#this is about an opinion I didn't realize I had strong feelings about but apparently I do. once again. about NMJ
AITA for going off on a tattoo artist for giving me the wrong mandarin letters?
Context matters a lot here. I (23ftm) recently lost my partner to cancer. They were the love of my life and I dropped everything for them- I moved states away from my family so that they could be more comfortable in a dryer climate, I made sure to be there for them through thick and thin- the works. My family, though sad, were okay with it since I had never been so passionate about anything before I met them. Losing them has been nothing short of miserable.
They were Chinese and had a very strong connection to their language and culture, so I wanted to get a tattoo that translated to "My angel, my love" with "my angel" being on the top and "my love" being on the bottom onto my arm. I wasn't able to learn any dialects from them while they were alive since things had been so busy, but I thought maybe at least I could start with this.
So, I went to a local tattoo parlor that had a Chinese tattoo artist (I hope it isn't racist to assume, I've heard him speaking in Mandarin on the phone) and asked to get the translation tattooed. He seemed genuine and we got to work with choosing a font, the right location, and scheduling an appointment. It was very professional and I was really glad that it had gone smoothly since if it hadn't, I'd probably just give up entirely.
A week passes and I get my tattoo. A bit after as we're talking about it, I mention that I got it to commemorate my late partner, whom like I said I consider to be the light of my life. When I mentioned that, he sort of paused and had this look on his face, like when you realize you forgot something really important. He shook it off though and we got back to talking, but things seemed obviously more awkward now.
When I went home I sent a picture of it to my partner's family, and immediately they picked up that something was wrong. They didn't tell me what it had actually translated to, but it was apparently very inappropriate and disrespectful.
Needless to say I was breaking down. My partner had died, I was struggling with depression and fatigue from handling a lot of the funeral procedures, and overall that had been the straw that broke the camel's back. This is where I may be the asshole. I drove back to the parlor shop and found my tattoo artist, and I didn't get physical, but I had definitely wanted to. I was yelling at him, screaming about how he was a horrible shitty person, the works. He argued back that I should have at least given him a reason for the tattoo, since he gets white people coming in all the time asking for dumb stuff, but I shot back that he could have at least told me what he had done when I did reveal why I got the tattoo.
Again, I didn't get physical, but they did threaten to call the cops on me if I didn't leave since I wss making a scene, so I left and later emailed that I had at the very least wanted a refund, since they didn't even give me the tattoo I wanted. I still haven't gotten a response yet.
My family (both biological and in-laws) are very conflicted over this. Some of them think that I could have dealt with it a lot better, while others think I should have threatened them with a lawsuit (obviously there's inbetween opinions but those are the main two extremes). I can't afford a lawsuit considering I'm already dealing with the funeral funds like I said, but I don't know. I don't even know if yelling at the guy made me feel better or worse- it was an in-the-moment response to be sure.
So, with more context, AITA for yelling at the tattoo artist who gave me an inappropriate tattoo instead of the one I really wanted?
What are these acronyms?
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lemonyinks · 1 year
thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece thinks about how love and sacrifice are major themes of one piece
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Okay, but seriously, it was something I never noticed when I was young and reading One Piece for the very first time. Back then the emotional scenes were just that, emotional scenes. I never seen the parallels or the way the themes would often reappear in different ways. Now that I'm an adult and I'm reading it once again, it has become a whole lot more apparent just how much of a reoccurring theme they both are, and how they go hand in hand together. I've also begun to realize just how much impact on the narrative these scenes have on future events.
Shank's sacrificing his arm for Luffy is literally one of the first things to happen in the manga, which he did because he obviously loved and cared for Luffy. He calls him a friend only a few pages earlier. He would gladly lose and arm if it meant Luffy would live. It was right after this event as well when Luffy finally stops asking Shank's to take him out to sea with him and vows to become a pirate on his own, just before Shanks gives him his straw hat.
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And that wouldn't be the first time someone would sacrifice a limb for someone they cared about in this series. Zeff quite literally ate his own leg so that he could give all of the rations they had to Sanji, hoping that the kid would live long enough to carry out the dream that the both of them shared. The All Blue may have been the initial reason he had for saving Sanji's life, but he undoubtedly grew to love Sanji like a son and I don't doubt for a second he would make that sacrifice a million times over for him.
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And then comes Bellemere an arc later. Nami and Nojiko were her reason to keep living, she dedicated her entire life to taking care of those girls and she loved them with her whole being. To her, it was an easy choice to give her own life so that her girls wouldn't have to leave the only home they'd ever known and possibly die all alone out on the sea.
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Hiriluk is a bit of a different sacrifice, but a sacrifice nonetheless. His decision to commit suicide was ultimately due to him not wanting Chopper to feel guilt over his death. He loved Chopper, he knew that he was only ever trying to help and that he loved Hiriliuk in return. The doctor couldn't just let that love and desire to help turn into what caused his death. So he chose to take his own life instead so that none of the responsibility landed on Chopper's shoulders.
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Once we reach Alabasta, there is of course the iconic Pell scene. He was willing to throw his life away, not only for Vivi, who he loved dearly, but also for the country he served and it's people. I know some say that this scene isn't as impactful as some of the other sacrifices since he didn't truly die in that moment, but in my opinion that doesn't matter. He did it because he loved them all. His feelings were just as strong as those who died or lost limbs, and the Vivi's reaction is equally as real as the other's reactions to the sacrifices made for them. His intentions were to save everyone, and he did just that.
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In water 7/Enies Loby (an arc that is itself basically one big love letter) we are introduced to Saul, who had only know Robin for a very short amount of time before the navy showed up to kill the scholars. And yet, in that small period he grew to care about Robin and had a real desire to protect her and ensure that she would not only live, but end up happy one day. He was willing to give up his own life so that this little girl, who he barely even knew, could live on.
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Thriller Bark is where we see on of the most memorable Zoro scenes. While this isn't the first time one of the protags has sacrificed themselves for their crewmates, it is one of the most notable. Zoro here takes on all of Luffy's pain, simply because he loves his captain and believes that his dream is worth living on for. He was willing to give up his health, as well as what he thought would be his life, if it meant that Luffy would be able to live longer and carry on with his journey.
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And this of course leads us to Marineford, where Ace threw himself in front of Akainu's molten fist in order to save his baby brother with zero hesitation. Ace loved Luffy deeply, he would never have allowed harm to come to him. The two of them loved each other deeply and would rather die than allow the other to be hurt.
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Now comes a sacrifice that really parallels Bellameres, even down to their last words to their kids and the way that the both of them died. Cora cared for Law, he really did. He couldn't stand to see a child so young talking about how they were going to die and he wanted to help him, so much so that he all but abandoned the mission he was with the Donquixote pirates for in the first place just so that he could find a cure for Law's sickness. He inevitably came to truly love and care for Law. He gives his life in the confrontation between him and his brother, even going so far as forcing himself to hold on longer in order to let Law escape silently, just so that the child he'd come to love could grow up and live his life.
