#they are streamlining less than the musical but because the musical is a Musical it's easier to forgive
zoebelladona · 5 months
i think i'm gonna have to rewatch these last two episodes to come to terms with them and the themes of the show because so far my reaction has been
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kingshovelbug · 3 months
im sorry but i need to geek out somewhere and screaming into the void on tumblr is less likely to get me flayed than on twitter, especially if i get terms wrong. plus i can do a read more and yall can click into the tech talk if you want to verse it bombarding your twitter timelines
so idk if i only liked it or if i actually put it in my queue but i saw a post that talked about a few pieces of tech that focus on user repairs and being sustainable (fairphone and frameworks laptop) and after doing some more research into what they have to offer i actually really excited that these products are finely hitting the us market and that people are moving away from the belief that super smooth streamlined glassy = the future. being able to reliably repair and keep what you have alive verse throwing the whole thing away when maybe all you needed to do is add more ram to your current laptop (something that i would do with my laptop to keep using it for a few more years if it wasnt glued shut and i was at risk of cracking the screen) or swap out a fuse.
i know big corporations dont like it but i truly do believe with how much tech we use on a daily basis that the way that we are going to be more environmentally friendly is to move back to tech that we can hang onto for as long as we can and to recycle and then reuse what we cant. like with the frameworks laptop. i saw that they just partnered with coolermaster to create a case specifically so that you can reuse you motherboard, cpu, etc and make a portable workstation. you could dual wield with the laptop you just upgraded if you want to dedicate specific tasks to one or the other. they also specifically mentioned that you could screw it into the back of a monitor and create your own all in one. guys thats cool as shit??? if you had a 3d printer and some time you could even create that yourself
on top of the actual hardware part moving to open source programs when your able. when i update my desktop i plan on running linux. it might have a learning curve compared to windows but in terms of performance??? ive heard that it runs smoother even on older machines, that its more efficient because isnt running stuff in the background that tracks your data and shit. now i understand that not everyone can do that because there are some programs that dont play nice with linux but for my needs at least it does everything i would need it to. and maybe a couple years down the road we do figure out how to run these programs on certain flavors of linux since its open source and people fiddle with it so much. (still looking for alternatives to like word and excel though, i use google docs since its free but i want to move away from them as much as i can too since they laid of their youtube music team (i believe?? it might of been a different branch) for trying to unionize)
if anyone knows of any other smaller companies that actually focus on sustainability and user repairability please let me know. theres certain pieces of tech that i think are now unfortunately behind a software repair paywall, things that used to be just machines and are gaining more bells and whistles like cars and refrigerators if that makes sense. but the more we push for these things to be repairable by us the consumers id hope that would change, or there would at least be options that dont need specific companies to repair them or else they blow up
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
Thinking about Eddie and how it probably takes him some time to figure out what he wants from life after having his whole worldview sent toppling and very nearly dying in an alternate dimension.
Like after he gets his GED it's odd jobs and moving town to town looking for a place that isn't put off when they do a background check and find out what he'd been accused of (no matter that he was cleared of all charges) and it's changing his last name and just surviving for a while rather than chasing down any sort of passion projects.
Maybe he tries the music thing out a few years in, figuring people probably care less about who's playing a gig so long as they know their way around a guitar, but he's still young and stupid and traumatized and it becomes very clear to everyone putting in the effort to stay in touch with him that he's about to be taken majorly advantage of by the industry so that's kind of a bust. He gets out as fast as he can, can't face the reality of his name ending up in the press anymore than it already has for Wayne's sake as much as his own.
And it's hard. It's messy and it's survival and it's just a lot for a guy who never really planned to still be alive this many years after that guitar solo in the Upside Down but he has to stop running around the country at some point and hey, Chicago's as good a place as any right?
Robin's working on her Master's out there and Nancy's at the Herald kind of kicking all kinds of journalistic ass. Steve just finished up his degree after floundering a bit like Eddie for a few years there when all the head trauma caught up to him and chronic tinnitus finally started turning into hearing loss and he's working at a school for HOH and Deaf kids now, genuinely actually thriving.
And Eddie feels a little bit like he's still the third-try senior at Hawkins High because what has he done? Lots of false starts and changed minds and spontaneous moves cross-country because he got too restless being in one place for too long, what has he really done?
He moves to Chicago, though, gets a job at a bookstore which is really far from the worst gig he's had in the past five or six years and it also just so happens to only be a handful of blocks away from the Art Institute where he happens to know one of the top undergrads.
The first time Will Byers comes in it might as well be because Steve is dragging him by the ear, because Eddie's only lived here three weeks but Steve has spent every day of that time making sure Eddie is getting settled and acclimated and has people. Almost like he's worried about Eddie leaving again.
Almost like he wants Eddie to stay.
And he drags Will Byers into the bookstore, eggs them into catching up outside of the Monster Hunter Reunions Joyce tries to make happen around major holidays. And then he does it again. And again.
It's Steve and Will bringing him lunch or bringing him coffee when it starts getting cold in the windy city and Eddie is loathe to admit it, but it's nice. It's not some big revelation, it's not Eddie's chance to change the world or anything, but he's got people around who keep making him aware that they're around and he's more settled than he's maybe ever been.
And then one day it's--
"Hey, Byers, you tell Ed about that thing you've been working on?"
If Eddie's hands weren't busy designing a killer fantasy display (if he does say so himself) he would be noticing the sly smugness in Steve's shoulders. He would know this was a set-up. He would just know.
The thing Will is working on is a graphic novel.
The thing Will is working on is a fucking metal ass premise of a graphic novel, taking no shortage of inspiration from the kid's quite frankly too insane for fiction experiences while still somehow putting so much of his own voice into it and Eddie is obsessed, Eddie is enthralled, Eddie is--
"Would you mind giving me feedback sometime? It's just-- I've got all these ideas, but I never know how to streamline them. You were always so good at that as a DM-- making everything make sense, you know?"
On that day, Eddie is mostly just honored that Will sees him for more than a guy without any formal creative writing education and trusts him enough to look at his work.
A matter of weeks later, Eddie is somehow not just giving feedback, he's basically a co-author. They use the big empty wall above Eddie's couch in his tiny studio apartment for storyboards and beat notes and it's on accident, the way Eddie finds this thing he loves.
Except for the fact that it's only an accident for him.
"You're such a fucking meddler, you know that?" he says to Steve over beers at Steve's apartment one Friday afternoon after gushing over Will's new art drafts for the book for approximately 45 minutes straight.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Steve smirks, not even trying to hide it.
"Oh, come on. Will told me he came to you asking if you thought I'd be interested in helping out and you came up with this elaborate slow-burn plan. The gig is up, Harrington, I'm in your head."
