#this isn't very silly goofy of me im sorry
bixiaoshi · 1 year
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#im sorry im getting feelings again#i was going to say i dont like being in tune w my feelings but. am i rlly LMAO#im not. im not rlly i dont recognize them i cant rlly name them outside of the main 3#all i know is that wanting smth usually leads to sadness bcs. when will it be my turn. will i EVER get my turn#and rn i want smth so bad which ik will turn into smth bad. sigh#and wanting smth im not sure i will ever get leads me to feeling im wasting my time bcs the things i can do now r very limited and outside#of that i cant rlly do shit. like. i rlly cant and it takes me to self-doubt. it makes me question myself#and i hate questioning myself bcs im not sure about a THING. is it the right path am i doing things right#and i dont know!!!!!! i dont know!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if i made the right decision of dropping out. i dont know if it was the right#choice to start a new major. in a new university. im not sure#and it makes me insecure bcs what if i was wrong what if im doing things wrong what if i didnt do the right thing#idk man. this path has been so lonely and i know i keep repeating myself i just have to wait to do things i want but what if i dont get it#< see i said feeling things usually take the wrong turn#this isn't very silly goofy of me im sorry#i just gotta be my own comedic relief or i will go absolutely fucking insane#idk man. i just wanna feel like i made the right decision and that im doing things for my own good without doubting myself#i wanna feel secure in life and i want to feel proud of me but on the mean time im just gonna live through ppl feeling proud of me#and im gonna live ignoring every single feeling bcs i dont like feeling them at all and im gonna keep protecting myself getting attached to#fictional stories and such#jo.txt#if someone read til here im sorry for the thoughts and stuff i will go back to being silly goofy rn 👍
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symptomsofdeceit · 16 days
hihi!! :3 this is my first ever time sending someone an ask AND IM REAAALLY NERVOUS. gonna stay anonymous, because i'm a bit shy. also sorry if my grammar and spelling gonna be goofy, english isn't my first language :")
i found out about your game a couple of days ago and these crazy boys won't leave my mind ever since. i looove pathetic loser men and yanderes ❤️. demo is great!! your art style is soo pretty and i really like your character writing!!!! forgot that description said that there's two yanderes, so Nalis ending got me like 😳😳😳 OKAY THAT'S UNEXPECTED BUT SO DAMN HOT. Thaumo is so adorable! THAT MOMENT WITH FORK THO 😭😭😭 don't know which one of them is my fav so far. guess they have to fight for my heart so i could find out >:3 Tremo is so pretty!! ah, tired mysterious women are my weakness ❤️ also i feel sorry for Johnsoni, poor guy! #justice for Johnsoni, hope to see his sprite in future :"D i'm so eager to see what's awaits MC in next update. i know that game development isn't that easy, especially when you have to work irl. don't forget to take breaks from time to time, make an update at your own comfortable pace aand stay hydrated!!! your tumblr page and answer for other ppl asks about these weirdos is my food for now ❤️❤️❤️
SORRY THAT'S A WHOLE ESSAY LOL. just wanted to show how much i love your visual novel and characters! have some ideas for asks too, hope i will find the courage to write here again :"3 watch out Nalis and Thaumo, my future asks might be… veery silly >:D
Hello, & I apologize for this reply being late! I appreciate the ask very much, & no worries on your English!! I think you’ve done perfect here :)
I’m so so happy that you’ve enjoyed my demo!!!!This entire message has me grinning at my phone so so hard. If you eventually do decide on a favorite between the two I’d love to know which one it is!! I hope you’re taking breaks + staying hydrated in your life as well, and thank you so much for all of your kind words (。ŏ﹏ŏ)💕💕💕💕
You have no idea how much I appreciate your words, this means a lot to me!! I would really love to have you in my inbox again, so I’m mentally sending you all the courage I can ✨💪😤 silly asks are some of my favorites, I’m excited to see what you’d throw at the boys!
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rose-reveries · 4 months
I'm so happy we finally got to see the Fates omg. I am curious because they swapped it around so that Annabeth saw it instead of Percy. Like, interesting??? But I don't hate it.
The actor embodies Ares so well, omg I love it.
KRONOS EXPOSITION FUCKING FINALLY YEAHHHHH I'VE LITERALLY BEEN ASKING WHERE IT WAS THE PAST 4 EPISODES. And i'm totally fine with the Krono's exposition and FBI wanted Percy info coming from Ares. Like, makes enough sense tbh.
"I'm 24." "Good for you."
I wish they would have shown more how Ares's aura effects people's mood. Like yeah they were sassy, but Percy's been sassy this entire time so I didn't really feel like there was much of a change there.
BOLD DEPARTURE FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL HERE. It's not a bad thing, I liked a lot of the changes. But like just like...interesting for sure lol. Again not actually a bad thing but BOLDD departure from the source material.
i miss them raiding the park for clothes and becoming walking advertisements. It was funny, despite adding nothing to the plot. I don't mind it isn't there, I just think that scene in that book is so silly goofy it makes me laugh.
Okay, I am VERY intrigued with the angle they are going in because it has become apparent this episode they are trying to frame it so first time viewers think Grover stole the bolt. Which like is so very interesting I don't know how to feel about this. I did however, really like the scene between Grover and Ares.
The jump cuts...why are you acting as if you are going to go to commercial break. Please stop.
I liked this episode, but I have to admit the tunnel drop sequence CGI was bad and hard to watch, I'm so sorry.
We are meeting more gods than we did in the books, and while Percy seems to have reconciled with his dad this episode, now we are seeing Annabeth start to resent the gods, which leads me to question what will stop Annabeth and Percy from siding with Luke in the end? Because what Luke is doing against the gods right now sounds pretty good to me, they fucking suck and we see that and Percy and Annabeth see that. I don't know, just thoughts.
