#they might as well be OCs at this point
captain-hen · 2 months
as a fellow eddie girlie i agree sm with all ur opinions on buddie and fandom like its one of the main reasons i dont interact much with 911 posts anymore bc its just getting a bit exhausting to see people strip away all the character traits that made eddie my favourite to begin with 💔
yeah :/ i think it didn't always used to be so bad; i remember around the s4-s5, there was a lot of excellent meta and analysis and...general appreciation for the characters, eddie included, outside of shipping. but...idk. fandom's always had a problem with relegating eddie to being just buck's love interest, but it's never been this bad imo. it just sucks and there's nothing that can be done unfortunately :/
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
Holy shit I’m not really even a hardcore victoire/teddy shipper but Spilled Drink has ENDED ME I will never be the same 😭😭😭
okay first if all HOW CAN YOU NOT SHIP TEDOIREE??!!
but secondly, i love that, that's amazing, i'm glad you enjoyed it!!
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vergilbergart · 11 months
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in my head, they're besties lol
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angelofalls · 9 months
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More doodles of Moja
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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The other researchers are also here! (magical edition!)
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months
some pre PriceRaven shenanigan and backstory
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more rambles if you're interested:
to put it simply, its enemies to lovers lol
Raven, previously went by the codename Cobra, takes up the job to assassinate Lieutenant Price
there were a lot of close encounter where they almost finish each other off but they never truly did
Price fell first, Raven fell harder
"some" of the scars on Price's arms are thanks to Raven, because she likes to use knife more than gun, plus its quicker and more effective in close-quarters combat (gee I wonder why she likes going up close *wink*)
they often have chinese food after they fight, or some random hawker food stall or cup noodles...which gets funny looks from everyone
sometimes they get pizza (if Price's in the mood)
back then Raven used a full face mask instead of the half mask
their sweet babeh gurl is nickname Magpie (i am terrible at coming up with names so i have not thought of one for the lil gurl yet - taking suggestion though)
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800db-cloud · 1 year
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>posts about pizza tower ocs >leaves >refuses to elaborate
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peggingeddiediaz · 1 month
Complaining because we're happy about buck finally dating the perfect guy is something… and comparing Tommy to Taylor, please
I really am trying to not be as petty as I can be.
I'll say it again, I actually like Buck and Tommy dating, I like canon bucktommy but the fanon bucktommy fans have made the ship so generic in record time, it's getting insufferable seeing posts about them.
Also, let's not kid ourselves and pretend that the insane fan support for Tommy/Lou that elevates the character to "perfect love interest" in just 2 episodes, is not largely unrelated to him being a hot attractive white man. (I still remember some of those bucktommy fans calling Tommy a Walmart version of Buck when the Tommy/Eddie speculation was a hot topic, and now look at them…) I do admit that both Buck and Tommy look very similar at times🤭
Tommy is not perfect, in fact that 1st date was really uncomfortable to watch and not only because of Buck.
1st: The fact that Tommy knew that Buck wasn't out and that this is literally his 1st date with a man, who had his 1st kiss some days before, which is the reason why Tommy picked a really out of the way restaurant for the date, but still he made a "funny" comment about closet spaces to Eddie, who he's not out to, was a choice. Specially when Tommy knows first hand how hard it is to come out to your friends.
2nd: The fact that not only did he not tell Buck about cutting the date short before leaving the restaurant, but that he called himself an Uber to go home and left him there on the sidewalk?? (Confirmation that Buck drove them there is nice though, passenger princess Tommy is canon 🤭)
3rd: For someone who knows Buck might not be ready to date anyone right now, saying yes to a 2nd date, after the disaster that 1st one turned out to be, and as a guest to his sister's wedding is a little insane.
I can imagine the vitriol and innumerable call out posts had Tommy been a female love interest. Aside from those points, is also deliciously ironic how fanon buddie is the way it is because fans were "tired" of the: bigger guy means he's a top and the smaller one is the bottom dynamic, but suddenly everyone is salivating at it now with bucktommy. Which again, it wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't devolve into stereotypes, just like in fanon buddie.
