#tool. and also music. so many cues in the music that plays throughout
mariska · 2 years
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bestie and i have an extremely important disney princess tv movie viewing we've been planning to do all summer today....we're going deep dive mode babey im talking notebooks im talking second watch through being the director's commentary on my dvd copy......
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polhgambling · 2 years
Virtual dj home 8.0
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The software lets you organize your collection of tracks and group them quickly in a DJ-friendly way, using the filter to find hot songs, find compatible bpm or keys, access your previous playlists, etc. It also consists of many artificial casings and has the most straightforward interface for home users and professionals. It is impressive, which contaminates the hottest videos and audios and mixes among the users who want to mark DJs from the bedroom, mobile, and skilled superstars such as Carl Cox.
Moreover, Virtual DJ Pro Crack 2022 is primarily used in parties, strip clubs, wedding ceremonies, and night parties with specific DJs’ help. Its integral sampler allows you to spice your mixes up with a diverse selection of falls and loops, or perhaps you’ll get creative, and the merged time is confirmed and produced by producing remixes on the fly using the sampler like a sequencer. And you’re also going to find a lot that is complete of effects and transitions to experience if you mix videos. Virtual DJ Pro 2022 Crack has many results, including flanger that is the antique echo, beatgrid, and more contemporary “beat-aware” efficient grid, slicer, and loop-roll.
Virtual DJ Pro Crack & Activation Key Download It is helpful for sound and video mix applications. You can use a philter system to locate the critical paths, bpm/key, previous playlists, etc. It will help you coordinate and team up your tracks quickly in a DJ-pleasant way. Virtual DJ Pro Crack helps you scrape tracks, set and remember tips, and all other standard features DJs expect to mix. However, you ought to plug in and be prepared to do it. It is an effective plugin system when combined with many appliances and applications.
In addition, it can play tracks like sound and karaoke or movie if you link your personal computer to the projector or the club’s screens. Using the incredible number of automatic reports we get every off their VirtualDJ users throughout the globe, it will provide significant advice on which songs other DJs consider going well after everything you merely played time. Virtual DJ PRO Crack automatically finds it regarding the Internet and streamlines it straight, requiring an additional membership. Finally, it will let you organize your vast range of songs and group them easily in manners that are a DJ-friendly filter using get the hot songs, find compatible bpm or key, and access your past playlists. Additionally, It enables anyone to scrape your tracks, recall and set cues, and all of-of these other features being regular, be prepared to find to mix. Virtual DJ Pro Crack allows you to mix your tracks by playing records that are few that point that is the same, adjust their relative price, so their tempo will match, apply effects like loops, etc., and crossfade from one part to your other.
Virtual DJ Pro 8 Crack + License Key freeload You can make the sound in pop, rock, classical, and many other audio mixing formats with drum effects or Dolby Effects through this software. Finally, you can make up loud music as you want it. It allows the user to organize multiple track collections, and the user can easily group them in the friendly manner of a DJ. Besides, It gives users many new features to edit music that can’t be found with any software or platform. It is considered the most valuable software for video and audio mixing, enabling users to become a DJ from a bedroom and telephone to professional superstars. Both beginners and professionals can use this mixing tool for MP3 without difficulty. Moreover, Virtual DJ Pro 8 Crack is the best DJ pro mixer. You can very quickly replace your turntables and CD players. DJs use it for playing songs on your PC program. The best audio (mp3) linking system you can use freely to build the best DJ. This program is revealed to you with nearly all the possibilities. Virtual DJ mixes the music in clear treble and a powerful bass booster. This player is outstanding in using CD players as Hi-Fi CD Player or DVD Players. Its player got the best new features that make the sound like bass boost and surround sound with Dolby clear sound treble with many interface mixers. It provides a better sound mixer and makes you professionalize quickly. Virtual DJ Pro 8 Crack is one of the best software.
Download Crack + Setup Virtual DJ Pro 8 Crack 2022 Plus Serial Key Download
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tiefling-queer · 3 years
ooh, controversial horror movie opinion for spooky season!
jump scares aren’t inherently bad.
in horror (as with all art), it’s really important to consider your medium, its purpose, and its strengths/weaknesses. film allows for great immersion, but with that immersion comes the balancing act of controlling your audience’s tension.
there are many tools for controlling tension - lighting, music, sound design, staging and shot composition - another incredibly helpful tool for controlling tension in a horror movie is a jump scare.
let’s set the scene. it’s the start of a movie. the characters are only just getting introduced. you know this is a scary movie, so you’re tense, on the ready to be scared. the main character gets distracted by something creepy. the shot composition is a little uncanny. the music and sound cues tell you something scary is going to happen - and then, bam! something jumps out! the frighten has been done!
it’s just one of the other characters, playing a prank. the main character gets mad at them. the music picks back up to a brighter tone. and, most importantly, the audience relaxes a little. it’s the beginning of the movie - trying to maintain and build on the tension that’s already elevated all throughout the first act could undermine the setup, or be nearly impossible with the rest of the movie’s pacing, so getting that first scare out of the way eases everyone into the movie, resets the tension and allows it to build back up again at the director’s intended pace.
alternatively, a jump scare can be employed in opposition to audience tension in order to maximize a scare. for example: the insidious jump scare
this is the jump scare that made me love jump scares. let’s set the scene: there’s some spooky shit happening, the psychic is doing a drawing, we’re expecting the demon to show up at any moment, the music’s going wild, the shots are jerky and the lighting’s all over the place - everything, everything about the scene builds tension higher and higher and-
and then everything is normal. it’s all calm. the tension drops suddenly as all the visual and sound cues tell us that the characters (and we, by extension) are safe.
and then, boom! shot changes and the demon is right fucking behind the dude and oh my god did that get audiences. the shrieks! the shouts! the weird strangled noise that i make instead of a normal fear noise!
i don’t think i’d remember that scene, or that movie at all, really, if it had just given us the monster when the tension was already high. but that jump scare scene stood out to me.
now, any tool if used poorly can lessen the quality of a work. bad lighting and shot composition can ruin a scene. music and sound design can drastically affect the way a scene feels. jump scares used too often, or in poorly placed scenes, can completely screw up where the audience’s tension is at and leave them either too tense or nowhere near tense enough for the following sequences. but strategically used jump scares can help keep audience tensions on track with the pacing of the movie and its scares.
i think a lot of people who think ‘jump scare’ think maze game, or the car on the hill video, or a screamer, and i don’t think it’s fair to compare scares put in a horror movie, which people are watching specifically to be frightened by, to a lame prank video meant to startle someone who has no idea what’s coming.
but, like, i’ve also seen people say that using music and sound to set a scene in a horror movie is ‘cheating’ and ‘lazy’, and all i can really say to that is that maybe you don’t like movies? or maybe you don’t understand that film works differently from literature, and that the tools employed by both to create atmosphere are completely different? who knows.
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komoryriku · 4 years
Queering KH Part 4: Hearts in Tune
Actually KH Finally lol
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Pictured: Riku humming Sora’s name in a soft, adoring, wistful voice the way a swooning straight person sighs the name of their beloved of the opposite gender.
Kingdom Hearts gives off so many subtextual signals of queer coding that it genuinely BAFFLES me how people can really believe it is straight. You may be wondering what makes me so confident in that when there has not been anything in the games to explicitly prove any of the characters are not straight, and I will be happy to tell you. It is because in order to believe Kingdom Hearts is straight, you have to ignore WAY too much subtext. To truly believe that Sora is in love with Kairi and only coded to be interested in Kairi, you have to ignore his questioning of what love is. You have to ignore the combined keyblade he shares with Riku. You have to ignore how much the narrative is driving him to understand that Riku is his most important, cherished person. This all goes doubly for Riku who has a coming out story not unlike Elsa’s metaphorical one, in which his love for Sora is his greatest source of strength. You have to pretend the necklace gifting plot point is entirely straight and cannot possibly mean anything homoromantic. You have to ignore the way Sora cries while clutching Riku’s hand compared to his subdued and non-emotional reunion with Kairi- that’s just too much “accidental subtext” for me to confidently ignore lol. Intentional or not, KH is Gay~
Here’s how we’re gonna do this.
So where the hell do I even begin with coding KH? Well- I can’t possibly queer the whole of KH text in 1 summer, so what I plan to do is this:
Give you the tools to understand KH’s coding so that you can code it yourself~
Queer a few major KH scenes so that everyone can see that the proof is in the pudding.
I’m gonna try to break down various scenes to decode them and queer them so you can see what’s at play in KH. Originally when this meta was a single doc, I was only gonna cover 4 scenes. But since I’m breaking it into parts to update at my leisure, I’m gonna just add scenes and meta as I go~
Now without further ado:
How the Hearts in Tune scene is Gay Coded
This shouldn’t be too hard at all.~
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This scene is almost too easy. 
The scene opens with Sora bringing Mickey the sound idea he found but as it turns out, one sound idea is not enough. Sora tells us not to worry because he has a friend who is always picking up the slack for him. Likewise, on Riku’s end, he brings his sound idea to Mickey and is surprised to see that Sora’s sound idea is necessary to complete the song. 
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Once the sound ideas meet, this beautiful visual plays out in which the 2 sound ideas swirl around each other and the soundtrack title “Dearly Beloved” plays. 
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Now, there are several things I want to note about this sequence- heck this visual alone before we move on. 
Recall earlier when I discussed Shiki’s point that blue and pink (likewise blue and red) “go together”, romantically.
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I will let the visual of Sora’s sheet music being pink while Riku’s is blue speak for itself. But I will also add how this ties into the yin and yang themes I’m about to discuss:
Yin and Yang
This concept gets its own section because it’s such an influential concept in so many aspects of various cultures around the globe.
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Yin and Yang is an eastern philosophy which illustrates the concept of dualism. In short, it is the concept that 2 opposite halves are complements to a whole. The original term in fact translates to dark-bright.  
I am neither a philosophy professor or student so I will keep this as brief as I can and simply encourage you to study up on Yin and Yang at your own leisure. I will however paste this section from wikipedia because I think it is extremely helpful information to have for studying eastern media in general. 
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Yin and Yang: husbanded opposing forces. Dark-Light, Moon-Sun, Chaos-Order, Winter-Summer, Negative-Positive.
