#this and mob getting hit by a truck
loquaciouscat · 1 year
i will defend for my life arataka is much, much more complex than he is perceived as
i know he is like idk. Stupidly bold and goofy but he is
He is the lost young-adulthood, he is guilty for just existing, he thinks he is a burden
He believes he is lost in his life, he believes he is miserable
I know he tries a lot to be helpful to others, and he is
But I can't help but realize Reigen thinks he is some kind of port, people stay with him and they get better in life, trust themselves more, and then leave
Like a port that ships has to stay for a while
Shigeo will be gone soon, Tome too
And eventually Seri too
I can't help but see how he lost his light, his hope for himself
I hope he can move on one day too. He deserves it
He deserves unconditional true love
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koitojpg · 1 year
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michi-chelle · 1 year
wait but didn’t mob already know reigen doesn’t have any psychic powers from the separation arc?? i guess i’m misremembering how that arc ended 🤔
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
God, I love the Cave Boy series. Will the batfam manage to find him after he dips. Will they ever find out about his powers. So many questions
Danny stays underground for days.
He doesn't know the exact time frame because he only goes to the surface to grab supplies. He makes sure to only fully emerge when there is no light out.
It was a bigger risk to be caught by the Waynes, who only operated in the dark, but it ensured fewer eyewitnesses were around. Danny Kane was still a very hot celebrity for taking down the Joker- he would be surrounded by a mob of fans if he walked down the street.
He moved his ship into a deeper cave by phasing the large metal and all his equipment through solid rock, which was not easy. It was a miracle he found a little pocket to set up shop.
Danny thinks the little pocket- surrounded by stone with no opening at all, was formed after a cave-in at one point. It was large enough to work on his ship and had just enough space to set up a sleeping bag and a tent for rest.
He rarely uses that space nowadays.
Danny had stolen from a camping store- taking with him an entire box of lanterns that he placed strategically around his space. They threw light to the large four walls of stone- making him feel trapped inside a midevil dungeon, and somehow, it also made him think incredulity alone.
That was the worst part of this whole change of scenery. He doesn't want to admit it, but he got used to Wayne Manor and the colorful characters there.
He hadn't even done anything besides lay around but he missed the sound of people. Even before Bruce had found him, Danny would see people often as he wandered around gathering a sense of the city.
Now, he was genuinely suffocating alone. He didn't feel the loss often, but there were times when it felt like being hit by a truck.
It's when his own ice powers reach into his bones, causing his teeth to clatter and curl up into a smaller ball on the cave ground, that Danny misses the Manor the most. He stole food from the stores- but without any way to cook or heat it up, it's limited to the packed food.
Sometimes, while eating packs of dried fruit, he thinks longingly of Alfred's warm meals. Then he remembers how they looked at him when his lies got so out of hand that they believed Bruce's parents lived in his world and he could suppress the longing to return.
Danny has made leaps and bounds on building his ship since he no longer pretends to be Brucie. He no longer filled the hours with nonsense, only being awake to work or stealing what he needed to continue working.
Unlike before, Danny had developed a tunnel version of finishing his project. He no longer wanted to give himself time to ensure everything was fine.
He just wanted to go home.
He's gotten better at wielding using his own ghost laser, and now his ship had its full body. It was missing seats, a window, and even a steering program that actually turned when he wanted- but he was getting closer and closer every day.
All the small technology pieces he stole from the Waynes were on one side- ripped apart for the needed parts. He would spend hours carefully opening everything to check what he could use and what he could melt down to repurpose.
Danny carefully pulls out some small wires from the electric candle he took from the Wayne Dinner table when his vision blurs. He takes a moment to blink rapidly, trying to let the sudden burst of lightheadedness pass him.
Sadly, it was only a few seconds before he crumbled to the hard ground. He gasps, the cold coming back tenfold, and he can do nothing but lay there and pray the pain passes.
Danny hadn't felt this weak since his ice core first developed. Even the first Ghostly Wail hadn't made his limbs feel this heavy.
He knows he has been pushing himself too far lately- barely eating or sleeping- but Danny can't risk any wasted second. He saw the resources the Bats have.
It was only a matter of time before they found him- even if they would need to drill through the solid stone for hours to reach him- and he didn't want to face them after the guilt of lying to them was slowly eating him alive.
He had kept the Wayne at arm's length the entire time, living under the pretense of being Bruce Wayne's counterpart. He told himself he wanted nothing to do with their nightly battle against evil- and he didn't!- and that he could care less if they treated him as family.
He took everything they gave him without hesitation, telling himself they were fools for letting anyone in and stealing from them. Danny thought it would not matter as he would finish his ship and be flying home long before they realized he wasn't Bruce.
Until they stop treating him so warmly after killing the Joker. Danny wasn't sorry about it, but suddenly, he was a stranger in a crowd to them.
Danny had no right to be upset. He lied. He didn't want to be Brucie to them and had actively made Tim look bad by being as Unproactive as possible, going along with changed narratives of his world.
Danny had used the Waynes.
Yes, he did so, believing they were a cult or an evil madman, but he learned that wasn't the case early on. He could have ended the lie at any moment, but he didn't because he figured it would be harmless.
Then he realized that Bruce's parents were killed in front of him- the story wasn't hard to find when he actually bothered to look into the Waynes at a local high school library after hours.
Not only did he find the horrific story, but he found out that almost all the Waynes had a tragic story. Dick's parents were murdered in an accident that wasn't an accident at all.
Tim's parents were killed by a madman with boomerangs. Jason's father died in prison, and his mother overdosed before Bruce took him in. Duke's parents were patients with no working mind because of the Joker (Danny should have made his death last longer).
The only ones that didn't seem to be Cass and Damian, but he knew it was likely due to Bruce not wanting the public to learn that they came from abusive households- he figured that much out by their reactions.
Even Alfred had a history of PTSD from his time in the army. There was an article about a scandal when Bruce had actually been a child- apparently, someone had thought to release firecrackers under the servant's table, and Alfred had panicked. People had mocked him about it for months.
Everyone had a reason to be a villain, yet they all had opened their home to him and been nothing but kind. They were good, and they treated him like family.
Danny felt sick with himself, for being so self-centered he never bothered to really get to know them. And now he never could.
A few tears rolled down his face as his vision started to blur out more and more.
No use crying over it now, Fenton. Though the haze of exhaustion doesn't let him get up from the floor, he thinks bitterly.
He'll rest for a little bit, then get back to work. Only for a few minutes/
Danny doesn't notice his body has shifted in his Ghist side, slowly redirecting his energy to his core, so that his healing could help overcome the unknown days.
He is not aware his heartbeat stops at the same time.
"I can't hear him anymore!" A young boy screams, pressing his ear against a stone. Horror clouds his voice as he turns to stare at another boy. "His heartbeat....it's not...."
"We must make haste! Breakthrough now!" The other boy snaps.
"But that might cause the cave to fall on top of him." The other rubs his hands together nervously. "I think we may be too late to save-"
"Every second we waste is a second that Brucie gets closer to death!" His company growls savagely, though the tears in his eyes make him less scary. "We have to at least bring his body home- we-I can't- he needs to be buried properly."
Not even a second passed before the other boy threw his shoulders back, yanking out his phone and pressing a speed dial two.
His father picks up two rings. "Jon?"
"Dad! We found Brucie! He was stuck in a cave underneath the tunnels leading to Gotham Cemetry. Can you come help me get him out?"
"I'll be right there."
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trashcanplant · 4 months
The Harvest
Mob Au to @//clownsuu
Penny to @cherrythepuppet
Vince to @cloudy-dreams
TW: Spooky scary scarecrows send shivers down your spine! Rotting meat.
Grover sat at the bar, keeling over a hearty glass of rye whiskey like there was no tomorrow. He felt miserable, grabbing at his chest and struggling to breathe. His mind spaced out, and when he came back to reality, Penny was sitting beside him.
“Ugh… what do you want.” He groaned, slamming back another cup. Grover let Howdy finish pouring him a new one before he turned back to Penny.
With the changing of the seasons in full swing and clumps of leaves layering the ground, she had now taken a poofy feather boa oon her bare shoulders. The little lady raised her eyebrows at him as a snarky grin graced her lips.
“Hi.” She said quickly, turning to Howdy and raising her finger. He nodded silently and started to prepare a Shirley Temple.
“Doesn’t answer my question.” Grover grumbled worthlessly, sinking into the bar stool like his roots were planting into the ground.
“Well, Scarycrow—“ Penny began before a cough from Grover interrupted her.
“Not my name.” He growled. Penny rolled her eye.
“Yeah, anyway, Boss told me to tell you ‘Feed him’ So. Feed him. Whatever that means. Has he started talking in third person?” She questioned, looking down at the pear bracelets over her opera gloves. Grover perked up. He looked out the window, downed his drink, and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Penny asked, reaching for her drink that Howdy had just finished shaking and topping with whipped cream and cherries. Her eye followed Grover as he grabbed a coat.
“Out.” He said. This piqued Penny’s curiosity. She’d heard from Antoni that Grover wasn’t allowed ‘out’ without permission. She hopped from her barstool, chasing Grover into the night.
