#they’re setting up the stakes BEAUTIFULLY
theamazingian · 6 months
alright!! Surge and Kit’s return in Sonic IDW #67 was well worth the wait!!! Two of the best characters the franchise has ever had
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twopoppies · 6 months
Are the any new fics (within the last couple months) that are good? I’m in a reading drought and I feel like I’ve read every Larry fic there is :( I got so desperate I even thought about looking into f/m fics..
I think I’m just going to use your ask to post my year-end favorite fics. Hope you don’t mind.
It’s been a tough year for me, and I haven’t gotten to read a ton, but these are all excellent.
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Secrets, Santa? By @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19K) disaster gay Harry in all his bumbling, endearing glory still manages to make his incredibly hot boss (Louis) fall for him. This one has snappy dialogue, great internal monologue, and scorching smut. I’d expect nothing less from this author.
your lips in the low light by etherealbliss / @givesuethemoon (E, 21K) It’s been a long time since I read a Larry Uni AU, and this one checked all the boxes. This author managed to really capture the immaturity and obsessive emotions of university age lovers arguing and breaking up, and making each other jealous, and fucking and fighting some more, and ultimately making up. Harry is bratty and sensitive and Louis is dense and long-suffering and they’re perfect for each other.
Scorpions et Madragores by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 23K) Read the tags and author’s note on this one because there are some themes that could be triggering. This is a dark fic and Harry is a pretty creepy vampire, but the story is very well told and there’s a happy ending.
2 a.m. texts by everysingleday / @sun-lt (T, 30K) This was very sweet and very funny and had just enough sexiness (although I wouldn’t have minded more. LOL!) Link is to a download.
The Doppel Effect by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (T, 6K) the concept for this fic was so original and a really compelling read, I can’t help but hope the author gets inspired to continue this ‘verse.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky (E, 227K) This one’s got all the tension and drama you’d expect of a World War II story—life and death high stakes, friends and lovers unexpectedly torn apart, battles and heroism, plus the added stakes of classism and homophobia—then add a slow burn, high risk, scorching love affair spanning years. If you want a story that’s complex and fantastically researched, plus lovers to root for, read it. It’s long. But I couldn’t put it down. When I finally did, I picked it right back up and read it twice more. It’s that good.
one conversation by fondleeds (NR, 1K) This really is just a couple of scenes, and the story is open-ended, but, if for no other reason, read it for the beautiful way the sentences flow. My notes on every fic of theirs begin with: “I wish I could write like this.”
Night Shift by banaanipoika (E, 9K) This was incredibly sexy and beautifully written. I loved that there was such a unique setting with so much descriptive language making me feel like I could smell and feel everything in that hospital room.
On The Pull by @homosociallyyours (E, 4K) Short, but really sexy and just the right amount of bittersweet and hopeful. Loved the characterizations and the smooth writing. So few people write canon Larry these days so this was a nice change of pace.
Devil in my brain, whispering my name by @lunarheslwt (E, 9K) i i thought this author struck a great balance between the dirtiness of a demon defiling an angel and the way the angel gave in to his desire to be defiled. Super sexy.
pull you closer (kiss me harder) by @sunshineandthemoonlight (E, 6K) This was absolutely beautiful — just the perfect amount of tension and wistfulness to make me tear up. But then it was sexy and full of hope at the end. I loved how Louis supported Harry and gave him exactly what he needed (and really, H gave Louis what he needed, too).
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wanderingblindly · 1 month
How did you learn to write so beautifully? Do you have any advice for people who are just getting into it? (You should genuinely write a book, it is crazy how good your works are!!!)
Oh god this may have been the most amazing ask to wake up to, I’m teary eyed 😭😭 I wish I had the attention span, patience, skill, or ideas for a novel, but I’m truly honored nonetheless 😭💖
In the realm of just general creative writing, this is some of the stuff I’ve said to my friends when they wanna start!!!!!
1. Start Small
It’s pretty easy to come up with some massive concept, or some grand universe you wanna write a million words about. And if that works for you as a first project:fuck it up; but I think building your creative muscle can be pretty overwhelming, so starting really small can eliminate some of that… anxiety? Decision paralysis?
If you have an idea, break it down into one specific scene. When you write that scene, don’t feel like you have to include everything! You can allude to character history, relationships, personalities, etc.. Just focus on plopping yourself into that specific scene, that specific moment, and build from there. Who’s talking to who? What can we, the author, imply based on the way they talk to each other, how closely they’re sitting/standing to one another, where they’re located?
2. Show Don’t Tell (but Balance it Out)
Obviously this is so basic, and most people have heard it since they were little. But sometimes, I’ve found, classic phrases you “should know” were never actually explained lol.
When you have an idea for a character trait, don’t just stop there; don’t just say “he’s happy” or “his love language is time spent together”. Ask yourself “if that’s true, what would it look like to someone?”.
As a personal example, in one of my recent drabbles (Late Nights), I wanted to convey that Oscar is someone who really prioritizes a sense of closeness, and feels most comfortable with the people he loves. Do to this, I had some base level “telling”, where Lando informed the reader that Oscar’s pretty strict about his evening routine — which established stakes for him showing up late at night. I followed this up by “showing” Oscar breaking that routine to take care of Lando — and promptly falling asleep after doing so. This lets the reader see that Oscar might feel most at home, most comfortable, with his person rather than in his home, alone. If that makes sense hahahahah
3. Let Yourself be Cliche
Just start writing!!! Pick your favorite trope, set a very small word count, and write a scene! Who cares if someone’s written it before, and who cares if someone’s “”””””””written it better”””””””!!!! It’s a free hobby!!!!! Do it!!!!! It’s yours!!!!!!
What’s important is that you’re writing it in your voice, or at least some evolution of your voice. Write what makes you happy and excited, not what you think people want to read. It’s easier to find your tone when you’re exploring an idea you actually like :)
4. Disrespect English (I Hate That Bitch)
Uhhh this is probably the most related to my personal writing and least… generally applicable. But I think part of what makes writing fun is that you get to hear the author, both how they think (or their character’s think) and how they talk.
I abuse the fuck out of the English language — I use dashes everywhere and for some reason always give lists in triplicates. But that’s also just!!! How I talk!!!! I talk with a lot of emphatic sentences and repetition. I talk with a lot of lists and flailing hand gestures.
I don’t think the quirks of how we speak are things we need to beat out of ourselves to write something “correct”. When it comes to creative writing, it stems from the lens through which you view the world — which includes how you personally talk!!! Think!!!!
To this end, read your fics out loud. Does it roll off the tongue? I like when it does :)
5. Consider the Other Senses
Sometimes I slip into the very “he did this. Then he did this. And then he, in response, did that.” vibe.
When I fall into that on accident, I force myself to take a step back and ask myself some questions. What is he feeling about it? Where is he feeling that emotion in his body? Has he felt it before, is it novel?
Sometimes, since I have no visual images, I find it helpful to consider other senses, things like taste, touch, smell, etc.. Are they smelling something that reminds them of childhood? Or can they smell something that makes their skin prickle — danger? Can they see rain on the horizon, and does it make them feel like something’s looming?
I guess I’m saying like… sometimes I step away from progressing the plot and start to wandering into what’s happening around them, and how they perceive it.
Which, upon reflection, is probably why I’m so awfully verbose and cannot shut up.
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For the drabble requests:
SMP Earth techno and phil deciding to create the empire and the early beginnings of it :]
Congrats my guy ahhh so proud
This probably went a bit away from the prompt but :] I still think it fits! Anyway I hope you like it :D and thank you so much!! ember my beloved <3 <3
The snow is something of a temptress.
It's beautiful, no one can doubt that. The way it shines in the sun, how it turns the once dim world an almost blinding white; nights are not as dark. It gets caught in your hair, it chills the air and offers relief from an otherwise burning world. It is soft on skin, akin to a kiss.
Snow tells a story, more than anything. It tells tales of wintertime, beautifully depicted in cards, and tales of travels as the ground beneath shapes around a man's boot.
Much like a siren, everyone is too caught up in the beauty to realize the ever present danger. They like to see the freshly fallen blanket on the plains around them, and never the cracking ice beneath leading to an unforgiving ocean.
Snow gives kisses that are welcome and gentle, but in just a shift of the wind, it is nothing short of ice shards tearing through one's cheeks. The once welcomed cold will cut deeper than the waters of cocytus, and there will be nothing that can be done once the sun is gone.
All that will remain the same will be the empty and endless plains, barren with only dead plants to comfort you as you march for hours in hope of finding warmth. Your own breath will betray you in the end, leaving you as your body grows to be colder than the dirt under your soles.
Without a light, a beacon of warmth, snow is death.
Philza loves the snow. He loves how it lands on his feathers, how it seemingly never touches him until he steps inside and removes his hat to be met with a pleasant surprise.
Phil loves the snow because it is beautiful and he isn't an idiot. He knows better than to stay out too late, to tempt fate. He knows that the worst thing you can do out into the snow is lose your warmth—whenever passing through somewhere frozen, Phil always either carries or makes someone else carry a waterproof box of matches; there’s usually something that can be burned.
It's very fortunate that most people aren't experienced with the cold. With their limited knowledge of it, they're smart enough to stay away—or they're stupid enough to die.
And when building an empire, that's very, very useful. What better a force to keep enemies away than nature itself?
Through his travels, Phil found himself somewhere interesting, somewhere barren and frozen and endless.
Beneath the topsoil, who knows what grew? What ore lay deep underground? What use such an untapped place could hold?
The Antarctic is something to behold.
And Phil spent weeks there with his friend by his side, cutting trees and burning wood, scraping by on whatever food they could find in such a barren place. It’s surviving, and though most would probably say it wasn’t living, Phil would disagree. Even if they’re cold and hungry, he’d never felt quite so alive as he had simply sitting in a half built cottage with Techno as they barely kept a fire stoked.
It took many long nights of fighting the biting cold, but Phil staked his claim to the land there with Techno by his side. Techno made sure to take each opportunity to whine about the cold—he's lying, of course; Phil shakes worse than him each day. He claims to do it for comedic effect, and to be fair, his quips do make the nights shorter.
With effort—sweat, blood, and tears—there's a home set up in the antarctic. A warm and man-made shelter for two emperors, crowning themselves as the sun set over the empty plains.
But they'll spread word of their new empire in the morning. They'll tell people of the land they can travel to to find home once they've slept their exhaustion off. Phil's far too tired to do anything as he practically collapses into the pile of blankets and pillows he and Technoblade had set up.
"It's basically a nest," Techno had teased.
Phil laughed. "Shut."
Somewhere lost in the blankets is Techno, and Phil finds himself a little comforted in knowing his friend is close by. He’s glad that through this all, Techno’s been there. He could have left to find any other land for himself, but he stayed with Phil to claim a wasteland—and Phil’s never going to be able to express his gratitude. 
Phil hears a soft snore and reaches a hand out from where he lies on his belly under the blankets, blindly smacking his hand around until he feels his fingers tangle in thick hair.
Techno laughs softly as Phil struggles to pull his hand away. “Goodnight, Phil.”
"G'night, mate." Phil chirps, his voice muffled as his face is pressed into a pillow. 
He lifts his wings up, shimming them through the blankets, and sets them over top of the two of them—he’s a little more comfortable without his feathers being suffocated.
Simply too tired, Phil lets his hand remain in Techno's hair, idly playing with it as he feels sleep beckoning him.
He's nearly out before he hears something—something low.
It starts off quiet, enough so for Phil to mistake it for the wind, but grows steadily.
Phil realizes what it is after a moment, lifting his face from the pillow to look across the pile of blankets.
A purr.
Techno is purring.
Technoblade—chosen champion of the blood god, an immortal powerful enough to rival literal gods, Phil’s closest friend and the only person he could see running the world with him—is purring.
Phil smiles before he starts laughing, and it’s clearly loud enough as Techno begins to sit up and look at him. Even in the dark of their shared cottage, Phil can see the confused look on Techno’s face.
Between laughs, Phil manages a few words.
“You—you can purr?”
Like a shot to the heart, Techno’s expression drops. Phil watches slowly as Techno grits his teeth and chuckles, visibly fighting several emotions all at once. 
Prior to that very moment, Phil didn’t even know Techno could blush beneath his fur, but right then and there he sees Techno’s entire face go red. Phil laughs again.
“Phil—Phil—you gotta listen—please Phil, you’re embarrassing me in front of chat.”
Even as Techno desperately tries to bring up the nest in some attempt to sidestep his embarrassment, Phil continues to poke a little fun at Techno.
For their first night as emperors, Phil doesn’t feel all high and mighty. No, teasing his friend as they both struggle to stay awake does not feel like the actions of a ruler.
But they’re Phil’s actions, and for his first night as an emperor, he finds comfort. He finds his beacon of warmth.
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Movie Review | Wheels on Meals (Hung, 1984)
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I’m not the first one to make this point, nor will I do so the most elegantly, but I think it’s fair to say that a lot of classic Hong Kong cinema is coloured by a certain claustrophobia that comes out of Hong Kong itself. You can look at a movie like Police Story, which is in many ways a tonally light entertainment, yet gets an undeniable charge out of its setting, especially in its raw, intense climax. But when you take these movies out of that setting, and all of its urban flavour and political and historical baggage, the energy definitely changes. You can look at Armour of God, which was shot throughout Europe and has a certain slackness when compared to the other movies in Jackie Chan’s ridiculous directorial hot streak at the time. (Obviously, the near fatal injuries he suffered during the production played a part in that too.) You can definitely see that quality in Wheels on Meals, which has a pleasing leisurely quality that comes out of its Barcelona setting.
I understand that Sammo Hung had run into difficulties shooting earlier movies in Hong Kong, and found the Spanish officials in contrast to be much more accommodating, and that sense of freedom definitely colours the movie. This is in terms of the proceedings themselves, with several elaborate action sequences shot on location). But it’s also in terms of the overall atmosphere, with the action and comedy sequences having a sense of spontaneity that mixes appealingly with their laser-precise execution. The movie has a certain travelogue quality that results anytime you make a movie in a picturesque setting, but on a deeper level has a feeling of true escapism. Wouldn’t it be neat if you too went on a vacation to Spain and got caught up in an adventure like our heroes? The flimsiness of the plot becomes an asset, as it plays into that “choose your own adventure” quality, and Sammo’s character sums up the stakes most succinctly when explaining why some men tried to kidnap the female lead.
“They’re bad guys.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m a good guy.”
And in that sense, Hung’s knack for maximum visual impact explains the wardrobe. Every single outfit in this movie worn by someone other than an extra manages to clash, not only with the setting (the bright pastel colours pop against the earthen hues of the Spanish architecture), but also with each other (there’s a motorcycle gang who clearly do not shop at the same place). The movie is rarely not pleasing to look at, even if the outfits worn by the characters would be retina-searing in other circumstances. You’ll be taking a lot of great photos on this vacation.
That sense of visual impact and use of colour also plays beautifully into the action scenes. Listen, I’m not a technical expert, and I can’t explain fully why Hung’s precision in his editing and camera moves makes for great action, but I can tell you that when a hideous yellow van starts careening through the streets of Barcelona and knocking away the villain’s automobiles like bumper cars, it’s hard to keep your eyes off the screen. (The van is shown earlier to be extremely high tech for a foodservice operation, a quality that not only comes in handy during the chase, but also accounts for what I assume was the entirety of the special effects budget with its fancy computer display.) Hung must have had a pretty sweet deal with Mitsubishi, as three of his movies managed to make their boxiest, most brightly coloured models integral parts of great action scenes.
Of course, when you put Jackie, Sammo and Yuen Biao (sorry, no first name basis for this fella, the other two get their first names as actors and last names as directors) in a movie together AND have one of the villains played by Benny “The Jet” Urquidez, you’re going to have more than your share of amazing physical feats. The legendary fight between Jackie and Benny the Jet is famous for a moment when the latter does a kick so fast it blows out a bunch of candles with the resulting gust of wind. But that scene is also exciting because of the way it starts to savour every gesture, every move that Jackie makes. (The introduction of slow motion in the tail end of the fight is an astute choice.) Jackie in his own movies has a certain self-deprecating presence (the aforementioned Police Story has him frequently embarrassed in all manner of ways, including girlfriend troubles, a court hearing gone sour and even dog doo on his shoe), but Hung tends to play him as kind of cool, and this fight seems genuinely in awe of him. It’s telling that the opening montage shows Jackie and Yuen Biao working out, capturing their physiques lovingly, as if to tell us that even though a lot of what follows will be fun and games, these guys are undeniably amazing physical performers. Sammo makes himself comparatively goofier through his performance, like his clumsy contributions to the climactic plan, swinging in through a window and kicking Jackie in the face in the process.
“I knew it was you.”
“You knew it was me and still kicked me in the face?”
“I knew it was you when I kicked you and you didn’t say anything.”
He also cheats by giving himself a ridiculous perm, but I guess the other guys get to be goofy as well, and all is fair in love and war.
And of course, as far as amazing physical feats go, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention their female co-star Lola Forner. Forner not only provides the impetus for the plot (a thief with a heart of gold who is also kinda, sorta a princess; don’t think about it too hard), and proves to be a capable comic performer who plays off the boys nicely, but also seems to perpetually have her hair caught in a slight breeze. Listen, blowing out candles with your kick is pretty awesome, but is it really more impressive than having your hair always fluttering in the wind, no matter where you are or what’s happening around you? The jury’s still out.
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roydeezed · 1 year
Weekly Shonen Jump Manga Round-Up(2023-04-10)
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It’s time for another weekly manga review! Where I’ll talk about any thoughts I’ve had on manga that were released this sunday. The ones which I care about and have extensive thoughts on will get their own sections while the others will be packaged into one paragraph at the end. I also packaged the one Naruto spin-off chapter that dropped earlier this week into this post. We get the end of a manga I was really rooting for and the start of another one that I can see myself falling in love with. You can read my thoughts on all the series below past the “Keep reading”! See ya down there!
Ginka and Gluna(Chapter 29)
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So it happened… Ginka and Gluna is over. I can’t help be reminded of The Hunters Guild: Red Hood with this ending. Both are these existential musings on what it was like to exist in Jump. But Ginka and Gluna’s ending breaks my heart. With the revelation that he lied at the beginning of the series that magic can do anything, Ginka acts as a surrogate for the authour that tells us that sometimes we just fail. And there’s not much we can do beyond that. I don’t know how many people read it and how many people identified the raw emotions in this chapter but I wanted to say that I get it Shinpei Watanabe. You tried. And it was great. The ritual to help Gluna failing mirrors the feeling of this manga getting axed. But the authour doesn’t let it end there. With the kernel of hope that this may not have succeeded but it wasn’t a failure. Ginka may not have been able to restore all of her memories but he got one back. And that’s not a failure. This manga might have gotten canceled but it was published in Jump. That’s not a failure. They’re both successes and next time it will be better. I know it’s a weird thing to say about a shounen series but I think things like this are why art exists. Because I can feel the pain behind this. And I feel like the authour got out a lot of their ain on the page with this chapter. And not just their pain but their hopes too. I’ll look forward to the next work by Shinpei Watanabe.
