#they seem to be hell-bent on ruining this series
foxstens · 11 months
black flag is getting a remake 🤮🤮🤮
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vmpiires · 5 months
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choso x f!reader ノ MDNI
𑂻𑂴 summary. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ choso finally has a feeling of want, need, and deep desire..
𑂻𑂴 tags. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ choso (still a cursed spirit), modern AU, nsfw, female anatomy, mentions of abuse, smoking, possible sexual content, mentions of murder/suicide, canon/modern lore mixes, obsession, etc.
𑂻𑂴 a/n. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ new layoutttt :) but this story MIGHT be a series. if ya like it i’ll keep going. reblog to support meeee and enjoy :D (if i decide that this should be a series, pls lmk if you wanna be tagged) (and don’t steal this plot or i’ll find you.)
𑂻𑂴 misc. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ masterlist ,, AO3 — dark mode recommended. WC — 2.23K
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humans have a complex mind. they can never make up their minds about anything. their wants and needs consistently change periodically and they go with whatever suits them. they may need food, a drink, new clothes or shoes just to be stylish for the occasion.
they also crave attention, drugs, money, and sex. this is what we would call the desire disease. a compelling disease that plunges you into the dark depths of life, pushing you to do the unimaginable but most important thing in your personal perspective at that moment. your impulses. those odd and horrible thoughts that cross your mind in the middle of the night, suddenly being acted on in broad daylight.
such disease develops in all living beings fairly quickly. they see what they want, they have fantasies of having such thing, they act, and receive. if one does not receive their desire, they will push extremities to have what they desire. there are four stages of this disease.
exposure, isolation, consumption, obsession.
one can jump immediately from stage one to stage four in the matter of months…days…hours…minutes….seconds.
giving in to your desires leads to infection. turning away from your desires means you have been cured. no one is ever cured, unfortunately.
choso never had a want for anything. as long as he was treated well, he didn’t mind the horrors of being so-called human and being accustomed to their ways of life. the boy could never hate anyone, for he feared being hated by everyone.
there was only one person that he had a deep hatred for. the one responsible for giving him such a terrible life. the one that took his mother from him, who he barely knew. no memories existed of this woman…but he loved her.
he’d make a vow to himself to kill his father when he was able to find him after he was left behind to live on his own. his father’s death was brutal…but it was hard to fight against the man that cared nothing for him and his brothers. it drove choso to insanity when he figured out that a young boy named yuji itadori was his brother…and his father tricked him into killing him. the male was lucky to realize this before yuji died.
bloody clothes, bloody shoes, and an apathetic expression. each step he took, there was an unsettling squelching noise while his father lied on the hardwood floor, dead.
but he left a message…signed in his own crimson fluid.
“i’ve made many mistakes growing into this body i was given. though, my words cannot express how grateful i am to be in a vessel like this…my words also cannot express how much hatred i feel for you. i’ve bent to your will before many times, unknowing of who you truly were…then i figured you out. you’ve ruined my life…so i took yours. you’ve made me capable of such power—that is what i am thankful for. but i will never forgive you for the hell i’ve been forced to endure because of your actions. if i should meet you again, i hope you die rougher than you had when i killed you. if i should cry, i cry for my mother. not you. i cannot form an apology or sympathy for you but i shall give you a goodbye and give you the gift of exposure. you wanted the attention, right?”
not that he ever craved the idea of murder, he seemed somewhat relaxed that day when he believed that he was free from the prison he called home once before. it would be considered odd behavior among humans and he’d be accused for the death of someone…but he knew he’d be full on guilty. he should’ve made it look like a suicide. he’s seen murders look like that in movies.
he’d travel to the bathroom, cleaning himself off and changing into some new clothes and shoes to avoid being found out. he’d remove the ponytails from his head, leaving his hair to hang down over his shoulders and reaching the trapezius of his back.
he would wipe the purple eyeshadow from eyes as he stared at the dark purple irises in the mirror, revealing how dead and tired he truly was. it was like his body could shut down at any moment.
now, choso had been wearing a black hoodie and a pair of pants. something so simple. it would last him a while until he would have to steal some clothes or wash them at a laundromat that he could just barely afford.
he sighed, planning his next move as he’d drag the corpse into the backyard and bury it deep down into the soil before walking back inside.
this was where he would remain…and he’d start a new life without the monster that concealed him from the world…from his own life.
“see ya, kid.” the tattoo artist called after choso. the male silently lifted his hand before exiting the shop. he had gotten a new piercing just above his left eyebrow. the man that done this body art for him was his favorite and probably someone he could consider a friend.
choso had a few piercings now. a tongue piercing that nearly reached the tip of it, two cartilage piercings in his left ear with two regular earrings to accompany them, a side lip piercing, which was a simple silver ring and a nose piercing. he was torn between a septum and a simple diamond stud but he got the stud anyway. he didn’t wanna be too extra.
the male was influenced by what people would call “emo” style. he loves rock music and wearing rings on his fingers. even his clothing style stands out a lot. the band tees that blow lightly in the wind and large combat boots that slam against the floor each time he walked.
choso even cut his hair into a wolf cut. a style that he had been interested in for a while. his hair was fluffy and dyed black. different from his original brown hair. the male would also paint his nails black but the polish was a bit cheap so he was always painting over them.
he looked like the epitome of an emo boy.
knowing that he was a bit ashamed of existence, he would cover his blood mark with a bandage when he went out in public, which raised a lot of questions.
“ah, it’s just a scratch i got. it’s just healing.” he’d say simply.
pulling his hood over his head, he’d make his way to the liquor store, buying himself a pack of cigarettes, a few tv dinners, and a new lighter. the second he left, he’d immediately open the pack and take out a cigarette, the chain jingling from his jeans as he walked.
the male didn’t have any source of income at the moment, so finding money was crucial. even if it meant stealing it. inside, he usually felt bad but he would remind himself that he needed it more than the entitled humans that walked with their chins up and their chests out while he stood on the sidelines. silent and slumped over.
he knew stealing was morally wrong but something in his mind just told him to take what he needed and to never hesitate…but he always hesitated.
back at home, he would clean each of his piercings, playing with the one above his eyebrow and wincing a bit, followed by a couple of swears.
the house was quite peaceful now that there wasn’t anyone nagging at him or telling him that he was a waste of time. he was happy that he wasn’t being attacked all the time, having to physically fight back in order to avoid being seriously hurt.
this kind of behavior sent him into a state of emptiness rather than trauma or fear. it explains his dull expression. the bandages that covered his bloodied and bruised skin only reminded him of how bad he wanted to get away.
choso made his way to the backyard. it was a serene area with a tiny stony waterfall, which pooled into a small body of water. there was a large japanese maple tree in the middle of the yard…this was where he buried his father. but he entirely ignored that aspect.
instead of being locked away in his room, like he had been for most of his existence, he would come outside and sit near the miniature waterfall to find peace.
on his phone, scrolling through instagram is where he would find a beautiful picture of a girl taking a simple photo of her in her room. that girl was you. choso was instantly captivated by your soft smile and the shape and color of your eyes.
he was about to like the photo but he decided that he’d look on your account some more. you had an interesting style that heavily matched you. something that would stand out among others. if there was a large crowd in public, he’d probably notice you first.
bookmarking a few of your photos, he decided that he would save them for later to admire the new love of his life. there was one thing that held him back a bit…you were human. he was terrified, thinking that you wouldn’t like him.
‘you’d probably hate me..’ he thought. ‘i’m not like you.’
then again, how would you know? he looks just like everyone else. how would you be able to tell that he was a cursed spirit until he told you so or if he revealed his abilities to you? you won’t know. you’ll never know.
a faint smile appeared on his face as he would type a comment on your recent photo, simply complimenting you then quickly turning his phone off, worrying about how you’d react. the adrenaline was speeding through his veins.
his phone vibrates and he quickly drops it, now going into a panic about what the alert might’ve been. having a phone was always scary to him because it was always making noise.
slowly, he’d reach for the phone and turn it over, frowning a bit when he saw the small crack on the screen protector. that frown quickly turned into a smile when he seen the notification from you, replying to his comment and liking it. he also noticed that it was a pinned comment.
he didn’t know if he should be excited or horrified that he was noticed by you so quickly. he was tempted to text you now but again, he was scared…but he fell in love so quickly.
he spent his next few days on a burner account, watching your story and screenshotting the photos on you posted, smiling excitedly each time he would randomly check your account just to see that you posted a new picture or a video.
he swore up and down that you were simply a crush and that he’d move on fairly quickly once he loses interest. but deep down, he could never get rid of you. you were always on his mind. he wanted you. he needed you. he craved you.
this is the first stage of the desire disease—exposure.
it was an amazing coincidence when he saw you in public in the store he went to consistently for cigarettes. a blush settled across his cheeks as he noticed you with your friend buying some snacks for yourselves.
listening to your voice was like a song that he couldn’t get out of his head. it was memorable. but the second he realized that he was staring, he would blink and try to focus on what he was originally trying to do.
“you know her?” he heard yuji ask, making him jump.
“oh…no. she just looks familiar, that’s it.” he lied. the pink haired boy smirked before throwing his arm around choso. he was up to something.
“why don’t you go say something to her? i mean, that’s how you make friends,” yuji said. “maybe you’ll even get a partner out of it.”
“oh..uh, i don’t really want that. i don’t even like how it sounds.” choso mumbled. even though he was lying straight in yuji’s face about wanting a partner, he wasn’t completely lying.
“you obviously do, man. look, you fit most girls type. you’re tall, got cool hair, and you got a good personality. you can figure out the rest. and if they don’t like your style, they could definitely get used to you.”
‘i look too depressed to even be likable..’
“nope. i highly doubt it.” he replied. “i like being alone anyway. what’s the point of being with someone that’ll eventually leave you?”
“hey, good question.” yuji put his finger on his chin. “listen, it doesn’t hurt to try. unless you like window shopping.”
“do i look like the kind of guy to talk to women?”
yuji waved his hand, “you’ll get used to it. hey let’s go outside, i wanna show you something.”
this is how choso was introduced to porn. yuji would tell him how it was a way to ‘relieve himself’. the male was clearly confused and he didn’t understand the excitement of watching others perform such activities.
that same evening he spent watching in his room, just to see why yuji wanted to expose him to this footage so badly.
and that’s when he felt a tightness in his sweats.
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101flavoursofweird · 2 months
How about "It's not your choice." for Husk/Angeldust?
((Thank you for giving me the chance to write about these two!))
Warnings: References to character death, drinking and abuse… and cursing. (Sera’s not here to censor anyone like in my previous Hazbin fic)
Spoilers: For most of the series, including the finale
Set: After the final battle but before the hotel has been fully restored
Title: Anchor
Summary: Even in Alastor’s absence, something keeps Husk tied to the hotel.
“Those angelic bitches owe me a new bar,” Husk grumbled.
He pulled his once-gleaming ‘Concierge’ sign from the wreckage of the lobby. Between ‘Con’ and ‘cierge’, a crack had formed.
That’s what this had been all along, right? 
Another con from Alastor. A calculated show of power. A way to keep Husk in line, stuck on a leash…
The ironic part? Husk had actually started to like it at the Hazbin Hotel. Then, Alastor had finally— finally— fucked off, and it had all come crashing down.
As destructive and sadistic as Alastor could be, he hadn’t done this just to spite Husk. (Though, Husk definitely wouldn’t put it past him!)
No— Alastor, along with whatever deity controlled his leash, were far too invested in Charlie’s hotel.
The almighty Radio Demon hadn’t intended to get his ass kicked by that dickhead Adam… 
Alastor hadn’t made some heroic sacrifice like Sir Pentious.
Hell, Alastor wasn’t even dead! He couldn’t be.
Husk would have felt it otherwise. He would be free…
The sign broke in two as Husk lifted it up. Huffing, Husk tossed the pieces aside and continued sweeping through the rubble; splinters of wood, fragments of bone decor, shards of glass…
Husk dragged his claws over his head and groaned. “All that good booze— gone!”
“If you’ve got a problem,” a voice sang behind him, “you ain’t gonna find it at the end of a bottle… or something.”
Turning around, Husk found the one feature of his bar that was (thankfully) still in tact: His most regular patron. 
Angel Dust— battle-worn and bloodied— beamed at him.
Despite himself, Husk snorted. “Where did you hear that one?”
“Some drunk old loser…” Angel Dust shrugged, somehow making the casual movement seem theatrical.
He watched as Husk resumed his sorry attempt at a clear-up. Husk bent down to pick up a bag of peanuts.
“You gonna stand there or help?” Husk called over his shoulder.
“I’m enjoying the view,” drawled Angel Dust.
Frowning, Husk faced him again. Husk threw his hands out. “Not much to look at in this dump…”
“Here’s a bright idea!” Slinking closer to Husk, Angel Dust raised all four of his arms. “Why don’t we just ask Daddy Lucifer to make us new bar?”
Husky growled, “It wouldn’t be the same.”
Husk didn’t want a brand spanking new set-up. He wanted his old bar with the counter stains from spilt drinks and the scuff-marks from shoving people aside (mainly Angel Dust) and the stray cat hairs. He wanted it to smell of cheap alcohol and roasted peanuts.
He wanted the soft orange lighting and the squeaky bar stools and the sound of laughter… like last night, when they had all celebrated just being alive. (Husk hadn’t felt that alive in years.)
The last thing Husk wanted was to be indebted to another ruler.
Husk ground his teeth together. The peanut bag nearly exploded in his fist.
“Whoa— easy, tiger!” Angel Dust patted down the bristling fur on Husk’s back. “Fine, we’ll fix it withoutFallen Angel magic… Might just take us a little longer—“
“I’ve got time.” A sigh escaped Husk.
“Yeah, you do!” Angel Dust slung an arm around Husk’s shoulders. “And right now, it’s time to unwind! There has to be one club in town the Exorcists didn’t destroy—“
Husk ducked out of Angel Dust’s embrace. “I… I can’t. Not till I’ve fixed things here.” He tossed the peanut bag away. His attention returned to the ruins of lobby.
“C’mon, Whiskers…” Angel Dust rolled his eyes. “We’ve just survived a battle! Don’t you want to relax? Maybe raise a toast to our departed pal—?”