“You’re not allowed out! Boss said-“
“Boss told me that I need to go when he gives the word. Where the fuck are those birds..” He growls, eyes on the skies as he listens for a distant cawing. His eye spots two birds, barely visible behind the night sky as they cry from their branch. Grover huffs, turning to Penny.
“You’re helping me make a delivery.” He said sharply, practically dragging her by the arm to one of the cars.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” She shouts, struggling against his grasp.
“Help me make the delivery and I get you whatever treat you want.” Grover replies, getting her in the car. It’s not the usual continental that he’d drive. It’s a pickup truck, back covered with a tarp. Penny sits in the passenger seat, holding her arm nervously.
And they drive off into the night. Penny watched as the lights from the city began to dim. The truck passed by the warehouse that marked the edge of town and drove farther than that and parked at the tree line. Grover got out of the truck and took the cover off the truck bed.
It was a cacophony of flies, buzzing over the top half of a deer. It had been ripped in half, and smelled like it had been a long time since it had died. Its guts had stained the bed red and maggots had begun to creep through the deers skin and pelt. Grover looked down on it, grabbing it and easing it out of the truck. It hit the ground with a somehow wet squelch. Something leaked from the deer.
“Help me.” Grover said, and when Penny got around the truck she screamed. It alerted the crows which dotted the trees, and Grover slapped a still wet glove against her mouth.
“Shut the fuck up. Vince don’t like noise.” He commanded. Penny stared at him with a wide eye, shivering in her unfit-for-weather dress.
“Grab the back.” Grover said, looking over his shoulder into the tree line. Penny squirmed, reaching down to try and carry her half of the weight. It was unfair, Grover had to lean all the way down and walk backwards into the trees with Penny trying to direct him in the dim light. He was pricked by several brambles and stabbed with sticks.
When the pair passed the tree line and entered the clearing, it was like walking into the world’s most terrifying sculpture park. The figures were all in the midst of fleeing. To the untrained eye it would look like wood carvings, but the way that the flies landed on them and how new branches grew from they eye sockets and mouths of these people made it obvious that it wasn’t just sculpture.
Grover and Penny carried the deer, sticks crunching under their shoes. The two approached the center of the field and Grover dropped the deer. He looked around at the stillness, searching for something in the trees. Penny felt uncomfortable, her head on a swivel as she looked through the field. She could have sworn she saw one of the bodies still breathing.
Grover whistled, taking a step away from the dearly departed deer.
“Watch em feast.” He said with a little grin on his face. The crows flooded from tree line, swooping at the carcass. Grover laughed, and Penny turned over her shoulder to see a hunched over figure with dark eyes and an elongated mouth. She screamed, grabbing onto Grover who looked down at her.
When his eyes landed on Vince in the darkness, reaching out to grab Penny, Grover swatted his hand away.
“No, Vince. I get’cher real hungry to have someone new join ya but not her. She’s family.” Grover said, staring at Vince as the cut noose swayed around his neck. They held eye contact. Vince opened his mouth and murmured something in a low, unfamiliar tone that sent chill down Penny’s spine.
“Look, how bout next time I bring one here fer ya I’ll letcha do yer tree thing an’ all that. I like them screams too, gotta admit..” Grover said with a low chuckle. Vince had a raspy laugh, not saying a word but staring at Penny. Grover looked down at her again.
“Her names Penny. I needed an extra set a hands pullin’ the deer. I know ya like a bit of a scaredy-cat, but I got reprimanded by Wally when I had brought Poppy out here. You ‘member her, Vince? Real tall bird broad?” Grover said. Penny had a look of horror plastered on her face as she kept a grip on Grover’s pants. Vince did not respond, reaching out a finger to graze against Penny’s skin. The taller of the scarecrows grabbed at the other, holding his gloved hand tightly.
“I’ll see what I can fix up fer ya. But not her. Not her.” Grover said protectively. The crows behind him cawed as they finished their feast and flew back into the trees. The plot was silent again, save for Vince’s ragged breathing. Penny stared up at Grover, then at Vince.
“D’ya need help spreading the bones across the field?” Grover asked. He gave Penny a little pat, a nonverbal way of telling her to head back to the truck. As she began to walk away, Vince turned his head with an audible creak. Grover kept his attention, talking to him calmly.
It took over an hour for Grover to return to the pickup truck. Penny was asleep, her head against the window. Grover glanced out the driver side window at Vince who stood just beyond the tree line. He waved goodbye, then turned around on the road to drive home.
From just under Penny’s opera glove, a small leaf began to sprout.
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bee6r · 7 months
Rushed Reunion
⚠contains maze runner SPOILERS⚠
{Gally x !GN! Reader}
Summary: After reaching the last city, you reunite with Gally after thinking he was dead. (takes place in the Death Cure movie)
Warnings: Violence, cursing
WC: 1k
The streets are crowded as your group attempts to push their way through to the front of the barrier. You wonder silently why no one wants to cross it, given the lack of guards patrolling, but decide it is better to be safe than sorry.
People are screaming from all around you and the group, and it's all you can do, not to be separated from each other. Finally, you reach the street that winds down the middle of the square. Large black trucks pass, many of them carrying uniformed soldiers towards the border. You stare up at them, wonderingly and one catched your eye. You don't mean to exactly, but as the soldier keeps your gaze locked with his own, you let your eyes follow him down the road until the car turns and continues out of sight.
"Y/N," Newt calls from a few paces ahead, "we're going to try to make it to the front." You nod and follow him, along with the rest of the group.
It takes some pushing, shoving, and Thomas pulling you forward between two women who refuse to budge, but finally, you can rest your hands on the concrete fence. Thomas and Newt talk to each other in hurried whispers to your left, while you quickly survey your surroundings. Beyond the mass of people there is a strong iron wall, splitting only for seconds at a time as vehicles enter the city.
Resting on the tops of the walls are large weapons, all pointed away from the crowd, but you don't underestimate their power once activated. As if reading your mind, small red lights flicker on inside each of the machines and they spring to life, un-focusing on the entrances and instead setting their malicious sights on the front of the crowd. At once, everything goes silent, then, the first blast crashes to the ground on your right and screams erupt throughout the mob.
You're knocked out of your stupor as someone grabs your arm.
"Let's go!" a voice yells, and you can't tell if it's Thomas, Fry, or someone else. Instead of thinking, you run in the direction of the voice, trying to get away from the area of the blast but more attacks are already coming. The hit the ground behind you and it is all you can do to stay on your feet as the ground shifts. Suddenly, someone grabs you, but the idea that it may be someone from the Glade stops you from reacting immediately.
"Thomas?" You ask, but no one answers, and before you know it, you're being thrown into the back of a dark van. You scream, running towards the doors to escape, but you're knocked backwards as Jorge is thrown into the van as well. He doesn't hesitate to mimic your actions, throwing his weight against the door of the van right as it closes securely.
You sit back on your heels, trying to catch your breath, but Jorge continues to ram himself against the door as the van begins to move.
"Let me out you assholes!" He screams and you lunge forward grabbing his middle and pulling him back.
"Jorge! Stop, you're going to hurt yourself!" You try and scream over his consistent yells, but he continues trying to break down the doors, to no avail.
After about ten minutes of this, the vans stop, and Jorge backs up, readying himself for a fight, and as the doors open, he propels himself forward and out of the car and towards the soldiers.
You jump after him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he tries to run at the others.
"Where is she?" he yells, his voice booming in what you realize is a kind of highway overpass. "Where is Brenda? If you hurt her i'll-"
"Jorge I'm here, I'm right here," Brenda assures, stepping out of an identical van to your right. You release Jorge's middle as he crosses over to Brenda. You turn to the others, Thomas, Newt, and Fry, as they also step out of the van.
"Thanks for leaving me with him," you mutter as Newt walks over to pat your shoulder.
"Anytime," Newt smirks, and you smile. Thomas, however, is already striding over to the closest soldier, anger evident in his features.
"Where are we?" he asks, his voice and temper both rising, "where did you bring us?"
"We're here to help," another soldier calls, making his way over to your group, "no need to get angry." You recognize the voice but can't place it immediately. Apparently, Newt does as well, because he turns to you, a look of confusion crossing his face.
"Who are you?" Thomas asks, his voice still louder than anyone else's. The soldier sighs, and stops walking, only a few feet away. Then, his head turns towards you, and he takes off his helmet.
As soon as you see him, your arms are around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Gally's arms curl around your waist in return, and he snuggles his nose into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent deeply.
"I-I thought you were-"
"I know," he whispers so that only you can hear him, "I know, and I'm sorry." Instead of responding, you pull him impossibly closer, never wanting to let go. When you finally pull away, he presses a quick kiss to your lips, and you smile.
"I missed you," you whisper, before turning back to the group. While the two of you reunited, the others had been talking. As you face Thomas, Newt and the others now, they turn to you, hope alite on their dirt-covered faced, and smiles starting to form.
"Okay," Thomas starts, "we have a plan."
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wheredafandomat · 10 months
Slight mob!Loki x female reader
18+ | contains smut
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“Loki, when are you coming back to bed?” You asked, pouting as you fastened your short silk robe, stepping into Loki’s study.
“I’m just sorting through a few things dearest, soon.” Loki answered, glancing up at you before doing a double take, noticing your attire.
