#to study tritypes
sleepy-vix · 7 months
100% 5 AND 99% 4 HOLY SHIT??? higher than average percentages on 6 and 9 is so true aswell wow
source: advanced-personality.com
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treasures-left-behind · 10 months
listening to genesis by grimes while studying tritypes is completely ethereal
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
lol the mbti kids are doing the same shit on tumblr. gotta study typology myself bc people can't think properly.
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vampirepunks · 1 month
Higgs Monaghan's MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 1)
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(disclaimer: this is my opinion based on deep character study, eight or so years of special interest in typology, and subjective interpretation. if you wanna argue, good luck finding my PDB. friendly debate is fine.)
MBTI: ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si)
Enneagram: 7w8
Instinctual Variant: sx/sp
Tritype: 782
MBTI Analysis
This one is easy. Higgs displays all of the classic ENTP traits. He's well-read, adaptable, strategic, authentic, contrarian/anarchistic, charismatic, energetic, emotionally guarded, impulsive, and excessively idealistic. ENTPs come in two flavors: rebel with a cause, and rebel without a cause. The former typically has a strong alignment to enneagrams 1, 7, or 8, whereas the latter is more likely to be rooted somewhere in 6, 5, or 9. This can be a pull from within the tritype or wing, but we'll get to that. Higgs is, quite obviously, the former. His rebellious nature is driven by idealism first and foremost.
ENTPs are "introverted extroverts." They thrive in the spotlight, crave attention, and love being the loudest presence in the room. However, unlike "true" extroverts (i.e. see: ESFP) they require plenty of personal space and time on their own to nurture their inner worlds, reflect on their feelings and values, and retreat into the safety of their own private minds. In a reasonably healthy ENTP, this time is often spent pursuing knowledge, fresh ideas, and deeper meaning in the world, through things like literature, arts, and creative pursuits or pet projects. In an unhealthy ENTP, that focus goes towards obsessions, fixations, and hedonism. Such as... making a conspiracy board, covering the walls in manic writings and pictures of their no. 1 enemy, and drinking... a lot. Hello, Higgs.
Function Stack Breakdown
ENTP's cognitive function stack is Ne-Ti-Fe-Si.
Ne (extroverted intuition): First and foremost, ENTPs live in a world of possibilities. Like INTJs, they live somewhere between their minds and bodies, existing in a nebulous sense of insight and personal sentiment. Where INTJ sees how the world "should" be, ENTP sees the world as it could be. This trait is amplified intensely by a core fix in enneagram 7, which many consider to be ENTP's most likely/common enneagram alignment. Ne is constantly tinkering with a thousand ideas at once, scattered in all directions. Higgs embodies this beautifully; he is an intrepid explorer, both in the material world and in the realm of ideas and philosophies, shown by his love of literature, his hands-on approach to life, his sensory fixations (must! touch! everything!), and his deep investment in history. He takes external ideas in and challenges them, redefining them to his liking. This shows in his adoption of the ancient Egyptian aesthetic/practices after reading about them, his poetry references, his adjustment of literary quotes to change the meaning ("sound and righteous fury"), and his overall fascination with the world around him.
Ti (introverted thinking): ENTPs prefer to act based on logic over emotion, processing the world through what makes sense and where their curiosity takes them. They love puzzles, problems in need of solutions, and detail-oriented issues. The Ne-Ti axis makes an educated, mature ENTP a capable, adaptable strategist who always has a plan and the ability to craft an entirely new plan B, C, D, etc, all the way to Z on a moment's notice. They're rarely shaken by change, likely to relish the challenge presented by unpredictability. This shows in Higgs' accomplishments both as a porter and terrorist, earning him a reputation as "a damn good leader" and later, a fearsome foe with the presence of "a ruthless emperor" (thank you, DS novel Sam). As highlighted by the novelization, his leadership pre-Amelie was defined by idealistic yet practical solutions. He was insightful and precise in determining that the resource shortage wasn't a shortage at all, but an issue of unequal distribution brought on by greed, corporate hierarchy, and distrust. He showed people that they didn't need to sacrifice freedom in exchange for security, they only needed to pitch in and share fairly, and he backed his promises up with results and an olive branch by cooperatively setting up a new distribution system and bringing supplies from his territory in the West. Meanwhile, in the intellectual sense, Higgs is a skeptic. Due to his mental roots in Ne, he wants to believe in things, but he can't until he's thoroughly questioned them, examined them from all angles, and tested them. When Ne says "jump," Ti says "wait." This causes a constant push-pull between reckless impulsivity and calculated caution. Thus, Higgs is inquisitive and curious, with Sam describing him (again, in the novel) as a truth-seeker, reminding him of a philosopher. In line with the classic image of the ENTP personality, Higgs thrives in a vast marketplace of ideas and values, picking and choosing the ones that suit him after playing with each and every single one of the available options, especially if he has someone to bounce his thoughts off of. ENTPs are masters of the "yes and," but due to their weaker Fe-Si axis, they're also vulnerable to being manipulated and exploited for their ingenuity and inexhaustible drive. Higgs dives head-first into Amelie's promises, but then spirals when he realizes she's not telling him the whole truth. He intuitively knows when someone is hiding things from him and he isn't content to just let it go. If answers aren't freely given, he'll form his own and act upon them. "If there's another layer to this, I can't work it out -> Dear diary, today I nuked Middle Knot City."