Anyway, I am so excited for the casino next week :))) hehehe
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lousirs · 8 months
ewew ok so I think it's safe to assume that the toy brand of pretty dolls probably gained success in the 60s or 70s given some of the little details in Lou's house and his style. The factories work all year round right and are automatic as seen in the movie, but most things required actual human workers back in the day. HERE'S THE STINGER. I read somewhere I forgot where, but back in the day workers in factories didn't work in the winter time because it was too cold. so basically if we applied this to the uglydolls world, there was a rather long period of time where there was no income of dolls in perfection for the ENTIRETY of winter. So Lou had absolutely no company whatsoever in the winter for like 40+ years give or take (I have no idea when automated factories became a thing)
ok now I'm just making things worse but I also had another headcannon where weather in the real world also applied in uglyville and perfection and like the dolls in perfection got winter uniforms and all that (ugh now I might rant about this). So yea it was snowing, no other dolls in perfection, kind of depressing given that probably by then Lou had cut off ties with Ox. YOU CANT MENTION THE BOTS IN PERFECTION BC NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE YET (lol that means Lou was COMPLETELY incharge of everything, maybe he had assistance in doll form?)
yea but this probably played a role in the downfall of Lou's mental wealth like man just lost his best man Ox so being alone for a whole month once a year was definitely not a silly goofy moment for him.
ok that's the end of my ramble 😼😼
NO NEED TO APOLOGISE FOR RETURNING! i love me some headcanons :D
that's a big ouch for lou, but you are probably right there. lou (and also mandy) have 50s/60s- style houses (i believe so anyway) so how long would that be if we say lou's breakdown was about 2020 so (the movie is 2019 but im rounding it to 2020 for my brain)... OUCH AROUND 70 YEARS. SAVE LOU OH MY DOLL--
love your headcanons though, and i have a few of my own for that:
(under the cut, cause i can already tell this is gonna be a long one vvv)
perhaps since the factory closes for winter, the batch made right before stay in the institute for winter? yeah yeah lou could probably send them to the big world when the factory closes, but knowing him, he'd probably keep them for the holidays at the very least. cause he craves for that company.
it would be so cute though! lou would hold a big winter party with singing and FIREWORKS and whatnot. side note, i headcanon that lou loves fireworks. i mean, he uses them all the time (during ugly truth... during his lessons... etc) and i can so see him going all out on the fireworks budget. anyway, i feel that such parties would bring temporary joy to him, as he finally feels part of a family, with every doll laughing and chatting and overall having a good time.
...and then they would leave him again. and again. and again. and again... i feel like after a while he'd give up on the festives, as temporary joy and love isn't fulfilling anymore.
with the weather, i have a really dumb theory that the institute is within a dome. think about it, uglyville has a yawn ball for a sun with messy clouds...
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and in the institute, the clouds are perfect (more realistic even) and there's no sun in sight (as far as i know)
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uglyville probably has all kinds of weather, whilst at the institute it is always a fair temperature. no rain, clouds are always light and airy... etc, due to the factory operating the weather system within the dome perhaps. that changes when the uglydolls infiltrate, the sky in the institute turns to a dark greeny colour. and then when the two sides join, they destroy the dome.
anyways, perhaps during the winter, when the factory is shut down, they shut down the light and airy atmosphere of the institute too, leaving a cold, snowy breeze in its wake (especially during lou's earlier years). and i doubt his home is very warm either, as it's so large with barely any furniture (at least in the foyer shown in uglier truth).
and with lou's company over the years, i feel that after his bond with ox, he became desperate for the company again (who could blame him?) and tried his hardest to keep as many dolls by his side as possible, ending up with the spy girls and mandy (and perhaps the backup singers)(i don't know about them). he would probably manipulate them in some way to staying, perhaps threatening recycling and the washing machine out of pure desperation to keep someone around. so i don't think he'd be totally alone, but i feel that the spy girls and mandy were only close to him in a business relationship-type way. they were only there if he needed something to be done. he was the leader of the institute after all, he always seemed one level above the rest of the dolls, and being personally close to him seemed like something impossible.
and yeah, the assistance bots were there, but even if artificial intelligence somehow existed during those times, or if someone higher-up was controlling the robots, they wouldn't have a genuine bond with lou anyways, as they are just assistant robots who are meant for helping out with training and the gauntlet only (or so i think).
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W o w
2 more stellar chapters!!!!! I can’t wait for our fav receptionist to try out being a ring girl! (Is the asshole guy gonna try something and we get to see Frankie/the guys jump in? Bc protective men is 😭😭)
Anyway I love love love how you wrote the guy’s relationships with each other!!!!
If and only if inspiration strikes, I would love a scene from a “guys night”
Either before our girls comes into their lives or after, just then having fun and being them 🥹 bc I feel a lot of fics over look the importance of their friendship esp in regard to Frankie like Frankie fics will sometimes act like he has had no support until the girl comes in his life but yours just shows how much they all love each other
Doesn’t gotta be long (or even at all!) maybe just a nice lil thing 🥰
Ily have a wonderful day!!
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Best Friends, Beers, and Bets - Through the Scope Drabble
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Rating: everyone (just the boys being silly and goofy together)
Word Count: 1K
Notes: hi everyone ! i know i have been gone for a hot minute and i am deeply sorry about that. there has been a lot of not so fabulous things going on in my life and in my mental state that has left with with little motivation to write. the worst part is? im 3/4 done with chapter 11 ... like girl plz just finish that hoe DAMN ! but i found the motivation today to write for this lovely ask i received a little bit ago (: i love the idea of getting to take a peak inside how the TF boys are before Estrella came into the picture. so a very big thank you to @romanarose for this !! chronologically, this takes place before chapter one.
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Frankie, Will, and Santi sit together in the back of The Barrel at their usual table. The bar isn't particularly full this evening, but the comforting hum of conversations emitting from the regulars fill the empty chairs. They talk and laugh amongst each other as they wait for their last member to arrive: Benny. It had been only four days since his receptionist quit, but the hurt was apparent to everyone. Usually, she was the one to help him clean up after they close the gym down for the evening. Both of them managed to get it done relatively quickly too. Unfortunately, in her absence, Benny had to do it all himself. The other guys had repeatedly offered to give him a hand in the evenings, but Benny refused. He said that he had it covered and that they should just wait for him at the bar. Not wanting to press him further, the trio would retreat across the street. 
“Here he is! We all thought you fell into the washing machine and couldn’t get out.” Santi claps Benny on the shoulder as he makes his way to buy a round for everyone. 
“You were 15 minutes slower than yesterday.” Will says, tapping his watch while his brother takes a seat next to him. 
“Gee, that makes me feel great! Fish, do you want to rub salt in my wounds too?” 
“I’m just happy you’re finally here, man.” Frankie’s eyes convey sincerity. “But you’re going to run yourself ragged doing all that clean up by yourself. Why don’t you let us help?” 
“Yeah.” Santi rejoins the table and passes out the bottles. A few seconds of silence go by as each man takes a moment to wash away the stress of their day with deep gulps of chilled liquid. “We are offering to help you clean. It’s not like you’re forcing us.” 
Will nods in agreement and tips his bottle in both Frankie and Santi’s direction.
“I just hate the idea of y’all doin’ work I’m completely capable of.” 
