#this stupid ass turtle
rainbowangel110 · 4 months
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tangledinink · 6 months
Did leo deal with his pregnancy differently or was it the same as donnie?
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Leo's pregnancy was very different from Donnie's! For him, quite frankly, the pregnancy was the easy part.
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the really hard part came after.
[ ✩ the gemini ✩ ]
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mimocrocodilelol · 2 months
Is that a burger backpack???
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battiegutz · 1 year
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tryna figure out a new way of drawin th TT turts hrmm
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
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a typical thursday
[+ a lil bonus below ✨]
i couldn't be at peace until I drew it sorry-
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Xor belongs to @snailsnaps and Nova belongs to me (obvi ajsjsj)
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tmntismdoodls · 1 year
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smuggonifico-lmao · 6 months
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dontron-9000 · 2 years
Is it time to project my misery onto my blorbo? Why yes! Yes it is.
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Tis the season to getsogoddamndriedoutthatyourskincracksandbleedsandnoamountoflotioncanquenchwintersbloodlustyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy.......
falalalala lala la la.
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months
i went to the beach for a walk today and look.
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is it the hyperfixation talking or do these pebbles i collected look like the mutant mayhem boys? 🤔
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i don’t have any painting supplies at the moment but these rocks need to be turtled 🐢
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shumistar · 2 years
Leon made a mistake...
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Continuation of my previous comic!! Go check it out! I'll do a little series of SWAG turtles kekw
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bluezeri · 2 years
anyway I think mikey opening the portal to save Leo should've been way more dramatic,
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captainsweet · 11 months
This is just going to be me ranting about something that particularly annoys me, so don't take it too seriously, but it drives me up a metaphorical wall.
But, the thing is, I just finished reading some new parts of a Rise fic I really liked, it was funny, and a good story sure, until I saw the word 'twin' be thrown around about five times in one chapter.
I honestly thought I was exaggerating, so I continued, and the word 'twin' just kept on appearing. So I just decided to count how many times it comes up just to see if I was being crazy, y'know?
In the course of a couple of chapters, the word, 'twin' is thrown around 64 different times. Not accounting for any notes, tags, or the latest chapter they posted since it wasn't an official one.
To make this clearer, the word twin, referring to Rise Donnie and Leo specifically, was mentioned 64 different times. One chapter holding 13 mentions of them being twins alone.
Now, I don't know why in the world it needed to be mentioned 64 different times, but hey, it's none of my business. And I really wouldn't be bothered if being twins wasn't their one specific trait, especially around each other.
And it only gets worse in the new chapters. Everytime they mention each other it's like they are incapable of not calling the other their twin, and.. this thing annoys me to my goddamn core.
It doesn't matter, I know that, but it's so annoying to see people make Donnie and Leo being twins their one special thing even though they're not even twins in the dang show. Normally that wouldn't bother me, and it doesn't, but for you to reduce a character to a trait they canonically don't even have is just bizarre.
I'm not gonna mention the writer, and I hate criticizing writers or artists like this in general, but it's so unbelievably mind numbing to see Donnie and Leo get reduced to being twins over and over again as if it actually matters? All it is, is the day they were born. That's it! That's all, yet so many people are obsessed with making it an important factor?
They are so much more than just twins, and have so much more to them than a couple of traits in the show. Yet so many people just, ignore that? Especially in some fics?
Not to mention in the particular story, Raph and Mikey hardly ever appear unless it's for the same couple of jokes, and just leaves me longing for more development on them but nope! Gotta shove some more twin content in there!
I have absolutely no problem with people liking the Disaster Twins, and making stories centered around them, but they are so much more than just twins, and so much more than their relationship with each other. They have other family members too, acknowledge them.
This is not only with this particular author, this has happened multiple times and it's just plain annoying. If you like Leo and Donnie more, just say that. There's no reason you should add their brothers in, and then just discard them to the point they don't even seem like they are siblings anymore. They're just close friends at that point, and it's just angering for me.
I don't see it all that much anymore, but so many people still make Leo and Donnie being 'twins' in Rise this big thing when they aren't even twins, and probably wouldn't mention the fact they are if they weren't explaining their ages because it literally means nothing in the end. They're just brothers that happened to be born on the same day, that's it.
I'm not a twin myself, so I obviously can't speak for actual twins, but even the twins I've known personally hardly mentioned the fact they were twins other than to make a couple of jokes here and then. In no world should them being twins be so important to you that it's mentioned 64 different times. That's just insane.
It is different than simply having a sibling, I get that. Being twins is definitely different in a way, and comes with different experiences, but it should never be that important to the point they mention it 13 TIMES IN ONE CHAPTER.
Skipping past the slightly serious part, 64 different times?? Would they, like, forget if they didn't say it? Fr 13 times in one conversation? I don't think I've even done that with my proclaimed Twin before, because that's, that's just crazy.
