#this is a sexy office clearly lol
heart4reigns · 1 year
Hi! I was requesting a fluff roman fic they are both protective of the other and in a tag team match y/n notices that one of their opponents is trying to sabotage roman and so she gets rid of them and then her and roman with the match tyy! (sorry if this made no sense lol) also your writing is really cool and well written :)
DOUBLE TROUBLE, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, fights, unwanted flirting
tags: ocs to fit the plot, badass (y/n), personal BEEF IN THIS FIGHT, who's your head of the table now? LET’S SPICE IT UP A BIT WITH SOME BACKSTAGE DRAMA
summary: we all hate that one dude from work
EVER since you were put into a tag-team reign with your boyfriend, you couldn't help but to notice that he was very very protective of you. see, you weren't weak at all, but all the hard hits and impacts? he took them for you. who would've thought that his protectiveness rubbed off on you?
"baby." roman greeted you with a kiss. "what's good baby?" you replied. "creatives called us." you furrowed your brows, clearly confused. "they're gonna talk about our bookings." you followed him to his car. "i'm so excited, i hope we're gonna fight sami and kevin again!" you giggled, taking pictures of him driving. "i hope so too."
to your surprise, you spotted paul heyman sitting in the middle of the room. "paul?" you were still confused. "oh (y/n), roman. you're not gonna like this." his tone was concerning. "we're not gonna like what?" speak of the devil, the office door opened, revealing two people you didn't want to see. "you gotta be shitting me." you muttered under your breath.
mike and ryan, or their tag-team name, the miracle workers, were bad wrestlers. they were ranked the most reckless wrestlers in the current lineup. "look who we have here!" ryan stared at you from head to toe. you hated him. he was a flirt, always trying to get it with you, even though he knew that you were dating the roman reigns. roman tensed up, moving his chair closer to yours.
on the other hand, mike was probably more insufferable than ryan. he was a man of few words, but when he opened his mouth, he'd say the worst thing that someone could ever think of. you really couldn't do anything about this booking. they were pushing you and roman together for being the new upcoming tag-team champions, this match was just another roadblock to success. as soon as you signed the contract, you could tell that ryan was still eyeing you.
“can’t wait to see you in your sexy gear, (y/n)." ryan winked at you. “how many times do i have to tell you that i have a boyfriend and he’s literally sitting in front of you.” you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “i’m just saying you look good in your gear, i can treat you right.” that got into your boyfriend’s nerves as he stood up from his seat, causing you to stand up as well–to prevent things from going downhill. “chill, dude. that was a joke.” ryan panicked for a second. “you better start respecting her or i’m going to actually kick your ass, ryan.”
roman was known for his good temper, but some people got under his nerves. you put your hand on his shoulders. “come on, let’s go.” you said, not wanting to cause a fight. “yeah. we’re just wasting our time here.” paul added. the black-haired male grunted in response, taking your hand and walked out of the room with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. “i swear, we’re going to fucking ruin them next week.”
something riled up inside your boyfriend after the contract signing incident. he was… oddly very excited for the match. he complained about it before but now? he was working his ass off. roman also contributed to the choreography, it was mostly his idea. you saw the moves and you knew that he was trying to get you away from ryan as much as possible, pinning you to your other opponent, mike.
the gym was filled with commotion. "AND ANOTHER SPEAR FROM HER!" solo yelled, acting like the commentator. "SOLO, GET YOUR ASS HERE! YOU'RE A REFEREE NOT A COMMENTATOR!" his brother shouted. "RIGHT." solo immediately jumped into the ring, counting down to 3. before he could reach the third number, you kicked out. "shit, you really are the female version of him." jimmy complained.
you licked your lips in excitement, feeling adrenaline pumping in your blood. "i'd really hate it if i was put inside the ring with you, (y/n)." jimmy stood up, fixing his gloves. "and thank god we're in the same faction!" you grinned, countering his kick with another kick. jimmy was down as you locked his head with your arms. you won again in this practice, "HELL YEAH!" you jumped, falling on you back. "i don't get you sometimes, (y/n). you're clumsy as hell but like you're also fast."
"that's because she's in good hands." your tag-team partner (aka boyfriend) went inside the ring. "you missed my cool kick." you pouted. "i didn't, i was watching from behind the glass." he took off his glasses and started stretching. "you know, i'd love to see you wrestle with your glasses on." you winked at him. "stop flirting and start attacking." jey complained.
thankfully, you came home in one piece, despite having your body thrown from left to right. it was going to be a big fight tomorrow and you hated the bookings. "what are you thinking about, baby?" your thoughts were cut-off by your boyfriend's voice. "how i fucking hate being in the ring with mike and ryan." you sighed. "honestly, you’re right. they need to know their place, i can’t stand seeing you being disrespected." he agreed.
"it's going to be okay, baby. i mean what's the worst thing that could happen to us?"
the day for the match came and you couldn’t wait for it to be over. roman was holding your hand the entire time, not wanting you to slip from his sight. suddenly, his phone rang, he hesitated for a second. “babe, it’s okay. you can go answer the phone, i’ll be in the locker room.” you gave him a reassuring smile. “okay, i’ll be right back.” with that, he left you.
locker room wasn’t empty. you spotted some of your friends gearing up for the show. “hey, (y/n)!” bianca gave you a big hug as soon as she saw you. “hi!” you returned the gesture. “excited for tonight?” she sat down to adjust her outfit. “i never wanted to walk-out of a match so bad.” you complained. “ah yes, mike and ryan.” she cringed at the thought of the miracle workers. “good luck then, beat their asses!”
“damn, told you that you looked good with your gear.” you didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. “what are you doing here?” you asked. the locker room was empty now and your boyfriend was still on his call with jey. “do you mind?” “i don’t mind talking to you while your bodyguard isn’t here.” he winked. “jesus, drop the entire flirty act, please?” you were very annoyed. “i’m sorry i just can’t help it, you’re too pretty to ignore.”
“and you look too young to get your ass beat by me. move it, ryan.” you sighed in relief as you heard your boyfriend’s voice. “aaand the tribal chief is here, better get going. good luck tonight.” “stick to the script tonight!” he closed the door, avoiding a long lecture from the champion himself. “did he do anything?” roman looked at you with concern written all over his face. “no he didn’t, just his usual shit.” “right, let’s just end this night. we can go home after that and get ice cream.”
the show started for the two of you. “the undisputed tag-team champions, roman reigns and (y/n) (l/n), the bloodline!” the crowd went wild as you walked down to the ring. mike and ryan were already standing inside, ready to attack anytime. people were rising up their fingers in tribute of your championship with roman. as soon as you slid inside the ring, bowing down to the crowd–you could tell this was going to be a messy match.
your heart skipped a beat when the match started, mike and ryan immediately going off script. ryan was continuously trying to get you down, instead of roman. you made eye-contact with roman for a second, knowing how this match was going to be tough. you quickly avoided the punch that ryan was throwing at you. you dropkicked him from behind, causing him to fall on his stomach. now that ryan was down, you just needed to help roman stray mike away. “and a spear from reigns to mike, what will they do after this?” you jumped on the ropes, ready to jump on mike before ryan picked you up.
“ryan is back on his feet, capturing her in his lock.” you breathed for air as you were lifted from the ropes. “ryan, jesus christ!” you mouthed at him. he threw you on the ground, still going off script. oh, someone’s gonna get fired tonight, you thought. it was totally personal for the four of you. the move he made earlier caused you to hurt your shoulders. pain shot up from your shoulders. before he could tackle you again, roman speared him to the barricades. that one was personal.
mike was in the middle of the ring, looking for another attack. you speared him to the barricades, copying your boyfriend’s move. he wasn’t moving. one down, one to go, you thought. while you were with mike, ryan and roman were back inside the ring. you could see ryan was going to throw a punch on one of your boyfriend’s already bruised peck. you ran and slid inside the ring, dragging him into the pole. you were still holding back your punches, still being professional as ever. everyone could tell that you and roman were pissed. even the most gullible fans knew that the two of you were different tonight.
the crowd counted down along with the referee and you were glad that it was over. “and the winners, still the undisputed tag-team champion, the bloodline, roman reigns and (y/n) (l/n)!” you lifted the belts with your boyfriend on your side. “thank you.” he mouthed to you. “anything for you, baby.” you winked at him.
needless to say, you knew the backstage was going to be a mess. the locker room, on the other hand, was impressed with you and roman. “dude, i’d be so fucking pissed. i won’t even hold back my punches.” theory was there, still in his gear, clearly waiting for the two of you to drop some tea. “i just don’t get it why they were so fucking reckless.” you were offered ice by shotzi, she gave you a pity smile.
“what the fuck, reigns?” the miracle workers came back to the locker room. “no, what the fuck, ryan?” you stood up from your seat, clearly angered by his actions. “we told you to stick to the script.” your tone was laced with venom. “and we don’t listen to you fuckers.” mike said. “see, if you complied with us and just be a pretty girl inside the ring… be useless as usual, we might stick to the scri-“ before mike could finish his sentence, you dropped the ice and lunged on him. you had him on headlock, the man was on the ground. “call me useless one more time and you and your flirty friend right there,” you paused for a second to point at ryan who was scared shitless. “are going home with nothing but cut and bruises.”
roman wanted to intervene, but he knew you were capable of protecting yourself. “bro, you’re not gonna do anything?” jimmy nudged him. “nah, i’ll sit back and watch. i love seeing her being aggressive. they deserved it.”
a/n: HIII thank u so much for your request and i really appreciate your comment <333 it made my day!! requests are still open but i'm gonna focus on operation: together (aka a love triangle between roman and cody) check it out <3
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izukuwus · 11 months
Boiling Point 3: ...Will Still Boil Over Eventually - Miguel O'Hara/Reader (NSFW)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: well folks and strokes I have no self control. this was originally supposed to be the finale, but lol. lmao, even. you didn't really expect me to finish a storyline in only three parts?
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Summary: You reach your boiling point.
Notes: sub drop, a frankly ill-advised length of time to be edging oneself
Word count: 3317 words!
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It is day…
(What fucking day is it again?)
You’re tired. You’re bored. You’re horny. And that handsome motherfucker sent you a carousel of Spiders to explicitly make sure that you were actually resting in the time he so generously gave you.
Your package delivery was delayed by a combination of bad luck and worse luck, apparently, because it should have been here by now. You stopped bothering keeping up with your journaling partway through this, namely because you were starting to become hyper-aware of all your negative traits when you wrote them down (teenage boy levels of horniness and anger, mostly) and also because you’re starting to feel… low. Low low. Low low low low low.
The part of you that’s desperate for sex with a man you’ll never have or even just a fucking release at this point is losing out to your deep-seated need to be right. And in your contract, you said until the new vibe arrives. So, you are stuck waiting, lest you prove yourself completely slutty and undisciplined. And you are not slutty or undisciplined.
