#tourist resort in MExico
rabbitcruiser · 16 days
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National Learn To Swim Day
Teach your kids to swim, or sign up for lessons yourself. It’s good  for your health, and may save your life or the life of another from  drowning someday.
Maybe humans can’t fly like birds (yet!), but that doesn’t mean that  walking is the only we can get around—with just a little patience and a  little work, we can learn to swim like fish, too. Of course, you could  live without ever knowing how to swim, but who would want to?
Swimming offers so many benefits that it’s impossible to say that  your life would be just as good without it—it builds muscle strength and  endurance, improves circulation, helps maintain a healthy weight,  alleviates stress and improves both coordination and flexibility, to  name but a few.
Not to mention that knowing how to swim can easily save your life or allow you a person to save someone’s life! Learn to Swim Day  was created to encourage people all over the world who don’t know how  to swim, regardless of age, to finally acquire this incredibly  beneficial skill or simply improve on their existing skills.
National Learn To Swim Day is observed every year on the third  Saturday of May and is dedicated to educating children and adults about  the importance of learning to swim and general water safety. National  Learn To Swim Day is held before the start of summer, to ensure that  anyone who cannot swim prior to summer is encouraged to learn, making  for a safer summer of water fun.
While swimming is an activity enjoyed by people of all ages  throughout the year, summer is the time when there is the most risk of  drowning, with an increasing number of people taking to lakes, rivers,  and swimming pools to cool off in the heat. Because there are a number  of risks involved in swimming – and accidentally falling into the water  or getting out of your depth – learning to swim from a young age is  vital.
History of Learn to Swim Day
This little holiday was created in 2012 by ‘Swimways’, now known as  ‘Teach Me To Swim’. Its main goal was to provide the opportunity to  raise awareness about the importance of water safety as well as teach  both children and adults how to swim.
At first, it was just a small event, but soon people began to realize  just how important it was to have such a day, especially during the  month when many swimming pools open for the summer all over the U.S.A.
Soon, corporations such as Target and Toys”R”Us joined Swimways in  celebrating this day by offering promotions on swimwear and learn to  swim items, as well as helping to raise awareness about Learn to Swim  Day. Nowadays, it seems that more people take part every year, resulting  in thousands of people finally mastering this extremely useful skill.
Raising awareness about water safety
National Learn To Swim Day is the ideal opportunity to raise  awareness about the crucial importance of being able to swim and being  confident in and around water, particularly for young children. Learning  to swim is an invaluable life skill that could, one day, save a child’s  life, which is why raising awareness about learning to swim is so  vital.
Did you know that drowning is the second leading cause of accidental  death in children from one to 14-years-old? That’s why it is so  important that children of all ages learn to swim, hence the need for  National Learn To Swim Day and the importance of raising awareness  around this crucial health and safety topic.
Learning to swim can be a lot of fun, and can be practiced at any  age. There are classes for swimming designed for children as young as a  few weeks old that teach young babies and toddlers how to turn over into  the water onto their backs, should they accidentally fall into water  and are unable to get out, effectively saving their own lives.
As well as basic swimming lessons for children of all ages, there are  also a number of advanced swimming classes that are designed to improve  children’s swimming skills and increase their confidence.
There are also swimming classes designed to teach children and  teenagers vital lifeguarding and lifesaving skills, so should they ever  need to help another swimmer who is in trouble in the water, they are  able to do so in a safe and confident way.
How to celebrate Learn to Swim Day
As you may well have guessed, the best way to celebrate Learn to Swim  day would be to learn to swim. It is estimated that about half of all  Americans can’t swim, so if you happen to be a part of this group, this  day is the perfect time to change your life for the better!
National Learn To Swim Day is all about encouraging people to learn  how to swim and to ensure that from a young age children are encouraged  to learn how to swim. National Learn To Swim Day also encourages parents  to book swimming lessons for their children, to help boost their water  confidence and ensure that they properly understand water safety and how  dangerous water can be.
Many swimming lesson companies offer deals and discounts as part of  the National Learn To Swim Day celebrations, encouraging parents to  enroll their children in classes that could one day save their lives.
Don’t be shy, no matter how old you are, there and millions of other  people your age who can’t swim, either. So get a bathing suit you feel  comfortable in, and make your way down to your nearest pool, and take a  few lessons. Learning the basics of swimming is generally considered  quite easy for most people.
If you don’t want to take a class from an instructor, you could  always ask a friend or relative who swims well to teach you. However, it  is extremely important to exercise caution at all times, and take your  time practicing in shallow, relatively still water for quite some time  before venturing out into less safe territory.
And even when you do learn to swim well enough to feel comfortable in  the water, you should never take unnecessary risks, like swimming in  areas not monitored by lifeguards, disregarding warning signs, swimming  under the influence of alcohol, or diving without first checking the  water is at least 9-10 feet deep. You could also host a pool party or  make a deal with your children that you will find the time to go  swimming together at least once a week.
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dailyoverview · 4 months
Cancún, Mexico, has grown significantly in the last few decades, quickly becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Caribbean Sea. The resort city was developed on the site of a coconut plantation with three residents in the 1970s and by 2019 was able to accommodate more than 6 million tourists. Its population and urban footprint has also boomed; in the mid-1980s the Cancún metro area was home to about 70,000 people, and today it has nearly 1 million inhabitants.