Fe (extroverted feeling): Herein lies ENTP's soft side. Contrary to popular belief, the feeling function of MBTI goes much deeper than simple emotions; it determines moral direction (inward vs. outward) and social dynamics. Fi (introverted feeling) pushes against the grain, concerning *my* feelings and values, whereas Fe goes with the grain, concerned with *our* feelings and values. Fi is a rugged individualist, Fe is a team player. The tertiary function is a point of conflict for all personality types, and it doesn't usually develop until middle age unless significant trauma work or self-awareness development occurs earlier in life. Higgs has both. His early journals show the expected disconnection with his feeling function, as he resists the idea of group values, and denounces the notion of community as unsafe and unrealistic. This is why many ENTPs, especially below the age of 40+, are considered insensitive and disruptive; they haven't developed the balance between nitpicky Ti and open-hearted Fe. After shaking off his instinctive and learned aversion to group attachments, Higgs quickly does a 180 into "I'm an altruist now" and dedicates his life to serving others, going so far as to "offer my soul to this world while I live." More about this when it comes to his emotional center in enneagram 2, which amplifies his Fe. Overall, Higgs displays high Fe and thus has high empathy. He makes strong use of the Ne-Fe axis to imagine others' viewpoints and feelings, making attempts to step outside of himself to try and understand others on a deeper level. Anything an ENTP can understand, they can work with. Thus, they can be highly forgiving when there's a good explanation and they're not likely to hold grudges if they can relate. Here's hoping that factors into DS2.
Si (introverted sensing): The inferior function is every MBTI type's greatest weak point, second only to the "blind" eighth function which is essentially not consciously used at all. The inferior function acts to balance the dominant function, kicking in as a rescue mechanism when the usual approach fails or stress overload causes the given personality to begin breaking down. Being forced to use this function otherwise requires conscious effort and is, in turn, highly stressful and overwhelming. The inferior is an area of insecurity and discomfort. ENTP's inferior is Si, meaning they struggle with seeing projects through to the end, handling the day-to-day minutia of life, learning from past mistakes, and neglecting physical health due to poor internal bodily awareness. And oh boy, Higgs displays this in spades. Granted, he's absolutely suffering from chiral contamination and mind control don't forget the mind control but... still. His house is a wreck, he appears to eat little more than pizza, alcohol, and soda, he struggles with the gravity of life not bending to his idealistic efforts. Further, he believes it's on him to save the world all by himself despite evidence to the contrary, and this isn't even based in a god complex, he's just that caught up in what he wants to achieve and he can't see past it to why that's an unsustainable attitude. He creates unrealistic expectations for himself, punishes himself for *checks notes* being human, and is constantly seeking new, sweeping solutions to Fix Everything™ instead of spending his time putting in the work and giving himself breathing room to let his efforts pay off. He doesn't take stock of the good he's done, the things he's accomplished, the way people looked up to him (these folks called him King Midas!!), he simply pushes forward to the next big thing, fashioning himself Atlas with the burden of the world weighing down upon his shoulders. Always planning, always moving, incapable of sitting still or tolerating boredom.
Final thoughts before moving on
Overall, Higgs is like most ENTPs (who are sadly much more common in fiction--usually as a quirky protagonist or witty, Joker-esque villain) in that they are dynamic personalities, the best of whom have brilliant minds and restless spirits that create an even mix of genius and madness, and the worst of whom become internet trolls (Higgs is not immune to this, cough cough, the pizza emails) who provoke people for fun with little regard for others' needs or feelings. ENTPs have a quiet, soft side that's quite sensitive, fears judgment, and craves attention/validation. Once appropriately matured and self-aware, these personalities become surprisingly empathetic, directing their high-energy zest for life into everything they touch. Higgs is a beautiful, beautiful representation of the mature-but-unhealthy ENTP.
(part two: enneagram deep dive)
(Sam analysis)
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rainytypology · 8 months
rain, do you have any recommendation for instinctictual stack and tritype test? or just enneagram in general
gotta ask in the askbox so other ppl would know too 👉👈
tyyyy <3
I honestly just recommend reading and studying about enneagram, tests aren't the most reliable lol. But if you still wanna do it for fun anyway, I think these are some decent tests ⬇️
Katherine Fauvre's tritype test
Electic energies
Enneagram user guide
I mainly learned enneagram through research online tho, e.g enneagram institute, enneagrammer, etc. I also learned a lot by following several enneagram accounts on instagram and tumblr 👍 Here's some of the ones I follow on tumblr:
And some instagram ennea accounts:
Empathyarchitects (also has a test, the link in their bio)
Goblinsofdiscord (mainly just a meme page tho lol but they offer typing services)
Hopefully this helps 😅
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
what are questions you ask yourself when determining one's mbti, or more specifically functions? same with enneagram, instinctual variants, and tritypes.
just asking because I feel like it's best to ask someone who knows about this pretty well than having an amateur like me try to determine these things myself.
I recommend you do most of your studying from books, since they usually collect all the data you need in one place. For example, if you thought you were an ISTP you could read the Ti-dom section in my book on personality types and then spend time considerng if that's how your mind works. And so on. Beyond that...
For MBTI - learn about the functions and then spend time self-observing to see if that is how your mind works and that reinforces certain behaviors that fit that type. Ask yourself how you are at ease and what you prefer to do vs. what is hard for you to do and/or what behaviors manifest under stress, and match them up with a type.
The Enneagram involves deeper inner work and being honest about your motivations. That involves a process of learning about the types and then introspection. Some people immediately know their type and can start inner work (the hard part), others get confused, are unaware of their inner self, don't know how to self-reflect, or do not want to "be" the type that stung them the hardest. Finding your type is something of a painful experience because it exposes all your flaws and deeper anxieties and people find that quite shame-inducing. But it can also be easier to start with the traids --
Assertive types (3, 7, 8) -- when they want things, they get them, sometimes by going around or through people who get in their way. Out of touch with the heart center/disconnected from soft feelings.
Superego types (1, 2, 6) -- move toward people to solicit help or a sense of community, work with people to find a solution when things go wrong, have an internal critic that harps on what they "should" do. Out of touch with the head center/disconnected from productive thinking (finding solutions instead of over-thinking about perfection, relationships, or strategizing "in case" things go wrong).
Withdrawn types (4, 5, 9) -- rely on self over others to solve problems, retreats from others to solve problems. Out of touch with the gut center/disconnected from productivity (they think about things but don't do them, procrastinate, wind up with not much to show for their time, struggle to act quickly).
Subtypes -- read John Lucovich's book on them, or the page about them on Enneagrammer and then pay attention to your focus of attention, what thoughts preoccupy you -- that's your dominant instinct.