“‘Course I do—“ Husk grunted as he shifted a hunk of rubble, “—but I can do that in my own bar—“ The rubble was heavier than he’d realised. “Shit…!” Husk stumbled under its weight, until Angel Dust caught the other side.
“It’s your soul, isn’t it?” Angel Dust breathed. “It belongs to Alastor, and since he ordered you to work at the hotel… Your soul’s tied to this bar.”
“What?” Husk scoffed, dropping his end of the rubble. “I can leave here whenever I like! You’ve seen me—“
“Sure—“ Angel Dust spun around and chucked the rubble away, “—but you can’t leave permanently. You have to come back, sooner to later. Just like…” 
He gazed down at the dust on his hands, before clenching them into fists. “Like me and Valentino.”
“It’s not… that bad,” Husk muttered, with a slight wince.
For the most part, Alastor had kept Husk on a light leash, only tightening the chains if Husk dared to act up. Alastor had threatened him in private, but he hadn’t followed through on those threats (so far).
On seldom occasions, he had even saved Husk’s ass…
Contrary to Valentino, who took pleasure in violating Angel Dust whenever he could.
Angel Dust was staring down at the ravaged ground.
Husk gestured to him. “Any chance, uh, Valentino got exterminated?”
“I wish!” Angel Dust exhaled. He flexed his limbs, pushing against invisible bonds. “I don’t feel any different…” He looked up at Husk. “What about you? Is Smiles gone for good?”
“Nah!” Husk’s gaze roved around the ruins. Alastor would pop up at any moment. “He’ll be back before we know it.”
“And you’ll still be here,” murmured Angel Dust, “even if it’s not your choice.”
“Eh.” Husk shrugged. 
Running the front desk and the bar wasn’t the worst job in Hell. Maybe Husk was tied to the hotel… compelled to stay there and maintain it by Alastor…
Husk would complain about having to listen to everyone’s moaning, but honestly? He’d had grown quite fond of their company. (Plus— the booze was free!)
A smile slipped across Angel Dust’s face. “What about when— if— I ascend to Heaven?”
“Seriously? You still wanna go up there, after how they treated us?”
“We could take ‘em…” Angel Dust pursed his lips. He caught Husk’s hand. “Come with me?”
“I don’t give a shit about Heaven...” Still, Husk didn’t pull away. He coughed. “But, if the whole hotel happens to ascend, somehow? I’ll see you up there.” He gave Angel Dust’s hand a squeeze.
It wasn’t a contract, or a promise, or an aspiration binding them together… but something filled with hope. A gamble. A shot in the dark… and some other third thing. (Husk had run out of hopeful metaphors.)
Deviously, Angel Dust grinned. “You might need to get in line— Charlie said Heaven’s full of hot people.”
“Ha!” Husk laughed as Angel lifted his arm and twirled Husk around on the spot. “I’ll wait… Now, help me find the front desk, will you? Then, maybe I can take a quick break in town…”
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astrababyy · 1 year
it sucks how this book series refuses to allow feyre any sort of agency or consequences anymore. it really ruins the nuance to her.
feyre as a character in book 1 was something kind of special. in book 1, feyre overcame an intense prejudice against the fae — however justified her fears might’ve been considering the rumors that were spreading of faeries killing humans by crossing the wall.
and she didn’t just overcome it — feyre risked her life to save one of prythian’s high lords. she went through pain and torture and turmoil all for a faerie, because of love and loyalty and hope that they could have a future together. that’s actually really beautiful, and i genuinely despise how that’s destroyed in the later books.
feyre doesn’t get to have any agency from book 2 and on. she doesn’t get to have an emotional maturity higher than that of a teenager (which, in fairness, is kinda fair since she’s like 22 in the latest book), blaming other people for her own choices and decisions. feyre doesn’t get responsibility for her actions or a complex look at her suffering and pain.
feyre gave everything to save tamlin — and his court. she gave everything up for the male she loved, and that’s completely destroyed in acomaf by that book having the audacity to treat it as though feyre’s suffering utm was even a little bit due to tamlin.
the suffering has to be pinned on someone — and that someone can’t be feyre, despite her being the one to go down there. someone has to take the blame so feyre can keep playing the victim in a situation where only the victims survived and making jokes out of other people who faced hell all the same. there can’t be any complexity in her wondering if all her actions were even worth it. she can just blame the victims of the situation and move on with her life.
feyre’s the savior of Prythian, and she became that of her own accord. tamlin returned her to her old life, and she went back. she went back despite everything. she suffered torment, fucking death, and anything and everything in between. in the beginning, she hates Fae so much that she feels no remorse for killing a faerie, even if she wasn’t fully in the know of his status as a species. in the end, she’s willing to give up everything for one. that’s beautiful. it’s actually pretty profound and a very noble thing on feyre’s part that’s a real testament to her original character.
however annoying or irritating she was in the books, feyre was a much more balanced character in the first book, in my personal opinion. she had flaws, yes, but she also had skills and intelligence (on occasion) and a noble character to her that made her more likable.
it’s completely ruined by how the books just won’t let her be a person in favor of making her out to be saintly, even though that just makes her annoying asf. feyre destroyed the spring court to get back at tamlin? oh, let’s just pretend that all the lives she ruined aren’t important just ‘cause her feelings were hurt. feyre locked her fucking sister in the house of wind because she didn’t like how she coped? it doesn’t matter, because nesta got “better” anyway! feyre went willingly utm to be the characters’ savior, and makes herself out to be the victim a book later because “tamlin didn’t do anything”?? even though he’s the one that brought her back home where she’d hopefully be safer anyway?? really??
it’s just like… the fact that feyre’s character needed to be bent and twisted into something unrecognizable so it could seem remotely realistic that she’d ever get with rhysand is something so depressing ‘cause her character is ruined and reduced to a love interest to mr iM sO pOweRfuL aNd dEpResSeD LoOk aT mE. like, i’m sitting here wondering how sjm can call herself a feminist when this is how she ruins her mcs.
feyre’s just like- “hero gets saved from suffering by victims then goes back to save them anyway; blames them for not helping her AGAIN when their hands were all but physically tied behind their backs”. like, this is not okay. it’s such a lazy way to portray a character, and it’s really such an injustice to the actually decent personality and arc feyre had in the first book.
in other words: thanks, i hate it. 😃
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synamartia · 1 month
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❖ This is where I will be posting all of my ideas that will eventually be written. If one idea sparks something in your brains, I will be more than happy to hear it! If you would like to take one of my ideas and write your own version of it, please message me first and tag me in your finished product so that I may read it~!
❖ Alastor
❖ Your Star [ NSFW / Fluff ] WIP [ Inspired by The Big Bang Theory S5xE24, the scene regarding Bernadette's necklace. ] Your 50th anniversary with Alastor was approaching, and you were beginning to feel anxious about such a monumental occasion and the pressure to make it special. Alastor - ever the detail oriented demon that he is - took note of your behavior during the month leading up to your anniversary, and decided to help you relieve the tension. Besides, there was absolutely no way that you would ever be able to top the gift he had waiting for you once he succeeded in calming your racing mind. "Truly, there is no reason to fret over something as small as this," he whispered as he came up behind you, his hands coming to rest gently on your shoulders. You tensed the moment you felt his digits on your skin, quickly pulling away and taking a few steps forward. Despite his urging you to calm down and not be so anxious, you continued to go over each idea in your mind, wondering if maybe you could enlist the help of a certain Princess of Hell. The only problem would be making sure that she kept her mouth shut until it was time to exchange gifts. Charlie never was the best at keeping secrets - especially when it came to things such as this - and you were a bit terrified of her intrinsic motivation to drag Alastor further from his shell. "If it makes you feel any better, I've yet to acquire your gift as well. We are in the same boat, my dear."
❖ Mercy [ NSFW / Slight Dead-Dove ] WIP / Potential series When an ill-advised attempt at recovering a lost treasure for the newly spawned Radio Demon goes expectedly awry, you're left speechless as you witness the events that earned Alastor his famous moniker. Speechless, and soaked... "I told you, my dear..." Alastor whispered as he reached down to pull you to your feet, blood smeared across his cheeks and soaking his white button-up. You could hear the echoing of screams both in the distance and through the speakers of the old radio he had gifted you - one in particular screaming louder than the rest pleading for mercy. Taking your dainty hand in his, Alastor held you against his blood soaked chest, his smile softening as he stared down at you. "You are my only treasure now. I'll eviscerate every damned soul in this god-forsaken hellscape to keep you safe."
❖ Naughty, Naughty [ NSFW / Heavy Dacryphilia ] WIP As one of the few souls within Hell that actually sought redemption, you participated in every exercise and group activity that crossed Charlie's mind. But when one of these exercises leads to Mr. Tall-Dark-And-Creepy being covered from antler to hoof in what was meant to be a red velvet macaron batter, Alastor decides a more hands on approach might be a better redemption method. "Does your jaw hurt?" He asked, his tone mocking as he ground his teeth together, muscles straining as he fought to hold that maniacal grin of his. Your jaw ached as you bent down further, your tongue rolling out to lick another drop of the red velvet batter from his clothed thigh - wishing that it was something else more... provocative. Looking up through tear soaked lashes at the deer demon that this had all been for in the first place, you couldn't stop the needy whine that escaped your throat as you watched him undo the first few buttons of his now ruined dress shirt. "Too bad! You're going to use that pretty mouth of yours to clean up every single drop of the mess you made!"
❖ Adam
❖ A Lover's Quarrel [ NSFW / Heavy Angst / No Comfort ] WIP / Potential Series
Adam really was a douche. It seemed to be something that was coded in his DNA, and he had long since resigned himself to the idea that there was no changing that - especially after Lilith and Eve and the shit shows those relationships turned out to be. But when a previously damned soul that has found redemption comes along to show him there are plenty of opportunities to change, something that he hadn't felt since Cain and Abel were born began to blossom inside the heart he had discarded and forgotten long ago - something that he never wanted to experience again: hope.
"You're not listening to me, Sugar Tits." Adam interrupted you as he spun on his heel to fully face you now. It always caught you off guard when he wasn't wearing that exorcist mask, allowing you to see those gorgeous honeyed hues of his. Every time, it felt like he was peering right through you to the very core of your being. It left you feeling naked and exposed - completely bare with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and you weren't sure if you liked it or not. With a couple long strides, Adam soon found himself bending down to your level, his face mere centimeters from yours, his breath hot on your cheeks. A taunting smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth when you remained silent, eyes locked with his as you looked for some sort of compassion, some mercy within. You found none. "I don't fucking care if redemption is possible. At the end of the day, these souls are getting exactly what they deserve, and you will too. I promise."
❖ Author's Notes: Has this one been done before? So this little idea snuck up on me like the Alaskan Bull Worm snuck up on Sandy. I'm not a fan of Adam, but he's honestly the character best suited for the base idea imo, and I wanna eventually write for other HH characters beside Alastor. This one will take place maybe a couple hundred years before the main story line, and is my personal headcanon regarding his disgust and absolute refusal to redeem souls. As of right now, this is just a base idea and may undergo several rewrites.
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thefreaksrunthisshow · 11 months
Summary: Joel can’t get enough of you and then you show up at his door one evening. Too bad he quickly realizes that this is a fantasy he can’t indulge in.
Pairing: dbf! Joel x Fem reader
Warning: 18+ Only, SMUT, Minors DNI!, No outbreak AU,  dad best friend Joel, dom Joel, age gap, fingering, masturbation, corruption kink, perv Joel makes another appearance, panty sniffing, some angst, if I missed anything let me know!
Word Count: 2,288
Part 1 of this series here (I’ve got at least one more part planned)
Frustration hovered over you like a storm cloud full to the brim of water. Dark clouds swarmed in your gut and you needed release. It was too bad the only thing able to quench your thirst was your dad's best friend — Joel Miller. Finding yourself falling for him was bittersweet like lemonade in a sickly twisted kind of way. It made you sick to your stomach, but you couldn’t get enough. Any sort of fling with him could only end badly and that knowledge only spurred you on.
The encounter with Joel had been on your mind all week. But too embarrassed to confront him you’d done your best to avoid him by leaving early for work and arriving home later. That’d done nothing to satiate the desire for him that kept growing. In fact, his absence only made the ache in between your legs worse and you’d screamed his name late at night too many times to count lately.
Now, he was done putting the new floor down in your living room and you wished he’d bent you over and fucked you roughly that day. He’d surely seemed to be enjoying himself, but then again, he hadn’t really touched you either. It was as if he was wrestling with his own desires and what he knew was right. Much like you had been doing for some time now, he was torn finding himself attracted to you.
Joel just couldn’t get enough of you no matter much he tried.
He was sure you’d been teasing him — taunting him — for years now with your fucking low-cut tops and shorts that showed the bottom of your ass cheeks poking through. He’d tried to keep his distance, but he couldn’t anymore. He wanted – no, he needed – to defile you. He had to absolutely ruin that pussy of yours. Walking without a limp the next day wouldn’t be possible once he was done with you. But that was the whole conundrum of it all. The fact of the matter was, he couldn’t have you no matter how much he wanted to. Having you meant ruining his relationship with his best friend. He wasn’t sure he was willing to take it that far yet, but he was tempted. Every day he felt himself being closer to saying to hell with it all and fucking you real good.
The addicting scent from your panties that he had stashed away, filled his nostrils. His face was buried in them while his hand furiously stroked his red and weeping cock. He had wanted to bend you over and take you right there in your dad's living room, your releases staining the subfloor as a permanent reminder of the twisted act you had committed together. A stain for the next home owners to find and wonder what had happened there when they decided to replace the floor. But then you had decided to test him and he was irritated that you had the audacity to disobey his orders. He was the one in control, not you. And he wanted to make sure you never forgot it.
His orgasm was fast approaching, he could feel it in his gut. It was so close that there was a screech on the tip of his tongue when his doorbell rang. His movements sped up and he stuffed the panties into his mouth to muffle his moans as he came all over himself. Panting and out of breath he tidied himself up and headed to the door hoping that the redness on his cheeks wasn’t noticeable and that the culprit was someone he could dismiss quickly. He was taken aback when he saw you standing there looking like a goddess in the glow of the streetlights.
