#totj episode 5
8-beats-per-minute · 9 months
‼️‼️AHSOKA EP 5 SPOILERS‼️‼️‼️‼️
You have been warned
I have WAYYY too many feelings about this episode. Like omg??
I will try to make this as comprehensible as possible but it’s 11:30 and I’ve been up since 6 and I’m REALLY EXCITED
Huyang holding Sabines helmet was so sad and it felt like he was kind of mourning her and I swear I almost cried
(Technically last episode) Hera getting there BARELY too late made me so sad
THE BANTER “You look the same” “You look old” “Well that happens”
Them fighting, Anakin sending her back to their first battle to go through everything
I saw Rex in the corner of the screen and I was like OH MY GOD ITS REX LET HIM TALK PLEASEEEEE
I retained very little of that scene I was so focused on Rex
He had like 5 words BUT HE TALKED
He didn’t take his helmet off BUT WE HEARD HIM TALK TO AHSOKA
I actually had such an emotionally reaction to him being called commander. I was for a week but IT STILL HAPPENED
And most importantly Temuera Morrison as Rex FINALLY 😭
I CANNOT get over how young she looks. Like obviously we could tell in the animation in the first few seasons that she was young but she looked soooo much younger live action Mandolore compared to animated Mandolore. It hurt me. She’s so young.
I love her
And the young Ahsoka actress (Ariana Greenblatt) was amazing all the love in the world to her ❤️❤️
And Jacen. Being able to hear Ahsoka fighting??? AMAZING
The fact that Jacen saved her? I will never get over that.
I can’t be 100% sure but I’m pretty sure the way she defeated Anakin is very similar to how she defeated the inquisitor in Tales of the Jedi. I could be reaching tho idk
And I have to mention it. Ahsoka without the headband in live action was a massive jump scare. I made like an actual noise and recoiled a bit lmao 😭😭
But her being like Jacen is here?? And the way he ran up to her and hugged her and she hugged him back you KNOW she’s auntie Ahsoka. She spent enough time around that kid to be that cool aunt that’s also a Jedi.
Her being ohhhh you heard me fighting huh? I know she already knew he was force sensitive (I mean come on he’s Kanans son) it she was like 😏😌😃
So the New Republic is like “yo you did a bad thing we’re coming to pick you up” and Hera’s like “aw shit really?”
Then AHSOKAS like “hey what if we used the thing that Ezra used to get IN THIS SITUATION IN THE FIRST PLACE” amd Hera’s like “damn u right” so Ahsoka does her Jedi communication thing
But yea
I love Carson with my whole heart he is everything to me
He’s like “I’m so ducking done with this but I know it’s the right thing so imma lie even tho I might get fired. Cause this new gov is kiiinda bs but it’s still okay. U go Hera u got this and I’ll always back u up” AND I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM!! I love Ahsoka but he’s #2 especially in this episode
So he’s like “lol look I wasn’t lying”
And I just have one lil question.
What happened to that whole thing where the purrgil were ship destroyers? Like that’s their whole introduction was in Rebels where everyone’s like “These things are dangerous they just wander and destroy ships don’t go near them that’s all they do”
And then Ezra (I think I don’t exactly remember) is like “actually they’re pretty smart. Also they use hidden hyperspace lanes to travel. So they’re actually pretty cool” and THAT was just a thing in like season 2 or something wayyy before the finale.
But now they’re just weaving their way through the ships??
I guess you could argue that Ahsoka was like “hey could you not” and/or the captains were moving the ships around the purrgil but still they’re known to be super destructive even if the ships try to avoid them?
Idk whatever not that important
I can’t wait to get an update on Sabine thooo
Anyways overall amazing episode I love seeing Ahsoka and Anakin banter and also fight and Jacen being force sensitive and Huyang and Carson AND HERA OF COURSE!! LOVE HER
Can’t wait for next week aaaaaaa
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
Episode 5 “Practice Makes Perfect” (Ahsoka ep 2)
small head anakin looks so funny lol
the back guard
oooh almost thought this was before Obi selects a second Padawan
the voice acting... it’s them.. it’s so. THEM
the drums is giving me Akakiri flasback
AHSOKA’S POV _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _ (╥⌒╥)b 
Anakin tapping on Ahsoka’s forehead to wake her up
Track 05 Christophsis victory theme!
compo parallel 709 maul sewer 711 before medbay
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seriowan · 2 years
i refuse to deny it any longer
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antianakin · 4 months
I think I'm able to perhaps put a few words to why I really dislike that the Ahsoka show had her choose to come to the conclusion that Anakin was GOOD, that he was a good person and good teacher to her, rather than having her refuse to forgive him and just having to let go of him entirely.
