Bilbo: pfft look at that idiot.
*Thorin charging a giant head on*
Bilbo: shit that’s my idiot
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shipperskipper · 2 months
Thorin and Bilbo being stupidly in love for 5 minutes straight Rediscovered an oldie but a goodie
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Kay here’s a question. Why is it called bagginshield when it could be called thorbo from my quests
it's thorbin' time
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field-s-of-flowers · 2 years
Hot take: Thorin and Bilbo’s ship name shouldn’t be Bagginshield. It should be Thorbo. From my quests
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Thorin and Bilbo: *sitting away from each other on the couch*
Kili, behind them, recording: Two bros chilling on a sofa, five feet apart cause they're not gay.
Thorin: *moves next to Bilbo*
Kili: *gasp* They ARE gay.
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midnightluck · 7 years
One Piece/Avengers tho
Based on this story where Brook is reborn as Steve, and then carried to illogical extremes.
I'm assuming Franky is Tony; that's the only thing that makes sense to me. Clint'd've have to be Usopp, and oh and PEPPER AS NAMI
So that leaves us with bruce!chopper and Thor as...hmm .
haha okay but a team made up of high profile, very visible, tried-and-tested superheroes, happily living in the tower and fighting crime and aliens like old friends and SHIELD is kinda treating them warily, and then one day, just out of nowhere, this little kid walks into the lobby of Stark Tower and the team loses their collective shit and immediately put this teenager in charge of everything and demand payment for world-saving in meat from then on and the world/SHIELD watch with horror as their premiere superhero force just defer to this tiny unknown civilian
oh but Thor!Luffy, Loki!Ace, and Baldr!Sabo, it would work tho 
What about ace and Sabo being Thor and Loki and having no idea where Luffy is
puts a whole new spin on all that time they spent questing across the nine realms, huh?
"Hey, hey, Hiemdall" "Hiemdall, hey" "Hey so you found that kid yet?" "Any leads?" "...not since the last time you asked, three hours ago. Are you sure you can't give me a better description than 'smile like sunshine, scar on his cheek, always in trouble'? " "Uh. Well...." "Those are kinda the relevant points." "Besides, he may not look the same" "We certainly don't" "Well, kinda we do?" "Okay, yeah, but he might still not." "Well, potentially he's still a rubber band.” "Oh, yeah, hey, does that help? Maybe he's a rubber band sometimes" "......gtfo of my dome"
m3h: ... Yooooo what if Hiemdall was Fujitora?He still can't help because he never saw Luffy
kay but WHAT IF
but what if Odin was Garp tho
"Someone call those damn brats in here, I wanna talk to them. Okay, so, Aceki, you remember how you had a shit childhood last time 'cause everyone said your dad was a monster and all that rot?" "....well. Yeah. Kinda hard to forget." "Well, you got over that, so you'll get over this. " "By all the Blues what the hell is it this time?" "Well, Roger, Laufy, not that much of a difference. Roger wasn't as much of an ass, I suppose, so there's that, at least." "...I need to sit down." Thorbo: "You are sitting down." Aceki: "well. fuck my life then." "Fuck your lives, then?" "Shut up, I hate you." "No you don't, and I don't hate you either." "...you don't?" "Never could manage it, nope. If I couldn't then, why'd I manage it now? Besdies, we're proper brothers this time, and also if I lived here alone with just Garpdin I'd go mad" "Well, true. Okay? Okay." "Sure, okay, let's go get some food." "Okay. Food. Sure." Garpdin watches them go: "Ah, see? He'll be just fine."
also imagine bby Loki!Ace demanding to learn magic, and being a dedicated if slow student right up until he learns how to summon fire, and then ditching the whole rest of it
"but you've spent years learning magic!" "No, I spent years learning how to summon fire." "...right, magic, and there's so much left! You could play with wind, or ice, or learn illusions or potions--" "why'd I ever want that stuff?" "But--but---years. Magic. Studying?" "...yes? I don't see your point."