Female (Yin)-Male (Yang): Yes this is often used in a heteronormative heterosexual context because people are homophobic and believe in gender binaries, unfortunately, but I implore you to consider the concept in more figurative, spiritual, aesthetic themes, especially since Yin and Yang is a much grander philosophy than mere sexuality discourse; it’s about complementary forces creating a whole. 
For shipping purposes, think opposites attract. Think concepts that are traditionally associated with femininity meshing with concepts that are traditionally associated with masculinity. Queer media has a wonderful way of subverting heteronormative Yin and Yang tropes by showing that cis-hetero standards can be hypocritically non-compliant with the complementary concept.
Rather than thinking of this, 2 heteros in love based on being just- the same person with opposite genders:
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Think of this, same gendered couples with complementary personalities:
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Think about how an aloof scrappy butchy vampire queen attracts an uptight calculating femme princess.
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Think about how this goody-goody dumb jock with a martyring hero complex attracts this naughty cunning jock with a self-loathing villaness complex.
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And now think about how badly we need more canonical mlm couples in children’s media lol. Oops my finger slipped. But I’m getting ahead of myself lol.
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The concepts of interconnected opposite forces are so important and prominent in literature throughout the world, but yin and yang is ESPECIALLY important in Kingdom Hearts because it is a story that explicitly explores Light and Dark forces. It explores how they both oppose one another in catastrophic ways,
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and how they complement each other in harmonious ways.
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Getting ahead of myself again… But hey speaking of harmony, back to the matter at hand.
Hearts in Tune.
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This scene shows a number of romantic symbols. As I was saying before the yin and yang tangent, pink and blue (nee red and blue) are already symbols of romantic suggestion. And in the case of them representing 2 parts of a whole song, these song pieces act as complementary halves, adding another layer of dualism to the scene. Furthermore, the music sheets swirl around each other in a yin and yang fashion. Harmony has been achieved. This lets us know these forces belong together. These forces representing Sora and Riku. They are husbanded together. These 2 hearts in question are part of each other. In fact, Mickey even says so:
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Perhaps most damning, however, is that the song in question is “Dearly Beloved”, arguably the theme song for Kingdom Hearts as far as the score goes. I’m sure it goes without say that “Dearly Beloved��� is not only in itself a romantic sounding phrase but it is also the phrase specifically said by officiators of weddings to the congregation before the wedding vows are exchanged. “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today…” 
I will also mention that Riku’s dream eater symbol visible in the shot is specifically designed based on a bleeding heart flower, a symbol of passionate love. Credit to Steam for pointing this out here, please follow them and read their posts they are magically delicious:
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So almost everything about this scene is aesthetically romantically coded, and I didn’t even mention the fact that Dream Drop Distance’s whole color palette is themed with rainbows, which as I said earlier is absolutely still a gay symbol in Japan. Note the rainbow of colors animating from the sheet music. 
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So in terms of the atmosphere of the scene, its already incredibly homoromantic in every way I can think of. But what about the dialogue?
Well lets talk about the dialogue. Dialogue should always been read with care when you’re trying to queer a text. Often a lot of queer messaging in a text is subtextual. This means the text itself may actually say something gay, but you have to read further into it. This is an old method of queer writing designed to protect the writer from getting in trouble for their gay crimes.
Historical aside on this:  If you’ve ever read Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, you may have note that Lord Henry can never just simply say that he is gay, lest Oscar Wilde be charged for homosexuality in 19th century England. Instead, Lord Henry simply tells us he is married to a woman, but makes it clear throughout the text that this marriage is mostly performative and he is not emotionally invested in it whatsoever, going against the puritanical, heternormative ideals of Victorian prudery. Lord Henry is by contrast MUCH more invested in following the life and times of his very close friend Dorian Gray, with whom he shares a hedonistic philosophy in the name of Fin de siècle. Not to be a downer but for the sake of understanding how real this subject of oppressed gay censorship is, despite keeping the homosexual themes as purely subtext, Oscar Wilde was tried and convicted of homosexuality and this book was used against him in court. 
What we are privileged to have today with KH is a cutscene and not just a script. Meaning we have visuals, animation, voice acting, musical cues, etc etc to follow along with to enhance our subtext. 
On Sora’s end of the conversation, Mickey points out that the song is incomplete with just his sound idea alone, and Sora tells him not to worry, as Riku is his dependable friend who will fill in where he fails. The text in the official English translation is:
Mickey: That's strange... Is one Sound Idea not enough?
Sora: Don't worry. I've got a friend out there who will help. He's always 
picking up the slack for me.
This on its own sounds platonic. But note just how affectionate Sora’s voice acting is when he says it. Not only that, he clutches his heart to let us know how close he is to Riku and how much his connection with Riku matters to him. How much confidence he has in this friend he cares so much about. He then closes his eyes after saying it, smiling up in the air blissfully while he waits for their hearts to make their connection and finish the song.
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Once it is finished, Mickey remarks that their sounds joined together to make something more powerful. Sora then says looking thoughtful, “Yeah. Two forces are better than one. Right, Riku?”
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Following this, Sora leaves to fight the boss.
On Riku’s side, Mickey questions what happened, and Riku looks up thoughtfully, and says tenderly, “Sora.”
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Mickey comments “Sora? Funny... Just hearing that name kinda makes me wanna smile.” and Riku tells him warmly, “Yeah. That's how he is.”
Mickey then goes on to say some really shippy stuff:
“Whaddaya know... Riku and Sora. The Sound Ideas you two set free joined together. And when they did, they made a great and powerful harmony.”
Riku then nods and tells Mickey brightly that “Sora can find the brightest part of anything, and pull off miracles like there's nothing to it. It's pretty hard not to smile around him.”
And I would like to pause to look at that line. “It’s pretty hard not to smile around him.” Although Mickey says the same thing, that just hearing Sora’s name invokes a smile, we sense a somewhat deeper meaning in Riku saying it. Why is that? Well, for one thing this game is entirely about Riku protecting Sora and exploring how much Sora actually means to him. This game is continuing Riku’s redemption arc from KH2, but it is also doing something perhaps even more important: it is providing him a journey of self discovery. This test resets Sora and Riku to level 1 so to speak, not just in their powers but even their models revert to variations of their KH1 selves. This helps to underscore Riku re-examining himself and his feelings. 
And then guess what? Mickey makes some even SHIPPIER commentary. He exclaims “Wow! No wonder the music sounded like so much fun. But I bet he's got you to thank for that. Having such a good friend means he could really enjoy it.”
Riku is taken aback by this comment. “Huh?”
Mickey continues, expressing some extremely yin and yang themed sentiments, 
“It's like each of you is holding on to a little part of the other. Your hearts are always in tune, so they're free to sing. Gosh, I hope I can be part of the team someday.”
Mickey did us a wonderful favor and expressed to us explicitly, for those who didn’t understand the romantic coding of the scene already, that Sora and Riku are a good match. Mickey tells Riku that the music sounded like fun in English, that it was a happy, pleasurable time, and tells him that Sora has Riku for a friend which is what must have made it so enjoyable. 
So from this dialogue we get assurance that Sora and Riku are two very close friends, whose hearts are connected, and they are 2 powerful forces that merge into an even greater one. Their hearts are in tune.
Now if this were a scene about a boy and a girl, I doubt anyone would question whether it was romantic. Why should we be asked to look at it platonically just because it is 2 boys? The romantic imagery is clear. 
And let me ask you this while we’re still on the subject of Dream Drop Distance: 
According to Riku’s character files, he had previously thought of Sora as a little brother, and tried to be a cool older brother to him. 
He then tells us that this has changed. What did it change to? 
The surface level, heteronormative answer would say it changed to them being merely friends. 
But isn’t that an odd regression? After all, found family is a thing, and that’s a bit weird for him to question since there is no reason for those feelings to change on that notion. If Sora loved him like a brother, that clearly hasn’t changed. Riku clearly loves Sora as deeply, so that didn’t change. The other problem with this phenomenon Riku is dealing with is that there is no reason for him to feel this strange sense of repression we keep seeing over this change. He is constantly holding back on some feelings for Sora but platonic and brotherly feelings are entirely acceptable. What is it that he is hiding? What sort of feelings for Sora would be hidden?
From the Kh2 Novel: 
He really did want to see Sora and talk. But that was impossible with this appearance. The things that mattered the most were what he couldn’t tell Sora. It had always been that way.
What sort of feelings might be systemically oppressed?
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This scene is pretty much EXACTLY what I would do to say as explicitly as possible that Riku is gay without being able to say it outright due to censorship. 
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angelofdelphi · 4 years
Across the Stars and Behind the Score: A Reylo Story.
Okay, so, maybe one day I will be able to post this in video essay because it will make more sense with visuals and audio but I may have to wait until I can get my clips of TROS through “official” channels.  Until then, we will have to make this work.
There are very few elements of Star Wars that have managed to persist throughout the entirety of the Skywalker Saga.  However, perhaps one of the most consistent elements of Star Wars is this man:
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John Williams has been the mastermind behind the soundtrack for all nine of the Saga films.  From the Imperial March, to the Duel of Fates, and Across the Stars, Williams’s arrangements are what breathe life into these films.
And, in today’s TED Talk, I will prove that the true ending of TROS rests in the themes of his music.
Beware of spoilers and get cosy.  This is a bit of a read.
Okay, let’s start with some of the basics.  Music tells stories -- just as visual art does.  Different instruments or cords can convey different meanings.  We humans also tend to gravitate towards certain musical tropes whether we realize it or not...
Check out Pop 101 by Marianas Trench for examples of how these themes appear in pop culture.
The musical themes of Star Wars are no exception.  
What song pops into your head when you see this guy?
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You thought of this, right?  The iconic Imperial March.
What about the Millennium Falcon?
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You probably heard this theme right?
Leia and Han have their own theme.  Anakin and Padme have theirs.  The Force has a theme.
Not only do each of the characters have a unique and compelling theme, Williams also uses these themes in similar ways.  For example:  Guess what theme plays in each of these scenes?
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You instantly knew right?
Okay, so now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about what is strange about the use of John Williams’s music in TROS.
Movie soundtracks are quite interesting and can be powerful tools in enhancing an actor’s performance.  Musical cues can help an audience know how to respond to certain scenes.  This video gives a great rundown of the power of a well-done movie soundtrack. 
