#they first postponed it to the 22nd
cashew-milkk · 1 year
i cant believe (: spiderverse (: got banned (: in my country (: because of a millisecond of a frame (: of a trans flag (:
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crypticscarecrow · 1 month
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The early supporter promo will not be handed out for too long! So be sure to favorite my shop, follow, all the above to see the first few releases yourself!!
Due to technical issues (coughcoughICannotFindMyPackageWeighingMachineCOUGH) I will be postponing the listings! I am HOPING to have a few releases for the 15th of May, the latest being the 22nd!
If there are some items you'd like to see, such as fandom specific characters who don't get enough love and variety, feel free to drop an ask or message, and I might consider adding to the shop later on!
See you guys soon!!
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blurredcolour · 3 months
Okayokayokay, now that I've digested and reread the chapter approximately 5000 times, I'm ready to talk about it.
I can't even imagine how jarring it must have been to the reader to be back stateside after years in the war effort. And so suddenly too. One day you're sitting in briefing, discussing war strategies, and the next you're helping your mom grow cucumbers. Literally, how do you even cope with that?
I love that reader is keeping up with her knitting though 🥰🥰 Very insensitive of Zig Zig to be born in the summer and making her mom wait six months before she starts using the warmer wool garments smh.
I KNEW HER FATHER WAS BUILDING A NURSERY IMMEDIATELY!! A little project to distract him from the loss of his son and the impending arrival of his granddaughter. Love that for him. Also, I just know that he narrowed his eyes every time he saw Bucky's portrait in Clara's room like "your days are numbered if you don't do the right thing, Major >.>"
As usual, the letters were perfect. "Please let her know I'm thinking about her" aka not Bucky already wanting to make a good impression on the in-laws. "All sorts of baby animals" & "some have theirs in the summer" aka the army is so lucky these two are not codebreakers, they are so bad at this LMFAO. Alan Turing would have been in tears if they had been assigned to his team at Bletchley Park. And reader underlining "safely" in her letter? Please, she knows him so well. And him wanting to know how SHE is like stop, I love them. ALSO "film has always failed to properly capture the radiance of the sun" aka the moment I ✨ died ✨
And I love love love how reader keeps him informed of how his team is doing in the MLB. This is true love, people.
But let's take a moment to thank modern technology because like, six weeks to get a letter?? Letters are romantic, sure, but I don't know how these people cope with living in this Schrodinger's Cat situation. Couldn't be me.
Baby Clara "Zig Zig" Mae Egan, a trailblazer from birth. One of the first GI Bill babies? Please, this girl is set to conquer the entire world while her parents clap and encourage her in the background. I love how reader only sees Bucky in her because I BET that aside from the "Dumbo ears", Bucky only sees reader in Clara. I love this little family so much.
AND WE WERE BLESSED BY A BUCKY POV MOMENT AGAIN, THANK YOOOOOOU!! I just know Bucky went around camp showing everyone the pictures and the footprints like "this is my famous doll and this is our perfect daughter." And the pictures were always in his pocket for the harder times at camp. He also immediately went to Alexander in "draw me like one of you French girls" fashion. Poor guy thought Bucky was going to ask for a map of all the guard towers in the stalag, but nope. He needed a portrait to send back home to his girls.
A round of applause to Buck who apparently has a gift to scare reader shitless at any opportunity. Girlie for sure complains about this to Marge, who finds it utterly hilarious.
I have no words for them seeing each other again after almost two years. It was so sweet, and so tender, and sooo perfect.
But honestly reader's family is soooooo unserious. I died when they were like "Bucky can't sleep on the sofa, he doesn't fit there" like, babes, what are you talking about?? I thought y'all would say he couldn't take the sofa because he just escaped The Horrors™️. "He's simply too long" like dndiashdisohdio
I hope that morning reader pulled her little baby album and showed Bucky all she documented from the first months of Clara's life. And my headcannon is that Bucky planned Clara's first birthday party himself to make up for the time he lost in a way. Called Buck like "you and Marge have plans for the 22nd. If that's the day of your wedding, postpone. The fact that you haven't come meet my kid yet is frankly insulting. See you soon, bye." And just like me, Clara will take her first steps on the day of her first birthday, I'm speaking it into existence.
I love how reader and Marge started a friendship already. How did they find each other? And the other girls (Vi, Mary, Beth, and Myrtle)?? Has reader told them all about little Clara too?
And as I told you in the DMs yesterday, baby Clara will be the star of Buck and Marge's wedding. All the guys that were in the stalag with them will act like they're meeting a celebrity as a way to poke fun at Bucky for always showing them her picture.
I loved this series so much (will soon reblog all the parts to my sideblog, so warning for notifs lol). Thank you for sharing it with us ❤️❤️ I'm keeping my eyes peeled for that POW Camp fic you teased 👀
Beatrizzzzz your incredible asks are one of my favourite parts of posting a chapter hahahah
But honestly I cannot imagine the whiplash our dear reader went through after her ‘medical evacuation’?!
Like she’d never even been on a plan before and all of a suddenly she’s flung across the world in roughly one day, ripped out of Wycombe Abbey and plonked down into her childhood home to do quaint home front things and gestate her baby - incomprehensible.
Hahahaha I mean Clara didn’t really get to pick her due date, that was definitely Bucky and the readers doing 👀 but yes! So many baby things were knit! And skills were perfected!
I adore the thought of reader’s dad threatening Bucky’s portrait 😂 totally tracks with her fear that he might murder the man in the tool shed
I’m SO PLEASED you loved their letters - they were the first things I wrote in this part hahah
Wrote the narrative around them. But yeaaaaaah subtle as a heart attack these two. And she really really really didn’t want Buck to write her and say “your boy got shot running away to see you” hence all the underlining.
Of course we needed a Bucky POV the instant that reader finally came clean and laid all her cards on the table! Absolutely required!!
Poor Buck really means well he just doesn’t really know how to go about sharing news without almost making her heart stop first 🤣 never gonna live it down
Hahahahahha reader’s parents are practical people ok?! Boy showed up unannounced typically that means he gets the couch. They don’t really get what he’s been through, it’s all so removed for them - but he got a bed anyway!!! And his doll for a pillow 😏
You bet there’s another baby in that oven, honestly I think reader is gonna have a hard time NOT conceiving…her poor body
That baby book is definitely thoroughly combed through once Clara is taking her nap that day don’t you worry
And Bucky will refer back to it frequently when he finds sleep difficult to hold onto in the nights to come
The birthday party, the wedding, all very big events all within days of each other down in Texas
Reader and Marge’s friendship is based on an ask where she probably got Buck to forward reader’s address and they get along like a house on fire. Reader definitely has a wide circle of friends to send letters to including Ruth, Vi, Mary, and even Myrtle who might be opening her heart to a handsome RAF man.
And most definitely little Clara is the most popular girl at Marge and Buck’s wedding but thankfully Marge is kind hearted about being upstaged by a precocious one year old.
It has been such a joy to share this story with you all and honestly?! Already up to my eyeballs in research for the next fic!!!!
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slavghoul · 2 years
Interview from Norway Rock Magazine 7/2022
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How have the last 18 hours of your life been? You played at home in Stockholm last night.
- Terrible! I hate playing at home! That's the worst thing I know. Everything is so clunky. I'm an ordinary person who likes to do things repetitively, and preferably in exactly the same way every time, but concerts at home are always disturbed by all other possible things.
Lots of family and friends bothering?
- Yes, so I'm just glad it's over. And besides, I have a terrible hay fever. I’m allergic to birch pollen and it's at its worst right now. It's incredibly tiring.
When Papa Emeritus plays in Stockholm, does he speak Swedish or English to the audience?
- No, he's not from Stockholm. He is not Swedish.
He's a timeless figure a’la Dracula?
- Exactly. He is from the hereafter, so that illusion cannot be broken. But he knows some phrases in broken Swedish, Norwegian, Polish.
Did you come directly from Stockholm by bus?
- Yes. But it is not as tiring as many may think. It would have been much more tiring to spend the night in Stockholm and then go to Arlanda early this morning to fly here to Oslo. Now you just go straight to the bus after the show, and then you fall asleep, and are in Norway when you wake up.
You're starting to have a close relationship with Norway now - this will be Ghost’s 22nd concert in Norway in just over ten years, including festivals and support gigs. Are there any of those you remember in particular?
- Well, quite a few, actually. We have had many fun gigs in Norway that I think stand out. What is the name of the big arena here in Oslo ... Ullevaal?
Telenor Arena?
- No, I did not like it. We have played there twice, both with Maiden and with Foo Fighters. But it's a stadium ...
Valle Hovin.
-Correct! We had a split bill with Guns N Roses and Metallica there. And then we played with Metallica in Trondheim, it was cool! Very nice outdoor area with that hill (Granåsen). Bergen I think is a fantastic city. Here in Oslo we have played at least three times, I think, and at Tons Of Rock when it was in Halden. Incredibly great location, that castle.
Ghost's first concert in Norway was at the Oya Festival in 2011. You played in a tent in front of a handful of spectators in the early afternoon. Do you remember it?
- Haha, yes, I remember it, though it was less fun! Not exactly our best memory from Norway.
A bit of a contrast to tonight. But I have the impression that you have always had a vision that Ghost should be a magnificent and choreographed rock theater combined with a Catholic mass, full of dramaturgy. Is that right?
- That was the idea, yes. In the beginning I had a vision to have a production that we have now, but it was with a view to play in theatres. It was because I realized that it was possible to tour with this. Here we are talking 2007-08. Then I imagined that we could be something a’la Dead Can Dance or Diamanda Galas, and do ‘One Night Only’ sgiws at the opera house. And then you play two weeks later somewhere else, and six months later in New York. I envisioned Ghost more as an art installation than as a tumultuous rock band. Maybe it will be like that one day, who knows?
You started working on the new album "Impera" in April 2020 - was it because you had to cancel the tour and you suddenly had nothing else to do?
- No, we were quite lucky, we did not have to cancel a single concert due to covid. The only thing we had to do was postpone some that people were not aware of anyway. We did our last concert in Mexico in March 2020, and then the plan was that I would come home and start pre-production on the new album. We were to do this in March-April-May-June, and then we were to record the album during the summer with a release in late 2020. And after a tumult, I was to take a year off from Ghost. That was the original plan. But already in April 2020, I realized that now it was better to take time off, because now nothing happens anyway. So then I had to stay at home for almost two years.
And you went to write and record "Impera"?
- Yes, but at my own pace. Instead of working 9 to 5 Monday to Friday every single week, I could now, for example, say that next week we only work on Wednesday. And the week after only Tuesday and Thursday. So it was much quieter.
At the beginning of the process, it was just you and a drummer?
- In the beginning it was just me and a sound technician. We sit in a room of ten square meters in front of a computer and just make demos. But everyone who works with music today knows that recording demos is almost like recording a full record. It is no longer the case that you first make an unprofessional cassette recording in the rehearsal room, and then you record it in earnest in a studio.
Most people were probably a little surprised by the news that you collaborated with Jocke Berg from Kent on a couple of songs. How did he get into the bid, and how did he contribute?
- Yes, I worked with him on two songs. ("Kaisarion" and "Respite On The Spitalfields") But no matter who I work with, it works so that I come up with what we can call cuttings to a song. Like nowadays, when I'm collecting songs for album number six, I come up with lots of little ideas that become like cuttings. Something I know is a good idea, something I know can be a good song. It is not finished, and if I had played it for you now, you would have thought “But this is just a little snippet!” But in my head I know that there is enough information in it to make a whole song. Exactly what it looks like, I do not know because we are not recording the song yet. Only then everything is decided. Then I like to bring in people that I like - and I love Jocke, I think he is a phenomenal person and a phenomenal songwriter. I think it's good to bring in a person like him, and then I show a couple of my sketches for songs. My cuttings. 'Here's an idea I have, and here's another idea. Which of them do you like best? This one? All right, then we'll work on it. ' Then we have a brainstorm about where we can take this idea, I say which direction the song should take in my opinion and get feedback, which may suggest a completely different direction, and I'm always interested in hearing that. Because I do not think like the other person, I want to hear input from them, from another angle. It's like when a writer works with an editor. An editor can say that he knows what the writer is going to write, but here the writer has used 3000 words when it could have been 2000 words, and this section here is completely superfluous.