“Hi, Mr. Miller,” you said in a squeak. “Can I come in?”
“Joel. Just Joel.”
“Fine, then. Joel, can I come in?” Fully prepared to bolt if he turned you away you rocked back and forth in your feet awaiting his response. Sure he would turn you down, you were a bit surprised at his reaction.
“Don’t know, honey… Can you?” he taunted, leaning up against the doorframe. “Why are you here anyway? It’s kinda late.”
“I’m an adult,” you huffed. “Plus it’s Friday night and I told my dad I’d be out with friends in the town over. Said I might even crash at their place.”
“And yet you’re here… with his best friend,” he said smugly, cocking his head to the side. “Lying to your dad now, eh? Naughty girl.”
“Shut it,” you huffed.
“Don’t,” he warned, his eyes darkening. “Watch yourself.”
Scared to fuck up and be sent away with your tail tucked between your legs, you apologized immediately. A sigh of relief was all you could muster when he accepted your apology but still, he didn’t let you inside. It was as if he were waiting for you to present him with something that would make his time spent with you worthwhile. Good thing you came prepared.
“May I come in now?” you offered, pulling a bottle of whiskey from behind your back.
“My favorite,” he noted, taking the bottle from you with a slight nod. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here, baby?”
You simply shrugged and walked past him, making yourself comfortable on the couch. “No, Sarah?”
He laughed and shook his head. After a few moments of mumbling and grumbling, you were able to discern enough to realize that Sarah was indeed not home. Turns out she was out of town with her long-term boyfriend on vacation. There would be no surprise appearances from her tonight. You suggested that you could watch a movie, and though rather hesitant Joel finally agreed. “Two glasses of whiskey coming up, but I’m picking the movie,” he insisted.
Settled down on the couch with Joel’s pick of a movie playing in the background, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, sipping on your whiskey. He’d picked a cheesy 80s horror film, one that really dated him but was bearable to watch at least. By the time the first victim had succumbed to the killer in the film, you were inching closer to him. One big jump scare later and you were cozied up next to him, your head buried into his shoulder and your legs intertwined with his. Your breath tickled his neck and he chuckled when you jumped, your body pressed impossibly close to his for comfort.
It was as if his body was made for yours the way the two of you leaned into each other. You felt safe with Joel, you knew that although he could be quite harsh, he’d never take things too far. Attentiveness was one of his strong points. He’d take care of you, however he saw fit but always keep an eye on you to ensure you were okay. You were perfectly fine with that. In fact, it made you giddy to see what he could get away with doing to you before you crumbled.
Soon enough, your hand found its way to his thigh, drawing circles there. His erection was an obvious bulge in his pants and you palmed it lightly a few times. He did nothing to stop you though you felt him tense up and let out a low groan at your touch. You squeezed it gently and felt it twitch in response to your attention.
“You ever touched one before?” he asked suddenly. The question threw you off guard and you stuttered out a response.
“N – Not really.”
“Only that fake one of yours, huh?” he teased, not taking his eyes off the movie.
“I have just not very much… Wait, how did you know about that?” You were stunned to hear such a suggestion come from Joel. There was no way he could have known about your secret special toy hidden away in your bathroom.
“I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere, honey,” he replied smoothly, shooting the rest of his whiskey back in one motion.
Silence followed his statement as you thought his words over. He’d definitely been in your room there’s no way he would have said such a thing otherwise. “Have you been snooping around in my room?” you whispered.
“What if I have? What’re gonna do about it, sweet thing?”
The thought of him in your room was enough to have your heart hammering in your chest. It was wrong — but it really got you going and you could feel the slickness that had been steadily gathering in your panties flowing faster. Just as you were considering excusing yourself to the bathroom to clean up the mess, he spoke again.
“Just an assumption, honey. Figured you probably had something hidden away. Most of us do.”
“You got something hidden for… Uh… you know?” you asked very hesitantly. It was odd to ask him such a question, but you really wanted to know.
“That I do,” he chuckled, thinking back to your pair of panties he’d just been using to get himself off with.
“What –” you started before he cut you off.
“Let’s just watch the movie, darlin’.”
Joel was having a hard time keeping himself together as the movie played in the background. The contact with your body pushed flushed against him made him feel like he might cum in his pants like a goddamn teenager. It was embarrassing, but it was also invigorating. It had been ages since he’d felt this young. You were certainly doing things to him that he had no control over and that was a bad thing. He’d always had very good self-control but with every second spent with you he could feel it all slip away into nothingness. How long could he keep this up before the beast inside of him took over? Would you enjoy seeing him take control of you? 
Beside him, you shuddered and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you. Were you scared? Were you cold? He reached behind him and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, incasing you both in the warm wool. Fuck, if he were a teen right now he would have done the same thing to conceal the fact that his hand was inching closer up your thigh. Why did he have to hide? Between sneaking around and suppressing his feelings he was about to lose it. He needed a trip to the hospital, maybe he could find some help there for all the ways you were affecting him. It was like a sickness seeping through to his very soul.
“Mhmm?” His hand had reached the hem of your skirt now and his fingertips were ghosting under it.
“Can we talk about the other day?” His hand paused on your thigh, then he resumed his exploration, creeping up a bit more until he was so close to your cunt you could scream. The anticipation was killing you.
“No,” he said sternly, his eyes darkening.
“But –”
“I said no,” he repeated. Typical Joel.
The movie was nearing the end when you felt Joel finally push your panties to the side. You sucked in a deep breath at the contact of his calloused fingers on your clit. Even though he was barely grazing through your folds, it was enough to have you trembling under his touch. He circled around your clit and you gasped as your cunt clenched around absolutely nothing. It was a bit embarrassing how fast you were approaching your climax. He’d barely touched you yet.
“Fuck,” he muttered as he inched one finger into your hole followed by another. Shaking you grabbed onto him and buried your face into his neck. “So fucking tight… You close already?”
Unable to speak you let out a breathy sigh and a nod in response. Your cheeks burned. You had been fingered before, but not like this. Joel had way more experience than anyone you’d been with previously and it showed. He was already reading your body like a book.
“That’s it,” he coaxed, finding that perfect spot inside that set-off fireworks behind your shut eyes. “Cum for me,” he commanded.
You screeched as he started pumping his fingers into you relentlessly. It felt so good but there was also an odd sting to it that you ignored. You were close, so fucking close and then his phone rang ending your bliss abruptly. Joel slowed his movements and leaned over to grab it. With wide eyes, he held up the phone so you could see the contact name. It was your dad.
“Be quiet,” he commanded before answering the phone. “Yeah?” He knew he sounded a bit out of breath, but he did his best to keep it steady. He talked on the phone for a few minutes. Well, he mostly listened as your dad rambled. Eventually, he made up an excuse that he was tired and would call him back tomorrow. He ended the call with an aggravated sigh.
“What did he want?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “But, I think you should leave,” he said sternly, wiping his fingers on the blanket. Talk about grand intervention. Your dad just had to call right now, didn’t he? He was about to bring you to the edge and help you through it, but then reality crashed around him. This couldn’t happen. It was barely legal, right? It definitely was wrong by any normal moral standard. This wasn’t something he could indulge in. It needed to remain just that — a fantasy. “Go. You don’t need to be here. I’m – this is trouble. We can’t do this.”
You sat in silence and cried the whole drive home.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
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Seo Changbin x thick female reader
Word count: 10.7K
Synopsis: A sequel to Strength Training. After having sex with your new trainer you start to avoid him. When Changbin finally runs into you he asks you out on a real date but your ex-husband is hell bent on making your life miserable.
A/N: 18+ only! Only one more left in the hyung line after this! This is the third sequel in the SKZ x Thick Reader Series pt 2 and NGL this one got a mind of its own towards the end... I don't know who wrote that 👀 ANYWHO! I hope you all enjoy this one! If you do hit the like, the reblog, leave a comment, shoot me an ask cursing me for how horny this made you 🤣 I truly love the feedback and interacting with you guys! 🖤 P.S. peep outfit inspiration here!
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! Cursing and strong language, verbal abuse (not Changbin), boarder line stalking (also not Changbin), mild violence (shoving, one punch), oral (m&f receiving), deep throating, fingering, a little spit play, a little impact play, anal play with penetration, use of massagers and toys, protected piv sex, praise/body worship, pet names (baby, angel etc), a little overstimulation, squirting, cum eating/coming in mouth, slightly rough sex, Changbin dom/MC sub dynamic, mentions of tying MC up, also I'm not sure if its a warning but Changbin touches MC's feet 2 times, not in a sexual way but I know some people are weird about feet so yea I think that's everything but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it!
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It had been two full weeks since you fucked your trainer in his gym, and you had not gone to a single one of your sessions since. It wasn’t because of him of course, Changbin had been very sweet after, showed you to the showers and let you clean up in private, then gave you some of his gym clothes since he had gotten a bit overzealous with your leggings. After you showered and got dressed it was awkward, well, you were awkward. Changbin tried to make you feel more comfortable by just acting normal while he was actually freaking out inside. 
“So, I’ll see you for your next training session yea?” He was trying to subtly flirt not wanting to make you more uncomfortable, but it seemed to you like he just wanted to get straight back to business, so you followed suit. 
“Yea Changbin sure.” Changbin gave you a bit of a sad smile. 
“Please call me Binnie y/n.” You nodded unable to make eye contact and made a quick exit after that. You were on the verge of tears, and you didn’t feel like making a fool of yourself any more than you had already. Since then, you had not gone to any of your training sessions and ignored every call and text from Changbin. Refusing to even open them, scared of what they may say.  
For some reason or another your ex-husband, Steven, must have been bored because he decided it was a perfect time to start verbally abusing you via text, as if you didn’t have enough on your mind already. Your phone was blowing up with those texts as you were leaving work. He wanted to ruin your night, your weekend, your life. Anything you had planned, he wanted to make you feel like shit so you would just stay home, alone. You were always alone. You were reading through the hateful words on your phone, not paying attention to where you were walking and ran right into someone. When you hit the firm wall of human you stumbled, twisted your ankle and fell back on your ass. 
“Ow! Shit! I’m sorr-” You looked up and much to your surprise, the person you had just run into was Changbin. 
“Hey no I’m sorry. I was scanning faces looking for you and found you the hard way I guess.” Changbin smiled and offered a hand to help you up.  
“Changbin? Wha-how did you know I was here?” He smiled at you and a dimple appeared in one cheek.  
“I’m gonna start to think you don’t like me if you keep calling me Changbin, please Bin or Binnie I don’t think we have to be so formal.” You looked down blushing and nodded. 
“I called Lacey when you wouldn’t answer any of my attempts to reach out. We’re friends outside of the gym as well. He told me you were here.” Changbin wiggled his fingers, and you accepted the hand he held out for you. He gently held the back of your arm while you stood up and when you went to put weight on your foot. 
“Ow ow ow, fuck!” Changbin braced you and looked concerned. 
“What hurts?” You grimaced. 
“My ankle, the left one.” Changbin slid your arm around his broad shoulders and helped you over to a nearby bench. He was warm and firm and smelled so good; it made your head swimmy. Once you were seated, he knelt in front of you, took your shoe off and looked at your ankle. He bent your toes down, not too much pain, bearable. Then he bent it up and once your foot was pressed flat against his palm. 
“Fuck Bin, SSsssOw!” He tried slightly turning it side to side and you winced and came up out of your seat a bit. 
“BIN ow! That hurts!” He nodded and started to gently rub your ankle soothing the pain he’d caused, his hand sliding slightly up your calf gently squeezing in a comforting way as if to apologize.  
“I know I’m sorry, I just had to make sure it wasn’t broken. It's just strained, probably not bad, but you shouldn’t put any weight on it the rest of the night. It probably wouldn’t hurt to wrap and ice it also.” Changbin watched your ankle as he rubbed small circles against your skin, and you watched him with your bottom lip between your teeth. He wasn’t doing anything remotely sexual, but you could feel yourself flushing with arousal at his touch. You started getting flustered. 
“Ch-Binnie, w-what are you doing here?” He sighed, set your foot down, and sat next to you on the bench. 
“You haven’t been coming to your sessions. You’ve already paid me for them.” You just didn’t think you could go about business as usual after having the man’s face in between your legs but you didn’t know how to tell him that.  
“Bin I couldn’t-” 
“You weren’t answering my calls or texts...” You nodded staring at your ankle he’d just had in his hands. 
“Yea I know Bin I didn’t think I could...” You didn’t know how to put it without making yourself sound pathetic. You didn’t think you could fuck him and not fall in love with him. 
“Did... uh, did I do something wrong?” You looked at him surprised he had come to that conclusion.  
“Wha-NO! No Bin you didn’t.” He shook his head. 
“No because if I came on too strong and made you uncomfortable, I’m really sorry... I don’t know, I just... I’m really sorry if I pressured you to do something you didn’t want to.” You felt awful that Changbin thought that he may have done something wrong. Had you answered any of his attempts to contact you and stopped only thinking of yourself in the scenario, you would have known he was concerned he had done something you didn’t want. 
“NO. Changbin. No. You didn’t, I promise I just... after everything I didn’t think I could act like nothing happened. I was uncomfortable but it wasn’t for any of the reasons you think. I just... I had never done anything like that before and you seemed like you wanted to just go back to business, and I couldn’t Bin I just couldn’t.” He grabbed one of your hands in both of his and you looked at him finally. 
“I’ve NEVER done anything like that either! I mean like have sex in my gym... or with a client... not that I just look at you like some customer I’m just saying...” He was getting flustered now, and you found it endearing that this big, gorgeous man was tripping over his words. He was just as nervous as you were it seemed. 
“But we don’t have to act like nothing happened. I don’t want that. I would really like to take you out on a date, if you would go out with me.” You looked at him surprised.  
“Oh you... you want to go on a date with me?” He nodded shyly and you couldn’t help the word vomit that came out next. 
“Why? I mean you're ridiculously handsome with a body like an Olympian god, you’re a ten out of ten and I’m... I’m not Bin. I’m fat and a six in the face at best. You could have any woman you want so why me?” Changbin took a mental note that if he ever got the chance to deck your ex-husband for what he’s done to your confidence, to take it with no hesitation. 