Steve just telegraphs his movement as he reaches up and shuts off his hearing aid, "Sorry, I can't hear you, man. Maybe if you wrote it in a book for me, drew some pictures--"
Who would really blame Eddie for kissing him on the mouth?
Someone needs to shut that guy up every once in a while.
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technovillain · 3 months
What do you think the interns would be up to after the events of psychonauts 2?
Okay soooo I think they all (under the new "Junior Psychonaut" titles) are given big projects to work on.
There is a little bit of discrepancy between different media sources regarding Adam, but I'm pretty sure something in the artbook was saying he was intended to be on a higher level than the other interns. Which makes sense because he not only comes off as the oldest but it's kind of evident that he's on a slightly higher level, what with his big public view project and his mentor being the head of the entire organization. So while I think in canon he is still referred to as an intern as part of the intern program, he was sort of functionally already a "Junior Psychonaut"..... which is something I feel like Hollis and Truman sort of made up to promote them for their hard work.
I also like to hc that their mentors told them to brainstorm good ideas over the summer, things that they were passionate about. That was what sparked the recent creation of Morris' pirate radio (also something that Milla would find cool and encourage as a music fan)
So I choose to believe they have these projects to work on as Junior Psychonauts:
Morris wants to get his pirate radio off the ground and (though it would make it less cool) maybe make it less .... pirate-y. In the sense that he could get more than one song for it. And more employees than just the one random 5 year old who climbed into his treehouse. It could also be a sort of psychic-station, broadcasting to brainwaves for study time.
Gisu wants to work with Otto to improve the status of psychic mobility, especially around the motherlobe. Creating levboards, safe apparatuses for brain balls, streamlining psychic mobility aids, etc.
Sam wants to get the Lumberstack Diner operational again, and is determined to employ animals as servers. Give them an opportunity to "better themselves". I honestly do not think that Coach would care much about this project. He's not a great mentor lol....but as a fellow cook, Compton would appreciate the project and probably pitch in, maybe as an excuse to get away from Lizzie and her project.
Norma is trying to....help balance the budget. And work on finances with Hollis. Scintillating. On the more interesting side, it would require a little government help, which would mean learning how to lay it on thick to try and get some government money....professional schmoozing skills.
After Lori's "exciting" new haircut comes out of Ford's barbershop, some of the agents are looking for some more modern styles. Lizzie decides the place is extremely outdated and needs a facelift to keep up with the times. She's right but her noncomformist, somewhat anarchist decor choices and style really stress Compton out. He's just sure she's going to do a bunch of stuff that Truman will hate, and he could get stuck cleaning up a big mess.
I don't think Raz and Lili are expected to take on big projects just yet. First of all because of all the personal intense family drama they just went through. Second of all because of their age.
I also think they all are permitted more field work with their mentors, and more mentor work time in general. Really "locking in" so to say on the idea of them actually becoming Psychonauts someday and not just hanging around the facility.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
At this point I have to wonder
Does anyone on tumblr actually like the genre of the shows they watch anymore? Wednesday, supernatural, stranger things. None of them are ever going to be the peppy, inoffensive milquetoast, glurge fest they want it to be. For example
The possibility of Xavier being Wednesday’s stalker and Tyler being a serial killer exponentially increases the chances of her choosing one of them. The only things standing in the way of either happening is Wednesday getting Xavier arrested, which he seems to have gotten over pretty quickly may I say, and the fact Tyler made her look foolish. The creepier they are the more interested she is. She’s not a normal person. She doesn’t live by normal person rules. It’s an Addams family murder mystery, comedy, whodunnit. I’ll say it again Addams. Family. They don’t work by a normal morality system. You complain they seem too normal. Then you complain when Wednesday night get with a creepy boy. Make up your damn minds and get with the genre already. You might enjoy it more
I have no doubt that hellers like to go on about how Dean’s “cray cray”. But then he wants to get into bed with the car he was conceived and raised in. Or he puts everyone in the universe in the line of fire on the 0.1% chance it’ll save Sam. Then they go “oh god no. Too crazy. We should make unfounded baseless think pieces about how he likes to dye his hair unflattering colours and slow dances with his roadkill boyfriend on the beach at sunset to completely out of character music”. That’s not Dean. That’s not supernatural. That’s what Victor Frankenstein thought Adam was. A nonsensical, monstrous, mishmash filled with unfulfilled expectations. And the hellers are ostriches with the heads in the sand because the truth will upset their “delicate sensibilities”. And yet they still play the victim.
Stranger things is a horror show. Not a campy eighties set comedy. Horror. So the cries of “make Will the main character and let him be happy” is a veritable oxymoron. He’s either the focus and he suffers beyond belief like in season two. Or he’s in the background and safe-ish. And besides. He’s not The Main Character. He never really was. He’s A main character, sure. But The Main Characters are Joyce, Jim, Mike and Jane. First four credited. And the ones who do the most legwork. I love Will. I do. He’s a great character. Even if he did get a little too bitchy in seasons three and four. But the fact of the matter is. He was the goal in season one and a chess piece for the Mind flayer in season two. He suffers less otherworldly torment in 3&4 because he isn’t the goal or chess piece anymore. It might be an ensemble show. But there are de facto main characters. Four in fact. But contrary to major belief. None of them are Will. If some of you learn to accept that. Then you might get a little less testy and be able to enjoy the show for what it is instead of what you’ve imagined.
All three are great shows. Well. Supernatural could stand to treat Sam a lot better. But the streamlined inoffensive claptrap some fans think it should be isn’t it. And it will never be it. It’s better how it is and some fans just have to accept that. Although I doubt they ever will
TL;DR: Wednesday, supernatural and stranger things are great, interesting and most of all dark shows. Removing the darkness removes everything that makes it interesting. Cutting and pruning them until they’re unrecognisable just leaves you with a blob fish slowly dying for lack of water. The shows are more than just what some fans think is or should be palatable. And the sooner some fans realise that the better the fandoms will be.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
hiii just wanted to say that through the many many fic related spotify playlists you have made, you have had by far the most profound impact on my music tastes than anything else I can think of. Portugal the Man, Watsky, Spoon, The National, Cold War Kids, all of the KTOWL character playlists. You also streamlined my listening of Woodkid from "light interest" to "full blown obsession". And frankly I cannot thank you enough for it, so I'll instead just ask, do you have any more recommendations?
