#things teresa love
chibiyoru · 1 year
“Even the mighty oak believes she is strong until a man comes along with an ax to chop her down.” “Is that you then? Do you have an ax?” “All men are born with an ax in their hands, Darling. To take the measure of a man, you just have to pay attention to how he wields it.”
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pinkhysteria · 4 months
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- “Finally, a familiar feeling. Luke didn’t take me over completely.” 
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siennahrobek · 8 months
Okay but for real, the season finale for the first season is something else, just in terms of Jane’s actions. He gets all upset with Lisbon about their plan and being led to Red John and Jane has so little regard of his own life. Even when Maya is mentioned, he just. All he wants is Red John. If he can’t have a go at him, he needs Lisbon to get him, even if it means his own death.
This guy is practically allergic to guns most of the time. But the moment this guy makes a move - as obsessed with Red John as Jane is - Jane shoots him in defense of Lisbon. Like he doesn’t even think, he just picks the gun up and does it. And then his hand kinda shakes and he drops it immediately.
Say what you will about the first season of The Mentalist, it’s more episodic nature and Jane’s behavior etc., but the dude cared about Lisbon from the get-go more than he probably gets credit for. And I appreciate that.
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mercedesssssss · 10 months
1x19 of the mentalist: through a jisbon shippers eyes
I just rewatched this episode and WOW I have thoughts!!!!!
This episode is centered around a homicide of a producer, the movie he was producing, and the family of the producer (his wife and daughter).
Throughout the episode though (towards the end half) Jane and Lisbon actually get a couple... intimate and, what feel, intentional? scenes. So let's discuss.
The first scene I really want to talk about is the scene where Jane and Lisbon go to talk to the producers wife after they questioned her daughter. During their conversation, the wife brings up this point while talking about her daughter "We all make mistakes, but we have the power to give ourselves a second chance." This, as a viewer of the show as a whole and not just looking at this quote at surface level, is VERY on the nose about Jane, at least in my opinion. He obviously feels that, although he doesn't necessarily think he deserves a second chance, but he resonates with what she says at least in some way. I think the show capitalizes on that and what that second chance could mean for him when they intentionally show Jane look to Lisbon directly after that quote.
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Then the next part of this scene.... YALL KNOW THE PART.
Basically, Lisbon is talking to the wife about how they aren't going to charge her daughter and how she is on the way home, and the wife very clearly shows her thanks to Lisbon, and we see Lisbon smile and seemingly happily accept her thanks & explain how they are lenient when it comes to juvenile cases.
And then we just see the camera focus on Jane. We see the camera focus on Jane just staring and smiling at Lisbon with such a fondness and a softness that we rarely see/have seen with him, at this point in the show at least.
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Him looking at her like that... just WOW. It means so much to me in terms of their relationship and how it is something MORE than just coworkers, and ESPECIALLY more after that second chance line.
The thing that REALLY drives this point home though is what happens AFTER the fact. It's when Lisbon and the wife look back to Jane and he immediately hides the smile he just had on his face.
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THATS the important part. THATS what shows that it really meant something. He wouldn't feel the need to hide it if it was nothing. You don't hide something that means nothing. He let his mask slip. He let himself be actually happy in that moment.
Looking at Lisbon.
BECAUSE of Lisbon.
SHE means something to him.
The next scene I want to talk about is the scene by the coffee machine. This scene is just so damn cute and it means so much to me. It's after Jane talks to the daughter again and he wants to talk to Lisbon about what he wants to do to solve the case. So he walks up to where she's at making her coffee...
And he just stands there.
He just stands there, glancing at her every couple of seconds, and she does the same, and they both just have these little smiles on their faces until Lisbon is finally like "What are you thinking?" and it's just so DAMN CUTE AND FLIRTY FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. LITERALLY JUST BECAUSE.
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It's just so incredibly wholesome and soft and I don't really know exactly WHAT it means but it MEANS something, and the fact this happened (not directly after but hopefully yall are understanding my train of thought, but like it happens afterwards in the same episode) after the previous scene I just talked about just makes it feel important to me. I feel like we see a sliver more of that happiness but specifically in the way I talked about before. & also, we know he likes to mess with her (exhibit a, the frog in the pilot) and I think that's become a joy of his and I think that plays a part here too, him messing with her just because. Its just so wholesome and innocent, and I love it.