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While Pedro may have sacrificed himself so that the strawhats could go farther on their journey, he didn't really do it for them. He may have thought of them as friends, but in the end his sacrifice was for the people of Zou. He did it for his people, because he loved them and wanted to do everything in his power to help save them from the cruel fate they were being subjected to. He knew that the only way this would be achieved would be if the Strawhats made it out of Big Mom's territory, so he did what he thought he had to in order to help them escape.
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Finally, in Wano we have Oden's sacrifice. He let himself be boiled alive in a pot of oil for an hour straight while holding up the weight of nine other people, simply because he believed it gave his retainers, his family, the people he loved, a chance to escape the same fate. But he didn't just do it for them, he gave his life so that his entire country may have the chance at a better future. To the very end, he loved his country and he loved the other samurai.
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And these are just a few select examples that I could think of at the time and some of the most memorable ones to me This doesn't even account for Nami giving up her childhood and teen years to free her village, or Sanji saving Nami and Luffy from the avalanche, or Tom turning himself in so that Franky wouldn't be killer, or Robin giving herself up to cp-9 to promise the Strawhats passage, or Luffy letting himself be tortured by Porchemy to keep Sabo and Ace's secret, or the way Dadan stayed behind to fight Bluejam for Ace, or how the Whitebeards all put themselves on the line to try and save Ace, or Pound stopping Oven several times to save his daughter, or when Scarlet tried to feed her starving daughter, or Sanji freeing the crew from Bege, or Killer eating the SMILE and doing Orochi's bidding to give Kid a chance to live, or Law giving himself over to Hawkins to save Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin, or Momo giving up his childhood, or the two times Bon Clay gave themself up to give Luffy time to escape, or the Going Merry sailing on despite being in no condition to, or how the minks allowed themselves to be tortured, or how Rouge literally killed herself to bring Ace into the world. It doesn't even cover the more subtle sacrifices like Usopp lying that there was no pirates so that his village wouldn't have to be afraid, or even Luffy's hunger strike.
There are countless sacrifices within this series that I don't think I could ever really hope of covering them all, unless I were to spend several hours that I don't have on them. But one thing is certain about every single one of them; they are displays of love. I mean, who else do you make sacrifices for, if not for someone you love.
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gureshinlover · 2 months
There's one comment in an old mysmes Reddit thread, and when I read it some months ago it made perfect sense to me, and I love the way it's written. These paragraphs literally built the base of my opinions about Ray Route when I started replaying his route this year. So I wanted to share it and see what yall also think!
Again: this is not my writing!!! It's by reddit user embergate
I know how you feel. I fell in love with Ray, and then he went away and never came back. But, if you're determined to go through with it for some reason, it can help to understand what's going on with Saeran, and why he speaks the way he does.
Rika is kind enough to explain to you that Saeran uses you as a replacement for Ray. You can also figure it out yourself almost instantly because the things he's saying to MC and the things Ray is saying to himself are identical.
Once, he gives you a picture of a cake when he's starving you. This is a direct reference to the dream he had about his mother doing the same to him. He spoke of his dream before in a phone conversation, as Ray.
Once, he even says to MC "so that's why you live grooming flowers", which clearly does not apply to MC, but does to Ray.
So, when Saeran is speaking abuse to you, imagine a big mirror in front of you. He's not talking to you, he's talking to himself. Very rarely he addresses MC directly. In order to get the true essence of the conversation, you need to swap all "you"s with "I"s.
When you're replying to Saeran, imagine that you're Ray. How would you like Ray to behave when he's starved, isolated, abused, assaulted? Do you want him to cower, or do you want him to stand firm? Then reply how you want him to reply. He doesn't know how to be strong, but he will learn it from observing you. Keep holding that mirror in front of him until he finally sees his reflection. He can't leave the Mint Eye unless he gets stronger. Who said that healing with a power of love was easy?
Rika is also doing exactly the same thing Saeran is doing, imitating her mother in the way she treats her believers. When Saeran finally realizes that, he breaks free from Rika.
Also, lol about the smell... Yeah, for someone who says he doesn't like it, Saeran sure is highly aware of MC's face and smell all the time, to the point of obsession. He keeps saying that he wants to see her face. He even installs a camera to watch her and if you ask him "you want to see me 24/7"? he replies "yes" without a second's hesitation. Especially funny is the fact that he encrypts the camera so that nobody else can use it, and Rika rages about it later on. Also I find it hilarious when he attempts to break into MC's room not once, or twice, but thrice in a short time. Apparently he can't stand being apart from MC any longer.
My biggest problem with Saeran was not all that abuse, but rather than single conversation where he pretends to be Ray. He says that Ray didn't really like MC, and he was simply lonely and wanted someone not to leave him. I... believe he was speaking the truth.
So there's no romance here. Not really. But, remember that conversation between Ray and MC in the beginning.
MC: I thought it was a dating simulator.
Ray: Saving someone is more worthwhile than dating someone, don't you think?
...But... I still can't forget that phone call with Ray when he sang me a lullaby....
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dropintomanga · 2 months
Berserk's Continued Popularity and Trauma
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I often keep up with what's selling in the manga world, so it's not a surprise that I check out ICv2's Manga Week when the site posts up interviews and insights about the industry. What caught my eye this time was Kentaro Miura's Berserk still being a top-seller and a top manga franchise in the English-speaking side of the world.
How popular is Berserk right now? It was the top manga franchise of Fall 2023 beating out everything that was either Shonen Jump, Junji Ito or Attack on Titan. The Deluxe Editions have sold well for all of 2023, especially the first edition (which contains Volumes 1-3 of the series). It helps that Dark Horse Comics, the North American publisher for the manga, has been promoting the Berserk Deluxe Editions non-stop. Even when they didn't announce anything new at Anime NYC last year, Dark Horse made a huge note about the latest Berserk Deluxe Edition that would come out.
I think it's great that Berserk is getting a lot more attention (especially after Kentaro Miura died) because this is a story about trauma and how we still carry the wounds of it at times.
In my opinion, Berserk is a story about people trying to overcome their own trauma - one caused by interpersonal relations. Ultimately, it's about three people in particular. Guts, the main hero who falls into despair after his experiences in the Golden Age Arc and has to deal with the curse of constantly being hunted by monsters beyond his imagination. Griffith, the antagonist who once had admirable dreams, but fully gives into darkness after going through painful torture and is the main source of Guts' trauma. And Casca, the strong heroine who becomes a victim of Griffith's desires and mentally shattered as a result until recent events in the manga. The connection between all three characters says it all - sometimes, the trauma caused is not from strangers who are "dangerous," but those closest and dearest to us.
Berserk is so relatable because we carry on the weight of whatever personal trauma we experienced without realizing its hold on us until it becomes apparent. The worse thing is we often have a very hard time talking about it.
Around 2021, I heard about a certain book about trauma that took during the COVID pandemic. It was Bessel van der Kolk's The Body Keeps the Score. Originally published in 2014, the book blew up for good reason because COVID forced everyone to confront issues kept hidden for a long time. Van der Kolk talks about how horrible people can be to one another and that psychiatry seems to ignore the complexity of trauma when it comes to helping its victims.
Because of the nuance and how long it takes to heal, maybe that's why we can't talk about trauma easily.