Cipher Academy(Chapter 19)
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Cipher Academy continues it’s game of leaky poker and spends most of this chapter strengthening the view we have of our four main characters. Yosaimura continues being the absolute coolest by resetting the game in Iroha’s favour as she views him as having earned the number one spot. I really love her dedication to fairness but I can't help but think that she’s being built up to fail. “All’s fair in love and war” is such a cliched quote but it keeps ringing in my ear everytime Yosaimura does something noble. I think she might one day be used to brutally and violently set the stakes. If this is that kind of manga. But her making it fair is also a selfish and egotistical move which I also love because it colours her character in such a unique way. Yosaimura absolutely knows how good she is and the fact that she believes she hasn’t had the chance to prove it should be scary for the others. Toshusai on the other hand busts on to the scene in this chapter and proves why she is as prominent as she is. She’s figured out the game before any others. But in doing so she also take Yosaimura’s bait. The way I see it so far is that Iroha figures out people more than anything. And Toshusai figures out the game. I think Ano figures out the system underlying all of that and is waiting for the right time to move. She’s always been characterized as patient and waiting for the right time to move. Though by going first Toshusai may have taken Yosaimura’s bait, she’s still a formidable opponent. I think by the end of this game we’ll see Yosaimura’s overwhelming abilities and charisma.
Blue Box(Chapter 96)
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This chapter was adorable. While most of it was a lot of empty space, I really appreciated that as it built a wonderful sense of ambience. One that’s beautifully reminiscent of how warm and close christmas time during school actually used to feel. And then the moments between Taiki and Natsu are so gosh darn sweet. Natsu learnt how much he did for her and even then the was insistent on not taking credit. For a moment there when he said he was just returning the favour, I thought it would be an excuse to reset the status quo but I’m glad they progressed the relationship between the two. While in the early days of this manga it used to move somewhat stilted, recently the chemistry between the two has become smooth, all quite naturally. These two are just so cute. The above panel says everything it needs to.
Akane-Banashi(Chapter 57)
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Karashi remarking that Hikaru caught the bug is one of the realest and most relatable moments in this manga. Anyone who’s gotten interested in a hobby or a sport has had that exact moment. Where they catch the bug and doing the hobby become synonymous with breathing, an exhale of relief each time you get to exercise that muscle. Akane-Banashi is genius because it makes you understand how that could happen to someone. It shows the passion behind Rakugo full well knowing that it’s readers are the farthest things from actual Rakugo performers. It’s a skill so rare as a storyteller but it’s one nearly unnoticeable. To make the reader fall in love with the subject matter as much as the force behind it has. It’s something that’s most apparent in Speilberg films. This charisma from the work itself that charms you. That drive of Hikaru to prove to Akane, one of the people who got her into the art, that she’s capable, is fueled by passion and rivalry, but also a deep respect, a need to be acknowledged by one you consider superior. Sometimes it’s about the other person too. I’m really liking the idea of Hikaru as a rival to Akane because a lot of the punch that Akane had was that she was a woman in a male dominated art and now having someone at her level who can do things she can’t produces a really interesting dynamic. The story is also a parallel of their relationship. Chasing a hobby is like chasing a high and that’s what Hikaru is doing. But knowingly or not, she’s just given Akane that same high. Akane is a competitor. When people call themselves competitive they mean they’re someone like Akane, and a competitor will never turn down a good rival. Having someone to chase after as well as race alongside is something that no competitor worth their salt will ever turn down. Being at the top is great but not if no one’s challenging you for it. It’s the struggle that makes it all worth it.
Tenmaku Cinema(Chapter 1)
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I was one of the weird little freaks that was really into Food Wars because of its story and romance plot. There was a panel of Soma and Erina on a train and looking up at a starry sky that still sticks with me. So when I read this was from the same team I was really intrigued. Starting off the manga with a few panels of the main character taking away a miniscule amountof points from a film for the smallest details really worried me because I am very wary about those types of people. The ones that rank and rate films. Mainly because I used to be one of those insufferable my-opinion-is-gospel types. And I kind of still am but I have a little bit more self awareness. But, to get back to the manga, I was hesitant. But seeing the main character be a complete film dork while in a story reminiscent of Hiakru No Go gives me so much hope. I vibe so much with Hajime. Him being perceived as a Chunni is also hilarious. A ghost promising to be good while begging to possess your arm is also comedy gold and its something that didn’t have a chance to prop itself up in Food Wars, as comedy didn’t really get a main seat in that series. Really nothing did other than the fan service. So I’m glad these comedy chops are on display here cause they are excellent. Ryu Shirakawa being the director who’s praised by Speilberg and Lucas must mean he’s an analogue for Akira Kurasawa. He’s even wearing his hat. And the movies must be a reference to Seven Samurai, Rashoman, and Ran. Oh no, I’m going to really love this manga aren’t I? A director, a screenwriter and an actress! We have all the parts of a movie! Just a camera, audio equipment, crew and locations to get. All in the middle of a busy school year. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
In Sasuke’s Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust(Chapter 9) we get the climax of the story with Zansul being defeated and us finding out about Jiji’s backstory and him getting an off screened redemption/reward. There was also a goodbye to Meno. Most of this series has been rough but in this chapter I saw a little glimpse of the classic Kishimoto heart. It’s probably for the best it ends next week though. Me & Roboco(Chapter 132) actually had a great horror themed chapter this week. Akane picks up a diary from an antiques dealer and it predicts the day ahead before suddenly predicting her death in a Needful Things-esque chapter. I sincerely hope the authour goes into horror manga after their run on Roboco is done because they’ve got the chops for it. It’s something that I love about gag manga that isn’t taken advantage of enough, and that’s the ability to dip into a thousand different genres and come out the other side unscathed because it’s a gag manga. The art for the horror was also done extremely well. Ichigoki’s Under Control!!(Chapter 18) continued what seems to be the wrap-up to the series in another serviceable chapter. It’s really insightful to contrast it with Me & Roboco because it shows where Roboco succeeds as while both are gag manga, Roboco understands a baseline of believability needs to be established.
I feel like while Fabricant 100(Chapter 17) improves with each chapter it also loses a lot of it’s unique spark as it becomes a more traditional shounen series. Which is ironic because the power system they’ve developed is known as spark, letting each combatant get enhanced powers through a part of their body. It looks like there’s a lot of room for innovation and creativity with this power system and the authour is solid enough that I’ll look forward to how it devlops. More than the power system, I’m fascinated with the character this chapter introduces, Ayako, and the background dealings being established. Ayako is fascinating in her doublespeak and highlights the prominent series theme of perception versus presentation versus reality. Though this shounen-ification is necessary to keep going, I hope Fabricant 100 keeps its unique spark going forward. In Mission: Yozakura Family(Chapter 173) Taiyo saves his kids and we get some cute moments and some background information before setting up for the next step in the story. Mashle: Magic and Muscles(Chapter 151) gives us a rare emotional moment as the supporting cast get their due and put their life on the line for Mashle, a man that has definitely helped them in life in ways they would not have been able to do on their own. Okay, that might be a little sarcastic but the desire to play board games with his friends again was a pretty earnest plea that resonated. 
Sometimes with Witch Watch(Chapter 104) it’s hard to say anything substantive other than it’s damn funny. The dramatic irony of Witch Watch is always top tier and the writing is always just perfect. But it looks like this chapter took one more step towards Nico telling Moi about her true feelings. Though I do forget what the exact conditions of the curse Moi is under, I might have to reread that part again, I think it was something like he’s bound to feel protective towards her? The main thing that always turned me off The Elusive Samurai(Chapter 105) was that it was hard to pin down what kind of antagonist Ashikaga Takauji was, especially as the main antagonist. But learning that it was intentional is certainly interesting. I really loved Assasination Classroom and I’m an advocate of series running long enough to find their footing or for readers to find something in the series so I am definitely down to give this manga more of a chance going forward.
The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins(Chapter 20) follows Tsubasa as he tries to pretend he didn’t learn the truth but with persistence from his grandfather confronts it. Tsubasa’s grandfather is gruff but has a sweet side and it also shows that his time before the coma wasn’t all negative, though they did all struggle to connect. It does make me wonder if the grandfather in his dreams is the real grandfather or one he made up. Once again the situation resets to Tsubasa asking Sota and it makes me wonder if resetting these situations is a part of the overall structure of the manga. I feel like serialized manga, especially in Jump, is a panster’s game but Taizan5 feels way more like a plotter, so I wonder how far ahead they have it planned out. I’m really digging the dynamics in Sakamoto Days(Chapter 114). It’s fast and bouncy and plays well off of each character. While I worry a flash back to the present won’t hold the same amount of enjoyment, I’m along for the ride for now. Since Sakamoto has been kind of an omniscient presence in the present day, it’s always been hard to see what makes him unique. Being able to go back to the past and break down his abilities in the context of equally skilled fighters is a really great by-product of this arc. I haven’t really paid much attention to the way the organization works and how characters relate to each other as I only recently began to really get into Sakamoto Days, but this heel turn from Uzuki, it makes me want to go back and reread it.
Nico becoming Fuuko’s closest confidant in Undead Unluck(Chapter 154) in Andy’s absence really highlights the strength of this new arc. As a leader and someone not relying on Andy, Fuuko has not only learned to be able to direct people, but also take feedback and trust in her most capable and relevant companions. And Nico is both in this case. Sukuna’s fight concludes in Jujutsu Kaisen(Chapter 219) while we get a little bit of a backstory. We also see a sphere attack that took me straight back to a manga called Psyren for a bit there before ending with a glimpse at Megumi. 
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smokestarrules · 2 years
Interpretation of Utsukushiki Hito Aruiwa Sorewa (SPOILERS)
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This song is just.. gorgeous, it really is. The tone of it shifts back and forth as the characters within struggle to remain on top, eventually culminating in a beautiful duet; no longer battling, but standing together. 
The Revue of Souls. 
I think it’s safe to say that Maya and Claudine are the favorites in this fandom, though definitely not by a huge margin, and I think that’s reflected with this ten minute song. Ten minutes. That makes this the longest song in Revue Starlight. (don’t fact check me on that but I’m pretty sure that’s right) This Revue is also arguably the one that’s framed the most like a legitimate performance, or, rather, a multitude of performances, all being shuffled together and played simultaneously. 
I do absolutely believe that this was the most lowest-stakes Revue in the film, but that doesn't make it meaningless, not at all. There were still things they needed to work through, and work through they did. 
ANYWAYS. This song has so many genres, I’m not sure I can put a label on it. There are tone shifts similar to that of Medal Suzdal Panic, but this song has multiple, rather than just one or two, as the characters inside battle for the top. Maya begins utterly confident as usual, defending her position, and she gets back up there multiple times within the ten minutes, but she never quite manages to hold it. There are also some musical callbacks to Hokori to Ogori, which of course is Maya’s I Am The Best song from the anime, mostly in the times when Maya is winning, which tracks. 
In a move unique to the other Revues, this battle actually has a full scene leading up to it. While Junna had been blindsided by who her opponent was in Pen : Chikara : Katana, Utsukushiki Hito Aruiwa Sorewa has both Claudine and Maya sat down and talking to each other. While also just a fun scene in general, it beautifully sets up what we’re about to see. Maya and Claudine, while much closer to equals than they used to be, aren’t quite there yet. Maya, while more open to a partnership with Claudine than ever before, also craves being at the top on her own, if only because of how she’s been living until now. She’s a jealous woman, after all, and, understandably, it irritates her when she’s not the best at something. 
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Maya is.... not used to this. Losing, that is. This scene is beautiful because we’ve never seen Maya like this, flustered and off her game. Even when she lost in the anime, whether to Nana or Karen and Hikari, she’d kept her composure, but here, she’s irritated and unable to make plays correctly. This lays the groundwork for their Revue perfectly, with Claudine repeatedly beating Maya at their game and teasing her about it. It’s impossible for Maya to be perfect at everything, and, having come far from her original expectations, Claudine knows this. But Maya has a harder time accepting it. 
So that’s the issue; Maya wants to become emotionally available, but she’s also clinging to the top star because it’s the only thing she knows. Claudine doesn’t see her as untouchable anymore, and so it’s up to her to drag Maya down. 
Then there’s the actual Revue. 
God, this Revue. It’s just gorgeous on all accounts. Again, this is one that is a performance, through and through. They don different outfits (though always with the button somewhere on their person) and characters throughout this battle, because they’re battling as actors. 
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This first part demonstrates what the entire Revue will be. Maya, the “perfect” vessel of God, and Claudine, the mortal creature who cannot be anything close to her. Claudine is LITERALLY given the name devil in this performance, because that is the role she will be playing her, dragging Maya down, down, down, away from “heaven” and into the land of mortals. 
The devil offers Maya the most brilliance that any one person could ever have, something that would make her the top star in any performance she would ever take part it, and this deal is in exchange for Maya’s soul, which takes the form of a little golden swan. 
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Swans have always been one of Maya’s creatures, but it’s the thing that’s interesting to me about this one is its color. Swans are traditionally white, and certainly the ones we’ve seen Maya around before have been the same, but this one is golden, almost an auburn, gleaming in the lights, and somewhat similar, I think, to Claudine’s own main color. 
Maya agrees instantly, signing the contract with her own blood with scarcely another thought. What use is her soul, what use is her personality, her emotions, when she could be a better performer? That is her flaw here, and that is what Claudine will be addressing; this instant readiness to cut herself open in exchange for more brilliance. Her signature on the contract is even clearly a Position Zero of its own, and that will return in the end of the Revue. So with that, in the rules of the performance, Claudine has Maya’s soul, and now Maya should be virtually unbeatable. 
But it’s not that cut-and-dry. 
“That soul filled with obsession.” (C) - Claudine is in possession of Maya’s soul in this moment, she can feel this, and while this line isn’t out of character from the devil, this is also Claudine’s first chastisement. And as they battle, this is Maya’s stage, through and though, and she’s not above pulling low punches in order to get to her victory. 
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She’s taunting Claudine, flaunting her past victories and Claudine’s old losses and rubbing them in her face. Actually, Maya kind of takes a page out of Nana’s book here, because this is when she starts poking and prodding at Claudine’s role in life. “You’ve played it well,” Maya says, “the role of the rival, always chasing after me.” She’s taking all of Claudine’s accomplishments and turning them into character developments, which is very rude, but Maya’s always done whatever she needs to win. 
...Thing is, Maya doesn’t actually see herself as a real person, and therein lies the problem. She’s a thoroughbred, a genius, someone born to live and die on the stage. She doesn't have time to be human. In her eyes, she really is just an empty vessel, one completely detached from emotions and instincts. 
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and that is this; this dead-looking thing that Maya claims is her soul. It’s not even her silvery-white color, it’s gray, dull and colorless and everything Maya believes she is on her own. This reveal puts Maya firmly back on top, though, as Claudine hadn’t expected it, and their roles are restored; Maya, the pure one, fighting off Claudine’s low actions as she battles to stay in the sky.  
And so they fight, they fight through a dozen different plays and performances, and still Maya has the upper hand, constantly. She is the vessel of God, and she can play any character perfectly now. And because she is that vessel, Claudine’s button is the first to go. Maya stands victorious at the top, having defeated the devil herself. 
.......Or has she?
I think Maya’s sad here, in this moment. I think she enjoys these Revues against Claudine maybe more than anyone. To be honest, I don’t even think she wanted to win this one, to be proven right. And she’s not. 
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Position zero rejects her victory and weapon, fully and utterly, because nothing is over. Claudine’s button has gone, but the Revue is not done with them yet. 
Claudine has tricked her. Bound by her own blood on the contract, this Revue will not end until Maya finds the brilliance and shine that has never been seen before. And until that happens, Claudine cannot lose. 
“You’re not God’s vessel, nor are you empty. You’re stuffed full of arrogance and pride and envy and longing, a greedy human!” (C) - Claudine has trapped her, because of Maya’s arrogance, and now there’s no way out but to continue fighting. And even then, if Claudine dies, she’ll still return, ready to battle once more. 
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This is Claudine’s stage now. She dons her Revue cloak, no longer hiding behind the facade of a character. This isn’t the devil beheading Maya’s empty vessel, this is Claudine, and Claudine alone. And for lack of better words, that pisses Maya off. She’s also done with performances, with characters that don’t mean anything, and so she is given her own cloak once more. 
And during this fight, Maya is angry. She’s angry, and she’s frustrated, and acts  human, which is exactly the thing that she was trying to say she isn’t. Claudine knows this is a good thing, and says as such, but Maya snarls back that she’s ugly this way, ugly and emotion-drenched and useless, and Claudine says show me more. 
Claudine and Maya’s relationship has always been about letting each other in to see what they would show no one else. But the anime had mostly been about Claudine opening up to Maya, and while that’s fine, now it’s time for the second step. 
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First of all, this callback to their Revue Duet is wonderful, especially that it’s been swapped so that it’s Claudine saying it to Maya. Secondly, Maya’s immediate response being “I’M ALWAYS CUTE!” annihilated me. 
“Only me, always, forever,” (C) “You only need to look at me.” (both) Is this not the most romantic thing ever? God. I think this kind of references Fly Me To The Star, which is wonderful, and also this is them acknowledging that they’re always looking at each other. Claudine was always looking at Maya, looking at how high she was up and how she could join or topple her, and Maya had been looking at her, too. Always. 
Maya is the person that Claudine can be herself with, whether that’s on the stage or off it, and Claudine desperately wants herself to be that person for Maya. Boiled down, that’s what this Revue is. 
“For each of us two, a rival. For me, there is you.” (Both) They are equals, on and off the stage. 
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And Claudine wins. 
Of course Claudine wins; Claudine had to win, and Maya, who had once said that Claudine was at her most beautiful when she lost, can only say “Saijou Claudine... you are beautiful.”
She’s not upset about her loss, because, honestly, if she’d won, she’d not have been happy. Pretending you’re not human and acting as if you don’t have emotions will only breed unhappiness. And so they lay there, hands clasped over the contract that binds them together, their position zero, and they’re quiet. 
Claudine won, but really, they both did. 
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oldtowrs · 3 years
could you maybe write a little blurb of the reader being a senator and maybe she has like a big event to go to but there’s been rumors of assassination attempts made on senators close to her and she’s all worried, but obi-wan is helpful and sweet and kind as she’s getting ready, reassuring her that he will be there to protect her and be by her side all night? thanks babes!! i absolutely love your writing and your obi-wan pieces. they’re so sweet!!! <333
anon, i love your mind. yes of course!!! thank you so much for requesting!! please feel free to request if you have an idea for a fic!! i’d love to write it!! feel free to send me something or maybe check out my masterlist for my other works!
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BY YOUR SIDE ——————— ˚ ⋆ ⊹ * · .
➣ an obi-wan kenobi/f!senator!reader fan fic
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➣ SUMMARY - obi-wan vows to protect the reader, his lover and an influential senator of the galactic republic, at all costs at a high-stakes gala after he finds out that rumors and threats of assassination attempts have been circulating through the senate and the galaxy on the brink of war.
➣ A/N - oh boy did i take this one and run... i hope you all love this piece as much as i do. feel free to send me something to write or maybe check out my masterlist for my other works!
➣ WORD COUNT - ~3.36k
➣ WARNINGS - mentions of fears of assassination, anxiousness, mentions of weaponry (lightsaber), light editing (let me know if there's a mistake)
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‘crystals or pearls?’ you asked, frantically turning towards obi-wan, your hands holding the two different pieces of jewelry to your ears for reference. the last of alderaan’s golden rays of setting sun caught in the crystal’s angular surface and dazzled your neck in delicate fractures of light, while the pearl hung from a simple golden chain, shining a beautiful, milky white.
