#this is the Billy that runs into Steve in Cali
scorphargrove · 1 month
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how am I not seeing more posts about the dacre montgomery x speedo campaign 😭 I am having thoughts
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 months
This is my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race
There's no following @bigdumbbambieyes but take this humble offering.
The Best You (Never) Had
written for @harringrove-relay-race
Rating: M
Pairing: Steve x Billy with a heavy dose of angst.
I was charmed and instantly driven insane by the absolutely bomb Harringrove playboy bunnies drawn by @adelacreations, and it inspired me to wonder about a trans femme Billy, running into her past at a strip club.
Enjoy the adventures of Bunny Hargrove.
And stay on the look out for what @robthegoodfellow has coming up!
When Billie left Hawkins she hadn’t looked to her future and seen herself working at a strip club. She certainly hadn’t foreseen the possibility of having to serve her high-school bully cheap food and lousy drinks in one once she’d made it back to Cali. But that’s exactly what seems to be in store for her – fuck her life.  
Five men occupy the half moon booth and table reserved mostly for bachelor parties and the occasional VIP. Billie’s coworker Amanda has been serving them food and drinks while they enjoy the sets of dancers on stage, but her wait shift is ending and Billie’s prepping to take over – tuning out the other woman as she complains about one of the men grabbing at her ass and being a poor tipper. 
It seems impossible, but somehow it’s happening. Steve Harrington is sitting right there, watching Lacey wiggle her ass in red spandex to a Katy Perry song.   
It’s been going on fifteen years, but Billie would recognize him anywhere. Same slouch to the shoulders and dreamy eyed stare – neither Lacey’s wild gyrations nor the conversation of the group he’s with enough to hold his full attention. Same stupid hair, although he’s changed the shape since high school. Now it’s held securely to one side by too much gel, and she just wants to break it up with her fingers. His laugh still doesn’t reach his eyes, and it probably says a lot about Billie, that some part of her is relieved to see that.  
Her rent might be too high, her boss might be a creep, and her ex is still full of shit, but Steve Harrington is still hanging around with guys like Tommy and faking a smile, so it balances the scales. 
He’s still gorgeous too, fuck him. Billie swallows and forces herself to look away, and not run away like the frantic beating of her heart suggests that she should. She’s got nothing to hide, and she’s not ashamed.  
There’s no reason at all she shouldn’t saunter right over to the table with the bachelor party Amanda was gracious enough to split with her (knowing all about her rent worries) and flirt her way to another month of financial security; except for the fact that even in this day and age, certain people still get funny about people like her and Billie knows these guys. 
Or rather, they knew her before – before she got out of Neil’s house, before freedom, before Billie. 
There’s no reason at all she shouldn’t go over there and take that table full of drunk losers, eager to blow their cash on the club's cheap booze and dancing girls, for all that they’re worth. Nothing besides fear. 
Fuck that. 
The group is laughing loudly about something as Billie saunters up, one last swarm of butterflies taking flight in her belly as Hagen turns his neck to squint blearily at her.  
God, that stupid smirk hasn’t changed a bit – wide and dopey like the dog he is, and mean in the eyes.  Those beetle browns look her over just like they did on her first day in Hawkins, assessing for strengths and weaknesses to exploit; and for a moment she remembers the terror of being under that gaze and all the others like it. The fear of being caught out consuming her, choking her, day after day. 
Sorry kid. Billie thinks to herself with a sway of her hips, right before parking herself up against the arm of the leather couch, warm skin brushing the sleeve on Tommy’s shoulder. The way that his lips part unconsciously as he gawks at her doesn’t make up for the past, but it still feels damn good. She’s a bad bitch and she knows it. Knew it back then but now she can show it and will kick ass if Tommy or any of his buddies decide they have a problem with it. 
But it’s not recognition of any kind on any of their faces, it’s lust. They leer at the shiny shorts that hug her thighs and the plunging neckline of her tiny top – her employer's idea of a uniform. Whatever vindication she feels on behalf of her pitiful high school self, she doesn’t actually care anymore what Tommy and the clones think. 
Billie finds her eyes going to Steve like they’re magnetized.  
She shouldn’t care what Harrington thinks either, and yet, there’s a stupid flutter in her chest (damn it) when Steve looks her over, eyes lingering just a hair too long on her chest to be anything other than interested, before he meets her eye. 
“Hey beautiful.” He leans forward a little, totally present now like he wasn’t before dripping charm he obviously learned in some board room working for daddy. And yet, there’s still some part of Billie that expects to wake up in bed back in the house on Cherry Street.  
“What’s your name?” Steve Harrington is definitely asking, her, like it’s just a pre-courser to getting her naked, and Billie shivers. Fuck is she doing this? 
“Hi Bambi, I’m Bunny.” She teases. Sees the line in the sand and walks right over it. Tommy howls like some chick likening his buddy to a baby deer is the most hilarious shit, and it sets the others off, oohing and ahhing and generally acting like fools as they rib Harrington. 
But Steve ignores them, and the way he jolts a little when he hears that name, eyes narrowing on her in wary confusion, goes straight to her clit. Shit. One of these days her hard on for danger is gonna get her killed. But today it’s got her heart thumping and her pussy dripping as she clenches around nothing, like he’s already sliding inside where she obviously still wants him. She needs better taste in men. She’s sure her mama would have said she gets her poor taste from her if she’d stuck around long enough while Billie was growing up. 
“I’m a sucker for big pretty brown eyes.” She winks at him, sugar sweet and he seems to settle a little. “Can I get you another round of drinks, or are you in the mood for something better?” 
“Bunny.” He ignores the question to turn her show name over on his tongue, slow and curious like he’s tasting it. “Are you on tonight?” He asks, gaze twitching toward the stage and back. 
“You calling me a stripper Bambi?” 
“It is a strip club, and with a name like Bunny.” 
Billie laughs and Steve’s mouth slides into a satisfied smirk, like that was always the end goal. Tommy rolls his eyes and pouts like an overgrown toddler, “Didn’t you date a chick named Trixie?” 
“Yeah. So?” Steve drawls in reply, his focus momentarily shifting from Billie and back to Tommy, which if Billie’s memory serves, is exactly how Tommy likes it. 
This is a bad idea. Such a bad idea. God, Hagen really hasn’t changed, but neither has Steve. Those dry little dig and the arch of his eyebrows are so familiar she feels a strange sort of relief. Like there was something inside her that had been counting down since the last time she saw him, afraid that he’d change and become lost to memory. 
Fuck. That sounds – it’s not, what it sounds. 
“So, you can’t tell a stripper by their name is all I’m saying.” 
“Dude, are you serious? I met Trixie because you paid for her to show up at my apartment dressed like a police officer and give me a lap dance on my birthday.” 
Now there’s an idea, Billie thinks as Tommy, remembering the incident, smiles sheepishly.  
“I’m not dancing tonight, no.” Billie finally answers his question, pulling Steve’s attention back and a shiver goes down her spine when his eyes snap to her. “But I wouldn’t say no to tying you up and having my way with you, Pretty Boy.” 
She doesn’t have to wonder if Steve remembers her the way she remembers him. If the words Billie had said and the insults, she’d flung had burrowed under his skin to live with him the same way Billie lives with his.  
Steve flinches, his eyes narrowing sharply on her, and it’s barely perceptible but she catches it before he’s being nudged at and jostled from both sides by his buddies as they hoot and holler about how he’s been chosen.  
He never stops looking at her. 
The only one who doesn’t seem absolutely thrilled for him to get picked up by some babe in a seedy strip club in Santa Monica is Tommy, who grumbles something about the attention being wasted on Steve. 
For the first time Billie wonders if he might be the bachelor about to get hitched – and she’s the one to flinch this time, as her eyes dart down to his hand. The ring finger is empty, which doesn’t really prove anything, but the pale strip of skin she finds there tells its own story.  
Divorced? Long engagement? Married already perhaps and out to prove the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? Fuck she hopes it’s not the last one. Not because it would change anything for her. Maybe it would, if she were a nicer person, but she’s not the married one, and if she started splitting hairs about fooling around with married men her tip jar would be a whole lot emptier each month. 
No. She just plain doesn’t want him to be attached. The thought makes her chest twist up inside and the bottom of her stomach feel like it’s going to fall right out her ass – the same fucked up emotional constipation she’d felt watching him run through the female population of Hawkins High like he was trying to make them all forget they’d watched Nancy Wheeler take his balls and then make an absolute fool of him.  
“Thanks for the offer, Bunny -” Steve starts, and she can hear the butt coming as clear as the others can if the sudden swell of groans is anything to go by. 
“Harrington! Come on man.” 
“See what I mean? That’s a fucking ten right there, and you’re going to blow it over some bitch who doesn’t even want you?!” Screeches Tommy. 
Bingo. Thank you, Tommy, with the big mouth. So, it’s divorced. Separated but still holding on to the past – just like old times. 
It makes her smile a little mean as she leans toward him, holding his gaze, purrs - “You scared, Bambi? Worried I might break you?” 
Steve clamps his mouth shut. His eyes blaze at her and her throat goes dry. 
“Oh ho! Careful now darlin, our Stevie boys got a pretty big ego. You might not want to poke that bull if you’re not ready for the ride.” One of the bros says with the kind of glint in his eye that says he lives for ‘big egos’ putting little women like her into place. Fucking prick. 
Steve seems to think so too because he mutters, “Shuttup Andy” as he reaches in his pocket for his wallet. 
“How much?” he asks her, sounding bored. It’s bullshit. Billie licks her lip in triumph. 
“Fifty for a lap dance here at the table, fifty more if you want to see some tit.”  
“How much for a private show?” 
Her breath hitches, her stomach tightening in her eagerness, but somehow, she keeps the breath out of her tone as she replies. 
“Depends on what you want to see.” She answers, and without so much as a pause Harrington smiles – challenges. 
Fuck. She’s doing this. 
She’s not delusional enough to think that fucking him is going to heal her inner child or whatever, and while she firmly believes she doesn’t owe every one night stand a complete rundown of her medical history, she’s fully aware of how this is different – of what the upstanding thing to do would be. 
But then Billie remembers the way Steve had started pushing back after their fight that strange night at the Byers house; the way he’d swooped in and pulled the rug out from under her – reclaiming his spot as top dog, just by existing. No begging. No apologies. He just opened the doors to that mansion he lived in and rang the bell, and Tommy and the rest had come looking for supper.  
