#tired of tinkering
speckled-biscut · 1 month
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funkinmadnesss · 1 month
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Throws these here finally KDMDHSSK
I was. Hoping to have posted more original art of literally anyone else but Mysterio before these saw the light of day but uuuhuuhghhg that didn't happen got bless <3
But huzzah! Earth-4918's Sinister six (Vaguely) TSSM styled (and by Vaguely I mean I put way too much detail in them, there just TSSM shaped)! (+Tinkerer, he's not a member but I'm posting him so it's even. The last member is Sandman but he belongs to my best friend and we haven't got around to making him a TSSM ref like these yet </3)
All references/orginal images I used came from here (x) (x) !
Little facts below cut for those itchrested :]
General info: They were all Human at some point and bonded over the fact they became this way by Norman's hand. Every inhuman feature about them is purely genetic now (Excluding Myst+Tink+Sandman). The whole group bonded over their shared hatred for Osborn in general though.
Adrian: He's an Egyptian Vulture. Tall as HELL, he's the second tallest. He's technically the leader and carries the burden of having a team made up of traumatized mutants while also being a traumatized mutant-
Lizard: Trans woman, Her name is Camila :] She has exactly 5 different lizard species in her DNA (5 points for anyone who can guess them all just from her design)
Rhino: It no longer identifies with anything from its life before getting mutated in an attempt to have some control over its life. Rhino strictly uses It/Its. Aside from Rhino DNA, It also has wooly mammoth DNA.
Lizard and Rhino fuckin HATE eachother. It stepped on her tail ONCE and she never forgave it. Mysterio often has to split the two up with his Alien form.
Electro: Graffiti artist. Has somewhat control over his bio electricity, Gloves and chestplate (which is what that tube attached to the back of his head is connected to.) help maintain that control.
Tinkerer (bc he's there): (My silly, my skrungly, my funny lil old man blorbo hehheghem-) Trans man :] Has a cat he rescued off the streets (bc i kept seeing people give him a cat and its like. Its a good headcanon) He and Beck met during his stuntman days (He was technical support on a movie Beck worked on), He isn't very fond of alot of the sinister six (Him and sandman are chill tho) but he tolerates them for Beck.
Okie thats all mwah/p
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
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BIG damn post, but as i've said!! i (FUCKIN FINALLY) did end up fleshing out the rest of the important Iterators of the Children of EO group a little that map is a forever wip, fuck it all, i'll be just postin updated versions of it from time to time or smth
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r3dc4rr · 10 months
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abe left him on delivered for like 30 mins
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d20-ritz-stimzz · 1 year
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" Everything's just like something else! "
🤎 🤎 🤎 × 🤎 🤎 🤎 × 🤎 🤎 🤎
Wilma and Digby Thistlespring !
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void-dude · 1 year
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Guess who started reading the IDW sonic comics
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sillyabtmusic · 2 months
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The KingDom 'Realize' Concept photos - Rebellion version
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tinkersclankandbobble · 5 months
If Zarina… the “Tinker Bell” of dust keepers does the cool pixie dust alchemy, what do the “Tinker Bells” of other talents do?
Example: “Tinker Bell” of Baking talents would totally be the one who makes cakes that look like things that should not be cakes, thus driving Gelata crazy.
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zaacoy · 11 months
Hi!!! A few rendered practices of my Minecraft sona for a server i'm playing on currently because I've been thinking about them a lot over the past few weeks + a few tidbits about them heeheehoo
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pastelpaperplanes · 2 years
Hello! Will we ever get to see some of your Humanformers artwork? Might there even be an updated design of MegOp?
