him many times over the years just so we could hang out with him, and I know we weren't the only ones - that pup visited dorm rooms, post-college apartments, and vacation homes and made friends everywhere he went.
our boy gave as much as he received, he was 16 years old and truly gave us all the time and love that he had. I appreciate every moment I got to spend with him, and I hope we'll get to see him again even if it's just in our dreams.
thanks so much buddy, we love you very much and we'll miss you 💔
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foulcloudwhispers · 9 months
I hate to do this but Jake's gonna be a little MIA from Hangouts. I just had to say goodbye to my soul pet and it's so surreal for me. But I'd Def would need a distraction but as of right now, it's a lil tough.
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writerlyhabits · 1 year
Hey friends 💛
I just wanted to hop on and say that I'm going through a little bit of a rough patch at the moment. My puppy passed away last night, and it's... to try and put it elegantly, it knocked the wind out of me and I'm still trying to catch my breath.
I'm not going on hiatus, and I'm not going to stop writing, but it might be a little bit longer than usual before I post anything for you guys.
I still have lots of stories to tell and a whole series to finish, and you guys have always been so wonderful to me. But as you stop by my blog, or check for a new update, just have a little extra patience, and a little extra kindness.
I can't tell you how much you all mean to me. Thank you for understanding 💛
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butleroftoast · 7 months
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"No one is finally dead until the ripples they caused in the world die away."
We've had a sudden snap of cold weather and the condensation on my bedroom window revealed a small message from Percy.
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direwrath · 2 years
You were an old dog, full of health problems, and you had just lost your beloved owner unexpectedly when you came to live with us. Nobody would take the responsibility of caring for an old ailing dog but we couldn't let them put you down, so you came halfway across the country to our home.
For the past three years you had to deal with constant baths to help with your bad skin, your bad eye had to be cleaned a few times a day, and you kept your hefty shape even when we tried to put you on a diet.
You were such a good dog, spoiled to the core, and loved dearly.
It's been two days since I felt that final beat of your heart and I only hope that we were able to give you the best life before your send off.
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Goodbye my lumpy little meatball.
RIP Princess
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🌷 - What’s a few candle scents you like? 💭 - What’s on your mind right now? 💪 - Quick, name something you’re proud of! 🍰 - What is a dessert you can’t get enough of? 💎 - Do you like to wear bracelets and/or other jewelry?
Munday questions!
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🌷 - What’s a few candle scents you like?
Anything honeysuckle or lilac scented. I'm not a fan of strong perfume or cologne-smelling scents. Mostly the light and airy scents. If it's floral and overwhelming, I won't like it.
💭 - What’s on your mind right now?
My Maizee girl is on my mind tonight. She's not even been gone half a day yet, but already this house feels so lonely and wrong without her. She was so loved and will be missed so much. (trigger warning pet loss - read more (x)).
💪 - Quick, name something you’re proud of!
Alexander Theran (my son).
🍰 - What is a dessert you can’t get enough of?
Homemade Chocolate pie with homemade crust.
💎 - Do you like to wear bracelets and/or other jewelry?
I love to wear bracelets. I have a Pandora bracelet with a lot of charms on it that I wear when I go out with the hubs or am dressed up. I also love bangle-type bracelets. I have one that is Star Wars themed with hearts on them that one says, 'I love you' and the other says, 'I know'. I just love Leia and Han so much! <3
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dracharenae · 2 years
✹ —  i’m going to try to get to some writing here and on @oraiososta.  today was a rough day, one of the dogs at my facility passed away and she’s been one of my favorites the whole time i’ve been working there, so i’m feeling feelings rn.  the unfortunate part of working with animals and spending everyday with them, they become yours.  so i’m feeling this loss as if she were my dog.  that being said, i’m watching lord of the rings rn.  i’m going to get the fantasy vibe, and the try to do some writing.  alternatively, i might remake my promos + oraiososta’s blog background + my banner here + other stuff.  we’ll see.  either way, i’ll try to be productive.
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The Cat’s Funeral
She planned a funeral For once, it wasn’t her own No, it was someone else’s
Death had claimed her cat (much too soon, perhaps)
So, she arranged a cremation Somehow, she stayed stoic But, within, she cursed
The fact that she was Still alive
“Why wasn’t I taken, too?!”
That year’s end Had plagued her with misfortunes How she didn’t toss herself
Into a mighty river Remained a mystery
Her cat’s demise may as well Have killed her, too
She planned a cremation Funerary rites that would mimic her own Ashes in a pretty tin
(perhaps, one that is feline themed)
Somehow, she stayed stoic Through it all.
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cutthroatkindness · 2 years
Don't know how far to put this, !tw for pet dog passing!
My dog passed away Monday morning. We had an appointment for humane euthanasia at 9am and she passed before my friend could pick us up.
She was 11 and given her mix of breed, it makes sense. She was an old girl but God she was the best! She was.my first dog and may be my last cause oh my god my heart hurts.. I keep catching myself being like "Shit I gotta go get her." from outside when I look and don't see her around.
My dad and I adopted her after my mom passed and when dad passed, she just started to decline. She's been through a lot too.. I need to keep telling myself that she isn't hurting anymore. I miss my Snowball. My sweet honey girl.
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influencingforjohn · 24 days
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Thankful for Princess , a rescue dog from a local shelter that I had the pleasure of adopting December 23,2024 . Just a day earlier I lost my Jack Russell Terrier named Queenie original named at the local animal shelter was buttons 3 years old . I had the pleasure of spending 8 good years loving her 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 She taught me no matter what’s going on in life , the life of your loved ones is what is important to focus on , how special and precious it is . Cherish every moment because one day it can be over . Thankful for Princess a very gentle giant whose kindness and innocence warms my heart daily . Thankful for Princess kisses on my hand .
- Princess by Christina @influencingforjohn
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I just found out that I lost both my cats in the fire that burned down my family's house. I feel like I'm dying inside. I've had both of my cats since they were kittens. One of them was from the humane society, I got her at six months old and she was going to turn fifteen in four months. I've had the other since he was a couple days old and his birthday was in two months. He'd be turning six this year.
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