Which is why I want to get to this point - I sometimes find it hard to talk about Berserk because of the sexual violence and horror aspects. Yes, fans love to call it the GOAT and/or recommending the manga to other manga/Western comics fans. But I will say I can't exactly recommend Berserk to anyone who's experienced trauma, especially sexual trauma. If they haven't come to terms and/or processed their pain, why would any manga fan shove Berserk in their face? I know there's heavy debate about microagressions and triggers, but just because it's critically-acclaimed doesn't mean it's for everyone.
I will say that the sexual violence in Berserk is used in a way to highlight the brutality of the real world at times. It serves its purpose in the story. Maybe I feel that Berserk is about acknowledging the dark side of life. The world is full of absolute cruelty. And maybe more importantly, you never fully move on. That's the key point. Moments that hurt will stick by you for a long time. People love to shame others for not being able to move on and/or cheer up. They don't know how trauma forces its victims to stay still out of a realistic yet unhelpful fear of certain kinds of people.
But you can still move forward. I'm admired by Guts fighting in the face of despair. He embodies the belief that you probably can never move on from whatever emotional pain you experience and that's okay. At least take the steps to make your own life worth living. It's the best you can do for yourself.
And a good start to moving forward is accepting the bad thoughts. I recently read how positive thinking is pushed so hard to promote better mental health. Some positivity is fine, but there's so much pain in this world that all the wellness industry strategies in the world will never make go away. It is a huge problem when we're told to grit and grind while suppressing our inner-most vulnerabilities.
A lot of people can't handle that kind of vulnerability. Maybe that's why I'm happy that Berserk is being discovered by new fans. Guts is a strong yet so very vulnerable hero. I think it's those vulnerabilities due to his trauma that allow him to gain some very good friends (Puck, Farnese, Serpico, Isidro, and Schierke) along the way who genuinely care about him.
We all want someone to acknowledge our pain and be willing to sit with and stick by us through the neck of it all.
I remember a friend who once told me that when they went to see someone perform, all of their grief and vulnerability was so apparent that they wished that they didn't need to air it out since a lot of people can't handle it. I told them I can handle it and they said that I was built different.
Much like the popularity of Berserk these days and what I hope the series encourages, I want my difference of being able to sit with trauma to be the norm.
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izosdualpistols · 10 months
Gojo Satoru and the Burden as the Strongest
Character analysis, S2 spoilers including recent chapters.
Unpopular opinion but I think it was only natural for Shoko to not be involved in Gojo and Geto's relationship as much. Before anyone says anything - I love Shoko. She's been through so much but it all went unnoticed which I am upset about. She will always be a part of the trio and nobody can convice me otherwise.
The whole arc was really centered and about Gojo. It's where we see his growth as a sorcerer and the heavy hearted resolution he makes.
Because the arc was revolved around Gojo, we obviously got information and story in correlation to his present self. Putting it simply, I'm really just stating the obvious - the arc is and was about Gojo's backstory.
Before I dive in deeper, let's put our background knowledge to use. Who is Gojo Satoru? Well, the strongest of course. But at what cost exactly? The cost of a normal childhood, a normal life, and so on.
To be the strongest is much more closer to a curse than a gift. Gojo was born with powerful abilities so people naturally came to praise him and burden him with their problems.
Gojo was basically their god. A title he didn't even ask for. As he grew up surrounded by all those people, weak people, he became to question his purpose for serving these people.
Why must he protect him? For what exactly? For who? - Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
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To bear the title as the strongest means to bear the burden of millions. It means to face the world by yourself. No matter how many supporters you have, it's all blank. It's loneliness. Loneliness of knowing that no one else can truly empathize with you.
But that wasn't Gojo. At least it wasn't when Geto was by his side.
That's where Geto's role stands in Gojo's backstory. Another person who has the potential and can be the strongest alongside Gojo.
The reason Gojo is a teacher at Jujutsu high and continues to save lives has connection with Geto's beliefs when he was a sorcerer.
The belief of "Jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect the weak" that he pushed upon Gojo so much was effective; and we can see that through Megumi, one who was raised by Gojo.
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Not only that, but because Gojo Satoru, the one who once said "It's alright, we're the strongest" - came to the realization that being the strongest wasn't enough. That some people (like Geto) are beyond saving - even with the most powerful abilities in the world.
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Through this, and his final encounter with Geto, I'm sure he understood why Geto chose such path - which is why he strictly tells Megumi to become strong; strong enough to not fall behind.
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Geto is a character that needs to feel needed. A character who wishes to be helpful - one of the reasons he served as a sorcerer without a large purpose; without his own goals.
When Gojo grew stronger, Geto soon realized Gojo didn't need him anymore. That Gojo is now able to complete missions by himself and without Geto's assistance.
This can be seen as one of the major reasons why Geto drifted away. Following the apparent "way of the world" blindly.
Wrapping this up - in a way, Geto can be seen as Gojo's "moral compass". He who guided the strongest sorcerer of morality. Which, personally, seems very difficult to do when you see the world of Jujutsu Kaisen through Geto's eyes after his downfall.
Imo, I think Geto's death triggered his obsession with people not being "left alone/behind".
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Then here comes Shoko - who did stay. Who stayed next to Gojo, sharing the sadness when Geto died.
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Both of these characters' feelings are valid. Nobody is wrong; though Gojo's might be taken to be more "selfish", I wholeheartedly believe that one can feel lonely even with everything in the world.
I'm not Gojo nor Shoko so I don't really have a say, but as a reader, I can confidently say that in different ways, they both perfectly portrayed loneliness.
Gojo's story was not only revolved around him, but also Geto - because he had that much of an impact to who he is now. The Gojo we are seeing today, Geto helped him become.
The ultimate truth is that though it may have not been much, Shoko served her role in Gojo's backstory completely.
It'd be nice to see her included in future chapters with Gojo - I have high hopes when Jujutsu Kaisen nears it's end. A scene with Shoko and Gojo at Geto's grave reminiscing the past together is not a want but a need.
I've reread some parts and I'm starting to question my choice of words but please keep in mind I have no intention of downgrading any character! Gojo, Geto, Shoko are my favorite trio and they have a really special place in my heart. I apologize if I sounded off? incorrect? one-sided etc. I'll probably have to reread throughly and fix some sentences.
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mixelation · 1 year
A long time ago, someone asked if I could summarize what each Akatsuki member thinks of Tori, and I said I'd answer after Chp 16. So here we go!! This is also useful for my own organization.
In order of their meetings:
Hidan: Hidan genuinely thought she was discount death god for a second there, and her persistence in existing near him both embarrasses him and pisses him off. He feels weirdly vindicated by every manipulative piece of trickery she pulls off, because that means he wasn't tricked by some random idiot. He thinks she's pretentious and stuck-up and occasionally pathetic, but her more unhinged bullshit is entertaining. His hatred for her has started mellowing out with time and carefully crafted narrative bonding time, but she's far from his favorite coworker.