Ahsoka is a character who has been, for her ENTIRE RUN on Star Wars, defined by Anakin and her relationship to him. She's never been able to escape that. She was created as an explanation for why Anakin "matured" over the three year gap between AOTC and ROTS, but her lack of existence in the films means she can have no greater impact on Anakin than that. She is wholly irrelevant to his character but she does not EXIST without him. In Rebels, she is only in one season where all of her appearances are fixated on her discovery of Anakin's betrayal and how that impacts her, leading up to their final confrontation where she appears to die fighting him. She comes back only so her relationship with Anakin can be used to help Ezra let go of Kanan. In TOTJ, she has an entire episode dedicated to explaining that the only reason she survived Order 66 was because of some kind of special training Anakin gave her that made her stronger, better, faster than any other Jedi. In The Mandalorian, her appearance was full of subtext about her trauma regarding Anakin and the way she reacts to other Jedi as a result of that. In The Book of Boba Fett appearance, that subtext is still there, primarily in her conversation with Luke where she even tells him how much he reminds her of Anakin. Which leaves us with the Ahsoka show itself and how it REVOLVES around that relationship, from Sabine being turned into Anakin 2.0 to everything in episode 5 to Ahsoka claiming she'll support Sabine in everything because this is what Anakin did for her to Anakin literally showing up in ghost form to Thrawn predicting everything Ahsoka will do because he has some familiarity with Anakin.
Ahsoka CANNOT escape this relationship, she cannot move out from this particular shadow and become her own person because her character seems to ONLY EXIST to be "Anakin's student." She can almost literally not stand on her own at this point. If her story doesn't revolve around Anakin in some way, it doesn't seem to really exist (please keep in mind here that I am mostly looking at HIGH CANON appearances for this because that's what I am familiar with; I'm sure that some comics have probably managed to move away from her relationship to Anakin a little bit sometimes but I haven't read any of them so they're not being counted in this analysis, especially since I don't think they're really impacting her higher canon characterization anyway).
It's even just visible in how other characters perceive her. She is constantly being COMPARED to Anakin, we keep hearing how like Anakin she is. The only time I can think of that she is compared to anyone OTHER than Anakin is when Trace and Rafa tell her that she acts like a Jedi even if she isn't currently calling herself one (bless their SOULS for this moment, they deserved so much better than the hate they got and one single appearance on fucking TBB). We never hear anyone say she reminds them of Obi-Wan, or Yoda, or Plo Koon. It's ALWAYS Anakin even though she's known Yoda and Plo Koon longer and she seems to spend almost as much time with Obi-Wan as she does Anakin.
By having Ahsoka decide to deal with her feelings about Anakin by just... setting aside all the bad shit he did and focusing ONLY on the good moments that he had and letting that define him, it makes it nearly impossible to separate her from him. If he's good, then it's a GOOD thing to compare her to him. If he's good, then his influence on her HAS to have been a good one. For me, it ruins ANY nuance that could have come from going the opposite direction and recognizing that while he had some good moments, he was in fact an overall bad person who was a terrible teacher to her. He betrayed her, he tried to kill her (and only failed because she was saved by someone else), he abandoned her. I don't care WHAT he did before this, this automatically makes him a BAD TEACHER.
And recognizing that Anakin was a bad teacher would force Ahsoka to look at HERSELF more critically, too, to recognize the places where she has made the same mistakes perhaps, where she's started leading herself down a similar path to his, and then choosing to NOT BE LIKE HIM. Anakin should be (like he is with Luke) the personification of her own darkness. Palpatine represented Anakin's greatest demons and personifications, Anakin can represent something similar for Ahsoka. He is an indisputable part of her now, but she doesn't HAVE to become him, she doesn't have to let that CONTROL her. And by making that choice, she frees herself from being defined by him for the rest of her life.
