#to be clear this is NOT sarcasm at all
lady-harrowhark · 1 year
Status update: I did get my laundry done, also did the dishes while I was up. I couldn't have done it without the reminder🫠🫡🫡 GG
WE LOVE TO SEE IT! And dishes TOO? So proud of you!!!!! We are doing so amazing at Taking Care Of Ourselves 🥰🥰🥰
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arsenicflame · 8 months
i am actually really, really glad to see Ed setting himself some boundaries and then sticking to them. he said he wanted to go slow, to take it easy, and when Stede ended up not respecting that, he took the initiative to set some distance between them.
i don't think running away to become a fisherman is the answer, but i do think its important that Ed is removing himself from that situation at the moment. if Stede didn't respect his boundaries once, who's to say he wont do it again? Ed's got enough on his plate, and as they've said before, they're both impulsive! in the moment Ed's gonna keep agreeing with Stede, and then realising later that it wasn't the best thing for him to do. removing himself from that situation, taking away the temptation is a good thing!
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unforth · 3 months
Revelation: my whole life, when I've responded to sarcasm seriously, people have been like "uh...why you so serious... I was being sarcastic..." and it makes me insane because like... duh? Why am I not allowed to respond to sarcasm seriously? Why does it have to be treated as hOw DiD yOu MiSs ThAt I wAs KiDdInG? Basically: why is it framed as me failing when I absolutely knew it was sarcasm?
Anyway, this just happened with my wife (no shade, it's very rare with her as compared to like, my uncle, and I told her it made me uncomfortable, we're good, it was just the spur to the revelation) and I think I've realized why it happens and why it bothers me so much.
It's always framed as me missing something, but it's not.
I knew they were being sarcastic, and I chose to respond seriously.
THEY failed to interpret MY response.
Or: damn boy (genderneutral) sorry my Yes, And game is just SO FUCKIN SUPERIOR yall should work on recognizing deadpan. Skill issue.
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scarwasright · 7 months
Yk as much as I love brother hood something in the ending feels empty
What's not to love about clone babies, no meaningful narrative consequences, and the Magic Fire War Criminal becoming the king of imperialism?? It's happy, don't worry!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
fifty shades of gray fanart or something idk
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this is truly beautiful, thank you <3. i'm brought to tears at what this evokes--the way you drew the lines all squiggled to represented the "fifty shades of fucked up" that christian is...how it tries to make even boxes and you can tell its trying, but it's not quite there. it's just like how christian felt "growing up in a perfect family when you're not perfect" and how hard that was on him. and the way there's no clear progression of the shades, it's just like how christian and ana have each turned each others' worlds on their heads and made nonsense out of everything they thought they knew. and how some boxes are thick and others are thin??? that's SO metaphoricalastic. it's just like how ana and christian went through good and bad times, thick and thin.
i'm truly awed at the thought behind this piece and how utterly inspired it is, honored to have it shared on my blog <3
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becauseth3internet · 22 days
I’ll get back to being a whore online soon so y’all can project your fantasies on me again
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
“no one else has to get hurt” EXCEPT AZULA! 😭
I don’t think Zuko ever thought ahead to what it would truly feel like if he killed Azula. I don’t think he was ever prepared for that possibility in a meaningful way. He thought he was eager for it - to win over his favored little sister who he was always jealous of - but can you imagine if he actually burned her to death? Yeah, I’m sure he’d walk away from that fight feeling GREAT 100% no qualms it’s all good she’s crazy & needed to go down.
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talictries · 10 months
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me realising i'm not really funny init
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agayconcept · 4 months
#gotta love (heavy sarcasm) my mother gwtting angry when i apply thru disability for help cleaning the apartment#bc she flat out refuses to do so and its massively inaccessible to the point where i cant exist in it#and she views me finally caving and applying for help as me 'tattling' / 'reporting' her for being a shit person#(which lets be clear- i wont comment on but uh. she does Suck w this stuff. she's the most self-serving person i've ever met)#rather than me just. uhm trying to exist#as a disabled person#without injuring myself constantly due to accessibility issues#like#how did i get here#what tf is going on in her brain#to be Extremely Clear: we have been having this discussion for 2+ years on a monthly basis#she Refuses to lift a finger and regularly makes the living space less accessible out of simply not giving a fuck#or something akin to laziness but i dont wanna use that word bc i dont think its entirely that simple#regardless of it all tho#how can u be angry at ur disabled child for trying to get extra help to accomplish something u have not been capable of / willing to do#thats what the damn service is for bro#why r we having this discussion#its buck wild#*getting#(no i wont go back and fix my typos. dont care)#like fr. how did i get here#what even. u Refuse to do anything. and now ur mad i applied thru my disability rights to get outside assistance ???#she seemed Livid that i implied she doesnt care#honey i dont have to imply it i Know it#dont get mad when u get called out for not giving a shit dude#it happens#get over it#so sorry ur disabled 20-something yr old child has rights and knows how to use em#sucks to suck i guess ???#like. what other response do u want from me
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professorsta · 1 year
If you notice after Clint and Past coupled, Clint was already prepared to tell Past about his little figurine and all his childhood traumas. He just needed a good fuck to get his guard down and he was off to talk about himself all day Present Fucked it up when he slid in right after Clint had slid out
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dna-d2 · 1 year
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silverislander · 7 months
theres a girl in one of my classes who has such a wild sense of fashion and i always look forward to seeing what shes wearing in class today. you go [name redacted] youre an inspiration for real
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're doing well! I just played the demo and fell in love with it - you're an excellent writer.
