#this one is rarer
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Ocd trying to convince me I hit a cyclist this morning on the way to work because I had to pass them on a curve w/ oncoming traffic and it got a lil dicey (dicey by my grandma ass driving standards, most ppl in this clown city where ppl drive like it's a PvP zone wouldn't think twice)
I DID NOT hit anyone it's literally down the street from my work, so even IF for whatever reason I accidentially committed a hit and run I would've heard sirens by now. But like. The devil may work hard my OCD works harder TRULY
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staffs-secret-blog · 11 months
Tumblr please we need more free badges to put next to our usernames
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martyrbat · 2 months
well maybe if you look at bernie wrightson's frankenstein art youll calm down!
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bressynonym · 1 month
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smoke break 🚬
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 252
“Sir, we’ve… There’s been an encounter with a Reaper class entity.” 
There were several classifications for ecto-entities. Several ways the Ghost Investigation Ward classified each. Several common ones that they could easily destroy, easily study. Others however… others were dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. 
There’d only been two other Reaper-class entities confirmed before- both contained but barely. RP-1, a large knight-like entity seemingly made from shadows, and RP-2, a child-like creature that could near perfectly mimic a human. 
And now, there was a third. A third entity that could- and judging from the reports coming in had- killed. Had done so several times even. Which meant it needed to be contained yesterday. 
“Send out the teams- I want this thing in Site X Now!” 
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sugaryoats · 2 months
I seem to have hit furby Tumblr, or furblr with my last post. So here's my first restored Furby who I thrifted and love so much
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After!! 💕💕🍰🧁
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holyfreaks · 2 months
sooo many of sams ships are SO good. like. wincest? codependent freaks. love it. sastiel? the boy with demon blood and the angel who fell from heaven? poetic. samwena? shared trauma, master/apprentice vibes, the list goes on. samjess? domestic wholesome living. for those of us who need something softer. samruby? TOXICCCC and I love it sm. saileen? potential endgame ship. soft and badass all at the same time. sam stans we got so spoiled
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spookystarfishzombie · 2 months
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torchickentacos · 10 months
Old Man Who Deserves Happiness!!!!
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chayannesegg · 4 months
obviously he said as much in that clip from his friend's stream, but i genuinely don't think tubbo will just log on as himself again unless his data is restored by the other players. like, tubbo has expressed notable frustration anytime qsmp storylines feel too much "like a movie" & can't be affected by what the characters do, so i fully believe he has plotted out what will happen if they do solve it and what will happen if they don't which makes me so much more interested in what will happen!! like i trust that what the characters do now will matter
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juniepops · 3 months
I’ve only been playing magic the gathering for a few months and I feel like I understand how it works pretty well, but I tend to pick things up quick anyway so it makes me wonder how comprehensive it is to complete strangers to the game.
For people who don’t play magic: one of the types of cards is “creatures,” which are left on the playing field and have numerical values called “power” and “toughness,” meaning strength and health. During one player’s turn, they may have their creatures attack another player, which requires them to be “tapped” (turned sideways); being tapped prevents the creature from doing other actions, including blocking. However, creatures that were played the same turn can’t be tapped to attack. For each attacking creature, the defending player chooses one of their own creatures to block it, and blocking creatures do not tap. If an attacking creature is blocked, both creatures deal their power against the other’s toughness as if fighting. Creatures that are not blocked damage the other player’s life total.
With this in mind, creatures can have additional abilities that modify the above combat process. Each of the following “keywords” is used to summarize a sentence or two of additional rules that apply to creatures who have the keyword on their card. I’ve sorted them in what I personally consider to be most to least intuitive, and would like any willing non-players to try and guess their effects without looking them up:
Double Strike
First Strike
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dozydawn · 27 days
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“debutantes” by lladró. issued 1988, retired 1997. sculpted by josé puche.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Obikin body swap idea: getting to see how the other half lives. Anakin just being super flustered by the idea that when he touches himself he's touching his master even for innocent things like running his fingers through his hair or getting to touch his beard.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is trying to cope with how overstimulating Anakin's connection to the force is and even the best shields only dampen it slightly. Inner peace? He doesn't know her.
ooo i feel like when we talk about obikin body swap, this is always what we go with (overwhelmed by his master's body! anakin and overwhelmed by how anakin experiences the force! obi-wan), and it's good it's great i think these are great interpretations of the characters and i can see why it's such a popular take on obikin body swap
so what if that but also:
anakin overwhelmed by how little time obi-wan actually has to himself and how busy he is and him realizing that it's not that obi-wan purposefully doesn't spend as much time with him as he wants it's that obi-wan's body walks down a corridor and two younglings want him to give them a sparring demonstration, four Council meetings are scheduled, and one archives padawan is coming incessantly wanting to ask if he's ready for book club this week because she has thoughts on the last chapter
obi-wan unused to how strong he feels, how easy the Force suddenly is to manipulate; sure it's loud and i have a soft spot for that sort of headcanon about how anakin experiences the force, but i think we can't forget it wouldn't just just be overstimulating for anakin: it makes him powerful as fuck. obi-wan feels tired and the mechno arm hurts and it's straining his shoulder so he decides to use the force to call his datapaad over from its charging spot, but it zooms over so fast it shatters on impact with the wall
anakin overwhelmed by the new and unfamiliar aches and pains of obi-wan's body, the way he hurts when he wakes up, the way long space travel makes him feel sick and stiff
obi-wan realizing how persistent the chancellor is when it comes to comming and meeting anakin for lunch--oh lunch won't work what about tea oh tea won't work what about opera----
anakin trying spicy food for the first time in obi-wan's body and he's.... actually fine???? cue realizing that obi-wan was just pretending when he was younger to not like spicy food the bastard. (upon confrontation, obi-wan says, 'well it just seemed to mean so much to you on a personal level that i wouldn't be able to handle the heat of tatooinian food, i didn't want to disappoint you but you should really try stewjoni cuisine')
obi-wan realizing quite quickly that uh. anakin was not ever faking his very low alcohol tolerance
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Debrief at the end of the San Marino GP '88
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im-not-a-l0ser · 6 months
Can Richie have tics? Or Pete? Maybe even Steph, Hannah, Ethan, Ziggs, anyone? Please?
...I actually added Ziggs on a whim, but the idea that they started smoking to stove off their tics isn't a terrible idea.
Before saying Richie has a nervous arm-scratching tic, please read this post.
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mistlestripe · 1 month
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Leafhawk cause people on twitter think corny heterosexual toxic romances are unheard of in warrior cats
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