#tommen lannister imagines
In 306 AC, a mere two weeks after the death of her cousin, King Joffrey, and the escape of her father, Tyrion, Abigail wed her younger cousin, the now King Tommen Baratheon, on the request of her aunt, Dowager Queen Cersei.
(Also i'd like to mention i know Joffrey died in 300 AC but im trying to adjust things for character ages in the show, in that regard some ages and dates don't line up with the book)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
What does the Baratheon *cough* Lannister *cough * siblings think about Joanna lookalike?
Myrcella and Tommen would really take to them, especially given that they’re nothing like Joffrey. I think they’d cling to and look up to Joanna!lookalike!Reader. They’d adore having an older sibling who doted on and cared for them how an older sibling should, unlike Joffrey. Having heard and witnessed how Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion and Tywin are towards Joanna!lookalike!Reader it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for their antics to wear off on Tommen and Myrcella, especially coming from Cersei. She wouldn’t hide how much meaning the Reader had to her or House Lannister as a whole and she would definitely influence her children to think the same.
Joffrey on the other hand would hold quite a bit of resentment towards Joanna!lookalike!Reader for the attention they get. Especially if they were younger than him. But if Reader were to feed into Joffrey’s attention seeking and want for validation I could see him growing increasingly selfish of having their attention directed towards him. If they were older than him then I think he’d hold a lot of admiration for them, probably also due to Cersei’s influence/encouragement. He, along with Myrcella and Tommen, would have been taught to admire and appreciate their lovely sibling who reminded the whole family of the woman they had all been robbed of.
I think that no matter how Joffrey takes to Joanna!lookalike!Reader, whether with admiration or distain, he would have his own twisted obsession towards them. ‘Good’ or bad, Joffrey would not be trusted unsupervised with them. Especially not after he shows his more cruel and psychotic tendencies. It wouldn’t matter if Joffrey had no intentions to ever hurt Joanna!lookalike!Reader, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, and Tywin wouldn’t be able to bring themselves to muster any trust in Joffrey to not try something to harm their Reader, even if it were only a joke. If anything it would even be advised that Joanna!lookalike!Reader spend more time with Myrcella and Tommen rather than Joffrey.
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floatyflowers · 12 days
Dark! House Of The Dragon x Game of Thrones! Reader|Part 1
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(⚠️ sucide)
In your former life, you were the twin sister of Joffrey and you were wed to Robb Stark.
However you choose to stand on your husband's side when war erupted.
The problem is your mother and your twin didn't like that at all.
So, Roose Bolton kills Robb and Catelyn.
He was planning on returning you to your mother, but you ended your life before he could do so.
You didn't imagine that you would be reborn in the past as the twin sister Of Jacearys Velaryon.
Even in this life, you were born as a bastard.
Yet, Rhaenyra is an amazing mother, and so are your new brothers.
Unlike cruel Joffrey who used to hit you whenever you refused his advances, Jace would only treat you kindly and is overprotective.
And Lucerys reminded you of Tommen.
You also adore baby Joffrey and don't care about how his name is the name of your previous twin.
But there is one problem you tried to fix in Luke and Jace and this was bullying Aemond.
But they took Aegon as their role model.
Unlike Targaryens, you refused to interact with your dragon because you were simply afraid.
You even own a cat, who you enjoy spending time with instead of the dragon.
Aegon reminded you greatly of Joffrey, never the less, Aegon wasn't a psycho.
He wouldn't waste a moment in teasing you day and night.
"One day you will become my wife"
Rhaenyra happened to hear what he said one time, and immediately betrothed you to Jace. Despite how much you refused the idea.
When Luke deforms Aemond, you quickly try to control the situation like a Lannister.
"This was not anyone's fault but mine, As the eldest twin I should have been watching over them all"
Everyone is shocked by your words, meanwhile Rhaenyra wanted to intervene, same with Daemon who believed that the Hightowers deserves nothing.
however, you get down on your knees in front of Alicent, after taking the Targaryen's ancestral dagger.
"Take one of my eyes instead, I hope it's more then enough repayment"
Of course, Alicent doesn't do that, you only earned the Queen's love with such brave action.
Viserys' is happy at how you defused the situation.
Those actions made everyone obsessed with you.
Part 2>>>
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ladystoneboobs · 6 months
@sunflowersansa, #catelyn was raised to be hosters successor for almost a decade wasnt she?
the annoying thing is we don't have an approximate age for edmure, nor any age for cat when minisa died (in childbirth with a last, stillborn son, not edmure). i've seen fanart depicting him as anywhere from a toddler to a younger teen/tween when catelyn and lysa were teenagers. but i feel pretty confident in my estimation of ~7/8yrs age difference between eldest sister and baby brother, and not just bc of symmetry with the next generation. my reasoning is thus:
we all assume catelyn had some grooming as an heiress, rather than it just being a nominal status in early childhood. how much training can one really give a 3 or 4yo, y'know? we know rickon never had any manly lord lessons from ned since he was still so young when they parted. if she was closer to 7 or 8 when edmure came along, that leaves more realistic time for education, and a sizable number of years with only daughters for hoster to try to accustom himself to lack of a son and make do accordingly. even only 1 or 2 years of rulership lessons would still matter when minisa's death left hoster more dependent on her as not just hostess but later a trusted confidant of a sort until she got married.
ned thinks of edmure as "the boy" in his pov when hearing of the mountain's first attacks in the riverlands. we know ned's not great with keeping up with ageing from his earlier comments about tommen, and he surely hasn't seen edmure in many years, but this tells me that when they did meet at riverrun, edmure was not that close in age to himself, catelyn, and lysa. (i think it's less likely to see someone as frozen in childhood if they're anywhere near your age cohort.) ned could still be wrong about edmure's age thinking he couldn't possibly be at least 25 and any green knight younger than that was still a boy or youth, but that miscalculation makes more sense to me if he was around ~26 rather than a fellow thirtysomething or a guy pushing thirty.
we also know that edmure acted as brandon's squire in his duel with littlefinger, which i read as more someone playacting at some squirely practice when not yet consideed old enough to be anyone's assigned squire, with the informal nature of the duel which meant lightly-armored littlefinger having no squire of his own, and brandon having an actual squire who likely could have been present. so that lines up with a ~10yo edmure to 15yo littlefinger, 16yo lysa, 18yo catelyn, and 20yo brandon. (this is admittedly the most subjective point and i wouldn't consider it strong evidence if not consistent with the rest.)
catelyn doubted her memories of her mother, including her appearence, which in this world strangely devoid of portraits, still makes me think she was quite young when they lost her. so, yeah, not a large gap between edmure's birth and minisa's death in her next childbirth. if catelyn was 8/9 or even 10 when her mother died and she became de facto lady of riverrun, that could line up with the lannister twins losing their mother at 7 and not having strong memories of joanna.
idt catelyn really did think of riverrun as her birthright when her brief time as conscious heiress was a small fraction of her life, with at least 6yrs knowing she'd move away to be lady (consort) of winterfell instead and the rest of her life living out that responsibility as northern wife and mother. but it must still sting to be used to such a position of importance in her earlier time in riverrun and have no real authority when she returned to live there again as an adult, especially when edmure still seemed to act (to her) like the baby of the family not entirely matured into the authority he held all for himself. there's a part in her time in renly's camp when she thought robb was years younger but still knew what he was doing more than the southern king and his knights of summer playing at war. i'd imagine a simaliar feeling whenever edmure annoyed her. that's another difference between robb and edmure, that robb was a dutiful eldest sibling like his mother, formerly catelyn's baby but never anyone's baby brother. while edmure, even if he was (my by headcanon) a few years older than renly and unlike renly was meant to be a male heir from birth, was still a youngest child of 3 like renly.
