#this probably doesnt need to be posted to this page
Out...side. I was outside
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For @wordthieve who requested this ages ago!! Can also be found on ao3
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bayonetta-origins · 3 months
having aa5 bayo origins thoughts( ´-`) ill ramble in the tags
#normally id do this on my twt priv but my friends on there havent finished aa5/played bayo origins#so i dont want to spoil#also idk i think id juzt like to ramble on here#anyway I STILL DONT KNOW who will be lukaon...#nothing romantic will be Implied in this au i do not want anything to do w that....#i had the idea of simon being lukaon so that aura is motivated to get her brother back#but i *really* want simon to be cheshire#so maybe.. ill connect it somehow#speaking of simon he wont be able to talk normally and has to talk using widget#idk. just thought it would be fun#since cheshire doesnt really have a voice.. in a way(?#idk how to word it but YOU KNOW!!.!!!!#also i just dont want to give him a mouthLOL#and aura.. was looking at morganas wiki page the other day to get a picture and was reading the description of#the character page of her demon masquerade form#''​each [morgana and lex] have nothing but endless rage built up in their heart.''#and was like waaa.... aura......#that really wanted me to connect simon to lukaon in a way#ill figure it out....#the wisps will probably just still be the wisps in origins#i thought of the idea of them looking like the robots wifh hearts robots but i was like#hm. maybe. idk#again ill figure it out.. i just wish i wasnt so busy w school weh#also i still havent finished my bayo origins anniversary art. help.#I NEED MORE FREE TIME#ok ramblkng over bye . i will probably do this again#athena and the lost demon#i dont have a text post tag
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caruliaa · 1 year
screaming bc theres a song (no i wont tell u what one but its by an artisit i dont listen to rly to much except for the last two days but i do like what of her music iv heard) that like. i rly feel like fits a ship (I WILL DEFF NOT TELL U WHICH ONE !!!!! but its like. not one i rly ship tht much but i do think its cute and im slowly getting more into it) in like. a weird way bc like. im not like omg this song is so this ship its so cute i mean the first time i listened to the song which was a while back when it first came out i was like this feels like ppl r gonna talk abt it w tht ship or like the song feels very like. like a fanfiction to me like generally and to me i feel like its like a modern au fanfic for the ship nd i listened to the song again today nd iv been thinking abt tht but the thing is i looked to see if anyone in any context has put that ship with that song before expecting to find lots of stuff but i literally found NOTHING its ubsurddd !!!
#like. searched tumblr w the ship + song name nd the ship + artist name? no results#went to google w either? just got results w either the ship or the song or tumblr blogs#that showed up bc they had prob posted seperate posts abt the musicain/song and the ship#and like. a fucking archive.org pdf of a totally unrelated article on the first page of google#searched the artist and song name on ao3 showing only options with that ship#in hopes id find a fic titled after a lyric from the song w that in the description?#no resulfs either!!#like i feel insane how has no one ever pointed out this ship w this song ever#i do NOT!! want to be the first one babes. esp since no i feel like im almost definatly wrong#abt it fitting the ship. but i mean im also not thats someone modern au fanfic of them as a song#i mean like. i dont rly ship the ship as said but iv seen what theyre fromm !!!!#okay. the friendship between one of the characters in the ship and another character is a part of like.#why it fits bc w like the framing device of the song it fits#so perhaps i am putting too much emphasis on that friendship idk how much ppl care esp in the context of tht ship alongside it#but they shld care more abt tht friendship like ik general tbh. bc i care more abt tht then the ship tbhh 😭😭#also like. i feel a littol dumb for not realising this earlier but maybe its bc the song is like.#a bit of a timeline on the relationship nd loke. dowsnt mention any point of any dislike#at the beginning and i think that is a thing with is ship but also COME ONN#the song doesnt need to encapsulate every single moment or aspect of the ship for someone somewhere to say it fits#im also kind of like how in character is this but i mean like. its a big the most popular probably ship in a fandom theres lots of ppl who#dont care if its in character thats not a reason someone wldnt have mentioned it either#ik its like. not a big deal ig but im so baffled tht like. no one seems to have seen this popular ship and i think prettty popular when it#released (and that was last! year!) song together that iv become obsessed w finding someone who has#im going to look thru spotify playlists for the ship and ao3 more thoroughly later bit rn im making pancakes <3#flappy rambles#EDIT: also for cotext in not telling the ship not bc i think its ‘cringe’ its bc ik many of u ship it#and again. dont want to b the weird oe w this song that made me think others wld associate it w thw ship#which apparently not a soul hasss !!!!! which is like i said freaking me out a lil bc im sure someone wld have
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voidimp · 1 year
trying to find any information on anything is so fucking impossible these days
#i just want. web hosting that also has file hosting where i dont have to like have the files Displayed On The Site#i dont even know like. what thats called#but nothing ever seems to specify one way or the other??#like i feel like thered be some sort of phrasing that id see & be like oh maybe thats what im looking for#but no. it just doesnt seem to be mentioned#& so many sites are like. oh were designed to work with wordpress!! like cool but i dont CARE about that#i want to build my site from scratch actually.#i want to be able to host images that i can use elsewhere on the internet without necessarily having them on an Actual Page of my website#ik godaddy does this. bc i used to use them waaaaay back in like 2007 or so lmfao#but ive heard some Not So Great things abt them so ive been trying to look into other options#(but honestly i might just use them bc id probably hear Not So Great things about Everyone)#(it seems to just be standard business practice at this point)#idk. theres a site called dreamhost i might try but idk if they have the features i want#ig if anyone has any input on any of this lmk#either abt godaddy or dreamhost or if u know of any good alternatives#i dont even need anything super complex just like. custom domain name. file hosting. security that doesnt suck#this is probably all standard i just hate how hard it is to actually find the info#& i dont want to sign up for 10579348 free trials to find out#this is all in the tags bc. the post applies to so much more than just this lmao#this is just my Current Issue
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
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comparison (new on left old on right)