“Hi Thor.” You smiled, greeting Loki’s brother.
“Y/n.” He replied, swallowing thickly before his eyes quickly ran up your exposed legs.
“Are these things anything I can help with?” You offered.
“Come here.” Loki gestured, tapping his knee. Walking further into the room, you made your way to Loki, sitting on his lap as you looked down at the papers sprawled out over the desk. “The aim is to go from here” Loki began, placing his finger on a map “to here unnoticed.” He finished, pointing to the final destination.
“Hmm, unnoticed?” You hummed, wracking your brain.
“Yeah.” He nodded, kissing your neck.
“Dress as delivery men and use a delivery truck.” You suggested.
“That’s too obvious, sweet.” Loki answered.
“Then garbage men then, no one is going to check a garbage truck.” You shrugged.
“And where would we get this garbage truck?” Thor queried, you and Loki both glancing up at him.
“Loki has contacts everywhere.”
“Yes brother,” Loki smirked, “I’ve got contacts everywhere.”
“So that’s sorted then” you clapped, looking back at Loki as he wrapped his arm tighter around you “can we go back to bed now?”
“I’m afraid there’s still something else.” Loki sighed.
“Fine” you huffed, breaking out of Loki’s grip as you stood “I guess I’m going to have to just take care of myself then.” You announced, walking out of the room, both sets of Odinson eyes on you as you did so. “Goodnight Thor.” You spoke, touching his arm as you passed him.
Watching you for a few moments, Loki couldn’t help but stand up, following after you.
“This won’t take a minute” Loki lied, speaking to Thor “sit down, make yourself at home.” He called, leaving the room. Heading up the stairs, Loki was quick to catch up with you, leaving you yelping as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, practically carrying you to the bedroom.
“I said I’d be with you in a moment, couldn’t you have just given me that?” Loki spoke firmly.
“No.” You giggled.
“Right, bend over that bed.” He ordered.
You were quick to make your way to the bed, standing at the end of it before leaning over it, balancing on your forearms. Loki stood behind you, one arm snaking around your body to undo your robe. The thin material slipped off of your body, leaving you bare for Loki as he ran two of his fingers through your folds.
“Already so wet.” He noted lowly, fingers circling your clit slowly.
“I was getting ready for you.” You grinned.
“Yeah?” He smiled coyly.
“Mhmm.” You hummed.
“Good girl, getting it nice and wet for daddy.” Loki praised, the sound of his belt unbuckling ringing in your ear before you felt him pressing his soft, thick member against you. “What do you want me to do?” He questioned, gripping his length and gently moving it through your slick folds.
“You know what I want you to do.” You answered, impatiently moving your hips backwards.
“Say it” Loki commanded, pressing the tip of his length to your entrance “say it.” He uttered.
“I want you to fuck me.” You almost whined.
“That’s a good girl.” He smirked, pressing himself into you.
“Lokii.” You mewled as he buried himself inside of you, every inch of him filling you before he pulled out. “Fuck.” You moaned as he gripped your hips tightly, thrusting inside of you again, harder this time, more purposefully.
“Such a tight little thing.” He lauded, one of his hands lifting and landing on your ass hard as you moaned louder.
“Fuckk Lokii.” You gasped, his balls hitting your clit as he continued thrusting in and out of you.
“Shh, we have a guest, remember.” He chuckled darkly.
“Lokii.” You panted, Loki hitting that perfect soft spot with each calculated stroke. “Feels so good.” You moaned lewdly as he grabbed your hand, guiding it to your clit prompting you to rub it.
“Quiet.” He instructed, loosening his tie before practically shoving it into your mouth in the hopes of silencing you but knowing it’d just arouse you further. You humored him, gagging on it as he continued fucking you. Your face was almost buried into the bed as you tried to remain balanced on one of your forearms.
Downstairs, Thor repositioned himself, crossing his legs as he heard what sounded like Loki spanking you. He tried to busy himself looking through the map on the table but it was useless.
“Are you going to be a dear and cum for me so I can continue discussing business? Hmm?” Loki asked, thrusts quickening. Unable to reply, you clenched your walls around him. “Good girl.” He smiled before pounding into you, unable to conceal his own groaning. Feeling your walls thrumming around him, Loki tore the tie out of your mouth.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, pleasure consuming you “m’ cumming.”
“Love, you’re soaking me.” Loki spoke, clearly amused as he slowed his pace, guiding you through your high.
“I-I’ll clean you up.”
“And how are you going to do that?” He questioned, still inside you. Reaching behind you, you tried to push him backwards. Realising what you were doing, Loki pulled out of you. Turning around to face him, you went onto your knees before gripping his hard, length, moist from your arousal. You moved your hand up and down it, Loki relaxing against your touch as you massaged his sensitive member. Opening your mouth, you guided him inside it, flicking the tip with your tongue as it entered. Hands on his hips, Loki closed his eyes as you gagged on his cock, hollowing your cheeks around it as you sucked on it. Unable to control himself, his hips involuntarily thrusted forwards, chasing your mouth as you circled the tip with your tongue.
“Are you going to let me cum on those pretty tits?” Loki cooed, feeling his orgasm approaching. Nodding, you replaced your mouth with your hand, fisting him to completion before he came, coating your breasts with his warm seed.
“My good good girl.” He praised, pulling you into a long kiss as if he just wanted to taste himself against you. “Go and grab me some clean trousers.” He spoke, breaking the kiss and slapping your ass as you turned around towards the wardrobe. “Thank you.” He added, taking his current ones off before putting the clean ones on. “Now, I’m going back downstairs and I’ll be back once I’m finished. You stay up here.”
“And what would you do if I came downstairs?” You questioned teasingly.
“I’d have to punish you.” He smirked.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” You giggled.
“Right, where were we?” Loki spoke, entering his study again.
“I—um—I need to leave.” Thor stuttered, almost sprinting out of the room.
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This is the Thor that was in the study alone 🤣
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @somewhereinthegalaxi @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @mushypork @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Pleasers & baked ziti presents: 2 baked 2 ziti
Pleasure dom!Bouncer!Joel (ooop!) x stripper!reader
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Summary: Bouncer Joel takes reader on a date, and she learns what being with a gifted ;) and talented ;) pleasure dom means. Reader has the time of her life, basically.
Warnings: Sopranos finale spoilers in the first paragraph, smut, fluff, pleasure dom!Joel, overstimulation, Joel talks reader through it AF, multiple orgasms, squirting, size kink, size difference, big dick fetish, lube, flirting, reader had shitty past partners, insecurity, more Sopranos references, praise kink, reference to phone sex and masturbation, pet names, Joel is hung AF and he knows it, oral sex (f receiving),
Word count: 3k
The Sopranos finale is playing on her TV, and she watches intently as mob boss Tony looks up for just a moment before the screen suddenly cuts to black. She’s confused for a few seconds and her phone rings, with “Joel bouncer” popping up as the caller ID, and she picks up immediately as she hits her remote control on the arm of the couch. “What happened?” she hears Joel frantically asking, “My cable cut out and the screen just turned off”. “Mine too” she says and takes a step forward to slap the TV before she sees the credits roll and they’re both silent. “Fuuuck, dude,” she says in disbelief, “He got whacked”. “Madone” he sighs, “Sad when they go young like that”. “When they go?!” she asks in her best Johnny Sack impression, and they both laugh a little. 
“Been meanin’ to ask you somethin’ actually” he says after a brief period of silence from the both of them. “Oh?” she asks tentatively, her eyes darting around as her cellphone digs into the cartilage of her ear. “Umm,” he hears Joel mumble and clear his throat, “I was wonderin’ if I could take you out.. On a date”. She squeezes her eyes closed and grins, realizing her long time work crush was totally reciprocated. “Yes!” she says, and realizes she sounds way too excited. He chuckles a little, a low rumble on the other end making her heart flutter, “Wednesday? Pick you up at six?”. 
He’s seen her without heels plenty of times, on the way into the parking garage under the club, but he’s never seen her in anything other than lingerie and loungewear, so he can't help but smile when he sees her pop out of her house. She slams her front door shut and runs out to the truck at precisely six, wearing a yellow sundress and sneakers, flinging the door open and jumping in. “Where are we eating?” she asks immediately, eyes stuck on his, with no attempt at hiding her excitement. “You’ll see” Joel says and starts the engine, cracking up a little at her eagerness and feeling a little nervous all of a sudden. 
Despite sitting across from each other at a restaurant, in the daylight, on a Wednesday, it still, in many ways, feels like the break room on Friday night at the strip club. They talk like they always do, but instead of snacks, there’s actual dinner, and instead of glancing over at each other here and there, they’re looking straight at each other and talking, unable to get their eyes off one another, barely remembering to eat until Joel reminds both her and himself that their food is gonna get cold. She steals Joel’s fries repeatedly but refuses to order her own, shushing him when he attempts to get a hold of a waiter to put in an order for more.
She puts her hand out on the table and he grabs it, flipping it over so her hand is in his, rubbing her wrist with his thumb as he watches her blush and dart her eyes around the room. The check arrives and he slams his hand down on it before she even gets to look at it, stopping her when she attempts to offer to pay. “Fine” she rolls her eyes and giggles, insisting she’ll get it next time. He agrees, knowing he won’t let her get it next time, or any time in the future, and he’ll blame southern hospitality every time. 