i have been wanting forever for an ask like this
i'm gonna put these in some vague categories so you can decide what you're in the mood for
Weird haunting folksy vibes
Fleet Foxes' Crack-Up (melancholic, deep water, forgotten legends)
Andrew Bird's Are You Serious (tho Armchair Apocrypha is my all time fave)
Bruce Peninsula's A Mountain Is A Mouth (their only good album sadly but fuck me its SO GODDAMN GOOD)
The Builders and the Butchers' Salvation is a Deep Dark Well (cannot believe how tight and cohesive this is)
Laura Marling's I Speak Because I Can (she's done other good stuff but this has "Devil's Spoke" so)
A little less alternative with more danceability
Franz Ferdinand's first three albums (the anthem to my own queer awakening when i was younger, my fave is probably still "The Fallen" which had a hand in inspiring the revenant AU)
James Blake's Assume Form but specifically "Where's the Catch?" which has the most incredible verse for Andre 3000 I've ever heard
if you want Karkat-vibes, check out Stars, no specific album bc a lot of their stuff is good, but try our "Fluorescent Light," "Romantic Comedy," "Hold On When You Get Love," "We Don't Want Your Body," and my favorite "Personal"
Gin Wigmore's Gravel & Wine
MGMT's Oracular Spectacular (my god that block of the last three songs is amazing)
Los Campesinos' No Blues (they have a LOT of good albums, this is the easiest to start with imo)
Arc's Weird Faves That Add Up To 90% Of Their Personality
Janelle Monae's Metropolis Suite, especially The Chase and The ArchAndroid. (PLEASE look up the video for "Many Moons" because its my favorite piece of science fiction. I CANNOT overstate how exemplary and unmatched Janelle is. I am just thinking about it and feeling goosebumps.)
Miracle Musical's Hawaii: Part II (there is not a part one really, it's a very strange, magical concept album)
The Mechanisms' The Bifrost Incident (i'm not gonna say anything except this is the only music album i know with a Plot Twist and if you can go into it not knowing the twist, do it)
and finally the most About Me Album that I feel weird even reccing because it's so specific, so interwoven into EVERYTHING I do:
The Klaxon's Myths of the Near Future. I cannot sell you on this album, only that I think if you somehow got a hold of my skull and held it to your ear like a conch shell, you'd hear this.
and i'm gonna stop there bc yeah that's. that's enough for now.
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rivetgoth · 1 year
Definitely inclined to believe that the state of media in general is getting worse thanks to capitalism’s chokehold on all forms of entertainment distribution at the moment and the constant need to streamline marketable content faster and cheaper in larger quantities BUT I have said it before and I’ll say it again some of you have some real rose tinted fucking glasses on about media of the past versus media now and it is very obviously because y’all are not trying to engage with current smaller, independent, foreign, and/or less mainstream media while exclusively engaging with media from the past that “holds up” to today’s standards. Every time I see someone go “movies back then were just so GOOD, even BAD movies of the past were better than bad movies of NOW” I check their blog and all they talk about are a select few horror movies from the 80s that are universally applauded for their practical effects or cinematography while all of their vitriol is spent complaining about the recent MCU release. Like go watch literally any of the countless INCREDIBLE horror movies coming out right now that aren’t getting major commercial releases from household name distributors. I see people act like music was just better “back in the day” but they exclusively listen to a handful of award-winning grunge or new wave or whatever bands that still get radio play to this day while complaining about the current trending TikTok band or like, music literally produced to be played in supermarkets, when currently there is an INSANE movement of diverse and creative passionate artists across every genre releasing music independently through sites like Bandcamp and SoundCloud that would fucking love to get more support from people who want to hear something fresh and interesting and unique. People complaining about the state of horror games right now because the current white guy who yells at games on YouTube is being paid to promote Poppy Playtime 7 while indie game devs are constantly promoting creative new endeavors. Just check out the Dread X Collection series for literally dozens of indie horror game developers to get into that aren’t Five Nights At Freddy’s spin-offs lol. Stop complaining that the cherry-picked media of the past is so much better than mainstream media of the present and start actually supporting the people fighting to put their art out into a world that is patently against artists. You were not born in the wrong generation you just don’t know how to find art that isn’t trending on social media.
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copperbadge · 2 years
sam it's possible your approach to written fiction is as a Theatre Person, which has a physical limit of a stage. whereas vast swathes of writers are as matter of course composing maps of their internal worlds, some of which do not fit in stages
Oh, I don't know, as a former theatre kid and scene designer I think it's incumbent upon me to say that you can fit anything on a stage if you're working at it. And most books, while vast in terms of imagination, really don't have a cast any larger than your average stage play, much smaller if you're putting on a musical. Certain books like A Night In The Lonesome October or A Gathering Of Old Men aside, most don't have any broader focus than say, Hamlet or Top Girls or Twelve Angry Men.
I do suspect, however, that I was drawn to theatre over prose initially because it is a much more streamlined method of narrative for the writer -- you get two hours, roughly one page a minute, you generally don't have to do much describing, and other people are going to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Plus I enjoy that form of collaboration, of giving someone something I've done and watching what they do with it once my input is no longer required.
So I think it's less my training Made Me This Way and more the way that I am drew me to that specific discipline, which then trained me further in that direction.
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mesaylormoon · 5 months
Mean Girls (2024): A Review
After an incredibly long hiatus, I have returned with a new format in mind to streamline the process of writing movie reviews! Instead of publishing lengthy criticisms regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the latest TV shows and movies, I believe a brief “pros and cons” list might be the best way of conveying my thoughts about today’s features. Most people appreciate brevity over novel-length reviews, so without further ado, here are my thoughts on the latest Mean Girls movie musical!
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• The increased production budget and costume design provide this version of Mean Girls with a visual edge the original did not have
• The cast is far more diverse
• There are some solid jokes laced throughout the movie (including a hilarious nod to the Thank U, Next music video) which added a creative touch to the 2024 movie
• The inclusion of social media is practically a necessity in the updated versions of Mean Girls, and the filmmakers capitalize on their opportunities to create a fair amount of social commentary using the medium. (Social media also did not make excessive appearances in this movie, which I appreciate)
• I personally like the new actor playing Damian more than the original :)
• Cameos from the original cast are always a treat
• The Halloween party musical number is a fun, high-energy inclusion that allows Avantika Vandanapu to shine for a brief moment in the movie
• I love the legacy timing of this movie’s release (20th anniversary of a timeless classic)
• It’s not Mean Girls 2 (huge plus)
• The performances, character development, and relationship-building are not nearly as strong as the original
• The actors shared little chemistry with each other
• The musical numbers were mostly jarring and were introduced at inopportune times
• This version of Mean Girls almost seems to misunderstand the use of the Burn Book as an allegory for cyberbullying — because social media is present in this film, everyone knows who is responsible for any bullying or cruelty directed at other students in this version
• Narrative beats from the original version were introduced far too late or far too early in the movie and lack the dramatic impact and reveal they had in the 2004 release
• Some of the most iconic lines from the 2004 version are altered or omitted altogether in an attempt to sanitize the original
Verdict: Just rewatch the 2004 version! There was an honest attempt to pay tribute to a comedic cultural touchstone that still resonates with young audiences. However, the filmmakers’ lack of understanding of what makes the original remarkable — from the well-rounded characters, solid relationship-building, brilliant social commentary, and hilarious one-liners — make this well-intended remake less memorable than its predecessor.