Couple of questions:
1) I saw in the latest update that Chapter 1's release will be delayed and that you will not give a date. Would it be ok to ask if we should expect the release to be in 2022/Q1 2023? Or later? Please prioritise your health ofc, I work & study as well and understand how time-consuming that can be.
2) Do you plan on adding more options for the hellhound's appearance? It would be amazing to have some big cats especially a leopard
3) If the ROs could choose their hellhound's appearance, what would theirs be?
Thank you so much, and once more, wonderful work!
Thank you so much! Glad that you've found this and even more so that you've enjoyed it 😊
I don't know, honestly, and as I said before (here) I won't be giving estimations until I know for sure. In essence, all that deadlines (even tentative ones) do is stress me out and make me feel constantly guilty for not writing, not writing quickly, not writing enough, etc., and I won't put myself through that kind of emotional and creative torment anymore. I won't even make predictions anymore because inevitably some people take predictions as promises and leave/send me passive aggressive or straight up angry messages when that time passes, so I won't be feeding into that bs anymore. Also, because my life is so busy and tumultuous right now, I don't know what shit's gonna happen next and how much time or energy I'm gonna have to devote to my passion projects. I thank you wholeheartedly for being understanding and for asking nicely ❤️
No, I'm not adding anymore hellhound options (here), clothing options, etc. The things in the game will remain the only options in the game. These lists are already exhaustive and it takes a lot of work to code them—which I've chosen to do and enjoy doing, but I won't be adding more. I've also recently spoken about why big cats—tigers specifically, but what I said applies to all big cats—don't work as an option for the hellhound (here, essentially they'd require the creation of another class of forms that would trigger unique reactions frequently and that would require an absurd amount of coding).
I've actually already answered this one (along with which of the hellhound's forms they'd want to take). You can find that here.
Sorry if these answers aren't particularly satisfying (not the last one, I remember that one as being pretty fun), but it's just how things are.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 1 year
Actually, I don't think we're doing enough to modernize classic children's books. Of course we need to rewrite them to be less racist and sexist and fat-shaming, but I also think that Charlotte should weave "#SomePig" into her web and use it to launch integrated cross platform marketing campaign for Wilbur.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
//sorry i haven't been working on replies lately! you see, it's because [mid-sentence i slowly lie down on the floor and start crying really hard. i do not finish my explanation]
#you know this whole thing is one big experiment‚ right? and you're the little mouse? {ooc}#//feel free not to read the tags b/c i'm gonna scream a bit#//moved in last week and already we may end up with two more people in this apartment#//bc two of my roommate's partners both need a place to stay#//and like with the one we've had some time to talk and prepare#//but with the other it's like oh ok she's moving in this weekend. non-negotiable huh. ok#//i want to scream cry and throw up lmao i am not emotionally prepared for there to be four people here#//especially b/c i don't know either of them suuuuper well just yet#//and rn i'm doing the bulk of the cleaning in the apartment which i don't mind! because i'm happy to help!#//roommate has a lot of other stuff she's worrying about and i understand and want to take the load off#//but i think if i see one more dirty pot i might start crying#//which as we all know is a normal reaction#//(that's sarcasm if that's not clear)#//i know i need to say something and insist on better communication#//because this is not malicious on my roommate's part. i know that. it's just a miscommunication#//anyway yeah i keep mentally coming back to the fact that my room isn't even fully unpacked yet lmao#//bc now we gotta get shit together to make sure everyone has somewhere to sleep n such#//and yes it's bc i haven't asked for help. i am aware. that's on me#//but damn.#//ok this got long jesus-#//if you read this i am giving you a high five but if not i understand lmfao#vent cw#negative cw
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
I'm just saying, Gary LoveIslandtheGame and the narrator of The Semplica Girl Diaries are the same person
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