#throwback to when i learned this entire dance
ironboobs · 19 days
Trying to find all the easter eggs from 7x09... Did I miss any?
Natasha reaching for her phone worrying it's about work instead of enjoying sexy time with Sullivan => Maya did the same when she went on vacation with Carina (3x11)
Andy voiceover => First two seasons!
Maya's outfit in the kitchen => the same she wore the day she met her future wife at Joe's bar (3x05)
"Hey, I love you" in the kitchen before leaving to work => Same moment in the old apartment (4x04)
"Jack are you sitting at home monitoring the wildfire?" => Her father too was unable to stop firefighting after he had to retire
"Why aren't we dancing for joy?" => Houseboat dancing, Andy was the only one who didn't want to dance (3x16)
"I'd like to tell Travis first" => (maybe farfetched) Ross asking Andy and Maya not to tell Sullivan about their relation being leaked. (6x16)
Talking about a potential future on the station's rooftop => Travic were the only duo who hadn't done that yet, so many moments and discussions happened at this spot.
"Oh crap" => Signature quote from Montgomery, he says it all the time : hockey rink, snowstorm
Wildfire => Season 2 finale
Yellow fire engine is back and lined up neatly with the other ones! => It's the one S19 temporary had when their engine was totalled (5x02)
"You know I don't like the woods" / Glamping site => The couple who gets attacked by a bear : the lady is not happy that her husband brought her to a glam-camping trip instead of a hotel (3x05)
"Chief, you feel confident in that plan?" => Andy vs Jack when she does't want to open more ventilation in the roof but he does and they wait (1x03)
Theo being bothered having to sit around to attend some rich dude's ugly building instead of fighting the wildfire => Sullivan when he enrolled a private company, as he heard Andy calling her team (4x01)
"My mom smoke when she was pregnant with me", "Yeah, exactly" => Sounds like Jack and Maya's smack talk in season one
"Didn't work for us, that doesn't mean it won't work for you and Carina" => Andy tells Maya her marrying super fast didn't work for her and Sullivan, but that her situation with Carina is different (4x14)
"I don't think we're there yet" => Again, callback to Jack and Andy battling for Captain waiting too long for that ventilation (1x03)
"Are you doing a quick and dirty courthouse wedding" => Andy and Sully married in a quick and dirty courthouse wedding (3x12)
"We're happy for her, right?" => In the pilot, when they're in the rig, Maya learns that Jack proposed and says "Oh we are not happy" (1x01)
"Everyone's leaving home" => Andy feels like her father felt when she moved out? (2x02)
"We were raised in this station by your dad" => Pruitt told Maya he handpicked the entire team because he knew they'd fit as a family (4x01)
"Have each other's backs" => Herreras' tag line circa season one
"You can't leave, Vic" => Vic asking Dean not to leave on their way to fight a fire (5x05)
Vic referring to Travis as her person => Grey and Yang coded, he also said that to her two episodes prior when she had her meltdown (7x06)
Probies flirting with each other => Gibson and Herrera (1x01)
Bishop and Herrera looking at the fire => wildfire episode throwback (Season 2 finale)
Whistle lady => Molly had a whistle in the skyscraper fire (Season 1 finale)
Hiker fell down the hill => When Andy and Maya rappelled down to rescue a hiker who had fallen (2x06)
Sullivan connects to the victim because they're both marine vets => Sullivan helps with a hostage situation, bonding over being a veteran (3x09)
Vic and Travis fighting while cleaning branches => Same way they were fighting when Travis discovered she was with Theo (4x09)
"We cannot wait for the aid car" => Maya's demotion (4x16)
"We're gonna have to carry him, the medical tent is about a mile away" => Emmet tells Travis they can carry Vic to the Aid Car that's a mile away (5x05)
"Have fun getting fired" => again callback to when Sullivan chose to go help with the fire instead of staying put (4x01)
"Dibs on the puppy" => Shoutout to Dean in the series pilot (1x01)
Ben jumping into Doctor mode, saying "This can't wait" => During the california wildfire Ben had to cut the man's hand for him to survive (Season 2 finale)
"That Richards guy reminds me of Gibson" => Self explanatory, Season 1
"Being in the field is a different game. I bet you won't do it wrong again" => Travis said something similar to Ben as he almost killed Pruitt wanting to do a medical procedure on the Aid Car (1x01)
"Swollen ankles, pickles, chocolate ice cream" => JJ hated her pregnant state and had ice cream cravings (3x06)
"That is how childbirth works, my friend" => Maya and Carina face timing during the snowstorm episode "Babies don't fly out they slowly slide out" (3x06)
"Monogamy is for the weak, or the very very dedicated" => front porch drinking session between Maya, Andy and Vic (1x02)
Getting retired firefighters to help out => Pruitt and friends would be proud
"She told Theo before me?" => Travis already said that before
Rambling " and - Oh my god she was right" => another signature quote from Travis
"We're 19. Family forever." => Tagline of the show, had to be mentioned
"New Guy" => Ben was called that when started as a probie
"Thanks, Hughie" => Dean was the one who called Vic that <3
Mentions of Lasagna, "Ti amo, Bella" => Marina core
Top of the truck => Same as after Lucas Ripley died
"Come with me" => Dean offered Vic to come with him to Oakland
"You don't have to know right now" => Vic's proposal to Ripley
"Dad!" => Ben's nickname at the Station
"Wet stuff on the red stuff" => Dean, season one, Travis, season four
"Use my name, I know a guy" => Isn't that what Vic says to Theo when he goes to order Pierogies ?
"Boy Scout" => Kate called Theo that (7x04)
Theo jumps to save Travis => He couldn't do it for Michael
"We roll him on my count 3,2,1" => Reverse situation when they all rolled Hughes in season 5 in The things we lost in the fire
"We're not talking like you're dying because you're not dying" => I feel like I've heard that from Vic before, but can't pinpoint the episode
Camera moving around Carina and Maya => Carina's proposal scene (4x14), yet another moment that's supposed to be happy but comes with some devastating news, like the proposal/visa, the wedding/demotion etc.
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lgcwookjin · 2 years
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© ngoeuns
what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
i use twitch a lot. i like to listen to streams while i fall asleep. they help calm me down and get in the sleep-mindset...if that’s a thing. same with youtube. i also use that a lot when learning new choreographies. that slow down feature always comes in clutch when the choreography is super complex. after that...i guess messenger? gotta keep up with my friends and family somehow, that’s about the best thing to do. discord i use as well when i’m gaming with friends. i’ve found it works best for that kind of chatting. i don’t do much mobile gaming—i’m more of a pc gamer—but i’ve been obsessed with magikarp jump. i train my lil dudes all the time.
what is the most random note in the notes app?
i don’t use my notes app that much, i wonder what i’ve got in here. actually there are a bunch of song lyrics. when i get inspiration in bed i will just jot down whatever it is really quick...and then wake up the next morning super confused. but that’s not really random, is it? plus i don’t want to spoil the next top ten hit. OH! wait this is perfect. i have a note that’s literally just: FJW64DF1R7. weird right? i wonder what that was...OH! that was actually a tracking number for my...friend buddy pal max’s birthday gift.
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was is from?
this is gonna sound lame but i called my grandma last. we chatted about the show and the concert for a bit...no spoilers of course, i would never. even though she did try to pry them out of me. i swear she’s as into this kpop stuff as i am. she’s been my biggest fan since day one. though she says that she thinks that she might vote for one of my buddies instead of me if i don’t act nicer on camera. rude, right? won’t even vote for her own grandson haha. just kidding, we tease a lot in my family. i love her though. definitely wouldn’t be here without her.
what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
let me look through my spotify, my most recent is, of course: britney spears! hmm...which one have i been listening to recently? oh toxic has definitely been on repeat. i really want to do a dance cover to that song. watching her on stage was part of why i even started dancing, she’s a big inspiration so her entire discography is always on shuffle.
woud break up with your girlfriend by ariana grande be considered a throwback now? man, i’m getting old. this album is one of my all time favorites, so i’m always going back to it. 
ah yes! rock with you by vna has been on repeat since i was assigned it. honestly i haven’t paid much attention to the newer gen of idols, so while i had heard the song around i hadn’t given it much care. but then i had to practice it over and over, and now i’m a fan! i think it’s also there a lot of good memories practicing with my best friends to this song, so it has good vibes. plus it’s like actually a banger.
stay up by baekhyun is one i’ll get stuck in my head suddenly out of nowhere and just have to listen to, ya know?
oh yeah! i listened to advice by kang jaehyuck this morning. the chorus always gets me super hyped up. there has to be footage of me somewhere dancing to it cause i’ll literally addicted to the 더 참신하게 상상력 좀 발휘해 봐...i'll shoot the one advice part.
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
league best pro moments 2021 how to get a sock out of a toaster fun things to do in seoul at 2am am i in love with my best friend quiz bee movie creepypasta
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allthemusic · 6 months
Week ending: 20 May 1954
A two-song week, as we head towards summer. Will we be seeing signs of summeriness? One song looks like it's got some flowers in it, at least.
Friends and Neighbourgs - Billy Cotton & His Band (peaked at No. 3)
We've seen Billy Cotton before, on the time capsule of a song that was In a Golden Carriage (There's a Heart of Gold), a tune written and performed for Elizabeth II's coronation. I assumed then that Billy was being wheeled out as a reprentative of something that felt traditional and British, an old-fashioned performer for an occasion that called for a bit of pomp and circumstance - that is to say, that Billy, at this point, was a bit of a relic, beign dusted off as a topic one-off.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I get this - a Billy Cotton original song, in the charts, apparently entirely on its own merits. I guess there's a chance some sort of cultural event catapulted this into the charts - a TV appearance, or a film, or something - but it does seem a bit random that a sound like this can just pop up unannounced, all old-fashioned and sentimental.
Actually, I think the last one's the key here. This is a sentimental song, taken from a sentimental/melodramatic music hall tradition that had metamorphosed into the "British dance band" scene at some point before World War II. It's out of place in the 1950s, but I can imagine a lot of slightly older record-buyers finding this a nostalgic throwback.
Musically, it's a little bit jazzy, but in a staid, plodding way, not doing anything particularly wild. There's a muted trumped, an accordion, a clarinet, and a strummy banjo, plus a whole group of backing singers who don't sound half as polished as backing singers in this era often are. This feels like it could just be a bunch of people you're mates with, which is kind of fun.
The lyrics are banal, all about how good it is to have friends and neighbours, and how they make the world better, how you can talk to them about your troubles, and how "Although you've not a penny / And you house may be tumbling down / With friends and neighbours / You're the richest man in town." It's well-meaning, and sweet, I guess.
I'm still confused as to why it exists, I'm afraid. I suppose it's a nice sentiment for people who're still in rationing, for goodness' sake: you may not have money currently, but you've got neighbours, at least. Trite, but hard to get grumpy at it, and it's not actively irritating me yet.
Someone Else's Roses - Joan Regan (5)
Oh, I like this. It's not summery flowers at all, it's heartbroken-and-angry-at-your-lover flowers! I don't know if that was a surprise, per se, but I did enjoy the story told throughout this song. It's by Joan Regan, who also did Ricochet, whose bouncy charm I enjoyed, and while the tone of this song is different, the theme isn't a million miles away. Again, Joan's playing the jilted lover, angry at her unfaithful man.
It feels quite modern in a way, the way that this song takes a little moment and spins it into a whole narrative. The idea is that Joan's love has somehow sent Joan some roses, but with a note that was meant for somebody different. We don't learn exactly how this happened, or the specific details. Are they still a couple, or is this an ex accidentally sending her things? All we know - in true tragic fashion - is that "The note you send I wasn't meant to see". And worse, it's "The kind of rose you always chose for me". Oh no! She's lost her love
While there's a rich vein of anger that could be mined here, Joan doesn't quite go down that route - a shame, I thought at first, because she did it really well in Ricochet. Here, though, we have a slower, soupier song, and so she goes down the brokenhearted route instead, singing about how she won't forget his love and - possibly the most interesting line in the thing - begging him "Won't you tell me it was really meant for me". It's a fascinating insight into her brain - she'd rather have the reassuring lie to cling to, even though she knows the awful truth. But if he would only lie to her, she'd have the plausible deniability to stay with her unfaithful man. Unfortunately, the fact that she's begging seems to suggest that he can't even be bothered with that - he's moved on, ad she's left out in the cold.
You could get a whole song out of that one idea, actually - it's a shame Joan doesn't dwell on it more. Instead, we get a brief instrumental break, and then the song's over. It never quite gets worked up as much as it could, given its emotional subject material, and Joan also doesn't quite let loose as much as she maybe ought to. She sings in a very prim, proper way, and I can't help but miss Ricochet a bit. It's not a bad song, but I'm just not completely sold on it yet.
Actually, that might just be a soupy ballad issue for me. I'm not often as convinced by slow, dramatic songs, and the more you drape them in strings and elegant twirls, the less I'm inclined to buy into whatever they're selling me. They're just too smooth and pretty, I get distracted. Soz, Joan.
Both of these songs were very melodramatic and sentimental. Apparently the British public were in a slightly sappy mood at this point in 1954. And well they might be, with summer round the corner and proper rock and roll still nowhere to be seen. I can't quite love either of these songs, but one of them, at least, made me stop and think about its lyrics for a while.