“It doesn’t make you any less of a man if we help you clorox a few work benches, Benny.” Frankie says gingerly.
“I know, I know. To be honest with y’all?” Benny scoots closer into the table. “It’s kinda lonely there without someone to talk to in between clients.”
“My bed is going to be kinda lonely too if it makes you feel any better.” Santi offers. 
This manages to get a laugh out of the very tired looking Benny. “Oh is it now? Poor you.”
“Poor me is right! Your receptionist may have kept you company during the day but she kept me company during the night. Now that she's quit, that means I have to as well.”
“That’s not what that means at all, Pope.” Will says with a raised eyebrow. “You can still see her even if she doesn’t work at Brass Knuckles anymore.” 
“Well she also started talking about getting exclusive…”
“And there’s the real reason!” Will laughs. 
“Can we get back to my issue?” Benny begs. “What do I do? No one has answered the ads I’ve posted online. I don’t know how much longer I can handle juggling training clients and taking care of the in between tasks.”
“What about good old fashioned paper flyers? You could give some to me to hang at the auto shop. Will could take some to the VA?”
“Absolutely not.” Santi says with conviction. “I will not have a man take this job and ruin my chances of meeting another beautiful woman.” 
“Fine.” Frankie rolls his eyes. “What about a bookstore or a coffee shop? Does that sound better to you?”
“That’s not a bad idea, but do people even read those flyers? I know I don’t.” Benny shrugs.
“Well you’re not the one that's desperate for a job. I would just make sure you print out the ads on bright paper so it catches peoples eye.” 
“That’s not a bad idea either.” Benny says to his brother. “Still, who knows how long it's going to take before someone calls about it?” 
All four men are quiet as they brainstorm possible solutions to the problem that's currently plaguing them.
“I’ve got it!” Santi snaps his fingers. “I bet you that you can’t find another receptionist within a week of the last one leaving.” 
“Pope, what the fuck?” Benny looks shocked.
“Yeah, why are you actively saying he can’t do it?” Frankie questions. 
Santi only chuckles and Will shortly joins him when he puts the pieces together in his head. 
“You cabrons aren’t listening to me. I bet you that you can’t find another receptionist within a week of the last one leaving. You’ve never backed away from a bet as long as I’ve known you, Benny.” 
“He does love to prove you wrong, Pope.” Will has his arms crossed over his stomach and they rise and fall easily as he begins laughing again. 
A look of realization settles over the two other men.
“Alright, I’ll take you up on that.” Benny and Pope shake hands across the table. “You’re a dick though. She’s been gone for four days now. I only have three days to find someone else to hire.” 
“Damn.” Pope takes a sip of his drink. “I guess you better get your ass into the printer shop tomorrow and make some flyers. If you don’t, drinks are on you when the clock runs out.” 
Will and Frankie cheer knowing that no matter how this bet ends, they will be getting free beer. 
“What happens if a man calls before a woman does?” Benny looks smugly at Pope. “I’m not goin’ to tell him no if it’s in my three day window of search time.”
“Won’t happen. I can feel it in my bones.” 
“Even if, what did you say before, a beautiful woman calls about the job, that doesn’t mean she’ll want to immediately hop into your bed.” Frankie states playfully.
“You think she’s going to want to hop into yours, Fish?”
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{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera @romanarose @missbabyjay @missgurrl }
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hhelliish · 10 months
Some Seven Deadly Sin design ideas i felt i needed to write down somewhere
Lucifer (Pride): he is the character ive worked most on out all of them
currently his design is going through some changes. for one i want him to be more goat like. i still want to keep his sharper nose cuz i just really like that one him, but hes going to start looking more like a furry as the days pass sorry not sorry
his personality i dont plan on changing. he's going to remain a more standoff-ish and quiet, coming off as cold. but on his other side he is actually quite caring and passionate about taking care of his family, his people, and Hell itself
Sathanas (Wrath): hes a bit tricky. i didnt want him to be so predictable by being a meet head jock or something. so i decided to go the business man route.
im thinking of also making him more animal like. maybe a bull to represent the wrath part of him to get a better idea. he also 100% has glasses he's a nerd
personality; similar to Lucifer he's quiet and intimidating, but more like the opposite spectrum. he comes off as more stern and serious, not taking anyones shit and he means it
Beelzebub (Gluttony): my silly. ive grown heavily attached to him
entirely going into a bug look for him. in my mind he looks a bit human but has a lot of bugs features like antenna's, four pairs of arms, huge insect wings, differently bent legs, and possibly abdomen im not entirely sure about that yet
i always pictured him to be very carefree, silly, but really off putting and strange. bro totally eats corpses and thats ok because hes funny <3
he also has a wife and child. she let him hit cuz hes goofy
Asmodeus (Lust): this again is a tricky one cuz i really want him to be unique but translate his design that doesnt feel overcomplicated to design. because if you know how he really looks, its a lot
i do have in mind i want him to be fat as im tired of the definition of Lust being this skinny guy. fat people can be hot af and i want that to be more pushed
i was also thinking with how Asmodeus has more than one face, i either thought he could change his features by waving a hand in face that changes everytime like magic. or he spins his head like a doll and appears a new face every so often. not entirely sure with what i want to do but the separate faces i dont think i want to make to be different people, rather just different appearances
Asmodeus is also a kind and full of passion for others. he has several partners that he all treats very well and is not purely out of lust
Mammon (Greed): again, this is a hard one
Mammon in my mind can be many things and its hard for me to decide what he looks like. so he is the one thats the most work in progress as for some reason its just difficult for me
as for personality, hes by far the nastiest out of all the Sins. besides Belphegor, he very much embraces the sin he represents and doesnt feel bad about it. hes a man of the status quo and likes to be the bigger person power or wealth wise.