She remembers the cruel things he said to her as he flaunted his big house and fancy car, rubbing in how quickly it was over once he made it a real contest; because however shiny and new Billie had been to those kids, she was still just trash under it all. Angry white trash going nowhere fast, while Steve was Mr. Somebody. Once he’d pulled his head out of Wheeler’s ass and remembered it, he’d made turning the school against Billie his new focus.  
Pushed further and further to the fringes, Billie’s only choice to keep the jackals at bay had been to fight them off until people got the message and started avoiding her altogether.  
She’s not claiming victim. She knows damn well who started the fight – that it was her own demons that drove her to lash out and try and prove her dominance over him – and that after that night at the Byers, Steve had especially no reason to take mercy on her. 
But just because she’d asked for the fight doesn’t mean taking a beating hadn’t nearly pushed her to the edge. 
Billie swallows back the taste of bitterness in her mouth, from the memory of being alone, broken and desperate, aching to be near someone who loathed her and yearning for the looks he gave so easily to other girls. 
Except now he is – King Steve – looking at Billie Hargrove like he wants her. Like he’d empty out his wallet and spend all of that nepo baby salary just for the chance to get at her; and like hell is she going to turn it away. Revenge couldn’t get sweeter than this. The only thing that could make it better is if he knew. It’s me on your mind. Me you can’t ignore. Me you can’t walk away from. 
But it’s just a fantasy. The reality him recognizing her now or later has her swinging from vicious jubilation toward mind numbing panic on a dime. 
Regardless - Steve Harrington stands up, ignoring the cheers of his drunk friends, eyes locked with hers – and Billie Hargrove makes her own choices. 
Billie is going to ride Steve until he sees God, hollowed be her name. Because she wants him (still) and he finally wants her. Just for once. That’s all she needs.  
She can worry about the aftermath after. 
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ariesbilly · 4 months
just a little something for @harringrovelovefest but it doesnt fit any of the prompts lol
Billy knew dating a straight boy would bring nothing but trouble. Cyd had warned him enough back in Cali, told him how straight boys may be good for a one time fuck, get it out of your system, but that's it. Don't go try pursuing anything more, because it'll never be anything more.
And Billy had taken that to heart. The one time in his life he didn't feel the need to put his hand on the stove to test its heat, last thing he needed was some straight boy running scared, opening his big mouth to let the world in on Billy's little secret. Maybe he played with danger a little too much, but he also knew when to play it safe to save his own ass.
Which is why Steve Harrington had been such a fucking enigma.
Billy knew better, and yet he let himself fall for the king of small town America, the poster boy of Ideal Heterosexual Living. He was such a fucking idiot.
He'd gotten a few good months out of it, at least. Definitely some of the best sex he's ever had - once he taught Steve how to properly use his dick, anyway. And he's gonna miss having that asshole hanging onto his every word, clinging to him like another limb. That absence is gonna be a bitch to fill.
But Steve, apparently, is ready to go back to pussy, if the visual Billy's getting from the parking lot of Family Video is anything to go by. Can see clear as day through his windshield, into the store, how Steve is leaned over the counter, smiling all big and bright at some chick he thinks they went to school with.
Billy knows flirting when he sees it. Honestly, he just wishes Steve had the decency to not flaunt it right in his face. Could've taken her to the back and fucked her in private without Billy having to have this image burned into his brain.
He slams on his horn, finally alerting Steve to his presence.
Steve perks up at the sound of the horn. Billy's a little early to pick him up from the end of his shift, but only by a few minutes. Robin can clock him out, it won't matter.
"Gotta go, Shelly," he says to the girl on the other side of the counter. "But make sure to come back and tell me what you thought about Animal House. I'm telling you, it's a classic!"
Shelly laughs and agrees to his request before heading out, and Steve can't get out of the store fast enough. Yells his goodbye to Robin and runs out the door, panting as he plops himself into the passenger seat of the Camaro.
"Hey, tiger." He grins. And it's only now that he notices the voice coming from the radio. Just about the last damn thing he ever expected Billy to be listening to. "Is this Dolly Parton?" He wants to laugh, but the somber look on Billy's face and the next words out of his mouth have him refraining.
"My mom liked her. Got a problem with that?"
"Uh... no. No. Dolly's great."
Billy pulls out of the parking lot without a word. The track on the cassette changes, and the melancholic lyrics fill the silence.
When you love somebody With all your heart and soul And you want to keep them with you But you know they want to go What do you do? What do you say? When you know they want to leave As bad as you want them to stay
Billy's fingers tighten around the steering wheel. This song was always a bitch to get through, but it's downright torture right now. He thinks about changing it, but it would only draw attention. Best to just push through it, act like it's just another song. Keep his feelings down like usual.
Steve notices the shift, though. He also notices the way Billy's eyes have gone a little glassy, starting to fill up with tears.
He gets it. Billy's mom is a sore subject for him, and as he listens to the lyrics spilling out of the radio he can't help but to feel bad for his boyfriend. There's an ache in his chest like he's carrying Billy's emotions for him. He wish he could. Wishes Billy didn't have to feel a single bad thing for the rest of his life, he's already felt enough.
And then the chorus starts, and Steve's mind switches over to his own past woes.
And there's nothing quite as sad as a one-sided love When one doesn't care at all and the other cares too much It's a sad situation, I must say When someone wants to leave As bad as you want them to stay
Nancy feels like a lifetime ago. And he's over her, he is, but. Some wounds take longer to heal.
This song would've hurt more had he heard it back then, in the thick of it. But now he can mourn that period of his life for what it was and look at Billy and take pride in what his life is.
You know how much I love you But I know you don't love me And I know it's just a matter of time before you leave But I, do I stand aside and just let you walk away? But I know you want to leave As bad as I want you to stay
Billy wonders when the blow is gonna come. How long it'll be until Steve breaks the news. Will probably let him down easy, because that's the kind of guy Steve is. And Billy won't go down without a fight, because that's the kind of guy he is. Can't ever let things go without kicking and screaming.
Maybe he should end things first, beat Steve to the punch. Leave his ass blindsided, leave-
"Hey," Steve's voice comes gently, along with the hand now holding Billy's on the wheel.
They're stopped at a red light, so Billy chances a glance over.
And there's nothing quite as sad as a one-sided love When one doesn't love at all and the other loves too much It's a sad situation I must say
"I'm glad I have you." Steve smiles, all soft and sweet. Delicate, like he's stepping through a minefield. "I'm glad we have each other."
Billy's breath catches in his throat. Doesn't know what kind of sick game Steve is playing. But he's holding Billy's hand, and he's staring into his eyes, and he looks sincere.
His mom had looked sincere, too, all the times she told him she loved him. Look where that got him. People are sincere, until they aren't.
When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay Oh, it's a sad situation I must say When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay
"You can't-" Billy starts, choking on his words. "You can't leave me." His own honesty strikes him, but the words are out, and he figures it's time to lay it all on the table. "Or- if you are, just do it now. Don't string me along Steve, I won't- I can't-"
The light's gone green, but there isn't a soul on the road, so Steve doesn't feel guilty almost climbing into Billy's lap just to hold him as close as he can, kissing the top of his head, his cheek, his lips.
"I'm not going anywhere, blue." He holds Billy's face between his hands, forcing him to understand the weight of his words. "You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not." He shakes Billy's head for emphasis, eliciting a laugh from the both of them.
There's tears streaming down Billy's face, but it's relief. Maybe he jumped to conclusions, maybe he has to reel that shit in. He'll work on it.
"Yeah, okay." He sniffles. Doesn't make a move to get out of Steve's grasp. "You're stuck with me, too, though."
Steve beams. "Wouldn't have it any other way."
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dragonflylady77 · 4 months
i got you a whole flower shop
A Harringrove Valentine's Day fic I wrote this afternoon
present for @shieldofiron and also @lovebillyhargrove
oh and it's on ao3
Steve walks into a florist shop on Valentine's Day but his plans change after he gets a text not meant for him and he finds himself faced with Billy freaking Hargrove looking like every wet dream Steve has ever had in the past fifteen years since he finished high school.
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“Sorry, I’ll be right with you.”
Steve made a vague noise of acknowledgement, too busy staring at the message he’d opened as he’d stepped into the first flower shop he’d spotted.
“Can’t wait to see you tonight baby. I’ll tell Steve I have to work late. Love you x”
He blinked a few times but the words didn’t change. The text was clearly not meant for him. Or maybe it was, he rationalised. That was one way to break up with your boyfriend without having to have the conversation.
He ran a tired hand over his face and put his phone back in his pocket. He wouldn’t need flowers after all. He tried to remember how much stuff he’d left at Jamie’s place during the few months they’d been dating and wondered if there was anything he’d miss if he didn’t get it back.
“I am sorry but it turns out I don’t actually need flowers after all,” he said, his eyes floating over the various buckets of colourful blooms in front of him.
“Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?” The voice sounded surprised and familiar and Steve turned around to face its owner.
“Hargrove?” Steve said in shock, stepping closer to the counter. He hadn’t seen Billy Hargrove since graduation fifteen years ago. “What are you doing in Chicago? I always thought you went back to Cali…”
Billy shrugged and Steve took a moment to really look at him. He still had those light brown, almost golden, curls that Steve had always wanted to run his fingers through, piled high in a bun, his face fuzzy with scruff, blue eyes trained on Steve. That part at least was familiar. Steve let his eyes move down, taking in the white tee, tight across the front under the black apron with the shop’s logo on it, Billy’s biceps bulging when he crossed his arms over his chest. Steve’s mouth felt very dry all of a sudden and hoo, was it always this hot in this store?
Billy raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He did, however, run that tongue of his along his bottom lip, another familiar sight, one that resonated inside Steve’s chest, in a place he’d been ignoring for years.
“Um, sorry, didn’t mean to…” Steve fumbled, fidgeting with his fingers. Fuck. He was being so awkward for no reason. He was usually a little bit better at human interactions.
“It’s okay, pretty boy, I know my good looks can be distracting,” Billy replied with a chuckle and Steve felt his face heat up. “To answer your question, my car broke down outside of St Louis and I realised I’d been kidding myself. There was nothing in Cali for me anymore. And I couldn’t leave Max alone with Neil.”
“Ah. I-I heard about him but Max never said—”
“I told her to keep a secret. Couldn’t risk Neil finding out. I made it back to Indianapolis on the Greyhound. Met a nice lady on the bus who offered me a place to stay for a while. Worked my ass off in a bunch of different jobs. Mona and her partner kinda adopted me, so when they moved to Chicago, I followed.”