“Wanna go to the beach and watch the sunset?” he asks as they walk out, “It’s a short walk from here”. He interlocks his fingers with her as they walk down the street, and her hand is completely swallowed by his, overwhelmingly big and calloused, but warm and gentle at the same time. She squeezes his hand a little as she walks, looking down and suddenly feeling a pull from behind her, realizing Joel has stopped and she’s a step ahead. 
“What are you looking at?” she asks with a giggle as she steps back to him, and he smiles as he slips his other hand around her waist and pulls her close to him before leaning down to kiss her. “Just you” he answers when he pulls back for just a second, then goes back for another kiss, a little too much tongue for being in public but exactly as much as she likes. “Okay, come on” she says as she pulls at his hand and keeps walking, “I wanna see the rest of the sunset”. 
All the benches are taken but there's a patch of grass open, and she sits down in front of him between his legs, feeling his big arms wrap around her. She looks back at him and he kisses her again, carefully grabbing the back of her head as their tongues slip around each other, and they try to keep it PG but know it’s only a matter of time before they end up at her house. 
He breaks the kiss when he realizes he’s going to get arrested for public indecency if it goes on any longer and he has to stand up, so she leans back into his chest, completely engulfed by his arms and shoulders. “I don’t know what to do with my life” she says as she looks at the sunset, and he furrows his brows a little, unsure of what to say before she continues, “Now that Sopranos is done.. What am I supposed to watch?”. “Start season one again, I g-” he starts to say before he feels her perking up. 
“Ducks!” she exclaims, interrupting him and pointing at a small group of ducks a little ways down from where they’re sitting. “It’s totally a sign” she says, turning back to him. “Sign of what?” he says, trying not to laugh. Her face suddenly turns serious, “I’m not sure.. Wanna go to my place and watch the first episode? I have the DVDs”
They only get five minutes into the episode before she’s in his lap, making out with heavy breaths, and she's grinding his hard bulge, feeling it rub against her just right as his hands anchor her onto his hips. She feels a bit embarrassed being so horny just from making out, but it’s been too long since she had sex with anyone and something about Joel’s touch is winding her up like crazy. She can feel that he’s big, even through his jeans, turning her on even more. 
He hears her trying to stifle her moans when he pulls her down onto his crotch, noticing that she’s tensing up. “You seem nervous, what's going on?” he says as he pulls back for a second. “Been a while” she laughs nervously. “Relax, let me take care of you” he coos and slips her dress over her head, unhooking her bra and letting her sit on his lap in only her panties, “No rushin’, baby”. She smiles and nods, runs her fingers through his hair and watches him as he traces the outside of her panties with the backs of his fingers. “May I?” he asks, and she bites her lip as she says yes. 
He throws her over his shoulder and walks to her bedroom, throwing her down onto the bed while he takes off his pants and shirt, then kneeling onto the bed, hooking his fingers into the straps of her panties, pulling them off in one motion and spreading her legs wide before inserting two fingers into her dripping heat. “You're so tight, fuck” he whispers as he sees her pussy suffocating his two thick fingers, “Need to stretch you out real well so you can take me, sweetheart”. “Why?” she asks with a perplexed expression, almost laughing while trying to reassure him, “I can take it, I've had sex before”. “Uhh..” he laughs nervously and looks down, “You'll see”. 
He withdraws his fingers and positions himself between her legs, inching backwards until his face is hovering right above her pussy, and he looks up at her for just a second before he starts licking at her clit, building up his pace gradually as she arches her back and starts tugging at his hair. She’s perplexed as she lays there, used to men just giving her a few licks before moving on, thinking it's sufficient, but now watching Joel lap her up like it’s his last meal on earth. She only lasts a few minutes before she comes, gripping her sheets as tightly as she can and moaning his name. 
“Want me to return the favor?” she asks when he lifts his face and wipes it with the back of his hand. “It’s okay,” he says with a smile, shaking his head, “Next time”. He kisses her inner thighs as she looks down at him, “Just wanna see you come, baby, makes me feel good”. She throws her head back and covers her face with her hands, hearing his low chuckle, but quickly raises her upper body and starts pulling at his waistband as he sits up, “Are you gonna fuck me now?”. He can’t help but laugh at how excited she looks, and nods with a smile before he pulls down his boxers, freeing his colossal dick from the fabric.
Her eyes widen at the sight of his size, and one glance assures her there’s no way her hand can fit around his girth. It’s by far the biggest she’s ever seen, stunningly long and so thick, reminiscent of the can of shaving cream she has in her shower, with thick veins running up to the wide, bulbous tip, already glistening with precome from going down on her. Holy fuck.
She has to have frozen completely for a while, just staring at the ridiculously large cock in front of her, as she’s startled by Joel's voice, tinged with concern. “Everythin’ alright?” he asks as he tilts her chin up with his finger and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Joel, you're joking right?” she asks as she looks up at him in disbelief, “You’re huge, how’s that gonna fit?”.
“I know what I’m doin’, don’t worry” he says with a chuckle, “We can use lube if that makes you less nervous? I don’t wanna hurt you, darlin'”. She reaches over to her nightstand, opening the little door and knocking down bottles of hand lotion and massage oil as she grabs the lube and hands it to him. He squirts out a little on his tip and strokes himself a few times to spread it evenly, the sight making her clench in arousal. “You ready for me, sweetheart?” he asks as he leans over and teases her opening, and she nods before laying down on her back. 
He gently nudges into her entrance and she immediately tenses up. “I’ll go real slow for you, baby” he soothes, “Tell me if anything’s uncomfortable and I’ll stop”. She takes a deep breath and tries to relax her entire body as she feels Joel stretch her out while he runs his warm hand over her thighs, not breaking eye contact other than blinking slowly or glancing down to see if she’s less tense. "I don't know if I can take all of-", she stutters as she looks up at him, so unbearably horny she’s struggling to lay still. "Yes, you can" he coos, "Just relax, I’m gonna make you feel good".
He starts kissing down her neck all the way down to her collarbone while he slides deeper and deeper with every thrust. “You okay? Want more?” he asks carefully, and she hums in response. She’s teetering on the edge between pain and pleasure, spilling onto either side intermittently as she aches for him to get deeper. He bottoms out and she tenses up, feeling him pushing her cervix and her opening still burning a little. "Need a second?", he looks up and down her face with a look of slight concern as his hands slide down from her waist and start massaging her hips, “Take your time, baby”. A soft “Mhm” is all she manages to utter while she looks into his eyes through blown out pupils, feeling his heat radiate through her skin as he soothes her, his thumbs digging into her soft hips and his palms squeezing her just enough to relieve the tension. 
Her moans get louder as he picks up the pace a little, still fucking her at a slow pace, watching her breath hitch a little every time he bottoms out. “It feels so good, Joel, I-”, she gasps as he fills her up,  “You feel so goo- fuck, you’re so big”. She’s never experienced something like this before, rarely even having an orgasm before penetration most of the time, not to mention one brought on by someone patiently going down on her, followed by getting filled so well she feels it in her entire pelvis. “Your pussy feels so fucking good on my cock, so tight” he groans as he pulls his dick out enough to where only the tip is still inside her, before pushing back in and feeling her slick walls sucking him in, “That feel good for you, baby?”.
Nodding and moaning, he can tell she enjoys hearing him talk and keeps cooing at her as he thrusts a little harder. “So wet for me, takin' me so well” he murmurs and holds her hips in place, “Such a beautiful girl, you look so pretty with my cock inside you”. Her eyes roll back as she lays there, the pain completely subsided and replaced by overwhelming pleasure. “You gonna let me feel you come again, baby?” he asks and smoothes his hands down her hips. “I’m not sure I can” she says shyly. He looks genuinely confused, brows furrowed as he strokes her thighs and slows down, “Why not?”. 
“I’ve never been able to come more than once in one night, and I always have to do it myself, except right now”, she shrugs and tries to laugh a little to lighten the reality of what she’s telling him about her experiences, “People are selfish in bed.. Not you, I just-”. 
“Can I try?” he asks, and even though she’s sure it’ll be another miss, she nods. “Get on your knees and spread your legs for me, honey”, he says gently, and she hisses as he enters her again, his cock still slick from the lube, making it a little easier. He slowly starts thrusting, waiting until he hears a few whimpers before he reaches around and starts rubbing her clit. “Gonna be real intense for you at first, honey,”, he soothes her with his hand running up and down the swell of her ass, “But you can take it, I know you can”. 
“S-so intense, I ca-”, her sentence turns into a gasp as she forces it out, his finger nudging her exposed clit making her shake. “Does it feel good?” he asks, and feels her gently shaking in his hands. “Y-yeah” she squeaks. “Then just keep goin’, I'll stop if you tell me to stop”, his thrusts are steady and his free hand massages her flesh as it travels along her back and behind.  “It's so good but it's t-too much, Joel, I get these waves of- oh!”, she’s interrupted by her core tightening, walls clenching around his thickness. 
