#they can awoo now
identityquest · 1 year
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t4tklonoa · 3 months
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caliconimbus · 10 months
Figure I’m due for a pinned post, so here we go:
As seen in my blog description, I’m Nimbus, I use he and she, and this blog is nsfw. You’ll be seeing a bunch of scantily clad big bara men by being here
Bonus details: I’m in my 20s, I’m still pretty new to being openly a furry, and if you’re nice to me I will love you forever
Organizational tags! I typically tag things as their media source if I know it (Pokémon, Beastars, Echo vn, etc), but that’s not especially consistent. I do however have tags I consistently use to denote different kinds of beastmen. This list is naturally evolving, and new tags may crop up sporadically
#rawr means I love you in dinosaur 😘 covers dinos, dragons, gators, and anything else that has dino vibes
#putting the awoo in AWOOGA 😍 has wolves, werewolves, dogs, and potentially other canines
#I’m a cat. I’m a kitty cat 😸 is anything that goes meowmeowmeow <3
#I wanna talk about bird lube. NOW 😤 catches our avian friends
#pics that make me go zug zug 😳 holds big beautiful orcs
#unhinges my Jaws theme 🦈 is for sharks
#fine fine bovines caprines and equines 🤠 has just about anything hooved/horned
#caress that carapace 🪳 covers pretty much all insects
#more than I can bear 🐻 has bearish bears
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darkdragon768 · 8 months
Did I just buy myself some costume wolf ears and tail?
Yes. Yes I did.
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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@mcyt-yuri-week day 2 Royalty/Knight, for which I had a very basic idea and then spiralled fully into AU territory without meaning to... Gem is a dragon huntress and it turns out the princess is a secret dragon shifter haha oops!! More thoughts under cut
Gem is a knight who serves the kingdom via hunting dragons to make ends meet, accompanied by a "hound" dragon, raised from birth to hunt other dragons and obey humans - The kingdom's "gift" to her to aid her. (Because how the hell is some basic solitary knight gonna hunt dragons without any help)
One day she spots, ambushes and follows this moth-like dragon that she's only heard of in rumors before
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(the little butterfly tail is to distract or lure teehee)
In an attempt to escape the dragon weasels itself into a small cave but Gem's dragon quickly sniffs it out, only for her to come face to face with the princess. Naturally she's like "oh shit you're the princess this is awkward" (also no dragon shifters have been known to exist) and ofc she's not going to kill her then. Not only is there the moral dilemma of killing an innocent human but she also hasn't much to gain from it. Instead she just needs to figure out a way to get Pearl back to the kingdom and try to treat her injuries as well as think up an excuse for why Pearl would be in such a sorry state. She assures Pearl that she won't rat her out even though Pearl is convinced she will because it's valuable intel. Gem could probably swindle a lot of money out of this. But Gem's way too panicked regardless because her life is as good as over if anyone finds out that she harmed the princess
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Gem is kinda brash and grits pleasantries through her teeth whenever she's talking to royalty so being stuck with the princess is hell (and somehow almost as concerning to her as the fact that she just discovered a dragon shifter) meanwhile Pearl is trying to get her to drop said pleasantries and appeal to her in an effort to stop Gem from revealing her to anyone (even though Gem wasn't going to regardless but Pearl's equally as panicked as Gem)
Also the hound awoo (I didnt mean for it to have almost the same bodytype as Pearl dragon oops)
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And I guess idk!! Im a sucker for any monster shapeshifter forbidden romance plot etc man. That shit makes me weak. So this can just transpire into some little adventure/discovery story. Pearl struggles to accept that Gem doesn't want to rat her out and in trying to appeal to her, she quickly becomes genuine when they hit it off and Pearl finds newfound yearning to leave her princess life behind now that someone knows about her secret. Gem is actually working for the kingdom because something is being held against her, but she leaves duty and goes awol (and becomes wanted oops) to venture out with Pearl to help her find what she's looking for because Gem feels eternally guilty given their first confrontation. Pearl's wings also need to heal for awhile so that's further reason for Gem to aid her. Maybe she also likes Pearl a bit. Just maybe. Idk could be anyone's guess.... Would be crazy if she did
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dark-frosted-heart · 11 days
He Doesn't Know That I Turned into an Animal - Roger Barel (Part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
(Mm…I should get up and get ready)
It’s been a while since I had a free day. It was such a nice day, perfect for going out.
…And then I felt something squirming about on my butt.
(Huh? There’s something weird about my body…)
Feeling uneasy, I got out of bed and the moment I looked in the mirror, any morning drowsiness left disappeared.
Kate: Arf…arf?! (Wha…What the?!)
In the mirror was an adorable golden-brown corgi with round eyes. 
What I felt moving on my butt earlier was a short corgi tail.
(I’m a dog?! What do I do…Am I dreaming?!)
(I need to get help…!)
(I’m out in the hall now, but who do I go to…?)
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Liam: Huh? It’s an adorable little doggie! What’s it doing here?
Harrison: Did someone bring it here…?
Kate: Woof! Woofwoof! (Liam! Harrison!)
Glad to see the two, I rushed over to them.
Liam: Wow, it’s so friendly and cute. I wonder if it’s lost?
Harrison: It’s a corgi, right? Roger’s “Ale”* is also a corgi.
Liam: …Then I wonder if this pup’s Roger’s corgi? Let’s ask. Are you Roger’s?
Liam crouched down to meet my gaze.
Kate: Arf…arf! (No…I’m Kate!)
Liam: Hm. Sorry, I don’t understand, I don’t speak dog.
Harrison: …Then why’d you even ask?
(I’ve really turned into a dog…)
It’s not due to Alfons’ power or a dream…
(How did this happen…?)
Harrison: For now, let’s bring it to Roger.
Liam: Roger, you here~?
Roger: What, you get hurt again?
When Roger turned around and saw me in Liam’s arms…his eyes widened with surprise.
Roger: You…!
(Maybe Roger realizes that it’s me?!)
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Roger: You’re soooooo cuuuuuute!
Roger smiled widely and began petting me everywhere.
Roger: Who’s a good dog? You are!
(So aggressive…!)
Roger: You’re so cute…Can I give you a kiss?
Kate: Grrrr (Ab-so-lute-ly not!!)
Roger: No? Then can I smell you?
(What kind of compromise is that?!)
In my confusion, Roger buried his face in the neck and took a big whiff.
Roger: Ahh…the smell of dogs…! The best medicine out there!
(I’ve never seen Roger like this before…)
Roger: Phew… So, who’s dog is this?
Liam: I thought the little one was yours. It’s not?
Roger: Nope, not ours. We don’t have a lot of dogs. So…Are you lost~? You poor thing~
With a smile…No, with a lovestruck look on his face, Roger started petting me again.
He was probably concerned about me being a lost dog…but petting was his priority.
(This is my first time seeing Roger be so affectionate with a dog, and it surprised me at first. But now…I don’t know…)
(It feels so good getting pet…)
Liam: Ah, the doggie’s wagging its tail! Looks like it likes Roger.
Roger: Oh…you like me? Haha, you’re so cute!
He suddenly lifted me out of Liam’s arms.
Maybe it’s because he’s so used to handling dogs, but the way he picked me up gave a sense of stability and security.