‘pearls,’ he smiled sweetly, voice a low hum of adoration before the same honeyed, tenor echoed in your mind. they make the stars in your eyes shine brighter, my love.
you turned back to your vanity, the tips of your brows drawn high in worry as you tilted your head from side to side, trying to determine which looked the best to your frantic mind. he was right, of course -- as he had picked them up at a market on a far off ocean planet a few months prior on a mission. you could still remember the smile that graced his lips as he claimed that they only paled in comparison to the starlight that danced about your features as you had immediately tried them on and rushed to look at yourself in your vanity. he had chosen them to compliment you, to make you shine even brighter when wearing them -- just as you seemed to in his presence, especially on occasions like tonight.
obi-wan smiled at your decadence and how elegant you seemed in that moment, beautifully doe-eyed in your anxiousness as your panicked thoughts hummed loudly through the force. he stood from the silken nest of expensive sheets and comforters that served as your bed and made his way to your side, his arms snaking lovingly about your waist. his strong hands and rough calluses grazed the chiffon and tulle of the skirt delicately, guiding you into him so that your soft, tender weight was no longer your burden, but wholly his. with a loving press of his bearded cheek against your deliciously smooth one - and a gentle caress against your soul through the force - you found that you depended wholly on the strength of the jedi - your jedi - behind you. his body was honed for battle yet so softened by his affection. he did not disappoint as he seemed to read the muddled mess of your feelings like an open book whose words were clear as day. the golden auburn of his beard - and the burgeoning soft silvers that were beginning to intersperse themselves amongst the gold - tickled the soft exposed curve of your shoulder as he buried his face into the sweet scent of you.
‘quiet your thoughts, my darling,’ he hummed, his breath fanning deliciously against the skin of your exposed collarbone as he pressed kiss after kiss to the ridge of your shoulder. his eyes - oh, those soft pools of star-flecked silver and storm and evening sky - raked up your form lovingly, stopping only when they found your own in the silvery surface of your mirror. obi noted the delicate rouge-hued blush that had begun to caress and softened the concern plaguing the soft angles of your face and smiled at the effect his affectionate fidelity had on you - a fidelity which he traced into your skin and soul with kind lips and gentle fingertips
‘they’re so… loud.’
‘forgive me, i’m just… so worried, my love.’
and there it was, that soft pressure of his hands - so deft in their deadly abilities, yet so gentle when they found sanctuary upon your skin - against your sides, that heady scent of sea and oak and rain and lavender that you loved so thoroughly overwhelming your senses.
‘you have absolutely nothing to apologize for, my sweet,’ he sighed with a smile, leaning to press another longing kiss upon your shoulder. but when your eyes fell from his in the mirror and had begun to dull, obi-wan’s concern made itself known on the soft planes of his features, soft worry lines forming as evidence. the calloused pads of his thumbs caressed circles into your skin beneath the thin layer of the tulle and silk bodice hiding your lovely skin from view.
‘you look so very lovely tonight, my darling - pearls, or crystals, or otherwise. tonight and always.’
a heavy sigh left your prettily painted lips, drawing obi-wan’s attention there in the crystalline mirror for a longing moment as you gathered the strength to pull yourself from his devastatingly loving orbit to place the earrings beside their respective pairs upon the dark wood of the vanity. you turned to face him, your jedi, as your hands became the only thing keeping you from leaning on him wholly once more, from drifting back into the sweet gravity of him.
‘oh, obi, it’s not that,’ you murmured, words barely above a whisper as you took to fiddling with his robes - the worn cream wool of his usual robes replaced by the black fabric of the dress robes you had bought as a gift for him a few months ago - a gift specifically for the finer occasions he got to share with you, as your protector. the rich fabric clung to him in all those delicate places which you so thoroughly adored and worshipped in his private counsel, and yet still painted him as the powerfully deadly force he was -- the protector, the general, the negotiator… the man, though many would not know it, who would tear the galaxy in half just to keep you, his senator, safe.
his hands drifted from their places upon your hips where the bodice of your dress became skin tight and delicate and the softness of you that he so dearly loved could be felt by those ever-so-loving hands of his. one had found the small of your back and had begun to trace comforting circles there, while the other rose to cradle the soft curves of your cheek, thumb stroking softly at your cheekbones as if to elicit from it that lovely blush that had been in abundance only moments before.
‘then what, sweet one, is troubling that brilliant mind of yours?’
the question was so soft and delicate in his elegant coruscanti accent. the lilting sweetness seeming to linger in higher concentrations as that sharp wit and loving politeness of his turned its focus on you -- his senator and love.
the anxiety of the past few months pooled in your eyes, hot and wet as the tears threatened to spill.
it was no secret that the galaxy was on the brink of war. reports of separatist attacks and trade route sabotages in the outer rim were becoming more frequent and more violent as they inched ever closer to the galaxy’s bigger systems… including the coruscant system - your home. mentions of assassination, whether attempted or successful, had been making their way across the galaxy as if circling in on the senate and the coruscanti government like a predator to its naive prey. and with your ties to obi-wan, to the senate and the republic, to the fragile democracy and the peace that hung in balance by a thread -- well, you were sure you were a target on someone’s list. and so it was the huge crowd that was supposed to gather in bail organa’s palace tonight that echoed a night of negotiation and political banter and reeked of a night of murder and chaos, whether it be yours or someone else’s.
and while you had tried to worry about your dress, and sparkling jewelry, and the finery and manners of the senatorial gala only mere hours away, anything at all, the daunting fear of tonight being your last still lingered like an ever present fog in your mind -- as was evident by the short, dagger like vibroblades strapped to your thighs beneath your dress and the deadly weapon of sophistication and power that hung about obi-wan’s belt.
‘there’s been an increase in the number of republic assassination attempts and violent attacks on vital republic outposts, supply lines, and trade routes as of late. and with such close ties to the senate, to the republic, to padme, to you and the jedi for that matter, i just-’
the pause that ensued in the small spaces between you and your jedi was heavy with worry, anticipation, anxiety over the next few hours to come, that you almost lost yourself in it completely. almost…
‘what happens if there’s an attempt on my life tonight?.’
it was a mere whisper, as if speaking the possibility into existence would make it tangible -- the snarling, thrashing head of reality threatening to make the thought real.
‘what if someone tries to take me away from you? or what if they take you from me?’
a single tear began slipping past the barricade you had been trying so hard to keep up during these heavy moments. the air between obi-wan and yourself had become too thick to breathe and the burning in your throat and eyes had become the replica of a suffocating struggle in your lungs.
you hadn’t even realized your head had fallen out of his grasp in shame at your admission until his thumbs swept delicately beneath your lashes and dabbed at the fallen moisture with extreme care and delicacy. you had let your eyes flutter shut at his touch; his lovely scent and the wave of warmth that seemed to wash over you was unmistakable as he stepped closer, enveloping you in all that was him: his warm presence and the power that seemed to hide in his every muscle fiber like star-flecked thunder rumbling in the distance. a kind wholesomeness lingered eternally in the heart that you could now feel beating against your cheek and the strong wall of his sternum as he tucked you into himself, one hand carding through the soft strands of your hair and the delicate arch of your back.
oh, my darling…
a voice - his voice - echoed in the expanse of your consciousness - warm and sweet and delicate, barely more than a whisper. it held all the emotion and love you knew he harbored in masses in his heart, the admiration and affection he felt thrumming through his veins as if it was his very life’s blood.
‘I would not let the galaxy lay a finger on you, my sweet one,’ obi-wan said, voice soft and gentle as always, but with a deadly severity that had not been there before.
he pulled away for a mere moment before shifting his hand to the base of your neck, gentle fingertips leaving what felt like little trails of starlight twinkling against your skin in their wake. you tilted your face upward like a flower to the rays of her shining sun, only for his beard - in all its russets and golds and starlight tinted tufts of silver - to tickle your forehead as he laid a reverent kiss along your brow as if he were an apostle coming to pray before you: the shrine of his life’s purpose.
and in a soft moment, he separated himself from you, guiding you back to the vanity for a mere moment to collect the pearly earrings and remove their backings with deft, delicate fingers. you couldn’t help but turn around, so entranced and stuck in his loving orbit, so that you now faced the mirror and him, his back to the vanity as he proceeded with his genuine act of love and fidelity. the little pearls swayed on their golden chains as he tucked strands of curls behind your ears, and - one by one - slipped the earrings into place.
and then his strong hands were enveloping yours once again, thumbs running the ridges of your knuckles, head dipping and hands guiding your fingertips up and up until his lips met the soft skin he had been devotedly caressing. and when he raised his head, you swore that the glimmer in his eyes had never shown brighter as those glacial blue pools met yours, a smile tugging at his lips while a soft gasp tugged your supple ones apart. he only broke eye contact then to unclip his lightsaber from the belt about his muscled waist, before that loving gaze caressed you sweeter than even sunlight ever could. the cool metal kissed your hands as he pressed it delicately into the softness of your now skyward palms.
‘if you choose to believe any one thing i say, my sweet one, let it be this,’ he murmured, as if he was afraid his voice - if too loud, if too brash, if anything but smooth and warm and inviting - would shatter the moment he had wholly enveloped you in.
‘with my every breath, i would defend you.’
he then placed his hand atop yours, atop his lightsaber, before finally leaning in to press his lips to yours - the pillowy softness of them against your own causing the tears in your eyes to gather once more and your heart to fly amongst the fiery sunset of emotions obi-wan’s words ignited in your heart, his lips moving in tandem with your own for its entirety.
‘until i am nothing more than a soul spread to the far ends of the force and beyond, my darling, i would keep every corner of this galaxy from laying more than a gaze upon you. as is my duty.’
you weren’t sure when it had happened, but there was now a soft pressure - a pressure you could barely recognize as obi-wan resting his own forehead against yours. his gentle hands had migrated from the lightsaber to your cheek and along the softness of your jawline until it found purchase in the curls he had brushed away only hazy, love-filled moments prior. you felt a soft tear slip out from underneath the lashes that now kissed your cheek - lashes and eyes that had fluttered shut in soft pleasure the moment obi-wan’s force signature had met and brushed up against yours in perfect harmony.
‘you are the stars in my sky. and i would not allow any being who thinks they can remove those stars - my stars - from the sky of my heart to take you from me without fighting until my last breath to protect you. not when i have a duty of love to you, and to you alone. not when you are mine to protect.’
you were drowning - pleasantly and happily, gasping for air as obi-wan smothered you in all that was him. the sobs that his words had elicited bubbled up and spilled from your pretty, petal-soft lips.
‘oh, obi-wan-’
another kiss was pressed fervently, devotedly, adoringly to your lips. another tear slipped from your closed eyes. another storm of obi-wan’s warmth lapped at your very being like waves along a ragged shore line. another moment when all you could think about was how utterly lucky you were to have this jedi - your jedi - by your side amongst the mess that was the senate and a galaxy on the brink of war.
‘my saber is yours, darling,’ obi-wan murmured, his words barely more than a whisper as they coaxed your eyes open - your gaze fluttering softly into focus only to meet his once more. ‘its protection is yours. my protection is yours. until the universe itself collapses.’
grasping obi-wan’s lightsaber tightly as to make sure you didn’t accidentally ignite its blue blade, you threw your arms around obi-wan’s neck and buried your face into the soft skin and warm linens there. the pearls, on their strings of rough-spun sunlight, bunched against the delicate hollows of your exposed shoulders as you pressed yourself lovingly into your jedi.
a soft chuckle rumbled in obi-wan’s chest, a smile growing on his lips as he buried himself likewise into your embrace.
‘oh, obi-wan, what would i ever do without you?’
burying his face deeper into your shoulder and with his beard tickling your neck alongside the pearls of his affections, he replied with such soft sarcasm it made your heart ache and soar with joy. ‘worry entirely too much for your own good, i’ m sure.’
the sounds of your light giggles entwined themselves like delicate chords amongst the soft tenor of obi-wan's own laughter as the two of you pulled out of the embrace ever so slightly to match each other’s gaze once more.
obi-wan removed the lightsaber from your grasp then, and put it back in its place upon the clip on his belt, before resting his hand on the back of your head, gently rubbing soothing circles into the loose, unstyled roots of the hair there.
‘ah, there she is. my angel. my senator,’ obi-wan mused warmly, as though he were speaking his thoughts of pure adoration aloud without noticing the reverence which he spoke into being with those kind words of his that fell like honeyed ichor from his tongue.
‘oh, hush,’ you murmured teasingly, raising a hand to hold obi-wan’s wonderfully whiskered cheek, and watched in awe of your love as he leaned into your touch - golden eyelashes catching the last of the fading afternoon light as they fluttered to kiss his cheek like you had so many times before. ‘you mustn't let the temple hear you speak such words of affection, my love. they’ll throw you to the far corners of the galaxy and i’ll never seen you again.’
‘oh, i’d find my way back to you, darling,’ obi-wan chuckled, eyelashes fluttering open and revealing those beautiful cloud grey irises of his that you loved so dearly. they caressed your form, the curve of your rouge-painted cheek, the suppleness of your lips like a second pair of hands, taking you in and loving you in all the softest places of you that he had committed to memory. ‘it would take quite the toss if the council thinks i wouldn’t come back and find you in a heartbeat.’
and there was the warmth of his love, pressing itself in the form of a kiss against the crown of your head - where a delicate string of pearls was woven into your curls- and a delicate, swooping thumb on your cheek.
his voice was gentle as he said, ‘now, what do you say we go show the rest of the senate the absolute radiant beauty you are this evening, hmm?’
a heated blush crept its way up your neck and across the bridge of your nose and cheeks at his words. ‘i would hardly call myself radiant,’ you laughed, gaze dipping from his bashfully.
‘oh, but you are pure starshine this evening, my darling,’ obi-wan replied, arms snaking around your waist to press you into him, before lifting a hand to tuck a curl behind your ear, his gaze catching fondly on the gift he had retrieved for you - the pearl of his heart, the star of his sky - from that watery planet all those moons ago. the pride and joy he found in you seemed to radiate from him as his compliments kissed your ears and replaced the very air in the room with your joy at being so loved, so adored by your jedi. ‘you are so far beyond beautiful, my darling. and i am beyond grateful that the force led me to you, to being your protector, the one who gets to be by your side through everything.’
‘oh, obi,’ you sighed, throwing your arms around his neck and slanting your lips deeply against his own - the softness of you meeting the sweet roughness of him. ‘i would have no one else by my side. only you.’
oh, how i love you, my angel.
the words rumbled deep within your mind, enveloping your senses in the sweet, rain-scented warmth of him and his love, causing your heart to rise to meet the ghost of his pounding alongside yours through the force. you reveled in the feel of his hands, gentle in their grasp on you and strong in all else, against your waist as he pulled you to him for yet another dizzying kiss.
and you knew, in that moment when his soft lips intertwined with yours for what you wished was eternity, he would protect you till the breath that fanned against your face in your heated convocation ceased.
me and my lightsaber are yours, for all of eternity.
for always and always, my darling.
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star wars taglist - @milk-of-poppies @generalfoolish @scarletsoldierrr
obi-wan kenobi taglist - @obihoekenobi @kyber-crystal @milk-of-poppies @generalfoolish @scarletsoldierrr @karasong (@hellotherekenobi)
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tuiyla · 3 years
10 years of Rumour Has It/Someone Like You: Glee's musical storytelling
Today Yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of "Mash Off's" airing and therefore the anniversary of the Rumour Has It/Someone Like You performance. So for the occasion, I want to take a deeper look at this mashup, how the original songs are recontextualized, and why it's still iconic a decade later.
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10 years on
We all know Rumour Has It/Someone Like You, it's the show's highest-peaking mashup on the Billboard Hot 100 and a mainstay on "top Glee covers" lists. We know it and we love it, we remember it for the Troubletones' ponytails and for the way Naya Rivera shattered all our hearts. Even those who aren't the biggest fans or even think it's overrated can't deny how this 300th performance of Glee has ingrained itself in the show's legacy. So, regardless of whether you think this number is the best the show's ever done or not, I'd like to invite you to examine the why with me. Why is it this one that became such a hit? Why this Troubletones song over the others, why this Adele mashup, what is it that makes it stand out? Well, I'd argue it's not even so much as the song itself but the performance, as Rumour Has It/Someone Like You embodies that word in every way that makes Glee versions so great.
First, let’s set the scene for the number within the context of the episode it's in. The main focus of the “Mash Off” episode is the rivalry between the two glee clubs: the newly formed Troubletones and our eternal underdogs, the New Directions. As things and the myriad of storylines crammed into these first few episodes of season 3 escalate, we get the two groups fighting on several frontlines, be that dodgeball or the mashups that they both perform. The most important and consequential battle being fought here is that of Finn and Santana as their rivalry keeps getting uglier and more personal and resulting in a public outing, made worse by Glee’s heightened reality and storylines intersecting in the weirdest of ways. So, when Santana runs down the hallway sobbing and the drums begin echoing to the beat of her steps, we know what the stakes have become. This isn’t just about show choir rivalry anymore or two stupid kids constantly one-upping each other; this is about tension. Tension between the clubs and between Finn and Santana, yes, but it’s now much more than that. The tension of Santana’s arc about her sexuality, beautifully portrayed in season 2, coming to such an abrupt milestone. That tension falls on the shoulders of the Troubletones and this one performance as the episode draws to its last few minutes and those drums begin to play.
And look, while I do think the context is important and I’ll continue to talk about Santana’s arc in all of this, let’s make it clear now that this analysis is not about the infamous outing scene that came earlier in the episode, or the slap heard around the world, or even the overall situation of Finn and Santana in these couple of episodes. Partly because that’s a whole other story and partly because I feel like focusing on all of that would take away from the significance of the Rumour Has It performance. Why? Because I think this number exists on a different level than the show’s writing, on a level that allows for different perspectives to be in focus. There’s much to be said about this whole storyline and how it’s handled pre- and post-Rumour Has It but for this post, let’s just look at how this one performance tells a story and does so compellingly.
Choose the songs...
Let me just start off by saying that giving the Troubletones, who are essentially a vehicle for the power duo Sancedes an Adele mashup is the perfect choice. We’ve had a few Adele numbers before and there are a few more covered in later seasons but this is the only instance of either Mercedes or Santana singing her songs. And they’re just perfect, aren’t they? With Mercedes’s all-encompassingly powerful voice and the emotion Santana brings every single time, I can’t think of two singers who’d be more fitting to channel Adele’s R&B and jazzy vibe. The two of them singing one - or rather, two - of her songs was meant to be.
On top of using two songs by the same artist, just as the New Directions also did with their Hall & Oates mashup, it’s two songs that shouldn’t, at first glance, be combined. The overwhelming sadness of Someone Like You’s lyrics combined with the much more upbeat Rumour Has It chorus is already an interesting choice but when you consider just how highly these two contrast, somehow it just makes that much more sense to mash them up. It’s a jarring and attention-demanding combination of two songs that Adele herself has stated are lyrical opposites. Speaking to MTV about Someone Like You, she said:
“Well, I wrote that song because I was exhausted from being such a bitch, with 'Rolling in the Deep' or 'Rumour Has It'”
Adele here is referring to the “kiss-off” nature of those two songs, with Someone Like You being more heartfelt, more honest about this sense of loss. Translating this into the Glee cover version, we get the juxtaposition of the “I’m the one in charge here” feeling of Rumour Has It with the more vulnerable heartbreak of Someone Like You. It’s still jarring and I very much think it’s meant to be, since that is what makes it work in the context of the actual episode and scene playing out. Why, exactly because of that tension I talked about.