“That’s why Max went to college in Chicago, isn’t it? Because you were there too?” Steve asked, a few things making more sense now that he knew about Billy.
“Yep. Got her out of the dorms too. She loved it at Mona’s as much as I did.”
Steve smiled. He was glad that Billy and Max had gotten away from his asshole father. He had only managed it himself recently, after more than a decade of working for his dad, being belittled every time Richard Harrington was in the office, no matter how good Steve actually was at doing his job. He’d jumped at the chance when he’d seen that job listing in Chicago and he’d cherished forever the memory on his father’s face when he’d handed in his resignation.
“That’s great, Billy,” he finally replied, and meant it.
“What about you, princess? What brings you to the Windy City?” 
“Oh, I live here too. Been here about three years, I think. I don’t have to tell you how good it felt to be able to tell my dad I was leaving and he could shove it.”
“Ooooh, go Stevie! Always knew you had it in you.”
Steve laughed and shook his head. “Took me twelve years but I got there in the end…”
“That’s what matters.” Billy grinned. “So, what are you after? Roses for your girl, on account of the day? Or something more original?”
“Oh, um, I, um…” Steve sighed. “I was gonna get flowers for my boyfriend, but after the text I got before, I don’t think I will.”
“Boyfriend?” Billy was staring and Steve realised he probably needed to elaborate a little.
“Yeah… My best friend Robin helped me realise some important things about myself after high school. She made being queer in Hawkins a lot easier. We were flatmates for ages then she moved to Chicago to be with her girlfriend. You know her, actually, Heather? Holloway?”
“Oh. Wow. Yeah, I remember Heather. So you’re…”
“Bi. Yeah.”
“And you have a boyfriend.” The way Billy said it, it wasn’t a question.
It left a bad taste in Steve’s mouth. He got his phone out of his pocket again and sent Jamie a text saying they were over.
“I had a boyfriend.” Steve snorted. “Whoever he meant to text when he texted me can have his cheating ass.”
“You don’t seem too cut up about it,” Billy said, his eyes roaming over Steve and Steve found that he liked it. All at once, memories of basketball training and all the posturing and looks Billy would send him in the showers and hallways of Hawkins High took on a different flavour. All the pet names Billy used to call him when they were teenagers… the same ones he’d used a couple of times in the past ten minutes they’d been chatting.
“I’d only been seeing him for a couple of months, wasn’t anything serious.” Steve decided to take a chance. He crossed his arms and leaned forward on the counter. “It does mean I am now free tonight…”
Billy mirrored his actions, the smile on his face genuine and warm. “Is that so, pretty boy?”
“Uh huh… yanno, in case anyone was wondering.”
“That’s certainly pertinent information.”
“I thought so.” Steve leaned a little closer, smiling when Billy did too. “What time does this fine establishment close?”
“Right now,” Billy replied, without a glance at his watch as he removed his apron and set it on the counter next to them.
“Really? Won’t you get in trouble with your boss for closing early on Valentine’s Day?”
“I’m the boss and I have a hot date,” Billy said with that smirk that had always made Steve’s blood boil. Only now he could name that emotion for what it was: lust. There was something else in Billy’s eyes, something more magical and durable.
“Anyone I know?” Steve asked, his heart beating double time in his chest.
Billy didn’t reply, instead he rounded the counter and came to a stop in front of Steve with a grin. He cupped Steve’s face with both hands and breached the last inches separating them, bringing their mouths together. Steve moaned, his hands on Billy’s wrists to hold him there. He opened his lips to Billy’s questing tongue the second he felt it, pouring all that he was feeling into the kiss, and getting it back ten fold.
Steve let go of Billy’s wrists to grab his waist and dragged him closer. He couldn’t get enough of Billy, hands roaming up his back and down to cup that ass Steve had been dreaming about for months after high school, sparking his bi awakening.
“Fuck, Billy, I’m sorry it took me so long to find you again,” Steve said, breaking the kiss to catch his breath, resting his forehead against Billy’s.
“S’okay, Stevie, you’re here now,” Billy said, dipping his head for a quick kiss. He buried his fingers into Steve’s hair and locked eyes with him. “Never letting you go now I’ve got you, though, I hope you know that.”
“Fine with me,” Steve said as he wrapped his arms around Billy’s middle, delighted to feel Billy’s hard body against his. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve. I don't know what flowers you like yet, so I got you a whole flower shop.”
Steve laughed as Billy locked up for the night then they went up to the apartment Billy was renting above the shop where Billy cooked them dinner. Then they spent all night in bed, worshipping each other, and it was the best Valentine’s Day Steve had ever had.
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 months
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Like, maybe Steve gets bitten by a radioactive spider in the secret Russian base. Developes powers and does what he's always done, protect people. He and Robin go to New York and rent a shoe box apartment and when Dustin gets accepted to University there he becomes *obsessed* with the local web slinging vigilante that saved him from muggers and then gave him a (terrifying) lift to his classes.
Meanwhile Billy wakes up in the back of a government van with a hole in his chest and a broken mind, probably on his way to be dissected in a creepy lab. No one really knows what happened. Just that the van crashed and went up in flames, Billy's body written off as a loss by the feds. He travels, never staying in one place for to long and minding his own fucking business as much as an undead mutant freak with super strength and impossible healing powers can. He goes to Cali for a while, but that turns out to be a mistake. His mom has a whole new family now, complete with two kids and a golden retriever, not a single picture of Billy in the entire house. It taints everything, and within a week he's gone, on a bus headed who knows where. He eventually finds himself in New York, doing shitty odd jobs for whoever can get past the scowl and faint black veins across his entire body. Not like he shows anyone his body. The scars alone are enough that he's permanently covered with a hoodie and jeans. Through one way or the other Billy finds himself working as a mercenary. The ability to regrow limbs and lift a car over your head really puts you on the fast track. Go figure. He's on his way back from a job when he hears a woman's muffled scream down a dark alley and without thinking he takes off like a shot. Billy ends up beating the shit out of some low life purse snatcher only for her to recoil and run the second she sees his face. Rolling his eyes he pulls up the scarf around his neck so just his eyes are visible. A voice he would know anywhere sounds from behind him.
"Wow, that was fucking rude of her. You alright?"
Billy turns around and his brain short circuits.
Get possessed by a demon shadow monster?
Check ✓
Come back from the dead?
Check ✓
His highschool crush turns out to be a god damn superhero?!
Check ✓
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kennahjune · 4 months
Been having this idea so bare with me while I attempt to explain:
(Note: this isn’t exactly my “usual” content)
No Upside Down AU where like 37% of the human population are some kind of “mythologic” as they call them.
Hawkins is kind of infested with them, despite being— well— Hawkins.
The majority of the Party are mythologics.
Now, Billy and Max move to Hawkins from Cali as per usual in 1984. And they’ve heard of Hawkins. Of how it’s mostly mythologics despite the small human population not being very accepting of them.
So they move to Hawkins and all is well until they start hearing rumors.
Rumors about a werewolf pack that isn’t a werewolf pack. Apparently there’s a werewolf in Hawkins collecting misfits and others and simply— accepting them into his pack.
Billy doesn’t buy it for shit. Werewolves tend to be hella territorial and unwelcoming.
Or that’s what he’s been told by his dad. He’s never actually met a werewolf, being a vampire. Vamps and Wolves don’t really get along.
And so Billy and Max start school and it’s fine. Billy likes fucking with this one guy, Steve. It’s really easy to rile him up and funny to watch him try and rein himself in.
Max is in the middle school, always talking about this one vampire kid and how he’s an asshole but his friends are sweet enough. Billy doesn’t listen too much.
Until he collides into Steve in the high school parking lot. Steve’s in a rush, barely getting an apology out before running (inhumanly fast— Billy notes) down the road where the middle school is.
Billy, thinking “well what the fuck”, follows after him. They arrive at the middle school and there’s a fight going on in the parking lot.
He says “fight” but it’s really a bunch of kids ganging up on one scrawny pale kid and holding back his friends. Steve is rushing in immediately, yelling at the assholes to leave them alone and to scram.
That’s when Billy realizes one of the kids being held back was Max, with a minor busted lip.
He’s immediately at her side, trying to seem angry but not being able to hide the actual concern in his tone.
Billy turns to leave but watches Max run up to the other kids to check on them. That’s when Steve turns to Billy and seems to recognize his presence.
Steve’s pulling the 4 boys behind him immediately, his eyes flashing a bright yellow and he growls and—
Steve’s that odd werewolf collecting strays.
And idk Billy and Steve go through this whole thing where Billy refuses to be accepted into the pack even tho he basically already is cause no one else in the pack really has a problem with him.
But Max is in the pack (the Party, they call themselves), so Billy sees them all constantly against his will.
And there’s the bit where vampire Eddie also joins the pack eventually, after the kids kind of adopt him in Hellfire and Steve is weak for those kids.
And obviously Billy ends up joining the pack at some point but I haven’t thought that far ahead lmao.
Idk if I want it to be platonic harringrove or romantic harringrove but I’m lowkey leaning towards harringroveson to be honest.
But if you have opinions I’d love to know them!!
I kinda wanna write more for Billy, idk lol I’ve just been in a middle lately
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
Billy’s going to faint. He’s going to faint and he’s going to fall backwards down the hill he and Harrington just climbed, hitting his head on every single root and rock on the way to the bottom, and he’ll have no one to blame but himself, because it’s his fault that Steve’s wearing bright red short shorts.
The problem was Billy’s big mouth, and the fact that the only way he knew how to flirt was by teasing the object of his affections. Harrington dressed like an old stiff in his polos and khakis, always so buttoned up, and by doing so, he was just handing Billy something to bug him about, so it was his favourite thing to pick on.
Steve usually took it all in stride, his only tell being the slight pinkening of his cheeks when Billy ribbed him. If it wasn’t for that, Billy would never know that he was getting to Steve at all.
The tipping point had been the week before, when Billy and Steve had gone to the movies with Heather and Robin. Steve had shown up in a long sleeve polo, collar buttoned to the top, and jeans that actually looked like creases had been ironed into them. It left little for Billy to ogle, so he couldn’t let Harrington get away with it.
“Really going for that Victorian romance vibe there, aren’t ya, pretty boy?”
Steve gave him a look of pure confusion. Oh right, Billy had forgotten who he was dealing with here. “It looks like you’re worried that if we see even a sliver of your ankle or wrist, we’ll cream our jeans. Who ya hiding from?”