#As you can see i was mainly working ln fixing the distortion on the poles i did get a bittt carried away and add like a ton of oand but its#ok. also i did the math and its sitting at abt 40:60 land water ratio#rly its 41:59 but 40 60 is far easier#ive also still got to add rivers.. i have a few lakes as you can see but i haven't gone through and added rivers yet#ill probably have to do mountains first then rivers....#ive also been thinking abt making a sideblog solely for worldbuilding posts but im shy LOL so itd probably judt be 4 me#i wouldnt be opposed to sharing it with anybody whos interested i just dont think anybody rly is...#im also working more on the language its kiiiind of rly frustrating me..#i also have gaught to add a new island in the middle of the ocean bc ive been thinking while at work. but idk if i Actually want to use#those thoughts 4 this or keep them seperate.. whatevrr#but yeah. as mentioned the edits arent perfect yrt theyre kind of difficult to do 😭😭 map to globe doesnt allow you to draw directly On#the globe and the umm. sketch thing they have is kind of rlly annoying#like you can colorpick Once. but after that you have to reload the page to colorpick again#+ the likee. drawing you do on it is super artifacted and weird... + theres no way to just get the finished image idt. i may be wrong#but yes. anyways if i do make the sodeblog i wanna name it after the world but the issue is the world doesnt have a name 💀#and to make the name i need to work on the primary conlang some more 😭😭😭 but its frustrating me i think its bc i started with the#written form which like. every guide im looking at says you shouldnt do that 💀#so i might just scrap it and start from the ground up
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arolesbianism · 1 month
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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maplerosekisses · 6 months
Everyone calm down, Discord didn't change your privacy settings — they just made a useless new checkbox
Okay, so, I'm sure you've all seen the "warning for discord users" post or one that looks like it by now. OP has retracted it, but the unedited version is still floating around and I know people are also getting the info third hand or more, so I'm making a simplified post.
So here's what you do, to make sure no one finds you on discord if you don't want them to.
Go to You -> Privacy and Safety and scroll down to find these settings
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Turn off Sync Contacts, Phone, and Email.
As an extra precaution, go into your phone settings and make sure discord doesn't have permission to view your contacts, but if these are turned off, it probably doesn't.
Now, about THIS THING. This is the thing everyone is worked up about.
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You cannot permanently uncheck this box. It will be re-checked every time you go to this page.
This checkbox is not an app setting. It's essentially an "I have read the terms and conditions" checkbox, and "Find friends" is the "next"/"I agree" button. It's stupid and it doesn't need to be there because they had this same page before without the checkbox, but they added a stupid little checkbox and confused everyone.
If you want to add a friend who is not already in a server with you, type their username into the "Add by Username" box and click this little arrow
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If you never click on "Find friends", discord will not gain access to your contacts or share your username with them or make it possible to find you by your phone number or email.
also this new layout absolutely sucks and you should tell discord so "by navigating to the You tab in the bottom right corner of the app → tapping the App Settings gear icon in the top right → selecting Appearance → scrolling to the New Layout section → and selecting Give us Feedback" (x), but it's not an insidious privacy violation
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drdemonprince · 1 month
Can you offer any (academic) writing advice for Autistics and ADHDers? You clearly write a lot and write very well and very clearly, so some insight into your process would be great. Personally, I tend to struggle with over explaining or over citing (cause I am always getting misunderstood) and that I get very fixated on not misrepresenting what my sources are saying to avoid feeling like I'm lying. All this is time consuming and makes it hard to say what I really want to say. Thanks!
Hi there! I've written an essay about a lot of this, here is the free link to read it on Medium:
Much of my writing process is inspired by the book How to Write a Lot by Paul Silvia, and it is specifically tailored to academics. The advice applies to people who write popular nonfiction or fiction just as easily, however. And he does have advice relevant to the self-editing and self-doubt you describe feeling.
The full piece gets into this more, but here are some of the stand-out tips:
Schedule a regular time to write every week and show up no matter whether you are feeling it or not.
Throw out all your magical thinking about what you "need" to be able to write. You don't need the perfect workspace, divine inspiration, the right pen, the right playlist. You just need to show up to write regularly, and do it
Editing, outlining, working with research notes, and drafting all count as "writing." Don't expect your initial drafts to be perfect or to equate writing only with getting new words on the page.
Try writing in public spaces to help get yourself in the mindset of explaining a concept to someone with a different frame of reference and type of expertise than you. Writing in a cafe or a public library can force you think and write in a more accessible way. (alternatively, you can pretend you are explaining the concept to a specific person in your life who you respect but who doesnt have all the same reference points as you -- sometimes this is called the "Grandma Test". Explain something like you are talking to your grandma.)
In addition to all this, I would add that you should read a lot of writing, both good and bad, especially work that isn't dry and academic. If all you read is journal articles, you'll write a journal article -- and most of those are hell to read, even for academics. read fiction. read bad wattsapp shipping. read substacks. read newspapers. read indulgent personal nonfiction in the cut or whatever. read reddit posts. notice what works and what doesn't. develop an ear.
and then write a lot! it took me 15 years to get good enough for anything i wrote to get noticed. you can expect to take many years to get comfortable developing your own voice, too. i dont know how far along you are, but even when you've made tremendous progress you'll only notice your flaws and feel the most turgid brain foggy moments. that doesn't mean you're failing.
also, to some extent you can embrace your citation-dense, precise manner of self-expression. we are living in a moment of maximalism and indulgent, long creative works. it's the decade of the 5 hour youtube essay and the 2 hour album. my 5,000 word essays do better than my 2,000 word ones. you should strip down unnecessary tangents and trust yourself and your reader a little more probably, but ive found that the more blatantly autistic and indulgent my writing gets the more the right people like it. a writer's flaws and their distinctive voice are kinda hard to separate. you're not for everyone!
good luck!