The one thing both ships have in common is that Buck is never allowed to be a character but just the "your name" tag, stereotypical bottom, infantilized and woobified to the point he's barely recognizable.
I like canon bucktommy and canon buddie (or their potential canon given Buck and Eddie's personalities, and how they are when dating other people), their fanon versions though, where they are stereotypes firsts and characters second? not so much.
In conclusion, I like Tommy and his potential, but he needs a lot of development to be considered a character at all (getting told he's cool is not character building) and awkward dates don't count either (specially when the same benefit is never given to the female love interests).
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kitty4president · 19 days
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sapphicmumrik · 7 months
I think people underestimate that, while Usagi is Jotaro’s father, Mariko and Kenichi really did their best to give him a normal home life up until he decides to train under Katsuichi.
Usagi doesn’t even fucking know he’s Jotaro’s father until Mariko tells him, and up until that point they treat each other like uncle and nephew. There’s hints that Jotaro knows and while they both know, they also respect each other’s lives and don’t wish to burden the other.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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Doña Catalina Simplicia Tavárez y Lázaro, artist unknown.
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maliciousalice · 2 months
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Haven't seen you in a while!
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peronasbeloved · 2 months
selfship promo💕👻
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🩷hi i’m bats and i selfship w my beloved p.erona💕 i made this acc mostly to post abt her i’ll be honest, and indulge in self shippy posting. it’s more of an oc x canon thing, but i still call the character ‘me’ if that makes any sense
🎀i’m rlly very very new to self shipping, i’ve tried to get into it in the past but couldn’t before, but i’m finally able to do so now. i don’t rlly know everything i’m just here to make my brain happy
🩷i don’t know if i’m rlly gonna write my own imagines yet or anything, i mostly made this acc just to start off and then learn from there abt what i’d want to post. i definitely plan on posting my art (some of it seen above)
🎀i’d love to have selfship mutuals! anyone to talk to about this kind of thing, i love looking thru others blogs, it’s always so cute and inspiring!
🩷some other things (unrelated to self shipping) that i like include anime/manga, horror media and lots of diff genres of music.
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autisticaradiamegido · 4 months
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day 26
someday if i can figure out how the hell people get these things made i would like to do some little destiny & malice acrylic charms. i think those are so fun. and while i mostly want them for Myself i figure that if i DID figure out the process, i should maybe open up the option to anyone else that might want them, soooo...
informal poll: if i figure out how all that works, would any of y'all be into that, and approximately how many of you?
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midnightcreator12 · 4 months
Hunter and Turtles AU
Hunter and Turtles is, basically, what happened when I wrote a goofy lil thing about Leo getting lost in space after managing to escape the prison dimension with his own portal and he gets picked up by a Mandalorian bounty hunter who proceeds to take him on a road trip across space to get home and has now become 'Turtle-verse with a splash of Star Wars'
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Leonardo manages to escape the Krang and the prison dimension without outside help. Only the portal doesn't drop him safely into the arms of his family. It drops him on an alien bounty hunter's ship.
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After a year of traveling through space, Leonardo is finally back with his family. However, they're all in the wrong reality and now have to find a way back home. Easier said than done when all the tension and unaddressed grief from Leon's year MIA starts boiling to the surface. And even less easy with enemies lurking in the shadows of this strange universe, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
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The Hamato Clan was in tatters. The Kraang had mounted a successful invasion of New York, Master Splinter was missing, April's dad had been mutated again- Leo had been unconscious since he'd been thrown through the O'Neil apartment window. They were broken and unsure of what to do besides run to April's farmhouse upstate to lick their wounds and figure out what to do. However, they encounter two very unexpected guests upon arriving at the farmhouse.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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smallifying my dragons in prep for a notn shop.....drawing this made me realise I have two dragons called barnaby
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