#three more chapters left of this
kachikirby · 1 year
Kirby: Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train! - Chapter 7: Kirby's Great Singing Operation!
Previous Chapter
King Dedede looked like he was about to fall over.
“It won’t end like this! York, I’ll thoroughly question you about your scheme later! You better prepare yourself!”
He rushed out of the dining car. The dumbfounded passengers began to shout.
“A-a-a shooting star!?”
“What’ll happen if we collide with it!?”
“Nothing good! The Pupupu Train will explode!”
During the chaos, Meta Knight approached York.
“A shooting star! Can the self-driving system avoid something like that...!?”
“It... it cannot...!” York staggard, dumbfounded. “To avoid collisions, the train tracks must be changed. It requires advanced calculations and techniques. There’s no way you can do it unless you’re an experienced driver!”
The passengers’ screaming increased.
“Then King Dedede can’t do a thing!”
“Waaaaaaahhh! I wanna go back to Dream Land!”
“We can avoid a collision with an experienced driver? Then we have no choice but to wake him up!” Meta Knight said.
“It’s...useless...!” York repeated the same phrase while trembling. “The effects of the slumbercumbers are very strong! You’ll wake up when the time comes, but until then, you can’t wake up!”
Bonkers grabbed York.
“This is all your fault! It’s all because you smuggled the slumbercumbers...!”
“No, I can’t believe this is happening...!” York cried.
The voices blaming York and the voices screaming mixed to create great chaos in the dining car. It was during all this...
“Everyone, be quiet!” A loud voice echoed.
It was Kirby, who had an unusually sharp expression. Everyone took a breath and looked at him.
“We just need to wake up the driver. If we can do that, we’ll all be saved.”
“Yes...” Meta Knight nodded. “Is there something that can do that, Kirby?”
“...I don’t know whether it’ll work or not, but...” Kirby clenched his fist. “I remembered something from this morning. Bonkers was sound asleep, but when I hummed a little, he immediately woke up.”
Everyone turned their attention to Bonkers. Bonkers spoke with a frown.
“It’s only natural. There’s no way Kirby can sing. If you all heard it too, there’s no way you... could... sleep...”
He then realized.
Kirby nodded. “I’ll sing with all my heart... right next to the driver and the others!”
“What are you saying?”
York shook his head in amazement.
“They shouldn’t wake up from something like singing! No matter how much you yell or shake them, they won’t wake up. That’s the effects of the slumbercumbers...”
“No, it’s a good idea.” Meta Knight said.
The passengers nodded with fascinated expressions. The kind-hearted Waddle Doo and the others said with tearful expressions.
“Uuu... uuu... I feel sorry for the driver and the others...”
“I’ll leave it to you, Kirby.” Meta Knight said.
“Got it! Walky, lend me your strength!”
Kirby turned to Walky and inhaled deeply. Walky panicked.
“Huh? You’re inhaling me? Kirby’s singing power is destructive as is... UAAAAAAAAA!!”
Walky flew through the air and into Kirby’s mouth. Suddenly, he transformed, gaining a pair of headphones on his head and a microphone in his hand.
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“Huh?! Mr. Kirby transformed...?!” York shouted in surprise.
Meta Knight explained.
“When Kirby inhales someone, he can take on that person’s abilities for himself. Because he inhaled Walky, he now has the Mic Copy Ability... wait, Kirby!”
He quickly put a stop to Kirby, who was about to sing at a moment’s notice.
Kirby then said. “I thought I would practice. Everyone, listen...”
“Stop. You don’t need to practice. Hurry to where the driver and the others are and sing in as quiet of a voice as you can.”
“...huh? But if I do that, they won’t wake up.”
“That’s not the case!”
Meta Knight forcefully persuaded Kirby.
“Your singing voice is fine! If you sing in a soft voice, the driver and the others will wake up immediately!”
“Is that so? Ehehe!” Kirby giggled in a shy voice.