“First off, I told you not to talk about yourself like that. I mean it. There are enough mean people in the world, don’t be mean to yourself. Two, I’m NOT a ten okay, I'm not a god, I’m just a normal guy. I have flaws and complexes and I’m no different than you so please don’t put me on a pedestal like that, like I’m above you, because I’m not. You’re beautiful y/n, like make me nervous, heart flutter, butterflies in my stomach, beautiful, the fact that you have a fuller figure is a non-issue to me. I don’t have a preference over you having blue or brown eyes so why should I have a preference over your weight? It has no bearing on who you are as a person. It's a physical trait, that’s all.” You were in shock. You certainly didn’t expect all that. You weren’t used to it either, you didn’t know what to say. You were used to... your phone started buzzing with an incoming call and right then you remembered that Steven had been harassing you when you bumped into Changbin. You hadn’t given his texts any attention yet and he couldn’t have that, so he was calling you now. Changbin looked down at your phone in your hand. 
“Is that important? Do you need to get it?” You chewed at your thumb nail on your free hand nervously. 
“Um, well... It’s my ex-husband.” Changbin gently squeezed your hand. 
“I’ll step over here and give you some privacy.” He walked over by an aquarium that was kept in the lobby and started looking inside at the fish. You hit the answer button and before you could even say hello, he started in on you. Changbin was trying to give you privacy, but it was hard when your ex-husband insisted on screaming at you over the phone. 
“Look we’re not together anymore Steven so you don’t get to just talk to me like that and expect me to take it.” You hung up the phone and in seconds it started ringing again and again and again. You turned your phone off and called for Changbin to come back over. 
“Sor-” Changbin put up his hand stopping your apology. 
“Do NOT apologize for that asshole. You have nothing to be sorry for. Good for you for standing up for yourself.” You forced a little laugh. 
“Yea it’s only because it’s easy to just hit end call. When he’s right in front of me is another story. I’ve never been able to stand up to him face to face.” Changbin frowned a little. 
“Well forget him, let me help you.” He tried to help you stand up from the bench. 
“Really Binnie I’ll be fine.” He smirked at you. 
“Oh yea? Where’s your car?” You shook your head. 
“I take the subway.” He nodded and laughed. 
“Yea thought so. Look, just let me take you home, please? My car is parked close, and you can’t walk on that ankle.” You pressed your lips together; you knew you should accept the help, but you didn’t want to be a bother. As if Changbin could read your mind. 
“It’s no trouble really, we can finish our talk.” Changbin helped you up from the bench and put your arm around his shoulder again, he snaked his arm around your waist, his hand resting on one of your full hips, then grabbed the shoe he had taken off you. Your eyes gleamed a bit and you smiled at him; you weren't used to being treated so kindly. Changbin’s ears turned red, and he looked away as his smile grew bigger. He liked seeing you smile; he liked being the reason you were smiling. 
“Lean on me, no weight on that foot.” You shook your head no. 
“No Bin, I’m too heavy...” He cocked an eyebrow at you with a challenging look on his face. 
“You trying to say I’m weak?” You looked at him incredulously and he started laughing. 
“You’re fine, really, lean onto me.” You did as Changbin said and he held you up easily then looked down at you smirking. 
“See no problem. Come on this way.” You hobbled to Changbin’s car with his help, and he made sure you got in okay before shutting your door and getting in the driver’s seat. You told him where to go and you were off. You stole glances at Changbin out of the corner of your eye from time to time. Why was he sexy even just driving a car. His hand gripping the steering wheel the veins popping out up his arms. When Changbin cleared his throat to say something, you were pulled from your thoughts and jumped. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” You shook your head with your hand on your heart. 
“No no don’t be sorry, it’s not you. I’m just really jumpy right now.” Changbin glanced over at you and then back at the road. 
“Because of your ex?” You looked down and then away. 
“I’m sorry that’s none of my-” 
“Yes it’s because of him...” Changbin nodded. 
“Is every... are you okay?” You laughed at yourself because you didn’t know. 
“I’m a little worried he may be waiting at the house since I hung up on him.” Changbin looked very worried now. 
“You think he would do that? Has he before?” His voice sounded serious. You shook your head. 
“He’s never done it, but I wouldn’t put a move like that past him. He’s done other things like that and worse.” Changbin gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, his knuckles turning white. 
“Well, I’m walking you up so don’t worry, okay?” You nodded and looked out the passenger window, it wasn’t much further. When Changbin pulled into your driveway he pulled up as far as he could and parked, turning off the car. 
“Wow, this is a nice place!” You gave him a sad smile. 
“Yea it’s nice but it’s big and quiet. I used to have two dogs, Edgar and Allen, but Steven got rid of them when I was gone one day after I filed for divorce. Like that would stop me from leaving him. It made me lonely though, so he was successful in that way I suppose.” That broke Changbin’s heart. That was beyond low but typical for Steven. If his shit was disturbed, he was disturbing yours as well. Misery loves company of course.  
“Sorry don’t mind me and my sob story. I’ll just go ahead...” You were starting to get out of the car and Changbin stopped you. 
“I think not; you still can’t put weight on that, hold on.” He got out and hurried around the car, opening your door. He leaned down and this time you slid your hand across his shoulder feeling the muscle underneath as he helped you out. He walked you to your door and you fished your keys out of your pocket, Changbin waited. 
“You-You’re gonna take me all the way inside?” You asked surprised. Changbin chuckled and shook his head at you. 
“Well, ye- what part of you can’t put weight on this ankle are you missing beautiful?” You could feel your face flush and you looked down at the doorknob focusing on unlocking it before you did something stupid like drop your keys. Once you were inside you weren’t sure what to do. It had been so long since you had anyone in the house with you. Luckily Changbin kind of picked up on that and got things moving. 
“So, where’s the kitchen, I want to get you some ice.” You pointed in the direction of the kitchen. 
“Okay wait here just a second.” You braced yourself against the wall and Changbin ran to get the ice. When he was back your arm was draped across him again and his warm body was pressed into your side. 
“Alright, now, where’s your room?” You hoped it was only you that could hear your heart beating in your ears. You answered quietly. 
“Oh uh, this way.” You directed Changbin towards your master bedroom. Once he had you in there, he walked you over to your bed and you sat down. 
“Now, do you have ace bandages in your first aid kit?” You nodded and he turned in a circle looking around. 
“It’s in the ensuite bathroom under the sink.” Changbin ran off to the bathroom and grabbed the ace bandage and a reusable ice bag he found under there as well. He came back over by you, sat on the edge of the bed and sat all of the stuff down. 
“Gimme.” He did grabby hands at you like some kind of buff toddler. 
“What?” He laughed. 
“Give me your foot I’m gonna wrap it, you need to take it easy and keep it elevated tonight. It’s not bad so it should be better tomorrow as long as you relax and stay off it.” You brought your foot up and Changbin gently grabbed it and rested it in his lap. You shivered and it gave you goosebumps to feel his hands on you like that again, they were warm and a little callused from the weights he lifted. His voice got very soft. 
“Is that okay?” You could feel your face heating up again as your foot rested so closely to his crotch and you nodded. Changbin wrapped your ankle, put the ice he’d gotten into the bag, then took a couple of the plethora of pillows you had and stacked them so your foot was propped up. He put the ice bag on top and then stood up. 
“Okay I’m gonna order some food for you.” You shook your head no. 
“No Changbin you’ve done too much already, I can...” Changbin stopped. 
“You need to eat dinner y/n...” You agreed with him. 
“Okay yea, alright but just... there’s stuff to make a sandwich or something like that in the fridge, please don’t go to the trouble of spending money and ordering food.” Changbin could agree with that, as long as you ate something. He made you a sandwich, got you something to drink and then sat and chit chat with you while you ate. The longer you were around Changbin the more relaxed you became. He seemed to have a calming effect on you when nothing else had. When you were done eating Changbin took your plate and cup back down to the kitchen and brought you back a bottle of water. 
“Do you have like some pajamas you want me to grab or...” Your heart started racing because the answer was a bit embarrassing. 
“Umm. No. I... don’t...’ Changbin understood immediately. 
“Oh. OH! Right okay yea.” He rubbed the back of his neck as it and his face both turned red. 
“I guess I should probably go now then huh.” You smiled. 
“I guess.” You replied. 
“Uh one thing before I head out of here y/n?” You looked at him expectantly. 
“A date? Tomorrow?” You smiled and nodded. 
“I would love to Ch-Binnie.” He chewed at his bottom lip and had a little half smile that made his dimple appear again. 
“Okay great! I’ll uh... I’ll text you the details, make sure you answer, okay?” He winked at you, and you laughed. 
“I’ll answer Bin, promise.” He grinned ear to ear. 
“I’ll hold you to it. Do you need anything else before I go?” You shook your head 
“I don’t think so, I’ve got water and I can watch tv until I’m ready for bed. You’re good Binnie.” He was a little apprehensive to leave you, but walked over to you, leaned down and gave your cheek a soft kiss. 
“Goodnight y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You were certain your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. 
“Goodnight, Bin.” Changbin left and you stripped down to your ‘pajamas’. Changbin mentioning texting reminded you that you had turned off your phone. You grabbed it out of the pocket of your pants before tossing them aside. You hit the power button and as soon as it came on the barrage of text and voicemail notifications all started coming in. You started to open the text thread to see what Steven had said but you stopped and instead deleted all of it without reading a single one. Then you did the same with the voicemails, deleted. Didn’t listen to a single word. It might not be standing up to him to his face yet, but you felt good for the first time in a long time. 
The next morning when you woke up your ankle felt much better, but you kept it wrapped up for the morning just to be safe. Right after breakfast your phone started ringing. You assumed it was Changbin calling to give you the details of your date, so you answered without even thinking. 
“Miss me already?” The voice that came over the line was nasty and venomous. 
“Why the fuck should I? That would be an incredible waste of time on an incredible waste of a human.” You winced at his words. Steven always knew how to cut you down so quickly. You heard your other line click as your ex-husband continued to go in on you. You looked and saw it was Changbin calling this time. 
“I don’t have time for this I have to go...” You went to hang up and could hear your ex yelling on the other line. 
“Don’t you fucking dare hang up on me again you bi-” You hung up anyway and answered Changbin’s call. 
“Hey Binnie!” You tried to hide the tension in your voice which was easier once you heard the smile in Changbin’s voice. 
“Hey! How are you? How’s the ankle?” You laughed and told him it was better. You guys had a little small talk and then Changbin got down to the reason he had called. 
“So, we still on for tonight?” Your heart fluttered at the idea of spending a whole evening with this sweet, ridiculously gorgeous man. 
“Absolutely! How should I dress and when should I be ready?” Changbin said to dress nicely, but that it wasn’t formal or anything and that he would be at your place at six thirty to get you. Around four you got in the shower and started to get ready. There was a cocktail dress you had gotten when you were still with Steven for an anniversary dinner that he never showed up for. You decided to dust that off and wear it. When you put it on it still fit perfectly. You thought your hair looked fine down the way it was, so you left it that way and put on a little makeup. The dress was so pretty, you hoped Changbin’s attention would be on that. You put on your chunky Versace heels because why the hell not, dabbed some perfume on your pulse points and you were pretty much ready. 
Changbin knocked on your door right at about six thirty. You answered and when you two saw each other you were both speechless. It was clear you and Changbin had similar taste as he stood there in a sheer Versace button down shirt. It was open and he wore a crisp black tank top underneath. The sheer sleeves showed his muscles, and you were ready to salivate, he looked so good. If you were about to drool, Changbin was about to have a heart attack. You stood there looking statuesque in a black sequined mini dress with loose slightly belled sleeves that were sheer like his own.  
“Holy fuck gorgeous!” You started to blush and smiled ear to ear at his reaction. His eyes were glued to you and not just one single part of your body but all of you. They traveled down the expanse of legs in front of him and landed on your chunky black heels, the diamond accented ankle strap and a tell-tale medusa head charm dangling from it. 
“I’m glad to see that ankle is better and I see you have very good taste. Versace?” Changbin pointed at the shoes, and you nodded. With the chunky heels on it made you quite a bit taller than him and you worried he might not like that. Steven hated when you wore them for that very reason. 
“I can change them if you want.” Changbin’s eyebrows furrowed, and he shook his head. 
“Hell no! You look fucking amazing don’t change a thing!” You laughed and dusted imaginary lint off his shoulder as an excuse to touch him. 
“You look pretty fucking amazing too.” Changbin’s smile grew a mile wide and every part of his face and ears were a bright shade of red.  
“Let’s get out of here, I know a place.” You laughed and rolled your eyes pulling the door closed behind you as you left. The last place you had expected Changbin to take you was a jazz speakeasy. You looked around in amazement as the host showed you to your table. When you sat down and Changbin saw the smile on your face he felt his heart start to flutter again. He really liked being the reason you were smiling, he wished he saw it more. You were stunning when you smiled. 
It was such a laid-back place, even with everyone dressed so nicely it was relaxed. You and Changbin ordered your drinks and talked while you listened to the band play. It turned out that you and Changbin had a lot in common and the more you talked the more you liked him. He was charming, and funny, and didn’t take himself too seriously. He seemed close with his family by the way he talked about them, and his sister sounded hilarious. You liked that, you didn’t have any family left and Steven’s family all hated you for leaving him even though they knew what he had been doing to you. A couple of drinks in Changbin spilled a little on his pants. 
“Ah shit, I’m gonna run to the bathroom really quick.” You nodded. He stood, leaned down, and pecked your cheek, then turned before either of you could combust over the sweet gesture. You were just getting to the end of your drink and Changbin had just spilt what was left in his, so it was perfect timing for the waiter to be coming back by. He made his way around from behind you and stopped at your table. 
“Yea I need two...” When you looked up you choked on your words. It wasn’t the waiter standing there, it was Steven. 
“You need to stop hanging up on me like a rude bitch when I’m talking to you.” You looked around, people at the table on either side of you heard him but just side eyed and said nothing. You just sat there and took it; it was all you could ever do when he was in front of you talking down to you like that. 
