#thom yorke x reader
therandomidiotat3am · 2 years
(Hey so I didn't really expect my fanfic from like 8 months ago to get any likes, especially since it was about Thom Yorke but yeah it did! Ive decided to open up writing request's now because of it. For my last fanfic I'll probably try correcting some errors because the grammar is...terrible. Sorry bout that English is not my first language.)
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-Kurt Cobain
-Thom Yorke
-Liam Gallagher
-Noel Gallagher
-Damon albarn
-Alex James
(you can add a suggestion if you want to!)
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-Brian Jones
-Mick Jagger
-John Lennon
-Paul McCartney
-George Harrison
-Syd Barrett
I'm open for smut,fluff and all of the kinky shit you guys are into (gore is forbidden)but other than that I'm alright,I'll put a TW just incase some of you get triggered btw!!
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graciepasty · 10 days
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Carl Grimes. The Walking Dead (2010).
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nobodyinthenight · 2 months
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aemondseyepatch · 1 year
— ewan mitchell as edward cullen
Made this edit just for funsies because Insider made a fancast list for the twilight reboot, and they pick Ewan as Edward. If you think this is funny or absurd, don’t worry because even myself is not a big fan of the idea. I rather see Ewan as Caius or any member of the Volturi :p
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jemblespee · 6 months
You Do It To Yourself: A Morrissey x Reader Adventure
Thom was quite annoyed when his concert was interrupted by the sudden crash-landing of Steven Morrissey. Morrissey groaned as he rose to his feet, looking around him and seeing that he had landed in a group of thoroughly depressed-looking middle aged men. He tried to use his vegan abilities to return to (y/n), his one true love, but to no avail.
How could this be? He had never once broken vegan code.
He put his hand to his mouth. Of course, throughout his multiple beatings he had tasted his own blood. (Note for reader: blood is not vegan).
"To hell with it," he swore under his breath, turning to the stage to see Radiohead staring down at him.
Morrissey had never had any personal issues with the band, but Johnny Greenwood, being a member of the Coalition of Guitar-Playing Johnnies, shared his ally's contempt for the man he saw below. The band began to play.
But this was no regular music.
It was evil music.
Thom had heard about the break up, through the microphones that he had implanted in various frogs around (y/n)'s general area, and thought that perhaps if he could end Morrissey once and for all, you would love him as he loved you.
They began to play. Morrissey felt nothing as the opening riff of "Let Down" rang across the stadium, but as the song progressed he felt it. It was slow at first, just a lightness in the feet, until eventually he was hovering completely in the air, then the good part kicked in.
Morrissey felt himself ascend. Thrown through space and time he saw the face of god, before crashing down right on your doorstep. But how could he ever win you back? He sat on the doorstep and wept like a little bitch.
The End
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christineedaaee · 1 year
nevermind lads we're back to relating to radiohead's creep
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chiquititamia · 1 month
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🩷Hola mis amores!! Les traigo un pequeño drabble, me ha venido la inspiración divina y lo he tenido que escribir desde el móvil. Espero que lo disfrutéis aunque sea cortito!🩷
Enzo x f!reader
Warnings: soft smut
Si hay algo que te relajaba era el mar. La arena caliente debajo de tu toalla, una lata de coca cola bien fría semi enterrada para que no se moviese. La sensación de la sal en tu piel bronceada. Era algo que necesitabas de vez en cuando. Habías llegado más o menos temprano a la playa, habías plantado tu sombrilla y habías disfrutado de un primer refrescante baño. Ahora, te habías tumbado a descansar.
Era lunes, así que no había más que un par de transeúntes. Cuando la playa se llenaba de verdad era el fin de semana, después de todo. Aprovechando esto, habías decidido quitarle la parte de arriba de tu bikini.No estaría mal broncear un poco tus pechos, que estaban pálidos por la falta de sol. Llevabas puestos tus anteojos de sol cumpliendo una doble función: protegerte de la luz y del contacto visual con los bañistas y algún que otro vendedor ambulante.
Habías olvidado tu libro en casa, así que decidiste dedicar tu tiempo a escuchar música tranquila. Podrías dormirte tranquila, tan sólo habías traído tu vestido y un monederito con algo de cambio para quizás tomar un helado. Si decidieran robarte mientras duermes no sería la gran cosa. Además esta era una playa tranquila.
Dawn chorus de Thom Yorke sonaba a través de tus auriculares. Los tonos repetitivos y tenues resonaban en tu cabeza invitándole a relajarte. Te encontrabas tumbada boca abajo cuando una sombra cambió en la arena y pudiste ver cómo unos pies masculinos habían aparecido delante de ti. Te quitaste los auriculares por si te estaban diciendo algo, y, sin pensarlo, empujaste tu cuerpo con tus manos para incorporarte y levantarte.
Oh Dios mío. No era posible.
- Hola, disculpá, no tendrás fuego?
Era Enzo Vogrincic sosteniendo un cigarro entre sus dedos. Entrecerraba un poco los ojos para no verse cegado por el sol.