One of the exciting things about the songs on "Impera" I think is that they do not follow the traditional pattern of verse / chorus / verse / chorus / solo / chorus x 3 – instead, suddenly there are completely new parts and key changes towards the end of the song. Is that a consequence of the process you are describing here?
- Yes, in part. One thing I said to everyone I worked with, which I would use as a thought experiment, was that instead of, for example, the Ramones-like riff in "Square Hammer", in many of the songs I would rather we get to an arrangement a’la Def Leppard's "Hysteria", where the song begins with one thing, and then comes another layer, and another layer - and then comes the chorus. Because it is often much harder to achieve. When you have a good verse, you want to come up with a chorus that explodes, and then you change it because it feels natural. But then you come in a very short loop, and it is tricky to put on more stuff. Take, for example, the John Legend song "All Of You". What's so nice about it is that I think there are four parts - first a verse, then something that sounds like a chorus, but then comes the actual chorus, because it culminates with the wailing towards the end. And that's the fourth part, but still with the same chord sequence in the background. That's why it's so wonderful when you get to that party, it's a long journey that ends where you start, instead of the Ramones method of getting from A to B as quickly as possible.
Many of the songs here also seem as if they are tailored for audience participation - was that something you had in mind during the process?
- It's something I've had in mind ever since the first album, really! That the songs should be ... enthusiastic. I just try to make as good songs as possible, and I like big, explosive stadium rock, so to speak. I just try to gather as much material as possible, because if we are ever going to be able to play at Ullevaal Stadium, we have some ammunition, haha!
I understand that you always have a clear theme for a new record ready before you start working with the music?
- Yes, and the theme for "Impera" I have had ready for several years.
Some have called "Impera" a concept album, but it is probably more like songs that are loosely connected by one theme?
- Yes, that’s a better way of putting it. They have a theme that is in a way woven into one mindset, and the contrasts become much clearer if you compare "Impera" with "Prequelle". "Prequelle" was a record where the theme was God's wrath, which is directed at the little man in physical form. It is more medieval, more rotten. "Impera" is more rusty, it is more about a structural decay. It is not about the little individual human being.
Was "Hunter's Moon" part of that theme?
- It's all about empires. And "Hunter's Moon" is about Michael Myers' little empire, his little world where there are other laws that apply, in the psychopath's head. By the way, it was unbelievably cool for me as a fanatical horror movie nerd to be allowed to become a permanent part of the "Halloween" universe!
My favorite on «Impera» is currently «Respite On The Spitalfields». And I know that Spitalfields is a district in London where Jack The Ripper lived in the 1880s. Is that what the text is about?
- Yes, I'm very fascinated by Jack The Ripper. I also think that it has now been revealed who Jack The Ripper was. There is a very qualified guess where all the evidence suggests that it must be this guy, and he is one of those who has received the least attention in the 130 years that have passed since the murders, a guy named Charles Lechmere. He lived and worked in that area, and meets all the traditional requirements to be a serial killer. Today we know so much more about serial killers than then, and all that knowledge has never been used on the suspects. Previously, there was full focus on the suspects who stood out in one way or another.
Yes, everyone from Winston Churchill's grandfather to the king's lifeguard or an English prince.
- Exactly, Prince Albert, the queen's son. Does anyone really think he could move around in this poor neighbourhood without anyone noticing him? Until today, it has been a mystery who he was. And in modern times we have had the luxury of knowing that he is dead. But in 1891, in 1897, in 1905, you did not know. All that was known was that he had probably quit, as the killings did not continue. And "Respite On The Spitalfields" is about exactly this respite after the drama, without knowing that it is over. It is not known for sure if Jack The Ripper is still out on the streets somewhere, or if he is really gone for good.
"Watcher In The Sky" also has a fascinating text. Tell me a little about it.
- It is about those who are convinced that the earth is flat, who try to convert science for its stupidity, quite simply. Those who turn the telescope, not to look at the stars, but to communicate with God.
And tell God he's wrong?
- Precisely. It is also symptomatic of the world we live in. ISIS created a time machine in a way, where they turned the time in Syria back to the 15th century. And in many cases here in the Western world, we have gone back a hundred years. Now we are actually taking an active step towards becoming stupider, because it is so uncomfortable to think about all these things, and it’s  easier to deny reality and create one's own. 'Ignorance is bliss,' it is said, and it's true. And some then almost choose to lobotomize themselves, so you do not have to deal with the problems. It's much easier to just sit there in ignorance and drool.
In recent weeks' concerts, Ghost has only played four songs from "Impera", while there were far more from "Meliora" and "Prequelle". Will you ever play more?
- In the future? Yes, absolutely.
When people have digested the album better?
- Precisely. This is not the only tour. We will be touring on the «lmpera» cycle until September 2023, a total of around 150 concerts. During that time, we will visit the United States four times, and we will do another European tour - and then we will play in other cities than we do in this round. So then we will have plenty of opportunity to tweak the setlist a little. It will probably be the summer of 2023 and within that time some new things will be released as well.
I read once that when you started Ghost, the plan was to bring in another vocalist, and that you would rather play in the band and be a songwriter. Is that right?
-Yes that is correct. At first, I was not so comfortable with the idea of ​​being a front man.
But you are now?
- Yes, absolutely, otherwise all this would have been shit. Now I think it's fantastic.
Is it true that you tried to bring in Messiah Marcolin from Candlemass?
- Correct. But he had other plans. Better plans.
Was it a disappointment or a relief for you when your name and picture came out in the media, and the mystery and anonymity you had built up disappeared?
- I honestly think that most people do not care so much about that. It was not the case that I went straight from one day being completely unknown, and the next day sitting on the couch at Skavlan [popular Norwegian-Swedish talk show]. I'm not a TV celebrity, sort of. I do not feel much more recognized today than I was five years ago.
No, you could probably go out in the hall in Spektrum tonight and not many people would even register that you are there.
- Exactly. There are probably no more than 10-15% of the audience who have read everything and know everything about Ghost, and know all the songs. Many people only know some of the songs and are only here because there is something exciting happening in the city. And for most people, this is not the most important thing in the world - tomorrow is Sunday and they have other plans.
And for many, the most important thing is to check in on social media and show that they are at a concert.
- Yes, exactly!
What do you think when you stand on the stage and look at the sea of ​​mobile phones, people standing with their hands up in the air filming and taking pictures?
- I am sick of this. I do not like it at all. I think it's sad that they cannot try to be present in the moment. I myself am an escapist, I am often mentally somewhere else. But I do not understand that anyone will long for something else when they are at a concert they have paid a few hundred dollars to be present at. I think it was Seinfeld who talked about taking a mental picture - and I often do, because it tastes better. If I take a photograph of something, that picture does not match how I experienced it. But that might say more about my psyche. But I really wish the audience thought more like that too - can they not be here and experience the concert instead? Too many people are too busy documenting that they are at a concert rather than actually being there. It's really disturbing when you stand a little further behind the crowd and see so many screens between you and the stage.
Some artists have introduced a ban on their concerts.
- Yes, I know, but the situation in the industry is now not entirely optimal for such measures. Before covid, we had a long discussion about whether we should introduce a kind of requirement to hand in the mobile phones at the entrance. The problem was that then you also have to put around three dollars more on the ticket price to cover the costs of something like that. And then we had to consider whether it was worth it - would it solve one problem, but create another? And in the current situation, with everything that happens with war and money and gas prices and how difficult it is for all bands with logistics, it is not the right time to create more headwinds with more demands on the audience. This can lead to a lot of people not coming to the concert.
Tool played earlier in the week with a total cell phone ban, and it was sold out.
- Yes, but they sold out all their concerts a year and a half ago. But right now it is too complicated to introduce such a requirement. And our message to the audience, unlike all other bands that cancel their tours because they claim it's not safe, is that we try to make people understand that we're coming because it's safe. You can go to a concert now. It is allowed to have fun again. We'll have a good time and we'll meet each other. We will learn to live together again. We can’t be agoraphobics and germophobes forever. We have to get together for it to be great again. And therefore it is important that we are here, and in this sense it is important that people now actually stand and film and show, so they can show everyone else that 'Look, we are here, and see how happy we are! See how stupid of you to stay home because you're scared!’ Because that's how it has been lately. People are scared and pissed that they have to get the vaccine, and they don’t want to buy concert tickets because they already have eight tickets to concerts that they have not been allowed to go to. But in the future, I hope that we can introduce some kind of restrictions on mobile phones at concerts. I think the experience will be better for everyone involved.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: August 2022 ~  
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Dailymotion and Youtube. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 P.S. I Hate You (bl sideplot) - August 1st (Thailand) ✅
🌟 War of Y - August 2nd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 On Cloud Nine - August 6th (Thailand)
🌟 21 Days Theory - August 7th (Thailand)
🌟 Papa & Daddy 2 - August 8th (Taiwan)
🌟 The Eclipse - August 12th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 My Only 12% - August 12th (Thailand)
🌟 My Freaky Love Story - August 12th (Philippines) 
🌟 If Tomorrow Never Comes - August 13th (Philippines) 
🌟 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us - August 14th (Thailand)
🌟 Love in the Air - August 18th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Takara-kun to Amagi-kun - August 18th (Japan)  
🌟 What If - August 22nd (Thailand) 
🌟 Work From Heart - August 25th (Thailand) 
🌟 About Youth - August 29th (Taiwan)
🌟 Football Guys The Series - August 30th (Vietnam)
🌟 Semantic Error: The Movie - August 31st (South Korea, theaters)
🌟 Ghost House, Ghost House - August TBA (part-bl, Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ The Eclipse - no comment. it’s phenomenal. F & K are delivering and I didn’t expect anything less lol. They really made the right call casting them for this because their chemistry is 🔥🔥🔥 The characters are nuanced, the progression and the pacing are on point and I’m super curious to find out more about Ayan and his uncle. Also neolouis are intriguing and I’m loving neo in this role! So excited!!! 11/10. 
👎🏻 Coffee Melody - I don’t wanna say I had high expectations for this but I was excited and the first 2ish episodes were actually pretty good - but then it went downhill and by this point it’s just bad. The pacing is off, it’s slow, boring and repetitive. Like if some random dude breathing near Plengrak is all it takes for DuanYi to have the emotional breakdown of his life then maybe yall should call it quits for good lmao. It’s been like this for 7 episodes now. I’m tired. I’m gonna sit through the last few episodes but I wish it would go by faster. 2/10. 
New series announcements
🎥 My Partner - Date TBA (Philippines) 
🎥 My Last Love - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 2 Worlds - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Future - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Tin Tam Jai The Series - Coming 2023 (Thailand) 
🎥 Iron Lady Academy - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung (from the author of My Secret Love) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Love Bill - Date TBA (Vietnam) 
🎥 House of Stars - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Ever After - Date TBA (Philippines) 
🎥 Choco Milk Shake - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Egoist - Coming February 2023 (Japan) 
🎥 Hit Bite Love - Coming 2023 (Thailand) 
🎥 Shadow (starring Singto P. & Fluke N.) - Coming March 2023 (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The Thai BL “Why R U” is getting a Korean remake. The production company (same as Kissable Lips) confirmed that the show will have 8 episodes and MaxNat will have a guest appearance, which they have already filmed. 