To recap and try to gather and organize my thoughts, I think this scene further pushes along the narrative the scene I previously talked about showed, in my opinion ofc, which is the thought of a second chance for Jane, WITH Lisbon in mind (obviously when I say this I don't mean in a "they could've gotten together alot sooner" way, but in a "this is the first time we've really talked about a second chance & made Lisbon a part of that equation for him" way), it just is in a very subtle and sweet way. This scene at surface level has nothing to do with the second chance scene, but it carries over that same softness for seemingly no reason (except #tome its the reason im saying).
It's not meant to make them take a step or anything, but to just SHOW that there IS something there at all, to show that there are stairs there that potential steps could be taken on (hopefully you get my metaphor).
Now the last scene I want to talk about isn't even a jisbon scene but I feel like it's so important in terms of Jane and his journey and how that affects his feelings towards himself and, in turn, towards Lisbon or anyone else, or even just happiness.
It's the conversation between Jane and the wife. The wife talks about how happiness is something that is so hard to find, and that when you do, you need to hold onto it. For Jane, he associates this with his family and that happiness he lost, and you can see it all over his face.
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He is still so deep in his self hatred, his guilt, his mourning. He is truly still at the end of the day, just sad and not ready to allow himself to be truly happy. He can't be. And it's totally understandable.
He is at the beginning of his journey of healing at this point (and obviously revenge too but thats a WHOLE other conversation) and this conversation was so important to show that despite any subconscious feelings or suppressed brief moments of happiness, that second chance is not in actuality something that is obtainable for him right now.
He's not ready.
And that's okay.
But I think this episode shows it's not an impossibility. And it's shows a glimpse into what a second chance could look like for him.
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enbyjane · 1 year
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The Mentalist & Mary Oliver poems
Excerpt from "Dogfish" Little Crazy Love Song Mornings at Blackwater Excerpt from "In Blackwater Woods" The Uses of Sorrow I Go Down To the Shore A Voice From I Don't Know Where
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kissmefriendly · 1 month
Oh my god the Sharpe reference and excerpt in the latest episode.
“Poor Contessa…”
“Why, what happens to the Contessa??”
Also “Swift’s Hurrah” come on. I want to transcribe that whole snippet it’s (hah) Gold
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wikipedie · 1 year
jisbon and attachment styles and why the pike storyline actually makes a lot of sense despite us hating it*
(* and also why they couldn’t be together until after Red John was dead despite us preferring they were together earlier)
In this post I will talk about attachment styles, Lisbon and Jane’s traumas and the likely reasons that they developed their attachment styles and how they manifest in their relationships, including their relationship with each other. (+ the reason they’re still quite careful with each other in S7 and struggle to be vulnerable with each other) This will be a bit in depth so I ask you to be cautious while reading - do not hesitate to ask for help or support if you can. There is a risk in here, as I will be talking about their traumas (particularly their childhood abuse and neglect) so if it is a potentially sensitive subject for you, proceed with caution (or not at all, I suppose.)
All my thanks go to @chakramchaser, this would not have been possible without you being both willing to ramble with me and continuing the ideas and connecting some excellent dots. I appreciate you.
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[Transcript - Discord chat:
wikipe: okay so teresa is disorganized style while patrick is avoidant most likely. Which makes their dynamic fascinating, now that i think about it. Teresa has moments when she’s anxious, but mostly she tends to avoid.
Also the serial killer in the way blah blah ]
For the purposes of this post, I will only talk about the disorganized and the avoidant attachment styles. (https://www.attachmentproject.com/blog/four-attachment-styles/)
Disorgnized Style
The disorganized type tends to show unstable and ambiguous behaviors in their social bonds.
For adults with this style of attachment, the partner and the relationship themselves are often the source of both desire and fear.
Fearful-avoidant people do want intimacy and closeness, but at the same time, experience troubles trusting and depending on others.
They do not regulate their emotions well and avoid strong emotional attachment, due to their fear of getting hurt.
Avoidant Style:
The dismissing / avoidant type would often perceive themselves as ‘lone wolves’: strong, independent, and self-sufficient; not necessarily in terms of physical contact, but rather on an emotional level.
These people have high self-esteem and a positive view of themselves.
The dismissing / avoidant type tend to believe that they don’t have to be in a relationship to feel complete.
They do not want to depend on others, have others depend on them, or seek support and approval in social bonds.