So let’s look at the end of TROS shall we?  I believe that the secret to the true ending of the film, which includes a happy ending for both Ben and Rey can be found in the last 3 tracks.  Here they are for reference:
Farewell which plays underneath the following scenes in TROS: Rey’s Death, Ben Return, Ben’s Sacrifice, the BIG KISS, Ben��s Death, the Destruction of the Star Destroyers, Rey Emerges Victorious, and the Fleet Returns Home.
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Reunion which is the track that plays underneath the following scenes: The Heroes Return to Base, Chewie Gets his Metal, the Trio Reunites, Lando and Jannah have a Moment, and Everyone Celebrates.  Note, this track was not used in its entirety during the movie.
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And finally, A New Home, which doesn’t start playing until Rey reaches the Uncle Owen’s moister farm on Tatooine.  
Even without seeing any visuals, these tracks convey a clear story.  Farewell starts with a melancholic variant of the force’s theme.  It moves through minor cords before sharply becoming dark and moves through mournful passages based on Kylo Ren’s theme.  There are several crescendos to tremolos on strings, which are used to build suspense.  In fact, many aspects of Farewell remind me of Adagio for Strings, which is arguably one of the saddest string pieces I’ve ever preformed.  The beginning of Farewell sounds like a death scene.  
But then, something happens... A mischievous variant of the Force’s Theme sneaks into the piece.
Now, this mischievous Force Theme originally plays under Ben’s Smile.
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Which honestly seems like a strange place to put a mischievous variant of the force.  Especially since Farewell immediately shifts back to its melancolic theme again.  And even though Farewell continues to unfold as a mournful song, the visuals don’t seem to match.  Leia fades away, but Rey, the person who should be mourning, receives no screen time to do so, even though the music is setting the stage for such a scene.  
In fact, TROS visuals seems to want to showcase everything EXCEPT Rey’s mourning for Ben.
And here is the reason why:  Ben wasn’t supposed to die, which is why they have a lack of footage of Rey mourning.  
But the strange use of Farewell doesn’t stop there.  
Magical chimes which are usually used to indicate something magical or miraculous has happened, play underneath scenes of burning Star Destroyers -- an odd and kind of morbid juxtaposition.
Farewell eventually swells to a victorious fanfare and concludes in a major key.  This happens underneath Rey’s X-wing emerging from Exogol and the fleet returning home.  HOWEVER, Williams has already established what the Hero’s Victory should sound like.  Can you think of it?
During Reunion, the oddities are there yet less pronounced -- Leia’s theme plays under Lando instead of Maz, who plays Leia’s part in the throwback reenactment of the awards ceremony from Episode IV.  The Force theme plays even though there are no force users on screen (another Force Theme variety plays under Finn.  And while I know he is force-sensitive, he is not our main force user.  That is Rey.). The music cuts awkwardly during Poe and Zorii’s wordless exchange.  
There is no way that Williams’s didn’t plan for specific theme progressions during the “Heroes Return.”  It’s obvious during the track -- He had a specific progression of character appearances in mind when he composed “Reunion.” 
What is even more telling is if you simply replace “Reunion” at the start of collapse of the Star Destroyers, all of the musical themes hit exactly where they need to.  See what I mean here.
Finally, “A New Home,” paints a metamorphosis.  It takes a variety of Rey’s Theme and move through half-step cord progressions that are painted with rolling magical chimes that swell to a crescendo before fading to the iconic Force’s Theme that usually plays with the Binary Sunset.  A New Home is mainly uses to accent Anakin and Leia’s lightsaber’s descent into Tatooine’s sands.  It holds promises that something is different -- a revelation lurks around the corner.
The Finale’s Force theme plays over Rey as she has a strange conversation with a weird lady before proclaiming herself Rey Skywalker.
FIRST, it is important to remember that the soundtrack score is finalized long before the final cut of the film and is not really altered once the composer is finished writing and recording the music.  This means that if the music feels like it doesn’t match a scene, then the composer probably didn’t intend for the score to go there.
I think that this is painfully evident in the BIG KISS scene.  Why does Farewell, a  piece that begins dark and melancholic rise to conclude in a major key?  Because that scene was suppose to conclude with our heroes being elevated to a place of triumph.  Why is there a victorious fanfare?  Because that is how fairytale kisses work:
Beauty and the Beast
Princess and the Frog
Padme and Anakin
Ben and Rey
You get the idea.
One thing remains clear -- Williams did not expect this movie to end in tragedy. Just listen to the difference between “Farewell,” which marks Ben’s death and Episode III’s “The Birth of the Twins & Padme’s Destiny”. There is no hopeful conclusion to Padme’s Destiny.  There isn’t a swell to a romantic heroic fanfare and major conclusion.  That soundtrack clearly conveys the darkness of Revenge of the Sith.
The other clear thing about John Williams’s score is that it highlights the deviations D/LF made between the cut of the film Williams’s saw vs the cut that was released in theaters.  There is no way that Williams would have PURPOSEFULLY not aligned his musical themes and elements with the wrong visuals from the movie.  That is just not the type of composer he is.  
And that, dear readers, is why the truth to the TROS ending lies in John William’s music.  
I’m Cat and this has been my TED Talk.
Seriously.  Farewell is a BIG KISS song and Reylo follows Beauty and the Beast troupes.  FIGHT ME D/LF.  Ben Solo was meant to live!
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kabane52 · 3 years
Etymology and Ontology
Peter Leithart’s chapter in “Deep Exegesis” on etymology and its significance is earth-shattering. Contrary to those who argue that a word’s history is essentially irrelevant to its meaning in any given text, Leithart follows the biblical authors (who often gave etymologies) in seeing its history as an intrinsic quality of its essence and thus significant in giving a comprehensive account of a text’s meaning. Authorial intent plays a governing role in the meaning of a text, but no text’s meaning is limited to the conscious intent of the author.
This raises the question of what language is. I think we tend to assume that language is a mere tool or instrument- it is meant to facilitate communication between rational subjects. Those who consider it at greater length will realize that it is also an instrument of thinking in a single rational subject. The grammar of the world around us is made internally intelligible through language. But what if language was more than this? What if language itself was one of the ends for which God created the world and Man in relation to the world? I think
Consider notion of magic (which I am not here using to identify unlawful sorcery) and recall the deep connection in creation between music and ontology. At the birth of Narnia, the Deep Magic which the Emperor puts into Narnia is placed therein through Aslan’s *song.* That song has different rhythms according to the different things being created. Each creature has its unique qualities on account of its different mode of being. Etymology provides many interesting windows into the inner logic of these concepts. Yet I do not think the relation of two similar words conceptually depends, necessarily, on a concrete historical relation. When two distinct words evolve convergently, I think this is internal to the structure of language as an exposition of the world: their convergence manifests a deeper conceptual convergence. Their similar sounds are then exploited in poetry and puns.
Here is just a sampling:
Music: Music is derived from “Muses” which is in Hellenistic thought the heavenly energy which indwells the poet or artist, granting him the ability to fashion aesthetically rich imprints of the world. The splendor of Greek history is imprinted in the Iliad through the operation of the Muses. In fact, the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12 echoes (to my mind, quite clearly) a passage in Plato’s Ion describing the diversity of gifts granted through the Muses. A better analogy than “laws of nature” is “music of nature.” The laws of nature are not prescriptive: they are *descriptive* of how things behave. The *cause* of that behavior is unstated and unknown to the naturalist. The Muses is from Heaven: it is the pattern of the harmony which makes the world what it is. The Divine Musician teaches His children how to play the music which makes the world.
Mode- Think of what I said above about different creatures being different modes in which things exist. Well, “mode” ultimately comes from “modus” which means, among other things, *rhythm* and even *song.* It is a particular pattern in which the music of the cosmos is harmonized and played by the Almighty.
Magic: Various words associated with magic are still in use: magistrate, for example. One thinks of the Persian-derived words for the learned priestly class: magus, magi (Latinized plural). The historical etymology has been suggested in a proto-Indo-European word signifying “to have power.” Consider how dominion over the cosmos is linked throughout Scripture with God’s having created it. God is King and Sovereign because He is Creator. Why? Because to be sovereign means that one has the capacity to realize one’s end. And God’s having created something in the first place- His ability to *make something what He wants it to be* entails His continued sovereignty.
When one *makes* something, one has sovereignty over it. Even if one makes something for someone else, it is given to them because one has contracted to use one’s labor for that end. A king has sovereignty over subject lands by right of conquest (or compare Josh 18: “the whole land lay subdued”, used in an allusion to Gen 1.26-28, the dominion mandate) because he has exerted his will to successfully make the land what he wishes it. This is why technological development and conquest in scripture are closely bound together as distinct vibes on the same conceptual key. Joseph, Daniel, and Solomon are superior to the sorcerers because they have received from God the *true* divine wisdom which undergirds the natures of things. Knowing natures as they are, they are successful in exercising dominion. Through the Spirit of God, Joseph is the *true* magistrate who overcomes the sorcery of their magicians. Priests study the Holy Torah, the disclosure of the Words of God which undergird nature. They are the true Magi, granting true Wisdom.
Enchanted- from the Latin incantare. In is a preposition meaning “within” and “cantare” is an infinitive of “canto.” The word “canto” is the word “cano” with what Wiktionary calls a “frequentative suffix” (t), indicating a repeated action. “Cano” means “I sing.” The repeition contained in its suffix indicates the ongoing, rhythmic nature of that music. So we have the notion of an ongoing regular piece of music combined with “within.” I think we can see here the intertwining network of concepts giving meaning to “enchantment.” It refers to the *inner essence* of an ongoing song. To put something under an enchantment is to alter its ongoing existence and endow it with new causative and receptive relations. If one enchants a ring to make another fall asleep, one knows the essence of the ring well enough to thread that nature together with a new quality, the quality of making someone fall asleep. So in Narnia ,the Deep Magic is the Deep Music.
Aslan endows his world with a particular sort of existence and a particular network of qualities. The overarching Music is a harmony of many songs or modes, individual rhythms corresponding to particular creatures- all existing in relation to all others and to the Whole  Symphony. The magician, in Narnia, is the one who knows the Deep Magic well enough to alter the world by singing out one’s own tune in relation to the preexisting tune. This is done both for good and for ill- there is the White Witch who knows the essence of the world and the essence of snow well enough to bind snow to Narnia in perpetuity. But there is also Coriakin, who governs the Dufflepuds by altering their qualities according to the needs of the moment. When Lucy takes his book of magic and says the incantation to make invisible things visible, Aslan appears, saying that he will certainly obey his own rules. The patterns of nature are the constantly sung divine Music endowing nature with its qualities. In present primitive terms, the so called “laws of nature.”