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 10 months
finally got re2! leon is adorable 🥰 hes such a puppy boy
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didnt know he was a bottom until you came along, now all he can think about is you and your big dick
hes literally obsessed and when you're in the same room hes unable to keep his hands off you.
if you're bigger than him he LOVES being manhandled, it doesnt even have to be for sex. putting your hand on his back when you move around him or to lead him somewhere, moving him out of your way... your hands on him never fail to get him horny.
if you're smaller than him he loves the affect you have on him. cant get over how much power you have over him, yeah he could pick you up effortlessly but your puppy would fall to his knees with a single look.
he loves soft sex, absolutely dies for cuddle fucking. something about you holding him tightly to your chest as you fuck deep inside of him gets his brains all scrambled.
further more, if you come inside of him he is GONE. he will love you forever.
tell him how much you love him and how bad you wanna breed him while fucking him hard and deep, tell him how good you'll fill him up and how pretty hed look full of your kids and hes coming on the spot.
he just wants to feel loved and important 😖
if leon is ftm, he'll be suuuper nervous for your guy's first time together. undress him slowly and kiss over his body while telling him how much you love him and how handsome he looks.
his nipples are super sensitive, you could probably get him to come from just that.
if he has top surgery kiss his scars and tell him how much you love his hard chest.
if he hasnt had top surgery feel over his chest carefully and call them his pecs, act like hes just got really swol pecs and not only will it lighten his nerves but you'll get to see him blush all pretty and smile shyly
for ftm leon slow passionate sex is where its at, he likes to get rough here and there but he absolutely dies for soft and giggly.
for cis leon he needs it rough, slow deep thrusts get him aching for more.
he wants you to breed him, shoot your load deep inside him and send him to work with a plug keeping it all inside.
absolutely dies for public sex. take him on a bus and get him in a secluded corner just to get a little handsy.
get him all riled up at a restaurant and then leave him to walk out with an erection.
he comes super fast if you fuck him in public restrooms or at a park.
the first time you did it in the park all you did was brush up against him and he was coming in his pants.
definitely has a thing for both praise and degradation. call him your pretty boy and tell him how slutty he looks bouncing on your cock like that. fuck him so hard he turns into a babbling drooling mess and then call him a dumb whore.
he likes being feminized, wearing lingerie while you call him a dumb broad. he likes it when you feel up his leaking cock and call it his pretty clit.
SLOPPY SEX. use too much lube and talk to him about how wet his pussy is and how much of a whore he looks all spread out for you and dripping.
A/N- the price fic is still in the works, i just got super lazy and im trying to work myself up to it, i got a good chunk done i just need to finish the sex part and find out how to end it. 😘
if you like my work please support me with either the tip button or visit my kofi page, you can see the pinned post on my blog for more information please look into it
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shigayokagayama · 3 months
The Beach Omake And Authorial Intent
initially i was going to save this for a big teru analysis i had cooking however i eventually ended up deciding that it would feel like a really long tangent in its original context and probably deserves a separate post.
when it comes to the whole "teru's parents" thing i generally see two competing ideas on it
a. terus absent parents are the real villains of mob psycho and are the direct cause of everything wrong with his life and any and all teru analysis must center around this fact
b. terus parents being absent in the first place is only revealed in an omake and only exists for plot convenience and is not something that should be focused on at all when writing him
and whenever i see either of these my mind always drifts to the question of authorial intent. i know how people are reading this information, but how are we supposed to? i know death of the author is becoming more of a common thing in fandom spaces (albeit usually misused) but i feel like a better understanding of why this omake exists and how we're supposed to read it might help to better synthesize two takes that seems to be completely at odds with each other.
okay first i want to go over the actual placement of the beach omake in the update schedule of the manga because, unlike most other omakes, i feel like this ones placement in the schedule of page releases is actually super relevant
the vast majority of omakes come at the end of weekly updates. you finish reading the usually 15-20 pages ONE put out and then you get a little bonus comic at the end, usually something funny or a slice of life but but occasionally more serious. multi part omakes are usually spread out over multiple updates, making you wait a couple weeks for a punchline.
beach omake is not that. between chapters 99 (mob gets hit by a car) and 100 (the whole rest of the omake) there was a 6 week hiatus from normal pages and in this hiatus is where we get beach omake. reading it all together immediately cuts away the sort of "slice of life sunday paper comic" tone other multi part omakes have and make you read it as a part of the actual main story, since that's how you're used to reading these weekly updates.
now the actual tone. generally the multi part omakes exist to be long punchlines and the rare emotional ones are a single page for maximum impact. beach omake has a very different structure compared to, say, the haunted doll omake or the pot of happiness.
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off the bat from the first two pages there's not really a joke. the tone mostly seems kind of melancholic. mobs expression for the middle section of the second page (maybe purposely) is obscured by the panel breaking off, it's hard to tell his reaction, all our attention is directed at teru. with all of the panels taken up by dialogue (primarily his own), we're being asked to focus on what he's saying:
-teru lives alone
-he lives alone because his parents live overseas
-he hasnt seen them in a while
-he doesnt like having nothing to do
-he doesnt like being alone
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all of this information is delivered with an extremely casual expression from him, implying that it's not something that seems ll the out of the ordinary for him. mob, on the other hand...
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the hesitation before he says anything and the way his expression is obscured seems to imply something is... off... about this information to him. this isn't a handwaved "oh mob is walking home from school after passing out because he needs to for plot reasons", we're reacting to this information like it's weird.