21.160556°, -86.847500°
Source imagery: NASA / Google Timelapse
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dreamings-free · 4 months
I mean this looks like Mexico 2.0. Primarily a holiday but also an opportunity to spread some stories, as I do believe he was testing out waters with the hook up stuff last holiday.
so this is like a week old and did I start a reply then lost interest.. but this goes well with my prev tag post
yes it is mexico 2.0 which was also just a holiday. I don’t believe louis is out there trying to "spread stories" or "be seen" like that.. he’s literally just on vacation hanging out with his friends going to bars and tourist spots. and of course people are gonna recognise him and ask for pics but what is he supposed to do about it ?
and I’ve seen this weird argument when he was in Cabo and again last week of "he can not be seen if he wants to" and yes he can - if he stays in some exclusive resort or fancy hotel but like.. he’s spent the past however many years of his life in 5-star hotels maybe he just wants to go out and experience the real world..? like I’m sorry but I don’t get this making him wanting to have somewhat normal fun and experiences into something weird..
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blueiskewl · 8 months
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1000-Year-Old Maya Tomb Unearthed in Mexico
Mexican archaeologists unearthed a richly adorned human body in a grave that could be more than 1,000 years old, in an area where workers were finishing construction on a major tourist rail project, the country's national antiquities institute INAH said on Monday.
The discovery took place this month during archaeological salvage work carried out in tandem with building a multibillion-dollar tourist train in southern Mexico designed in large part to draw tourists to southern Mexico's many ancient Maya sites, as well as nearby top beach resorts like Cancun and Tulum.
The rail project, known as the Maya Train, is a top economic development priority of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. It employs teams of relatively well-funded archaeologists who have rushed to complete excavations so the construction work will not be delayed. Digs elsewhere in the country have suffered budget cuts.
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The latest burial discovery took place during work on the construction of a hotel near the major Maya ruins of Palenque in Chiapas state, once home to one of the ancient civilization's largest and most sophisticated urban centers.
The skeletal remains were found some 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the city's center, home to towering temples and a sprawling palace compound, in a stone box. They likely pertain to an elite resident of the city, known by the ancient Maya as Lakamha'.
The box also held three ceramic vessels, ear flares and a pair of greenstone beads.
INAH also noted that the individual was buried face up, his head facing north, adding that further testes are needed to determine the individual's exact age and other characteristics.
Scholars credit the ancient Maya with major human achievements in art, architecture, astronomy and writing.
Palenque, like dozens of other ancient cities clustered around southern Mexico and parts of Central America, thrived from around 300-900 AD.
Reporting by Carolina Pulice; Editing by David Alire Garcia and David Gregorio.
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honeybunwrites · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Valeria x Reader
You catch the attention of a local who helps you back to your resort, for a price of course. Not that you know of it just yet.
[Reader explicitly not from Mexico and can't speak Spanish]
You were not having a good day, let alone a good week. You sit on the curb with your head in your hands. Phone dead. Only vaguely know where you are. And to top it off, in a country where you don’t know the language. You don’t even know how long you’ve been sitting on the curb, but your ass tells you it’s been a while. You figure that anyone who tries to rob you isn’t worth the effort, just hand over the purse.
Lost in thoughts, it takes you a bit to realize someone has walked up. A woman’s voice speaking Spanish snaps you out of your thoughts with a flinch, not exactly expecting someone to walk up to you in the middle of the night, let alone speak to you. You turn to look up at the woman. Short hair and visually well toned under casual clothing and a long floor length jacket.
“Oh uh, lo siento, no hablo español.” The one phrase you’ve committed to heart as when you flew to Mexico.
The woman’s eyebrows raise as you can feel her gaze dart around your form. A mixture of amusement and pity starts to form on her face.
“Oh great, another one.” Her tone filled with sarcasm and condescension, “You're a tourist? I can tell, your accent is awful."
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Chances are that you have been a tourist, traveling to experience new things, learn from others, encounter new landscapes and emotions, and give back or rediscover your inner self. And chances are that you have also “suffered” from tourism – its prices, its stereotypical cultural, gendered, and racialized representations, or the pollution it creates in oceans, rivers or mountains where tourists eat, sleep, shop, swim, dive, ski, hike, or camp. You may even have worked for the hospitality industry, as a bartender, a volunteer, a guide [...] We are all impacted in some way by tourism. The current pandemic has made this even more vivid by showing how much national economies and contemporary lifestyles depend on getting people to move for pleasure, and the consequences of putting this privilege on hold. [...]
[T]ourism became one of the most powerful vectors organizing the predatory geographies of late capitalism and how we all ended up “stuck in it.” [...] [T]he Mexican Yucatán Peninsula [...] [is] a region voraciously transformed by state tourism development over the past forty years.
Contrasting labor and lived experiences at the beach resorts of Cancún, protected natural enclaves along the Gulf coast, historical buildings of the colonial past, and maquilas for souvenir production in the Maya heartland, my [research] shows how tourism development works by trapping and capturing people in paradoxical moral regimes.
For those who work for the industry, such as low-wage service workers, city planners, and government officials, participating in tourism is necessary to make a living, to govern, and to open up spaces of hope. Tourism, they say, has brought “progress.” By progress some mean access to food, shelter, electricity or potable water, a seasonal job, education, housing and modern services. For others, tourism is the possibility, often the only possibility, of avoiding migration and staying at home living according to valued inherited socio-cultural practices.
But all of these opportunities come at a cost. Tourism creates entangled futures of exploitation and dependence. It extracts resources, labor and health, trapping people’s livelihoods and imaginaries in a present ruled by short term consumption trends, while fueling environmentally unsustainable and socially inequitable forms of flexible production, distribution and labor. [...]
[T]he tensions of these paradoxical moral regimes feed a sacrificial logic that is at the heart of the patterns of uneven, gendered and racialized domination and ecological neglect that tourism creates in its wake. [...]
[T]he success of Cancún as a leading tourist destination in the global market depends to a great extent on minimizing the potential contradictions between tourists’ lived experiences of Cancún and its brand image in the tourist market, which conditions tourists’ expectations.