“Anyway, get going, Kirby!”
“Got it! I’ll wake them up no matter what!”
Kirby rushed out of the dining car.
Meta Knight then shouted. “Everyone cover your ears and get down on the floor! Kirby’s singing voice will attack without mercy, even from a different vehicle entirely! Protect yourselves!”
The passengers did as they were told and fell to the floor while blocking their ears. Only York continued to stand, dumbfounded.
“What’s wrong, everyone? What are you all doing?”
“You should do the same thing, too! It’s about to get real dangerous!” Captain Vul said while still covering his ears.
“Dangerous? What exactly do you mean?”
York tilted his head in a mystified voice.
Kirby rushed into the room where the driver and other staff members slept. The three of them were sleeping side by side. All of them looked healthy and had calm breathing.
“Just wait, I’ll let you hear a happy song.”
He took a breath and grasped his microphone.
As Meta Knight told him to, he sang in a soft voice. The three bodies twitched in their sleep, and so did their peacefully sleeping faces.
“Oh, they’re moving a bit! They’ve been touched!”
Kirby became more and more enthusiastic. The first stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Megaphone, has been put into effect!
“Ughhhh...” The three staff members let out a painful moan. The strong effects of the slumbercumbers were about to be broken by Kirby’s singing! Kirby himself was having more and more fun. The second stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Desk Microphone, has been put into effect!
“Uu... uuu...!” The three staff members tossed and turned many times over as they broke into a cold sweat.
And finally, the third stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Stand Microphone! Kirby closed his eyes as his body trembled and his voice resounded.
The three staff members shouted as they sprung awake. With an unimaginable singing voice, the effects of the slumbercumbers were shattered.
“S-stop it, stop it...!”
“My...my head is pounding! My ears are ringing!”
“I was having such a wonderful dream... until that dream world was shattered!”
The crew members writhed as they covered their ears.
“Oh, you’re all awake! The power of singing is really amazing!”
Kirby was so happy that he somersaulted, the force of which caused him to drop the ability and caused Walky to roll out.
Walky then said. “Did you do it, Kirby?!”
“Yup! The three of them are awake and conscious!”
“Well then, let’s go quickly now!”
Kirby shook the driver.
“Mr. Driver! Mr. Driver! Come quickly! We have a problem! Come quickly!”
However, the driver clenched his eyes and shook him off.
“D-don’t touch me! Uu... even though I was having such a wonderful dream... let me go back to sleep!”
“You can’t! The Pupupu Train’s in great danger!”
“The Pupupu Train? Who cares about that... I wanna sleep...”
The driver mumbled, but in the blink of an eye, his eyes shot open.
“The Pupupu Train! No, wait, I’m in the middle of driving it! I felt like I just fell asleep... this is bad, this is bad!”
Upon hearing that, the maid and the conductor’s eyes also opened.
“Waah! I’m also on the clock! I carelessly dozed off!”
“I did, too! I wonder how long I was asleep for. I have to quickly go and clean all of the guest rooms!”
It was as if they had no idea what was going on while they were sleeping.
“Then you gotta come quickly! There’s a shooting star nearby and it’s likely to crash into us!” Kirby shouted.
The three staff members became pale.
“We can’t dodge it without the driver! Come quickly!”
“Oh no...!” The driver, still pale, jumped up and rushed to the cab.
Kirby and Walky returned to the dining car. Everyone there was exhausted. The most severely affected was York. His eyes were white, and he fainted.
“What’s wrong with Mr. York?”
Kirby ran up to York, who was laying on the sofa.
“No way... did he also eat the slumbercumbers...!?”
“No...” Meta Knight answered with a soft voice. “He didn’t listen to my advice to cover his ears. Because of that, he received serious damage.”
“Huh? What happened?”
“...it’s nothing. Are the driver and the others awake?”
“Yup! They woke up refreshed!”