The worst part, you think, is the understimulation. Sure, you’ve got hobbies, but you don’t want to do any of them right now. You want to get someone’s hand on your tits and teeth on your neck, or else you want to hook yourself up to a vibrator until you discover new frontiers of consciousness and burn out the motor on that one, too, or else you want to lay here and rot. And fuck it, you can’t do any of that, because you still have your shitty office work to attend to, which doesn’t even distract you from the real problems in the world: dimensional anomalies, stopping criminals, and the criminal lack of dimensionally anomalous dick in your mouth.
Honestly, at first, it was sexy. You liked the little thrill of rolling over in bed and seeing your contract and knowing that you’re being so good even without a dom to make it so. You liked the idea of the denial, the promise of a new toy coming as a reward for all the longing in the meantime. Part of you still does, but that part has been glazed over with a level of self-loathing that usually being a Spider wipes away.
If you were worth anything, you wouldn’t have to enforce this yourself.
If you were worth anything, someone would be telling you what a good girl you’ve been, that you’ve worked so hard for this, that you’ve earned the right to cum.
Admit it.
You’re not doing this alone to prove a point.
You’re doing this alone because no one is ever going to do it for you. Not for long, at least.
You know two ways to fill time and void—searching for good views from too-tall buildings and masturbation. The too-tall buildings frustrate you even more, because occasionally one of your coverage Spider-Men will swing in and remind you that you’re under strict orders to rest, or worse, you’ll see them at work and know that Miguel has probably instructed them to web you to a wall if you try to help with YOUR job, and then you just feel even more useless and angry and empty.
Okay, so skyscraper sightseeing is out. What about masturbation?
Yeah, that’ll work. Add more sexual frustration to your sexual frustration. You like sexual frustration, right? Clearly, since you’re still doing this bullshit. Go ahead, we put some sexual frustration on your sexual frustration so you can get sexually frustrated while you experience some light sexual frustration. This can only serve to alleviate your problems. Clearly. Dumbass.
…you make sure to leave your wristband in the other room before you take your pants off.
And you know what? Maybe it’s the demon on your shoulder egging you on when you slip two fingers inside yourself and fantasize in scraps of images—sharp teeth, big muscles, webs holding down your wrists—and chase release, but you no longer care about the stupid fucking contract or your stupid fucking delayed package or your stupid fucking—
There is a noise in the other room.
A noise that sounds suspiciously like an incoming call on your wristband.
You can’t help it. Fuck your neighbors. You actually scream.
Okay. You’re overreacting. Walk it back. This is good. You didn’t break the contract, because you didn’t cum, and that call probably means you’re back in business and able to be a fucking Spider again.
So really, you're glad you got a call. You wash your hands, you scrub extra hard. You make sure your Spider suit is on, you make sure you're wearing casual clothes with the zippers all pulled and hiding your suit. When you're calm and collected and ready, the dread and self-hatred is still there, as is the frustration, but you didn't spend years in customer service without learning how to wear a smile even when the only desire you have left in your little heart is that lingering drive to take up serial killing.
You find the wristband on the coffee table. Slip it on. Hit the button to call back.
And there he is: man of the hour, loathe of your life, Miguel O'Hara. You've been trying not to think of him by his full name only, but it isn't working, mostly because you've also been halfway trying to not think of him at all.
You don't really process most of the conversation, too busy floating in the space between "horny" and "dead inside", but you do hear the words "we need you back on to help with an anomaly" pretty fucking clear, and you know damn well you wouldn't say no to that.
"Give me two minutes to get changed," you manage, already pulling at the shorts you so carefully hid your Spider suit under.
"You get one and a half.”
Aw, he's cute. Miguel's holo is looking away from you, and it blinks out of existence in the time it takes you to get your free hand hooked under your waistband. He's not flustered; you're not sure that's possible, but his unnecessary display of respect is endearing.
You're ready to go in one. You take the thirty seconds remaining to fix your hair and play it cool, even if you're now stuck between excited, horny, and dead. I heard, if you add a fourth emotion to the mix, you can build a house out of your weird bullshit and finally put a ceiling on it. Give it a try sometime!
You slip into spidery actions the same way you do swimming pools—the initial drop of your stomach, water too cold on your toes, New York City but Wrong, then the adjusting. You always adjust. Anomalies blur together for you by now, amalgamate into a series of fun diversions that lower your stress and put the pieces of you back together in the process.
They’re supposed to put you back together.
They’re supposed to put you back together.
The anomaly is dealt with. You’re spidering again. You got your rush from the heights and the wind against your mask, your adrenaline from a fight gone well. You returned to HQ with your partners from this little adventure no worse for the wear, and even Miguel has afforded you an approving nod at the work you’ve done.
You’ve done a good job. A great job. Something has pushed out the rage in you and taken its place, but you know better. This fight against this anomaly did not, in fact, put you back together.
You need to go home. You have to report in, first. It’s redundant. You need to leave. You’re doing good. You need to smile and do it anyways.
Your smile is heavy, so heavy, nearly impossible to drag out of you. You wish you could leave it where it sits in the pits of you, go home and find a cave to live in where civilization is not and no one can ever make you smile again because—
You need to stop everything there is danger there is danger you need to MOVE—
You jolt away, violent, exaggerated, but it’s just Peter, frozen with his elbow raised awkwardly, halfway to nudging your side for your attention.
“Sorry,” you mumble, as though that does anything, for anyone, ever, at all. It does nothing, in fact, and you’re hyper-aware of that. An explanation might help. “My head’s not back in this dimension yet.” Great explanation. You’re winning at this. I’m so proud of you.
“Right,” Miguel says. “Your report?”
“Oh. Right.” You rattle off the details. They’re hardly anything worth reporting, really. When you’re done, there’s a heavy silence in the room. Everything’s heavy right now, kind of. Like that week away turned the multiverse into molasses.
You glance up through the silence to see that Miguel is staring you down. Okay, more like looking at you, but it all feels the same right now, your skin crawling at being perceived at all.
“Are we done?” The words come out too aggressive. You’re not angry; you’re not anything. The words are just too heavy to drag out without a little bit of bluntness. You hope he won’t take it as a challenge.
“You did good.”
Fucking hell.
You didn’t brace yourself for that one.
There’s motions between you hearing the words and you being on the floor. There must be, because you were on your feet, and now you are not. The heels of your palms press against your eyes, you’re gasping for air, and—
Oh. You’re crying your eyes out.
Are you sure you’re not overreacting a bit?
Heightened spider senses inform you someone is reaching for you, begs you to move, screams at you to throw them away and make sure no one ever touches you again, but you’re too caught up in the tears to do a thing about it, too caught up in the waves finally crashing down on you and shredding your skin in the sand of all the resentments you’ve been building, too caught up too caught up too caught up—
Woah, hey, let’s take a deep breath—
I’m not just going to leave them crying on the floor—
—someone is touching you someone is holding you leave me alone leave me ALONE—
LYLA. Portal back to their home dimension. Now, please.
Already on it. I’ll send for Jess.
Good thinking. I’ll be back.
Miguel is careful not to jostle you too much as he sets you on your couch. You dissolved into tears and are still dissolving now, wordless. He shakes his head at the sight.
When he realized what was going on and placed you on leave, he had sort of been trying to avoid a situation that looked a lot like this. He tells himself there was only so much he could do and not a single right answer to keep you from steering yourself straight off an emotional cliff.
Well, that’s not right. There had been a right answer; it just wasn’t the one he chose. The least he can do is stay with you until you’re stable. The least he can do is see you through this drop.
You’re not talking yet, so he tears away from you to search for anything you might want for aftercare and tries to run the autopsy report of his latest failure.
Admittedly, he misjudged what a compliment would do to you, so close to the edge. The goal really had had been to uplift you. He could have done worse. It’s not like he broke out the ‘good girl’. And yeah, maybe it was too jarring coming from his mouth after the last time you spoke in person.
Maybe he was just too late. By the time he got to you, you were already locked in. Even before that, you were acting more reckless than usual. Really, he was the one who should have seen it coming and put a stop to it day one. He should know better by now, when it comes to you.
He’s on autopilot, so he grabs the fluffiest-looking blanket from the pile on your bed, the most hug-worthy pillow, and returns to wrap you up.
You accept the pillow wordlessly, don’t even bother resisting when he wraps the blanket around you. You’ve gone from sobbing to sniffles, but he’s got work to do yet.
“Better?” he asks, voice low. His voice comes out gentle, even gentler than he was shooting for, and he curses the effect you have on him like he does every time.
You eye him warily, nod silently. You’re all verb-adverb right now, it seems, but at least you are a little better.
“What do you usually do for this?” he asks, and okay, maybe that’s a little up front, given the way you jolt and shift your expression to a glare.
“What makes you think I do anything?”
He lets out a little huff, settles in on the couch next to you. “You haven’t figured out by now how to handle yourself?”
“I can handle myself just fine, and if you even begin to act otherwise I swear to god—“
“Have I ever said you can’t?”
“You put me on leave. For a week. Not just from interdimensional stuff, but from protecting my own city. What the hell else is that supposed to say?”
Oh. You completely misinterpreted him, didn’t you?
“It means that I thought you needed the rest and correctly gauged that you wouldn’t take it willingly. If I was wrong, then you wouldn’t be crying on your couch right now, would you?” He cringes internally. That came out wrong.
“It’s not like it prevented it,” you mutter.
He sighs. You’re not being very receptive, and he needs to get the right words in his head in the right order with the right tone before he makes things even worse. So he stands and begins walking to your door.
“Where are you going?” you call after him, and your voice is small enough that he nearly stops.
No, Miguel. Control yourself.
“Checking your mail.”
“You’re going to walk all the way down the stairs to the mailboxes on the first floor? You’re going to unlock my mailbox with a mail key you don’t have, and—“
By your front door, there’s three hooks with keys. One is labeled “mail”. He picks it up, then glances back to where you’re craning your neck over the back of your couch. His hand is already on the door, and he’s firmly unbothered by your attempts to protest with logic.
“You’re in your Spider suit, stupid. Do you want people to see you walking out of my apartment? Trying to give away my secret identity? It’s not like people aren’t gonna notice one of the Spider’s caked-up new friends walking around the apartment building—“
He shakes his head and opens the door anyway. You make a good point about him being in his suit, but it’s not like he can’t handle himself for one trip to the first floor and—
Oh. There’s a package on the floor in front of your door.
That’s good enough. He’ll bring that inside.
“Your neighbor got your mail by accident,” Miguel says, already walking back from the door. “Let’s see, he says…” In one hand, he reads from what looks to be a hand-written note, and in the other…
You catch sight of the logo emblazoned on the side of the envelope he carries and have to kill the screech in your throat. Whatever pathetic tears you were crying for stupid reasons before mean nothing now.