Thank you for reading! I look forward to offering my followers more (hopefully brief) reviews in the future!
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gojuo · 2 years
This show has zero politics and it’s ruined the entire thing. Now Aegon doesn’t have a valid and arguably superior competing claim, he’s King because of a misunderstanding and therefore the smallfolk are wrong to prefer him. Rhaenys chides Alicent for not seizing the throne for herself- I mean, why on Earth would she?! She has no legal basis and no firepower to do that. And Rhaenys should know better than anyone after the Great Council! It’s a similar proposition to Cersei illegitimately seizing power after blowing everyone up with zero consequences- but at least D&D had the excuse of no source material and needing to streamline a ginormous cast and sprawling narrative so they cut fAegon for time. This lot have like 6 main characters to keep track of, there’s no reason why this complicated succession dispute has ended up with less complexity than a fight over who gets the lead part in the Westeros School Musical other than HBO being hacks.
anon first of all, i agree with your assessment on the political part, so nothing to add there
second of all, don't ever come in my inbox and call aegon a fake like EVER. the blackfyre theory is GARBAGE literally no reason for it to exist other than for stans to keep jon and dany "special" that theory is only there for jon and dany stans to feel better about themselves and it is never about aegon himself it is all about jon and dany being the last targs as if THE DRAGON DOES NOT HAVE THREE HEADS. if aegon was not real if he was not who he always thought he was then we would have had his pov from the very beginning and him being a fake would be his big plot twist that would break his life. but we don't have that with him. it's jon who has that plotline of not being who he's always thought he was and not aegon because he is real because elia martell outsmarted tywin fucking lannister she outsmarted aerys she did what rhaegar could not do she saved her son and the heir to the throne along with varys and ashara dayne (she's septa lemore i'm like 98% sure) she did it all. PUT SOME RESPECT ON ELIA NYMEROS MARTELL'S NAME !!!!!!!! AEGON IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE SUN'S SON AND THE 3RD HEAD OF THE DRAGON AND THE LAST TARGARYEN KING OF WESTEROS. DONT EVER CALL HIM FAKE ON MY BLOG.
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averseunhinged · 9 months
it is the end of the summer and project: secret plan to treat my own anxiety disorder until i can find a semi-local psychiatrist who is both taking patients and not a complete wackadoo has been. you know. hits and misses.
(+) have figured out my newly diversified social media usage to some extent, i.e. where i'm comfortable posting what content
(-) really, really hate juggling bluesky, instagram, tumblr, and the artist formerly known as twitter*. it makes me feel even more scattered than i normally do.
(+) removed most of the social media apps on my phone. it feels more manageable when it's not a constant barrage of notifications. i still have tafkat and bluesky on my phone, at least for now, but the rest are strictly laptop only.
(+) wrote things, both fic and original, with the actual intent to share them
(-) still having phases of massive panic attacks while writing, because i dared contemplate potentially allowing other ppl to read it in some capacity or another
(+) not having them every single time i open up a word document, tho. sometimes it even feels as fun as when i'm handwriting in notebooks.
(+) participated in fandom stuff
(+) sort of
(+) like the bare minimum of participation
(-) and then: panic/horror/despair
(+) but i'm kind of figuring out how it all works in the year of our lord etc. and there is LESS of the aforementioned, which...jesus, i can't even begin to describe how nice it is to be able to do things i really do want to do without the meatsack totally shutting down, because it can't read the room, and thinks i'm for realsies going to die.
(-) i was for sure using the wrong strain of sativa for a while
(-) white durbin was a bad scene for me
(+) do recommend jack herer and og sour diesel for adhd, tho. they sort of streamline the braining, but don't totally jack me up.
other more personal ups and downs, too. so. progress. ish. not as much as i (unrealistically) wanted, but there was some at least? i don't have a ton of secret plan stuff going into autumn, other than REALLY do it up for the autumn/winter holidays this year, if i'm well enough, because my sister broke off a long term relationship with a guy who was not holiday fun.
more of what i've already been trying to do, i guess. if i have to. which i do. being a very high risk person during the plague times broke my brain (which was already a cesspool of medical trauma, self-conscious anxiety, the sads, and no-longer-medicated adhd), and it's deeply annoying that doing things that make me feel short-term awful makes me feel long-term better.
i'd like to keep doing wip wednesday, but multifandom. i would like to actually finish fic and post it. i would like to do exchanges. i would like to review things. i would like to participate in and contribute to fandom at least to the level i used to. which was pretty minimal in the grand scheme, but it was something.
*if we are friendly here and you would like to be friendly on other hellsites, i think i'm at a point where that's okay. dm me or whatever. i do private life stuff on tafkat (very open about my severe medical problems, so content warning) music/tv/movies/food babbling on bluesky, and mostly use ig to keep up with friends and family, but haven't posted anything myself in years. unfollow amnesty for everything always. we can still be friends, even if you don't want to know my every opinion on trap-infused pop country or whenever i end up almost dead in the hospital for the millionth time.
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fandom-frenzy · 2 years
“It’s an adaptation, of course it’s going to change things!”
Alright, I want to talk about this phrase. I’ve been seeing it crop up a lot lately. The implication is that movies and shows based on books that do a direct page to screen translation are bad. They are right. The words they’re saying are true and right. But they’re usually said in order to shut down critiques from others about the adaptation.
The vast majority of adaptation critiques are fully aware that changes will happen. Sure, there are the people complaining about diverse casting or who do actually want a line by line film that are making the criticisms in bad faith. But most people when critiquing the thing are complaining about why a thing was changed.
The way I see it, there are three types of changes creators make in adaptations.
1. Changes that streamline plot or character motivation
2. Changes to highlight and bring out less explored nuances/areas of the story
3. Changes because they think their ideas will make more money/cultural impact than what was in the original
I’ve been seeing an awful lot of people calling Tolkien fans hypocrites for complaining about changes to RoP while holding up PJ’s films as a pinnacle of adaptation, when PJ made lots of changes too. These people seem to misunderstand the types of changes. Nearly all of PJ’s changes (in LotR, the Hobbit is a different story) fall under the first kind. Removing Tom Bombadil? No Scouring of the Shire? Streamlining plot. Faramir’s changes are the most inexcusable, and even then the reasoning behind it was still characterization (building up the ring’s influence over Frodo for 2 movies, then a character that just goes “Nah”). Whereas, with RoP, the most obviously glaring change is to Galadriel’s character, and the change is because....well, I guess because a woman who doesn’t swordfight and isn’t headstrong, stubborn against authority won’t sell.