even though when being ranked alongside the other seven sins he isn't that powerful compared to Sathanas, Beelzebub, or definitely Lucifer
so hes kind of compensating all the time for his broken ego LOL
Leviathan (Envy): SEA WITCH SEA WITCH
ive been so excited to design her and im gonna go all out with the deep sea monster look. i envision her as a kind of kelpie/siren kind of monster creature girl that has hair covering her face but a huge creepy smile. shes got lots of teeth like a shark
personality so far is that shes a bit creepy. she likes to make herself look as if her spine is cracking in half and loves fucking with people. but sometimes her creepiness is just who she is. no one can tell when shes being serious or being an ass
Belphegor (Sloth): the last furry i promise (not)
yeah, i may be stealing the idea of what Vizviepop is doing with her Belphegor. not like entirely tho since we still dont know what she looks like. but my Belphegor is going to be a sheep for certain
i want her to be the shortest out of all the Sins and look like the fairly unthreatening one. but thats where she gets you cuz actually all along her fluffy wools is eyeballs that pop out of nowhere and scare the hell out of you
her attitude to me is more predictable for Belphegor by being noncaring, monotone, and sleepy. but i honestly cant think of her in any other way it just fits best. i imagine she never even walks she just floats around with a pillow and sleeps randomly
these are just concept ideas btw but i needed to air this out to someone so i hope you guys enjoy seeing my thought process <3
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osc-confessions · 1 year
hot take/confession/how is this one not on the problematic list but uh ii is honestly not fun and was at its peak in uncut s1, I say 'uncut' specifically cuz maybe I'm just a sucker for that 2000's/very early 2010's humour but while it's definitely awful it gives a sense of nostalgia and like "it's awful and I wanna throw up but also this encapsulates a time period we do need to remember" also cuz the nbphobia jokes while being bad ofc are..kinda like *the* buildup to paintbrushes coming out and when we lack that it seems so random and weird like I get new ii fans are twitter toddlers who don't know plot and can't handle any offensive jokes no matter the context or how they're built upon but sacrificing what is a very adding bit to a characters situation(?) (arc isn't the right word? Maybe it is? I mean it depends on things we'll never get told in canon since trust me the NB thing is just for the brownie points dude) isn't the best choice story wise, sure it was great PR wise cuz "oh look we fixed an issue!" (say what you want about *that* being a factor but I'm purposely avoiding it) and it makes fans think you're more progressive than the rest or smth but like- mmh just :/ idk maybe it's a me problem with not being "perfect pg purist" or whatever the world wants me to be.
Also ii s1 was just more fun, again, sucker for 2000's nostalgia and the AWFUL animation of the first few episodes fucking enamors me, and how Chris McLean's voice was in the 1st ep like yEEAh and sO and ddkdnbfjdjd sorry Chris was a blorbo in law for a while so I like him but like it was sillier it was goofier it was rando teens making their silly lil shit and enjoying it!!!!! It has their heart and soul!!!!! And sure quality matters more nowadays and going back to s1 isn't a good idea at all but I just like s1 how it is, I don't want more of it and I don't want less. It's that simple. It's a silly goofy series that captured my heart and that got taken away at just the right time...
sorryn't for the ramble i do not shut up and also im a sillygoofy goober
Yeah. I agree. I don't have anything to add.
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big-city-times · 1 year
due to popular demand (two people in the replies of this post) i will now complain about how agitating the penny the pony and the pirate is to me (coming out as a hater) [under the cut][not going to put a whole essay in the main tag without a cut]
prepare yourself [i am so sorry]
before diving deep into my "he would not fucking say that" syndrome, there are ?? a lot of things i like about this episode ??
the biggest, and the one that makes me the most sad, is how much i love the b plot. partially because it feels ironic watching becky and violet try to rewatch the mid-summer special of pretty princess and trying to convince themselves that its not as bad as they had thought originally, as i desperately try to convince myself that this episode isn't as bad as i had thought, but also because its just so ??? funny ??
like. fucking watch this
that's ?? hilarious ??? and it's used in this episode ???
not to mention that violet is just so adorable and funny in this episode and i love myself some good violet characterization AND theres really goofy botsford moments !! like them bullying tangent for not being able to tell a good story. father daughter bonding /j
also, about tim specifically, i find myself saying "can you believe this guy!! hey buddy !! the doubloons exhibit was last week !!!" a lot strangely enough
there's also some really silly bits about tangent himself !! like i've really stuck with the idea of him LOVING hearing other people's stories, stealing only when he's low on cash, or having a mom who's an artist
like !!! those are super cute and fun !!!!!!!! hearing about villains daily live's is one of my favorite parts of this show !! they're just presented in a way that doesn't sit right in my head !!
nice and goofy animations as well :]
yk. this is a rant. it's not really intended to be about the positive stuff so
cutting straight to the chase, i know exactly what the main reason is. it's the voice actor change im not gonna lie
for a minute, imagine, a character with a higher-pitched voice that you like, say, spongebob
then imagine them with a voice that is an octave deeper than their usual voice
isn't that weird and disorienting ??? like it just doesn't feel like them anymore ??
as violet says in this episode itself, that's. not their real voice, not to you at least
in this case, not only is his voice deeper, but its brash and gruff rather than his usual young, kind sounding voice, with a obvious (and often broken) fake accent. he sounds more like an adult and it BOTHERS me
its giving the minor change in chuck's voice in a world without wordgirl. while still the same person, a minor shift in his speech patterns makes him far less likeable
obviously this is no hate to brian stack (his va for this episode), he did a very good job on the actual acting, the voice just doesn't feel right for the character :]
there's also something that feels off about the way a lot of his lines are presented, not in voice, but more in the style of writing
in the previous two episodes, despite being absent minded and annoying to those around him, he's very selfless and kind, (caring about the safety of scoops and the dogs, leaving people alone if they reject him, noticing that scoops is upset [though he does interpret it wrong], ext.) but, here, it feels more like he's less distracted by his thoughts, and more self-focused. for example, regardless that he did enjoy tim's history lesson on the bumblebee penny, he immediately turns and begins to tell his own story, which just feels ??? way out of character ??
less negative, but he feels wayyy less focused here, and begins and ends stories very often, feeling less like they're tangents, and more like really brief, mildly annoying tidbits about himself ?? lmfao
it feels almost like they tried too hard on the tangents and ended up staying way too close to the topic. we are no longer going from pirates favorite wood to ballet slippers and that makes me very sad :[
i guess theres just something very offputting about how pirate-y he feels. he doesn't feel like some dork in a costume, and that's what i feel his character is supposed to be like !! he's not really a pirate !! he doesn't have a ship !! he rides around in a wagon !!! a flying wagon !!
conclusion :
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as i said earlier, i keep coming back to this episode hoping that i'll like it better, but i never do.
who are you !!!!!! idk what villain that is !!! this episode has so much potential !! the crime is so goofy !! he's just written in a very strange way !!!
bonus bit - why is it so funny to me that his arm literally makes a clanking noise when he touches it. look at this stupid little twig arm. there is no way youve ever been to the gym youre lying
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IM SORRYYYY I LIKE CALLIE! SHES SILLY AND GOOFY AND VERY NICE I CAN ADMIT THAT! I JUST... don't really have a favorite... i always cared way more about salmon run stuff than literally anything else in the game...