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the next two pages are, mostly, a lot more of what we expect out of a mob psycho omake. the first one works as a standalone joke page, teru is bad at identifying animals which leads to him showing reigen a roach, something reigen is terrified of, instead of a beetle.
the second page starts similarly, we get a dumbass joke about reigen trying to pick up women at the beach (note: i think this is the singular time we get an indication reigen is even into women) but then the next two panels take on a more melancholic tone again. we get a small panel of mob and ritsu playing on the beach and a much, much larger panel of teru sitting on the beach, watching them. the dialogue bubble forces us to pay attention to the fact that he is silent.
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the ending of this omake is where we bring it home. generally the last panel centers the punchline of the page, or of the whole omake, but the final panel of this isn't really what was being built to in this case.
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we start our second page on teru. his expression is obscured, reigens speech bubble is shoved to the side so we can see that teru's hat is being held in his hands.
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when we see his face in full view he looks... confused. he looks like he doesn't know how to react to someone going through all this trouble for him. teru is a character who, up to this moment, we have seen as extremely independent. he always rushes into things alone, he always has to be the hero, he always has to be the one to save the day. hell, this omake is immediately followed by the confession arc. where... you know.
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so what are we supposed to get out of this omake?
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teru's been doing everything on his own up to this point
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but he doesn't have to anymore
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thejrwikiblog · 5 months
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Hey everyone! We are the editors of the new just roll with it wiki! We may not post much on this blog, it will mostly be used for communication and posting updates/questions.
As many of you have probably seen, the wiki on fandom is kind of hard to navigate due to the nature of fandom.com, so we all decided to completely redesign the page and add any missing information on a completely different site, miraheze!
Current members list
@ghosticereal - 👻
@rgbfall - 🌻
@jadejemdoesstuff - 🍀
@screamingsquamousthings - 🫧
@navysealt4t - 🪻
@hitolucius - ☀️
@enby-ralsei - 🧶
@polypd - ⚓️
@floofiiest (doesnt have tumblr >:[
If you have any information you would like to add, or want to join in, send us an ask! The wiki is currently a work in progress, so we need all the information we can get!
If you are a member of the old wiki editing team, please understand this isn't meant to be hostile. We're all just trying to contribute to this fandom in our own way, so please dont take offence from this or attempt to start drama, we will just ignore it <3
Edit: I just want to clarify super quick that this is very much a work in progress. Many pages are going to be missing for a while, and not everything is complete. Please be patient! <3
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lemongogo · 8 months
have u evr thoight abt livio and vash together (not romantically like in a found family way) post trimax bc i think about it a Lot
evvery day of my goddamn life . i think about them.every second of eveyr minute. LIKE ALL THE TIMEEE !! THEY ARE SOOO SPECIAL TO MEE
anyone whos been following me for a while knows i LOVEEEE imperfect , tense relationships . be them familial, romantic , platonic , etc . i love when two people have to work around each other and come to a common understanding . i like when their experiences are so wholly different that it bleeds into who they are and how they navigate the world . i like when the communication is faulty at best , messy . unpracticed . post-trimax and even post wolfwood death livio + vash consumes me @ my core . its been a while since ive read the manga so im probably very incorrect at reading their dynamics and have instead substituted it for my own fanon, but i like viewing their relationship to one another as something (initially) strained and (initially) distanced. you have these two people , effectively strangers to one another, bound by a common person who is no longer there. who ultimately understand the direction theyre headed in and whats required of them, but feeling so out of place by either their own internal struggles or by the pressure of the world around them . livio deals with the turmoil of what his and razlo’s involvement in nicholas’ death means . vash is left to bury his friend alone and spend the coming days alongside the man who’d killed him. and yet, vash, due to the nature of his cause and love for humanity, forgives him. cooks for him. and livio and razlo learn to let themselves be forgiven. to grow from past traumas and feel deserving of good things. its not an easy path for either of them, but they do it. for themselves, for each other, for meryl, millie, for chronica and her sisters, for humans ^__^! for nicholas!!! and its soo .. GOOD.. ITS SOO HEARTY TO MEE .. the way that vash and livio so openly struggle in the chapters following ch.65, but ultimately learn to come to terms with the idea of loss, of responsibility, love, community, etc. I KNOW U R TALKING ABT POST TRIMAX HELP MEE but i like how trigun so succinctly sets up this foundation for them to beee .. close in the way i’d like to imagine. i just lovee .. the bond they wld share in having both loved / cared for nicholas . and how that gave them resolvee !! how that gave them cause for action . motivation or determination if u will. they r so bound by loss and so inextricably changed by it that when i think of them post-trimax, i think of them like two wilted weeds that have grown thru the sidewalk crack , together . they are damaged , incomplete . unsure of so many tjings , but they r ……. MY GODDDDDDD !!!sry its like . man . MANN… kiryu gif of him punching the table . MAKE ME CRAZYYYYY . in a post trimax world , they are so emotionally linked . TO MEE .. IN MY LITTLE WORLD .. they mean more to each other than words can describe . and pains me in a sense to know that .. there will be a time where livio, razlo, and vash know each other more than they ever had the chance of knowing nicholas. and i think that so bittersweet . and special. I LOVEE IT . they give me very like .. silent affirmation , comfort through physical presence kind of warmth . like they dont have to say anything to know what they mean to each other and thats ok ^__^!