"Okay, stand aside, dude, I got this. So, Aceki, you got a bit ice power, right? Cause that whole frost giant thing?" "Well, yeah, I guess--" "Okay, and you remember what happened when the asshole who killed you faced Aokiji?" ".....teach me ice right now"
and that's how ace got over his identity issues this time around
m3h: Lol Koala has the option of being Maria Hill or freaking Sif.
oh please Sif. She spends all her time casually beating down chauvinistic dudes and complaining loudly how she's forever doomed to be stuck with this utter asshole only now there's two of them, what did she ever do to deserve this fresh hell?
but then of course Thorbo starts listing all the shit she did that could possibly lead to her being stuck in said fresh hell
awwww but Law being Hogunn and just quietly bitchfacing along behind them in order to find Luffy again one day
m3h: Do you think Law would experiment on people? If yes then he may join hydra as a doctor just to have some fun.
The whole Heart crew as Hydra? And then when the Avengers come barreling in, Law just sighs, goes "Well, this was fun. Okay, everyone, time to switch sides." and they tear up the base pretty well on their own
Law’s actually one of the better doctors in hydra. None of his patients unintentionally die.
Phil!Marco: these guys were HYDRA yesterday, and now you want them to live in the Tower and be the Avengers swing shift? Why? How? Why them? Why would you even begin to consider trusting them? Zoro: 'Cause that's Traffy. Philco: ...sigh. Sure, fine, why not invite the rest of the supernovas while you're at it, whatever, not like I needed my sanity. Zoro: Well, if we find them, we will. Philco: THAT WAS NOT PERMISSION
the reason so many were reborn into the world is because the ancient weapons are active again and anyone who dealt with them last time around was marked, right, only in this time they're called infinity gems
but so okay, how about this: Franky drags his crew back, with their memories. Everyone else is more or less back cause there's only so many souls and they keep getting recycled. Without a catalyst they'd never remember, but if someone smacks them over the head with it then they will. So it's the strawhats adventuring and trying to sort this weapon thing kinda peripherally, and leaving a trail of remembering-a-past-life chaos in their wake
Phil is like, headaches forever, right up until Luffy goes, "but aren't you used to this, Mr. Pineapple? With Whitebeard and all?" And Phil just kind of sways and stares off into the distance for a bit, then sits down and hides his head for a bit, then looks up and goes, "No amount of lifetimes will ever prepare anyone for you, Strawhat Luffy. Where's Ace?"
Explains why Coulson didn't die. Who can kill a Phoenix? 
Thanos is Teach. Teachos.
look idk
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rosiethots · 4 years
okay hold up if you make eddie bilbo you CANNOT make bill thorin cause my heart would go 💔 cause i’m a bilbo/thorin shipper for life man!!! how can we make richie BOTH thorin and smaug!!! (also i’m slightly drunk please don’t take this as me trying to like talk over your idea, i am gonna love it no matter what, i am just excited and drunk rn) but omg when thorin in botfa is both like himself but also himself with dragon fever/smaug... that’s my SHIT!!
i was WAITING for thorbo to come up because OOFNDKNC i, too, love thorbo with my whole entire heart like???? they are so in love????
(would it be worse if i make bill and stan fili and kili🤭)
BUT botfa broke my little heart (for many reasons but i’m talking abt gold fever thorin) because of how Bilbo was the Only one he trusted even with the rocky start their relationship had and then how betrayed he felt when bilbo revealed that he found the arkenstone and he tries to kill bilbo like BITCHJDNDJDNDJD i’ve watched that movie like? twice?? in my life, it’s too painful
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lindirs-gaze · 5 years
Thorbo (similar to Thilbo, but more ridiculous)
thorbo is bagginshield but bass boosted, LOVE IT
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arttechlab · 6 years
“The desire to PLAY is fundamentally the desire to be..” SARTRE
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I februar 2018 søsatte vi pilotprojektet “Forglem mig ej” – et tværfagligt samarbejde med kunst som sundhedsfremme for demente som formål. Det er med afsæt i den viden og livsglæde projektet har affødt, at vi nu er igang med at udvikle nye rum for kunstoplevelser og social innovation. Vi glæder os helt vildt til at fortælle mere. Vi leder pt. efter samarbejdspartnere, der vil være med til at støtte initiativet. For mere info send meget gerne en mail på [email protected] 
Normalt betragtes dementes liv og erindringer som noget, der er tabt. Men frem for at se alderdom og sygdom som to sider af samme sag, har vi med pilotprojektet Forglem mig ej  adskilt de to størrelser, og via kunsten skabt plads til dementes liv og erindringer som aktiver.  