Adults with this attachment style generally avoid emotional closeness. They also tend to hide or suppress their feelings when faced with a potentially emotion-dense situation.
Do these styles sound like some beloved characters we know?
Teresa Lisbon
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(Season 7, episode 7 - The Yellow House)
[Transcript - Teresa Lisbon: Somebody had to be responsible.]
A disorganized / fearful-avoidant attachment style develops when the child’s caregivers – the only source of safety – become a source of fear. In adulthood, people with this attachment style are extremely inconsistent in their behavior and have a hard time trusting others.
"Driven to succeed to the point of developing an ulcer, no tolerance for superiors less sharp than yourself, shutting out girls that wanted to hang out with you, blowing off boys that want to get close. All the while, at every turn, wondering 'what is it I really want?' "
I will pull up her past with the help of the Mentalist wikia, since it is quite coherent and well said: 
“Her mother was killed by a drunk driver when she was twelve (Red Badge). In the episode Red Tide, it is implied that she had to take over her mother’s role and care for her family at a young age. In Little Yellow House, Lisbon tells Jane that she had to be the parent to her brothers after the death of her mother. It is implied that her family life was not an easy one even before the death of her mother. Lisbon tells her brother Jimmy that someone in the household had to be responsible because, "You know what Mom and Dad were like." After her mother’s death, her father's drinking either started or worsened and he ended up killing himself. It isn't specified whether he did this accidentally or on purpose. Lisbon said that he “damn near killed me and my brothers too,” leaving both possibilities open. It may have been something like another drunken car accident, or simply neglect. In Red Badge Lisbon mentions that her father used to be violent, as he once beat one of her brothers half to death and didn't remember doing so. Apparently her father suffered blackouts when he drank.“ 
That is a whole load of “source of fear.” She lost the sense of safety pretty early in life and I argue that she no longer knows what safety feels like. On top of the trauma of losing her parents, there is the trauma of parentification that is implied she’s had to do from a very young age, taking care of her brothers to the best of her abilities.
This style shows up in simple ways: She both craves the intimacy of relationships and rejects it, fears it. Stability feels foreign to her.
She breaks off an engagement with Greg, and she does not seem to have any serious stable relationships during her time at CBI. (“You’re too intense and particular for a man like that.” “Whatever happened to that guy from Narcotics?” “Jeff? He bit his nails.” “That’s particular.”)
She is wistful for a good and loving relationship but she doesn’t know how to keep it, runs away at the opportunity.
Through these lenses, the relationship with Pike makes sense: She is tired of waiting for a man who might never actually love her, she finds a good man in Pike, she longs for the stability and beauty that a relationship with him might provide, while also being terrified of it (and longing for Jane, of course). She is absolutely terrified when Pike asks for her hand in marriage. Of course, you could argue that it is sudden, unexpected, too soon and any woman would panic. But I want to bring up the fact that she doesn’t say “No” immediately, though. She wants to make it work, or to think about it. Or to see if Jane would care.  (And I am firmly convinced that she might have said no to the marriage regardless if she left with him to D.C.)
She says “Yes.” But she does it while running away from Jane, who lied to her and manipulated her again and hurt her again. She says Yes to Pike, but doesn’t even listen to what he says afterwards, just looks out at the hotel where she left Jane.
And then, in the end, she leaves Pike too. Pike looks at Jane in Season 7, tells him that he had a life and a family to offer to Teresa, but I think Teresa is just as afraid of them as much as she craves them. She does not know stability, she does not know how to accept to be taken care of or work through the issues of her relationships for most of the show. She also is not sure of what she likes or wants for most of the show. (Even as she seems that she does, burying herself in her work, the only stable thing for her.)
She learns how to do these things slowly in the relationship with Jane. In Season 7 she starts being more vocal about her likes and dislikes, even with minor things (such as randomly saying that she likes s’mores). Opening up also allows her to deepen her connection to her brothers, whom she had avoided as well for most of her life. She shares her struggles, realizes where she was short-sighted and tries to do better about opening up. At the end of Episode 7, she feels comfortable enough to tell Jane that she loves him, too. And at the end, she’s no longer running away. She’s waiting. “What do you need?” “Time.” “Okay, I can give you time.”
Patrick Jane
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(Season 7, episode 3 - Orange Blossom Ice Cream)
[Transcript - Erica Flynn: Patrick likes to pretend that he's this lone wolf.]