The weakened passengers breathed a sigh of relief as they applauded.
“Hurray! You did it, Kirby!”
“We knew you could! Like we knew we could withstand that singing!”
“Shh! Don’t say that!”
The applause grew louder and louder, causing York to wake up.
“U... uu... what was that horrible experience I had...”
York groaned as he woke up while Kirby reported happily about what happened.
“Ah! Mr. York! You’re awake! The driver and the others woke up!”
“...huh? Are you serious?”
“Yup! My song moved them, and they woke up! He’s heading straight for the cab now!”
“Song? Your song...? Uuuu... why... why is my head throbbing...” York uttered while holding his head.
“Has the driver returned to his post?”
“Yup! So did the conductor and maid!”
“That’s good.”
York raised his head and said in a clear voice. “Then everything is already taken care of. His driving skills are the best in my company. That means it’s the best in the galaxy. He can definitely avoid the shooting star!”
The passengers cheered and hugged each other.
“What a relief...! We’re saved!”
“I thought we were doomed!”
Within the cries of rejoicing, the door to the dining car opened and King Dedede entered. He said while staggering.
“That horrible singing voice... that was you, wasn’t it, Kirby! Well, don’t think I couldn’t have managed it on my own strength without the driver!”
He plopped down in a chair and glared at York.
“Now, to continue from earlier, York! I would like to say that I would like to question you about your evildoing...”
The king then looked away.
“We’ll talk about those annoying things later. We should celebrate the fact that we avoided this great disaster. It’s time for a sweets party!”
The passengers cheered with joy.
“Sweets and snacks!”
“Chef Kawasaki! Make a sweet cake!”
“Of course! Thanks to Captain Vul retuning the sugar, I can make lots of planned and even some new cakes!” Chef Kawasaki said with a smile.
There was great applause. However, it was at that moment that the conductor rushed in with a serious expression.
“I have a message from the driver! We’re too late to be able to avoid it!”
The noisy dining car became dead silent.
The conductor shouted painfully.
“The speed of the shooting star is greater than we expected! Collision with the Pupupu Train is imminent...!”
Table of Contents
Next Chapter ->
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kugisakiss · 1 year
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bullying takagi is a full time job and i will happily do it without pay
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barklikeagod · 13 days
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windwardstar · 3 months
you know it might just be that my tendency to overwrite might have something to do with the fact my chapters end up being 15k even after undergoing mitosis
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andynthestars · 6 months
"Dance With Me" Chapter 3 is out now!! Forgot to post abt ch2 but shhhh. also i promise that it's far fluffier than this screenshot implies i just had to give you the DRAMA so you'd be interested https://archiveofourown.org/works/52258792/chapters/132432460
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oloreaa · 8 months
Can u guys believe that I wrote like 10k of ven in the last two days alone
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claire-starsword · 6 days
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons - Chapter 3-8 & 3-9
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He caused great damage, but having been finally defeated, Ziduur no longer posed a threat to the continent of Rune. That made everyone's hearts at least a little lighter.
"This is so terribly wrecked," Guntz freaked out as he inspected the damages on the Pao Train. Strangely, there was some happiness in his face too. There were parts of the machine he so far hesitated to touch or take apart, but now, to repair it, he would fiddle with them to his heart's content.
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"But I'll fix it. Yes, I believe I'll have it all back to normal in three months," Guntz said to Koron, making a rough estimate.
"If that is how long it will be, there is nothing we can do. I'm just happy it can be fixed," Koron replied humbly. She hid a small sigh from everyone's sight.
The only good news is that the living quarters in the back cars were all okay. They wouldn't be able to act as a caravan for a while, but at least they could still live without issue.
"No, make that two months. That is, if I help."
All of a sudden, Krin had entered the conversation.
"That'd be great, if I call Master Crock and Lyle it will go even faster," Guntz went along with her.
"Leave it to me."
Although Koron couldn't deny a certain fear, she left the job in their hands.
