#those poor kids
nainz7 · 9 months
sometimes i think about how happy Katniss was when they rescued Peeta in Mockingjay, running to him giddy and giggling, making up scenarios inside her mind, dreaming about kissing him, like for a moment despite all the horrific things she had to go through she was genuinely, completely happy and then the absolute, crippling tragedy of it being taken away when he tried to kill her and she found out that they had tortured him and erased every part of him that loved her and not only does he hate her, he’s actually afraid of her and is convinced she’s not a real person and then i want to jump off a bridge
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jackoshadows · 8 months
Jamie Lee Curtis shares a photo of terrified children looking up at the skies, because she thinks they're Israeli. They're actually Palestinians.
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petracozbi · 6 months
Remember in the beginning of season two, when we thought Linc was just a scared, socially awkward kid who loved soccer and his dads?? Turns out he's been a menace this whole time. FUCKING LAXATIVES???!!!!
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lunabug2004 · 5 months
I Hate Karen and Ted Wheeler (Mainly Ted)
So... a few days ago I saw someone's post defending Ted Wheeler and it made me kinda mad so I wanted to share this bit of info I learned in class recently: statistically, the absolute worst form of parenting is neglectful parenting. Let me elaborate a bit.
As mentioned in my intro post, I am currently in college studying to become a math teacher, and as part of my degree I have to take a course called Educational Psychology. One of the first things we went over was different forms of parenting and how they can affect a child. The worst style of parenting we discussed, called uninvolved or neglectful parenting, was defined as "Parenting lacks both control and responsiveness. Parents of this style are typically unaware of their child's behavior, friends, difficulties, or achievements." Sound familiar? Ted & Karen (but mainly Ted) Wheeler.
This form of parenting can also often lead to emotional or physical abuse. Now, I'm not saying that Ted or Karen abuse their children, but it should definitely say something that if they were just that little bit worse, it probably would be the case. Ted Wheeler is just the perfect example of an uninvolved/neglectful parent and anyone who can't see that is frankly blind. And yes, you could this was fairly common in older times, but it absolutely does not make it right.
We can also clearly see the results of a neglected child in both Nancy and Mike. They don't know how to talk about their feelings in a healthy, mature way because they were never taught. Because their parents never cared when they had problems, and never tried to reach out to them either. (Cue, Karen saying, "he'll come to us when he's ready" after her son's best friend died or Ted and Karen forcing Mike to get rid of toys in s2 instead of trying to help him when he's obviously acting out.) We don't know for sure what the case is with Holly, but it seems like both Ted and Karen are making more of an effort with her. Why? I don't know. Maybe they finally realized the reason their other kids are holed up in their rooms (or basement) or always out with friends, why they don't talk to them, why dinners always end in fights. Too little too late for their oldest and middle, but maybe they can still change for their youngest. (I doubt it, I believe most of what we see of them in s3 is them putting on a show for others but what do I know?)
Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. I just wanted to put that piece of information out there just in case some still think the Wheelers are good parents :)
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thesharktist · 7 months
Do you guys think Willy Wonka and William Afton would get along?
They totally wouldn't, but imagine that duo and imagine them as the world's best crack ship. Like. Look at them, okay.
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I have a few other drawings of them that I could show, but just think about it. Let it sink in is all.
Do you want to see my other art for them??
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cowpokezuko · 2 months
Dude hearing Drake Bell and his father talk about how Brian Peck wormed his way between them to take advantage of Drake is so heartbreaking. His father tried so hard to protect him and Peck still manipulated the family in order to abuse Drake. Holy shit. Fucking evil.
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herbie851 · 2 years
I think one of the most devastating things we learned this week about Suppalo is that they sent a child to inform another child that his parent had died. I’ll say that again, they had Kan (in 9th grade he would be 13/14) go inform Thua (who would be around the same age) that his father died. I literally gasped when they revealed that. I know it is laughable to think any sort of counselor works at their school but there was no adult that could do it?!?
Aaaaand then I think about the adults at that school and maybe it was for the best. At least he got comfort. They probably would have told him to walk it off or something. 🙄🤬
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thedevilsfamiliar · 10 days
Well I pissed myself off
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silly-cherries · 7 months
I ADORE how attack on titan manages to simultaneously have a happy ending and be a tragedy. Fucking masterpiece
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Men know that taking care of a family and a house is work. They just think it's work they shouldn't have to do.
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freebooter4ever · 8 days
your response to that anon re: mika. i love you sfm
LOL i am having a very bad day unrelated to tumblr so i might have taken it out on that anon a little 🤣🤣🤣
But also i am totally chris kreider levels defensive of mika like let me crack an ipad on that anon's head and see if anon can play better hockey that way
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deathianartworks · 9 months
(Glances at my 50 odd Mimeatronic sketches that I've yet to finish)
I'll finish you soon I swear...
(closes the tab while they all scream desperately)
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faneth · 9 months
the way we are living through a literal war and people my age are saying that school was still the worst time period of their lives
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sassysillysavvy · 2 years
even if the other bands produced a miracle from god on that field, blue devils would still win
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i don't dislike Jensen Ackles because of the destiel speedrun scene. he didn't write the scene and the utter hate seems a bit blown out of proportion. I DO dislike Jensen Ackles, however, for the fact that he named his children Arrow and Zeppelin
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so that's why they call it s laugh ter haha
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