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...and give them to the right characters
Neither of the songs fit perfectly well thematically because, well, this is Glee and the lyrics are never going to be an exact mirror of what’s happening in the show. What matters is that they capture the overall feeling of tension and the context of Santana’s journey. Yes, the use of Rumour Has It has a very surface-level reading that there literally is a rumour going around about Santana at this point in the story. And I even quite like that surface-level look at it because watching Santana emerge from the shadows as the Troubletones are all singing “rumour has it” is already emotional, after the scene we just witnessed in Sue’s office. But like I said, there’s also this “gotcha” feeling to Rumour Has It as a song, that triumph over someone, which is how Santana’s been acting ever since she joined the Troubletones. Even Adele said this song had a bitchy feel to it and what is Santana in the storyline leading up to this performance if not just that. Cocky and going way too far, only to be brought back down in such a horrible way.
It feels fitting, then, for Santana not to take those parts of the mashup. Instead, it’s mainly Mercedes and the rest of the Troubletones with Brittany leading the chorus of Rumour Has It. Santana, on the other hand, gets to have the heartbroken part, the Someone Like You bits as she pierces her way into the Rumour Has It song with her desperate cry of “don’t forget me, I beg.” Yes, she gets a verse of Rumour Has It on the studio version and even the episode version has Mercedes sing a bit of Someone Like You, but for the most part, this is a mashup divided into two and yet still coming together to tell one story.
But let’s back up for a second and go through the actual performance itself. So Santana just found out that she’s going to be outed as a lesbian on state television. Sobbing and running down the hallway, drums, we’ve been through that. When the song begins, the camera is basically avoiding her. We get several shots of Mercedes, who takes the lead in the song, shots of Brittany and even Sugar and the other Troubletones. As for Santana? We do see her in long shots, as part of the overall group, but she’s not in focus, she’s not lit, she doesn’t get a closeup. Instead, as Mercedes finishes the first verse, she’s the one to pause and look at Santana.
The pause and acting through song
Now, indulge me and let me dwell on this for a second because it might just be my favourite part of the performance. Because you see, this is a proper pause. On the studio version and Adele’s original Rumour Has It song, this space between the first verse and the pre-chorus only exists insofar as that last note of “want” does. In the episode version? It’s a full four seconds. And I know, I know, four seconds of a 45-minute episode, so what. The “so what” is that Glee never stops. It runs headfirst into the next plotpoint and the next musical number they can sell on iTunes, into whatever needs to happen. After all, the show’s gotta go all over the place or something. Not here, though; here, we do take those four seconds to stop and look at Santana. We look at her from Mercedes’s perspective as the two exchange worried looks, almost as if Mercedes is asking her “is that really what you want?” Do you really want to sing right now as your world is crumbling? It’s a small moment but even the fact that it was allowed to exist in this four-second timeframe in such a hectic show, in a run of episodes that are so breakneck speed and that it centers these two characters who oppose the protagonists at this time in the story... Well. I think that’s worth pointing out.
Because the show really does must go on even as Santana’s world is crumbling around her. After all, songs have been Santana's way of expressing all that vulnerability she's been hiding for so long and this point in the story might just be her most vulnerable moment. So, Mercedes takes that moment and continues absolutely killing Rumour Has It. Something’s changed, though: the camera is more aware of Santana now, she feels more like a part of the song and we feel her presence more and more every second. And as the chorus kicks in, she takes center stage - both literally and figuratively in this performance that conveys the tension of her story. She walks through the Troubletones singing “rumour has it” and emerges with an unforgettable rendition of Someone Like You. As I’ve said before, she pierces through this chorus with a lyrically opposing song, demanding to be seen and begging the audience to hear her out, hear her pain. And now we get those close-ups, now the lights change and the Troubletones back her, supporting her as she sings the heartbreak of Someone Like You. She gets the literal spotlight that the narrative otherwise often deprives her of, including in the very next episode.
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When she turns around and glances at Brittany, we understand what this performance is about for her. Not what Finn has thrown at her in the hallway, that Brittany might not love her back and her “dreams will come true” without Santana. It’s not about lost love and coming to terms with that as Adele first intended. By singing Someone Like You, Santana expresses a different kind of deep sadness: she takes the same emotion, the same grief-like admissions and as Naya Rivera acts her heart out, we understand that it’s about fear. Not cowardice, as Finn said, but an overwhelming fear of what the future holds for her and for her relationship with Brittany as a secret she’s been so terrified of is now out there in the world. Not so much lost love as the fear of losing the love she has just found, of the repercussions.
Musical storytelling
In a way, yes, Finn really did tap into the fear Santana has but the way I see it, Rumour Has It/Someone Like You reinforces that she does have things to be worried about but it’s not that Brittany might not love her. Just look at them stealing glances at each other, at Brittany and Mercedes supporting Santana as she sings. The things Santana fears eventually come true and this performance, while being a bop and mesmerizing to watch, builds that tension and sense of dread. Because here’s another thing: just the fact that Santana gets through the song and does her parts, does them so wonderfully is a testament to how strong she truly is. The show really does must go on and the Troubletones don’t just get through it but absolutely slay the mashup. As the Rolling Stone’s review of the episode put it, the Troubletones capture both sass and sadness, the two main vibes of the individual songs. And by capturing that duality they translate the tension into an amazing performance.
The tension of Rumour Has It/Someone Like You is in knowing the context, yes, but also purely the performance itself. The pause, the combination of songs, the acting, the way we feel this sense of dread as Santana goes through a whole mental journey before finally snapping when she sees Finn whisper into Rachel's ear. Simply put, it’s cathartic but still leaves us wanting more. And in that sense, there’s a retroactive significance to this number as well. I’ve emphasized how Santana starts out decentered, almost as if Mercedes first takes the lead to give her space and then even the pause allows for Santana’s pain to exist in its own space. When Santana does take centre stage it’s because she literally walks in there, because she makes the choice to. It’s very much a performance that focuses on her and how the Troubletones support her.
Hindsight is bittersweet
Billboard’s review of the "Mash Off" episode lamented how the amping up of Santana’s meanness might take away from the gravity of her current situation. Shift sympathy away from her when she needs it the most, in a way. And though I’d argue, and I have been arguing that Rumour Has It does do Santana justice and that’s what makes it so special, it’s also frankly just sad to read the last sentence of that Billboard review, knowing what we know now about how Glee continued with this storyline.
“We can only hope in the next episode that the reality of her situation shapes up and takes true center stage.”
And, well. That decidedly did not happen. I’ve said that Rumour Has It exists on a different level than the show’s writing and I stand by that. While the episode "Mash Off "does a good job as a standalone and prepares for an emotional storyline, the following episode "I Kissed a Girl" doesn’t follow through - to put it very, very mildly. Instead, it’s in this Troubletones number that we find Santana’s story. It tells the story of her coming out, at least all the anxiety and fear and tension surrounding it much better than her actual so-called "coming out episode" does. And is it really any wonder that a musical number became so impactful? This is what happens when various different aspects of production - once again, acting, choreo, cinematography, music - come together to create something special.
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Sometimes I feel like Glee’s greatest moments happened despite itself, despite the horrible inconsistencies and sloppy resolutions. At its best, it was a show that used its musical performances to enhance the emotional impact of its story and, more importantly, give a different kind of space to its characters. So there is a sense of sadness, to me, when I look back on this performance and realize that the tension this number so beautifully builds was wasted in the following episode. But like I said, Rumour Has It/Someone Like You holds weight on its own as it does tell a story. And it feels so good to see so many different things coming together to make for one memorable and iconic Troubletones moment. One that, perhaps above all, allowed Santana to express things through music, when words just weren’t enough.
cue the intro to Mine
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years
Sonic & Tails R: A Love Letter To Miles Tails Prower’s Characterization
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     Warning: This will contain massive spoilers for the short radio play series of Sonic & Tails R. If you haven’t listened to the radio play yet on Youtube, I’d highly recommend any hardcore Sonic fan who hasn’t seen it check it out. It’s one Hell of a treat.
     For as far back as I can remember in my childhood, Tails’ story of trying to step outta Sonic’s shadow has been such a resonating one for myself. Even when I was a much younger kid playing my Dreamcast, during entries like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, there was some idea lingering about why Tails just stood out more emotionally in his journey to grow beyond depending on Sonic all the time for help. Now here I am a young adult in my late twenties having such a deeper appreciation of this little two tailed genius kiddo because he’s got an important element that’s made him so beloved for good reason.
     In spite of his genius being a rival to that of Eggman’s high IQ and of course proving to surpass it plenty of times when scenarios boil down to being a high stakes battle, Miles Tails Prower beneath it all is still just like any one of us. We’re all trying to find our place in this world about what defines us for who we are as unique people. He wants to be more than just seen as someone who’s alongside Sonic The Hedgehog’s never say die attitude, but prove he’s plenty capable of standing on his own two feet to protect everything the kid holds dear to himself. Underdog stories, when they’re naturally executed very well, can reel me in so easily. They are very much my bread & butter trope I adore seeing.
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     To no one’s surprise, the two Sonic Adventure’s iterations portrayal of Tails’ characterization are hands down some of my favorite writing for the two tailed fox, regarding what the 3D era has done toward him, development wise. It gave him more of an existential struggle to endure like, “What happens when Sonic isn’t around to help stop Eggman? What if I’m not strong enough to accomplish what he can?”, making Tails plight to be seen as an equal all the more endearing when stopping Eggman in his climatic battle against the Egg Walker in Station Square. This here is a great use of a timeless lesson you can apply in life that if you set you heart and mind on anything, there isn’t a thing you can’t accomplish on your own, which is why many fell in love with Sonic Adventure 1 & 2′s writing for Miles Tails Prower’s journey of independence.
     As someone who comes from a large family tree of relatives, I feel the weight of my existence on my shoulders at a number of points more than I’d care to count, admittedly. Seeing Tails struggle with his sense of purpose, in contrast to observing how much Sonic has accomplished with his carefree, yet deeply compassionate attitude, means the world to me in watching another trying to comprehend their value as a whole on how much they matter, overall. This is a big part of why my fondness for SA1 & 2′s quality has never wavered over these years, besides still obviously enjoying most of their game play mechanics. People can try to debate to their heart’s content on whether the Adventure games still hold up in their own eyes, but I’ll always respect them for how they tried to develop certain characters, such as Tails, Gamma, and Shadow The Hedgehog notably, to attempt expanding upon their characters, as well as world building.
     I won’t bother going into a rant about how Sonic’s recent 3D games have butchered Tails’ personality & relatable nature, due to the current writers in charge of handling the cast of characters. More or less, I greatly empathize toward the notion many have already stated about Tails being so cowardly and God forbid, looking at Lost World, downright severely mean spirited. Rather, I’m obviously writing this lengthy post to breakdown why Sonic & Tails R succeeds, where these certain 3D games have greatly faltered in exploring Tails’ emotional dilemmas as an insecure, yet still having the courage to prove himself, talented boy full of hidden potential he doesn’t quite realize, until his back is against the wall in life threatening situations.
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“That day, I realized I couldn’t depend on you forever. Not that I can’t depend on you, but like, “What happens when Sonic isn’t here?”, you know?”
     Sonic & Tails R further delves into this fundamental rule of what has defined Tails in Sonic Adventure 1 & 2′s stories of events where Sonic wasn’t there to aid his best bud in taking down Eggman’s evil efforts for global domination, most importantly his fear of defending the Earth without his role model. Besides what I already stated in SA1′s events in Station where he stopped the Egg Walker, as well as the missile Eggman launched from detonating before their climatic battle, Tails watched Sonic blow up in ARK’s capsule presuming him to be dead after Sonic imparted how much faith he has in the kid’s abilities to be truly strong in the face of any foe. Sonic & Tails R manages to use fan service in a way that doesn’t feel like “pandering” for the sake of it, using this past canon material to do more of an in-depth study about Miles’ anxieties of existing without Sonic.
     Wouldn’t put it past them if EmuEmi & crew were using SA2′s Sonic death fake out scene in that space capsule to further add trauma to Tails’ psychological attachment to Sonic, as well as his insecurities of depending on him too much, to boot. While it’s never obviously outright stated in their radio play, I definitely believe they were factoring this element into adding dramatic exploration for why Tails is so self-conscious about the worst case scenario of permanently losing Sonic. Watching Sonic supposedly die put Tails into a deeper state of self-reflection, so I very much enjoyed how they went using these past events to create a thorough exploration about him learning just as it’s important to realize you need to stand up for yourself without using someone else as a crutch all the time, it’s doubly important to remember there’s nothing wrong about asking someone for help when you’re about to be down and out with little options left.
     Sonic & Tails R beautifully builds upon the foundation these two games’ stories left behind years ago, creating new damn great material to explore with the most iconic characters of this cast, Sonic & Tails brotherly dynamic. I’ve been praising Sonic & Tails R out the wazoo for how well it captured Tails underdog story of overcoming death defying odds, but it managed to remind me how simply adorable and outright wonderfully endearing their brotherly chemistry is as a whole. This is a big friendly reminder Sonic isn’t all about being cocky wise cracking character making meta jokes left and right, but he can be plenty capable of showing serious compassion to anyone he values as an ally and friend. This is no greater evident, than with him verbally lifting Tails up in his time of need when he’s self-depreciating his own significance. It can be seen in Episodes 2, 4, and 7 giving Tails motivational pieces of advice.
    Episode 2 In Adabat’s Cavern
-Sonic: Wasn’t it your radar that helped us find these Emerald shards in the first place? How could you be slowing us down when you’ve gotten us this far?
-Tails: But, I...
-Sonic: I could never make something like that. You’re the smartest person I know, Tails. One way or another, we’ll figure this out, count on it.
         Episode 4 In Holoska After Helping Silver Save The Chao
-Sonic: So, what was that back there? At the cave, in Adabat? -Tails: What do you mean? -Sonic: Frozen stiff. Confidence shot. It’s not like you. It was more than feeling like you were “slowing us down”, right?
        Episode 7 Inside The Egg Carrier 3
-Sonic: Let’s split up! I’ll distract them and you can go after the energy source. -Tails: You’re gonna take them on all by yourself!? Let me help, Sonic! -Sonic: No time for this, Tails. Stop overthinking and just go! If I can get their attention, I’ll take the heat off of you and that room you’re going to probably won’t have any security. Take this emerald and I’ll take the other one we have. It’ll lead me right to you after I beat these guys. -Tails: O-Okay... -Sonic: Hold on, Tails! Listen to me. Don’t stop moving and be careful. I’ll be fine and so will you!
     Sonic & Tails R remembers the most crucial detail of their important relationship. One isn’t better than the other and needing to always rely upon that notion for helping one outta a jam, but instead showcases how they’re equals as a team/bros. Sonic may be super fast and strong, however Tails has his intelligence to analyze situations in a different angle Sonic wouldn’t necessarily consider, per say. Which isn’t to say Tails couldn’t put up a fight either, as we’ve seen in SA1 & SA2′s stories where he faced Eggman one on one with no outside help to best him at his own game of wits & strength.
     We get see the apex of this idea through Tails facing Eggman in his super improved mecha walker. Although Tails may get thrown for a loop here at first by Eggman, it’s his villainous speech about winners and losers in their world that ironically does the exact opposite of what he intended. Eggman wanted to crush Tails’ sense of self worth before finishing him off, but all it did was reignite the very lesson Sonic told him earlier before running to distract Eggman’s robotic minions. That said lesson of he’s more than capable of facing dangerous threats
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-Eggman: Poor boy. We all have to learn this lesson, sooner or later. In every game there’s no one you can depend on. You’re all alone and you’re either a winner, or a loser. And as you know, loser’s lose all of their lives. Say goodbye, fox!
-Tails: You’re wrong! I can depend Sonic! I won’t let him down! I can’t because...Because he’s depending on me! And because of that I won’t lose to you!
     This radio play strikes a good balance in utilizing the grey moral area about depending on someone vs it being an unhealthy display of attachment derived from serious insecurity. Word’s can’t begin to describe how much I loved this moment to pieces because it’s oh so important for writing Tails’ characterization. If you’re going to tackle him being super self conscious about his reliance on Sonic, then you gotta remember why they are so close to one another to begin with. Sonic & Tails have an unbreakable connection, considering they’ve brought out their best qualities in themselves from being together as individuals. For Sonic, it’s his older brother compassion to Tails to bring him outta feeling melancholy. For Tails, the kid finally understands there isn’t anything wrong with depending on Sonic when he needs it most.
     After all, that’s what a real healthy friendship is all about. Whether you’re giving someone a dose of tough love, or simply a piece of motivational advice, it defines how much you truly care about someone, period. Sonic & Tails have this very same power from their bond, which is why new emeralds form from their compassionate friendship that hasn’t been shaken after all the years they’ve been together. Another detail worth noting is it adds to the lore in an impactful manner when Tikal expresses in Episode 8 about positive connections and thoughts from users of the Chaos Emeralds having a strong will & heart. Using the ideas they had for encapsulating Sonic & Tails’ dynamic to create new emeralds from their love for each other as brothers adds an emotional weight.
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“So, Sonic’s not the only one who harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds? I can too!?”
“Yes, you have a strong heart! There is a power waiting to be unlocked within you, as well.”
          I’d always daydreamed about in my childhood seeing Super Sonic & Tails take down a threatening villain, whether it was Eggman or different powerful creature such as Chaos or the Biolizard. You can imagine how fucking giddy I was beyond belief to see this artwork of Episode 9′s cover for the radio play. Tails not only got to have another one on one with Eggman, but a team up with Super Sonic in his own respective Super form? Sign me the Hell up! Talk about an all you eat buffet of good writing for Tails’ journey reaching its climax. Getting to hear this play out, alongside the amazing song of Fly With Me, made it authentically feel like something straight outta if there were an installment of Sonic Adventure 3 being brought into reality, which certainly feels like it now.
     Episode 9 has so much awesome stuff with Sonic & Tails working together in their super forms. Particularly, my favorite scene is at the beginning when Sonic teaches Tails how to navigate his newly acquired speed in his respective Super form. My heart melted hearing Sonic help Tails through it all, while he was overjoyed about how fun this new form is for himself. Wholesome Sonic & Tails content is the perfect daily serotonin for me, easily. It’s an awesome fun fact to know they used a scrapped boss from Tails Tornado segment in SA1 for Eggman’s flying dragon three headed robot in their big final battle, once again using old canon material in a very effective manner to boost the quality of their fan made story.
     It’s been a real thrill to hear Mike Pollock play a straight forward serious Eggman making my day in more ways than one, considering that’s another thing I’ve been yearning for desperately besides Tails being a competent character again. His performance in Episode 9 when Eggman gave that speech about how long he’s been at odds with Sonic & Tails stubborn will power was simply excellent. The moment he told his mechanical dragon to crush them I got serious chills. That’s the Eggman I remember and grew up with. He could be a hammy villain sure, but Eggman wasn’t a doormat that could be swiftly beaten. Robotnik can be considered a serious threat in his own right and this radio play nailed it down to the very letter with how much he predicted their actions.
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“Sonic, all I ever wanted to do was be like you. You’re not scared of anyone or anything. I could never be like that. At least, so I thought. I grew from that, but then I got so caught up in trying to prove it that thought it wasn’t okay to depend upon anyone, especially you. I just didn’t want to be that scared little kid in Station Square anymore, but now I understand. It’s okay to depend on your friends. It all means is that we’re stronger together, so the next time Eggman comes back and wants to start any trouble with you, or any of my friends. Emeralds or no emeralds, he’s gonna have to get past me and he won’t!”
Sonic By Episode 1′s End: Aww, yeah! Adventure, here we come!
Tails By Episode 10′s End: Aww, yeah! Adventure, here I come!
Turn your thoughts into power. Be all that you can be.
