#trent o'donnell
boardchairman-blog · 2 years
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**Shots of the Episode**
Hacks (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8: “The One, The Only” (2022) Director: Trent O’Donnell Cinematographer: Adam Bricker
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ecnmatic · 11 months
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THE GOOD PLACE (2017) Everything Is Great! - 2x1 dir. Trent O'Donnell.
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morleybobsource · 2 years
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wildpip_morley: Fell in love with this guy @rycorrmaking #Limbowith @abcaustraliaand @bunyaproductions a massive thanks to Lucas Taylor for trusting me to play 'Nate' to Trent O'Donnell and David Stubbs for their direction and guidance. Can't wait for you all to see it next year!
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dentpx · 1 year
Day Ten Recap
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Oops! I Forgor Caleb Covington vs Trent Espio vs Guzma Avalon: Web of Magic protags vs Wonder Twins Gollum vs Moomin K9 vs Toxel Angelina Ballerina vs Max and Ruby Bowser vs Selina Kyle Jason Grace vs Silver the Hedgehog Benson vs Doofenshmirtz Mimikyu vs Among Us Johnny Charisma vs Wolf O'Donnell Janice vs Blaze the Cat Sokka vs Zuko Justin Russo vs Max Russo
Revival Round The Phantom Davey Jacobs The Eleventh Doctor Jay 3. Monoma Neito Regina Mills 2. Silco 1. Garfield Ena
Day One of Round Two ends at 12!
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kizo2703 · 2 years
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Bob just posted after looong time (😂🥰):
wildpip_morley Fell in love with this guy @rycorr making #Limbo with @abcaustralia and @bunyaproductions a massive thanks to Lucas Taylor for trusting me to play 'Nate' to Trent O'Donnell and David Stubbs for their direction and guidance. Can't wait for you all to see it next year!
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lesombresdeschoses · 1 year
« Je me souviens de chaque instant vécu là-bas. Dans les limbes. Ce Nexus étrange créé par ma grand-mère. Un trou noir qui m'engloutit pour m'ouvrir les yeux sur ma vie. Cette existence de mort. J'étais morte. Je renais. J'avais parfois l'impression de vivre la vie d'une autre. De mon double dans un autre univers. »
Lawrina Mortensen, l'ex-inspectrice de la brigade criminelle de Londres est devenue romancière après son expérience insolite. Plongée, pendant trois mois, dans un profond coma, notre héroïne a expérimenté toute une existence.
L'Au-Delà. Dans cette sphère, personne n'était conscient d'être mort. Tout ce petit monde croyait vivre dans la réalité. La petite fille de l'ex-agent du MI6 Yvonne O'Donnell, belle, intelligente, mais butée, ne voulait pas comprendre que sa carrière dans la police la détruisait, entraînant son entourage dans cette funeste déchéance. Morgann Mortensen, sa soeur, assassinée lors d'une mission d'infiltration. Dell, l'adolescent témoin du meurtre de celle-ci. Deyn son époux a sombré dans la folie après qu'elle l'a quitté. L'inspecteur Chef Tyler Declan McKenzie, son collègue, décédé des suites de ses blessures en lui sauvant la vie. De l'autre côté du miroir, Lawrina Mortensen en a vu de toutes les couleurs, il fallait qu'elle comprenne qu'il est inutile de s'accrocher à une existence qui ne veut pas de vous. Une carrière qui détruit tout sur son sillage. Lawrina n'est pas responsable de tout les malheurs du monde, les gens font leurs propres choix. En aucune façon, elle n'a pu impacter ces choix. Et pourtant, sa culpabilité grandissant, l'inspectrice s'acharnait à vouloir corriger une trajectoire dont l'origine ne dépendait pas d'elle. Chacun est responsable de sa destinée. Personne d'autre. Lawrina ne pleure jamais. Elle ne pleure jamais les morts. Elle ne montre jamais ses sentiments. Elle ne s'attache jamais. Trop de fantômes dans sa vie. Être flic, c'est aussi porter le deuil des autres.