#I truly mean no hate to the author I'm talking about. And I honestly have no real problems with their story I just find it annoying now#There's practically a twin joke every chapter and it's no longer funny at this point it's just expected.#I'm probably going to stop reading it but I just really get annoyed when chacters are reduced to specific traits. like they're so much more#And Raph and Mikey are practically just side characters compared to Leo and Donnie? I literally could not tell you their personalities#They're like ghosts. Hallucinations. Hardly there. And it's kind of sad because of how often people do that and ugghh#I have so many thoughts.#But really this was something that just bothered me and I decided to get it out because it happens so much#tmnt#rottmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#stupid rant#sorry for the rant#rant#I'd live input because I feel like ass saying this.. but my main gripe is people reducing Donnie and Leo to being twins#“It's because they're twins!” HUH? Honey that's quite literally magical that has nothing to do with their twinnage please explain#If I'm in the wrong I'll admit it but I don't think I am so that's why this is just something that annoys ME and I hate encountering#If people love them being twins snd make something centered around it that's awesome and I've loved some stuff like that myself!#But they aren't ONLY twins and seeing this story mention the favt they were at every turn practically reduced them to nothing BUT twins#Raph and Mikey are sidelined so much it's crazy and it feels like they hardly exist sometimes compared to Leo snd Donnie who always appear#That's all really. It's just annoying. That's it so I ranted about it. I'm just going to draw more after this tbh#Okay.. actually much hate to the author because they're a TCESTER and blocked me which was very nice of them so.. yeah#Just don't hate on other people who do what I said in the main post but THAT WAS A PLOT TWIST I BEVER SAW COMING I'LL SAY THAT#I no longer feel bad for making fun of them this is the greatest turn of events that could've ever happened to me LMAO#But genuinely I still see that twin stuff a lot past the weirdo so I feel I'm still valid#long rant
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leo-artsssss · 1 year
im honestly considering moving everything over to tumblr because rise twt is actually making me wanna kms
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venting-town · 2 years
I can’t even move my fucking head for a second without my eyes freaking the fuck out
Pretty sure that’s it’s because of nystagmus, which is ANOTHER sign of me having brain tumor!
Because why not ig?? It’s not like there’s literally everything else already going on/about to go down
Fuck retarded-ass existence dude. If anyone else likes it, great! Good for them
It’s not for me, REGARDLESS of whatever stupid-ass world I’m thrown into
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hibikiloserl · 1 month
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i hate these stupid ass turtles
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driving lessons - Lando Norris
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summary; Lando Norris x f!reader.
Lando wants to teach you how to drive, but what if he's not as good as a professional teacher?
warning(s); maybe grammar errors, fluff, angst
author's note; loved this request!! had so much fun to write. ♡
It's not like you're afraid to drive, it's more you never needed it. You lived in a city and could order a taxi or take the train. When you met Lando, he couldn't believe you didn't know how to drive. He annoyed you for months to learn this. So here we are, in your little fiat 500.
"Are you ready?", Lando steps inside the car door and groans like a grandpa. "You need a new car, it's a playmobil!", he talks out of his mind. You roll your eyes, he's driving fast cars and is formula one driver. Of course your little fiat is not his favorite, but you love it. It's small like you are.
"Yeah I'm ready", you begin to sweat. What if you mess it up? What if you crash into a tree? You would hurt your boyfriend!
He promised this morning; 'you don't need professional driving lessons because i can teach you'.
Lando touches under your seat and pushes the seat forward.
"You're a minion, make sure you can depress the accelerator pedal without getting back pain, baby", he explains, completely focused on his job to be the best teacher you ever had. You try to depress and it works. You nod, ready for the next step. "okay,car mirrors are ok for you?", he checks on it and leans more into your lap. "Yeah", you look inside all sides.
"Ok try to accelerate and change gear into the two", he crosses his arms, leaning on the window next to him, totally relaxed. You're a smart brain so he doesn't worry much. You learn fast. But when he looks in your direction, his opinion changes fast.
You're afraid, he can see it. Your leg is shaking, your breath stops for seconds until you do it - and you messed up to start the car. "Try again, baby", he giggles. Such a rookie mistake.
You try again, messing up again.
"Oh my gosh what are you doing?! Drepress with your foot and let's go", he gets impatient. "I try, Lando!", tears are forming in your eyes. You're not stupid but it could happen so many things. It's your first time in a car and don't know what to do.
"Do it!", he argues. You try and it worked. It actually worked.
You drive through the empty car park and grin like a winner when you drive to an actual road, "babe I'm better than you!", you laugh. Lando shakes his head, hiding the smile behind his hands, "sure, you're winning a race with 5kmh". "Can you overtake?", he annoys, seeing how you slowly crawl like a turtle behind a motorcycle. "No", you press your lips together, happy a bike drives before you. You can drive in peace and not too fast.
After some time he tells," now drive in reverse and park in", he shows you the space for lengthwise parking.
Oh no. It's not much place. "Lando I can't do it!", you sweat, fingers are clinging into the steering wheel.
"My whole house could park here! You can do it", he wants to support you. "to park lengthwise is easy plus your boyfriend is professional racer. Nothing can happen", he touches your tigh.
You tip on your car turn signals and drive reverse. "STOP!", Lando screams his lungs out and grabing after the wheel. Something crashed because it was loud. "Oh fuck!", he steps outside and touches his neck. "You crashed a car mirror!", his face turns red. "Oh no", was all you could tell in shock. You can't believe you are in trouble.
Tears are falling down, you're a loser. Lando is mad. Ready for some trouble with him you look in his face.
"It's the funniest thing i experienced as a driver", Lando laughs his ass off. He really does, happy tears in his eyes and his squeaky laugh. "Baby the whole car mirror is away!", he cries even more, hands between his nose.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny!", you are disappointed about yourself.
"I'm gonna call my manager and then I'll drive home, babe, everything will be alright", he smirks, walking on your side and opens the door. He knees down and hugs you. You can feel the vibration from his laughing. "I think you need professional driving lessons.", he kisses your lips under laughter.
"Damn my girlfriend is a savage".
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