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romancingromanoff · 8 months
Hi there, your stories are amazing, I really love them, I was wondering if you could do a margaery tyrell x F targaryen reader, where the reader is the sister of daenerys, and she also has a personality like her badass ancestor visenya instead of being ladylike
Sorry this took so long but I had a lot of fun with this request. It made me realize how much I miss writing for GoT and Margaery. I made our reader similar to Visenya in the sense that they share a love for combat and have tenacious spirits, but she isn't a complete carbon copy of her ancestor and lacks more of the diplomatic skill/finesse she was also known for. I hope you enjoy and thank you!
Daenerys was finally on the throne. You had already left Essos with a massive force the world had not seen in centuries with the Dothraki, the Unsullied, and three full grown dragons at your sister’s command. With the additional support from the Tyrells, the Dornish, and the Greyjoys, Cersei Lannister stood absolutely no chance. As Dany rode on Drogon and you rode Viserion, the sky over King’s Landing and the Red Keep instantly darkened.
The smallfolk and many of Cersei’s supporters had already begun to turn on her after the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor. Luckily, Margaery Tyrell and a few others had been able to escape thanks to her sharp wits and quick thinking, while the High Sparrow and the majority of his followers had perished in the explosion. Poor King Tommen, who was under the impression that his wife had been killed, had taken his own life soon after by jumping from the Red Keep. As your army surrounded King’s Landing, the City Watch peacefully surrendered before any blood needed to be shed and your forces quickly closed in on the queen. There were a few loyal members of the Kingsguard that were willing to put down their lives for their queen, the most notable among them being the Kingslayer himself, however, they could only delay the inevitable.
Your father’s murderer was swiftly stabbed in the back by Grey Worm, killed the exact same way he had betrayed his king. Every part of you envied your friend for being the one to end the Kingslayer’s life. You were told that Cersei broke down upon watching her brother and lover die protecting her. She had poison on hand which she planned to use on herself but wasn’t quick enough to evade capture. No, she would not get a swift death. Dany had her presented to the entire city and lit her up with Drogon’s dragon fire in the tradition of your ancestors. She died screaming for mercy while the crowds cheered, the tyrant queen was finally gone.
Unfortunately, there had been very little time to celebrate your victory before a convoy from the North traveled down with news of an ancient threat that sought to wipe out all of humanity. 
Neither you or Dany believed that the White Walkers actually existed until you flew north of the wall yourselves to witness the army of the dead with your own eyes. You immediately summoned dragon fire to try and destroy whatever portions of the army you could, but then Viserion and you had nearly been killed in the attack when an unimaginably deadly spear made of ice had been launched in your direction by the Night King himself. Viserion dove quickly and turned his body so that you wouldn’t be hit but part of his left wing was snagged and soon the two of you were falling out of the sky. Your dragon was able to soften the landing for you as best as he could but the impact was still extremely damaging on your body.
Being more of a fighter, you had suffered your fair share of injuries in the past. Around your sixth nameday, a special sling had to be made for your arm. You had broken it while wielding a large stick you found in the gardens of one of the many sponsors in Essos you lived with before moving onto the next. In your mind, you imagined it was the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister that had once belonged to your great ancestor Visenya Targaryen. One jump off of the roof with your imaginary dragon had led to a nasty fall and started a series of mostly self-induced, reckless wounds. 
Scars covered your body, telling the stories of every horse you’d fallen off of and time you’d wrestled a Dothraki warrior that was easily twice your size. Daenerys hated how eager you were to pick up any sword or bow you could get your hands on but understood that trying to stop you only fueled the fire in your veins. When she had entered the funeral pyre and given birth to her three dragons, the only thing you could talk about from then on out was when they’d be large enough to ride. Not once did you worry about the possibility of falling out of the sky.
It took an entire week before you finally awoke, your first action trying to scramble out of bed despite the maesterscolding you for breaking several of your stitches. You had to know if your sister and friends were safe. Dany soon informed you that you were back in King’s Landing where Viserion was also healing. It was truly a relief to find out that he would be okay. Then your sister informed you of her plan to return to the north and aid in the fight against the dead at Winterfell while you were ordered to stay and rest in the capital.
“Dany, please!” You protested with every ounce of energy you had, causing a sharp pain to rip through your shoulder. “Let me go with you. I won’t let you do this alone!” 
“You are in no shape to fight, sister, and neither is your dragon. As your queen, I order you to stay here. I still have not been crowned and I need someone I can trust to guard the iron throne.”
It was a fight you knew you could not win, yet you dreaded being left alone in this strange city. “We have no allies here. I have no friends. Please, let me at least go with you to Winterfell and I won’t fight, I give you my word.” The thought of not being able to participate in the battle pained you but you at least wanted to be there for support. 
Your sister adamantly shook her head. “No, I will not gamble with your life. You are my heir and the only other person I trust to enact our mission. That is my final decision. Missandei and a few of the Unsullied will stay here with you. You should take the opportunity to get to know the people here, learn about the culture and make more allies. Many in Westeros still view us as foreigners and I need to know who I can truly trust to fully support my reign.”
“Dany, you know I’m hopeless when it comes to this stuff,” you sighed and could already tell your head would be hurting for weeks if you were forced to sit and make pleasantries with strangers. Between you and your sister, she had always been more naturally gifted in the ways of diplomacy and charming others to listen to her words. You, on the other hand, were more inclined to laugh at the absolute worst moment of a conversation or trip over your own words and accidentally curse in a way completely unfit for a highborn lady. “If it’s seven kingdoms you wish to rule then you’ll ensure I’m not able to make a fool of myself in front of the most powerful families in Westeros.”
There was no convincing her. Your eyes stung stung for hours when your sister left you behind. In the following days, more agonizing than your wounds was the dreadful feeling of not knowing whether or not your friends were alive or dead. Being bedridden you felt completely helpless as the days came and went with no ravens delivering news of any sort of outcome yet. After a few days, you were finally given permission to try and walk again and took every opportunity to explore the castle. Missandei eventually tried to force you to rest and it took a great deal of effort to ditch her. Trying to shuffle as quickly as you could through several smaller corridors resulted in you being completely lost.
