#they’re a problem but I love them anyway
elysianrealities · 1 day
✮ - some things i scripted ੭* ‧₊°
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✦ i’m good at every sport (so i won’t get yelled at in p.e)
✦ i can run the mile in 3 minutes
✦ i am guaranteed to attend oxford university when i’m older
✦ i experience romantic&sexual attraction normally(aroaceflux problems 😓)
✦ i maintain a 4.0 GPA every single year
✦ i always get 100/100 on tests, even if i guessed everything
✦ i’m keeping the scars i have in this reality in my better cr
✦ i can maintain my weight and muscles and eat whatever the hell i want <3
✦ 20% of the earth hasn’t been discovered yet and the government has agreed to leave it untouched
✦ ai isn’t used for art
✦ global warming isn’t a thing + humans take care of the earth
✦ i moved to cali from new york
✦ my ex never asked me out
✦ i have a bathroom connected to my room
✦ i always smell good
✦ i don’t have to brush my teeth because they’re always clean and my breath always smells good, but i do it anyway because i enjoy it
✦ i can play any instrument
✦ i’m naturally funny
✦ i always have a witty comeback
✦ parents love me when i’m a guest
✦ i get an allowance of $2k a month
✦ i can get any piercings i want
✦ when i do get piercings, they don’t hurt at all; i don’t even feel them
✦ should i get caught doing something i shouldn’t, it’ll be my dad and he’ll never blow up on me / be angry
✦ roller coasters never scare me; they excite me
✦ i have to have been in my better cr for at least a day before i can shift back (so i don’t freak out and go back)
✦ i’m never irrelevant
✦ i can lie real easily (although i don’t like to)
✦ my school photo always looks good
✦ i can fight as good as a professional + i win any fight i get into (my school has some annoying ass bitches)
✦ piercings i get are always even
✦ my hair is always thick and healthy and smooth no matter how much i bleach it and dye it; it cannot die/get damaged
✦ i look good in every hair color
✦ i always have clear skin
✦ i have perfect vision (i have glasses in my OR 😭)
✦ i never feel nauseous
✦ i never get headaches
✦ i never get tummy aches
✦ i meet my future bf on springbreak when i’m in nyc w/ my family
✦ all of my bf’s fans are respectful about our relationship 🫶🫶
✦ i don’t remember anything about the fnaf movie (so i can watch it for the first time again)
✦ none of my piercings reject
✦ i never get pit stains
✦ i don’t get red when i run
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artyandink · 2 days
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to @cafekitsune)
A/N - Inspired by Take Me Home by @zepskies
nine - sweet girl
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Soft, plush lips. Strong hands. Low groans.
Paperwork. So much… paperwork.
My pen lay forgotten on the desk, the door to his office closed and blinds drawn while Beau’s lips took my own hostage, staking his claim over and over again until he was sure that they were swollen and his, and he definitely wasn’t stopping after that, not when I was sitting on his lap with the danger of someone walking in. His calloused hand twisted strands of my hair around his fingers, his wrist adorned with an array of hair ties that he’d pulled from my braids every time he saw my hair done up in one.
“Gotta respect the shampoo and conditioner, darlin’, they’ve done work to make you look this gorgeous.” He’d rumble before nuzzling his nose against mine and capturing my lips in a sweet yet burning kiss.
His other hand rucked up the soft material of my Henley, pulling me back to the present but high up into the clouds of nine and possibly ten as his knee found its way between my legs, nudging them apart as he let out a low groan of pleasure at my fingers tugging on his silky hair.
But it wasn’t to get a sound out of him. As much as I loved his lips and the things they could do and the sinful sounds that came out of them, we had work.
“Beau.” I murmured against his lips, which chased mine at every opportunity.
“Mnh-mnh.” He hummed back as the pads of his fingers pressed into my side, his tongue teasing my bottom lip in a way that made me shiver.