Parents who are strict and emotionally distant, do not tolerate the expression of feelings, and expect their child to be independent and tough might raise children with an avoidant attachment style. As adults, these children appear confident and self-sufficient. They do not tolerate emotional or physical intimacy and might not be able to build healthy relationships. What’s more, in the workplace, they are often seen as the independent, ‘lone wolf’. It is, however, possible for these individuals to change and develop a secure attachment style.
There is less known about Patrick Jane’s past than about Teresa. Again, the Mentalist wikia says it better than I ever could: 
“He had a rough existence with his father, the only adult in his life, whose treatment and use of him was tantamount to child abuse. When Patrick refused to scam a dying girl and her grandmother, his father threatened him and forced him to do it. Jane later said that he never went to high school, presumably due to the nomadic carny life. Alex exploited Patrick for his skills, since he was very young. In Red John's Rules it is implied that Jane spent some time in foster care as a child.
Alex had a wedding ring on his hand, but Jane's mother was not mentioned in any flashbacks, so it is likely that she died or abandoned them.”
Jane’s childhood is one of neglect and abuse, peppered with some happy memories. His father makes it clear that he views taking care of Jane as being Jane’s responsibility, and moreover, that Jane owes it to him because he’s taken care of him up until then. (“I’ve been carrying you for a long time and it’s not getting any easier, son.” - Season 2, Episode 10, Throwing Fire) He either helps his father with his schemes or he is on his own.
Therefore, in adulthood, he is on his own. He struggles to let people in, struggles to accept help and accept partnership. He considers himself the smartest person in the room because he has to be - it’s a way to survive and he has nothing else.
As seen when he loses all memory of his family, the original childhood trauma makes him more callous and uncaring, having no limits and no boundaries (nor caring about others’ boundaries). It’s only him and nobody else. 
It is likely that Angela was his moral compass. (as it is implied a few times that she was done with the carny life and the tricks) Even so, chakramchaser made a very valid point: “he still ran from it then - why else would he be running an empire of psychic cons. bro had way more money than he needed he just was addicted to the thrill. i feel like he thrived on the unpredictability.” 
Over the course of the show, we see that he begins to trust other people (mainly Lisbon and the main team). However, he still struggles to let them in, either in his life and in his plans. He goes by himself in most of his plans, informing the team of the minimum necessary for them to know in order to execute the plan flawlessly. He makes more of an effort towards the end of the show and especially after he and Lisbon get together, but his first instinct is still to do things by himself. He cares, but he struggles to convey this directly, preferring to buy them gifts (to show that he knows them), to offer compliments, help them or at the worst, con his way (tricking Lisbon into staying for longer instead of telling her that he doesn’t want her to go).
However, we can notice an important shift after Red John dies and especially after he and Lisbon get together. Despite the fact he still struggles to communicate his feelings, he tries. Opening up towards Lisbon allows him to open up more towards others as well. For example, he makes an effort to inform Abbott when he has a plan that could be dubious (and tells him that he won’t be informed of the specifics in order to have deniability).
Healing comes through the good relationships that we form and we can definitely see this with Jane.
Jane and Lisbon - their relationship
After more than a decade of a deep friendship, Jane and Lisbon decided to become a couple after Lisbon got engaged to another man and was about to be out of Jane’s life. The common perspective is that they could not get together until Red John was dead, because Jane was determined to kill him and in turn Red John was obsessed with picking on him.
That is half of the story. The other half is that they are an disorganized/avoidant couple, do not really consider intimacy safe and do not really know how to express it unless it’s in high stakes. (That being the main reason Jane confessed his feelings in a big “rushing-to-the-airport-and-telling-you-the-truth-as-you-leave” moment.) As an example, I will show the moment from S4 that everyone and their mother is familiar with. I will transcribe underneath the pictures and then I will write my perspective in regards to what they think and feel.
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(Season 4, episode 24 - The Crimson Hat)
Lisbon, not looking Jane in the eyes: So, that thing you said before you shot me.
Lisbon, looking down: What did you mean?
[Jane looks contemplative for a few seconds, before saying]
Jane, with a slight smile: What did I say?
Jane, no smile: I was kind of hyped up.
Lisbon, looking at him now and sounding relieved: Me too. I thought at any moment we were gonna get found out.]