But now, the narrative has bound Ahsoka to Anakin forever. She'll never be anything more than Anakin's student because this has become what defines her as a person and a character. And it just... it sucks. Ahsoka deserved better than that.
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kanansdume · 9 months
Images below the cut:
TCW Seasons 1-2/TOTJ Episode 5
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TCW Seasons 3-5
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Zyggerian slave outfit
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Winter coat
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TCW Season 7/TOTJ Episode 6 (Jumpsuit)
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TCW Season 7 (Mandalorian)
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Rebels (normal)
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Rebels (Gandalf)
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starwarsshippings · 8 months
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nyforceuser · 1 year
I didn't realize just how much KOTOR is in the Mandalorian until i watched it AGAIN. Mando literally looks exactly like Mandalore, for one. The Kryte Dragon? Same design, but a little scarier. Like i didn't realize how much the lay out of Mos Espa looked like the little town we got to explore in kotor. The negotiations with the sand people.
I mean, atleast Disney isn't totally throwing all new stuff together and calling it good- they're using creatures and scenes and ideas from old stuff. TBB, I was impressed to see the weird spider-squid-scorpion looking things there (i dont remember what theyre called..). And really, the design of the wookies' settlement is a lot like the ones in kotor.
I was just impressed that there's Old Republic stuff, okay?
On a completely different note..
Well it all makes sense now, why Echo was finally and suddenly getting some love and screen time after being neglected all this time.
Not sure how i feel about that tbh. 5 credits say he and Rex find Wolffe and he dies in the process bc i have a feeling that that's what tbb is going to be about now- clone rights going down the gutter and clones dying if they're not completely essential to current content. Bc we know how the empire is. Obviously the rest of tbb wont die bc of plot armor called Omega.
I think we're going to see more of Rex in the future and hopefully- finally- why exactly Rex and Ahsoka went their separate ways. We know bc of TOTJ that Ahsoka doesnt want to fight any more and Rex probably does, now that he knows about the chips. That episode, btw is completely based off of a novel called Ahsoka. They even called her Ashla.
But I'm convinced they're going to kill off Echo now that they separated him from the batch and I'm going to cry.
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hanasnx · 2 years
HEY DEAR, it's ya boy, just wondering if you've seen tales of the Jedi yet because I think you'd love anakin's episode, HE'S RUTHLESS. Like you're telling me there's not just a little bit of sadism in there (I mean of course there is, that's literally Darth Vader)? I won't spoil anything that isn't in the trailer/common knowledge, but there's this lovely juxtaposition between him having a ruthless teaching style but speaking in a very caring and loving manner that's just so gooooood. Animated Anakin rarely feels like Hayden's Anakin (I still subscribe to the belief that prequels Ani is Ani as he is in internally, and CW Ani is how Ahsoka, the 501st, and the general public perceive him), but its always good to see some darkness in him. Anyway, hope you're well 😎💝
HIIIII i just finished totj tbh i’ve been taking a little break from writing sw stuff bcos i finished tcw and it obliterated me. so tales of the jedi wasn’t something i was ready to face til now BUT I WATCHED IT SO I COULD ANSWER THIS
spoilers under the cut for totj up til episode 5 <3
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i love the description u added, where tcw ani is how people perceive him vs film ani is more intrapersonal. i dont have any problem with tcw anakin other than the fact he was created bcos the creators gave into the male power fantasy expectation of anakin. (still sad as fuck about the fact hayden wanted to voice tcw anakin and was not chosen for the role…. like his character … it feels so disrespectful just cos he didnt have a deep enough voice but whatever. not my circus not my monkeys)
i love tcw anakin he’s got good moments, but film ani portrayal is my fave
i did love how hard he was on ahsoka in that episode of totj! i felt like it was very true to him, and how he realizes how much harder a war is compared to normal jedi training. and since this war thing is a new thing for the jedi rn, its worth upping the stakes in the training in order to be prepared for actual war. he probably had his fair share of realizations when he was actually in battle how ill prepared he really was for such an event and didnt want that for his padawan.