That’s the same problem the Netflix Persuasion had, their changes to Anne’s character made it seem like the creators just didn’t think audiences would like a quiet, soft spoken, introverted main character.
And what I don’t get is why on earth the third type exists! If the thing was good enough to gain a following large enough that using its name and characters will make you more money than not doing that, then you should understand the reason it has a large following is for the plot and characters! THAT YOU’RE CHANGING!! And if it’s not big enough to have a following that makes using the name lucrative, then make your own thing!!
And don’t give me any of this nonsense about how it is being made for “casual fans/people unfamiliar with the thing.” If they’re unfamiliar, then they can enjoy a proper adaptation because they have no prior expectation!! If they’re a casual fan, then they still get it when a big change is made! Even casual fans knew that Perrin/Egwene was not a thing in WoT! So when you change stuff arbitrarily, because you think strong women are only those that wave a sword while quipping, or that audiences need everything spelled out to them, or because people don’t understand that a musical genre automatically includes singing, or because you think your new plot is going to make you the next GoT (Please. Please. Stop trying to become GoT. You cannot force a cultural moment) then all you do is alienate the established user base and make a mediocre product that fades from memory after all the hater-hype has died.
I don’t have a conclusion to this I just was thinking a lot and needed to get it out there.
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firelord-frowny · 2 years
some thoughts about the uhhhh possibility of starting adhd meds.
im reading all these descriptions of positive experiences people have had with adhd meds and it's all this stuff about how, all of a sudden, they gained the ability to just DECIDE to do things. they could get up and make their bed and cook breakfast and do a lil workout before going to their job instead of waking up and then just, idk, picking at a fucking loose thread in their bed sheets for an hour and a half before rushing to throw on some clothes and then forget to pee before hurrying to work.
people talk about all the goals that had always been out of their reach that they're now accomplishing. they get their masters degree. they land their dream job. they eat better and exercise.
and like...
as much as i loathe ~altering my brain chemistry~ as a concept if only because i honestly do love myself the way i am and my only issue is that i can't seem to function in this particular culture/era/society,
the thought of finally being able to ACTUALLY FINISH my artistic goals THRILLS me. i have dozens of unfinished violin covers/arrangements sitting in my soundtrap account. dozens of unfinished transcriptions handwritten on staff paper that i can't even find anymore. i've been meaning to learn the entirety of vivaldi's four seasons for like 12 fucking years. been meaning to record versions of La Folia. Been meaning to finish like 5 screenplays. been meaning to put together some kind of ~chapbook~ featuring my creative nonfiction and my photography artsy lil iphone pics. the method book i've been writing is off to SUCH a fantastic start but i just CAN'T get myself to COMMIT to working on it on any kind of schedule. I've been meaning to audition for grad school. i KNOW now that i AM good enough to stand a chance at getting into Eastman or NEC or Stony Brook, and i know i could be all but GUARANTEED admission into Peabody... but I know I need some coaching before I'll truly be prepared for those auditions, but i just cannot seem to get myself MOVING in terms of searching for a teacher who's qualified and willing to help me. i wanna turn myself into the Number One Choice when anyone in the area is looking for a session violinist. I wanna develop art/music/etc projects that I could pitch for various ~artists in residence~ programs like the ones hosted by the national parks service. i KNOW i could create something worthy of Denali or Crater Lake or Kings Canyon.
BUT I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T!!!! I can't think straight! I can't draw a straight line between any two points in time or space! even a fucking lightning bolt, with all its fractals and leaders and jagged little tendrils is more streamlined and less chaotic than I am. every idea i ever have scatters like oriental cockroaches in a damp basement the minute any light whatsoever shines on them. every intention i ever commit to sublimates into a broken promise before i ever have the chance to lift one finger in its honor.
my entire life is an attic full of failed inventions. a cemetery of stillborn brainchildren.
and yet somehow the idea of being able to actually accomplish all or even just some of these things kinda scares the shit out of me.
like, what am i gonna DO all day when i'm finally able to focus on a task?
i've spent so much of my life in a constant state of being stressed from feeling overworked and overwhelmed during a time where the decisions about how I spent my days weren't up to me. and i couldn't cope with even a quarter of the amount of Responsibilities that everyone else seemed to be able to cope with. and i was so fucking miserable, i honestly, truly, felt like i didn't even want to be alive.
and now i'm terrified of the prospect of being busy again, because business strangled the life out of me in high school and college.
i don't wanna Do Tasks because I don't wanna risk the possibility of going back to being that overwhelmed, miserable person. and i KNOW that one of the benefits of meds is - or at least is supposed to be - gaining the ability to focus in such a way that i'm not so easily overwhelmed anymore.
but i cannot imagine what that's like. i CANNOT IMAGINE what it's like to wake up every day - or at least most days - and decide to spend 6+ hours on any particular task at all, and then actually do it. and then, if i DO do it, to still feel content and at ease by the time I'm done.
what am i gonna do all day??? am i gonna still know how to enjoy having ~down time~? am i gonna wish that i had more downtime? am i gonna resent the fact that i can't dedicate as much time as i feel like to just doing things that make me happy???
wtf is gonna happen to me? what's that LIKE???
literally, what do people do all day at their jobs?? how does being, say, a department head in a youth music program, use up 6+ hours of your day? what do you DO after you get to work? how is there SO MUCH to do that you actually have to keep Doing Things until it's time to go home??
what does an architect do for 8 hours a day?? what does a sports utility store manager do for 8 hours a day? what does a dog trainer do for 8 hours a day??? are they actually, literally just training dogs nonstop?? or are there other responsibilities, too? how is there even enough time in the world to do anything for 8 hours a day?
and its STOOPID that i don't get it, bc like... i went to SCHOOL and did TASKS for more than eight hours a day! my day in high school was TWELVE HOURS. 10 if you don't count the commute back and forth. my longest days in college began at 10am-ish and went until 10pmish. so CLEARLY there are things that can occupy all that time, even if there are a couple hours worth of lulls dispersed throughout.
but like woooooooooooooooow.
im legit so afraid of being busy. :(
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Did You Know Our Booking Software Is Customizable?
It may be extremely expensive to break an artist into the music industry; handling artist bookings requires skill, attention to detail, and a high level of organization. Numerous site visits are necessary, and numerous stakeholders must be coordinated. The market can be cutthroat. Therefore, using efficient artist booking agency software is essential for your company rather than handling everything manually and running the risk of mistakes.
Keeping track of everything, from your earnings to upcoming performances, is one of the most important components of handling artist engagements. You may achieve that and much more with the aid of booking management software.  