❗️ Filming for the upcoming Korean-Thai BL “Love is Like a Cat” (starring Mew Suppasit and others) has wrapped. The series is scheduled to air next year. 
❗️ Jimmy Karn has withdrawn from the upcoming bl “Middleman’s Love” due to personal reasons. As a result, Tommy S. has withdrawn from the project as well. Filming has been postponed indefinitely as there will be a recasting for the lead roles. The upcoming related series “Bed Friend” will supposedly still air as planned. 
❗️ GMMTV announced a 4th season of Safe House. The contestants are Tay, New, Perth, Chimon, First, Khaotung, Gemini, Fourth, White, Mond, Sing, Foei & Prom. The show will air from September 5th - September 11th on GMMTV’s youtube channel.
❗️ Script readings for the upcoming Thai BL “Never Let Me Go” have started. Shooting is scheduled to start next month. 
❗️ Singto Prachaya and Fluke Natouch will star in the upcoming Thai BL “Shadow”, which tells the story of a student in an all-boys highschool who has supernatural visions while being bullied for being gay. He falls in love with a new student who seems to be the only one who understands him. Filming has already started and the show is scheduled to be released in March 2023. 
❗️ RUMORS: With the #GMMTV2023 event approaching in December, the production + filming for a lot of mockup trailers has begun. Thus a lot of theories have emerged about upcoming series. The most talked about rumors are the following: 
MilkLove GL
OhmNanon series 
TayNew comeback series 
AouBoom BL 
DewTu series
PerthChimon BL 
EarthNamtan series
JossLuke BL 
nothing is confirmed obviously. 
Upcoming series & movies for September
☝🏻 Till the World Ends - September 3rd (Thailand) 
☝🏻 GMMTV Safe House Season 4 - September 5th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Club Sapan Fine 2 - September 7th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Fahlanruk - September 11th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Coming Back Again/Once Again  - September 15th (South Korea) 
☝🏻 More than Words - September 16th (Japan)
☝🏻 My Tempo (Musical) - September 22nd (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Ai Long Nhai - September 26th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Self, We See You - September TBA (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Happy Ending Outside the Fence - September TBA (South Korea) 
☝🏻 A Shoulder to Cry On - September TBA (South Korea) 
☝🏻 Osmosis - September TBA (Philippines) 
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dongiovannaswife · 1 year
Little Matriarch.
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Giorno’s birthday fic AND!!! Esme’s brith, too :D what a nice gift, right? 
CW: medical settings and procedures, mentions to anxiety. 
I recommned you read Bocelli’s and Melmoth’s backstories first! 
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April 15, Giovanna household. 9:10 PM. 
Putting his phone aside, Giorno turns to Lena from the kitchen, a soft smile making his dimples stand out and his eyes light up. “Babe, the bakery should be here in the morning. Is that okay?” 
Looking up from Dante's drawing, Lena nods, “Yeah, just make sure our order is okay.” 
Nodding, Gio goes back to the phone, reaching a hand out to accept Jovi's toy as the boy looks up at him, watching over his father with big eyes. 
Working through the last details of Giorno's birthday party, the Giovanna's had been getting everything ready before friends and family arrived in the morning, making sure enough food, chairs and drinks were available. 
Ending the call, Giorno nods and Jovi grins, taking two of his fingers in his small hand to guide him towards his mother and brother, who sit on the couch petting Ares. 
The scenario makes Giorno melt as he sits down, helping Jovi up and by his side: Lena cuddling Dante as his eyelids drop and his small hand rubs over Ares' head. The cat lays on Lena's lap, kneading the baby bump carefully. 
“Daddy,” Jovi calls and he looks down, with a pair of small green eyes that are a copy of his looking back, tired; “sleepy.”
Opening his arm, Gio smiles, gesturing forward. “Come here, buddy, take a nap.” 
The boy nods and with his help to climb up his lap and settle down, soon he's dozing off, clinging to his shirt. 
“They're getting so big, Gio.” Lena's hand reaches out to comb over Jovi's blond hair, letting her hand rest on the top of his head. 
Looking back, the Don hums, reaching a hand out to place a wild curl behind her ear, eyes softening and voice dropping with a soft tone, “They are. How are you feeling?” 
She chuckles, soft eyes shining with a genuine light to them, “Awfully tired.” 
The due date was supposed to be April 22nd —to him, it was too much: both because he wanted to meet his daughter and from the suffering his wife had been through in the last months. Even if it was worth it, it hurt him to see her like that: if he could, he would make any kind of deal to take her pain away and endure it himself.
A tap to his cheek brings him back: her finger remains close to his cheek, pressed against his skin. Looking back, he notes her small and reassuring smile. “But I'm okay, she's almost here.”
Carefully, his hand rises to hold hers, bringing it close to his lips, where he presses a kiss to the back of her hand and whispers: “We can postpone the party if you don't feel okay, Lena.”
Shaking her head no, she chuckles, “A chair will be okay. Just gotta take it easy.”
Gio hums, eyes lingering on her form for longer before he chuckles, eyes dropping close for a second as he nods his head, “Right. Just remember you don’t have to pretend. We can postpone everything until she’s born and you’re better.” 
Reaching a hand out to place over his, Lena’s voice reaches his ears in a soft melody. “It’s okay, really. We should go to sleep though, I’m tired.” 
Standing up, he makes sure to keep his son close to him, stealing a glance at the clock hanging in the wall before them, then looking back at his wife, “Sure. I’ll take the boys upstairs. Wait here, mh?” 
Nodding, she watches through soft eyes as he walks upstairs and disappears around the corner in the twins’ bedroom direction. The sound of a door opening and the silence that follows makes her grin with the thought of him carefully setting the boy down in his bed, kissing his forehead, draping a warm blanket over his form and making sure his Miyo plush is within his reach. 
As he comes back, a light smile grazes his features. Walking up to her, Gio leans down, gently scooping Dante up from her hold and, repeating the motion, he leaves upstairs, cradling his son close and taking his time. 
Looking down at her lap, Ares sits by her side staring up at her and tail wagging softly from side to side. Reaching a hand out, the cat meets her palm, purring against it as she rubs the special spot behind his ear, making her chuckle and smile, enthralled with his adoration. 
Ares had grown up a lot through the past months: and though he had gotten bigger and equally heavier according to his breed’s qualities, he still seemed to not notice, still climbing up Giorno’s shoulders and asking for Lena to hold him up like she used to back when he was a baby and had recently joined the family. 
As the cat keeps purring, he’s decided to lay down on her lap, hands reaching up to knead the baby bump and his head buried against her hand, where her fingers keep scratching his head. 
“Ares, that’s my wife.” Giorno’s comment earns a chuckle from her and a small sound from the maine coon. Reaching a hand out, Gio stands before her, waiting to help her stand up —soft green eyes and a small, charming smile pulling his lips up. Helping her up, his arm soon finds itself around her shoulders as they walk up to the staircase with their cat running upstairs and waiting for them on the second floor. 
“Gio.” she calls as they reach the hall, slow steps and warm hands entwined as the moonlight bleeds through the windows and into the hall, basking the whole hall in its soft light. 
He looks back, noticing her silence; watching intently as she tries to find the proper words to voice her thoughts. When she looks back, they’ve come to stand before their bedroom door. 
“I have a feeling something’s gonna happen.”
Twisting the doorknob and letting Ares run up to the bed, Giorno turns to her, eyebrow arched and a hand still set in the small of her back, “Are you sure it’s not anxiety?” 
Shaking her head no, Lena comes in first, going directly to the bathroom. As she looks for her toothbrush and skin care products, her reply comes slowly: “I can tell when it’s not anxiety. Besides, I’ve been pretty calm these last months.” she looks back, staring straight into his eyes from across the room. “At least since Reborn and Rebuilt.” 
He hums, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it up to take it off. Taking the arrow between his fingers, Gio goes silent for a moment, wishing to find a response from the arrowhead around his neck. Minutes go by, and all he can hear is the sound of water running down the sink and Lena’s humming as she starts washing her face, finding relief in the fresh water splashing her face. 
When the arrow stays still in the palm of his hand he hums, looking back at his wife, watching what he assumes is the last step of her routine. “Honestly, I don’t think I feel anything.” 
Coming into the closet, she shrugs, giving a carefree smile his way. “Don’t worry, maybe it’s just gonna be a good day tomorrow, birthday boy.” 
He laughs, walking into the bathroom to do his own night routine. “Let’s hope so, babe.” 
2:34 AM. 
A small hand comes around his bicep, waking him up instantly —eyes struggling to adjust in the dark as his wife’s voice reaches his ears in a hushed whisper, “Gio, wake up.” 
Sitting up, he follows the direction of her voice and sets his palm atop of hers, giving a light squeeze. “What’s wrong? Something’s wrong? Are you hurt?” 
The light chuckle she gives him has the smallest of nervous tone to it and Giorno tenses, millions of thoughts running through his head the more she doesn’t reply. Standing up, he walks in big strides to the light switch, flicking it on and coming back to stand before his wife, who’s sitting in bed with wide eyes and the sheets tightly held in her hands. 
Kneeling by her side, Gio reaches out, setting a palm over the babybump —right there, he realizes the looks she’s giving him: a knowing and scared look and the words that slip past her lips a tiny bit confusing for his barely conscious brain.
“I think she heard you.” 
Blinking slowly, Giorno stands up and takes the sheets from her with a quick look as if asking for permission: he pulls them down to look down, noting the liquid in the sheets below her. Looking back, his heart breaks a little as he catches a glimpse of her quivering lip. Sitting by her side, he reaches out for his phone, taking her hand with his free hand. “‘S okay, hm? Let me make some calls.”
Wiping a stray tear, Lena nods, watching as he holds the phone to his ear and speaks after a moment of waiting for the other person to pick up:  “Vivianne, we need you and la unità here, now. Lena's in labor.” 
A short response from the other side and he hangs up, stealing a look at her and then going back to his phone, writing a quick message that he sets to send to multiple contacts at once. For a second, his finger hovers above Sunnie’s contact, but still, he ends up tapping on the contact and then tapping on the ‘send’ button, watching the ‘message sent’ notification pop up at the top of the screen. 
The next minutes go by agonizingly slow —he watches her struggle when contractions start, sees her desperation as the pain starts and the relief crossing her features when Vivianne, Vittorio, Fugo and Westwood come into their bedroom with worried glances, waiting for his orders, which he’s quick to give as he stands by her side, a hand carefully set on her shoulder.
“Vivianne, Vittorio, take care of Dan and Jojo. Fugo, make sure no one follows us. West, I need you to drive us to the SPW Foundation.” 
Short nods and then they’re gone: Vivianne and Vittorio off to watch over the sleeping twins, Fugo sitting down at the living to coordinate the operation and Westwood’s running off to get the car.
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Giorno could not handle the pain that cursed through his whole being the second Bocelli came out to find them in the parking lot with a nurse carrying a wheelchair: the pained look she gave him as he helped her sit down and the few words slurred in his direction: 
“You should be celebrating your birthday.” 
And he would have stayed there, frozen, if not for Bocelli’s quick response, calm and collected: so professional it made him come back to reality: “I’m sure Gio’s not angry, Lena. Don’t worry.”
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The next is a blur of voices and looks —Giorno can feel his phone buzzing in his pocket and recognize someone’s calling him, probably Rohan or Matteo, maybe trying to ask for an update on the situation, maybe trying to get a flight there courtesy of the Foundation or Passione. But he can't bring himself to attend as Bocelli calls for him, asking for his presence there: his tone calm and again so professional it makes him feel safer “We’re almost there, Gio. Come here, if you’d like.” 
Coming into the room, the last thing he expects is for Lena to smile at him through all her pain and close her eyes as another long contraction starts. He moves quickly then, finding her side and holding her hand, voice soft and comforting as he feels himself calm down with a strong will to be there for her. 
“I’m here, love.” 
