#there's one character who is just PERFECT and OP and AMAZING and does SO MANY COOL THINGS
swan2swan · 1 year
One of my favorite parts about the Dungeons and Dragons movie is that,
yes, there is a part where I think the DM’s little brother or son came in for a session.
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onepiece-polls · 9 months
One Piece Shipping War - Semi-Finals!
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KidKiller art by @anj-does-stuff. Check out the full art and original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Franky x Robin:
Do I really need to explain?
The old married couple who's healthy, Enies Lobby (and all their appearances) are their propaganda really.
It’s all about the maturity!
Their dynamic is perfect and their pasts are so similar. I love the chemistry between them as well as their introduction that helped build the connection and shared history they already have.
they are THE t4t bi4bi ship | franky telling robin "existing is not a crime" immediately puts this at number one for me | they are opposites (bright and loud + quiet and goth) but also they're both so eccentric and silly <3 | THEY WEAR MATCHING OUTFITS
Mom and dad Straw Hat
They are STILL the Mom and the Dad of the Straw Hats, this is the one thing I don't care what Oda says <3 Also their interactions in Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark are amazing.
In my eyes, they are married. Some of my favorite character interactions in the manga/anime and in official art.
Oda had Franky call Robin his wife at least once
Your honor they’re married
I'M GOING TO PUT LINKS IN MY EXAMPLES (Mod note: I linked to the whole post, the propaganda was going to get too long otherwise. But I will copy this line:...) They immediatly clicked in Enies Lobby, Franky saved Robin with both words and actions ("Your existence is not a sin!"), and then she grabbed his balls.
The duality of two kids who were just trying to chase their dream and having circumstances outside their control (the government) take everything they love away from them, but one choosing solitude and the other adopting every other person in a bad circumstance??? I love them. Plus they literally had couple moments from the first interaction.
The ultimate t4t couple idk what else you need theyre iconic
A wholesome ship of a woman who feels the need to be constantly on edge trying to relax and a man who is a 110% himself from the moment we see him. the joy of frobin is the causal domesticity, in many color spreads and especially post timeskip we can see them casually enjoying the others company.
Remember when Franky was in Chopper's body in Punk Hazard and every time he spoke Robin was like "Franky. Stop talking. Do not talk while you're in Chopper's body."
idk like. he's obsessed with her. she's his weird Goth gf and he's her himbo. they have matching outfits. I love them.
Look. It's Franky and Robin. Literally the only two characters that make sense to ship on the Sunny. Their arcs are inextricably intertwined (water7/enies lobby). Also LOOK AT THEM interacting, both during their arcs, but also thriller bark, or post time skip. I love them. Also robin crushed frankys balls.
funny big robot man & analytical smart research lady power couple... silly x smart... himbo x researcher... augh... so good
They are the ship for taxpaying adults your honor I LOVE them they’re literally freak4freak and they share such a fucking powerful arc together (Water 7).
that moment she let him sleep on her lap in punk hazard was sooo cute <3 -- The matching thigh highs and bottoms in film z can NOT be understated. -- Strawhat mom and dad -- Let's not forget the way robin convinced franky to join ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -- she also indirectly called his balls "treasure" so,,, -- the way their stories are so closely intertwined...they were both keys to destroy the world...the way they instantly connected over that...the soulmate-ism of it all...
they . them. girlboss and malewife. that's it.
She grabbed his balls. He totally liked it.
He's so silly and she loves it. She's so scary and he loves it. She grabbed his balls in public.
They will be endgame trust me. Franky doesn't treat any other girl like he treats Robin. There dynamic in Water 7 and Thriller Bark was and always will be one of the best in all of OP.
Propaganda for Kid x Killer:
The loyalty, the way they praise each other, their past, the aesthetic, Kid's reaction to seeing Killer with a SMILE in Wano, the fact the Kid's hobby is listening to music while Killer's is playing the drums, they are made for one another.
That sweet sweet captain/first mate loyalty…can’t be beat
Killer and kids are cannonicly ride or die
Murder couple, captain x first mate will always have special place in my heart, childhood friends bonus, love that they're just unashamedly bastards together and separately
OMG they care so much for each other!!! Kid called Killer his partner! They are mates for life! 💕
Child. Hood. Best. Friends. You want more? *cracks knuckles* Growing up beside one another, calling one another partner, only ever seeing Kid crying and losing his hard head persona when it involves Killer, Killer calming down after being reunited with Kid for a bit, KILLER KNOWING WHERE - down to the centimetre- TO CUT HAWKINS’ ARM SO HE DOESN’T HARM KID!!! THE!!! CENTIMETRE!!! That’s some intimate level of knowledge right there!