“What poor sap are you trying to trick with that half assed attempt and this dark ass bar?” Now one of the ladies at the other table looked right over, her mouth agape in shock at his words but still said nothing to try and stop him. 
“Isn’t that the dress you wore for our last anniversary? The one I spent with... what’s her name again? Oh, yea Candi. Looking a little more snug than before. You still packing on the pounds I see. I thought you hired some hot shot trainer? Isn’t he gonna do something about your fat ass?” You just kept your head down as the tears welled up and spilled from your eyes. He was making a full-on scene now. Other tables, not just the surrounding ones, were starting to look now. You were so embarrassed. You had completely forgotten that Changbin was even there and that he would be coming back from the bathroom, and he did just in time to hear the last bit of what your ex-husband was saying to you. 
“Excuse me you're blocking my seat.” Steven turned towards the voice coming from behind him. When he did, he saw a man that, while not as tall as him, was solid muscle. Steven turned back to you. 
“Oh, what did you tell this poor sap to get him here y/n? Or have you finally gotten desperate enough to hire a male escort? That’s it isn’t it?” Changbin closed his eyes, counted to ten in his head, and took a deep breath. 
“Excuse me!” He said more firmly but still quietly. 
“I said you are blocking my seat. So move and stop talking to my date like that.” Steven whipped back around towards Changbin.  
“With all due respect which is none, you have no idea who the fuck you’re talking to.” Changbin was really starting to lose his patience and when he looked over and saw you sitting there practically cowering, mascara streaking your face a little piece of him snapped. 
“I know exactly who I’m talking to Steven, you’re y/n’s shit heel ex-husband and you don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to asshole. Now stop causing a scene and just go.” Steven like the idiot he is stepped to Changbin.  
“Or what? What are you gonna do about it.” Changbin remembered thinking if he ever had the chance to punch your ex-husband he’d take it in a heartbeat, but he couldn’t do that to you, not in a place like that. You were already embarrassed by your ex, Changbin wasn’t going to add to it. 
“Well, I’m a man of jutdae, so I’ll ask the staff to escort you out if you don’t want to of your own accord.” Steven scoffed. 
“Juu what? I don’t give a shit what you ask the staff to do. You aren’t gonna do shit so shut the fuck up already.” Changbin took another deep breath. 
“Jutdae means I am a man of principals something you would know nothing about. Now this is your last warning. Leave. Now.” Steven turned back to you and started in on you again completely ignoring Changbin now. 
“Now listen to me you little bitch...” Changbin was done he put his hand on Steven’s shoulder ready to pull him away but as soon as he touched him your ex shoved Changbin and swung at him, missing. Changbin straightened back up as Steven took a fighting stance. 
“Steven!” You yelled. He turned and you punched him flat. It hurt your hand like a bitch and broke Steven’s nose. He went down like a sack of potatoes and suddenly security wanted to show up to take care of the disturbance, which apparently was you and Changbin. 
“We don’t condone any fighting in this establishment, it is zero tolerance. I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.” Changbin tossed money on the table, the look on his face seething as his hand rested on your lower back and you gripped your sore hand. 
“Yea no problem. If your security had done something about him while he was stalking and harassing my date there wouldn’t have been any fighting, but you allowed one of your patrons to be harassed freely within ear shot of all these other customers and your staff. So, don’t worry we are leaving but it’s definitely not because you told us to. Come on y/n.” Changbin stepped past your ex-husband who was still cursing and whining on the floor and led you out of the bar. When you were both in the car you felt like you could let out a breath finally. 
“Holy fuck that hurt.” Changbin turned in his seat and grabbed your hand inspecting it. He kissed the back of it and your heart started racing for a completely different reason. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get there sooner.” You shook your head.  
“It’s oka-” Changbin was really upset. 
“No! It’s not! No one should be talked to the way he talked to you, and I should have been there to protect you from him.” You continued to shake your head. 
“You didn’t know he would show up there anymore than I did. How are you supposed to stop what neither of us saw coming Binnie?” He looked up at you, tears in his eyes and your heart broke. 
“You... I... umm...” He was getting choked up. You leaned in and held his face in between your hands, your palms pressed against his soft cheeks. You pressed your forehead to his, you both closed your eyes taking a few deep breaths. 
“Changbin...” His name was only a whisper of a breath and then your lips were softly pressed together. Changbin’s hands held your face in place as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. Before long tongues and teeth were in a battle for dominance that no one was winning. You finally broke apart breathless and laughing. Changbin pecked your lips again. 
“You know none of that is true right? Not one word of it.” You shook your head, but Changbin could tell you weren’t so sure. He let it go for the moment because right then he was just concerned about you being safe. 
“Why don’t you come back to mine for the night? I don’t want to leave you alone in that house after he just pulled that shit. I can sleep on my couch, and you can take my bed.” You leaned over and kissed Changbin sweetly again, but goosebumps spread over his body and his dick got a little hard when your hand slid across his thigh. 
“Or we could share the bed?” Changbin smiled, grabbed your face and then kissed you again, getting lost in your lips until you gently pushed him back laughing. 
“The sooner we get to yours the sooner we can...” You didn’t have to say another single letter of a single solitary word before Changbin was starting the car and driving to his place as quickly and safely as possible. Changbin lived in a loft style studio apartment. The lighting was warm, and it smelled a little like cinnamon. He led you through his living area towards the steps of the loft, where his bedroom was. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous tonight y/n.” You smiled but it was hard for you to accept the compliment. You looked away but Changbin wasn’t going to let you shy away from the truth anymore that night. 
“Look at me baby.” Your eyes instantly connected with his and he smiled sweetly. 
“Good girl.” Your panties were already wet but that sealed the deal.  
“I’m implementing a rule tonight, you must follow or be punished.” You looked at him with an eyebrow raised. 
“Punished?” He smirked and winked at you. 
“Yes punished. Now would you like to know the rule beautiful?” You shied away again when he called you that. 
“That. There. You have to accept every praise I give you tonight. Every single one. If you don’t... well... we’ll deal with that if we get to it. I’m gonna call you beautiful.” Changbin kissed your cheek and you started to blush but didn’t turn away. 
“I’m gonna tell you, you’re a goddess.” He kissed your other cheek and that time you did look away. 
“Aht aht ahh. Eyes.” You looked into his eyes. 
“I’m gonna tell you that you’re sexy.” He threaded his fingers into your hair and kissed your lips passionately. 
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He kissed you again and you were more breathless by the minute. Finally, Changbin forced himself to stop. He held your face as he chewed at his kiss swollen lips. 
“We’re gonna take our time tonight baby. I’m gonna kiss and lick every inch of this gorgeous body while I worship it. I’m going to make you cum again, and again, and again.” He kissed down your neck between his words. 
“Are you okay with all of that y/n?” He was looking at you seriously, the stern assertive Changbin that had just been dictating the plans for night was on pause and this was the sweet guy that wrapped your ankle and cried because he thought he didn’t protect you. The man that, when he found out you hated yourself fucked you senseless and told you how stunning you were. 
“Yes, Binnie I’m okay with that.” He smiled and his thumb traced your cheek. 
“Good, good girl. Let's start with you sitting on the edge of the bed over here for me.” Changbin led you to the huge custom bed that took up most of the loft and had you sit. He knelt in front of you just like he had the day before, and just like the day before took your foot in his hand, the very one you had twisted. His fingers delicately handled the clasp of your shoe as he undid it and slid the clunky heel off your foot. He gently pressed his thumbs into the sole of your foot and pushed up and down. After a moment of massaging, he placed your foot down and when he went to grab the other. His eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the apex of your legs that hid beneath that sexy ass dress you had on. He bit his bottom lip, then grabbed your other foot and removed that shoe just as gently, pressing his thumbs back and forth in the sole of that foot as well. 
“Stand.” It was not a request. You did as you were told quickly and Changbin smiled at you sweetly. 
“Good. The dress, take it off.” Again, not a request. You had hoped something like this might happen tonight, so you had come prepared. You turned facing your back to Changbin. 
“Unzip me please?” That lip of his was going to be raw if he kept chewing on it that way. 
“God you’re so sweet aren’t you. Asking so nicely. Yes, baby I’ll unzip you.” Changbin’s fingers grabbed the tiny zipper and pulled down, then he stepped back. You pulled it down the shoulders of the dress, took an arm out of one of the sheer sleeves, and then the other then you slid it down and let it fall to the ground. Changbin was already speechless, and you hadn’t even turned around. When you did, he had not been properly prepared for what he saw. There you stood in a green lace bra and garter belt; how had he not seen those garters? The bra you wore had garters of its own in a way, towards the center of each cup there was a strap that connected to your shoulder strap. Changbin loved the way the opening let your soft skin show through. Seeing you in it made him want to tie you up really badly for some reason, but that would be for another time hopefully. 
“What’s this beautiful?” You almost looked away but stopped just before and Changbin smiled. 
“I wanted to wear something you would want to take off with your teeth.” Changbin turned his head, closed his eyes and bit his knuckles.  
“Fuck baby. If that’s what you want, that’s what you get. Let’s get some of these clothes off of me too hmm?” You nodded and licked your lips at the thought of seeing his firm, broad chest. 
“Do you want to do it?” Changbin asked with a smirk. You smiled back and shook your head. 
“Well go on beautiful. Have your way with me.” You laughed and then started pushing the sheer shirt off of him. When his arms were free of it you tossed it on a chair in his room. Next was the tank top. You grabbed the hem and looked up at Changbin with those sweet doe eyes. 
“Arms up please.” He lifted his arms, and you pulled the tank top up and over his head. As soon as the soft skin of Changbin’s chest was visible you couldn’t help but place kisses across his neck and collar bone. He enjoyed it for a moment and let you but then stopped you. 
“We’ll get to that baby, but for now, lay back on that bed for me gorgeous.�� You sat on the bed, slid back, and laid down just like Changbin had said. 
“Fuck you’re such a good girl.” Changbin climbed on the bed and propped himself over you. His deep brown eyes bore into you for a moment before he gently kissed you. He ran his hand gently across your cheek. 
“If anything gets to be too much you just say red, and we stop everything immediately, okay?” You nodded. 
“I need words for this baby. If it's too much...” You finished the sentence. 
“Say red and we’ll stop.” Changbin kissed you softly again. 
“Good.” His hands started migrating as he crawled down between your legs. 
“You know what’s the most fun about lingerie?” You shook your head no and Changbin unsnapped one of your garters with his teeth. 
“Taking it off you.” You could feel yourself getting wetter with every word coming from him. He kissed your soft thigh and then unsnapped the other garter, kissing that thigh as well. He rolled your stocking down and off, tossing them aside. Changbin laid between your legs his face hovering right over your cunt. He placed a kiss over your panties. 
“So sweet. Lift up those legs for me baby I’m gonna get these panties out of our way and I want to see that pretty pussy. You’re soaked for me aren’t you baby? I know you are cause these panties are drenched.” You could feel your body getting warmer and lifted your legs. Changbin slid your panties off and shoved them in the pocket of his pants. 
“I’ll just hold onto those.” He pushed your thighs apart a little and you jumped when he ran his tongue through your folds unexpectedly. He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you close. 
“Yum.” Was all he said before diving back in. He started going down on you like it was his only purpose in life. He would gently lick your clit and then suck and hum hard against your cunt.  
“Oh my god Bin, FUCK! That’s so good baby, PLEASE don’t stop!” Changbin drank in every bit of what you gave him and then slid two fingers inside you causing your hips to try and buck up. He splayed his other hand firmly across your soft tummy and held you down as he played your pussy like a harmonica and finger fucked you into a mind-blowing orgasm. 
“FUUUUCKfuck fuck! Yes, oh my god yes that... right there... fuuuuck!” Changbin gently licked you through your peak and only stopped when you stopped shaking. He kissed his way back up your body. Your soft tummy rolls, he pulled the cups of your bra down and your breasts poked out through the strappy openings. Changbin sucked one nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around it and then gave the other similar attention both perked and hard by the time he was done. He unhooked your bra and tossed it aside with the rest of your clothes. His trail of kisses continued up your chest and neck until he was propped over you again. He leaned down and kissed your lips, his tongue invading your mouth, his teeth pulling at your lip. Changbin’s lips hovered over yours closely and when he spoke, they ghosted against yours. 
“Such a good girl coming for me like that... so sweet on my tongue. A fucking goddess look at you lay there like an angel. Now beautiful I have a question for you... have you ever tried anal beads?” Your breathing hitched and Changbin wanted to be clear. 
“If you don’t want to just say no. Seriously. I just think you would love it if you tried it with me but if that’s out of your comfort zone we’ll can move on no problem.” You chewed on your lips and considered it. 
“It won’t hurt?” Changbin shook his head no. 
“It might feel a little funny at first but then it’s going to feel really good. I have beginner’s beads too do you want to see what they look like?” You nodded. You never thought you would be into anything to do with anal, but you remember how good it felt when Changbin rubbed your asshole the last time he fucked you, so you were intrigued. Changbin got up from the bed for a moment, walked over to his dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a couple of things then took off his pants and the black briefs as he made his way back over to you on the bed. When Changbin set his arsenal down you saw what he had grabbed. There was a small set of silicone beads strung together, one just a bit bigger than the next, the biggest only the size of a grape. He had brought a bottle of lube, some condoms and there was one other thing that had you clenching, ready when you saw it. A finger vibrator.  
“Does everything here look okay, anything you want me to take away?” He wanted to be sure you were one hundred percent on board with everything. 
“Everything looks fine Bin.” He smiled and then the Dom side of him came right back. 
“Bend over on all fours for me pretty girl.” You turned over and got on your hands and knees presenting your ass to Changbin. He pulled your garter belt over your ass and off then spanked your ass cheek enough to leave a handprint. You squealed a little and laughed. Then he spread your ass cheeks leaned down and gently flicked the tip of his tongue against your asshole. It made you clench around nothing. 
“Fuck Binnie! MMmm that feels so good!” He pulled away a second. 
“Told you baby.” Changbin sat back up and spit on your hole before grabbing the beads and lube. He squirt a generous amount on the beads and rubbed some around your asshole too. 
“You sure baby? You ready?” You shook your head. 