my favorite & i mean FAVORITEEEE PAGE!!! is the one in which they talk atop the building before their final battle and share their sorrows indirectly. LIKE THTS SOMETHIG AB THEM THAT DRIVES ME CRAZYYY!! the fact that both of them cannot refer to nicholas by name . its He. Him. That event , you know the One . they recognize parts of themselves in each other
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“when you are linked by something so strong in your hearts, it doesnt need to be said anymore” U R FUCKIG KIDDDING MEEEEEEEE . i lvoe thm godd . T___T
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smallcesar · 13 days
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Basically thiz au wally is stuck reliving the same episode, over and over again. He has no idea how to stop it so is trying to figure out how to stop the looping unaware that home is behind all of it since he found it was a way to "punish" wally for trying to tell them about homes antics. Home is evil in this au-However wally doesnt see that quite yet he thinks home is also trying to help him get out when in reality hes trying to keep him stuck in such a mess. Wally lost track of time, and eventually practically spiraled into a form of madness causing one of his eyes to jus be a glowing spiral that constantly spins in different colorz, red,blue,green and purple. He is the only one aware ( besides home ) he changed his design to remind himself that what he is dealing with is real and try to find dif ways to cure his sanity from dropping more. He keeps a notebook given to him from frank,overalls from howdy, a necklace from Barnaby and the gloves knitted by poppy. Every item him stays the same whilst the others have no memory of such occurrences. Wally changes the episodes up-basically messing up the timeline but it doesnt matter because it just restarts once it hits 12am. Sometimes he lies and says hes sick just to stay inside to talk to home or write stuff down-or paint to try to keep cool.
Basically hes manipulated by home as to why it's going to take him so long to realize home is the cause to it all, and in order to break the loop he needs to kill the source, aka eventually burn his own home. The rest remain visually the same as the og designs only wallys design truly alters however in this au frank, and howdy are more catchy and close to wally!
If u draw my au PLS NO WALLYCEST, he is 22 do not ship him w a minor, I don't really mind making ship art of him w ur ocs jus don't oversexualize him.
U probably have seen his older design I deleted it cuz I was gonna drop the idea In all- but he's back.
Because this is big post I'll say my page will be about wally+ my wally au, and my own "Galaxyfall mall" puppets lore! With those galaxy fall puppets only rules is not to sexualize, simp or draw NSFW of all of them considering Dizzy Starlight is technically my persona or self projection
I won't post alot but I'll try my best to, I'm going to focus on puppets mainly (wally darling) and my own ocs, they aren't related or connected to welcome home! But dizzy is partially inspired by welcome home, just don't compare my ocs to wh it can become repetitive if it happens so ima state this immediately now! Questions are allowed to be asked etc, don't rush me guyz I'm a slow artist
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x British she/her!reader
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Nice To Meet Ya
“There’s no racial motive, but the unsub is only targeting males.” JJ begins the discussion, her eyes not leaving the folder in her hands as her words float to the rest of the team onboard the jet.
Derek shrugs. “It’s gotta be a male - he feels threatened by other guys entering his territory.”
Rossi shakes his head. “But his murders arent frenzied, he’s calm, sophisticated; not like a wild animal. There’s some object of infatuation within the area, he attacks before any of these men can get to it.”
Spencer frowns. “He’s under the impression that whatever he’s possessive over is already his, he can protect it from afar and keep it for himself.”
Hotch speaks up. “We need to find out what his infatuation is. JJ and Derek, I’d like you to examine the first crime scene. Rossi, you and Reid are the best of us to investigate the town itself.”
Spencer shuffles awkwardly in his seat. “Why?”
JJ smiles at him. “You’re young enough to not look like an agent, and Rossi’s Italian.”
The team chuckles, before their focus falls back on their folders.
As soon as he sets foot outside of the police station, Spencer notices the words ‘Tourist Tracker’ are plastered on the front page of every local newspaper he sees. They really couldnt come up with a better title for this unsub? He shakes his head and carries on walking. Rossi chuckles as he notices the newspapers. One of the biggest downsides to being invited to a case late: the media gets ahold of it. The town is on full alert. At first, people assumed the stabbings on the edge of town were random altercations, robberies gone wrong; it took far too long for the authorities to consider this the work of a serial offender. Five men had already been stabbed to death. A single, precise stab to the heart.
For Spencer’s first task of investigation, he has been sent to library, much to his own relief. A library was the closest thing to a version of heaven that Spencer had ever experienced: thousands of books and minimal human interaction, it was sheer bliss. He had been sent to investigate significance of a particular book that the unsub had left at a crime scene. After talking with the victim’s family, they knew the book was not something he would have had with him, and it was up to Spencer to deduce what had caused the unsub to leave this particular book beside a dead man.
As he rounds the corner, Spencer notices a woman locking the door to the library building, and he panics. Sprinting over to her, he accidentally startles her, but much to his surprise, she smiles at him.
“Hello! You’re not a familiar face!” Her greeting is warm, her voice and accent delightful the moment it reaches Spencer’s ears. A British girl, lord have mercy.
He takes a moment to respond, shocked at someone seemingly excited to speak to him. “No, Im not. Im-“
She interrupts him. “Wait, dont tell me, student or qualified Doctor?”
Spencer frowns in confusion. “Doctor, how did you know?”
She smiles and nods, eyeing him up and down. “Well, Doctor, you are the only person I have seen nail that fashion outside of tv, so congratulations on that! Is there something you needed?”
He blinks rapidly and awkwardly grabs for the book in his satchel. “Yes, sorry, could you tell me about this book?”
She gasps at the sight of it. “Oh my god! Where did you find it!?!”
Spencer passes it to her. “It’s probably best if you dont know that.”
His ambiguity doesnt bother her as she turns the book over in her hands, completely enthralled by it. “This has always been one of my favourites. It was stolen from the library last week! We have multiple versions, I assumed a kid stole it but couldnt think why. Lord Of The Rings isnt exactly the first book I’d consider steal-worthy.” Her eyes widen and she looks up at Spencer. “Let’s put her back where she belongs!”
With that, she unlocks the library doors and rushes inside. If Spencer wasnt already convinced she was the librarian, the certainty in which she ran to a specific aisle and shelf within the building was a real teller.
“Do you have any security cameras?” Spencer asks as he turns on his heel and admires the floors of books.