Calma. CALMA -pensaste- Encuentra el encendedor y dáselo. Mantén la calma.
-Sí, esperame. -murmuraste
Revolviste en tu tote bag hasta que encontraste el pequeño encendedor morado.
Encendiste el mechero tapando con la otra mano el cigarro para que el viento no apagara la llama. Él había acercado su boca a tus manos para que se lo pudieras encender.
-V-vos sos... Sos vos, verdad? -Bravo por tu elocuencia, pensaste.
-Sí, creo que sí - dijo Enzo riéndose.
-Sí, claro, qué pelotuda. Yo soy muy fan de tu trabajo sabés?
- Ah, mirá, muchas gracias- le dio una amplia calada al cigarro y exhaló el humo hacia arriba. Te miraba con esa sonrisa suya tan seductora, peinando de vez en cuando su cabello con las manos.
No se te ocurría que decir. Estabas en blanco y temías que, ahora que ya había encontrado lo que venía a buscar, se marchase por donde había venido.
-Sé que te tiene que molestar, pero... ¿Te tomás una foto conmigo? Mis amigas me asesinaran si les cuento que te he conocido y no te lo he pedido.
-Sí, claro, pero....
-No hace falta si no, ¿eh? - te arrepentiste de haberlo pedido. Claro que no le apetecía tomarse una foto en la playa donde seguramente solo había ido a relajarse- No te preocupes...
-No, pero... No querés taparte para la foto? -dijo riendo suavemente.
Oh, no. Toda la emoción y tu pendejismo crónico habían nublado un importante asunto: seguías estando en topless.
-Ay! -chillaste, ya roja como un tomate- disculpáme por favor, no me di cuenta- te intentaste cubrir con las manos- qué boluda....
Si no hubiera sido porque eso hubiera supuesto despegar las manos de tu pecho, te hubiera gustado cavar un hoyo con las manos y enterrarte ahí para huir de la vergüenza. Tierra, trágame.
-No, pará, ¿pero porqué te tapás ahora? No pasa absolutamente nada... -seguía sonriendo de una manera condenadamente encantadora.
-Yo no me había dado cuenta de que estaba así, yo...
-Hey, hey -trató de tranquilizarte- te ví los pechos, ¿y qué? Es natural, no tiene nada de malo... Además... - pareció Interrumpirse a si mismo.
Lo miraste interrogante. El rubor aún quemando tus mejillas.
Se sentó en tu toalla como si nada, debajo de tu sombrilla. El gesto te invitó a hacer lo mismo.
-Además son preciosos, bo- dijo mirando al mar con el cigarro entre los labios para volver a dar una calada.
No pudiste evitar reirte y él te miró sonriendo.
-Qué vergüenza, no puedo parar de hacer el ridículo- pensaste en alto
-¿Pero porqué 'el ridículo'? -pareció regañarte con su tono.
-Y, ¿porque me encuentro al mismísimo Enzo Vogrincic y le enseño las peras? -dijiste enfurruñada contigo misma
Ahora fue su turno de reírse.
-Che, no es tan grave el asunto...- apagó el cigarro en tu lata vacía- ¿te estabas bronceando ,no?
- ¿Y cómo va quedando?
Estallaste en risa apretando tus manos contra tu pecho y le miraste
-¿Vos me estás jodiendo?
-No te estoy jodiendo, tengo.. Curiosidad- pareció saborear esa última palabra.
-¿Querés ver? -una voz en tu cabeza te gritaba "Se puede saber que hacés, loca?", pero decidiste ignorarla como si fuera una amiga molesta y responsable y tú estuvieras borracha.
-Obvio - se giró hacia ti.
Here goes nothing, pensaste y descubriste tus pechos ante él.
Enzo resopló por lo bajo y te observó por un par de segundos, para después dirigir su mirada a tus ojos de nuevo.
-Y, les falta un poco, están paliditos -comentó.
-Sí, deberían seguir tomando el sol- concediste con un tono seguro que ni tú sabías de donde venía.
Está claro que esta coqueteando contigo, ¿no? Tu mente iba a mil por hora.
-Tumbáte chiquita- dijo relajadamente, dando un par de toques a su regazo.
Obedeciste, ¿cómo no hacerlo? Te reclinaste sobre tu regazo, él seguía sentado. Su bañador mojado entró en contacto con tu nunca. Luchaste por no volver a cubrirte.
-Deberías echarte loción solar, nena. ¿Puedo?
Cerraste los ojos bajo tus lentes oscuros. Los nervios iban a acabar contigo. Tan sólo asentiste.
Él alargó su brazo para alcanzar la crema. Pudiste escuchar cómo la destapaba y se echaba un poco en las manos, posiblemente templándola un poco.
Y entonces sucedió: sus dedos se posaron en tus senos, manchados de la loción que olía a coco y a verano. Masajeó suavemente durante un rato. Rozaba tu piel suave con delicadeza y experiencia. No pudiste evitar que un gemido escapase de tu boca.
-Shh.... Chiquita, no seas mala...