“Yes Binnie, want it.” Changbin started to push the first few beads in. It felt a little funny like he said but good too. He pushed a few more in and it felt even better. 
“Mmmm fuck Changbin that feels good baby!” He rubbed your ass cheek as he pushed the last few beads in a pull ring now protruding from your asshole. He grabbed a condom and rolled it down his shaft before lining up with your soaked pussy. He teased the entrance with his tip, and it made you clench again but this time with the beads in your ass it felt amazing. 
“Fuck stick it in Binnie PLEASE!” Changbin pushed the tip of his cock in, and you could feel how he rubbed up against the toy in your ass. It was a mind-blowing sensation. Changbin bottomed out in you and then pressed his hips into your ass slightly adding pressure to the beads making you clench around his dick. 
“Does that feel good hmm?” He spanked your ass again and again the feeling you got from the beads inside you sent waves of pleasure pulsing through your body. You clenched on his cock again and this time Changbin let out the most delicious sounding moan. 
“Fuck baby girl if you don’t stop clenching like that, I’m gonna blow way too soon.” He laughed, pulled out and pushed back in and fuck did it feel amazing. Every thrust felt better than the last. Changbin started out fairly easy on you, a steady pace and an ass smack here and there but the more worked up he got the harder he fucked you the more sizzling the spankings became. You leaned forward on your elbows arching your back and pushing your ass out. Two beads came out and it felt unreal when Changbin pushed them back in while he kept fucking your hard and fast. 
“You take my cock so well pretty girl, fuck so sexy, arch that back more, good girl, fuck, my beautiful goddess, my sweet angel.” Changbin grabbed the ring on the beads and pulled them halfway out this time. 
“FUCK! CHANGBIN FUCK!” He smirked and pushed them back in again and you let out a guttural moan that made his cock twitch so hard he thought he was going to cum.  
“Hold on baby.” You gripped the blanket on Changbin’s bed as he grabbed your thick hips with both hands and started fucking you hard sending you reeling into outer space. Your brain turned into fog and disappeared as you came on Changbin’s cock. He grabbed the ring of the beads with one hand and held onto your hip firmly with the other and continued fucking you hard and fast as he started to slowly pull the beads out one by one and then pushed them in again. 
“Oh, my oh my oh fuck fuck Bin fuck I-I'm cuFUCK! I’m coming!” Changbin started to slow down when your legs started shaking from the over stimulation. He massaged your ass in small circles, slowly dragging his cock in and out, the condom coated in your cum. When he pulled out you whined missing the full feeling you got when Changbin’s cock was inside you. He chuckled and tutted at you. 
“Don’t whine now. Be my good angel and get on your back and spread those legs for me. I wanna see how well I just fucked that hole open.” You rolled over onto your back planted your feet and spread your legs wide for Changbin. He crawled between them and spread your pussy lips looking at your entrance licking his lips. 
“Fuck beautiful how are you still this tight. I guess I’m just gonna have to give you this cock again hmm?” You nodded eagerly and wiggled closer. 
“Yes! Fuck me Bin! Need you inside me again.” Changbin left the anal bead lodged in your ass and started to sink into you again. You both rolled your eyes back and moaned at the feeling of the other. Changbin caged you in between his arms and kissed you as he pulled his cock out and pushed back inside you deep. 
“Fuck baby girl you’re so fucking tight, sucking my cock in every time and look so fucking sexy taking it. You like taking my big cock yea? Fuck look so fucking good underneath me like this.” Changbin started to fuck you harder, his cock rubbing up against the beads inside your ass again that you had almost forgotten about until then. 
“You’re being such a good girl for me, taking my dick hard, letting me play with your asshole, I think you deserve a treat baby.” Changbin reached over and grabbed the finger massager, slid it on his finger and turned it on. 
“Get ready to blast off gorgeous.” Changbin’s free hand gripped the soft roll above your hip as he sunk into deep and hard then he pressed the vibrator against your clit, and it felt like static electricity was surrounding your body.  
“That’s it beautiful let go fucking let go on me, fucking cum do it! Cum for me angel!” He kept fucking you deep and hard, his cock hitting your g spot and the anal beads inside you, his hips thrusting against you pushing them deeper into your ass and the vibrator he was firmly pressing against your clit buzzing throughout your whole body. 
“Bin! Changbin! I’m I... It feels... FUCK!” You couldn’t get another word out before you started coming and squirting all over Changbin. The force of the intense orgasm started to push out a couple of the anal beads and forced Changbin’s cock out of your pussy. He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your clit as you shook and convulsed through the best orgasm of your life. 
“Fuck baby I didn’t know you could do that!” You laughed as you tried and failed to catch your breath. Your big breasts heaving up and down with your breaths. 
“Me either! FUCK!” Changbin laughed, leaned down and kissed you sweetly. 
“You need a break?” You shook your head no and pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him. 
“No it’s time to make you cum now Binnie. You made me feel so fucking good now I’m gonna make you cum for me.” You grabbed Changbin’s cock slid it through your juices and then sat on it. Changbin threw his head back into the mattress when you took his cock whole like that. You leaned over and braced yourself on his firm pecs as you started grinding and riding him like you were a part time porn star. 
“Fuck baby girl I’m not gonna last long like this FUCK!” You doubled your efforts riding him faster. It felt so good for you too. You were so sensitive still and Changbin’s cock constantly rubbed against your g spot and the anal beads in this position. It was a good thing he didn’t think he’d last long because you knew you wouldn’t. 
Your orgasm crept up on you suddenly and you shook on top of Changbin as he grabbed your hips and pushed you back and forth forcing you ride it out for as long as possible into overstimulation again. When you came back down from your fourth orgasm, you reached back and started rolling his balls in your hands as you sat on his whole cock. His balls were drenched in your cum and Changbin was losing his mind underneath you. 
“FUCKFUCKFUckfuck!” You smiled and kept at it, loving the reaction you were getting out of him. 
“Are you close for me Binnie baby? Are you gonna cum? Where do you want to cum Bin?” His eyes shot open surprised to hear you ask that. He just assumed he’d bust in the condom this time, but you were opening the door for an option Changbin had fantasized about with you. 
“Gonna cum FUCK! W-wanna cum in your mouth, wanna watch you swallow my load and show me.” You smirked and got off of Changbin and got on your knees on the bed. Changbin stood up and pulled the condom off. You grabbed his cock firmly and took him into your mouth. 
“FUCK! Oh, my goooooood fucking suck me yes! Play with my balls baby yes!” Changbin threaded his fingers into your hair and gently thrusted into your throat. You gagged and he started to pull out, but you took him further gagging and drooling on his cock. You pulled off and stroked his cock hard and fast looking up at him sweetly while he pet your hair, pushing it out of your face. 
“Cum in my mouth Binnie wanna taste you.” You stuck your tongue out and rubbed the tip of his dick against his as you continued to jack him off.  
“Fuck I’m gonna cum baby open up.” Changbin grabbed his cock and started stroking the head quickly as he aimed for your open mouth, your tongue stuck out eager for his load. He held your head with his free hand and started coming. The first streak hit your lips and nose. He aimed down, and the rest all filled your mouth. Changbin gave you a big load. You held it all in your mouth with your head tilted back, showing him. 
“God damn fucking goddess of my dreams Jesus fuck!” He twitched and shook. He looked down at you swiped the cum from your nose and lip and pushed it into your mouth with the rest of his load. 
“Swallow for me beautiful, show me that tongue.” You closed your mouth and swallowed Changbin’s cum then opened up, stuck out your tongue and showed him the pink muscle in your mouth. You fell back on the bed after and Changbin knelt back down and followed suit flopping down next to you on the bed. You both laid there catching your breath for a minute then you both started to laugh hysterically, slap happily from all the endorphins released. Changbin sat up, pushed your hair away from your face again and kissed you softly. He started to get up and go downstairs. You sat up quickly. 
“What are you doing?” He smiled back at you. 
“I’m gonna run us a bubble bath I’ll call for you when it’s ready.” He blew you a kiss and you fell back on the bed again still chuckling a little. When the bath was ready Changbin called you down. You carefully made your way down the stairs on your legs made of jelly. Changbin got in first and then you sat between his legs. You rested against his firm chest, and he helped wash you. The bath was perfect and exactly what you needed after that super intense sex. While you dried off Changbin went to change the bedding and when you got back up to the loft, he was already back in bed waiting for you, looking half asleep already. You crawled into bed and next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. Changbin watched as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. When he was certain you were asleep, he kissed your forehead and whispered a sleepy bedtime confession before passing out. 
“I think I’m falling in love with you y/n.” 
You were standing in front of a mirror in an outfit that you never thought you would wear again. Your champagne-colored wedding gown was as extravagant as you would imagine for a Seo wedding. A full skirt and train, the most delicate beading, with a scoop neck corset that came off your shoulders. Changbin just wanted you to feel like a princess on your day and you did. A thin veil matching the color of your dress was being adjusted by Changbin’s sister, who was your maid of honor. You had become friends fast after she had crashed a date of yours and her brother’s and introduced herself to you. You’ve been each other’s accomplice ever since. 
Changbin smoothed the shoulders of his champagne-colored shirt, pulled down the hem of his burgundy double breasted waist coat and threw on his matching blazer over it, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He wasn’t scared to get married; he knew more than anything, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but he was going to have to read his vows to you in front of a lot of people and that made him nervous. His friends being there helped, they would be standing up there supporting him and you, you would be up there. God he couldn’t wait to see you. His sister said your dress was amazing but that’s all she would say not wanting to ruin the surprise. As Changbin adjusted his cufflinks the best man, Chan, came back into the room. 
“Well, they said they’re ready for ya Bin. You ready brother?” Changbin nodded. 
“Since the day I met her hyung. Let’s go.” He affectionately clapped Chan’s shoulder as the groomsmen and him made their way to their positions in the venue. You, Changbin’s sister and a few of your closest friends got into your positions as well. Two huge wooden doors were now the only thing blocking you from the man you loved. You heard Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s Over the Rainbow start and you knew it was all about to happen. When you were at this point at your wedding with your ex-husband you remembered having cold feet, a voice deep inside you telling you it was a mistake. Right now, as you were about to walk down the aisle, your feet were made of fire, you had never been so certain of your love for another person as you were of your love for Changbin. 
The large doors opened outward and the moment Changbin saw you tears started to rim his eyes. The song that sang of wishing upon a star was perfect because Changbin had been a dream come true for you after years of suffering and torment. Changbin blinked, fat tears rolled down his cheeks and you could feel your own eyes betraying you at the sight of this gorgeous kindhearted man crying. He looked absolutely unreal in his suit, but Changbin couldn’t breathe, you looked so beautiful. Chan handed him a hanky and he dabbed the tears from his face and sniffled a bit. When you stood in front of Changbin he leaned in and kissed your cheek softly. 
“You look...” He teared up again and you grabbed the hanky from him and gently wiped them away. You kissed his cheek back. 
“You too Binnie.” He smiled at you and his dimple popped out. The ceremony began just like any wedding ceremony does and then came your vows. You both decided you wanted to write them, the others were nice and all, but you wanted these words for each other to come from your hearts. Changbin went first. 
“y/n I didn’t realize I had a piece missing in my life until you. The first time we met, I knew I would marry you one day. Then every day after just strengthened that certainty. I played the long game baby and I’m definitely the one winning the prize. I was always told that true love was loving every piece of your partner, even the hard to love parts. Well, they were wrong. I love every piece of you y/n, there is not a single part of you that is hard to love. You are so selfless. You take care of not only me but our home and our dogs. You have strong jutdae. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and I can’t believe that I get to call you my wife after today. I love you y/n.” You had tears streaking your face, Changbin took the hanky back from you again and wiped them, then gave you a kiss on the nose and you laughed. Then it was your turn. 
“Seo Changbin, at my lowest point in life you showed me something inside myself that I had lost. It was not an easy task, but you tackled it head on with jutdae and showed me how to love myself again. Not only did you do that but then you showed up on my doorstep with Edgar and Allen. I was certain I was dreaming. I had searched everywhere for them and had no luck and there you were with my boys. I knew right then that I was gonna spend the rest of my life with you. Changbin, Binnie, you work on yourself everyday inside and out. You might have big muscley arms, but I have no doubt that your heart is the biggest muscle you have. You love me so completely, so wholly, there is no room for doubt inside me anymore. So, thank you my sweet husband for loving me even when I couldn’t love myself. I love you Binnie.” Changbin’s bottom lip quivered as tears streaked his face it was your turn to peck his nose and he wiped his eyes. You both held each other’s hands and looked at your friend Minho who was officiating the ceremony. 
“Do you Seo Changbin take y/l/n y/n to be your wife for now and always?” Changbin had the biggest smile on his face. 
“Yes, always.” You could feel your face flush still to this day when he smiled at you like that, beaming. Chan handed him your ring, a white gold diamond ring in a double halo setting, and he slid it on your finger. 
“Do you y/l/n y/n take Seo Changbin to be your husband for now and always?” You nodded immediately. 
“Yes, always.” Changbin bit his lip as he smiled uncontrollably while you slid his ring on, a simple white gold band lined with diamonds across the front. 
“By the power vested in me, for some reason, you are now Husband and Wife. Bin you can kiss your bride.” One of Changbin’s arms wrapped around your waist and he dipped you as he cupped your face and kissed you deeply. Cheers and applause erupted from the guests and the wedding party alike. You and Changbin turned to the crowd of your friends and family. He raised your joined hands in the air and announced very loudly in typical Changbin fashion. 
@caticorn61 @acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle
“I just got married! Let’s PARTY!!” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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aita-blorbos · 7 months
AITA for dooming the narrative back?
I'm a book character. The series isn't even written yet but I'm still doomed. I see it coming. Important thing to know about this book series is that it starts with the second book, the first book comes last. I am a simple barkeeper who dies in the second book but I don't die. I return. I asked the author why, why was the world like this, why couldn't they just fix everything, but they said it wasn't the point of the story. The main characters had to "overcome adversity" or something, but no one seems to notice or care the main characters keep dying. Only I notice. The story is tearing itself apart, and I stand in the center. I only tell the author the truth. They doomed the story. They are pointless. They are the true monster. The author is begging me to stop, but I am hell bent on ruining her along with my world. What is my fate?