Stay strong, Joyner. You haven’t caved to bullets. Don’t cave to a pair of lips-
He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to my pulse point.
Damn, they’re a weapon of mass destruction.
I cleared my throat, biting back a sigh as I lifted his head, making him meet green eyes with mine. “Paperwork.”
The word made him grunt softly in protest, his head jerking slightly to the side. “C’mon, I just got your gorgeous ass alone.” As if to punctuate his point, he squeezed it playfully. “Liv’s with Denise, it’s just us. We can have some fun, a lil’ somethin’-somethin’.”
“Here.” I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. “In your office. With the risk of someone walking in on us?”
Beau let out an indignant snort, giving me some puppy eyes. “I’m the damn sheriff. What’re they gonna do, hm? Look, darlin’, I’m willing to get on with all this hooey, but only if you let me hit that later.”
“Oh, fine.” I rolled my eyes with a small giggle, before I handed back his pen and picked up mine, beginning to fill out the form. “Y’know, I was thinking… I think it’s time that we tell Carla, Em and Liv. About, well, us.”
“If you’re comfortable with it, sure, we can slam the gas on it.” He hummed in agreement, his free hand rubbing soothing circles on my stomach from underneath my Henley. “But if I’m bein’ honest? I think Em an’ Carla already know. Those two don’t miss a thing. Y’know, there was this one time, I was on my way to the bar to have a drink with my old team. Those two clocked me the moment they saw me. Told me I had my party hat on.”
“Your party hat’s pretty peacock-esque, hon.” I smiled, nudging his foot with my own.
“Peacock-eque?” He repeated with a low rumble of a laugh. “That one’s new. Very new. Anyway, Em, she loves you like anythin’. And Carla, she’s been giving me more cheery smiles, like a lil’ ray of sunshine.” He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to my cheek. “I’m presuming that she’s clocked us and she’s happy.”
“But, just to be safe-”
“I can break the news tonight, no problem.” Beau nodded, patting my stomach. He was full of these little assuring touches and kisses, almost if he was assuring himself that this was real.
I was still unsure of it myself.
“But I’m kinda thinking about what Liv will think.” He continued, his breath against my ear. “Her auntie, with a new guy, it’ll be a bit odd, dontcha think?”
“Liv’s a sweet girl.” I shrugged, looking back at him with a small smile. “And after that whole situation where you took care of her while my ass was getting beat? That earned some brownie points.”
“While I appreciated the boost in my XP, I still wanna kill those bastards for what they did to your pretty face.” He brushed some hair out of my eyes with a gentle look in his own. “Or at least give ‘em a lifer. I’m still a law-abiding sheriff, even if I wanna tear them apart, limb by limb, rip their hearts out, stomp on them and not give those guys a proper funeral beyond torching what’s left of them.”
“You sound like such a law abiding sheriff right now.” I drawled sarcastically, a small chuckle leaving my mouth.
Beau nodded, playing along with a throaty laugh. “Yeah, right? Totally innocent.”
“Totally.” I giggled, then leaned forward and kissed him. The purpose was for it to be short and sweet, but Beau couldn’t have that and held it for a bit longer, the pad of his thumb pressing into a spot on my neck in a way that he knew would make me let out a sound into his mouth, which he took in stride. But then my phone rang, which had him pulling away with a roll of his eyes.
“Awh, c’mon, damn phone.” He grumbled, but when I pecked his lips again, he seemed placated. I looked at who was calling me, finding that it was Cassie.
“Sorry, hon.” I sighed, picking up the call and not noticing that I sounded a little breathless. “Hey, Cass. What’s up?”
‘Hey, uh-’ I heard a pause on the other end, followed by a laugh, ‘am I interrupting something?’
“What?! No.” I scoffed, but she picked up on it immediately, snickering.
‘Oh, yeah, I did. Tell Beau I said hi, and no, I’m not telling Jenny.’