“In a library? Nah!” She chuckles, walking back over to him. “So, now Im not touching it, tell me what gruesome hole of goo you found that book in.” She crosses her arms over her chest and Spencer knows it’s useless arguing with her.
“It was found next to one of the murder victims, we have reason to believe the killer placed if by him and we dont know why.” He explains.
She raises her eyebrows. “You’re a Doctor in the FBI?” She facepalms. “Of course you are! Why didnt I get that? Bloody hell. A non-familiar face hasnt been in town since that guy started killing people! Of course you’re with the FBI!”
Spencer shakes his head, stopping her ramble. “What makes you so sure the unsub is a man?”
She shrugs. “Easy, the men dont have anything in common, not a single personality trait that would link them as romantic interests of one person, and women are only driven to kill that many men who have wronged her; and speaking from experience, the main list of men that heterosexual or bisexual women contemplate killing is filled with her ex’s. None of the men were gay either, so it wasnt romantic.”
The agent’s eyes widen, slightly alarmed at her casual suggestion that she’s considered killing one or more of her ex’s, but he hopes she’s joking. “How do you know all of that!?!”
She casually walks past him, heading for the exit, and he stumbles after her. “A girl’s gotta protect herself, so I did my research to see if I needed to take up karate lessons.”
Once they’re back on the street, she locks the library door again, while Spencer recovers from that quick burst of intelligence.
“Anyway, I hope you catch the guy. Let me know if I can do anything to help!” She calls.
Spencer’s head snaps up. “Wait, I didnt ask your-“ but by the time he looks down the street, she’s already disappeared.
He’s still beating himself up about his impoliteness in forgetting to ask her name when he finds himself standing in the local bar. The ticket he had to purchase to enter the scene undetected was in his pocket, and it was identical to the ticket found in the second victim’s hand. No alcohol was found in his system, and bouncers confirmed they’d never seen him. It’s a decently tight-knit community, everyone knows someone who knows someone else and they know everyone. This unsub’s signature is leaving items with his victim’s that do not belong to them, and thus far there has been no connection made between the items.
A particular smile catches the young genius’s eye, and when his gaze returns, he realises it’s her. The spaghetti strap, deep purple glitter number that hugged her body in the best way was enough to send Spencer’s head spinning.
To make matters worse, she‘s laughing, dancing, grinding on her friends, running her hands through her hair. She’s having the time of her life. Spencer realises he’s staring when she glances over in his direction and catches him in the act. He coughs and acts distracted, looking to his wrist at a watch he isnt wearing.
“Hey Doctor! I didnt expect to see you here!” She shouts over the music.
Spencer is stop light red, and for the first time in his life he’s genuinely thankful for strobe lights.
“Still on duty!” He shouts back.
She pouts sadly before she returns to her usual smile. “Guess there’s no point in asking you to dance, I’ll just give you this instead!”
She pulls a pen from her small strap purse and holds her hand out. Spencer takes her hand in a strange sort of handshake, then she abruptly turns his hand, rolls his shirt sleeve up, and writes her phone number on his arm, before rolling his sleeve back down and hiding it. Standing on her tiptoes, she leans close to his ear.
“The girl you were just staring at is called (Y/N), by the way.” She giggles before running back over to her friends.
Spencer truly cant believe his luck. She gave him her number, and was considerate enough to do it in a way that none of the team would see. What a woman.
Spencer happens to see her on both Saturday and Sunday after that. On Saturday, she was browsing flower’s in the florists opposite the trash can that was in a photograph found in the throat of the third victim. On Sunday, she jogged round the corner and directly into him as he followed a set of directions from a specific landmark in the town, found in the trouser pocket of the fourth victim. On Saturday, he was too far away to form a conversation with her, but the two of them shared a smile. On Sunday, they had a conversation that mainly consisted of laughing about how they kept bumping into each other. None of the victims had any connection to (Y/N), so Spencer had ruled out the possibility of her being anything more than an innocent resident of the town.
On Monday, while on his way to the grocery store where the unsub had purchased a bell pepper found in the fifth victim’s vomit, Spencer decides to visit the library and formally apologise to (Y/N) for not already calling her. But, she wasnt there. The member of staff who was at the desk told Spencer it was (Y/N)’s day off, and he left the library feeling scolded by fate. Of course, the two of them could randomly meet every single day for three days, but when he went looking for her she was nowhere to be found. He continues his walk to the grocery store with a strong sense of irritating irony.
As soon as he arrives at the grocery store, though, his anger evaporates into the air, because there she is. Her tongue sticks out of the corner of her mouth slightly as she browsers different vegetables, crouching on the floor to reach the bottom shelf. Fate was on his side after all. The bell rings at the door to announce Spencer’s entrance, and when (Y/N) looks up, she immediately beams in pleasant surprise.
“Hey Doctor! Fancy seeing you here!” They both chuckle at her greeting as she stands up and walks over to him.
“Hey (Y/N)! Im technically still on duty, but I need to apologise for not calling you sooner, I’ve just-“
She places a finger on his lips to shush him. “You’re literally in the FBI, I understand you’re busy.”
They both chuckle again.
“So, what’re you doing here?” Spencer immediately regrets asking a question with such an obvious answer.
“Oh y’know, the most exhillerating task of my Mondays: the weekly shop!” Despite her knowing his question was a little silly to ask, she answers honestly without making a fool of him. Spencer cant express how much he appreciates that.
“And what British delicacy are you planning to cook with all of that?” He gestures to the basket of groceries hanging from her hand.
She smiles. “Vegetable stir-fry! Only the most British dishes in my household!”
Spencer laughs, both of them fully aware that stir-fries are the furthest thing from a British delicacy.