That was where you first met Margaery Tyrell. Somehow, she managed to sneak up on you the third time you realized you had walked past the same statue. “Your grace,” she performed a small curtsy in front of you. “I’m glad to see you have progressed tremendously from your injuries. I’m Margaery of the House Tyrell, truly, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“I…“ Oh gods, you weren’t prepared for this at all. It was like you instantly had forgotten how to speak. Many had said that Margaery was the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros. And although you had seen very little of the seven kingdoms thus far, you were inclined to agree. She was utterly breathtaking, with honeyed hair and hypnotic eyes. You cursed at yourself for leaving Missandei, the only person that might have been able to save you in this current situation. You needed her to say absolutely anything else in literally any of the several languages she spoke. Even gibberish would have been better than you just standing there gaping at the poor lady.
She went ahead and continued speaking after you failed to respond with anything more than a wordless stare. “May I assist you in any way? I know how daunting finding your way around the castle can be. During my first two weeks of living here I got lost on my way to the Great Hall and found myself in a sunken courtyard where two men conversed with one another in a foreign language I didn’t recognize and ignored my presence when I tried to ask for help in Common Tongue. I had to wait for a cook to come rescue me and that was only because he was chasing a pigeon that had stolen his spoon from the kitchen!”
It was unclear whether or not you were meant to laugh at her anecdote and you didn’t want to risk doing the wrong thing. But then Margaery herself began chuckling at her previous misfortune and you felt relaxed enough to lift your lips into a small smile. Her energy was contagious and frankly, so was the sound of her laughter. You immediately wished to hear more of it.
“Yes, well… It’s, uh, strange never having been here myself but knowing my family has walked these halls for generations. I asked a servant if the rumors that dead Targaryens haunt the corridors were true and she nearly fainted. I suppose that answered my question. Honestly, it would be nice if their ghosts could offer me any directions.”
You worried that you might have overshared, although you had only been trying to follow Margaery’s lead. But the charming woman in front of you suddenly burst into the most melodic laughter you’d ever heard and a strange warmth rushed into your face.
“That would be helpful, wouldn’t it, if those from the past could offer their wisdom to us before we make the exact same mistakes they did?”
“Yes, exactly!” The fact that the two of you are on the same page has you giggling with complete elation. “Do you ever think about your dead family?”
As soon as the words left your mouth you only realized what you just said. Oh gods, why did you have to phrase it like that? How foolish did you have to be to forget that her own brother, Loras Tyrell, had been unable to escape the Great Sept not even two moons ago? 
Margaery blinked twice, staring at you mildly stunned. It was the same look you see on your sister’s face whenever tries to hold in a cringe and realizes she’ll have to offer up an explanation for your infantile behavior.
“I-I must apologize, my lady, I didn’t mean to say it like that.” You took several steps back from the woman, unsure if she wanted to turn and leave so you were prepared to excuse yourself first. “I understand if you want me to leave.”
“It’s alright. Please, stay.” You felt her hand reach for your wrist and although her touch was nothing but gentle it startled you. Your eyebrows immediately shot up like she had frozen you by some strange magic. “You’ve done nothing to offend me. I suppose I was simply surprised by your choice of words.”
You released a breath you’d been holding. “That tends to be a regular occurrence I’m afraid. My lady, I truly am sorry about the loss of your brother. My own was rather cruel and I feared him since I was a small child, yet his death unsettled me greatly even though he deserved it. I understand you were very close with yours and no one deserves that sort of fate. You and your family have my deepest condolences.”
“Thank you,” Margaery spoke more softly before with a new contemplative look in her eyes. “Loras was deeply misunderstood and unfortunately people weren’t very accepting of his differences. I wish he had been able to freely live as himself without judgment.”
It sounded all too familiar. Recently, people you knew had spoken about the youngest Tyrell son’s… sexual preferences… But you always tried to avert your attention from such conversations when you came across them, even if the participants didn’t seem hostile with their judgment. You were no longer in Essos where people like yourself were generally more accepted in society. And although the High Sparrow and his fanatics were gone, members of the Faith of the Seven continued to persecute others like you. 
“I understand the feeling. My sister and I hope to build a new Westeros where everyone is free to make their own decisions. A place that’s free of judgment and everyone can decide their own future, so long as it is done fairly. The weak and the poor will no longer break their backs for greedy men that would abuse them for a few coins.” 
“I should be quite fortunate to witness it,” she gave you a bright smile and offered you her arm, which you hesitated to take at first. A part of you knew even the slightest bit of her touch would be addicting for you, which turned out to be correct. She guided you throughout the rest of the castle and you decided that you’d let her lead you anywhere.
You found it strange when only a fortnight had passed and surprisingly you felt as if you’d been friends with MargaeryTyrell much longer. Whether you were struggling to find the proper words to use or going off on one of your many animated tangents, the southern lady never judged nor criticized you. It quickly became evident that she was a master at socializing and had no problem carrying the conversation on her own when you internally fussed over what to say. However, she was also eager to listen when you finally let one of your passionate ramblings pour from your heart. Even subjects that were positively unladylike, which you had first assumed would be of no interest to your new companion, became effortlessly easy to talk about with her. 
“Valyrian steel is objectively the best material to use if you ever needed an amputation. It cuts clean through skin, flesh, and bone, unlike more blunt blades which would be more likely to cause even greater injury. I’ve seen some medics have to practically saw their tools back and forth through limbs in order to get them to detach. It’s completely gruesome!”
“And Dark Sister, that was the one you used to pretend to have?” Margaery’s eyes shimmered like she was completely enthralled in your story. Never once did you think she’d call you a freak or too violent to be considered a lady.
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. It was Visenya’s during Aegon’s conquests. I’ve always wanted to be a warrior like her for as long as I can remember. Of course Viserys only ever saw me and Daenerys as pawns easy enough to use, as was his right he said, to help take back his throne.”
“What he did was cruel and how I wish you had been treated better. Had a better childhood surrounded by your loved ones and a proper place to call home. I’m sure we would have met sooner, perhaps here at court. Except then you’d be the one showing me around and rescuing me from becoming lost!”
There’s nothing you could do to stop the blush from filling your cheeks as you imagined this rewritten version of history and who you might have been had things been different. The past wasn’t something you liked to dwell on too often as you knew there was no point in trying to change things, but one other thing had become incredibly clear about your future. You couldn’t imagine it without Margaery in your life.
Daenerys was finally due to come back tomorrow and while you were certainly eager to see her and have her introduced to Margaery, many other mixed emotions came with the letter she had most recently sent you. She’d mentioned several losses over the series of battles that had taken place up north. You knew victory would never have been easily won, but feared finding out which friends’ faces had been permanently taken from your life. Thankfully, Margaery was there to listen to you express your anxieties. 
“I have this horrible feeling that Jorah is dead. As complicated as his past was, I never doubted that he would lay down his own life to save me or my sister. He once promised me that he would never leave us and yet somehow, I know he’s gone and done just that.”
“I will be here for you every step of the way,” Margaery assured you, grabbing your hands and softly rubbing her thumbs upon the tops of them. “You don’t have to go through this alone. I may not know any of your friends but I will not leave you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Do you promise?” You squeezed her hands tighter, gazing up into her wide eyes and looking for any sign of uncertainty. There were so few people in this world that you’d let get to know the real you, and even fewer that had stayed and accepted it.