i really cared for all the tender moments they had. how he spoke to her and touched her (i feel like anakin has a hard time with physical affection in any capacity. hes not a hugger, and he probably acts like he doesnt like being touched but secretly wants you to touch him) so it only added to my adoration for him when we got to see him reach out to her to help her up with his hand or put his hand on her shoulder etc. i really love anakin and ahsoka’s relationship in tcw its like my favorite thing.
also yes hes a sadist and a masochist and i feel like its not just in sexual contexts he is. so hes very hard on other people and himself with sometimes impossible standards bcos he feels as though pain builds a tolerance within you. he wants ahsoka to be untouchable, and she honestly is. as we’ve seen in the ending of tcw, ahsoka did the impossible.
i cant remember where i read it, but someone had said that crediting anakin’s training as ahsoka’s reason for being able to stay alive in the last episodes of tcw during order 66 had erased the specialness of rex’ resolve to tell her to find fives etc. id like to add my take
i dont think that it takes away any specialness. i think it simply adds more to the story. ahsoka was able to stay alive because of rex and rex’s help that much is true, but anakins strict training regiment didnt harm her either. it only aided. i liked that facet of the story tbh.
i like how star wars explores the lack of omniscience in force users. yes they can sense your intention, but why would they be on guard against allies? they explored that in the katri episode when dooku and mace investigated her untimely death in totj.
it only makes sense that jedi in order 66 were susceptible to fatality because why would they be on their guard with the allies theyve served alongside for years?
im sorry im all over the place i had a lot to say. bottom line I LOVED SEEING ANAKIN IN EPISODE 5 hes my sweet bbg
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I finished the last half of clone wars season 5! admittedly, i skipped the droid arc and just read a synopsis of the episodes. I’ll probably come back to it later, but i just don’t like the droids enough to watch 4 episodes of them. especially considering the two final arcs of season 5!
Shadow Conspiracy arc
-so I’ve watched this one a while ago when I was learning about mandalorians, but I wanted to put pre and satine’s death in wider context
-i love that there’s explanation on how satine and bo-katan are related. just boom, immediate familial relation dropped. brings me back to Luke and vader himself.
-bo-katan and pre viszla arent Good Guys obviously, but they put maul’s evil into perspective. Death Watch are terrorists that remind me of Russian neo-cossacks (derogatory), but next to maul’s conniving, you can see they aren’t terrible because they’re terrible people. they ultimately are seeking what they believe is best for mandalore. Maul is rotten.
-and that makes him a juicy character. he’s lost his legs (i still want the spider legs back, they were awesome), and now, he’s lost two brothers. all he’s got left is hatred for Obi-wan. im looking forward to watching that play out.
-it was good to see palpatine be the ultra powerful sith lord that he is. you really get the feeling that he’s the top dog in this galaxy, with how effortlessly he gets in, wastes savage oppress, and beats up maul.
-oh, you know the animators relished that Dutch angle. just the one, as a treat. (also the savage/maul/Kenobi fight on florrum. great shot of him framed by lightsabers, glad to see the high drama being rationed out effectively)
Ahsoka arc
-what can I say that hasn’t already been said about this?
-glad to my best girl ventress moving on, making money, getting her life together
-don’t get me wrong, this arc is pretty powerful but….
-bariss’ betrayal doesn’t make much sense. she’s against the war, the Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers and they’ve been corrupted by it, that part is fine. but if she’s so concerned about Jedi values, why turn to the dark side? taking the red sabers and fighting anakin wielding his and her blue sabers isn’t subtle. she’s trying to prove a point, but the way it plays out is poorly crafted. i could even go so far as to say that it’s character assassination. the writers clearly grabbed the closest character they could to be the traitor in a really careless way. i mean, luminara doesn’t even appear in the background.
-what ahsoka gets up to after this is going to make for interesting stories I’m sure (I’ve seen totj and the mandalorian, so I have a rough outline of what happens to her)
-did she. imply that she knew anakin and padme are married with that last line? because that was my read of that, but i could be wrong.
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legobiwan · 2 years
I am only 5 minutes into watching "The Sith Lord" episode of TotJ and I've already screamed into my hotel room pillow multiple times.
WHAT THE HELL????!?!?!!
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koolaid8108 · 2 years
Alright I just binge watched all of totj soooo here are my thoughts :3
I cried. I am still crying. I expected to cry. That is my excuse.