Una de tus manos subió hasta tu boca para taparla.
Él se inclinó un poco sobre ti, acercando su rostro al tuyo. Su pelo negro caía enmarcando su cara.
-Qué lindas tetitas tenés...
Otro gemido ahogado.
Te incorporate un poco para apoyar tu espalda en su torso y así estar protegida por su cuerpo.
-Me estás poniendo malo, preciosa -susurró- tengo la pija durísima y ahora no me voy a poder levantar- pudiste comprobar que no mentía, notabas su erección contra tu culo.
-Enzo... -gemiste, como todas las veces que lo habías hecho en tu cama, a solas, solo que esta vez él estaba ahí para escucharte.
-Qué ganas de cogerte...- Gimió aún masajeando tus pechos y apretando su bulto contra ti, jurabas que lo sentías palpitar.
Tú no podías parar de gimotear en tu mano.
La humedad que sentías en tu parte de abajo del bañador ya no tenía nada que ver con el mar.
De repente, un grito a lo lejos os sacó de vuestro universo.
-"¡Enzo! ¡Vamos, boludo, te estamos esperando!"
-Mierda- maldijo él- son mis amigos, me tengo que ir, chiquita.
Antes de que pudieras protestar y mirarle te dio un beso en la cabeza y te prometió:
-Hoy a medianoche aquí, ¿sí?
Qué acababa de pasar?
tags: @iamjustadoll @andyrubei @madame-fear @miskhalie @karylvsjuanii @koiibiito @quarzitos @voglatte @llorented @deepinsideyourbeing
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littlelostmoon · 2 months
what music the mw2 boys listen to ♫₊˚.
tags [cod characters x gender neutral reader] no tags wc 250 [headcanons]
a/n been trying to upload a drabble but tumblr hates me so instead i wrote these extremely self indulgent hcs
at risk of sounding cliché, i feel like simon isn't the media consumption type. will listen to ambient music while driving or sleeping, though.
he was randomly introduced to daft punk and that's his go-to for workouts. really likes hearing damage by thom yorke and some popular songs by depeche mode.
i feel strongly that this man loves most german music, especially oldies— but his favorite album is actually metal health by quiet riot. and yes, he blasts everything at the loudest volume.
he's the type to quickly fall down an amy winehouse n sade pipeline, so if you introduce him, be careful :D
do i need to say it? aerosmith, reo speedwagon, nirvana, billy idol, cinderella etc. anything that sounds like it belongs in an 80s convertible.
if you watch a film w alicia silverstone in it he will 100% tell you that he knows her from the cryin' music video. i don't make the rules.
i think johnny has a very unexpected and diverse music taste. psychedelic and folk-y, perhaps? his favorite artist is moby but sonic youth is a close second. probably had a phase where he strictly listened to cherry peel by of montreal and some big thief albums.
battled an intense 'rate your music' phase as a teenager and it shows. any alternative band you can think of, he's a fan. carries a huge soft spot for blood orange, the weeknd, frank ocean etc. :p
the type to listen to really popular artists but ignore their hits. swears he's not a male manipulator.
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corrodedthorn · 2 years
mirage | masterlist
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>>pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader >>genre: best friends to strangers/enemies to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, a little bit of fluff if you squint >>content warning: it'll probably get really dark in general so depression, ptsd, panic attacks, suicide thoughts, near death experiences, some canon typical violence, death, murder mentions, mentions of alcohol and drugs abuse, swearing, smoking, mentions of blood, arguments, spoilers for basically all seasons, bullying, Jason as a really bad person, vomiting, emotionally abusive parents, use of guns and knives, nighmares, a lot of miscommunication >>english is not my first language
>>summary: In his entire life, Eddie had one person he could call his best friend. Well, he had, because right after the well-known Starcourt Mall fire, after many weeks of secrets and lies, their paths turbulently parted.  A few reckless sentences, forgotten dates and secrets that were never meant to see the light of day. That was all it took for the piercing frost of indifference to envelop them.  The world around them was on fire, but their hearts remained painfully frozen. They stubbornly stayed in the cold of misunderstandings, stabbing glares and tearful words. Once so beautiful, unstoppable. Now, like strangers, they send only vague glances in each other's direction. Although months of piercing silence have passed, when the corpse of Eddie's schoolmate rested on the floor of his trailer, and Hawkins began the hunt, it is she, along with Dustin and the group, who shows up on his hideout's doorstep. Ready to protect him even at the cost of her own life. Scars start to bleed again, as Eddie desperately rips up old wounds and decides to find the answer to the question that has been tormenting him this whole time. What really happened in the summer of 1985?