"That's how it is, so, I'll be staying here," Krin told Karin nonchalantly.
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She had always been one to jump into an idea as soon as she had it. Karin only smiled bitterly at her little sister's selfishness.
"Do as you please. That's just like you, anyway."
With her sister's permission, Krin went to Guntz, and they began to struggle together with the bunch of blueprints he had made. Very quickly, they had shut down everything else from their attention. Next to them, Cerberus laid down, seemingly bored as she watched her master move around.
Bleu gave his farewells to Koron once again. With Krin and Cerberus staying behind, the group of six continued to Uranbatol.
"Take care, Sir Bleu. Lady Karin, I will take great care of your younger sister as well. To everyone, may good meetings and the Light's protection be with you."
Sent away with these words of Queen Koron, the group left the Pao Plains.
The centaurs that once fought alongside Bleu were gathered in Uranbatol. With the help of Queen Koron, they had built a new town focused on sea trade.
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"Seems like you had a hard journey. Until we finish preparations for your ship, you should relax and rest."
The governor of Uranbatol, Earnest, laughed brightly while buried in mountains of paperwork. Bleu added an official letter from Queen Koron to the piles. The letter contained a request for aid in the form of materials and provisions for the restoration of the Pao Train, and for a ship for Bleu's group to cross the ocean with.
"Still, those ocean monsters that escaped from us were defeated there, huh."
"You mean what a shame, don't you?"
Vankar poked fun at Arthur.
"Well, they wrecked half of our warships, so I wanted us to be the ones to finish them off."
Pelle laughed bitterly. He likely meant it.
The harbor, which was their whole livelihood, had to be closed off due to the kraken's attack. They immediately dispatched warships after it, and managed to sink the ship that seemed to be controlling the monster. However, a good part of the devils in there managed to get into the land.
When it came to the kraken, they couldn't leave a scratch on it. Half of their ships were sunken, unable to do anything against underwater attacks, and the fleet had to retreat in panic.
After that the kraken vanished, and they missed their chance at revenge.
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"If you're on a journey, why don't we come along?" Pelle proposed, as if looking for an outlet for his burning fighting spirit. He used to be a wandering mercenary, and the idea of traveling to an unknown continent seemed to have greatly picked up his interest.
"You can't, each of you should know very well why," Earnest stopped him with no space for excuses.
"The only one busy here is you, uh, sir. Ah, I guess Arthur also has his hands full reforming the navy. Then, it'll be just me and ol' Vankar. So, that good for you, Bleu?"
Bleu struggled to answer. Earnest made a look that said 'don't indulge him'.
"We're not gathering a whole force to invade the place… but I appreciate the sentiment. Thanks, Pelle."
Pelle clicked his tongue at Bleu's reply. Vankar laughed heartly at him.
"Pelle, Vankar, I'm sending you two as messengers to Her Majesty Koron. You'll guard the supplies during transportation and the train while it is repaired. If some unlucky bandits come by, then you can kick their asses as you want. …Which is not something I should say with ladies present, is it?"
Earnest laughed, while Arthur agreed with a serious face. The governor turned to him a bit offended, but then Arthur grinned at him. Earnest snorted back at his friend.
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"Then, how long will it take for a ship to be ready?"
Arthur told Camallia it would take around two days.
"Then, you and I can discuss the details. Until the ship is ready, we'll take your offer and relax in town."
Saying that to dismiss them, Bleu went with Arthur to another room.
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chaosduckies · 17 days
I’m actually going to combust and explode. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER OF RESTORATION OH MY GOSH. I’ve made three separate drafts and I don’t know which one to use, so I might just redo it again.
I swear I’m trying guys but I want these last few chapters to be amazing. So sorry for the wait 😞
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
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Starting tomorrow !!!!
I'm so hyped!!!!!!
