#this mv has such a pretty color palette :^
jakesunghoon · 2 years
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i heard you needed a pirate king... captain... hybrid... thing - kim hongjoong, 2018
happy birthday hongjoong!
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blitz0hno · 18 days
For the ask game: general 1, 3, 6, 7. Prisoner, 1, 3 (Amane), 4 (mikoto) I didn’t ask too much questions did I
I AM SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG RAHHHH I got the notif, forgor, got another ask for this like a day ago, forgot again, and finally check my inbox today lmao you asked the perfect amount of questions no worries!!
1. My favorite prisoner? It really is Mikoto I cannot tell a lie 😭 why? He's just... So heartbreakingly earnest. And when I was on Milgram Twitter back in 2021 I really didn't want his story to be a DID story. I wasn't about to discuss that stuff on a pretty public account no matter how intrigued we were. However, as time went on, and we thought about how all the other prisoners are "mentally ill" in some form or another, we held out hope that the whole "DID murderer who doesn't remember" thing would be subverted in some way. We came to really really look forward to his second trial, and after Purge March even moreso. In our opinion, Milgram team fuckin DELIVERED when Oct. 25th came around. While I personally relate more to John, Mikoto's story and how it's being told are very important to me. The extreme ambiguity of it all makes it better honestly; it's strikingly realistic in that sense. A host who has no idea what's going on or how to deal with it, in a boat with a bunch of presumable singlets who feel the same way, strikes a chord that few other medias have. Plurality is a very difficult topic to do justice, but I think Mikoto's narrative is very humanizing.
3. Favorite headcanon has gotta be the sibling-type relationships, particularly Amane and Fuuta. I love the idea of them stirring up trouble together. Trans headcanons are also my favorite anything ever (transmasc Fuuta and Mikoto/John and nonbinary Amane are my personal favs but transfemme!Fuuta, transfemme!Kazui and other trans headcanons are all GOATed imo)
6. RAHHHHHHH DIFFICULT favorite MV? siiiigh it probably is MeMe. Surprise tone-shift? Check. Tarot motif? Check. THE CRIME IN BRUTAL DETAIL? Check. Lyrics go crazy. Color palette goes crazy. Outfits go crazy. Although I will say "I Love You" is criminally underrated and provocative. Also LOVVVVED Harrow, Tear Drop, INMF, Purge March and Deep Cover. It's so hard to pick!!
7. Who I would get along with? Ironically, probably Fuuta. I think I would put up with his gruff attitude better than most, and we'd probably have similar worldviews regarding justice and the systems in place in society. I've been in similar (thankfully less serious) positions regarding his murder. We both enjoy video games and ramen lol he's still a little shit tho. I also feel like Yuno and I have very similar worldviews and would get along just fine.
1. What do I think of Amane? Easily one of my favorites. Why? SHE IS SO REAL THAT'S WHY. She's thoroughly heartbreakingly indoctrinated but STILL trusts herself enough to do what's in her best interest in protecting herself. She denies herself so much joy to honor her devotions, even though I'm almost sure she will come to realize that the only "god" looking out for her is her. She just wants everyone to have the "heaven" of infinite happiness she's been promised, and doesn't yet understand that it's something one must make for themselves and that no one can see and know her every move and judge her like that.
3. Amane's first verdict was cruel, but I understand why it happened. Magic's very vague about who she killed and it seemed like she did it simply because the doctrine said to. It was almost like she'd been manipulated into doing it and didn't feel bad at all. When really, she was just joyous that she got to punish her abuser for once, using the rules THEY told her; not the other way around. I still do regret voting "unforgiven," personally. Her second verdict though? Based. I was in the trenches w y'all for that shit. Purge March my beloved. She had every right to punish someone who would torture a child and I don't see how Kotoko doesn't get that??? Amane inno sweep all the way they better treat my girl RIGHT from now on.
4. What do I wish people understood more about Mikoto? Woooo boy. How do I word this.
In the fandom: Mikoto is just a host alter - he's as capable of being mean and aggressive as John is capable of being nice. And his response to John and anger towards the protector is as natural as it is unfair. He's not immune to being a flawed human and deals with stress very differently from John despite sharing a body. Mikoto's denial keeps him going along "normally," but it's doubtless that "he," Mikoto, is truly the responsible one for the crime (as hosts often are the ones making big decisions). And idk, people seem to understand overall?? But there still seems to be confusion sometimes, about how John isn't "just" a protector, but a completely separate person/ego state. Neither one is the "main" alter, or a "nicer"/"better" alter. They're rounded people like the rest of the prison.
In-universe: I wish they understood him and John. I wish they knew he switched sometimes, and that though they're different they aren't dangerous just by virtue of being like that. I wish Mikoto wouldn't shame himself for not "measuring up," and accept himself and what he's done. But we're going to superhell so idk about that.
Thanks for asking!
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forsythi-amitie · 10 months
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god I am so sorry I got excited and it made me gag a little (I'm fine.)
I can't be assed to take the time to figure out the lyrics right now but The title is just "the time of flowers" the song starts out pretty dramatic, and the colors are pretty dulled. Mika is also in the background of Shu, placed a distance away, and reaches out, from out of Shu's "shadow". When they touch hands, the stage changes, becoming bright, and Mika is now on the same level as Shu, and they begin to dance in unison. (The music also changes at this point) Around the halfway point however, the music shifts yet again. (there's this ascending-descending bit of music that I thought sounded cool, but also it's the kind of piece you'd hear in something to signal... something. Tension, a sort of buildup to a climax. I'm no music theorist) The two seem to attempt at grasping something (eachother? ) though unable to reach it (well the music changes again and goes back to flowery and pretty) Also they touch hands. Wowie. Actually for the first time in a mv? Up until now they've just brushed hands (or barely)
I want to say that valkyrie's music has changed, as they grow closer as equals. (and partners. in art. and life.) This one feels very "shu", compared to the last one that was very "mika". To me, the MV resembles a stageplay, with all the moving set pieces and such, telling the story of their relationship. The changes in music are like "arcs" for the story, setting the stage for the ups and downs they've been through. Okay I actually do have something to say. wall.