Tritype -- save this for last and don't try to find it until you are solid on all other aspects of the Enneagram, since it's relatively unimportant and too easy to use fixes as an "excuse" for why a core type does not work the same way in you that it does in other people (mistype). If you are being honest, your core type should align pretty well with what's written about it at the medium health levels, and you should have evidence of the wing and accessing the lines. Tritype-wise, apply the same self-introspection you used to find your core to the other heart/head/gut centers and let it bleed to the surface.
The purpose of Enneagram is introspection and self-awareness, so there are no short cuts. This will be hard, but worth doing.
Good Enneagram books: Russ Hudson, Claudio Naranjo, Richard Rohr, John Lucovich (instincts).
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hearthem00n · 8 months
The Researcher Archetype (145) - Part1
It's been a long time since I've been studying the Enneagram and its tritypes. But I find few references about the variations of certain tritypes, particularly the "The Researcher" type. Some of the references I find are on the Personality Database Wiki and Personality Cafe, as well as Katherine Fauvre's official website. I'll break it down into parts to make it more accessible. If you can share your experience through this post or by tagging me, I would be delighted.
"Tritype® 145, 154, 415, 451, 514, 541-The Researcher If you are a 145, you are diligent, intuitive, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, original, and wise. Highly intellectual, you are focused on what you perceive is correct and above reproach. Motivated to be informed, you are research-oriented. You seek and quote the opinions of experts to avoid being uncertain and seen as ignorant. You like to learn and will deeply study whatever captures your interest."
-Katerine Fauvre
[Personality Database Wiki]:
1+4: The Humanist
Double frustration.
Enhances the natural line of connection to ONE and FOUR.
Pairing that is the most focused on refining their ideals, pursuing higher standards.
Whatever the instinctual stacking or the head type, there is a strong push toward what is considered tasteful, decent and grotesque, vulgar.
Want to bring its intuition and imagination front and center but with certain standards and guidelines.
This is a very persnickety and particular pairing that needs to do things a certain way, even when it isn’t practical.
Subtle (or not so subtle) disdain for what is considered subpar, plain, normal or mediocre.
They are often hard to truly please and are even very critical of themselves.
Conflictual relationship with their emotions: refrain from feeling, then let go.
Wants to experience life in all its depth and glory, but the ONE fix wants to keep that within certain rules and boundaries of decency.
May cultivate spiritual and/or religious outlook on life.
Can bring out new standards of excellence, unparalleled visions of beauty.
Can be attached to certain aspects of art and/or culture.
Often quite philosophical and adamant about setting certain standards.
In very low levels of health may run the risk of emotional and mental exhaustion by restricting themselves from continuously harsh standards.
May unintendedly castrate their own emotional experience by repeated superego blockage.
Invertedly, may also sabotage their ability to think critically and rationally with their emotional tidal waves.
The 4 fix helps the core 1 to experience life through a more intuitive and spiritual way so to search for meaning.
The 1 fix helps the core 4 to bring structure and order in its emotional musings and bring out its internal desires to fruition.
1+5: The Rational
Double competency.
Pairing that is the most focused on accuracy and scientific methods of reasoning.
Most cerebral combination.
Usually display tastes for intellectual pursuits and a deep hunger for knowledge.
Not easily satisfied with the superficial answers; knows what and how to search for them.
Usually very focused mind that can home in on what to extract from books and sources of information.
Can give extremely detailed and structured information about a subject that they have studied.
Probably one of the most aloof and emotionally distant pairing there is. A TWO wing or fix can help alleviate that tendency.
Very curious mind. They want to know everything that something or someone has to offer.
There is always an effort to be exhaustive and precise in their speech while avoiding rambling if possible.
Pairing that is the most uncomfortable with superficial chat and can be awkward in social situations.
It’s hard for them to let go of the formalities and be more open-minded for one.
They can be stuck with their way of thinking and not welcome new situations because of this.
Can be frustrated by the lack of standards and in-depth knowledge that others cannot display.
Can be easily seen by others as know-it-alls, since they like to correct people on having accurate information.
This pairing can suffer from mental exhaustion because of the level of accuracy and methodical search that they abide by on a daily basis.
The 5 fix helps the core 1 to withhold judgment before complete exhaustivity and having a more objective outlook on a subject.
The 1 fix helps the core 5 weighing which information is worthful or not and become more structured in its analysis.
4+5: The Introspective
Double withdrawn.
Paring that is the most introspective and focused on its inner life.
Enhances the natural wings of FOUR and FIVE.
This is the deep divers of their own personal abyss.
People with this pairing are deep thinkers and feelers.
Often feel like a drop in the ocean, like they could be easily swallowed by the outside world.
Feel tired very quickly when interacting with people, especially in new environment.
Genuinely feel different and separate from the crowd.
Generally, prefer written communication over spoken one.
Seek depth in everything and often cannot tolerate daily conversations because of this.
Often engrossed in interests far more than other pairings.
They have a hard time communicating their feelings if they are caught up in them.
Often have a capacity for forming mental maps in which they can intuitively navigate.
Seek beauty and authenticity in the pursuit of knowledge.
Often have odd or unusual interests.
Can be shut ins and live in their own fantasy realm.
Can be emotionally moved and not overtly showing it at all.
Often have a hidden self that very few people are aware of.
Want to be known for their artistic complexity and ingenuity.
It can take them enormous amount of time to produce something because they always prioritize quality over quantity.
Feelings can be a source of anxiety, but they still want to experience them.
Often amass vast amount of knowledge and are often wise beyond their years.
The 5 fix helps the core 4 seek out logical causes to their feelings of inferiority and pursue intellectual hobbies.
The 4 fix helps the core 5 break out of the cerebral mindset and allow intuitive and emotional depth to seep into the self.