“There it is,” he coos as he feels her convulsing under him, “Just let go, it’s okay”. She whimpers and moans under him as he nudges her soft spot and fills her, his fingers still rubbing her clit firmly, “Ride it out, baby, I got you”. She nods in acknowledgement and tries to stay steady on her forearms, focusing on making sure her legs don’t give out. “S-so sensitive” she whines when the wave of intensity passes and she feels the pressure building right where he’s inside her. “That means you're close, baby, just relax”, he says and presses kisses along her upper back and spine, “You’ll come, don’t worry”. Mhmm is all she can muster. 
“You're so close, sweetheart, I can feel it,”, she hears him cooing, “Just a little more”. She moans his name breathlessly, noticing the waves becoming less intense and her orgasm starting to creep up her spine. “You can do it,” he whispers and feels her tightening around him, “Just breathe”. She comes with a shattering moan, collapsing under him and panting he fucks her through her climax. “Good girl” he praises and retracts his hand, stilling on her hips so he can pull her back onto his cock and start thrusting harder. 
“So, so good for me, so beautiful” he coos as he pounds her and listens to her moaning, barely able to say his full name. Still sensitive from her second orgasm, every nudge at her cervix builds the pressure in her stomach until she gasps and she can’t stop the stream of liquid pouring out of her and down Joel’s thighs. “Did so well,” he says with a smile, “Doesn’t that feel good, baby?”. Her walls stay clenched tightly as she comes, squeezing him as he slides in and out. “So tight around my cock, honey, you’re gonna make me come” he groans, and he can’t stop his spend from spurting out of him, filling her insides with an animalistic growl. 
“Does everyone you have sex with come repeatedly like that?” she carefully asks as he cleans her up. “Uhh,” he responds with a noncommittal laugh, “Most of the time, yeah”. “How?”. “I take my time with ‘em, find out what makes ‘em feel good, and do that until they can't handle anymore”, he throws the towel in her laundry hamper and lays down, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in close, “‘S not rocket science, angel, just bein’ attentive”. “Why do you like it?” she asks and traces her finger along his chest and shoulders, pushing a little on the bulging muscle under his tan skin. “Turns me on to know you feel good, ‘s all that matters to me, that you’re enjoyin’ yourself” he says, making her look away and giggle. 
“Call me next time you touch yourself,” he pushes her hair behind her ear as his eyes trail up and down her face, “Let me hear you again”. She blushes a little at the thought, knowing the next time will be tomorrow with this experience fresh in her mind, “Oh?”. “Mhm,” he cradles her jaw and kisses her softly, “Won't let you off the phone till you've come three times though, now that you know how”. “Shut up” she says and paws at his chest, making him pull her closer. “I’ll tell you what to do, baby, don't worry” he murmurs in her ear.
@pascalisbaby @silkiers
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vivianquill · 6 months
They were a pack, not a hoard.
You know, there's something almost poetic about the boogeyman infection from session 7.
To me it wasn't a hoard of zombies, it wasn't a mindless hivemind of drones, it wasn't even a posse- a mob of borderline reds.
It was a pack. A pack of rabid wolves, vicious and bloodthirsty and hungry.
The way each early addition to the pack was ready to turn around and bite their new alpha in Bdubs, Scar, Pearl, Etho; the way they ran like Pearl and Scar; they went looking for comfort with Impulse and Scar and Skizz; And again, in Scar's case especially-- they tried to go back to the survivors. But that didn't work, not once the survivors caught on to what was happening.
There's something in the way that each of them wanted to hurt the one who killed them, only to be called off by Gem and kept in line as they hunted for more.
The only thing keeping the pack together was Gem's seer force of will, at least until they grew so large and forgot about everything else except the need to kill, to hunt, to cannibalize their own.
There's something poetic about the cursed ignoring Martyn, the only one to start red, the only one to start the session as a 'dog.' There's something poetic in the survivors tolerating him at their fringes, like tossing food to a dog you find on the street, but not letting them too close, because they're still a stray dog-- something you can never fully trust.
From his perspective, he was so out of the loop and had no idea about any of the curse until the survivors told him.
It was interesting to see how the alliances broke down. And not just the alliances, but the people themselves:
How Gem ignored Scott-- until she went red. Gem used Scott, and then turned on him the moment it made sense. She was the ringleader, the alpha of the pack, patient zero.
How Impulse not only embraced the curse-- He begged to be infected. He volunteered. He was one of the more dogged (hah) of the crew, in it from the beginning and already half-mad with bloodlust already from his previous tasks. Taking hearts from Skizz, the fake-boogey task, the games of chicken, being unable to kill ANYTHING for an entire session, etc. He still ignored Scott, though. even letting him get away when they were alone. And he was the most threatening, always coming in from a direction no one expected.
How Bdubs didn't want to kill Pearl or Joel-- He didn't have to, Pearl died to Gem and Joel to Etho and Scar and Gem. He was so hesitant to kill Impulse, asking him again and again if he really wanted this. Bdubs was also the first to find Etho, the first to welcome him to the pack.
But Etho still remained loyal to Cleo and Grian, not attacking them, not killing them, not ratting them out, nothing. He even jumped in front of an arrow meant for Cleo. He brought up a warden with Pearl, but that's just chaos, and you can hear a warden from miles away. And with all his experience in Decked Out-- well. Wardens aren't that scary. Not for him, not for a lot of the more Hardcore Decked Out players-- Gem, Grian, Tango, Pearl, Impulse, and even Bdubs and Cleo and Scar, to an extent.
Cleo going out on her own terms, instead of letting herself be killed. Her checking in on Scott, on letting Bigb hide with them, even when Bigb ratted them out (getting himself killed). She was running and hiding for so much of the last half of the session. Her sharing her dogs, making sure everyone else got some, fighting back when cornered and hitting like a TRUCK. Letting Joel leave after he respawned on the shrine for his last time.
Grian hiding on top of the tower-- Watching. No one thought to look up. Being the first to figure out the curse, being helpless to stop it, causing Etho's death-- and then denying it.
Pearl going 5am feral, not targeting Cleo until Cleo killed her dogs, pulling out a warden with Etho-- and then another on her own. Hiding her first dogs, making sure they stayed safe. Not helping to kill Joel, but happily scooping up the zombie flesh and the xp left behind.
Joel not wanting to hide, thinking that he'd be fine-- until he wasnt. Wanting to go out with a bang and flooding the server with zombies-- but once he was got he didn't hesitate to throw his lot in with the pack.
Scar. There's a lot to say about Scar. Forced to push everyone away from multiple tasks, going feral on his own without an alliance to hold him steady, holding his own with his bow and killing not one, not two but THREE people. Trying to go back to the survivors, burning Gem's book, running away and turning to shoot the pack that was trying to collect him. Getting sent into the nether first, almost getting that hit on Cleo that would have turned her bloodthirsty and rabid just like the rest of them-- Everyone disregarded him. He has the biggest target on his back, the pack only tolerated him because he was one of them. Almost like Martyn with the survivors.
Scott, oh poor Scott. The first to die that day and one of the only two to complete his task. He was used, kept sheltered by Impulse and Gem, abandoned in the grove. He was hiding alone in the dark while Cleo drowned and Bigb was burnt to death. He had no idea.
Speaking of Bigb. While it wasn't his yell that allowed them to be found-- it was one of the main factors. He's so confusing to everyone, going mad down in his backrooms alone and not quite counting himself a part of the heart foundation. Screaming "BANISHED" at everyone who even looks at him wrong. The sheer irony of Tango's death: The end glitch, his wolf, the fire-- everything.
And the rest of the heart foundation, Skizz attacking Joel and Scar, even when they were running away-- it cost him his life. Immediately turning around and attacking, screaming to Tango and Bigb in a familiar refrain-- ("There's a way we can still be friends-- You could join me." turned into) "COME TO THIS SIDE-- I want you back, buddy."
Tango, back from his amnesiacold --amnesiafood-poisoning as it were-- confused and getting teased and trying to fulfill everyone's wishes 'wrong'. Being killed by Bigb's wolf, getting confused as being 'one of them'. Getting thrown into the deep end at having to pull a warden out of his lake and point it elsewhere-- A victim of tragedy and circumstance. Not to mention the heart getting burnt down. Maybe the canary's bad luck is rubbing off-- just not onto the person we thought it was. After all-- He and Jimmy have always been together in being doomed by the narrative.