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rifleseye · 3 months
truthfully he doesn't entirely understand how they got into this situation. he can recount the series of events that lead to this, but the how is still what's bothering him. it doesn't help that he's most definitely concussed. and the air. there's something terribly wrong with it.
he blinks, trying to reorient himself even as the world spins. right. he's crashed. the nose of the shuttle is currently bent inwards, the entire roof has been peeled off, and he thinks he sees a thruster strewn on the ground several feet from the actual shuttle.
no. no that's not right. it's not that he's crashed. we've crashed. he looks around, dazed and slightly confused, "lysk?" where is he? perceptor pulls off his safety clasp, allowing himself to slide out of his chair. he falls to the ground, pain shooting up through his side. he grasps his side, drawing his hand away to see energon on his fingers. ah. yes, that would do it. it seems one of his modified cooling system lines has been cut. luckily that's not a fatal injury, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt like hell.
where's lysk? "lysk where are you?" he stumbles to his feet, using a ruined console as support.
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isan0rt · 6 months
Ok first off godspeed to you, we are all in the damn trenches together trying to get the very unimaginably difficult concept of "all the games in this series are important and canon" across to these people lol.
but second it is hilarious how dead-on you were with describing how a lot of younger fans in the kh fandom got into it because of union x because that is EXACTLY what happened to me. I knew of the game's existence from... somewhere i don't remember exactly, but I got into it because I had found out there was a phone game that was compatible with my phone. I downloaded it at the age of twelve a little over a month before kingdom hearts 3 fully released, and it has ruined my life (positive). I like to call it the default hyperfix because I always come back to it. my phone case is kingdom hearts themed for god's sake.
Anyway, shaking your hand with all the stuff you said. union cross supremacy and all that stuff :))
I am EXTREMELY glad it was validating and not obnoxious coming at that person on your post. I just absolutely could not with the "oh think of the confused kids!!" Like sorry YOU'RE confused but from what I can tell the kids seem to be doing alright??
I try not to be the Weird Adult here but I do think it's so encouraging how popular the new games are with like, a whole new generation of players. The mobile game fandom is the most lively and fun the KH fandom has been in a long time, hell that it's maybe ever been! That's why it's so wild to me to see somebody still bent out of shape about kh2 or whatever. Like, we're all just having fun over here. You could too!!!
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
Year of the Bat - Number 21
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “I’m a civic-minded citizen, with a lot of time on his hands!” Number 21 is…The Clock King.
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Some of the best supervillains in “Batman: The Animated Series” weren’t necessarily characters who appeared time and time again. Sometimes they only showed up a couple of times, and that was honestly enough. The Clock King, titular antagonist of this episode, is a great example. The character was actually invented as part of another superhero’s Rogues Gallery – namely Green Arrow – but ever since the version played by Walter Slezak in the 60s series, at least, he’s often been confused for a Batman rogue, as well. This episode updated the character in a way that many agree is superior to the original found in the comics, and has been influential in later portrayals to this date. The story begins with a man named Temple Fugate, a businessman whose company is under serious trouble with a multi-million dollar lawsuit against him. If he loses the court hearing, it will mean his financial ruin. Hamilton Hill, an acquaintance on Fugate’s regular railway commute, suggests that Fugate should relax before the hearing, and recommends taking his usual coffee break at a different time. Fugate decides to take the advice…and a domino effect of accidents leads to not only the destruction of his company, but the end of any shred of sanity the man has left in his head. Years later, in present day Gotham, Hill is now the Mayor of the City, and is running for a re-election. Fugate appears as the self-proclaimed “Clock King,” a villain hell-bent on humiliating and then destroying the Mayor, whom he blames for all his woes. Batman must find a way to stop Fugate, as the Clock King’s crimes grow increasingly more brazen and dangerous. What I love about the Clock King is the way the motif of time is used in the story. The original villain in earlier interpretations was a very gimmicky character; I’ve always enjoyed the character, but I think it was primarily due to this version and the one in the 60s series that I really fell in love with the concept. Clock King, in this series, isn’t so much a guy who uses clocks as a gimmick, but is instead a living clock himself. He’s the world’s most nightmarish case of OCD, who has to make sure everything is neat, tidy, punctual, and efficient at all times. Why is this a threat? Because he knows when a train will be passing by X spot at Y time, and knows how to get down off a building and onto it without breaking a sweat. Because he knows the exact spot to stand, and when to stand there, in order to avoid being crushed by falling rubble. Because he knows exactly when to dodge a punch, when to retaliate with an attack of his own; his mind is a computer that can calculate every single action and motion down to a fraction of a second. As the series so often did, in other words, it took a character who had before seemed like something of a joke, and made him into a compelling and dangerous opponent. Alan Rachins, the voice actor for the Clock King, is also a big part of the character’s staying power. He’s just so wonderfully snide, for lack of a better way of putting it; while you do feel a bit sorry for Fugate due to his opening origins, he’s also just a wonderfully smug and smarmy sort of character. You kind of want to punch him in the face, but in the best possible way, and it never takes away from his menace as a character. The design is also really great; very simple, but very striking, with the watch-face glasses and the cane that resembles a minute hand. It’s easy to see why this version of the character caught on, both in and out of comics: sometimes just knowing the right time for everything can almost be a superpower in and of itself.
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Tomorrow we move into the Top 20 of the countdown! Hint: “Why couldn’t you just let me make-believe?!”
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The Truth About The Hybrid (Doctor Who)
In the episode Hell Bent the question of the Hybrid's true nature was never quite resolved, and it hasn't been touched on since. With The Moffat Era now long over, it's doubtful that we'll ever revisit this question, which leaves the whole storyline unfinished. That being said, there are enough clues present to figure it out, with a little help from Chris Chibnall and The Timeless Children. (Oh yes, I really am going there. I tend to give Chibnall more credit than most people.) The truth is staring us in the face.
The Master is The Hybrid.
Let's consider what we know. The Hybrid was a prophecy on Gallifrey that existed well before the Time War. It spoke of a hybrid creature, cross bred between two warrior races, who would stand in the ruins of Gallifrey and break a billion hearts, just to heal their own. That is the description that is offered in the ninth season. We know that the Timelords were obsessed with this idea, even after The Time War ended. Gallifrey had been saved, and The Hybrid was still out there somewhere, the catastrophe yet to come. First and foremost, I doubt the Timelords knew that The Master would be The Hybrid. It's more likely that they expected the Hybrid to emerge during the Time War. We know they restored The Master and gave them a whole new set of regenerations. They probably wanted to use The Master to fight the Hybrid.
As for what the Timelords were thinking, the most popular theory was that the creature was cross bred between Timelords and Daleks, and even Davros seemed to think that this was true. That he was fulfilling the prophecy by stealing The Doctor's regeneration energy during The Witch's Familiar. However, Hell Bent makes it specifically clear that any warrior race can technically qualify, including humans and even The Mire from The Girl Who Died.
Season 9 concludes with no real definitive answer about The Hybrid.
Davros suggests that it is a Dalek/Timelord crossbreed. The Doctor later dismisses this idea, suggesting that the Daleks would never allow this. Disregarding the fact that their creator himself posed this theory, a Dalek crossing its DNA with another creature has already happened in the series. Like, more than once. So that idea is nonsense. The Doctor goes on to say that he himself is the Hybrid. Which would tie in with The Eighth Doctor's claim that he's half-human, and Ashildr even proposes this as a theory. However, like Twelve said, it wouldn't make much sense for him to flee Gallifrey to escape himself. Really, whether or not The Doctor knows anything about The Hybrid, and what he knows, if anything, is exceedingly vague until the very end. Especially since he goes around dropping random references to the Hybrid during the season, like he's trying to figure out what it is. Hell Bent settles on the explanation that The Doctor and Clara together, form the Hybrid. Because they've become too dangerous to keep traveling together, pushing each other to such extremes. But there's kind of a big problem with that idea. 
A Hybrid can't be two people. 
That's not what a Hybrid is, or how it works. You would have to call it something different. Still, while The Doctor's knowledge on this subject is very unclear, I think we can point to one definitive moment as iron-cast proof that The Doctor knows the truth about the Hybrid, and that the truth frightens him. He says as much to The Veil in Heaven Sent. He says that he lied about the real reason why he left Gallifrey. That truthfully, it was because he feared the Hybrid. And this is the key detail - The Veil then freezes in place. It stops chasing him. Earlier in the episode, it was directly established that The Veil can be compelled to temporarily pause it's pursuit if The Doctor makes confessions. Tells secrets, truths, that he's never told before. Considering that he's inside his own Confession Dial, I don't doubt the the abilities of The Veil. It was never shown to be fooled in any other instance, so if The Doctor was lying about this...why wouldn't it know?
Meaning that whatever he said in Hell Bent about being the Hybrid himself, or that he actually has no idea who or what it is...The Doctor is lying. He does know. He must. He knows exactly who The Hybrid is, and for whatever reason, he's refusing to admit as much. He spends over four billion years in his own personal hell, all because he refuses to give up the secret of The Hybrid. Clara even asks him "Why would you do that to yourself?" and The Doctor doesn't really have an answer to give.
Let's fast forward to Season 12 for a moment. The Master has discovered the truth about The Timelords, The Doctor, and their history as The Timeless Child. This knowledge breaks The Master, it hurts them to their very core. If we assume that this incarnation is post-Missy, then this also means that The Master is in so much pain, that it set back all their growth during Season 10. What do they do to cope with it? Why, genocide of course. They slaughter everyone in The Capitol, and presumably on the rest of the planet. Hell, I wonder if they used The Moment. Not a part of this theory, just...an interesting question to think about. At the end of it all, The Master stood in the ruins of Gallifrey, responsible for it's demise. "Look upon my work, Doctor, and despair." And why did he do this? Because he was hurting, and he wanted revenge. "I had to make them pay for what I discovered." He broke a billion hearts just to heal his own. Now, this setup is almost perfect, but it's missing one key component. The Master isn't a hybrid, is he? No, he's a full blood Timelord, as far as we know.
Or at least he was, until he bonded with the Cyberium.
"All Cyber knowledge...all Timelord knowledge...put it together, and what do you get?" You get a Hybrid creature is what you get. The Cyberium is shown to be a living creature as well as a computer, and The Cybermen certainly qualify as a warrior race. The Master practically announces his status as the Hybrid by taking the remains of The Timelords and converting them into the "Cyber Masters" which are also arguably an entire race of hybrids. Now, I'm not the first person to propose this idea, that the Hybrid Prophecy referred to The Master during the events of The Timeless Children. But I'm going to take this one step further, and talk about The Doctor. About what was going through their mind during Hell Bent, and throughout the entire series. Because The Master is The Hybrid, but here's an even bigger mind-screw for you.
The Doctor knew all along.
They may not have known the details, or how exactly things would play out. But they have known ever since they ran away from Gallifrey that The Master would one day become the Hybrid. This is the only reason, the only truth I can see, that would explain everything. Not just why The Doctor fled, but also explain their inconsistency about this subject. They ran...because they saw their best friend's future. Saw him turned into a monster that would massacre The Timelords. Perhaps The Master was already taking their first steps down a path of darkness, and The Doctor's worst fears were confirmed by learning this secret.
Twelve recounts the story of a boy who got lost in the Cloisters, who was told a terrible secret by the Wraiths, and that he was never right in the head again, which led him to "steal the moon and the president's wife." We also know that this story was about The Doctor, and that it was in fact the president's daughter. Susan Foreman perhaps? Eh, it's a theory for another time. The scene then transitions into the discussion of the Confession Dial, and the secret that The Doctor guarded so closely that he spent billions of years punching through a diamond wall rather than give it up. Considering that, in the very next season, he vows to spend a thousand years guarding Missy in the vault and dedicates himself to the task of trying to redeem her? Yeah, I can believe that he would still be protecting his oldest friend after all this time.
The Doctor has a real blind spot when it comes to The Master, always trying to turn them back to the light, and refusing to let any other characters kill them even in situations where it's really not The Doctor's call to make (The Year That Never Was comes to mind) Noticeably, the one time that The Doctor "allows" someone else to kill The Master is Ko Shamus in The Timeless Children. Which occurs after the prophecy would have been fulfilled.
So there you have it. The Master is The Hybrid, they always have been. And The Doctor knew, they knew from the beginning. They just hoped against hope that they could get through to their old friend before this happened. And they very nearly did, too. Judging by The Doctor Falls, The Master came this close to turning over a new leaf. But The Timelords had to ruin that as well.
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layaboutace · 5 months
Season 9 Episode 11: Heaven Sent/Episode 12: Hell Bent
throughout this whole review series I've always given the two parters the same score, usually because in the RTD era the episodes were both of similar quality. however in the moffat era one episode always seems to be a bit stronger than the other, and it is here that I don't follow my rule because i could not give heaven sent anything other than a perfect score, because it is perfect. the mystery was not only intriguing, but entirely solvable with everything you're shown in the episode, not only that but the doctor going through grief of billions of years of dying and coming back without any of his memories, punching again and again at grief, at the days that go by without the one he lost by his side, only to finally break free is beautiful. its heartbreaking, and clara telling him to move on was as harsh as it was necessary. he needed to hear it, and it does help him shatter that wall, no matter how long it took, no matter how much he literally kept retracing his steps, going through the extremely repetitive motions of grief over and over and over again, he eventually breaks through, and thats so beautiful. now lets ruin it! lets tie in the completely stupid and boring plot of the hybrid with the return of gallifrey, and the doctors not happy to see them oh no no hes so mad, and its great for a bit, him waiting in the barn, not so much as sparing a word for anyone not rassilon, its great. but then rassilon is easily overthrown, the doctor taking his place. and it turns out he didn't get over his grief and move on, and clara doesn't face consequences for her own faults, they both seemingly backpedal on their amazing development in the last two episodes, for an ending thats super cool and i do like, but is way less fulfilling. i love clara exploring the universe, but i would rather have her own up to her mistakes and face the raven. its tragic the lengths the doctor goes to for clara, but he just went billions of years worth of grief, and him growing past that worked and was beautiful. honestly for some things it just didn't feel like moffat considered the wider storyline, like the hybrid thing was always stupid but not only is its conclusion extremely dumb but its not even super definitive, the ghosts guarding the matrix was dumb, totally not necessary same with the weeping angels down there we get it moffat people really liked blink now leave them alone, and this applies to heaven sent too but, why does clara invoke this reaction, when the doctor is always losing those close to him? the doctor has moments where he grieves yes, but all he does in hell bent sees so, out of character, and i know hes supposed to be a bit scary and not like himself but, it just doesn't work, and that's really sad because this started out really amazing
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omniblades-and-stars · 2 months
Also also entering atmo and blossoms on the water for the WIP game please 🥺👉👈
Oh hell yeah these two are so different it's bananas!