“Thanks, Cass.” I turned to Beau, putting Cassie on speaker. “Cassie says hi.”
“Hey, there, Boots.” Beau replied warmly, chuckling.
‘Hey. Anyway, you said that Liv told you she was with Denise.’ Cassie sounded concerned and slightly annoyed, which had Beau and I sharing a look.
“She did, yeah.” I nodded, pouting in thought. “Why?”
‘She’s… not.’ I perked up, my eyebrow raising. ‘She’s with Tom.’
I gasped, outrage filling me. How dare she? Do I even know my own niece anymore? “She’s what?!”
‘I’m as surprised as you are. Just wanted to let you know. They’re in that cafe Tom works at. And they’re pretty cozy.’
My face set, and I let out a huff of breath, rubbing a hand over my face. “Thanks, Cass. I’ll talk to her. Bye.”
‘No problem. Bye.’
I cut the call, and Beau’s hand squeezed my shoulder, sensing my irritation. “Can you be there?” I asked quietly. “I need something to stop me from yelling.”
“Course, darlin’.” He rumbled, kissing my temple. “I can be there.”
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Olivia had a big smile on her face as she came home, and it almost broke my heart to know that I had to ruin her fun. But she defied my direct order, and I wanted to know why my baby girl did it. I wasn’t mad, just disappointed.
“Hey, aunt Isa.” She smiled docilely, and it almost made me believe she was innocent. Then her eyes flitted to Beau, and she seemed sort of… I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Hey, Beau.”
“Sugar.” Beau replied curtly, then nodded to me. “Go ‘head, darlin’.”
“Olivia Barlowe, do you wanna tell me exactly why you were spotted today with Tom?” I frowned, folding my arms. “When I explicitly told you not to?”
The question stopped her in her tracks, and she swallowed heavily. “Aunt Isa-”
“Save it.” My fingers drummed on the table, my eyes boring into hers as I fought back the urge to yell, anger only quenched by Beau’s hand on my back rubbing soothing circles. Trying to keep me grounded and miserably failing, though I’d never say that to Beau. Not when he was trying so hard to be an uncle to Olivia and a boyfriend to me despite my growing distance from him due to the case. “Someone found you in a restaurant with Tom, I only wanna hear an explanation, no ‘aunt Isa’s and flat out excuses.”
“I’m not the only one who has to explain themselves.” Olivia scoffed lightly, which had me raising an eyebrow. “You’d rather make out with your boss than spend some time with me-”
“OLIVIA!” My fist came down on the slab, making a thudding sound and startling her. The first time I’d yelled at her; the first time I’d lost control, and it didn’t feel great, but I couldn’t stop shouting. I couldn’t stop taking all of my frustrations out in this moment. “Do you have a goddamn right to talk to me like that?! Do you? Huh? Cause the way I see it, I’ve taken care of you since you were nine, and not to be that caretaker, but I will be- is this how you repay me?”
Damn. Damn, what was I doing?
Olivia remained silent while I continued, words - vexated, irate words - spilled from my mouth. “You weren’t meant to step near Tom, not with a ten foot pole. Not after his adopted father tried to force himself on me. I don’t care whether he’s adopted or not, he’s still Harry’s son. His family, and I don’t want you near that. I can let you near Rhea, she understood the situation, but Tom I can’t control. I thought your father was meant to explain that to you.” I swept my hand over my mouth, clearing my throat and lowering my voice. “It’s for your benefit.”
Olivia looked pale, horrified and confused- as if she had no previous idea of what I’d told her before she ran to her room, but I made no move to stop her.
She needed that space.
Even if her confused expression irked my gut.
“That was the first time I’ve yelled at her.” I whispered, and Beau drew me into his arms, rocking me from side to side with comforting kisses to where he could reach.
“You’re doin’ what you can, Belle.” He murmured, tilting my face up to kiss my lips briefly. “And you can love who you wanna. You’ve had a rough go of it, and you deserve that luxury, eh?”