     The ending legit got me choked up because what of they decided to do for wrapping up Tails journey in a poetic fashion. Having Tails go off on his own separate journey to grow more independence pulled on my heart strings perfectly. Very much so, as I’m transitioning slowly, but surely, into gaining more freedom to go out into the outside world in my own life. Concluding the story, by Sonic & Tails holding onto the two Emeralds their bond had formed from positive energy, due to their powerful friendship, was so heartwarming. This is how you write an overview of what makes Sonic & Tails chemistry work so well as it does.
     Sonic & Tails R’s ending represents while some things never change, like Sonic and Tails bond for each other, it also shows there’s very much a necessity for people to grow, hence Tails’ whole solo journey in the epilogue. People can’t stay in the same place forever and will need go about finding their own path, even if it means saying “goodbye” periodically for a notable amount of time.
     It’s for these reasons I’ve listed in great explanation above throughout this detailed post cement Sonic & Tails R high on my list of favorite Sonic fan projects. They captured the magic of what made the Adventure games so beloved. Gonna be looking back on this passion project for many years to come. Everyone involved in this year long effort of a project dating all the way back Summer of 2020 ought to be immensely proud for how much their hard efforts paid off in the long run.
Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts here! 
Hope you enjoyed. 
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 5- Be Wary Of Old Friends
Summary: Your boys may annoy you at times but you’ll protect them with your life, especially when an unexpected acquaintance makes themselves know.
Warning: monster hunting ensues, reader goes a little feral, a bard in danger
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"Hey songbird!" You shout from across the small campsite to where Jaskier is, "You helping pack or are you going to finger that lute all day?" You add with an amused laugh as he throws you a half-hearted glare while you start to snicker at his almost grossed out face.
"Y/N, you are hilarious." Mutters the bard unenthusiastically as he places his prized lute in her travel case, suddenly you hear a stick snap to your left near the woods. Raising to your feet at the sudden noise, you sigh in relief once Geralt emerges from the forest.
"Ah, yes, there you are." Announces Jaskier as he gains Geralt's attention, "Your lady here has been harassing me for the past ten minutes that you've been out and about." He complains, Geralt turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
Scoffing you roll your eyes, "Oh please, I've been the only one doing anything helpful since you've miraculously disappeared, and Jask can't stop from fondling his lute in the meantime." Geralt's lips pull at the corners of his mouth as Jaskier lets out a gasp at your nonchalant explanation.
"I was not fondling anything Y/N! Maybe if I shoved a wooden stake through your chest you'd stop...uh, you'd stop....being mean to me...yeah." Exclaims Jaskier with a hand on his hip, lute strapped to his shoulder as Geralt looks from you to the bard. Oh, you are seriously enjoying this.
A smirk makes its way onto your face at his words, "I'd like to see you try, you pampered little princess." You sass with a raise of your eyebrow as he purses his lips together at your admittedly bland insult, you're just trying to rile him up for the fun of it.
"Maybe I can....be violent, you have yet to see what I can do with these hands." He boasts while Geralt packs a last bag onto Roach's back, doing his best to ignore yourself and Jaskier's back and forth comments.
"Oh right, besides gettin' it on with the ladies of the high court with those sneaky paws of yours...so we have to save your stupid ass when things go south." You chuckle while pulling on your cloak, Jaskier simply shakes his head at you as Geralt leads Roach over to where you're standing.
He gently nudges your arm affectionately, "Come on you two, time to go elsewhere before the sun goes down." Implores Geralt as he looks at your amused face, Roach letting out a snort of agreement.
Jaskier turns his head up towards the cloudy sky, "But it's not even seven in the morning yet." Protests the bard as you walk past him with a mischievous wink.
"You wanted to come remember. Get inspiration for your ballots and all the good shit." He shakes his head as a humored grin comes to his face, you got him there.
"Right. Right. You enjoy my company I know it." Calls after the bard while you continue up the woodland trail, trees and bushes to either side while he turns his attention back to Geralt, "I know it, she's fond of me I can just tell. Underneath all that mystery, satirical annoyance, unprecedented violent tendencies and whatnot. She thinks I'm interesting. Right?" Wonders Jaskier as Geralt leads Roach around him.
He glances at Jaskier for a moment to answer with a bit of wisdom, "Give it some time bard." He mutters, Jaskier jogs over to his side with a puzzled look upon his face implying that Geralt should continue, "It took me a while to gain her full trust and respect, she's just testing you Jask...it's in her nature or something of the like. It's how she shows her love, in her own way." The bard gives a thoughtful nod as he watches you walk down the trail.
"What do I have to do?" Wonders Jaskier with a shrug, "Kill a man with my bare hands...or..or perhaps I must tame a bear to juggle wild rabbit heads?" Inquirers Jaskier as he turns to look at you once again, his eyes going wide as he suddenly realizes you're nowhere to be found.
Jaskier nudges your Witcher who looks at him rather bored like, "Uh, Geralt...uh..wh-where has she gone. I don't happen to see Y/N anymore, I mean we haven't been walking that slow now have we?" He rambles nervously as his head turns from right to left and back down the trail again, "Geralt seriously, where the fuck did Y/N go....I'd really rather not have her scare me, again."
"Now watching you tame a bear..." Jaskier jumps while letting out a small yelp in surprise at the unexpected sound of your sly voice from behind him, "That would be interesting and very entertaining...but no, I just enjoy pushing your buttons cause let me be honest here, its too goddamn easy." Jaskier sends you a glare as you walk to his side while he tries to keep pace with you and Geralt.
"My gods Y/N you're such a...uh well...never mind it, I'm going to have to remind myself that you can hear incredibly well...and do," He points his fingers to your humored form, "That. Even traveling with you two for a whole year and all."
You slowly nod, a thoughtful expression on your face, "If I showed you what else I'm capable of, you'd probably shit yourself so don't fret, I'll save your eyes the horror." Jaskier glances at you with a wary doubtful look in his eyes as he hugs his lute closer in the cool morning breeze. Feeling his suspicious gaze upon you, a low chuckle escapes from your lips that sends mist into the crisp air like a dragon about to spit fire.
"Oh thanks I feel so much better now." Replies Jaskier, sarcasm dripping off of every word.
After a solid week of traveling through woodland trails, over bridges, and past rows of plowed fields. Your band of merry adventurers has made it to a small lakeside village overlooking magnificent mountains that tower high into the sky, ones that reflect beautifully off of the shimmering crystal blue lake below.
When you make it to the stables, the sky has turned into an exquisite mix of fiery oranges, reds, and purples that paint the sky and some of her wispy clouds overhead. A cool but refreshing breeze blows in your faces as it makes your cloaks flap in the wind with every new gust.
Once Roach has been fed and watered in her comfortable new temporary stall for the night, you and Geralt make your way to the only tavern in the village where Jaskier can be heard singing loudly his newest ballot. Something about how you and Geralt fought bravely back a pack of fierce shapeshifters on one hunt. The songs almost truthful, the exception being that the shapeshifters were actually old friends of Jaskier's who were pissed off cause he owed them money. In the end, they didn't get any money, mostly because they're not currently alive anymore to need it.
"I was hoping for a quiet evening, we could just drink our fill and then sleep in an actual bed for once....no one to bother us." Admits Geralt as he opens up the wooden door for you to walk inside the warm welcoming tavern.
Turning your face to look up at him you let out a yawn hidden behind your arm, "No one to bother us sounds very enticing." You muse while turning your attention back to the bustling tavern life.
The place is lit up with candles positioned at each table, a roaring fire casts shadows over the room from its prison in the hearth as you find an empty corner just perfect for yourself and Geralt. Taking the lead you walk past a couple drunken tavern goers on your way to the quiet corner of the place. Almost hidden from Jaskier's very loud singing that's taking place by the fire where a significant amount of women are sat, listening intently as they practically undress him with their eyes.
Sliding into the corner first, you lean yourself against the wall as Geralt sits down next to you, your legs touching even though there's enough room that you wouldn't have to be so close. You can tell how much he's been holding back since Jaskier has been around to ruin most of the fun.
Letting out a satisfied sigh as you close your eyes, your ears listen to the sounds of a woman's footsteps approaching your table, "Welcome travelers I'm Misha, what'll it be this even'n?" Announces a peppy teenager through a peculiar accent as she looks between the two of you with big curious brown eyes.
"Two ale's and whatever's on the menu for tonight." Mutters Geralt as you open your scarlet irises while holding your tired head up with the palm of your hand, a lazy smile painted onto your face. Her own eyes widen for a brief moment before she regains her bearings once again, flashing a nervous smile a she abruptly turns on her heel for the kitchens.
Looking over to the lively sight of the singing bard you smile, "Wonder who's going to keep Jask warm tonight, huh?" You chuckle as Geralt turns an amused smirk towards you while you shift your eyes back to the singing bard.
Geralt nudges his shoulder against yours, "Could be that blonde one in green or maybe the redhead to his left?" You find the ladies that he's referring to and watch as Jaskier gives the she-fox a charming wink.
Turning your attention back to Geralt, he looks down at you with a raise of his brow, "Oh it's definitely the redhead, she's already caught his eye so we needn't concern ourselves with him till morning, if all goes well for him that is." You muse as the tavern maid sets two ale's in front of you, a shy smile gracing her young face as she leaves.
Grasping your mug you take a hearty much needed chug before slamming it onto the table and wiping off your mouth, "Oh fuck yeah I've missed what real ale tastes like." You breath out happily as Geralt lightly sets his half empty mug onto the wooden table while you take another sip.
"It's not half bad." He admits with a shrug as you lean into his side.
You're about to comment on how lackluster his review was when your crimson eyes light up at the large single plate of trout and various steaming greens coming your way, "Ah yes our foods here."
After eating your meal and finishing off your glasses while forcing yourselves to listen to Jaskier's ballots that you've heard over a hundred times. You and Geralt get up and head to the bar for a key to a room upstairs. You watch as Jaskier disappears into a room with the redhead from earlier as you turn to face the young woman at the bar.
"Room for two....please." She gives you a quick nod before searching a drawer for the key to a room. Once she finds them you're able to take the rusted old key and walk over to the stairway as Geralt silently follows. The climb up is a short one, your quest taking you both to the end of the dimly lit hallway until you finally reach your room.
Stepping inside you look around the place and notice a small window, a decently large bed, and a fireplace next to it. The room isn't terrible if you're being honest and the bed looks incredibly inviting after sleeping on the ground for almost a month. Your face shifting into a pleasant grin as you drop your belongings and weapon onto the ground.
"Nice place." You add while turning around to give Geralt a knowing smirk, his face breaking out into a grin at your silent implications, "Guess we better test out the bed.." His golden eyes trail up your body as you continue, "make sure it's soft enough and..." You don't have time to finish as Geralt's soft lips have entrapped you into a heated embrace, his calloused hands snaking around you as yours does the same.
He gently leads you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed, your lips still locked with one another the whole time, even while he tenderly lays you onto your back. The mattress is soft and inviting as Geralt climbs over you, never once breaking the kiss to your great satisfaction.
Walking over to a table, three drinks in one hand and a plate of fresh bread and butter in the other. You watch in amusement at the morning faces of your Witcher and bard who look like they desperately need something to wake them up with.
"So Jask how was the redhead last night, was she all you'd dreamed of...did she fulfill every last perverted wish of yours?" You jest with a smirk as you set the drinks and plate of food onto the table, setting yourself down next to Geralt.
Jaskier shakes his head as a bashful smile appears onto his lips, "It was...very pleasant and uh...that's all the information I'll let you have." He retorts while taking a sip from one of the provided cups in an attempt at hiding behind the glass. Honestly you're kinda glad he has decided against spilling any private details, something he usually does much to yours and Geralt's disgust.
Geralt hums before adding in his two cents, "No one can quite resist your charms no matter where we seem to go." He deadpans while breaking off a warm piece of bread that he kindly hands to you before reaching over to break off a new chunk for himself.
Jaskier looks down with an almost shy smile before taking another sip, "Well, I try not to pride myself or anything, it's just a talent you see...which of course my voice and handiwork with my lute helps, also having you two as friends seems to peak some interest in the ladies now since I think of it." He replies as he stuffs a fluffy piece of bread into his mouth.
"Glad we could help then." You add with a cheerful raise of your mug before downing the rest of the liquid. The three of you taking a couple blissful minutes of peace to eat and wake up.
Glancing around the room you watch for any new tavern goers who may spark your interest as you suddenly decide to get on with your morning, "I'm going to pay, you two want anything while I'm up?"
"Um yeah, Valdo Marx's head on a shiny platter...that's all." Quips Jaskier with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.
"I'll see what I can do." You reply before turning around and walking over to the bar where the young brown eyed woman is tending to a customer.
Leaning your arms against the shiny wood of the counter you nod to the old man next to you who gives a cautious glare as you turn your head to the bartender, "Misha, right? Here's the coin for the room and the food. We'll be off soon enough."
She turns to you with a frown, "Just one night? That's too bad, we've actually been havin' some troubles 'round here recently and it would be wonderful if you and that Witcher could possibly help..."
"Will you shut it girl, we don't need no outsiders knowing of our business," Snaps the man from earlier as he sneers at her, "We got men handling it just fine." He adds with a gruff nod, his cold steely eyes intimidating to the innocent tavern maid.
Her once happy face goes sad as unshed tears form in her shimmering doe eyes while she ignores the grump, "Twenty are already dead miss, my poor brother included..."
"Shut your fucking mou.."
"If you interrupt her again I'll cut off your tongue and shove it up your ass." You threaten as your eyes glow bright red, the old greying man abruptly goes silent at your heated warning as you turn your cooler demeanor back to the young girl, "Tell me more about this...whatever the fuck that's slaughtering your village's men."
Her brows furrow in troubled thought as she looks back up to you, "Uh, they come back looking, well...mutilated, their throats practically torn out, their chests ripped open and their eyes gone, bodies pale as ghosts." A frightful expression flashes across her terrified face, "But it's not just the men.." She whispers while leaning her head in closer to yours, "The village women have gone missing, snatched from their beds in the middle of the night...never seen from again...no one knows who takes them but..."
"How long has this been going on for?" You quickly interrupt, wanting to find out if your growing suspicions are possibly correct.
"About five months now, it happens around the same time every month in fact, oh god...this night is when the beast usually strikes...", A single tear runs down the side of her face as she tries to control her trembling, "I don't want to be taken miss, but I must tell you....some have said that the creature walks like a man, is too swift to be truly seen, and can magically get into your house...no matter if its locked or not." Your eyebrows furrow in concern for the girl and this alarming news that's slowly starting to fit into place.
"You said tonight yes...hm alright, where have these bodies been found, I mean isn't there any tracks in the mud or sand, on trails?" Misha quickly shakes her head as the old man listens intently, thankfully minding his own.
Smirking at a new and appealing thought you find her wary eyes once again, "I've gotten an idea, would your village happen to have a carriage for long traveling, I think we may be able to lure the beast away from the village with the thing during the time that you claim it comes into town." She gives a hopeful smile as you return one just the same.
"Miss I can get that arranged for you in no time. Meet me by the stables, an hour before sunset and my father will have the carriage waiting....oh bless you, he'll be ever so grateful." She affirms happily with a beaming smile, though behind it all you can tell how truly terrified she really is. She hopes whatever plan you have works, you're hoping it will too.
Setting down your coin, she quickly takes it before tending to another tavern goer, but as you turn to leave the old man grasps your arm, "Do you really think its possible, that the man-beast can be killed?" He wonders in a hushed tone as he looks up with pleading eyes, they soon turn skeptical once again, "I don't believe a word anyone says until I see it with me own two eyes."
Removing his arm from your own you nod to him, "I'll gut the fucker and put its head on a spike, then you'll know for yourself." His face morphs into a troubled expression as you leave him doubting by the bar, your mind now set on how to handle the new problem hiding like a coward in the woods.
Walking to the stables with Geralt by your side and Jaskier on your tail, you casually touch the side of your hip, making certain that your silver dagger is still in its place.
"So what...or I guess whom do you presume this monster is again Y/N?" Questions the bard as he falls in step with you.
"I'll be one hundred percent certain once I actually see it, Jask. So until then, no more questions or I'll shove that pretty jacket of yours down your throat." You muse as he gives a curt nod.
"Yes alright, noted Y/N. Noted." Mutters Jaskier as Geralt holds back a laugh.
Once the three of you make it to the stables, you're pleasantly surprised to find a black two horsed carriage awaiting you along with Misha and her father who appears to be rather glad that someone is finally here to put an end to the deaths and mystery. She instructs you three to trek on the northern trail, where the pine forest is located, same area that the man-beast has made its hunting grounds, or so its claimed.
With that in mind you direct Geralt to take the reigns and for Jaskier to hold a silver sword as he keeps himself in the actual carriage, while you keep close by in the woods for a better view of the beast and where it may be coming from. Then just like that you're off and into the crisp night air as a full moon graces you all with its brightness upon the land, you fly through the great pine trees as you follow Geralt who's leading the horses down the wide woodland trail. Luckily the woods seem mostly vacant of bushes and greenery of the like, only tall bristly pines tower over the ground as they leave the woods shadowed from the rising moon.
"Geralt. Heyyyyyy Geeeeraltttt." Whines Jaskier from within the small carriage as Geralt holds tightly onto the leather reigns, a soft cool breeze blowing his silver hair back.
"What?" Grumbles the Witcher with a sigh, eyes set to the path ahead.
Jaskier leans back into the velvety cushions as he crosses his arms over his chest, "You think I could have a peek, you know...sit up there with you? I mean come on, I'm not seeing shit back here and I think.."
Letting out a huff in annoyance, the bard knocks onto the back of the wall where Geralt is leaned against on the other side, "Y/N doesn't have to know. I'll be as still as a statue and quieter then a dormouse...she'll never even know." Exclaims Jaskier has he pauses for a second to see if Geralt gives a shit, not getting anything he continues, "Come on, this man-beast or whoever the fuck can't be that horrendous now can it right? Those villagers could have been pulling her leg for all we know, what if its just a werewolf, I mean seriously it is a full moon after all. Perfect scenario, the stars are quit literally aligning....hellooooo its gotta be a werewolf."
"It left bodies and has taken multiple women, this is something else. So I advise you to shut the fuck up." Growls Geralt over the clip clopping of the horses hooves against the hardened ground. Jaskier wisely decides to keep silent and instead look out the tiny window as a way to distract himself. He watches as a sea of trees pass by, the occasional fern cluster rising from the roots, and a reddish brown blur that goes from tree to tree.
Squinting he realizes that this mystery blur is most definitely not just a figment of his imagination and quit possibly hunting them from the tree tops. He stares on in confused bewilderment as the man like thing jumps from one branch to the next in rapid succession, although he's only able to catch a prominent glimpse of it as the moonlight catches it when it jumps. The creature looks black in the white light of the full moon, a large healthy mane of reddish brown hair flying as it lunges from tree to tree. Still too fast to fully make out.
He blinks and a second later the creature is gone, Jaskier lets out a whispered "oh shit" as he shuts the tiny window and grasps the hilt of his silver sword while hastily knocking on the carriage wall, "Geralt I saw it, I fucking saw it...Y/N wasn't lying this thing is most definitely not a werewolf."
Geralt's brows furrow in confusion as he listens to what Jaskier is rambling on about, "What did it look like?"
"Like a fucking pale monkey man wearing black with red hair or something. I don't know it happened so fast...sorry I was too busy getting my prized jewels fondled by the lovely elven lady in this carriage to notice anything else." He sasses from the back as Geralt rolls his eyes, suddenly the carriage jostles from the rear like something has angrily rammed into it.
"That wasn't me." Squeaks out Jaskier with wide eyes as he firmly clutches his sword with both hands. A moment later something fast with sharp talons whips past Geralt's head from the right as it leaves a clean slice on his cheek, and then its gone again like it never even happened. He snaps his head in the direction of the creature, too late to catch a glimpse.