Imma try to keep this in order
episode 1 was adorable <3 Even if I was worried that Ahsoka's mother would die infront of 2 yo Ahsoka's eyes... (I don't remember them saying an explicit age for her, I'm just going off of what I saw)
ep 2-4 were freaking awesome bro. I do not love Mace or Dooku like... AT ALL. They're respectable characters, I just don't like them. The fact that I say that and these episodes still kept me more than entertained.
Yas. Just yes 💅💅
Is it bad that I related a lot to Dooku throughout all of that.... probably yeah-
The similarities between Dooku and Anakin are killing me. Like ACTUALLY eating me from the inside it hurts someone help.
I miss the chaos siblings 😭😭😭
Love that they fixed Ahsoka's earliest design
And they put Rex in his phase 1 armor with his season 7 look like 😭😭 I LOVE IT
When I tell u I shrieked when Rex mentioned Jesse I mean that I yelled so loud I think I woke up my sleeping family-
And then he SPOKE and apologized for hitting lil Soka 😭😭
Most likely the last time we'll see or hear Jesse on screen 😭😭😭
I would like to believe Fives and Echo were also there even if I have no proof of this
I will just will it to be.
The end of this episode was just 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
mmMmMmmmMm episode sixxxx
As a HUGE fan of the Ahsoka novel (respectfully) ...wtf was that??
Ok that's harsh. IT WAS GOOD! I THINK IT WAS OK, OKAY?? the brother (sixth I believe but I could be wrong bout that) was awesome. Definitely embodied the character from the novel.
To summarize, this was not what I was expecting.
They whitewashed my girl Kaeden, and Miara is no more...
The book was sooo much better, and I get that, books are usually better between the movie or TV series.
... I was just expecting more, which ig was my fault for exceeding my expectations... but still.
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seriowan · 2 years
!! tales of the jedi ep. 5 spoilers !!
not ANOTHER scene of anakin and ahsoka walking away from one another 😕💔 and REX & JESSE 🥹🧎🏽‍♀️🫶🏼 MY BOYS 🥹💙💙
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antianakin · 5 months
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Man, you absolutely need to find your way into the pro Jedi corner of AO3.
Setting that aside, what do I think the clones' opinion on Anakin is in canon (and specifically Rex's opinion)?
It seems overall positive, from what we can tell. In season 2 during the Landing at Point Rain episode, Rex's only obvious response to being thrown off a wall is to tiredly tell Anakin to "just ask him to jump next time." During the Umbara arc in season 4, Fives specifically points out that Anakin would never act the way Krell does. In season 6, during the Fives chip arc, we see Fives feeling pretty comfortable teasing Anakin with a dick joke and Anakin's only response to it is basically to tell him to focus. In season 7, Rex feels comfortable pushing Anakin a little about the mission to find Echo, to ask for help and support from Anakin without worrying about any major backlash (granted, Anakin DOES nearly refuse to help Rex at all and Padme has to talk him into it, but Rex clearly believes it's worth asking Anakin for assistance at all which still tells us something about what Rex thinks of him). In Rebels, Rex does nothing but gush about Anakin very positively, at nearly any chance he gets. Rex obviously doesn't know about Anakin betraying them all at this point, and you could argue that due to how he likely thinks Anakin died that his memories have perhaps developed a rosy hue that kind-of distorts them into something more positive than they were initially. But that's speculation and my personal interpretation based on my feelings about Anakin, not necessarily what's actually represented within the show.
So overall, what we DO see of Anakin's relationship with the men under his command during TCW is generally positive and that he's a General who does try to minimize casualties among his troops. HOWEVER, he is not the ONLY Jedi who is trying to minimize casualties, but one of MANY. In the Umbara arc, Fives doesn't just point out that ANAKIN would never be like Krell, but that NONE OF THE JEDI would be like Krell. And during the Citadel arc, there's an entire side story where Tarkin criticizes the Jedi for explicitly refusing to push for victory at any cost, and while both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan vehemently disagree and defend the Jedi's strategy, it's ANAKIN who agrees with Tarkin that they're being too soft. So while Anakin appears to be going along with the Jedi's current strategy and is smart enough to recognize that sometimes there are smarter ways to victory that cost fewer lives, he is BY FAR not the only Jedi to care about minimizing clone casualties and is in fact the ONLY Jedi we ever see who seems to believe they're being TOO SOFT and should maybe be pushing harder for victory no matter the cost.