I nodded against his chest, hearing his heartbeat and somehow feeling at peace. A small smile stretched on my lips, finally home. Home in Beau’s arms, after so long of struggling, giving up and struggling again. At least something made me happy.
Something made all this worth it.
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“Alright, we’ve tried a lot of passcodes so far, and there was no incriminating non-witness-based evidence against Mark Leeds, so we had to let him go.” Mo announced, which had Jenny, Cassie, Beau and I groaning and rubbing our faces.
“At this point, it’ll take weeks before we crack the passcode.” Jenny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. I stared off into space, feeling like I’d failed Lucy. Otherwise I’d have put my brain into use and cracked this whole shebang. Yet I hadn’t, so I’d also failed my badge.
Tackling a gang member and having my wound split open was for nothing.
That hit and run six years ago was for nothing.
Sacrificing my relationship with Olivia was for nothing.
All of it… amounted to nothing.
I was having the worst kind of tears. The ones that burned your eyes and felt like they were there but weren’t. And you’d silently struggle, while the others around you didn’t feel half your pain. That was the kind I was having.
I let out a sharp breath, standing up and dusting off my hands. “Ah, well, I guess I’ll send Mark off. Offer an apology for being so damn rude in the interrogation room.”
“Sure you don’t want someone to come with you?” Beau asked, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles before kissing it.
“I’m fine.”
“Guys, you’re making me feel single.” Jenny giggled, giving us both an amused look that had me running the hand that Beau had held through my hair.
“Jesus, I have a boyfriend and even he’s not as affectionate.” Cassie snorted, referencing Cormac. I’d retaliate by referencing the office make out session, but then she’d expose mine and I didn’t want that, so I just responded with a bashful smile and an exiting of the room, briskly strolling over to where Mark’s handcuffs were being unlocked, what was once stubble now slightly beard-ish, but he couldn’t pull it off. Beau probably could. Then again, I might be biased.
“Markham.” I sighed, not knowing how to take this situation. With relief since it was most likely that he wasn’t Lucy’s killer as there was no evidence, or horrified that he was incredibly good at hiding evidence.
“Isabelle.” He replied with equally of an exhausted tone, but he did something that confused me immensely. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it with a smile. “You find her killer. I miss my Luce, and if anyone’s gonna find that bastard, it’s Elle Joyner.”
I nodded, swallowing thickly. “Y-Yeah. I’ll try.” Then Mark walked out, and even though he had faith in me, I didn’t.
Hell, how could I have faith in me when all I’ve drawn is blanks?
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I was working late hours at the station, putting in all the possible combinations of a six digit number one after one just to keep the work going and reach a conclusion faster because goddamn I needed a win. Olivia was with Dean in my house for the night, and I trusted her with him.
“134768,” I muttered, rattling off more numbers and crossing them off on the big-ass sheet.
“M’going home, Deputy Joyner.” One of the other deputies announced, which almost broke my resolve and had me up, leaving and never coming back cause I was going insane.
“Night, Deputy Yates.” I sighed, rubbing my eyes before continuing with the input of numbers.
On and on.
Never ending.
Goddamn, I hated this. Really hated this.
I had the fiftieth sip of coffee, letting the hot liquid rejuvenate my words and somehow my brain cells as I glanced at the time. 9:57pm.
Wait. I sat up in my seat. I’ve got it.
I remembered the tattoo Lucy had on her wrist. It was right there- how did I not see the connection before? I waited for the lock screen to stop telling me to ‘wait a minute’ because there were too many password tries and then entered the code.
Phone Unlocked.
I let out a breath of relief, running a hand through my hair as I went through Lucy’s camera roll first in case she’d gotten a video of the killer the night she died. But there was just one video, that wasn’t of the night she died. She was teaching Olivia a code.