Entering Atmo:
Ok, so here's the skinny on this: I reference it all the time, but for the first time in probably ever, I had a hypomanic episode last year that was a wellspring of creativity instead of just sucking really hard. During that time, I came up with an idea for a story that was going to start out seeming like it was a buddy cop adventure with Shepard and Garrus. But then it was going to veer really hard into a drama/conspiracy thriller with an assassin who kept showing up, an explosion that ruins Shepard's life and causes her to just DIP on everything, and eventually it was going to culminate in some sort of revenge. It was out of control. You may have noticed that "Entering Atmo" and "Burning on Re-Entry" have similar themes for names. That's because the mania told me I should keep plucking at a plot that made no sense. Once that calmed down to a more sustainable, reasonable beast, I decided to do a much smaller story, and splinter all of my other ideas into better, smaller stories (my Wicked Game series eventually came out of this decision, though it changed a lot). It starts with Jane leaving the Alliance for mysterious reasons and joining C-Sec, and alludes to injuries and scars that she keeps hidden.
Here's a couple of little tastes of it:
The cold, clinical white of his entirely too bare office wasn’t helping matters at all. White arches, on either side of the room, cut through the wide open space and somehow made the lines and angles of the open floor plan feel oppressive and like the high ceiling was paradoxically pressing down on her. Shepard felt out of place in this room, as she often did anywhere on the Citadel. It wasn’t built with humans in mind at all, Jane often felt herself hunching forward, or leaning to a side to accommodate for the strange, sloping architecture. It didn't really make sense, turians and salarians were generally taller than humans, but something about the artificial curvature on absolutely everything made her spine feel like it was bent in the wrong direction.  She often wondered if asari felt the same way, considering their bodies were by far the closest analogues to her own. But she figured that they did not, they seemed to feel right at home anywhere, like their long-lived sense of superiority was always welcome no matter where they were. Of the alien species with long lives, Shepard preferred the krogan. She understood the bulking rage, the feeling that the universe had used her up and spit her back out and expected her to just saddle up and keep taking it. Not to say that she thought the asari were entirely undeserving of their heightened status in the galaxy, but she just didn’t feel any sort of kinship with that. Blood, bullets, battle, and probably a few more B-words that could be assigned to a soldier of her one-time status and the krogan … bombs or bastards, maybe … those things she understood.
And poor Jane just having a real bad time:
Life at home was a shambles. There were empty soup cans all over her countertops, cracker crumbs stuck to all of her casual clothes, and laundry all over the floor. Sparky lay forgotten on his dock, another sock stuck in the roller brush. Jane didn’t even have the wherewithal to go harass Garrus about fixing the thing she absolutely knew how to fix herself (or fix it herself for that matter). Her days ended with her laying on her couch, staring up at the ceiling, eating stale crackers, sometimes crying, sometimes not. The only place in her tiny little apartment that didn’t look like some sort of sticky, crumby tornado had gone through it was her bedroom, and that was simply because she passed out every night on her couch, box of crackers still tucked between her body and the cushions.
Blossoms on the Water:
So awhile ago, I wrote a little Shrios oneshot called Under the Rays of the Autumn Sun (which can be read here.) And like I frequently do, I couldn't put down the subject, Eden Shepard. I wanted to explore her backstory a little bit, and also use Thane's beliefs about an afterlife to do something I'm very uncomfortable with: thinking too long about death and mortality. Blossoms on the Water is a little experimental. Eden is led through some of her foundational memories by Kalahira so that her soul will be light enough to float to the distant shores. It's just sooo very angsty in a lot of what I've got so far, but that's how we do around here.
Here's a taste:
Chilled water laps gently around her ankles, as the water recedes back towards the sea, it leaves tendrils running down her toes to the rough sand beneath them. Small bubbles create a marker along the shore, a memory in foam of where the tide washes up to cover her feet once more. She can barely hear the sounds of the waters over the wind whipping around her. Hair flies over her face, stinging in her eyes, and it tugs at the edges of her yellow sundress, pulling the light fabric against her knees. She remembers this dress. The pale yellow fabric is embroidered at the edges with little white flowers. It was stolen. She wore it the first time she ever went to the beach, when she was a teenager. Strange, she doesn’t remember putting it on. The wind whips against her, hard again, and she has the strangest feeling, like fingers tugging at the hem of her skirt. Leading her somewhere, further down the barren beach. Looking at it now, it seems like the coastline goes on forever, flat and nearly featureless. When she looks behind her, she sees that this stretch of sand somehow has the ocean lapping at the other side. Like she’s standing in a mirror. The wind pulls again, quietly beckoning her to move. There’s comfort in this guidance. As she puts one timid foot in front of the other, marveling as she walks at the soft indentations they leave behind, she grows warmer. When she stops, the chill raises goosebumps on her arms once more. She follows nature’s gentle command, eager to feel some warmth. A wave crests, small, nonthreatening, and water spills over her feet, climbing up to her shins. As it slowly draws back, something small and white is left behind. Eden bends down to pick it up. It’s a small, narrow blossom, with a strong, sweet smell. She breathes it in deeply as the breeze wraps around her. It is a gentle caress and it begs her to remember.
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theloganator101 · 2 years
You know i wonder how this series would've been and mainly how Izuku's character writing, character development, growth as a hero, as a person, improvement in his close quarter fighting skills would've been if Hori wasn't hell bent on shoehorning Bakugou in all the plot lines and focusing on their toxic friendship.
I feel that there are a lot of good friendships that could have happened and that actually could've sorted Izuku's issues. Like him having more moments with the Shoto and Iida building positivity, trust and a brotherly bond which he never got in his childhood. Have more moments with Ochako, developing their bond further and developed Izuku's feelings for Ochako considering they are shown as endgame couple and personally i would've preferred he showed he has feelings for her but hides them due his own insecurities rather than being hinted at ( one of my canon complaints). Also him and Ojiro is another underrated friendship. Izuku very well can improve his fighting skills instead of relying on just OFA's boost with Ojito's help and frequent spars. (Another canon complaint). Hori can still use shoot style and have Izuku develop his fighting skills using both punches and kicks further after he fcks up his arms. Him Ochako, Shoto, Ojiro would've made a great sparring team or partners compared to Bakugou. Even his friendship with Mineta could help grow some more confidence for Izuku and Mineta can actually grow more as a hero and as a person being around Izuku and gain the respect from his classmates.
It's just i see Izuku could've developed even a lot better and also a lot of things could've been explored. Oh and all of this after the hero killer arc. I just feel that Hori neglects his MC's growth and just writes him as just a blind & naive fanboy when Izuku is more than that and all this due his open Favorism and focus for Bakugou. This is also why i feel Izuku's solo arc ended abruptly and was ruined considering Hori shoehorned Bakugou back in the story. In all honesty i would've much preferred if Stain was the one to save Izuku from that villain controlling the civilians.
You 👏 are 👏 absolutely 👏 right!
In fact, I like to add that his relationship with Aoyama could've been explored more.
Aoyama would've done WONDERS for Midoriya's self-esteem and even help him realize that he IS worth something, to have more confidence in himself.
Shoji to give him positive physical love instead of abuse, besides he would give the BESTEST of hugs! Not to mention they could relate in terms of how they were both discriminated for getting the short end of the genetic lottery.
Hagakure would be a good parallel for how they both seem to rely on their quirks a little too much.
The list could go on.
Anything would've been better than trying to force Bakugou into the equation.
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
DSMP Angsty Imagines - React to Your Death pt. 1 --- George
Part 1 to my series of “dsmp boys react to your death”:  Pronouns used: they/them (if mentioned) Warnings: cursing, death, grief, arguing, yelling, panic, weapons Words: 1.2+
The list: 
c!George - (you are currently on this post)  c!Bench Trio (platonic) - (coming soon!) c!Wilbur - (coming soon!) c!Dream - (coming soon!)  c!Technoblade - (coming soon!) 
George was finally done with the fighting. So much warfare, so much death and destruction. It was too much. Even his former best friends, Dream and Sapnap had been swept up into the chaos. Well, Dream had actually been the cause of a lot of the deaths. 
George Not-Found was done with the fighting, though. He wanted to keep you, the love of his life, safe. For so long, you had been begging him to move out of the SMP lands and live in the unoccupied lands outside of normal civilization. Your boyfriend hated the idea of leaving.
“All of my friends are here!” He’d protest. “George, all of your friends are either dead or criminals!” You couldn’t stop yourself from shouting back. It was true. Sapnap’s whereabouts remains ambiguous but Dream’s were well known. He had been locked in Pandora’s Vault. The notorious prison, made of mostly obsidian and Blackstone, was built with a seemingly immeasurable amount of traps. And yet, people still feared Dream’s escape.
George knew his former best friend was too far gone, but he hated it. He hated knowing the person he thought would be there through everything, was gone; had left for his own selfish gain.
Your shoulders slumped when you saw your boyfriend’s lip start to quiver. “George... I’m sorry. But I really do think we should move. It’s not safe here anymore.”
He took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, we’ll move.”
That was three months ago. Now, the two of you were living happily alone in your cottage. The two of you built it together and it was perfect. It surely wasn’t the biggest or most impressive dwelling on the whole server, but it was charming and suited both of your needs quite nicely.
“George, my love, I’m going to collect berries for breakfast. I’ll be back soon,” you announced, collecting your gear. You walked over to where your - now fiancé - was napping on the couch.
You scoffed playfully at his sleeping form, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Grabbing a random pen and post-it note off the coffee table, you wrote a note. The note explained where you were going, why, and when you expected to be back.
“I love you, George. Sleep well.” You added at the bottom with a smile.
Basket for berries swinging on your arm, light cloak on your shoulders, you left your charming house to go collect breakfast. 
You did now realize that it would be the last time you’d see him.
Three hours later...
George Not-Found woke up with a start, tumbling ungracefully off the couch. Rubbing his elbow as he sat up, he looked around the house. It was empty. 
“Y/n? Love?” he called into the empty air. He looked around some more, standing up and walking around.
A note on the table caught his eye. Your handwriting was spread over the small piece of paper. The message scrawled gracefully. “I’ve gone out to gather berries for breakfast,” he read aloud. “I should be back in an hour.” His heart began to drop. “I love you, George. Sleep well.”
His grip on the note went slack and it fluttered to the ground like a leaf. George frantically whipped his head around to look at the clock. It had been three hours since he fell asleep, and you weren’t in the house. Something was wrong.
George grabbed his sword, goggles, and some extra health potions off of the shelf by the door.
But as he closed the front door, a dagger with a note pinned to it stuck into the wood of the door caught his eye. The dagger was familiar, a polished silver handle set with diamonds and emeralds. The handwriting was even more familiar. But it wasn’t yours. It was Dream’s.
He ripped the dagger out of the door to read the note.
“Hey, George.
As you might have guessed by now, Y/n is gone. I’ve taken them. You shouldn’t have betrayed me, George. You knew that wouldn’t end well. Meet with me at the ruins of the community house tonight. Or else.”
George was so shocked. He knew something was wrong, but he really hadn’t expected Dream to be the cause of it. He hadn’t even realized he was on Dream’’s hit list - or list of enemies - to begin with.
The night was dark as the moon was only half full as George waited for Dream. The ruins of the community house sat still behind him. You could still see the burn marks on the pieces of the house that hadn’t been destroyed.
He was running his hands over a burned piece of wood when a voice made him turn around.
“Hello, George.”
He whipped around. “Dream.” 
The man with the porcelain white mask visibly froze in surprise. He had never heard his former friend this serious before. Honestly, it was kind of terrifying. But the master manipulator pulled himself together.
“You seem thrilled to see me.”
But George wasn’t having it. He only wanted to know where Y/n was. Were they okay? Could he save them?
It was as if Dream could read his mind. 
“You want Y/n.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement, a fact. Something so obvious it made no sense for Dream to say aloud.
“No shit,” George growled. “Where are they?”
The most wanted man on the server didn’t need to take off his mask for George to know he was smiling cruelly. His heart sank to his stomach, preparing for the worst. And the worst was what he got.
“They’re dead.”
Those two words, and everything seemed to stop. The world went quiet as George tried to take in the news. The words just didn’t seem to absorb into his brain. It made sense. What were you supposed to do upon hearing that the absolute love of your life had died? Just nod and move on with life? Hell no.
“Go, Dream.” George’s voice was hoarse, cracked with grief. 
Dream tried to say something, but he was cut off.
“Just fucking go.”
So Dream left and George was left to process his feelings amongst the ruins alone.
Tears finally began to fall. His knees buckled and he crashed to the ground, bent over on the ground. The torrent of emotions - anger, frustration, grief, emptiness - cascaded over him. 
He let out an earth-shattering scream. His throat burned but his sobs simply couldn’t carry the weight of his grief alone. 
Holding himself in a tight hug as he rocked back and forth, George came to terms with your death. 
You were gone. The love of his life was gone. Dead. Killed. Taken away from him. Your own life ripped away. And all because he hadn’t just agreed with you and moved away earlier, before the fighting and the wars got really bad. 
“I’m sorry, darling.” his voice was carried with the wind. So heartbreaking that even the sky began to cry. The raindrops fell softly, as if they were keeping a vigil.
“You were right. We should have moved earlier. I should have listened. But I didn’t, and now you’re dead.”
He was cut off by his own sob, a wretched sound that echoed slightly off of the burned ruins of the community house.
“I’m so sorry, darling.” He took a shaky breath. “I love you.”
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