Minimizing this friction between reality and representation requires daily toil. For example, inside the gates of hotels, workers are trained in what to say and what to do to keep tourists captive and to respond to marketed imaginaries of escape. Tourists are offered the official tourism map of Cancún, which does not contain any visual or narrative reference to Cancún City. [...] These representations and interactions secure the Caribbean imaginary of a self-contained leisure island “out of place” by preventing tourists from venturing and circulating outside enclosed spaces of tourism consumption. As a North American young woman and health professional who regularly visits Cancún’s resorts put it in an interview for this research, “When I come to Cancún I want to feel in paradise. I don’t want to be bothered with poverty or suffering. I just want people smiling around me, I want happiness.”
I interviewed several tourists during my fieldwork, like [M] and [J], a couple visiting Cancún from Guadalajara, Spain, for their honeymoon, who did not know that Cancún was part of Mexico. When they learned this, they became concerned about their safety and tried to book their day-trips to Chichén Itzá and the nearby Biosphere Reserve Sian Ka´an through international providers based in Spain. Their experience is far from unique and reflects larger efforts by the federal government to disassociate Cancún from Mexico in branding campaigns.
One of the key sites to secure the continuity between imagined and lived reality of the tropical paradise at all-inclusive resorts and high-rise condominiums is the beach, which has to be kept as close as possible to the paradisiacal image advertised in brochures. “Beach guards” play an important role in upholding this image; they usually stand at the border between one resort and the next, keeping unwanted visitors out of the enclosed beach perimeter. They constantly surveil people walking along the beach, verifying whether they are wearing the hotel’s identifying bracelet, either by visual identification from a distance or by conducting “stop-and probe” interviews of passersby. Guards also keep pedestrian vendors away from guests lounging on the hotel’s beach hammocks and under its hut-like umbrellas, restricting vendors’ circulation closer to the water (as this is still public, federal land).
These practices re-create, through repeated performance, the boundaries of a predatory tourist geography organized around racial and socioeconomic profiling. As pointed out earlier, for many locals and tourists, the fear of the public embarrassment of being stopped while walking on the beach effectively deters them from using public areas, which are de facto privatized. However, while these practices of profiling and monitoring are acknowledged as wrong and unjust, they are generally accepted as necessary sacrifices in exchange for gaining access to the benefits of the tourist industry and enjoying its possibilities. Leonardo, a thirty-five-year old interior designer from Guadalajara and regular visitor to Cancún’s beaches, elaborated in an interview about being stopped at the fence of the resort where he was staying: “I am used to being stopped. I am just used to it. I am brown and the people working in the hotels just think I do not belong. . . . They ask for my wristband and identification and then they let me in. . . . They never apologize. . . .I do not think they are racists or something. They just do what they are told to do and I just come the same way!” His words are an example of how tourism has advanced through a sacrificial logic that becomes accepted and internalized as part of daily life.
Text by: Matilde Córdoba Azcárate. ‘How We Got “Stuck With” Tourism.’ UC Press Blog. 16 November 2020.
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asitrita · 9 months
Well, well, well, someone is being awfully quiet about the latest chapter.
I'd love to hear your thoughts (if you wish to share them of course!) about Antonio's thoughts on Arthur~
Hi! I had a friend coming over from Mexico and I was on a trip with her visiting several Spanish cities XD I missed all the fics and events lol.
I think Antonio's thoughts on Arthur are quite accurate? I mean, in Spain we do have the stereotype of British being polite, sometimes fake-polite, though, but they are also perceived as snobbish and drunk uncivilised barbarians and pirates. I'm just a bit disappointed Hima didn't include the flying Brit stereotype, this is, young Brit jumping out of balconies in Spanish summer resorts because apparently they don't have balconies in Britain, don't know how to use one, and "they believe they can fly". Tbh, that's a bit of dark humour right there, all summers there are a couple young tourists that literally jump to their deaths. Arthur's problem with alcoholism should be canon, if it isn't already. But yes, it is kinda tragic, but in Spain there's a lot of dark humour regarding young and drunk British tourists literally killing themselves or getting severely harmed for acting stupid, tbh. It could have been a mention or a side note in the original comic, but it's okay u.u
Now, from a historical pov I guess Antonio could say a lot more about Arthur 👀 as Spain and England relationship goes back to the middle ages and there's... A lot to it, but from a stereotypical point of view it's okay, though, again, I'm missing the lame 🍺🪰ing💂‍♀️
Also, mind, these stereotypes do include all Brits, but more specifically English people, just saying.
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doomsday-architect · 2 months
Isn't it tragically ironic......
America has given our manufacturing assets to Mexico to preserve profits and significantly lower labor costs.
We also buy fruits and vegetables year round from their farming communities.
American citizens flock to Mexican hospitals for medical procedures as our Healthcare systems are broken and insanely expensive.
American tourists continue to go to beautiful resorts all over Mexico.
What does Mexico export to the good ol' USA?
Drug cartels and their Gangs of murderers swarming through an open border.
No authorities are willing to stop the carnage in either country.
American lives, Mexican lives, lives around the world snuffed out without remorse.
Too much money greasing too many politicians pockets around the world.
Kind of like war, for property, natural resources, religious, ethnic, etc.
Will it ever end?
Global peace possible?
What do you think?
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I hope it’s not too invasive, but can I ask how you manage to travel so much? It’s something I really want to do myself. Thank you!
It depends on how you want to travel: if it’s solo or with a s.o/ friend. Find a person who shares your love of travelling, then pool your income. But I admire women who travel solo bc it requires more effort and planning! If you travel alone, you have to do more research and saving beforehand.