A lot of the previous valkyrie songs had a very dramatic energy to them? Like yeah shu is all into drama and the wondrous spectacle that are their performances, but I feel it's a different kind of dramatic to this new one. -> For one, it's got a very different feel..? Their dances are reminiscent of ballet, and instead of a very powerful show of artistry, it seems more elegant and delicate. Valkyrie's outfits are notoriously... maroon, and the stage matches. Lots of dark reds and purple and gold, things that drape, but also look somewhat heavy? This time, the stage is set to be out in the open, with the lighting kind of resembling sunlight, and with all the flowers around, it gives the whole stage a very weightless look. Their outfits as well, are very fluttery, and I think this is the first time there's been this much white in an outfit, as valkyrie's outfits trend more on the darker side. It's a bit hard to notice, but the two of them are wearing rings on each hand, one pink, the other teal. Actually for that matter the entire outfit is subtly decorated in their colors. I think this is pretty interesting, since the "main" colors are just plain black and white, split down the half. (Here's where I comment about the color palettes again) There's. like no maroon in the outfits this time. Oh, and I went back and watched [迷宮電子回廊] (can't be bothered to type it) again, and their outfits had lots of vibrant teal and magenta accents, maybe also representing their individual theme colors. -> Another point, (forgive my rather lackluster vocabulary) but I want to say that the music itself has a lighter, brighter feel to it. It also sounds rather triumphant, compared to some of the more somber sounding songs of theirs. (I don't really know what key it's in so I can't say anything about that.) Also Shu doesn't do his weird little growl thing. (Yes, I rewatched all previous valkyrie MVs for this)
(so glad shu isn't wearing a damn hat I want to see his round haircut) (Okay bear with me. I do not know the exact lyrics and I can't quite tell what mika is singing in some parts. I can only hope I translated it right. If it's wrong, I'll know once in game MV is available so....) (ahahahaha I hate lyrics) [don't worry about this, I'll post something later] I think. wow they've come a long way. Shumika real.
Uh, kind of ran out of things to say. I don't know if I'm just hungry or still shocked-excited-nauseous. maybe both.
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scootarooni · 14 days
For the reverse unpopular ask game thing: what are some of your favourite vocalsynth costumes / project diva modules / official arts for special events / etc.? Or favourite figurine, if that's an easier one to answer :D
ooooh gosh there's so many...I think I'll narrow it down to special events because otherwise I'm gonna talk both your ears off hehe
Magical Mirai:
2021 and 2022 are my absolute favorites! They pull off their respective themes soooo well and I already really really love fantasy and retro-future aesthetics ^_^
2021 has all these beautiful layers and florals going on...it kind of mimics Miku's iconic V2 silhouette in a way? but exaggerated to really sell the "magic" in "magical mirai". She is straight up a fairy bard to me-she has her microphone and speakers in her hair, her petal cape looks like fairy wings...and it's all tied so neatly together in Hidari's art style!! He's such a fantastic artist, I love his style sooo much (he also illustrated Mayu and Akikoloid-chan as well as worked on some Atelier and Fire Emblem games!)
And 2022 goes so insane for me. KEI's art is adorable in it's own right, I love her cute little wand, speakers and the little tamagachi-looking things on her waist. the dress and the boots remind me a bit of Ulala (which makes sense I suppose! Similar aesthetics?) but ohhhhh gosh does this miku come alive in the Future eve MV.....how her hair floats and bounces and flickers...........OUUUGH DUDE!! I cannot be normal about this miku at all.
I also really like the designs for the other cryptonloids for those years as well ^_^ 2021 Rin and Kaito and 2022 Kaito in particular! I have so much gender envy for 2021 Kaito...Princely characters have a chokehold on me....
Racing Miku:
2022 and 2024!! Techwear baybeeeee!! YES whatever the hell is going on with the bellybutton and crotch on 2022 is weird but the rest? No notes. And 2024 is a cool as hell techwear WITCH!! What da HELL!!!!!!!!!
Miku with you 2019. My love of flowers/florals showing up again lol. I also really love the color palette!! It may not come as a surprise to anyone based on the tags I've read on my art eheh but color is the first thing I notice/my favorite thing about art. The official art has these very pleasing muted tones that translated pretty well into figures. Or at least the nendoroid, since that's the one I own and can personally speak on. Her twin tails have this very light and gradual gradient from dark to light, and her off-white dress was given a satin finish, so it shines a little in the light! She's so beautiful ; 0 ;
Space Dive 2020 Gumi + Una! Space cat girlies! Looking at Gumi's in particular, its so cool and interesting how her base V2 design translates into her other designs. Like for V2, Space Dive and V6 in particular, they all share that sheer orange/yellow top that is worn beneath her other clothes.
SF-A2 Miki "2012 Edition". Hopefully this counts lol. As a certified Miki Enjoyer(TM) I hope this one was obvious eheh. Being that Miki is meant to look cybernetic, this fittingly feels like an upgraded Miki. She's sleeker, more refined, but is still unmistakably Miki. She's still got a similar silhouette, the star motifs, the fluff has been moved from her shoulders to her shoes, her cybernetic outline joint thingies are now on her clothing too, she's still got the blue and pink stripes........its just perfect for me yknow? I love when artists take a design and just rearrange the elements instead of coming up with something completely different. No offense to the V4 design we got because I still do very much like it......but man I wish we had gotten this for it instead *crossing my fingers for her SynthV vb*
I also love the wing attachment things and the lamb ears. Lamb/Ram miki is everything to me.
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shadowetienne · 2 years
I've been mulling over some timeline thoughts and how "beat" does or doesn't fit in with be #1-4.
A lot of this hinges on: are Junji, Rie, and Yoojung fellow students (at all or at the same school)?
We see them in such a short glimpse it's hard for me to tell what they are wearing.
But Rie's outfit doesn't really look like the school uniform to me?
Junji's kind of does, but again, can't get a good look...
[EDIT: Having seen screencaps, it does look like they're all in school uniforms for the same school, Rie was just throwing me off by having a dark underlayer.]
First thought though, maybe the major change in color palette for "beat" teaser photos was an indication this is a different timeline entirely, so the relationships between members are not consistent.
If it is the same timeline, I would be kind of inclined to believe it is earlier in the timeline, especially if Junji, Rie, and Yoojung are supposed to be students. But that does leave a question about wait did Junji and Rie already know each other, and also was Yoojung a student where KB taught?
Some musings:
If say Mill and Nine are in their final year of high school and the other 3 aren't students anymore, they could be Nine's not too much older friends that he is skipping class to play basketball with or not staying later to study or something (why is Nine out there while Mill is still in the classroom?), and that could sort of work with the other members timelines though it would skew Yoojung younger than I thought his character was supposed to be
They are all still students and this is before the timeline of the others MVs: backstory possiblity for Junji and Rie - they were part of the same friend group in high school, fell out of touch but Junji had an enormous crush or they both had crushes, when they run into each other again at Yoojung's work several years down the line Junji chases Rie because this is his chance and he doesn't want to miss it (actually I could vibe with this one because Junji chasing down a cute complete stranger was a little baffling to me).
In that same concept, if KB is a new teacher when Nine transfers in, and Yoojung, Junji, and Rie are seniors to Nine and Mill at school, it's pretty feasible that KB never had Yoojung as a student. When they run into each other a few years later when Yoojung has the restaurant job, that makes it less weird, though possibly some of KB's uncertainty would be around knowing he's several years older if he recognizes Yoojung. [EDIT: leaning towards this if it's the same timeline.]
On the other hand, if it looking to me like Rie isn't wearing a school uniform is indication that the trio playing basketball with Nine aren't also students...
Nine has older queer friends? I'm already starting to form a pet theory that part of why Nine transferred is that his parents kicked him out, so maybe he's even staying with one of them, that could be a fun connection
This could work if the MV timelines happen in short succession. We could have young teacher KB (who has a nice apartment because he inherited it or something), out of high school but not for that long Rie, Yoojung, Junji and still in high school Mill and Nine.