Some of the top booking agency software is available from YourTempo. They have a solution that can lessen your effort and streamline the present procedures in your company, whether you need help with booking artists or managing current ones. Since its start, they have had success with our music industry management software, and the same is true of their booking software. Utilizing their tools has several benefits, one of which is the customization they provide. You should be able to afford software that is customized to your business's demands. Your Tempo team avoids the one-size-fits-all strategy by addressing unique software requirements and putting in place designs that are tailored to you. The following are some advantages of adaptable booking management software.
Advantages of Adaptable Booking Management Software
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Streamlines Everything
Many tasks that often require a lot of time, may be automated with the correct booking agency software. This involves scheduling appointments, accepting reservations, and informing clients on their reservations, all of which are expedited by the program. Additionally, it implies that managers will have more time to plan how to expand their artist management company.  
In order to save time, high-quality software also enables you to build templates for automated operations like reports and invoicing. Then, without changing many specifics each time, you may utilize these templates frequently across your clients.
Client Satisfaction
Keeping your clientele satisfied is one of the most important components of managing musicians. This entails keeping them informed about the concerts they are interested in and learning their preferences for upcoming performances. The ideal booking agency software should include an integrated messaging system that enables quick and simple client communication. You can keep track of how many messages have been delivered, as well as who has read and received each message, using the program. Because the program will accomplish this automatically, you won't need to ask your customers if they are aware of their reservations.
Less Paper Involved
Because you have to keep track of how many concerts an artist has played, the genre of music they are performing, and their pricing for each gig, managing artist bookings may take a lot of time. Because it offers a simple way to handle your artists and bookings as well as a system that maintains track of all previous transactions, booking agency software can help you in this situation. Therefore, you won't need to worry about the paperwork because the program will handle everything for you, including recording receipts and informing clients of their appointments.
Easy to Delegate
Because you must be present while managing your performers during concerts, it might be stressful. You may assign your staff members duties like informing clients and creating reservations when you use the proper booking agency software. Since the program gathers all the data in one location, you can send someone else who has access to this real-time data instead of having to manually watch everything at every show. The program also has the advantage of saving money and time. For instance, by automating procedures like updating customer information and producing timely reports, you may devote more time to business development efforts, increasing the agency's profit.
Better Access
When managers and their artists use superior booking agency software, they frequently have more contact with venues and event planners. Business owners may enhance their prospects and book more gigs, boosting their revenue, when managers can transmit the specifics of their artists' availability to all venues and event organizers in a certain area, provided they have consent from their clients. When managers have more artists and dates to book for performances, they may bargain better rates with venues and event planners. Additionally, this increases competition among managers for booking the same venues or events compared to other businesses.
Managers and their clients may benefit from a number of advantages thanks to artist booking agency software, which simplifies things for everyone. The greatest reservation software is available from Your Tempo. You may alter everything in your program with their customization services. They can revamp your contract's look and feel, or they can write brand-new reports just for you. Their program is made with the intention of simplifying your life. Reach out to Your Tempo for more information.
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boonesfarmsangria · 2 years
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Foto-© Elliot Cooke
FOALS – Interview
I’m happy you guys are back!
Yeah. Nice to have had a break as well. But it feels good to be back! Feels like everybody wants it again now.
And now it feels a bit more normal than like last year.
Last year was weird! We did four shows and none of these should have happen, it was way too early.
But every time I see you guys, there’s one less of you. We need to stop this trend please!
Hopefully that’s it. You know, no one’s gonna jump out. There’s not many more people that can go. I don’t think anyone else can go, or the band will cease to exist. But that’s it for now.
I’m happy to hear that.
I threatened it to the other to keep me. It’s a trio now. You’ve got a power play.
Do concerts feel any different now? The three of you plus additional musicians?
Well, obviously apart from not physically seeing Edwin or Walter, I would say the difference is way more noticeable offstage, because 90% of a band’s time has been hanging around and just being with each other in a van or backstage or whatever — I really miss them. It’s like, I miss the sort of larger gang going around and there’s always someone doing something silly. It’s a bit more streamed down now. But onstage, it’s great. I actually think we’ve never been better, musically. We’ve got Jack from Jagwar Ma and got this keyboard player called Joe who’s just really good. We’re musically on fire.
I’m so excited for tonight!
Every single show so far has been really good. I’m not boasting, it’s just perfectly personal experience.
Don’t be shy, Foals are like…the best live band I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.
My friend the other day, who’s really honest to me, he’s seen god knows how many Foals shows, like 20 or something. He was at one of our London shows. He was like: that was your best one. So it’s good. And then the LED lights. On stage it’s really bright. And then you look at photos and you’re just a silhouette.
The LED screen I’ve seen on photos is MASSIVE. I only know you with your banners.
Tame Impala spend all that money on an amazing light show. Now everyone’s trying to copy.
And do you think your role in the band has changed now that they’re just three of you?
Well, you have to do more stuff. You can’t get away with stuff as easy. I just feel musically, it’s always been kind of the three of us. Most of the creative ideas come from certainly Yannis. So that hasn’t changed really, in some ways. It’s nice to streamline that. So you don’t have people sort of not wanting to be there but being there because they’ve got to be there. You know, it’s weird, so weird. There’s nothing worse being in a studio when you don’t have any ideas. It’s really depressing. I feel like it’s much healthier now.
Okay, and you told NME that you finally feel comfortable to call yourself a songwriter?
I wrote a lot over the last few years. I’ve always wanted to do and never really had the time. I think that was a real benefit for me locked down and things like that results just uninterrupted. So yeah, I’ve started. I’ve got a load of music, and I’ve started to really push myself on writing a proper song.
Does that match with Yannis?
Well, yeah, obviously, some of it is on the record, but like, no lie, but I haven’t heard it actually a lot.
So there’s something else cooking there…
Yeah, definitely. It’s gonna take a while. Because now you’re touring again. Yeah, but it’s great. I’ll start doing more stuff on tour.
Tell me the band’s secret: The new album is again, such a genius record. What’s so crazy to me, your sound is so diverse. And still, every single song feels like a Foals song.
Well, I guess this is just us isn’t it? I would say Yannis’ voice is a pretty big thing. I’ve always kind of said we can do anything. As long as he sings on it, it will be a Foals record. But maybe there’s other stuff. But it’s not considered anymore. It’s what happens when we make music together.
I’m happy about that.
Yeah, it makes life very easy. With this record, what have we been writing sounds pretty positive. And kind of dancing. It’s cool. Off we go. And it’s just like, that’s it. It’s never really spoken off again until like got around 15 songs when we’re having to decide which ones go on. Yeah, we’re very lucky.
And surprisingly, not another doomsday album after the last two…
…and then the actual doomsday happens. Yannis didn’t want to write lyrics about that. I don’t want to hear anything like that. Certainly when Corona virus was in full swing, it was like any long epic doomsday shit. I was like: No way! I need like short, poppy, colorful songs. It sounds kind of cheesy, but we’re writing pop songs, let’s do that. Let’s not do any like miserable stuff.