“Not hiding from anyone,” Harrington muttered, glaring at Billy over their cup of soda. They’d decided to share because a large was cheaper than two smalls, and Billy couldn’t wait to get his lips around the same straw that Steve’s had just touched. “I can show skin if i want to. I just choose not to. Not everyone has to have their tits on display all the time, Hargrove.” Steve practically shouted, gesturing wildly at Billy’s almost completely open shirt. People were starting to stare, but Billy couldn’t care less.
Steve’s cheeks were bright red and his hands were crossed over his chest. He was pouting, and Billy couldn’t have found it any cuter if he tried. He dropped the subject and largely forgot about it.
That was until that very morning, when Steve had called Billy and asked him if he wanted to go for a hike. Billy asked if the girls would be joining them, and Steve said no. Billy and Steve were what most would consider pretty good friends now, so it wasn’t completely out of the ordinary for them to do stuff just the two of them, but they didn’t exactly make it a habit either. Things were just easier with the buffer of Robin and Heather. Billy agreed to go on the hike, and Steve offered to pick him up at 11.
Billy had pulled his sturdiest boots out of the hall closet, pairing them with some cut off jean shorts and a t-shirt with the arms and sides cut out, to show off his body to maximum effect. He had no clue what Harrington was going to show up in, but he was not expecting it to be the aforementioned red short shorts, stamped with Property of Hawkins Middle, and a grey cropped t-shirt that Billy actually recognized as his own, from a pizza place back in Cali. He must have left it at Steve’s once when he went swimming that summer.
Billy said into the passenger seat and buckled up, at a loss for words. Steve eyed him over the top of his Ray-Bans, as if waiting for Billy to make a comment.
When Billy remained silent, Steve placed his hand on his own bare leg, running it up the length, until his thumb slid under the hem of the shorts. “Like the new look, Hargrove? Is this enough skin for you?”
Billy nodded stiffly, unable to meet Steve’s gaze. His palms were sweating and his heart was hammering in his chest. He gulped. “I think that’s enough skin for about five guys, Harrington. When you go in, you really go all in, don’t you?”
The look Steve gave him was almost flirty, if Billy was reading things correctly. “Isn’t this what you wanted? For me to give you a show?” With that, he put the car into gear and zipped down Billy’s quiet street.
Now, they’re halfway through their hike, and they’re on an uphill, which means Harrington’s ass has been right in Billy’s face for the past ten minutes. Thank god the shorts aren’t any shorter, because Billy doesn’t see any panty lines, so if they were shorter, Harrington’s cock and balls would be greeting him as well. It’s taking everything Billy has to not reach out and touch.
And then there’s also the little issue of trying not to faint from the excitement of it all, a battle Billy’s pretty sure he’s going to lose. He’s feeling dizzy, and everything in front of him is becoming a blur. He hasn’t felt this was around a boy since he was about twelve, and it’s beyond embarrassing, but he needs to say something before he falls and breaks a leg.
“Harrington, I need to stop,” he says abruptly, looking for something to sit on.
Steve starts to tease him, Billy can tell it’s teasing from the tone of his voice, but he can’t really hear what he’s saying over the roar of his heartbeat in his ears.
Suddenly, he feels a hand grasp his arm and lead him off the path. In a second, he’s sitting on a rock, and water is being splashed on his face.
“You ok, man?” Steve asks, a look of concern on his face.
“Yeah, I think it was just the heat getting to me,” Billy mutters lamely, trying to cover the truth. It’s a nice fall day, but not hit by any stretch of the imagination.
“Sure,” Steve says, nodding. “The heat. Or maybe those Victorians were onto something, wearing all those clothes so no one got too excited?”
It’s Billy’s turn for his face to turn flaming red, and he groans, splashing more water from the bottle onto his face to try to cut the heat in his cheeks.
“Awww, poor little Billy’s burning up. Would a kiss make it better?”
Billy nods. He’s not sure, but it can’t hurt to try.
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
Steve's future hasn't quite panned out exactly as he dreamt it. It's close- he's got three kids, so he's halfway there- but he's also freshly divorced and still raw from the pain of it. Because that's one more person he gave his heart to, only for them to rip it out. One more life that he jumped into with both feet, only to be left stumbling as the person he adored found someone better.
One more dream dissolving in front of him.
So he clings to what he can. He splashes his savings on an RV and he loads up his nuggets and they chug their way across the states; and the whole way there, Steve tells them about all his plans, about Yellowstone and the Rockies and the Grand Canyon and learning to surf and seeing all the sights and he picks up a ton of shiny brochures he finds on a stand at the gas station and they go through them all, finding the best ones and- "yeah, OK, Joy, honey, yeah, course we can go see, what is it? The World's Largest Bull? Sounds good sweetheart! Maybe we can go see a whole gosh darn World's Biggest Farm, how's that sound, Edd? You still got the map there? Any chance there's a World's Biggest Sheep on there, buddy?"
So they do it. All of it. All the parks and the landmarks and the tacky tourist things and the weird little museums in tiny little towns. And there's so much chatter and laughter and fun and it's so close to what Steve had been picturing, all those years ago but there's just a little stab of longing for that one missing piece. Someone else, someone grown up, to share it all with.
But he's happy. Mostly, he's happy.
And then, finally, after all the travelling and the sightseeing, they wind up at that exact little Cali beach town that Steve's been thinking about for so long.
He's tired and he's sunburnt and he's walking along the sand with one kid riding high on his shoulders, drips of his melting ice cream landing in the greying waves of Steve's hair; another one dawdling behind, making a hammock from her pirate shirt and filling it with cool looking rocks while the third one skips off ahead, pigtails flying in the wind as she jumps in and out of the rushing waves.
And that's when they see him. The guy. Blond and buff with a surfboard under his arm as he comes running towards the sea, almost knocking over Steve's little wave-jumper. But he stops, just in time, and he's close enough that they can see the scars on his chest, and Steve's kids are gawping and one of them asks "Did you get bit by a shark?" with a voice full of awe, but before Steve can say anything or stammer out an apology, the guy just grins and laughs and says, "Yeah, Lil' Mermaid, Jaws took a nibble and spat me right back out. Little too sweet for his taste."
And the kids are all staring, eyes and mouths wide in amazement, and Steve is too, cause he'd been too distracted before to look properly but...now? Now he's actually looking? This guy is the absolute spitting image of Billy. But he can't be, can he? Cause Billy...Billy died. Steve saw it happen. So...just a lookalike, surely. Something in the Cali water that means all guys turn out hot and muscly with panty-dropping smiles.
Just a coincidence. Wishful thinking.
But then Steve's littlest one pipes up, "Do you know how to surf?"
And the guy smiles again, even bigger, and shakes his head as he taps a finger against his board, "No, munchkin, I'm just carrying this around cause it's too big to fit in my pocket."
But the sarcasm is lost on her. She just ploughs on with, "Well my Daddy wants to learn how. Can you teach him? He'll try hard and be really really good, I promise."
And that's when the guy really smiles, big and toothy and oh-so familiar, and he looks Steve up and down and licks his lips and says, "Oh really? Is that so, Harrington?"
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Argyle listened while Steve jotted off all the Dos and Don’ts of the evening. He nodded, but in his heart he knew he had this. Argyle had babysat a couple of times. Even though this particular gaggle included a girl with super powers and the rest who had a part in a government cover up, they were still kids. In fact they were old enough to not need a babysitter but there was no telling Steve that apparently.
But he seemed satisfied with his run down of the rules with Argyle, so he then turned to the children in question and went over them again, much to the younger teens’ annoyance.
Jonathan gave him that look. The ‘I’m gonna have an ulcer before 20 look’ and he pulled Argyle aside.
“Look, I’m not supposed to tell you this. But this is a test”, Jonathan whispered.
“A test? Dude, it’s summer vacation.”
“It’s for you. Steve and Nancy are seeing how well you can handle the kids.”
Argyle looked to the group that was settling in for a night at the Byers’ residence.
“I don’t think they need much handling, dude.”
Jonathan gave him a meaningful look. “Do you remember how my mom left us to go to Alaska? And before the day was over, dudes were shooting at us?”
Argyle nodded. He still didn’t think they had anything to worry about.
Steve clapped his hands. “Alright, if I hear anything about some trouble-”
“You’ll have our asses”, the kids recited.
“Glad to know we’re on the same page. That goes double for you, Cali”, Steve said. “You’re the adult here.”
Steve didn’t scare Argyle normally. But there was something in his eyes today. Like if a single hair was out of place, his ass WOULD be on a mantle.
So when two hours later, Argyle found himself, having to distract some guy he didn’t know while the kids were in the process of breaking and entering, he felt his ass tingle a little. They had less than ten minutes to get back to the house and pretend everything was fine.
Somehow they had convinced him that sneaking into some guy named Tommy’s house was the more important thing. Argyle was pretty sure he had disagreed but somehow found himself in a car with Will behind the wheel. Mike had been barking out orders as usual. Max had been yelling right back at him.
Lucas was trying to be the voice of reason while Dustin spouted off directions for Will and how to get into the house through the window. El had been silent until they arrived and then she became a breaking and entering machine. 
Meanwhile, Argyle was at the front door, trying to keep this Tommy guy from leaving it. He had to distract from the sound of movement upstairs and the definite thump of someone falling to the ground outside. These were the same kids that snuck around a Russian base?
“I know those kids are like, your precious gifts from above”, Eddie said. “But they’re practically adults by now.”
“That’s really rich coming from you.”
“I don’t know if that’s a ‘super-senior’ joke or a jab at my maturity.”
“Why not both?”, Robin teased.
“Was this a fair test?”, Jonathan asked. “None of us have ever had to deal with all of them alone.”
“That’s why we didn’t unleash Erica on him”, Nancy said.
“And I had to take care of most of them when Billy came for Max. He’s got the advantage of no one actively searching out the kids right now”, Steve added.
“I just think it could be a little more balanced”, Jonathan continued as they made their way back to the house.
When they arrived, they were met with what they left. Everyone was in the living room, eyes glued to the screen, as if they didn’t wanna be caught doing anything else. Which clearly meant they had been doing something else. Both Nancy and Steve crossed their arms.
“Sooo? How was it?”, Steve asked.
“Real chill man”, Argyle said.
“Yeah”, Will added. “It was real chill.”
“Just a boring night”, Max gave a fake yawn.
“We didn’t do anything that was against your rules”, Dustin smirked.
They all knew that smirk said he had found a loop hole. But the point was they were all here and all safe.