You’re so fucking glad you bought from a new sex shop this time. You’re so fucking glad this one doesn’t have some super obvious name that makes it very clear that the Sex Toy Destroyer Himself was carrying your replacement for all the toys he personally destroyed. Hell no, you’re not taking credit for those. You’re not the insanely hot one here.
Of course. Of course you would have a completely unprecedented breakdown in HQ directly in front of Miguel. Of course he’d stick around to make sure you weren’t completely useless. Of course your new toy would show up whenever Miguel decides to be weirdly nice and bring in your mail for you. How else would things go? You’re the one with all the luck here.
Miguel is mid-sentence saying something you’ve been completely not listening to, and you do feel guilty for that, but come on. It’s taking everything in you not to freak out. You’re giving yourself whiplash just trying to calm down. Like, it’s normal. People receive mail sometimes, idiot, and sometimes that mail gets delivered to the wrong place, and that’s good and normal, and sometimes your neighbor is kind enough to leave it on your doorstep with a note, and sometimes—
“He’s asking you on a date.”
“What?” In less than a second, your web is on the back of the page, and Miguel lets it sail from his hand and into yours. “Let me see that.”
Holy shit. Your neighbor returned your sex toy he mistakenly got in the mail and asked you out to coffee sometime. You check the unit number he listed—motherfucker. He’s the one that shares a wall with your bedroom. He’s probably heard more than he hasn’t. You sure fucking have.
You let out a low groan. Eyes flick to Miguel. It’s not like that particular bad idea is going anywhere, and you’re basically the ruler of Definitely Healthy Coping Mechanisms anyway, so maybe—
“That was nice of him. Is he actually worth your time, though?”
The sentences are so weird coming from his mouth that a little jolt of laughter bubbles out of you. “Why are you being so weird? That was almost nice. You’re supposed to be all, tough love and everyone thinks you’re mad even when you’re being nice.”
He blinks. Stares at you a moment. “You just had a complete breakdown.”
“Yes, thank you for reminding me.” You’re doing a tremendous job at ignoring that fact, thank you very much. “…Thanks for the consideration, though. And probably not. He’s like, not unattractive, I guess, but, you know. Can’t shake the feeling that he’s only asking me out because he shares a wall with my bedroom.”
Miguel arches a brow.
Oh, fuck. That’s sexual connotations. I mean, sexual meaning, too, but come the fuck on. You’ve got to be more restrained than that. What were those two weeks of training for?
“…right. Anything good?” He gives the package a little shake, and you remember how fucking precarious your situation is in this moment.
Another web snatches the envelope from him. He seems nearly amused by your reaction, based on vibes. Deadpan as always, but if you’re not mistaken, there’s a slight spark in his eyes. “What could you possibly have ordered?”
“Given that you just snatched it out of my hands…”
“Nothing,” you repeat. It’s meant to be emphatic, but you just sound whiny. You blame the post-cry snottiness.
He sits directly across from you. “No, open it. You don’t have to wait for me to leave if you’re that excited for it.”
“I’m good.” Your voice pitches high. “Really. Thanks for all your help today. You can go.”
He stares. You begin to sweat.
“Look. I was really hoping you’d figure discipline out on your own with all that time I gave you, but I guess not.”
“If… if you wanted me to be doing something specific with the past boring-as-shit week, why didn’t you tell me what it was?”
He sighs. “If you think two weeks of edging yourself without aftercare is discipline, then I guess I have to be the one to teach you.”
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory @roxannarichie @vegas-writing-den @cooch1ecruncher @bluepeanutharmony @instanttragedyfire @yohoe-hoe @ambientcryptidsounds
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As always, thanks for reading! <3
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Good evening everyone and happy Tuesday :)
This ep is a fav of mine. I know there isn’t a ton of Chenford content. But the amount of goodies we get for both Tim and Lucy is so good. Its what I love about them they’re amazing together and separate. Obviously prefer them together but this is a fantastic separated ep. Not a ton of gifs so it'll be partially gifs mostly caps. Also this is a longer one since they BOTH have good SL's in this one.
2x07 Safety.
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The cold open is adorable. Tim would hate that phrasing but it’s true. I love sports so I get that excitement and happiness when your team does well. Look how happy he is. When the Rams won the Super Bowl a little while back I thought I bet Tim is thrilled LOL He is happy till a high speed pursuit interrupts his game. He sees the car chase is by his house. So in natural Tim fashion he heads outside to deal with it.
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He is sexy af in this scene. That badge around his neck as he calls dispatch and logs in some OT. Then climbs into his truck backs up to block the guy and dispatches of the chase quickly. Gets the guy out of the car and on the ground very fast. Once he’s done drives back into his driveway so he can finish watching the game. Classic. Love this man. So cute jumping up and down cause they won. Damn he cute.
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Roll call is upon them and Grey’s initiative today is community policing. Angela is out because she’s taking care of a recovering Wesley. (She ends up taking a side gig protecting a turd and his diamonds) Nolan gets a gig at the hospital leaving Harper open. Grey pairs Jackson with Tim and Lucy with Harper.
Lucy looks nervous af as she looks back at Nyla. I get why she has only seen bits and pieces of Harper. Those pieces they’ve been intense. Reminds me of when Nolan was paired with Tim. Just a little bit of terror in her eyes. It’s such a good ep for them both though. Their scenes are why it’s one of my fav eps.
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Grey says Tim/Jackson get the football community gig with the Rams and Lucy/Harper get the community council. Harper makes a crack about it being the 1950’s. The boys get football practice and the girls get the PTA meeting. Grey says fair enough. Only one way to settle this. Challenge Coins. They both have coins from impressive things they’ve done. Tim says he got his from the Chief personally. He’s so cute and proud. Harper being Harper tops him. Says that’s nice. Hers is from the Governor. Tim rolls his eyes haha
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Whoever slides theirs across the table closest to the edge wins. Lucy is adorable and in wifey mode already with her phone. Ready to capture the moment for him. I love how he looks over at her first before propelling his. Also his little butt wiggle I can not. Her matching his body posture is fantastic. An exact mirror really so she doesn’t miss a thing. They cute. I love them. Tim loses but Harper doesn’t want football anyways. I swear she did it just to make a point with Grey and mess with Tim.
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Poor Lucy bombs right off the bat with Harper. Asking her if she needs anything. Harper looks at her and says 'Officer...?' Lucy happily says Chen. Nyla is her charming self and tells her she’s not going to use her name. That today she’s Not Nolan. Lucy asks John if he has any tips to get on her good side. Nolan makes a crack that he’s not sure she has one LOL You’ll get there. I dare say Lucy and Harper end up closer than her and John ever were, but that is much farther down the road.
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First off let’s enjoy how ecstatic Tim looks to be at football practice. He is in one of his happy places right now. The man is radiating joy. It’s so cute. They’re watching practice and see a kid named AJ. How he is easily the best kid on the field. The director says that’s not what matters. His grades were trash before this program. Now he’s on the honor roll. They wave him over. Tim “grills” AJ on his work ethic, drills. and such its adorable. Clearly in his element talking to this kid. (Their scenes in this episode are primo)
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AJ’s mom shows up and pulls him over. Director tells them she was just released from prison. Been hard transition for them both. She was in for armed robbery with a serious heist crew. Cute little scene with Tim and Eric Weddle. Eric giving Tim crap for giving up football for the service. Jackson is geeking out next to him its pretty cute. Tim tells him not to make it weird when he bro hugs Eric Weddle LMFAO
Love them having another shot at a pair up. It goes much better this time. They see AJ and his mom fight and walk over. Ask if everything is ok... I mean clearly it’s not. She doesn't answer them. Instead she drags AJ away from practice. They can tell something is wrong they’re just not sure what yet.
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Back at the station Lucy and Harper are prepping for their meeting. Nyla tells her to keep this short and simple. Don’t promise anybody anything. Just to tell them ‘We’re aware of the problem and have a task force on it.’ Lucy questions that a bit but Harper says they’ll love that buzzword. She has Lucy lead the meeting. Poor Lucy she is not in the least prepared to do this. At first it works Nyla’s line. Lucy tells first guy verbatim what she’s supposed to. He takes her at her word and sits down. Harper looks proud from the other side of the room.
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Then things quickly go sideways for her rapidly. A woman tells her that her neighbor keeps feeding the squirrels. Lucy tries the line again and fails. She questions Lucy and says 'A squirrel task force?' I can't blame her haha The lady tells her she’s worried about her dogs cause squirrels attract coyotes. Lucy’s empathy kicks in and gets her in trouble with Nyla. Tells's her to give her the address of her neighbor. Then she is bombarded with tasks.
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Tim and Jackson meet Aj and his mom at their home. Just to make sure everything is copacetic. They can quickly see that it is not. Tim asks AJ if everything is ok. Seeing if he can get to him. It’s obvious that she’s trying to leave town with him. Before they can delve into why she’s leaving the car gets fire bombed. Clearly a targeted attack. Tim and Jackson get them to safety before calling it in.
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Jackson takes AJ's mom to the side for questioning and Tim checks in on AJ. I love this scene. Getting to see that soft side Lucy has brought out so much. She would be so happy to watch him with AJ. How well he bonds with him and tries to get him to open up. (wonder how he honed that skill in..) Tim starts off with tossing his football with him. He starts to build his rapport by telling him he’s talented. AJ replies says how his football is always with him. How much he loves to practice. Tim is soft in his reply says it sounds like him with how much he loves the sport. The dedication to get better.
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We’re about to get some background on Tim and I love it. Tim tells him in some ways the game saved him. AJ's interest is piqued. He asks Tim how so? Tim tells AJ growing up in his house was a bit chaotic. (Oh how understated that is my love) If you don’t know his backstory already at this point you get a sense his childhood was turbulent.
He empathizes with this kid. Relates to him and it’s written all over their scenes. It’s such a good episode for him. AJ says he knows a little something about that. Tim continues on to build rapport with him. Lets AJ know how his father was testy. Tim never knew what was going to set him off. That football was the only place he felt like he had control. I just love getting this insight into him as a character. Piece by piece we get to see why Tim is the way he is.
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This shows us why he needs control like he does. (I.e. always driving the shop and Lucy not doing so) The Tim tests are a product of this as well. His way of controlling his environment and training since he didn't have that growing up. He does everything for a reason. We’re all products of the environment we grew up in. It leaves marks on us whether we like it or not. I could go on and on about him. Very passionate about his character and what makes him tick. His growth. Eric portrays him so well I could go on and on about that too but I won’t haha
AJ agrees again with saying he too relates to that. Football is where he has most control as well. Tim continues on to let him know he gets it. Football taught him teamwork, discipline and it wasn’t just a game for him. (It makes sense why he enlisted. He got everything from the service he loved about football) AJ then asks what game they’re playing now? We connect then I rat on my mom? Tim instantly says 'I would never ask you to do that.' You can see the change in AJ. He knows Tim is being genuine. He just hands him his card. Tells him to call him if he needs anything.