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cherrythepuppet · 4 months
The Harvest
Mob au @//Clownsuu
Grover @trashcanplant
Vince @cloudy-dreams
TW: dead deer
Penny sat on the ground outside playing in the leaves with Poppy's supervision "Be careful!" Poppy exclaimed while Penny stopped herself form eating a leaf
She could hear some crunching from other footsteps then she heard Poppy talking with someone but Penny didn't care enough to listen
"Penny?" Someone behind her asked, She turned around and blinked looking up to see Wally "Hi" Penny said "Hello to you to Penny" Wally replied
"Care to go for a little walk? I'm afraid I have something to ask of you" He added to which Penny stood up and brushed any leaves or dirt off the bottom of her dress
"You have no proof of me hitting Antoni with the frying pan" Penny told him causing Wally to go 'Ha Ha Ha'
"Oh Penny, I watched you hit him" He mumbled "But that isn't why we're talking. I need you to go tell Grover something" He explained
"Oh, Yeah sure! I like talking to Grover even if he-" Penny paused "Where are we again?" She asked "Oh dear, Your memory must be acting up" Wally sighed
"Come along then. We should get you inside" Wally muttered before he began to walk back inside with Penny following
When the two went back inside Wally went to office to wait for Penny who was in her room looking for a coat
yet all she found was a Boa She put it on her shoulders figuring it would work as a coat so after that she went to Wally's office where she sorta zoned out until he told her to tell Grover to "Feed him"
"Oki Doki" Penny replied then she left looking around for Grover until she found him at the bar, Penny looked over to Howdy
Howdy sighed then walked over to Penny and helped her on the barstool before He walks back behind the bar Penny was kicking her legs slightly until Grover looked over to her Ugh… what do you want.” He grumbled while putting back another cup
Grover let Howdy finish pouring him a anothee one then he turned back to Penny "Hi" Penny grinned spinning around in the barstool
She looked over to Howdy who nodded and began preparing a Shirley Temple "Doesn't answear my question" Grover sighed
"Well scareycrow-" "Not my name"
Penny glared at him "Well anyway, Boss wanted me to tell you to 'Feed Him' whatever that means. Sounded like third person too? Is he gonna start talking like that now?" Penny trailed off
She was fidgeting with her gloves to even notice that Grover had stood up "Where are you going?" She asked grabbing her drink Howdy finished making
"Out" Grover replied "Out? But Antoni..." Penny muttered to herself trying to remember "Your not allowed out thought, Boss said-" She was cut off
"Boss told me that I need to go when he gives the word" Grover told her before turning to look at the sky listening for something "Where the fuck are those birds..” He frowned
Penny hopped off the barstool after finishing her drink and walked over to Him then saw two birds outside "Oooh! I've seen those birds before!" She exclaimed
Grover ignored her before he turned to her "Yer' helping me make a delivery" He said then he grabbed her arm and dragged her to one of the cars
However Penny didn't like this and tried biting him "Hey! Let go of me you overgrown weed!" Penny shouted struggling to free herself
"You help me with this delivery and I'll get ya whatever yer' werid ass wants" Grover replied as he opened the car door and tossed her into the passenger seat
"Fine... Your taking me to the candy shop in the middle of town" She mumbled fidgeting with her pearl bracelets Grover gets into the driver's seat and starts up the car then He began driving to God knows where
Penny stared out the window Watching the lights from the city slowly disappear almost falling asleep with how peaceful everything was away from the city too
But then the car stopped and Penny hit her head "Ow..." She frowned while she saw Griver get out and go to the bed of the truck
Penny unbuckled her seatbelt and got out walking over to him, Something smelled disgusting and she heard a squelch sound
When she saw what the disgusting thing was she saw a ripped in half deer causing her to scream which alerted a few birds
Grover put his glove over her mouth "Shut the fuck up. Vince doesn't like noise" He warned, Penny nodded shivering slightly
Griver removed his glove "Grab the back" He demanded but Penny didn't do anything for a moment, Sure she liked gore but with people! Not animals
"Penny" Grover snapped his fingers snapping her out of her trance "Wha- sorry..." She whispered before reaching down to carry her weight
Grover leaned all the way down and walkes backwards into the trees while Penny was trying to direct him in the dim light
But He was pricked by several brambles and stabbed with sticks Making her giggle slightly
The pair passed the tree line and entered the clearing, Penny looked around and to her she felt like she was walking into the world’s most terrifying sculpture park as the figures were all in the midst of fleeing
To the untrained eye it would look like wood carvings which Penny thought at first but the way that the flies landed on them
How branches grew from the eye sockets and mouths of these people made it obvious that they weren't just sculptures
Grover and Penny continued to carry the deer with the sound of sticks crunching under their shoes until the two approached the center of the field and Grover dropped the deer
He looked around at the stillness, searching for something in the trees as Penny backed away from the deer feeling uncomfortable
She looked around while holding her arms close to her chest as a form of warmth, She thought she saw one of the bodies still breathing"Griver-" Penny paused as Grover whistled then took a step away from the deer
"Watch 'em feast" Grover chuckled Several birds came down and flocked onto the deer carcass, Grover laughed while Penny looked away in disgust
But when she turned over to her shoulder she saw a large hunched back figure with dark eyes and long mouth
Penny screamed and grabbed onto to Grover making him look down at her, Grover looked up and saw Vince in the darkness reaching a hand out for Penny
Grover swatted his hand away “No, Vince" He told him "I getcha real hungry to have someone new join but not her. She’s family.” He added
Grover stared at Vince before Vince opened his mouth muttered something in a tone that terrified Penny more then the deer carcass
“Look, how about next time I bring one here fer ya I’ll letcha do yer tree thing and all that" Grover said "I like them screams too, gotta admit..” Grover chuckled
Vince laughed a raspy laugh, not saying a word while staring at Penny who was doing anything but looking at Vince
Grover looked down at her again. “Her names Penny. I needed an extra set a hands pullin’ the deer" Grover added
Penny looked at Vince for just a breif moment and made a small wave to be polite "I know ya like a bit of a scaredy cat, but I got in trouble when I brought Poppy out here" Grover was the only really speaking
But then Penny spoke up "Poppy was out here?" She asked to which Grover nodded "You remember her, Vince? Real tall bird broad?” Grover asked
Penny seemed to relax just a tiny bit at the mention of Poppy yet she kept a grip on Grover’s pants hoping He would take her home soon
Vince didn't respond instead he reached out a finger to graze against Penny’s skin but then Grover grabbed Vince's hand, holding his gloved hand tightly
“I’ll see what I can fix up fer ya, But not her. Not her.” Grover told him as the crows behind him cawed after they finished their feast and flew back into the trees
Everything was silent again, only thing to be heard was Vince’s ragged breathing. Penny looked up at Grover, then at Vince
“Do ya need help spreading the bones across the field?” Grover asked before be gave Penny a little pat in the head as a way of telling her to head back to the truck
Penny instnatly began to walk away, She got into the truck and took in a deep breath "I don't wanna ever come here again..." She mumbled to herself
As the time passed Penny fell asleep with her head resting against the Window unaware of a small leaf sprouting from under her Opera Gloves...
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Eddie Diaz coma fic if possible? The reader gets shot like eddie in 4x14 and ends up in a coma. Lots of angst, heartbreak if possibly but also fluff too please. 🩶
hold on to me - e.d
Tumblr media
summary: request :)
eddie diaz x reader
gif from @agentoutofdiaz
a/n: guys i def just ate my history final up and left no crumbs, enjoy this request 🤌🤌
the gunshot passed right through y/n’s stomach. the massive bang had ricocheted throughout the street and off the buildings, every crouching down as an instinct to the echoing noise. she immediately felt the impact it had right in the center of her abdomen. she brought her hand slowly down, pulling it away to see the overwhelming amount of blood on her fingers. she brought her head back up weakly, before falling onto the concrete.
eddie was held back by buck, who yanked him under a wall. he watched as his girlfriend was thrown to the stained ground, the blood pouring out of her. this couldn’t be a mistake, it was a perfect shot. she was saving someone’s life, and an evil person wanted to take hers. eddie thought he was dreaming. he thought he would be shaken awake by y/n and she would be next to him without a bullet inside of her.
eddie was screaming her name over and over again, and she heard every single time. she wanted to respond, but the blood gurgling in her mouth made it near impossible. she turned her head on the ground to look at her boyfriend. he was laying on the ground, looking directly at her.
he couldn’t contain himself anymore, he had to get out there and save her. “y/n!” he yelled. “hey, y/n?” he pulled her head up as her breathing slowed down. “come here, come help me!” he shouted at his coworkers, who came piling over and putting her into the truck. eddie sat by her head, cradling it gently. a part of him wanted her to pass out, to not have to feel this pain anymore. when she finally lost consciousness from the strain, he panicked as he still wanted to see her eyes, completely contradicting his earlier thought. buck had been applying pressure to the wound, switching out the cloths multiple times as they were drenched with y/n’s blood.
he carried her out of the truck, yelling at the doctors to help her. they took her and placed her on a gurney, turning her on her side. “y/n y/l/n, female, GSW to the abdomen, severe bleeding, may have hit a major organ but pulse is steady. wasn’t through and through, bullets still in here,” he spat out rapidly at the mob of nurses and doctors. as she was wheeled away, the tears in eddie’s eyes were reappearing, dripping down his face. buck had pulled him into an embrace, trying to erase the violent sight in front of him. the constant reminder was the her very own blood on their uniforms.
y/n woke up in her old apartment in her home city, still recalling the smell and feeling of her old rooms. she stretched out of bed, looking around. the confusion in her head was very abnormal. she moved to LA years ago, and her lease was up. she knew this place like the back of her hand, one of her first places that she was able to escape from home. her home life wasn’t bad, but certainly not memorable.
she heard a knock on her door, stepping out of the room to pull it open. in front of her stood her siblings behind her parents. “hi, sweetie!” her mother exclaims. y/n doesn’t recognize the change in attitude.
“hey, mom, what are you all doing here?”
“we had lunch plans, remember? it’s ok if you forgot, you’re under a lot of pressure.”
“w-we did? i mean since i’m visiting from LA?”