All that I am hoping is that we are not setting up a universe where KB is concurrently a teacher with Yoojung being a high school students and Yoojung never having been KB's direct student (Rie, Yoojung, Junji don't seem to be in the same classroom as Mill and Nine, so this is very feasible at least).
I would love to hear your timeline and connections thoughts!
[EDIT: Leaving the rest in because framework and also some of it could work either way.]
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dearmahiru · 1 year
cinnamon!! got any predictions for mikoto and kotokos trial 2 cover songs?
so embarrassing that i was like "aw i wish i could think of something else to post for today" and then i shot up like a bullet going "OH NO WAIT I RECIEVED AN ASK!!!"
um uhm well. hmm. my track record for this has been 1/3 so far so i'd like to see how wrong i am! i don't think these two could get robbed out of any specific cover.
there's tons of different mikoto options i've seen and i want them all tbh. horrid that we're only allowed three when he could easily do so many more... in my perfect reality he protected mahiru from the yandere allegations and covered psychogram himself.
although, funny story with mikoto is that i was discussing potential covers with gunslingr and they said "i fear mikoto will have a chimera cover" right before i said i hope he gets one. my face literally beat red it was soooo embarrassing!!!!
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even if i'm still horrified over the memory, i'll still stick to my guns and say i'd like a chimera cover. is it deserving over other songs? absolutely not! but it feels right to me. the cover art depicting miku with three sets of one's—one yanking her hair, one grasping her shoulders, and one praying—really struck me as rgbkoto. especially with the different color palettes bathing one part of her in warm colors while the other is colder (there's a similar mikoto artwork i believe?) there's also the song's name "chimera" which relates to mikoto being made up of multiple identities stitched together instead of a singlet.
the song's theme of reinventing yourself for the sake of attention and hating it also really strikes me as mikotocore. i'm not too familiar with his story just yet but from what i've gathered he struggles with maintaining this easy-going facade in order to blend in with society.
off-tapic but i'm not sure if he works for a black company but... yes, it doesn't justify murdering an innocent bystander (yet) but i will be very upset on his behalf if that turns out to be true. the industry culture of stressing your artists out, making them work overtime, drinking themselves to death, paying them pennies, and then forcing them to maintain this happy-go-lucky attitude—it drives me insane! treat your workers better asshole!!!!!
sorry had to get that off my chest >< but back to the chimera cover! if the black company theory is true then it reads to me like mikoto urging himself to wear this sweet facade whilst loathing everything around him. as an extension of monopoisoner it also has the same "you" themeing and sexual undertones.
Don’t be greedy or you'll drown in poison -> hehe monopoisoner reference
Your face looks like you're trying to suppress your EGO But watch your mouth, love how unsatisfied you are And be sure to swallow any uncouth words
Aw, I just don't know who I am I'm cute Chimera who's changed ←new??That blotchy pattern was a message I'm a pretty little Chimera made to be desired ←♡♡♡
kotoko's a bit harder because my thought process is ❤️❤️❤️ she's so cool! she'll get a cool song! and that's kind-of it.
unfortunately my knowledge of deco is mostly locked into the mvs on his main channel and utaite rachie's cover so uhm. i'm sure there's older songs perfect for her as an extension of anti-beat but dear lord i do not know them. so uh, just going to off of "kotoko would sound so wonderful singing this!!"
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i'm honestly not a fan of reversible campaign so i'd genuinely prefer if she got 118 or another high-energy song. but hm... it once again simply feels right to me. i feel like kotoko is powerful enough to grab me by the throat and force me to like the song through sheer instrumental change and vocals. rather than mikoto where i can connect him to the entire song, it's really only these two lyrics which strike me as kotokocore:
Using my worthless ego as a pretext I just want to waver between black and white
she insists she doesn't need to be traumatized in order to act this way... she hates herself like everyone else does in the prison. even as she tasks herself as judge, jury, and executioner, i highly suspect its because no one else fought for her. the world she's in is divided between the weak and strong, nothing else. the lashing out in anti-beat slowly dies down into reversible campaign as she considers her feelings. or uh, something like that?
apart from that my absolutely copium cover desires would be theory of negativity, undead alice, ane ghost rule. i feel like those are deffo going to my/haruka/shidou but. but she'd totally slay them. god bless. alternatively for her t3 cover i hope she covers undercover it'd be iconic.
once again kotoko sits in a strange place for me because everything she does will be perfect to me. she's just so cool...!
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lolyuri · 2 years
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hey what’s up it’s meee~ again, OOF are y’all tired of me ?? be honest. but yep, it’s angel with another baby to shove in ur face. i’ll reach out to everyone but if anyone wants to plot or chat, y’all can find me in dm’s on any of my muse accs or if discord’s easier, lmk n i’ll add u ♡
here are some funky lil stats, plots, and a pinterest for a funky lil gal !
✿ — look who’s joining the infinite tour! only BAE YURI, who is the STYLIST of PHOENIX. i’ve heard whispers that the 23 year old is pretty IMAGINATIVE but lowkey FLIPPANT. also, doesn’t she remind you of SON CHAEYOUNG?
yuri was born in busan, s.korea on april 27th, 1999
she’s lived with her mom since she was a young child, v close with her and considers her as one of her bestest friends :’)
her dad is always away as he has work in the states as a uni professor so she always video chats him<3
also has an older brother (which i’d like to be a wanted connection, just gotta figure out details first)
she did NOT like school lol like the only class she actually did well in was english/literature because of her dad who encouraged her to take it more seriously as that’s what he teaches in uni
but she never really found the motivation in other classes, getting berated for it quite often from her teachers
that’s probably where her distaste for authority comes from, it got her in trouble quite a bit so she got detention A LOT :> also she barely passed the classes she hated just to piss them off like here’s the bare minimum bye ksjsks
but her difficulty in school paired with her dad being away most of her life was pretty hard on her so she kinda took it out in not the most appropriate way
she would sneak out into the city and spray paint on alleyways of stores or heavy corporate buildings and she had a few close calls with some cops (in other words, the authorities wink wonk, her greatest enemy)
but yuri never actually got caught by them, she may have tiny legs but she’s swift and fast dsksks
she actually only got caught by her mom lmao who wasn’t mad,, she was p impressed by her art but lowkey was like ‘do it somewhere else or ill kick ur ass ok’ so she reluctantly moved to easels or paper
anywho !
living right near the sea, she loved it and it was her happy place. if she was outside, she was sitting on the sand and doing some homework or working on her paintings
yuri also used to work part-time at a fishing shop, another one of her besties growing up being the old man who owned it
she probably had like one or two friends being her own age sdksks
her connection to makeup soon grew from watching her mother plus her infatuation with western movies and tv shows so she used some of her earnings (that she didnt use whenever she helped out her mom) from the fishing shop to buy palettes, lipsticks, foundations, etc.
but eventually yuri enrolled in cosmetology school when she was 18
yuri got hired to be phoenix’s makeup artist after 2 years into their debut, making her 20 at the time
she’s been with them for almost 3 years and she loves experimenting with the members’ looks, from darker to more elegant styles, then the occasional colorful ones depending on the concepts of their mv’s, performances, etc.