Favourite song of the bunch: Someone Else's Roses
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macaroni-rascal · 6 months
Now, let's start with the senior ladies because they deserve to headline. Halle-fucking-lujah, Isabeau got a new dress. It's not the most remarkable, but at least it's not a down jacked that exploded in the wash. It did the job, now let's hope the SP dress undergoes the same treatment. Good on her for bouncing back like that, but I still don't fully enjoy her skating because of the coaching failures. Rion did well to recover from that nasty pop but she's still not the most compelling and without the high tech she doesn't have much to fall back on. Hana is so cute but her programs are kinda weird. I think the red glove is supposed to be a bird's beak and those are not little leaves but I guess feathers? Either way, I'd like to see more direction in the program selection and more individuality shining through. Nina has some lovely qualities but they're counteracted by some glaring deficiencies. Her packaging and music are good but she looks like she's watched too much recent Russian skating. I don't know if they can do anything to fix it at this point. I'm much more charitable towards Loena's costume now that I know she designed it herself, but omg what I wouldn't give to never hear Vogue again. There was even a jr free dance that for some reason paired it with Frozen, but it was a Ukrainian team, so they get all the leeway. This, on the other hand, just doesn't work, most of the choreo isn't on beat and in the hands of an any less charming performer, it would be DOA. There are so many directions they could go in. I think the artist they're looking for is Ciara. If they want a Eurodance vibe, there's Inna, there's Cascada, there's all the Eurovision queens, the international pop girlies, the entire thriving LatAm music scene to pick from... Why this off-brand version of something that's been done before, twice, more successfully, when she's so unique and such a breath of fresh air? And the arms above the head on all the jumps feel like such a throwback. I don't know what to prescribe, a summer in Champery perhaps? Shae-lynn? Jeff Buttle? Jeff Buttle. Kaori is so sophisticated and so in her element at this point that although these are safer program choices than she's had before, I think she's earned her stripes and can clearly deliver on anything she sets her mind to. The packaging is mature, classy and suits her position in the sport as its reigning queen. We'll look back on this as a blessed time.
The men really said "we're gonna men so hard, y'all don't even know!" And so they did. The French men have more rights than ever, they low-key own my ass, especially Adam. There's a Patrick Chan-ness to his carriage that I can't quite describe, but so much more on top of it. He truly is a daredevil and although the jumping technique is wild, the risks he takes tend to pay off, he's really exciting to watch and always has artistically coherent material, it's not just cool tricks for tricks' sake. That Arabian could save the world. Even when he makes mistakes, I'm riveted. I think he learned an important lesson here about not peaking at the Shanghai fucking Trophy. Kevin did the Chris Knierim thing where he quit mid-program. But we know what we sign up for with him, I guess, and when it works, it's magic, but when it doesn't, it's just pain. He's one of few skaters I'd subject my eardrums to Bolero for so he better regroup. Kao was also a struggle but at least I figured out what bothers me about his skating - he skates like Russian Mark, where his weight isn't properly positioned over the blade, it's over his arches and not the balls of his feet. By contrast, watching Yuma is such a vacation. His technique is so sound and reliable that I can just kick back and relax. He's above all a well-managed skater, and he still has room to grow, which is exciting. I couldn't get a really good look at his shirt but it seems like it has two layers of sheer fabric over a fitted velour top and that's brilliant in such an understated way, because his skating speaks for itself anyway. I'd really like to see him do more original material, though. Carolina at the boards is such a soothing presence, more people should work with her. I didn't like Shoma's shirt as much because I feel like it doesn't know what it wants to be, was it the same one previously? Idk, but he's worn such stunning pieces before that I'm a little underwhelmed. Still, breathtaking skating, wild jump technique and air position notwithstanding. One of the skaters with the highest emotional ROI for me thus far. I wish he'd won. Okay, how on earth are Ilia's new costumes even worse!? He looked like Slenderman or the creatures from the Hush episode of Buffy. Why can't they figure out something as simple as the packaging when they can figure out a freaking 4A!? If he wasn't grown, I'd be calling CPS. It's an epidemic among the North American male skaters who have Soviet parents, it's honestly a meme at this point. It irks me because he has the tech and you can see the flexibility and the potential to be artistic, and it just isn't happening. He's regressed in that department, but fatigue probably played a part. For the love of god, take the prize money and fly to Montreal, I can't take this anymore! He has great hair, they should make it a feature.
The dance deserves its own post because Saucy was so valid in what she said.
Agreed on Isabeau's new dress, it looks so much better, she doesn't need to look like her grandma's curtains were bedazzled and gathered into a giant parachute of a dress. Amen amen amen. I'm with on Rion, Hana, and Nina, I haven't really felt much from any of them, and haven't had the urge to rewatch any of their skates. Nina especially, she is very Russian girl coded, it's all pumping up and down in cross overs, quick bad transitions, and eeked out jumps. I wish Leona would also ditch this free skate, that attempt at duck walking was cute the first time, and now makes me cringe. Bow down to Queen Kaori, she is finally getting her flowers and I love that for her. She IS the moment. Look at the material!
I'm still on the fence with Adam, those Benoit programs are a slog for me to get through, I just find them needlessly cerebral and overwrought; there's something arrogant about Benoit's programs that I can't put my finger on. Kevin, oh Kevin. Le sigh. That's all I got for him. Kao confuses me, cause there's moments that are good, and them even more moments where it looks like he's trying to fight off an imaginary bee, it's all off balance and twitchy. Yuma, I salute you. Love him to death, he's wonderful. Shoma is...god, I love Shoma. I also wish he'd won. Ilia should still not be getting above 7s in PCS, I'll die on that hill. His tech is amazing, everything else is meh, so his marks should be 'just okay.'
The single skaters, overall, had a nice GPF though, I enjoyed both disciplines here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as always!
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arig11 · 2 years
Theme: Nostalgic songs
The theme I picked was Nostalgic songs. Because everyone loves listening to the songs they heard growing up. It brings up so many memories from when we were younger. Either learning about music ourselves or listening to these songs with our parents or family. These are songs that make us happy and bring us back to our childhood. 
Hip Hop/ Rap- Low (Artist Flo Rida Ft. T-Pain) https://www.youtube.com › watch
One of the most well known throwback songs. You hear it at every party eventually. It’s a song that provokes excitement when it comes on because everyone already knows it. It’s a song that the majority of people grew up listening to whether it be at a school dance or from their own parents. Starting off slow then picks up going into the lyrics that everyone knows “she has them apple bottom jeans…” Everyone knows the dance to this song. It’s a song that brings up the entire party.
Country- Cruise (Artist Florida Georgia Line) https://www.youtube.com › watch
This song is a mix of country and pop. The artist Florida Georgia Line was able to mix the two of these in a way that the song is catchy and you get the sense of both genres in one song. If you were to listen to this song on the radio now everyone in the car would know it. It’s a song that brings up the mood as soon as you hear the first lyric. Just off the first lyric you know exactly what song it is. 
Jazz- Hit The Road Jack (Artist Ray Charles) https://www.youtube.com › watch
Electronic- Faded (Artist Alan Walker) https://www.youtube.com › watch
Now everyone knows this song. It’s the one song where everyone learns about electronic music. It was almost a right of passage for someone to listen to this song at a young age. Because the majority of the time we first heard it on YouTube when watching a video. The intro was this song and at a young age it more than likely sparked our interest as we heard it more and more. Eventually we listened to it and it was our first exposure to Electronic music. 
Jazz- Hit the road Jack (Artist Ray Charles) https://www.youtube.com › watch
Now this song is an absolute classic. If you haven’t already heard this song you absolutely have to. Made by the famous Ray Charles. If you heard this song when you were little you knew which songs were worth listening to. The beat of the song comes on strong at the beginning of the song. And staying at a steady beat the entire song. Then towards the end of the song the tempo begins to fade till it completely stops. But regardless a true classic song. 
Hip Hop/ Rap- Drop it like it’s hot (Artist Snoop Dog Ft. Pharrell Williams https://www.youtube.com › watch
This song is an absolute classic. Everyone knows the famous line “drop it like its hot”
Everyone knows the iconic noise of someone trying to make the sound of the car drop. This song is something absolutely every single person knows. There is no way someone wouldn’t have heard this as a kid. The tempo of the song picks up and slows down throughout the song. 
Hip Hop/ Rap- The Show Goes On (Artist Lupe Fiasco) https://www.youtube.com › watch
This song like any other, the tempo starts slow and starts to pick up. The volume of the song of course starts low and comes up later in the song but stays at the perfect spot the rest of the song. Many people heard it maybe at a school dance or their parents. It's not a song that isn’t heard as often as the others but if you heard it you would know it. 
These are just a couple of the songs that the majority of us grew up listening to. These songs would most likely be played at a party. Or even just because. These songs are just some of the many good throwbacks. 
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yuuana · 2 years
Music Monday #213: ATEEZ - Say My Name  release: January 2019 genre: kpop
At nearly four years old now, I'd ordinarily save this for Throwback Thursday, but King Shit main dancer Jung Wooyoung said fuck this, no quarter given to thieves, so we're having a special BONUS Music Monday this week, in which I maaay be a bit bitchy, but I think I'm allowed, considering. Confused? Okay, let me back up and explain....
There is, of course, an official MV for this single, with lore implications in every scene, but since this is a bonus dance edition, the lore will have to wait for whenever I get to this song's partner single, HALA HALA. Because this entry is going to focus entirely on the dancing. Because before their debut as idol group ATEEZ, these guys spent months and years training as dance crew KQ Fellaz and Wooyoung blasted the call out on live national television, so here we go. "Say My Name" was ATEEZ's iconic sophomore release, coming out just a couple months after "Pirate King" and "Treasure," and the signature point choreo - the one-handed driving gliding move from the chorus - immediately caught attention. But this was 2019, before things like TikTok dance challenges really took off, so while the challenge was out there, the internet ecosystem was different then. ATEEZ did the promotional round with it, then moved on to the next release. And yet "Say My Name" continues to be a favorite, one the members regularly cite as a song of theirs that deserves more love and really speaks to who ATEEZ are. One might even go so far as to call it a core part of their identity as ATEEZ ... and that's important. Jumping back to 2022... several times this year, ATINY have called out larger companies for questionable creative practices. A couple times, companies have tried to use the "inspired by" card after the fact for things that are awfully close to ATEEZ's content. Granted, sometimes the arguments for plagiarism have been a bit thin on the ground and other times, the companies have quietly backpedaled, but for the most part these incidents have briefly flared up and then quietly gone away, without any comments from ATEEZ directly, until.... Welcome to the start of September and enter, stage left, Street Man Fighter. Disclaimer: I haven't actually been watching this season yet - I have limited time/energy for video these days, so I was spending it on NCT 127's and ATEEZ's recent reality content and figuring I'd get to SMF later. BIG MISTAKE, apparently, but here's what I've learned since the shit really hit the fan yesterday: last month, the crews were given a mission to create a wholly original choreography for their teams. Okay, great, fine. Street Man Fighter is a popular dance show and after the episode aired, the dance challenges popped up on TikTok and went viral. Again, fine. Except.... Choreographer Vata released "his" choreography as "driving challenge" for Zico's "New Things" and it took off. Because it looks cool. And familiar. Really familiar. Which then led down a prickly path of weeks of ATINY pointing it out and getting shouted down. And to be fair, what counts as copying in dance can be tricky. There are, after all, certain basic moves that everyone does, it's when you start stringing them together that you have something unique. But how many of those strung together moves do you get to copy before crossing a line? 4 beats, like Vata's own crew said previously? 8 beats, as is a common starting point for music claims? Do you get a pass if the base move is one everyone knows? Who decides when a move is that well known? Is adding/changing the flares enough even if you can still easily recognize the base move(s)? It really tends to depend on each specific instance ... and Vata might have even gotten away with his shit but for two things: 1. he was claiming his choreography was wholly original and 2. him and his crew recently got up on their high horses over someone copying four beats of one of their dances. Jump to the start of this month and ATEEZ is doing performances again, first with KCON Saudi Arabia and then again with their set at Daegu this weekend and at the latter, "Say My Name" was the second song in their set, prompting quite a few non-fans to ask why ATEEZ was doing the driving challenge in their second song. At both of these performances, when ATEEZ got to The Real and the bboying dance break towards the end, Wooyoung did the biting sign - for KCON Saudi Arabia, he followed the bite with the driving glide, since he was one of the two to freestyle that night, whereas at Daegu, he made the sign from off to the side while San got into position for his freestyle, followed by Yunho "driving" into his own freestyle. In bboying, the bite move - arms out from the body in a box shape, at chest level, and snapping up and down like a biting dog - is used to indicate your opponent is copying someone's moves, style, or whole set, a code very well known in those dance circles but not necessarily elsewhere. The first time it got largely missed, probably due to the camera angles, but the second time made it clear this was a choice and a message, spoken in the language Vata ought to arguably know best: dance. Which has sparked a virtual whirlwind of fans amplifying Wooyoung's call out and one of the original choreographers boosting the call outs as well ... and resounding silence from Vata while haters continue to insist ATINY are being overdramatic. Which is about what ATINY have come to expect. Of course the other side of this is that "Say My Name" is now enjoying a resurgence in streams and iTunes purchases, to the point that it's charting quite high in a number of countries and might even re-enter the Billboard charts? Which feels like a fitting feather in the cap for an iconic song that means so much to ATEEZ and ATINY both. additional sources: ATEEZ - The Real @ KCON Saudia Arabia 2022 (22.10.01) - Wooyoung's dance break (Twitter) ATEEZ - The Real @ DAEGU KPOP CONCERT 2022 (22.10.09) - freestyle dance break (Twitter) Anze Skrube - original choreography for ATEEZ Say my Name (YT) STEEZY - Dancers React to ATEEZ Part 1 ft Anze Skrube (YT) Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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It’s Gushing About Cinderella 1997 Time Again
Okay, so instead of color theory, today, I’m looking at Cinderella’s journey with trust, the Prince’s inability to recognize her at the ball, and how that aspect of the original fairytale got utilized to further along the theme of learning to trust people to love you for who you are.
Part 1: The Prince Meets Cinderella
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When the prince meets Cinderella just after The Sweetest Things, there is no magic involved at all, and he’s IMMEDIATELY smitten with her. Just thinks she’s the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and makes no bones about trying to figure out how to ask her out even after she’s excused herself to go about her day. Cinderella is visibly uncomfortable with the attention, but doesn’t completely turn him away. We know from The Sweetest Things that she WANTS love, that she yearns for it even, but the moment someone turns around and gives it to her, she doesn’t seem to know what to do with it anymore. She’s mostly confused by the prince’s behavior, but ultimately gains enough confidence and chutzpah to call him out on continuing to pester her even when she’s made it fairly clear she’s not interested by asking him if he even knows how to treat a woman.
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And of course has her iconic line:
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He sticks his foot in his mouth right after by saying she’s “not like most girls” which I will somewhat excuse as we know the prince has grown up massively sheltered and has likely not spoken to many women outside of the trappings of nobility who are all attempting to gain his or his parents’ favor, particularly as a suitor (we also know from a later scene that his mother has been attempting to set him up for a while and this is likely how he has met most women he’s ever interacted with).