Kakuzu: Kakuzu does not have strong feelings about Tori. He doesn't think tricking Hidan or Deidara is much of an accomplishment. She's consistently been acceptably competent at the Akatsuki-related tasks he's had to work with her on, sometimes to a surprising degree. He's still salty about her breaking one of his expensive storage scrolls, and he's probably never going to let her stop making replacements. He has noticed she's probably more innately dangerous than the way they've been treating her would imply, but he considers this none of his business.
Sasori: Sasori considers Tori a useful hostage right off the bat, and she also manages to run away from him with nothing but her own wits. That chapter got a lot of criticisms along the lines of "what was the point of that if it didn't change the outcome," and the answer is: it did change the potential for the dynamic between Tori and the rest of the Akatsuki. Sasori recognizes that Tori is clever and has skills potentially useful to him, and he's really not surprised when she pulls out newer and weirder fuinjutsu techniques, because why wouldn't she? There are aspects of her personality he doesn't care for, but she can keep up with him in conversation. As of chapter 15, Sasori was probably the member who liked her the most. Unfortunately friendship with Sasori wins you unsolicited comments about your appearance and being poisoned.
Deidara: Deidara starts off pretty neutral about Tori. She's a convenient excuse to force Sasori into doing things Deidara wants, but he doesn't actually care about her on a personal level until she makes a fool of him. Then he really dislikes her for a bit. Then they come to a weird understanding. Deidara is... volatile. Tori escapes having a life-long grudge against her because, unlike Itachi, she does like talking about ~art~. They are mutually down for doing stupid experiments while drinking, so their dynamic is slowly shifting into something more like an actual friendship, which is why he follows her around for a chunk of chapter 16.
Itachi: Tori stresses Itachi out so much. He was not impressed by their first meeting and then immediately realizes she could ruin his entire life's plan with one word to the wrong person. This freak out is not completely apparent to Tori because she her own problems to worry about over Itachi's personal problems, but Obito does have to talk him down from murdering her. His more domestic interactions with her convince him that she is: sometimes annoying but otherwise perfectly fine company. Their interests and personalities aren't super aligned, but god help you if you say something stupid and both of them attempt to correct you. Itachi's nerves were soothed slightly by Tori telling him she doesn't give enough of a shit about his problems to go blabbing to other people, and also by the fact that while drunk and also genjutsu, she just talks about grass.She's fine. The fact that she had the ability to do wild fuinjutsu with her own blood all along and they were just letting her wander around is sort of upsetting, but it's fine. Everything is fine.
Kisame: Kisame also doesn't have super strong opinions on Tori. She's fine? Why is Itachi so stressed? He has noticed that she... sometimes just does things which are completely unhinged? But so do all his coworkers. He's not super interested in her skillset beyond "does it work, y/n" because he values combat over other things, but at the same time he doesn't mind hanging out with her. Kisame is one of the members more likely to actually trust Tori, because he doesn't see her as someone who'd have a reason to work against him, and his life experience make him likely to go, "well, she's one of those lofty thinking-types, so she's probably right."
Pein and Konan: Honestly, they probably like her more for administrative assistance than anything else. She makes sassy comments, but she also shows up and figures out how to translate multiple insane accounts of the same mission into a cohesive report. She hasn't had a weeping breakdown that they know of the way they're pretty sure brining in other types of support would result. Sometimes she's funny? Plus she feeds herself and no one's killed her yet. 8/10 hostage.
Zetsu: What a weird new parameter. Her presence does not particularly change his plans, as she has yet to ever verbalize anything about Kaguya.
Obito: As the person who's interrogated her the most of the topic, Obito is not completely convinced Tori actually can see the future, but holy fuck does she have a lot of information she must have gotten from somewhere. He's mostly operating under the assumption that she has some other inexplicable kekkei genkai that she's chosen to lie about for some reason, because what else could it be? Obito does not hate her. Her attempting to weaponize the Tobi persona against him and other people is actually very entertaining. He thinks she's funny when she's mad.
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another-corpo-rat · 6 months
for the alternate love interests... okay i have several to ask for victoria... hanako arasaka... arthur jenkins... bryce mosley... alt cunningham (also apparently i had my asks turned off lol... didn't even realize)
i have, once again to the surprise of no one, rambled like a mother fucker in response. i apologise 😔
Hanako Arasaka
In brief they wouldn't work - like at all, but you know i love over-explaining: I touched on this in the Michiko ask but: Victoria has no innate love or respect for the Arasaka family. Though she'll certainly play her part as the respectful underling, she doesn't view them as Gods Among Men but painfully human, as fallible, as prone to death and mistakes as she is. And her opinions on Hanako are less flattering still; she sees her as a figurehead, pretty to look at and well-trained on what words and tone to use. And sure, she's a splendid netrunner - but it's easy to hone a skill when you have all-day, every-day to commit to it - Victoria holds more respect for the interns in counter-intel, whose lives are actually at risk when they get into the chair.
She might have garnered some respect for the Arasaka daughter after Saburo died and she was left to forge her own path - but the moment Hanako reveals Saburo's play and involvement? It all goes down the drain. Solidifies Victoria's view of the woman as little more than a pretty parrot.
Hanako, meanwhile, I believe would see Victoria as just another rank and file corpo, another suit who wants nothing more than to climb impossibly higher and higher even to their detriment. And she'll promise that with a smile, a gentle nod, steer their conversation into emotional territory because emotions are easy to wrangle - and she thinks by that furrow in Crane's brow that she's got her.
She sees Victoria as a fool for siding so publicly with Michiko, says as much with a gentle tone, like a parent asking their child why they've done something so naughty. Gives her the whole spiel about being Arasaka's heart, family and bloodshed, perhaps believing that Victoria's resentment of her dead half-brother was a passion thing, that she did it through a strong sense of family worth that Angelo ruined with his very existence. It's a severe misunderstanding of character on both their parts.
They have such low views of one another that they'd never get along or understand each other beyond pretense, but it's made especially worse when Victoria deliberately kills Yorinobu against Hanako's wishes.
Arthur Jenkins
I genuinely had to consider this for a bit, cos they'd be an interesting pairing - but in the way it's interesting to watch a spider web up a fly. Victoria, if she considered Jenkins as anything but a headache, would probably find some joy in fucking with him; encouraging his worst ideas in a subtle enough way that she could claim denial when it'd inevitably comes back to bite him, keeping enough of a distance that people wouldn't assume they're associated in any way beyond the thinnest threads of employment.
And Jenkins, well I imagine it'd play into a powertrip for him, a torrid, tense affair where he's cucking Adam fucking Smasher - it'd preen at his pride, make him feel a little bit invincible for a while. The apparent secrecy a thrill. Until Victoria grows bored, deigning him painfully predictable and moving on, sparing him nary a thought until he tries to wave his dick around, use his position against her, threatening to make Smasher aware-
it wouldn't end well for Jenkins, but when does it ever?
Bryce Mosley
I'll admit I haven't dug into Mosley all that much besides what we know from the Placide mission, BUT!!
He and Victoria have definitely rubbed elbows, mixed together at some corporate events - really it was inevitable that their circles would overlap eventually and they get to talking over over-priced champagne while people-watching; ever observant even on their time off.