My perspective is as follows: Lisbon has a disorganized attachment style (or should I say…Messy?).
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(Season 1, Episode 14 - Crimson Casanova)
[Transcript - Patrick Jane: Messy women make good lovers.]
This means she desires both closeness and distance. She asks Jane what he meant by telling her “Take care, Teresa. Love you.”, but she cannot look him in the eye. She does not know if it’s a confession and she does not know if she wants it to be a confession. She is not ready for this.
Jane, who did not expect her to call him out on this, takes a while to figure out how to respond to this. He is definitely not ready for this kind of intimacy. Whether the confession was a slip or not, he did not intend to talk about this afterwards. Therefore, he decides to go with “I don’t remember what I said.” I think the presence of the smile and the serious face afterwards is indicative enough. He knows she will not say the words out loud.
And she doesn’t. Moreover, she seems just as relieved for this excuse, since she decides to look at him in the eyes now.
In the fanfiction that I’ve read, a lot of people interpret Lisbon as being slightly annoyed or even downright upset about Jane pretending to not remember telling her “I love you”, but I don’t think she was. I think the perspective was both enticing and scary for her (another example pinpointing this is Pike asking for her hand in marriage).
Now, how does this change when they are in a relationship? They start to communicate more and express their likes and desires more, as well as listen to each other. (“You wore a vest. I like it.”) Their early traumas still haven’t disappeared, but they work through them together: they still have a tendency to brush off their emotions and say “It’s nothing, I’m fine”, Jane runs away for a bit when he is trying to figure out how to deal with the idea of Lisbon dying, and Lisbon remains to be responsible and deal with their feelings. But - they talk. Jane confesses to being terrified of losing her, Lisbon remains clear that she loves both Jane and the job. What seems initially as running away turns out to be running towards. It is true that he could’ve told her before, but it’s likely that he didn’t know what was going on either until he found the house. Jane was trying to find a way to deal with his intrusive terror. And yea, my guy would’ve benefitted from some therapy, but a new hobby (such as renovating a house) is the next best thing really. He comes back to her.
In conclusion, I think a lot of their decisions and instincts and fears can be explained by their attachment styles. The way their relationship evolves is absolutely fascinating. Honestly I find it really beautiful that two terrified people used to running away decide to stay for each other and come back to each other and do better to each other and for each other. Their final perp catch is done as a team.
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(season 7, episode 13 - White Orchids)
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lacomandante · 9 months
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The new Sharpe book's confirmed to have Teresa in it for the first time in 24 years which has me both excited and very nervous. Sharpe's Skirmish was a great little book that gave more insight to her and Sharpe's relationship, but it's been so long since she's been in the books that I'm so nervous for her. At the very least she can't DIE in this one, but....I don't know....I hope he does her justice and she's not in it for just five seconds 😭
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calumsash · 2 years
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“One summer turns into ten summers, one lover turns into ten others, but this memory is still with me”
mb inspired: cashton + portugal by walk the moon
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chibiyoru · 7 months
FicTober prompt 2
“Don’t worry, I got you.”
La sangre seca sobre la ceja y el ojo derecho de Shathir le habían sobrecogido el corazón a Earaiel. Una herida mal curada le atravesaba la cara desde el centro de la frente hasta la mejilla, dejándole el ojo sellado bajo un párpado magullado. El pelo rubio del elfo, que siempre había mantenido limpio y bajo control, se encontraba sucio y enmarañado, pegado a la piel de elfo por el sudor y la sangre reseca que cubría la espalda de Shathir. 
Olvidado en unos grilletes que le obligaban a estar de rodillas y con los brazos extendidos, Shathir había caído inconsciente y colgaba cabizbajo sentado en sus propios tobillos. El torso descubierto del elfo había recibido laceraciones y golpes, y por los moratones que adornaban su costado, parecía tener varias costillas rotas. 
Ante la vista de Shathir encadenado, abandonado y maltratado, Earaiel salió del velo de ocultación que su compañero había alzado para ambos, mientras un rugido gutural salía de sus entrañas mientras se lanzaba de rodillas frente al elfo. 
Shathir despertó de golpe, huyendo del sonido repentino lo máximo que le permitían los grilletes, mientras el único ojo que podía abrir escaneaba la prisión frenéticamente hasta que se posó en el rostro preocupado de Earaiel, que alzaba sus manos delante de su cuerpo. 