Words are pronounced with breath and air. It is air which carries sound from speaker to hearer, and the speaker always breathes out air as he speaks. Air, breath, these qualities are the corporeal reality most closely bound together in association with “life.” God created Man not only as an instrument for the glorification of the world, not only as a tool, but as an end. Glorified Man is one of the great ends for which God created the world. And I think we can say that language is like this, too. Language itself is a sacramental beauty, it is something not only to be used, but also to be reveled in. It is not a mere tool to comment upon and understand creation, it is one of the great splendors of creation itself. Language, in a sense, is the very life of Man, whose existence is in the Image and Likeness of God. And God created Man to grow, to develop, to multiply from a single individual into a vast, many-branched family (the link between a “tree” and a “family” is no accident: the righteous is like a “tree planted by streams” and the Kingdom of God is like a cosmic “tree”) through whom the Cosmos is glorious in the resurrection of the World to Come.
Language, the life and breath of Man, is also a cumulative reality. If a language acquires in a single social context two words from two different mother languages representing the same concept, then the only way in which both words survive in the same environment is if they develop a subtle distinction in meaning. And this subtlety simply cannot be reduced to a definition. One word might give away one’s desire to alter a relationship to become less or more formal. Little signals and cues become available as a language flowers and bursts and buds. This is why English is such a beautiful and rich language.
[PS: Let me just say that our “defective” verbal system is one of the wonders of the linguistic world. With the death of th conjugated verb a whole new life gloriously is born. Suddenly, the helping word permits English to specify a vaster range of verbal tenses than had been used in ancestral languages for centuries or even millennia. Greek is not, contrary to the cliche, a more precise language than English. English permits specification of ongoing or simple aspect (i.e. “doing” and “do”) no matter the time. Greek and Latin cannot elegantly distinguish “I am doing” and “I do.” But English allows for more than this. It permits the existence of the perfect progressive: “I have been doing.”]
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imagine-bangtan · 5 years
30+ Taehyung
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30.  “Be you. No one else can.” 
Word count: 1206
How has it been so long ever since their last appearance in a variety show? 
You rummaged through the mess of a memory you had and couldn’t even point out the last time they participated - especially not with other idols. Being so focused on coming up with new music, constant training and multiple concerts all around the world, there was no time left for such entertainment. However, their company accepted the invitation this time which visibly freshened them up, acted as a comeback to their roots. 
There were many noticeable changes in their personalities - all of them grew up, matured a lot which also came with priceless experience and professionality. They knew how to speak well, how to appeal to the public, at the same time being more relaxed and less embarrassed about everything and anything. They knew how to make a conversation interesting to not only their fans, but fans of the other idols as well. They also knew how to describe their experiences of being world class celebrities with such emotion, immediately captivating hearts of the audience. The biggest difference though was the one that seemingly stood out the least; the oddly quiet and reserved one. The one who hardly ever smiled ever since the recording first started, hardly ever joked along with the other members.
You watched their recording from backstage with both pride and concern as you noticed all of the changes they have went through in years. With a hair brush in one hand and a hair spray in the other, you patiently waited for a cue from the directors to take a styling break. Being the perfectionist you were, stubborn strands of hair sticking out in all different directions on Hoseok’s head ironically gave you more anxiety than anything. He just had to start dancing out of nowhere in the middle of recording and mess his hairstyle up, there was no way a show could go without it.
So lost in checking on the boys, you haven’t even noticed one of the rookie idols speaking until a loud squeal of the mostly teenage audience caught your attention. It seemed to have been the end of his speech therefore you had no idea what he just talked about, but judging from the boys’ faces it must have been something impressive.
“Cut! We’ll take a twenty minute break!“ One of the directors announced as they have discussed it beforehand. All of the idols visible on the screen sighed in content - being energetic and interesting for hours wasn’t the easiest task on the planet, especially with their hectic all-day schedules.
The moment you heard a cue, the room filled with other staff members became a mess as they all started rushing to grab the tools needed. Makeup artists, stylists, hair stylists, technicians among many other people who stood behind a group and silently became a part of their success. 
“Good job, keep it up.“ You heard one of the BTS managers say as they entered the room in a rush. Twenty minutes may seem long, but in their world it was more like two minutes of rest and eighteen minutes of being passed from hands to hands as the staff members crowded around them.
You looked around to find Hoseok, but noticed that one of the other hair stylists has already been taking care of the nest on his head. Damn, taking the work you’ve been itching to do for half of the show.
Before anything else distracted you again, you noticed Taehyung standing in the corner and simply looking at the members with unreadable expression. All of your previous concerns bounced right back seeing him so isolated from everyone else and so you decided to take some of his burden on your own shoulders.
“How’s your hair still perfect?“ You asked with a warm smile, standing on your tip toes to brush through his already well styled hair. For no particular reason - you just needed a topic to hopefully start a conversation.
“I don’t know. It just is.“ He answered so evasively that your eyebrows involuntarily scrunched up. 
“Is there something wrong? You’ve been so quiet the entire recording.“ You said, deciding to just be honest with him. As far as you’ve remember, he always appreciated honesty even if it was painful to bear the truth.
“No, everything’s fine.“
You lowered your gaze from his hair to his eyes and were surprised to notice that he stared at something without averting his gaze at all. Following the trail, you found yourself gazing at the screen placed on the wall across the room which repeated the already recorded part of the show. Even though there were many different parts, it happened to be airing the speech of the rookie boy good enough to make girls squeal in excitement. Upon a closer look, you noticed how he wasn’t nervous at all with a gentle smile on his face, wise words and captivative sparkle in his eyes. No wonder he was admired by the audience.
“He’s so mature and calm.“ A bunch of words slipped past Taehyung’s lips grabbing your attenion and alarming you in a way. “I wish I could be like him. I bet no one finds him a weirdo of the group. No one calls him an alien for fun.“ He added with distinct sadness trembling through the tone of his voice.
An ‘oh’ accidentally escaped your lips as you realized what it was about. It suddenly made so much sense as you’ve seen him watching some old fan video on youtube while you were doing his hair before. Although you haven’t seen the full title, you noticed it contained a compilation of Taehyung’s funny moments - there must have been something which bothered him a lot. Despite being from around debut, you bet the video had some fresh comments from people not knowing how he matured throughout the years. The comments were always either a ray of sunshine or a pit of darkness for the boys.
“What are you talking about?“ You suddenly asked with surprising firmness in your voice. “Be you. No one else can.“
Such simple words yet somehow meant so much to him.
“That guy is being himself and you should too. Your fans love you for your own personality, not for someone else’s you’d want to be.“ You smiled brightly at the change in his expression. As if he was reflecting on himself. “No one else can be a Taehyung and we need a Taehyung! Go show your fans the Taehyung they admire.“ You exclaimed with positivity filling you up to the brim. 
What you’ve been dying to see eventually happened - he smiled in that boxy smile of his always making your day a hundred times better.
“I’ll do that! Watch me Taehyung all the way to the end of the show!“ He joked with motivation shining bright in his squinted from a smile eyes. With freshly gained strength, he soon followed the other members and made a way more relaxed apprearance with the fans loudly cheering him on.
That way you’ve gained another verb to play around with - you not only Jimin today, but also Taehyung all the way!
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voicesfromthelight · 5 years
On Spirit Guides, Clairaudient Dictation, and The Difference Between Psychic and Mediumistic Information
One of the most valuable tools I have in my arsenal as a medium is that of taking clairaudient dictation. (Some people call it "inspired writing," but this definition doesn't feel quite accurate to me.) In contrast to channeling verbally, claircognizantly or clairvoyantly, pairing spirit communication with a tangible act that grounds the information in the physical dimension and records it, is one of the best ways to strengthen the link we have with the spirit world. There are some misconceptions out there about “automatic” writing, including a few I harbored myself before figuring out how to develop this skill, that may keep many people hoping to learn how to channel from breaking through plateaus in their communication. So, today, I’d like to clear some of these up and teach my readers how to get started.
Before we go into the technique of writing by clairaudient dictation itself, we will need to backtrack a bit. As with any clair-sense, part of the challenge for the medium or psychic is to differentiate whether or not a given impression is coming from their own consciousness, or from spirit. And this is where the biggest difference between psychic information and mediumistic information - a crucial difference I wish I had been taught earlier in my practice - comes into play. Though these two modalities of information utilize the same clair-senses in order to be received, psychic information and the interpretation of mediumistic spirit communication run on two semi-separate, though interrelated, systems. The language and currency of both psychic reading and mediumistic communication is what we call “energy” (in the metaphysical sense, not necessarily as per the exact scientific definition.) However, the difference is that when we read a person, object or situation psychically, we are actively perceiving and interpreting the energetic imprints, streams of events, memories, emotions and physical elements within their fields, whereas the energetic impressions of mediumistic communication are received much more passively from a different source - intelligences or entities transmitting information directly from spirit. It’s kind of like the difference between watching a pre-recorded video of a person talking, and engaging in, say, a live video chat with them from another country. (How I know this to actually be true is the subject of a whole other post. Just bear with me for now.) So, while certain types of spiritual work, such as psychic reading or healing, may require us to “dig into” the personal energy field of the person we are working with and actively think about the various cues we are receiving, mediumistic work requires us to learn how to quiet ourselves completely, until we are as blank a slate as possible, ready to receive spirit communication. This passive reception is what differentiates clairaudient dictation from stream-of-consciousness.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I will share that the way I figured out how to bring my clairaudience to the fore and eventually, to channel verbally, after decades of previous psychic practice, involves a method that is deservedly somewhat controversial within the field of evidential mediumship: initial spirit board work, done exclusively with high-vibration spirit guides I was already aware of. Indeed, this technique should not be used by people inexperienced with meditation, visualization, energy work and psychic protection, nor is it necessary to do so. (I myself abandoned plans to teach this particular method precisely because it could too easily be misused.) It is definitely not the only way to learn how to channel. However, if you look at the history of some of the world’s most respected teachers of channeling (including the wonderful Sanaya Roman, whose book, “Opening to Channel,” I heartily recommend), there are in fact quite a few stories that follow a trajectory similar to mine. Contrary to popular misconception, it is possible to communicate with high-level spirit guides through spirit board work, as long as one approaches the work well-prepared, with absolute discipline, joy, gratitude and love. (I cannot stress enough the importance of energetic preparation.) You will know a tree by its fruits. However, because this method is not fool-proof even for the experienced, I will not go into further detail on it here. What I learned from it was how to be receptive to spirit, communicate verbally, and raise my vibration high enough to meet my guides half-way. One need only replicate these effects to be able to tap into clairaudient streams of information as effectively as I learned how to do. So, here is how you can do that with a method that is safer, and tool-free.