They'd flirt, make eyes, but both are equally wary of each other - both know how loyal the other is to their respective companies, and that the other is prying in indirect ways, looking for a drip of information, an admission of doing things they shouldn't (ie Victoria breaching the Blackwall once a decade or so-). It could get physical now and then - a supposed one-night stand that reoccurs more than it should; when a party is too boring and nothing interesting to be learned, they retreat into each other's company - but it is purely physical. Trust is the one thing corpos can't really afford, especially when another corporation is involved.
so, as a sexual partner? 100% but a genuine love interest? not a chance.
Alt Cunningham
they absolutely wouldn't work out- like even less than Victoria/Hanako - but I think they'd have…something. i reckon they might have known each other back when Alt was still a human, before Johnny fucked her over forever and condemned her to a digital purgatory - there was something of a respect there, but begrudging on both ends if even acknowledged - at least where their respective netrunning skills were concerned. As people? Not even a fractal of it.
Victoria knows what happened to Alt, met her beyond the Blackwall shortly after it happened and she can't decide if she's terrified of sharing such a fate or not; digital godhood is appealing in concept but she doubts its so easy in practicality; Alt confirms that. They manage to converse in those years, reach an understanding that was impossible in their humanity. It's odd how civil they manage to be - when Alt despises Arasaka and Victoria is viciously protective of it; but odder things have happened.
(idk if i'll ever write it but i'd love for them to have a discussion on humanity, and their respective lack of it after Victoria becomes a 'borg)
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talesofsonicasura · 4 months
Glitch in the Relics Shenanigans
Hey there everybody. I'm back with FE Reader shenanigans and this time we're dwelling into the world of Knack. Gonna be quite a doozy as our heroes have more than just technology to contend with. Simple or unconventional weapons tend to be used a lot in this particular franchise. Let's get started.
Between the three iterations, Fatal Error Reader here remains mostly chill in temperament. They are still snippy and a bit snide about the situation. It leads to counter snark whenever someone says or does something stupid. Mostly and harshly at Viktor.
The entire team didn't fully trust FE Reader at first. Understandable when the human now virus had hack and emerge from Viktor's security drone. I can imagine they have a very advanced firewall to handle viruses. Something Doctor is aware of since he does have history with Viktor.
There were definitely questions when Reader says they used to be human. Ones that wouldn't have much answers since the living virus is still confused about the situation. Viktor doesn't care about it though.
The billionaire already saw FE Reader as an unwanted pest even moreso when it comes apparent that their abilities expand further than crashing programs. Doctor, Ryder, and Lucas are willing to give the virus a chance. Knack is a mesh of friendly curiosity.
FE Reader's strange abilities doesn't really faze him since he's just as abnormal. Also it is quite obvious that they have no idea about their potential powers either. Like the general freakout upon realizing virus' stomach turn out to basically be a pocket dimension when they had accidentally lost the communicator inside.
He does his best to make sure FE Reader doesn't feel alone throughout the entire journey. Even when they both accidentally find out the virus could hitch a ride inside his chest orb. It did feel weird as Knack heard FE Reader inside his head and they can partially merge with his body to assist him. (Think of the CO-OP Knack fusion from Knack 2.)
Everyone obvious freaked out when FE Reader practically became a hooded cape like shroud over Knack's upper body. His face seen inside their jaws akin to him wearing a helm, the viral upper arms entangle around the golem's own that they were now larger while the lower limbs remains normal and their body overlap his in a plasma state without obscuring the relics. It felt even more awkward speaking due to their voices being mixed together.
Doctor: Incredible... Are you two alright?
FE Knack::I- We're fine other than feeling so tingly. Like just had six straight shots of the most intense expresso/black coffee combo strong.
Ryder: That actually sounds worse than what the Doctor makes for his longer projects.
Doctor: Hey! My preference to get enough caffeine to complete my inventions isn't that bad.
Lucas: Not when it's stronger than three energy drinks. -_-
Despite the oddities between each other their kinship is very strong. Reader often storing any relics they find in their pocket space so Knack can defend himself better or communicate vocally if he's small. It isn't uncommon to see the virus napping inside the golem's chest orb, evidence being soft red data 'flakes' ebbing off it. Knack and Reader are protective of each other, moreso the latter who will share their ire if the former is mistreated.
FE Reader: Call him a pet one more time then you'll quickly find a gag sewn inside your throat and a muzzle glued to that sad excuse for a face, Viktor.
Lucas: That's much more extreme than what I had in mind. Any tips?
FE Reader is gonna be quite an influence on Lucas. They are happily willing to hear him out whether it be his ideas or opinions. Even moreso that he's part of the group decisions tends to be sidelined for his age.
Doctor documents any info that revolves around Reader's powers and mannerisms. He is given permission as the former human wants to understand their new body without accidentally hurting anyone. Although they'll pull Vargas back if he goes a bit overboard.
Ryder is there for the ride and hopefully keep things civil in the group. When it comes to FE Reader, he helps in wherever he can. Simple advice and of course warnings on what machinery is fragile to errors.
FE Reader ends up going into the Goblin Village thus separated from Lucas and Knack. Or living virus tries to keep three unarmed people alive throughout a heavily fortified fortress. Not a fun experience especially when said virus loses their temper.
When canon Fatal Error looses his temper, he takes on Critical form. More powerful, more monstrous, and even more eager to tear apart who garners his rage. Same goes for FE Reader albeit with a chaotic buckwild attitude instead.
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You can sum it as a walking hurricane of viral code. They'll need to constantly feed on energy or data in order to sustain Critical mode should their rage wane enough. FE Reader will be exhausted afterwards.
They seem to have a peculiar reaction to Giant Relics or exposure to large quantities of relic energy. One such instance would be immediately going Critical just by touching the giant relic in Viktor's Mansion.
Whatever connection they may have to these particular artifacts are still unknown. It will put Fatal Error Reader and those they care about in the crossfire for those with bad intentions. Whether they be humans, goblins or something else.
It'll take more than crashing a few systems to tackle this particular threat. That won't stop this living virus from trying. It's delete or be deleted.
That's it for now! Untill next time folks, I'll see on the next expedition. Ciao!