[Personality Cafe]
Harmonic triads: Single reactive Double competency No positive outlook Hornevian triads: Single compliant Double withdraw No assertive Object relation: Double Frustration No attachment No rejection That said: (1)45 - the withdrawn 1 1(4)5 - the competency 4 14(5) - the idealistic 5
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weirdmageddon · 2 years
do u know any mbti tests that show ur extended numbers like the 5w stuff???
the numbers are the enneagram. it’s a different system. there’s no holistic source so i’m gonna link these resources ive gathered
• enneagram website links
• in-depth type descriptions
• wings (this is what you’re looking for)
• core beliefs and type comparisons
• triads: core triad, harmonics, social styles, object relations, etc
• books
the wings aren’t as important as the core type. all tests suck honestly, just read up and you’ll find which one you fit into. if you fit one type from each instinctual triad (8, 9, 1 for gut; 2, 3, 4 for heart; 5, 6, 7 for head) that’s normal. one type is going to be your core type though that carries your core ego fixation issues. im a core 5 but 514 is my tritype cause 1 is how i deal with anger and 4 is how i deal with shame, but it shows up less than my 1 fix typically. it’s more so like a synergistic touch. they’re not the same as your core type and core instinctual triad (mine is the head/fear triad which i deal with in the 5 way) which is the most immediate matter of concern to you. there’s a shitton more to say about this but it’s not what youre looking for so. also you can have balanced wings btw but most people lean more towards one side or another but it’s common to have elements of both wings.
mbti’s 4 letter dichotomy sucks honestly and m&b suck too for multiple reasons but those are the most common way to refer to the way prioritization is given the jungian functions in the psyche. except mbti makes a grave mistake by following a behaviorist approach when the root jungian concepts are psychodynamic. i just dont want you to get the wrong idea about this
basically as michael pierce said:
One of the reasons for this is because Jung's original work was not behaviorist. Behaviorism in a nutshell means psychology that studies a person's behavior in the world to determine what must be going on inside their brain. This allows psychology to be more scientific and testable. But Jung did the opposite, studying what people described was going on inside their brain to determine why they behaved a certain way in the world. The difference is subtle but important. Two people might have similar processes going on inside their brain, but depending on their circumstances they may act in two different ways even though the cause is the same. The problem is many of the questions used in internet Myers-Briggs tests are purely behaviorist, and many descriptions and definitions offered by people on the internet for the sixteen types are purely behaviorist. While behaviors can be extrapolated from Jung's work, they do not appear to be the foundation of his work.
so when i talk about these types (estp, infj etc) im really coming at this from the psychodynamic angle, the inner psychological processes underlying the emergent properties, NOT the mbti behaviorist bullshit or keirsey temperament “NT” “NF” “SP” “SJ” stupid bullshit (worst way to group these types i ever did see how did you manage to fuck it up that bad. as an infj my psychological processes are way closer to an estp than an infp). this doc i made explains all. have fun hope this helps 👍
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itsthatswordlesbian · 11 months
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My name is Cassandra. You can call me Cass for short.
I’m a lesbian female and my pronouns are she/her.
I’m an adult.
I’m a selenophile (a person who loves the moon).
My favourite media is Tangled: The Series.
I love history and anything and everything old-fashioned.
My favourite colour is forest green and my favourite animal is the owl.
My MBTI type is ISTJ, my Enneagram type is Sp/Sx 3w4 (tritype 386) my Hogwarts house is Slytherin, my D&D moral alignment is lawful neutral, my temperament is Choleric-Melancholic, and my Global 5 type is RLOEN.
I’m a warrior through and through and am passionate about martial arts of all kinds (fencing, archery, Krav Maga, etc), collecting weapons, and studying the ways of the warrior, the principles of protection, strategy, truth elicitation, and lie detection.
In addition to that, I like exploring both cities and nature, going on adventures, enjoying açai strawberry lemonade refreshers (without the gross strawberry chunks included) at Starbucks, listening to music (especially Lana Del Rey), and riding horses.
> Don’t flirt with me
> Don’t interact with me sexually
> Don’t try to meet up with me in real life
> Don’t ask me about my personal information
> Basic DNI criteria (https://dni-criteria.carrd.co/)
> Anyone who supports, participates, tolerates, or/and justifies the violation of peoples’ sexual boundaries, pedophilia, zoophilia, or/and incest
> Anyone who supports, participates, tolerates, or/and justifies fatphobia or/and body shaming
> Anyone who discriminates by peoples’ religious or/and spiritual beliefs
> Proshippers
> Gothel or/and Zhan Tiri defenders
> Catfishers
> Trolls
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i definitely think INTP suits you better than INFP, i’m glad i wasn’t wrong about that 😭 my best friend also has an INTP vs INFP crisis, so maybe it is a universal experience!
also, we have the same enneagram which is so cool!! i remember my tritype but i’ve forgotten what it means, so maybe i’ll take this as an opportunity to revise that information instead of studying lol
i trust your judgement 🙏🏼 you probably know the theory quite well. i only know it very briefly. i mostly base my knowledge on tests which apparently, are quite shitty, and intuition lol. it might be! yeah, i think we've already talked about sharing enneagram once. honestly, me neither. i only remember it has to do something with being an individualist. i'm not encouraging any bad behavior, such as not studying, but if i were you, i'd probably choose procrastinating as well.
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indepth-mbti · 1 year
Oh and btw I meant to tell you I appreciate all that you do :)) you are really kind and considerate with all your time and effort you put into your research and studies. And your responses are always so in depth and thoughtful so thank you!! Also are you private? I’d like to know more about you!! Like enneagram number and your type if you’re lawfully good or chaotic and your global type description (for example I’m RLOAN) and if you’re melancholic or phlegmatic. And how old you are and what’s your name and what’s your hobbies and how long have you been studying the enneagram and what made you get into the enneagram. Anyway :)) - love P
Thank you. Yes, I'm super private and I don't talk about my personal life. I have a F.A.Q in my story highlights on Instagram in which I explain some things about me.
I'm INTJ sp/soc5w6 (531 tritype but I'm currently doubting it tbh). RCOEI melancholic. I identify as True Neutral.
You can vote my type in PDB if you know about other typologies (I'm currently studying psychosophy) https://www.personality-database.com/profile/307345/indepthmbti-psychology-personal-development-mbti-personality-type
I've been studying Carl Jung for like… 7 years? I studied him in College and since then I've been hard into it. I've been studying Enneagram for 4-5 years. I've always been interested in epistemology and in understanding why and how we know what we know. What can be known and by what means the human being claims to "know things". What's the difference between reality, opinion, and belief. That's why I got interested in typology and the main differences between the particular ways in which we perceive what we perceive - and our personal traps and lies.