“Okay then, make some room for us!”, Eddie exclaimed, pulling Steve over. Despite his words, he plopped down right on Argyle’s lap, then pulled Steve onto his. Argyle was high enough that the weight of two grown men on him felt comforting. 
The others came to join in and finish out the night and the movie here. And if Steve later heard that vandals had ransacked Tommy H’s room, well everyone he knew had an alibi for the night.
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weird-an · 11 months
I was listening to music and reading harringrove when Meat Loafs „Objects in the Rearview Mirror“ came on. And damn thats such a Billy song.
Like, imagine an older Billy in the nineties, living in Cali with Steve and this song comes on, and he thinks about his past and neal and everything and omg
I know I still believe he'd never let me leave, I had to run away alone So many threats and fears, so many wasted years Before my life became my own
And though the nightmares should be over Some of the terrors are still intact I'll hear that ugly, coarse, and violent voice And then he grabs me from behind, and then he pulls me back
But it was long ago, and it was far away Oh God, it seems so very far And if life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car
Billy has tried to turn the radio off for three times now. But with every new line he remembers Neil's hand on him, his words and how he nearly didn't get out. How he might have turned into Neil. How he never would have gone home.
Steve finds him sitting in the kitchen, still clutching the towel he wanted to dry the plates with.
"What's going on?" He's hugging Billy. From behind, his chin resting on Billy's shoulder. It took Billy a while. To get used to the rhythm of his footsteps, to understand Steve's touch won't hurt.
"This song is..." Billy swallows. "My dad..."
"Do you want me to turn it off?" Steve asks.
"No." Billy sinks back against Steve's chest. "Just stay."
Steve stays. One of the reasons why Billy was able to leave.
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
2276 words, EXPLICIT, POV billy, period-typical homophobia/slurs, past promiscuity, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, car sex, billy hargrove cries during sex, steve harrington is a sweetheart, boys in love.
written as a gift for lyd my beloved <3 @stevewhoreington
Running never made a lick of difference. It was still there, looming. Biding its time. Always lurking like a trench coat-creeper just around the next corner, no matter how far he ran. Breathing heavy, waiting. Because unlike Billy, it could be patient. So very patient. It was his personal stalker, The Longing. The murderous type. Some sorta desire cannibal—and Billy was its prey. No matter what, it always came looking. Would seek Billy out, no matter where he hid or however many times he would run from it, it followed. Hunted Billy down for sport, it seemed
Billy Boy Blue, dirty little fag, sweet-still-not-sixteen and always wanting what you shouldn't.
So, Billy The Wretch, he played his part in the stomach-turning game and he ran. Sprinted so fast he could've won a damn medal. Oh, because Billy, he wanted what The Longing had on offer. Wanted it more than 'most anything. Billy wanted so much it hurt his insides. Like chewing and trying to digest crystalline glass. Like if he could just breathe in deep enough he'd be able to smell its heady scent, if he only licked his lips X amount of times he'd taste it pricking like spice on the tip of his tongue. Didn't even know why he wanted so bad, not really. Why it was he craved that kind of touch, why he needed the way he did. Only knew it was the same sort of deal as his body needing food or water or oxygen; a biology that just was.
Girls didn't take the edge off. Nowhere close. It was wild. And it got so much, being taunted, being wanted by The Longing, too much, an angry need, and Billy just couldn't take it any longer, having only the emptiness to keep him company every minute of every hour of every day. The nothingness being the only one to ever wrap arms around him. Ghost-dead arms. He just got so fucking tired of it. So, so much more tired than any kid should be, so tired that in the end he caved, giving in to it just to fucking survive.
Billy knew a lot about survival. 
When he slowed down enough to allow that fucker to find him, is when Billy had the revelation: there'd never really been a thing as hopeful as choice, not for him. And in knowing he hadn't had a chance, never granted so much as a fair crack at a game he'd never even asked to play, Billy then swan-dived into it so drastically that the thing was forced to consume him fully, absolutely. It chugged him down and swallowed him whole—and Billy was gonna make sure it fucking choked on him. Billy Hargrove was nothing if not flush with spite. 
That's how he found himself wide open and hiding in plain sight in the not-so-loving arms of those hot, hot Cali nights; shirtless and high and strung out like filthy ripped-denim bunting strewn around the streets of downtown San Diego. Ushered into a lonely playpark after sundown. Shushed and pushed down dirty alleyways. In the shadows, that's where he’d wait for them; Men. Never other boys. Never anyone his own age. Nobody who would want anything more. No, he'd wait for men twice his age, thrice his size and almost as desperate as he was, just as his queerboy nature had waited for Billy Boy Blue to succumb to it. And those men—so many men—they always came for Billy. 
These days when he hears the siren song Billy answers without quite so much thought. Call and response. Day-O. Not that there ain't still a fight just underneath the surface of his skin. There's always that. But as much as it might surprise him, and it does, maybe it was inevitable, him clinging to this. To being wanted by other guys—no. No, being used, is what it is. Honestly. It's being used up and spat back out. No change given, no receipt.
And at once, in the here and now, it's dawning on Billy like dead flowers in the morning sun: if ever he'd taken the time to look at the thing, to really look at it, he'd have seen he knew the truth all along.
There is nothing else for him.
Now here he is in Hicksville, Indiana, not-quite eighteen and knowing his garbage existence is spiralling even further down Life-with-a-capital-L's disposal drain. So. The things Billy finds himself clinging to even tighter than the things he's not supposed to want? Pain. Rage. As if they're gonna be the knights in shining armour to save his damsel-ass in this shitty story of his that no self-respecting cunt would wanna read. From all of this. From himself.
Billy has always been a coward. Ever since—ever since Her. Since she did the double-up on him. Since she switched off and let her light go out of his life forever by taking off and leaving Billy Boy Blue's sorry ass behind. 
Harrington doesn’t know any of this though. Nobody does. Nobody will. And nobody should anyways because Billy, he shouldn't be so pathetic. He’s supposed to suck it up and shut the fuck up not moon over it, not be a little pussy while he's getting his boy-pussy railed. And he certainly shouldn't be moaning through this feral fucking need of his like some frilly pink-pantied cheerleader, hell.
Never did know what was good for you, boy.
But Steve, he’s gripping Billy’s hips like sex is going out of fashion, fingers bruising into Billy’s freckled flesh as his own hips snap forward again, stuffing Billy full of long, thick cock. His tongue, it's in Billy’s ear, licking it out, fucking it and sucking it into his warm, wet mouth.
“You like that, huh baby?” he mumbles around a mouthful of lobe, saying shit he shouldn't be saying.
You love it, whore.
Breaks the spell.  
Billy reaches behind himself and, finding what he’s feeling around for, shoves three fingers into Steve’s runaway mouth until the King is almost gagging on them.
“Shut up and fuck me, Harrington. And not the way you fucked her, neither. Fuck me like a goddamn man.” As if this is the first time they’ve screwed around, ha. The King and Wheeler have been split for half the school year now.
There you go again.
As if Steve and Billy are anything like Steve and Nancy. As if. There is no Steve and Billy. 
Then Steve's man-handling him, all tough-guy and that's—that's absolutely not what Billy was expecting.
Shoving Billy down, rough, Steve pulls out of him abruptly and before Billy can even begin to mourn the sudden emptiness of his gaping asshole he’s being flipped over, bare shoulder blades hitting the expensive blood-red leather seats of Steve’s Beamer with a loud slap. Billy loves it, actually, because of course he does—dick leaping and leaking for it—yet he also instantly regrets asking for it because now flat on his back they’re face-to-face and. Yeah, no. Billy’s not ready for that. Will never be ready for that. But roomy as the backseat is, Billy is still wedged in pretty tight between that and the front seats; having Steve’s full weight now bearing down on him means there’s no real means of escape. 
Like you really want one.
“Wanna turn back over,” Billy lies.
“No. You don’t,” Steve informs him and why the fuck does fucking Harrington have to know exactly what it is Billy wants?
Billy can’t deal with this. He struggles to move, but Steve. He knows Billy's heart isn’t in it.
Because the boy above you is holding your glass heart oh-so-gently in his pretty cupped hands like it's something precious, even as it pumps away uselessly.
Steve says, “You wanted me to fuck you like a man, you said so. So, missionary it is,” and then Steve’s pressing his lips together and sliding home again and Billy, instead of fighting like he should, he's opening his legs wide as the space he’s crammed into will allow and gasping loudly as his body goes slack, that frilly pink whore once again.
Now it’s his own mouth he’s shoving fingers into. Ramming his whole fucking fist in there. Fists are all Billy deserves. Not this. 
Fucking coward.
Steve, bolstering himself with one hand by holding the headrest of the driver's seat, takes his other hand and reaches down and then Billy’s actually fucking letting him remove that fist from where it's trying to silence his pathetic grateful moans. Gripping at Billy’s wrist, Steve now stretches their arms above the both of them as his cock stretches out Billy’s ass again, and then he’s pinning Billy’s hand to the bodyheat-wet window underneath his own. Spreads and links their fingers like he's hoping they'll draw heart shapes in the condensation, like Billy's his fucking girl or some shit.
“Fuck you,” Billy snarls, even as he’s nestling a thumb into to the gorgeous cavern below one of Steve’s hip bones.
“No, actually. I’m gonna love you, Billy. Because it’s what you want.”
Before Viper Billy can spit his self-hatred and shame at Mr and Mrs Harrington's perfect little rich-boy, Steve steadies himself as he lowers his top-half, hand leaving the headrest and snaking around the back of Billy’s neck until it’s cradling his thick skull, long fingers threading through the damp curls and fisting a handful. Pulling, just enough.
Billy shivers as his chin is forced upwards and feels his eyes pricking with salt, and ohhhh. He’s going to wail on Harrington for this. Going to fucking kill him for it.
Later. He will. Later. 
Later because right now, Steve is doing things Billy wants too, too much. Off-limit things that are off-limit for good fucking reason. Things the guy should not be doing because Billy told him no right from the start. Because they're the things Billy’s not allowed. Things dirty little sluts like Billy Hargrove should never even dream of wanting.
Liar. Coward.
Steve is running the tip of his nose along Billy’s jaw, under his chin, while fucking into Billy but going slow—so, so slow—inching into him, carefully, as if Billy’s really something to be taken care of.
Billy squirms some more. Roars. Aches so good. Squeezes his eyes shut tight and winces at that pacific seawater gathering in the corners. 