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
spotify playlist
Prologue: |you can't tell me why; we must separate (cataracts - dancing plague)|
Chapter 1: |they say you're getting better; but you don't feel any better (hearing damage - thom yorke)|
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taglist: @awhoreforeddiemunson @peaches-roses-sins @vingtetunmars @waitlalice @mopeymopeymouse @nikt-wazny-y @fangirling-4-ever @eddiebaemunson @munsonsfairygarden @dietcokequeen06 @aedicn @anxietybbie-blog @eddiesdingus @marvelbrokeme @avengers-21 @drm2003 @the-iridescent-phoenix @hurricane-abigail @h-ness1944 @basketcaseeeeee @eddiejosephluv @authoressskr @fizzleslay @chickennug90 @princesseddie @urallidjits @dreamsofbisexualswamprats @protecteddiemunson4vr
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writinandcrying · 1 year
Dark Corner | Part 2 - Michelangelo x GN Reader
(platonic friendship to something more? who knows, not me!)
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Angst. Tw hinted depression, friendship loss, harsh decisions, unrequited love, anxiety, moods swings - mainly due quarantine, and uh- acceptance? melodramatic a little bit lols (i suck at summaries pls act like this is sexy enough to seduce you to read this fic)
songs that helped me write this
Hearing Damage - Thom Yorke
Apesar de Querer - Rodrigo Alarcon
Breezeblocks - Alt J 
Snap out of it - Arctic Monkeys
Why We Can’t Be Friends? - The Academic
Eventually - Tame Impala
Chp. 2 - And then it vanished
(Part 1) | (Part 3)
“Just rip the bandaid off”
The sudden sound of the weights thumping down floor woke you up for spiraling thoughts, yet, your body hadn't a single reaction out of it, it was normal to get used to abrupt, rapid movements when talking about Raphael, as he grabs his gym towel heading towards the exit, he looks back at you, even without glasses, even with the stinging sensation in the corner of your eyes due unshed tears, you can draw out a mix of angry and disappointed expression.
“If you can’t handle it, then rip the bandaid off”
And that’s what you did.
One thing you knew for sure; Your brain is a bitch. Your memory sucked ass into remembering nice moments: the sensation of kisses, the last good bone- crushing hug you had, the last time your mom said she was proud of you. But agonizing, painful memories? Those were on a loop constantly. 
Every strong emotion made Raph’s eyes shine like gemstones, vivid, vibrant, now varnished with disdain, it was beautiful; you hated how you were the reason his golden irises were so gleaming and captivating.
That was 6 months ago, at least you think it was, quarantine sure proved something: time is indeed an illusion that doesn’t make sense. It seems like it was longer than that, although the pain made you grounded as it was yesterday. The last conversation you had with Raphael felt like a sore goodbye on both ends. You wish you could forget it, trick your brain into thinking it’s a happy memory so it can toss it away into the nearest trash.
Looking back at it, you should have fought back. Argued, yelled at him even. You should've made your point about how you didn’t want it to let go. But you were so tired, god- the lifeless sensation of how your body felt back then still phantoms you, it was honestly ridiculous, how a simple phrase could drag you back into the shadows back then. Or maybe you were never truly out of it, just constantly living in the dark, both hyper-aware and oblivious. You didn't know anymore-  a sentence, a reaction, someone else even, those could easily remind you how dark your mind could dive, So yeah, you clearly didn’t have any more strength to fight back, who would have known that being in constant fight with your own self would be so arduous? Maybe only you will know how much it took it from you, how desperately you wanted to hold onto it. And maybe that was the problem, there was nothing to hold on to anymore.
During that night, you didn’t know how long you remained glued on the concrete ground after Red left their training room. How long you stared at the gray walls, the foundation of the lair was unsettling cold. It made you feel more isolated than ever, you found yourself unable to control random shivers traveling through your body. You felt small, pathetic. Tears quietly slid from your cheeks to the very end of your chin. You felt invisible, literally, you could identify what the lair residents were up to by your own lack of sound, vague questions and noises that made you feel even more distant and undeserving to be there. You don’t know how long you remained motionless; sitting and staring at nothing, wishing it was different, but not really sure how to change the future.
You don’t know how you managed to drag yourself to the entrance of the lair, you found yourself there at some point of the night, turning back one more time. You loved that place, even if it took ages to get used to the sewer’s damp smell, you still loved it. you have always seen it as home. Sure, it was actually an abandoned intersection of a reservoir sewage station, yet filled with bits of love. Sewer sweet sewer, In every corner, from the dōjō to any repaired piece of furniture, graffiti or neon sign, it was laced with care and devotion. A house could be made of wood, cement or bricks and it was made for shelter, a home means safety, comfort and belonging, a shelter and much more, The lair is a home. was.
Tears ran down your cheeks as you glanced at the Christmas lights above the homemade living room, you remember how you helped them place it there 2 christmas ago, the boys decided not to take it back, it gave a inviting cozy glow, which matched so gracefully with all the wonderful times you had there. 
It's strange to desperately have the desire to stay and run away at the same time, pressing your lips tight, inhaling deeply- you were not going to sob your way out of it. Gripping hard at your backpack straps, you know you were going to miss how they made you feel, especially him. Dealing with the lack of it, how it became a foreigner feeling once again was one of the toughest parts during this whole fiasco of…. whatever was left remaining between the two of you, only some fond memories lingered, for a while those were the source of warmth during silent nights, but lately, it was a fuel to a abyss you could not stand being in it no more.