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contentgreenearth · 10 months
This is the section where I talk more extensively about the correlations that I derived from my study.
Basically, I listed all the Enneagram cores, dominant instinctual variants, tritypes, AP types and PY types (the AP types with an *) that I found for each SOJT type family, here:
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Note: there is a mistake on here: there was no E2 Ne-f. It turns out, there was not enough information to type the E2 person correctly in DISC or SOJT; however there was plenty enough in Enneagram and Attiduinal Psyche. With her Enneagram and Attitudinal Psyche results, I was able to conclude the E2 person actually belongs in the Fe-s type family
Then I also made this graph that shows how the PY types expanded to become AP types in my study:
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Note how in Enneagram, Attiduinal Psyche and Psychosophy, Undifferentiated Attitude is its own type, with its own unique set of results. So people with undifferentiated attitude SOJT types were not included in their respective type families for this study. However, all other SOJT types were.
Also, note the people who say AP is watered down PY. It's not. It's a Psychosophy inspired typology that types everyone, rather than just 35% of people. And when you look at Diagram 11, you see that most types, even when they expanded for AP, didn't expand too far beyond the PY perimeters. Only 3 of the "Undifferentiated Attitude " PY types expanded to include anybody as a possibility, and the "Undifferentiated Attitude " PY types cast a wider net as a PY type to begin with.
The next part, and last part of this study, is going to be the fun part, and I will call it "Mythbusters" , and show all the typology myths my study busted-and there's a lot. So stay tuned
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vampirepunks · 1 month
Higgs Monaghan's MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 2)
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(disclaimer: this is my opinion based on deep character study, eight or so years of special interest in typology, and subjective interpretation. if you wanna argue, good luck finding my PDB. friendly debate is fine.)
MBTI: ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si)
Enneagram: 7w8
Instinctual Variant: sx/sp
Tritype: 782
(part one: mbti deep dive)
(Sam analysis)
As an ENTP, Higgs is right at home in enneagram 7. However, he's an interesting flavor of ENTP 7, due to his sexual instinctual variant, 8 wing + secondary fix, and emotional center in 2. Let's start with the basics.
Enneagram 7 Overview Basic Fear: Of being deprived and trapped in pain Basic Desire: To be happy, satisfied, to find fulfillment Fixation: Planning Trap: Idealism Passion: Gluttony
Deprived and trapped in pain, huh? Considering Higgs' backstory as an abused child locked away from the outside world, forcefully told there was no life outside the four walls of his home, denied the ability to explore and discover, punished for basic curiosity, this makes perfect sense. Higgs experienced extreme repression of his natural instincts, denial of his basic emotional and psychological needs, and had no means to escape the constant abuse he suffered. Remember, the common belief is that one's MBTI type is innate, while enneagram theory hinges on the acquisition of negative traits stemming from warped self-beliefs manifested by the impact of inevitable social oppression and possibly even trauma. The enneagram dips closer to psychology and sociology than MBTI (still pseudoscience tho, Naranjo was a hack and is very worthy of criticism) and thus is a lot more logical in its foundations. Hence, I strongly believe that any MBTI type can be any enneagram, due to the breadth of human experience, it's just a matter of conflicting cognition and instincts. Don't fight me on this one, y'all, I'm working on my sociology B.A., I can go back and forth all day about this stuff. I'm gonna get banned from PDB any day now for the arguments I get into.
It's not hard to understand why "be happy and fulfilled" became the crux of Higgs' pursuits. Enneagram 7 takes this most basic human desire, "be happy," and crafts it into an obsession. Until they overcome their fix and passion, 7 will never be satisfied. (cough cough, intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame... ahem. sorry, sorry, something stuck in my throat there. moving on.)
Enneagram 7 treats life as one grand stage, where anything can happen if you just want it badly enough. Thus, 7 is hedonistic, rebellious, undisciplined in one way or another, driven towards wish fulfillment, egotistical, persuasive, and extremely seductive, with some variants of 7 exhibiting charlatanism and fraudulence.
Sexual 7
Instinctual variants are the result of the enneagram type's passion invading an area of the social life and self, dominating its expression. There are three realms here: sexual (not always explicitly in the adult sense, this refers to one-on-one relationships, intimacy, etc), social, and self-preservation.
So, obviously sexual 7 is the result of gluttony + the sexual instinct. sx7 traits include: talkativeness, grandiosity and exaggeration, exhibitionism of personality and style, invasive tendencies, brazen audacity, obliviousness, magical thinking, relationship difficulties, self-indulgence, hypersensitivity, anti-hierarchical escapism, and intolerance for frustration.
Put simply, sx7 has their head in the clouds. Ichazo nicknamed this subtype "suggestibility." Although I really dislike Naranjo, he made an excellent point when he said, "The sexual seven is not earthly, but heavenly. He is not interested in the things of this world. It is the gluttony of the things of a higher and more advanced world. The sexual E7 is what we could call a dreamer[...] His passion is to dream, to go towards the sweetness of the imagined instead of contacting the ordinary and not so interesting reality."
Higgs is a showman. He paints everything in metaphor, in literature, in poetry, in history, in performances and masks and shadow theater. When captured in the literal view, Higgs' life is one tragedy after another, with no rhyme or reason, no grand answer to "why me," no satisfying conclusion to make an adoring audience cry for him. In the meta, fourth-wall breaking sense, the player becomes that for him. He looks us in the eye and asks, "Isn't this what you've been waiting for this whole time?" and prances around putting on a good show as we give him the attention and recognition he craves; we observe, we react, and a few of us see him. For a few moments, we live in his tragedy, we smile at his one-liners, we laugh at his bad behavior, and in those precious moments, he isn't alone. He's still at it, winking at the camera in the DS2 trailer when he quips about porters having to pull the trigger sometimes, a sly little, "I know what you did. You're not better than me. You get it."