Roger: Hmm…
Kate: …?
Roger: You don’t have any, so you’re a girl.
Kate: Yip! (Don’t look!)
Roger: Oops, sorry.
(Even though I’m a dog, I can’t believe you looked at my butt…)
(It somehow feels like I lost something important…)
Roger: Don’t look so down. I won’t do it again.
Harrison: So, can you look after the dog, Roger? We got a mission.
Roger: With a dog this cute, I can take care of countless of them. Oh, that’s right. Have you seen the lil’ lady? I wanted her to help out with an experiment, but she wasn’t in the dining room at breakfast.
Harrison: Nope, haven’t seen her.
Liam: She has the day off so she’ls probably sleeping in?
Roger: Then I’ll let her sleep.
Kate: Arf arf! Arf arf! (I’m right here! Here!)
Roger: I know. We gotta find your owner today, don’t we?
(You didn’t understand me at all…!)
And so Roger went around asking everyone in Crown about the corgi.
But I’m not a lost dog, so there’s no owner to find…
Roger: If no one knows you, then you must’ve wandered in from outside.
Kate: Awoo…(It’s not that…)
Roger: I’ll find your owner so cheer up.
Roger patted my head as if to make me feel better.
(Ugh…I really can’t resist this feeling…!)
My short tail started wagging and Roger smiled at the sight.
Roger: You’re getting used to me now. Will you let me kiss you soon?
Kate: Grrr! (No!)
Roger: Not yet…Well, a girl’s kiss should be saved for a prince, shouldn’t it?
(I wonder if Roger’s being so romantic because he’s talking to a dog…)
Roger: Well, since you’re from outside, there’s someone I want you to meet. Be a good girl and wait for a moment?
Kate: Arf! (Got it!)
Roger: Oh, a nice response.
Roger petted me, attached a collar around my neck, tied a leash to the stair railing, and left.
A while later…
Roger: Sorry for the wait.
Kate: Arf! Arf…(Welcome back! Ro…ger…)
???: Arf! Aarf! (Who’re you? Never seen you before!)
When Roger came back, he brought a corgi with him.
The corgi circled me in excitement.
Kate: A-arf…?! (The dog’s talking…?!)
???: Arf? Arf! (What’re you talking about? You’re a dog too!)
(That’s right, since I’m a dog now, I understand dogs…)
Roger: This guy’s Ale, my family’s dog.
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Ale: Arf! Woof?! (I’m Ale! What’s your name?)
Kate: …Arf (...I’m Kate)
Ale: Woof! (Nice to meet you!)
Roger: Ale’s got a habit of circling around any dog or person he meets for the first time. I brought him over from my folks’ place to have him check if you’re from around here… But it looks like it’s the first time you two are meeting. So…you’re not from around here. This is bad.
Roger scratched his head and sighed.
Roger: Nah, can’t give up now. Let’s go on a walk. Dogs know how to find their way home. Maybe you’ll remember on a walk.
Thinking I was a lost dog, Roger took me out on a dog walking route.
Of course, Ale was with us.
Roger: Anything ring a bell?
Kate: Awoo…(No…)
(I’m making trouble for Roger by looking for a nonexistent owner…)
(I need to work on making him understand that I’m Kate…!)
(And to do that…)
Roger: What’s up? If you’re running off like that, then…Do you know where your home is?
Kate: Arf! (Yes!)
As I ran down the road in this body of mine, Roger naturally followed after.
Ale: Woof woof! (I’m not gonna let you get away!)
And so, we arrived at—
Roger: …Crown castle?
(This is my home…so please realize that it’s me, Roger!)
Roger: The fact that we came back here…You really don’t know how to get home, do you?
(He still doesn’t get it…)
Ale: Woof woof! (I’m hungry after all that running!)
Roger: Can’t do anything else now… I’m sure you’re beat after today, so I’ll take you back to Crown.
Roger: Time to eat. You two, “stay”.
Roger left Ale and I in the dining room and headed to the kitchen.
(What will he prepare for us? Not human food, right?)
Ale: Woof woof! (Roger’s great at cooking!)
Ale sounded very proud when talking about Roger.
(Roger must’ve doted on him a lot while Ale was growing up…)
Ale: Woof? (You can’t eat until Roger gives you the ‘okay’, got it?) Arf! (That’s how you show respect to the cook!)
Kate: A-arf! (G-got it!)
Roger: Sorry for the wait. I made you two dinner.
(Roger’s cooking? T-this is…!)
He brought out plates of stewed meat and vegetables chopped into small pieces.
(It smells good...Looks delicious)
Ale: Awoo! (Come on, come on!)
Ale jumped around Roger’s feet as if he couldn’t wait any longer.
Roger: Haha, calm down Ale. I’m bringing you down to the infirmary first.
Roger: Sit, wait… Okay, go ahead!
At Roger’s signal, we started eating.
(I never thought this would be how I’d try Roger’s cooking…)
(It’s dog food, but it’s really food)
I was so mentally exhausted and the delicious food prepared with care filled my body.
Ale: Woof? Woof? (You haven’t finished your food. Need help?)
Having already finished his food, Ale nudged my plate with his nose.
Roger: Come on, Ale. You already ate.
Roger pulled Ale away, allowing me to finish my food in peace.
Kate: Arf (Thank you for the food)
Roger: You ate well. I’m glad you have an appetite. Now let’s clean this up and then…
Victor: Roger! Do you have a moment?
Victor came down to the infirmary and called out ot Roger with a serious look on his face.
Roger: Yeah. …You two be good and wait, okay?
After Roger and Victor left the basement, Ale started talking to me.
Ale: Woof woof! (Roger’s a great guy and a great cook!)
Kate: Arf (You’re right. I was surprised by how delicious it was)
Ale: Arf. Arf! (Right? Roger’s amazing!)
Ale sat proudly as if talking about himself.
Ale: Arf! Arf! (Oh! Let me tell you about the time I met Roger!)
~~ Flashback in Ale’s POV ~~
—It was when I was a small puppy.
Before meeting Roger, I lived with another man.
(I’m so hungry… It feels like I haven’t eaten in a while…)
Puppy: Awoo…(Hey, hey, is there food?)
I nudged at the man lying on the bed with my nose. But he didn’t move a muscle.
(Haven’t you been sleeping for the past few days? Why?)
(You’re cold. I guess I’ll warm you up!)
Avoiding the bottles of alcohol littered around the room, I jumped onto the bed and snuggled the man.
He usually got mad at me when I got on the bed with my dirty paws, but he didn’t say anything today.
(Hey, wake up already)
(If you’re so bored every day that you can only drink, then I’ll play with you)
How much time’s passed?
Just as I was about to pass out from starvation, someone pounded on the door.
Roger: It’s Roger! You there?! Don’t be so pessimistic about your life. I’m cursed like you— 
—Anyway, let me explain in person! If you’re pretending you’re out, I’m kicking down your door!
After shouting, there was a crack and the door broke, allowing a man with glasses to come in.
Puppy: Arf arf! (Who’re you!)
I circled around the man with glasses.
It’s a habit I still have, circling new people and dogs as a precaution.
Roger: A dog…? You’re so thin. Where’s your owner…
The man with glasses looked up at the bed and gasped.