‘It’s my favourite way to code messages. Simple and easy to decipher.’ Lucy smiled in the video, kissing Olivia’s hair, then turned to the camera. ‘I hope you’re getting this, Elle.’
‘I’m getting it!’ My indignant voice came from behind the camera and a piece of me melted. I was there that day.
‘Ok, so you write out the alphabet. Then you write down the numbers from one to twenty six under the alphabet, because that’s how many letters there are. So ‘a’ would be one and ‘z’ would be twenty six. Let’s spell out our names in this code. Y’know, I sometimes talk to your auntie in this code.’
There was an indignant scoff from behind the camera. ‘No you don’t-’
‘Shh, keep the magic.’ Lucy put a finger to her lips, but I instantly knew what she meant. This was a week before she died.
I wrote out the code 045114 on a piece of paper. Then I matched the letter to the number, and instantly my pen dropped, eyes widened and all the breath left my lungs.
Dean Barlowe.
I grabbed my keys and my jacket, putting it on and sprinting to my car, dialling Olivia with shaky fingers as I started the car and drove at the speed limit to my house, getting nothing but voicemail. I slammed the wheel, letting out a strangled cry before quickly shooting a voicemail to Beau, Jenny and Cassie.
“They brought my baby into this.” I whispered, feeling ready to break down. They brought Olivia into this. “This is my fight.” Why did they need to touch her? “Why’d they bring my baby girl in the middle of all this crap?” I quickly pulled up at my house, sprinting up the steps to find a wide open door, my blood running cold as I pulled out my gun.
Beau, Jenny and Cassie arrived, also armed with guns that they flicked the safety off of and put up just as Beau gestured for me to take the lead.
“Sheriff’s Department!” I yelled, stalking inside, but when I found a house that was empty with signs of a struggle, chairs overturned and the kitchen counter splattered with blood, my knees buckled, drums playing at fortissimo in my head as my gun clattered to the floor as well, my hands raising to grip my head right as Beau knelt beside me, drawing me into his chest as I drew rasping breaths.
Hot tears spilling down my cheeks.
“We’ll find her.” He assured, trying desperately to wipe away my tears, but they kept on coming.
“My baby.” I sobbed, the sound racking, gut-wrenching, making my throat hoarse but I didn’t give a damn.
Jenny and Cassie came from sweeping the house, the former giving me news I didn’t want to hear. “She’s not here.”
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@nancymcl @deans-spinster-witch @hobby27 @thej2report @winharry @carpenterswife @xxannyxx @nesnejwritings @deans-baby-momma
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soulsxng · 11 months
Was checking a post on mobile, and in the suggested posts below it, tumblr showed me these--
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chrollohearttags · 25 days
it’s so funny when I defend lgbtq+ in front of my family and then we go out somewhere and it’s littered with the most yt liberal, pretentious group of ppl I’ve ever seen and they wanna scream “there goes one of ur friends” lmao girl get the fuck out my goddamn face with that.
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werewolfclaws · 3 months
I dunno I think if multiple women told me that a character from a show I used to previously love was a disgusting hateful caricature of them and everything they love, I don’t think I’d like the character anymore.
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mariathechosen1 · 3 months
Was Anyone But You a good Much Ado About Nothing adaptation? No, not at all, but fuck it was fun!