Aujourd'hui, l'Ecossaise - aux origine irlandaises - de trente-neuf ans a opéré un changement à trois-cent-soixante degrés. Romancière de talent, Le livre des rêves - son recueil de nouvelles fantastiques campé dans un univers de science fiction - est devenu un best-seller. Ses fans attendent la suite avec impatience. Inspiré par son expérience et le journal intime de sa grand-mère, le premier livre est la promesse d'une longue série de romans passionnants.
Les héros de ses récits sont un hommage à tous ceux qui ne peuvent plus témoigner de l'extraordinaire aventure qu'est la vie sur notre belle planète bleue. Tyler McKenzie et Yvonne O'Donnell vivent dans le coeur de Lawrina Mortensen. L'immortalité à portée de plume.
Etienne Leroy. J'ai aimé cet homme, mais je ne me suis jamais attachée à personne, pas même à lui. L'Univers est tellement plus grand qu'une simple histoire d'amour. J'ai parfois l'impression que c'est l'égo qui aime et que le cœur vit, tout simplement.
A chacun son puzzle. Tout est intriqué et c'est ce qui fait la beauté de cette toile universelle.
Ce journal de bord, je vous le dédie. A vous, mes petites filles. Chacune de vous deux aura son parcours, ses embuches, son enfer. N'ayez pas peur. Vivez. Ne craignez pas le changement, ne craignez pas l'existence. Elle vous donne les outils pour appréhender l'univers, quand l'heure sera venue. Mourir n'est pas la fin. C'est un changement d'état. N'ayez pas peur du changement. N'ayez pas peur de laisser mourir les choses. Ne laissez pas votre esprit s'étioler dans la médiocrité du dictat social. Vivez.
Je l'aimais et pour cela je l'ai laissé mourir. C'était son destin. Son chemin. Son expérience.
Yvonne Renée O'DONNELL
Une belle leçon existentielle.
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witcherfan · 2 years
Wednesday, August 4th, 2022
I really, really, liked this, hearfelt, funny. beautiful shots of nature and hiking trails. off the wall movie. Has a dog in it that is the main character's companion that he talks to, during the whole movie. It is on Hulu.
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rickchung · 2 years
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Ride the Eagle (dir. Trent O'Donnell).
What an aggressively pleasant mostly one-hander light comedy about forgiveness and parental baggage co-written, produced, and starring your ex-boyfriend Jake Johnson. He certainly proves he can maintain our attention either alone, with a dog sidekick, or playing off one other scene partner.
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polikszena · 2 years
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James Lance in 60 Mintues’ Ted Lasso cast interview - Part 2
How would you describe Trent Crimm?
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leupagus · 2 years
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leighlim · 5 years
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Do you believe your other selves (if parallel universes exist) would eventually intersect at certain points? Either in the end or at multiple points?
(Below are spoilers for the episode — and since I know what would happen until Season 3…I suggest you watch until episode 12 or read the recaps before proceeding!)
I thought about that question as Michael starts the first of his (how many was it in total?) seemingly unlimited reboots. Then thought about Michael Tucker’s (Lessons from the Screenplay) video essay on ‘Groundhog Day’. Specifically the change in view if we saw the entity involved in the ‘resetting’. 
Another is how Michael expects the same result from Eleanor based on the first run through. 
One question that I like to ask when trying to understand another person better is: ‘If you had to do it over again, what aspects of your life would you change?’ ---- the issue with that question is the assumption that everyone who is involved in your ‘life web’ (all the interconnectivities that ripple after one decision) will be acting the same way when you go through that same event. 
One show that posed an interesting ‘ripple’ is Felicity. Due to the weird network schedule (a specific number of episodes which were changed with little time to spare), the tail and of it’s final season had weird twists. What I did like about the execution was the fact that things did not go about as Felicity hoped (she had a plan to follow the path she convinced would be the best fit for her only to be led back to the path she was already on).