“Tranquilo. Tranquilo, te tengo. Ya estoy aquí. No pasa nada Shathir, he venido a por ti” Las palabras de Earaiel se derramaban de sus labios intentando calmar al elfo, mientras ella misma intentaba respirar despacio para no provocarse un ataque de pánico. 
Cuando el ojo dorados de Shathir se encontraron con los azules de Earaiel, Shathir echó la cabeza hacia atrás mientras una sonora carcajada ebullía de su pecho. “Ah, casi me lo creo esta vez. Habéis conseguido una imagen muy realista de ella, tengo que concederos el esfuerzo” Shathir había vuelto en sí y su cara parecía escudada de nuevo por una mueca de disgusto y desconfianza. El corazón de Earaiel se partía en mil pedazos cada vez que intentaba acercar una de sus manos al cuerpo del elfo y éste se apartaba para que el contacto nunca se completara. 
“Shathir, soy yo, hemos venido a sacarte de aquí, llevábamos buscándote semanas” Earaiel miró por encima de su hombro, buscando con la mirada al compañero con el que habían asaltado la prisión. Sabía que era un experto en ganzúas y podría ayudarle con los grilletes que aprisionan las muñecas de Shathir, liberando por fin al elfo de sus cadenas para poder llevarlo a un lugar seguro antes de poder atender sus heridas. El zandalari que le acompañaba en la misión había comenzado a trabajar sobre las cadenas, mientras Shathir permanecía completamente inmóvil. 
“Claro, Earaiel, como las otras 7 veces que habéis venido a rescatarme. Es extraño, pensaba que volverías a utilizar una imagen de Lor'themar para el gran momento del rescate” La mueca de desconfianza de Shathir se había convertido completamente en una expresión de asco, sin querer volver a establecer ninguna conexión visual con Earaiel. 
“Shathir, no sé qué han hecho contigo estas semanas, pero te prometo que soy yo. Estoy aquí. Ya no volverán a hacerte daño, te lo prometo” Earaiel, con las manos temblorosas, intentaba invocar pequeñas nubes de escarcha para calmar las heridas y la inflamación de los hombros del elfo, pese a que éste parecía alejarse de ella cada vez más. 
“Sois estúpidos si creéis que voy a seguir cayendo en la historia de que viene a por mi. Earaiel sabe que es demasiado importante para ponerse a sí misma en peligro, para terminar a las puertas del carcelero sólo por mi. Ni yo soy lo suficientemente importante en la misión ni lo soy en su vida como para que haya decidido tirar toda la información por la ventana sólo para venir a por mi. Yo ya he hecho las paces con ello, así que dejad de invocar su imagen sólo para darme una migaja de esperanza. Sé que no va a venir sólo por-” 
Earaiel paró las palabras del elfo con sus labios. Despacio y con miedo, suavemente, mientras cerraba los ojos llenos de lágrimas y se fundía cuidadosamente con los labios de Shathir. 
Las manos de la elfa acariciaron lentamente la mandíbula de Shathir mientras se separaba de él y volvía a mirarle a los ojos. Uno de ellos, completamente magullado y oculto bajo una cicatriz mal curada e hinchada. El otro, dorado, lleno de dolor y confusión. 
“¿Princesa…?” La voz de Shathir temblaba, no dejándose a sí mismo el espacio para mantener la esperanza viva un sólo día más.