He’s not sure where did she get the strength to open her eyes and look at him through the tears along her lash line: he’s not sure how she can talk so sweetly, but her words almost make him cry: 
“You’ve always been.” 
He chuckles, and although it comes out shaky and he can’t really see straight, he still leans in, offering his hand for her to hold, ignoring the sharp pain that shoots from his hand up his spine the second she accepts it, gripping at it already. 
Contractions and time go by altogether —he makes sure to distract his wife whenever Goldie fixes his broken hand after each strong contraction where she grips at his hand hard enough to break a few bones in the process: he’s sure to ignore the pain, thinking that hers is far deeper and exasperating: he makes sure to never let her hand go, to whisper sweet words everytime she looks back through hazy eyes: he wipes her tears, trying to contain his own. 
4:09 PM. 
It feels like an eternity: every second Lena’s cries reach his ears and he sees her pained expressions, his heart breaks and his hand trembles as he wipes her tears with his free hand.
His ears ring when there’s silence, followed by a sob and another scream that seems to come from deep within her —and he does not expect a second cry to cut through Lena’s sobs, followed by Bocelli’s voice: “Here she is!” 
Gio’s a bit slow, unable to decide if he should keep watching over Lena or ask Bocelli about Esmeralda —torn between anxiety and excitement. Luckily, Bocelli seems to sense his worry, saying: “Stay with her, Gio: I need to perform some tests first, okay? Make sure she’s still awake.” 
Nodding, he looks back at Lena, mumbling a weak: “Sure.” And leaning close to her, he runs a warm palm over the side of her face, getting a reaction immediately: a half lidded look, red cheeks and dry lips, but at the same time, he still recognizes the glint behind her eyes when Esme’s cries get louder while Bocelli and the nurses keep cleaning her off, noticing and panicking when the strength applied to his hand weakens. 
“Say hi to your parents, Esme.” Bocelli’s soft voice makes both look back, watching the old man approach Lena, laying the baby in her chest. “Congrats, Gio, Lena.” 
Bocelli turns around, writing down the birth hour, and then, silently, he steps back, giving a moment of calm to the couple. 
Glancing down, Gio’s eyes fill with the tears he had been trying to hold on: soft pink cheeks, the tiniest nose and the smallest of sleepy eyes, hands that hold onto Lena for dear life and a tiny bit of red hair at the top of her head, Esme lays there, calmer —and when Lena glances down tears roll down her face, mumbling a weak: “Hiiii, baby.” 
Feeling his chest swell with pride, he sets his palm on the baby’s back (silently recognizing the star birthmark on her scapula), softly and gently, afraid of hurting her, with a whisper of: “Hey, princess.” 
Lena's shaky hand comes to rest atop his, paired up with some sweet words in a tiny, broken voice: “Happy birthday, Giogio.”
A tear rolls down his cheek and he chuckles, breathy and equally happy, a hand coming to caress his wife's cheek with one gentle finger and his own reply mirroring her tone, “Thank you, Lena.” 
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A couple of hours have passed and Giorno’s still sitting in the couch of the room assigned to them —eyes drifting between his sleeping wife, watching through sad eyes as Type O Negative keeps her sedated and under its healing powers: he watches, through knowing eyes, the electrocardiogram traces. It’s something she had taught him —the normal traces: his eyes follow every wave, complex, segment and interval that comes in, hearing the sound of every heartbeat that the machine shows on the screen. 
The mix of sadness, calm and happiness makes him stare at the wall next, still processing everything: his daughter had just been born and Dr. Bocelli was using his stand to heal his wife in a matter of hours just like he did when the twins were born…
And though he’s not alone, he still feels weird. Perhaps a product of all the worry and anxiety after the birth, the stress of the situation and then the relief and happiness after meeting Esmeralda and welcoming her into the world. God, how she looks like her mom. 
(Was she really destined to have such a scary stand?) 
If anything, one of the two sensations he can recognize clearly is that of pride. 
The other is far stranger. He can't quite name it, at least not now, but it's that of anxious expectation and regret: wondering if Sunnie and Dio had read the message or even cared about it —was Dio interested in meeting his family? Could he call him father? Could his kids think of him as their grandfather? Or was he still alone in family matters?
He no longer speaks to Shiobana, let alone her husband. And though he's sure there must be more of prime Dio's offspring, getting to meet them was not a possibility yet —not until he could meet him. The man Mr. Polnareff is so concerned about.
The man who could still ruin the Joestar family lives at any moment if his will was still preserved by one of his underlings or followers. 
The door opens and he looks up from his lap, dismissing his worries and thoughts the moment Abel Agreste walks in, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand. “Hey, boss. How ya’ feeling?” 
Looking back, Giorno nods, smiling: unaware of the dark circles, his bloodshot eyes and the unnerving aura around him: “Good.” 
Abel hums, setting the flowers by Lena’s side and taking a quick look at her features, he turns to Giorno, lips trembling for a moment before he raises a hand to lift his glasses and wipe a stray tear from his cheek; “Is Lena okay? I don't… think I can handle this again.”
Sighing, Giorno's eyes close, pained —and he answers, trying to remain calm: “She will. Bocelli says she's exhausted, but he says she'll recover soon this time.” 
Silence comes in. Abel's eyes are still glued to Lena's form, then running around the devices around her. The IV line in her arm and then he's unable to keep looking, instead looking back at his boss, hiding his distress with a smile and a: 
“So. Your daughter was born exactly today, on your birthday. Isn’t that exciting?” 
Chuckling and completely knowing what's going on, Giorno still nods, leaning back against the couch with a pure, grateful smile, unable to comment something else on Abel's true expression but knowing that if he keeps his own emotions under control, then everyone will be calm. “Of course it is.”
Abel's grin turns into a genuine one, silently recognizing Giorno's effort and walking up to the door and swinging it open, he peaks outside, turning back to his boss right after: “We brought the twins, as you asked.”
Standing up, Giorno walks up to the door, standing by Rome's Capo, overlooking the hall and the people standing there —a few feet away he can recognize Dr. Bocelli and West approach them. 
Dr. Bocelli smiles, the wrinkles around his eyes standing up as he stops before him with Dante holding his hand and Jovi holding his twin's hand, “Evening, Gio. Dan and Jojo were just asking about you.” 
“Oh, yeah?" Looking down at the boys, Giorno kneels to their level, opening his arms for both of them to run to him, soon embracing him. Rubbing their backs, Giorno breaths in, hearing their shaky breathing. "'s okay, boys, I'm here now.” 
'They must be so scared: they probably woke up without us there.'
Pulling back to look at him, Dante speaks up first, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. “Is mommy okay?” 
Jovi follows right after, though he's still hugging Giorno, “My sis…?”
Giorno grins, making a quick mental note to apologize to them later, —and the immediate reaction from the twins doesn't take too much: mirroring his smile, both light up, now peaking inside the room.
Taking Jovi in one arm and standing up to take Dante's hand, Giorno walks back inside the room with Bocelli as the others wait outside.
Curious, the boys look around and soon Jovi kicks his feet: reluctant, Giorno puts him down, watching them walk in, side by side and looking around until the stretcher in the middle of the room catches their attention. Slowly walking up, Dan and Jojo stand on their tiptoes to take a peak: with big eyes, Dante looks back, trying to find an explanation over the image of his mom laying there, asleep and unresponsive. Jovi calls for her softly, as if afraid of waking her up with a small hand reaching out for her. 
Feeling his throat close, Giorno steps in but Bocelli approaches the twins before Giorno can say anything: “Dan, Jojo, your mom is resting,” he then offers an explanation, “What happens when you've played all day long?" 
Jovi raises a hand, slow but confident, answering the question with great optimism: “We nap!"
Bocelli nods, smiling softly, “She's taking a long nap, please don't wake her up, yeah? She's really really tired.”
Both boys stay silent, not quite understanding the situation but still, Dante nods, sealing his lips with two tiny fingers and a grin. His twin kisses the palm of his hand and, reaching back, he gently lays his palm on Lena's arm with a "Mwah!” 
Looking back at Giorno, Bocelli gives him a short nod, watching the Don's eyes light up with hope –relieved to see the twins so understanding still from their innocence: so open and ready to learn.
Nodding back, Giorno gestures at the couch in the corner. “Go sit there, hm? I want you to meet your sister.”
With a gasp both boys run up to the couch, waiting as they work on who's gonna climb first —Dante manages to jump in, lending a hand to his twin as both work on getting comfortable in the plush cushions. 
With a light laugh, Giorno turns to the small crib by Lena's bed, leaning down to take the bundle of white sheets in his arms. Turning around, he walks up to them. 
“Dan, Jojo,” stopping before them, he leans in, careful and slow. “This is your sister, Esmeralda.” 
The twins' mouths hang open in expectation as they look down at the tiny being in their father's arms. Gasping, Jovi jumps off the couch and Giorno kneels before them, letting them approach Esme.
“My sis!” 
Dante follows right after with a small, shaky finger reaching out to poke her pink cheeks, pulling back when Esme gets a little fussy, but still there. “She's taking a nap too?”
Giorno hums, nodding along: “Yeah, she's tired. But I know she's glad to meet you.” 
Dante softens, cheeks red and a wide grin spreads across his face as he leans over, trying his best to hug Esme, “Hello, sis!” 
Jovi joins and Giorno laughs, warm —looking up into Bocelli's eyes with tears on his own. The old man gives him a thumbs up, stepping back to stand besides the door, leaning on his cane with both hands and a sad look that Giorno does not miss.
Standing up and sitting on the couch, Giorno leans back as the twins sit on the armrests, kicking their feet as they keep looking at their sister. 
As the door opens and the team comes in, Dante speaks up: “I will protect her!” with Jovi following right after, “Me too!”
Abel chuckles, sauntering into the room with a small smile and a gift box in his hands, “Now, now, quite the protective pair, hm?”
Dante looks back and up, grinning: “We have a little sister!” 
“Oh?” Rome's Capo gets closer, “Can I meet her?” 
“Mhm!” Gesturing him closer, Jovi first makes a 'silence' sign, then points at her, still asleep in Giorno's arms, “This is Esme, she's taking a nap because she's reaaaaally tired.”
Looking down at the bundle in his boss’ arms, Abel gasps, the sound so genuine he feels warmth rising to his ears. Covering his mouth with one hand, Abel reaches out to her with his free hand, caressing the side of her face with one trembling finger. “She’s so tiny,” and looking back at the twins, his lips curl up into a wide grin. “Can I join the 'Protect Esme' club?”
“The what?” Guido Mista's sudden appearance and the volume of his voice does not go unnoticed to the baby —she gets fussy immediately, but soon calms down as Giorno's hand rubs over her arm, cradling her closer to let her feel his warmth. 
“Shut it,” Westwood warns quietly, eyes like daggers as they wait for Esme to calm down.
“Sorry,” Mista mumbles, cheeks pink and big eyes: “Jus' wanted to say the Kishibes should be here soon.” 
Giorno's smile comes immediately, lighting up: “Good, make sure they stay at the mansion.” 
Nodding, the gunslinger peaks in, eyes bright as he gets to see Esme —mouth hanging open for a second before he whispers, “She's so cute, Giogio! I'm gonna be the overprotective uncle.” 
Clicking his tongue, Abel shakes his head, “That will be me, Guido.” 
Westwood joins them, “Why don't we solve this and promise everyone here will protect her?” 
Giorno chuckles, looking up with a wide, calm smile: “Then I will be the president of the club.”
“You're already the boss, tyrant.” Giggling by the end of his sentence, Mista covers his mouth to keep himself from laughing too loud. 
Looking down at Esme and the twins, Giorno's mind stays calmer, even if his heart hurts over the absence of his wife —knowing she will be there soon, healthy and happy. With them.  
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Melmoth is not good with goodbyes —neither with introductions. He never knows how to start, too shy and bad with words. 