Cinderella chooses to be forgiving and admits that she’s led a fairly sheltered life, thus how she’s gained her opinions I suppose, and the prince admits the same and they really seem to connect TOGETHER for the first time before the stepmother interrupts. Despite her choice to try to walk away from the prince when he initially showed interest in her, Cinderella risks her stepmother’s impatience and irritation by turning back one last time to watch the prince leave. She WANTS love, she WANTS to trust that someone could be interested in her like this, but she doesn’t completely trust it to happen or to last.
Part 2: The Prince sees Cinderella at the Ball
The next time the prince sees Cinderella is at the ball. He’s just spent the last several hours making nice with a bunch of women he doesn’t know and isn’t interested in so he can appease his mother. Presumably, he could probably expect the girl he met in the marketplace a few days ago might make an appearance given that the invite went out to all the girls in the kingdom, but he never mentions it. While it was clearly a nice connection to make in the moment, he seems to mostly chalk it up to a successful trip to the village, made nicer by a pretty girl and doesn’t think much about it afterwards, esp since the problem of the ball comes up immediately and his attention gets derailed.
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In other words, the prince is not thinking about Cinderella anymore. Not maliciously, but he’s got other things on his mind, so when she shows up and he doesn’t recognize her despite having flirted with her only a few days ago, it’s somewhat understandable. Plus, she’s all made up with a completely different hairstyle and a nice dress and they have only met ONCE, for a few minutes total, several days ago.
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But, that being said, while he doesn’t recognize her, he IS once again immediately smitten with her, and he does have that sense of familiarity, he just can’t place where. The problem then comes when he starts to try to guess how he knows her.
His guesses are all related to Cinderella being rich and/or nobility like him rather than considering that commoner girl he flirted with in the marketplace only a few days ago. Cinderella reacts fairly kindly to those guesses, telling him that she can’t swim, so she wouldn’t have been at the lake that summer, or that she’s never been to the mountains where his lodge is. But these assumptions eventually feed into Cinderella’s feelings of inadequacy and her fears that he won’t care for her when he finds out who she really is despite his initial reaction to her in the marketplace.
She starts to get flustered again when he calls her beautiful and her attention is drawn to how everyone around her is looking at them, but is effectively distracted by the Prince beginning to sing and only becomes flustered again once the King and Queen decide to insert themselves into the situation and get to know her and the reality of what seems to be happening hits her. She just intended to go to a fun party and dance a little, but now she’s gotten the attention of the Prince and it’s coming back to her that the point of the ball was for the Prince to find a WIFE. But she can tell, both from the Prince’s earlier comments and the ones made by the King and Queen asking who she is and who her family is, that they’re assuming things about her status that aren’t true.
Cinderella wants to keep living in a fantasy, though, where a Prince could love someone like her, so every time her reality comes into the conversation, she tries to move the conversation away. She wants to live in the bubble of romance the Prince is creating for her rather than talking about her family or what he wants in a wife.
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And it works, right up until the clock strikes midnight and that reality crashes down on her like an avalanche.
Despite everything they’ve talked about that night, about how he knows she’s The One despite just having met her, about what he wants in a wife and how she seems to fit that description, about their feelings, Cinderella does not trust that he’s going to like her once he finds out who she is. Because despite how much time they’ve spent with each other (which, according to clock, is about 45 minutes now), he hasn’t recognized her as the girl from the marketplace ONCE.
Cinderella herself never mentions whether she recognizes the Prince from the marketplace or not, but we can fairly safely assume that she does. That moment meant a LOT to her, it was likely the first friendliness she had been shown in a while, especially by a stranger, and it hit her like a ton of bricks. It showed her that someone COULD be interested in her for who she is, could grow to love her.
And of course, meeting the Prince’s family at the ball gives her a sense of what it would be like to be part of HIS family, a family that already does seem to like her well enough and clearly care about their son. It’s everything she’s ever dreamed of having, but they all believe her to be something she isn’t, and she can’t trust that they’d treat her the same if they knew. So instead of risking it all for love, for that dream, she runs again. She’d rather leave it one really good night and a lifelong what-if than get rejected one more time.
Cinderella runs home, back to what she knows, back to what’s comfortable. In the “Do I Want You” reprise, Cinderella appears wistful, but resigned. The Prince, on the other hand, seems almost more confident and determined. He’s smiling at the empty courtyard, even before he sees the shoe left behind. Cinderella is prepared to let everything go, but the Prince no longer is. She told him at the ball is that the problem with most people is that they only dream about things without ever doing anything about it.
So he does. He commits himself to finding her, even WITHOUT the shoe, he’s committed to finding her.
Part 3: The Prince Finds Cinderella
Obviously, the fact that the Prince has the need to go out and have everyone try on the shoe means he still has no idea who Cinderella is. He never asks her name at the ball, so he hasn’t connected her to the girl from the marketplace who DID tell him her name. He can’t just go into the village and ask for “Cinderella” yet. But the fact that he goes INTO the village at all means he has recognized that this girl could be literally anyone, commoner or nobility, and it doesn’t matter to him which it is. He’s making no assumptions about her identity anymore.
And then he sees her. In an obvious throwback to their first meeting, he finds her having just dropped all of her belongings in front of a carriage because it moved in front of her a little quickly.
Backing up, though. Cinderella’s gone through an entire journey during this time period. She left the Prince behind at the ball, ready to leave that dream behind as “impossible.” And gives it one last go with the family she was left with, trying to connect with them, be a part of it. And it fails. Again.
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But it gives her the strength to realize that this was never going to work. And while she doesn’t believe she can be what a Prince wants, she DOES believe she deserves to be loved and deserves better than what her stepmother is dishing out.
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So, the next day, while the Prince is out with a glass slipper, going through every eligible girl in the kingdom trying to find her, Cinderella is preparing to leave her childhood home and set out on her own. Even when she ostensibly DOES hear the Prince in the house, trying on the slipper with her family, she chooses not to make herself known to him, and walks away.
But not quite fast enough and the Prince sees her.
She is once again dressed as a commoner with no magic involved, and this time, the Prince immediately recognizes her both as the woman from the marketplace AND the woman from the ball. From behind. By referencing their first meeting where he initially made his interest known, he indicates that he still likes her despite now knowing her background, and perhaps even BECAUSE he now knows her background as the first woman he ever met who truly understood how he felt and treated him like a person, with kindness and respect, rather than like a Prince.
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Cinderella has a choice here. He recognizes her, yes, but she doesn’t have to play along. She doesn’t have to turn around and admit to anything, she COULD, presumably, choose to keep running. But the fact that he RECOGNIZES her, finally, and still wants her, gives her just enough courage to turn around and trust him and confirm her identity, both as the girl in the marketplace and the girl who fits the slipper.
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And it pays off. Trusting someone to love you as you are, having the courage to actually go after your dream, to let it come true, pays off.
Have I mentioned how much I love this movie recently? Because this is PEAK Cinderella, and I love this movie.
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notyetbulletproof · 2 years
I do feel a little sad for Edwina because she got so caught up in the borrowed feelings, she too didn’t stop to ask herself what it was she wanted until Kate and Anthony (and their clowning) made her stop and take stock of all that had happened. Of course me saying “I feel sad for her” is kinda pitying and a tad crappy on my part. Still I feel sad because being caught up in everything, she didn’t read the signs properly. She didn’t see that so much of what Anthony did was for Kate and not her. When she declares she loves him (after the Sheffields’ bullshit at the dinner), she fully believes Anthony stood up to protect her and her family. He did. But it wasn’t for her benefit. Yes, he protected her and Mary but it was all for Kate. He would not stand by and watch them continue to hurt Kate. He initially kept to himself because it WAS CLEAR AS DAY the Sheffields only cared about Edwina and he was raised to be a gentleman especially with company but when Lady Sheffield continued to bully Kate, he would no longer stand for it. He commandeered that entire space! In Lady Danbury’s home! And he wasn’t even angry with Kate (not really anyway) because he knew there would be an explanation and it was clear, it was about protecting her family— a goal Anthony deeply relates to. He too has done questionable things in the name of protecting his family.
Instead it was a shining moment of how he could navigate this silly mistake/knee jerk reaction thing he had done. This forced loveless future he had committed himself to. Committed Edwina to. It was a way out and when we see the last scene and the desperation in Kate’s face where she completely humbled herself— says she was wrong and she won’t let him, her sister or anyone suffer because of her, it’s again clear as day that Anthony makes the decision for Kate’s benefit. Everyone and their mother knows it’s a bad idea. But both Kate and Anthony are so driven by who they must be and are desperate to not let things spiral so far past their point of control. And of course in true anxious fashion when we keep avoiding the truth of things… they always have a way of coming to the surface (at the worst times). Shoutout to Daphne Bridgerton for that quote.
Anthony even moves up the wedding and Edwina takes this to mean he’s really excited but no. Marrying Edwina means Kate will leave and while he doesn’t want her to leave, Anthony knows if there is more time between them and the wedding, his honour will snap. He will not be able to give Kate what she wants and he’ll lose everything. A perfect viscountess (Edwina) and the woman he actually loves (Kate—who challenges him the way he should be challenged). And while he cannot imagine life without her, her plans don’t include him and as heartbreaking as that is, he must accept it. He must accept a life without love because she will leave and if he has to suffer that then let it start quickly so he may adapt. “This was always the plan”. “I have decided”. Trying to control his feelings and pushing anything close to love and affection so far down so he can predict the outcomes. Throwback to season 1- “Removing love from the equation”. “Perhaps he will learn/perhaps not”. Except he did learn. He knows. The argument was weak but he was raised to be a gentleman. He made a promise to both ladies. He must see it through. BUT LOVE IS ITS OWN CHOICE. *insert the Queen’s speech here*. It cannot be controlled or dictated and all 3 of them — Anthony, Kate and Edwina learn that the hard way.
So yes, I feel sad and annoyed for Edwina both because this happened and because she was so caught up she didn’t see this. From the jump, Anthony never claimed to love her or that he would. Action and Duty were literally the words he used. His first dance with her was a damn interview. Of course it’s understandable and that is why I hurt for her but I hate love triangles because let’s be real it was honestly just a straight line between Anthony and Kate. Everyone could see it except the three people in the non triangle.
That is not to say that I wasn’t here for the drammaaaaa. ;) I just mean that, hmmm, you know when you reflect on your actions and you’re like how the fuck did I get myself into this mess? Oh look, I ignored all the fucking signs. That vibe? Yeah, that’s what I feel in regards to Edwina. And I think it’s also because I related to Kate and Anthony and the guilt they feel for essentially using Edwina to hide behind what they really wanted. It wasn’t intentional, they didn’t set out to be malicious but that the thing about denying feelings isn’t it? We end up hurting people by omitting what needs to be said. Things spiral out of our control also because we tried so hard to control the narrative or to correct it to the way we thought it should be not to how it actually is.
However, I also understand why Edwina didn’t see it or didn’t notice it when she should because what was being told to her versus what was actually being done were different things entirely. She didn’t see the signs because the people she was trusting were telling her otherwise so she got caught up in it all and the betrayal of that made me really sad for her because no one wants to be the fool and I have said this before and I will say it again —- I hate certain parts of the sister’s fight but I understand the malice. I may not agree with it but as the audience who was privy to all information, I can’t fault the character for reacting to being treated like a manipulated pawn in her own life as opposed to the captain of it. Even if the intentions of the people around her were good or the fact that they were too scared to admit what they really felt.
**insert Anthony’s “your sister is braver than us both” spiel.
And those are my thoughts today.
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hortensemitchell · 3 years
Into the Woods: Chapter Two
After Big Time Rush, their lives seemed to only get more hectic. So on the rare chance their schedules lined up, they had to make the most of it with an epic camping trip for the ages.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Kendall Knight/Carlos Garcia/Logan Mitchell/James Diamond
Words: 2295
Logan has been pacing back and forth by the door for the past ten minutes, and looking at him was starting to make Kendall feel tired. He’d make it to one side of the room, check his watch and immediately trek to the other side. “We’re supposed to be on the road already.” Logan made his way over to where Kendall was laying across the living room sofa.  “I gave them a laminated schedule and everything.”
“You sent Carlos and James upstairs with James clad only in a towel and you think they’re up there packing?”
Logan gaped for a moment, his eyes instantly flickering to the stairs. “They wouldn’t.”
“I think we both know they would.” Kendall replied, trying to bite back a laugh. He couldn’t care less about a schedule, he’d always been more of a go with the flow type of guy. But he had seen the hard work that Logan had put into his planning for their trip, and he wasn’t about to hurt his feelings. “I could go check on them if you want?”
Logan just shook his head, and turned on his heels heading directly up the stairs. From his spot on the couch, Kendall could hear the bedroom door open upstairs and Logan’s exasperated sigh of “Really guys?”
Several minutes later, Kendall heard the telltale sound of footsteps coming down the staircase and the sound of luggage being drug behind them. Kendall finally sat up from his spot on the couch, loading his bags on his shoulders to bring to the car. 
Logan came down the stairs first, with Carlos not far behind. Logan was quickly shuffling around in the other’s bag, most likely checking to make sure he brought more essentials than his game system and snacks. 
James came down the stairs last with a slight pout on his face, no doubt caused by Logan’s interruption. He made a beeline to stand beside Kendall at the foot of the stairs and whispered into Kendall’s ear, “He’s such a cockblock when he’s on a schedule.”
“You guys do this every time, you think you’d have learned your lesson by now.”, Kendall replied with a laugh. He looked over at his taller boyfriend before something caught his eye. “By the way, you have a little something right there.” He said as he gestured to the developing mark right under James' jaw. 
James’ hand immediately flew up to touch the spot before he threw a teasing smile in Kendall’s direction. “Jealous?”
“Nah, there will be plenty of time for that later.” He readjusted the straps of his luggage on his shoulder. “But if we don’t get out this door, I think Logan will murder us before we get the chance.” With that he linked his fingers with James and finally headed out the door, ready to get this vacation under way.