Also travelling looks glamorous but it isn’t always irl. My bf and I adjust our expectations accordingly. We never stay at resorts or expensive bullshit, but rent month long Airbnbs in affordable countries. Airbnb offers a larger discount for monthly stays as well.
And sometimes these Airbnbs are down bad and in weird af neighborhoods. Our last Airbnb in Bangkok was in a lower income area with literal roosters crowing at 4 am every morning, loud motorcycles passing by 247 and stray dogs attacking us lmaoo. In Mexico and Poland we stayed in even more horrific places but that’s another story anyways
The Bkk place we have now is nice and in a large apartment building with a gym, pool and other amenities and for less than $800 USD a month. And it’s def cheaper if you’re a local. We’re planning to go to Cambodia or Vietnam next. If you are willing to troop through fucked up situations and avoid luxury tourist traps it’s easy to travel! Tho I would never backpack or stay in a hostel lol that’s my limit
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travels-gamboa · 3 days
Travels Gamboa
Mexico in the 21st century has been a tourist place mainly for its great variety of fauna and flora, pyramids, beaches and its gastronomy.
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Some of the curiosities of the country are: 1 – The capital is the oldest in America. … 2 – The country does not only speak Spanish. … 3 – The main beer producer in the world. … 4 – Mexican food is a World Heritage Site. … 5 – The border is the second longest in the world. … 6 – In Mexico death is celebrated.
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Typical Mexican foods: 1 – Enchiladas 2 – Tacos 3 – Chilaquiles 4 – Chiles in Nogada 5 – Cochinita Pibil 6 – Mole.
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Miguel is a boy who dreams of being a musician, but his family forbids it because his great-great-grandfather, a musician, abandoned them, and they want to force Miguel to be a shoemaker, like all the members of the family. By accident, Miguel enters the Land of the Dead, from which he can only leave if a deceased relative grants him his blessing, but his great-great-grandmother refuses to let him return to the living if he does not promise that he will not be a musician. Because of that, Miguel escapes from her and starts looking for his great-great-grandfather.
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Most popular beaches: Tulum, Quintana Roo. Located south of the Riviera Maya, Tulum is the only Mayan city built on the seashore. Todos Santos, Baja California Sur. more popular. El Meco, Quintana Roo. Loreto, Baja California Sur. Quiahuiztlán, Veracruz.
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xcaret park: Xcaret Park is a privately owned and operated theme park, resort, and self-proclaimed ecotourism development located in the Riviera Maya, a part of the Caribbean coast of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.
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Important characters
Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón, known as Frida Kahlo, was a Mexican painter. His work revolves thematically around the experiences of his personal life. She was the author of 150 works, mainly self-portraits, in which she projected her difficulties in surviving.
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2. Vicente Fernandez
Vicente Fernández Gómez, known as Chente, or el Charro de Huentitán, was a Mexican singer and actor. His work in music earned him several recognitions such as two Grammy Awards, eight Latin Grammy Awards, fourteen Lo Nuestro Awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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3. Luis Miguel
Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri, known as Luis Miguel, is a Mexican singer and producer. Recognized for his powerful voice and stage presence, he is one of the most successful singers in Spanish music.
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dailyoverview · 2 years
Cancún, Mexico, has grown significantly in the last few decades, quickly becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Caribbean Sea. The resort city was developed on the site of a coconut plantation with three residents in the 1970s and by 2019 was able to accommodate more than 6 million tourists. Its population and urban footprint has also boomed; in the mid-1980s the Cancún metro area was home to about 70,000 people, and today it has nearly 1 million inhabitants.
21.160556°, -86.847500°
Source imagery: NASA / Google Timelapse
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Last Time On Total Drama Cruise Control: A Ri-DON-culous Clubbing Experience
CHALLENGE 14: Cancún, Mexico The sun sets over the boat, splashing the sky with a beautiful assortment of colors. The boat bellows, ready to dock. “Hello Contestants! Lovely night we’re having. Can you believe that our South America part of the tour is ending? Yep, no more beach resorts after this. Going to miss it….” Chris sighs, looking up to the sunset skies. “How are we all dealing merged? Can you believe it that more than half of you are gone? Crazy.” “Anyways enough about that, let's get ready for our next challenge. Our final location of the South Americas Tour is the beautiful…Cancún!” The cruise docked on a busy port, the night life just started to come alive, tourists and locals in nightclub outfits looked up at the boat in awe.
“Now, our challenge is another jet ski race Contestants! First part of the race, you will all run to the nearby dock and grab a jet ski parked waiting for you, then you will…." Chris sees something in the distance, he squints. It's hard to tell what he's looking at. Suddenly his eyes widen and his mouth drops in disbelief.
“HOLD IT,” he shouts, very out of character of him, he is looking at a yacht, a rather impressive, large one. “He’s here?! Now?!” Chris throws his head back and groans loudly. “Oh no. Oh noooo. And while I’m with Chef-” Chef’s brow furrows. He gives Chris a stern look.
“NOTHING. NOTHING BABE. Here….” Chris pulls him in, whispering something and handing him what looks like a credit card. You watch Chef’s eyes widen. “…Whatever you want. It’s all on me.” Chef grumbles and shoves the card in his pocket. “...” Chris waits until Chef leaves, then he speaks in a low whisper, almost a hiss. “...My ex is here, That’s his yacht on the docks. I just know it. He really thinks he can just show up, while I’m working? He thinks I’ll just let that slide? New challenge. Forget the jet skis. I bet you he’s at the nightclub, I want you all to go in as bartenders and get some information on him. I want to see just how miserable he is without me. Well. I already know he is, look at that yacht. It’s not even the newest model.” he scoffs. “He has so fallen off. Whoever can get me the best information without getting caught wins immunity. He cannot know that I’m here, and you are all my contestants. Got it? Anyone who spills the beans to him is automatically eliminated! That's final. I'll eliminate you! I'll eliminate your friend! I'll cancel the whole show!"