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kaoharu · 2 months
also the prologue is pretty long . . . im abt ❓️ 10ish hrs in i think . . . and im only on act2 ch5 still lol. when do we branch off
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analog-television · 2 months
now that i spammed out my pre-existing art (and a few new ones in the mix - for the record the bugsnax ones are new), my update schedule will likely get sparser. usually im only hyped to draw art for a short period of time, though its admittedly nice being able to draw stuff again after a months long art block. :>
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you-will-return · 6 months
#i just noticed that i've been suuuper inactive on this blog#for which i'm sorry#but also uni has been hell#one of my professors has decided that we should do two courses worth of reading for her seminar every week#and i've been stuck in group project planning hell for like three weeks now#i also might have put a bit too much pressure on myself when it comes to project so besides correcting the new Hot Mess chpt#i've also been working on three other projects and still need to do work for my uni classes#i really wanted to put out the new chapter this week but that has.... left the realm of possibility#i want to write so so badly but i have to finish like 30 stickers/ finish 2 other chapters/ knit 2 scarves/ hand in 3 more projects#all before christmas#i read a post yesterday that was like name one thing that you're gonna do for yourself this week#and i came up blank#eveything i'm currently doing is either for class or for other people so they're happy#don't get me wrong i enjoy writing/ drawing/ knitting but...#i don't know#Hot Mess used to be my self-indulgent project but now#the seasonal mentol illness hasn't been helping either#all my friends are miserable and all i do is either drown myself in work or be miserable too#my last short story made my bff tell me to go talk to my therapist about it#so that's how my non-fanfic efforts have been going#there's another story i need to write a date chapter for but I haven't been able to write actual romance for about a year now#idk what's wrong#maybe nothing is wrong and this is just what i'm like when i'm off my meds and i simply forgot#i've been forgetting a lot of things
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unforth · 1 year
For some reason I'm lmao of this
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Man thats rough dude. I can't imagine how frustrating it'd be to be sure I want to murder someone BUT IM JUST SO BUSY DAMN IT.
(Text "so, although Cao Cao had the intention to kill Liu Bei, he didn't have the time to kill Liu Bei.")
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rosesradio · 6 months
the first draft of chapter 17 of CE is finished, bringing the current word count to approximately 76,500
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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dimitri literally is completely suicidal in this game right to the end
is nobody going to actually help this man i mean he literally just said there is nobody he more desires to end than himself and then says he must thank their adversary for letting him kill a phantom of himself
is nobody going to help him
not even after this being one of many instances of him being utterly suicidal
i mean he’s very vocal about it
is nobody... gonna... help him...
#Three Hopes#Dimitri#literally like ??? i get that there's only so much time for writing and stuff#but with the amount of times he says suicidal things you'd think they'd have room to like#stick something in there where someone gets super worried#especially after chapter eight I mean you'd think with how strong his support system is#that ppl would be like whoaaaaaaaaaa back up what did you say#BUT NO NOPE NOBODY EVEN SITS HIM DOWN AND TALKS TO HIM and I don't even blame the characters#I blame it on being a poor writing choice bc the characters SHOULD and ABSOLUTELY WOULD#but the writers for some reason just decided not to include it which is kinda lame#he obviously needs a lot more than just a support system alone#as someone who has been in the same mental place and said the same kind of shit just as often#he needs a lot more than just good friends bc good friends are great but that alone doesn't cure the problem#ngl he's the most openly suicidal character probably in the FE franchise and it's a huge shame that#they didn't bother writing in people actually trying to do something about it bc when it comes to#how severe Dimi's mental illness is they did a good job with that esp in AM#but they don't rly have ppl properly helping him through it and you can do that without needing modern therapy#I mean if Rodrigue heard him talking like this you better BELIEVE he would not let it go and would talk to Dimi#it's a shame they basically just left out all the blatant worry and care that everyone would have had
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quaranmine · 9 months
opens chapter 9 section of the doc with dread in my heart
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