“Fuck you,” he breathes again but it’s a whisper now. A plea, this time.
Don’t let me go.
Steve hears it. He leans in even closer, filling Billy to the very hilt, trapping Billy’s dick between them both and it’s now not just leaking but practically gushing with pre-come, exquisitely swollen.
Steve’s plush lips are then feathery against Billy’s as he says, “I want you, Billy.”
Billy arches up violently, the angle nudging Steve’s cock into that sweet-spot. He calls out as the tears threaten to fall from his stupid, stupid eyes, fucking traitors.
“Hold me down.” Billy begs.
Don’t let me go.
And Steve is there.
Leaning heavy on the arm where a hand is wrapped around the back of Billy’s neck, Steve releases his grip on his other hand, the one linked with Billy's. Then he lays that arm parallel to the other with his weight on both forearms and, using his elbows for leverage, his hands are now free to frame Billy’s face and they do, thumbs finding cheekbones and stroking softly. So soft Billy wants to scream.
Rocking in and out of Billy, still so slow, he says, “I’m going to kiss you.”
Love me, love me, love me.
And then Billy is being kissed by a boy and he isn't hiding from it. He's being kissed by Steve Harrington and he's kissing Steve Harrington back so needy and with such urgency it should hurt but it doesn't and he's not a coward or a liar anymore because Billy wants this boy who’s kissing him, and this boy wants Billy back.
“Hey, open your eyes, Billy,” and he’s kissing the words right into Billy’s mouth.
Billy dares himself. “Steve.” He utters it, a tiny one-word prayer as he sees, that briney water now escaping his eyes and streaming down his temples and Steve must know it’s the first time—probably the first time a boy’s kissed Billy, definitely the first time Billy’s called Steve Steve outloud, and honestly the first time Billy has let go.
Shit, and Steve’s fucking Billy like… like…
“I love you, Billy.”
…like that.
They're staring at each other and Billy’s gonna come. He’s gonna come and he knows that Steve can feel it and so Steve’s then telling Billy he’s gonna come too and yeah. Billy knows that because Billy, he can feel everything.
And Steve, he gets it. What Billy wants. Knows what Billy needs.
So he tells Billy he loves him again. Tells him again and again till Billy is crying and spilling all those old tears, new tears, and his milky come all over the both of them while Steve smiles and groans and comes too, filling Billy up to the brim and right fucking over it with that sweet, sweet love of his.
A little later, when all they can hear are the cricket calls reverberating off the quarry walls and each other's slowing breaths and heartbeats, Steve says, “I know what’s good for you, Bills. Even if you wanna pretend to the both of us that you don’t," and, "It'll be okay," and, "I got you." 
Hold me down among the hounds of love.
And yeah. Billy might not be able to say it, not yet, but he knows he's done running.
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myriadof-fandoms · 1 year
harringrove week - day 4 - i'll never give you away
prompt: How Many Candles on the Birthday Cake: 50 years old
it's 1984 and steve is looking at billy hargrove with anger coiling in his stomach.
the guy’s been at school for barely a week and he’s been nothing but a fucking pain. first showing up at the party like he owns the fucking place and somehow making that hell even worse, and then being a shithead at basketball. 
all in all billy hargrove has made everything worse. and now he threatened one of the kids steve is supposed to protect so, punching him in the face seems like a great idea.
it doesn’t in retrospect when steve’s the one on the floor looking up at him with pain shooting through his head.
it's 1985 and billy is lying on the floor of starcourt mall bleeding out. he can't see a lot. he doesn't feel a lot either besides scorching hot pain. he can hear max screaming. the moment before she's leaning over him billy is looking up and he sees harrington. harrington, standing on the upper floor staring down. amongst the pain billy notices a small searing bolt of anger. anger because he's never going to find out how steve kisses now, he'll never know if his hair is as soft as it looks, and it isn't fucking fair. but then there are hands on his shoulders shaking him and max is crying and begging and billy only knows her and what he's done and all he can think is i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.  
it's 1986 and steve is 20 with no idea what he's gonna do with his life. but billy keeps staying the night and his hair is slowly growing back out after they cut it all off in the hospital. it curls around his neck now and steve likes gently pulling on it. 
not knowing what he's going to do once working at family video with robin isn't a possibility anymore is not as scary when billy's on his couch and tells him how great cali is and that kind of feels like a good start. 
it's 1987 and billy moves into an apartment with king steve. it’s small, probably too small for two people, and in the part of town where people like steve’s parents would never go, but it’s the first home billy’s ever felt safe in.
it’s 1989 and steve has been saving money for two years, as has billy, and now they’re walking around paris holding hands. billy’s been trying really hard to act like he’s not impressed but steve has seen the way his eyes are literally shining. they’ve taken little trips together before, up and down the west coast, but the trip here has been their first proper holiday and steve doesn’t think he’s ever had a better one. 
it's 1991 and billy wakes up from steve groaning in pain. instantly there’s panic running through his veins and he sits up quickly. for a moment his vision disintegrates into specks from the quick movement but then he can clearly see steve curled in on himself on the other side of the bed. billy reaches out and runs a hand through steve’s hair that’s matted with sweat at the roots. 
“baby, what’s wrong?” billy’s heart is racing and panic tears at him and he doesn’t calm down for days even when he knows it was just steve’s fucking appendix and he’ll be fine he can’t fucking calm down.
only once billy has steve back on their couch, with a new scar on his torso, does he start to cry. steve holds him through him, and he makes tea for them once billy has calmed down, and they spend a long night talking about the different ways they’ve nearly died. 
it's 1992 and when steve comes home there's a tiny ball of orange fur in their living room. he is fairly sure that the ball had not been there when he left for work. 
turns out billy had found the kitten behind a dumpster during his morning run. they call her nikky after listening to how she meows through the entirety of “ shout at the devil ”. 
billy loves her fiercely and and it ends up being another thing that steve loves about him.
it's 1994 and billy walks max down the aisle when she’s marrying lucas. they’ve spent a long time trying to heal from what they lived through together, and there have been many apologies between them, and between billy and lucas, and yet billy has never pictured himself as someone max saw as this important. his throat is clogged when he kisses max’ cheek and hands her over to lucas who’s freely crying, a fact billy will use against him in the future but pleases him endlessly in the moment. if lucas hadn’t been crying he wouldn’t have deserved max. 
billy sits down next to susan and she smiles at him through her own tears and steve holds billy’s hand, because they’re surrounded by family and they can do that now, and billy tries really hard not to cry.
he fails.
it's 1997 and steve is decorating a birthday cake for billy. nikki is sliding around his legs and meows at him from time to time as if she’s muttering instructions and it’s almost ridiculous how she’s entirely billy’s cat. 
when steve brings up the cake with its thirty candles to their bedroom he finds billy hiding under their blankets.
“i’m old.”
steve knows there’s a little actual fear in those words, but not too much. 
“yeah, you’re ancient, hotshot, now come out of there. i didn’t make you cake for you to not appreciate it.”
it's 1999 for another 10 seconds and billy watches steve drop to one knee in disbelief.
there are gasps and yells and of course robin is whooping somewhere to their right.
“billy, you’re the most annoying person i’ve ever met and you have the worst taste in music on top of it, and i love you more than i could ever say. will you marry me?”
the sound billy’s answer gets lost in the fireworks and cheers for the begin of a new century but steve hears him anyway. 
it’s 2002 and steve holds his godson for the first time. dustin is almost bursting with pride and it’s mind blowing to see. 
when steve looks up he catches billy’s eye and after all their years together steve knows that the look he gets means they’re going to have a long conversation when they get home. they had it before they moved in together, and when they bought their house, and when they got married. before all their important decisions. steve can’t wait for this one. 
it's 2004 and there's a tiny human in billy's arms. layla's asleep but her eyes are moving and it’s the most fascinating sight to both her fathers. steve’s arms are around billy's waist pulling both of them close and shielding them from everything else. when he reaches out to cradle their baby's head his hand covers it almost entirely. she's so tiny. billy has never been so full of love.
it's 2005 and billy's crying when steve comes home. their baby is asleep if the lack of sound is anything to go by, but billy's sobbing. tears streaming down his face and chest heaving in a way that makes steve realise he's close to hyperventilating. it’s been a long time since steve has seen him this bad but calming him down is muscle memory from all the nightmares and panic attacks they’ve survived together.
“i don’t wanna fuck her up, stevie.” 
his heart breaks a little seeing billy look so helpless, “that’s why you won’t, sunshine.”
a couple of nights with better sleep and some gentle reassurances later billy’s back to laughing.
it's 2007 and on the other side of the bed there's billy with a baby that has his curls laying on his chest. how small sara looks on the vast expense of muscle that's billy's chest makes steve want to cry. 
a creaking noise behind him gives layla away so steve's fully prepared for the dip of the mattress behind him and then the tiny toddler hands on his side. she's ruthless and digs her tiny knees in his kidney when she climbs over him. her dark eyes are glowing when she gives him a kiss though.
it's 2009 and steve's eyes are looking right back at him through lucy. deep brown that billy will no doubt start calling bambi eyes any day now. there's something truly fascinating about seeing himself in this tiny human who he's trying to feed right now. 
he's spent many hours looking for billy in sara and memorised every similarity already. between the two of them he can see their surrogate mother as well.
he and layla often spent hours watching the babies and pointing out different things. she loves her siblings very much. billy keeps worrying she might feel out of the loop for not sharing some genetics with them. steve started answering with gentle reassurance at first but now he just whacks billy over the head and asks him if he thinks she is somehow less belonging. it works fairly well to make him stop worrying. 
it's 2010 and billy has had to do a lot of difficult shit in his life but dropping their little girl off at school might make top of the list. 