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diesoonandsuffer · 9 months
please clap.
i never actually did an update on my thoughts post since season 3, so i figured before i watched the movies i'll do a summary of my thoughts on the show.
first off it apparently took me over a year to finish it since i started in july of 2022, and it's now august of 2023. this isn't because i didn't like it or anything, i just kept doing other stuff and unlike with tos, i wasn't watching it WITH someone, so i wasn't on a schedule of any kind. however i did enjoy the show, i grew to like the characters quite a lot and i was invested in their stories. it was definitely a different vibe to tos, while tos is quite episodic, campy, and a bit dated, tng is less campy, a bit less episodic, and slightly less dated lol. it did kind of annoy me that we would start to get these longer arcing plots and then they would be abandoned or forgotten. for example at the beginning of the show it seemed like riker and troi were going to have a lot more "drama" in the show but nothing really happened with them, and then at the very end of the show they put her with worf and don't really explore that fully. i don't just mean romantic pairings but that's an example of what i mean. there was also just a general quality difference in episodes, maybe it was more noticeable here than in tos since tng was longer, but towards the end of the show in particular we got really good episodes followed by quite shit ones. by the time the show ended i didn't really feel like it was ready to end, if that makes sense. i feel like it was always toeing the line between being episodic and being a show with long plots. in general -- was fun. i had a good time. i've forgotten a lot from the beginning but oh well.
here i'll give my thoughts on the characters since that's what i used to do. in no particular order:
picard: i really don't have many strong opinions about him, some episodes he definitely was more entertaining than others. i think i would have liked to see him fail more often because generally he seems too capable at times. i do enjoy the rare moments where he loosens up. despite the longer screentime he had i weirdly feel like he has less depth than kirk? let me know if this is a crazy take but i don't feel like picard is a particularly complicated man, he doesn't seem like he has a lot of inner turmoil or conflict about things, meanwhile kirk is going through it at all times. not to constantly compare the two but. well, i just did
troi: the most beautiful woman in the world i'm such a whore when i look at her. when she got a real uniform i whooped and hollered and when she become a COMMANDER bitch?!?!?! i really do wish they did more with her character she had sooooooo much potential with being half-betazed and they never really give it the exploration it deserves, they use it when its convenient and forget when it isn't. i feel like if we had gotten one more season she could have really shined but they were like i know let's spend the last couple of episodes we have with her making her date worf i guess. also why did they give her mom so much trauma. that wasn't nice.
worf: i grew to like him more and more as the show went on, like whenever i would realize the episode i was watching was going to be a worf-focused episode i would get excited. he's one of those unintentionally funny characters which makes him entertaining, but i also find it interesting seeing the way he balances his klingon heritage with his role as a starfleet officer. i love how much he loves being a klingon, and how he always wants to teach other people about it and let them, in turn, learn more about him. he cares deeply and he tries hard even if he doesn't get it right. i know he's in ds9 so i'm happy to see more of him when i finally get to that
riker: we didn't get enough of him tbh. it felt like there would be multiple season gaps between his solo episodes. like for someone who is the first officer he didn't feel very relevant to the show, they stopped caring about his character after a while. he would have maybe a small arc in certain episodes but he was mostly there because he had to be? maybe the sporadic way i watched is effecting my memory on this. but i really like him, i think he's funny and i like his rogue tendencies.
geordi: we also didn't get enough of geordi. i love him but i feel like i barely know anything about him. but i love how genuinely kind and caring he is, and he's also in the scotty position of "the ship would fall apart without him" i feel like every episode picard would be like geordi fix this! help! also i wish he would have kissed the android.
data: hey it's the android. i love this dude. however i am getting a little overexposed to the dude and i know the movies are only going to continue that. idk why by s6-7 they were like "we're out of ideas for data. what if he liked killing and hurt his crewmates and was maybe evil" which is so lazy. like it would all somehow get resolved by the end and everyone would just move on like data wasn't a genocide machine two minutes ago. the finale reminded me of the way data used to be, where he would constantly ask people questions and say obvious things, and i realized i really missed that. he has dreams and shit now he's not really as compelling. he's been a human to me from day 1 so they didn't need to do all that. however brent spiner continues to be very funny.
beverly: um she certainly was there. don't get me wrong i like her but i feel like i never had any strong attachment to her. she didn't get many solo episodes and the last one i can remember (with the fucking. ghost?) was not good. yeah i can't really think of anything else to say. she's fine.
wesley: ok i know he like left the show after a certain point but i would be remiss to mention again that his arc did not end in a good way and he should get to take a NAP why does he have to keep being SO SPECIAL. also why does anyone ever hate this kid he was like 12 he literally was so non offensive to the show. but i did really like every time he came back after wil wheaton left i feel like wesley brings a new perspective to the show that is needed.
honorable mention ro laren: she's my icon right now so i feel like i have to mention her. i would have loved to see more of her in the show, i found her character really compelling and complex. i liked how she was always a bit of a bitch. i'm on the fence of how i feel about her arc ending, i feel like the episode with geordi and the one where she was turned into a kid both were made to help her feel more like the enterprise could be a home for her. they didn't give me much reason to believe otherwise? i don't care about her leaving, i liked that both her and wesley left starfleet even if the show didn't have the time or capacity to explore it, but i didn't fully believe her reasoning. but i loved every time she was there.
i have probably forgotten. many things. i was in the sun all day and maybe have heat exhaustion. but i'm starting generations in like 10 minutes and i realized i needed to make this post before i watched it. thank you for coming along on this year-long journey of me watching tng. we did it boys
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insanesanitysparks · 6 months
Untitled Aizawa Shota x Female Reader
Original prompt here
Plan to do a longer fic on this later, but given the prompt I was given this is the general idea I've got so far. May make a few tweaks here and there. The biggest wall right now is a good, flashy title. Kind of thinking maybe "Pride and Prejudice" because I feel like that would fit but I'm focusing on other fics at the moment so that may change when I have more time to write the longer version.
Also thinking that the reader probably has a cat quirk...for reasons that I don't care to elaborate on but you can feel free to speculate on. She looks primarily human but has cat ears, a tail, retractable nails/claws, and night vision. Despite being employed at UA, she is not a hero. She's basically kind of like a foreign exchange teacher lol.
A young teacher who's always wanted to go to Japan, you jump when then opportunity to teach English at the legendary hero school UA is offered to you. The teachers you'll be working with are all amazing, and mostly friendly...except for one. Aizawa Shota.
Where the other teachers are welcoming and curious, he brushes you off as a pointless distraction. He doesn't bully you, but he's not exactly going out of his way to be nice either. Your opinion of him is rather low, especially since he's incredibly harsh with his students and doesn't put much effort into his appearance. What kind of teacher does that to their students?
The two of you regularly bicker back and forth. Him critiquing you and you judging him. Until you saw him after the USJ. Until you saw recorded footage of the USJ incident. Until you saw him, beaten and bloodied, pushing his quirk far past its limit to protect his students. It was then that you realized that he was hard for a reason. Hero work was hard. He wanted his students to be able to hold their own against villains in the future. He wanted his students to be the ones that never had to worry about a villain taking them down. He wanted his students to survive, to live much, much longer lives than he ever would. He was a better man than you had initially given him credit for.
You visited him in the hospital and you hated to admit that you were worried for him. But Recovery Girl assured you that he would be fine. Still, you stayed by his side for a long while. Apparently, under those baggy clothes he always wore were finely sculpted muscles. Behind that messy head of hair was a hard looking face made soft when asleep. He twitched in his sleep and you reluctantly took his hand. You wondered what sort of nightmare could scare a strong man like him.
Eventually you had to leave him. You needed to prepare for your classes. That didn't stop you from finding the time to swing by the store and pick up a few things for him though. Top quality eye drops, some little liquid sweets and snacks that he could eat even in his rough shape, and a few coupons to your favorite cat cafe. You weren't sure that he would like it but the way he was jumping around like a cat at the USJ made you have a hunch about him and cats. Besides, most people felt better petting soft, fuzzy fluffies.