Rex's relationship with Ahsoka is... odd sometimes. I feel like the end of the show (and things like TOTJ) sort-of insinuate that their relationship is a lot closer than we actually see it be during TCW. There are practically no scenes where the two of them get to just... be together and bond. It generally seems to stay pretty professional through season 5. Obi-Wan at least has a few times where he and Rex have sort-of SHARED an experience on a mission together, like their time on Kadavo as slaves or even Umbara to some degree, Christophsis, Saleucamai, etc. The only arc coming to mind where Rex and Ahsoka are left together is the Blue Shadow Virus arc which focuses much more on Ahsoka bonding with PADME, not Rex or the clones. So while Rex's relationship with Obi-Wan seems to also be fairly basic and professional, there's a lot more times where the two of them end up on a mission together without Anakin or Ahsoka around, while Ahsoka and Rex often seem to get separated and when they aren't, the focus is on Ahsoka bonding with someone ELSE.
I think a lot of people WANT Rex and Ahsoka to have really cared about each other and obviously season 7 of TCW made it a lot more explicit, but the first 5 seasons of TCW don't really build it up that much, and it's something I think TCW failed at personally. It would've been nice to have more exploration of that relationship, but I just don't feel like we got it. If we ignore season 7 of TCW, I honestly feel like Rex DOES have more of a relationship with Anakin than he does with Ahsoka. I think it's always very professional, but there does seem to be a level of familiarity and comfort and respect there between them that just doesn't exist with Ahsoka.
All of this being said, I don't think any of that really justifies Rex GUSHING about Anakin in Rebels and constantly comparing him favorably to Kanan, that doesn't feel in character for Rex to me or particularly accurate to the way that relationship was actually portrayed.
Nor do I think that any of the more professional respect that Rex did have for Anakin would keep him from refusing to forgive him once he finds out the truth about Vader. People attribute "I'm no Jedi" to Ahsoka these days, but the first person to say that line was REX, right before he spears a slaver. And I think it would be reasonable to assume that, if Rex as told the truth about Anakin, that he'd be able to look back at their history and see all of the times Anakin took advantage of him in a very different light. When he thinks Anakin was a heroic Jedi, he can see those moments as just Anakin trusting Rex with all of his deepest secrets. But after he knows Anakin is the one who enslaved the clones and murdered the Jedi? I imagine that might change.
And dear LORD, I've got about a MILLION issues with the idea that Anakin de-chips the 501st clones post-Order 66 and that they still LIKE HIM afterwards. For one, Anakin would not do this. This is wildly out of character for him. Anakin is a slaver and people need to just accept that this is a completely canon aspect of his character. Anakin does not CARE about anybody while he's being Vader, his primary concern is HIMSELF and he wants everyone else to be miserable in the dark with him. He has zero issues with causing pain or exerting power over people and we see this OVER AND OVER AGAIN during the Original Trilogy. There is absolutely no way that Anakin, while still Vader, would EVER de-chip the clones.
But even that has nothing on the absurdity that is the idea that the clones still LIKE HIM once they're de-chipped, like... WHAT THE FUCK. They now know that Anakin MIND-CONTROLLED THEM INTO WEAPONS that he used to cause a GENOCIDE AGAINST THE JEDI. How in the FUCK would any of the clones be OKAY WITH THAT? Anakin MARCHED THEM INTO THE FUCKING TEMPLE AND POINTED THEM AT INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. If there is ANYTHING that we learned about the clones during TCW, it's that they would NEVER have been okay with that or done it of their own free will. So the only way you can justify the clones "getting along" with Anakin post-Order 66 is to claim the clones just hated the Jedi enough to be totally fine with having been used to commit their genocide.