But the picture Don Giovanna sent, the one showing the tiny baby with red hair and rosy cheeks makes him grin, with a caption that brings hope to his lonely heart; 
‘Esme says hi to her soon-to-be teacher.' 
So when he types his reply words come easily and by the time he taps on the send button he can already feel his beloved mistress there, present as the usual haze he's always known her for.
‘Welcome, Esmeralda. May your life be as beautiful as you are.’ 
Turning back to the haze behind him, Melmoth smiles and the action brings light to his sour features: “Little Matriarch, hm?”
The mysteryous lady standing in the middle of that haze hums, disappearing right after. 
Leaning back, Melmoth’s eyes shut up into the ceiling: maybe he can make an exception and meet her personally. 
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 22nd King James VI set sail for Norway to collect his bride Anne of Denmark.
The Autumn storms of 1589 were responsible for treacherous sailing conditions, but unfortunately for the women of England and Scotland, they prompted a far more dangerous consequence – a renewed fear of witchcraft.
That September, the new queen of Scotland – set sail to travel to her new kingdom. She had just married James VI via proxy, and was expected to quickly arrive in Scotland to meet her new husband.
But she did not arrive. Anne’s journey was a disaster – the fierce storms damaged her ship and she was forced to anchor in Norway for repairs. A second attempt to set sail was made, but her ship once again sprung a leak and returned to Norway. With winter setting in, the bad weather was expected to continue. The decision was made to postpone the journey until spring, and so Anne remained in Norway.
If history has taught us anything Scottish Kings were a randy lot, you only have to look at the disastrous journey Alexander III took to reach his Queen, ending up dead at the foot of a Fife cliff.
James was unhappy when he heard the news about the delay and unwilling to wait that long to see his bride. He made the decision to go to Norway himself to fetch his queen. Well we all know James survived the hazardous journey, once over there the celebrations of their wedding lasted months and it is said that during this time it ignited his obsession with witchcraft.
In Denmark, witches were blamed for the storms that damaged Anne’s ship and stopped her from travelling. A trial was held in Copenhagen in 1590, resulting in the executions of the accused women. This wasn’t unusual in Denmark – there had been a number of witch trials in the country during the sixteenth century.
In Scotland, witchcraft was against the law – although it mostly went unpunished before 1590. But when James arrived back in Scotland with Anne and heard the news of Denmark’s witch trials, he began his own witch hunt. Witches were accused of trying to kill the king and queen, by calling up the strong storms that James and Anne had encountered returning to Scotland.
One of the accused witches was a wise woman named Agnes Sampson. Under torture, she confessed to things that were so ‘miraculous and strange’ that even James found them difficult to believe. Allegedly, Agnes whispered to the king, telling him the words that he and Anne had spoken to each other in private on the first night of their wedding, removing any doubts James had. He said he ‘believed all the devils in hell could not have discovered the same’. Agnes was executed. There were around seventy people accused of witchcraft during this trial – it is not known exactly how many of them were killed along with Agnes. In 1597, James released Daemonologie, a treatise about witchcraft – although his own fervour for witch hunting seemed to have waned, the fear of witches among the population had taken hold. Large scale witch trials took place in Scotland well into the seventeenth century, and an estimated 3,000 people – who were mostly women – were accused.
Under the union of the Scottish and English crowns in 1603, James’ work spread south, into his new kingdom.
Daemonologie laid out information such as how to identify a witch and how to punish them. One way to seek out a witch was in their use of charms and herbs: ‘By curing the Worme, by stemming of blood, by healing of Horse-crookes, by turning of the riddle, or doing of such like innumerable things by wordes, without applying anie thing, meete to the part offended, as Mediciners doe’. Women known as healers and midwives often came under suspicion because of their skills. Another way to identify a witch was to find the mark of the devil hidden somewhere on their bodies – James referenced Agnes Sampson’s trial directly, describing how they shaved her head in an attempt to find her mark, eventually finding it on ‘her privities’.
James explained that it was mostly women who were witches as they were ‘frailer than man is’ and so were more easily entrapped in the ‘snares of the Devil’. He used the bible to support his arguments as witchcraft was ‘plainely prohibited’, referencing Exodus 22.18: ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’ – the only acceptable punishment for a convicted witch was death.
These guidelines were used in trials until 1727 when Janet Horne became the last woman in Britain tried and executed as a witch.
The book series, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, uses the name Geillis Duncan for a character who is eventually involved in a witch trial, although the books are set after the last execution.
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22nd of First Seed, Middas
I have managed more than I had hoped. All of it is thanks to Zethith’s initiative.
With the excuse of an appointment I could not postpone, I sent the family along without me, promising I would be caught up before the celebrations began.
I made my way to the Cathedral of Webs, then, having left a cart with horses there already, was able to make it to Lilandril in less than half a day’s journey. I do not think the Daedra have tended to them as well as one might have liked, but they lived and were able to carry the cart. They were well pleased to arrive at the stable and I know I got rather a stern look from the stable hands for the state of the horses.
I ignored it all, my heavy veil over thickly caked pale golden makeup and Altmeri finery noted that I was someone important enough to be able to ignore such things. I felt awful personally, but I had no time to dwell.
Finding this historian of music was no small feat. It took up the better part of the afternoon. Yet as soon as I showed her the plans her entire face lit up. She talked excited on and on about the plans, mostly slipping into Altmeris. I had to interrupt her to remind her that I was raised off the Isles and my Atlmeris was rusty at best and if she would not use the more crash and common tongue whilst I was still re-acclimating to my mother language.
She was very obliging and asked about where I had been living. I told her that I was raised out east and my parents had thought it would be best for my acclimating to the culture that I focus on the language of where we were living, rather than on my native tongue. I said that as a child I was taught the basics but that I rarely was given opportunity to hearing it spoke, let alone speak myself. The words felt clumsy, foreign even, when I spoke them. I apologized that I was not in better practice.
I skirted most of her inquiries and continued to refocus her attention onto te subject of the glass armonica. It worked beautifully. She has a true passion and I was more than willing to have her excitement steer us clear of too many personal questions.
In the end, she agreed to put it together. She said it would take her a few weeks. I asked if I should have the parts commissioned separately for her assembly, citing my issues with having sought to have one made on my own. She said she had a team she trusted and that it would be best to leave it fully up to her. The mention of her apprentice certainly had her even more driven to get to work and she told me she was excited to compare the plans I provided with ones she already had to see the differences.
Everything was left to her, including a purse of coins to begin work. She was willing to take it on credit, but I would not have it, reminding her that I knew it was entirely possibly that with how fragile things were that she may have to worry about having things made more than once and I wanted to impress upon her my seriousness in the commission.
With that settled, I made my way through town, stocked up on some supplies, and then headed back to the Cathedral of Webs. It was already getting on in the day when I arrived back and I summoned Zethith for our usual talk about plans. I explained about how I wanted to continue to train my future death weavers and that I was hoping to get them here to the training grounds more often, when they led me into a room with a giant metal ring, inscriptions running around it. When I inquired about its purpose, they placed their hand upon a certain section and magicka caused the entire thing to light up before a center of red light appeared for a moment, dissolving into a familiar space, the top of the stairwell in the Harborage.
I was astonished and very much pleased to hear of such a thing and told them as much. Zethith told me that they had taken the liberty of installing it precisely so that the future death weavers might have daily access to the training chamber.
To be honest, I could have kissed Zethith then. How brilliant to have thought of it! And now it shall save me so much time in getting around. I can always get to the Harborage by simply going to the Cathedral of Webs, then activating the portal to walk through to the Harborage.
With this new information, I told Zethith that I may start training my Spiderlings in the Isles, where things might be easier. They can be across the globe from danger should anything happen at the Harborage. It is a fail safe. And it allows them to get different types of experiences.
Zethith did remind me that none of them has access to passing through the doors of the Cathedral of Webs, so that should they leave, they would not be able to get back in unless I have them given specific permissions. Zethith and I agreed that we should be careful about who we choose for such permissions and that we would continue to talk about it as I progress their training.
I asked Zethith for the favor of returning me to Deshaan once things were concluded with the Nest and they agree to drop me at a lay line not far from where the tribe makes their camp. Zethith takes such great care to nurture me. How lucky a mer I am to have someone so patient and willing to guide me. Praise to my Prince for such guidance!
I arrived to the Harborage through the portal, everyone already waiting excitedly to see who came through. They all greeted me very warmly, kissing me and telling me how they had missed me. My dear little Scuttlers, how proud they make me. How welcome I feel to return to the brood.
After a short while to change, lectures began. We went through some basics. There were practical demonstrations all around. I took my potential death weavers through and watched their training drills, observing their progress and providing them insight in improvements and complimenting their strengths. As predicted, Blaze and Effervescent competed. Honestly it is that spirit of competition that has fueled their progress. Prince is doing well, he had a higher starting place, but he has already begun to show signs of falling behind the other two. I tried to provide them all an incentive by saying it had been so long since I had trained but that I would do a timed run and that if any were to beat that time, a great honor would be provided to such a person.
The challenge set, it was clear that they were not only impressed, but determined. I did the run without any use of my shadow magicka. It meant it was far longer than normal, but it was important. I want to give them a goal that is obtainable. Difficult, yes, but something that they can see themselves getting close to. It is even possible for them to exceed the goal. When they are close or better, that is when we will go to the next physical training phase.
I also let them know that I believed they were soon to master this and that I would be moving them into the next training phase. That they were close to the strength and agility needed for heading into their next lessons. That made them all very excited.
In fact, I got everyone rather excited when, during the announcements for the month, I mentioned that now was a time of beginnings and renewal. That as life was beginning to stir, so too shall we. There was soon to be some new assignments handed out and with it tests of responsibility. Those that succeeded would prove that they were ready for more. Those that did not would get special instruction to try and get them to reach that point.
Tanur let me know that with the finances that they had raised, they had enough to rent a room for private use on a monthly basis for conducting what he liked to call, social outreach projects. I laughed at the turn of phrase, but I appreciated its humor. I looked over things with him and, sure enough, with the profits made from the produce that Black-Silk-Earth provided, combined with the admission fee he charged on the parties, there was nearly enough to purchase a room, not simply to rent.
I asked for the input of the others over their opinions on having a permanent place in which to hold their gatherings. I explained the positives of it and warned of the dangers as well. All in all, people seemed to be cautiously enthusiastic about it. I told Tanur to go ahead and to search for spaces he believed would not cause a stir.
The celebrations were held at the Cathedral of Webs with the splendor of fresh produce from the Isles. Many were amazed by what was available. Goat could not stop talking about how good the bread was. He was smitten with the lemon honey spread on warm herb bread. A man of refined tastes it seemed.
Arrow and Ebony were never far apart, even feeding one another by hand. I can see a romance already well underway. Good for them. If they have found love in one another, then they are far more likely to desire to remain with the group. And I am glad of Ebony finding her acceptance with the others, being that she joined the most recently.
I set them all to helping to clean the statue of our Prince, to decorate Her in red silk drapery and fresh flowers. We lit new incense and made offerings of libations and fornication beneath His watchful gaze.
Then, as a final offering, I had one of the spiders bring forth the last of that which I acquired in town. The large trunk was lowered before the altar and I slide my nude from from it and opened the lid.
Inside was a mer, the same as who had spat at the feet of a passing Khajiit and yelled the most uncouth obscenities. A mer who, in addition to his words, hurled stones at a Bosmer child who he called unclean. I had brought him to unconsciousness easily enough with a needle dipped in a sleeping drought. 
I could see some hesitation from the others that there was a person within. I sang a song softly in Velothis, a children’s lullaby. It has a quality of soothing. I placed a hand upon the slumbering man’s forehead and projected his poor treatment of others in flames from the other.