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We return to Lucy and Harper responding to one of the many complaints they got. ‘Vagrants in the sewers.’ Harper is none to pleased about it. Says they're going fishing in the arm pit of L.A. Lucy tries to do her optimism thing. Saying isn’t this what community policing should be? Helping like this? Nyla shuts it down and says no it’s what she tells her it should be. That Lucy doesn’t want to be good at those meetings. Lucy asks why? Harper crushes her a bit more by saying if the higher ups see that it'll be all they’ll ever let her do…
They make it deep into the sewer when they find couple meth tweakers. This scene is hard to watch for how beat down Lucy is in this scene. Not just physically but that self esteem Tim has been trying to build up crumbling a bit due to it. They get attacked and Lucy has Harper's back while she cuffs one of them. Lucy is attacked by the second tweaker and overtaken. Harper jumps in to save her. Lucy thanks her but Nyla is livid she had to do so. Tells her those community meetings are all she’s good for. (Too mean Nyla too mean)
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It’s not the reaction I expected from Harper first time I watched it. Then rewatching like I have it’s what she needed. Little harsher than I would’ve liked, but needed for the message she ends up delivering. Lucy is upset while the guys get hauled away. Harper picks up on it and ask her if she has something on her mind? At first Lucy says no. Harper snarks back 'That's what I thought.' Lucy snaps and tells Nyla she is wrong about her. Harper isn’t convinced in the least.
Lucy fights back says she’s more than those meetings. Harper continues the harshness and replies she must be really good at paperwork.... Then she tacks on that she can’t fight. Lucy tells her she can she’s won a lot of fights. Harper says not this one. Lucy bites back he was huge. That it wasn't fair he was much bigger than her. Harper shoots her down again. Says she took him down and his buddy.
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Harper is getting under Lucy’s skin and she knows it. Says Lucy wants to hit her. That she can see it in her eyes. Tells Lucy to hit her. Lucy bawks and can't believe she's asking her to do this. Nyla shoves her to rile her up. Tells her come at her like that tweaker came after her. Lucy is pissed enough and does and quickly fails. Lucy is on her ass in seconds. Now Nyla is brutal but her message at its core is sound. Tells Lucy to stay down and get used to that position. Being a woman in uniform is anything but fair. That contrary to belief she is not a 6’2 180 lb man.
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Unfortunately this isn’t gif’ed it's too bad it's such a good scene. Harper goes on to tell her ‘Tim might be a good T.O. but he can’t teach her to fight like a girl.’ She's not wrong. Nyla continues on that they get a higher show of force especially from men. That when she’s alone against a desperate suspect and she’s between them and their freedom she can’t be thinking 'Oh my he’s bigger than me.'
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Harper helps her up. Tells her if she’s going to survive the streets as a 5’6 woman and one of color no less, she better be willing to learn what these boys don’t know how to teach (one of the best lines of the scene) Harpers impact on Lucy is immense. It’s not kind at first because Nyla isn’t in that place yet. She is a wrecking ball emotionally. Not her softest approach but her message like I said is sound in its logic. Lucy needs to know things she had no idea she needed until today. Why her pairing up with Nyla benefits her so much. Doesn't feel like it right now but it really does.
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Lucy tries to mend fences when they get back to station. It’s who she is. I would be same way. Tries to make a joke about the meeting. How she should've listened to Harper's way of it. She gets no reply then tries to ask about her challenge coin. Harper calls her on the chit chat. Lucy is then upfront and tells her she wants to learn the job the way Harper does it.
Lucy is smart and can see the logic of what Harper was telling her. Tim is great for her but he can’t teach her what Harper knows. Nyla sadly doesn’t take her olive branch. Tells her not to be like her. Lucy commends her career and all she’s done. Harper tells her wasn't worth what she lost. That she doesn’t even want to be her. Oh Nyla you broken soul.
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AJ shows up to station using Tim’s card like he was hoping he would. Tells Tim and Jackson his mom left for an errand and never came back. He’s worried something has happened to her. Tim asks him to be straight with them. That he’s stressed he gets it but can’t help her if he doesn’t. He tells them she had been hounded lately by her ex-BF to help be a getaway driver. Said he would kill AJ if she didn’t. They start to get a search grid going for her. Tim is so sweet puts his hand on his shoulder tells him it’ll be ok. I love this.
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Harper is jealous Tim and Jackson are squaring off against a heist crew. She asks Lucy what they’re doing at this house. Her reply is too funny. ‘Talk to neighbor about feeding squirrels…’ Harper tells her to stay in the shop. She goes to the door solo and talks to him. She notices his hand is messed up and is instantly suspicious. Harper returns and tells Lucy to run background check.
They look him up and Harper thinks it’s the UCLA bomber. Lucy tells her they’ll need DNA. Tries to call in a warrant and Harper says no. Just needs his trash. They don't need a warrant to do a lawful search of that. Lucy starts her redemption and says Harper will need a distraction then.
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Lucy knocks on the door pretending to be someone informing people about drought resistant plants. (her first mini UC) Guy isn't interested but she is persistent. Asks if she can have some water to buy Harper more time. Harper accidentally tears the bag of garbage as she is leaving. He spots Nyla outside the window and arms the floor. We hear the pressure plates click in to place.
Leaving Lucy stuck inside with his armed floor. We hear Nyla call for her (uses her last name BTW. )Lucy warns Harper to get the bomb squad. Tells her the house is armed and he’s rigging a bomb. Then is a total bad ass. Uses those worn spots she notices on his hardwood floor as her map. She slowly navigates the floor to the back room where he’s rigging a big bomb.
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After she stops him from arming the bomb she throws him out the window. Harper sees them exit. You know she just proved to Nyla how good she is under pressure. Also how smart she is. She got into the house no problem with her ruse, navigated her way out, and nabbed him before he set bomb off. Nyla asks if she’s gonna puke and she says no. Then does poor girl. All that adrenaline I can’t imagine.
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Lucy catches Harper before she leaves. Tells her it was nice working with her today. Nyla is kind and says me too. We see that growth kicking in. Tells Lucy she was wrong to discourage her today. Tells her to goes as far as she wants in this job. That she can be a cop like her but to be better. Tells her she’s has what it takes ‘Not Nolan’ ha
Lucy doing what she does best calling people out. Tells Harper she heard her call her Chen back at the house. Says she knows Harper knows her name haha Harper respects it and she gets a smile out of Nyla. Even John hasn’t gotten that LOL Lucy asks her if she can ask her advice from time to time. She gets a much better response this time and says 'Sure just not all the time' haha She has a rep to protect hehe. So begins a beautiful friendship.
Tim can teach her a lot of what she needs to know truly he can. But he can not teach the wisdom Nyla ends up teaching her. How to handle herself as a female cop. Talia missed the mark so badly with Lucy on that. Nyla truly capitalizes on this moving forward. Harper is exactly what Lucy needed. A strong bad ass female role model she could lean on from time to time. She is apart of the development of the Confident BAMF Lucy that we have today. One of the reasons I adore her character so much. Why I love this ep a lot as well. So good.
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Tim and Jackson save AJ’s mom from the heist that takes place. Angela luckily happened to be guarding the target as an off duty side gig. It was wrapped up nicely. They were able to keep AJ's mom from being charged since she was coerced. The ending is super sweet. Get to see Tim/Jackson playing with AJ. His mom watching on. Tim looks so happy and once again in his element. Bragging about how he was one of the top QBs in the state. Eric Weddle shows back up gives Tim crap. Says his interceptions were always perfect spirals ha
Ep ends super sweet Tim/AJ squaring off against Eric and Jackson. Lots of trash talking snd cuteness haha Perfect way to end the SL. Love this so for them individually so very much. Tim for showing his compassion and sharing his past with AJ. Lucy for growing and learning about herself as a cop. Harper becoming an ally for her is huge.
Fantastic episode. Thanks to all who continue to like/comment (love me some comments), and reblog. You are amazing and I appreciate you all.
Side notes-Non chenford
Not really much two main SLs were Tim and Lucy separately. So I will say I did like Nolan and the doctor. They had a good background and chemistry. Too bad they didn't work out.
Shall see you all in 2x08 :)
57 notes · View notes
stxrmylxve · 1 year
Let’s go ahead and do a part two! ofc, there’s porn
NOTES: a bit of exhibition in takemichi’s, a few nicknames, boners, vague mention of drugs with sanzu (ofc, what did you expect?), dom!reader and candle/knife play with sanzu
SORRY NOTES: no porn in draken cause he was tired and I felt bad :(, also no porn in hanma's cause I did his last out of all of these people, and boy was this getting long to read. There is a plot leading up to it tho lol - I hate to do things too long, but if you do want official smut for either/both of these guys, feel free to tell me through dm or via request! Otherwise, enjoy:))
He sighed as he wiped his forehead, grease smearing on the back of his hand. His hair had fallen and was in his eyes, and he was beyond tired.
He set the wrench down and walked away, heading to the small workerroom where there was the leftover of part of his lunch. He munched on that while sitting on his phone, getting up with a groan as he went back into the shop. However, this sudden tiredness flooded away as he watched you bent over his bike, looking at the detailing with curious eyes.
“Like what you see?” he says with a laugh as you jump back, startled since you thought he had left.
You gave a small nod, turning back to the bike with a smile as you ran a hand along the handles.
“I wish I had one as cool as yours. I’m not that good at detailing though.” you say with a dry laugh as draken grins and walks over to you.
“It can be yours..,” he starts as he nips at your ear, “if you give me a good time…”
Your eyes went wide and he couldn’t help but chuckle as your turned beet red. You opened your mouth to protest, but damn did that bike look sexy. You bit your bottom lip as you pondered the thought and finally gave in, muttering a small “okay.”
“Woah, wait, you sure? I’m not forcing you to it, I can always just-“ he stutters, feeling bad that he had turned so animalistic without even thinking about consent.
“It’s fine, Ken. Let’s do it.” you say with a grin as he too turns beet red.
“Alright, go get the things from my office.” he says with a stiff grin as he looks up from the unintentional boner he had.
You patted off with a grin as the man in the garage placed a hand over his mouth, blush creeping to his ears and down his body like wild fire. It was just something you had said, why did he get so hard?? He pulled off his shirt and sighed He looked like a fucking tomato. 𝑀𝒾𝓀𝑒𝓎 (𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝒾𝓇)
He clasped his hands together, well over done with the words the woman in front of him was talking about.
“And as you can see, I’m clearly fit for the job to help you…” he says as she runs a hand down his arm, beginning to get too friendly with him.
“You seem like it on paper.” is all he says, pulling his hand back and resting his head on his palm, staring up at the lady.
“So, do you think I can get the job?” she asks, rubbing her hands along his shoulders in hopes to coax him into giving it to her easily.