and speaking of which oh my god FINALLY someone who also loves salmon run. i'm so enamored with the horror aspect of it. just the whole system of going to war with the honor of accepting a death fought tooth and nail for... a massive swarm of bloodthirsty fish who want nothing more than to see your ink on the walls... and man it is INTENSE. splat3 salmon run is SO MUCH HARDER than splat2. way more mobs and way tougher ranks - the danger percent can go up to 333%. insane. and then of course the lore of the gamemode itself is great too - even beyond splat3's story mode, it's so fascinating to see their culture and the kinds of fish that can develop depending on conditions. and of course the aesthetic of it being much more grungy and dark and industrial than the rest of splatoon is just so very good.
i doubt you have a favorite fish (i mean what kinda crazy guy would! hahah °_ °") but please allow me to tell you how much i LOVE horrorboros. first of all he looks so fucking awesome. very solid design and detail. and he looks like a SNAKE FISH. two of the world's greatest creations in ONE... AND he KILLED it in the first impressions department! like:
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HOW AWESOME IS THAT??? i'll tell you just how awesome it is: HELLA!!!!!
secondly, the symbolism of horrorboros' original symbol (uroboros as i'm sure you're aware of) is just SUCH an incredible pick for salmon run. first of all, it's just a very good ancient symbol in general (i'm a sucker for cyclical motifs that embody infinity...) and secondly it is very fitting to the salmonid's culture in general! the strong focus on consumption and a salmon's life cycle in general, with the babies using the nutrients from their parent's corpse (it isn't exactly pretty) to survive, both make uroboros an incredible pick to draw inspiration from for a king salmonid. i love horrorboros so very much. what a great snake fish <3
(if you do happen to have a favorite salmonid... feel free to tell me... :-) i quite enjoy the salmonids if you couldn't tell already)
GOOD. BE SORRY >:[ and HEY YEA i've always been a big fan of salmon run's COMPLETELY different vibe from the rest of splatoon (u could argue it fits with splat 3, but that also is cuz of the whole "chaos" theme ehehaha) (<- just realized u already said this whilr i was reading back whoops)
im gonna put more of my opinions here...
OKAY SO yes!!! i really love the horror parts of salmon run! usually splatoon handles horror in very subtle ways, like the unnerving sounds hidden in splat 1 + 2 and octo expansion's whole sanitization thing, but salmon run went ALL OUT and i love it
i had stopped playing splat 3 around the time horrorboros was introduced, but the posts i saw abt it were HORRIFYING, especially it's scream! splatoon could traumatize an 8 yr old child...
salmon run has always been very interesting, from the design taking the "octos use scrap for their tech" concept to a WHOOLE another level never ceases to amaze me how much effort the splatoon team put into that mode... especially with the symbolism you mentioned earlier! salmon run has a very unnerving feel to it, i recall it's lore also had something to do with splatoon's religion themes?? although it has a good chance to be another reference, it is very interesting...
also, my fav salmonid is the maws and the big shot!! i dont know i jus like them... ive killed a lot of maws but i think they are growing on me....
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Im so glad I found older snc fans because I was starting to think it was just pretty young fans who can’t seriously discuss their relationships and lives and content.
this got to be a very long response, so sorry in advance lol
what i find very interesting about fandom culture as it is now is that when i first joined snc's fandom back in 2018, i was on insta only and literally there were confession accounts on there. basically in a similar vain to here, ppl would dm the person that owned the account "confessions" or opinions they had about anything related to snc and then the account would post it, and ppl would talk in the comments about it. usually those accounts would get out of hand eventually bc ppl would send in a lot of mean ones that would end up getting the person that owned the account in trouble.
wow, things haven't changed lol
but i think what ended those accounts was at one point there was an account that talked about a girl colby was possibly dating at the time, and the confession was shitting on her, and then colby commented on that post and said the equivilant of "hey i get you guys have opinions and i love that you want to share them and i don't mind seeing them, but if they are hurtful or mean i don't want that in my life". and i think that solidified the end of confession accounts, at least in this fandom.
i also think there was a major shift during the pandemic where ppl just didn't want to see anything deemed "negative" so now ppl are hyper vigilent to call out those that seem to be doing anything not positive. which i can understand sometimes, but i think a lot of fans take things too far. both sides do this.
my thing is, i've always enjoyed seeing other ppl's opinions, even when i don't agree. especially when related to fandom stuff. bc a lot of what we talk about on here is meant to be light-hearted and goofy and not to be taken seriously. i mean for christ's sakes we talk about the girls colby may or may not have hooked up with. and mind you, we barely have proof of any of them ! so again, it's all supposed to be silly and not urgent, important info.
but i think the reason why a lot of fans, sometimes younger, don't like seeing conversations like this is bc they think it's inappropiate or goes too far or bc it's not ultra positive all the time, it's deemed not worth having. which i get. i won't argue over that. my thing is….. yall are having these conversations too, you just keep it in dms and gcs. and if you pretend that isn't the case and "no i would NEVER talk about snc like this", you're lying. or you're very foolish to think that not everyone else around you is doing the same thing. the difference is i allow these conversations to happen publicly on my page.
i think bc i also allow ppl, for the most part, to vent about snc and others related to them, i'm seen as agreeing with their opinion - whether good or bad. but that usually isn't the case, but bc i'm allowing someone to have a voice when they otherwise wouldn't, i'm deemed bad or a hater.
on twitter, i think a lot of the disconnect comes from this idea of younger fans vs older. i think a lot of the younger fans don't want to interact with the older, and that's totally understandable. god knows 16 year old me wouldn't have wanted to talk to someone a decade older than me. and vice versa. i think the issue that arises is that the younger fans see the older ones as… too old to still be here. they see someone my age and go "why are you still around, you should have left already" or that i shouldn't be on social media to begin with. that whole idea is funny to me bc i've been online longer than some of them have been alive (but please note i ain't saying that as a flex lol). i also think a lot of older fans make younger fans uncomfortable, especially on twitter, for being very…….polarizing. and i think the older fans see the younger ones as annoying. like younger siblings that just won't fuck off.
do i agree with either one? no. i don't see younger fans as annoying, for the most part. and i don't see older fans any different. i think a lot of the problems that have appeared over the years is bc of the pandemic; too many ppl stuck inside for too long with nothing to do, mixed with a terrible world getting worse, and now everyone just feels the need to be assholes whenever they can bc they're sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. and it's easier to take it out on one another in fandoms than it is to do it irl, but even that doesn't stop those from doing it.
i will note that there are a decent number of older fans on twitter in the snc fandom that make it very hard to be an older fan. like a lot of the ones that are on twitter say a lot of extremely sexual shit about colby. and look, i don't mind talking about that man sexually. but there's also a level to it. some of these women borderline write fanfics about him, but include themselves in it, and then all of that is one twitter. and that can be off-putting. i won't name names, but some just need to take it down a peg or two, that's all.
but that also isn't to say that younger fans don't do the same in some regard. i'm just saying some of the older fans take it farther than necessary.
i think there is a lot of nuance to this, and a lot of reasons why ppl act the way they do. i'm not trying to blame any one or any particular age demo, i'm just saying what i've witness and what i believe to be true. doesn't make me right however.