He walks with her as she pays for her groceries, and before he can object, (Y/N) says she has to get home and start cooking right away. It’s 3pm, Spencer knows she’s just being kind and leaving him to do what he was sent to do, he wishes she’d stop doing things to make him fall for her. Spencer asks the man at the cash point to print off a record of every bell pepper purchase in the past 2 weeks, since the bell pepper in the victim’s vomit was fresh with no signs of mould and the man was murdered the previous week. Unfortunately, there had been a problem with the security cameras in the grocery store for months and they didnt have the money to get them fixed, so there would still be no footage of the unsub.
Spencer arrives back at the police station to confront his team with the dooming realisation that he found nothing of note. When he finds his team surrounding a vase of flowers, though, his mood changes.
“They have to be from the unsub.” Derek comments, passing a small note to JJ.
Spencer darts over to JJ. “Can I see that?”
JJ nods, her curiosity over Spencer’s alarm evident on her face as she passes him the note.
She’s mine.
Spencer’s blood runs cold. The flowers in the vase are deep purple daisies, the same shade as her dress on Friday night. The picture of the trash can was opposite the florist these flowers were likely purchased from. The book was one of her favourites, from her library. The directions crossed her jogging path. The bell pepper was purchased from her local grocery shop, by the victim who was killed exactly a week ago, on the day of her weekly shop for groceries. And the purple string that is tying the flowers together in the vase isnt a string at all. It’s one of the spaghetti straps from her dress.
“I know what his infatuation is. We need to go now, I’ll explain on the way!” Spencer’s words were rushed, panicked, and he’s already speeding out of the door, the rest of the team following him.
As quickly as he possibly can, he informs the team of every occasion he had seen/spoken to her. Clearly, someone had been stalking her, and anyone watching her would notice her getting close to a member of the FBI, which would lead to them knowing they’d be identified sooner or later. Spencer had been blinded by his own desire for her to not be in any danger, he had unintentionally been doing exactly what the unsub wanted him to do: take time figuring this out. The unsub had essentially revealed himself in the note and the flowers sent directly to the team, which meant he was entering his endgame, and it‘s impossible to tell what this would mean for the girl Spencer has started to fall for.
There will never be a more perfect time for him to call her. Hotch leads the team’s vehicles as they speed down the street, Spencer sits beside him in the passenger seat with his phone pressed to his ear. He’d dialled her number with shaking hands, the sound of a phone ringing had never been more terrifying to him.
By the time they reached her address, very efficiently provided by Penelope, Spencer had called and been sent to voicemail three times. The team didnt need any further reason to hesitate, Derek kicked the door open and Spencer barged into her home.
“FBI!” He calls out, his voice firm, every instinct in his body telling him he’s ready to fight, but he is simultaneously so afraid. Until he hears her voice.
“In here!”
Spencer follows the sound, and the scene he ran into was truly a sight to behold. (Y/N) was leaning against the kitchen doorframe casually, panting with a hand on her hip. A man lay unconscious on her living room floor on his stomach, his head turned to the side, the half the team could see was burnt somehow.
“What happened?” Spencer asks as he steps over the man and reads her face for any sign of trauma, but he can see she’s running on adrenaline.
“Whacked him with my frying pan, didnt I.” Her words are so casual, but everyone on the team is in awe. She fought off a man with a knife, with a frying pan.
JJ looks over the unconscious man. “How many times?”
She smiles. “Once with the side of the pan to knock him out, second time to make sure he was out, but I used the bottom that time because he made me ruin a perfectly good stir-fry.”
The fried vegetables scattered on her kitchen floor solidify her reasoning.
Derek chuckles and shakes his head. “Kid, you’d better not get on the wrong side of her!”
Spencer smiles, feeling relief flood him. “Trust me, I wont.”
(Y/N) starts to laugh, but she immediately cuts herself off by hissing in pain and clutching at her side, which her hand was previously holding. Spencer’s eyes almost fall out of his skull.
“(Y/N), what happened?” He asks again, so much more weight in his question than before.
She smiles guilty. “Well, I had a sneaking suspicion he was after me since everywhere I went, I bumped into you investigating things that all led you to me. When you called, though, I forgot all about that and was just so happy, I turned to pick up my phone and that’s when I saw him in the corner of my eye. Grabbed the pan, but wasnt quite quick enough, he got me first.” She slips a little, progressively becoming too weak to stand, and Spencer is quick to catch her.
“WE NEED A MEDIC!” He shouts, and while JJ shoves the unsub into a police car, Derek and Hotch run out of the house to call the medic in.
Before she knows it, (Y/N) is on a stretcher being wheeled into an ambulance. Medics are already swarming her trying to stop the bleeding and identify how severe the wound is. The sound of the ambulance swarms her ears, until the doors close and it sounds like she’s under water all of a sudden. Then, she sees Spencer. He sits beside her and takes her hand in his, and she smiles at him. A relaxed and tired smile, it contrasts so much to the bright, excited grins he’s used to seeing on her face. He feels his chest tighten.
“If only you’d been calling me to ask me out on a date, instead of warning me of my attempted murder.” She jokes, her voice so much softer than Spencer had ever heard it.
“I’ll make you a deal: you get through this, and I’ll take you on your dream date.” He replies, holding back tears with a gentle smile on his face.
“Deal, just let me have a nap beforehand.” She says, her eyes already closing and that smile still staying on her face.
Once he’s sure she’s passed out from the painkillers, Spencer lifts her hand to his lips and gives her a kiss. He isnt sure whether it’s for good luck, or to seal the deal about the date, or to convey feelings. Maybe it’s all the above. He doesnt have time to conclude a reason, because she squeezes his hand, and although her eyes are still closed, he knows. Whatever the reason was, she understood.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
the way i have absolutely flooded the kubosai tag is crazy😭most of the recent posts are mine.. my bad..