“Estoy aquí. He venido a por ti”
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dramoor · 2 years
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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songbird's season of general sadness/first real grief/sorrow is coming to an end: (in chronological/journeying order) songs and poetry that helped my heart a lot these past few months :)
Always Good, Andrew Peterson / Marjorie, Andrew Osenga / Ask Polly article I read on a whim: 'My Boyfriend Refuses to Change' / You're On Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift / One Foot in Front of the Other, Griff / Heavy, Mary Oliver / Monday by @madamescarlette / The Letter, Linda Gregg / Summer's Retrospective by @madamescarlette / Ode to Some Lyric Poets, Gregory Orr
(bonus--from the scraps of writing that came out of this chapter of life, which are slowly being assembled into a more coherent story:)
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#yknow i felt so alone at so many points but i really really wasn't#i had such good friends (here and in my church community) who held my hand so gently#and God used the things i understood best to show me His incredible love at just the right moments#still an ongoing journey but i am so so grateful for the secondhand heart-strength given to me and the tenderness that was extended when i#when i was really at my lowest and saddest and most oversensitive and easily provoked to impatience or anger or depressive spirals#anyway i can't remember who sent me marjorie but thank you so much for that it was such a comfort. it continues to be#and thank you eden for sharing your beautiful poetry!!!! it continues to refresh and encourage my soul#mmmm it's hard to put into words what everything (and by everything i mean: the songs here and on my playlists#and the poetry here and the books i've read during the summer and into the autumn#from cyrano de bergerac to tolstoy to rilke's poems and dorothy sayers and dostoevsky and st therese & st teresa and madeleine l'engle#not to mention the night walks and morning prayers and the wonderful times i've had with the other dorm girls!#suddenly quite overwhelmed by the abundance of love and blessing#immensely immensely grateful for everything. i can be such a little wretch sometimes and wallow awfully for days#or act like a little human machine and try to Rid Myself of all emotional surges. or just focus on all the negative things with astonishing#tunnel vision (you wouldn't BELIEVE). but God has been so gracious despite songbird being a silly goose#and every once in a while having mental breakdowns and having to learn the same lesson (surrender and humility) a bajillion times#anyway!! my heart doesn't hurt anymore!!#and i am learning to take it one day at a time and to Rejoice in all circumstances#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21#which really is so much harder than i thought at times!!!! but that makes it even more important to do so i think
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corallapis · 1 year
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Love, Cecil (2017, dir. Lisa Immordino Vreeland)
I exposed thousands of rolls of film, wrote hundreds of thousands of words, in a futile attempt to preserve the fleeting moment.
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properbastard · 5 months
isn’t teresa just the best? i’m rewatching the sharpe series after finding your blog again and i’m just so overwhelmed with love for her. she’s so kind and patient, i missed her bad af when i read the book version of sharpe’s rifles 🥺���
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[ she IS the best, anon, absolutely. Teresa's character is so unique and amazing--she's kind and patient, but she's also ruthless and cunning. Her story is absolutely heartbreaking, but she manages to find love and happiness in spite of everything, and that is such an incredibly powerful thing to see. She's everything to me and has been for a long, long time, as has @lacomandante, my very best friend in the whole world who writes Teresa!!! Go show her some love, too!!!
I haven't been on this blog often lately, but I'm hoping to be back soon and regularly! I'm very glad you found me again--it's messages like this that make keeping this proper bastard up and at 'em worthwhile!!! ]
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birdmenmanga · 2 years
birdmen as presented by my bestie beloved @ashe-is-here​
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#just thinking thoughts...#might as well maintag this eh#birdmen#I love this for a lot of reasons including but not limited to#my first reaction upon seeing the title slide being 'lol eishi's so short he's not even blocked out by the title'#and then seeing that that was the very first bullet point in the following slide#also the way that 90% of this is correct#5% of the stuff is understandable misunderstandings#and the final 5% is just baseless personal headcanons I've presented as fact#birdmutuals furrowing their brows at 'kissing underneath the ecstasy of st teresa' and the 'robin and arthur have a thing for tater tots'#and even 'the dead birds twitch chat in takayama's brain'#dont worry about it. it's all in my head#I canNOT believe Takayama being a mechanic didn't make it onto the Takayama slide though you threw a right fit when you found out#like you nod your head when I tell you he absorbed the consciousness of the first bird jesus but when I say he's a mechanic you visibly turn#and yell 'WHAT?!' like THAT'S the weirdest thing you've heard about him#anyways I think this is both hilarious and sobering as it reflects both my own biases and also emery's biases regarding the series#sorry I am ignoring umino I don't mean to be a misogynist I'm just wildly distracted by whatever christian swag the tks trio have going on#it always comes down to the jesus christ kin. the religious weirdness. sorry for being like this (apology for me AND ashe)#but yeah I fucking prommy. i got 2 wips in the works regarding umino#I have no idea why he knows about ende though. when did I drop the fact that god lives in the amazon rainforest and uses they/them pronouns?#wait wiat wait since I have everybody's attention I am going to make this joke once again#'they're really putting the 'ende' in 'gender''#okay thank you for coming to my ted talk#anyways I love this alot and I am printing this out and putting it on my wall#(I am not but maybe I should cram all these slides into the desktop wallpaper folder)
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
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