#y’all know I have many thoughts about this play and these characters#but even though the movie didn’t completely live up to my expectations as an adaptation#I still really enjoyed it!#and I really despise all those people making posts about how sydney sweeney can’t act#idk it seems a little rude#my main problem is how they messed up the benedick and beatrice characterization and dynamic#I love that they played up the ex lovers thing (which is left up to interpretation in the play)#and i love love queer Hero and Claudio!!!#but their hatred of each other didn’t really pack the same punch as in the original#I suppose I wish they weren’t afraid to make the characters bigger assholes?#ya know- give them more flaws?#because right now the enemies part doesn’t really feel believable for big parts of the movie#They really could have leaned more into making Bea a bit of a cold and snappy mess (as she is in the original)#and Ben more of…ya know…actual human disaster who can’t commit#both of their characters in the play are driven by their desire never to marry and their distrust for the opposite sex#They included this a bit with Bea (her not believing in true love and all that)#but her break up with Jonathan (because he was too nice???) didn’t really convince me of it#They also keep insisting that Ben is a fuckboy but we never really see it demonstrated?#I personally don’t mind the fact that they changed up the whole ‘convincing them that the other secretly loves them’ bit#especially considering this is only loosely based on much ado#but I do think they made it a bit messy considering they included the gulling scenes but only as a joke#I wish they’d either leaned fully into the much ado plot or ditched it#I think what a lot of adaptations get wrong is that they’re either too afraid of leaning into their og media#or too afraid of seperating themselves from the og media#oh god I’ve reached the tag limit help#anyways- rant over#anyone but you#maria talks about things#much ado about nothing#beatrice x benedick
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raeofgayshine · 4 months
I love playing Pokémon in a way that would absolutely kill anyone who knows a thing about the game. No I don’t know most weaknesses and strengths of typings or what I should be using. No I’m not building a well rounded team. No I don’t remember battle to battle what moves are effective against what Pokémon’s even if I just fought them and lord knows I don’t really understand their power or literally any stat my mons have. I am heavily brute forcing my way through this game with my team full of Sunflora fusions because this is Infinite Fusions and I can do that. Yes having everyone a grass type presents problems. No I don’t care! I will beef them up enough they can tank hits until I can destroy whoever I’m fighting and if all else fails I have potions and revives and everything I need on stock to keep going. I do not know what I’m doing but I’m having fucking fun with it!!!!
#ravenpuff rambles#there are few moments I want to be a streamer but good lord it would be funny to play Pokémon for people who actually understand the game#everyone would be so angry with me#meanwhile I’m tehehahaing because I accidentally made a good move and one shotted a man with my Alakazam fusion#I only play to have fun and also have cute Pokémon’s#even if this wasn’t a fusion game I would have a problem not having a lot of grass types because I love them#worst news is that I can’t afford to have a grass/grass Pokémon because I need some coverage#I miss my Sunflora/Leafon the little legend#but I do love my team they’re all so cute#I did have to replace my Sandslash/Sunkern fusion who was an absolute cutie but unfortunately had low hp because I could evolve the Sunkern#there’s no custom sprite for Sandslash/Sunflora and I couldn’t have the default horror on my team#I do still have my Alakazam/Sunkern fusion though because despite being a hella glass canon he’s fast and hits hard and psychic moves are so#good!! He also does have a Sunflora sprite which is sad but the Sunkern one is fucking epic#the rest of my team includes Vensaur/Sunflora (my starter)#raichu/Sunflora fusion (Who I had in my last run and an absolute cutie) Ninetales/Sunflora (who thankfully has an ability that makes him#immune to fire moves) Umbreon/Sunflora (Literally baby. also a bit of a heavy hitter)#and my Lapras/Sunflora (my newest edition who replaced the Sandslash mostly so I can surf)#I can’t wait to destroy the Elite 4 when I eventually roll up there with my crew#Truly they’re all unstoppable as long as you don’t use fire and also that one move that literally takes them all out#anyways I need to get a photo of them all because they’re so cute but for now take my word#and know I’m playing Pokémon in a way that will piss off so many people. because I’m just quirky like that
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
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goodnight my sweet lil baby 🥰
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arolesbianism · 23 days
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Sier? I haven’t even met her! Laugh.