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thewingedmuse · 1 year
💭💌 )
dina, what would loki think abt me, ++ a long rant abt godzilla. FIRSTLY, godzilla would either step on you by accident ( and wouldnt even say “whoopsies!!! what a silly goofy mistakw teehee” like a CIVILIZED radioactive arsonist would ) or would spray his flaming hot cheeto breath all over you. im sorry but its true. unless youre mothra ( they were dating right ) bro will treat you like an average citizen in a burning city. if you proved yourself worthy enough hed probably just look at you and sorta give u mercy by walking away a bit BUT THATS UNREALISTIC and imo godzilla always looked like he had a lot of fun blowing up places. me too hinestly hashtag arson 4 life hashtag i love being a public menace hashtag skincare OK SORRY IM RUNNING ON 3 CUPS OF COFFEE RN THANK YOU AND BYE
Hello Dina, thank you for joining if only I've known you, and thank you for your exchange. That's very befitting of Godzilla's animal aspect, so it's pretty logical. And you are so funny xD thank you for giving me a good chuckle out of this! Now, onto your reading! 💚
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Cards: Judgement (r), Ace of Wands (r)
Loki would love your wicked sense of humour! He would think you're a prankster just like him, and would love to see more of your antics (even participate in them). This energy he feels of you feels like an upside-down room, it is a very peculiar and intriguing energy. He thinks you're someone who thinks outside the box. Your eyes twinkle with mischief? There could be times you would be shy and try to behave like a normal person but those mischievous eyes betray you lol. He'd love to have you as a friend or maybe a partner-in-crime (if you could catch up, he says). He also thinks that you might have a hidden motive but doesn't everyone? He certainly isn't as innocent as a lamb himself, so whatever your aim is he does intend to stay to find out (and enjoy the fun in the process).
To him, you feel disorienting in a fun way like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. This vibe of yours sets you apart from other people. You could at times be pensive; sentimental he says. He'd frown when you frown in an attempt to mirror you and get you to feel in sync with him, therefore helping you open up to him, if not reach a common understanding.
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I hope you enjoyed your reading. Feel free to let me know what you think. Have a nice day.
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
i think the question i hate the most of it all is if i ever will be able to make it
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caps tw
"are you ok ?" bitch i was kinned, lied to, manipulated, laughed at, trolled, insulted, and lied to again what the hell do you think
there are still people saying "LOL they're valid just deal with it Char you're too sensitive" like shut the fuck up do you know how it feels to know that someone else out there is using YOUR names and took YOUR bio and YOUR pfp and YOUR typing quirk ( WHICH I FUCKING NEED TO FUNCTION my brain NEEDS IT IT ISN'T A SILLY GOOFY THING ) and then acted like you and then trolled you and you fucking trusted them and were friends with them and then you woke up to 5 fucking messages that day with "im so sorry this is happening" "this must be rlly uncomfy" etc. THREE OF WHICH WHERE FROM THE FUCKING MANAGERS LIKE HELLO THE FORMER LEAD MANAGER DMed ME THIS WAS SERIOUS MFS
and then i have to deal with "Lol, it's ok !" "Why did you change your TQ ?" "Why are you complaining ?" Like bitch someone is out there who thinks they should be me
They don't even know me
Like it took so long for me to find *me* and now they're me and that isn't fucking fair because they had a fucking crush on me and now they're me ?? And then they tell me they'll stay away and interact with me the VERY NEXT DAY Like fuck off bro how more twisted can you get
ONE MORE THING if i say i dont fucking want to talk about it dont fucking make me talk about it /directed_at_the_people_who_keep_asking_and_weren't_involved _at_all
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lady-snow-flower · 5 months
22-24 for all of them
Favorite thing/part about sex—intimacy, role-playing, etc. Ber: the intimacy definitely. though he can get kinky, honestly his favourite position is just missionary because he wants to look into simba's eyes~ ew~ Hades: the release, definitely lol. He also likes the power dynamics in it-- likes to dominate, likes the high lol. Merida: similar to Hades, they would mostly love to dominate and probably wanna be praised lolol Nemo: Nemo loves fun, goofy sex. He likes to be silly and laugh with his partner the most. But also: compliment him during sex, thank u Pip: N/A this is private information Jun: N/A this is private information Amity: N/A she is exploring Snow: Snow's best sex she's ever had was with Estella and that was in part because...they had a lot of it and got to explore a lot of different things together. She also loves power dynamics. She loves roleplay. I think her favourite part was just the trust between partners to like-- be silly or be dangerous or to be vulnerable and so rip that Estella ripped that trust away and why she's had difficulty since!!! Penny: N/A she is exploring <3 Karen: They are all about new new new! They think it's a great way to get to know someone, learn their kinks and their likes/dislikes lol. Remy: Intimacy much like Berlioz, he wants things to be slooow and steamy~ and all about connection Least favorite thing/part about sex—cleanup, setup, etc
Ber: setup probably that would bore him to tears. he is very into spontaneous sex, loves sex where he shouldnt have sex Hades: answered Merida: emotions <3 keep that shit to yourself Nemo: clean-up he is veeery lazy and will moan and groan about taking a shower and wiping off etc (which sucks bc he loves~ messy sex. big fan of lube in this house) Pip: as a demisexual person most of sex honestly grosses pip out unless he is totally in love with you. in the future i do hc that he actually does not prefer anal. he'll do it when he's in the mood but is way more into other forms of sex. Jun: this is a stressful question for jun we can't answer that due to his anxieties Amity: n/a exploring Snow: for snow, sex is a ritual. if it's good sex, all parts of it are fun: the set-up is sexy, the foreplay is sexy, the clean-up and aftercare is sexy. She romanticizes every step idk what to tell u i guess if she feels like her partner isn't into it as much and she's putting in all the effort then she'd not like aspects of it lol Penny: n/a exploring Karen: actually is like snow, tho less sentimental lmfao, they're just like, bad part about sex??? its sex??? i like sex!!! Remy: also clean-up bc he's a bit of a neat freak so even tho he loooooves sex he'd probably get persnickety about the after.