“I think you can fucking get your nasty hands off of him you whore.” you say as you walk in the door, boiling with anger.
“Mikey! Can you believe she said that?” the woman exclaims as she hides behind him with a grin.
“But my girlfriend is right. Better to not put your hands on a possible boss, yeah? And no, the job is her’s, not yours by a long shot.” he says as she looks at him, astonished he had taken your side.
She huffed and tugged at her skirt, hiking it up in the slightest as she bent over and grabbed her things, prancing out with a dramatic huff.
“Stay out.” you say as you push her in the slightest, making her trip and drop a few of her books.
“Hey! Mikey-“
“Sanzu! Get the lady in the blue out of here, I don’t care what you do with her.” mikey yells, a laugh emiting from one of the offices as a slightly high sanzu came out with a smile.
“Hey gorgeous.” he says with a grin as he pats you on the shoulder and walks to the lady, grabbing her wrist and walking the other way with a laugh.
“You think she’ll get out of here anytime soon?” you ask with a laugh as you walkover to mikey, who of which was patting his lap with open arms. You sat down and tried to get comfortable on his lap, however something was poking at your side.
“Mikey, what is poking my side-“ you begin, feeling around and turning red as your hand brushed the “object” poking your side, quickly pulling your hand back with a yelp.
“Sorry.” he says with a laugh as he latched his arms around you, ajusting you to where you were straddling him rather than laying on him. You looked away with a blush as his arms began to trail your sides, crawling up your back to your nape where he pushed you forward, catching your lips.
A heated make-out session wasn’t common with you two, however when there was one, it was heated. He had a firm hold on the back of your neck as you clawed at his shoulders, nails digging crescents into his skin as you battled for air. Once he finally allowed you to get a breath, spit coated the bottom of your lip and you already looked a bit fucked out with the way your lip was red, a perfect sight for him that made his dick get even harder, which seemed impossible at this point.
He couldn’t help but grin as you pawed at his belt, whining about how ‘he did all of this and never gave you anything more’. He sighed dramatically, saying he “needed help getting out of the pants” and would like your help.
You gladly unbuckled his belt, unzipping his pants as fast as the zipper would go and rubbed him through his boxers, a small wet spot of precum soaking through the fabric. You smiled at the sight as you finally slipped his boxers down, mikeh throwing his headback as the aching was now somewhat relieved.
You jerked him off slowly with one hand as you used the other to get yourself out of your own clothes, opting to keep your long shirt on in case a fellow co-worker happened to stumble in, saying the door wasn’t locked at all. After a bit of fumbling and moving around, you gradually sinked down on his cock with a small moan as he finally lifted his head, only to dig it into your neck.
“Feels so good for me, baby. Let’s do this a lot more, please?” 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅!𝒯𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓂𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾
He dark haired man rubbed his temples as one of his assistants talked on and on about the other.
“Could you just shut up?! I have work you know, I don’t just sit here to talk to everyone in this damnable building!” he yells, startling the assistant as they apologized and rushed out of the office.
You watched them rush by as you knocked on the door using your code knock, allowing yourself in since the knock gave you away.
“Annoyed much?” you tease as he glares up at you, cracking a small smile as much as he was mad.
“They didn’t shut up.” he says as he spins aroundin his chair, giving you access to plant your normal kiss on his temple and forehead.
“Well I guess I’m not any better being here, am I?” you giggle as he hugs your waist, taking in your scent, instantly relaxing with the familiarity.
“You’re fine.” is all he responds as he glances at the paperwork and back at your lips.
“What did you put on your lips today?” he asks, examining the redness as you blush.
“Nothing more than a tad bit of shine with some gloss. Figured I would spice things up, or should I not?” you asks, worried he didn’t like it.
“No no, I like it. It suits you,” he says with a smile as he turns away, “it would look even better on you if those lips were around my cock, though.” whispering the last part to himself. You had, however, heard this and giggled, getting down on your knees as he looked over at you.
“What the hell are you doing on the floor?” he asks as a small blush creeps up on his face.
“Waiting for the ok to do what you just wished for.” you say with a smile as his eyes go wide and he turns red. You had heard?!
He stiffens as the door opens, turning to the side as you slip under the table. While he talks with another person, you slowly unzip his pants and release him from his boxers, pumping it a few times before wrapping your lips around the head.
A small moan escapes his lips as he covers his face, covering it up with a awkward cough as he continues talking. He always sounded like he was a sub when you did even the slightest with the head, and what better time would it be than right now to test out some new things?
You took him all the way into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as tears pricked your eyes. He stiffened for a moment as a low groan escaped his throat and you didn’t have to imagine that his eyes at least rolled back a little.
“Uhm.. are you alright, sir?” the woman asks as the man waves her off, saying he would get back to her later and was feeling ill. She nodded and left, and as soon as the door shut he pulled you up by the collar of your shirt, a soft popping sound coming from your mouth as he lifted you off of his cock.
“Oh baby, now you’re gonna’ get it.” 𝐻𝒶𝓃𝓂𝒶
“Listen, I don’t know what the hell you want me to tell you. Our shipment got delayed, so what?” hanma asks as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
“I don’t think you’re taking this right. This is not something light, hanma, this-“
“I am completely aware that this is serious, it determines our money income and outcome, however I don’t control the ocean and can’t get the drugs here any sooner than the fucking boat driver can. Give it time, and leave me the fuck alone during that waiting time.” hanma spits, frustrated at how he was to blame when he shouldn’t be at all.
The smaller acquaintance doesn’t say anything as he sighs, knowing that had ended the conversation, as he grabbed his drink and walked back inside.
Hanma took another drag as you walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck from behind as you leaned into his back.
“Hey baby.” he says with a grin as he turns and places a kiss on your forehead.
“Hi!” you chirp with a giggle as he puts his cigarette out and ruffles your hair. He rests his head on top of yours, taking in your usual scent of shampoo and perfume with a content sigh.
“Wanna get out of here? It’s 7:00 anyhow, this business party isn’t that interesting.” you say as you gesture to all of the drunk men and women stumbling and chatting, laughing as you watch one faceplant on the ground.
“Yeah.. let’s get out of here.” he chuckles as he jumps the balcony, falling onto the larger balcony before with a laugh.
“Hanma! I’m not doing that!” you exclaim as he gestures you to jump, knowing he could, and would, catch you.
You cursed yourself as you gripped the railing and junped over, squeazing your eyes shut as you fell into his arms. Your eyes went wide as you both erupted in laugher as he set you down on your feet.
"So.. what's your plan?" you ask after a while of walking, peering up at the taller man as he glanced down at you.
"I was hoping to get a good fuck in with a pretty woman like you, but with you looking like that I might just eat you up here." he says with a grin as you hit his side, trying to make up for the blush coating your face as clear as day.
"Hanma! Not in public!" you say as he shakes his head.
"I didn't mean in public either, love. I meant in a bathroom or something, hell, we could even stop by Inupi's bike shop and do it there, I don't really care." he shrugs as he ushers towards the nearing business.
As much as you hated to admit it, even only talking about things like this made you get riled up. You peered at the place and then back at him, sighing as you pulled the cackling man to the other side of the road towards the bike shop. You had done it there more times than you would have liked to say, but they didn't mind, and it sure was a heck of a lot more private than your apartment or Hanma's room near the other executives.
You pushed him in first as you trailed behind him, pausing at the door to pet the two shop dogs. The dogs were so fluffy and cute that even the meanest person couldn't resist petting at least one of the two. You sweet-talked the dogs as Hanma and Draken talked about god knows what, the sound of your name being called rising you to your feet as draken rolled his eyes.
"The rest of the employees already left so you can have anywhere that way, just keep it down, would ya'? Inupi and I don't need to hear what we hope for." draken chuckles as he props open the door, closing it behind you both as Hanma playfully pushes you onto the couch, beginning to work at unbuttoning your blouse and unclasping your bra. 𝒮𝒶𝓃𝓏𝓊
"Sanzu what the fuck, why are you high again?" you say as you rub your temples, the man standing before you grinning as he stares predator-like down at you.
“y/n, can we fuck?”
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look up at him, realizing then just how clouded his vision was, and had been, with lust. You gulped as he slid out a pocket knife, slinging it open and placing it against your neck. You whinpered as he pressed down a little, drawing the slightest bit of blood just to make him smile like crazy.
“Get on the bed, I’ll be in there in a second.” he calls out as he wanders off to another room, leaving you there stunned as you wiped the crimson red liquid off of your neck. You opted to do what he said and settled on the bed.
Once he returned, he had a few ropes, yet his knife and lusty gaze was gone, replaced with a stern one.
“Sanzu?” you ask, breaking the silence as he looks up with a frown.
“I’m all out of pills and my last one just wore off. Now I have a headache..” he whines as he throws the ropes at you, slouching over as he clutches his head with a grumble.
You take his hand into your own, smiling at him to distract his as you quickly knotted up the rope to one hand, looping the other around his other wrist as he protested.
“Hey! y/n, what the hell, let me go!” he yells as he tugs at the ropes, but you both knew you were the best at knots and that wasn’t coming off without your own help.
“Now why don’t you go sit down.” you say with a grin as he scowl and sits on the bed, fiddling with the rope with a small frown. You patted off to the kitchen and grabbed a candle and a lighter, smiling at the future pain you would cause him like he had done to you in the past. You lit the wick as you walked in, making Sanzu’s eyes go wide in shock.
“y/n, are we using that.. on me?” he asks, his voice wavering a little bit.
“Yeah, you said you wanted to try it, why not now?” you say as you eye his increasing boner as he blushes and looks away. You organized a few other things in the mean time on Sanzu as the wax got hotter, melting more and more.
You took the candle and dipped your finger in it, smiling as you laid the man back and poured a little of the wax on his thighs. Each drop made him jump and whimper, his arms not aiding him to cover his face at all since they were immobilized as well.
“Aww, is my little psycho being all sad and submissive now? Guess I’ll just have to take this even slower then.” you say with a wide grin.
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swifty-fox · 30 days
Spoilers for your newest chapter of KFAKYM, but I think it kind of reminds me when I was younger as a baby bi realizing that just because a couple or experience is same-gender doesn't mean that sexual communication is automatically easy. I'd kind of assumed that as an AFAB person that preferences were automatically the same and realized that's not true physically or mentally. James clearly doesn't intend to trigger or upset Gale during their hookup but does, because turn-ons for him are off-putting at best, actually and literally triggering for Gale. Part of it is obviously the period of the time and Gale's own hidden trauma, but I feel like James would not be unusual for his time to assume that, because they're both gay vets who've been in POW camps, that it'll be fine? There's a callback I think to an earlier chapter in which Gale admits that he'd get in fights all the time as a lonely, unwanted child and it seems like he feels like he's not only unwanted by John but too isolated to really engage with others that his trauma has brought him back to that.
oooo yes lets talk about James!!!