For once the California sun wasn’t quite as overbearing, which Kendall was thankful for. A nice breeze broke through the normally dry heat and the cloud coverage was mild. It was almost like the entire state knew they were on vacation. 
In the passenger seat beside Kendall, James typed away on his laptop, no doubt answering some last minute emails to his agent. Having been in the entertainment industry together, the other men fully understood the sheer amount of obligations James was under.
In the back, Logan and Carlos were sitting together, the rest of their luggage piled on the seat behind Kendall. The two of them looked through a pamphlet of the campground they had chosen, quietly discussing where the best place to set up would be.
Kendall reached over, turning on the radio of the car, making sure to turn the volume down to not disturb James. The sound of an obnoxious car salesman flooded the car, and Kendall rolled his eyes.  When he was a kid, he actually could hear music on the radio, but now all he heard were commercials. He would have said those thoughts out loud if he didn’t think it’d make him sound like an old man. 
His thoughts were cut short when the radio announcer came back on air. “Welcome back, you’re listening to WYMZ, the station for all your favorite throwback hits. Coming up next, we have Big Time Rush’s hit, “Boyfriend.” The starting beats of one of their first songs filled the car, and all four men looked toward the stereo. 
No one said anything, the car silent except for the voices of their younger selves in the stereo. Until Logan started to laugh. “Throwback? Has it really been that long?” 
“Pretty soon, we’ll be on the Golden Oldies channel, right next to Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.” Carlos added. 
James finally closed his laptop and turned around to face the men in the backseat. “Speak for yourself old-timer, I happen to be in my prime.” 
Logan leaned forward in his seat, playfully shoving at James’ shoulder, “Yeah yeah, we know. Aren’t you at week eight topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart?”
“Just hit nine weeks actually. My agent Nigel says this is a good sign for the album drop in October. Soon you won’t be able to turn on the radio, without hearing my angelic voice.” 
When the conversation first came up about everyone taking a hiatus from Big Time Rush, James had been reluctant for the change. It had always been his dream to be on stage performing, but he’d grown to love the safety net of having Kendall, Carlos and Logan with him.
He had always planned to have a solo career at some point, but when that moment finally arrived he felt nervous. Anxious that no one would like him on his own, and that his boyfriends would see him as a failure.
None of them had ever doubted his ability to shine without them though. There wasn’t anything like seeing him step out on stage and sing his heart out. It was simply what he was born to do. And thankfully it seemed the world could see that too. 
Kendall leaned over, placing his hand on James' knee squeezing gently .“I’m proud of you, but didn’t we say no work talk on our vacation?”
The car filled with murmurs of agreement at Kendall’s careful reminder. It seemed like such a simple rule, but it could be so hard to follow sometimes.
After Big Time Rush officially ended the boys imagined that they would finally get a chance to relax. For four years they had been going from dance practice, to the recording booth, to concerts, and interviews. While they were all thankful for the chance of a lifetime, it really took a toll on them.
Logan was the first one to bow out of their quiet free time after just four days. He’d applied to several colleges in the surrounding LA area, anxious to get a jump on his studies. When Kendall thought about those days, he wondered how Logan had even made it out alive.
He would take 18 credit hour semesters, a decision he made to make up for the two years he claimed he was behind. And while that alone seemed like a lot to the other guys, the classes weren’t exactly easy either.
While none of them could keep up with the concepts that Logan had been learning, they all tried to help out where they could. Kendall was usually elbows deep in flashcards filled with medical terms that he still couldn’t explain to this day. And James would try his best to stay up with Logan as he studied late into the night, rubbing the stress from his shoulders and making him take breaks. 
The late nights and early mornings were worth it though, that much Kendall knew. One of his favorite photos of Logan was taken on the first day of his residency at a local hospital. His smile shined just as brightly as his new lab coat, and Kendall had never seen such genuine happiness etched on his features before. 
Logan had pretty much always known what his dreams were, Carlos on the other hand had chosen to get out into the world and explore. Letting his future come to him.
During those early years, he had held a variety of jobs, and he took to them with such exuberance and focus that it was always hard to picture him doing anything else. When he started working at a bakery, it was like he was born to do that. And when he took up a job at a local daycare, Kendall wondered why he hadn’t been doing that his whole life.
Carlos was simply the kind of man who thrived in any situation. But it became clear to everyone when he found exactly where he was meant to be.
Growing up when asked about his future, Carlos always said he wanted to be a superhero because he wanted to save people. And while he had long since put away his ‘El Hombre Del Flaming Space Rock Man’ costume, the urge to protect was still inside of him.
When he finally applied for the police academy, it was like it all had made sense. Following in the footsteps of the greatest man he had ever met, his father, Carlos understood how his boyfriends had felt everyday as they put all their hard work in.
It truly was something special, being able to see all of them achieve their dreams everyday. Kendall didn’t know what force of the universe he had to thank, but something somewhere was looking out for them. 
While they all loved where their futures had brought them, that didn’t mean there weren't some sacrifices to be made. 
From the very first time he had a hockey stick placed in his hands, Kendall knew he was going to be a center for the Minnesota Wilds. And to this day, he still couldn’t wrap his brain around the fact that he achieved his goal.
However, the sobering reality of just how demanding his career was always hit when hockey season began.
Being gone from your loved ones for months at a time was difficult, especially for Kendall who had gotten so used to seeing his boyfriends every single day. They all tried their best to make it easier, video chatting often, and flying out to see each other when the opportunity presented itself. That didn’t make up for the feeling that something was missing every night when they went to bed though.
The four of them had gotten pretty good at saying goodbye with how often Kendall and James had to be on the road. And when they finally had time to spend together, it was important to make it count. That’s why this trip meant so much to Kendall. He was looking forward to spending the weekend with the three men who were the world to him. Completely uninterrupted, they could be together just like they had as kids, when they would trek out into the Minnesota wilderness with Papi Garcia. 
 Kendall felt a warm palm cover the hand he still had absentmindedly rested on James’ knee and was pulled from his thoughts. He glanced away from the road to see the other man looking at him fondly. “We’ll be there pretty soon, you excited?”
James leaned into Kendall’s ear voice barely above a whisper. “Absolutely, don’t tell Logan but I’m totally gonna push him into the lake first chance I get.”
“Dude you’re like a foot away from us, we can hear everything.” Carlos piped up from the back. “Besides, if anyone is throwing him into the lake it’s gonna be me.”
Logan looked frantically between Carlos and the front of the car, meeting Kendall’s gaze in the rearview mirror hoping for some backup. “I personally like the plan where I don’t get thrown in the lake.” Kendall fought back a smile, as he listened to Logan plead his case and his other boyfriends tease about their future plans. Up ahead he saw the worn sign for the campgrounds and pulled in already feeling much more at ease. 
As he got out of the car, Kendall had to shake feeling back into his achy limbs, as he fished his supplies out of the dogpile in the trunk. The sheer amount of bags they had managed to shove into the tiny vehicle was actually impressive. However, now reality had sunk into him that they would have to carry everything to the designated camping spot. 
Once they were finally loaded up with their belongings, Logan stood at the front, his nose buried in the map to lead them to their destination. James was not far behind him, carrying not only his own bags, but most of Logan’s as well. He didn’t seem to mind too much though as he hummed a soft tune that Kendall couldn’t place. 
Kendall took up the back and Carlos bounded up beside him and offered his hand for Kendall to take. It took him a couple of moments to rearrange all of the bags he had been carrying, but it was worth it for the smile that came across Carlos’ face as he intertwined their fingers.
They fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the sounds of the wind rustling the leaves and the birds chirping in the trees. It felt like the calm before the storm, and Kendall knew the moment they arrived, things were going to get chaotic, it was just in their nature. 
But he would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited to see what the weekend had in store. After all, he had to see which of his boyfriends would get to push Logan into the lake first. Little did they know, Kendall would probably get to it first.
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sambergscott · 4 years
need to scream abt lights out so here’s all the moments from the ep that make me go !!!!!
(it’s definitely my new all-time favourite episode, everyone say thank u mr dan goor and mr luke del tredici) (also in the future pls trust them more pls and thank u)
• everyone clapping amy in the briefing room (a Mood)
• jake helping amy stand!!!! kind of wish we’d heard him say “m’lady” but still one of the cutest things i’ve ever seen
• that shot of brooklyn with all the lights off. bravo dan goor, bravo 👏🏻
• hitchcock and scully RUNNING to save the food from the fridge. have we ever seen them run before???
• the holt flashback!!!!! that kids delivery of “oh my” was [chefs kiss]
• jake being proud & turned on at amy taking charge of the precinct. speaks for itself
• the sniffing!!!! and the throwback to manhunter when jake was trying to listen and charles wouldn’t shut up
• “this man..... this man is my best friend” shdkddkfjdfk ADORABLE
• amy being the most badass sergeant i’ve ever seen
• “amy you need to get the fuck out of here” (luke del tredici 🤝 bleeps 🤝 my favourite things ever)
• jake knowing so much about the mucus plug. with his character they could have so easily gone down the “ew yucky” route and i am so so so glad they didn’t
• also the fact that it’s the woman grossed out by labour and not the man???? Very Progressive
• charles, i too feel my purpose in life is to see jake and amy’s baby be born
• “my friends call my dotty..... although these days there are fewer and fewer of them”
• “don’t worry the fire department is on the job” / “you hear that jeffords? WE’RE GONNA DIE IN HERE” (again, i love the nypd/fdny beef always)
• jake still being a good cop and wanting to help everyone even though amy’s water broke
• amy’s contractions
• the sleuth sisters 💕💘💖💗💓💞💝
• luis’ eyebrows. ‘nuff said
• page 53 shdjdjdkdfj (luke really loves his bleeps and blurs huh)
• holt learning the dance. andre braugher is a comedic genius
• just remembered amy is wearing her badge john mcclane stylez and i love her for it
• kayla saying none of them are cute with the lights fully on???? hello???? you’re sat next to Detective Jacob Peralta, lady
• jake’s excited little “HEY” and jump when he finally gets to talk to amy
• “tell her that i love her” 🥺🥺🥺
• AMY SWEARING AT HITCHCOCK (the best use of bleep ever..... dare i say funnier than this b needs a c in her a?)
• but then hitchcock and scully setting her up a birth suite is actually so sweet, i love everyone loving amy santiago
• andy’s delivery of “i’m gonna miss the birth of my son”...... god
• peanut butter being the hero we all deserve ✊🏻
• i really thought that holt and terry were just gonna steal her drugs from evidence but the fact that all 3 plots were connected???? Beautiful
• the push it dance. where 🗣 is 🗣 andre 🗣 braugher’s 🗣 emmy 🗣
• (i’m trying to fight my glee ptsd in this scene but i truly Love that they all came together to help amy)
• the parallel between amy’s contractions and jake on the horse!!!!! soulmates!!!!!
• amy being upset that jake’s not there and then him arriving RIGHT ON TIME
• (soulmates)
• amy’s face when she sees him. literal heart eyes
• “babe we’re on page 53!!!!!” 🥺
• “i rode a horse” shskdjdkdjdfkfj
• mac’s cry during the exterior shot of the hospital. Iconic. so wise. so hilarious. best line in the entire 7 seas.
• “we did it ames, we made the world’s hottest baby” is such a classic jake line but also grown up and sweet??? this is where my breakdown really begins
• he made her laugh!!!!! we’ve come full circle!!!!
• god just the way andy and melissa hold him and look at him in this scene feels so perfect and real and they’re already the greatest tv parents of all time
• “a firefighter touched our child” / [amy’s horrified look] “WE WASHED HIM OFF” Sent me ✈️
• amy reassuring jake that they can do this and telling their son about him stopping a bank robbery as part of his birth story and being so proud of each other....... truly everything i’ve ever wanted (and a flawless throwback to another flawless luke del tredici episode casecation)
• amy leaning into jake’s shoulder as she looks at her boys. Bye
• that i love you is the softest thing ever and my new favourite one. the way they look at each other is unparalleled
• that shot of the 3 of them looking at boyle..... Wow.
• also his eyes and cheeks. cutest. baby. ever.
• i love the name mac and that they named him after john mcclane i don’t care what any of you losers think
• that excited hand thing (uncle) charles does. same.
• and holt’s smile!!!! the proudest grandpa!!!!
• jake and mac Looking Right At Each Other 👁👁 (ive been staring at this moment all day, god they’re really gonna be best friends aren’t they)
• “i’m holding my son and there’s nothing in the world more important than that” is my favourite jake line ever, he’s so happy and in love 🥰🥰🥰
• but then the way he just shoves mac in amy’s arms and wants to watch the push it video snsndkfjdkdfkfkfhdsk
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Throwback Thursday
Neville and the Devil - A Fairy Story
I can’t remember who started this - but way back when, we tried to make Neville Vancouer a sympathetic character, and this is what I came up with
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick then up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
‘Please Penelope, don’t be like this.’ He pleaded, but she laughed harshly.
‘Why should I? I’m a Lady, I can do what I like. You should try being naughty, it’s much more fun’ Neville was scandalised at the thought of being deliberately ill-disciplined. He endured her naughtiness for the rest of the afternoon, constantly pleading with her to be good until she got tired of him whining and pulled his hair hard and threatened to throw his little dog into the river.
When she had gone, he endured his mother telling him off for the mess in the playroom.
‘I don’t understand why you’re so naughty when Penelope comes over. Perhaps we should tell her mother not to bring her any more.’ Neville was dismayed.
‘No please mother, don’t do that, I promise to be good’ he pleaded. He still believed that through sheer force of goodness, he could persuade her to change her ways. He longed to press flowers with her, have her laugh when Petal did her tricks, and share biscuits and sweets with him.
‘Very well, I will give you another chance Neville, but if you continue to act like this I will have no choice but to deny you Penelope’s company.’ He hung his head and promised his mother he would try harder.
That night, Neville lay awake in his bed, wishing fervently for a solution to his dilemma.
‘Please please please, let Penelope learn to be good’ he whispered to his teddy bear, squeezing it tight. To his surprise, he saw the toy blink and he dropped it in alarm. He watched in horror as it grew and grew until it was the size of a grown up, and then its features changed and it morphed into a man with red skin, a pointy beard and a strange hairdo that looked like horns.