1. If you have not yet learned how to contact your spirit guides, begin to build your connection and strengthen your energy body through frequent meditation and meticulous self-care.  Chakra-clearing meditations are indispensable for this. Please review some of my lessons on chakra clearing and preparation, and begin to incorporate them into your practice, preferably on a daily basis. Raise your energy by eating healthily, listening to music that makes you happy, and through activities such as engaging in affectionate interactions with people, walking in nature, laughing, doing something creative, beautifying your environment, and making gratitude lists. Strive to become the happiest, most balanced version of yourself you can be! Also, begin to pay attention to how your thoughts manifest themselves verbally in your mind. What does your inner voice sound like?
2. When you are comfortable meditating and clearing your chakras, and feel ready to meet your spirit guides, go into a meditative state, close your eyes, and envision your heart chakra filled with golden light. Imagine this light expanding to fill your aura in a protective, golden bubble. Fill your heart with as much excitement, joy, anticipation, love and trust as you can. Suspend any disbelief. (Be playful about this, if that helps.)  Then, in your mind, invite your highest, most loving, wise and helpful spirit guide to appear before you. If no-one appears, say “thank you” anyway, come out of meditation, and try again another day. If a being of light does enter your field of vision, thank it for making itself known to you, and begin a conversation. See if you communicate with it most effectively through thought, word, vision, smell, sound, taste, feeling, or a combination of all of these. You may ask for a name, but this is not mandatory. If you do receive a name, accept the first one you hear. In the unlikely event that the being that appears in your vision makes you feel uncomfortable, do not fret. Just say thank you and goodbye, and send them off with blessings. Sometimes, more than one guide will present themselves to you. This is how I met Natalie, and my other main guide, Salvador.
3. Get to know your guide or guides by inviting them into your presence when you meditate or do energy work. You can also ask for assistance with various tasks or challenges throughout your day. In your mind, address your guide, explain your situation, and ask them to help you. (I prepare my guides for readings by letting them know days in advance who our next client will be. That way, when I go into the reading, they are raring to go and do not even need to be told what questions the client has.) You may notice new ideas and solutions popping into your head, little synchronicities helping you out, or, the next time you meditate and invite your guide, they may appear to offer advice.
4. Ask your guide or guides if they would like to communicate with you through clairaudient dictation. If they say yes, you can move on to the next step. If they say this is not part of their expertise, you can ask them to appoint another high-level guide who will be able to communicate with you in this way. (In my case, the guides who come through in writing often tend to be part of a collective consciousness that is broader than Natalie or Salvador individually.)
5. When you get the go-ahead, buy yourself a nice new notebook, and sharpen up a pencil. Go into a meditative state. Ask your spirit guides to come close, relax as deeply as possible, and begin to draw with a free hand, not thinking about what you are drawing, and inviting your spirit guides to guide your hand. Do this for a few pages, not thinking about the result. Do not worry about the drawing looking like anything in particular. Just feel the energy of the movement as an expression of feeling, and the freedom of your hand. Thank the guides for working with you. Then, begin to write, with the same freedom of expression. It is important here to not think too much about the meaning of the words, or even the grammatical correctness. Just express verbally a feeling you are getting. Write full sentences, without worrying about their coherence. You can start by writing free association, but the goal is to move beyond active association to a state where the mind is as passive and relaxed as possible. The first few attempts will probably be word salad. Don’t worry. This will change. The process of learning to channel is like tuning a radio to a precise frequency and learning to tune out the interference. This is what this step is about.
6. Now, the most important part: Let your mind go completely quiet and blank. Then, ask a question you would like your guides to answer. Write it down. Go completely quiet again, and listen. As soon as you hear a word, write it down. Do not think about the meaning, or the structure of the sentence. Do not continue writing until you hear the next word. Trust what you hear, and do not worry about what you think the next word should be. When you are truly channeling, you will be able to write paragraphs of information in coherent, eloquent text, one word at a time, with no idea of how a sentence you have begun to write, will end. Do not rush through this process. If you feel your conscious mind interfering with the message you are receiving, take a deep breath, quiet your mind again, and listen, almost as if you were in the process of falling asleep. When a word is coming from spirit, it will repeat itself and not change until you have written it down.
7. When you are done, do not only thank the guides mentally, but write down your thanks after your message. Say goodbye. Come out of meditation. You might not even remember fully what you have written. Now read your answer. Congratulations! You will know you are truly channeling spirit when the text is coherent, eloquent, insightful, compassionate, evidential (in the case of readings tied to events in the physical world), and carries wisdom greater than what you thought you were capable of.
If it takes a while to get the hang of this, do not get discouraged. Even when you succeed at this technique, it is normal for channeling abilities to fluctuate with our general energy levels, circumstances, etc.. Keep practicing, and you will be amazed at the ease with which you will be able to receive higher guidance.
How do you get guidance and information from your guides? Have you ever tried channeling through writing? How did it go? Let me know if you try this method, and how it works for you!
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ednafindley75-blog · 5 years
What’s The Distinction Between MP3, FLAC And ALAC (Apple Lossless) Formats?
Methods to convert FLAC to MPC on-line with FLAC to MPC Converter? Faasoft Audio Converter is an professional FLAC Splitter for Home windows and for Mac which might batch split CUE related FLAC files as well as convert to MP3, WAV, M4A, WMA, Apple lossless ALAC, etc. The FLAC CUE Splitter additionally helps cut up M4A CUE, WAV CUE, lashawndaspeight4.mywibes.com APE CUE, OGG CUE, MPC, WV, TAK, TTA, AMR, AAC, AIFF, AU, www.audio-transcoder.com RA, and so on. with audio tags. In addition to cut up audio FLAC, MP3, WAV, OGG, APE, M4A, and so on by CUE, the FLAC Splitter can even split audio by file measurement. FLAC file converter instruments will help in case your music player app in your telephone or pc would not support the FLAC file format. They can convert the obscure FLAC format right into a format like MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, etc which might be more supported by most packages. If you're unable to play or edit a certain FLAC audio file, one of these free FLAC audio converter software packages or on-line FLAC converters may help. While nearly all audio gadgets and multimedia gamers assist MP3 playback, only a handful of them at the moment support FLAC. Thankfully, there are a myriad of how you possibly can convert FLAC to MP3, in case you favor comfort over audio quality. The ensuing file may not sound as good, however no less than you possibly can play it. Here is how you can Convert FLAC to MP3.
All of the above purposes work effectively in turning a FLAC file into MP3, thus you'll be able to select which one to use as you want. Furthermore, if you wish to keep away from altering or dropping the standard of the audio file it's advisable to file it using Streaming Audio Recorder, and its Mac counterpart. Please note you could choose a distinct output format, supported are as an illustration ogg or wav as properly (however not aac). The program makes use of Lame to encode the music into completely different codecs. A click on the settings button opens the options window with many alternative settings.If you are utilizing Home windows, you need to use a free utility called FLAC To MP3. Despite the identify, this app is an all round audio converter which might convert many audio codecs into MP3 and different kinds of widespread audio format. The app interface is fairly easy. There's the large Drag & Drop" space in the middle, the settings on the correct, and the basic tools on the toolbar above.It is necessary for an audio converter to be able to importing all available audio codecs and changing them to a format you should use. There are greater than 50 audio file varieties in use at present, and the very best converter software packages can work with all of them. The free converters we tested can import the favored lossless codecs, like WAV and FLAC, and convert them to well-liked lossy formats, like MP3 and AAC, however the perfect for-pay converters can also import lesser-recognized formats, together with proprietary audio formats from firms like Sony, Microsoft and Yamaha.I talked to the senior audio software engineer in command of Switch and requested him why it is best to pay for conversion software program. He informed me, Reliability, stability and high quality." He identified that NCH Software program has consistently updated and improved Change for more than 20 years, and each time a brand new model is released, it passes by means of a wide range of intensive inside testing procedures." In case you are critical about the high quality of your music assortment and other audio recordsdata, it is worth spending a couple of bucks to make sure the software does not impart undesirable artifacts or noise throughout the conversion course of.Over the previous seven years, T7R has saved providing high quality freeware and has been properly acclaimed for its easy and inexperienced software program. T7R is an independent developer of multimedia software program packages for video and audio processing. The company provides dozens of safe, dependable and purposeful functions like Free FLV to MP4 Converter, Free MTS Converter, Free FLV to iPhone Converter and Free FLV to Audio Converter. Every single program is specifically designed to transform movies to other movies, convert videos to audios or convert videos to well-liked units. T7R has always been and will always be your dependable support to cope with video changing points.Trim mp3 tracks and different audio recordsdata online with out putting in advanced software program on your system. CONS: Newer working programs are not supported., Can't convert recordsdata into other codecs besides MP3. Now in the Convert window it is best to see the source file and destination path fields crammed in. Now click on the Edit Chosen Profile button.There are helpful features, too, resembling automatic audio normalization and the power to take heed to the resulting audio earlier than you really initiate the conversion. There's even a free version of the software program if you don't want the total set of features, although, it's nice to have the ability to combine and match to create your own sound-editing resolution.
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Why Do People Convert MP3 To Lossless Format (FLAC, APE, And so forth.)?