she was not crazy about the acquisition, she hated the changes that came with it
so she has beef with infinite (who doesn’t) atm, starting to venture into doing her own thing when it comes to her job lmao
and she’ll gladly stand up for her fellow staff n the phoenix members
also if yuri sees those twt threads of fans wanting specific makeup styling trends for any of the members, bet ! she’ll provide
she’s v imaginative, putting effort into her work like detailing, making sure it’s perfect, etc.
laidback, opinionated, protective
flippant, authority isn’t her style. being told what to do, feeling like she’s being held back
stubborn, sarcastic, impulsive
although yuri is very laidback and nonchalant when it comes to life and rarely her work, she hates failing. it’s one of the few things that scare her, just the thought can make her into a nervous wreck
she’s a bit of a sloth, pretty sleepy and runs on coffee, preferably iced
she has QUITE the collection of tattoos, v cute, v dainty yes (i loooove chaeng’s tats theyre so cool but im not a big fan of using idols’ personal tattoos so not using those)
hobbies are painting, drawing, reading, MUSIC
yuri loves stardew valley and will brag about her farm and tell u all about her love triangle with penny and sebastian
a taurus just like her mother :’)
she’ll be all like ‘love? ew.’ but once she’s in a relationship, she’s a lil lovesick puppy i tell u
she mainly speaks korean but her dad has taught her some english, not really speaking it much unless she has to
enjoys deep conversations like pls contemplate the existence of the universe with her or mayhaps if aliens are real, she’ll talk ur head off
aaaand i believe that’s it on my fairy !! i shall be bugging y’all for plots so watch out,, got a few ideas on her page if u guys are interested :’) ily all !
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f-ngrl · 2 years
i have no time but what fun is blogging following a schedule! scrolling through ig:
(sic)boy released a mv for “afraid??” and i already love the song but the mv is also beautiful. gif later. watch it here it has beautiful city shots and such a lovely color palette and interesting looking ppl so cool!
i thought colde debuted an idol group under pyrat lol but it’s just a bunch of self-producing good-looking young guys. the only thing it has in common with kpop is the inconsistency between verse (soundcloud trap) and hook/chorus style (singing but idk). they’re called 0wave (young-wave, young=영=0). here’s their song. they sound too raw to be signed, idk what colde has planned but interesting.
owen, who seems to make everyone work with him, asked hongwon, who never officially features with anyone anymore, for a featuring lol. maybe as a joke idk
corbyn released a new song+mv “cold”
kitsyojii released ollaganda 2 and i didn’t even know!! btw he’s my #1 artist on wrapped. also released a song + mv with since! & it seems he’s still on smtm, going up fr this time maybe?? i wonder if hd bl4ck and marginchoi are not allowed to produce outside of lbnc haha i was worried but it’s hecop so all good! he’s kind of as productive as leella, making a full album with each producer friend and a collab album with each rapper friend!
luci gang released “seoul survival tips” v oldschool you should listen to her if you haven’t!
i’m not following smtm, there are some snippets but they sound like pop songs and funk and i’m so sorry i don’t like funk hmm but i’ll just keep listening to other music
the quiett and gist are in qatar being sponsored and just hanging out (also watching soccer i guess)
pretty much everyone is working with baund/the:rise now but i’m too lazy to see what it’s all about. croco91, nfl, ranchia&m3chvnic, friemilli, bando boys, mighty lynx + someone i forgot (they really collected any underground crew who agreed huh :D)
ASIAN PIRATES(RAU DEF, SKOLOR) "NO REST" ft. Tade Dust & Bonbero (Prod. D3adStock)  single & mv released! subs in japanese and korean. skolor has better connections in jhiphop than khh now good for him :D don’t always love his solo songs, but jhiphop collabs always! remember only!
big naughty won some award and hongwon hating in the comments lolll when he’s on insta he’s so the opposite of the person who writes his lyrics xD also funny that everyone just ignores him when he attacks ppl here & there now & then :D
another smtm snippet, it sounds like a nice pop song with rap elements well khan is doing really well! i’m glad ppl are finally seeing his talent!
apparently there’s a trend where dudes wear a tight black shirt / is it a sports bra the wrong way around?? / that shows their boobs
rm released an album and some khh ppl are on it, but i’m not interested enough to go listen
ateez ep came out. some japanese songs, remixes that kind but it’s really nice. guerilla rock version, but i didn’t even notice the original guerilla wasn’t rock it’s so nice and strong :D eden says they have a new producer too.
d.ark went on mic swg and he’s really so good! i’m glad that even though everyone has been giving him hard times since forever, his skills are growing wonderfully <3
hiphople interviewed ek who got signed to some label. cmon like by now we know he’s problematic in all kinds of ways, why... anyway
today until here, 1 hour passed like this and i should be sleeping already :D
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
Mu and after pain yeah wow. I listened to after pain alot it's a fun song again the visuals are really cool lol pink and green color pallette. Mu is hard to read though I feel we can't trust her entirely but her song sure bops , I like her haha.
Shidou... his video took me a bit to like but I don't really like medical imagery so that's why, but he's cool I like his lab coat but I don't have as much to say about him. The song is good <33 He's really nice and has existential crises which is relatable so I've grown to like him .
Mahiru! Her video is cute but she scares me <3 , she's pretty, I like how her video plays out as like a blog, she has a tumblr lol. Also nice color palette overall its visually pleasing to watch.
Yeah I also don’t know how to read Mu. Her mv was the most straightforward tho so I appreciate that. Shidou idk what’s going on and Mahiru scared me at first but now I just feel sorry for her. I think the fandom misunderstood her and now she’s kinda paying for it. Since her mv wasn’t very clear
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mizugucci · 2 years
if you're still doing it, i'm pretty curious! 🎵
hey hey!! sorry this is so late, i kept putting it off and then forgot. sorry! hope its still ok!!
position: main vocalist!!! you're not very good at dancing though, but your rap skills are okay, fans like your voice no matter what you're doing (that includes talking, so your voice only vlives are still incredibly popular) ALSO, you're talented with a guitar! you're also the first to break into the modeling arena, and are a decent actor! as for age... i think you're just chilling in the middle, not the oldest not the youngest
group name: okay OKAY your group name is marsala, which was pantone's color of the year from 2015 (it ties into your concept) and according to pantone, marsala is a "hearty, yet stylish tone that is universally appealing and translates easily to fashion, beauty, and interior design" which is the vibe your company was going for when debuting your group. beautiful people with heart and talent, beloved by all. you get it. marsala is also technically a wine as well, so add sophisticated to your list of adjectives. there are 9 of you in the group, and its very multinational
concept: your concept is color palettes! which is why your group name was marsala. you are the first (?) group to have their concept be strictly color palettes. and by that, i mean, your fans choose a famous color palette and vote for their favorite -- this is far before the comeback prep even starts -- and your concept revolves around the palette the fans picked! the mv, the styling -- it all has to include ONLY the colors in the pallete, as well as embody the 'vibes' of the palette (i.e. if its a sunshine palette, its not a dark moody song lol)
debut song: your debut song was a self title track 'marsala' to introduce your group to the public and explain your new concept. marsala is also known for matching beautifully with all skin tones and is a popular shade in make up. therefore, your debut is like. sophisticated girl power (where you have people from all over the world, all wearing the make up palette) and you're all bringing each other up... i say sophisticated, bc this is the palette you use:
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and that doesnt scream bright/fluffy or anything. the song is deep, dark, and sensual but has very love oriented lyrics (not romantic love, more like love for humanity/each other)
fun fact: you didn't initially want to be an idol... thru high school you just loved singing, posting videos singing and playing the guitar until a friend of yours bullied (lovingly<3) you into auditioning and well. the rest is history. ALSOOOO you blackmailed your social media manager into letting you be in charge of making themes and stuff, so like your twitter and bubble profile page is SO cute and pretty, far nicer than if just a random person had organized it
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it, based on your and/or your blog!