Everyone gets into uniform! It's clubbing time! The nightclub was pumping. People from all over were socializing and dancing. Chris was in…a disguise for some reason? AKA just a fake beard and glasses. “There he is.” he whispers, pointing at a man sitting alone at the bar. “Do not blow my cover. Remember a million dollars is on the line.” Chris fades into the crowd… ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"…..Can I help you?"
“Huh? N-Nuh Nuh Nuh! How can I help YOU?!”
This is the guy. Stick the landing, Gretzky!
“Any drinks?! We’ve got everything…except cabbage drinks. Looks like we ran out, bro…you look familiar. Kinda like a fancy celeb. You should be on TV.”
Wayne, from the corner of you eye you see Chris peek up from the crowd. He is making gestures you don't really understand…. "Heh….thanks. I get that a lot…." Don smiles at the man. "Hey, can I get some water? I have a feeling I'll be here for a while…" Don does pause to look at the man. "….do I know you from somewhere? Now that you mention TV…"
“Oh I….uh, I wish! B-But nope! Just a usual bar boy! I-I watch alot of TV though! Lemme show ya!”
Wayne has juggled hockey pucks before. He can do it with glasses. He tosses the cup in the air and gives a few juggles before it lands on the coaster…on its side.
“Hehe…eh, sorry! Bartenter, not juggler. Easy mistake. Sooooo, how’s the Cancun life treatin’ ya? Here with friends?”
He lifts the cup and quickly pours water in.
The drink splashes a little of Don. You see his eyelid twitch...but he quickly laughs it off. "Oh, I'm just here to relax. I'm actually writing another Season of my show. Ever watched Ridonculous Race? I'm the host." He takes the water and sips on it. "Friends? Nope! Just me. Though, I did see a cruise dock. The Christine? Hm."
…..Don is tapping on his empty glass, he sighs slightly. "Christine…..Christine…..* He looks up and huh. A new bartender already? "Hello Sir, could I get a Old Fashioned?"
“An Old Fashioned, eh?”
What is an Old Fashioned???
Raj is freaking nervous dude.
“Uhh…sure! Yeah! I can do that! That is a thing I can do! Because I am a bartender!”
Nailed it. Awesome. Now how do you make an Old Fashioned…?
"….." "I know you. You were on Total Drama, weren't you?" His eyes narrowed. "…I didn't think you were the drinking type, but I guess TV doesn't always reflect reality…" Chris is in the crowd; he makes a chopping motion with his neck! Retreat Raj! Retreat!!!!
“Oh, uh, haha! Look at the time! My shift is over! Have a good night, bro- I mean, sir!”
Raj is out of there. He’s freaking gone.
"…..some guy, huh?"
"Yeah, what can I get ya?"
"Wait." Don puts his hands up. "Wait Wait wait. Are you. Lightning? The Lightning! Your dad!"
Lightning sunk. "Yeah… that's me, just taking on a bartender job for the fun of it!"
"Kid. We go wayyyyy back. Your dad and I watched the Super Bowl together, and talk about electricity! That man knows his stuff huh?" Wait a second. "…..Oh God. I am. So sorry. I should've known. You. And. Um. The Lightning." Chris is waving his hands frantically at him from the crowd. Lightning don't! Just go back!
"Oh, it's okay, I know you were only talking smack."
"Yeah. Hm." He faked a cough. "Good talk kid."
"Well, you have a nice night, I uh… gotta help these folks over there." Lightning smiled and waved Don goodbye.
"Christine……Lightning….." Don taps on his drink. "Hey, can I get a Old Fashioned? The last bartender um. Didn't get me my drink."
"Who's Christine? She get hit by lightning? Sad."
He doesn't know how to make conversation with someone as a bartender.
"Sure thing. One coming right up."
Ummm. Ummm. What is an Old Fashioned. Is it a drink for old fashioned people? What do old fashioned people drink? Help.
"Uh huh……" He fidgets with his drink. "Hey Pal, some advice. Use more pins on your wig. I can tell it's you, Harold."
"What the heck!" Harold can't take this stupid baka life anymore.
"It's cool you know who I am, though. Did you think I was robbed on Action? Because I did. I was so freaking robbed."
"Uh huh. Sure. You could say that." "…is Chris here?" Chris frantically chops at his throat with his hand again. RETREAT HAROLD RETREAT!
"No, he freaking abandoned us. Wait I see someone with pins. I need them for my wig. Sorry I gotta go. Byeeee I literally was robbed though byeeeee."
"....Hey." Don is looking somewhat inpatient. "Old Fashioned? Please?"
Jo quickly turns around so he can’t figure her out, and starts rummaging for ingredients. Okay, info time.
“Not enjoying your vacation?”
".....You know what? Not really. Got a lot on my mind lately." Chris is giving you a thumbs up from the crowd! "Christine.....a boat named Christine....God. I shouldn't be thinking about him."
“Ships got weird names sometimes. And they’re named after women a lot of the time. Coulda sworn I saw a Gertrude pass through earlier.” Jo passes the finished drink over to Don, garnishing it with a maraschino cherry. Hm. Seems he’s talking about Chris. “Who’s your mind on?”
"I shouldn't be telling you this but...." He takes a sip of his drink. Ough. That's good. "....My ex sent me a text a few nights ago. I could totally tell he was drunk." "I don't know how that makes me feel. We broke up years ago. I thought we both moved on." Chris.....his eyes widen. He shakes his head no, chopping at his throat. NONONONONONONO JO GO BACK NONONONONO
Oh my god. LMFAO. Jo can’t hold back laughter, chuckling as she steps away from the bar. “Don’t go back.”