As Wes Phillips lately reported on this website , CD sales are down and legal downloads of audio information are up. Stereophile has been criticized greater than as soon as for not paying enough consideration to the themes of MP3 and different compressed file codecs, ape2flac resembling AAC , and for offering no steering in any respect to readers about how one can get one of the best sound high quality from compressed downloads. Poklepáním na ikonu aplikace spustit na Home windows nebo Mac. Pro Mac i Home windows můžete vyhledat a přetáhněte APE soubory a přetáhněte je do okna prvního programu. Můžete také importovat soubory na Mac klepnutím na menu "Soubor" a zvolte "Load mediální soubory" Procházet a přidat APE soubory. V systému Home windows můžete přidat APE soubory klepnutím na možnost "Přidat soubory" a poté vyberte soubory ze svého umístění. System necessities: Home windows with Windows Media Participant version 10 or Windows Media Middle Version 2005. You also have to have extra formats Direct Show filters put in, so Media Player can play your recordsdata (i.e. earlier than installing this plugin Media Participant ought to play your ogg, m4a, and many others. recordsdata). Video Converter Movavi is a robust but easy-to-use video and audio file converter that is particularly designed for the Mac. It's the correct tool for quick multimedia conversion between normal codecs and has no unfavourable affect on the usual. FLAC is greatest than MP3 simply because it's lossless. Some peoples state that they do not hear any distinction between FLAC and high bitrate MP3 files. It's true for most people who don't use professional music gear.
Music makes the life better, a beautiful music is consisted of the audio codec whic is frequent in our life, there are numerous audio codecs available, some are supported by speical gadgets, some are supported by most gadgets. FLAC is a audio format like MP3 which is a Open source audio codec, though FLAC take up smaller audio measurement, most COMPUTER customers are nonetheless serching for a very good FLAC Converter and convert FLAC to different video codecs. as a result of Windows10 users can play FLAC information natively by way of the onboard Groove player. For older Home windows versions, you should download a Home windows Media Participant plug-in, then you possibly can play the FLAC audio recordsdata. Following will recommend you high 5 best and free FLAC Converter on PC, hope it is useful for you. Be aware:Medieval CUE Splitter doesn't have a Mac model; Medieval CUE Splitter cannot break up flac without CUE file; Medieval CUE Splitter cannot convert FLAC info. Together with Flac to M4A, Flac to Apple Lossless, Flac to APE, Flac to WAV and extra ape2flac converter home windows I spent hours scouring the Web for directions on learn to convert my FLAC and APE files into something I'd bring into iTunes. Convert APE to ALAC APE to ALAC Conversion Software program converts APE info to ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) With a simple and use-to-use interface, the conversion from APE to ALAC is as simple as 1-2-three. It lists all source recordsdata, the vacation spot format, the chosen output folder and filename sample. If all of the pieces is right, click on "End" to start out changing APE to FLAC. So you'll be able to view this type of conversion as a solution to short-circuit that process; you don't get one thing that's better than the MP3 it was comprised of, but you might be getting something that can be treated as a grasp" going ahead. For applications like tape trees" or reside-present merchants where no higher authentic" exists that is in all probability preferable because additional buying and selling might be completed in the lossless format assuring that further degradation has not occurred.One of the often uncared for features of VLC is its means to transform media files. Not only can it convert just about any audio format, it could actually additionally extract audio from video files, which could be very handy for transcription work. On this article, we'll be talking about learn how to convert WAV recordsdata to MP3.APE , also called Monkey's Audio, is a free lossless audio compression format along with theape file extension created by Matthew T. Ashland in 2000. It is a highly competitive compression algorithm broadly used by Home windows customers principally. In contract to any lossy audio file like MP3 , OGG, WMA as well as ACC, APE does not lose information information in the course of the encoding process and due to this fact, it can create digital audio files that faithfully reproduce the unique sound source throughout playback.It incorporates largely all the items it is advisable to know to convert assorted formats to the free format Ogg Vorbis, along with explanations on find out how convert ape to flac to transform FLAC to WAV and vice-versa, convert FLAC, WAV, APE, AC3, WMA or SHN to Ogg Vorbis, edit tags from command-line freed from price audio codecs, and comparatively extra. It eliminates the extra step that was regularly in one of the best ways of a seamless swap forAPE converters on Mac & LAPTOP.
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Please Help With AIFF To FLAC
If you should convert FLAC to MP3 in Mac OS X free of charge, one of the simplest ways to take action is utilizing a utility called All2MP3. ALAC is to FLAC as AIFF is to WAV. ALAC and FLAC are lossless, WAV and AIFF are uncompressed. The distinction is the size of the information. Lossless files take up half the house of the originals. They all produce similar PCM streams. FLAC emerged in 2001 as an modern alternative to lossless formats emerging on the time. These included Microsoft's Waveform Audio Format (WAV), Apple Lossless (ALAC) and WMA lossless. However, these aggressive formats have a number of disadvantages that make them unappealing to audiophiles. One of the typically neglected features of VLC is its ability to transform media information. Not solely can it convert just about any audio format, it can also extract audio from video files, which is very helpful for transcription work. In this article, we will be talking about how one can convert WAV files to MP3. AIFF to FLAC Converter creates output folders in response to source recordsdata directory tree robotically. The original motivation for this bug was to make it doable for audio professionals (such as myself) to upload files with out having to learn to make use of a whole new set of unfamiliar tools. (Few recording artist know the right way to use the bash shell, for instance) IfWAV is now supported, then I think this enhancement must be closed. The purpose is achieved.
Back when music began to go digital none of us ever would have imagined we would find ourselves in the midst of so many different methods to conveniently hearken to music that might actually be decrease in high quality than the original supply. But that is precisely the place we're right this moment. Among the most popular streaming music providers give us compressed audio information that remove frequencies and depth you'll otherwise hear in the original mastered recordings. It is so much of a distinction in sound that many artists and labels are remastering their recordings particularly for playback on compressed audio streaming websites. You can upload distant audio recordsdata through their direct URL as well as information stored in your Google Drive account. To play FLAC on any iOS gadget, users can download several purposes from the iTunes retailer. That features purposes like Capriccio, FLAC Player, beatrisdidomenico.pen.io and Media Connect, to mention a number of. These functions not solely support this audio format but additionally let you stream FLAC recordsdata in DNLA and AirPlay. This one's a bit of difficult: www.audio-transcoder.com notice that flac is in encode mode by default (you have to specify -d to decode) so this command really recompresses back to -drive is required to be sure you really want to overwrite with a new model. Why would you wish to do this? It allows you to recompress an existing FLAC file with (normally) greater compression options or a more recent version of FLAC and preserve all of the metadata like tags too. The SDII file has grow to be a broadly accepted customary for transferring audio files between enhancing functions. Most Mac CD-ROM writer software program, for instance, specifies SDII or AIFF as the file format wanted when making audio CDs. The SDII file has additionally change into accepted amongst private pc audio utility developers. This makes transferring audio from Mac to PC platforms a lot simpler. When used on a LAPTOP, the file must use the extension of ".sd2". Word that quite a lot of observe-specific meta information (cue points etc) is saved throughout the audio information, in order that meta information will definitely be misplaced. I've my music archived in Apple lossless but want to now have it archived in lossless uncompressed format (like aiff). If I convert the Apple Lossless to aiff will I've the same file (knowledge) as if I have been to tear the CDs directly into aiff? If so, it woudlsave me lots of time. FLAC is specifically designed for environment friendly packing of audio knowledge, not like basic-goal lossless algorithms equivalent to DEFLATE , which is utilized in ZIP and gzip Whereas ZIP might scale back the size of a CD-quality audio file by 10-20%, FLAC is able to reduce the dimensions of audio data by 40-50% by taking advantage of the characteristics of audio. When you've got lossy files - MP3 or AAC, for instance - you need to know that each conversion you make will degrade the standard barely. Consider each of these conversions like a photocopy of a photocopy; you most likely will not hear the difference if you convert an MP3 to an AAC as soon as, however when you convert it once more, convert aiff to flac online you might have a high quality loss.
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mammieedden72-blog · 5 years
ConvertingFlac To Mp3
FLAC Frontend is a handy method for Windows customers not used to working with command traces to make use of the official FLAC tools It accepts WAVE, W64, AIFF and RAW information for encoding and outputs FLAC or OGG-FLAC files. One different useful tool, for those who use a Mac, is Rogue Amoeba's Fission This audio editor is a robust choice for trimming, becoming a member of, and enhancing audio information, and it also features a conversion software that allows you to convert from nearly any audio format to AAC, MP3, Apple Lossless, FLAC, AIFF, and WAV. While it isn't the most effective tool if you only wish to convert audio recordsdata, it is the easiest-to-use Mac app for modifying those recordsdata. Online Audio Converter is a free online app that converts audio files for you. Working over 300 completely different file codecs, this on-line FLAC converter can convert them to MP3, WAV, M4A, FLAC, OGG, AMR, MP2 and M4R (for iPhone ringtones). Much like different on-line converters , this FLAC file converter can extract audio from a video that you would be able to save any theme track of scorching films at pleasure. Once your file have been uploaded, you'll be able to see them in the window. Drag the handles to pick out the part you would like to get as a new audio file. Present a new filename and format for convert flac to aiff mac the output audio, then click "Cut and Convert" to finish the method. Those who manage their music library with iTunes nonetheless cannot use Ogg Vorbis or FLAC in that software program; ditto for Algoriddim Djay. Pioneer Rekordbox didn't list help for Ogg both.