... anyway, im thinking about kuboyasu picking up different hobbies as a form of anger management, teaching himself coping mechanisms and to use his hands in more gentle ways and let himself make mistakes without taking his anger out in unhealthy ways..
knitting, crocheting, art (he already draws but he wants to do it more and start painting n stuff too), or even scrapbooking or journaling ?? he also already stress bakes/cooks lol.
and since he does it so much, he has so many little pieces of art and he ends up gifting most of them to saiki.. because kubo thinks theyre crappy, but saikis eyes lit up in a way kubo doesnt get to see often when he caught sight of kubos crocheted little pink cat with a suspiciously saiki-like grimace on his face.
so now saiki has all kinds of little knitted/crocheted blankets, pillow cases, stuffed animals, gloves, sweaters, etc. (he made a lot of scarves, bags, hats, coasters, etc. at first since those are easier for beginners, and at first he was keeping them for himself and his mom but the house has too many damn coasters and they do not need that many accessories and sweaters.. so the whole friend group started getting them, but mostly saiki.. and saikis mom started receiving some too).
and little paintings of cats (because kubo definitely loves cats but also saiki just reminds him of one so he draws/paints them for him a lot.. he doesn't know if saiki actually likes them, but he says he doesnt mind so..) and some cute paintings of their friends.. he makes a lot of vent art but saiki obviously does not receive that stuff☠️.
he also tried to learn yoga.. but he learns quickly that he just isnt very good at keeping his hands still and unoccupied for too long.. he might revisit that later, but for now hes just trying to at least learn slow and calculated motions with his hands..
he probably also starts helping kusuo and kurumi with their gardening (because they definitely have a garden). i doubt arens mom has a garden but i bet he could convince her to help him start one after enjoying it with the saikis so much.
the scrapbooking/journaling he mostly keeps to himself.. its mostly pictures of him and his mom, his friends, and him trying to document his feelings in messy pages of writing/doodles/choas..
i love the idea that he starts collecting stickers+fun pens+washi tape to use, which is something he totally would not normally fixate on but he starts getting really excited about it..
tbh it's probably mostly silly stickers from anime he likes, like one piece and dragonball.. a lot of his other interests like the yakuza movies wouldnt have stickers he could get so he just doodles the characters.
but he starts branching out into sillier and more colorful stuff, mostly thanks to chiyo, kokomi, kusuo, and shun. chiyo+kokomi have lots of girly stickers and glitter pens that they give him when they catch wind of the journaling..shun has lots of silly stickers from comic books and theres a surprising amount of harley quinn+poison ivy along with the mcu stuff(mostly spiderman).
chiyo+kusuo have like vocaloid+prosekai stickers, but kusuo mostly is just the reason aren has lots of bright pink+green on a lot of his pages hehe..
anyway, a lot of the gifts he gives to kusuo start getting really.. obvious ? he once gives him this crocheted pink cat with a blank expression and a purple dog whose taller and smiling, both wearing glasses, that are permanently knitted together holding hands☠️and kusuo just.. accepts it. and a lot of the stuff he receives along with their other friends are suspiciously more detailed than everyone elses and there are a lot of hearts and the cat+dog thing becomes a frequent motif and theres so many coffee jelly stuffies and keychains its insane
shun will get like.. a black and red sweater, meanwhile kusuo gets a purple sweater covered in pink hearts+matching gloves+a scarf+socks+a tote bag+a headband ??? aren are ur hands okay seriously
kusuo keeps every single gift obviously, and the first dog+cat plushies along with some other gifts are on his desk so he can look at them literally all the time..
yet somehow they arent dating yet😭aren basically professed his undying love with all the hearts and romantic ass offerings but neither of them have really said anything out loud yet☠️☠️
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ghouljams · 10 months
if u have any tiny headcanons or just small things u feel like no one wants to hear
put them here!! i love hearing whatever u say in tags bc its entertaining and ypu always write such long posts too! its like expecting a cupcake and getting a 3 tier cake u know?? so feel free to write nonsense that doesnt connect to any au or something here lol
Ghost is an artist. I have no explanation for this but I know it in my heart to be true. He won't call himself an artist, at best he'll call it doodles or chicken scratch, but he is an artist. I think he carries around a little notebook and a golf pencil and whenever he has a free moment he's sketching something. It grounds him, helps him stay in the present moment, to look at something in the room and physically mark it on paper. And he's got notebooks full of drawings that he doesn't show anyone. He doesn't buy a new notebook until his last one is full and he's very particular about the size and paper weight.
I think he has one specific company he buys notebooks from(probably rite in the rain) and he only buys his notebooks from them. Even if he has to order them. He gets a little on edge if he finishes a book and doesn't have a spare to start filling. Hunched over his little book making small sketches in the margins between other drawings, his pencil scratching away. It's a sight to behold this huge man curled over his tiny notebook and pencil, muttering about shipment times and deployment status.
Ghost keeps this very close to the chest. He doesn't need other people seeing his notebooks, doesn't want them to, and he doesn't want anyone asking him about the habit. The 141 is very careful to announce themselves so he doesn't have to scramble to put his safe space away. They all know, but they also know Ghost well enough to know that if he wanted to talk about it he wouldn't hide it.
I think Ghost draws the 141 a lot. They're his family and they're always around, he can conjure their faces so clearly in his mind that it's no trouble at all drawing Soap/Gaz/Price(even Laswell or the Las Almas crew) when he's holed up waiting for exfill. He's very careful to rip these pages out of his notebooks and burn them as soon as he's finished with the sketch.
In AU terms Fae!Ghost draws for Love, to help with her journals, but he also draws her ALL THE TIME. She's gotten used to holding still and pretending not to notice him sketching. Cowboy!Ghost has sort of fallen out of practice since the ranch takes up most of his energy. I like to think he takes more time with his sketches now, has big proper sketchbooks that he leaves open on the table in his little house for Goose to find. A huge display of trust on his part, inviting her in to his safe space, and it just makes her melt.
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