".....Another Bartender?" "Oh, hello. Short shifts tonight huh?"
Alejandro gives the man a nod. He has not seen Ridonculous Race. "Sadly, we are. It's quite sad. What can I get for you?
Don looks at the man... "...You're the kid from the volcano. Aren't you?" "God. Chris can be so heartless. I can't believe we dated-" He cuts himself off. "I'm sorry Kid. I shouldn't had said anything. It's just..."
"Ah, yes. I am. Most people recognize me from that. But I have moved on from that." He shrugs. He hasn't, but people love to ask questions, so he's used to it. "Ah, I'm not going to push for details," He adds on. "I'm here to make you a drink, yes? No need to talk about the past. Or... is it troubling you?"
"My condolences…." He mutters, gripping his drink. "…Yeah. You're right. Something is troubling me. My apologies for dumping my woes on you. It's just. My ex is….a lot." He sighs. "He makes you feel like a million dollars. Anything you could dream of wanting, and he'll buy you ten of them. It's great, it's exciting. But….." "…he doesn't love. He wouldn't hold your hand. He never called me handsome. He never bought me roses." Chris is losing his mind. He is waving, mouthing to Alejandro "GO BACK" some club goers look at him with confusion.
"Ah, I do not know who your ex is, for I do not know who you are, but you truly are deserving of much more than him," Alejandro says.
"It's better that you left him. He couldn't love you for you. There are better people waiting for you, I'm sure of it."
Ever so slightly, Alejandro eyes Chris.
"It was nice talking to you, but my shift has ended. I do hope you find the one that will love you for you. It's worth it."
"….Yeah. See you later." Don looks deep in thought….
"I don't know.....I don't know...." he mused.
Ah yes, none other than Don. MK was cleaning a glass, trying to look like a real bartender. “Need a refill?”
"Yeah. Thank you." Don goes quiet.... then he speaks. "A lot of Bartenders tonight, huh?"
MK tries to figure out what he’s drinking. Ah yes, the typical old man drink. She gets to work replicating it. “Yeah, we’re training some new hires. I’m sorry if they’ve caused any inconveniences.” She sets the new drink down in front of him.
"It's alright. I don't mind." He takes a sip. Mmm, tasty. "I mean....I don't get it! No contact for years, then all the sudden a "I miss you" text at 3am? What does that mean? He wouldn't even look at me when we were in the production room together!"
MK goes to clean some more glasses, trying to look like she actually works there. “Are you doing alright, sir? Seems like you got a lot on your mind.”
"I miss him." Don downs his drink. "I know I shouldn't but man, I miss his smile. His soft black hair, everything." "....But its not meant to be. I saw the way he looks at his cohost. He loves that man. And....that's not me. I should be ok with it."
“Ah yes, the out of nowhere 3 am text,” MK says with a knowing nod, “I’ve been through that situation before.” She hasn’t. “Well, you guys broke up for a reason, didn’t you? Was it because of the cohost? Look, if he’s got this other guy and is still texting you that nonsense, it sounds like you’re better off without him.” She looks back at the drink he just downed, “Need a refresher?”
"It sucks, doesn't it?" He twirls the empty glass. "We broke up not because of the cohost. But because.....um." Oh fuck it. "We were writing a show together. Contestants were put in groups of two and had to do challenges and travel the world! I called it, The Ridonculous Race! Chris was helping me write the challenges and....they were way too harsh." We were going to do an episode that was truth or dare. I don't remember where, but he had collected information on my contestants. Very. Personal information. I was uncomfortable with it at first but he convinced me he would take it seriously. I don't know why I did it, but I wrote something too." Don nods at the idea of the refresher. "Chris was reading them, laughing at each and every one. Some people wrote their hearts out. I wrote my heart out. I wrote......I wrote...." "....forget the TV business. Let's get married." Don sniffled. "Chris thought it was a prank and laughed, saying "who is stupid enough to throw away fame for love!" ....WHAT? Chris waved his hands in the air. MKMKMKMKMKMK TIME TO GO
MK nodded along as the man recounted his story. She noticed Chris’s gestures… oh buddy boy. She put down her glass and looked at her wrist. “Damn, looks like my shift’s up. I’m sorry to hear that man. I’m sure you’re better off without him.” She heads off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Don is looking rough, three drinks in and only one cup of water…..he looked flushed. "Mmmm….drink please."
Don. Ough. He's in rough shape. Amy pours him some freaking water.
"Hey… you." She slides the drink over. "Why the long face?" She places a lemon wedge on the rim of the glass. Fancy!
"I just don't get it! Why did he laugh at me? He had to know it was me!" He looked like he was holding back tears.... "That man. He knows how to reel you in, then rip your heart out! I say good! Good that he found someone else!"
"Yeah," Amy scoffs. "Men, am I right?" Chris Mclean what did you do to Don Total Drama. "You should tell me more; I'll get you another drink."
"He then goes no contact for years, then suddenly a "I miss you" text? What am I supposed to do?! Not respond? Not feel anything? I miss him! I can't tell him that!"
"Don't text him back, don't call him, delete his freaking contact. You're on vacation in Cancun—you should be partying and drinking and flirting. You should forget about him; he sounds like he sucks. Whiskey?"
".....yes please"
Amy pours him a freaking whiskey lalalala. then she leaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------
....and Don is crying. "Damn it...it's never good to cry at a bar..."
Ripper notices Don and tilts his head. Oh, hey, I remember that guy! He’s from the spin-off! He must be the guy Chris was talking about. Lucky me, I make an amazing bar tender because I know how to keep a conversation going. People love a chatty bar tender, right?! He leans onto the bar with a stupid grin, and before he can say anything, he promptly burps in Don’s face. He didn’t mean to do that.