I went back and forth and did a Lot of Editing to make sure James and the way he and Gale have sex came off with a lot of nuance. He's not a good guy, but he's not evil either.
“You’re so beautiful,” James repeats roughly, biting down on the arch of Gale's chest until he hisses. There’s something desperate and dark to James’ desire. A man taking one last sip of wine before the gallows. “What’d they do with a pretty boy like you in the army huh? Pass you around for the officers?
He's literally being compared to someone facing execution (heterosexual Marriage) this is his last chance to have full agency of his sexuality, his body, and who he gets to give it to. And yes he's trying to be sexy trying to flirt, and it is NOT working for Gale (for a multitude of reasons lol) In some ways it is exciting, in a kinda 'holy shit I cant believe you said that' sorta way but that isn't always a good thing. Like I've talked about how the taboo can be arousing it can also come from a place of harm, at least in this specific instance. if it were a different day, different emotional state, different person maybe would feel differently about this line of dialogue
He feels dizzy, arousal and anger and some breed of delight at James’ depravity engaged in a sick dance around his brain.
For Gale he's approaching this out of spite. To show he can and damn him he's just gunna do it. Sometimes you have sex just to prove you can and that's not necessarily a bad thing but Gale is in such a heightened state it swiftly turns into an act of self harm. He's been in a triggered state ever since the car backfiring with John Sr. in fact. This breakdown/snapping has been building all day and layers keep being added until he hits his limit.
But yeah at this point in time all Gale has is John (in his eyes) Throughout this fic he only feels safe with John, feels like he's the only one he can truly talk to. He struggles with Marge again and again and even though she would be a wonderful support system he can't separate himself from John. He led himself to the slaughter by being too loyal of a dog :)
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I know I know I know I am still in the middle of forgetting Ashville but someone made me so curious about 51 and 52 that I had to do an intermezzo.
Neil trying to split them to go each to their own domains, and then pendragon being like yes let's split up Britta stays with me lol.
Neil wanting to grab Britta to keep her with him and away from pendragon. 😭
Neil is so anxious, poor boy.
Uhoh. The shower went silent???
Miles daydreaming... But sir about what? 👀👀
Wait is this the same day? Because it sounds like Miles has been in office for a little bit? Or am I misunderstanding?
Johnny calling Miles your highness with sarcasm is so good.
Nara! Is she Miles's doorman now? What's been happening?
Miles is so casual about everything? Was his uptightness all because he didn't get laid?? You can't tell me him and Marcos didn't get it on now and then.
Miles is trying so hard, but this is all so complicated. Noooooo this is unbearable. I cannot deal with this awkwardness and Miles saying the wrong thing. It's too much, please I cannot handle secondhand embarrassment. Why would anyone want to be Prince?
What is happening right now??? Miles is being collected?
Okay not gonna lie, it's not that this episode isn't good so far, but I don't get the big deal with this episode. So far.
Johnny as senechal??? 😂😂 And primogen?? And Miles didn't even tell him beforehand?!? Why???
What???? These fucking princes, bunch of shitheads. I am so confused.
Wait praxis again?? Lmaoo is new haven going to be a revolving door of praxises? 😂
Not the rust coloured jacket!!! How dare they!
Okay but what is Miles's obsession with chopping people's arms off?
5 celerity actions??? Damn
Holy fuck. They are both absolute beasts this fight, like it's kind of scary actually.
He's trying to rip the guy's arms off??? I'm screaming!!! Reminds me of "is your weakest at the elbow or the shoulder?"
An sos from his fucking daughter???? Right now???? Can they never have a moment of peace???!? Fucking fuck.
Kabir!!! I totally forgot about Kabir!
Oh my God! New mechanic?? Seizing narrative control!?! That's cool!
Jesus christ!! That static was a fucking jump scare omg!!!
No little boy can survive....?!? Don't you dare touch Joey!!!! I will murder you.
This narrative control is crazy!!! So badass.
"my Joey" omg I'm gonna cry! 😭
Kabir is gone?????? Because she took narrative control??. Cruel but amazing.
"Baby?" Not the baby omg. 😭😭😭 Parents talking gentle about their children is my weakness.
The shower turns off and the sink begins to run? Why?
... Is that racist against toreador??
Can she even...? NEIL! How were you going to finish that sentence???
"I've done sex" clearly said by someone who has had sex... Clearly.
The way I cackled when Neil said that.
Neil just talking about how he likes that his family is closer and Britta is the glue. 😭
Fester! Don't you dare make Neil doubt that Britta loves him!!
What what what??? What is happening???? What is this conversation??? Neil's sire?? What? Fire?!? Molotov cocktail??? Fester Neil's sire??? I'm so confused?!?
He has some guts, just pulling her by the corset and starting to untie it. So fucking rude!
"it's just rational to let him help" suuuure Britta.
In front of a fucking mirror??? Pendragon is such a walking villain cliché.
Jan Petersen is Miles's sire right?
Also so far the only redeeming quality Pendragon has (aside from sexiness) is the way he says camarilla.
They're just having a normal conversation and I think oh this isn't so bad, but then he goes to brush his hands over her arms and touch her and I'm just squicked out! And forcing her to see her moon. GROSS!!!!
This man is using such classic abusive tactics of pulling her in, being semi nice, and then threatening her. Like what a piece of trash!
Don't you dare be disarmed by this girl desperately trying to save herself from meeting the sun!!!
He summoned her to the bathroom?!? Like dude you can just call her over she is like 15 feet away from you. You are such a piece of SHIT!
I hate pendragon. And I hate That part of me is still going 👀.
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oleworm · 24 days
on that post you've made - it almost like the burger place scenes are from the lens of Benson's eyes. Everything is taken to the extreme. The young couple aren't just inoffensive lovers who can't get their hands of each other, they are these inappropriate and sinister sex-crazed bullies, Kris isn't just some random jerk - there is a heavy innuendo (if not an explicit theme) to his abuse, the thirst for power and control. The girl is wearing those stereotypical "sexy" clothes (which would be inoffensive and totally fine in any other setting, but contribute to the overexposure of the moment), is all over her man and acts like his cheerleader in violence - a caricature of sorts, too. The manager is all about sex, hiding it behind propriety of a light suit. All while sex is heavily implied to be something negative in B's view - he borderline says so himself. But it's everywhere in that place, unavoidable. You can't even ignore it, stick to your routine and shut down the outside world - because it would be forced upon you by one of them through violence. The boundaries and consent are not very well respected there, to say the least.
All of this stuff happens in like, 5 min - to the point of being unrealistic and hyperbolic. The whole place has those heavy oppressing color of emergency yellow, they have burgers on their hats like targets, like they themselves are food, the secondary characters are so caricaturistic they feel like an explicit parody. It's all really surreal and bizarre, like inferno for someone with a trauma, lol. And then it all stops when the camera floats out of that place and into the wild - suddenly, people are friendly and nice, the lights are bright, the colours are normal and pretty with limited yellow highlights (thinking about the candies in the glass jar at the school's office - the colour of the sweater B wears as he is standing right next to them). It's like, when you have trauma, if something triggers your memory, normal things grow extreme, become overwhelming, a drop of red paint feels like dying, etc - then the panic ends and the world is normal again. But it's a movie so everything is taken to the extreme for drama.
You’re completely on point when you talk about these characters as caricatures, or caricaturistic. It felt that way to me too. They did not look like they were intended to look like real people to me. Jess’s loud and exaggerated screams, the gallons sprayed of blood a nod to slasher horror, which makes sense when you think that the studio that funded this film mostly makes horror movies. Then the film takes a different turn, focusing on the more mundane and real-life horrors.
It's not difficult to become disturbed when you’re faced with constant reminders of the traumatic events that shaped your life for the worse. And maybe I didn’t express myself very clearly, but that is exactly what I felt too—that Benson was focusing on these things because they are the ones that stand out to him, and that the filmmakers were intentionally bringing these elements to the fore. If you met someone like Chris in real life, you’d probably think he was an asshole. Keep to yourself, report him if he went too far. But that’s another thing that adds to the comparison of Benson’s past with his current setting. Hardy is aware of the hostile dynamics at play and doesn’t care, so if anyone actually thought to say something about it, they wouldn’t have anyone to turn to. If the boss is in on it, what do you do? Who do you tell? Does that remind you of anything?
I don’t know if I am reading too much into it. But yes, the way it was filmed, also, made me think of when a stimulus brings back a memory. It takes you out of yourself and at the same time turns you inward. When Benson walks out to his car, he is not only walking toward the gun and towards death but also walking away from the scene that so disturbed him. I think that though he might have decided that now he was really going to do it he also needed to physically remove himself from the situation because it overwhelmed him.
There’s this short clip that I liked, right after Benson and Randy take the bodies to the freezer. They’re mopping and sponging the blood off the floor, off the walls, and if it were not for the red you would think that it’s a normal workday. They’ve closed for the day but they’re heading home soon. They’re working side by side, wordlessly, in a way that I imagine them doing in better moments. But at the same time, I imagine that they’re thinking “I can’t believe I did that,” or “I can’t believe that happened.” And trying to ground themselves and keep it together.
I love what you say about the colour yellow. It makes me sick! I love it. I feel like this film took out my appendix. I need to rewatch some scenes, but now I am getting sleepy. Will answer that part (and your other messages) tomorrow.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Individual Circumstances Eps 3 & 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we started another short run K-BL that will probably feel better as a movie. This one is a second chance romance between a floundering director and a web novelist. Both leads are incredibly attractive. I like second chance romances a lot, but I do acknowledge that they often seem to entail privacy violations as plot tools a lot. I enjoyed that this one isn't ignoring that.
Episode 3
I'm enjoying the moody start to this episode as a soft recap of where we were, with Ha Yeon Woo squatting in Seong Woo Jae's driveway, and Woo Jae refusing to engage with him.
Ah, it's raining. Time for ya boi to get sick and for Woo Jae's sympathies to change the dynamic.
This manager dude wants the writer so bad it makes him look stupid.
I'm liking the novel as a window into Woo Jae's mind.
Can't fall in love in these dramas if someone doesn't have poor balance.
I think I'm enjoying the pacing and the editing. The request for the soup, into the refusal, into the flashback, into the kitchen works really well.
I'm curious about what went wrong between these two. Yeon Woo hasn't displayed any resentment yet, and is inquiring after Woo Jae's parents and well being in a way that clearly shows they were rather intertwined before.
Placing the novel characters in the background on the steps was a nice touch.
Is it too much to hope that this editor/manager tries to throw hands next episode?
Episode 4
Yeon Woo seems so unbothered by this challenge. Is this a front, because he seemed genuinely upset and frustrated when he was in the office in the first episode?
Where is Yeon Woo going to the bathroom at this point? Is he still going into the house?