‘Wh – who are you?’ asked Neville. The stranger smiled
‘I have many names – Beelzebub, Mephistopheles…’ He looked at Neville ‘You’re a bit young to remember those names, so just call me Satan’ He gaped
‘You’re the devil?’ he gasped
‘Yes I am Neville, but I am not as people say I am – I’m not all evil’ he looked sad ‘Just like your little friend’
‘You mean Penelope?’ he asked ‘I don’t understand why she’s so naughty when she’s alone with me’ The devil looked sadder still, shaking his head.
‘It’s such a pity – so pretty, and so bad.’ He looked at Neville. ‘There is a way to change things, you know’ Neville’s eyes grew wide.
‘How? I’d do anything for Penelope, I love her so much’ The devil grinned
‘Anything, Neville?’
‘Anything’ he said vehemently.
‘Very well, then know this – she’s bad because you are good’ Neville gaped at his visitor
‘You mean…’
‘Every time you are bad, she will be good, it’s as simple as that, it’s an unfortunate illness that she has, but you can make her better’
‘Oh’ he said, crestfallen ‘But – but I don’t like being bad’ The stranger frowned.
‘You must do it for Penelope’ he said ‘at the moment she is only bad with you - before long she will misbehave in front of her parents and make them sad. Eventually she will be like that all the time. You are he only one who can save her. Can you do that?’ Neville hung his head and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
‘I truly love her’ he said ‘I’ll try’ The devil smiled triumphantly
‘Good boy Neville’ he said ‘Next time she comes, give it a try’ As Neville watched, the stranger shrank and transformed back into his beloved teddy bear. He looked at it askance and decided not to take it back into bed again, instead leaving it on the floor and choosing another one.
The next time Penelope came to play, he couldn’t help noticing she was rude to her mother, and realised that her condition was getting worse. When they were alone, she reached out for the biscuits, but he snatched the plate away from her, amazed at his boldness. She blinked in surprise, and her eyes filled with tears. He ate them all and put down the empty plate, mortified at his actions, but Penelope started to change. She looked over at his poodle.
‘Can you make Petal do some tricks Neville? I want to see her dance like last time’ He gritted his teeth.  
‘No, it’s boring’ he said, and Penelope burst into tears
‘Why are you so horrid Neville?’ she sobbed. His heart broke and he so wanted to be good, but he knew he had to misbehave for her sake.
That was only the beginning. The devil was exactly right – Penelope became sweeter and more lovely and feminine the more he did the wrong things. He loved her so fervently that his behaviour so dismayed his mother that she disowned him and left him in the care of his father, who didn't care much for him and mostly left him to his own devices.
He had to keep finding ways of being boorish and vile. The thing he found to be most effective was looking down his nose at everyone else, and the worst of his bile was reserved for Drake Walker, the son of the head of the Royal Guard, who lived in the Palace beside the Princess. He poured scorn on him and every time he did, Penelope grew lovelier and better natured. He gave his poodle to her, saying it was a nuisance and he didn’t want it any more, all the time his heart breaking.
Eventually he forgot entirely how to be good and nice, and Penelope remained the sweetest kindest person at the Royal Court. Neville never cuddled the teddy bear that had transformed into the Devil again, putting it on a shelf in a bedroom in a far off wing of the Mansion where he lived and locking the door.
And so it was on the first night of Charlotte’s social season that the odious Neville Vancouer watched Penelope dancing, watery eyed and knowing she would never be his. He loved her with all his heart – although he wasn’t sure if he had a heart any more…
Anyone else want to post an oldie? Tagging both writers and readers
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @texaskitten30 @nomadics-stuff @fluffyfirewhiskey @ownworldresident @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @rainbowsinthestorm
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Darren Criss on his marriage and new role in ‘American Buffalo’
When Darren Criss settles into our Alexa interview at a chic cafe in West LA, he’s friendly and direct.
“I am an outspoken person in real life, but in the media, I find I’m very reserved,” he observes. “I’m asked questions about myself that I haven’t really had to think about. That is a really strange occupational hazard. It would be like if you asked your dental hygienist, ‘Do you think your career choice stems from your interest in cleanliness as a kid?'”
Reading between the lines: The actor-producer-songwriter du jour resists the sound bite.
Criss, 33, may be the consummate showman, but in person — apart from a hint of chipped black nail polish and a pair of gold-rimmed aviators that nod to his love of costume — he seems more cerebral theater nerd (a flag he flies proudly) than flamboyant hunk.
Before long, Criss is expounding on big themes in a delightfully thespy manner. Conversations branch off, reverse direction, then run off on entirely new paths.
“I like keeping myself in balance by taking constant left and right turns,” he explains of his career. “The party trick? You think I’m doing all this stuff spontaneously, but it’s not without a significant attention to detail and planning. I don’t freak out if it doesn’t go as planned, but whatever it is, I will optimize it. Drop me off anywhere, and I will make [it] as awesome as possible.”
For a significant and impassioned fan base, Criss is the guy who sang, danced and heartthrobbed his way through a starring role on “Glee.” He’d go on to become an unsettlingly cheerful killer in 2018’s “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story,” a nuanced performance that won him an Emmy and a Golden Globe.
In 2020, things are getting even more extra.
The day of our interview, he was flying to NYC to begin rehearsals for David Mamet’s “American Buffalo,” now set to begin previews April 14 at Circle in the Square Theatre (a delay after Broadway shuttered over the coronavirus pandemic). He will play Bobby — one of a trio of hustlers trying to make it rich — alongside Laurence Fishburne and Sam Rockwell.
“I try to do a show in New York every two to three years,” says Criss (who’s previously starred in “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” and “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”). “It will be great to be in New York doing one of the great American plays with a great American playwright.”
He’s also experimenting with new formats, namely executive-producing, writing songs for and starring in the new satiric series “Royalties,” which will debut on the short-form video streaming platform Quibi this spring.
In May, he’ll channel the golden age of cinema in “Hollywood,” the hotly anticipated Ryan Murphy-helmed Netflix series, which Criss also executive-produced. (Not to mention his work for Elsie Fest, a musical-theater festival he co-founded five years ago.)
If your head is spinning, that’s all part of the plan.
“I love giving strangers an excuse to connect,” he says. “I just enjoy quirky things and quirky people. And that comes from the idea of challenging people’s expectations. At the end of the day, that’s my biggest driving force — that you can do something weird and have it be cool.”
Born in San Francisco, Criss knew early on that he wanted to follow an original path. He taught himself piano, studied violin and, at the age of 10, made his professional theater debut.
“Had my parents wanted me to be an actor, I wouldn’t have done it,” he reflects. “But I realized I had a knack for it. I’m literally a parrot: I like mimicry, music, accents.”
His hobby, he insists, is practicing his Japanese. A dream vacation, he says, would be a sojourn at Middlebury College’s language immersion program. “It’s where they send the CIA to learn Farsi. I would love it!”
While a student at the University of Michigan, Criss gained fame with his contribution to the YouTube cult hit “A Very Potter Musical”, which led to the co-founding of the musical-comedy sensation StarKid.
“At the time, studio execs didn’t understand the power of social media. In my early 20s, I was this Internet force with my friends, but going to play piano at [a bar] twice a week. I was living a double life, with Billboard-charting albums, and yet, how could you explain this to a casting director? They were like, ‘You make Internet videos?’ It was absurd to them. Nobody [at the time] knew how to monetize that.”
During his mainstream breakout as the chiseled Blaine Anderson — who famously covered “Teenage Dream” on “Glee” — Criss earned what he describes as a “master’s in putting music and the camera together,” an experience that has served him well in both “Hollywood” and his genre-defying Quibi show, where he’ll play a songwriter aside big-name musician guest stars.
While Criss has played several high-profile gay characters in his career, he says he’ll no longer accept such parts, telling Bustle in late 2018: “I want to make sure I won’t be another straight boy taking a gay man’s role.”
In February 2019 he married his girlfriend — writer-producer-musician Mia Swier — in New Orleans. The experience can only be described as an immersive extravaganza.
Their first “dance” was a rendition of “The Ballroom Blitz” by British rock brand Sweet, with Criss on guitar and Mia on bass. They were later serenaded by friends Lea Michele and John Stamos.
There were umpteen costume changes (during the evening’s silent disco, a Vera Wang gown and Armani suit were traded for matching sequin T-shirts). Although Vogue covered the festivities, Criss says much remains under wraps.
“I want to show people all the things that really go on [in my life], but I’m also quiet about it,” he reflects. “The wedding is a good example. I remember thinking,’I wish everybody in the world could see this, it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever pulled off.’ When I put myself into something, I give it everything I’ve got. That was a big representation of who I am and who my wife is and what we do.
It’s non-conventional, out-of-the-box thinking and that also led Criss and his wife to open the Hollywood piano bar Tramp Stamp Granny’s, in 2018. Mia (whose family founded The Mercury Lounge and Bowery Ballroom in NYC) takes the lead on the project, although Criss says he still occasionally tickles the ivories there, a throwback to his leaner years working piano bars.
If you ask nicely, he may even sing. Crew Credits: Fashion Editor: Serena French; Stylist: Anahita Moussavian; Fashion Assistants: Nicole Zane and Haley Wells; Grooming: Jessica Ortiz at Forward Artists using Shiseido; Tailoring: Amber Doyle
Photographed at Dear Irving, 55 Irving Place
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hi! 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 for Kageyama from the headcanons list?? If it's too many, just choose whichever interest you the most! Thank you! 💜
Hhhhh ty for requesting!!
I have so many ideas from Kageyama after seeing the latest few chapters all over my explore page on ig, this should be fun~
Btw just because I crave fluff and made up romantic scenarios I will be including you as a female s/o, I hope you’re fine w that bc I’m terrible at writing same sex fanfics and I feel like including you might be fun too, sorry if it’s not what you prefer, I’ll write up another one if you want!!
(You aren’t mentioned excessively though, so don’t worry!!)
Warnings: Mild manga spoilers that have to do with Kageyama’s backstory, nothing too major though, and angstangstangstangstangst-
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2. How are they like on social media?
- Kageyama’s probably one that doesn’t really have that much regarding social media.
- However he would probably have the most common ones.
- Instagram, snapchat, maybe twitter too.
- He also has tiktok now that you’ve basically forced him to download it.
- Definitely uses instagram the most out of everything he has.
- Username: milkboykags
- Followers: 992 (Since he’s pretty popular through playing volleyball.)
- Following: 745 (He tries to follow most of his followers back if they have mutual friends between them, even if it’s a fan.)
- Profile pic: Probably one of those grunge shaky pics of him with a few of the Karasuno team members and you with a dark background and stuff.
- Bio: If you don’t have milk, don’t bother looking for me. ~Me, 2k19 (He hasn’t updated his bio a year lol.)
- His instagram feed is actually pretty aesthetic.
- He has one volleyball post of the entire team at the beach playing beach volleyball while the sun sets.
- He’s way too proud of that post.
- Another one of his posts was taken when you two were on an arcade date (At that time he hadn’t confessed yet, but he asked you out just to do that) and he sneaked a photo of you trying to get a unicorn plush from one of those claw machines.
- That one he’s gonna be keeping in his feed forever.
- He has a collection of highlights.
- There’s one for volleyball practice shenanigans, one for those little dates he takes you on, another one for full on group hangouts, then one of camera wars with random people that try taking photos of him, most likely you or Hinata.
- His feed basically revolves around this filter recipe he made for instagram, which makes his photos look cooler toned and more faded.
(P.s dm me if you want the recipe bc i made it on vsco lmao no I’m not a vsco girl don’t worry.)
- He doesn’t really use snapchat and twitter.
- Only does streaks with you and the volleyball team.
- Tiktok though, is a whole other story.
- Username: givemethecows
- Followers: 1405 (People from both tiktok and instagram.)
- Following: 200
- Bio: I make videos and shit.
- Profile pic: Bass boosted you like jazz meme (Bass boosted but photo if you get me.)
- Kageyama has this whole lowkey eboy thing going on with his tiktok.
- Most the time his videos are just a way to show his weird sense of humour or his sense of style that screams casual eboy.
- Since you forced him to get tiktok, you also forced him to learn dances with you.
- He’s terrible at those.
- Like very bad.
- He managed to break a pair of Tsukishima’s glasses while doing the renegade at break.
- And almost twisted his hips trying to throw it back as a joke.
- Needless to say it’s both hilarious and embarrassing for Kageyama.
- There are also tiktoks of him doing insane volleyball tricks on camera like the demon quick, the synchronised attack, and his jump serve etc.
- Which have gained him quite the following on the platform.
- In conclusion, Kageyama is generally pretty good at social media, but sucks ass at dancing.
4. What is Kageyama’s preferred weather?
- Surprisingly, Kageyama doesn’t like sunny weather. At all.
- For him, it’s the absolute worst thing.
- He think that sunny weather is way too annoying and hot and stuffy and gross.
- Plus, going out for morning runs in sunny weather is like wearing 10 jackets in hell.
- Like you can put on an extra layer if you’re cold but you can’t just strip naked if you’re hot.
- Oh my god he hates it so much it pains him to even think about it.
- He likes rainy days.
- Definitely not his favourite though.
- Rainy days usually mean staying home for the entire day.
- He can just laze around in his house, do whatever he wants.
- The sound of rain against glass windows soothes him.
- The constant sounds of droplets hitting the windows give him a sense of tranquility and peace.
- He will quite literally, fall asleep to those sounds.
- However rainy days do have their drawbacks.
- One of them, is having to stay home.
- Kageyama likes going for runs just to take in some fresh air, but that won’t work when it’s raining cats and dogs now will it.
- Plus, it means everything he does is restricted in his house unless he can get to an indoor gym that’s open.
- Boring.
- So he prefers windy days, when the cold breeze grazes his skin and the sun hides behind the fluffy clouds.
- It’s those days where he doesn’t have to suffer the heat that the sun brings upon him, nor does he have to suffer the feeling of rainwater dripping from the tips of his hair.
- He can do whatever he wants and still feel at ease and comfortable.
- Quite literally everything he asks for in a day.
6. Favourite music?
- Let’s be real, Kageyama probably isn’t good at music.