“you literally broke through mind control, babe,” steve reminds him with a kiss to his head.
it’s 2013 and neil hargrove is dead. steve doesn’t mind much, he’s wanted to kill the fucker so often he lost count. billy’s been crying for days. ugly, violent sobs and crocodile tears. inconsolable and retreating into old habits and coping mechanisms so much so that he smelled like cigarettes for the first time in 9 years and called steve “harrington” for the first time in 14 like it’s not his last name as well now. 
their girls are worried, steve is worried and max is worried. but four days after max called with news of neil’s stroke steve comes home from grocery shopping with lucy and finds billy on the couch, his head in layla’s lap and with sara laying on his chest. layla is running her fingers through his hair like she’s seen steve do countless times. 
when billy hears them enter he looks up, his eyes are still red and he looks so tired it sends steve back to those first months after the mindflayer. but he’s not crying now and he says hey stevie in that drawl that hasn’t ever stopped making steve’s knees weak. 
steve balances lucy on his hip and crosses the room to join his family.  
they’ll be okay.
it’s 2014 and billy is sitting in front of a van with steve. the girls are asleep behind them, all of them cuddled up together like they hadn’t spent half the day arguing. steve had been asking for a trip like this for years but something kept getting in the way. they’re somewhere in nevada now and while it’s been exhausting, billy’s glad they finally got around to it. not just because it makes steve happy but because there’s nothing he’d rather do than be in the company of the four people surrounding him.
it's 2016 and steve's about to turn 50. billy’s facing him in their bed and they’re both watching the seconds tick by on the phone propped up between them. there’s some grey in steve’s hair now. he was upset to find it at first, and furiously picked at it, until billy told him he looked hot as a silver fox. growing older would be much harder without billy around, like almost anything else would be as well. 
when midnight comes, billy kisses steve softly and smiles against his mouth, “happy birthday, old man.”
steve hides a laugh behind a little scoff, “you’re next, asshole.”
billy laughs too before he kisses him again, longer and the way he knows steve likes.
“seriously, happy birthday. i love you.”
“i love you too. ”
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nikkisheep · 2 years
I loved your last billy x sister do here is a nother one.
Steve Harrington x hargrove reader.
Twins, billy and yn are twins. Yn is on the track team so she always watches his basketball practice after she is done.
She is like one of the guys. Except with her best friend. What would their reaction be to her coming in from practice ... Giggling.
I imagine Steve, who has seen this very little like jaw hits the floor.
The rest of the team is dumb struck.
But Billy has seen this before so he only a little surprised. Bc you only did it with your friends from cali.
Maybe some interactions between all of them with Steve dating Billy's sister
Billy's sister
Warnings: fluff, Angela is not the one from season 3
Steve Harrington x hargrove reader
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Running the last lap around the track, you find your best friend Angela. She catches up to you, almost crashing into you. Smiling with her ponytail swinging with her steps, the two of you walk to the gym to change into fresh clothes.
Steve was taking the final shot of the five minute period before the final one started. Billy was pushing up against him, taunting him with his words. That is until they hear the gym door open, revealing a giggling you.
The move to Hawkins was a big change for you and Billy. While Billy wasn't too happy, you tried to make the best of it. That's how you met Angela and joined the track team.
When Billy heard your giggle, he looked to you, allowing Steve to make a layup. You looked to your twin and adverted your eyes to a certain brown eyed boy. Steve had asked you out a few weeks beforre and you couldn't be more lovestruck than ever.
You were laughing at something that Angela had said, then stopped when you see Billy. He was overprotective of you and as much as you loved that about him, you wanted him to give you some freedom. You don't normally laugh, smile or cling to someone's arm like you do with Angela. Billy liked the smile on your face. He remembered the day that he broke the move to you, he never saw you cry so much.
After changing, the two of you walk out to the bleachers and watch the boys practice. You watched Steve the entire time.
"You know, you look like a creep." Angela laughed from beside you.
"Says the person who has a crush on my brother," You giggle.
"Hey, Billy is hot."
"And so is Steve," You roll your eyes with a laugh.
You turn to the practice again, making eye contact with Steve and smile. You wave, he waves back and you blush.
"Y/n, this is for you," Steve yells, winking at you.
He goes to shoot but Billy blocks him.
"Next time Harrington," Billy smirked.
Billy didn't mind you dating Steve but he just didn't understand why. He didn't understand what you saw in him, but the Harrington boy makes you happy. That's all that matters to Billy.
Once practice was over, you went to kiss Steve on the cheek when you gave him a hug.
"You did great, Steve."
"Yeah, Harrington. You did great," Billy mocked you with a fake lovestruck look.
"Shut it Billy," You giggle.
Billy looked at you with a slightly surprised face, normally you said it sarcastically. He was liking the sight of his twin getting comfortable here, even if he didn't like Hawkins.
"You know you love me," He smiles.
"Only cause I love myself and everytime I look in the mirror, I see your face."
Steve snickers at your remark. He goes to pull you close.
"Harrington, hands off."
You turn red and hide in the crook of Steve's neck.
Angela talks a bit to Billy, stuttering over her words and blushing. Billy smirked at her and asked her if she wanted to go on a date. You had to catch her so she didn't hit her head when she started to faint.
You waved goodbye to the boys and linked arms with Angela.
"Of all people, Billy?"
"I could ask the same thing, Mrs. Hargrove." She giggled.
The two of you skipped to your next class when the bell rung.
"She is amazing," Steve said.
"Yeah and you make her happy," Billy admits.
"However, if you ever hurt her I will hunt you down."
"Oh believe me, I have no plans on hurting her." Steve smiled.
Billy watched his sister skip arm linked with Angela. He smiled when he heard the faint sounds of your laugh. If you were happy, Billy was happy.
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camaro-and-smokes · 5 months
Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car
Chapter 1: Who's That Girl
Read on tumblr: CH 1 [CH 2] / ?
Read on AO3 >>
No Warnings. Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harringtonm Other Characters to Be Added, Original characters. Tags: AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU - No Supernatural, AU - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Billy Hargrove Lives, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Fluff, 90s, Genderfluid Billy Hargrove, Roommates, Other Tags to Be Added
Summary: 1992 in San Diego, where Steve recently moved because of his new job, he runs into Billy - literally. Billy isn't exactly what he used to be when Steve had last seen him, but it isn't a bad thing. At all. By chance, they end up as roommates and, well…
Notes: New year, new fic... Just pure fluffy fluff fluff! Enjoy 💜
“Thanks, Mandy,” Billy said and lifted the cardboard cup. “I’ll pay for this tomorrow.”
The waitress on the other side of the counter smiled. “Hey, it’s just one black coffee. Don’t worry about it. I’ll cover for it.”
Billy sighed, grateful for the gesture. “Honestly, thank you. I owe you.”
Mandy laughed. “Just go already. You'll be late again otherwise.”
Billy adjusted the strap of his full bag on his shoulder and walked towards the door. He realized he hadn’t taken out his smokes when he had the chance to do it with two hands, and now he had to do it with just one. “Fucking piece of...where are you?” he cursed as he tried to fish the pack of smokes from the bag while walking out of the coffee shop and onto the sidewalk.
He was so occupied that he almost walked into someone, their shoulders nudging together. The cover was the only thing that kept his coffee in the mug , only partly spilling it on his hand. He muttered an apology as he continued digging. He was all the way at the next junction when he finally caught the pack in his hands and stopped to light a smoke.
This day was one he would be glad when it passed. The Camaro had stalled into a junction in the morning, he'd had to have walked to the workshop to get the tow truck and then he had been so busy with other cars the whole day that he’d had no time to even look at what was wrong with it. And now he was late from his aerobics' class because he had to fucking walk everywhere, and he'd been late far too many times from the classes already. Alice, the owner of the studio, had already warned him she would have to cut him off from the instructor list if he didn't up his game, and fast.
And now he really needed the money. When Rob had broken up with him, he'd decided to stay in the bungalow by the beach they'd rented together. It was the first place that felt like home ever since he'd ran away from Fuckward, Indiana, and back to Cali, and he didn't want to let go of it.
At that bungalow, he'd become to terms with who he was. Happy to have a day job at the garage as a mechanic and the few aerobics classes he instructed at evenings, the neighbourhood kids' basketball team he coached that kept nailing it against the uptown teams, and the kids from foster families he taught how to surf. The musky but feminine perfumes perfectly fitting in the same row with his aftershaves. The pink crop tops in his closet, and the red nail polish and lipsticks on his dressing table.
He was being himself for the first time, and since it was now just him, he would embrace it now more than ever.
He just needed someone to pay the rent with him.
Steve was reading the 'for rent' -advertisements in the newspaper while he walked towards the coffeehouse at the street corner, a short walk away from his hotel and one he'd taken as his go-to place to get something small to eat. He was so occupied that he didn't notice the person who walked out the door and their shoulders connected shortly, causing him to take his eyes off the newspaper.
“Oh, sorry,” Steve apologised, but the person kept walking without turning around. Their perfume lingered in the air after them, and Steve turned to look over his shoulder after them. He smiled a little, for it was a sight to behold.
Blonde, curly hair in a high bun, held up with a pink scrunchie. Their white crop top showed a well-toned back and waist, finished with blue, high cut jeans that were hugging their figure and barely covering the top of their thighs. The look was finished with white leg warmers and white Reeboks. Steve thought he wouldn't mind looking at that sight a bit closer and kept staring until they vanished behind the building at the next junction.
He walked into the coffee shop and ordered a black coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. With his purchase, he sat down at a table in the back of the shop and kept reading the advertisements. He had to find a place to stay by the end of the week. Sure, he could stay in the hotel, but it would cost way too much he was willing to spend right now. He'd rather pay rent for a place of his own than for a hotel.
He'd moved in San Diego for the job as marketing manager for the national video rental chain that Family Video back in Hawkins had become a part of. The job would start next Monday and it was Wednesday, so he had a few days free to do some hunting for a place. He wasn't looking for buying a house right now, he still wasn't sure if San Diego was the place he'd want to settle in. So, for now he was only looking for rentals, either by himself or with a roommate, either one worked right now.
Unfortunately, none of the ads looked like a proper fit. They either had too high rent for his budget, or then it was a room with a bunch of college kids, which didn't suit him anymore. He wouldn't be able to live in a place full of young adults partying all week, every week. He'd imagined it would've been easier to find a place to stay in San Diego, but it didn't really seem like it.
When he'd drank his coffee, he walked back to the counter. “Hey, would it be possible for me to leave a wanted ad on your notice board?” he asked the waitress.
“Sure! Need a pen and paper to do that with? I can put the note up for you.”
Steve wrote the note and gave it to the waitress. He squinted to read her name on the badge on her apron. “Thank you... Mandy. I'm staying in the Holiday Inn just around the corner. Thus the mention to ask for a name in the note.”
She looked at the note and smiled. “No problem. You're not the first.”
Steve hoped that someone would respond sooner rather than later.
He stopped by the café on Thursday and on Friday, mostly because he wanted to ask Mandy if anyone had asked about his ad since no one had called him. And, okay, partly because he was hoping to run into the blonde again. But no one had asked about his note so far and the blonde wasn't anywhere to be seen, so he'd gone about his days getting to know his new home town.