Puppy: Arf! Arf! (He’s been sleeping forever! Wake him up!)
Roger: Ah, damn it! I was too late… If I came sooner, I might’ve been able to stop him…
Puppy: … Awoo…? (Do you mean he might not wake up again…?)
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Roger: Sorry I couldn’t save your owner…
~~ Flashback end ~~
Ale: Arf (And that’s how Roger and I met)
(It happened like that…)
Ale: Woof… (My previous owner stopped moving on his bed on the night of a thunderstorm) Arf! (I’m still scared of thunder so Roger covers my ears!)
Kate: Arf (That’s kind of him)
Ale: Arf? Woof! (Right? If you know Roger’s good points, then you’re a good guy!)
After that, Roger returned to the infirmary. 
Roger: Oh? You two are getting along well already? That’s good.
(...Huh? Why do you look so down, Roger?)
(What did Victor say?)
Ale: Woof woof! (This girl’s a good one, so I want her to be your wife!)
Kate: Yip!? (What are you talking about, Ale!?)
Ale: Arf! Arf! (Wife! Wife!)
I frantically chased after Ale who was spouting nonsense.
Roger: Haha, are you playing tag? It’s nice to see you so full of energy.
(Right now I’m glad Roger doesn’t understand dog…)
Roger: For now… Let’s go take a bath.
*Roger’s dog’s name is written as エール, which I’m translating as “Ale”
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You, Great Creator of Teyvat, in the life before returning to your loving creations, contract lycanthropy. Beneath the moon, your body breaks and reforms as a great beast of the hunt.
Upon returning to the world you made, that power is now within your grasp, instead of the other way around. You don't need to lock yourself in a secure place every month or desperately resist the allure of raw animal meat - you can just toggle the Mighty Awoo Form whenever you please.
The people of Teyvat don't really understand what it is about a child raised by literal wolves that has their Creator so enamored, but it's kind of something they envy.
All the money in the world means nothing, flying is a vague passing fancy, walking on water or making bonfires from nothing or summoning lightning are just kind of given a pat on the back for.
But this dog boy who isn't even fully literate is constantly being given little favors, like randomly getting steaks or a bunch of animals coming into the area his pack lives in so they don't go hungry.
Speaking of dog boys, Gorou is more than a little flustered by the fact that the Architect of Eternity favors him.
(It's the one thing he can hold over Yae Miko when she's terrorizing him, and he's all the more grateful to you for that protection.)
At some point, one of your very envious and flustered acolytes come to you and ask just what it is about the pair that has given them such favor in your eyes.
Your response is an invitation to all of your acolytes to a special room of the palace on the night of the full moon.
They're all very excited to see this room, which up until now has been off limits.
Upon entering, that excitement becomes concern because of the massive claw marks in every wall and also the heavy scent of blood and the fainter scent of rot.
Once they've gathered, and the moon has reached its apex in the sky, you reach back in your soul for the Wolf Within.
It reaches back, tail wagging a thousand miles an hour, eager and happy to be free to roam.
And you undergo the change.
They watch in something like horrified reverence as your mortal form is warped and ravaged by something from within, something making their Divine Creator into a beast.
And you stand again, the shift over, now completely towering over every other being in the room.
(Because I love Okami, I'm gonna say your holy werewolf form has the cool swirls and red outlines that Ammy does
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but with a twist- instead of red, glimmering blue starlight adorns your fur, and the massive disc hovering behind you is made of perfect moonstone, connected stars softly drifting up from it, briefly forming constellations, and then vanishing.)
Razor BEAMS. The All-Maker was Lupical before, but now you're like Ultra Lupical! You are a wolf-person too, but, like, up to 11! You even have your own moon!
Gorou's smiling, his tail wagging rapidly. You know what it's like to have instincts like his, no wonder you were so considerate of his sensitivity to sound and smell, to his urges to chase- you had them all too.
Others range from 'absolutely flabbergasted' to 'weeping with jealousy' to 'a little worried why they're attracted to you being A Magical Wolf Person'.
You howl, and every other canine thing on the continent howls with you (including Razor, who is a wolf in spirit at the very least).
Andrius is having a big puppyish field day over the fact that the Celestial Packmaster is so close to his own form.
(He brags constantly to the other spirit animals of the world about how You definitely made him in Your image and gave him Razor to pass on the way of the wolf to, even if you didn't directly or indirectly do this.)
(The Adepti, for the first in probably millennia, feel their heart rates pick up in animal fear because if you so desired, they would be Back On The Menu, and no amount of running or flying would save them from the stamina of an enhanced human body mixed with the strength and speed of a divine wolf.)
You make sure your other hybrid or supernatural followers are well aware that you have nothing against them and that if you decide to go on a hunt, there's always space for them in your pack.
It becomes common for shrines to you to have guardian animals, dogs or wolves especially, and for hunters to bring your shrines the first kill they make under the light of the full moon every month.
(Maybe thanks to you 'accidentally' saying things out loud when you think you're alone, rumors start spreading that those with nonhuman traits (horns, animal ears and tails, nonhuman limbs) were descended from your favored servants or perhaps even your children.
And maybe that action means that those who've been ostracized for their nonhuman traits can live safer, happier lives, without the fear of rejection or the enmity of their neighbors.
But that's your little secret. They don't need to know.)
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maximoffhimbo · 1 year
The werewolf family
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A tiny thing about being a werewolf family with Wanda <3 idea from @fandomnerd9602 :)
The twins had been born and surprise surprise they were both werewolf’s. Both you and Wanda had become werewolf’s in later life from a fucked up experiment within Hydra. The boys, however had turned randomly one Monday evening. They were only 2 years old when you ran into their bedroom to find them grumbling and pawing at each other. They hadn’t began howling yet, both you and Wanda had tried to teach them how.
“Y/N? Can we watch that wolf documentary thing tonight?” Wanda asked with her puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes and smirked, “only if I get a treat later” you teased, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her closer. “You dirty dog” Wanda whispered, gently slapping your shoulder.
The documentary had been on for roughly half an hour when the boys accidentally transformed. You never shamed them for it, it was accidental after all and they were both so adorable in their little fur-ball forms. You and Wanda were half asleep when the tiny sound from between you woke you up fully. You both looked around, searching for the source of the noise. Then it happened again, a tiny ‘awoo’, then another one, the boys were howling at the tv. Wanda shot up from the sofa, “oh my god! My babies!” She picked Billy up and spun him around whilst you picked tommy up. The three of you began to jump around the living room like your lives depended on it. “Our little pups are wolves now” Wanda said with tears in her eyes.
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angryschnauzer · 1 year
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 2
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Summary: Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
Pairing: ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sandcastle (Movie).
Ongoing Genre: Fluff, Angst, and Smut
Warnings: None for this chapter
Chapter 1
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 2699
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Chapter 2
Sy looked in the back of his truck, mentally ticking off what he needed to take with him to harvest the Lavender. He had shears and a scythe, a whole load of old flour sacks to load it into. He also grabbed his Go-pro in the hope she would be ok filming it, the smoker to calm the bees and hopefully get them to stay away from the plants long enough to harvest, plus his netted hat as dozy bees had a tendency to try and find their way into hair, ears, anywhere they could settle down for a snooze. A quiet woof followed by the sound of a metal bowl hitting the driveway caught his attention, turning to see Akia patiently sitting at the side of the truck;
“Oh you want to come too? Do you think she’s going to be there to give you belly rubs the whole time?”