When your friendship with Mikey first started, you initially thought ‘that's it, that's something to treasure forever.’ How can two people be so close one day, to complete strangers in a course of some weeks still perturbs your mind and heart to this day.
Mikey wasn’t home when you arrived that day, your first intention was to talk out your last text messages, You weren’t sure how the conversation would start, or if it would even flow at all, you truly missed the times you could just talk about anything to him finding a topic to bond over was as easy as breathing air. He’d be busy. He needed to train, or out with his new friends. As usual,you were always the understanding friend, you knew everyone has their daily duties and hell, being the overbearing clingy friend? No, thank you. 
You and Mikey were different, at least you thought so, it was ok to be vulnerable with him, and him to you, you shared how you always held back truly connecting with others, afraid of how dependable you could become. You’ve seen it firsthand how much that could hurt, Mikey made you feel that you could trust, that you could rely on him, and for once you believed it. 
The first time you felt the unsettling vibe of not being so welcomed anymore was heart wrenching, even by now, you thought you would get used to it. It happened too many times for you to “not receive an invitation”, to be forgotten over hangouts, to being left out of jokes. You knew way too well the thin line between hanging out and being invited over pity.
That’s how you ended up talking to Raphael, maybe wasn’t the starter choice, he was a good friend, sure, but not the greatest with words. Leo and Don would have tried to understand your end at the time. but Raph was closest with Mikey. He saw how sometimes your unspoken, pitiful- whatever the hell this”friendship” is could gut his little brother. Mikey had intense feelings just like Raph, he understood him, and at the end, he would choose his side over yours.
You looked at the lair one last time, trying to preserve what you know you couldn’t have anymore: the warm welcomings, laughing until 5 in the morning, Mario Kart competitions, you name it. As you choke out a cry and walk towards the exit, what were good memories are now too painful to be felt and be remembered, although you already knew that it would haunt you constantly.
Only if you knew a certain turtle, who’s very fond of the color purple, watched and listened to it all in his lab. All of it. All 6 months of it.
Donatello’s top 5 regrets was not coming after you when you ran out crying, if he only knew this would drag into months on end, he would tackle you in a hug and tell you that you are indeed going to be missed, the time he wished to respect your privacy, looking back now, he knew it was a bad move on his end, Donnie was too used to observation and theories, that in this moment the situation needed a bit more action.
When you first befriended the turtles, there was an unspoken contract that they would track every move of you, for your safety and theirs as well.Donatello still had trackers on your personal turtle device, all of their humans friends had turtle-watches, not only for safety or rapid contact, but it also tracked vital signals, indicating any problems or disturbances about their friend's health.
So, when Donnie didn't see both of you and Mikey hanging out weekly, he didn’t think much of it, maybe you were just busy. But,when your signals started to point signs of bad nutrition, he got worried. When it showed a barely fictional human being, followed by hasty, god-awful goodbye (the courtesy of his older brother) he got obsessed with checking on you at least 4 times a week.
When your tracker suddenly shut down, he knew it was bad.
A different sound emitted from Donnie’s lab one quiet morning, a sound that if you have paid close attention, never went off before, this could have gone unnoticed because well, It’s Donnie. Every month he was working on something new, so maybe that was it, right?
By the way the second youngest flew out off the living room couch and, almost knocking Leo as he passed by, it truly showed the severity of the distinct sound.
"You have been away from your lab for 15 minutes and there's already a "situation?" Leo stood by the lab door, watching his brother's fingers work frantically while his eyes didn’t leave the monitors. 
"Yes, i'm overachieving" Donnie replied, Leo cautiously approached, truth to be told, he wasn’t fond of Donnie’s lab. Sure, it was great for secret sharing, strategy talk, toaster fixing area, yes. However, the possibility that any sudden movements there might result in catastrophe made Leonardo feel uneasy to say the least. His movements were always precise inside his brother's favorite Lair spot. Don finally guided Leo's eyes with a short nod after a intrigued "So?" left his lips, a main notification wouldn't budge from the screen, your tracker wasn't on anymore.
The leader reached for his katana instinctively, ready to head towards the door. He felt a firm hand hold his bicep  
"Pump the breaks, I don't think that's necessary", Leo raised a brow, Donnie  was already familiar enough to understand how his brother was once again, questioning what on Earth he was on about - "I have been... monitoring them." Casting his eyes down, Don doesn't like to call it stalking, neither does his older brother, due the circumstances of their reality, they needed to keep an eye out, just to be to safe, That's what they would always say in the back of their heads. "I think they disconnected themself"
"Can you handle this?" Leo asked looking back towards the door to check if anyone was around. Donnie told him what happened that day, infuriated was a nickname for how the oldest felt after hearing about it. 
Raphael didn't had any right to treat you like that, but he also knew if they argued about this, Michelangelo would find out, and the possible outcomes of it weren't pretty. He did make sure to be somewhat transparent about his knowledge over the secret quarrel, glancing towards Raphael if someone questioned your sudden dissapearance.