- He can’t dance or sing to save his life.
- However, he does enjoy how listening to music calms his nerves and gives him a chance to relax, even if he’s in a situation where he should be focused on an assignment or a piece of class work.
- People would expect him to enjoy listening to EDM or alternative rock, but no.
- This boy likes to listen to lofi and love songs.
- This doesn’t mean that his playlist only consists of these two genres, but the majority of songs in his playlist are either chill lofi beats or songs that give you the feels.
- Some of his favourite artists are Jeremy Zucker, Blackbear, Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Lauv, Clairo, Wallows, Khalid, BENEE, Post Malone, Coldplay, Rex Orange County, Green Day, Shiloh Dynasty, Kina, love-sadKID, and the Arctic Monkeys.
- Has like 5 different playlists for different moods and events.
- One for moody times, one for study beats, one for when he wants throwbacks, one for firing him up before volleyball matches, and one for if he ever has to DJ in the front seat of someone’s car.
- Prefers to listen to music by himself.
- You’re an exception though.
- If he’s with you, you get one earbud, but he’ll be the one choosing the music still.
- You two have pretty contrasting tastes when it comes to music.
- He likes softer songs and lofi the most, whilst you prefer old rock and alternative rock. Oh and also a lot of throwback songs.
- I feel like Kageyama has definitely cried to a few songs when he was going through hard times.
- To him, listening to music is also a way of releasing all the inner conflict and frustrations.
- (Spoiler for backstory) When his grandfather died, he put Fix You on loop for at least 20 minutes.
- He was just numb, curled up into a ball on his bed, staring at the wall. He couldn’t feel anything. Nothing in his mind registered properly. All he could think of, was everything his grandfather had taught him, before he eventually passed away.
- Submerging himself into the melancholy song he was listening to, he didn’t even feel the tears that were now streaming down his face.
- The salty tears were now staining his pillow, creating little wet spots.
- He listened to every single lyric in the song, clutching his sheets harder every time the chorus came up.
- He punched his mattress repeatedly, still unable to accept the fact that someone he held so dear to his heart had just left like the wind.
- It wasn’t long until he was a sobbing mess, shaking and whimpering as he knelt on the bed.
- Silently sang to the lyrics, plopping back to his bed in defeat.
- His sister lingered in front of the door for five whole minutes, eventually leaving to let Kageyama sort out his feelings himself.
- You introduce a ton of new songs to him, since he doesn’t know that much about anything else other than lofi and sad songs.
- Just please no one let him listen to Nickleback. Please. He doesn’t need to know about it.
8. Movie that he would choose for a move nigh?
- The monthly Karasuno volleyball team movie night was finally here, and it was Kageyama’s turn to choose a movie this time, much to Tsukishima’s dismay.
- He’s put a lot of thought into this, not wanting to disappoint his teammates by choosing a shitty movie.
- He basically tried to figure out what everyone wanted to watch.
- However, everyone had very contrasting requests.
- Tsukishima wanted to watch Jurassic Park, Yamaguchi wanted a Disney movie, Hinata wanted something Marvel, Tanaka and Nishinoya wanted a horror movie, (Mainly so they could hit on you whilst you were still single) Sugawara wanted a romcom, Yachi wanted a comedy, and the others were fine with anything.
- He stressed himself out way too much trying to choose one movie.
- He finally got an idea after 3 entire days of thinking.
- And it wasn’t anything the team expected.
- Kageyama pulled up with Pulp Fiction.
- He’s seen that movie at least 5 times already.
- It was the perfect mix of comedy, gore, action, and philosophy.
- Plus, anything that starred Samuel L Jackson was worth a watch.
- Till this day, it remains one of his go to movies, alongside any MCU movie. (Captain America: The First Avenger is definitely his favourite though.)
12. Something small that they enjoy?
- One of the two small things Kageyama enjoys doing is baking cookies.
- Cookies in particular.
- I mean, there really is no detailed explanation.
- He’s pretty good at baking in general, even Tsukishima enjoys the cookies he bakes.
- Plus, he gets to dip the cookies in milk, what’s there not to enjoy?
- Another little thing he enjoys a lot is actually photography.
- Most the time, when he sees a pretty sky, or a city street at nighttime.
- He can’t help himself but snap a few photos here and there.
- Something about a well shot photo just hits different.
- Sometimes, he brings his camera out just to takes nice photos.
- Whenever you two are on dates, he’ll be able to capture candid or motion shots of when you’re just looking out the window of a bus mindlessly, or when you’re twirling around on the street playfully.
- Photos speak a thousand words, and honestly? He lives by that.
14. What is enough to bring him to tears?
- Support.
- Kageyama really needs support from someone he cares about.
- And no, not like support from his teammates.
- That’s different from hearing someone cheer from the stands.
- (Spoiler for backstory) Kageyama’s parents never gave much attention to him, since they were always busy with work. The only person that ever showed support for him was his grandfather, who passed away while he was still young.
- As if that wasn’t enough shit directed towards Kageyama, his teammates abandoned him during a match in junior high not long after the death of his grandfather.
- Which means that Kageyama now has lowkey abandonment issues.
- All through his volleyball journey he never got the support and reassurance he needed.
- He watched in envy as people from opposing teams, or even his own teammates, waved at their family members after they won or lost a match.
- All he could do was stare at the stands, hoping to catch just a glimpse of a family member.
- Nothing.
- Nobody realised how alone Kageyama felt during and after matches, until they watched him break down in tears after a particular match.
- It was the Spring Match against Seijoh, and Karasuno was playing like normal.
- Kageyama was insanely good as usual.
- What he didn’t notice then, was that you had dragged his sister Miwa to the match just so you both could cheer for him.
- In addition to that, you were also wearing his jersey.
- It wasn’t until the final point was scored, did he hear you and Miwa scream from the stands.
- Hearing the familiar voices, his head basically snapped in your direction, scanning the stadium for someone familiar, before landing his eyes on you and his older sister.
- His eyes widened for a hot second, his mind running in circles.
- Nobody has ever cheered for him.
- But here you two were, cheering for him from the stands.
- And you were wearing his jersey.
- A hand went up to cover his mouth, a huge grin spreading.
- One drop.
- Two drops.
- Then came the waterworks.
- The entire team was shocked.
- Like shookth.
- The two of you ran down to the arena, engulfing Kageyama in a huge hug.
- Best moment of his fucking life.
- From then on, the Karasuno team members made sure to notify you of any matches they had against other schools, hoping you and Miwa could go cheer.
- You two haven’t missed a single match since.
Whoooo three hours of work and going straight to Netflix at 2:30am, what a life.
I couldn’t resist I’m sorry casual or slight angst is my favourite genre of hc and fanfic-
I hope you liked this xx😗👉👈
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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Howdy... Max?!
f you haven't yet watched the season 2 finale of Roswell, New Mexico, stop reading right now. Go watch it (or hibernate in an alien pod until you can) and then come back here to hear what series star Jeanine Mason (Liz Ortecho) and creator Carina Adly MacKenzie have to say about that shocking final moment.
After a season of heart problems (romantic and literal), threesomes(!), abductions, and plenty of family drama, the second season of the CW extraterrestrial drama came to close on Monday night, sidestepping a literal explosion but still managing to make our minds explode. Yup, in the final moments of the episode, Max (Nathan Dean Parsons), Isobel (Lily Cowles) and Michael (Michael Vlamis) arrived in a cave that housed an extraterrestrial cage containing another alien who looked exactly (plus an impressive beard) like Max! Is it an evil twin? A doppelgänger? A dark part of Max himself?
We asked MacKenzie for the inside scoop and all the other insight on the twists and turns of the final episode. Plus, Mason dishes on Liz's decision to leave Roswell and Max behind.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Let's start at the end. Can you tell us anything at all about Mr. Jones a.k.a Other Max?
CARINA ADLY MACKENZIE: Nathan wasn't working a whole lot at the beginning of this season and we decided we're going to put him to work double next year. I will say, it's been in the works for a while. That scene with his hand on Nora's shoulder was one of the first scenes of the season that we shot and it's one of the last ones that you see, so we've been building to it. I'm excited to tell the story of Mr. Jones next season.
I mean, I'm sure you can't answer but I'm going to ask anyway: Is he a twin? A doppelgänger? Some alien then we haven't heard of yet?
MACKENZIE: Yeah, I'm not going to answer that question. I'm starting a year of my life of trying really hard not to answer that question.
Were you excited at the idea of two Maxes when you first found out, Jeanine?
JEANINE MASON: Yeah, our minds were blown. What I love about the character of Max is he's all things good, decent and righteous and now to turn that on its head and make him all the opposite things... I'm excited for Nathan to have that as an acting exercise and I'm so excited to support him through season 3. Also, for fans, it's going to be really jarring and disorienting, and anything that requires us to watch more attentively and sit on the edge of our seats, and really question the things we know to be true, I think is so smart and exciting and engaging. I'm also interested to see how and when Liz will find out. She's also a prime person to be taken advantage of and duped by it.
"Howdy, partner" was such a great last line for the season. Was that yours, Carina?
MACKENZIE: That was me. I felt like it was the correct mix of amusing and menacing and Mr. Jones is going to be really fun to write because that's sort of where he lives: between amusing and menacing. Nathan loves that beard. He walks differently when he had it. His whole vibe changes. He becomes this like silver, bartender guy, who I don't know.
We saw Liz decided to move to California at the end and Max chose not to follow. Why is their relationship failing right now?
MACKENZIE: Max has had secrets his entire life. He's a very, very, very good liar because his entire life he's had to lie to everyone who loves him and he hasn't yet learned how to be a true partner to Liz. He makes a lot of promises and doesn't follow through. That said, Liz's ambition is overwhelming to her and what she's doing with the alien DNA is unethical. It's not right. In her mind, it's "I'm taking a risk, but I could possibly save so many people." In his mind, the risk is too great. You don't just get to mess with somebody else, even if she's saying it's not hurting anyone. There's this moment in the fight where she says, "I'm not hurting anyone," and he just looks at her with this searing look and it's like, no, she is. They're hurting each other. I think that politically right now, they are on opposite sides of a major issue that affects both of them. We wanted to tell a story in which the conflict in their relationship just comes from the two of them. It's not about Diego. It's not about California. It's about Liz and Max and they're not able to align right now. They love each other so much, but sometimes that's just not enough.
Jeanine, did you feel like Liz was doing the right thing by leaving for now?
MASON: I felt certain that this was what was right for Liz. I was just grateful to our writers that they wrote her in a way that feels, to me, real and mature and actually indicative of a 29-year-old woman who says, right now, this is too much and I need my space. I need to reclaim my agency and I need to go. There's a sense with them and their epic love, the energy of Max and Liz, that probably plays into her being okay with saying, right now is not the right time. I can believe that maybe it will be later because we found each other after ten years before.
Speaking of breakups, Michael and Maria (Heather Hemmens) also ended things in this episode. Can you explain a little more of Maria's thinking there?
MACKENZIE:  I think that Maria's reasoning comes from not wanting to hold anybody back and not wanting to hold herself back. She's made Michael a lot of promises. She's promised that she isn't going to leave him alone and she realizes that she can't keep a promise to herself while also keeping a promise to Michael. In her mind, she's in this difficult situation in which she's watching the man she loves go racing to save someone else that she loves, but then wants her to stay out of the fray. Rather than spend the rest of her life fighting about that, she's just got to let him go. It's kind of heartbreaking. I really loved that scene. Both her actors did a phenomenal job. They both called me and were like, "Wait! Why?" just freaking out. Sometimes I think you have to take a big step back and look at the bigger picture and the bigger implications on your life. We're not telling stories about high school kids. We're telling stories about people that are almost 30 and they're looking for life partners and I think she realizes that he's not hers and she's not his.
I have to ask about Alex's song. Did you write that, Carina?
MACKENZIE: I wrote it with Leslie Powell and Charlie Snyder and I'm super proud of it. My cut of the royalties are going to The Trevor Project, so I'm very excited for people to finally hear it. There's lots of little throwbacks in there.
How has it been having both Shiri Appleby and Jason Behr on set this season?
MASON: I mean, so wonderful. One of the biggest gifts from this job is just how it's a family within a family within a family. That's a really unique experience to get to have and one that's been positively received by the fans, the original fans and fans of the book series. Then also on set, it's fun to see the excitement on our faces of them coming in and joining forces. There's this feeling of disbelief sometimes where I'll look over and I'm just marveling at it. I told Jason like a year ago I was obsessed with Colin Hanks. We'd been joking about it and I was like, "So, now we're at a point where if I saw him at the grocery store, I could tell him we're friends? That could be my intro?" Now he says he's trying to finagle something. I don't know what, but I'm going to die.
The show does so well at being relevant and part of the conversation. Is there one scene, storyline, or interaction your most proud of this season? The scene with Liz and Max in the diner in the penultimate episode where Liz tells Max, “You don’t get this. That’s not your fault it’s just the reality of our experiences,” really stood out to me.
MASON: It's our favorite thing about the show and that we're supported, to be honest, and have our eyes open in that way is such a gift. It's just amazing the timing of last week's episode, alongside these conversations that are happening about Black lives matter and how much they do. It was so powerful. I think that's the kind of stuff that the universe is able to reward you with, when you do something that is right and you're willing to have a conversation that maybe everybody else is dancing around a bit. It was powerful for me to sit there and work on those lines and load them up with all the feelings that I do very much share about, I can love and emphasize with you and you can love and emphasize with me, but you have to understand that it's nothing negative to say that you're not going to ultimately understand. That doesn't mean you can't be an ally.
MACKENZIE: In the current climate, I'm really grateful that we get to ask questions and have tough conversations about race and privilege and misogyny and all of these tough conversations that we're able to reflect on. We just sort of live in that world. Seeing what's been going on in the world lately, I've just been very proud of our show and that no matter what we're going through as a society, I feel like we have been asking relevant questions during our time on Roswell. It makes things feel a little bit less trivial.
Can you tease anything for season 3?
MACKENZIE: The interesting thing is that before we took our extended break, we were planning on a season about racism in the police department. So during the break, we're doing a whole lot of thinking about how we're going to take a look at our plans with new eyes.