Eyeing up the area around him, he braces for another unexpected assault, "Where are you?" Whispers Geralt to no one in particular as he holds onto the reigns with one hand and a sword in his other as he waits for the beast to make itself known. He can sense the nervousness radiating off of the galloping horses as he watches ahead of him, the pine trees swaying in the wind, making it increasingly more difficult to tell where the beast is coming from. On the inside of the carriage Jaskier braces for more trouble as a moment later, without warning the carriage lifts off of the ground before slamming into the dirt trail with a loud crack. The back wheels snapping off with the abrupt impact, he falls forward into the nearby cushions as the carriage skids in the dirt.
"Fuck." Mutters Geralt through clenched teeth as the horses race onward, then to his great astonishment, one of them lets out a horrific scream as a river of blood pours forth from its muscular neck by an unseen force that he must have missed when he was trying to regain his bearings after the back wheels collapsed.
He watches in confusion and slight fear as the bleeding horse clashes into the other, the both of them abruptly tripping over themselves in a screeching heap as they fall to the earth. Bringing the carriage down with them, the Witcher jumps for the safety of the ground as the vessel tips onto its side, the only live horse whining in pain as one of the broken wooden pieces lodges itself into the poor animals stomach.
Jumping to his feet, Geralt races over to the bent in door where he quickly pulls it open to reveal a bruised bard, Jaskier's sword stuck into the back wall. He smiles up to Geralt as a trail of blood seeps out of his nose, "I'm gonna be honest here, but that was not something I'd rather ever do again." He confesses as the Witcher pulls him out and onto his feet as they stand back and assess their woodland surroundings.
Suddenly they hear a branch snap from up above near the tree line where the edge of the trail begins, before a dreamy chuckle snaps their attention over to a stunning pale faced man approaching them from out of the woods. He looks at them curiously through fiery ember eyes, his long tousled reddish-brown hair hanging all about as it cascades down his muscular shoulders all the way to his lower back. On his lean slender body does he adorn himself with black attire under an equally as dark long-coat that just barely touches the frosting ground below. He's rather quite attractive all things considered, as he swaggers through the moonlight with not a weapon in sight, or anything for that matter in his gloveless hands, only but a few golden rings clinging to their master that shine in the moonlight.
He hands Geralt and Jaskier a sly grin, revealing sharp pearly white fangs as he stops a good couple yards away from them, "So you're the infamous White Wolf...and of course...his loyal bard." Inquires the mysterious vampire as he speaks in an entrancing velvety voice, his glowing irises watching their every move as he tilts his head to the side, "But alas, you lack one which I would love to grace my aged eyes upon once again." Reveals the enticing man as he looks dismally to the ground before he raises his head to smile again, his beautiful reddish hair parting perfectly onto either side of his sculpted marble face.
"Are you the one who's been killing men and taking the women?" Snaps Geralt as he points an accusing sword towards the smirking vampire.
The man merely shrugs, a single hair falling seductively over his eye as he peers through it at your Witcher, "The men are simply human cattle, barely worth the air they breath. The women on the other hand, came willingly into my open arms from their beds and rather dreary mundane lives. My compliant acquisitive lovers if you will." Assures the ember eyed vampire as he takes a step closer, Jaskier taking one back as he stands behind Geralt, the vampire smirking at him as Jaskier tries to hide.
"Don't touch the bard." Growls Geralt while holding up his silver sword defensively, "He's not worth your energy."
The vampires face changes to that of a fake pout, "Oh my dear Witcher, I admire your bravery and valor...but I'm hungry and I will get what I desire one way or another." The vampires fiery eyes darken as he races towards the two of them in a black and orange blur, Geralt and Jaskier falling helplessly onto the crunchy leaves just mere feet from one another as the vampire paces in front of them like a lion in a cage. The bloodsucker suddenly stops and watches in amusement as the two groan in pain while trying to sit up again. He tilts his head to the side like a curious wolf observing their prey, before deciding to take another step.
He halts all movement as his body goes tense for a split second before his otherworldly charming aurora surrounds him once more, with a fangy smile upon his dashing features he turns around to the low growl emitting from deep in your throat.
His orbs of hellfire trail you up and down as you glare at him, "Why don't you look stunning, my dear Y/N. How longs it been...ninety, one-hundred, two-hundred years my love?"
Your face turns into a pissed off scowl at his words, "You. Don't get to call me that, you fucking cocksucker." He unpretentiously lets out a mock gasp at your bold sharpness, amused that you're still as out-spoken and feisty as ever.
Setting a hand on his slender hip, Velkyn smiles an incredibly punchable grin, "Ouch. You haven't seen me in almost two-hundred years and the second those beautiful scarlet eyes of yours grace my body..."
"What are you doing away from Alkatraz?" You interrupt as your fists clench in agitation, "What, did they finally see how much of a piece of shit you actually are?" You snap as he sends you a nasty glare, the side of his nose scrunching up in displeasure.
"I chose to leave the coven, the Queen gave her blessing an..."
"Right. You mean she threatened you, giving yourself one chance to flee before her death-hounds tore you to shreds. Sounds more plausible." You impede as he squints at you menacingly.
Jutting out a hip, he eyes you up once again, "Very clever, princess. No matter....you will leave me alone and I will continue on my marry way as things have gone on, before you decided to ruin everything."
Letting out an amused chuckle, you slowly unsheathe your silver dagger, "You're nothing but a cantankerous infant, murdering innocents....seducing the women while having your fun and sucking them of their life force." He tilts his head up as his flaming irises never once leave your face, "I know they didn't go willingly you fucking diseased little cunt....I'm rather going to enjoy as I watch the lights go out, leaving you as nothing more then food for maggots." Velkyn hums in irritation before swiftly turning around and bolting for Geralt and Jaskier.
But before he's able to reach them you're at his side, throwing him into a tree as he smacks into the tough wood with a clash of bark and limbs. Once he's onto his two feet again, he looks up just as you violently grab his shoulders and in one fluid motion, throw him across the forest floor. Geralt and Jaskier watching on with wide eyes the whole time.
"Fuck me, you still have it." Sputters Velkyn as a single red streak of blood trails down the side of his mouth. You smirk at this pathetic excuse of a vampire as you race towards him in a blur, he tries to retreat but before he can even get up off of the ground you've already cracked your boot against his skull. He tumbles in the dirt with a pained grunt, suddenly flying up to his feet in an instant as he growls at you. Within seconds he's thrust you into the trunk of a tree as your dagger falls from your hand at the sudden impact, he tightly grasps onto your arms as he throws you harshly upon the trail, leaving you dazed and more furious then ever.
"Not as clever as you'd like to think you are Y/N, I drink human blood. You don't." He brashly affirms as he watches you pick yourself up from the ground, dirt and blood smeared against your face. Licking the bloody cut now adorning your bottom lip, you mockingly chuckle at him, earning a puzzled expression across his pale features while the slice in your skin heals.
"You can't kill me." The whites of your eyes begin shifting to an obsidian black as your skin turns a greyish blue color, "I am Y/N of Alkatraz, the Vampire Queens only daughter....do that again and I'll rip out your entrails while you scream for death."
Velkyn hisses before turning himself into a half man half bat-like creature, face a contortion of bat and human man, his skin a milky pale as a large pair of webbed wings emit from his back. He suddenly screeches at you before spreading out his wings, readying himself to take flight. Doing what you know must be done to prevent his escape you shift yourself into a similar form, a pair of greyish blue wings stretching out from your back muscles as you thrust yourself into the air, just as Velkyn reaches the tops of the tree branches.
Gaining on him in no time, you grasp his pale human sized bat leg, he snaps his grotesque bat-like face down to you while you growl at him from below, "Fuck do you think you're going?" You snap before pulling him down to the harsh forest floor, he lands roughly onto his back as your legs fall to either side of him.
Growling in fury he quickly shoots up his talons in an attempt at clawing at your chest and face, but before he's able to commit anymore damage. You've ripped open his exposed stomach with a single slash of your claws, a second later he lets out a blood curdling shriek as a hot river of red pours out of him, his insides beginning to seep out just the same.
In a desperate last attempt to injure you, his eyes go wide in raging madness as his free arm lunges for your neck, you see it coming a mile away. So in retaliation you quickly pin his arms to the ground as you sink your fangs deep into his pale neck as he cries out in agony at your vicious assault. You feed on him until he's gone limp, your more primal hunger taking over your vessel until you abruptly catch the familiar scent of your Witcher and fearful bard.
Releasing Velkyn's mutilated throat, you shift back into your normal self as blood drips down from your chin and neck, tiny red droplets plopping onto the frosty hardened earth below like warm raindrops on a spring afternoon. Breathing heavily you avoid their suffocating gazes that you're sure are terrified from what you've just done.
"Uh, Y/N. You alright?" Wonders Jaskier as you slowly trail your crimson eyes upon his concerned face. You're confident that you look like a wild animal right now, with your hair a mess, clothes dirty, and half your face covered in blood. But nonetheless they look at you kindly, their brows furrowing in worry for your well-being.
Geralt suddenly makes eye contact with you before reaching down to pick up your forgotten silver dagger, he takes a step forward as he reaches out the dagger in your direction.
On instinct you glide backwards, setting your boots upon the ground once more as your Witcher frowns, "Y/N I wouldn't dare lay a hand upon you.." He assures with sincere pleading eyes as you look down to the grass below. Slowly lifting your blood covered hands into your line of sight, you stare at them with wide saddened eyes as tiny beads of ruby falls to the ground.
"My hands, they're covered in..."
"I know," Your eyes trail up to find his golden irises, "come on there's a stream down the trail, we'll get you cleaned up. Then we can go to the tavern and sleep until the next evening if that's what you'd like" Assures Geralt with a gentle smile upon his handsome face, he understands how much of a monster you truly feel right now, so he's willing to do whatever he can to bring you a bit of comfort in this overwhelming moment.
You let out a tired huff of air as he slowly approaches you, his face so close to yours you could almost touch him, but you don't considering you're covered in blood, "I think I'll take you on that offer, but could you stop looking at me with those pretty eyes of yours before I lose my self control. You're doing it again." You muse with a small smile upon your blood stained face.
"And what would you do then?" He challenges in that lowly voice of his, those big amber eyes taking you all in no matter how grisly your state of being is.
Smiling up at him through your pearly white fangs you lean in close, "Then I would mark you as all mine, in my own way of course. You'd love it without a doubt in my mind." He blinks, a lovestruck expression crossing over his features with a brief flash of lust hidden in his golden eyes while he leans in a tad closer. Your faces so close that you can see every little beautiful blemish and scar adorning his skin as his eyes swallow you whole.
"Uh guys? Can we...you know....leave. I don't know if you've noticed but we have two dead horses and a bloody monster corpse within smelling distance. And wheew, it is not a pleasant scent." Interrupts Jaskier, breaking the intimate moment between you and Geralt as you take a step back to laugh. Geralt's loving gaze following you the whole time before he turns around to glare at the oblivious bard.
Laying your tired head against the soft pillows of the warm tavern's bed, you look up to the wooden beamed ceiling as Geralt holds you close by his side, a protective muscly arm pinning you to the mattress. Not that you'd mind or anything, in fact it feels rather pleasant after your taxing encounter with an old acquaintance of yours just last night.
You sleepily close your eyelids as you listen to the soft snores emitting from your dreaming Witcher, a blissful smile forming onto your lips as he pulls you closer in his sleep. Maybe life in this mystery box of a Continent isn't so bad when you have someone like Geralt to take care of you when things get a bit out of hand.
And with you, that seems to happen a lot.
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
[This interview contains spoilers for Loki‘s season finale.]
When Kate Herron joined Loki as director, she knew she had an ace or two up her sleeve that would forever alter the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. And in “For All Time. Always.” — the now season finale — Loki showed all its cards by revealing Jonathan Majors’ He Who Remains, a variant of Marvel supervillain Kang the Conqueror, who set the events in motion that would open up the multiverse. Since the character of Kang is a key player throughout phase four of the MCU, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige and his team, along with Herron, knew exactly what was at stake with this particular casting.
“Casting was a very surreal experience. When I joined the project, we always knew that Loki and Sylvie were going to go to He Who Remains, and the multiverse would be released,” Herron tells The Hollywood Reporter. “So I already knew when I got the job that it was going to be a massive undertaking to do that and a big responsibility for Marvel to get it right. And Jonathan Majors is an actor that we were all just blown away by; I think everyone who knows his work is blown away by him. And when I knew we had Jonathan, he and I were solely focused on He Who Remains and this version of the character, this variant.”
At last December’s Disney Investor Day, Feige confirmed earlier reports that Majors would play Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. But since Majors ultimately appeared first in Loki, Herron further clarified the timing of his casting.
“[The Quantumania casting] happened at the same time,” Herron shares. “So basically, [Ant-Man director] Peyton [Reed] and I were in that discussion with Kevin Feige and the team at Marvel. We knew he was gonna be in [Quantumania], and we knew that a version of him was going to be in [Loki].”
As Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Sylvie’s (Sophia Di Martino) doomed love story culminated in a passionate kiss, the latter repositioned Loki so she could grab He Who Remains’ futuristic TemPad and send the God of Mischief back to the TVA. Despite Sylvie’s guile, Herron still considers her side of the kiss to be authentic.
“Sylvie is sort of where our Loki was in Thor. She’s driven by revenge, pain and anger, and that’s what he’s saying to her,” Herron explains. “He’s like, ‘I’ve been where you are, and I just want you to be OK. You’re not going to get what you want.’ But on her journey of self-healing, she’s not where he is. So she’s not going to see it that way. So there was a sense that she was turning to get the TemPad, but I don’t think it meant the kiss wasn’t genuine. In my head, it was always a horrible goodbye, really, but the feelings were real.”
In a recent conversation with THR, Herron also discusses her own shocking goodbye to Loki following the surprise season-two announcement. She then offers her take on the final scene and the subsequent questions she hopes are answered in season two.
Brava, Kate. Loki season one was top-tier MCU as far as I’m concerned.
Thank you so much. I love Marvel, and I was just so excited to have a chance to direct for them. It’s been so nice to see everyone enjoying it.
In a complete tonal shift, Friday morning’s news about you not returning for season two makes this victory lap rather bittersweet. After one of Marvel Studios’ best pieces of storytelling, you’d think that getting the band back together would be automatic. So what else can you say about this?
I would say that when I joined Loki, it was always going to be those six episodes. We were treating it like a movie, and we were running it like a movie. We weren’t doing it in the showrunner system. So it was a lot to direct these six episodes, and I gave it all of my energy and everything I had in my soul and in my heart. I threw everything I loved about Marvel at it. So I always intended just to do these six. And it was such a massive compliment and a delight that as we got much later into production, Marvel and Disney were like, “Ah, man. This is excellent, and we want to keep going.” So I just feel like my part is done, but I’m really excited to see where it’s going to go next. So I gave it all that I have, and it came from a place of love. I really enjoyed working on it, and I hope to work with Marvel again in the future. They changed my life, and I just love Marvel as I’m sure people can tell from the amount of Easter eggs and references I did throughout it. But I just feel like I’ve done my part with Loki, at least for now, and I’m excited to see where it goes next as a fan.
Jonathan Majors’ He Who Remains. How did this go down from casting to filming?
Ah, so casting was a very surreal experience. When I joined the project, we always knew that Loki and Sylvie were going to go to He Who Remains, and the multiverse would be released. So I already knew when I got the job that it was going to be a massive undertaking to do that and a big responsibility for Marvel to get it right. So when we were casting, it was basically me, Kevin R. Wright, my co-executive producer, Kevin [Feige], Lou [D’Esposito], Victoria [Alonso] and Peyton [Reed]. So we were all just talking about actors, and the amazing thing about Kevin Feige is that he’s so collaborative. He wants everyone at the table to have a voice, and he wants to see what they think and how that fits into his plans for the character. And Jonathan Majors is an actor that we were all just blown away by; I think everyone who knows his work is blown away by him. He’s an amazing actor, and the thing that I love about him is that he’s this chameleon. He’s so different in everything he does, and that’s exciting, obviously, when you’re asking an actor to play a character who’s going to have a lot of different versions of himself. So for us, that was a thrill. And when I knew we had Jonathan, he and I were solely focused on He Who Remains and this version of the character, this variant. It was just fun digging into him. We have this character who’s so lonely and isolated, and the only character he probably interacted with is Miss Minutes, which is what we imply. At the beginning, you see that he’s surrounded by all this noise in the universe, but he’s quiet and he’s alone. So how introverted or extraverted is a character like that? What makes that personality? So it was really fun digging into it with him.
So even though Jonathan’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania casting was announced first, your team technically cast him first, right?
[The Quantumania casting] happened at the same time. So basically, Peyton [Reed] and I were in that discussion with Kevin Feige and the team at Marvel. We knew he was gonna be in [Quantumania], and we knew that a version of him was going to be in [Loki].
So once a big movie or show is finally released, fans like to comb through trailers for any unused footage. So was that “King Loki” moment supposed to be a quick insert for when Loki is tempted with a throne by Miss Minutes (Tara Strong) and He Who Remains?
So that moment wasn’t actually King Loki. It was just meant to be a memory from our Loki’s past. It was basically going to be in episode one because we had a lot of memories in that episode. But it was honestly a tonal thing. The scene was actually quite a funny scene, and it was really beautifully written. But he was about to see his mother die, and it didn’t feel right to have something so comical next to a gut-wrenching moment like that. So it’s just the nature of making any film, really. Unfortunately, you sometimes have to kill your darlings. (Laughs.)
Did He Who Remains put a Time Twister on the edge of his desk, or a TemPad? Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) called it a TemPad even though it looked like a Time Twister.
(Laughs.) I love weaponry and technology so I’m just like, “The fun thing with this is…” So basically, it’s meant to be a futuristic version of the TVA tech. So that was the fun idea of it. When He Who Remains tells his story about his other variants meeting, you see bits of the TVA technology. So our idea was that it does both things. With the TVA technology, you see that the Time Twister hooks into the TemPad, but it’s these two separate, clunky things. But whereas with He Who Remains, he has more advanced technology than the TVA So it has both functions, basically, which we see him use. The difference is that he’s in control of the twist; it’s twisting him. Whereas when we see the TVA use the Time Twister, it’s with a Time Collar as they’re controlling a prisoner.
As Loki and Sylvie kissed, she repositioned him so she could grab the futuristic TemPad and eject him back to the TVA. So do you consider the kiss to be genuine on Sylvie’s part despite her calculation during it?
Honestly, the way I always read that kiss is that her feelings were genuine and that it was a goodbye. Sylvie is sort of where our Loki was in Thor. She’s driven by revenge, pain and anger, and that’s what he’s saying to her. He’s like, “I’ve been where you are, and I just want you to be OK. You’re not going to get what you want.” But she’s not there yet. On her journey of self-healing, she’s not where he is. So she’s not going to see it that way. So there was a sense that she was turning to get the TemPad, but I don’t think it meant the kiss wasn’t genuine. In my head, it was always a horrible goodbye, really, but the feelings were real.
Since the TVA resides outside of time, what can you say about the mechanics of the final scene?
So the way I see it in my head is that the TVA exists outside of space and time, but reality and everything as we understood it has completely changed in the last few minutes. With the multiverse branching, how do we know the TVA still exists in that way? We don’t know, and I suppose that’s a big question that will be answered as the show goes on. But in my head, the intention is that Sylvie thinks she’s sending him back to the TVA, but because of the way time and branches are crossing each other outside the window, Loki has unfortunately been sent back somewhere very different. So reality has shifted just by the nature of what He Who Remains said, and the idea is that he’s in this alternate TVA now.