I was so happy when Wake Me Up came out because it was exactly what I needed. People started to release their lockdown albums. And a lot of that was like, „Oh, I’m so alone.“ Yeah, and I mean, I get that because what else could you have written about?
Are people really going to want to hear about the Corona virus?
And you don’t want to stay on stage and like play it all over again.
So take everyone back to the worst years of their life. But I get what people did.
With another album to release: When do we get five hour long Foals concert setlist?
Well, we’re starting to get longer. Nobody wants to see us for five hours straight, but maybe two. Maybe next year we’ll get to the two hour mark. We can’t add too many new songs. Maybe we made a mistake of not rehearsing enough old songs. But there are reasons we need a new keyboard player. It was hard work getting everything into shape. Ready for tour, especially after years off.
For you it’s not just in between albums, but the band goes through a lot of changes.
We’ve been through massive changes. But it feels very much like the beginning of the Life Is Yours tour. It’s not that Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 2 tour. There’s plenty of time in the future to revisit it, but right now it’s I’ve got to be forward thinking forward looking. But I think the set will get longer and longer in the end, once the album’s out. When we are start playing more new ones, which I know everyone doesn’t like, but they’re good new ones.
Well Jimmy, stop producing so many hits then.
I could say something really ego centered, right. Do you ever seen that film Dig!, about The Dandy Warhols und The Brian Jonestown Massacre?
I don’t think so.
It’s amazing. It’s them in the early 2000s. Courtney Taylor-Taylor, the singer The Dandy Warhols was like „I sneeze and hits come out!“. Basically after he said that, no more hits came out.
Oh, okay, forget what I said earlier! But yeah, everything changes but Two Steps, Twice will always close your sets.
We have changed it a couple of times. There’s been festivals where we’ve only had half an hour. And we keep talking about not doing it. And then we just always end up doing it. We were talking about maybe moving it from the end because originally on record, it’s much shorter, and it’s a quite tight little song. If it doesn’t end the set, it’ll go in as a shorter song, which would be wicked.
People will start panicking because they think the concert is already over…
You’re right. I don’t think many bands have traditions like that. So it’s nice to have that.
But there’s no special reason behind it?
It’s always done the energy of it. We were thinking: „Let’s end on What Went Down“ but that’s a bit more negative energy, it’s angry, you can throw stuff around. But there’s an optimism in Two Steps Twice, which is, I think why everyone loves it at the end because it feels like a party and it’s like you leave smiling rather than like growling. We’ll probably do it forever.
Has COVID taught you something in regards of touring? To do things differently?
Definitely. I don’t drink anywhere near as much as I used to. Made quite a few lifestyle changes like that. Enjoy it more. Stop worrying. I also made a promise that I’m just not going to get nervous. You know, it’s silly. There’s a lot of anxiety with touring that’s just all self generated, and it’s kind of done out of boredom, because you’re sat on in a venue all day and you’re working towards this big show, and you could wake up feeling a million dollars, but slowly you’ll be like „Oh, I was bad“. No! That’s had a big impact on me during the shows. It’s just like doesn’t matter. It’s just enjoy it.
I stopped to look out for mistakes and stuff like that. If you do make a mistake, good because it shows that it’s a real instrument. That’s plugged into a real amplifier. I made one during this tour and it should have ruined the show, but it didn’t. I have a complete fucked up an old song, but it was great. And everyone was just like: it’s just live, just no backing tracks. So it’s very dubious when a band plays their set and there’s absolutely nothing no mistakes.
When a band sounds like straight from the record? I mean, that’s a talent…
It’s also pretty boring. I always like the difference. Live rendition where the guitars are a bit louder.
Not trying to hard to be perfect.
I think that’s what it is. It’s like this stupid quest for perfection, completely unrealistic question that everybody seems to be going through at the moment. And you certainly apply it to all aspects of life, but certainly with music. Who wants perfect music? It’s not where the fun is. All the imperfections and the humaneness of it. That’s what I’ve learned. Just enjoy it more. Also be really grateful for it. It reminded me again, how lucky we are, everyone was going through sheer hell with work and money in Coronavirus and we weren’t. We were like: Yeah, boohoo, we’re not touring. Yeah, that’s the only negative thing and it’s like so felt very lucky
Bedroomdisco || Interview || Anna Fliege
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govindhtech · 2 months
Snapdragon X Plus Platform: Qualcomm’s Latest PC Weapon
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Qualcomm’s addition of the Snapdragon X Plus Platform Continues to Upend the PC Industry
Qualcomm Oryon The Qualcomm Oryon CPU, a specially integrated processor that offers up to 37% quicker CPU performance than rivals while using up to 54% less power, powers the Snapdragon X Plus. Users are able to do more tasks more effectively thanks to this incredible improvement in CPU performance, which raises the bar for mobile computing.
The Snapdragon X Plus, which is equipped with the fastest NPU for laptops in the world, the Qualcomm Hexagon NPU, which can achieve 45 TOPS, is also made to satisfy the demands of on-device AI-driven apps. This platform is poised to revolutionise the PC market and represents a major advancement in computer innovation.
The PC market is poised for a revolution because to the groundbreaking experiences offered by the Snapdragon X Series platforms. In this era of rapid research and deployment, the Snapdragon X Plus will power AI-Supercharged PCs that allow even more users to excel as radical new AI experiences emerge, according to Kedar Kondap, senior vice president and general manager of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.’s computing and gaming division. “They are once again pushing the envelope of what is possible in mobile computing with our cutting-edge CPU performance, AI capabilities, and power efficiency.”
Qualcomm Technologies showcased new AI-optimized features and applications for the 45 TOPS NPU during the Snapdragon X Plus launch. These included:Visual Studio’s code generation Code from Code gen uses on-device generative AI to help programmers by producing new code instantaneously. Using Riffusion on-device AI, Audacity’s music generation feature creates new music based on prompts or previously recorded tracks. Using Whisper on-device, live captions in OBS Studio can automatically translate 100 spoken languages into live captions in 100 languages in real-time during livestreams. Beginning in mid-2024, OEMs are anticipated to release PCs running the Snapdragon X Plus alongside devices running the Snapdragon X Elite. Snapdragon X Plus
Rethink the Possible Utilize the new Snapdragon X Plus Platform to unleash the potential of a Next-Gen AI PC. With its incredible performance and efficiency, lightning-fast connection, and ground-breaking on-device AI, the Snapdragon X Plus transforms your digital experience on even more of your favorite devices. With day-long battery life and ultra-portable laptop designs, experience unmatched productivity.