“Hmmm, me first girl, me first…” Sy mused as he moved the basket of produce he’d gathered for you from his stock so a furry snout didn’t try to get at anything in it; “You need to be on your best behaviour. No peeing on her flowers, don’t poop in her yard, go into the meadow to do it. Okay, put your water bowl in the truck and you can get in” 
Sy nodded his head to the open door, watching as Akia picked up her water bowl and set it into the passenger footwell, before she jumped up onto the passenger seat. Leaving her in the truck, Sy gathered the last few things he needed before locking the door and climbing into the vehicle. Suddenly remembering one last thing he ran back into the cabin, appearing seconds later with a bundle under his arm which he set on the back seat;
“No, not for you girl”
The dog let out a snort before settling back to sleep on the seat in the sunshine as Sy started the engine and backed off the driveway.
You saw Sy pull onto your driveway as you’d been folding laundry, quickly putting it away before you smoothed your dress down and made your way outside.
“Hey, do you need any help?”
Greeting you with a warm smile he reached into his truck and pulled out a basket, handing it to you;
“You can take this? Its just a few things to say thank you”
At a quick glance at the basket you counted at least four jars of honey, a small bottle of honey liquor, and a set of pillar candles.
“Oh, and this…”
Sy set a parcel around the size of a house brick wrapped in a clean linen dish towel on top of the basket, lifting the fabric for you to see;
“Honey bread?!”
“Freshly baked this morning”
“I saw!”
“You saw?”
“On your instagram… it was the first thing i saw when i woke up and it certainly gave me an appetite!”
“Well glad i could be of service” Sy laughed as he lifted things out of the flat bed back of the truck; “Are you ok if i set the camera up to film harvesting the Lavender? So I can use it for social media?”
“Yeah, that’s fine, do you need anything else?”
At that moment Akia jumped out of the cab, her metal bowl held in his mouth;
“Are you ok with Akia being here whilst i work? She’s agreed to go potty in the meadow, she brought her water bowl”
Laughing you nodded;
“Sure thing” turning to the house you called over your shoulder; “C’mon Akia, let me fill that water bowl up, it's going to be a hot afternoon”
You had not been wrong when you’d said it was going to be hot, however the temperature was somewhat raised even more so once you saw Sy working. You had tried to keep out of his way, not wanting to interrupt but also not wanting to be overtly obvious in watching him work. Instead you found your book and took a seat on the covered porch where the breeze from the front of the building came through the clematis that hung over the roof, you could see some of the garden but not all of it. 
After half an hour Akia had come up to the porch and lay by your feet, before you’d patted the spare side of the bench seat and she’d carefully climbed up, immediately rolling onto her back with her head in your lap as you absentmindedly gave her belly scratches between turning pages of your book. The book however was eventually rested open on your lap, instead you watched Sy work as he used the smoker to placate the bees, your attention drawn to the way his t-shirt clung to his back in the heat, the way his jeans fit snugly around his ass. Far too many minutes passed as you gratuitously watched him work, but thankfully you noticed he was coming to the end of the Lavender bushes, so you decided to grab some cold drinks.
As you were returning to the shade of the porch a few minutes later, you saw Sy turn as you set the tray down, waving him over as you poured a tall glass of iced tea, the ice cubes clinking against the glass. He took the steps to the porch in one stride, a smile on his face as he pulled his bee keepers netted hat off and wiped his hands on his jeans as you handed him the glass;
“Thanks. Hot work out there”
“Hmm-mmm” you sipped your drink, not wanting to say what had entered your mind, and thankfully Akia saved the moment. With a yawn and stretch the pooch climbed off the seat and came to sit by Sy’s feet.
“Oh, okay then” he signed, lifting an ice cube out of his drink and feeding it to the dog who proceeded to happily crunch it; “That good girl?”
“Does she want some ice cubes in her water bowl?”
“I think that’s a yes, if it's alright?” Sy answered
Quickly running inside you filled a bowl with cubes from the freezer before returning and dumping them into her water bowl as promised. The dog happily crunched and drank, before trotting off through your yard and disappearing into the meadow.
“So, have the bees gotten off the bushes? I presume that’s what you were doing with the smoke…”
Sy nodded and turned to look out over your garden;
“Yeah, they are quite sleepy now, most have disappeared into the grasses, the few that are left will probably head into your clematis”
You looked over your garden before turning back to Sy;
“I imagine you have to be quite a horticulturalist when working with bees. How did you get into it in the first place?”
Sy smiled at you as he sipped his drink, considering his words;
“Used to be a First Responder with the fire department until I got injured on the job and was medically retired… but I was close to burn out anyway; city life, the drive to succeed and push myself ever further and further. The injury and recovery gave me time to reconsider life and goals. Took my payout and moved out here. The hives came with the cabin and seemed like a fun hobby whilst i tried to figure out what to do next… turns out they were what i was to do next”
 He grabbed the pitcher of iced tea and offered it to you first, filling your glass before he refilled his own;
“What about you? What brought you to this sleepy little town?”
“Same as you; recovery, a new start. A chance to start afresh and decide my own path. My job means i can work from home”
“What do you do?”
“I write exam papers and tests… you know, the standardised ones that you take in Middle School and High School. Mostly in Math…”
Sy laughed;
“Oh, so you’re responsible for the ‘if someone buys 8 watermelons and gives someone else two, but then doubles their quantity at the next market’ type questions”
“Yeah, that’s me”
Sy drained his glass before setting it onto the tray, and with a sigh he nodded to the lavender;
“Well, i’d better get working before the bees wake up”
“No worries, i have some questions i need to work on, just give me a shout if you need anything”
Your plans for working the rest of the afternoon all but failed. You had made a valiant effort to start, bringing your laptop out to the bench seat, but the moment you’d looked up and realised Sy had taken his shirt off and was steadily and rhythmically using the sharp scythe to harvest the lavender into small haystacks you were done for. You were mesmerised by the way his back muscles rippled, by the way his arms and shoulders were sculpted. Every now and again you could see a rivulet of perspiration slowly run down his back, and you had to clench your thighs together to try and quell the arousal that was ever growing between your legs. 
Gratuitously watching Sy work you had been thankful you were somewhat hidden by the shade of the porch, knowing full well that if you even attempted to step off it you’d probably combust from how turned on you were. By late afternoon the yard was mostly in the dappled shade of the fruit trees that grew alongside the meadow, a warm breeze in the air as you saw Akia coming back from exploring for a good hour in the fields. Grabbing a bowl of ice cubes you dumped them into her water bowl just as she came padding across the lawn, her tongue hanging out. Giving her a brief head scratch before she discovered her ice bowl, you missed that Sy had finished his task, tying the sacks together so he could load the bales into his truck;
“All done” glancing up from Akia you saw Sy approaching, trying your best not to look at his wide chest, his body rippling and toned from manual labour. 
“What will you do with it?”