Truth to be told, Leo had no idea what to do. Figuring emotional, sentimental matters isn't his strong suit, and talking with Master Splinter would only raise red flags all around the situation. So they kept the situation under the rug. only if he knew what was going on between the two of you would drag it for months, he truly wished he had done something sooner. 
"Yeah," Donnie remembers clearly how crushed you looked back then. Was it fair to visit you? To make you relive all those unpleasant memories? 
"I hope so." His carapace met the cushion of his favorite chair followed by a drawn-out sigh as silence settled between the two brothers.
Honey colored eyes turned back into the monitors, Donnie knew briefly how you managed to get by these past months. From monitoring subway stations you caught towards work, to hijacking the local market surveillance cameras. he was glad that you were indeed getting by or so it seems. Again, he doesn't like to call it stalking. It's not like he watches you 24/7, maybe, 16/7? Weekly checkups? Just to make sure you are alright, that's what friends do, right?
Donnie felt a light hand over his shoulder, followed by a pair of sorrowful yet sympathetic Imperial blue eyes, "Tell they have been missed." A half-smile graces Leo’s features. There was mutual sentiment between them. Just because you were mainly Michelangelo's (former) best friend, doesn't mean you didn't leave a print on everyone else.
 "Shall do." Donnie responds with an uncertain smile as he stares back into the monitors. Quickly gathering his gear, it was already nighttime. Soon enough they all needed to headout.
Don sneaked towards the garage entrance by Leo's guidance, he had exactly 48 minutes before patrol, he could be at your place in exactly 9 minutes and 36 seconds, 7 minutes if there was no humans luckering on closest manhole’s alleys to your place, Don lips grow thin and firm, is 38 minutes and 24 seconds is enough to cover a 6 month silence between all of you?
(next) | (previous)
comments and feedbacks are welcomed!! and thank you @melancholysway for being so helpful into making this scenario possible!
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hailtotehthief · 1 year
Com(puter) Log: 2-27-23
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(B)LOG of the information I have gathered tonight. LEnd an ear if you would my dear....
anyway. i searched every mention of “thom yorke” and “radiohead” on datalounge - heeding interesting results. “interesting” meaning there werent quite many and there was a large discrepancy in attitudes. Photographed below:
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a lot of unrest here.
i think it is logical and “Just” to say overall gay guys really dont care for radiohead that much. supporting my theory that radiohead is not gay and is actually awesome. 
still, i really wanted to find some guys cranking it over thom, particularly small and very blonde thom of the “90s”. i had a vision that there had to be some guys out there that that was their thing. or that there must be a market that could be manipulated to behave this way.. the search continued as curiosity knows no end until the condition is treated.
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I did find a thread where a couple guys confirmed their lust. and some guy fought the original guy in the comments because he started the conversation by declaring pansexuality and the second guy was calling it unnecessary for him to say his sexuality and then added that he finds ed and jonny the hottest. another guy said hes talked about how hot thom is almost every day for the past 5 years (Unphotographed. just believe in me.).
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every thing and every where is full of love, I say. .
i stopped this search and instead found slideshow videos of thom on youtube. by “videos” i mean a couple as there are not many in the slightest from the time period the artform naturally occurred in (2000s-2012 maximum). But.. some guy decided to honor what was lost and has been making a couple since a year ago. a very honorable mission.. fell in love for a moments time but he has a twitter. and is saturating the fanfiction market with thom x reader mpreg and breastfeeding and the like (more points for love_but i cannot compete with that). if you are that guy and find this tumblr post i have no apology for you, but a clarification that this just happens in small moments naturally and all should be in love with the world. and its basically the same as when i had gotten the fabric to make a plush of a modified bear and the fabric cutting guy at joanns asked me more about it and it made me blush lots for 1 day then it all returned to the earth. it keeps going and we all keep experiencing each other in this world and getting whatever consequences out of it. something like that...
In my research i had also found out about reported “Bootlegs” that have popped up at multiple thrift shops and are officially recognized on the internet (discogs) like “Ground Control To Major Thom”. I have also fallen deeply for this. If anyone could get their hands on a copy of this id give any thing i can in return for ever.
i have had Banana Co on for quite some time and im not sure why. premonitions perhaps......
here is a little picture i had made of Mituna in recent times but worlds away.
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doublism · 2 years
it's been one of those weeks.....pass the thom yorke x reader fic!!!
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nobodyinthenight · 3 months
i love you thom yorke
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tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
they ask me many things. for example why do you have a database of over 200 frerard videos. why do you have thom yorke x reader fanfiction on your desktop. why did you write george x ringo fic. the answer is literally always because it's funny
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therandomidiotat3am · 2 years
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Imagine Thom coming home wet as hell after the MTV beach house incident,he's feeling pretty frustrated with everything that's happened today and of course he rant's about it to he's one and only darling,you. After he finishes he's little hissy fit,he finally decides to take a shower to try and blow of some steam while leaving you to ponder about things only YOU can do to make him feel better.