Instagram got a wip so it’s only fair you lot get one too 😤💪✨✨
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Yes! These two are getting some fun updates since their first appearance
I’ve been staring at this for forever now and by each passing moment I’m more and more tempted to make Megs even more grey. He’s gonna be all salt no pepper by the time I do a timeskip lol
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
C...curses by the crane wives😔
and now all i can think of is an Open Your Shell animation when i hear it, how dare u /lh
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teal-tealwren · 9 months
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take flight
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perelka-l · 11 months
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scars and touch
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hello im new here but i saw your sanctuary au and i really like it!! unfortunately trying to go through the tag only yielded me two posts and i know there's more bc i saw another one while scrolling the whole blog but anyway that's to say if you've talked about the others who are at the sanctuary i only saw Dain's detailed post and here i sit wondering about sanctuary au dottore and/or capitano and how they interact with foul legacy (based on a canon voiceline is our moth wanting to politely spar with cap or does he just try to fight him at any given opportunity? i think i saw that dot can teleport so what kind of shenanigans does he get himself into?) im going to try to search for the rest of the sanctuary au posts as well i love this au
D: oh nooo the tags for it aren't working?? ARGH i will try to fix it when i have the time because that AU is one of my favorites :)) (also, i did not create it!! the wonderful @/pastelpeachyposts thought it into existence and i am eternally grateful that they did :D
HARBINGERS!!!! MORE HARBINGERS I LOVE THE HARBINGERS- i usually portray Foul Legacy Childe as less battle hungry than in game, but i think he'd still be up for some friendly sparring with a monstery Capitano!! you tell them both that you prefer no blood drawn, but they usually end up with a few nicks here and there, and you simply sigh and sit both of them down to be patched up. Childe still admires Capitano a little bit because he's strong and powerful, but honestly more than anything they both admire YOU for keeping your sanity intact while dealing with multiple Abyss monsters, some of which are NOT as polite and peaceful as Childe
example: Dottore
he probably ranks second in terms of "most chaotic", outdone only by Columbina- but you'd actually rather take care of Columbina, since she's fairly cheerful and likes snuggling, which always calms her down. Dottore on the other hand is not so easily pacified, and yes, he can teleport. now usually he'll tell you if he wants to go outside (or is going outside, you can't really stop him), but sometimes he unconsciously teleports when he's asleep, and when he wakes up he immediately starts getting into mischief. he doesn't panic at all, which is nice, but he also does what he wants and will do it NOW until he gets bored. additionally, the only person he has a chance of listening to is you, so whenever he suddenly appears in some city you'll get immediately contacted, either by friends or officials, to come and get your science-loving Harbinger monster. he'll hiss and sulk a bit, but usually he listens when you say he can continue his experiments at home
and while he trots off to the little lab he's constructed, you slump over in Childe's arms, exhausted from a day of chasing down a stubborn Dottore
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snoopysnose · 2 years
It’s alive, Em. It’s an animal. It’s territorial, and it thinks that this is its home.
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fisheito · 8 months
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@milkeumilkeou so far i have 5/8 and the only one that has a story to it is the foxy tantrum (more on that in the tags...)
#rusted nation#i am missing numbers 2/3/6#will extra hilarity or sadness find me in those stories :):):):):)))) we shall see#when i read the shipwreck note i just imagined#was kuya worse at controlling his form back in the day#like he was too tired by nightfall so he just reverted to his foxy self for honkshoo bedtime#but this sailor saw him and kuya threw a fit like those mythical creatures who pride themselves on their rarity#so kuya's all How Dare plebian eyes grace my vessel u must all perish for this transgression#or. wait. did kuya have fox self esteem issues back then#so was it more like someone walking into a teen's room uninvited#while the teen is trying to cover up their pimples in the mirror#so now they're embarrassed and hormonal and the only option is to lash out?#like GOD mom [drunk sailor] GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!! *sets ship on fire*#i mean I'm glad that they survived (assuming)#but what was huey thinking... like sure kuya sink the ship doesn't matter to me either way#wait no THIRD hypothesis#kuya hates boats bc he gets seasick. not a water fox i guess#so he whines at huey and huey's like idgaf teleportation is not a thing right now and i want to tinker with these strange artifacts#while eavesdropping on the stories of all these stowaways#so kuya harrumphs and just sulks in the cabin until the sailor finds him and#ok well no that's the same story as the second hypothesis. it's just kuya getting embarrassed#and reacting with 12x more violence than he should to being discovered.#is he really so reactive? so baby? is this my vision of him? oh well
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