Her eyes softened, and in a way of almost sealing her promise she slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of you. You were a princess as your sister was the queen and people were regularly brought to bow before you just the same. Still, the way Margaery executed it without ever breaking eye contact made her particular act feel incredibly intimate, like she was pledging her loyalty not only to your blood or titles, but simply because it was you.
“I promise, my little dragon. Where you go, I go.” It was whenever she made statements like this that you almost believed she might have felt the same way as you did about her. 
A snarky smile crept across your face. “Does that mean you’ll finally ride Viserion with me?” You’d recently been begging the woman you were infatuated with for a chance to impress her with the one experience you knew she would not have had. Or could find anywhere else.
She let out a nervous laugh. “You forget, my dear, that I am a rose and am meant to be firmly planted into the ground. And while I’m sure Viserion has no qualms with you riding him, he’s surely to be mistrustful of a stranger like me. There are no dragon riders in my family’s history, I’m afraid.”
“Maybe you’re a stranger to him as of now but we can remedy that! I am bonded to him more deeply than humans can be with normal animals, which means he should inherently trust you as much as I do. He’s going to love you, I know it. Margaery, you must know I would never put you into danger like that.”
There was a substantial amount of hesitance which began to fade from her eyes. You tried to show her what you believed was your most empathetic look and you watched as your words caused the last few threads of doubt to come undone.
“I trust you as well. But I shall have to ask for something small in return, if you’d agree to it.”
She could’ve asked you for the world and you knew you would give it to her. The two of you then struck a deal and made your way to dragon pit. 
Viserion was already in protective mode as you approached him, making sure he had at least one eye on Margeary at all times. You started to speak to him in High Valyrian, explaining that you had brought a special friend and your comfort around her appeared to ease him. The golden rose tried to remain calm throughout the whole ordeal as well, though you sensed that she was dealing with a reasonable amount of nerves deep down. Her hand timidly reached out for yours, in a way that was surprisingly bashful for the normally confident woman, and you immediately accepted her touch.
Three circles around King’s Landing was all it took to change Margaery’s mind about flying. A perfectly blue and cloudless sky made for the perfect views. The few screams she attempted to stifle had turned into pure uninhibited laughter by the second lap, and you only landed shortly after to be certain you weren’t overworking Viserion so soon after his injury.
As much joy spending time with Margaery brought you, there was a voice from your past softly whispering in your ear, telling you not to get too attached. You were a dragon but you had been burned before. Dany was the only other person that truly knew how complicated your relationship with Doreah had been. Completely smitten with her from the start, it was easy enough for her to win over your innocent heart with a few stolen kisses and flirtatious words. She made you believe you were her favorite and even more special than your sister. It eventually drew a wedge between you and Danythat gave Doreah the opportunity to betray the both of you. Worst of all, you couldn’t prove it but you knew she had killed Irri too.
“Now do you see why I told you not to trust her?” Both your sister’s embrace and her words were firm as she had turned from the vault where Doreah and Xaro Xhoan Daxos were sealed inside. Your body was still shaking but Daenerys was determined for you to remember every detail of that exact moment. “As Targaryens, people will always envy our power and try not only to take it but to have us give it to them if they can.”
“I won’t ever let us feel like that again, sister, I swear it,” you had promised with the utmost sincerity.
You never let yourself fall for another again until you invited Margaery Targaryen to accompany you on Viserion and it made you feel alive again. The realization began to set in when your feet landed back on the ground, with a heaviness in both your heart and your knees suddenly overtaking you. Margaery naturally caught sight of the grimace on your face and asked if everything was alright. Honestly, you didn’t even know what the truth was.
“Margaery,” the gravity in your voice made even Viserion shift uncomfortably. You knew you had to be honest to receive honesty in return. “I will grant whatever favor you request of me as I am a woman and princess of my word. I only ask that you be sincere with me. Getting to know you recently has felt like a breath of fresh air, but I have been used and toyed with for my name and my power since I was born. You are a woman of noble birth with the duty of uplifting your family and house. I can respect that. It is also evident that you are more than capable of securing your own means of influence. You have been wed to three men that have called themselves ‘King’. It would be foolish of you not to try and befriend me, but I must know, what is it that you really want?”
Margaery sighed and momentarily averted her gaze from you. You’d never seen her that reserved before. Having her be the one too nervous to open up to you was a strange switch in the roles you’d mostly settled in over the past few weeks. It made you eager to demonstrate the lack of judgment you held on your part. You ached to be someone she could trust and every second of silence that passed had you sitting in bitter anticipation.
When she finally spoke, it was with a solemn sense of conviction. “I have wanted to be Queen for so long. You’re not wrong to assume it has completely consumed my life. These past few years have been especially driven by my obsession, which might have started as a seed planted by my family but became fully grown and sustained by my own ambition a long time ago.”
She paused after that, clearly unaccustomed to the position she had found herself in. There was also something else about her demeanor that you couldn’t clearly define. Shame, regret, possibly even indignation? You slowly leaned in closer, careful to make sure you weren’t overstepping, but wanting to show that you were there for her.
“I was always maintaining a specific persona, trying to play the role of a voice for the poor when I only cared about how the publicity could serve my own interests. I was not like you or your sister. Truthfully, I made very little effort to help anyone aside from myself and my family and never sacrificed more than a few comforts or dresses I dirtied. Even when I was officially the queen, all the power that came with the crown wasn’t enough to save my brother from the animosity and unfairness which runs so deeply in the establishments that uphold our society. Things that I didn’t spare a second thought for until they came to hurt the ones I love and it was too late to do anything.
“Margaery,” you shook your head and bravely reached for her hands. “None of what happened is your fault. You’re only one person and shouldn’t put the pressure to change history and customs by yourself. We’re all human.”
She squeezed your hands tightly, pulling you closer to her so that only a few inches separated your faces. Gods, being near her affected you like a powerful drug. She smelled of roses and fresh morning dew in the early spring as you expected from a lady of Highgarden. There was something in her presence that seemed to transport you there. And though you had never actually been, it strangely felt like home.
“Yes, you are human, dragon rider, and more,” she smiled and came to run the back of her fingers softly down your cheek. Your legs would have given out had you not been so determined to keep looking up into her enchanting eyes. “And yet when all odds were against you, you and your sister freed thousands and bettered the lives of countless others with nothing expected in return. That is true selflessness and deserves the right to rule, as I am certain you shall do fairly as these kingdoms desperately need. You will bring forth the future where people like me and Loras could have lived freely. A place I never even imagined until I met you.”
Nothing in her words or demeanor felt dishonest but something told you the request she had yet to make would reveal the ultimate truth. If she believed in you and your sister’s mission then would it be so outlandish to think she’d ask for your friendship above additional power? Your heart was beating frantically and you strained your voice to get out your next few words.