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vitaminwaterreviews · 6 months
IU - Lilac
This is one definition of a no-skip album: an album in which every song is high enough quality that there is no filler. And that’s exactly what we got here. Even the songs that I didn’t like as much were still excellent songs. That said, it isn’t no-skip in the other sense of the phrase. Like, you could skip any given song, and still pretty much get what this album has to offer. Overall very high song quality, but I’m not sure the album as a whole necessarily connects back to itself as well as it could. But then again, maybe the lyrics fill in that gap, and I certainly don’t understand the lyrics. Average score of 8.2 which does feel about right. Very, very high quality songs. Nothing was quite a 10 for me though. Even Lilac, which is a song that I really do love, isn’t quite there.
Musically, it’s amazing how much her sound can evolve, yet she still sounds so IU. I guess it’s literally the sound of her voice that’s the throughline. But like, if we look at early IU, which was kind of indie/folk, and then we look at jazz IU, and then her evolution into pop IU, and now we have a bit of house and rapper IU? Like that’s crazy dude, never in my life did I expect to hear IU rap, but that’s what we got in this album.
I might listen to Pieces, not sure yet. We do know that she’s working on another album, so that’s exciting. But for the most part, that’s kind of the end of my main IU deep dive. And I must say, what an experience. It was just so cool to hear her grow as a musician. That’s the kind of personal story that you don’t totally get from group music.
The first IU song that I ever heard was Lilac, and the second was Flu. I also know the line “you’re my celebrity”, and I heard My Sea when Bora did it on Queendom. (Also, justice for Bora oml.) I should mention that I have high expectations for this album; this is IU’s most recent album, and the parts of it that I know are very good.
I’ve seen this MV several times
God I just love everything about it
That bass and that guitar line beneath her voice is just So good
I love the part where the people on the train start dancing and she tries to dance along
And then of course it cuts to her in the center of the choreo
I really appreciate how they play with color in this MV. Actually like all of her MV’s. But this one in particular, with scenes of varying colors and brightness and contrast
The animated section I’m not totally sure about
Like it does feel a bit jarring, kind of just thrown in there
9/10. I love it, but not quite as much as Palette
This really is a song that you need good headphones for
So many cute little harmonies just everywhere, the “flu-u-u-u-u” stuff
The chorus is So groovy
The bridge does feel … almost out of place? I dunno, sort of
But at the same time I kind of wish there was more of it
8/10, very solid song, good song
Hey look, a song I don’t know yet!
She gambling?
Oh wow this is lower than we’re used to her singing, WOW
I like it
Also wow, bassy
MV does seem to be casino inspired, all these aces
She sounds SO different in this song, just the timbre of her voice
Holy shit she’s rapping
Holy shiT dude haha
Rapper IU might be my favorite thing in the universe now
That choreo is cute
9/10 for IU the rapper, that was so good
Hi spring Bye
Ballad time?
Haha these synths are so 80’s
Kind of haunting background vocals here
I kind of wish her voice was more prominent in the mix
Mkay, this is nice
Very … regal
Woah what was That
Oh wow this post-chorus is not what we expect from IU
And she’s just doing that cheeky smile that she does haha
Yeah wow that random synth line is Good
Why does she kind of look like Dahyun sometimes?
Troll (feat. DEAN)
Woah okay
Oh wow this is Cool, I like this
I dunno if I totally like Dean’s voice here
I certainly do like IU’s harmonies though
Hm… okay, I think it’s starting to make sense to me
Okay, yeah, I’m onboard
I really just love male/female harmonies, that’s like one of my favorite things in music
Empty Cup
This is a guitar right? Feels distorted though, like her vocals
Bass is nice
Don’t totally get what this song wants me to feel
Oh, “sick of your love,” it wants me to feel jaded then? Yeah, I’m getting that
This second verse is so nice, harmonies and clean vocals, mmm
It’s only two minutes?? Wait, hm. How do I rate this? On one hand I want more. On the other hand … isn’t that a good thing?
My Sea
Omg it’s Bora’s song
Man I can even picture that stupid mailbox
Fuck Mnet
Anyway, this is IU’s song
Have I ever mentioned how much I love IU’s voice?
Oh okay, we’re building now
And now we’ve got that walking piano line
And we’re building again, I hear those plucks
Oh wow, the pure vocal harmony there was unexpected
Phew, this is Anthemic
Yep, this is that high note
9/10, anything less would be criminal
Ah puh
Haha and what comes after My Sea? A surfing song, obviously
I like the vibe, causal and bouncy
Haha the waves and acoustic guitar
This is honestly So good
Not much to say, just a very enjoyable song. The perfect thing to place after My Sea
Kind of lofi vibes, the instrumentals at least
Her vocals of course are clean as ever
And these drums sure aren’t lofi
Haha wait what are these vocals? Is this IU doing this?
7/10 but it will certainly grow on me
0 notes
taehyungfirst · 10 months
HII AGAIN i did watch rainy days! (istg it's so annoying that it's only at 11M rn wtf army?? i thought it would be more popular than love me again because even i found out abt the mv's early like 5 minutes after it was released... and like armys in different timezones might've received teh news later or smth idk idk i think they should've promoted more tbh and announced the news a little while before the release date so armys could've been more prepared.) as to how it's doing on the charts... idk man. it's just a lil depressing at the moment. i feel like we as a fandom, like considering how big and coordinated we are, could've contributed more. and the fact that they released it on yt first was.. idk. you can't use playlists on yt for the first 24h i think? and streaming is kinda frustrating because you have to be online and keep watching other videos in between and other stuff so it doesn't get counted as bot behavior. and i feel like some army aren't really interested anymore in non-ot7 content? ANYWAY. the MVs were sooo different to me in a such a good way i loved it. love me again with the warm golden tones and rainy days with the cool, moody palette (someone said that it's in blues and yellows and greys because those are the colors that dogs see, and that the mv is kinda shown through the eyes of yeontan, watching tae!). also, love me again has tae performing, and it's all so pretty that you don't even mind that there's nothing, idk, like cinematic? going on. i mean, that he's only standing and singing (my fav part so far is the pre-chorus, starting w "Fine, I will be honest with you"). cause the vocals, visuals, setting, vibe, outfit, etc everything just goes together so pleasingly and you can just focus on that and let loose. it's lovely on the eyes.