#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#eternal gales#today has been a shit day but Im feeling a bit better now that I’ve drawn sier#long story short one of my friends is being harassed by their ex#so I’ve been in a blinding rage all day and combined with me not getting enough sleep and cleaning all day today quite sucked#but hey. I drew sier and made them a new mini ref so that’s gotta count for something#but yeah sier my beloved I’ve been thinking abt them all day they’re just so cute and I love drawing them#I forgive them for being a human character they’re silly and have shapes#I now have only 4 eg refs to go I think? which is honestly a lot closer than I thought I was I thought this was gonna be another year of#last minute refs for artfight and some that don’t get remade but honestly this is super doable#rly the only big problem is going to be fydd since it’s been so long since I’ve drawn him properly#the other three are just dodie tali and bloom which shouldn’t be too bad at all#now idk if the icons are happening but it’s definitely feeling a lot more doable now so idk maybe I’ll get to some of them#key word maybe I make no promises#thankfully I don’t rly have any other ocs that I feel pressed to make new refs for so I can take it easy leading up to artfight this year#I’d like to get some of them icons but that’s not necessary#hopefully sier will get drawn this year she hasn’t been attacked since her old design from years ago lol#but sier is also a character I’ve gotten other pieces of art of over the years so I won’t be heartbroken if they keep getting ignored lol#I don’t rly know who I’d like to see attacked most tbh#obviously I’m always happy to see art of any of my ocs but usually I do have a preference#so Im excited to see who gets attacked even if it’s only a few of them#I’m willing to bet teke will get at least one attack I believe in him#hopefully teka gets drawn too I love her dearly as well#anyways shower time and then sleep time gn gamers
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quietwingsinthesky · 24 hours
hey look i RESTRAINED myself with even okay. original plan was for them to have a shock collar while living with the master on the colony ship.
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i-am-a-freg · 9 months
Not to post about again the post I made but it’s kinda sucky to see how pro abortionists are takin my post
#there aren’t a ton of them#but like#none of what I said is unreasonable#I was focusing on the baby not so much the mom#although even if I was they’d still disagree ofc#bc in their minds I hate women and want them to be puníshed for killing babies#like??? no????#I was feeling the feels because I’m going to be working VERY closely with mothers and newborn babies#and sure yeah I could’ve focused more on the struggles of women in that position#but I DIDNT#I mean I have no problem doing it#I just didn’t#I was thinking about little babies#who are unwanted because they’re not ‘normal’#and yeah I feel so much for the mother and father who make that decision#but all lives are blessings#even if you don’t trust yourself enough to have that baby#you can at least find it a good home where it’ll still have loving parents#anyway I’m not trying to be petty by talking about ppl instead of talking to their face#but in my experience they don’t care they just have their opinion like the rest of that and they’re not gonna listen so#idk man#I mean it’s not like I can’t empathize with someone who’s scared to have this baby because of all the what ifs#but that’s another reason ultrasounds are not always the best#the baby might not even BE disabled or malformed or whatever else#and if it was a surprise when it’s born you’re not gonna kill the baby??? bc that’s a human being??? it alwasy was???#i do NOT think that women should be punished for abortions because oftentimes they’re lied to and misinformed and all these other things#it’s just insane to me how people can take what I said and twist it to be so horrible#ANYWAY all of you ignore this I just rlly needed to get that out
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frnkiebby · 15 days
It was about the p!atd thing. People are entitled to their opinions, I get that, but I hid many tags to hide p!atd hate on this site and it gets disappointing seeing it all the time regardless. I don't care what you like or dislike, I just wish I didn't have to see it on what otherwise feels like a lighthearted and fun blog.
okay that’s completely fair, i’ll give you that.
and if you’d like, what tag would you like for me to put on that post for you so you don’t have to come across it again?~🎃
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rainedroptalks · 23 days
Okay I finally finished reading the yj98 comics and I need to draw Greta Hayes right now or else I’ll explode
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lilyimmsim · 1 month
i think there’s a divide between the way women and men can talk + feel about themselves. it’s difficult as women to say “i am beautiful” or “strong” or “hot” or “worthy”. i think it’s much more acceptable to say these things, or much more expected, when you’re a man. it’s shown in media all the time; the main character thinks she’s ugly and is so shy and can’t see it until a dude comes along and tells her she’s beautiful; it’s seen in the lyrics “you don’t know you’re beautiful - that’s what makes you beautiful”. and i get that those lyrics are from a popular, harmless song but it injects this belief into young girls that not knowing, not admitting your beauty is what makes you pretty, rather than owning the beauty + being confident of it.