. A song they would fuck/get fucked to
Ber: 3WW by alt-j... wow alt-j throwback Hades: uhhhh... he'd never think to turn on music. i guess if they dont want the kids to hear he's cranking up the classical music channel FLMAOOO Merida: also would never think to turn on music sorry Nemo: would fuck himself to robbie's music and send it to robbie. probs would do like, bazzi or justin bieber otherwise fsalkf;aslkfj Pip: too many to name. ariana grande on repeat. Jun: this is so embarrassing he doesnt want to answer any of these. like water by wendy Amity: it'll be taylor swift muna boygenius etc Snow: entirely depends on the mood and the plot ok like is this a bridgerton roleplay. is snow tied up in satin and gagged? these are very different soundtrack choices Penny: it'll be taylor swift maude latour caroline polachek etc Karen: macarena by blitzers. also just the macarena. you know the one. thrwo in some cha cha slide too why not Remy: soft and tender by november ultra
Share a sample line of dirty-talk
this sdlkafja;lskdjfasdlkfjad;lkfajsdf;lkajlkdajlkjal i refuse to do this one im sorry. the cringe is 2 much for me.
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buckyhoney-library · 3 years
nsfw alphabet, b.b
A/N: so sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy! sebastians & nomad!steve should be out sometime this week(end)!
reblogs/likes/feedback are greatly appreciated & highly encouraged
However, do NOT repost/steal ANY of my fics on my blog!
Warnings: 18+, language, smutty thoughts, sorry for any missed typos!
chris evans nsfw alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex)
bucky takes aftercare so seriously! he makes sure that you have everything that you need and you're taken care of first. showering you in praises, holding you close, getting you water or snacks- he is at your beck and call.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part on themselves and on their partner)
thighs. thighs. thighs. He loves laying between them with his head resting on your stomach. His fingers tracing patterns on your skin- peppering kisses on the inside. bucky's arms are hooked around them while he is giving you head, rubbing small circles on the outside.
bucky has grown to love his vibranium arm, because of how much you love it. he has changed arm usage from a weapon to a useful tool in every situation. being able to cool it and playing with temperatures, pinning you down- making sure you go nowhere- or even being able to cause it to vibrate.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
he loves to paint with his cum. as much as he LOVES to cum inside you and make you hold it- there is something so pretty with his cum plastered on your back or on your tummy. "you look so pretty with my cum on your thighs," bucky is especially fond of watching it drip down your breasts or leak down your thighs. bucky just stares in awe of how it glistens against your skin.
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want)
he wants you to praise him. bucky lives off of praise and when you whimper how good he's making you feel or how he's such a good boy? it throws him over the edge, encouraging him to go faster and harder. he'll never ask for them, but when you start hyping him up, fuck he enters a state of nirvana.
E = Experience (Do they know what they are doing?)
1940's bucky as we all know was very experienced but after eighty years of nothing? he needs a little help regaining his confidence, but man will he practice and have no problems asking for help. he'd be a little embarrassed of cumming early or not being able to satisfy like he used too, but bucky watches porn and experiments like no tomorrow, catching up on all the new toys/techniques/positions etc.
F = Favorite Position (Self-explanatory)
bucky's favorite position would be cowgirl or where you're laying on your side, so he could hold you. cowgirl because he gets the perfect view of your body and everything about it.
with an honorable mention of missionary- but missionary with your legs in the air spread for all can see. if he's feeling a little spicy, he'll press on your lower abdomen, adding extra pressure.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy
BOTH. There is a time and a place for serious, rough, passionate sex (and boy does he enjoy that), but for the most part, Bucky wants you to feel good and he wants to learn- which means there will be some mishaps and failed moments, but he loves those moments just the same.
H = Hair (Are they well-groomed?)
he is well kept and clean. bucky isn't hairless, but he does make sure that everything is trimmed up and clean.
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?)
bucky only does when you're away or he's gone for a mission. when you're home, he has no problem telling you he's in the mood. when he does masturbate, it is to your pictures/videos you've sent or through facetime/phone calls. he doesn't watch porn unless that is the only option or he is looking for new things to try with you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
oh boy does he have loads of kinks! bucky loves praise (receiving or giving)! during the more passionate and rough sessions, he is into degrading (but not too crazy) innocence kink. if you have met after his second sexual awakening? god, how he loves to ruin you. he loves the idea that he gets to teach you and that you're at his mercy. ice play/warming (idk what the word is) he loves when you call him sarg does this man have a filthy sarcastic mouth. dirty remarks of comments that leave his mouth- god, it's enough to you off in seconds.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it)
he is a traditional man at heart, so he loves the bedroom. bucky gets to be as loud as chooses and go as long as he wants without the fear of someone walking in or interrupting.
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)
leggings. jeans. short shorts- anything that enhances your thighs or when you shoot back firey/witty comments matching his energy. The more traditional turn on's as well, suggestive comments, touching his chest letting it fall to his belt, lingering kisses on his lips and neck. "it's like you're begging me to fuck you silly,"
N = No (Something they will not do. Turnoffs.)
nothing with bodily fluids (other than saliva or cum) & i don't think he'd be fond of being too open in public- he's a private guy, but he doesn't mind the simple pda and light touches.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
okay let me tell you- bucky loves getting head. your lips make him cum faster than anything else. "open wide, darling" he loves the ability to do it virtually anywhere (privately of course) and the quick clean up-but he mostly loves watching you take his length completely, hitting the back of your throat. "fuck, such a good girl taking all of me," hearing you moan into him and gag makes him go FERAL. bucky isn't a head pusher, but he does grip your hair.
bucky does love going down on you too. his cock throbs at the sight of your legs shaking and squirming. the sounds you make encourage him more, but he doesn't stop when you cum- he licks up every last drop of you. "im not stopping, so i'd stop moving if i were you," he'll occasionally pop his head up to make sure that he's doing everything right and you're enjoying yourself- the last thing he wants is for you to fake it (which only happened when he first re-entered the dating world)
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?)
there is a time and place for everything. bucky loves sensual sex because he feels the most connected to you and he has been without physical/emotional connection for so long that it's become a must. it is also where he feels the most control and the best, when he can be 100% vulnerable- something never thought he could do.
fast and rough is for those needy moments where he can't get his hands off of you- complete feral mode. when you've been teasing him relentlessly and he needs to remind you who's in charge. those nights are when the kinkiest of kinks come to play.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex)
quickies are reserved for dinner parties, group outings, etc. where you look too good and he can't keep his hands off of you. "i wanna see if you taste as good as you look". quickies usually consist of fast rough sex that leaves bruises or marks. they also mainly consist of giving/receiving head.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
oh does he! he has almost ninety years of sex trends/toys/etc to catch up on. it will be the middle of the night and you'd be fast asleep only to be woken up by him shaking your arm and going "baby, we have to try this!"
bucky isn't a risk-taker in the sense of public and potentially getting caught, he is a risk-taker in the sense that he is willing to try anything once.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
bub is a super-soldier. his stamina outlasts yours by HOURS. you'd be panting and lying sideways and bucky would be ready for the next round and you'd have to tap out. he would chuckle and hold you, teasing you about how you can't last. "can't handle this cock? i thought you said you could go all night?"