“visiting? from california! how hard did you hit your head?” her mom laughs, walking into the apartment, her brother and sister following in with her father.
she sat down on the couch slowly, feeling awkward at how kind her parents were being. she picked up the glass of water on the table next to her. “did something happen?”
“no, just coming to see you and brian, where is he?”
“your…fiancé?” y/n chokes on her water, wiping it off her face.
“my what?” she asks.
“honey, now you’re really scaring me.”
“i’m not engaged, who the hell is brian? where’s eddie?”
“y/n, eddie left, remember?” y/n remains silent. she knows eddie would never leave her. he’s been left before, and he could never put that weight on someone’s shoulders.
back in the hospital, eddie sits with a recovering y/n. her waist was wrapped with a bandage, several IV’s in her arms pumping the drugs into her system. the tube in her throat was forcing the air into her lungs, being unable to do it alone.
a coma. the state of deep unconsciousness. the state that lasts for an unknown amount of time. eddie has heard the words thousands of times being a paramedic. but it doesn’t feel the same when someone you love has been purposely separated from her body.
he wondered what she was thinking, or even if she knew he was there. “i, um,” he starts, stuttering. “i don’t know if you’re there, completely, but you are coming back. i know you are, because you have to. there are too many people relying on you, y/n. i need you to survive or i don’t know if i’ll be able to. so i’m begging you, for the sake of how much i love you, please wake up,” he looks back at her sleeping figure, figuring it’s no use. he just sits in the chair, staring at her condition and the monitors.
“no, eddie wouldn’t leave me, i live in los angeles and i am a firefighter,” y/n speaks harshly to her parents.
“c’mon, y/n. what kind of crazy dream did you have?” her brother says, shoving his face full of food. “i think you need to go back to bed.”
“shut up,” she tells him. “i am not where im supposed to be.” she didn’t say the one detail that gave it away. the one that she’s well aware of. her parents have never been that nice to her, at least not as much as they are in this reality. she kind of loves it, but certainly not as much as eddie. “i am a firefighter,” the memories of the previous day came back to her, the images flashing in her eyes before they faded away again. “i… i was hurt.”
suddenly, y/n has convinced her parents to take her to the psych ward. almost, but they bring her to the ER instead. she must’ve hit her head or something, but y/n knows she is not supposed to be here.
she sits on the bed, her mother in the chair next to her. she looks around, trying to figure out a way to escape. “mom, can you get me some water, please?”
“of course, sweetie. i’ll be back.” she leaves a kiss on her forehead and exiting to get her daughter a drink. y/n takes her opportunity to leave. not the hospital, but the ER is not where she can be. she sprints around, desperately looking for a sign of herself. she goes the the ORs, the regular rooms, and finally she stops in the ICU. she looks in each of the rooms, every single one being dark and empty until she comes across one in particular.
her frail body lay in the bed, with the muffled sounds of doctors speaking and beeping. she looked so weak, and watching herself not be able to fight back against the storm broke every part of her. she stands in front of the doors before hearing a voice behind her. the same voice she fell in love with years ago, and the one that saved her heart and stole it like a thief. y/n whips around at the quick sound of her name. “do you think you should be there?” the duplicate of eddie says.
“why am i here, and not there?”
“because that wound on your body is not the only thing that needs to be healed. you’ve imagined a perfect world. and this is death, y/n.”
“why are you here?”
“i’m your imagination. because if you go back, you don’t know what’s going to happen in a few years. that’s the point of this.”
“because i don’t know if you’ll be there?”
“because you want to be loved forever. and there’s a guarantee at this place,” eddie explains. y/n looks at him calmly, but confusion is written all over her face.
“you love me. i know you do. you said you would forever, and you don’t here. why are you even talking to me? why are there no dead people or something?”
eddie steps closer to her, looking down into her eyes as she stares back at herself. “you want to be loved by these people. why do you think i’m just showing up now?”
“don’t play this game with me, diaz. i do not know why i’m here or why you are here because nothing makes any sense!”
“you said the answer yourself. you know, you know,” he repeats. y/n is scared. she’s a fearless person, but dealing with this alternate life has shown her a whole new side. the world is an uncertain place and no one knows what’s on the other side until you get there. once you’re on that side, there is no going back. that’s it.
the repetition of something she knows runs through her frightened mind at a hundred miles an hour. from the moment she entered that fire station and saw his beautiful face looking at her. she knew she’d be loved. over and over again, he’d told her. and it was enough.
what felt like minutes to y/n was a week to eddie. a week of the prolonged unconsciousness from y/n with no signs of living other than her steady heartbeat. the doctors said it was a good sign, but until eddie saw her eyes again, he didn’t believe it. he’s not one to take something for granted, but if he’d known he would never see her mesmerizing irises again, he would’ve never looked away.
the team of surgeons and interns had piled back into the room, attempting to remove the tube. eddie’s stomach ached from the anxiety of this being her last shot. it was now or never, and he despised that he couldn’t control it. if the tube is removed and she takes a breath on her own, there is a high likelihood that she’ll wake up in the next few hours.
eddie prays to any god that might listen to him, begging, almost on his hands and knees that he will be able to hold her again. when the harsh rise of her chest puffs up, eddie’s own drops. he releases the breath and all his pain, sending it away with her coma.
after the dark clouds rolled over, the sun of y/n’s smile came out. she was giggling and happy, and no one would think that she was just in the condition she was in. the doctors have finally cleared her to go home, no longer needing medical supervision and observation. she was regaining strength at an impressive rate which was optimistic to eddie. several visits from christopher and carla, along with her co-workers had happened over the week of her spell. eddie helped her gather her stuff, still needing help to lift things and stand. the second she tries to stand on her own, eddie is there in the speed of light.
“hey, hey, don’t stand up yet,” he says, walking over to the straining woman on the hospital bed. “if you push yourself it’ll be worse.”
“i’ll be ok, eddie,” she says a little passive-aggressively. eddie knows how hard the recovery stage can be, especially when you have a lot of people nagging you about it. she loves to work more than anything. it’s her mission to save people and make the worst day of their life as easy as it can be. y/n’s clearly frustrated with herself and her situation, but she never wants to make eddie feel bad about his good intentions. “shit, i’m sorry.”
“amor, i told you not to apologize. this trauma is yours to carry, and it sucks. i just want to make this easier for you.”
“i just, i saw you and my whole family. in my… coma,” she cringes at the word. “they loved me, eddie. they really cared instead of putting on a face. i considered staying. but you had, um,” eddie places a reassuring arm around her shoulder, silently letting her know it’s ok to say what’s on her mind. “you left me and i had no clue.”
“god, you know i would never do that, right?”
“i do, it just felt so real. the way you looked at me in that reality and how couldn’t say you loved me hurt so bad and i had to come back to you.”
“i love you, so much,” eddie touches his forehead to hers. “i would never, ever leave you. i couldn’t imagine my life without you when you were sleeping.”
eddie looks into her eyes. he takes in every speck of color, and the movement of her pupils. his hands wander across her body before pulling her in, helping her get a sense that he is real. the knowledge that he is not going anywhere away from her until their last breath.
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ratgrinders · 1 month
2 for all of the rat grinders
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Kipperlilly - I LOVE her little passive aggressive jabs at the Bad Kids even before she outwardly lost her cool at the cafeteria. Calling them the Photosynthekids because she knows Adaine doesn't like the name, looking Directly At Them when saying her platform is based on fairness, that 30 seconds of silence at the food trucks when Kristin asks how she could be studying if the rogue teacher found her. My girl is fighting TOOTH AND NAIL to reign in her rage and keep a relatively pleasant, put-together outward appearance and even then she can't resist doing these petty, immature little things to get under their skin she's so funny (Goro Akechi-core I'll never shut up abt it).
Ruben - I like how Genuine and earnest he defaults to being when he doesn't have an excuse to be rageful. The Wanda Childa bits where he seems genuinely into her and kind of nervous around her, saying dorky one-liners that he thinks will impress her ("stay chill-da"), saying he's getting mobbed by autographs when he and Wanda are the only people on the bus, the fact that he said "frick" instead of fuck. Just based off of these I really get the impression that he isn't the most experienced with being an angry person and so much of how he acts is performance because he's now Expected to be mad.
Buddy - HE'S SO FUNNY "It's why I never hit anybody. I raise my hand, and sometimes a spell comes out and obliterates people" WHAT DO YOU MEANNNN THATS INSANE. I think I like the description of him at the party best, "positive but deeply judgmental", my guy will say the most snarky shit but with an upbeat positive tone, "You and what god?".
Mary Ann - Honestly just the fact that she's stayed the same since freshman year with her pink sweatshirt and Tamagotchi. My girl knows what she likes and is STICKING with it which is DEEPLY relatable. Plus I just love the concept of a tiny 3-foot tall barbarian with a squishmallow collection lmaoo
Ivy - Ivy we haven't been given a lot to work with but I LOVE the interaction she has with Fabian at the party, "Your ping-pong table's fucked up. Legs are different lengths, yeah?" "Fuck you." "Is that a threat?". I wish Ivy and Fabian got more chances to interact thanks to this scene alone. Plus her jabs at Oisin are very fun I love the dynamic those two have.