We have to wrap, but is Eugene Cordero’s Casey OK? He went missing after episode two.
(Laughs.) Yes, Casey is fine! I love Casey, and I hope there will be more Casey to be enjoyed.
Well, congratulations once again, Kate. And if you do return to the MCU someday, please make a Miss Minutes slasher movie since she’s utterly terrifying.
(Laughs.) I would love to! That would actually be my dream.
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One of my favorite songs of the year, the lyrics are incredibly sad but the music is just so powerful. This producer is definitely one to keep an eye on, they have a lot of amazing songs. 
あなたが背負っていた苦痛は 私の思いや昔の約束 なんて簡単に間違えてしまう程に どうしようもない物だから あなたの幸せを願うなら 私はあなたの行動を認めるべきで、 例えそれが死という形であっても 私に止める権利も無くて そんなことは分かっているのに、 あなたに生きて欲しかったと 願ってしまうのは悪いことですか? 「愛してる。」 そんな言葉はもう きっとあなたには届きやしなくて この世界ではない どこか遠くに焦点を合わせる あなたはもう 私なんて見ていなくて The pain you suffered from was caused by my feelings for you and an old promise They’re things I can’t help but assume even if they are wrong If I truly wish for you to become happy I should accept your actions, even if that results in your death I have no right to stop you, I know that, yet, is it wrong for me to wish that you chose to live? “I love you.” Such words will never reach you again You, who has your eyes set on a different world far from here, do not even see a glimpse of me anymore
「ねえ、ティアラ」 “Hey, Tiara”
最愛 誓い 永遠(とわ)の約束 世界(あなた)に歌う 授かる願いよ 降らすこの星 ティアラ 代償なら払う 命を賭す 赤い宝石よ 滴り舞え 溢れ出せ 哀を燃やして I vow to love you the most, an eternal promise I sing to my world (you) This blessed wish and these falling stars Tiara If it’s compensation, I'll pay the price and stake my life Oh red jewel trickle down, overflow, and burn up my sorrow
傷は増えゆくばかり そんなアイロニー 臆病な運命 張り詰めた覚悟 My injuries only increase Such irony My fate is cowardly and my preparations are strained
暗いモノクロ世界 死んだ灰色に 解れ綻ぶ命綱 時は来たる In this dark, monochrome world your lifeline is coming apart at the seams in the dead gray Your time is coming
誓い 永遠に愛する事 痛み 2人分け合う事 1人 欠けた月の下で詠む 輝くティアラ 穢れぬ愛の証明 My oath to love you forever and to share the pain together Alone, I proclaim it under the waning moon Shining Tiara, here is proof of my pure love
願い 祈り 希望の灯火 世界(あなた)の人生(アルス) 人形劇終焉 覇気に溢れた死(いのち) 続け 皆も続け 安らかな明日に手を伸ばし 途絶える鼓動 ��つ感情 幸の暴走 残る愛行方知れず 彷徨い焦げる 勿忘の花よ 鮮やかに咲き乱れ ねぇティアラ あのねティアラ 代替(かわり)なんて要らないの 応えも無く 赤く泣く 寂れた創傷 Wishes, prayers, and the light of hope The life (Ars) of the world (you) At the end of the puppet show, with death (life) filled with ambition, continue on, everyone continue on   I reach my hand to a serene tomorrow Your beat comes to an end, and I'm pierced with emotions Rampaging happiness My remaining love has become lost, it wanders about and gets burned up The myosotises beautifully bloom all around* Tiara, hey, Tiara I don't need a substitution You give no response and I cry red My wounds become deserted
哀を燃やして Burn up this sorrow
I promised to be with you. Even in death, they can't be apart.
誓いを立てて Take an oath
あぁもう嫌だって泣いて喚いても 世界(あなた)は進む 止まった時間を私に見せてティアラ 運命は笑う 愛なんて虚像 利益に満ちた何か 否定せよ 抗えよ 命が朽ちるまで Even if I cry and scream "Ahh, I can't take it anymore" My world (you) moves forward Show me the time that has stopped, Tiara Destiny laughs out Love is just pretense—a thing filled with profits Deny it, resist it until life rots
裁断 決意 告別(わかれ)の歌よ 世界(あなた)に届け 囚われた愛に救いはあると示せ ねぇティアラ あのねティアラ 私、そこに行くからね 儚く散れ 鮮血よ 愛を燃やして Judgment and decision, this song of farewell Deliver it to my world (you) Show me that there is salvation in a love held captive Tiara, hey, Tiara I'm going to that place, so fleetingly scatter this fresh blood and burn up this love ________________________________________________________________ *Myosotises are a plant of a genus including forget-me-nots.
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skamamoroma · 3 years
I am attempting to put my finger on why ATOTS is grabbing people’s hearts like it is and why it’s so charming to use the word you used because same! Lol. What are your thoughts? [PS: I watched Skam Italia along with you And watched ITSAY on your rec and you’ve never let me down!]
Ahhh dude, that made me smile so much. Yey for you still being here ❤️
In answer to your question, I think it’s a lot of things. For me, I watched an interview with the director P’Oaf and I was really heartened that because he’s a gay man himself and felt a disconnect with the idea of creating LGBT+ content under a title other than LGBT+ content that he wanted to create a more adult love story that was for the LGBT+ community and didn’t cater for anything other than that. It was a really lovely interview and I think the finished product shows. The sexuality of Phupha or Tian is really not a thing, it’s not made a big deal of and their story isn’t centred around it at all. They’re just in love. End of. If you know me, you know I am wary of watching shows with LGBT+ themes unless I know they are handled respectfully and made for the right reasons so this is a huge one for me.
Another reason, for me, is the fact that we’re all so disconnected and lacking warmth and closeness and emotional connection because of this shit show of a year and a bit. The show is so kind and gentle and warm and lovely. The music even makes me feel cheered up. It’s full of the things we’re missing and the messages of self discovery, emotional development, community, love, friendship and connection... not to mention meaning in life are just so welcome right now.
The chemistry. This is a huge one for me. It’s not just between Phupha and Tian but the cast as a whole. Tian and the kids, Phu and the other rangers, Phu and Nam, Nam and Tian, Tian and Tul, Torfun and Phu etc. Every dynamic is so full of warmth and playfulness and this lovely sense of familiarity. But the biggie is always going to be between the love interests and JESUS their chemistry is a major selling point. I know Mix and Earth have known one another for many years and are v close friends (which shows) but that doesn’t always = good romantic chemistry. But these two have something that’s often very difficult to achieve and to think this is Mix’s first acting gig is genuinely ridiculous. It’s difficult for any romantic pairing to be SO COMPELLING at Episode 6 with barely touching. If you think about it, they’ve barely touched at all. Their chemistry is in their eyes, their words (“I just want to talk to you” being the most god damn beautiful), their actions, their dynamic, the way they challenge one another, the things they do when the other isn’t around and the way they improve the other. It means that when they DO share moments, the foundation in how you consider their feelings is so strong that the smallest thing is hugely meaningful and emotional. It’s very very well done and often hugely lacking in most dramas and love stories. Most love stories jump from 0-50 relatively quickly or the build up isn’t given time and space. The amount of time given to Tian and Phupha’s connection and gradual development is a huge part of why I think the show works so well. There are NO distractions other than the drama of their existence which all plays into their love story too. The entire show is focused on just these two with the other characters around them still forwarding both of their stories. It’s so refreshing. The fact their chemistry is electric and genuinely sometimes a little overwhelming means that they don’t even need to try too hard and include too much to achieve what they intend but they still do and you feel treated to such a genuine and carefully handled love story. Who doesn’t love that?!
Plus you have the stuff that isn’t directly related to the love story (but still all connects) like the tea seller arc, the truth about Tian’s heart and Torfun’s death and the knowledge that something about his dad will come out later on. All of it is compelling and all of it impacts the love story too... it gives a sense of there being stakes and challenge to overcome but the show is kind so I don’t feel too concerned about a happy ending. I’m so sure it’ll be wrapped up beautifully.
Also, the dynamic between Phupha and Tian is not necessarily new aka they have this push and pull relationship. Phu is technically an authority figure tasked with protection of the village, which includes Tian. But I like that there’s a real passing of the power dynamic between them. They tend to be my FAVOURITE types of relationship. I love characters who challenge each other and there have been real moments of strength and authority by Phupha but also such softness and vulnerability (so much actually) that I smile whenever people say he’s stern because DUDE IS A SOFTIE (and Tian knows it). It’s the same with Tian. He is adorable and endearing but also kinda bratty at times and really doesn’t let Phupha get away with anything. He’s a little more emotionally mature than the Chief in some ways but he still learns a lot from him. He also delights in knocking Phupha off kilter at times in the way he’ll push and push and test him... and insist on sharing or equality in their dynamic. It’s really really lovely. Also, they just like to tease the other ALL OF THE TIME and both of them just enjoy it too much... and then you’re like HOW ARE YOU BOTH SO STUPIDLY SHY TOO?!
But Tian alone is a really really loveable character and seeing as he’s the main, you root for him despite all of his misgivings and his past. You love him and cheer him on. Those moments the show beautifully includes where his old life is contrasted with his new and he recognises it himself are just so moving.
Then you have the setting and the scenery. The show was created in one constant struggle 😂 seeing the BTS is mental. They really really were against it and yet the finished product is so lovely. Some of the shots are just so ridiculously beautiful... some of the moments framed by the mountains or the trees or the way the sun shines, it’s just gorgeous.
And the music. Is it just me or does the score keep getting more beautiful? Some of the swelling music moments make me cry because of the music. I’m a HUGE fan and focused on music in movies and TV and I’ve been obsessed with scores since I was a teenager (it’s why I lost my shit at ITSAY last year). The title song is so beautiful and sweet that I remember when I first watched the trailer all those weeks back, it made me instantly feel something for the show.
All in all, it’s a real gift of a show. It’s just lovely. It’s very very very sweet and just such a comforting thing to watch. I genuinely have been cheered up by it for the past few weeks and I hear the theme song and see the adorable credit sequence and I’m smiling so easily. So I guess there are lots of reasons why it has resonated for people but I’m just glad it’s a show that exists. It’s just sweet and we need more of that!
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Top 3 moments from RWBY vol 8?!!!
oh gosh, this is gonna be hard! 
1) Monstra exploding - that whole sequence was nothing short of breathtaking. The lighting and effects were phenomenal, and seeing the aftermath with the disintegrating whale coloring the air like a post-apocalyptic landscape really set the mood and let us know we are now in the third and final act. Absolutely one of if not THE best sequences in RWBY (or at least a subjective favorite of mine). MAJOR props to the animators.
2) The moment when Cinder, Watts, and Neo enter the command room - the music swells and builds, Cinder opens her hand and a single flame dances in her palm, the civilians scream and try to flee but there’s a hard cut to their dead bodies at their desks, with one final ringing note echoing among the corpses and flame. It lets the moment set in, building and building tension, then everything is quiet and all life is gone. These villains are a threat and are competently working together, and it raised the stakes (which was sorely needed after ch12). An excellent trio I wish we’d seen more of. Incredible sound design that whole scene. Cinder’s leitmotif playing right before the hard cut and again at the end bookends the scene beautifully. Again, one of the absolute BEST scenes in RWBY.
3) This is gonna sound small, but the scene in Monstra when Oscar and Ozpin are just... talking. It’s a moment that’s been a long time coming and really felt like a breath of fresh air. They’re both just so tired. This is the first conversation they’ve had where they feel like equals, and it’s always heart-wrenching to see Oscar openly express his fears. Sometimes it seems he’s taking everything too well, so seeing how resilient he’s being juxtaposed with how broken he feels gives us some much-needed insight that left me wanting more. And the way they introduce the story of The Girl Who Fell Through The World is really smooth -- Oscar’s just lying there and reciting a quote he resonates with. It finally gives us some character depth and background for who Oscar was prior to Ozpin in a way that feels natural. (Also this is the first time in the show someone’s asked Oscar how he’s doing.)
Honorable mentions (aka ones I considered putting in the top 3): 
Pietro saying “I want the chance to watch you live your life” and Penny responding “But Dad... I am trying to.” He lets her go, and she falls with the final words to her father: “I love you.” 
Oscar meeting Salem, impersonating Oz and sassing the big bad while a foot away from her face, and Salem’s quiet intimidation before torturing him. Great characterization and really made the main villain feel like a threat. 
Ren and Yang’s argument in the tundra. Both said things I agreed with and things I disagreed with, and I love that! (Though I wish it’d been followed up on because Ren made some good points)
The Renora scene (you know the one) with the healthy, mature conversation about their relationship. And! The! Boop! 
JOYR+Emerald’s conversation in the tunnels. I’m a sucker for interpersonal conflicts that fit the characters, and I loved how Oscar emphasized that you aren’t obligated to forgive anyone, but it can be worth it to give them a chance to be better. Great nuance you rarely see in media. Plus him helping reintegrate Oz into the group and Oz’s sincere “Thank you, Oscar,” and Oscar’s little smile?? They’re getting along and it’s soft.
You asked for 3 and I basically gave you 8 oops
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Books of 2021: The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson
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I have a few things to acknowledge here before we get into the proper review - this is REALLY LONG and VERY CRITICAL. I promise you I do genuinely love The Stormlight Archive, but if you are someone who doesn’t like to see criticism of Sanderson or Stormlight, then please don’t read this.
This review has spoilers for The Stormlight Archive - you have been warned.
I’ve made no secret of my love for the Stormlight Archive - it’s my favourite ongoing fantasy series. I’ve also avoided reviewing it, and I’ve been putting it off since I first read it back in 2016 (could be 2017? It was a while ago.) How could I review something I love so much? How do I approach reviewing a 1,100 page epic fantasy novel? I just didn’t know. To be honest, I still don’t. I adore this series, it’s become part of my identity - if you asked any of my friends what’s Lizzie’s favourite book they would probably say Stormlight. Maybe Lord of the Rings but that’s a different kettle of fish.
I’ve reread The Stormlight Archive annually for the last five years. I promise myself I won’t reread it and let myself come back in anticipation for the next book. I’ve failed miserably every year. And these aren’t small undertakings - they’re each 1,000 pages and there’s four of them now! For context I usually only read 2,500 pages a month. 
So, I’ve finally decided to review these doorstoppers dressed up as fantasy novels. These reviews are mainly for myself, they’re going to be self indulgent, long, and focus on what I want to discuss like characters, structure, and prose - rather than reviewing the things I should probably talk about (like the actual plot…) I want to work through all the things I love about this behemoth of the modern fantasy genre, but also focus on its flaws. The praise for Sanderson is everywhere, so I want to work through my honest opinion of these books, work out why I love them, and I’ll invite you on this journey of self discovery with me. 
I’m yet to work out why I’m starting with structure but we are, I guess it helps with the framing. In case you’re reading this having not read The Way of Kings, each book in the Stormlight Archive is made up of 5 main parts that follow major viewpoint characters, and the parts are split up with small interludes that expand the worldbuilding, follow important secondary characters, or foreshadow future moments. Everybook is centred on a key character - in The Way of Kings it’s Kaladin - who we follow in the present day as a major viewpoint character and explore their backstory through a flashback sequence. Each book also has a prologue which retells the assassination of the Alethi king, Gavilar Kholin, and an epilogue from Wit. 
Firstly, this book takes FAR too long to get going and even longer to get into as a reader. I’m not joking when I say there are FIVE introductory chapters: the prelude, a prologue, Cenn’s second prologue (technically the first chapter but it’s a prologue), Kaladin’s introduction, and Shallan’s introduction. It’s too much. We’re jumping around, nothing really makes sense, and we’re not sure how these characters are related. They could be taking place in different worlds for all you know on a first read.
When I first read this book I was a lot more patient with long introductions and multiple false starts - I had the time to dedicate to getting into the story. I could, and did, forgive the THREE false starts to this story before we get to Kaladin’s first chapter. However, the opening structure of this novel is a mistake. If someone gives up in this section I honestly don’t blame them - if I was reading this for the first time in 2021 I probably would too.
The prelude and prologue are both excellent. The prelude in particular is weird and confusing but also sets up a clear mystery and sense of the sheer scope of this story. Szeth’s prologue, the first time we see Gavilar’s assassination, is flawed but still wonderful. The fight scene needed a bit of cutting, for my tastes, and I think the introduction to the magic system is clumsy - there’s far too much obvious info dumping and it needed some serious editing, especially as the complicated use of the magic that Szeth uses is barely relevant in this book. However, I think the Herald’s giving up the Oathpact and a magical assassin is great! They’re a bit weird and you’re not sure what’s going on, but it’s engaging. 
Then there’s Cenn. Poor, innocent Cenn. I’m sorry but he’s completely unnecessary. Independently of the rest of the introduction to the Way of Kings Cenn’s chapter would be a pretty good prologue as he’s there to set up our main hero Kaladin from an outside perspective. We love Kaladin and Cenn’s chapter is fine for establishing him as a typical fantasy hero – he’s a warrior, cares about the people, and so forth.
However, Cenn’s chapter in the context bogs down the opening too much. It’s too long, not particularly relevant, and adds yet ANOTHER prologue to this already enormous book. Cenn’s chapter offers nothing to the reader that we don’t learn later on in the text when the content of Cenn’s chapter makes more sense. We even see the exact same sequence of events from Kaladin’s perspective in a flashback! Not having Cenn’s chapter would add more interest to Kaladin’s character and add more weight to the flashback sequence because we wouldn’t have met Kaladin at his peak (sort of…?) 
Kaladin’s flashbacks aren’t that engaging as it is, he’s a fairly standard fantasy hero from a small village who ends up leaving his happy family to go to war. So leaving a small mystery around him in addition to ‘how did he become a slave’ would help with my engagement. It would leave me wondering how reliable is Kaladin as a narrator, is he really as good with the spear as he claims? I wouldn’t know but Cenn’s chapter removes all the mystery apart from ‘how does Kaladin become a slave’. It needs to go to make Kaladin more interesting and cut down on some of the unnecessary page count.
While we’re at it… Just cut out ALL the interludes in this book, except for the Szeth through line. I KNOW they are here for the Cosmere connections and to foreshadow things much later in the series. However, new readers and Stormlight only readers don’t know this and, quite frankly, they SUCK. In later books the interludes make sense but here they add so much tedious, pointless crap to an already bloated book. They’re too much and add next to nothing – other than seeing Szeth lose it as he kills people, that was fun (in a disturbing, creepy way… Can you tell I like Szeth?) Either this stuff needs to be relevant to the book we’re in now, or painfully obvious that we’re coming back to this stuff in later books. I still don’t know why we got Ishikk’s interlude with the Worldhoppers, and I completely forgot Nan Balat had an interlude. I’ve read this book 5 times… THAT IS HOW POINTLESS THEY ARE! Sanderson should weave the necessary foreshadowing into the main text, intersperse the perspectives we do need for THIS story into the main sections, or cut them out. When I get to the interludes I physically sigh and sometimes put the book down - now I just skip everything but Szeth - but on a first read they’re really off putting. 
To finish up with my complaints about the structure, and this is a big one for me - why do we have huge chunks of this book without major viewpoint characters? I’m biased here but Dalinar is probably the most important POV character in the story because he introduces the real stakes of the story. He has the groundbreaking visions of the past, he is the viewpoint we get into the politics of the war, he is the character who does and continues to have the most impact on the development of the story on his own.Yet, we don’t meet him until we’re 190 pages in… 
Sanderson alternates Shallan and Dalinar’s chapters between the five different parts and that means they vanish for 400 pages at a time. Why? I ended up caring about them right as we’re about to lose their viewpoint again for the next part. We needed to see the three major POV characters interwoven together throughout the five parts, not randomly dropped and picked back up again. The structure of this book was a mistake. 