But let's peel back that layer. Higgs is a mask. Let's talk about Peter.
Yeah, Peter, who was destroyed time and time again by his stubborn drive to believe, no matter how many times it got him hurt, nearly killed, even. Peter, who believed his way into stepping into a new world with a new sky. Peter, who believed his way into becoming a terrorist. Peter, who believed his way into Amelie's puppet master hands. Peter, who believed until the moment the carrot was snatched away and he met the stick face-first. Peter, the child whose only crime was being curious, became a grown man with his dreams shattered entire, with no innocence left to call his own, no one to save him, and no way out. So what was there to do but construct new dreams, nightmares made ideal, to build anew an image of himself as "the bridge that brings the extinction" in service of a greater power? Dreamer turned apostle, Saint Peter having the faith that he could walk on water. Except Amelie didn't pull him out when he sank. (Sam did, but that's a completely different conversation.)
Higgs built up a world of magic, because his real life was tragic, and in the end, Amelie forced him to bury the castle.
sx7 traps themselves in false hope, breezing through the world with witty speeches, talking, talking, talking, coasting by on charm and an energetic demeanor to mask their anxiety. This is right at home in the possibility-obsessed, silver-tongued ENTP, but the sensitivities of sx7 soften the ENTP personality quite a bit, amplifying their vulnerabilities and making them all too easy to manipulate. This is a personality that needs someone to protect them, and to teach them to protect themselves, which Higgs never had. Coffin tried, but fate had other ideas, and she became another loss upon his shoulders.
Self-Preservation 7 (secondary)
Now, on PDB, almost everyone has voted Higgs as sx/so, and I get why, but I believe Higgs is very social-blind and not countertype. The last instinct in a stack is a personality's blind spot, their weak point, the thing they struggle with, try to ignore, and overcompensate for. For Higgs, that's the social instinct. The self-pres and social instincts are conflated a lot in 7, due to this type’s inherent need for outward validation; their cool exterior conceals fear of inferiority and deprivation. 7 is arguably the most extroverted of the enneagram thus their self-preservation needs are heavily dependent on the presence of other people and having a clear role within a group. They often create family units and can appear similar to the so8 via their proclivity for creating a “tribe” for themselves, a group they nurture and in turn are protected by. Thus, sp7s are characterized as defenders in spite of their obvious self-interest. sx/sp 7s are often warm, charismatic people. Combined with an 8 fix, they're quite intense. In a well-read ENTP, this is a personality that could sell ice in the Arctic, and people gravitate towards their ability to sell their dream. "Together, we'll carry packages from sea to shining sea."
Many of Higgs’ deeper issues can be explained through the aforementioned developed Fe + social-blindness + a 2 fix in his emotional center. Having grown up completely isolated from the world, there’s no way he could be anything but soc-blind. His self-sacrifice is cognitive compensation for social deficiency and expression of a moral righteousness generated by his sx7-driven idealism, not an instinctual social egotism and rejection of gluttony. More on this when we get to his 2 fix. sp7 is the closest of the 7 variants to the literal definition of gluttony. They yearn for indulgence in every way.
Now, let's talk about that 8 wing and tritype secondary fix
Enneagram 8 is known for its aggression before all else, and it has a strong pull on any personality that has it in their wing or tritype. The 7w6 is flighty, much more risk-averse, and they work to satisfy their gluttony by seducing others into feeding their cravings for them, holding back to explore all possibilities, and they seek assurance that they're making the right choices, whereas 7w8 knows what they want and they'll take it if they have to. The 8 wing adds a heavy-handed, decisive edge to the 7 personality; 7w6 pushes back when the world closes in on them, 7w8 pushes forward against the world to make sure they're never restricted to begin with. Thus, the sx7 with an 8 wing displays much more sexual aggression (licking people!) and is inclined to show dominance. They're self-protective, they don't like to share their toys, and they won't let anyone take what's theirs. See: "gonna make [Sam] regret ever fucking with me and mine." This makes the 7w8 a powerful protector, a fierce enemy... and a nervous wreck prone to covering up fear with violence, anger, and provocation. This sort of aggression is a tendency in the standard 7w8, but with an 8 fix added to the tritype, it becomes a leading trait. This is particularly interesting in an ENTP, as they aren't typically aggressive by nature; they seek conflict for entertainment's sake, without malice, looking to test people and expand their own worldview through discourse. The ENTP 7w8 with an 8 tritype fix, on the other hand, takes up stronger convictions, greater stubbornness, and an impatience for people who won't bend to their whims. They often go looking to convince people they're right, getting frustrated when they aren't heard. ("You just don't get it, do you?") Further, when 8 invades the sexual instinct, secondary to a 7 fix, you get a personality that wants to possess the hearts and minds of their closest loved ones, fears abandonment, would die to protect one of their own, and knows better than to bite the hand that feeds.
Finally, the tertiary 2 fix
Enneagram 2 is a nurturer. 2 generously gives of themselves, constantly fixating on everyone else's needs. This is a personality that would give another person the shirt off their own back if they asked. Important thing to understand: their help isn't free. They might say it is, but 2 unconsciously expects to be rewarded and praised for helping others. Overall, this fits well with Higgs' secondary instinctual alignment in sp7. 7 fears being deprived, while 2 fears that no one appreciates them, and they mask this insecurity with a show of humility and an insistence that they were merely doing the right thing. They reason that if they meet everyone else's needs, their own needs will be taken care of in reciprocity. Meanwhile, they minimize those needs, making themselves as small and convenient as possible, denying they have needs at all. With an sx/sp alignment and a secondary 8 fix, this becomes a push-pull internal conflict between "I don't need anything, really" and "Give me what I need or else." I firmly believe that part of why Higgs' betrayal of Fragile was so malicious was a subconscious urge to punish her for not being... you guessed it... what he needed.