So what are you able to do if in case you have recordsdata in one in every of these codecs and wish to add them to iTunes? There are a number of applications that may convert audio information from one format to another. tmkk's free XLD is my tool of alternative, as it manages every audio file format I've ever come throughout, along with some I've never heard of, and even helps cue recordsdata. Stephen Sales space's free Max is one other tool that converts many audio file formats. And you probably have Roxio's Toast eleven Titanium (and a few earlier versions), you'll be able to convert from FLAC or Ogg Vorbis to iTunes-friendly codecs. Laddie: I all the time look forward a strong FLAC music converter to help me convert any flac sound to mp3 for enjoying on my iPhone, iPad, iPod and backup on iTunes. This Any FLAC Converter helps me finish it perfectly. I really feel lucky to have this powerful flac changing app. All albums on Zunior are available for $eight.88 as high-high quality MP3. It is usually possible to pay an additional $2.00 and get your music in FLAC. You may pay on your downloads via VISA and Mastercard. Another obvious choice is PayPal. Since 2007, music purchased through the iTunes retailer has been in m4a format, subsequently accounting for over 15 billions recordsdata worldwide. Numerous these converters require that you simply download the program to your pc in an effort to save the AIFC file to a new format. You probably have bulk of AIFF data inside utterly totally different folders, and you'll want to convert them to MP3 or WAV format and output to another folder or driver and protect the unique tree path, you should utilize the feature we designed for you. It could batch convert WAV information to FLAC with nearly no loss of audio Quality. Simply drag and drop the WAV folder to this app, and it'll batch convert them. Free Convert FLAC to MP3 is multilingual and translated into 38 completely different languages. Zamzar is an audio web-based converter that supports audio formats like MP3, FLAC, M4A, WAV, OGG, APE, MIDi and rather more. Furthermore, on this site, you'll get free tips about the description of file formats. Right here is quick information on how one can use it. To transform audio recordsdata that aren't saved in an iTunes library, observe the same steps as above to set the default import format, maintain the Choice key (Mac) or Shift key (Home windows), and click on on File > Convert > Convert to MP3. Then, choose the songs from a folder or drive that incorporates them - iTunes will convert flac to aiff mac all the information and import them.Completed! You just transformed AIFF file to MP3 file. Import your transformed audio information into iTunes (I normally simply drag them onto Library" on the left). A: The FLAC to AIFF Converter obtain for PC works on most current Windows operating systems. He additionally addressed the right way to play FLAC information straight via iTunes and mentioned that it was not reliable to do so.WAV - The WAV or Waveform Audio File Format is a true uncompressed lossess audio format developed by Microsoft. Which means that the resulting digital file is a precise copy of the supply audio. Most audio gamers and devices can play WAV information, however the resulting file sizes are so large, it's often not practical to convert your audio to this format except you propose to do restoration or modifying work.
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rosalindrolfe-blog · 5 years
SOLVED How To Convert 32bit Integer WAV To WavPack
The Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is the preferred lossless format, making it a good choice if you want to store your music in lossless. Before you begin converting, be sure that your preferences in iTunes are set correctly to protect your recordsdata at their full sampling and bit charges Otherwise, you can find yourself stepping down in decision — and once a file steps down, it could't step again up. That is why changing to MP3s (or from them) is a pointless proposition relating to hi-res audio. So what can you do when you've got files in certainly one of these codecs and want to add them to iTunes? There are a variety of packages that can convert audio files from one format to a different. tmkk's free XLD is my device of choice, because it manages every audio file format I've ever come throughout, along with some I've never heard of, and even helps cue files. Stephen Booth's free Max is one other device that converts many audio file codecs. And when you've got Roxio's Toast 11 Titanium (and some earlier versions), you possibly can convert from FLAC or Ogg Vorbis to iTunes-friendly codecs.
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MPEG-four SLS is a special codec, having a AAC core track and a 'correction track'. Often known as HD-AAC, SLS stands for Scalable to Lossless. Nevertheless, there is to date still no reasonably priced software to play, encode or decode (the lossless part of) SLS files. iMovie 9 and older versions will support all three audio codecs equipped by Free Inventory Music without having to render or compress them till you export your undertaking. The software program is converting alac to wav converter free download data to WAV format. Click on "Add File" button inside the prime-left side, browse in the native folder and add the WAV recordsdata. It also helps drag-n-drop choice. Furthermore, Faasoft FLAC Converter additionally helps extracting FLAC file from many kinds of movies and films equal to MP4 to FLAC, AVI to FLAC, MOV to FLAC, WMV to FLAC, MKV to FLAC, FLV to FLAC, AVCHD to FLAC, SWF to FLAC. Enjoy effortless voice control and whole flexibility from the main voice agents. Communicate instructions with Amazon Alexa , Google Assistant, Apple Siri and high-end smart dwelling automation, Ask to play your favourite music, flip the quantity up, skip to the subsequent track, swap inputs and extra. Change between voice agents, or decide a favourite to make use of — the choice is yours. Performance varies by voice agent. If you have not carried out so already, set your preferred file format in your HDtracks account. After getting set your most well-liked format, ensure to log into your HDtracks account earlier than adding objects to your cart. In any other case the merchandise will default to AIFF. Personally I do audio enhancing in this system Audacity, and WAV is the perfect lossless input format for that. However, it could rely on your choice of tools. I can not check in the mean time, since I am about to depart for school, but m4a files from iTunes positively do not work at the least for me. I will check as quickly as I get home. Step 2. Click "Add" button to import FLAC file. Here you may import a number of recordsdata at one time. Batch Convert imagine having a mp3 converter which could convert FLAC to mp3 with one click on choosing the whole music tree? Batch Converter can, and with advanced file naming rules the transformed mp3 files are named just as you want.
Macworld has a roundup of alternate options to Apple's bundled headphones. Even twinning a 30-quid pair of Sennheiser CX 300 IIs with reasonably high-quality lossy audio will vastly improve what is going on into your ears. To some extent, though, you get what you pay for, not less than up to a few hundred kilos, and so for those who can finances a bit more for headphones, your internal audiophile might be happier. Once the files have been converted, you possibly can download them individually or collectively in a ZIP file There's additionally an choice to avoid wasting them to your Dropbox account. To know how audio codecs work, it is advisable understand two ideas: Sample Price and Bit Depth. These are two measures that tell us how correct a piece of digitally-recorded sound is, and we are able to understand them by imagining an artwork critic, looking at a portray. Freemake is a feature-wealthy and extremely straightforward to make use of audio converter that helps multiple input and output audio file formats. With Freemake, you'll be able to mix multiple information into one giant audio file. This software program additionally allows you to modify the output quality before file conversion begins. Input formats supported include MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, M4R, M4A, FLAC, AC3, AMR, and AAC. Output codecs supported include MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, M4A, alac To wav converter Free Download FLAC, and AAC.
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CDA To MP3 Converter, CD To MP3 Converter, Convert CDA To MP3, CD Converter To
High-high quality CD converting software, Xilisoft CD Converter converts CD to nearly all audio formats MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE and plenty of others, making CDs obtainable on totally different music gamers. 1. Wanna convert music purchased from iTunes retailer, strive iTunes DRM Audio Converter , which might additionally convert Apple music and audiobooks to MP3 for saving in your hard drive with loss high quality. M4B file is an audiobook format that can be "bookmarked" by supporting audio players such as iTunes and iPod. If your CD is an audiobook, the CDA to MP3 Converter can convert your CD to M4B audiobooks.
To extract audio tracks from an Audio CD to MP3 (or another supported format) use FreeRIP, a free APE CUE Splitter as described. After putting in, they do not want you to rework CDA to MP3 throughout the scenario of community. Convert a CDA to MP3 file fast (and totally completely different codecs). The CAF Converter supports all most all CAF audio information together with 6 channel CAF (CAF with 5.1 surround sound) and provides superior editing capabilities resembling trim, merge, cut up audio, and alter audio high quality, bitrates, audio channels, and amount to customize output audio. OKAY, I know I'm a newbie, and Acoustica may be overkill, but all I want to do is convert cda to mp3 online converter mac information to so I can hearken to the music by way of my Android smartphone. I attempted downloading different applications, but kept getting malware. The one I tried before Acoustica (CDA MP3 Converter by Zisun) didn't have entry to FreeDB or CDDB. Then I had the opportunity to purchase Acoustica Customary model inexpensively, and I thought I learn it may convert, but I can not figure out how. The system supports FLAC, WAV, and AIFF codecs as well as help for Nimbie Autoloader for unattended ripping. Tool for changing between most popular audio formats: CDA, WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, AMR_NB, AMR_WB, M4A, MP2, cda to mp3 online converter mac RA3 AC3, AIFF, FLAC and MMF. If every little thing is OKAY, click on "Finish" to rip the Audio CD. The transformed MP3s will be discovered in the folder specified by you in the step 3. Xilisoft Audio Converter Professional is professional CDA Converter for Windows 8 which can convertCDA recordsdata, rip CD tracks to in style audio formats together with convert CDA to MP3, WMA, WMA lossless, WAV, FLAC, OGG, M4A, AC3, AIFF, RA, etc. The album topped the Billboard Top Soundtracks for 11 consecutive weeks and sixteen weeks in whole. As of April 2017, it has bought over 1.75 million copies in the United States alone, and has been certified Platinum by the RIAA. The album was the US's second finest-promoting soundtrack album of 2014, behind only the soundtrack to Frozen. Normalize the audio information. Normalizing audio information checks the sound high quality to remain as it was within the original file. Get Complete Audio Converter to convert whole albums in a single go. Thanks A LOT. This labored. I'm undecided if I truly did anything within the management panel, as it was already set to iTunes (which is my most well-liked music platform) however I changed it to Windows Media Participant anyway - fortunately, it labored. One widespread query I get from mates and associates is the way to take a regular audio CD and convert the tracks into MP3 files. The times of carrying round a CD player are long gone, because of smartphones! Nonetheless, why pay 99 cents on iTunes or the Google Play Retailer for music you may already personal!? As a substitute, you must dig out all those previous CDs and rip them to your computer, which you'll be able to then import into your iTunes music library and sync over to your telephone. I exploit ImgBurn (also free) to burn FLAC to audio CD with no points. They play high quality in my Onkyo and Arcam players and within the automobile. Add these information to your iTunes Library. Encode WAV information into MP3. And Convert MP3 information to WAV. Extra versatile output mode like break up, merge tracks, rip sector section. For the second and additional input CD-audio tracks, 2 second of silence will utilized into the center of the ripped recordsdata. Additionally watch video tutorial CDA file simply is not file. ImTOO Audio Converter Pro is a powerful and straightforward to use software program in an effort to convert CDA recordsdata to MP3 format. This free Video to MP3 converter is suitable with numerous internet browsers including Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Opera and many others on each Home windows and Mac systems.
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gBurner can rip Audio CD to MP3, WAV, WMA, APE, FLAC and Ogg information. Free MP3 CD Ripper is a powerful and straightforward-to-use CD ripper that helps you switch all your CD albums to MP3 format, which can then be used on transportable units. Click on the "Setting" button to pick a folder for saving the output files within the dialog that opens. Step 2 On the following display, go to the Open Media tab. You'll have varied issues to set. First choose the disk drive and choose the audio files you need rip. Now select the choice convert from the underside.