To your surprise, the scruffy man actually thanked you the next time you saw him. Back to teaching even though his body wasn't fully recovered! You admired his dedication to his students. But now you were confronted with a new problem...you were clearly crushing on the man but after all the back and forth bickering there was no way he would be interested in you too, right?
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Scydia&Scira for the ask game
Ship It!
1) What made you ship it?
i think it kind of reminded me of a ship from a lengthy fanfiction of another fandom entirely 😅 at least, that's what first convinced me of that particular dynamic* -- fiery woman with a very strong temper and very even-keeled man with a steel spine who can weather her storms until she chills the fuck out, haha. i feel like they would balance out well, esp because at their cores, they do share the same compassion and dedication to doing good. Lydia had to grow into hers, but that's not a bad thing. also they make one hell of a battle couple. (thinking of Morgana/Leon from the BBC Merlin fic series Loaded March, if anyone's curious)
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
the hand holding 🥺
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
honestly i'm not sure what the popular opinions are in order to know if any of my opinions are unpopular 😂 but i don't expect so
Ship It!
1) What made you ship it?
they're just so fucking cute, ok. they're goddamn adorable. they're all shy smiles and earnest eye contact and bashful overtures. i love the high-school-ness of them in the midst of all the enormously traumatizing supernatural bullshit going on around them, that they can still manage to be and want to be normal, sweet, simple. i want that for them. and i'm still sad that they didn't get it.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
that none of their conflict really comes from within the relationship itself. i crave that sometimes, couples that just are and the drama that interferes isn't because of stupid shit they themselves do. they just want to be together and if the supernatural bullshit would fucking LET THEM, they would be fine!! let them go on a fucking date!!! also the way they're so comfortable with each other that they (Scott, let's be real here, just Scott 😂) keeps forgetting that important milestones in the relationship haven't already happened. literally canon that their first kiss was an absent-minded casual We Do This All The Time, Right? goodbye kiss between classes that made Kira.exe stop working and it took until the next class period for Scott to realize OH GOD WE'VE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE, aldkfhakdfgh. and then he did it again with the i love yous!!! it's so fucking cute, i love them.
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i really need to be more tapped into the zeitgeist apparently..........idk 😅
send me ships to rate!
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cruelfeline · 9 months
Hello, back with more bullshit about the abomination comment:
The comment is interesting regarding Frey and Cuff's dynamic of being foils to each other as well.
Frey most likely spent the majority of her life thinking that she was fundamentally unwanted and unlovable, that she didn't really have a place in the world. How could she not? But by the end of the game, she's been offered a chance to readjust her perception of herself and move on— not really heal, not yet and not from such a deep wound, but her relationship to the people of Cipal and the plight of Athia, Cinta's admission of love and the understanding of the frought nature of her birth and arrival in New York, give her a point to pivot from. She has worth, she has agency, and people can love her, do love her. Frey has a place in the world and was always wanted, even if her life didn't pan out in a way that made it easy for her to know that.
Cuff, on the other hand, has a strong belief in both his purpose and his existence being wanted— he has a task, and he was purpose made for it, so of course he's intentional and a desirable asset for the Rheddig, and of course he should be loyal to them and their whims, they made him! He's willing to do things he's clearly conflicted about just because it's what he's for, and cape for the Rheddig just because he's tangentially linked to them. It'd be easy to think, then, that the Rheddig might appreciate him as a part of their faction to instil such loyalty (as Frey kind of does, because she sees Cuff as a person), but no, the game goes on to show that no one else really sees Cuff as either a person or as something that should exist at all. Unlike Frey, though, he doesn't really acknowledge it aside from is comments during their fight about his duty, but even then it's not to judge how others perceive him, just to kind of internalise that view of him and make it acceptable within his framing of himself.
Idk, it's just kind of neat that they sort of end up at opposite points to each other in this regard— even if Cuff ends up there from us gaining knowledge of him, rather than his character gaining knowledge of himself.
(Sorry for the word vomit haha, hope you're having a good day)
I am having a lovely day, and your commentary has brightened it further!
You're absolutely right.
One of the most interesting contrasts between Cuff and Frey pertains to their sense of self and their sense of duty.
As you say, they're opposites. Frey starts out with a very low opinion of herself, convinced that she's a screw-up whom no one could love, only to eventually understand that she was loved and had value all along.
Cuff maintains this sense of pride in what he is, apparently believing himself to be valued by those who made him and secure in his purpose, but as time goes on, this seems less and less grounded in reality. He is an "it" to everyone save for Frey. And, ultimately, he seems very unaware of any of the machinations involving him, as evidenced by his ignorance of his own rebirth in the DLC. Slowly but surely, it feels like we're approaching the realization that he has no revelation of love and want waiting for him in Rheddah.
In terms of duty, Frey goes from shying away from it - believing herself unable to rise to meet it - to choosing, willingly, to devote herself to it. Whereas Cuff starts from a place of devotion that he did not choose, yet still believes he must remain true to, and ends up... well, we don't fully know. But the final battle's dialogue certainly suggest some doubt starting to emerge.
And all of this ultimately reverses their states of power!
Frey goes from unsure and frightened and depressed to confident and certain and strong. Where she had little agency before, she has plenty now, and she's willing to use it.
Cuff starts off with that confidence and certainty only to seem less sure by the end. He's less able to grasp his agency and use it, and he exhibits far more anxiety and concern in, say, the DLC than Frey does.
Frey gets better and grows healthier; Cuff gets strangely worse.
Gosh, I wish we could have seen how it all progressed!
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imasimpdealwithit · 2 months
So, I feel kind of stupid right now. I feel like I shouldn't care or it's stupid that I'm upset about it, but I had this friend who I'm only recently starting to try and be friends with again cause he was kind of a jerk and complained about me saying that I led him on and crap. Trying to move past it right? Whatever. But talking to some friends who go to school with him and I'm realizing he might have outed me to multiple people. And that fucking hurts. I live somewhere where alot of people that I know and am friends with don't like LGBT that much and have strong opinions about it. Only told him because he was like my best friend when I had and he didn't have issues with it. (I'm bi btw) He was telling some people that I was a lesbian when I'm not and he knows full well that I'm not. It can ruin alot of relationships I have by being outed and he said he wouldn't tell anyone. AND apparently he "let it slip" while talking to one of my closest friends who im not ready to tell yet. And I'm terrified of what that means. I have no idea how many people or who he told and as someone who is already on the outside of alot things especially being homeschooled I'm now wondering if people are looking at me weird because they know I like girls too. I have like three people I told (him included) and now idk who knows. I'm questioning if I should continue to try and be friends with him again like I had been trying because of learning this (and a couple other things) It makes me want to cry and that feels so stupid and dramatic and attention seeking or something.
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williamafton2030 · 3 months
My opinion on Mimic and its implementation in lore
The Mimic is no longer a mystery to anyone so I'm just going to talk about who he is because everyone must know who he is (even more so when in a few months the anniversary of the boom that hit his revelation in Tales from the Pizzaplex with the story that bears the same name, The Mimic). Rather, I am going to focus on telling my personal experience with his introduction to the fandom and how he went from being a character I hated to being one of my favorite characters.