Forglem mig ej  er et samarbejde mellem ARKENS UNDERVISNING og lokale aktører: Ishøj Center for Kultur og Fritid, Ishøj Bibliotek og plejecentrene Thorbo og Kærbo.  Med et ønske om at inkludere de demente  - at se dem som hele mennesker og ikke kun møde dem som diagnoser.
Når tiden, som man kender den, er væk, når ord forsvinder eller en samtale bliver svær at følge, tilbyder kunstoplevelsen et nyt sprog for erindringen. En oplevelse, der rummer en anden tidsoplevelse end den tid, der handler om andet end at nå den eller komme for sent til den. En tid, der flyder som fantasien, deja-vuet,  drømmene og dagdrømmene. Den tid, der ikke er lineær, men sanses bl.a. i kunsten som erindringens sprog. “Ud af det virkelige vokser just det forunderligste eventyr; ellers kunne jo min dejlige hyldebusk ikke være sprunget ud af tepotten!” Som duften af hyldethe fra thepotten, der vækker erindringen til live hos den gamle, syge kunstner i HC. Andersen eventyret Hyldemor.
Forløbet foregik bl.a. i udstillingen ”Ensomhedens sprog” på ARKEN, der viser 16 ikoniske, hyperreelle og farverige klovne, skabt af den schweiziske kunstner Ugo Rondinone. Klovne er genkendelige og tvetydige figurer, som i menneskestørrelse virker stærkt, nærværende i en fusion af glæde og sorg. I udstillingen er de farverige klovne nøje placeret i et forløb af kunstneren, der således inviterer sit publikum til at tage en vandring igennem et slags animeret drømmelandskab. Et landskab, hvor klovnene viste sig at vække de ældre og dementes erindringer fra egne levede liv. Det usandsynlige skete - de demente begyndte at danne minder på ny. Som xxx påpeger: “Det er jo fysiologisk umuligt, jeg har aldrig oplevet noget lignende.”
Den metodiske tilgang til er interaktionsdesign processer, hvor sanselighed og kropslighed er centrale. Vi har søgt inspiration og viden i internationale studier og kulturprojekter. Psykologen Robert Butlers forståelse af demens er central: Det er specielt hans udvikling af reminiscensmetoden og brugen af genstande som triggere, til at stimulere minder og erindringer hos personer med demens.  Vi har undervejs indsamlet key findings til videreudvikling af forløb,  udviklet designet metoder med formålet at anvende  kunst og kultur som sundhedsfremme.
Projektet har vist - i lille skala -  hvordan kunstnerisk stimulering kan påvirke livskvaliteten for sårbare ældre og demente positivt og være en essentiel ingrediens i arbejdet med at forbedre målgruppens sociale liv og velbefindende.  De erfaringer, som alle gjorde - både ældregrupperne og projektteamet - endte med at være så overraskende, at vi ønsker at dele dem til inspiration for andre. Derfor er vi nu i gang med at udvikle en publikation samt en række åbne videndelings-saloner med fokus på kunst og sundhed i krydsfeltet mellem kultur, designprocesser, social innovation og sundhedsfremme.
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introvertsguild · 6 years
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Hey my name is Thorbo and I like cool bathrooms. #catsofinstagram #cats #cats_of_instagram #catsagram #catlovers
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fanfiction-disaster · 8 years
Thorin x Bilbo
Resturant AU, where they both work at the resturant/bar/meadery The Lonely Mountain (which they have worked hard for with the buisness man Gandalf Grey).
Thorin is the top chef, the greedy resturant owner, and Bilbo is one of the waiters (along with kili and fili, duh) and had a hard time at first with Thorin, because Thorin was pretty narrow sighted with Bilbo’s sexuality, (he’s obvi gay) but Bilbo keeps dropping subtle hints, and tries to make Thorin more accepting, but also tries to quit the job sometimes, (and the financial sittuations and problems keep him in the buisness)
All ends up in Bilbo making sure that Thorin doesn’t let the whole thing to shit with his greed, and Bilbo ends up being secretary and boyfriend (later husband)
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brauneaugen801-blog · 9 years
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