Sy mopped his brow with his t-shirt, looking at the mass of bales in front of him;
“First I'll dry it, then thresh it to get the blooms off the stems. I'll be adding it to candles and wax melts, perhaps have a look into making those bath fizz things. Honey and lavender is known for being a great combination that sells well” At that moment Akia let out an exaggerated huff, before going back to panting with her tongue hanging out; “Hey, do you mind if I use the hose on Akia? When she spends a long time out in the sunshine she can get a bit overheated”
“Sure, the faucet is just round the corner of the porch. Hey, did you want to stay for dinner? If you like… i just thought you’ve been working all day - on your weekend no less - i’ve got more than enough for two”
“That’d be really nice, thanks” Sy had a hold of Akia's collar as you left, watching you head inside. Turning to his dog he quickly knelt down to her level;
“Okay, so we’ll be having dinner here girl, i’m sure she’ll have something you can have, but you need to be on your best behaviour, no begging at the table, no creepy staring and drooling at the same time, yeah?”
“C’mon, lets get that hose on you, you stinky beast”
As you had prepared the steaks and salad you watched out of the kitchen window as Sy hosed Akia down, almost chopping your finger off as he turned the hose on himself, flicking his head back and shaking the droplets off, to which they caught the low late afternoon sunshine like droplets of gold;
“Oh fuck… I'm in so much trouble…” you muttered to yourself.
When you emerged from the back door with a tray of raw steaks and utensils Sy had pulled on his t-shirt and was now sporadically squirting the hose so that Akia could run through the droplets and try and catch them with her mouth. Setting the tray down beside the grill you checked the tank before firing up the heat, using the wire brush to clean off the last of the charring before setting the meat on to cook. 
When you sat down to eat you used the small bistro set in the garden, settling an old casserole dish on the grass for Akia that contained some left over boiled rice from the night before, a bag of stewed vegetables you’d defrosted from the freezer, and a spare steak without the spicy marinade you’d grilled. For you and Sy it was Steaks and salad, with his freshly made bread on the side, to which the pair of you devoured the entire loaf;
“This bread is SO good” you complimented.
Laughing, Sy nodded, before pointing his fork at his steak;
“I could say the same about your steak, you really know how to handle a decent piece of meat”
You paused chewing, the grin tugging at the corners of your mouth before you could hold it in any longer and let out a snort of laughter at what Sy had said.
“Oh god, I'm sorry… i didn’t mean…” he grew flustered, but you at that point had dissolved into a fit of giggles which were eventually infectious, the pair of you at the point where you were unable to make eye contact from continued outbursts. 
Finally when you’d both calmed down and the meal was finished, Sy helped you to clear up before he started to load his truck. Akia slowly climbed into the passenger seat, tired from a day of running around in the sunshine. You came out onto the porch with a small dish of leftover meat for her, setting it onto the small table as you unwrapped a beeswax wrap and started to press it over the bowl. Even though your hands were warm it didn’t seem to want to stick, and as Sy approached to get the last thing for his truck he saw you struggling.
“Need some help?”
Without waiting for an answer he laid his hands over yours, the combined heat warming the wax and softening it. You were acutely aware of how close he was, his breath was warm on your face and as you looked up your mouths were a hair's width apart. You searched his face for a tell, to see if he was feeling what you were feeling. He moved closer then paused and you were wondering if he was going to kiss you and had stopped or had second thoughts. Only a single thought ran through your own mind, and that was ‘now or never’. 
However the pause was too long and he pulled away, looking down at the bowl;
“There, all warmed up”
You followed his gaze and realised he was talking about the bowl;
“Oh, yes. All done. Here, for Akia”
Taking he he smiled and nodded;
“Thanks, she’ll love it”
He turned to make his way towards his truck, and with a small sigh you turned back towards your house.
Standing facing each other this time he pressed his lips to you cheek;
“Thank you for today”
“It’s… it’s alright…”
“Can I see you again sometime?”
His question surprised you, but you eagerly nodded;
“I’d like that”
With a gentle squeeze of your arm he let out a soft sigh before turning back to his truck;
“I’ll text you later”
You nodded, grinning as you watched as he started to reverse his truck out of your driveway. In the low light of the sunset the golden rays glinted in the chrome trim of the truck, Sy’s cheerful face smiling at you as he gave you a little wave. You waved back, watching as he drove down the hill and out of sight, wrapping your arms around you before you turned back to your house, nervous but excited for what the future held.
Chapter 3 >>>
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: *sigh* Listen, Cerberus. It's not that simple.
Cerberus: *whines*
MC: ...
Cerberus: *acts cutely* Ruff?
MC: *gives him chin rubs*
Cerberus: *satisfied growl* *starts licking their hands*
MC: Alright. Alright. I'll tell you how Lucifer and I broke up.
Lucifer: *when he was still an archangel* *holding hands with MC as they walk together through the forest*
Lucifer: I'm glad you have come to own this place.
MC: *smiles* Yes. My hard work has been paid off.
MC: Now that we have our own place, we don't need to hide anymore.
Lucifer: About that, MC, I'm sorry. *letting go of their hand*
MC: *looks at him, confused*
Lucifer: *hesitates for a few seconds*
Lucifer: I'm breaking up with you.
MC: ...
MC: This is... too sudden.
Lucifer: I know. But I will be facing danger soon and I don't want you to get involved.
MC: But didn't we promise to support and protect each other?
Lucifer: *shakes his head* Not this time.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* *a hint of sadness in their eyes*
MC: Then just go. *turning their back on him*
Lucifer: MC...
MC: ...
Lucifer: *gives them one final glance before leaving*
MC: ...
MC: And here I thought we would spend the eternity together. *has been granted immortality under certain conditions*
MC: That was the story.
Cerberus: ...
Cerberus: *starts growling then runs out of the room*
MC: *knows what he's about to do* Cerberus!
Lucifer: Cerberus! What's wrong with you?!
Cerberus: *growls, baring his teeth at him*
Lucifer: ...
Cerberus: *his ears folded* *continues growling*
Lucifer: *sigh in defeat* What do you want?
Cerberus: *sits down and points at MC with his paw* Ruff!
MC: !!!
Lucifer: ...
MC: ...
Cerberus: *grumbles* *then growls again*
Lucifer: It depends, Cerberus. If MC is willing to accept me.
MC: ...
Cerberus: *looks at them with hopeful eyes*
MC: ...
MC: I'll think about it.
Cerberus: Awoo~!
MC and Lucifer: *blushes*
Lucifer: That's too much, Cerberus. Besides, we've never tried to sleep together.
Cerberus: Ruff! *stomps his paw to the ground, trying to convince them*
Lucifer and MC: *exchange shy looks*
MC: You can sleep in my room, Lucifer. But we'll be on separate beds.
Cerberus: *grumbles*
MC: That's all I could offer.
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t4tklonoa · 2 years
have you seen. this years birthday art?? with chip in it?
i'm very normal about it 🦔
Yes anon... I have... I am also very normal about it
I can't believe that after somany years they gave Chip a birthday. And he shares it with Sonic. And now they are besties who share birthdays I. Tearing up.
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moonah-rose · 26 days
Blind Love (Part 3)
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Amazing artwork by @idiotwithanipad , who also inspired me to expand on this tale, thank you as always lovely. 🥰🥰
Robin & Original Characters.