Standing before my Spiderlings, I cited the man’s behavior. Said there was worse too, but I would not share that. I asked that our Prince accept his wretched soul as an offer and to cleanse the world from one more person who sought to bring hatred and despair to others.
Blaze and Prince both raised their voices to join me in prayer and Effervescent was immediately behind them.
I asked Tanur who had earned the honor of providing the soul to our Prince.
There was some tension between those gathered. Tanur said that from my training death weavers it was Effervescent who had earned the highest marks.
I smiled and called him forward. He stepped forward, but looked very nervous.
I pulled the ebony dagger of sacrifice from its place at my thigh and held it out to him. He glanced at it and then at me.
I asked him, would he accept the honor of being the one to send the soul on to our Prince.
He shifted uncomfortably, reaching towards the blade and then pulling his hand back.
As soon as he showed hesitation, Blaze said that she would do it if he could not. She is always eager to show her strength.
He looked to her and then at the blade. Then he lowered his head and said he was not ready.
I thanked him for his honesty and told him it was no shame. That it was best to know yourself and your abilities and that it would not keep him from that which he has already earned. The first time one stains their hands with the blood of another, without anyone else to assist them, is the one that counts most. It is the one that will give you pride or shame. It should be one that you are ready for.
He looked astonished at my words, but comforted. He thanked me and went to join the others. Prince clapped him on the shoulder and whispered some encouragement. 
Blaze stepped forward, every ounce of her dripping with swagger.
I held out the blade to her and asked if she was ready to take the honor of sending the soul of this foul creature on to our Prince.
She smirked over her shoulder at Effervescent before she said she was and her hand shot out and took the handle of the blade. She looked at it hungrily, admiring the beauty of it, relishing in her being the first of the Nest to take the soul of a sacrifice all on her own.
I was proud of her as she stepped forward, her anxiousness barely visible in her movements.
I summoned my shades to lift the mer onto the altar. She took a deep breath and stood before him. I went stood on the other side of the altar, across from her, so that the other would see my face, one of confidence and pride and not be able to see any hesitation that she might show. That was just for me to gauge.
The knife raised up in the air and she cried out her prayer for our Prince.
As she went to plunge it into the mer, he awoke just long enough to see it coming and he rolled to the side, Blaze slicing his shoulder. She jumped back, surprised as the others looked alarmed.
He took the moment of confusion from Blaze to get off of the altar and start to run. I counted for thirteen seconds, gauging what any of them would do. Blaze chased after the man, Prince and Ebony rushed to block exits to the room, Effervescent pulled out a blade of his own and stood in front of the others in case something happened.
Not too bad of an option, but certainly not ideal.
With a teleport strike I landed in front of the mer and put a paralysis needle into his neck. It began to take affect not long after he started to scramble away, his body slowing. He yelled at us, dirt faces I believe he called us who were Dunmer. It was about the last thing he managed to do before his body locked up completely.
I shook my head as I looked down at him and his eyes were fixed upwards at me. I told him that we could not let him continue on in such a manner. It was simply unseemly. And we would not want that, would we?
Blaze was fuming and embarrassed when she came over and asked what to do now. I had her take him back over to the altar. Alone. She had allowed him the opportunity to run, so it was her responsibility to put him back.
He was tall, even for an Altmer, and she used all of her strength to drag him across the floor and back onto the altar. I told him that she could try again. That he would not be able to move for an hour, so she had plenty of time to correct her mistake this time.
In all her rage she screamed out her offering prayer and this time she did not miss. All her hatred of being seen weak and her anger, perhaps even at me for the embarrassment, all was channeled into her plunging the knife into him again and again. A strangled noise came from his throat with every strike.
When she seemed to come to herself, I stopped her and told her that we did not make our sacrifices out of anger. That led to selecting the wrong individual. We were not to be unduly cruel, either. Not unless it was part of a plan in specific. No. We were to be more humane, even for those that would not do the same to us.
I stood behind her and adjusted her grip on the handle, my hand over hers, I moved it to the positions to kill quick, to kill silently, to cause suffering. These were important to know for moving forward. Then I moved her blade to below the chin and showed the best way to slit the throat to prevent sound. It was relatively fast and showed how deep and where to place the blade in and pull out to make it silent.
She was panting, still catching her breath from her earlier attack, as she looked up at me, the bloody blade in her hand in mine. There was something of an awe in her expression like I had never seen. I cannot point to what it meant.
She kissed me and thanked me for the lesson. I told her there would be more soon enough.
I slipped the dagger from her hand and turn to the others, announcing that the soul was departing for the spiral skein. Blood burbled out of the gaping throat wound and the multiple holes in the Altmer’s chest, as the heart slowed. I called the death weavers forward and had them listen, showing them the exact moment that death had taken the mer.
Then we moved back and I signaled the hungrily waiting spiders to come and collect the body. Two fought over it a moment before tearing it in half. A third scrambled to get the bits and blood left behind. 
I left the blood on the altar and resumed the prayer. There was a shift. A nervousness. The alcohol flowed freely. It seemed a bigger shock than I would have guessed for many of them. But with enough drinking and dancing and prayer, the usual atmosphere returned and the intimacies resumed. Blaze seemed particularly interested in engaging with me. I obliged, atop the altar, the cool blood sticky on my back as she showed that assertiveness once more. Effervescent joined in soon after and Prince not long after him. I do not know if they felt it necessary to progress or if they simply were enthralled by the sacrifice. Blaze definitely seemed to feel something special. I wonder if one of the mysteries of our Prince came to her in that moment. Did something get whispered in her ear? Did she feel something as I always do at those moments?
Arrow gave me a look. I worry that she does not like how I conducted things. Perhaps it was too visceral. I shall have to put more theater into the next one, less real death, more spiritual release. It was a learning experience for certain. Others seemed less shook.
I stayed the night, as is the usual way. We remained at the Cathedral of Webs. My death weavers did not wish to leave my side. They followed me into my chambers there and proceeded to keep me company all night. Tanur came in briefly. He had his share of fun, but there was something about the energy the other three were giving off that seemed to hurry him along and out. There was something almost magnetic about that and I was starting to feel it too. There was something very special about these three. They were going to play an important role for me and I was happy to encourage the behavior. Blaze seemed intoxicated with me. Effervescent not much less. Prince is fairly reserved in his expressions so harder to read on that front.
In the morning I made my prayers by my personal altar and as I went to make my morning offering, they all fought to support me with it. Even slumber did not break that strange spell. and yet I was starving for the attentions. Their desires becoming like a meal to the starved mer. I indulged, hearing whispers in my own ears to enjoy the rewards of my hard work.
Eventually I bid all a farewell. I summoned Zethith and was taken to the back of a hill just outside of the Mabrigash camp. I arrived just before dawn, Zethith clicking their tongue at me and changing me into more suitable attire. They are like an elder sibling, helping me to do my duties and be presentable. And so I entered to find only the first few Wisewomen and the guardian warriors stirring.
I gave proper greetings and gifts and helped the Wisewomen to prepare for the celebrations of the dawn.
Everything was so beautiful. I had brought roses as an offering to adorn the effigy of Azura with. Mother had done so as well and so we had a great offering of our Lady’s flowers and so many treats.
Kuna and Cariel were delighted by how different it all was even from their last celebration with the tribe. Cariel loved all the flowers and the flowing robes. Kuna loved the music and being allowed to stay up so late.
Sildras, nearing his twelfth year spent extra time with the Farseer to begin to learn new prayers of gratitude for life under his patron Goddess. I was proud of him. Mother was, too. More than I have seen her in some time.
Cariel tired out early, but tried to force herself to stay awake. Sildras had to tell her that sometimes you got visions, special messages from Azura while you slumbered that night. That got even Kuna to agree to go to bed.
I joined them, leaving Avon to enjoy the celebration of his patron through the night and staying with the children in his stead. He was surprised, but grateful. I know he needs it. And I want to show him my support.
I, for once in a long while, did not suffer from any of the usual horrible visions. And just before dawn, I had what I know was my message from the Lady of Moon and Star. Dark clouds rolling into a clear sky. A sign of danger and troubles. Yet through it all the darkness never fully prevailed and subsided. A message came to me. I have the strength for what is to come. It will be tough, but I have the skills to overcome it. Hope is never truly lost.
At least, that is what the Farseer has clarified from my vision. I am on the right path. I have made good choices. I must now concentrate on sticking with my priorities.
It is very good advice. And only a fool would not listen to a God’s advice.
I look forward to hearing more of what the children dreamt of. I am hoping it was good news.
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georgiaprelawland · 1 year
Could Technology Take Over The Courtroom? Disputes Surrounding Robot Lawyers
By Ona Nwabueze, Oglethorpe University Class of 2024
January 29, 2023
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Next month, the first-ever AI lawyer had plans to take on the courtroom and represent a defendant for a traffic ticket. The soon-to-be-tested robotic lawyer stems from a firm called “DoNotPay.” This company focuses on using artificial intelligence that helps customers win disputes. The CEO, Joshua Browder, states that the AI was run off of a smartphone that generates responses based on carefully listening to courtroom arguments. His main goal was to “democratize legal representation by making it free for those who can't afford it” [1].  The AI’s first case was set to occur on February 22nd when Browder believes “history will be made” [1]. DoNotPay also states that for the first case, if the robot loses then they will cover all fines. So far, support for the future of robotic lawyers has been vast with other capital firms that are interested in merging more technology into the courtroom. With nearly $30 million raised funds for AI lawyers, many had hope for its promising future [1].
Although Browder and many others were working towards integrating this new artificial intelligence into law, its legality is out of the question in most courtrooms. In some states, it is required for every participating person in the courtroom to give their consent to be recorded. In others, recordings are completely unauthorized. Naturally, in both scenarios, this would exclude an AI lawyer that would have to record the courtroom to generate responses. DoNotPay was able to find a loophole for some courtrooms that allows defendants to wear earpieces with Bluetooth connectors. Browder’s hope was that if the first cases are successful, then the courts will feel more inclined to change these rules [1].
Many lawyers are not happy with this company's plans because they feel it is unauthorized through the law. Not only does it impose on their jobs as lawyers, but many feel a robot could never provide personalized and sound legal information that may be needed in court. Some feel it is a slap in the face to the hard work that goes into being a lawyer. Kathryn Tewson, a paralegal, questioned Browder on Twitter after he stated that he would be adding live courtroom appearances to DoNotPay’s legal offerings. He also said that his AI was able to issue a subpoena. When Tewson asked who signed the subpoena she received no response from Browder and claims that he later blocked her on Twitter. Additionally, she went to test out DoNotPay’s legal abilities and paid for a subscription to see the bot’s consumer capabilities. According to Tweson, she requested a divorce settlement agreement, a demand letter for defamation, and a demand letter for a breach of contract. She states that only received a demand letter for a breach of contract. Tewson states, “I realized that the other two documents promised personalization with relevant legal information based on facts I had given them in the prompts, and the one I got didn’t” [2]. This sparked a lot of mainstream controversies online about the legitimacy of Browsers AI lawyers and their capabilities [2].
As the AI lawyer began to gain traction and media buzz around its awaited court case, many lawyers continued to show their disdain for the company's new product. Browder stated that he received numerous enraged letters from law firms that contained legal threats that would follow if he went through with AI lawyers’ cases. According to him, “one of the letters even said a referral to the district attorney's office and prosecution and prison time would be possible." This included misdemeanor charges and up to six months in jail. Although there was a possible chance that Browder and his company would not be subject to the product of any of these threats, he decided not to take the risk. As the letters and threats from law firms continued to pour in, he felt it was best to postpone his hopes for an AI lawyer. Overall, Browder still carries his hope for the future of robotic lawyers, but, for now, it appears that those dreams will stay outside the courtroom [3].