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
in the most concrete way yet I feel like I’m getting a handle on what my flaws and weaknesses actually are lol.
#self-absorption poor impulse control an addictive personality#fiercely independent/sensitive/proud past the point of reason#anyway it feels like a real breakthrough honestly#because I’ve always known that there was stuff wrong but only in a dim sense#and this is a slow-gathering clearer picture#because the problem is that flaws don’t feel like flaws at first (so obvious I know)#my impulse can feel like inspiration! a wave of emotion always feels good! I have a rich internal life there’s a lot to think about#with regards to myself#but actually those all can be such negative and hurtful traits.#also it kills my pride to know that the people who love me already know these Lol#because they’re the ones who have to live with them!! And who are affected by them!#anyway the self-absorption one especially. I feel like there’s been so much to work through and figure out this past year#that made me turn inward more#and some of it was necessary#but I’m so aware of how much I want to get out of that space. and truly be open to other people and experiences and the world#in a way that is not just filtered through my internal journey#anyway anyway (a final thought) the pattern of my 20’s has been either self-absorption or complete absorption into the one or two things#that I/my anxiety allowed into the space of my heart and mind#as a kind of counter to the teenage state which was just information pouring in from all sides#but I would like to be able to reopen some of those informational floodgates so to speak. and let stuff in in a real and balanced way#because I don’t think I’m going to drown or be swept away in it (I am so scared of losing my identity in a sea of information)#one of my root fears! but it’s like. No. Bones not made of glass etc. etc. so you can start to think about yourself less#you SHOULD#anyway thank you for listening. there have been some very good (self) revelations lately <3#painful ones! but good
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lesbianaglaya · 1 year
revoking people’s right to talk about the tolstoy marriage until they write and turn in to me a ten page essay on complex relationships
#‘tolstoy STOLE from sophia’s diary’ almost certainly not true.#at least not in the usual vein - sophia was (and should be credited as!) at the very least his editor and collaborator#with w&p at times i want to say co author but i also dont think we should diminish the importance of editing#they worked as a team! and in the later years when thier relationship was increasingly frought they were BOTH reading each others diaries.#the problem is there is genuinely an avenue to talk about how tolstoy drew from real life in less than ethical ways#tanya bhers/natasha rostova for instance. THE KREUTZER SONATA! FOR INSTANCE!#but diminishing it down to oh he stole from her is. a disservice to both of them.#sophia confessed her love by writing a story that blatantly copied real life and lev’s personal insecurities confessed in confidence#and honestly that isnt even BAD like there is a reason they were happily married for 25 years! they’re work is similar they were a team!#we dint need to flatten it out to sophia-wife-victim lev-husband-abuser.#nor do we need to ignore the many ways sophia suffered!#it’s just theyve been reduced to a famous literary disaster marriage when they really… werent that.#gabby.txt#genuinely tanya as the inspiration for natasha is far more upsetting to me than giving his diary to sophia before the wedding.#idk. idk! its like on one hand im so fully on sophia's side and im so happy that her diaries and writing are being translated#and. not even on the other hand these ideas arent in opposition to each other. reducing her marriage to a flat picture of suffering is. bad#actually i think in many ways the problem is solved by looking at sophia as an author instead of a wife.#which like. she was very much both. but if we afford her the agency afforded to an author i think the conversation immediately gains nuance#and that also comes with the caveat of female authors being far less respected - look at nadezhda khvoshchinskaya - but still#anyway GOOOOD morning
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