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?)
bucky has a whole drawer dedicated to the greatest quality toys. "only the best for you, dollface." he loves seeing how far he can push you with the vibrators. tying the vibrator to your clit and watching you be sent over the moon. bucky wouldn't be too crazy about using toys on himself, but he isn't opposed to being handcuffed (or pegged)
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
BIGGEST TEASE in the galaxy. Touching you, grazing your heat, kissing your neck, rubbing the inside of your thigh, (stuffing a vibrator inside you while you're on the phone), or whispering dirty things in your ear- but God forbid if you tease him back. there will be hell to pay if you try teasing him back. "you better rethink your next move, darling," "i think you forgot who's allowed to tease who."
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
bucky is pretty quiet, with the exceptions of grunts and whimpers. His mouth is filthy and he dirty talks like there is no tomorrow! he is also a cocky little shit and sarcastic- which doesn't stop in the bedroom. "your cunt feel so good around me," "open your eyes, i want you to watch as i ruin you" "look at you, you're soaked for me"
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character)
cockwarming. babe lives for cockwarming. early morning lazy sex, but too lazy to pull out of you. you'd be laying on your side with your leg over his, with his cock buried inside of you. "no, honey, just stay" he would mumble with his head resting in the cook of your neck, placing small kisses on your neck, but falling back asleep.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
baby, that serum did wonders. bucky is packing that seven to eighter. his cock would poke through your tummy and he won't stop talking about it for weeks.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
HIGH. VERY HIGH. he is ready whenever and wherever the time calls.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
bucky's stamina is so high that he probably is starving. he would perform aftercare for you, but once you'd have cared for- he is standing naked in the kitchen making a sandwich.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
aaaaaaaaaa i'm glad i'm not being a bore with my octopus infodump ksldjfkfsjd
azul just struggling during beans day and running around trying to keep up with jack despite the constant threat of flatlining is somewhat, funny sick 😂 the imagery of just, azul looking ragged, panting and wheezing as he tries to break into a sprint, feet dragging and looking like he's about to trip and eat shit at any moment.
jade just carries an aed everywhere with him just in case azul's heart starts going funny...
but also it somewhat, makes me feel bad... if azul's cardiovascular system is that trash he should really follow a modified pe programme... vargas pls... 😔
that being said, i personally would imagine that he will be careful not to push himself too much? since you'd think he'd be able to feel when his heart is about to fail (feeling faint, shortness of breath, etc..)
i'm not fish enlightened so i'm not sure how an octopus would recover from their heart stopping (maybe it just, kickstarts by itself if the octopus ceases activity? i'm not sure... maybe the branchial hearts eventually revives the systemic/main heart? aye...)
though supposedly an octopus can have its main heart stop for over an hour without any negative side effects...
it's sort of, eerie. to imagine azul in pe class or just, going through a busy day. and everything is fine at first glance, but when you take a closer look, you realise he's almost not breathing. and he wouldn't have a pulse...
on another note, in people, your heart stopping completely (flatline aka an asystole) isn't exactly, a situation you would want to be in.
iirc an aed (or defibrillators in hospitals) doesn't shock a stopped heart back to life, in fact it's the opposite: it stops the (irregularly beating) heart so that you can reset it to a normal rhythm. so it's used during cardiac arrest caused by the heart beating out of rhythm/erratically (not stopped completely), like too fast or too slow (among others).
an asystole is generally irreversible in people... so unfortunately jade zapping azul would do little to help...
speaking of jade, i find it fascinating that (some) moray eels have glass (-like) teeth. morays have got to be some of my favourite sea creatures, they're just so goofy looking with their mouth constantly open like :V
(and also, goodness, i'm flattered that you enjoy my silly illustrations 😂 porridge leona has confronted me to the mortifying ordeal of being perceived 😂😂)
(the continuation of this)
IM SO SORRY THIS REPLY TOOK SO LONG FALSE !! i got caught up in the event so ur ask got pushed down im very sorrryyy T^T pls forgive meeee aaaaa
also im so sorry for putting the idea in ur brain *wheeze* but azul just d wording n then getting up again like everything's fine is just. peak comedy to me.
lmao n then jade explaining that he has an aed lisence just for these types of situations– (everyone getting shocked that the dude who beats ppl up carried a thing that helps ppl not die in certain situations–)
alsp yea. vargas probably doesnt understand mer-biology, like he thinks everything translates smoothly bc of the potion even tho they retain some animal characteristics fjfjfjfjjsjs
yea maybe they have a magical explanation as to how azul walks around with a stopped heart, he probably feels it happening and can either get himself to the nurse or since he's been living with it all his life, he probably has a spell for helping regulate his heart shdhdjfj (it's no use to him when he's dog tired like he was in beansfest tho T^T)
OH MY GOD YES. THE GLASS TEETH– i hc that the tweels aren't fully one type of moray, actually they've probably got a mix of creatures in them so them having glass teeth in their mer form...it makes them deadlier bc you gotta watch out for the teeth you can AND can't see (like the pharyngeal jaws. i keep thinking abt their pharyngeal jaws and i can't sleep at night)
also yes morays are so cute i just wanna squish one despite the fact that it'd probably chomp my hand off–
and speaking of their mouths going :V I THINK ABT THE CLEANING SHRIMPS N MORAYS' MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP– it's so cute bc floyd calls us "little shrimpy" so it's kinda like we became his little cleaning shrimp esp if we worked at mostro lounge,,, we keep things clean n he proteccs us from potential danger !!
(ITS OK TO BE PERCIEVED !! kinda scary at first but ppl do b staring n loving ur art <3 (it's me, i'm people) and keep up the good work wooo)
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