and then there's rainy days. to me, it's something that i can watch again and again for the details. it's visually attractive to me-- i love rain, i love 'gloomy' weather. the set has got an idk a kinda futuristic or sci-fi vibe to it, i like how unique it looks. and then you have tae just moving around, yearning, making some art (vante!!!) and just being very boyfie in general (that moment where he's lying in bed and smiling? asdhshfdjfhjkflhdsjf). at first, i liked love me again way more than rainy days but now it's really sneaked up on me and taken me by surprise lol. i went out today and i was craving it (i didn't have it downloaded so i had to wait to go home and listen to ;-;). so. i have a lot to say ofc ofc but it's getting kinda late so i should probably go to bed lol. -prev anon ⭐(https://www.tumblr.com/taehyungfirst/725456734868684800/i-freaked-out-bby-istg-it-was-so-good-like-the-mv?source=share)
hello ⭐️!
i think rainy days got low views because people are focusing on lma more, but i do agree with you i also thought that rainy days wouldve done better but even the streams for lma are higher 😭 i mean lma is a MASTERPIECE so i get it
regarding streams, the lack of teasers and build-up and the fact that it was a surprise drop really influenced everything, we’re doing our best but usa armys are not even trying rn like my tl is full of people asking for BUYERS because we have funds but not buyers and that’s crazy also it fell off us spotify yesterday yeah just kind of a mess… i hope they will be more prepared for september 8 and read guidelines, they’re lucky because they can use pandora too which is good for streams bc it got low filtering rates and it counts towards charts too
the mvs were so perfect anon 😭😭 i genuinely loved them both and the amount of details and interpretations of people (like saying that taehyung is dressed in flashy gold and red because he wants to be seen by his lover again… just beautiful) are so fun to spot and read! i’m so happy taehyung chose to create a visual album because it’s the perfect choice for him and for his art… can’t wait for the other mvs
also!! i actually thought i preferred rainy days more but then at random times i find myself singing “lost without you baaaby”… i can’t choose i fear
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suuho · 1 year
the 12:30 mv is so insanely good... the narrative is so perfectly executed in terms of message, structure and how it ties into the song itself. the fact that doojoon is giving a baeksang worthy performance in a boygroup mv as if he got lessons from gong yoo himself is absolutely incredible and obviously does not hurt one bit. actually, it pretty much makes this music video worth every single accolade it could and should have received if such a thing as the vmas would ever be a thing in korea. alas, time won record of the year which was just as right. anyway, the thing is. it is so masterfully crafted, it drives me insane. the mood and color palette are both exquisitely on point. the fact that the story is told from the end and replayed to start from the beginning is so insanely well done; how they remain frozen, almost as if they both died because time does not move on for him, how it starts to snow when things fall apart. because for him, ever since they broke up, time has been frozen. he is still there. this is a place he cannot walk back from. how the group only comes together to perform after doojoon’s first lines in the second verse, and how his involvement in the song is the final act to drive the relationship into the ground. it’s crazy. crazy! and doojoon is just so good; and the whole set up of members’ solo shots and narrative scenes never feels pastiche or cliche’d, it just works. they never play it as anything less than what it is; practically life and death. for doojoon’s character at least. like, it’s crazy. this mv makes me go insane. how beautifully the lyrics are set in motion. how everyone perfectly understands what kind of narrative they are in. doojoon’s character especially, of course. if you are dead at the end of the story, you are already dead at the beginning of it. which is quite literally what this music video does. whew. wow. no notes. 
0 notes
x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 3 years
want to start in alternative style* for cheap?? :)
L.A. Colors can be found online for cheap, and found at basically any Dollar Tree or corner store. Nail polishes, eyeliners, eyeshadows, usually $1 each.
Wet N Wild can also be found at any corner store or Walmart, for basically the same price! Their eyeliner pencils can last you a year, for 99¢.
Those places are essentially where I get my eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter singles, and nail polish. Also brushes! The Wet n Wild brushes at Dollar Tree are soooo good, I use them non-stop.
Profusion Cosmetics can be found online or at any Walmart/Target, I love their eyeshadow palettes (they're super pigmented and cheap.) I still use my brush from one of their palettes, to this day. They've also got this gothy palette on sale for $7 rn and I'm 👀👀👀
You can basically go pick up a box of hair dye for anywhere between $2–7 at any corner store. Yeah, whatever, box dyes aren't perfectly healthy 🙄 but we're not going for healthy, we're going for so-black-it's-blue.
Splat is a bit of a splurge (compared to some other box dyes) but if you're tight on cash and want a dye your parents can't just tell you to wash out, it's a good start. Splat bleach is powerful, and the colors stay for months. They also have no-bleach kits, temp dyes, and pigment conditioners. Honestly if you care for your hair, no one will notice any difference between Splat and something from Sally's Beauty.
You can pick up a bag or two of safety pins for about $2-5 at Walmart and basically use them for anything. I added a couple hundred to the back of my jacket ⬇️ They could also be used to make safety pin shirts/pants, chains, chokers. Just be careful!
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Spikes and studs. From a punk store.
Angry Young And Poor. Also a punk store. They had all types of political pins, band pins, etc for 50¢ and up! Plus accessories, music, clothes, Demonias, you name it.
This store sells band merch for pretty cheap. They're also partnered with some popular alternative shoe and hair dye brands.
This store sells old band merch. I got my MCR Jack The Ripper shirt from there ;)⬇️
Speaking of MCR, have you ever wanted to look like Gerard Way in the Desolation Row mv? Well if you go buy 1 black and 1 red shirt from Walmart for maybe $5 each, you totally could.
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And if you want a dupe of that iconic bat belt buckle of his for $10...
Or maybe you're like me and enjoy being as slutty and glittery as Adam Lambert? Well during October, Dollar Tree and Walmart usually sell cans of body/hair glitter spray for $1-2. Sadly I can't find a dupe that cheap online :(
During Oct, Walmart ALSO stocks oily white+black+red body paints made by Wet n Wild, for $1-2. Called "Fantasy Maker Paint Pots" they're not perfect, but they're cheap. You can find them online too.
Maybe you saw my eyes in those pics above and you're wondering where I got those PRESCRIPTION FDA approved contact lenses? Gothika sells yearly costume lenses. Honestly I love mine. Please check out this video before committing to contacts.
You should also totally check Ebay and Depop for any merch or unique items you might find. I love to scroll for hours saving shit.
You can also get leather, leather working tools and studs at Michaels or Jo-Anns. I got this little set that had a tool to make the perfect cuts for pyramid studs.. really sped things along.
Oh, you're interested in making Kandi? Babe why didn't you just say so! Beadtin sells all kinds of beads and supplies, PLUS they sell beads in 100 ($1) and 500 ($2.69) amounts, incase you don't need too many of 1 color. They also sell those little plastic shapes that people use to make belt chains.