Oisin - I know I've said this before but "You didn't see the storm coming? Must not be a very good Oracle." SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! HE ATE HE'S SO SNARKY!!!! Bro went OUT OF HIS WAY with a 3rd level spell slot to send that to Adaine he's so DRAMATIC I hope Adaine gets to punch him.
Lucy - This is more about the concept of Lucy than who she is because we still don't rly know a lot abt her canon personality, but her entire situation is just the perfect tragedy, the way all her friends came back Wrong but she "stuck to her guns", the clearly fond way some of them look back on her, plus the entire scene in the clearing after Frosty Faire where the Bad Kids discover her and Yolanda's body. I thought the entire scene of seeing a reflection of the two of them in the lake was very beautiful.
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eternalgirlscout · 26 days
there's a lot i could say about weird bad ritsu mobpsycho100 characterization but maybe the funniest way people ubiquitously get him wrong is by taking his protectiveness of mob and the way he's kind of rude to reigen, combining them, and dialing the knob up to 11 beyond all reason. fanon ritsu would have seen the site of the accident in the finale and gone "i always knew reigen would hit my brother with a truck someday"
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handsmotif · 3 months
conceptualizing a mob psycho princess tutu au is fun bc originally i had mob down as mytho bc of the whole. lacking emotions thing you know. but instead im now placing mob as duck and tsubomi as mytho which makes a lot of sense in regards to their actual relationship parallels and it also equates confessing your love and vanishing to confessing your love and getting hit by a truck
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for the fic title ask prompt - "railway replacement bus service" ?
railway replacement bus service - team short motherfucker walks into a train car with, well, a car. and a desert road. and a map to the next door.
"i told you we should've stopped at that last gas station, man, we're gonna run out before the next one-"
"you REALLY think we're going to break down the second we hit empty. have you ever even DRIVEN a car-"
"-have one at home-"
"we don't actually know if this is a normal car. it could be some kind of 'fast car'-"
"trish, SHUT UP-"
"i'm going to throw up," shigeo says abruptly, from the middle of the backseat, and is both gratified and even more nauseous than before when audrey slams the brakes.
"you should've reminded us you get carsick," she admonishes him, when he's finished being sick on the side of the road. "shadow would've let you have shotgun." she casts a glance over at the hood of the car. "right, shadow?"
"absolutely the fuck i would not," shadow says. he's drinking a beer on the hood, legs kicked out in front of him. "carsickness is a skill issue, boy."
"thanks, shadow," shigeo says flatly.
the other teens have taken advantage of the moment to pile out of the dusty van and mill around. al hands shigeo a half-empty bottle of water from the trunk cooler, and shigeo drains it, grateful for the chance to wash the taste of bile from his mouth.
"you could probably read a map better than shadow," trish says. she's gotten up on the van's roof, somehow, and is lying there with her cheek propped against one hand. "i'm still not sure we're going in the right direction."
"there's ONLY ONE ROAD," shadow snaps.
"you could rematch for it," al suggests. shigeo casts him a mildly betrayed look, and he shrugs. "brother and me used to fight for shotgun, when granny let us ride in the truck. it's the same, right?"
"oh, let's GO," shadow says. he's standing on the hood of the car now, bobbling up and down in place with unrestrained energy. "you and me, boy. right now. in the desert. a real dragon ball z fight."
shigeo doesn't get the reference, but he gets that he's not wriggling out of this rematch. he sighs, cracks his neck.
"i'm not going easy on you," he warns.
shadow grins. "i'd be disappointed in you if you did."
"can we not kill each other on a road trip?" audrey says. "i know they're, like, supposed to end friendships, but-"
"i'm not going to kill him," shadow says, cracking his knuckles in a way that very much indicates the opposite. "just teach him what it's like to fight shadow the hedgehog a second time."
"well, i'm going to walk around and look for a gas station," audrey announces, peeling herself away from the sliver of shade at the back of the van. "anybody else?"
al looks torn between the fight and the walking trip for a second, then says, "yeah, i'll come."
"i'll make sure they don't kill each other," trish says, flashing a thumbs up.
"big words from teen boy killer trish una," shadow crows from the hood.
"die, then. see if i care."
she ducks the beer can shadow throws at her. they're both laughing. mob swallows past the lingering sour taste in his mouth and starts to stretch his legs.
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cerastes · 1 year
how do you, uh, utilize irene?
in a NOT carnal way.
what use does "makes idiot enemies fly" have that my specialists/supporters lack? s3 hits like a truck but there are many heavy hitters among guards so she never gets a turn. which operators does she best synergize with? in a NOT carnal way
Due to her height, 156 cm, Irene allows for various strategies, such as the top of the washing machine, the billiards table, the desk, an-- Not in a carnal way, right, I completely lost interest in this ask.
RIGHT SO, Irene's thing is that she's a pretty integral Operator that fills plenty of seams in a composition because she has a rare characteristic: Even though she has her devastating S3, she's not a specialist in just boss bursting, and can hold lanes effectively due to the very rare traits that Swordmasters have among Guards: 2 block, with decent bulk, good attack, and explosive skills. Irene in particular has her Module that grants passive flat 70 DEF ignore per normal hit (and she hits twice per normal hit, so 140 DEF ignores in two hits), meaning her damage is good outside of Skills too, due to the way DEF works in the game, and 50% of the time, she ignores 50% of enemy DEF thanks to her Talent. Irene is a consistent 2-block damage dealer with no real weakness. She's not a jack of all trades because she's actually good at all trades in which you would use her for. Not the best (except at burst and boss killing, in which she's top tier with her S3), but well above average.
Now, Ch'en, the other 6* Swordmaster, is burst-based almost exclusively. Irene has her S2 which takes less hits to charge and can hold multiple charges in order to actually be able to be used outside burst situations. If you are to compare the numbers on Ch'en S3 vs Irene S3, it would seem Ch'en wins out by a little, but in practice, Irene's S3 will likely deal more damage, because her S3 Floats enemies, and she ignores half the DEF of Floating enemies 100% of the time, and her hits have a small AOE, meaning that, unlike Ch'en who needs you to clear the trash mobs first in order to ensure all of her hits lands on the desired enemy with S3, Irene can do that all by herself, since hits on the trash mobs amassed around the boss (or tough enemy you want dead) will also hit the boss, while ignoring half defense for around half of S3's hits. This is why her damage output is so immense and consistent, unlike Ch'en's S3, which needs more micromanaging (such as using AoE damage to clear all mobs around the big enemy first in order to maximize damage).
Irene's S1 is also useful, making her one of the few 6*s that actually have three useful skills instead of a garbage whatever 1st skill and one or two actually useful skills (IE the majority of 6*s). S2's Float has a Weight limit (can only Float enemies with Weight 3 or less), meaning it won't Float heavy enemies. There's no such restriction for S1 and S3. S1 is an auto-activation uppercut that Floats an enemy and then hits them again, ignoring 50% of their DEF guaranteed (since they are Floating). It's her consistent "has to defend against bigger enemies and not just small fry" skill, a bit more niche, but still very useful and when you need it, it delivers.
Now, about Float: The thing with Float is that it's kind of like Bind: Sure, Stun is technically better, but also a lot of enemies you REALLY WANT to crowd control with Stun, are immune to it. There's almost no enemy immune to Float, and this includes bosses. Not even Gopnik is Float-immune. With S1, Irene can interrupt boss attacks (especially if you have more interrupts, like a shifter, since shifting cancels enemy attacks). Floating puts the enemy in the air, which affects some Operators' targeting behavior, but for the most part, putting the enemy in the air is the most unimportant part of Float, it's the fact that it's a consistent control effect that practically no one has resistance against that matters. In the case of handling fodder, if S2 doesn't outright kill them, it may give you a few extra seconds to set up better, especially early map, but again, that's more rare, since S2 will often just outright kill fodder or leave it so low that you don't need to worry about it (pretty useful in Calamity IS2, though, when fodder is tougher!). Supporters' Slow and Irene's Float fill different roles, basically. You have that right, though, you DO want to pair Irene with Specialists to continuously interrupt enemies (Specialists... Like Gladiia S2 or Laurentina? Coincidence? I think not).
Irene's best synergies are, as stated, Shifters and Specialists, including a very special synergy and by far her best: Dorothy S2.
Irene with S1, as soon as an enemy, even a boss, enters the tile in front of her, will Float them for 1 second. During this second, put a Dorothy S2 Bind Mine on the tile the boss is no longer on because they are now Floating, thus, considered an air enemy. The boss lands, triggers the Mine, and is now hit with Bind for 6 seconds if they are the only enemy affected by the mine. In these 6 seconds, if your Irene is, say, S1M1, Irene can land 4 hits and trigger her S1 again, letting you place another mine down there, and so on. This is a true combo and can stall a boss for as long as you have DP and mines to put there. This works best if you DON'T M3 her S1, because at that point, she needs 3 attacks to charge S1 instead of 4, meaning you have to go through mines more often, resulting in a slight increase in damage short term but far less stall time overall. You can basically demolish melee bosses with this and heavily stall and damage ranged bosses (since they keep getting interrupted for the most part, which lets you heal any damage you sustain and also safely charge your burst, such as Mlynar, Eyja, Pozy, etc).
Irene can get a lot done. Her non-S3 factors might not be as flashy, but they are no less effective.
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