In the case of this episode of ‘The Good Place’ ---- the entity responsible (Michael) wants our protagonist to go through a negative arc. But that’s not exactly right isn’t it? Because in the course of this Season, Michael eventually goes through his own arc (in which eventually the humans do end up imbuing some sort of empathy in him...and he becomes ever closer to becoming one --- the turning point comes in three episodes when he decides to ask for their help). 
Michael: I know that this is kind of large scale deception is not what you were trained to do. There are gonna be days when you're just sick of being around these disgusting humans, with their weird, gross little mouths, and their stupid elbows.
Chidi: No Way! Soul mates are real?
Michael: They sure are. Although, your soul mate situation is a little unusual.
Chidi: Oh no. I don't have one, do I? That's fine. I mean, who needs a soul mate, anyway? My soul mate would be...books!
Michael: No, no. It's not that you don't have a soul mate, it's that you have multiple soul mates. Here ---
[Michael waves his hand and a graphic of Earth appears]
Michael: Now, normally, our omniscient system perfectly analyses each person's profile, then matches him or her with another person. But in your case, the system matched you with two other people. It's a rare occurrence, like, uh....like a double rainbow or someone on the internet saying: 'You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong.'.
Chuck’s recurring biting gag. :)
Recap: link TBA
Timestamp Commentary: link TBA
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a-night-like--this · 5 years
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Congratulations to The Cure on their induction into the Rock Hall Of Fame!!!
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nothingleftbutfaith · 5 years
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televisiongifs · 3 years
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NEW GIRL: 5x06 - Reagan (2016) dir. Trent O'Donnell
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postersdecinema · 3 years
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The Good Place S01
EUA, 2016
Drew Goddard, Michael McDonald, Beth McCarthy-Miller, Payman Benz, Morgan Sackett, Tucker Gates, Trent O'Donnell, Tristam Shapeero, Dean Holland, Linda Mendoza, Lynn Shelton, Michael Schur
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onlyincanadayousay2 · 5 years
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The Maritime Edit
One of Canada’s greatest entertainers, the multi-talented, hard working, ahead of her time, brilliant Mary Walsh, the Queen of Comedy. 
Early life
Walsh was born in St. John's, Newfoundland, the daughter of Mary and Leo Walsh, a merchant marine turned firefighter on commercial vessels. She's the 7th of 8 children. She is also of Irish ancestry.
Walsh studied theatre in Toronto at Ryerson University but dropped out to work with the CODCO comedy troupe on a series of stage shows, which eventually evolved into a sketch comedy series. The CODCO series ran from 1987 to 1992 on CBC Television.
This Hour Has 22 Minutes
In 1992, she began to work with former co-star Rick Mercer and former CODCO co-stars Cathy Jones and Greg Thomey to create a new television series called This Hour Has 22 Minutes. The show would be a parody of the nightly news and would poke fun at Canadian and international politics. 22 Minutes received strong ratings during its earlier seasons and Walsh's character Marg Delahunty became famous for buttonholing politicians and submitting them to satirical interviews. Usually Marg Delahunty would recite a scripted piece intended to humiliate the politician, often by providing criticism and "grandmotherly" advice. Sometimes Marg appeared as "Marg, Princess Warrior", a parody of the title character of Xena: Warrior Princess portrayed by Lucy Lawless. Walsh is also noted for her comical segment chronicling the Canadian Auto Workers Union's tense blockade of the Volvo Halifax Assembly plant in 1998. In 2007, she revived Marg Delahunty for the Royal Canadian Air Farce's 300th episode. On October 24, 2011, Walsh was once again in the spotlight as she reprised the role of Marg Delahunty conducting an ambush interview of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at his home. Ford's reaction and alleged verbal abuse directed at 911 operator made national headlines.
Other work[
Walsh's other television work included the short-run sitcoms Dooley Gardens in 1999, Hatching, Matching and Dispatching and she had a guest starring role as Miranda Cahill on the CBC television series, Republic of Doyle. She created the CBC program Mary Walsh: Open Book, a talk show about books and literature, in 2003.