Then an idea pop's in your mind—a quite dirty minded idea I might add, slowly you make your way towards the bathroom that Thom was in,you crept up to the door ever so carefully making sure not to make a single sound. Right as you arrived at the bathroom,your right hand immidietly reached out to the door knob with a mix of anticipation and excitement,you could barely hold it in to just bust open the door and make your presence known to Thom—but you had to control yourself,you wanted this to be a surprise and you wanted to be as gentle as possible.
The bathroom door creaked open and you prayed that Thom wouldn't hear nor see you, fortunately— it seemed like luck was on your side that day as you managed to get a glimpse of Thom's figure through the foggy mirror of the shower, stroking himself between jagged breath and completely unaware of your presence. You strode towards the shower room,stripping down the clothes that you had on and throwing them on the floor, standing Infront of the shower room you gripped the handle and gave it a gentle pull before entering. Slowly,your hand touched he's damp back causing Thom to flinch and quickly pause what he was doing to turn around.
"What the hell!you scared the living shit outta me Y/N!"
"I'll give my apologies to you later,but right now I think you're in desperate need of my help aren't you?"
You said while pointing to he's erection that only continued to grow as he gazed at your naked body.
Thom went silent and stood still while water continued to pour from the shower head,you took he's silence as him wanting to be left alone which made you curse yourself for thinking that this was a good idea in the first place.Just as you were about to leave, Thom held one of your wrist preventing you were from leaving and hastily pulled you towards him,the damp body's of the two of you colliding with each other.
"where do you think you're going?you cause me to get this riled up and you think you can just leave me be like this?"
He placed he's hands on your waist then pulled your back unto he's chest,gently he began to nibble at your neck making you whimper in your place—and also made you unaware of he's lingering hand's beginning to make its way at your pooling arousal. Finally finding your clit,he gave it a gentle squeeze which caught you off guard and earned him a loud moan that he wasted no chance of taking advantage of with he's teasing's.
"I haven't even started and you already moaned that loud?I'd like to see how louder you can get once I fuck you with my fingers".
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robust-cicada · 3 years
Fade Out Again (Thom Yorke X Reader)
For @shehangsbrightly
prompt: honestly i would be allll over the bends era thom, and i think something angsty is what i’m feeling rn. do your magic 😌
Gender Neutral and SFW
CW: angst, burnout, arguments, swearing, guilt, break up, bad mental health.
“I really don’t know what you want from me! I thought you’d be happy to see me after, I don’t know? Nearly a year? But no, I’m the bad guy as always!”
“You think that you’re the only one this tour has taken a toll on? I haven’t been in the comfort of my own home in a year. I haven’t seen my friends or family in a YEAR! You can’t always expect to be my top priority!”
“Obviously. You know, every tour you do the more of a self-centered asshole you become. Just because your band is ‘making it big’ doesn’t mean you have to treat the people in your life like shit, Thom! It isn’t just me. Ed literally has told me numerous stories from when you got too drunk to even perform! You promised.”
“Oh enough of that promise bullshit Y/N! I’m sick of it!”
“Well, that shows how much you fucking cared about it, huh? Shows what a promise means to you? You’re pathetic. The amount of love and support I have poured into you since fucking college and one hit song throws every promise and hope for our future away.”
“Oh fuck off.”
I let out a dry laugh and walked to our bedroom. I grabbed a suitcase and packed as much as I could shove into it.
“What are you doing now?”
“Fucking off. I’m done, Thom. Absolutely done.”
“Yeah sure. You won’t last more than two days Y/N, and you know it. We’ve been through this before.”
I stormed towards him, his back colliding with the wall. I looked into his eyes, trying to look for any sign of remorse in his cold, blue orbs.
“Not this time Thom. I’m tired of crawling back to you with hopes that things will be how they used to again. I am tired of endlessly longing for you to return the love I give to you. You’ve changed and if this is you now? I want no part of it.”
He scoffed and looked away from me.
“Anything to say? Or are you too good for that, Mr. Big Rockstar?”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
I scoffed and grabbed my stuff. I stormed out onto the snowy streets. It was freezing but I didn’t dare look back. It felt like I had been walking for hours before I found a phone booth. I put the change in the slot and dialed the only number I could remember through my rage.
“Hey, Eddie? It’s Y/N..”
“What happened this time?”
“Well, what usually happens when he gets home I suppose. Are you busy?”
“Need somewhere to stay?”
“Ye-ah.” My voice cracked as tears swelled my eyes.
“Where are you, I’ll be there as soon as I can?”
It had been nearly two months since we broke up and not a word was spoken between us. Ed had generously let me rent out the spare room in his house until I got my shit together, which did not seem to be happening. All I could seem to do was cry, work, and sleep. Eddie was wonderful and tried to help when he could, but he tended to keep his distance. At some point, I knew Thom would end up stumbling into the house, however, I did not expect to hear his voice breaking downstairs as he talked to Ed.
Thom’s POV
“Ed, it’s driving me mad! Do you know where they are, have you heard from them, anything?”