And there's this website which has thousands of kandi patterns uploaded by users.
Maybe you're interested in finding like-minded alternative friends on the new Myspace? It's called Spacehey. Add me!
And the age old advice: THRIFT! Google search "thrift stores" and Google will show you a list of local thrifts in your area. Avoid Goodwill and Salvation Army if you can. They're terrible companies. Support local.
And always keep in mind, it takes a long time to build up an extensive wardrobe. And don't put pressure on yourself to look "perfect." Wear shit you like and be unapologetic.
*Don't reblog this with any "it's not about the style" bullshit A) I don't care and B) when you feel good about your appearance, you're happier. I'd like to encourage ppl to feel good about themselves and be confident and happy.
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nerdwriting · 3 years
The Creative Directors Behind Fate: The Winx Saga Must Not Be K-Pop Fans
Also, they have a pretty wrong idea of the role fashion should play in a show.
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There are a few words that will stand out across most reviews of Netflix's Fate: The Winx Saga - drab, boring, flop, flat, unimaginative. Critics and audiences consensus is that the show is not only a mediocre-at-best story, but also an atrocious (and ultimately confusing) choice of adaptation of the color pop and fairy magic cartoon it’s based on, 2004 italian cartoon Winx Club.
Fate has plenty of it's own issues - white washing and erasing characters, cringey dialogue, outdated melodrama, etc. But where it truly, unequivocally fails is as an adaptation. Fate misses everything that was magical and lovable about the original series, in all levels, from bizarre writing choices, - such as never actually developing any sense of friendship between the characters, who are based on a cartoon about…..a group…….of friends -, but it's especially and immediately felt in the art direction and costume design.
Winx Club is set on a fantastical world, Magix, where each of our main characters hail from a different planet, à la Sailor Moon. Alfea, the fairy school they attend, is the most common background: a pastel colored, futuristic high tech-meets-fantasy, art nouveau inspired castle. Alfea sets the tone for the whole visual of the cartoon: bright, colorful, futuristic meets vintage, leaning into the technological positivism of the Y2K style, uniting it with magic, DnD worthy monsters and, of course, fairy wings. Often featured are also the Red Fountain school, where the Specialists train, and especially Cloud Tower, the goth and gothic inspired witch school Alfea has an OxBridge rivalry with (How cool would that be in a live action? I guess we’ll never know…).
On Fate, Alfea is the only school we ever see, and it’s another beige boarding school in not-Britain, somehow set in a magical world where everyone has the exact same technology and even social media that we have on Earth in 2021, no transformations and, most egregiously, no fairy wings.
This lack of visual creativity is pervasive throughout the whole show, and its most heartbreaking iteration is in the characters' wardrobe. The styling has the barest bones of a color scheme, - such as 'Bloom has to only dress in red since fire, duh',- the clothes are ill fitting, bland, dark and very dated. These are supposed to be teenagers who enjoy fashion, and yet they look like varying types of soccer moms from 2010.
The series seems to operate on an old and tired vision that women and girls can’t have depth and have adventures and fight monsters while also caring about fashion, a vision that the original show played a big, big role in challenging in the early 2000's. Fashion and costume design sets as much of the tone of a visual medium as the script does; through clothes we can gauge characters’ backgrounds, passions, and personality.
Winx Club has some of the best examples of this in the cartoon sphere - Bloom’s comfortable and bright style, Stella’s glitzy and bold, Musa’s edgy and cool, Aisha’s sporty and fun, Techna’s neon and tech gear inspired, Flora’s earthy and romantic, they all work as extensions of each character and serve a narrative purpose. And that’s not even mentioning how insulting it feels that in their quest to make Winx “edgier, darker” and fit for an older audience, the creators of Fate somehow decided that was in opposition to caring about style and fashion. Most “girly” shows, including the Winx Club are just as much adventure action shows as the ones geared towards boys, and it’s emphasis in fashion, friendship and color does not detract from that. The original run of the cartoon deals with war, violence, grief, abusive relationships and even genocide; leaning into those plotlines would not require Fate to erase any integral parts of what made Winx so beloved, and the fact that they did shows that the Netflix team completely missed the point of fashion in the original show, and really, the point of fashion and costume design in the world building of any show.
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That, however, is not a mistake K-Pop makes very often; (This might seem like a bit of wild swerve in topic, but stay with me here). Unlike it's western counterpart, the Korean pop scene never lost the emphasis on music videos and how the visual medium can complete and potentialize music and performance; the K-Pop culture is very album and concept oriented in a way that has been all but lost in many other pop circuits, and the music video, styling and set design of a ‘comeback era’ is a key point of excitement among fans.
As such, music videos that follow storylines, connected universes, boundary pushing concepts and visual effects are the norm, rather than the exception, and a list could be made of works that are beautiful examples of what a live action Winx adaptation could look like. In fact, and very smoothly, here is a small list of exactly that!
A Small List of K-Pop Music Videos That Are Better Winx Club Live Actions Than Fate: The Winx Saga
3. Red Velvet - Psycho
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If it was a darker and more somber look that Fate wanted, there was a way to make it actually appealing. While it still feels a liiitle too grown up and elegant for Winx, (maybe this author is biased, as a full proponent for the Y2K fun) Psycho makes a very compelling argument for a witchy, mysterious, fairy tale-esque show that could look scrumptious and definitely not boring, or even a gorgeous example of what the witches in Cloud Tower could look like. Black and white, dark green, pastel blue and pops of jewel tones make Psycho's color palette. To add interest to the understated colors, the styling is heavy on textures; We see plenty of stonework, intricate embroidery, tassels, lace on lace on lace, feathers, bows, opera gloves and lots of glitter. All of that is offset by bold, dark makeup, leather accents and eerie cinematography. Needle & Thread, Marchesa Notte and Self Portrait lend their hyper feminine and intricately detailed tulle gowns, juxtaposed with the creepiness of the lyrics and the dark backgrounds; their deep berry and green fairy tale looks are built with pieces from Zara to Nina Ricci to Dolce & Gabbana to Alexander McQueen.
Red Velvet’s more edgy styling for 2018's Bad Boy would also not feel out of place on the Trix.
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2. IZ*ONE - Fiesta
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IZ*ONE kicked off 2020 with sweet and fun Fiesta. The MV features rooms with mismatched décor that go from retro to space opera, rocky faux landscapes that feel other worldly, and visual effects that would look perfect on the back of a transformation sequence. Mirroring the set design, the girls wear various outfits by sustainable up and coming brand Chopova Lowena. Their signature skirts made with discarded and repurposed fabrics give a cool and interesting twist on a schoolgirl look that would look very sweet for a band of school fairies that occasionally go off to save the world. Also, wouldn't those bedazzled headphones look great on Musa's fairy outfit?
1. Aespa - Black Mamba and Next Level
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Aespa is what fans call a monster rookie. With only three music videos under their belt, they still have some of the most visually interesting work in the industry right now. Their concept is very tied in with high tech, featuring even AI avatars of each member, packaged in a glitzy, fantastical and futuristic aesthetic, candy pop meets cyberpunk. I think I’ve exhausted ways to say that is exactly what a perfect Winx adaptation should feature.