And even if we assume that, we still have to assume the clones just don't care that much about Anakin having been a part of mind controlling them IN THE FIRST PLACE. That's a MAJOR betrayal for them to forgive EVEN IF they don't care about the Jedi they were forced to kill (INCLUDING CHILDREN). And these are the 501st clones, which means they would've personally known Anakin, these were the men Anakin was PERSONALLY responsible for protecting, which just makes the betrayal all the worse. It would've been bad enough if it was, say, the Coruscant Guard who probably barely know Anakin and who Anakin was not tasked with ever leading, but it's not. It's the 501st, who HAVE to rely on Anakin to lead them well. It's the 501st, many of whom already went through Umbara where they dealt with a Jedi General who treated them JUST LIKE THIS and we saw that NONE OF THEM LIKED IT (even Dogma, who believes in loyalty to the Jedi above all else, doesn't actually LIKE what they're forced to do and is just as horrified as anybody else when they realize they've been tricked into killing fellow clones).
So while I think it's entirely fair to say that Rex and the other 501st DID have a positive relationship with Anakin during the Clone Wars and that Anakin was doing his best to minimize casualties, I think it's UNFAIR to claim that Anakin was doing something the other Jedi WEREN'T also doing and that the clones would EVER continue to respect or like him post-Order 66.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
since there's no serial star wars until august and it's a series i'm not sure i can sit through i'm gonna turn this into sentai brainrot.
i like kingoh this much i've watched every episode at least three times and trying to piece together all the information. i love rita so much i'm planning kingoh FLT and dissecting their costume and sewn a plush and possibly will buy a toy during its run
now i'm just racing to finish kingoh brainrot before May 4 so I can concentrate on Visions vol 2. After Sixth debut I probably had to put things on hold for real to do school work. I hope.
it's plot-heavy and serial unlike your typical sentai but almost typically anime/shonen with a heavy fantasy setting and character designs. but do you need more reason than 'rita kanisuka' to watch it. and the tokusatsu action/direction is so good.
i started a toku sideblog @mofffun anyway so i will be free-r over there. kinda wanna post opinions here and gifs over there lol. maybe polished gifsets here and random gifs over there. my queue is low in the tens but i certainly have many SW stock. i won't remove that completely just, not actively going for it? i'd still do regular tag searches on top of what came on my dashboard, but i might not write/talk about SW for a while? i still have a couple books to read
it feels weird because i became an SW centric blog since I came back 3 years ago. Not to say I didn't have other stuff chimed in but it's been 95% SW running non stop for 3 years. It's weird to have a sudden shift that stays. It's even weirder when you think when i first started this blog in 2012, it's as multifandom as you can get with 5 regular ones. so fuck it. i care about followers and feel a duty to provide? like an editor to a magazine? but probably just overthinking it. i won't force anyone to continue following if they are not into what i'm putting out. it feels weird but i'm just gonna talk about kingohger as much as i want to now. maybe change the blog description in a bit so that i don't feel disconnected. it's MY blog.
Talking about fixating on kingoh. I love the thrill of collecting clues and unraveling its plot. I love thinking again. I love that it gave me a reachable goal to work towards. Though half the time i'm just shouting RITA KAWAII/KAKKOUI i don't really pay attention to what's being said. It's been saccahrine the past 48 hours and i'm exhausted and elated. they got me crawling my ass up sunday at 8 to watch nitiasa live again.
compared with star wars it's just, ₻₻₻ (<- scribble). Mando s3 was a letdown and nobody cares about tbb. i can't stand how hype ppl are for the ahserka series and it feels like a minefield getting to know others with that hanging. sometimes i had to listen to ill-informed forum bros dissing, and when i look at official stuff, i begin to question who's actually keeping the lore.
it's not all negative. i still haven't done a totj!togruta analysis (even though i don't really want to think about totj itself because all it is to me is episode 5). i'm still super excited about SWC2025. i still love ahsoka (yes holding that throne against rita). I know I will be blown away by Visions as well. But I've been letting that define and govern me for too long it's time to let somebody else have a chance.
I'm crazy scared i won't be able to finish work this time. i'd hate that. i'm working the courage to tell my fam i need some space but, every time i actually said that, it's no use anyway. because i'm special. i'm responsible. what i do will never be enough.
i also try not to think to much about the society or where i will be in five years. it's like, some of the things i ultimately want can't happen unless you give it a few years of effort but i don't dare to dream that far. eh
well good thing ko let me think all that. i like thinking. i like writing.
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