Revolutionary Performance and Effectiveness The performance of your laptop reaches new heights with this powerful processor. Because to the Snapdragon X Plus’s best-in-class 10-core Qualcomm Oryon CPU, users may optimize workloads for uninterrupted productivity. Reject lag with lightning-fast reaction. Presentations and enjoyment with a high graphic quality are provided by the integrated Qualcomm Adreno GPU. With a multi-day battery life, all of this capability is powered by incredibly efficient technology, allowing you to use it for longer periods of time between charges.
Designed with AI in mind
The upcoming generation of AI PCs is powered by the Snapdragon X Plus. With its premium integrated Qualcomm Hexagon NPU, it is outfitted with the industry-leading Qualcomm AI Engine (CPU, GPU, and NPU). The NPU is the fastest NPU available for laptops, with processing up to 45 TOPS. With significant power savings, use artificial intelligence (AI) on your device to bring your ideas and chores to life.
With the Snapdragon X Plus, you can take advantage of simple AI productivity solutions that streamline your processes, help you save time, and simplify multitasking. Upgrade your appearance and audio quality with the latest audio and camera features. With support for Windows Studio Effects and numerous other AI-accelerated programmes and experiences, the Qualcomm AI Engine offers a plethora of uses.
More Intelligent User Interfaces The Snapdragon X Plus transforms how you use your laptop. Every action streaming, downloading, or syncing is more seamless, responsive, and interconnected. Maintain your connection while on the go with 5G and Wi-Fi 7 with HBS Multi-Link for blazingly quick and jitter-free connections from almost anywhere. With the Snapdragon Seamless experience, switching between your preferred devices is simple and doesn’t require a wire.
Wireless headphones can be used to enjoy lossless music and entertainment thanks to the immersive and high-fidelity audio experience provided by the Snapdragon Sound Technology Suite. With features including complete memory encryption, Microsoft Secured-core PC compatibility, and the Qualcomm Secure Processing Unit, which powers the Microsoft Peloton TPM, the Snapdragon X Plus helps keep your computer safe from chip to cloud.
Features Top-tier CPU with exceptional performance and energy efficiency. Offers remarkable energy savings and a battery life of many days. Qualcomm AI Engine leads the industry with up to 45 TOPS AI performance. Top-tier performance in terms of CPU, GPU, NPU, and Micro NPU processing. Qualcomm Oryon Processor. GPU Adreno. NPU Hexagon. Sensing Hub from Qualcomm AI on-device for revolutionary intelligent experiences, with 30 tokens per second support for generative AI. A top-notch integrated GPU produces amazing visuals performance. With 5G and Wi-Fi 7 connectivity, you can download, stream, and synchronise data incredibly quickly. HBS Multi-Link reduces latency and provides jitter-free entertainment. Enterprise-level security to improve defence from the chip to the cloud Up to 4K HDR video streaming is supported with AV1 encode and decode support. Enjoy high-fidelity music and entertainment with wireless headphones that offer immersive, lossless audio thanks to the Snapdragon Sound Technology Suite. Up to three external UHD displays can be supported at 60 Hz, which results in smoother and faster display experiences. LPDDR5x memory for effective multitasking and quicker AI experiences with 135 GB/s bandwidth. Improved MIPI camera support for intelligent features and high-quality images with reduced power consumption, including background blur, auto-framing, and facial authentication.
Details Processor Qualcomm Oryon is the name.
Ten cores in all.
64-bit architecture
Maximum Clock Speed of 3.4 GHz
GPU Adreno by Qualcomm
Up to 3.8 TFLOPS, or tera floating point operations per second
DirectX 12 APIs
NPU Name: Hexagon Qualcomm
45 TOPS or tera operations per second
Recall LPDDR5x in type
Bit Width: sixteen bits
Eight channels are available.
Rate of Transfer: 8448 MT/s
135 GB/s of bandwidth
Maximum capacity of 64 GB
Keepsake SD: 3.0 SD
SSD/NVMe Interface: PCIe 4.0 x NVMe
UFS: Version 4.0
Technology and Process Node
Node of Process: 4 nm
Present Qualcomm Adreno is the name of the display processing unit (DPU).
Maximum Resolution for On-Device Display: 120 Hz at 4K Ultra HD
Maximum Resolution for an External Display: 4K at 60 Hz
HDR10 is the High Dynamic Range (HDR).
31 concurrent displays are available.
Type of Interface: Display Port 1.42
VGA The Qualcomm Adreno Video Processing Unit (VPU) is its name.
Resolution of Encoding: 4K at 60 Hz
Bit Depth of Encoding: 10-bit
Encoding Formats: H.264, AV1, and Others
Decoding resolution: 4K/120 Hz
Encoding Bit Depth: 10 Encoding Formats: H.264, AV1, and Others
Decoding resolution: 4K/120 Hz
Decoding Bit Depth: 10 Decoding formats: VP9, AV1, H.265 (HEVC), H.264.
Continuity: 4K decode: 60 Hz; 2K encode: 30 Hz
Snapshot The image signal processor is Qualcomm Spectra.
ISPs, or dual image signal processors
ISP bit depth: 18 bits 36MP+36MP dual
A 64-megapixel camera
4K video capture
H.264 and H.265 are video capture formats.
Video Capture Features: HDR
Sound Powered by Qualcomm Aqstic sound technology
Qualcomm audio technology include aptX.
RF Cellular Modem Qualcomm Snapdragon X65 5G Modem
Top Download Speed: 10 Gbps
Upload Max: 3.5 Gbps
Cellular modem RF specifications: 1000 MHz (mm wave) and 300 MHz (sub-6 GHz) bandwidth.
Qualcomm AI-Enhanced Signal Boost adaptive antenna tuning, Qualcomm Smart Transmit, Qualcomm 5G Power Save, and Qualcomm Wideband Envelope Tracking improve performance.
Cellular technologies include LTE, WCDMA, CBRS, sub-6 GHz, 5G NR, HSPA, and mm Wave.
WiFi Bluetooth and Wi-Fi system: Qualcomm Fast Connect 7800
Generation: 6E/7E, Wi-Fi 6.
Standards include 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11a, 802.11ax, and 802.11be.
2.4GHz, 5GHz, 6GHz
Up to 4 spatial streams
Maximum QAM: 4K
Mira cast, Voice-Enterprise, HBS, 8×8 Sounding, Target Wake Time, MLO, Pass point, TDLS, OFDMA (UL/DL), Wi-Fi Quos Management, MU-MIMO, Wi-Fi Optimised Connectivity, Wi-Fi Location
Bluetooth Specification: Bluetooth 5.4
Connection technology is Bluetooth Low Energy.
USB Universal Serial Bus
Three USB-C ports
USB43 specification
Interfaces Platform add-ons: WiFi, 5G
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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