Mmm, something cracked in Yeon Woo when Woo Jae passed out on him.
Lol, this editor dude is hilariously scandalized by this scene.
Okay, that was properly comedic to frame from Woo Jae's perspective of both annoying guys hovering over him.
Interesting, he faked passing out.
Yes, square up! FIGHT!!
Now the editor in chief and the girlfriend/sister are here. We're out of major characters, so I hope that one gay couple in the flashback shows up too.
Withholding the condition of acceptance of the offer from the audience is an intriguing choice, since none of the other characters seem surprised or confused about it.
Sexy hoe bath my beloved.
Okay, that was a really good spit take.
Yeon Woo is a menace, and I'm here for it.
Oh, interesting. Did Yeon Woo not pick up on the romantic overtones of some of Woo Jae's past gestures? Did Woo Jae disappear because he felt like he wouldn't get reciprocity? I was wondering about the "best friend" comment delivered earlier without any hesitation.
Hoo boy, the wave of sudden empathy I just felt for past Woo Jae took me the fuck out. I'm gonna go lay down and think about this one for a bit.
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romantichomicide95 · 5 months
hi bee!!! 🩸💋🌹 for the self-ship game? 👀
hi kat! ♥️
come ask me self ship shit
💋 : favorite thing about your f/o ?
obviously my favorite thing is the immense empathy he carrys for basically everyone around him, that’s a given. but i also really like his grumpy demeanor, somehow i find that attractive in a guy. especially because it shows that you don’t have to be this affectionate, super lovey, smiling golden retriever to be a good person. the juxtaposition of his personality is intriguing and it’s my favorite thing about him. wouldn’t change that sassy sarcasm in for the world 😂.
🩸 : biggest fantasy regarding your f/o ?
fantasy? hmm. sexual or… lol honestly this is hard to answer because fantasy means so many things. uhm, sexually i often fantasize about him taking me on his desk in his office cause i like being propped up on shit. or teaching me a lesson during an expedition cause i have a bit of a expeditionist kink.
🌹 : favorite physical attribute of your f/o?
god he’s so fucking handsome. his undercut really does things to me. also he has a jawline that can cut glass, his eyes are fucking somehow so sexy. his arms(especially when he rolls up his sleeves). yeah like i can’t pick clearly lmao.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
I have a pretty specific question about BH/Hybe and you may know the answer — but do you have a sense of who was in charge of the “Plus Global Auditions” back in 2019? Was MHJ there yet? Because that audition notice video floored me when I saw it. It’s blatantly feminist. It was so refreshing to see BH recruiting young women by showcasing them as real normal young women and strong cool young women too! Minji from NJ was already a trainee clearly because she’s in the video. So anyways, do we know if MHJ was running that or was that more the overall BH team? Because when I saw that video, it really won me over to BH’s side and even now, I feel that NJ continues to showcase teen girls/women acting and behaving and being aspirational but normal teens (yes teenage girls like to act sexy too) I had really high expectations for whenever “PLUS” would debut (which became NJ I assume) and have not been disappointed. So clearly there have been feminists working at BH or do you think this was MHJ’s influence based on timeline?
Hi Anon,
Min Heejin and Bang PD were in charge of the Global Plus auditions in 2019. She joined HYBE in 2019 as Chief Branding Officer, and it was initially BigHit and Source that were recruiting trainees with MHJ overseeing the whole thing, but the decision was made to manage her own group/label and she transitioned to CEO of ADOR in 2021. A second round of auditions specifically for ADOR was announced end of 2021 and NewJeans debuted in 2022.
So I'd say you're right in how you're reading the timeline. And yeah, while MHJ was working at SM and then moved to working at HYBE at the executive level, people noted the strong subversive and feminist elements in her projects and overall artistic direction. That was until, you know, everyone realized what NewJeans was about to do to the k-pop industry. And then she got the SM-Jessica special lol.
Such is how the cookie crumbles in these parts.
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idealisticrealism · 2 years
First of all, thank you for your brilliant recaps! Can’t wait for your download on episode 8. Question- I thought arman coming to Thony in middle of night to give key card was ridiculously sexy and spot on for him: - he came back to her, then clearly tried to discuss what he did with Nadia before she shut him down, then he let her know that he’s going back to Nadia essentially for her “buying her time” - do you agree or is it more tragic lol
Well, considering 'sexy' and 'tragic' are two of Arman's main attributes, I'm going to go with both haha.
I mean, he obviously had to deliver the keycard to her either way– since getting it for her was literally the whole point of going back to Nadia– and he had to do it at a time when Nadia would be least likely to notice his absence, so the middle of the night made sense. But it's clear that he also just needed to see her; not only to try and make her understand that this wasn't the choice he'd wanted to make, but also to apologise for starting them down a path and then having to turn around and abandon her on it alone. The fact that he has literally snuck off from his marriage bed to try to have this conversation is clearly not lost on either of them, however, which is why she cuts it off real fast and shows him the door (and damn, the writers really weren't pulling their punches with the symbolism there, were they?).
As for his line about possibly not being able to buy her much time: I think it's mostly about trying to keep her safe by encouraging her to get in and out of the office– and therefore, out of danger– as fast as possible, but there's also the unmistakable undercurrent to it where he's trying to tell her that his and Nadia's reconciliation may very well only be fleeting, meaning that this forced distance between them might be nothing but a temporary diversion from that path they were on. And so it's practically a plea for her to wait, to not to give up on him just yet, and even though he knows it's not fair to any of them for him to say it, he still can't stop himself– because let's be honest, he's in far too deep to let go of her now.
Anyway of course I'll probably undoubtedly find more words about this in my recap (so happy to hear you're enjoying them, by the way!!) so keep an eye out for that lol
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riverstardis · 1 year
all i want for christmas is you:
awww ethan trying to use his pillow to block out the sounds of cal and alicia and the bed rocking and squeaking next door😭
alicia and cal forcing ethan to check his dating profile and seeing he’s matched with a dentist who alicia says is literally him in a wig and encouraging him to invite her to the christmas party with him. even though alicia’s the one pushing him the most to set up a date (“you’ll thank me for that when you’re having inbred looking babies”😭) she doesn’t look entirely happy about it… i wonder why…
robyn saying she’s not drinking at the party and then having to say she’s just joking oh yeah i forgot she hasn’t told anyone she’s pregnant yet lol
LMAOOO cal going “women fall for me all the time” right as a woman quite literally falls from her balcony, rolls down the gazebo roof and lands right in his arms😭😭😭
louise has noticed charlie smiling and is telling people she thinks he has a girlfriend, she tells duffy who tells her that charlie always has a few women on the go at once😭
elle inviting connie to the christmas party with her👀🏳️‍🌈
alicia insists they go in the ambulance with the girl who fell on cal to get his arm checked out and she’s like “we can see how ethan’s getting on with penny” and then in the ed she doesn’t even go to the cubicle with him she just speaks to ethan sjdkfkjf come on girl we all know what’s going here
she steals ethan’s phone to check if penny’s replied but she hasn’t and ethan’s like “she’s clearly not interested.” and she goes “well then she’s an idiot. lovely man” and then he immediately gets a message from penny saying she’ll see him at the party and alicia leaves barely concealing her disappointment SKDKFKKF
i think alicia’s trying to set ethan up with someone so that the situation’s kind of taken out of her hands and she doesn’t have to wonder ‘what if’ because ig it’s easier for her to stay with cal but really she doesn’t actually want him to date someone else
alicia trying to prank max by hanging bright pink knickers out of his back pocket so he walks around like that but when he notices he just says he thinks they make him look sexy like cal skdkfkgk
ouch ethan gets elbowed in the face accidentally by his patient’s dad
alicia patches his nose up🥺
“i think maybe she loves him too much. like, she’s scared to say how much she loves him, cause then she’d have to deal with the consequences.” ALICIAS FACE AHAHAHA hmm are you suree you’re still talking about your patient’s mum there ethan? alicia clearly doesn’t think so
“very handsome” “what’s worse do you think? declaring love that can never be? or hiding that love away forever? alicia—“ “you know once you’ve said something you can’t take it back. so you should really try not to say something that you’re gonna regret.” :(
the fact that alicia’s being so obvious at this point that even ethan with his terrible self esteem can tell she likes him back bc there’s no way he would’ve just said that if he didn’t think she did😭 she’s acting so weird around him and it’s only cal that hasn’t noticed apparently
jez seeing charlie and duffy kissing in a cubicle skskfkkf
oh yeah penny’s played by an actress from wolfblood!
ethan’s date is so awkward😭😭 somehow not as bad as his one with that police officer last year but i think that’s because then it was just him being awkward whereas here they’re both equally awkward
louise asks charlie if he’s a swinger and he says yes but only on weekends HAHAHSHSHSHJSJS
aww ethan and penny figure out they have so much in common: they both subscribe to ‘solving science’ and they both like tv thrillers especially scandinavian ones. she keeps mentioning her ex though lol
their conversation is soo stilted and awkward… that’s exactly what i sound like trying to have a conversation😭 autism👍🏼
ooo duffy holds mistletoe over them and cal and alicia are singing karaoke but alicia’s voice properly falters when she sees them kiss which ethan notices and he opens his eyes and looks right at her basically halting mid kiss which penny obviously notices😭
oop seb hugs dylan in the staffroom right as max takes a picture of the sign connie put on the door
penny admits she’s not over her ex either and she doesn’t think either of them are ready for a relationship
louise notices seb and dylan in the background of the picture max posted😬
uh oh connie’s learning the wrong lesson from this patient storyline… just because your patient’s mum says her son needs a doctor not a friend doesn’t mean your own daughter needs you to be her doctor over being her mum!
uh oh part 2 seb’s drunk and on dylan’s boat… and there he goes trying to kiss him
mr grayling inviting lily back to his🤢 iain’s trying to pretend he’s not bothered
naww louise realising robyn’s not drinking and figuring out she’s pregnant and everyone’s so happy for her🥺
connie’s getting mad at jacob for getting grace an advent calendar because it has no nutritional value??? she says she needs 21st century medicine not sentimentality… can’t she have both???
charlie and duffy getting so drunk they get kicked out of the pub SJDKKFKG charlie’s so much more bearable when he’s just hanging round duffy acting like a teenager
aww alicia asks ethan how his date went and he says he made a valiant effort to move on but he was kidding himself and she goes “you sound as off your face as your brother is” “why are so scared of hearing nice things about yourself?” “don’t be a weirdo”
ethan says she doesn’t have to say anything but he has to tell her that he’s in love with her🥺
“i couldn’t let another day go by without you knowing how much i wish i could have you in my life” she is in your life mate she’s literally in your flat rn because she’s your brother’s girlfriend!!