It was Saturday when he was yet again reading the 'room for lent' -ads in the newspaper as he walked towards the café. He had almost given up any hope of finding any place by Monday and was looking at the ads just with a vague hope.
He was engulfed enough that he didn't look in front of him and walked straight into someone. He hit his face into the newspaper, and then he felt hot liquid covering the front of his shirt.
“Fuck!” a baritone voice groaned.
Steve tossed the now wet newspaper on the pavement and looked at his shirt, annoyed. Then he looked at the door of the café, pondering if he should go in and ask for a towel to dry the coffee off his shirt. He turned to look at the person squatting on the sidewalk, trying to gather the things that had fallen out of their bag on the ground when they walked into each other.
To Steve's surprise, it was the blonde.
They got up and started damping Steve's shirt with a napkin they'd found from among their things on the sidewalk. “I'm so, so sorry! Shit! I didn't look up and...”
Steve's mouth fell open in surprise. “Hargrove?”
Billy looked up for the first time, and his eyes widened as he recognized Steve. “Harrington? Fuck, this is embarrassing.”
Steve let out a laugh. “Uh, yeah. Not exactly how I thought we'd bump into each other.”
The cafe door opened and Mandy walked out. “I saw what happened. Here, try this,” she said and handed Steve a towel. “I hope the coffee wasn't too hot anymore.”
“Thanks, I'll survive,” Steve replied, smiling. He patted his shirt with the towel and turned to look at Billy, who was still collecting his belongings from the sidewalk. “So, how've you been? I mean, you seem to be...”
“I'm doing good,” Billy mumbled, still squatting on the ground and checking his bag.
Steve saw something rolling on the sidewalk and he took a few steps to pick it up. It was a pink lipstick. He showed it to Billy. “This...yours?”
Billy smiled a tense smile, taking the small container and opened it. The pink tube of wax fell out from the tube and back to the pavement, breaking into even smaller pieces. “Fuck,” he groaned.
“Uh, hey, can I buy you a fresh coffee or...?” Steve asked.
Billy shook his head, pulling the zipper of his bag closed and getting up. “Sorry, I gotta go. I'm already late, again.”
“You have a car close by?”
“No, in fact, my trusty steed died the other day and I have to walk to the studio,” Billy said as he shouldered his bag and started walking. “But see you around Harrington!”
Billy had already taken several steps when Steve shouted after him, “Hey, Hargrove! I have a car, on the other side of the street. Let me drive you! It's the least I can do for breaking your...lipstick.”
Billy stopped and turned around, chewing his cheek. “You wouldn't mind?”
Steve smiled and shrugged. “No, of course not! Come on,” Steve said and pointed to a dark red BMW on the other side of the street. “It's that one.”
Billy snorted. “Should've guessed.”
When they got into the car, Steve started it. “So, where to?”
“Turn around, turn right, then left from the next lights. The studio is then just before the next lights,” Billy said.
“So, right around the corner, then.”
Billy shook his head. “Yeah. It's not far, but you know, without a car...”
Steve nodded and turned the car around.
After a while of awkward silence Billy spoke. “So, what are you doing in San Diego?”
Steve smiled again. “Came here for work. Marketing for the video rental chain that bought Family Video.”
“Wow,” Billy said, nodding. “Good for you.”
“Yeah. Far enough from having to work for my dad.”
They remained silent for the rest of the short drive, one that was even more awkward than the one before. 
Billy hadn't imagined to run into Steve again, not at least like this. And he hadn't definitely imagined to run into him in the outfit he was wearing. Seen his lipstick of all things. Steve was the first of the people from his past who'd learned about all that, even if only superficially. Surprisingly, it didn't really feel as bad as he'd imagined.
Steve looked at the neon sign above the doors of the aerobics' studio when he parked the car. “Alright, here we are.”
Billy got out and was about to close the door when Steve spoke again, leaning to look at Billy. “Hey, I just, honestly...It was great to see you. You're clearly doing great. I'm happy about that.”
Billy smiled. “Yeah. I'm better. Actually.”
Steve smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I can tell. Just wondered about it sometimes.”
Billy closed the door and leaned to look at Steve through the open window. “You did?” he asked, curious.
“I did. Actually.”
Billy smiled a small smile. “Well, I hope you like San Diego.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Steve replied, smiling even wider.
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Billy fakes his dead and run away to California. When Steve learn he is alive he runs away after him too. To find him. But sadly Cali is a fucking big state and Billy has to run away every month just to not get caught by Neil and they're not living in a fairytale. So years pass, Steve moves on find a wife. Have 2 kids. One day when he went to his kids school to get her he saw him. Completely changed, grown up. Eyes shining with happiness. Billy Hargrove is his daughters kindergarten teacher.
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Ok @chocoarts , I'm ready to go on a ramble! Thanks so much for answering my request! I hope my ramble does your art justice!
So! Steve and Robin are destined to work together, no matter how they meet or what they do. I know that most folks on the internet think that Robin wouldn't be great with little kids, while Steve would be the master. However! I personally like the idea that they're /both/ great with kids! I'm not usually one for no-Upside-down aus, but I can't really think of another way that this would work, so.
I'll bet that Steve and Robin met while volunteering at the Hawkins Daycare center. They bond over a love of kids and hatred for the people in charge. Y'see, Hawkins kinda reminds me of the area I grew up in a little bit, and something that's happened, both in my community and the town where my mom works, is that daycares and pre-schools start out as genuine nonprofits, existing for the sake of the community. But over time, they become super exclusive, expensive, and mildly corrupt. I imagine that if Hawkins had a daycare center, that's what would happen.
*oh, by the way, I have nothing against day care centers or all you folks who run them in a general sense. I know how difficult it is to take care of little kids to an extent, and I respect you all for what you do. It's just the ones in my community that I know of that are like that.*
So Steve and Robin see this and decide, hey, Steve's parents may be assholes, but they haven't cut him off yet, so why don't they use that money to open their own daycare center? They would call it Bat-man and Robin's Junior Bat-cave, because Steve plays baseball in this au. Also because of this meme:
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By the way, they decided to add hyphens to the DC related parts of the name to escape a potential lawsuit. That's my logic, and I'm sticking to it. Cool? Cool.
So Steve and Robin open their daycare, and they keep their fees as inexpensive as they possibly can without it being detrimental to the business. One of their first customers is a single mom by the name of Claudia Henderson.
It takes a minute for Dustin to warm up to Steve and Robin, because even as a 3-year-old, people give him a hard time about his disease, cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which he worked really hard to learn how to pronounce.
Steve and Robin don't treat him any differently. The only acknowledgement they make of his CCD is when they have to follow his daily medical needs, which I assume exist, but I have no idea what they'd be. When this sinks in, he warms right up to them. His favorite thing to do is play spies with the toy walkie-talkie set that Steve got especially for him. He gets bad dreams sometimes about his dad leaving, but Steve is always right there when he wakes up with a sci-fi picture book or Star Wars stuffies to help him feel better.
The next kid to show up is Max Mayfield. She's a sassy little thing. And in this au, N*il dies in a car crash or something, and Billy's mom gets custody of Billy, because he deserves good things, dammit, but Susan doesn't have the money to move her and Max back to Cali. The Junior Batcave is affordable for her. It takes Max a hot second to warm up to Steve, because of N*il, but Robin helps her feel safe, and Steve never pushes her boundaries. That is what gets her to warm up to him. Max likes playing spies with Dustin, but her favorite thing to do is use cardboard as ramps and play with those tiny skateboard toys.
Jane Eleanor "El" Hopper shows up after Hopper adopts her and gets her out of the foster system. She's pretty quiet and timid, but she's got good judgement for a 3-year-old. She warms up to Steve and Robin pretty quick. She calls them Auntie Robin and Mom-Steve. She likes any kind of game, as long as she's with her best friend Max. But her favorite thing to do at daycare is play with Steve's hair. One day, she brings all sorts of clips and ribbons from home. El gets a little sad, because Robin gently tells her, "if it touches your hair, you don't share." Steve immediately goes out to the store to get some new hair supplies, and then El just goes ham on his hair. When she's done, she says that "Mom-Steve is the prettiest ever!" Hearts melt, and there are tears.
When Will shows up, his family is fresh out of a divorce, so he's really quiet and sensitive. He knows that he's welcome to play with Dustin, Max, and El, but he's just too shy. Luckily for him, Mike starts attending at around the same time. They bond over Star Wars with Dustin. And Will just has the best ideas for games if make-believe! When Will leads, Max and El get to be the knights, and Mike is the one who needs saving. Will gets attached to Steve and Robin when they agree to play the dragon and the queen respectively, and help him practice reading when he's not up to playing. Eventually, Will spends so much time reading with Steve that Mike gets jealous, which I think would explain the ankle-biter moment in chocoarts's picture.
Mike is a bit of a jealous kiddo, because baby Holly gets all of Mom and Nancy's attention, and Dad isn't home too often cause of work. That's why, if any of his friends start spending more time with Steve than him, his ankle-biting tendencies surface. Oh, Will would rather read a story with Steve than play knights and castles with Mike? CHOMP! Even so, Steve and Robin both give Mike plenty of attention, so he warms up to them. He copies El, calling Steve Mom-Steve. He also starts calling Robin Auntie Birdie.
Last, but certainly not least, the Sinclair siblings. In this au, I think Lucas and Erica would either be twins, or the age gap would just be a year instead of 4, as it seems to be in canon (Lucas seeming to be a 15-year-old freshman when Erica is 11). Lucas likes playing catch a little more than the other boys, and Steve is always happy to play with him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Y'see, I just had the thought that when the Sinclairs tried sending Lucas and Erica to Hawkins Daycare, the two were surrounded by white children who didn't know anything other than the racist bullshit their parents said around them. The employees weren't much better. When the Sinclairs reached out to the Junior Bat-cave, on the other hand, Steve and Robin were perfectly respectful, and made sure the other kids knew to be respectful to Lucas and Erica, too. Anywho, as the two adjust, Steve loves to see how Lucas is just the best big brother. He knows that Erica is still a bit too small for catch, so he rolls his favorite ball around with her, instead. Also, Erica likes dogs in this au, so Steve helps Lucas draw and/or color in pictures of dogs and puppies. Robin is always happy to play with Erica, too. In fact, all the girls love finding all the dog stuffies in the daycare to play dog school, Erica's favorite game.
Alright! That's all I've got for this ramble. If anyone wants to take these ideas and just roll with them, feel free to do so. I hope my ramble did chocoarts's drawing justice!
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