#now imagine how actual trans people feel in this shit hole aka me (:
cashew-milkk · 1 year
i cant believe (: spiderverse (: got banned (: in my country (: because of a millisecond of a frame (: of a trans flag (:
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king. tell me about your trans dave au
deep breath.
in my au dave wears boys clothes because theyre actually just bros old clothing and the short hair came with nescecity, its cut that short because it was getting in the way of strifing.
bro calling him little man and bro and shit came from my mom doing that (sorta, she doesnt call me little man and bro) when i cut my hair. this makes sense with the theory that bros head is like messed up because of lord english aka caliborn who is a known misogynist, and whats more misogynistic than thinking a woman cant have short hair am i rite (many things.)
i already have some other stuff sorted out about it:
his hair was first cut when he was 8 by bro. with his sword. it was first just cut into something like an ear lenght cut and dave just trimmed it afterwards. also when bro did that dave freaked the fuck out cus he thought he was going to get decapitaded. lots of fun huh /sar. he eventually got better and better at cutting his own hair throughout the years and thats why hair lenght wasnt a problem to him on the meteor.
im still not sure how he ended up finding out about trans people and his own identity and blah blah blah but the idea is that he found out through the internet and was like oh shit girls can be boys??? thoughtfull emoji. john jade and rose also kinda helped him because when he met john (the first one of the three) john thought he was a dude (he technically was, he just didnt know yet) and dave just went with it.
GT: my names john! what about yours?
TG: (oh shit fuck uh a boy name whats a boy name shit shit shit oh got it) dave
a lot of his gender and sexuality problems and ponderings happen in game as well.
"but jake what about the internalized homophobia? that doesnt make any sense when hes trans!" well my friend this is where my epic swag transgender bi boy experiences come into play, because what better way to solve plot holes than using projection. when he was there talking with his friends trying to come off as a boyish boy a manly man he thought "boys like girls and if im a boy now that means i should like girls" and so he begun just like asserting how much he liked girls every sentence with the bitches and your mom and all that jazz, even if hes not entirely sure if he does (figuring out your sexuality is hard yall). at some point in between him meeting the other kids and turning 13 he ended up actually identifying as a boy (??? i dunno man just roll with it)
he binded with bandages. yes it fucked his breathing up and yes it wasnt healthy. i like to think the outfits he alchemized came with good proper binders so my boy can stop suffering.
even though he already identifyed as trans when he godtiered but still freaked out because holy shit a penis.
hes talked about being trans to jade, karkat, rose, terezi and i think itd be cool if he talked to dirk as well. imagine how sweet this would all be. ough i want to write it.
i think this is all i have right now? feel free to add on i want to know your Thoughts & Opinions, lets make this au a collective effort.
anyways trans dave is entirely possible even if i have to bed canon in betweent my fingers to make it happen. hell you dont even have to do that your hc is valid even if some chump thinks its """impossible""" to happen. just have fun and enjoy yourselves
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