“If they wanted you to know where they were, they would’ve contacted you. I can’t really help you, man.”
“I just. I can’t do this anymore. I need them, so badly. You don’t fucking understand.” I crumbled to the ground in tears. “It’s my fault. Every time they leave it’s my fault and- and I just expect them to come back. What happened to me, Eddie? What... happened?”
“Thom. You’re the only person who’s gonna be able to fix this and you know it. I’m not helping you anymore. We’ve been through this too many times. I’m not a fucking couples counselor!” He grabbed his hair in frustration.
“You… You too? You’re supposed to be my best friend, and you’re giving up on me too?”
“You know what, Thom? That’s your problem. You can’t take any fucking responsibility for anything, can you? It’s always somebody else’s fault with you!”
I couldn’t even form a response. My thoughts spiraled rapidly as I tried to figure out where everything went to shit.
“I-I’m so-rry. I don’t know what to do, a-and I don’t mean to throw it all on you, Eddie, you… You’re just always so good with this stuff and you know them so well and- and- and..”
“Thom,” He held his head in his hand, “take a breath. There’s no need for all the blubbering.”
“Just shut up for a minute okay? I’ll be right back.”
He marched up the stairs and disappeared. A few minutes later he came back down. Followed by Y/N.
His face was tear-stained and puffy. He was in a pile on the floor looking as hopeless as an abandoned puppy.
I felt my jaw clench as I looked at him. I wanted to slap him and yell at him for everything he put me through, but my body betrayed me. Instead, I found myself kneeling in front of him, arm reaching out to cup his face in my hand. Tears streamed down his cheeks once again as he rested in my palm. He turned to kiss my fingertips.
“I’m sorry Y/N… I took you for granted. I thought you would always come back, and this time you didn’t, and my ego left with you. I need you, I need you so badly love. I can’t do this without you. Please I will do anything to have you back… Please.” He was barely speaking and as he whispered he looked me in the eyes for the first time in years.
“I... I can’t, Thom.”
His posture snapped to attention and I watched his heart shatter again.
“Why not..?”
“You hurt me.”
Tears of my own now mimicked his.
“Thom, stop.”
“I can’t. I can’t because I love you, and if you ever loved me then you would come back.”
“Don’t you fucking dare with that bullshit Thomas.”
I stood and walked away, but he followed.
“Love doesn’t go away Y/N, you told me that yourself. If you loved me you wouldn’t walk away like this. You’re really willing to throw everything away like that?”
“Stop. Thom, I- I can’t do this, just go.”
“I’m not leaving without you.”
“And I’m not leaving with you.”
He approached me and gently grabbed my hands, giving me the same damn look he did every time he wanted to get his way.
“No, Thom. Stop. Please.”
“One more chance, that’s all I ask. If I fuck it up again I promise you will never hear from me again. I’ll take you on the next tour, I’ll let you get a puppy like you’ve always wanted. Literally, anything you want is yours. You don’t ever have to work again. Just, please?”
“You still don’t get it. I don’t want material things or money. I don’t, well I do want a puppy,” We chuckled, “But that’s not why I left. All I want is your love, some of your time and attention. I want to feel safe with you. I want to feel at home. I don’t feel like that with you anymore. The only feelings that run through me when I look at you are sadness and insecurity. You make me feel like a child being scolded by their mother. I just can’t live like that again.”
“I promise that I will fix what needs to be fixed and will do anything I can to make you feel safe again, just trust me.”
“We both know promises aren’t your thing.”
“I’ll keep this one.”
“I can’t believe that, Thom.”
“I’ll let Ed take over the band if I break this promise and I will never perform with Radiohead again.”
“Oh, shove off you lunatic! I’m not worth that. Your fans would have my head.”
“I’m serious.”
“You make everything so hard on me.”
“Jesus, Y/N would you please just say yes? All you have done the past two months aside from work is cry and sleep. I can barely get you to eat. Just get it over with. If he fucks you over again I will personally skin him alive, just, get it over with you two!”
Thom looked at me hopefully. I sighed.
He planted kisses all over my face and pulled me into a tight hug.
“Jesus, Thom, you smell! When was your last shower?”
“I... I have no clue,” He scratched his neck and looked at the ground.
“I mean, you are rank! You smell like a secondary boys locker room after P.E.”
“Okay, in my defense, I didn’t think you were going to be here.”
“Yeah, so it’s okay that I suffer in your stench then?”
“Well, we’ve shared a tour bus, I figure that you’re used to it by now.”
“Well, by that logic, if Y/N is coming on tour with us, they better get used to it too, because you’ve smelled worse after a show.”
He laughed and engulfed me in a hug again. I gave in and dug my face into his neck, letting him rock us side to side.
“Let’s get you home then, yeah?”
“If anyone needs to get home it’s you so you can shower!”
“We can shower together if you’d like.”
“Okay, yeah, if you could leave the dirty talk for the car ride home it would be appreciated.”
We laughed once again.
“I’ll go pack,” I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before walking up the stairs.
“I love you, Y/N!”
“I love you too Thom.”
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