“Margaery, what is it that you want from me?” Despite knowing that she had the power to end you right then and there, you chose to cling onto hope and held onto her one hand and lean into the touch of the other which now rested on the opposite side of your face. Doreah had been gentle with you at times but not in a way quite like this. Her affections had always been calculated and she gave you just enough to leave you wanting more. Teasing and playing games with you where you were only awarded by granting her favors. Margaery held you like she never wanted to let you go, even if it burned her skin in the process.
“If you wouldn’t be opposed to it, I’d like to kiss you, little dragon.”
Your heart must’ve stopped and all you could do was nod. Then as soon as Margaery’s lips met your own it began to beat once more, complete with new life she breathed into you. Her kiss was soft at first, careful to ensure the continued contact was alright with you before you deepened it. She tasted of vanilla and sweets and you eagerly chased to explore into her mouth further with her tongue. Your enthusiasm must’ve surprised the other woman, though she gave off a pleased chuckle before shortly taking back the lead and her other hand found your waist.
“Kostilus,” you moaned as she pressed your bodies even closer together. Everything else you wanted to say you put into your movements. Margaery smiled once again and her chest vibrated when you went to wrap your arms around her neck and continued to interrupt your dance with brief pronunciations of Valyrian words. She didn’t need to speak the language to understand what you were pleading for, and it pleased her greatly in many ways.
The two of you instantly separated when Viserion let out a deep cry that vibrated the ground around you. He twisted his neck up towards the sky where a dark mass grew faster and faster in its descent. Drogon answered his brother’s call and you realized Dany must be home. You grabbed Margaery’s hand, the biggest grin painted across your face. Getting to kiss Margaery and reunite with your sister had you so giddy that it didn’t occur to you how Margaery had never met Drogonbefore, who was much larger and intimidating than your sweet Viserion.
But all you could think about was how relieved you were to see your sister and her dragon both safe and unharmed. You raced to Dany when she began to dismount and dragged Margaery along with you. You felt as if you could burst with joy in that very moment, although your sister’s face did not show the same excitement or relief as you would have expected. No, this wasn’t Dany excited to greet you after an easy victory. This was Queen Daenerys already fueled on anger and glaring daggers at the woman next to you. 
To her credit, Margaery stood firmly next to you in the face of the Mother of Dragons and her fiercest son.
“Who is she?” 
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leliosinking · 4 months
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Okay wild thought, but what if after Avatar 4/5 are done filming.. Bailey came back? But hear me out.. what if she was recast as Merrick? Like the character would have to be massively overhauled, but imagine the surrealist potential of having both Bailey and Delainey on screen and using the séance/possession sequence to essentially alternate the role within the space of that scene? Like they would still be playing separate characters but they would also both be playing both roles? I’ll try to explain.
I should say that this will only work if you ascribe to the theory that 2022 Dubai is occurring in a hybrid of the Merrick and Prince Lestat timelines. But essentially imagine Armand filling in for David Talbot (and we would be scrapping the grooming) and Louis would be working towards the séance. It would also immediately give him something significant to do once his primary arc is finished after season 2.
So I was thinking about how you could essentially film the summoning scene 4 times, and then use the edit and lighting to strategically alternate between Bailey-as-Merrick conducting the ceremony, Bailey-as-Ghost!Claudia posessing Merrick (maybe even in Claudia’s costume???), Delainey-as-Ghost!Claudia, and finally Delainey-as-Possessed!Merrick.
And they could really play this up throughout the course of the season. Like maybe when Louis initially encounters Merrick he confuses her with Claudia (similar to Joel mistaking strangers for his daughter in The Last of Us) but you can also play with the audience’s perception, as by this point we will be more familiar with Delainey as the character and occasionally having either actress fill in for the other could add to a deliberate sense of confusion and mysticism that comes with the character.
Louis and Merrick’s relationship could also be more of a surrogate father/daughter thing, rather than romantic, thus filling in more of Talbot’s excised role (but again, without the grooming) while still keeping an air of mystery around Merrick.
I guess I was just thinking about how Game of Thrones was able to recast/upgrade Dean Charles Chapman from playing Martyn Lannister to playing Tommen Baratheon and this could be a similar opportunity to create a sort of full circle moment for an OG cast member, while sort of winking at the audience.
Or maybe it would all be annoyingly meta I dunno lol.
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writingsofwesteros · 3 days
Summer lust
She was there a day before Oberyn started courting her. She was there for 2 weeks before her and Oberyn married, and only a week after their wedding before she got pregnant. Everyone in the Martell family (including Elia and the sand-snakes) along soth the rest of dorne (they don't hate her like they thought they would they actually like her considering she's the nicest lannister to ever exist without a dark side) fast-forward to 7 months later the lannister-baratheon family is visiting for the first time imagine the shock and anger on Cersei, Joffrery, and Tywin looked like they were about to murder Oberyn after learning that she was married to Oberyn and pregnant. Of course, Jaime, Myrcella, and Tommen were also shocked but happy for her. Then there's Tyrion, who is in the background laughing the entire time considering he's known about them since they got married, hell Tyrion was at their wedding even walked her down the asle and gabe her away to Oberyn not that Cersei would ever find that out.
The shot gun wedding we all need ;)
Cersei can never stay mad at her daughter for long especially when she's with a child.
She has took to Dorne so quickly as well, she's vibrant and treats everyone so sweetly.
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istumpysk · 10 months
I came across an anon of yours saying that ashford theory has been 'debunked' because they and a lot of other people believe george created Harry Hardyng as replacement of Robert Arryn for scrapping the five year gap.
First of all, I would want to know what purpose only Harry could achieve in Sansa's story that Robert couldn't because of younger age, that George felt the need to create a considerably older suitor? I understand all the bnfs get boners at the idea of Sansa getting married to Harry and staying in the Vale forever, but again the same could've been achieved with Robert too. Its not like Tommen isn't his age and not married to Margaery. In actuality, normal people know Harry is dying because of 1) the Young moniker and 2) Sansa's wish of him falling, and again Robert could've died in his place easily too, to 'free' Sansa.
And if the purpose of his creation in event of not following the five year plan, wasn't an older betrothed/husband for Sansa, what was it?
Problem with the fandom is that they put too much emphasis and focus on things we know nothing about. Like when or how George decided to scrap the five year gap plan. Its pure speculation that it was between 2000 and 2005. And it is even more speculation that he had no plans to introduce Harry Hardyng before scrapping it, or that he was a last resort (which as I showed, there was no need of, as Robert, even five years younger, fulfills those purposes). Its the same with the original outline.
And there is too little focus on the actual canon, which is that Hardyng is a minor house with no other mention except in the Hedge Knight. Even if George DID create someone last minute, it is TOO much of a coincidence it just happened to be a Hardyng and that Sansa wishes for him to have an accident with his horse in the tourney like Humfrey (his counterpart) did in the Ashford tourney. In her latest chapter in 2015. Even if he did not intend it to be intentional, he sure seems to be retconning it. This is not even considering that all the other champions also share parallels with their Ashford counterparts:
Lyonel=Lion=Joffrey; Baratheon and Lannister champions defeat the maiden's brothers; Willas Tyrell is straight up called another Leo Tyrell; Valarr's father was named after Baelor the Blessed=Rhaegar was called another Baelor the Blessed. He himself is called a black prince with a white guardian=Jon.