Their debut smash hit, 2020’s Black Mamba is truly a perfect moodboard for live action Winx. Wearing a sequined and colorful mix and match of Dollskill, Gucci, Didu and Balenciaga to a backdrop that features some alien fairy forest realness, a pyschedelic fever dream, rooms straight out of a Y2K catalog or donning lime green and black techwear inside a metro fighting the "black mamba", Aespa look through and through the part of fashion loving fairies who save the world together, while looking fierce, stylish and, most importantly, interesting.
The styling and the sets jump seamlessly from more casual colorful fits with blouses, shirts and baggy pants to barren, darkly lit backgrounds and fringe-and-glitter heavy pieces necessary to fight giant snakes, in a way so fitting to transformation outfits for magical girls we could cry.
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In their third MV, 2021's Next Level, the cyber in their concept is taken up a notch (get it. because Next Level-), set to a futuristic urbanscape intersped with a planet made of crystals and the ocasional alien fauna popping up again. We get treated to Monse, The 2nd Skin Co., Johanna Ortiz and The Attico styled to fairy princess standards, sporty sky racers and a white and sequined group styling that is top ten fairy busy saving the world uniform material, or maybe even a specialist worthy getup.
This particular look from Ningning is so Techna that it almost feels as if it's mocking Netflix.
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And doesn’t this Karina trapped inside the "black mamba" in Alexander McQueen feel like a perfect Dark Bloom moment?
These are only a few examples of interesting and creative designs that are in line with what a live action Winx Club should have given us. There are so many more I could list, even among other TV Shows, like Sex Education and even polemic dark Euphoria, that know how to have fun with style and design without losing the depth of their stories. In the end, it's hard to justify why Fate creators even wanted to make an adaptation that didn't even try to capture the heart of its source material, and all we can do is watch one more "Restyling Fate: The Winx Saga" video on Youtube whilst mildly dreading season 2.
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logistic-worms · 3 years
I take a crack at guessing the next shuffle units
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(E for Eternal/Everlasting? Easter? Eight? Episode?)
Point 5* Yuzuru, Gacha 5* Tomoya, Point 4*s Nagisa & Kohaku, Gacha 4* Tatsumi. 
I don’t know why, but I have a strong feeling that Yuzuru and Tomoya will be in a shuffle together…
Set Up:
Eternal/Everlasting: This is just an out-there concept idea that I liked. Plus it would sound nice in marketing i.e the song title, unit name, or event title.
Easter: With this being the next shuffle unit I can’t see  it being in April as that may be too far into the next year, but it’s not a reach they’ll do an Easter event with a shuffle, it might just not be ‘E’. But I would like these specific characters to be in the Easter unit; The Ra*bits leader as well as the practicing christian, just makes sense. Nagisa and Kohaku are mostly just in there for aesthetics (they would look good in pastels, which is what I envision the unit outfits’ color-scheme to be).
Eight: I honestly don’t know why I wrote ‘eight’ down. I forget number symbolism… But the last unit, Ring.A.Bell, had a ‘23’ hidden in the logo which referenced diamond carats, so I can see numbers being used again.
Episode: This is mostly thinking of the advertising set up in-story. Maybe Anzu is tasked with forming a unit to sing a song that will be used in an episode of a drama or a song to promote an episode of said drama.
(F for Festival)
Point 5* Madara, Gacha 5* Kuro, Point 4*s Hinata & Koga, Gacha 4* Subaru. 
Just kind of obvious.
Set Up:
Eichi tasks Anzu to form a unit to perform at a festival that ES is holding or something along those lines.
I like the idea of Mama overhearing this and practically begging Anzu to make him the unit’s leader.
But it’d also be cute if Anzu knows just how much Madara enjoys festivals and understands that he would make the best leader for such a unit, recruiting him herself.
Maybe an emphasis on taiko and fireworks/firecrackers?
Koga’s kind of an outlier but I put him in there to contrast Hinata’s voice. Hopefully he likes this sort of thing, he certainly has the energy for it.
(G for Gift? Greetings?)
Point 5* Hokuto, Gacha 5* Tsukasa, Point 4*s Shu & Rinne, Gacha 4* Ibara.
They’re gonna do two Christmas units. I just know it.
Set Up:
Another holiday shuffle, but more "mature" this time.
No, I don’t know why Rinne’s here. No, it’s not because RinneShu is the Best-Worst dynamic in all of Ensemble Stars. Definitely not because of that.
This is just kind of made up of leftovers…
Ibara seems like a Scrooge-type let’s explore that.
(H for Heart)
Point 5* Arashi, Gacha 5* Hiiro, Point 4*s Tetora & Jun, Gacha 4* Rei.
I know it's pretty out there, just listen.
Set Up:
I’m not sure if I want this to be a Valentine’s event or not but it could work either way.
I’ve thought about the unit members in this shuffle a bit more than others and I know that shuffles are more random than anything but here:
Arashi: Love and acceptance for one’s self. Hiiro: Love for one’s family. Found family & Blood-related. Rei: Sensuality, idk just read Bloody Moon Vampire lyrics. Tetora: Love and respect for others. Jun: Making one’s own love, kind of found family. Whatever he and Hiyori have going on. Maybe the inexperienced lover that complements everyone else in the unit.
As for the task they’ve been given perhaps a magazine shoot, or an ad for something that has to do with self-care. Or an event is being held for couples/families to attend that just sounds really lovey-dovey.
I absent-mindedly put Karate Club together, whoops.
(I for Instinct/Intuition? Illuminate? Ignite?)
Point 5* Tsumugi, Gacha 5* Mika, Point 4*s Adonis & Shinobu, Gacha 4* Wataru.
This just kind of makes sense to me? IDK!!
Set Up:
Ah yes, two wizards, a doll, a ninja, and your run-of-the-mill guy’s guy. Such an interesting set of folks. They all look really good together, color palette wise.
I would want this shuffle to be magic/sorcery themed. Not necessarily wizardry, but the unit outfits should be flowy and light/delicate. Kind of like the Switch Pleiades MV outfit colors/materials wise.
Story set up would maybe be like an advertisement for performance wear or gear like microphones and what not. It’s just random. I didn’t really put a lot of thought into what Anzu’s tasked to do with this shuffle.
(J for Jester? Jewel?)
Point 5* Mayoi, Gacha 5* Hiyori, Point 4*s Kanata & Yuuta, Gacha 4* Ritsu
Set Up:
Leftovers... but I think their voices would sound nice together.
Yes ! ! Put Mayoi and a Sakuma together. I want lore please please please.
I think either theme, Jester/Jewel, would be interesting and would result in gorgeous MV/Homescreen outfits.
They could each symbolize a gemstone? Hmm...
I have an idea song wise for this shuffle... It’d be jazz-y, that’s it, that’s the song idea.
Let me know how cringe or based my takes were. Sorry this is so long.
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