As Rogh starts to regain his sanity, he prepares to say goodbye to his "baby" cub.
"One more try. C'mon." He encourages, watching the little creature lay on his knees; "Deep breath and then 'awoo'!"
The wolf cub poked its nose higher and emitted a slightly longer whine than normal, its miniscule paws padding against Rogh's skin as if trying to stand.
"Aww, so close. Me think she getting it." Rogh said to his companion.
Aelfwyn smiled, "She's definitely trying, bless her. But her lungs aren't going to grow any bigger, anymore than her legs will grow stronger or her eyes will open."
"Ha! No listen to silly Auntie Aelfwyn! We show her she big wrong!" He cooed to the cub, leaning in close to let her lick at his nose and beard. "Yes, you clever girl, you can do anything."
Watching the two of them never failed to melt Aelfwyn's heart. But then she'd always been considered rather soft in her village. Still, she doubted even her brutish parents would have found it difficult to resist being enamoured by the sight of how much this old spirit adored this little orphan wolf.
It also warmed her to see that Rogh showed no negative reaction to her words. Several months ago, when she'd first stumbled into this world with a hole in the back of her head, any assertion to the strange man that the baby in his arms was anything but human would have sent him into a frenzy. But lately the manic episodes had subsided, there was a lot less fevered mumbling and self harm. He met Aelfwyn's eyes like he knew she was there. He laughed, truly laughed.
Perhaps it was the sleep. She'd wondered how long he'd kept himself awake for since discovering the cub and the affect that must have had on his already fragile mind. Now, even though Rogh still insisted on being the primary caregiver, he was less reluctant to hand the cub to Aeflwyn to hold so he could get a few hours of good sleep. Even his night terrors were becoming less frequent.
Not that the man who had become her only friend lately was anything close to normal. He was still prone to mood swings and startled outbursts. But he was playful and cheeky too. So long as they never strayed onto a subject too depressing, he could talk for hours about what he'd witnessed over his years as a spirit. He never ran out of stories and they were what she needed to protect her own sanity.
Snowflakes continued to fall around them, though not a single one landing on their skin. The winter had been harsh so far with a few blizzards, not that it affected them, other than the wind being an annoyance. Now it was starting to ease off, the land covered in a thick white blanket.
"Good we no feel cold. Shame she not able to feel snow." Rogh mused as he set the cub down on the ground, letting her wriggle on her belly and sniff the brisk air; "Me loved playing in snow when little. We build people out of it, give pebbles for eyes and sticks for hands, call them...Men of Snow."
Aelfwyn chuckled; "I miss doing that with my sister when we were really small." Back before they were only allowed out of the hut in Winter to hunt, "And sliding across the lake when it froze over."
"Ghost can still do that. Should do later. Even Kya like me think."
The little thing already slipped most of the time whenever she wasn't being held.
A howl was carried through the air from the other side of the land. The two of them looked over to see a large wolf stood on a hill. At her next howl, Kya began to whine too, as if trying to imitate it again.
"I think we found her a proper teacher." Aelfwyn said, half-heartedly.
But Rogh's smile fell as he looked between the blind cub and the wolf in the distance. He pointed a finger at her.
"You see neck?"
Aelfwyn narrowed her eyes. She had missed it at first, but on closer inspection she spotted a patch of red on the creature's fur, and an arrow sticking out above her shoulder. Yet she walked without so much as a limp.
"Is it...?"
"Dead. Me saw hunters pass by last night. Must have got her...She just have babies. Me took Kya to see."
The apprentice midwife listened to the howls again and heard, deep in the pain filled notes, a mother's mourning.
She dreaded to think what was done with her cubs after they killed the mother. With any luck they were taken to be trained and domesticated. But she knew that was unlikely.
Kya was wriggling in the direction of the adult wolf's cries.
"You don't think...?" Aelfwyn asked.
Rogh was staring at the cub, his expression unreadable. Aelfwyn didn't want to dare to suggest what was the right thing to do. She could see he was already well aware of the dilemma. She wasn't going to push her friend in any direction.
He reached to stroke his finger softly over the cub's head. Kya barely reacted to her "dad's" physical contact, her focus on sensing another of her kind.
"....You don't have to..." Aelfwyn started, seeing the wince of pain in Rogh's tired face; "I don't think that wolf can feed her anymore than you could now she's dead." Spirit bodies didn't seem to work that way as solid ones, though she did find it odd they still had the urge to relieve themselves.
Perhaps any milk offered would turn to dust as well.
"That not point." Rogh said with finality. He'd already made up his mind.
He scooped the cub up in both hands and began walking with purpose over to where the wolf stood.
"Rogh..." Aelfwyn followed at a distance.
Seeing the humans approach, the she-wolf moved into a defensive stance and raised her hackles, tail and ears erect.
Rogh stopped and moved down on one knee, almost reverently. He bowed his head.
Then, carefully, he moved his cupped hands to the ground and opened them. Kya nearly rolled out onto the snow, letting out a mewl of confusion at her new surroundings. Rogh stood up and stepped back, his eyes on the she-wolf.
The great beast relaxed somewhat, those magnificent blue eyes softening, as she observed the tiny motherless cub before her. Rogh took another step back as she padded forward, ears lowering, sniffing at the newborn. Both Aelfwyn and Rogh stood ready to swoop in if she violently rejected it, Aelfwyn's hand at the hilt of her dagger, Rogh's fists clenched. She wondered if her friend was partly hoping there would be no bond formed.
But then the she-wolf licked at the cub's head and nuzzled her. She lay down close enough to bring Kya in close with her paw and guide her to her underside. The little cub sniffed and whined and licked until, at last, she managed to latch on to something. Whether the mother wolf could provide her with any milk or not, she at least had the illusion of being fed and the comfort provided. The cub had never been so quiet while awake, suckling and sniffling as she buried into the wolf's side.
"There we go. It done." Rogh said, blandly, before turning around.
"Wait," Aelfwyn touched his arm; "You're not gonna say goodbye?"
He shook her off and kept walking.
"Rogh no get goodbyes. Never. Come, you wanted to slide on ice, yes? We go now."
He was doing a very poor job of trying to pretend this wasn't tearing hum up inside. Aelfwyn didn't know whether to push or not. If this was his way of coping after having suffered so much loss, then...
With a sigh, she began to follow, before that familiar whimper stopped them in their tracks.
They both turned to see Kya having rolled away from the she-wolf and was wriggling her way in their direction. Her little nose sniffed at Rogh's invisible footprints and followed his pungent trail.
"No. You stay. You have mother now." He said firmly.
The little cub let out a heartwrenching whine as she poked her head up in the direction of his voice. She continued towards him.
Aelfwyn glanced at the she-wolf who remained on its side. With its head tilted, it looked as baffled about what was happening as she felt.
Rogh grunted and picked the cub up and turned her to face the wolf.
"That where you belong! Go! Me no want you anymore!" He began to raise his voice.
"Rogh..." Aelfwyn knew that was far from the truth.
And still the little cub persisted in turning around and pushing herself up in a fruitless attempt to crawl towards the only parent she'd ever known. Another little cry filled the air.
"RRAH! GO AWAY! GO!" Rogh lived up to his name by unleashing a furious roar at the cub, stamping his feet and holding his hands up to look as big and scary as possible.