George must be blind if he did not see any of this while writing it because one or two names similar, I can accept as coincidences, but ALL the champions have parallels with Sansa's suitors.
Well said, anon.
Let's address this head-on: the biggest problem with the Ashford theory is that the first person to discover it made a mess of it. Now, they wander the internet, asserting authority and attempting to undermine it, simply because they disagree with its clear conclusion.
The theory was so thoroughly botched that people think it can easily be tossed aside due to a technicality involving Robert Arryn or the tournament's disruption. As if that could ever be enough to dismiss the abundance of other similarities, many of which they're not even aware of.
Can you imagine the fandom insisting on any other theory being this airtight?
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lycorim · 1 year
for the transform into house crest au, i like the idea if you've intermarried it's a toss up or a choice which one you get, so ned just has a mandatory week long father/jon roadtrip every year. everyone who craves that parental attention is very jealous, catelyn probably has emotions about that which she withholds.
alternatively, imagine ned taking a teeny tiny jon into his lap and is like you're old enough that your first change is come upon you, close your eyes and look into your heart and your mind, what do you see, and jon's like i see a soft black thing! and... an angry hot thing?? and ned's like right so we're going to play a game, if you go toward the soft black thing i love you and i'll give you a sweet and if you got toward the angry hot thing, Everyone Loses
[Pt. 2: Actually your shapeshifting house crest au is good on multiple levels but especially thematic because for one week a year the Stark's double the population of their fully functional wolfpack and the bigger ones can go out to work together to hunt elk and deer to help supply meat to the castle, meanwhile the lannisters are stuck with a full seven days of being the cringe fail worst pride of lions you ever did see because what is this gender ratio. don't you know you need more lionesses if you want to do any hunting. they probably just lounge in the sun and claw the draperies to destruction.]
(I'm combining both of your asks into one)
ASDSDKJSDKHJADASJHKSHJ I LOVE THAT IDEA YES THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS NOW!! Random roll of the dice transformations, could change every sigil week, never not stressful.
and Ned very sternly and solemnly just:
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Now I'm imagining Robb being upset because he had to be a dumb fish with his mom one week and the rest of his siblings lucked out being direwolves.
Also the image of a distraught Joffrey being like "It's lions every time Mom!! Why is it always lions!!" and Cersei, with the least sympathy just being like "Idk I guess you're just not trying hard enough. You just don't want it enough." And lion cub Tommen playing with his kittens!!!! yeah no the Lannisters are the worst apex predators out there.
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Game of Thrones incorrect quotes
Tommen: What day is today?
Abigail: It's our marriage anniversary.
Tommen: Wrong answer.
Abigail: It's the day in which we remember that we are the best married couple out there.
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Wait hold on- I need to hear more about cersei flipping her lid after finding out about Joanna-Lookalike reader getting married and is pregnant. Like I just imagine Cersei rocking up to winterfell all excited to see her bby after she was ripped away from her and just seeing her daughter heavily pregnant (like days away from giving birth), and just freezing for like a solid minute just trying to comprehend wtf has happened, before snapping out of it and demanding who defiled her sweet daughter and who dared put a bastard in her, and everyone's in winterfell is like 'bish tf what u talking about they got married', because everyone was under the belief that the lannisters knew and just didn't want to go to the wedding.
Tw: Mentions of pregnancy and death during child birth
Oh my gods- Cersei pulling up to Winterfell only to act like a complete fool in front of everyone and Robert’s just busting his ass laughing?? It would no doubt happen like that too.
Not to mention that Robb would be attached to the hip of Joanna!lookalike, especially if she were so far along in her pregnancy. He’s on one side. Greywind’s on the other helping and keeping a watchful eye out for every step the Reader takes. So, when Cersei’s realization hits her she would immediately know that Robb was the one to have ‘defiled’ her bby.
Also, I can’t help but imagine Cersei trying to get a good look at them after having been away for so long only for all the direwolves to protectively get between her and the Reader. Not to mention that Joanna!lookalike has her lion there too. So just imagine six direwolves and one lion staring down Cersei. She would be so infuriated, especially given that she sees Robb as more of the actual threat than she ever could pose to her own child.
I also imagine Tywin being in attendance too since he also wouldn’t have seen his precious grandchild after so long. And he would be just as upset if not more so, the only difference is his reaction comes out a lot more calm and collected than Cersei’s. It’s safe to say though that Robert is getting two fucking earfuls from them.
Myrcella and Tommen would be so incredibly happy not only to see their beloved sibling but also to know that she’s married and with child. They of course would be upset that they couldn’t have been at the wedding and witnessed it themselves but they’re happy nonetheless. Joffrey would be utterly horrified, both seeing his sister so very pregnant and at the fact that they got married without his knowledge. He’d pick a fight with Robb about that too.
It’s not too much to speculate that everyone would have their hands on Joanna!lookalike’s belly. Especially the younger Stark kids and Robb himself but once House Lannister pulls up their hands would be even more glued the Reader’s pregnant belly. Myrcella and Tommen are the first to want to touch it and feel the baby kick. Cersei and Tywin would be the last to do so. Imagine Robb and the Stark’s reactions to the Mountain touching the Reader’s belly with his big ass meat glove of a hand, even if the Reader was the one to insist Gregor do so.
Back to Cersei, she would be hit with an overwhelming amount of anxiety upon seeing her child not only pregnant but how far along she is and that she’s up and about when she should be bedridden. Cersei would immediately want to get her child to a chair or to their room after she’s been able to process everything. Hell, she would command the Mountain to carry the Reader around, particularly have him carry her back to her bedchambers where she should be staying. Cersei would have no plans of leaving Winterfell until her grandchild is born and she will be in the room during the delivery. Poor Joanna!lookalike will have Cersei on one side and a Robb on the other while she’s in the midst of giving birth. And Cersei will be glaring daggers at Robb the entire time, blaming him for doing this to her beloved daughter.
Also, while she’s still in the middle of acting like a fool, Cersei would no doubt demand that Jaime or the Mountain (yeah cause Gregor’s there too) kill Robb for ‘defiling’ the Reader and putting a ‘bastard’ in her. And also for basically giving the Reader a death sentence if she weren’t to make it out of the delivery alive.
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catofadifferentcolor · 7 months
Terrible Fic Idea #68: GOT, but make it bastards and broken things
Sometimes I have terrible fic ideas. Sometimes terrible fic ideas have me - such as this one, which crawled into my head the other day and has yet to let go. Mainly: what if Game of Thrones leaned into the cripples, bastards, and broken things motif?
Or: What if Tyrion Lannister and f!Jon Snow formed a marriage of convenience?
Aka: The Red Queen Fic
Just imagine it:
Everything happens as per canon, with two exceptions: 1) Lyanna Stark dies giving birth to a daughter whose "beauty matured as she grew older, and its was said that she was more beautiful at age seventy than at age seventeen" [x], who Ned named Rowena after Jon Arryn's second wife; and 2) The Greyjoy Rebellion takes place immediately before Robert heads north.