[1] Cerullo, M. (2023, January 26). AI-powered "robot" lawyers won't argue in court after jail threats. CBS News. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/robot-lawyer-wont-argue-court-jail-threats-do-not-pay/
[2] Dye, L. (2023, January 26). World's first robot lawyer Shorts Out. Above the Law. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from https://abovethelaw.com/2023/01/worlds-first-robot-lawyer-shorts-out/
[3] Allyn, B. (2023, January 25). A robot was scheduled to argue in court, then came the jail threats. NPR. Retrieved January 28, 2023, from https://www.npr.org/2023/01/25/1151435033/a-robot-was-scheduled-to-argue-in-court-then-came-the-jail-threats
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karakulialiny · 1 year
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My year in review
I published 50 posts in 2022
This is 29 more posts than in 2021!
39 posts made (78%)
11 reblogged posts (22%)
Blogs I've reblogged the most:
I have tagged 46 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts were left untagged
#legend of zelda - 31 posts
#linktober - 30 posts
#linktober 2022 - 30 posts
#sketchbook - 28 posts
#hyrule park au - 27 posts
#zelda au - 25 posts
#south park - 19 posts
#south park au - 19 posts
#breath of the wild - 16 posts
#link - 13 posts
The longest tag: 87 symbols
#i just noticed that in fact this is my first entry for linkrober that features zelda xd
My most popular posts in 2022:
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Imp Midna and wolf Kevin Stoley
After the release of the first TotK (back then BotW 2) trailer, I (like many others) thought that this game would be more like Twilight Princess than Skyward Sword. And I, like many native folks, hoped for a return of Midna in this game😅. Generally, I decided that due to the break in the space-time continuum, a lot of characters from other games will appear in the second season of Hyrule Park (I already talked about this in the ninth day of Linktober), and Midna is no exception. What you see here is just a concept, as I'm not sure if she can turn into an imp again. But this is my first time when I drew Midna in this way. I can't guarantee that she will actually appear in the comic, but I will try my best to make it happen because Midna is one of the most beloved characters among Zelda fans😁
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12 заметок - опубликовано 18 октября 2022 г.
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Hooray! I can't even believe that Linktober has already come to an end. And since "Free Day" fell on Halloween, why not draw something themed and not related to Hyrule Park. What we have here is Gregory as Link, the girl from the upcoming DLC ​​(I call her Daisy) as Saria, Glamrock Freddy as Navi, and a combination I'm personally proud of - Vanessa as Sheik. The badly drawn Glitchtrap as Ganondorf was drawn by Gregory himself.
I made this crossover as a sign that I decided to take a break from Zelda and focus on FNAF (and on the original characters too). Of course, this does not mean that I will postpone work on @welcome-to-hyrulepark again. But FNAF MA and GI.F.ON are also waiting for their creator.
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16 заметок - опубликовано 31 октября 2022 г.
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In honor of the 8th anniversary of FNAF, I finally created a poster for my AU, whose characters I managed to introduce in one of my early posts (which set an absolute record for the most posts on Tumblr). I'll tell you about the plans for the animated series: of course, to make this idea a reality, I need a team of talented animators, preferably FNAF fans. Despite the endless stream of new theories that refute the previous ones, I was able to come up with a coherent plot for the animated series, in the finale of which Afton's finale will come.
The animated series will have 2 seasons - the first season will take place in the Scott era (FNAF 1 - UCN), that is, from the 1970s to 2024. The second season will take place in the SteelWool era (Help wanted - Security breach DLC). The season will be dedicated to Gregory's adventures in Mega Pizzaplex and his interesting discoveries about Fazbear Entertainment.
By the way, I'll be spending more time on the FNAF topic on my Deviantart (while on Tumblr I'll be talking more about Zelda), as this platform is arguably the main home of FNAF artists. They even styled their 22nd birthday event as FNAF!
And here is some songs from series' soundtrack:
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23 заметки - опубликовано 25 августа 2022 г.
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After the release of the trailer announcing the postponement of Tears of the Kingdom to 2023, I saw a bunch of comics where Link from Skyward Sword was about to kick his later reincarnation's ass for failing to keep Fi from getting damaged. And all this gave me the idea to make the spirit of Skyward either a grumpy grandpa who considers the new generation to be irresponsible losers the personification of Link's sense of unfulfilled duty to dead friends, or some kind of ghostly mentor who will help Link not to make fatal mistakes. And yes, I came up with my own design for Link in Tears of the Kingdom, exclusively for my AU.
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24 заметки - опубликовано 6 октября 2022 г.
My №1 post in 2022
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85 заметок - опубликовано 24 января 2022 г.
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airasora · 2 years
Ikea can suck a donkey dick.
Pardon the crude first sentence, but I am so unbelievably furious. I'm currently on hold, waiting till someone from ikea answers so I can make an official complaint - or at the very least vent my frustrations to the poor soul who answers my call.
Two months ago, my ikea bed broke. It was old, we were suddenly three people on the bed and it just couldn't hold any longer. Fine, new bed it is, but good lord was I unprepared for the string of bullshit I was about to walk into.
1st bullshit = The ENTIRE assembly team was on vacation at the same time. So I had to wait until August to have my bed delivered and assembled because ikea is the only affordable funirtute company in my country. Fine, I'll sleep on the floor, I'm not the princess from the princess and the pea. So I order delivery 8th of August and assembly 11th of August.
2nd bullshit = I get a new apartment, yay, so I decide to postpone the delivery and assembly of the bed to mid-September. So I call them, ask them to cancel the former dates and push it to delivery September 19th and assembly September 22nd. They can't postpone it more than two weeks so I'm told they'll cancel my first order and simply make a new one. Ok, fine.
3rd bullshit, and this is where it gets really fun = I can see in my bank account that Ikea is planning on pulling money from my account TWICE for the bed. So I call them, ask them what the hell that is about. Firstly the dude I'm talking to says he can't see that I'm about to get charged twice. After some back and forth, he finally sees it and fixes it. Problem solved, right? Nope.
4th bullshit = Monday afternoon, the day I was supposed to have my bed delivered the first time, two ikea men show up at my front door and try to deliver my bed. Confused, I tell them that this order was canceled and pushed to September to a different address, my new address. They have to call their boss and confirm that it WASN'T canceled and it was the only order in my name. They drive off with the bed and I call ikea to discuss what the fuck is going on.
Turns out that the idiot I talked to didn't cancel my first order. No no no they canceled the NEW order. The order I had JUST MADE WITH THEM. So I talk on the phone with them, we cancel EVERYTHING in my name to get a clean slate and we make a new order and new assembly. Same new dates; delivery September 19th and assembly September 22nd. Now, surely it's all cleared, right?
5th bullshit = I get an email from the assembly department of ikea where they ask if they can assemble my bed tomorrow INSTEAD of this Thursday, again referring to the OLD ORDER. I officially lose my mind and write a really angry reply.
And now I'm on hold to talk to ikea and, frankly, tear them a new one. I can't BELIEVE how much they've managed to fuck up. How is this even possible? How can one of the biggest home depot companies IN THE WORLD be this utterly useless? Have I just been unfortunate and only gotten to talk to all their new employees who don't know what they're doing???
I'm just in shock. I've been on hold for 20 minutes, and I'm not gonna hang up or say yes to that "we'll call you back if you--" no. I'm not hanging up. How the hell does this happen? How is it possible for a company to consistently fuck up THE SAME ORDER over and over again???
Fuck you, ikea. I've been angry crying for the last 30 minutes.
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beth-march · 2 years
hiiii!!! first of all i hope you’re doing well and i really love your happy ending au i can’t wait until you update! i was wondering if you planned on including the lumax movie date in there since max isn’t in a coma and it would work out for them to make it in time? no pressure if not but if you plan on including it i would love to read it :)) excited for all future updates
Hi! I’m so happy to know that you enjoyed the first chapter and that you’re excited for future updates! That really means the world to me, so thank you 🫶
Yes, of course the Lumax movie date will be included! I’m trying to figure out which movie to send them to and how far away Friday is to make it work. March 22nd 1986 was a Saturday, and S4 only takes place over a few days, right? So their date could be pretty soon. Or I could postpone it to the following week. Or I could stop overthinking it because nobody cares about finicky details but me.
Anyway, yes, the Lumax movie date will be taking place in the next chapter! I’m very excited to write about it, thank you for reading 💕
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lifewithoutmeds · 3 months
Tuesday, March 26
Tuesday. work from home day, and the first working day since yesterday was a holiday.
recap: monday, march 18th: nothing calendared. probably just wfh and the usual chores. tuesday, march 19th: in office day, and i met up with stephen t during lunch break and we had hainan chicken in his office and chatted and affirmed how much we appreciated and enjoyed each other's company and conversations. we had an in-person training day at the office learning how to fill out this quarterly form and i knew all of the answers and would raise my hand and eagerly answer the questions. afterward, the three koreans in the office waved me over and told me about a happy hour next wednesday as a colleague was retiring. i was surprised because i hadn't yet been invited out to a happy hour and i really hadn't seen myself making friends in this office. i was flattered, naturally. after work i went to BJ's for a few beers and met a queer lady at the bar and we had a really nice chat and exchanged ig handles and have been keeping up a bit. no attraction on my part but we had a lot in common so that was fun. wednesday, march 20th: mm, nothing calendared. thursday, march 21st: coworking day with danielle. we took a long walk with snicks at lunch and another one after work, instead of the typical happy hour. we walked over to get a healthy wrap from hummus republic, and then watched an episode of Love Is Blind and kind of realized that we could have fun without drinking and be healthy as well. it was still a bit tempting to go out and drink, but that was nice also. friday, march 22nd: worked from home, and about noon a guy came over to inspect my windows and we identified three that needed a tuneup. after work i joined a new abbey hiking group at griffith park, and i almost threw up as the elevation and pace were a bit much for me, but had a really nice hour and a half chat with one of the hiking leaders. saturday, march 23: slept almost the entire day, and then lana came over at about 6pm and we drove downtown to watch fortune feimster at the United Theater (formerly known as the Ace Hotel). we had pretty good seats, tig notaro made a surprise guest appearance to introduce fortune, and later on we realized that she and her wife were sitting directly in front of us so after the show we said how we were fans. afterward we walked to senoratown and lana treated to a delicious burrito. it was a really nice time. we get along really well, understand each other really well, and also have a very complementary sense of humor. however the burrito gave me a bit of a stomachache so i didn't sleep well. sunday, march 24: slept all day. about 12 hours. didn't go to church. just slept. monday, march 25: this is a newer county holiday, cesar chavez day. i finally got up, met up matt klapp for brunch in pasadena, and then we walked about one and a half hours on the trail behind JPL, talking the whole time, about life, about relationships, about xio, about how to get better. it was a really good time. i came home, did some chores, then hung out with my mom for an hour and ate some of the costco pizza she had purchased earlier that day. afterword i met up with lorena a bit spontaneously at BJ's and we had a couple beers and for some reason i had gotten randomly very sad and wept, per usual.
tuesday, today! worked pretty productively from home. did two loads of laundry. took a longish lunch hour walk, took a shower, read about 25 pages of my book while sitting out in the partial sun by the pool, reserved my Puebla hotel on the phone, and had planned to go walking with tracy after work, but she asked to postpone since a therapy session had to be rescheduled. although i was a bit disappointed to not be able to meet up as she's great company and i was looking forward to a long walk, this week has gotten increasingly busy, so i don't mind the break from activity.
the week ahead: wednesday: in office day, and happy hour afterward at highland park brewery near chinatown. will try not to get manically drunk and leave by 7:30pm. 8 tops. thursday: work from home, and then chrissy d will be coming over so we can go to the wiltern to see Sleater-Kinney, one of her favorite bands from high school. i think she mentioned she'd get dinner before, as i'd quit work at 5 and we'd probably need to leave around 6 or 6:30 to get to the wiltern and find parking timely. friday: RDO, but a 10:30 a.m. brunch with matt and patti, facetime with kelda at 2pm, and dinner with jeanine randomly at 6pm. saturday: just VBAS volunteering from 2-4pm. sunday: church, and lorena has said she'd come.