Let's go back to the point from post no. 1 about Higgs having highly developed Fe. In his youth, every time Higgs found himself in a new social situation, he responded with skepticism and instinctual aversion to social connection. It took time and persuasion for him to warm up to the idea of group politics; he’s only convinced when he realizes he’s needed and stands to have his own needs fulfilled in turn. Most people try to place Higgs' emotional center in enneagram 4 (which, when modulated by the sx-instinct and an 8 wing, can get downright nasty due to the fixation with envy and the aggression of 8) but frankly... I think that's lazy analysis.
Higgs’ initial reluctance to accept his DOOMS for what it was and subsequent secretiveness about killing to maintain it for his own survival screams 2. Higgs doesn’t self-victimize or wish to be special. Rather, he conceals his own needs and justifies his actions through a belief that he’s undertaking a selfless path. (“I’m an altruist now, I live to help other people[…] Community’s what it’s all about.”) He needs the world to need him and deteriorates when his role is threatened. In his time leading the West, people loved him and relied on him, but that wasn’t enough for him. Because he’s soc-blind and sx-dom, he only feels truly seen, fulfilled, and appreciated when he has attention and approval through a one-on-one relationship, such as with Coffin, Fragile, Amelie, etc., and he obsessively pursues the same recognition from Sam. (It’s worth acknowledging this is also indicative of disordered attachment, anxious-avoidant type.) When he fails, he falls back on the self-pres instinct, so… pizza, anyone?
Amelie initially lured him with the deceptive promise of enough power to create the better, freer, fairer world he was striving for. In his mind: save the world = save himself. Can’t save the world? Can’t save himself, time to take the whole thing down with him and call it mercy. That’s an unhealthy 2 heart center, believing he can only meet his own needs by rescuing everyone else, projecting his own turmoil onto others. He convinces himself he’s doing the right thing, giving the world what it needs. While his thirst for wide-scale justice is genuine, he exhibits an intense craving for attention, intimacy, and recognition, becoming suddenly naive and vulnerable when someone offers what he lacks. Conversely, he’s antagonistic, aloof, aggressive, and ego-defensive when his needs are denied or threatened.
Higgs' most basic of needs were denied from a young age, and as an ENTP, he's inherently driven to hedonism, has a need for an intellectual playmate/trustworthy equal, and craves a balance between novelty and safety, so he’s gluttonous towards intimate relationships and a sense of security. His sx7 alignment means he dreams big and loud, constructing kingdoms in his mind and a personal narrative where he's the hero in shining armor, free to explore the world as he wishes and save it while he's at it. His sp7 secondary means he thirsts for his own means of survival and the assurance of it, going out of his way to endear himself to others and become indispensable to guarantee that survival. His 8 fix means he's assertive, strong-willed, aggressively self-protective, and highly possessive of anything he views as "belonging" to him. His 2 fix means he needs others to need him, needs to feel important in his loved ones' lives, needs to have his efforts rewarded, needs a larger role to fulfill, and most of all, needs to know that he's allowed to need things. As an sx7, he's comfortable with wanting things, but that 2 fix means needs are unacceptable for him to express.
Becoming Higgs—embodying a self-righteous, pharaoh-inspired persona—was the only way he could cope with the injustice and deprivation he suffered. (Coffin: “There was such a fear in him, but beneath that a terrible anger[…] That poor boy…”)
Mature-but-unhealthy ENTP 782 at its finest. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds. In conclusion, I want to fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid. What a man.
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omgvalhalla · 1 year
Is the 458 tritype some sort of sneauxflake tritype? I have no idea what it looks like in real life. The 4-5 combination ends up studying darker things in life, even though 6s usually go darker. Peter Steele from Type O Negative is the only one that might fit the template: 845 sp/sx. 
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
hey charity :) congrats on your retirement. it’s been great checking in from time to time. if anyone ever doubts an se-dom’s ability to tackle difficult subjects, just wanted to share that i’ve stuck with my low-ni career plans and am currently halfway done with veterinary school. well on my way to being the wildlife vet i envisioned myself to be, even on the bad days. even at 30, but i’m certainly an oddball in this program. i’m the one of very few people i’ve met that doesn’t seem to care about grades at all, and i’ve been coping with the miserable lifestyle through lots of skateboarding, music, and rock climbing. just staying as physically active and engaged with the present as possible, and cutting class to visit wildlife vets in the region to remind myself why i’m here.
i tend to not think about mbti/enneagram much these days, but i had a couple lingering questions. please redact anything if you think it’s too personal.
i’m not sure i’ll ever settle on my enneagram type; really i’ve been between 6 or 7 for years, what with the massive fear of commitment, which has always felt very 7-ish, to the point of abandoning people/relationships etc, massive fear of being trapped. but i seem to lack optimism; and then there’s the growing fear of living in my mentor’s shadow when i’m through with school, but also knowing that i need to learn from her in this field - this push/pull approach feels very 6-ish and wanted to confirm it. i have a protective streak that i’ve always associated with 8 in my tritype, and an intense sense of being ‘different’ that my mom says i’ve clung to since toddlerhood which i associate with 4. and i was about ready to say, okay, 684 so/sp and close that chapter for good.
but earlier today - i had a reaction to something that struck me as almost 1-ish, and i wanted to get your thoughts on it. [...] so, i spent some time reading your enneagram page today, and the more i read about 1, the more i cringed. i’m attributing it to a cornered fi-te, but i’m also wondering if maybe i’m wrong about the 8-fix and if that could be a 1-fix? i would not say i suppress my anger at all. but, most of my anger is directed at justice. like when i was a scrappy little kid, i usually would only fight if i was cornered and needed to stand up for myself, or to protect another person. though i would challenge the boys, i guess, to fight if i felt like i needed to prove myself about something. and while i no longer physically get into fights, i verbally do, if i have to. ie, i believe in being confrontational and direct to solve problems; and while i complain a lot about systems that i perceive as broken, i also do what i can to try and change them. 
a suppressed inner critic? yes. and it’s true that nothing ever is quite perfect to me - i see flaws in most things. but i also wouldn’t want things to be perfect. there’s beauty in the mess. but. i’m my own moral authority. and if i don’t listen to my conscience - i pay the price. can’t sleep. nightmares, etc. i certainly resent myself for holding myself to those standards. it’s exhausting. the rest of the world doesn’t have to follow my code though (unless i’m wrapped into a situation, like this morning). and i wouldn’t even necessarily want them to - it’s just me.
so then i don’t know that 1 makes sense for esfp. or if what i’m seeing really isn’t 1 at all. which brings me back here once again. given the rigor of any medical program, i suspect i’ve been looping se-te a lot lately, and i guess fi popping up could’ve just startled me.
any thoughts?
thanks in advance for your insights, and all the best!