Things go slightly differently in the Greyjoy Rebellion. Everyone is a little older, reflexes are a little slower, and everyone has been on peacetime footing for just that much longer. Tywin Lannister dies in the fighting, with the Lord Paramountcy of the Westerlands falling to Tyrion. Theon Greyjoy dies alongside his brothers; his sister becomes Ned's ward instead.
Meanwhile, Jon Arryn has died of apparent old age back in King's Landing, so Robert choses to ride from war in the west straight to Winterfell, so Ned can wrap up a few things before being dragged back to the capitol as Hand. Tyrion is dragged along.
While there, Tyrion encounters awkward, angular, but strangely charismatic Rowena Snow in the library. They do not expect to hit it off, but they do, finding a genuine friendship and understanding in each other. It is not love, but it is enough.
As Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Tyrion needs a bride - and he was already turned down by most of the eligible families of rank while he was still heir. So rather than trod a well-known path, he proposes marriage to Rowena, who is at least tolerable and believed to be the bastard of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne.
Rowena, realizing it's the best offer she'll ever get, agrees, and eventually convinces Ned to do so as well. After all, there's nothing a Lannister protects more fiercely than another lion.
Canon continues apace. Ned loses his head, war is declared, and Cersei can make very few open moves against her sister-in-law - who is, after all, a Lannister now - or Sansa - a hostage, yes, but under Rowena's protection. The latter still isn't having a good time, but at least she's not being beaten in open court. (Eventually Rowena does manage to get Sansa married off to Willas Tyrell, securing the Reach and her sister's safety.)
The Red Wedding happens, though it is planned entirely by the Freys and Cersei herself, who thinks Tyrion is too weak to do what must be done. No one is pleased.
The Purple Wedding happens. Tyrion and Rowena manage to avoid suspicion by missing the event entirely, the latter being confined to childbed as she labored with their first child, Joanna - though Cersei still tries to point fingers at them anyway. Few believe her.
Cersei's actions grow wilder while Tommen is king... to the point where Rowena and Tyrion realize if they don't act soon riots and revolts will act for them. So they stage a palace coup.
Tyrion, in addition to being Hand of the King, is Regent after the coup. He sits in the small council in the first of these roles and has Rowena sit in his place for the second. They manage to stabilize most of mainland Westeros - Tyrion strengthens ties with Dorne, despite the suspicious death of his niece; Rowena heads to the Vale, replaces Lysa Arryn and Littlefinger with Bronze Yohn, and sends Robert Arryn to be fostered with Sansa and Willas; forces loyal to Tyrion liberate Edmure Tully from the Twins and install him back in Riverrun - but the North and Iron Islands are still a mess when winter descends.
Margery dies of a winter sickness. Tommen goes mad with grief. He kills himself soon after... and Tyrion, his regent, is left as King of Westeros.
It should be a recipe for more revolts and uprisings - after all, it was bad enough a dwarf married to a bastard was Regent, let alone Hand of the King - but Westeros is tired of war. It's now the middle of the longest winter ever recorded, and rather than hoard food Tyrion does his best to distribute it evenly throughout the country. He makes concessions. He rules, allows widows and heiresses and young children to keep control of family estates, fills empty castles with good men rather than cronies, and generally acts like a decent king. It's a nice change of pace for a country so familiar with Targaryen drama.
Eventually word comes spilling out of the war-torn North about the Others. Rowena, being the fighter of the new royal couple, leads a force north and eventually defeats them, less through individual martial prowess than decent leadership and fresh troops
When Dany arrives after winter is over to stake her claim, few wish to join her. She harries Westeros from the Stepstones for a few years, but when she dies under suspicious circumstances - probably an assassination, but she had so many enemies at that point no one can say which got to her - her dragons take up residence on Dragonstone of their own accord, seemingly giving their allegiance to the new dynasty.
Bonuses include: 1) Later historians endlessly debating whether or not Tyrion was the bastard son of the Mad King. The evidence should be circumstantial but convincing and include his children's appearance. A few will try claiming Rowena was the daughter of a dragonseed - maybe even Rhaegar himself - but are less well received; 2) Rowena gaining her moniker Red Queen from her habit of wearing primarily Lannister Red after her marriage - and for occasionally becoming drenched in the blood of her enemies, as when removing Littlefinger from power in the Eyrie; 3) Tyrion and Rowena's marriage being one primarily of friendship. It should take at least a year - possibly closer to three - for them to feel genuine romantic love for each other. It should, however, be the ideal medieval noble marriage, filled with fondness and respect, even from the beginning; and 4) Cersei fading away into obscurity. She's never outright harmed or neglected or even strictly imprisoned, she merely retires to a strict motherhouse from which escape is unlikely if not impossible and fades from history. Her name, for all it is connected for four kings by blood and marriage, is largely forgotten by even those familiar with the time period in favor of Robert's first love, Lyanna, and Tyrion's reserved but unendlessly capable queen, Rowena.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt, just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Bastard of Winterfell | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Elia the Magnificent | Jon the Fair | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Queen of Nightingales | Red Queen | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen | Shiera Snowbird | Visneya the Victorious
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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Yandere Daenerys Targaryen x Reader Part 1
You didn't know how long you were locked away in the dungeons of Kings Landing. Months? Weeks? Or maybe just days? The only thing you knew, was that it was a living hell. Your mother, queen Cersei, imprisoned you as soon as your older brother Tommen took his life, wanting to prevent you from staking a claim to the iron throne.
But you didn't even want the throne in the first place, yet it didn't matter to her. Your mother was known for how protective she was of her children, this pattern however didn't apply to you. Since the day you were born Cersei would pay you very little mind, handing you off to servants while she took care of your siblings.
When she finally saw the opportunity to become the ruling queen, after your father and both of your brothers were the protector of the realm instead of her, your mother was ready to sacrifice you.
Since you were imprisoned, you barely had anything to eat or drink, you couldn't sleep out of fear of someone slitting your throat in your sleep. You felt like your suffering would never end, until a guard opened your door and discretely guided you out of the castle.
You were greeted by a small boat, your uncle Tyrion and a group of soldiers. While your mother hated him, you always liked your uncle. He was the only one in your family to treat you like you actually part of house Lannister. "The outcasts must stick together" he always told you.
Tyrion carefully pulled you into the boat before your travel over the seas began. He told you about a new queen he served. That she would take you in and protect you from your mothers wrath. A Targaryen queen that gave 'birth' to the first dragons seen in generations.
Arriving at Dragonstone, the base used by the queen and her army, you became more and more anxious. You were essentially at the mercy of a unknown Targaryen and her giant fire-breathing lizards.
Your uncle quided you into a empty chamber and left you shortly after, leaving you to take in your new environment. But before you could make yourself comfortable, a sliver haired woman entered and it didn't take to much effort to guess who stood before you: Daenerys Targaryen.
You stared nervously at her, shuffling back when she takes s step towards you. "You must be Y/N. I've heard a lot about you and I'm glad you could savely arrive." Daenerys greeted you with a polite smile. She took another step towards you, leading to you moving back again.