First I have to say that I was quite surprised by this plot twist because I did not follow Tales from the Pizzaplex and I had no idea what the stories were in them (this made me venture much later than this plot twist to read the history of GGY and knowing why they said that Gregory was Patient 46, but that is another story. The fact is that it was one day when I was even calmer that I came across a video that states that neither Glitchtrap nor Burntrap are William and explains his true identity and what the history of this new character is. I was very stunned because I could not believe that William was not one of these 2 characters when they had been apparently saying yes for years and I became discouraged and quite upset with this horrible retcon (or at least at the time I thought it was)
I went weeks without barely touching anything from Fnaf until the Ruin trailer premiered. I loved this trailer either for the entire horror setting it presented or for the Vanny Mask that brought us a great concept such as the VANNI network that I adore to this day. So what did I do? Well, I gave it a chance and I started to get interested in reading the Tales from the Pizzaplex stories or at least the two related to Mimic (The Storyteller and The Mimic)
I adored every bit of these stories and my hatred for Mimic, which had been very strong at the beginning, diminished considerably when I saw the potential he had as a villain and understood that it had not been a retcon. I understood that Scott had had this Help Wanted character in mind and the creation of Glitchtrap because the tears and drool he had proved it, in addition to his imitation of Tape Girl when we first entered the game, greeting us with that distorted voice. And of course because the scene of the tombs on the death screen finally made sense to me because William was dead, but his tomb represented in the center with that texture indicated to us that Mimic was imitating him and that he had him in the center like a king (This interpretation is not mine because several channels talk about it on YouTube but this scene finally made sense to me)
Another thing that changed my mind about Mimic when reading his story is realizing that he wasn't just a poor imitation of William for no reason other than killing people by imitating him. But Mimic for me is not only that and what seemed to be an empty character for me became a being who has an internal struggle due to the duality that exists in him where he wants to make friends but at the same time destroys and ends everything. the one he crosses paths with. In addition, it came "to life" so to speak since in the room of papers and drawings in the Pizzaplex we can find messages like "I can feel it." Although there was also the sadistic part like Glitchtrap and the part that hates being bothered as it is in the message "This is my home, leave"
All this made my affection for him notable but it wasn't until Ruin where I loved him even more (although poor Cassie didn't deserve it for everything she went through). I honestly loved that he appeared imitating Gregory's voice lines from Security breach like "The stupid door is not open." That seemed very macabre to me because it meant that Mimic spent the entire game watching what Gregory was doing, but at the same time I loved it.
The only thing that left me with a bittersweet taste was its introduction to the lore because they could have done better by giving more clues that we were indeed facing a new villain and it was not William Afton returning from the dead again. But for everything else Mimic is amazing and I really love its concept.
I sincerely hope that in future Steel Wool games they bring him back because I think he is a great villain and a great concept that gives a fresh air to the franchise.
Finally, I would like to point out that you should always give things a chance, even if you are not very excited about them because you may find things in them that you will end up loving. And above all, it is true that having Fnaf books is very expensive and not everyone can afford it, but you can read the stories or at least summaries, but above all the stories that you will not regret.
And this has been my personal opinion of the character of The Mimic. I have to clarify that this is my personal opinion and that if you don't have the same opinion as me, that's okay too since we each have our own opinions, all of which are equally valid.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
is it an aspd thing to feel like any and all anger towards my exceptions must be buried because i dont trust myself to know when its actaully "right" and i dont want to hurt them? i dont know how to cope with it i feel like i want to scream at them more and more and i dont want to ruin it
Oh look, apparently someone managed to take my life and submit it into an ask on my blog again. /lh
Big yes, that is definitely an ASPD thing. We are *constantly* being told that are anger is overblown, aggressive, etc etc so it becomes very hard for many of us to recognize when our anger is legitimate vs when we are dealing with a symptom flare. I struggle with this myself all the time, and it's the worst when my Exceptions are involved because my emotions with them can sometimes be much more extreme than with other people because ASPD comes from attachment issues that lead to distrust. Since Exceptions are people we are the most vulnerable around, as well as the most socially involved/close with, that can often trigger our ASPD to push them out of our lives as a way of protecting ourselves.
But no matter what, whether it comes from symptoms or from a "genuine" place, your feelings are real and valid. Even if they pass or change quickly, you still felt them and that made them real. Do your best not to let anyone try and convince you that you aren't allowed to be angry just because you have ASPD (and that includes your Exceptions and even yourself). I have made that mistake before, and it lead to years of my life spent in an abusive relationship because I just kept telling myself and hearing from the abuser that I was just overreacting and I would feel fine by tomorrow or in a couple hours. That ended up only being true sometimes because I was gaslit into believing it, so much so that I started gaslighting myself for him.
Sometimes, the best way to deal with things like this for people with ASPD is to take the true emotions out of it and quantify it into a more visual thing. When you're calm, come up with some kind of chart system. It can be simple or complex, whatever works for you, but make sure to put it in a place where no one is going to risk seeing it but you, so that you can be entirely honest. Please note, your mileage may vary with this, but looking at things this way has helped me immensely with understanding what are symptom flares vs actually needing to remove someone from my life. I did this even before I knew I had ASPD after realizing I let an abuser overstay his welcome by years because of my symptoms, and it's not done me wrong yet.
The information you want on this chart is going to require you to recognize when you get angry (regardless of if it is symptom related or not) and when you are hurt. You're going to chart every time the person in question does or says something that causes you to feel that way, as well as a place to make notes on whether or not they apologized unprompted and if they actually changed the behavior, and chart separately when you feel angry for reasons you can't fully explain or that weren't caused by something you believe to be rational to be angry about.
If you find out that you're spending a majority of your time feeling angry, but rarely hurt, especially without a known cause or one you consider rational, you may be experiencing a symptom flare. I would not leave a non-abusive partner in that situation until the flare passes and you can better reflect.
If you find that you are spending the majority of your time being angry about things you consider rational and/or hurt by something this person said or did, especially if they didn't apologize *and* work to change it, then in my opinion that's when you should consider removing this person from your life. Don't worry too much about "ruining" the relationship if this is the case. At the end of the day, a relationship only is worth keeping if it adds more to your life then it takes away by a relatively strong margin, at least in my opinion.
The third option, which is always nice to see when it happens (more often than I care to admit), is that this chart shows that you aren't actually spending as much of your time hurt or angry as you think you are, which is normal with ASPD. Many, but not all, pwASPD experience some degree of emotional blunting when it comes to positive emotions like happiness and contentedness on top of dealing with stronger reactions to frustration, anger, etc. so even if you're only feeling angry once in a week, it may be the strongest emotion you felt that week and you might become convinced that you felt that way for much longer than you did in the moment.
This also happens because pwASPD experience black and white/all or nothing thinking. Therefore, sometimes when someone we care about makes us upset, we can only see them as out to hurt us. The chart may help you target when that's what's going on which, at least for me, helps me relax and see the person in a more realistic light.
As I mentioned, this won't work for everyone, but I do it and it helps me, so I hope it can help you as well.
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