Ripper burps in his face, and he suddenly stands up, his hands on the counter. "Ugh! Can't a man cry in peace!?" He wipes his face with his sleeve, straightening out his suit.
“I WAS JUST- AND THEN- when the- and the thing-“ Ripper waves his hands and shakes his head. This is going terribly.
"Please. Just. Stop talking." He groaned. PERFECT! "And that's the challenge!" Chris walks up to Ripper, putting a firm hand on his shoulder. "Good job! The burp really sealed the deal!" "....Chris?!"
Ripper grins. Maybe I won, he thinks. “THANKS, CHRIS!” He salutes Chris and scurries off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Chris.....was this.....seriously one of your challenges?"
"No. Jet ski racing was my challenge. Then I saw your pathetic little yacht and changed it. And man. Was that a good idea." He points to the side of his head. "Gotta think on your toes, Donny." "I can't believe you! You always do this! Always!" He jabs a finger at the man. "You heard everything I said about you huh. Do you think it's still funny? At least answer me!"
"No. No I didn't know it was you." Chris moves the finger out if his face, emotionless. "But now that I do know......" "...yeah. It's still funny."
Don takes a step back, eyes widen. He is hiding tears. ".....Everything is a game to you, isn't it?!" He hissed. "Every little emotion, every secret, nothing is too low for you Chris McLean! Nothing!"
"....and that's why they pay me the big bucks, and you get the spinoffs." He shrugged. "Whatever. I probably would've married you. Though seeing your taste in jewelry...the rock probably wouldn't be my style." “Chris.” Chef’s here, and those last sentences did not go unheard. “Do you wanna say that again?” "...." "..." "Chef," Chris approached the man, trying to snake his arm around him. "You know how it is, people say stupid stuff on TV all the time. It happens to the best of us." "...Like when you texted me. That was a TV blooper, wasn't it." “Is that your excuse?” … “Chris, do you think I’m stupid? Do you take me for an ignorant man? Is that it?” Chef puts a hand on Chris’s shoulder, a stern look on his face. “We are talking about this. Tonight. Now.” "No! No, no! I was just. Doing my thing! Making the people back at home happy! Stirring up some drama! Cmon Chef, you know I would never leave you for him! it was just a stupid text! I was drunk! Cmon, we've all been there." Chris leans in the whisper to him "Can we save it for after the Elimination?" Don balls his hands into fists. "You know. Your contestants kept telling me to leave you, cut contact with you, I could do better." He looks pointedly at Chef. "I think someone else should take that advice. Good game Chris. Hope it was worth it." Don pushes by the two. "Buh Bye Donny! By the way, your yacht is soooooo out of style!" Chris nudges Chef. "Eh? Ehhhh?" “I said now, Chris. Don’t get smart with me. I’m not letting this simmer.”
Chris's smile drops. "Uh. Fine. Let's make it quick." He looks at all the contestants. "Um. I'll be right back. Feel free to enjoy Cancun." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris appears...he's smiling. But his voice is much quieter. A subtle lack of oomph to it. "Hello contestants." "Welcome to...elimination. The winner of the Cancun challenge is......Amy." Chris pauses for a split second. "Yay. Amy. You will get your keys when the ceremony is over. You will also get to choose Ale-someone of your choice to join you on the luxury floor." ......uh. Chef isn't here to give out the mocktails. A intern stands in his place, visibly uncomfortable. "Let's get this over with." ------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was Lightning who was served the Mocktail of Misery and walked the Plank of Shame.
"Your trip ends here. See ya." The intern tries to hand Lightning the bubbling green mocktail, but is distracted by something, his eyes catch something, and he rushes over to Chris, whispering something frantically in his ear. "…What?" Chris and the intern walk over the side of the boat, and Chris leans over. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Over the Boat's name, someone spray painted the words CHEATER over it. "FORGET IT! I'm going back to my cabin. Say bye to Lightning or whatever."
Lightning looks at Wayne. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. "You know... I've been thinking about getting myself better and... I'm still sorry I blew it...Dude, just keep on fighting, and make sure you and your pals sha-strike hard!" He smirks at Wayne, he then eyes at Raj and Ripper, then Harold. Lightning walks the plank and does a fun dive. "Come on, Waddles!" "Squeeeeee!" Waddles, Lightning's pig, runs after him and dives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Bowie is in Cancun. He talks to Ripper, Wayne, and Amy. He gives Ripper his phone number. >Ripper and Wayne prank Raj with frozen cereal and then give him cake as an apology. >Ripper, Wayne, and Raj sneak into Chris’ room to break and steal his stuff. >Raj and Bowie have a date at a restaurant together. >Alejandro, Amy, and Jo make final four plans. (Courtney included.) >Alejandro and Amy visit a food stall together and discuss future plans as well as how pathetic they find Trent to be. >Wayne and Raj visit the post office to send letters and talk about their current feelings, including the fact Wayne almost told Harold about Raj's fear of birds. >Jo revisits the club from the challenge so that she can speak to Anne Maria again. They talk about relationships and recall memories of their time on the show together. >Ripper and Wayne also revisit the club for a little date together. Geoff serves them and happens to own the place. >Harold finds Ripper on the beach. They get ugly popsicles together and Ripper finds out that Harold has the ability to turn into a rat. >Wayne runs into Sierra in a seafood restaurant. She rambles a little about Rippayne, but even more about the game and it's past. Wayne's never seen the show, so she takes the opportunity to tell him all about it. >Wayne and MK have a chat in the arcade. MK scams Wayne with a slot machine. She and Jo are sharing the profits. >Lightning was packing his bags in the cabin shortly before he is eliminated because he had a feeling he was leaving. Harold tries to talk to him about his feelings and stuff. >Alejandro won a bucket of lava in the crane machine. Raj almost dips his hand in it because he thinks it’s soup. They talk about trauma and their personal phobias. They try to use ice cubes to cool the lava off (Raj’s idea) before Alejandro suggests that they just dump it overboard and get it over with.