This time however it didn’t go unnoticed by the mother of dragons. She was suprised at your behaviour. While she understood that you were suspicious of a to you unknown queen of a rival house, it still was shocking to Daenerys how shyly you acted around her.
At first she herself was unsure about this meeting, having no idea if you had any negative intentions, but you didn't seem like a possible traitor or enemy to her. You were a injured puppy in her eyes. Barely younger than her, bruises on your face and arms, dried out lips, dark bags under your eyes and visible chest bones, simply as the features that were visible to the queen.
"I don't want to hurt you. You have nothing to fear." Daenerys stated, her heart breaking at your reactions, not wanting to imagine how you turned into this state. She didn't move further towards you, not wanting to scare her guest even more. The Targaryen heir wanted to speak up again, when she noticed your clothes. Completely dirty and torn apart, letting you look more like a street beggar than a Lannister prince/princess.
"We have prepared new clothes for you, if you want to change." She offered you patiently. You stared down at the ground, anxiously rubbing your wrist "I don't want to inconvenience anybody." Daenerys smiles warmly at you "It won't be, besides we can't have you walk around in torn rags."
You nodded shyly, leading to the breaker of chains taking another step towards you, with the same reaction as before following. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I simply want to assist you. May I?"
After hesitating for a moment, you nodded again. At your permission given, Daenerys approaches you, this time you stood still as she was now closer to you than ever before. The silver haired woman placed a hand at your chest and began to unbutton your shirt. Her warm and soft touch was a welcome feeling against your hurting body.
Daenerys took off your torn top, leaving you shirtless infront of her. You blushed as red as her lips while the dragon queen helped you into a fresh shirt. "Much better now. Isn't it?" She asks lifting your chin with her finger.
The mother of dragons wanted you to be safe, she felt as if you needed her protection and affection. As if she was the only one who could help you. And this was only the beginning for her.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Say Nymeria was also chained up and thus couldn't interfere at the Trident and Joffrey ended up killing Arya (whether it was accidental or not) what happens? What does Robert do if his son just killed his best friends daughter?
I mean Brandon wanted to murder Rhaegar for kidnapping Lyanna, and Ned and Robert went to war over the bad behavior of a king and his heir, so I imagine both of them are like, extremely triggered by this whole thing emotionally.
And like....this one is also just as wild as the "Joffrey executes Sansa" one because like, Arya is a noble born girl and even if she's picking a fight with the crown prince over the honor of her peasant born friend, i'm sure basically everyone can agree that there are easier ways to deal with her, like disarming her and knocking her out, instead of - i'm assuming - just hacking her to death with a fucking sword in front of her screaming sister. This isn't a cat that Joffrey chopped up in a fucked up imitation of his father's love of hunting, this is a human child and daughter of one of the most powerful families in all of Westeros. People on the other side of the damn world know who Ned Stark is, it's not something to take lightly. Not to mention he'll have done this while the entire royal family AND half the Kingsguard is in Tully lands aka if Cat, Ned, and Edmure are feeling pissed off enough, they can make things really fucking hard for the royal progress to get back to the safety of King's Landing's walls.
Anyways, considering we know Robert has no qualms about beating the ever loving shit out of his family, even with Robert's general cowardice when it comes to reigning in Cersei's own temper, I do think it's not unlikely that when Sansa runs back to camp sobbing and screaming that Arya has been murdered by Joffrey, and Ned demands Joffrey get put on trial for murder, that Robert might just ~deal with the problem~ himself by breaking Joffrey's face open, and probably slap Cersei around as well, something Jaime will not take kindly too, and probably Ned is going to be annoyed with as well because like, he doesn't want Robert to physically abuse his kid, he wants Robert to put that fucking kid on trial for murder. If Robert doesn't want to do anything besides just like, beat the shit out of Joffrey, Ned is taking everyone home...and I think Tyrion doesn't get to Winterfell until after the Trident incident which probably means when Tyrion shows up in Winterfell, the Starks may keep him hostage, which is going to kickstart the conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters. But also, if Robert won't do anything about Joffrey, Ned is also taking everyone home, and again, Tyrion is in a not small amount of trouble. I'm sure Cersei would try to have Ned taken before he leaves but they're in Tully lands, and if Edmure and Cat find out that Ned is being held hostage by the Queen, Edmure is just sending a host out to get Ned, Sansa, and the Northern faction.
If Robert does decide to do something....probably he has Joffrey marched up to the Wall, because I imagine it would look bad if Robert executes his own son? And then Tommen becomes heir. But Cersei is not going to be okay with this, and she will start plotting to kill him quicker, and I don't even think that Joffrey facing a consequence would make Ned want to bring Sansa south, even if he goes south to help Robert.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
King Y/N Targaryen and Yandere Queen Cersei Lannister children:
Princess Joanna Naerys Targaryen was born after their marriage, their first child, was born in Dragonstone
Princess Y/N Targaryen descendant of Princess Y/N The Great…(titles and titles) was accepted into the family before Joffrey was born
Prince Joffrey Targaryen was born before his aunt Daenerys Targaryen, unfortunately while he was inside Cersei’s belly, Cersei’s was attacked (almost raped) by noble (he’s not insane, he’s normal)
Princess Myrcella Targaryen was born during a rebellion
Prince Tommen Targaryen was born in peaceful time (no wars, rebellions e.t.c.)
Although I’m not sure whether Young Modern Reader is the oldest or not, but I think Reader would be older than Joanna Naerys Targaryen. Young Modern Reader was accepted into the family after Joanna Naerys was born and before Joffrey was born. Young Modern Reader thinks she doesn’t belong in the family because she looks different and doesn’t have a Targaryen or Lannister blood (deja vu, because Modern Reader The Great also mentioned that in front of her family before Yandere platonic Aemma died). And she would probably say “But it’s true. I don’t look like you and I look so different from all of you.”- she said these words in front of her “parents”. Also I think Targaryen Reader and Yandere Cersei and their children would be sad to hear that. Something tells me that they become yandere platonic towards Young Modern Reader.
Imagine their reactions to her words and saying that she doesn’t belong in the family, because she doesn’t have Targaryen or Lannister blood.
P.S. what do you think about the Prince’s and Yandere Cersei’s children, that I described? I think children would inherit their mother’s yandere tendencies towards their father and their older sister Young Modern Reader
The order of the children you have written appears to be correct. I think Cersei and Prince are platonic parents to the reader. They'll both be very upset when the reader tells them you're not one of them. The kids will share the obsession with their brains.
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inlovewithquotes · 10 months
Westeros is torn and bleeding, and I do not doubt that even now my sweet sister is binding up the wounds.....with salt. Cersei is as gentle as King Maegor, as selfless as Aegon the Unworthy, as wise as Aerys. She never forgets a slight, real or imagined. She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance. And she is greedy. Greedy for power, for honor, for love. Tommen's rule is bolsters by all of the alliances that my lord father built so carefully, but soon enough she will destroy every one of them.
-Tyrion Lannister
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