Besides TV acting, she has worked on movies such as Mambo Italiano, Geraldine's Fortune, Rain, Drizzle and Fog, Buried on Sunday, The Divine Ryans, Young Triffie and Violet.
2004 saw Walsh host a segment on the CBC documentary series The Greatest Canadian, in which she championed the case for Sir Frederick Banting (the Nobel prize-winning discoverer of insulin) as the greatest Canadian who ever lived.
In June 2007, she hosted the Pride Toronto Gala & Awards ceremony.
On December 15, 2007, Walsh made national news with a story about her upcoming special, Nudity, Sexuality, Violence and Coarse Language, in which a large group of people who went and stripped naked standing next to St. John's Harbour in -11° Celsius (12.2° Fahrenheit) temperature to be filmed as a part of the show's closing. Walsh herself did not go nude.
In 2017, Walsh published her debut novel, Crying for the Moon.
Walsh made her feature directorial debut with the 2007 movie Young Triffie. She was the first Newfoundlander in six years to have a film in general release across Canada.
Personal life
Walsh has battled alcoholism. The Toronto Star reported that the end of CODCO coincided with the end of Walsh's active alcoholism, with Walsh stating "which was a damn good thing because I could have never done This Hour Has 22 Minutes if I'd been drinking."
Performing arts
She won Best Supporting Actress at the Atlantic Film Festival in 1992 for her performance in Mike Jones' Secret Nation.
On November 4, 2006, Walsh and Ed MacDonald picked up a Gemini Award for the best writing in a comedy or variety program for their work in Hatching, Matching and Dispatching.
She has won 18 Gemini Awards.
Walsh received a Governor General's Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement, Canada's highest honour in the performing arts, in 2012.
Charity and activism[
A sufferer of macular degeneration, she has served from time to time as a spokesperson for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB).
In 1993, Walsh was chosen to deliver the prestigious Graham Spry lecture which was broadcast nationally on CBC Radio.
In 1994, Walsh addressed the United Nations Global Conference on Development in New York. She has also served as a spokesperson for Oxfam, Canada's human rights campaign, and in 2010 received Oxfam's Spirit of Change Award, in recognition of her years of dedication to eradicating poverty and ensuring public services for all.
On May 29, 1998, Mary Walsh received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Trent University 
McGill University honoured Walsh with an honorary doctorate during the November 2008 convocation ceremony. Her speech to the class of 2008 focused on political satire.
1986 The Adventure of Faustus Bidgood  Heady Nolan
1992 Secret Nation Oona Vokey
1999 New Waterford Girl Cookie Pottie
2003 Mambo Italiano Lina Paventi
2007 Young Triffie Aunt Millie BishopDirector
2009 Crackie Bride
2013 The Grand Seduction Vera
2014 How To Be Deadly Dot Power
2015 Closet Monster Allison
2016 The Inn Of Olde SadieShort Film
YearTV ShowRoleNotes
1978 The Root Seller Various 6 Episodes
1986-1989 CODCO Various 35 Episodes
1993-2013 This Hour Has 22 Minutes Various 34 Episodes
1999 Dooley Gardens Marilyn Benoit 7 Episodes
2005-2006 Hatching, Matching and Dispatching
Mamie Lou Furey 9 Episodes
2010-2014 Republic of Doyle Miranda Cahill 2 Episodes
2014-2016 Sensitive Skin Sarah Thorn 2 Episodes
2018 Little Dog Tucker
YearTV ShowPositionNotes
1978 The Root Seller Writer 6 Episodes
1986-1989 CODCO Writer 35 Episodes
1998-1999 The Rosie O'Donnell Show Writer 193 Episodes
2003-2004 Mary Walsh: Open Book Writer 13 Episodes
2005-2006 Hatching, Matching and Dispatching Writer 6 Episodes
1993-2004 This Hour Has 22 Minutes Head Writer/Writer 31 Episodes
2017 Crying for the Moon: A Novel Writer
#marywalsh #themaritimeedit #maritimeedit#themaritimeeditmagazine #editmedia #editcanada #theedit
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