so yhea, lots to do. literally something every day or night.
i'm happy to note that this last week has been so much better than two weeks ago. it's a bit unsettling, how much my emotions have settled down. the intensity, the pain, the horror, the screaming in my soul have abated, and i just have a sort of sweet heavy sadness. the burden is not too great. i'm a bit lower energy than usual, but i'm not shrieking in pain. i had a really nice time with matt and i hope i was a help to him. i want to make it a point to go out walking with him every few weeks. although i can't quite relate to the depths of grief and sorrow that he is experiencing, i think i get it more than others, as my daily existence is typically plagued by that.
i'm thinking again about our incompatibilities. i was messaging with jingmai and she was saying how she does the little things like drink out of a klean kanteen and other small acts of consideration to people and the environment. i remembered that i drank almost exclusively out of my nalgene for water, and out of my little yeti thermos for coffee, and my reusable utensils at work. i make it a point to recycle. i bundle up or use a small space heater if i'm cold even though i can turn the heat up as much as i want without having to pay any extra for it. it's kind of interesting how i don't think people have much of an effect on big things, global things, like climate change, or capitalism/consumerism, or racism, or poverty, etc., so i don't think it's a worthy investment of resources to even try. but then again, why then do i use my nalgene? why do i reuse deli cups? i must in some way think that i'm capable of helping out, of making a dent, of trying to make the world even a slightly better place to live. i'm not sure what to do with that information though. if i think my small actions can make a difference, should i also throw myself into systemic change and wide-ranging policies? how can i actively not think it's helpful but also automatically act in ways which i think are helpful? there's some incongruity there that i should take some time to think about.
this week has felt better. i'm watching less youtube, and it has less of a pull on me. granted i think on saturday i had 14 hours of screen time, which is odd, considering i also logged 12 hours of sleep. i somehow wasted more than 24 hours in a given 24 hour period. hm.
small successes today: took a few walks got some sun while reading my book made my puebla hotel reservation counted my calories, and even though i'm not quite in a deficit, also won't just completely sabotage myself by running to ralphs to get a pint of ben and jerry's.
i feel grateful to have friends.
friends i am so grateful for: lana grace yoon grace kim amy lee tracy danielle caroline patti lorena amy caves jingmai
matt t matt k steven t amir t raymond m that's a nice amount. also in terms of gratitude: 15 years in the County (10 away from health insurance for life) condo $1300 mortgage payments 2.625% interest rate subaru my coffee set up mom, alive, and living close by working on the health. lots of walking in the last couple days, and i've eaten an apple (but also four slices of costco cheese pizza) more consistent reading, and less screen time also this week has an insane number of social activities i also signed up for my next few sessions of VBAS volunteering to make my 8 hours/month
i remember thinking about how my last two years have been. 2022 was mostly sleeping, crying, raging, and numbing myself. it was buying a bunch of gummies, it was playing 30 hours of oregon trail on my phone a week. it was new horror after new horror as i saw myself being scrubbed from jadai's ig, of watching her stuff slowly get moved out. it was also the year of my obsession with lorena, messaging her, visiting her, flying her out, spending so much time and energy in keeping her engaged, in treating her to the finest foods and experiences in LA. taking her camping, taking her fishing, all while she was falling for reyna, and eventually partnering up with her, and the agony i felt as i facilitated it like the simp/cuck that i am. 2023 was the year i tried really hard to get myself out. i made a bunch of resolutions, i started reading a bunch of books, i started an llc for my kimchi pancake business that never really got off the ground, i fostered kiwi and signed up to become a volunteer at the burbank animal shelter. i made friends with LD and tracy via bumble bff. i camped in bishop with LD and her partner. but then in may the mental health crisis hit and i could do nothing but sob for months. the week i felt my new meds start leveling me out, i learned about jadai's engagement and lost it all over again. but there was something a tiny tiny bit different. i reached out like crazy. i visited nida. i constantly called and texted my friends. i made plans. i coworked with amir once, and made monthly plans to cowork with danielle. i bought a bunch of books about grief and lost relationships. i reached out to kelda and made my therapy sessions more frequent. in a sense, i was the saddest i'd ever been, but there was also this weird sense of .... desperate attempts to dig myself out. granted there were so many triggers: my birthday, her birthday, christmas, new year's, etc.
2024 was off to a good start. i hung out with my mom and cindy eemo a lot. i went camping at joshua tree with my new lesbian asian friends. i followed through with the volunteering stuff (interview, livescan, etc.) i started to read again and made resolutions. i scheduled in live shows to fortune feimster and alanis morissette. i started listening to alanis, jason mraz, and pearl jam again. i watched more of The Office and less of police body cam videos. but then, the text from jadai came, and then the insane, sick coincidence of bumping into her on the street. on our anniversary. and the week and a half of mental breakdown that precipitated.
i know that it won't be smooth sailing, that it won't be that once i push through one crisis or hardship, that i'll be one and done. i am feeling some new insights occasionally, and sometimes my sighs are not so deep and heavy.
things to keep working on/at: maintaining friendships working out and eating healthily reading and writing volunteering at the shelter dressing and feeling better about myself making some home improvement repairs
i just need to keep plugging away and not feeling and acting only in extremes. i also want to spend more time with people who bring out the best in me like lana, tracy, and patti, and less time with those who drain me, as selfish as that may sound.
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2rat2touille · 4 months
so. on the morning of the planned first day of shooting, one of the actors got sick and we now have to postpone the shooting. i don't know when or where we're shooting, since the space i reserved isn't available next weekend. other spaces are but one of the other actors and sound guy is not available next weekend. the deadline for the rough edit of the film is March 22nd.
im trying really hard to tell myself that everything is going to be okay and that this movie will get made regardless. but right now i just feel like absolute shit. im not mad at the actor for getting sick of course. i guess im just mad at the universe. i was worried sick leading up to this movie that something out of anyone's control like someone getting really sick would fuck up the filming and it's happened. again im gonna try my fucking hardest to work something out but like. i dont know. and i hate not knowing. i hate that the hardest part isn't already here and out of the way like i thought it'd be and i hate not knowing when or even if that part is gonna come. i hate not knowing whether the thing that's been consuming my life for the past few months is even gonna get to exist or not.
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hieuthong · 4 months
Entry 1
Fun week not gonna lie however a lot of money was spent.. I don’t even want to check my bank account :/ This week was the start of a new semester and also my birthday so i went out with some of friends to celebrate hence why i spent so much money </3. I’ll start by talking about how i celebrated my birthday.
On the 20th Saturday (not this week but i figured it’ll be nice to include it as well) I celebrated my birthday early with my family, we ate at this restaurant called “Sold Out” if i’m not mistaken. We ordered a pizza, lasagna and some mutton curry dish to share. We only ordered three dishes since our neither of us have a big appetite. We chatted over dinner and overall had a great time. We then went home and ate the cake they bought for my birthday, the cake was quite big and we were all already very full but my dad didn’t want us to keep it overnight so he forced us to chuck it down… it was a nice cake though
Sunday, 21st, i went out with my childhood friends to celebrate my birthday!! We went to this cafe called Nippori to eat brunch. The food there quite decent but the environment was really nice. We got chased out of the restaurant for taking too long because there was a time limit for how long we could dine. Was it worth it though?? Lowkey yes, took some really cute pictures with them! They also baked one and bought one cake for me, the one they baked HAD MY FACE ON IT? i was genuinely so shock with the cake they baked?? (the cake WAS NOT FULLY COOKED BY THE WAY 😭) We also dropped by One Utama just to visit the photo booth to once again take pictures.. girlhood for real! but i feel like we got scammed?! THE PHOTOBOOTH COSTED RM50 FOR 4 COPIES? Never going back there 💀.
Moving on to the actual week, Monday, 22nd which is my birthday! and unfortunately also the first day of a new semester 😔 Before attending my first class i went to get brunch with some of my friends from foundation to celebrate my birthday then rotted at the registry until 3 for my first class. To be honest, i genuinely thought the first week, lecturers would just brief us on our course and assignments then let us leave since it was like this for the past few semesters but i was wrong haha.. the lecturers stared teaching first week.
Wednesday, 24th i went out with my fellow January baby friends to celebrate our birthday together. We went for lunch and karaoke. The karaoke was so expensive?? they had this thing called public eve?? so they charged us the same price as public holiday </3 My friend also crocheted Miffy for me as my birthday gift, it’s so cute! I named it Tiffany HAHAHA and Oh My God also the rain was so heavy that day, so many trees fell in my neighbourhood like it blocked the whole road?! It was so jam too?!?! my mom called me to take the other road back but i was already mid jam, and when i was almost near my house like literally one turn and i’ll be home THERE WAS A POLICE BLOCK! THEY WANTED US TO U-TURN TO TAKE THE OTHER ROAD BACK 😭 So i was stuck in traffic for another 15 to 20 minutes.
Thursday, 25th was Thaipusam public holiday so i didn’t have any class. I actually made plans on this day to go out with my significant other but my mom TOLD ME TO CANCEL BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO SPRING CLEAN 😭 So i did that.. we threw out so many things, usually i would be hesitant to throw away my old stuff because of how attached i am to it but this time i just threw them away without batting a single eye! (I’m so proud of myself) I also cleared out a lot of old clothes which i was originally going to recycle and donate them but today i found out you can actually sell them to second hand clothing shops. So i’m going to do that instead and only recycle/donate them if they reject the clothes.
Friday, 26th, so remember how i said i had cancel my plans made during thaipusam? so i postponed it to this day. I went out with my significant other after his class ended to grab lunch. We chatted over lunch but it was mostly me yapping the whole time. Honestly i think i yap too much but whatever HAHAHA Ohh and during my semester break i picked up on crocheting so i crocheted him a rose BUT JUST RIGHT BEFORE I WANTED TO GIVE IT TO HIM I BROKE THE STEM </3 so he now he hets a flimsy, wonky looking rose :( Then he gave me my birthday present and let me tell you i am so GRATEFUL for it🙏🏻🙏🏻 because he really did not have to. Originally i had physical class that day but it was changed to online so i had to go back home to attend my class.
Saturday, 27th. My weekends are usually quite boring cause it’s just me going to work. I currently work as a part time admin at a tuition centre. Nothing much happened just my usual work. However after work my parents wanted to go to KL specifically chinatown to look at CNY decos and stuff but most of the stores were already closed cause it was already night. So we ended up just strolling around there.
Sunday, 28th. Nothing much happened to be honest. Me, my sister and my mom did some last minute chinese new year clothes shopping. That was pretty much it
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sleepingintheflowers · 7 months
I started dating my (now) husband in early, EARLY 2009. I think we might have even started talking in December of 2008 because we had met online and he was asking to meet up but my aunt died on January 6th, 2009 so I had to travel to Virginia and our initial meeting had to be postponed.
Details there after are fuzzy but IF I RECALL, I think out first meeting was the first week of February, we had our second date on or around Valentine's Day and he got me a very thoughtful gift (a copy of the TMBG dvd Direct from Brooklyn) and on February 22nd, 2009, we became a couple.
And the big thing is, I was still living in New Jersey at the time and was in maybe my second semester at an in-state school. He was attending a much better school also in NJ and it was his last semester. It felt so much like were on borrowed time, but every hang out we had together just felt more and more right. There are a million little stories I could tell but then this post would go on forever.
We had agreed that "long distance never works out" and that once the semester ended and he graduated he'd go back to Massachusetts and we'd break up and well....... the day came. We agreed to take it one day at a time. We alternated traveling. Eventually I transferred up to Massachusetts and never left again. Now we're married and have two kids. Life is just very funny sometimes.
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