If you’re still confused about your core type, at this point I would forget about tritype altogether and spend time digging into your core fears, motivations, studying the Enneagram more deeply, and seeing what explains most of your personality (core, wing, stacking). 6 and 7 are quite different; there is some overlap, but 6s are core super-ego types, and 7s are core assertive types, and that distinction is HUGE. 7w6s are self-confident second-guessers, and 6w7s are insecure second-guessers. 7w6s are positive leading into reactivity, and 6s are core reactives striving for positive thinking. Super-ego comes with guilt-trip inducing “should” thinking; assertive types comes with re-framing and justifications for their actions. (6: I don’t deserve that, I’ve been horrible vs 7: I deserve to get what I want, I’ve done enough!). 6s have to justify what they want to themselves and others, 7s just go get it. Finally, under stress, 6 moves to 3 and hides away from their anxiety through ‘doing’ (working). 7s move to 1 and become more critical of themselves and others. 6s have to learn to grow toward 9 and develop a peaceful mind; 7s have to learn to move toward 5 and become more objective and know that they don’t ‘need’ everything they want.
That being said… I don’t know how useful this will be, because I’m double super-ego (possibly triple, I still consider a 2 fix often), but having a 1 fix is a constant chronic frustration with the world and everything in it not being good, or right, or proper enough These things make me angry. People being selfish makes me angry, junk in people’s front yard makes me angry, seeing that a series’ title texts on my bookshelf is not in alignment makes me angry, boredom makes me angry. I run a constant “judge” machine in my head, evaluating everyone and everything and how they ‘ought’ to be. (Why was that person so rude; that’s wrong. Withholding forgiveness—also wrong; someone claiming to be moral while cheating on their wife is a hypocrite; why must everyone swear so much?, it’s so crass and vulgar.) It extends to self-judgment: I’m a lousy person for not being a better friend, not doing the dishes every night and leaving them piled up (what a mess!), I should not have lost my temper, I should stop arguing with my dad, etc. If I fight with a friend, I used to (not as much anymore, I’ve learned to cope with this) go over everything they said, and everything I said, and self-reproach for anything that was unfair, mean, or selfish. 1 fixes in other people, I see as – critical, judgmental, frustration (everything isn’t quite perfect and everyone ‘should’ be better people than they are), self-righteous anger. Etc. It’s very different from my father’s 8 fix, which is all about power dynamics. Don’t give people an inch, they’ll walk all over you. YOU set the agenda! Be strong! Good/bad is what I say it is, and what’s smart. Not as much self-reproach, self-judgment, or recrimination. Other people are the problem, in many cases, because there’s less ruthless inner critic / nitpicking of self. Short fuse, non-apologetic for blow-ups. “Sometimes force is necessary.” Completely understanding 8 cores/fixers and seeing them as fine/relatable.
Heart fixes are tricky and when last, hard to figure out since it’s a non-issue – just present in conjunction with the other two. 7s are pretty much always heart-last, 6s can be either gut or heart last. But image/heart relates to how you want to be seen and what you show other people. Do you want to be seen as good and think of yourself as better than others because they are less generous and selfless than you? 2. Do you want to be more successful than others and impress them, so you re-frame things to sound good? 3. Do you want everyone to know you’re different, unique, broken, and can’t be fixed, but that’s fine because at least it makes you not like most normies? 4. Etc. Finding a heart center for a head type is hard, because we don’t “do” feelings, we avoid/ignore them/suppress them.
Avoidance of commitment is very much a core 7 trait, and how energetic you seem in staying active, cutting class (no thought of “will this affect my grade?”), and staying not-bored would suggest 7. A 6 would be more fearful of the consequences of those things, and feel duty-obligated to force themselves to do them. But the real test is how good your attention span is. 7s have less attentiveness than 6s, who are linear thinkers.
Regarding your situation with your roommate, you did recoil in a 1ish way, but 7s also have a line to 1 and often, strong feelings about right/wrong in specific areas that hit them wrong, especially as a Fi user. Are you moralistic in this way ALL the time, or just some of the time?
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hayleysstark · 2 years
im enjoying your character studies a lot! i was wondering what your references were for them?
i study many forms of personality analysis such as mbti, enneagram, tritype, and just any thing you can find on personality database and i was excited to see that your information was correct but you added other things i’ve never seen before that i would like to learn about.
sorry if this is troublesome so don’t bother if you’re not in the mood. again, i appreciate your character study’s accuracy so mad respect to you! ♥️
Thank you! I’m so pumped that you’re liking what you see!
You’ve mentioned the MBTI, the Enneagram (+ tritype!), but I’ll just go ahead and run through all the different tests I use, even the super-common ones I’m sure you’ve heard before — the MBTI, the Enneagram, Hogwarts House, Four Seasons, Five Elements, the Four Temperaments, the Moral Alignments, the Seven Roles, and the Four Colors (which I have apparently lost the link to, but here is the Hartman Personality Profile, which assigns different personalities for the colors than the one I use, but still provides a fairly good example).
Thank you!! I’m really stoked to hear you think my choices are accurate, because there’s typically a lot of Anguish and Agony behind the scenes whenever I have to pick out the personality types, and there’s never a moment where I don’t wonder whether I’ve selected the wrong one — but ultimately, these characters are very open to personal interpretation, so I’ve just got to go with the traits and behaviors I’ve picked up from canon, and do my best from there. Besides, disagreements usually lead to awesome discussions with others where I can get fresh perspectives (like when @twigstarpikachutroll22 gave me some major food for thought in regards to Branch’s Hogwarts House! never considered him for Hufflepuff before, but it’s actually a really good fit!).
I hope this helps you!!
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