Finally, the cub stopped and flinched, shaking terribly and crying in fear. Aelfwyn moved to tug Rogh back.
"Enough!" She hissed at him, just as the mother wolf stepped in to pick the cub up in her mouth by the scruff of Kya's neck.
Despite his great show of ferocity, Aelfwyn could see the tears shining in Rogh's eyes.
"I think she got the message. C'mon." She tried to lead the old spirit away.
Rogh was silent, his eyes downcast as Aelfwyn held his arm. He kept rubbing at his shift, as if expecting to find the cub having magically reappeared back beneath his furs. He looked like a man who'd had to rip his own heart out and leave it behind.
"You did a really brave thing just then." She praised, softly.
He grunted; "Why it always have to hurt?"
"Because that's what love does best." She smiled, nudging his side.
Neither of them felt much like skating right now, despite the lake being in great condition, as solid and firm, not that they had to account for their weight. They sat by the bank in silence for a while, listening to the birds and watching the deer creep out towards the meadows.
Aelfwyn silently prayed that a human spirit would join them soon. A new friend for both of them to meet and try to fill the strange gap left by the little wolf baby that had given their afterlife some small purpose each day. With any luck some of her tribe or another would expand to settle here and they'd at least have some livings to watch.
Until then, they had each other, she thought, quietly holding Rogh's fingers in her hand. Keeping each other sane would be their main concern.
A waft of warm air tickled the back of her neck.
Aelfwyn turned to see the she-wolf standing behind them, unfazed by the arrow that remained in her neck, a still wriggling Kya dangling from her mouth.
"Rogh, look." She smiled, tugging his hand.
The ancient man turned just as the wolf placed the cub on the ground and gave a derisive snort at Rogh.
Aelfwyn wasn't the best at reading animals but she was almost certain the bitch was saying "She yours. Wolf not take another mum's cub."
Before Rogh could react to the sight, the wolf turned and ran back into the woods.
Meanwhile, Kya was making her way as fast and awkwardly as possible towards Rogh's boot, sniffing and nuzzling at it, before attempting to climb it.
Aelfwyn grinned; "Think she knows who her real mum is."
Rogh's face creased with emotion before he scooped the cub up and held her before his face.
"Human Kya just as stubborn as you. Get it from me." He grumbled, closing his eyes as she licked the tip of his nose.
Aelfwyn smiled as he brought the little cub back to his chest, tears rolling down his cheeks.
The tiny wolf stretched and then curled into his skin, paw padding below his nape. She was still mewling away, but no longer in confusion or yearning. Her toothless gums flashed as she stretched her jaw for an adorable yawn before settling contently in Rogh's arms for a nap.
"She looks at home to me." Commeted Aelfwyn.
Rogh nodded in agreement, sniffling.
Somewhere in the distance, deep in the woods, a howl echoed across the land.
Before she could fall asleep, little Kya raised her nose above Rogh's furs and let out the smallest "awoo" sound in response. A greeting? A thank you? Just basic mimicking? It didn't matter. It was her first little howl.
"Ha! Told you!" Rogh grinned at Aelfwyn, who held her hands up, ready to admit when she was wrong.
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18catsreading · 6 months
Eursulon: I mean perhaps, if Ame's trail that she was on earlier is correct, and Eioghoren is perhaps in some way hiding in the spirit world then mayhaps I won't have a choice.
Ame: oh, yea. Can humans go?
Suvi: oh, had you ever met a human before coming through?
Eursulon: No! [laughing] No, never, but I would also -- I mean perhaps there are parts of the spirit world that are more welcoming, but the great bear would not be somewhere that a human could survive for long.
Both: oh
Ame: well maybe not ordinary humans, but, you know
Suvi: yea, right, a witch can -- yea, Ame would -- ooh, he would love you.
Ame: no, I'm not saying that --
Suvi: He would be like - hey little witch, awoo. [Gasps] you could be Bear's new stepmom.
Eursulon: Suvi, stop it. Suvi, sop it right now.
Ame: is he attractive? Is your father attractive?
Eursulon: Ame, you stop it right now. Don't we have important wizness -- uh, wizard business -- to discuss?
Both: Wizness!! [Laughing]
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The Littlest Ghost
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 667
This is a baby’s first word story so obviously it’s going to be so stinkin’ adorable. Also Dieter is being Dieter.
Adorable artwork is by Laure S. Illustrations find them here!
Check out masterlist here
Dieter hated meetings and he was stuck in them all morning. He could do them from the comfort of his home office, but he still hated them. Normally his mornings were pleasant as he could have breakfast with his family but today, he could only give his wife and baby a quick kiss and cuddle before locking himself away for a few hours. His bowl of porridge with fruit sustained him through the hours but if would have been more fun eating with his daughter as she was now capable of eating her own porridge and she loved to copy his actions.
Finally, he was released from his custody and almost jumped out of the office and skipped his way to the living room where he could see you were folding a massive pile of laundry. He had to take a double take when he noticed a little figure covered in a little white sheet just floating around.
“Honey cakes, why is there a tiny ghost in the house?”
“Clara wanted to be a ghost,” you said so casually, “I was folding the sheets and she enjoyed it when they went over her, and I had a scrap of fabric, so…”
“Ghost costume?”
“She’s having fun. And it kept her quiet during your meeting, how’d that go by the way?”
“Oh, it was fine, glad it’s over with…” but his complaints were interrupted by the tiniest little ‘boo’.
You and Dieter glanced at each other before kneeling down to look at your daughter, “Say that again, pumpkin.”
Dieter was on the verge of tears, “Her first word!” He reached out his arms to pull her into a hug, but she moved out of the impending embrace and sternly said, “No!”
“Oh, her second word,” you proudly exclaimed then turned to your husband, “Dieter you have to respect her boundaries as a ghost.”
He looked glum as the little ghost waddled off. “Ghosts don’t want cuddles?”
Eventually Clara removed her ghostly façade as she wanted daddy hugs which Dieter was delighted to help with. While making lunch, you could hear the amusing exchange between the two of them.
“Can you say dada? Can you say dada?”
“How about mama? Can you say mama?”
You had to tell your husband to stop with the questions as it was becoming too hilarious. That night, when it was bedtime, Clara did the most adorable little ‘awoo’ which made Dieter almost cry from the cuteness.
“Are you a little werewolf?” you asked Clara to which she eagerly nodded.
“Are you going to bite me?” asked Dieter.
“Good, because family don’t bite each other.”
“Well, only if…” but Dieter was stopped by your no-sexy-talk-in-front-of-the-baby stare, “No, we don’t bite each other.”
No became her favourite word throughout the week when she wasn’t being a ghost because ghosts only say boo. She tried to scare her daddy but she was too cute a little ghost that she got more cries of adoration than fear.
One night, you were in bed reading when Dieter came into the bedroom, carrying Clara like Rafiki did Simba “She said it! She said it!” and he gently placed her next to you and crawled onto the bed.
“Come on cupcake, say what you said before.”
Clara looked over at you, jumped up and said “Mummy!” before gently falling into your waiting arms.
Dieter pouted, “That’s not what you said before.”
You hugged your daughter with one arm and pointed to Dieter with the other, “Who’s that silly man?”