Okay, I promise I do actually like this book…
Something I do love is the worldbuilding of Roshar, and I usually don’t care that much about worldbuilding. I can really appreciate good worldbuilding, especially on the history side of things, but for most novels it’s just fine? If I roughly know what’s going on with the world then we’re good, I can just get on with the story and not worry about it. However, Roshar is genuinely beautifully built! It takes A LOT to get me to visualise a world as I’m not a visual reader. I can feel the atmosphere, get to know characters, but can I imagine a face or setting? No.
There are three fantasy worlds that have allowed me to actually see the world and it’s landscape: Middle Earth, Discworld, and Roshar. The bleak, storm weathered landscape of the Shattered Plains is so embedded in my mind it’s ridiculous, the only place I can picture more is the Shire – and Lord of the Rings has a film to help it!
Now, to be fair it’s hard for me to separate the worldbuilding in The Way of Kings from the rest of the series, so I now have 4,000 pages worth of worldbuilding in my head… However, it’s certainly strong and I distinctly remember having a vivid image of understanding this world, the atmosphere, landscape, and so forth, on my first read. Although it did take me until Oathbringer to realise that everything, except humanity, was basically a crab… (I think that was just me being dense.)
I do think Roshar needs much more of its history to be expanded on. We don’t have much between the Last Desolation (don’t ask me to spell it's in-world title!) and it shows at times. I don’t expect something on the level of The Silmarillion for Roshar, however, I do think we need to see something more substantial in the period between the Desolations and the present day. We know about the Recreance, the attempted takeover of the Vorin Church, and the Sunmaker? That’s 4000 years! To put it into context it’s the distance between us and Jesus’s birth TWICE, it’s like we know about the end of the 11th Dynasty of Egypt, the Reformation, and the British Empire in our own history... We need to find a balance, especially as we get so much development of science in the later books. More history please - but this is a personal issue and a series wide problem, not just The Way of Kings.
Magic System
Now, this is controversial for Sanderson, but I’m going to skip this for now. This review is already well over 1,000 words long and I’ve not even started on the meat of the novel yet. The magic system isn’t really fleshed out in The Way of Kings, we only really know stuff about the Windrunners (in an abstract kind of way) and the very basics of the Knights Radiant in general. So I’m going to discuss the magic when I get around to reviewing Words of Radiance, Oathbringer, and Rhythm of War, basically whenever I have the energy and more space.
Safe to say I actually really like the magic system in the Stormlight Archive. I usually dislike hard magic systems (I think I’m the only person who dislikes Mistborn’s Allomancy - while very well developed, it’s a bit silly and is far too much for my tastes...) as they often take some of the wonder, mystery, and excitement of fantasy out of the story for me. However, I think surgebinding is a fun system and there is a lot more of it for use to discover, preserving some of that mystery. Oh and, if you were wondering, I would be a Skybreaker!
Okay if you read the structure section and were wondering - why is this woman still reading these books, you’re in for another head scratcher. 
If you’ve ever talked to me about literature you’ll know that there are two things I look for in a really good book: characters and prose. Now characters are something Sanderson does phenomenally well in the Stormlight Archive, but that’s not something you can tell 100 pages into a 1,000 page tome. You have to sit with the characters for a long time and give the author some page time to familiarise you with the people you’re following. If you trust him, Sanderson pulls off some stunning character arcs, especially in the long term and I’ll talk more about characters later on (or you can just skip this section? Up to you really!).
However, prose is something you notice immediately, and Sanderson’s is…utilitarian at best. At worst it’s abysmal. These days I’m very picky about prose, a utilitarian style is fine but a book is unlikely to become a new favourite of mine without good writing. This doesn’t mean I want or expect the writing to be flowery or elaborate, but it does mean I want, and appreciate it when, the prose suits the tone of the narrative and world. I must acknowledge that I’m in a (vocal) minority here, a lot of people either don’t notice Sanderson’s style or like it - I certainly didn’t mind it when I first read ther series - so this is definitely a subjective opinion but one I’m certainly not alone in. 
Nevertheless, for me Sanderson’s prose is overly simplistic, repetitive, and very American. Okay so the American is probably only noticeable if you’re not American. However, I’m used to fantasy having a certain Britishness to the writing style, even when the author isn’t British, but to me (as a Brit and fantasy reader) the Americanisms are painful at times… There is no way in hell I’m ever going to acknowledge that aluminium is aluminum no matter how many times Sanderson uses it! 
Yet it goes beyond a spelling issue because, let's be honest, in this day and age American English is widely spoken and regularly used in fantasy literature - you can’t escape from it as much as I want to. It’s in the style of writing and construction of sentences. The entire narrative reads like an American has decided to tell me a story using their colloquial, everyday speech. It’s a deliberate choice on Sanderson’s part to make things accessible and digestible, and for some people this works. I do think he has a fantastic style to get readers in, especially readers who are getting to grips with high epic fantasy as it’s one less barrier to entry in an already difficult novel. But it does mean rereading isn’t always the best experience and sometimes the writing can jar me out of the story. 
In places it’s too simple and colloquial, so much so the writing becomes clunky, clumsy, and unrealistic to the world he’s creating, especially in descriptive passages and dialogue. It reads like Sanderson could have used more lyrical or formal writing but deliberately chose not to - at the detriment of the prose. This is particularly noticeable with characters like Jasnah Kholin. Jasnah is a princess, brilliant scholar, and political mastermind, she’s known for her poise, elegance, and intelligence. Yet she often speaks like an everyday 21st century American and other characters who haven’t had the same education or training as she has? I can’t believe this for a moment, her dialogue is so egregious in places that it’s like I’ve been hit over the head with my own book! I physically cringe when she says things like ‘“scoot over here”’ (chapter 70, p.1083). WHY is Jasnah talking like this?! It doesn’t make sense to me – Shallan maybe, but Jasnah? No. It doesn’t fit with what we’ve been told about her character.
(Just as an aside, I loathe the word ‘scoot’ – it should be burnt from the English language as an abomination!)
Part of the issue with this is Sanderson usually doesn’t distinguish between the character's voices, both in the dialogue and prose. Most of the time if you dropped me into a random section of the Stormlight Archive with no context I honestly couldn’t tell you who’s speaking or narrating without the signposts Sanderson gives us. This isn’t a huge issue as he’s writing in third person limited, and with context and the chapter icons we know who we’re following. However, it does mean we don’t have any idea of character voice – in the general prose, internal narration/thought, or speech. What’s the difference between Kaladin’s dialogue and Jasnah’s? I have no idea from the sentence construction or speech patterns. Certain descriptions of how characters speak help to differentiate (Jasnah is commanding, Shallan squeaks, Kaladin grunts, etc.) but from their speech patterns I wouldn’t have a clue.
All of this comes back to Sanderson’s overly simple and Americanised style. It’s his choice and it does work for many people, but personally it doesn’t always work with the characters or story. I’m not expecting him to write like Robin Hobb or Guy Gavriel Kay, but some finesse and awareness of character would be appreciated, especially if it helped to differentiate character voices.
I’m also going to throw this out as a very personal issue because I’m not sure where else to put it… Sanderson has the worst sense of humour I’ve ever had the misfortune to read. The comedic moments are occasionally amusing… However, Shallan’s puns are worse than my Dad’s jokes. Every time she says something apparently ‘witty’ and someone else remarks how clever and funny she is I want to hit them... At best she’s mildly amusing, at worst she’s cruel. It’s never funny. (This only gets worse with Lift, I almost DNFed the entire series because of the Lift interlude in Words of Radiance. And don’t get me started on Lopen.)
At last! Something I genuinely love and the reason I read these books! Sanderson has created some of the best characters in modern fantasy in this series and they are the only reason I’m still going. I like the worldbuilding and plot, but I adore the character work in this book and the series as a whole. The characters are generally so good that, even when I dislike them, it's because I dislike them personally, not that they’re badly written characters! Usually I love Sanderson’s characters though, even when they’re incredibly flawed (looking at you Dalinar!) because he’s particularly good at complex character arcs. 
Szeth – I love Szeth, slightly irrationally for how much he’s in both this book and the series as a whole, but he’s one of my favourite “secondary” characters in the series! Szeth is actually the character who made me fall in love with the series in the first place, which feels weird to say because he only has five or six chapters in the entire novel. However, a magical assassin with a strong, if morally dubious, sense of duty and obligations? Sign me up! The opening prologue from Szeth’s perspective is wonderful - it’s far too info-dumpy but it’s highly engaging and one hell of a way to open the series. 
What really intrigued me about Szeth was his role as the interlude throughline character for The Way of Kings. His internal conflict between his obligation to follow the Truthless’ laws and his personal morality is fascinating. Szeth’s character development has been one of the highlights of the entire series for me, especially as we explore his personal morality, questioning of power, and commitment to law and justice. This conflict is one of the reasons I love the Skybreakers in general and I sincerely hope we get to see more of this (and their conflict with the theoretically similar, although realistically very different, Windrunners) in book 5. However, Szeth is a promise that Sanderson hasn’t kept yet. So much has been built up around his character and we haven’t explored him properly (as of Rhythm of War) and I’m mad about it! He’s an incredibly interesting character, morally and thematically, and I hope Sanderson can live up to the hype he’s built up around him in the first four books of the series. 
Kaladin – Okay the real reason we’re all here, the shining beacon of the Stormlight Archive, everyone’s favourite heroic bridgeman: Kaladin Stormblessed. Confession time – I didn’t love Kaladin the first time I read The Way of Kings. Don’t get me wrong I liked him but I’m generally not a massive fan of underdog superhero narratives. (I’m still not a fan of Bridge Four in general for the same reason, I would apologise but I’m not sorry…)
Kaladin spends most of this novel running bridges for Highprince Sadeas on the Shattered Plains. Unjustly enslaved by a corrupt member of the aristocracy, Kaladin is fighting to keep himself and his bridgecrew alive during one of the most pointless “wars” I've read in a fantasy novel - the pointlessness isn’t actually a criticism. He’s facing systematic oppression and disregard for human life, as well as battling his own depression and forming a bond with a spren named Syl (I absolutely adore Syl! But I want to talk about her in my review for Words of Radiance.)
So… I’ve always been frustrated with Kaladin’s fundamental drive to save people and take responsibility for people’s deaths, even when there was nothing he could have done to save them. This book is probably the worst for it out of the four currently published and I just found it a bit much because I personally struggle to relate to his attitude. This level of personal responsibility is a completely alien concept to me, at least to this level, and it’s Kaladin’s entire thing - his driving personality trait - and I just didn’t get it. Kaladin and I are very different people and for a long time I really struggled to relate to him on the same level everyone else seems to in this book. It also didn’t help that the main plot around Kaladin running bridges, struggling with his depression, and trying to keep his men alive is very repetitive… So when you’re in the midst of it and struggling to connect quite so deeply with Kaladin this book can become a slog - yet, the pay off for his struggles is so satisfying and it is very much worth it for making the end feel earned. 
However, my issues with connecting to Kaladin is definitely on me and this is by no means to say Kaladin is a badly written character, I’ve always admired how well Kaladin is drawn in this book. Within a few chapters I understood who Kaladin is, and really loved the conflict he had with his depression and role as a fantasy hero. It's beautifully painful to watch and, even when you’re a bit ambivalent about Kaladin, you really care about whether he and Bridge Four are going to survive the bridgecrews – and the climax sequence with Kaladin becoming Stormblessed again at the Tower is still one of my favourite moments in the entire series!
However, on this reread of the series I had a completely different experience to what I’ve had on previous reads, and a lot of this is down to Rhythm of War. I don’t want to say too much here because it’ll involve spoilers for Rhythm of Warm but having seen Kaladin confront his, as Ron Weasley would say, “saving people thing” and really struggle to keep functioning as Stormblessed, I was so much more on board with this book. Rhythm of War’s much more personal approach to Kaladin really helped me understand him as a person, not just the underdog hero. The struggle with his sense of self, the way his depression impacts his ability to act, and the way he’s moving forward in Rhythm of War let me appreciate the character work for Kaladin in The Way of Kings. The struggle, graft, and determination, especially given his mindset, is much more admirable when I can strip away the focus on doggedly protecting everyone no matter the personal cost. 
Kaladin and I are very different people, but that’s okay and I’ve come to appreciate him a lot more in the last 7 months. Now I can happily adore him alongside everyone else, and not just nod along with the rest of the fandom because I understand he’s objectively a well written character. Also Kaladin’s mental health rep is some of the best I’ve seen in an epic fantasy series. However, I would approach this book, and series, carefully if you’re sensitive to depression.
Shallan – confession time round two: I hate Shallan. I really loathe her on a deeply personal level. And I’m still bitter about it because I used to love her, when I first read this book she was my favourite character! This was partly due to relating to her and partly due to my frustration with Kaladin. However, as I read Words of Radiance I grew uncomfortable with her and by Oathbringer it became a full on HATED of her…and it’s never gone away.
I first met Shallan when I was a shy 18-year-old, budding historian and scholar. I got Shallan, I loved her plotline, and found Khabranth a lot more interesting than the endless bridgeruns with Kaladin (sorry Kaladin!) I connected with her because she represented (projected) a lot of what I was at the time - and still am today, just an older version of that person. She was the main character that really drew me into the story - yes I loved Szeth and thought he was brilliant, but Szeth is largely absent from this novel and Shallan is the main female lead. 
And then I got hit in the face by the infamous Words of Radiance “Boots” chapter, and I immediately got iffy vibes, then there was the Chasm sequence, and so many other moments that made me uncomfortable. I’ll avoid spoilers and, for now, just say I got hit in the face by Shallan’s innate privilege, her causal abuse of social rank, and complete lack of social and self awareness. To top it off the narrative gives her no consequences for this and even rewards her for her behaviour, rather than making Shallan work through the issues around classism (something I, as a Brit, am hyper aware of and it SHOULD NOT under ANY circumstances be ignored, especially with Kaladin’s narrative running parallel to Shallan.) However, this is later book issues and a major dropped theme that I’m fuming about, but I still found I liked Shallan in THIS book when I reread the series.
Not this time. 
There are moments in The Way of Kings where we can already see Shallan’s privilege and complete disregard of anyone who is remotely lower than her in the Vorin hierarchy. The scene with the book merchant stands out. No one in that scene is innocent, and I’m much less annoyed by it than I am at the “Boots” scene, however, it shows an early form of Shallan’s complete inability to reflect on her own behaviour towards those with less power than herself. She’s casually abusive and manipulative, but no one really calls her out on it. The few moments when someone does confront Shallan about it, and the narrative consistently forgives her because Sanderson allows her to come across as the victor in each of the arguments. This isn’t to say Shallan’s causal abuse of the Vorin social system shouldn’t be present in the book. It’s actually very realistic, in our world white people (especially white women) have behaved like Shallan for centuries. However, what does matter is the narrative framing. However, I’ll dig into this when I get to reviewing Words of Radiance because a lot of my planned review for that book is centred around this issue.
I’m also resentful that Shallan’s character in The Way of Kings is a complete lie – we don’t know her at all, but not in the same way as Dalinar? We KNOW something is off with Dalinar, we KNOW he was a terrible person and a warmonger from the way people talk about the Blackthorn – but Shallan’s reveal largely comes out of nowhere in some respects and I HATE that the person I loved so much 5 years ago was a complete lie. I’m a bitter person and I will continue to hold a grudge until Shallan dies or the series ends, whichever comes first.
Jasnah – my problematic QUEEN. Is Jasnah a shitty person? Yes. Do I love her anyway? Yes. Difference is I knew Jasnah was shitty from the start… I like problematic characters, I just hate being lied to (*cue insincere smile at Shallan*)
Jasnah is a difficult character to talk about in this book because we don’t know much about her other than her public persona, however, she’s a large part of why I love it so much. I just like brilliant women who would kill me, okay? It also helps that she's an historian, I have a soft spot for murderous historians. I’ll talk more about Jasnah when I review Oathbriner, hopefully that won’t be in another 5 years…! I just wanted to highlight that I do love a female character in this book!
Actually on the topic, Sanderson is still a shitty author for female friendships – he has included more female characters in Stormlight but why are there no female friendships that aren’t rooted in backstabbing and lies?!
Dalinar – if Jasnah is my problematic Queen then Dalinar has to be the problematic King. Dalinar is my favourite Stormlight Archive character. I could wax lyrical about what a BRILLIANT character he is. You may not like Dalinar, you may not forgive him, but you have to admit he is the best written character in ANYTHING Sanderson has written, and one of the best in modern fantasy. Nevertheless, much like Jasnah I’m going to wait until I review Oathbringer before I talk about Dalinar because I can’t do him justice without his flashbacks. However, I will tell you a story about the time I first met Dalinar Kholin.
So, I first read The Way of Kings on my commute back and forth to Worcester Cathedral because I had a work placement in the Cathedral’s archives. I’d been doing this commute for months and reached the point where I knew when to get off the train by feeling, no need to check the stations (this is relevant).
 I was on my commute home, and as I was walking to the train station I started part two. I met Adolin and he was fine. I was a bit confused because this was a whole new perspective and set of characters, but I was doing okay. (Yes I was walking and reading, no I do not recommend this arrangement for health reasons.)
And then I met Dalinar. As I got on the train we got into his own head, with the mystery of the visions just starting, the hints towards his complicated relationship with Elhokar, and the amazing fight with the Chasmfiend. Bearing in mind I was automatically doing my commute through this – I’d become so invested in Dalinar, I missed my transfer on the train. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life. I’m paranoid about it! But I was so engrossed in this aged general, who was potentially going mad, that I missed the stop on my train and didn’t even notice until we hit Birmingham New Street.
I was so in love with Dalinar Kholin that I travelled to the wrong city… And my love for him has only gotten stronger*.
Overall I have a complicated relationship with The Way of Kings, and The Stormlight Archive in general. I love this series, I particularly adore the characters and character work Sanderson is doing as the books continue. However, it is severely overhyped. There are a lot of flaws in this book, especially with the writing and structural aspect of this novel. It’s poorly paced, clumsily written, and lacking finesse. For me Sanderson is an okay writer but a wonderful storyteller. As a storyteller he’s made a huge contribution to the fantasy genre and I’m here for the major improvement he’s made in popularising more complex character work and the inclusion of mental health representation. We’re just seeing the start of this shift in the fantasy genre and I’m excited to see where Stormlight and fantasy are going to go with this movement. 
However, as a writer he has a long way to go in improving his craft of writing. These are big books, and I will often forgive mistakes with narrative structure in books of this size because they are so huge. However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t acknowledge them when reviewing the novel. Mistakes were made, especially in The Way of Kings, and are still being made but Sanderson has been slowly improving with the later books.
There’s a lot to love in The Stormlight Archive - the worldbuilding is insane, the characters are incredible, and the plots are gripping. I love them, and I will continue to eagerly await the next installments! But they’re far from perfect, and that’s okay. Sanderson has captured the imaginations of thousands of fantasy readers and I would highly recommend you give these books a go, despite my critical review. This is a fabulous time to be a fantasy reader and The Stormlight Archive is one of the most exciting reasons to be reading the genre!
*Dalinar and I are going to be on thin ice if Sanderson continues with his character as he did in Rhythm of War, but again I’ll address that when I review Rhythm of War.
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