he leaves her in the kitchen and she looks at cal who’s asleep looking soo conflicted😢
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yakdee · 2 years
highlight what you like or what applies to you
tagged by @liyazaki — thank you ~ 💜
hot shower or cold shower // texting calling or email // earbuds or headphones // paperback hardcover or ebook // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids cacti // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple (clearly lol) // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future //
bl version — by @absolutebl
crying in the shower or making out in the shower // give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG // share his earbuds or share his closet // manga or manwha // long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff // time loop (this is me recommending TRIAGE) or reincarnation // blue engineering smock or red engineering smock // kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains // cactus or chili plant // fairy lights or spot lighting // ghost boyfriend or vampire lover // hard sub or soft sub // stray cat or … actually that’s your only option // Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts // evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi supportive female characters // suit jacket or leather jacket // high school or university // kitchen drama or office drama // forehead kisses or cheek kisses // Viki or GaGaOOLaLa (GIVE US SPEED SETTINGS VIKI YOU EFFING DINOSAUR; IT'S 2022 & I HAVE SHIT TO DO. also give us actual BL/queer categories YOU COWARDS. ahem-) ← EXACTLY!!! // Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept // pink milk or yakult // censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps // body swap or dead body (no clue about the context here, but even a corpse is better than body swaps) ← same lol // sexy or story (both. both is good.) // back hugs or lap sitting // piggybacks or cradle carry
tagging @lutawolf @mileskinn @snimeat @pharawee @machikeita @smittenskitten (no pressure~)
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frankgavinca · 1 month
New Bookkeeper (part 2)
OK, this is definitely dangerous territory now. But he was way too turned on and horny now. He couldn't stop fantasizing about her. So he replied "Yes, much harder now than I was standing at your desk. No way I can get up now and stand or walk around lol. I hope you aren't upset that I was looking down your top or at your pics. The view are just so incredibly sexy!" He found himself grabbing his cock though is jean at his desk. It was throbbing and down leg pant legs and he had to keep stopping with other employees walking around. A new message pops up. "Too bad you can't get up and walk in here. I bet it looks so good being that hard. And no I do not mind you looking at all. I'm very glad you find me hot and that these views are getting my naughty boss's cock hard. This excited and you haven't even really seen anything very revealing. Would something a little naughtier to look at make the boss happy?" Oh my! What might she share? His mind was racing and cock throbbing. He replied quickly "I'm sure the boss would LOVE anything naughtier that you might be willing to share." She quickly replied, "Can we agree this remains our naughty secret? No one can ever find out. We both would have lots to lose." Immediately her replied "YES! Of course this is only for us, our secret."
Moments passed. He waited for a response and grew nervous as he waited. He tried to go back to work and ignore this for now but his mind was racing and his cock was throbbing still. He started answering emails and getting back to work when he saw his phone light up with a notification. He paused and felt his heart start racing. He picked the phone up, looked around to see if any employees were nearby. All clear. He opened the message and there were a couple photos and the message "Well naughty boss is this what you imagined looking at my pics and own my top?"  He opened the attachments.
The first photo was Tracy laying in the bath completely naked with a glass of wine and a big gorgeous smile. She had a nice tan and sexy tan lines. Her amazing tits looked even bigger and her large dark nipples were absolutely perfect! The water line hid her pussy but it seemed clear she was cleanly shaved bare. The next pic was her incredible ass as she bent over. She took the pic in the bathroom mirror as she leaned over the tub. Her legs were slightly apart so he could clearly see her tight little ass and pink smooth, freshly shaved pussy lips. She was still wet from the bath and her entire body glistened. He suddenly realized he was staring at his phone grabbing his hard cock at his desk when he quickly looked up afraid some employee saw him. No one looking, thank god. He opened the third  photo. She was laying on her bed, panties pulled won around her ankles with her legs open wide. No top on so her big sexy tits and nipples were on full display. It was clearly daytime and one hand was teasing her pussy lips with the other pinching a nipple and she was looking right at the camera biting he lip. 
He sat there thinking about how she was in her office very likely touching that incredibly smooth pussy he just saw. Pulling her soaked panties aside so her fingers could tease her clit and slip inside soft wet lips. Her dress made it very easy to access and easy to quickly cover up if anyone came to her door. He loved the thought of her looking at his hard cock in there touching herself. He sent her off a pic of him laying in bed naked with his long hard cock in his hard. His face wasn't showing but he as sure he'd enjoy the view anyway. "Just so you know how hard you've made me, here's a quick visual."
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May 10: MSCL 1x13 Pressure
Lol, this episode. Okay, first, for an episode about sex, this was probably one of the least sexy episodes of TV I've ever seen, but I admire it for that. It was also extremely hilarious. Like probably second only to Weekend for the percentage of time I just spent laughing. Maybe that's just a function of not being 15 lol or maybe it's a function of the type of thing I find especially humorous, as in finding people being awkward about sex for 45 minutes hilarious is my guilty-pleasure humor, but it just really got to me. I loved it.
Serious thoughts though: first, I feel like all of these kids' problems would be solved by just, like, not having sex at 15. You're too young! I mean, look at everyone who is sexually active in this ep. Sharon broke up with Kyle because, as we saw in eps like Halloween or Life of Brian, her relationship was holding her back from getting to do fun things with her friends and/or things that were more 'childish,' and also because the expectation to have sex regardless of her actual wants (gross!!) was bringing her down. Rayanne has fairly obviously never had a healthy sexual or romantic relationship, and she's previously talked about the experience (all 3 minutes of her) making her feel nothing. Jordan seems to want sex for no other reason than he sees it as expected of him--the 'normal' thing that people just do. He doesn't seem to have ever thought about it harder than that. Perhaps why his make outs with Angela are sexy but the chemistry goes out the window when they talk about sex. It's partly that she's obviously uncomfortable and not ready, but it's also that they talk abut it as some obligation or, to take a term from the movie, mechanical thing: waiting for a room to bone in is like waiting in the doctor's office for a flu shot. They're not even sitting next to each other! I know they like each other but they never seem to like each other less than in those moments.
It's especially sad compared to the cute scene when he visits her house at night. "Your mom says you like me" etc. One of the few times we see him with a sense of humor! Teasing and adorable! Even when they're driving the car: that's a big moment of trust for him, and a very cliche high school couple activity, and they seem like they're basically having fun before the sex-obligation stuff kicks in.
Compare his views on sex to Rickie's, or Angela's later. They're people on the 'outside' of sex, and they have romantic and idealized notions, and why shouldn't they? You'll certainly never have those experiences if you're not ready.
All that said, I have a certain amount of sympathy for Jordan here, more than I have in previous watchings of this ep. Angela clearly had to give their relationship a break because of the sex thing, but from his POV, the betrayal wasn't that she wasn't going to fuck him, it was that she lied to him and she pulled away from him. (Which, as Sharon pointed out, which was very interesting to me because it's true but I never really thought about it, Angela does tend to do.)
Maybe this is just my personal headcanons about Jordan rearing their heads but I kind of wondered, admittedly without much evidence at all, if Jordan had hoped to stay over at Angela's that night he randomly showed up. I do think he knew she was joking about sex while her parents were sleeping. But she had those cold cuts out and her house is so nice and her family is so normal... Forget about fucking, just let Graham and Patty adopt him and give some spare blankets or something.
Graham and Patty continue to be such a believable couple to me, and one I want to root for even when they continue to have conflict. Because conflict is normal and they do handle it well! The thing is that Patty knows Graham so well that she can see the things he isn't consciously admitting to yet, like here, that he wants to be in on the restaurant. And so she jumps ahead and starts responding to those ideas, which from his POV sounds like she's not listening to him, or that she's just having a fake conversation with a Graham who doesn't exist. It doesn't help that when she jumps ahead, she does it in an anxious way: she worries, and she talks out those worries, which sounds like she's doubting him or trying to bring him down. I appreciated when he talked about this being a time of big changes for him, that his life is all over the place--the growing pains of a middle aged man changing careers. But it doesn't have to be BAD. They tend to resolve their fights when he catches up to her, and she quells her anxiety: then he can be honest about the thoughts she already knew he was having, and she can have a conversation that isn't so focused on anxieties and worst case scenarios.
I still find Hallie overall annoying, but less so in this ep... I think the thing is that I do like her dynamic with Patty. She just runs right over Graham but I think Patty needs a gal pal who is a little loud and fun, who maybe takes her to uncomfortable places but gets her to loosen up, and who's all in when Patty DOES want to try something new, someone who encourages her to be 'the fun one.' The conversation about Jordan, for example--that was girl friend as two words stuff and Patty needs more of that.
I think my future headcanon is that eventually Hallie gets over her crush on Graham, they do get into business together, and they all become friends, maybe even Hallie and Patty more than Hallie and Graham.
This re-watch, I've really been getting into some of these side-friendships, like Sharon and Rayanne and Rickie and Brian. Rayanne and Sharon definitely worked together, yet again, to help Angela; I also think that Sharon appreciates Rayanne's sense of outrageous humor. And I totally forgot how often Rickie and Brian hang out?? I think it's because their scenes tend to be pretty short, but they always imply that they actually are spending a lot of off-screen time together.
Aaaand, that's it! I enjoyed it a lot, I do not want this rewatch to end.... I hope the inspiration to write or at least plan the fic continues after I watch all the eps.
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sandreeen · 2 years
This or that tag game
Thanks for tagging me @hawopro! ❤
crying in the shower or making out in the shower
give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG
share his earbuds or share his closet
manga or manwha
long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff
time loop or reincarnation
blue engineering smock or red engineering smock (lol idek)
kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains
cactus or chili plant (Channeling Fuji even though I'm bad at taking care of cacti lol)
fairy lights or spot lighting (Fairy lights just make me think of Christmas lights lol)
ghost boyfriend or vampire lover (I want someone I can touch lmao)
hard sub or soft sub (hardsub for watching, soft for giffing)
stray cat or … actually that’s your only option (Sorry I hate stray cats so much cause my subdivision has them, and I don't appreciate them shitting/peeing in my backyard where they shouldn't even be in the first place)
Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts
evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi (I... don't even know lol)
suit jacket or leather jacket
high school or university (HS if asking what I prefer, if only because more time before a full time job, and maybe university for fics because I want characters as mature as possible lol)
kitchen drama or office drama (I hate any sort of politics so I'll take the lesser evil I guess lol)
forehead kisses or cheek kisses
Viki or GaGaOOLaLa (Clearly I am behind on the times because idk what these reference lmao... Oh, oh I see, I just Googled. I am also the yohoho kind lmao)
Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept (idk what these are lmao)
pink milk or yakult
censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps(I read more than I watch nowadays, and I've never consumed Thai media)
body swap or dead body
sexy or story (Whatever I'min the mood for lol. It'seither short sexy times or long plotty fiction)
back hugs or lap sitting (Same, both)
piggyback or cradle carry (Same, both)
Tagging @therainroguefanfiction :)
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