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nysocboy · 1 year
Skyler Gisondo in The Resort
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During his time off The Righteous Gemstones, Skyler Gisondo starred in The Resort, a tv series on the Peacock Network about a married couple visiting a resort in Mexico. There they become involved in the mystery of two tourists who disappeared 15 years before. He plays Sam Lawford, one of the missing tourists. A gay couple, both named Ted, appears in two episodes.
My review is on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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Oh yes…. more #Japan bookings. Japan is back and on high demand from #Tokyo to #Kyoto #Hakone #Izu #MtFuji #Niseko and beyond. Stay tuned to my upcoming trips 2023: Punta Mita & Jalisco, Mexico ( January 2023 ). Cuba ( February 2023 ). Buenos Aires, Argentina ( April 2023 ). Paris, France for Roland Garros ( May 2023 ). Subscribe to my IG Chanel, for full access to exclusive content, curated tips and recommendations, unique experiences, vip amenities and benefits, plus much more. My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers by experiencing unique travel experiences, moments and destinations worldwide. Luxury Travel Curator, Concierge, Blogger & Lifestyle Consultant. Over 28 years curating the world of Authentic and Sophisticated Travel, Hospitality & Lifestyle, one destination at the time. Member of the exclusive @VirtuosoLTD Luxury Network, #AmericanExpress Membership Rewards, Fine Hotels & Resorts and Pay with Points Programs. Luxury #TravelAdvisor. #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant. Founder of @LGTNetwork Luxury #GayTravel Curator, member of @IGLTA. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & #Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide. #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #WeddingPlanner #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #Luxury #Lifestyle #LuxuryTravelCurator #Concierge #Blogger #VirtuosoTravel Luxury Travel Curator & Co Mobile & WhatsApp +1 (917) 754-5515 / Email [email protected] / www.luxurytravelcuratorco.com (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVj0K6r_1c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Ok ngl many tourists have issues bc they overindulge in alcohol/cheese/sun. For produce, the issue is the water it's washed with. Ice is made from purified water. Properly-washed fruits/veggies will be a priority at a resort for Westerners. I'm an American who spent two months in Mexico doing my own grocery shopping and eating lots of salad/spring rolls/thin-skinned fruits. You come home, fill up the sink, and add a few drops of iodine w/ your produce and I never had any issues!
This is very super-helpful, thank you! I was hoping to get exactly this kind of advice from people who have been there! We're not there very long, so we won't be really settling in, but I really was trying to figure out what was an absurd thing to do and what was an okay thing to do. I plan, tbh, to go to this wedding but to spend the rest of the time laying on the beach reading. Thank you!
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thedevotionaltour · 1 year
sorry to be mad about it again but the family friends we are vacationing with im still not over the insane entitlement of having the audacity to feel left out when my mom doesn't translate everything in Spanish enough or fast enough when you who have traveled to Mexico three times can't even be assed to go learn to a conversational level of Spanish. Like you don't get to be mad. That is your problem. And it's just so fucking entitled. You're white tourists who own property on a coastal resort and plan on coming back here but your son won't bother to go learn Spanish? You don't bother to go improve your Spanish to a conversational level? And you're going to be mad at my mom? Who also while still pretty fluent had to speak more so she could actually understand so she could translate? Also for context for the conversation that finally prompted that it was like. A taxi driver. And even if he lives in a ~tourist town~ still clearly is not very fluent in English. Because you know. It's Mexico. And her son was trying to talk in the conversation as well but he knows no Spanish so he was speaking English and I guess eventually gave up and listened to his music which I guess was hurtful that God forbid my mom couldn't keep up with it all. And it makes me so mad IT MAKES ME SO MAD! HOW FUCKING ENTITLED DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO EXPECT ENGLISH OF EVERYONE WHEN ENGLISH IS NOT THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE THERE! HOW FUCKING ENTITLED ARE YOU? It infuriates me how much they think my mom owes them and also it's like. My mom still is no native fluency level she can have quite a bit of conversation but she still has limits to her knowledge. And I don't know it makes me so mad. Also my mom is a white lady for context here so it's no entitlement towards my mother in that way but more in a why are you mad at your friend for this? It's just so bizarre. To think that way. What the hell is your problem. This was a last week thing but I'm still fucking pissed about it in every way when I remember. Because that's also the conversation I was deemed disrespectful I guess for being overwhelmed and not having fun every single second. I haven't had one bit of genuine joy this trip. The happiest I was was when I say alone on a shuttle ride and could listen to music and no one spoke. The only time I smiled unprompted. I'm so sad realizing that. The happiest I was on this trip wasn't even anything trip based. It was for the brief moments I could escape on this trip. I'm so sad. I want to go home I go home Monday but I wish it was today instead. I feel so disliked here and like I'm on eggshells and I'm not allowed to be upset and my mom isn't allowed to be upset. Just her friend and her son. Not us. And she didn't respect or remember when my mom needed to be back in the hotel room for certain things because this is a working vacation for her. It makes me so sad. It makes me so angry. God forbid we be people with feelings. I hate that I can't be upset for one moment I hate feeling like I have to walk on emotional eggshells and all I can do is be happy it's draining it's tiring and I feel bad and I feel disliked which is more painful than being hated right now I think.
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