Clara followed your pointing, “Daddy!”
Dieter beamed as bright as the sun and joined in the cuddle puddle, covering the both of you in kisses. Eventually he pulled away, “Alrighty, time for beddy.”
But Clara clung close to you with a “No!”
You were trying to be stern, “Clara, it’s time for bed.”
“But you’re sleepy.”
She nuzzled into you, “No.”
Dieter sighed, “Do you just want to cuddle with mummy and daddy?”
Films referenced: The Lion King (1994)
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 days
He Doesn't Know That I Turned into an Animal - Roger Barel (Part 2)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
Kate: Woof! Woof!! (I refuse! Absolutely not!!)
Roger: Hey, stop struggling. Do you hate baths? But we can’t sleep in the same bed if you don’t take one.
Despite my desperate attempts to resist, Roger picked me up and carried me away.
Kate: Grrr… (I don’t want to…)
Roger: Come on, stop whining. You can’t run away now so just accept it.
As he tried to calm me down, he poured hot water all over my fur.
He lathered me up with soap and proceeded to wash me gently and carefully.
Kate: Grr…rrrr…(Please…stop…) …
It was a mortifying experience, but Roger's skilled hands felt soothing.
Roger: What, you’ve quieted down now? You’ve realized how good a bath feels, haven’t you?
Kate: Arf… (Yes…)
Roger: Haha, I’m glad you’re liking it. You did a good job. Now I just need to rinse and towel you off.
Back in the room, Roger wrapped me up in a fluffy towel and dried me.
Roger: You struggled at first, but then calmed down later. …Good girl, good girl.
Roger patted my head with a gentle smile.
(Ugh… I give in when he washes or pets me…)
It felt so good being pet by Roger’s large hands and I wagged my tail in defeat.
Roger: Alright, Ale’s turn next.
Ale: Woof?! (My next meal?!)
Roger: Hahaha, don’t you hate baths too? Do you think you’re getting food again?
Ale: Arf! Arf! (Food! Food!)
Roger left the room with Ale happily trotting after.
A while later, an exhausted-looking Ale and Roger returned.
Ale: Awoo…(Wahhh, I was tricked…) Arf, arf! (Roger was so mean, torturing me with hot water!)
Roger: Cheer up, Ale. Here’s a treat for putting up with the bath.
Ale: Woof?! (Treat?!)
Apparently Ale only understood Roger’s name, and the word “treat”.
Wagging his short tail, Ale ran around Roger’s feet.
Roger: Hey, you want a treat too?
Roger held a biscuit out to me.
Roger: It’s a baked treat for dogs. There’s not much flavor and no unnecessary ingredients.
I ate the biscuit from Roger’s hand. A mild sweetness spread in my mouth.
Roger: Tastes good?
Kate: Arf! (It’s tasty!)
Roger: Haha. You probably don’t understand a word I’m saying…But it sounds like you answered me just now. Your owner’s probably worried about losing such a cute dog.
(...That reminds me, has Crown noticed that I’m missing?)
(I have a couple of days off from being a fairytale keeper, so they might not have started looking yet…)
(Even if they did look for me, they won’t find me because I look like this…)
Roger: Hey. If we can’t find your owner, then… I’ll take care of you. The work put into taking care of one or two dogs isn’t so different. Plus I’ll be twice as happy.
(Honestly, if I can never turn back…this doesn’t sound so bad)
With how much Roger cares for dogs, I’d live a happy dog life.
I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.
The only one sleeping beside me was Ale who was snoring away.
(Huh? Where did Roger go?)
(We were sleeping side by side…Did he go out drinking?)
I hopped off the bed and followed Roger’s scent.
I left Crown castle and finally found him.
Kate: Arf! (Roger!)
Roger: …What’re you doing here? Did you follow my scent? Amazing…
(What’s Roger doing sitting out here in the middle of nowhere?)
I sat down next to Roger and observed him.
Roger: …Since there’s nothing in the way, I can hear the town pretty well.
Roger listened carefully for a moment before he stood up with a look of frustration.
Roger: Damn it…I can’t hear anything. Just where the hell did you go,— 
The name he muttered was drowned out by the wind.
(What’s Roger listening for…?)
Roger: Sorry for keeping you out so late. Let’s head back to the castle.
(Roger really is feeling down…)
(...Cheer up soon)
When he returned to Crown Castle, Victor was waiting for us in the foyer. 
Victor: How did it go, Roger?
Roger: No good. Couldn’t hear anything. Not a cry for help nor footsteps…Nothing. I don’t even know where they went.
Victor: I see... Then I’ll keep looking too.
Roger and Victor looked so serious and the air was heavy.
(Roger and Victor are looking for someone…)
(From the mood, is it related to a mission?)
Victor: …Oh, is this little one the lost dog you mentioned? Come here, come here~
Victor casually beckoned me over.
(Why won’t my legs move…?)
I looked up at Victor again—And for some reason, was filled with an indescribable sense of fear of him.
Kate: Grrrrr…! (Scary…!)
My teeth were bared and a growl escaped my throat. My fur stood on end and I couldn’t stop shaking.
To shake off my fear, I quickly hid behind Roger.
Victor: Oh my…She’s hiding from me.
Roger: What did you do, Victor?
Victor: I didn’t do anything! However, animals have always avoided me…
Roger: Maybe it’s animal instinct. They know when someone’s dangerous.
Victor: Dangerous? I’m happy, lucky, friendly?!
Kate: Awoo…(I’m sorry, Victor)
Victor: Oh, do you feel sorry? You’re a sweet girl. It’s okay. Even if you’re afraid of me, I don’t hate you. Love & peace!
I felt a little relieved that Victor was as kind as ever, even with dogs.
Victor: Even so, you’re quite taken with Roger, aren’t you?
Roger: I’m used to handling dogs. But… Sorry. I’m gonna have to put off looking for your owner for a while tomorrow.
(I don’t have an owner so I don’t mind at all, but…what happened all of a sudden?)
When I tilted my head in confusion, Roger continued.
Roger: …There’s something else I need to do.
The next day, after I spent one night as a dog, Roger had been rushing around making preparations since early morning.
Ale: Arf?! Arf! (Do you wanna play?! Roger!)
Roger: Sorry, Ale. You’re staying home today… You too.
Roger patted our heads and turned to leave.
(He’s going out to do the thing he “needs to do” that he mentioned yesterday)
He’s likely going to “hunt someone down”.
Last night, Roger was listening for a voice or footsteps in town.
(I want to help in some way too…!)
Kate: Arf arf! (Please take me with you!)
Roger: What’s up? Why’d you bark all of a sudden… Are you…feeling lonely? You’re so spoiled.
Ale: Arf arf arf!! (I wanna come along too, Roger!)
Roger: Ale too…Guess I got no choice. It’s not like you’ll get in the way so I’ll take you both along.
(Yay! I get to go with Roger…!)
(Now if only I knew who he was looking for…)
Roger: …Now that I think about it, you followed my scent last night, didn’t you?
Kate: Arf! (I did!)
Roger: Can you follow this scent too?
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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🌕 Awoo!!! 🌕
Werewolf books have my heart right now and I want to read as many as I can get. 🐺
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