~ EW
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ikesenhell · 4 years
AMERICAN DREAM, Chapter 3. You can find all other IkeSen works of mine here. NOTES: Thanks to @missjudge-me for commissioning this! As always, I’m calling @a-shout-to-the-void IEYASU out in my work. 
Neither of them wanted to stop for the night, so they didn't. “It’s only, what, one day of straight driving?” He’d reasoned. She took over the Camaro and he snoozed in the passenger seat, lulled to sleep by ‘Journey of the Sorcerer’ by the Eagles humming under the droning road. Light streamed golden-orange through the windshield when he woke. 
“Hey there, sleepy,” she murmured. “Want some coffee?”
Masamune grunted assent, stretching out. “Fuck, it used to be a lot easier to sleep in the car.”
“We all used to be a lot younger.”
That was true. Still road-tired, he lolled his head to the side and rested it on her arm. She was warm and solid, scented like spices, the warm fabric of her flannel cushioning his forehead. Unbidden, he wondered what it would be like to wake up to her every day. 
Maryland was bright and sunny. They reached Ieyasu’s house around five a.m., a quaint, brick rancher in the outskirts of Baltimore. One very awake Mitsunari let them in (“I still haven’t recovered from jet lag and Tanzania’s time zone—hello!”) and they crashed in a heap on the plush grey couch. By noon, he woke to banging in the nearby kitchen. 
“Mitsunari, I said put that away, not dump it on the tiles—”
“—I’m so sorry, let me clean it up—”
“No! I don’t trust you with the damn broom, go sit down or find a turnip field and bury yourself in it again, clearly you’re underripe—”
Just like old times. Masamune grunted and rolled off the couch. She still napped on the other end, buried in decorative pillows and a blanket. “‘Yasu?”
Sure enough, the blonde peered grumpily from the nearby kitchen, dustpan in hand. Against the canary yellow walls, his green eyes were piercing. “Great, now you’re up. Now I have to deal with two idiots staggering around my kitchen.”
“Great to see you again, too. What’s going on?”
Mitsunari sheepishly set a tin on the counter. “I spilled green tea everywhere.”
“That was my fault,” Ieyasu groused. “I’m the idiot who forgot about Mitsunari’s inability to hold things. I can’t believe I forgot. Two years, and I went forgetting. What a wonderful two years it was, too.”
Either the other man didn't get the hint, or he looked straight past Ieyasu’s barbed tongue to the affection deep below the surface. “It was fun, getting to write you and send you pictures. You kept me very up to date.”
Masamune crowed with laughter, making his way to the refrigerator to poke around. “Did he now?”
Ears flaming, Ieyasu ducked behind the counter and scraped the scattered leaves from the tile. “He’s the only one who knows where the hell to find half of the reference books I needed for medical school and where to pirate them—”
“I swear Mitsuhide knows how to do that.”
Ieyasu didn't respond. Instead he dumped the leaves into the garbage. “Well, are you gonna stand out there and run your mouth, or should we get a move on and go to the grocery store while she’s still asleep? I figured we’d need some stuff before the others get here.”
Peering over the doorway with a bottle of orange juice, Masamune frowned. “Others?”
“Well, yeah, dumbass. You really didn't think we weren’t gonna get the other guys down here for a visit, did you?”
“On such short notice?”
Ieyasu froze, eyes wide and searching, desperately avoiding Masamune’s gaze. “I mean—can’t—are you the only person allowed to make spur of the moment choices?”
But Masamune turned his eyes slowly over to Mitsunari, finally understanding. “I’m pretty sure the Kitten and I weren’t the catalyst for inviting the others over…”
“Hey, Mitsun.” Masamune overrode the stuttering Ieyasu. “Was it your idea to come here?”
Mitsunari glanced up from his mug of tea. “No, Ieyasu kindly offered his house when he learned I was coming back.”
“Listen,” Ieyasu managed. “Listen, that disaster is our responsibility now. We can’t just pawn him off on the unsuspecting public.” 
“Right.” Grinning, Masamune swigged from the bottle of orange juice (ignoring Ieyasu’s annoyance) and shunted it back into the refrigerator. “Well, if the old crew is getting back together tonight, you’re damn right. Let’s get to the store.”
She was awake when they all came back, laden down with (“Entirely too fucking many,” Ieyasu complained) groceries. Her hair was slick from the shower, cheeks shiny with moisture and flushed from recent sleep. Masamune switched all his bags to one arm and pulled her in by the waist. 
“Mornin’, Sleeping Beauty.” He punctuated it with a kiss on her forehead. 
“Let me live.” Swatting him away, she grinned. “And you’ll never guess who I just let in—”
“God,” Ieyasu deadpanned, hoisting his bags onto the countertop. “Just letting strangers into my house.”
Mitsuhide chuckled, stirring some thick, soupy concoction in a glass. Masamune dreaded what it might be. “I’m strange?”
“Yes. Is this a trick question?”
“Good to see you again, brother.” Masamune fist bumped the other man. He hadn’t changed; if anything, age only accented the weirdest parts of him. It seemed like every year, Mitsuhide got lankier and more ethereal, white eyelashes too long to be human. 
“Ieyasu.” Nobunaga rounded the corner, holding aloft an opened container of protein powder. That explained the mysterious substance in Mitsuhide’s glass. “This stuff tastes like ass.”
Ieyasu rolled his eyes. “So you’ve tasted ass?”
Both Mitsuhide and Nobunaga cocked a mild brow. “Yes?”
“God damn, I didn't want to know—”
“It’s a popular request,” Mitsunari chimed in, shutting the garage door behind him. “It’s grown in popularity over the last—”
“What are we talking about?!” Hideyoshi emerged from the hall bathroom, wringing his wet hands and looking utterly alarmed. 
“No!” Ieyasu cupped his hands over his ears and fled to the other side of the kitchen. “I don’t want to hear any more from anyone about eating ass!”
Time was kind to them. Nobunaga had grown into the imperious smile he’d always worn, eyes flashing sharp over a long nose. Hideyoshi still possessed all of his world-weary charm, the faintest crease between his eyebrows. “New York is treating you guys alright, huh?” Masamune asked, planting himself on a barstool. 
“Of course,” Nobunaga laughed. “Why wouldn’t it?”
“Dunno. Figured that Hideyoshi might have an aneurysm about the subway system by now.”
Apparently he’d hit a nerve. Hideyoshi strangled the air. “Why is the L train always down—?”
“Alright!” She swept in, clasping Hideyoshi’s hands in hers, grinning like the summer in full bloom. The effect was immediate; all the other men relaxed, lounging around the kitchen. How did she do that? Masamune knew she was talking (her mouth was moving), but the words floated away. Hideyoshi looked so soft in her grip. God, he hoped Hideyoshi didn't try anything with her. 
Where the hell did that thought come from?
“Earth to Masa.” Ieyasu waved a hand. “Did you hear anything?”
“Nah. Wasn’t listening. What’s up?”
The blonde rolled his eyes. “I literally asked if you wanted to make burgers for the bonfire tonight.”
“Bonfire?” Mitsuhide smiled. “That sounds excellent.”
“No lighting anything on fire like last time,” Hideyoshi warned, his shoulders tensing again. “You almost burned down the house with Nobunaga inside!”
“I assure you, that wasn’t my fault. Would that you believed me.”
“Well who the fuck else was watching the fire—”
“If you two are gonna fight, I’m just gonna…” Masamune rolled up his sleeves and plucked her from the floor, flinging her over his shoulders. “Borrow the kitten as my personal assistant tonight. How about that?”
“We’ll get the firewood together then.” Nobunaga waved him off. “And let you two to it.”
Hideyoshi hovered still. “Do you need any help? I’m not a master chef or anything, but I can be a pair of hands.”
Masamune almost took him up on it. But then she pulled back her hair—a long, languid movement that showed the curve of her back—and he shook his head. “Nah. We’ll manage. You go do things about, like, fire safety.”
That was the magic sentence. Those hazel eyes went large, and Hideyoshi nodded, purpose renewed. “You’re right. Let me know if you change your mind.”
Just like that, the two of them were alone again. She tittered and slid the bag of golden potatoes to him. “Need these peeled, chef?”
“Nah. Just washed. Throw on some tunes, would you?”
Her grin should have warned him, but he still wasn’t prepared for Neon Trees to echo in the kitchen. Masamune grinned and slapped the ground beef onto the cutting board. “What a fucking throwback. Is that Habits?”
“Yeah!” She dumped all of the potatoes in the sink. “Do you remember dancing to this in the car?”
Did he ever. They used to take Hideyoshi’s hand-me-down mom van (the only car that would fit all of them) out to the Oda Family property on the river, parking it in the field and lounging on blow up mattresses they’d pooled for at Target. Everything played on those busted car speakers: Neon Trees, old Panic! At the Disco, Chevelle, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Radiohead, Foo Fighters. Mitsuhide tricked Mitsunari and her into jumping in the water one night, and she was so mad and wet that Masamune stripped off all his clothes and put them on her, riding home in his boxers. 
“Yeah,” Masamune laughed. “I don’t think I ever got my pants back from you.”
“You got the pants back. I never gave you your hoodie back, though.”
“Shit, you’re right. Whatever happened to it?”
She hesitated over the sink, a funny, strangled smile on her mouth. “I turned it into a pillow.”
He froze. “Did you?”
“Yeah. Put it over a throw and tied the edges. I had it on my bed all the way through college.”
“Where is it now?”
She shrugged. After a long moment, she chuckled. “Would you judge me if I said I still had it?”
“No.” It wasn’t like him to stop, but he’d stopped, knife poised, a head of garlic ready for mincing and hands still. What did that mean? Savage pleasure surged in his stomach and he couldn’t place why. He’d always been protective of her. Right? Was that it? Just some misplaced neurons firing? “Not really, Kitten, no. I’m alright with that.” A beat. “It probably doesn’t fit me anymore anyway, you know? Might as well stay a pillow.”
Still she didn't look his way. Instead, she grabbed her phone and flipped on Caramelldansen, and he roared with laughter. “Hell!” 
As a unit, they flung down their utensils and danced. Adult bodies were different, but the chemistry was the same. He abandoned his station and flung her into his arms, the water still rushing down the drain over the potatoes. She squealed. 
“Could you guys not run up my water bill?” Ieyasu reemerged over the counter, knocking the faucet down. “If you’re gonna be distracted—”
“Sorry!” Her smile was infectious. “Let me just get back to those.”
His body cooled so quickly when she parted. Ieyasu hovered a moment longer, his green eyes boring into Masamune’s good one. 
“What?” He asked, cracking half the cloves open with a practiced hand. Ieyasu shook his head. 
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bogleech · 5 years
Okay here’s the whole entire text of my original pokemon gen concept under a cut (sorry if that screws you up on mobile)
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I’ve only ever sketched a tiny number of these (like my fly ideas here), but I can see most of them in my head pretty clearly and might sketch more of them by request someday. I originally set my fan-region in Florida, a place I hated living but still had a lot of interesting characteristics. This changed over once I moved to Oregon, and the thing about Oregon is that it has desert, forest, swamp, coastline and frozen mountaintops that are all pretty vast, ancient and in places relatively untouched compared to the rest of North America. This is not only a perfect setting for some really wild pokemon, but makes a believable choice because our Pacific Northwest is pretty popular in Japan.
The different biomes of this region have "deep" areas where the pokemon change. Some also have "polluted" areas. The region is environmentally themed and heavily deals with human interference on the natural world.
The villains are Team Bio, genetic engineerers lead by a mysterious old woman who narrowly survived the original Mewtwo experiment. Her underlings all use "mutant" pokemon, and she seeks to create a new species of hyper-intelligent, pure-hearted pokemon that will replace humans entirely. Along the way is a strange increase in reports of interstellar pokemon activity... I actually tried hard to minimize how many pokemon in this are just “my kind” of concept, but I think I failed pretty hard. It probably does feel like it leans a little more towards Mortasheen than something Pokemon would actually make, but for basically every pokemon that’s one of my “dream concepts” or “most wanted” I tried to come up with one that I thought would appeal more to somebody else’s taste than mine.
Grass Starter: a grass "lumberjack" pterosaur with an axe for a beak. Second stage has more saw-like beak, final stage is a grass/steel quetzalcoatlus (the pterosaur) with a beak and crest forming a chainsaw, no longer flies
Fire type calf whose black cow marks are actually soot. Evolves into cow with craggy black “helmet” and horns of charcoal. Final stage a charcoal-armored minotaur like fire/ground type.
Water Starter is a beady-eyed water shrew with big webbed flipper feet, known to steal shiny objects. Second stage more humanoid, said to dive for treasure. Final stage is water/dark lanky, stripey shrew with a black mask, said to rob boats like a “highwayman” of the river.
Meadows and forest:
Normal type mammal is a spherical porcupine, like a chestnut. Rubs its spines with noxious fruit juices, giving it a multicolored look. Evolved form is a colorful “punk” porcupine.
Early bug is a sticklike inchworm Evolves to cocoon resembling a wooden log on top. Final form is bipedal stick mimic grasshopper, evocative of a cute wooden puppet with a pointed nose.
Basic bird is a hummingbird Evolves to be four-winged and legless, never lands in its whole life. Final hummingbird is a fierce looking hunter that drains energy from grass types like a predator.
Grass type walking bud creature, looks nervous. Evolves to grass/flying orchid-like angelic flower. Alternate evolution is wilted, grey, grass/ghost goth orchid with tattered petals, cute but sad. (evolves this way if it levels up after a battle in which it sustained super-effective damage)
Ground type earthworm sticking out of dirt, cute flower-shaped head. Evolved worm looks like shark sticking out of the dirt, nose looks like its prevo
Electric/dark pikachu-like packrat holding a large coin. Electrically charges its treasure as a booby trap. Actually said to be employed as underlings by the water-type shrew starter.
Bug/poison type grub with fangs. Only encountered in garbage cans. Evolves into a fly pupa Final stage is a gloomy looking, drooling anthropomorphic fly.
Single stage bug/fairy type: a beautiful Maleficent-looking parasitoid wasp. Evolves from any cocoon/pupa pokemon if they're holding a "suspicious egg" item.