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lettiewvs1804-blog · 5 years
The best way to convert M4A to FLAC online with M4A to FLAC Converter? Video: Few lossless video formats are in widespread consumer use, file converter flac to m4a as they might lead to video recordsdata taking on an unlimited amount of space. Means you could convert your favourite music and ringtones to Apple nice codecs. Increased still, changing FLAC to M4A (with AAC codec) will not be going to loss an excessive amount of high quality, or with none high quality loss while you convert FLAC to M4A with ALAC codec. A: It is easy! Just click the M4A to FLAC Converter obtain button on the web page. Clicking this link will start the installer to obtain M4A to FLAC Converter free for Home windows. Audio converter cellular apps are much slower than the perfect programs we tested, and even the very best crash often. However, if that you must convert an audio file utilizing your phone, these are the most effective options. Now you could set output directory after setting M4A Audio as output profile. Go back to the principle interface and then click on the big inexperienced Convert" button. On the popup sidebar, set output directory in the Save to" box. Be certain the selected drive has sufficient area. Numerous output audio formats are available like MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, CDA, OGG, APE, CUE, M4A, RA, RAM, AC3, MP2, AIFF, AU, MPA, SOLAR AU. In contrast with FLAC, M4A file is a MPEG-4 Audio File with AAC or ALAC codec, and has a a lot better compatibility with Apple devices, since it's developed by Apple. What's extra, the dimensions of M4A file is smaller than FLAC. Better nonetheless, converting FLAC to M4A (with AAC codec) will not loss too much quality, or with none quality loss if you happen to convert FLAC to M4A with ALAC codec. That's why increasingly people select to transform FLAC to M4A. VLC is a popular Media Participant for enjoying Video, Audio or Music information. Aside from that, it's also possible to convert any audio file format into MP3. Many of the Users, aren't conscious that VLC might be additionally used as an Audio Converter. Audio file formats such as FLAC might be simply converted into MP3 with ease. Furthermore, it may well simply extract audio from video recordsdata and convert it into MP3 format. Right here you may take a look at the simple step-by-step tutorial on the right way to use VLC to transform FLAC to MP3. Nevertheless, it is suggested to make use of an expert Audio converter like iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe to transform FLAC files into MP3.
iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe is a popular media converter identified for its capacity to transform, edit, burn and backup media files. In relation to media conversion, iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe helps different audio codecs like, FLAC, M4A, AA, APE, WAV, ALAC, WMA, AAX, OGG, AC3, AAC simply to call just a few. It might probably additionally convert video formats whether or not customary codecs or video formats. A few of the supported video formats embrace; HD MKV, TP, TRP, HD MOD, HD MOV, HD FLV, MKV, MOD, TOD, WMV, DV, ASF, AVI, MP4, MPG, MPEG, RM, RMVB and Audio-Transcoder.Com others. From this video formats, you possibly can extract audio files that are of high quality. With iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe program, you'll be able to be capable of convert your media information in a batch. This program boasts of excessive speed in addition to its easy user interface. It's also built with different functionalities that are highlighted below.I too was disenchanted that by playingflac recordsdata on iTunes" actually means converting toalac. This isn't the same factor in any respect. That's like saying you may play VHS cassettes in your DVD participant! Yeah, all you'll want to do is transfer the VHS cassettes out of your VCR to your DVD-R. (You could have that equipment, proper?) I feel you might want to change the title and key phrases so that your article is a match for the precise question.Using mp3, mp4, m4a, mu-legislation, a-legislation or other lossy codecs throughout recording or transmission could reduce accuracy. If your audio is already in an encoding not supported by the API, transcode it to lossless FLAC or LINEAR16. In case your application should use a lossy codec to conserve bandwidth, we advocate the AMR_WB, OGG_OPUS or SPEEX_WITH_HEADER_BYTE codecs, in that preferred order.Finally, convert your MP3 file by clicking the Convert All button at the proper facet of the video. Within few seconds, the MP3 file will probably be successfully transformed to MP4. Get started with HandBrake in seconds by choosing a profile optimised to your gadget, or choose a universal profile for standard or prime quality conversions. Simple, simple, fast. For people who need extra selection, tweak many basic and advanced options to enhance your encodes.iConverter is a free mobile app for iPhone and iPad It has a wide variety of audio enter and output file varieties in addition to its exhaustive record of supported document and video file types. This conversion app works seamlessly with the File app and allows you to drag and drop recordsdata in break up-display tasks. iConverter has a simple audio editing tool and supports the most well-liked compression codecs to assist ship giant folders via email or textual content.
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Alex Harrouch Demo Reel CDA.mp4 On Vimeo
Wanna extract stunning music from a video and put them into your music participant? Convert MPEG to AVI, FLV to AVI, F4V, and Quicktime MOV to AVI. You may also convert from AVI to MPEG or other main formats. Batch converting is possible for all codecs. Easily extract audio from your video files Extract top quality mp3 songs using this powerful software Make ringtone out of your favourite music utilizing mp3 cutter. Leawo Music Recorder can robotically download and add music tags to your recordings. Nonetheless, http://www.audio-transcoder.com/how-to-rip-audio-cd-to-mp4-files you may also manually modify music tags by going to Media > Library and right click the recording to decide on "Edit music tags" to modify music tags like title, artist, album and genre.
The conversion course of goes blazing fast and it normally takes just some seconds for a single file. The overall time needed to complete the job nonetheless might enhance as you decide more files to course of. The Miro Video Converter and Miro names, logos, and icons are emblems of the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF). You presumably can change the observe's title, mp4 converter mp3 online free artist, album, 12 months and style. Tags are supported for mp3, ogg, flac, wav. CDA data, which stand for Compact Disc Audio files, are virtual recordsdata that characterize data in a CD. While you see the contents of a CD on Residence home windows, you may notice a quantity ofcda recordsdata such that each file corresponds to a single soundtrack. Step 1: Add CD to your optical driver. Run the CDA converter and click on Add Disc to load the CDA files. Thus, the higher the bitrate of a observe, the more room on your pc it's going to take. However, throughout the same format, the upper bitrate permits recording the better quality sound. For example, if you happen to convert CD audio into MP3 the bitrate of 256 kbps will give a significantly better sound quality than the sixty four kbps bitrate. Free Audio Video Pack could be installed to Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, and Home windows Server 2008 and 2003. Select one or more CDA tracks you wish to convert. For an much more fluid and pleasant experience we provide browser extensions. You'll be able to convert your Youtube video to mp4 instantly from the same page. These extensions add a obtain button mechanically to all pages you visit. The installer for Freemake Audio Converter will attempt to put in one other program that's unrelated to the converter, so remember to uncheck that choice before ending setup if you do not need it added to your laptop. CUE Splitter - Extract audio tracks from the Audio CD images into MP3 or WAV recordsdata based on the CUE sheet. Free VOB to MP4 Converter is a chunk of free software suitable with a number of different Windows variations that allows customers to transform their VOB files to MP4, quickly and simply. For customers seeking to convert their DVD libraries to digital and play them on mobile units, Free VOB to MP4 Converter offers the tools necessary to create information which are playable on smartphones or tablets, so you'll be able to enjoy your favourite DVD rips on whichever device you would like. Converting MP4 to MP3 just isn't sufficient for users. With Lower Characteristic (in Settings), users can reduce audio files to a chunk of MP3. Meaning they'll make ringtones from MP4 videos. Convert Video to MP3, MP3 Cutter, MP3 Converter, Audio Converter, Ringtone Maker, Ringtone Cutter, Cut Songs On-line, Audio Trimming Software, WAV to MP3, MP4 to MP3, FLV to MP3, WMA to MP3, OGG to MP3, FLAC to MP3, M4A to MP3, MP3 to WAV, Enhance Volume of MP3, Lower Quantity of MP3, Fade in And Fade out Audio, and so on. Spotify uses the lossy Ogg Vorbis (OGG) format to stream music through its desktop and mobile apps, and you can convert a WAV file to OGG utilizing a trusted audio converter software program, instead of relying on Spotify to make the conversion for you. Apple Music uses a format called AAC, and Amazon Music makes use of MP3. Tidal and Deezer stream music on the highest quality utilizing the FLAC format. The audio CD contains audio tracks (.cda) recordsdata which can't be copied to make use of immediately. CD to MP3 Ripper will assist you to rip the audio from CD to MP3, WMA, APE or WAV for common gamers. Click on "Convert" button to complete converting CDA to WAV. Step 2: Keep in mind not to take the CD out of your computer. Then select all tracks to transform, proper-click on and choose Convert selection to MP3. The one unhealthy issues about Free Audio Converter are that installation mechanically opens your browser and loads the developer's homepage, And the buttons in the software's toolbar are largely useless.KeepVid Music Professional converts online movies or native videos to 150+ totally different codecs and numerous multimedia devices, together with MP4, AVI, MPG, MKV, WMV, M4V, MOV, iPhone, iPad, and more. mp4 to mp3 converter free obtain - MP3 Juice - Free MP3 Downloader, Sensible Video Converter, Free MP4 to MP3 Converter, and plenty of more packages. Select the MP3 file that you just need to convert. Set your output location by clicking on the "Settings" button from the toolbar. Click on the "Browse" button by "Vacation spot folder for transformed data" to pick an output vacation spot for the new MP4 information. Click on "OK" when you find yourself completed to shut the settings window.The MP4 to MP3 converter was designed to be as easy, ergonomic, and fast as attainable. Whereas other conversion programs have vibrant interfaces and dozens of distinctive features, this software focuses on doing a single job very effectively. The designers over at TechWizard Labs declare that this program is 400 % sooner than most other converters, and each conversion can be completed with a few clicks of the mouse. Download, install and run Ondesoft Spotify to MP3 Converter in your Mac or Windows. Spotify shall be launched mechanically.Once you render, if you choose the SHARE VIDEO ON-LINE option, you'll be able to send your video to You can mark the video as non-public if you select to which will imply only you will be able to see it. MKV To MP4 may be downloaded from the official FreeStar website or a reliable third-occasion web site. As soon as theexe application file is downloaded, users can observe the on-display steps to complete the setup course of. Batch conversion for a lot of information needing to be converted. I like Any Video Converter. There are a number of video converter software options and I have tried many of them, however there may be none better than Any Video Converter. Any Video Converter has saved me so much time and time is money. I tell everybody I do know to get Any Video Converter after they need video conversion.
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