Water/grass nudibranch with flower on its back. Evolves to a glaucus, each "arm" a colorful flower that absorbs sunlight as it floats.
Water type fish that "sails" on the sea's surface with its fins. Sleepy looking stingray evolution. Final form is water/dragon deep sea fish, combines some traits of anglerfish and viperfish with eyes on stalks. Only evolves from stingray when you're in the sea trench.
Water/flying marlin with huge, dazzling butterfly like fins.
Water type baby dolphin, fuzzy like a seal pup, only evolves if it has fainted more times than the number of its current level. Evolved form is water/dark, shaggy-furred, fierce looking, battle scarred dolphin with legs instead of flippers, a throwback to the doglike ancestors of delphinidae.
Polluted inlet
Water/poison oil slick with two tentacles and beady white eyes, signature ability changes it to water/fire type if it uses a fire move. Evolved form is an oil slick rising into a cartoon octopus with x's for pupils.
Water/steel fish hook with tiny head and eyes, like a barbed metal worm. Water/steel fishing jig, googly eyes and everything.
Barren Island - just a very big rock in the middle of the inlet
Ghost/poison: a greenish "dodo bird" with a face like a biohazard mask, the ghost of a species that went exinct due to sickness.
Sea Trench
Water/fire bristleworm "snake" Water/fire tube worm "dragon"
Water/ghost wailord skeleton draped in pink fuzz and a garden of one-eyed bone worms.
Electric/flying bird resembling a lightbulb kiwi. Evolved form resembling a neon light lawn flamingo.
Grass/fairy giant sloth with sleepy face, completely covered in shaggy moss with various flowers and mushrooms. Protector of the swamp, able to control plant life.
Grass/psychic sundew, just a pair of sundew leaves atop a sleepy looking oddish-esque bulb. Evolved sundew is mostly a big circular sundew rosette, but a humanoid flower rotates in the center like a music box to lure prey.
Water/fighting borzoi pup with long legs, acts like a water strider. Evolved form is an elongated, elegant borzoi "ballerina" that dances atop water
Water/ground red leech slightly evocative of a vacuum cleaner. A healer that sucks poison from the body instead of blood. May mysteriously appear in your team after walking through swamp water.
Deep Forest:
Grass/ground banana slug with colorful mold spots, learns spore. Evolves into mold splotched, brown banana peel creature, more like a big squid.
Grass/dark autumn leaf in the shape of a bat, has levitate. Evolved form redder, bigger "vampire cape" leaf-bat.
Psychic/ghost cheshire cat with Meowth-like proportions, bright crescent smile. Evolved form just huge smile and cat eyes hovering in the air, beastly cat body fading into view only for physical attacks or when struck.
Rock type humanoid made of transparent amber with a strange mayfly-like bug sleeping inside. Outer body can "break" at low HP and release faster, more offensive pure bug form.
Rock: incredibly huge, stony looking moose with long white fur draped over its eyes and back. Comes in size variations like Pumpkaboo line and said to never stop growing. A truly titanic one is used as transportation through the deep forest.
Snowy patches
Bug/ice velvet worm that spews a freezing liquid. Silly looking, almost like wiggler from mario.
Ice/flying fluffy white bird resembling a tiny Japanese style snowman. Evolves to resemble western style snowman with clawed bird feet, pointed beak nose. A flightless pure ice mountain dweller.
Electric/ice with levitate: a crystalline "UFO" sky-jellyfish with many colorful lights, core body looks like a cute pikmin-esque "alien" inside. Catch by fishing off of ledges into the sky. Mistaken by locals for alien activity.
Lava Tube Caves
Psychic type bipedal pink salamander with no eyes. Evolves into beautiful milotic-like psychic/dragon blind olm.
Rock/fighting spearhead with feet, eyes are just round holes through blade. Evolves to gain a stick-figure sort of body.
Abandoned town
Normal/bug filthy dog, a shaggy pile of fur with goofy eyes and pink tongue. Little black specks jump about it. Ability changes normal moves to bug moves. Evolved form more obviously a dog but still very shaggy, surrounded by constant cloud of black specks.
Grass/electric "christmas tree" made of holly and lights. Found in a burned down house, glowing eyes peer out from beneath it.
Ghost: has a colorful quilt for a body and a pincushion for a head. Found inside houses.
Garbage dump - accessible through abandoned town, possibly what drove people away (includes piles of toys you may investigate to encounter a banette, mimikyu or klefki)
Water/poison: cartoony fish with blank eyes and humanoid pair of legs. Fish for in toxic green garbage pools. Evolves into ground/poison skeleton fish with four limbs, walking like a lizard.
Steel/bug rusty orange silverfish. Eats junk metal. Evolved form so big it wears a rusty car for protection with just its legs and feelers sticking out.
MICROPOKEMON - enlarged artificially in a laboratory where you can also take your fossils.
Bug/fighting flea - spiny black flea with big jagged white teeth. Create from the "pest sample" an item carried randomly by the normal/bug dog.
Poison/fairy germ - fuzzy multicolored mold ball with eyes, stalked suckers. Retrieve "germ sample" from the dodo ghost.
Water/fairy tardigrade - transparent, cute bug stylized almost like a "gummy bear."  Retrieve "dew sample" from moss sloth.
Rock type baby gargoyle creature. Evolves to winged gargoyle with levitate and a few mossy patches. Final form is an elegant griffon-like rock/dragon with an elaborately carved surface
SPACE ARK DRAGON This location is itself a dragon/fairy legendary pokemon so massive you can enter its body. It exists to collect and preserve species from dying worlds. Most common wild pokemon inside is duosion and sometimes Reuniclus. You can also collect "gene samples" from crystalline pods to replicate the ultrabeasts in the same lab you enlarge the microbes and resurrect fossils.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a little like weird yellow plant suckered to the ground, red flower-like head with an eye on each petal ala the yokai parasite, gyochu.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a colorful worm with cute eyes and beautiful mothlike wings, a little like the yokai parasite koshi-no-mushi.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a pale, red and white striped "lizard" with six spindly limbs and a tubular proboscis, inspired by the yokai parasite kagemushi.
Fairy type alien medic, looks like a cute flatwoods monster with heart motif and nurse coat. Flees from all battles unless you have defeated at least one of each of the parasites.
Dragon/electric: the ark dragon's smaller offspring, looks like an electronic space whale.
Dragon/steel, menacing, sleek black starship creature. Rival to the ark dragon, a "world reaper" that attempts to destroy planets that it thinks are already dying.
Psychic/fairy little white, fluffy mothman-like being, an observer that casts judgment on suffering worlds to call one of the dragons (version based)
Normal type legendary is the most human-like pokemon we've ever seen, a serene floating figure with long hair and black, almond-shaped eyes. A genetic experiment to supplant humans.
Electric/fighting: a hulking humanoid beast, almost frankensteinian with asymmetrical features, a failed early experiment.
A "glitched and scrambled" two dimensional pokemon. The result of the earliest known experiments in digital pokemon transfer. Actually literally typeless.
POISON FUSIONS created in the garbage dump:
Weezodor - poison/flying - Garbodor/weezing hybrid, like a jellyfish bag with smog tentacles.
Mukking - poison/water - Weezing/muk hybrid, like a koffing with slime appendages.
Garmuk - poison/ground - Muk/garbodor hybrid, like a giant slug made of trash.
MUTANT POKEMON: mutations of classic first-stage pokemon into creatures slightly tougher than even their original final stages.
Mutant Caterpie - bug/dragon - huge, dragonlike Caterpie with more menacing eyespots, clawed limbs.
Mutant Paras - pure grass - giant paras with far more mushrooms of different colors, body pure white with no mouth and white sphere eyes, actually made only of fungus.
Mutant Venonat - bug/dark - same old venonat with a big shaggy monster body
Mutant Zubat - Psychic - somewhat larger than crobat, has actual legs and a pair of clawed arms instead of wings. Much bigger ears.
Mutant Voltorb - electric/steel - a Voltorb even bigger than Electrode, otherwise looks normal besides angrier yellow eyes...until it splits open to reveal sharp teeth.
Mutant Tangela - grass/fairy - more like its scrapped Gen II evolution but perhaps a lot taller, with two very very long arms.
Mutant Geodude - rock/fighting - HUGE spiky arms and hands but head/body are the same as always.
Mutant Shellder - water/steel - it's the spiraly slowbro one!
Mutant Exeggcute - psychic/poison - bigger and more plentiful but "rotten" looking eggs with gloomier eyes and dark purple goo.
Mutant Eevee - normal - bigger than any of the eeveelutions, shaggy and beastly with the "camouflage" ability. Learns strong attacks of every eevee evolution type.
Mutant Doduo - fighting type with only one head
Mutant Luvdisc - the only one based on a non-evolving pokemon. Angry "broken heart" Luvdisc with record offensive stats for the series, but even worse defenses than regular luvdisc.
Mutant Trapinch - dragon/bug - giant turtle-like Trapinch, redder, spiny, second mouth inside jaws.
Mutant Dratini - dragon/fairy - huge long dratini with longer feathery wing ears, identical wings down body.
Mutant Larvitar - dragon/dark - big, armored green reptile, still has larvitar type head with craggier, meaner horn.
Mutant Bagon - dragon - huge, more t-rex proportioned bagon, spiked shell on head.
Mutant Deino - bigger and shaggier with a ring of five long-necked deino heads
Mutant Gible - dragon/fighting - only usually seen as a huge sharky fin sticking out of the ground. When it emerges, its body isn't much bigger than regular gible.
Mutant Goomy - psychic/dragon - giant goomy with gaping mouth, antennae are much longer, green and stripey.
Mutant Jangmo-o - dragon/steel - same old head but more ankylosaur-like big body, entirely a dark iron color with more pitted looking scales.
ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATIONS no mechanical or typing difference, but new color schemes and decorations on existing pokemon, totally an aesthetic change. Have their own shiny forms.
SEA TRENCH FORMS: Entirely pale pink golisopod line with closed eyes transparent red tentacool line with darker red nodules dark maroon inkay line with blue lights red and purple feebas line
CAVE FORMS: White, eyeless venipede line White, eyeless magikarp line
DEEP SWAMP FORMS: crocodile-green Sandile line with lily pad on head black shelled "freshwater" shellder line with green algae growths pure red and purple colored bellsprout line
DEEP FOREST FORMS: braviary with more hawklike colors foongus line with no pokeball pattern...the original foongus? wolf-spider colored joltik line
POLLUTED INLET FORMS: Dewpider line with all black body and limbs, yellow glowing eyes in dirty green water Grey wailmer line draped in red algae, clumps of barnacles (presumably degenerated binacle) Wingull line with grey and black oil-splotched feathers, tin can on head
GARBAGE DUMP FORMS: Bounsweet line with only grey, brown and black colors, dark spoiled looking splotches Black bag trubbish line with green trash, copper colored pipes Rusted looking klink line, rotates only once every few seconds.
----------GYM LEADERS -------------- In this region the gyms are dual type, and bring back past mechanics and gimmicks as their focus.
flying/normal: a blind, wheelchair-bound old man who specializes in dog and bird pokemon. Uses a baton pass team.
Steel/electric: an astronaut commanding his gym by remote feed from the station. Uses Magnezone, Rotom forms and, surprisingly, a random steel or electric ultrabeast.
Poison/bug: a germophobic lady scientist ironically obsessed with pollution pokemon, always wearing a biohazard suit. Has weezing, garbodor, the fly pokemon and Yanmega. Uses Z-moves, but it's random whether she uses a bug or poison one and on which pokemon.
Dark/fire: an elderly biker lady. Has no gym and in fact roams around the region. Surprisingly challenges you to a third-gen style beauty contest with her frightening selection of pokemon.
Grass/fairy: witchy pharmacist and botanist who lives out in the woods, all of her grass types are mushroom based. Unusually has you team up with her in a double battle against a random pokemon of unusual size and strength, like Alola's totem pokemon.
Ground/fighting: an extremely frail little nerdy guy who likes amazingly fearsome pokemon, hates bullies but kind of is one. Makes you face a horde battle with all of his pokemon vs. only one of yours at a time.
Dragon/rock: a boisterous monster movie director who dresses his pokemon in costumes, gym is a cardboard city. Uses a dynamaxed pokemon.
Ghost/psychic: a horror author, Vincent Price like, lives in a mansion and makes visitors face scenes from his books. Instead of a single battle, he has you face a series of singular mega pokemon behind each "scene." THE LABORATORY This location is of course secretly associated with the villain team, but you can free it up from them in the endgame. Here you can make fossil pokemon, micropokemon, regional forms from past generations, ultrabeasts and even mega stones, but all require you to spend one or more “gene crystals.” You’re handed a number of these through the storyline but it would be very challenging to farm more than that  (think Gen 7 bottlecaps). Spending more crystals at the lab would allow you to finally alter abilities, natures and IV’s at a whim, and for an exceptional cost you could upgrade the BASE stats of any L100 pokemon permanently. This is a percentage increase applied across the board to all of its stats at once, and stops at either 100 total points beyond their normal limits, or a final base stat total of 530 (equivalent to a fully evolved starter) MISC STUFF:
Your mom this gen asks you if you hope to have an easy, challenging, or very challenging adventure. You can return to her at any time to adjust the difficulty again.
When you beat the game, you can make a custom trainer for online battles using the models of other NPC trainer types, i.e. you can finally be a swimmer/scientist/grunt/etc. You can unlock some popular ones from past generations.
You can select one pokemon as your main partner, which not only has it following you, but involves it a little more in the storyline (special events based on its first typing) and gives it some in-game perks.
A special item attached to any one of your pokemon allows your whole team to “share strength,” meaning that their weaknesses are mitigated for each teammate they share a type with. This allows for type-themed teams to be more viable but wouldn’t completely eliminate their weaknesses, and the effect diminishes proportionately for every pokemon that faints.
You can designate a seventh pokemon to be your “team mascot,” a non-combat role with different effects depending on species/type.
A single team can have either the mascot, a z-move, a dynamax/gigantamax form or a mega, cannot mix these.
Legendary pokemon now suffer a stat nerf for every other legendary pokemon on the same team. A team of six legendaries would actually be somewhat below-average in stats.
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