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booksandpaperss · 4 months
reasons to watch jujutsu kaisen
I made a poll asking if u guys have seen and are into jjk and a lot of y’all have not seen it at all so I’m making a list of reasons why it’s worth watching 🫡
-it has an amazing cast of characters! I think it’s one of the few shows I’ve watched besides arcane where I’ve genuinely felt like every main and supporting character has their own unique personality and motivations, and many of them are imperfect with flaws that directly influence the plot, so much so that I cld probably make a separate post on this
-the female characters specifically! jjk does this rlly shocking thing where it… considers women as people?? that are just as capable of having complex characterizations with strengths and weaknesses and motivations as male characters are??? and they’re not just onscreen for their bodies to be sexualized???? it’s quite refreshing and honestly a little shocking to see, especially in anime and especially in a shounen, and while Gege is not perfect at writing women it is still very nice to see that he actually cares. And it avoids the pitfall of “super op woman who has no weaknesses and never bleeds” bc pretty much everyone in this show bleeds and all the mains are op, not just the female characters. Plus the women who are fighters are drawn with actual muscles
-well thought out lore and world building that is almost as interesting as the characters themselves
-pretty much forces you to think deeply about the nature of the human condition
-certain supporting characters have a tragic past that is explored in a prequel arc and also is directly related to the present day plot
-features one of my all time favorite anime protagonists, and in my opinion one of the best shounen protagonists out there. n you can’t help but love him <3
-genuinely mind blowing animation, mappa animators seriously outdid themselves. the fight scenes will have you wondering if said animators have seen their families at all in the last 5 years, and 90% of all jjk shots look like they cld be on an HD poster
-several subtextually queer characters, whether intended or not (tho it seems very intentional to me)
-fascinating character dynamics that are both already well done and have lots of potential to build on
-intros and outros good enough to watch every time. I almost never skipped them when I was binging
-the men. if you are someone who is attracted to men then you will very much enjoy how they’re drawn, and if you’re not attracted to men you can still appreciate how the animators draw them the way women in anime are normally treated. it’s hilarious
-the fanfic for this anime that i have found so far is so good, and there are plenty of longfics to keep you entertained
and lastly, I cannot ethically make this post without a warning at the end: jjk is tragic. it is a tragedy. the author does not believe in the concept of plot armor. season 1 is manageable and not that bad, but I recommend preemptively assembling fix it fics before starting season 2 once you know you’re faves. :D
that’s all! hope this at least got u considering bc this anime is my new obsession rn
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enlighten3d · 2 months
WELLL claps hand together
the story is about these teenagers trying stop an evil cult from destroying the entire multiverse, so they go to different dimensions to stop their evil ways. Also they are teenagers so they have to deal with personal angst, family issues, morality, school ect ect while trying to stop the cult leader and their right hand men
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Caroline is technically the main character of my story, she is basically the bubbly, positive one of the group. Her family is rich as hell, they used to live in Taiwan as successful business people but they moved to America because they wanted to make more money. Her family doesn’t really like her and they emotionally and physically neglect her since she came out as a transgender girl and her older sister is kind of a coward and doesn’t stand up for her (fun times)
anyway she ends up having to do a group assignment with her childhood friend which she kind of drifted apart from (Andie) and some punk girl she probably has a crush on (Mimi), they eventually end up in an abandoned house and find out that their town is run by an evil cult that can teleport to different dimensions. So they feel guilty enough to stop it.
they think the best course is to beat the 7 plane hoppers who are in the way to kill the main cult leader, the stag. though out the whole thing Caroline is basically pushing through by toxic positivity saying everything is alright even though they have killed many people, she also kind of convinced herself that this is a video game and is probably more okay about sacrificing people and herself (for the better good)
Also her sister possessed during her 17th birthday party for funsies
thank you for the food that is oc lore, i am eating it om nom nom
that all sounds FUCKING AMAZING ACTUALLY. cults ?? universal travel bullshit ????? all while dealing with normal teenage bs ?? thats beautiful. poor little guys. they need a break. i CANNOT imagine trying to exist as a teenager while trying to take down a cult qyehdjdkkdks
dont worry.. your eldritch horror loves you... i am so glad to know that ! /silly
..fuck her family ! they can rot ! caroline )): you dont deserve any of this..
THAT MUSTVE BEEN A REVELATION ?? WOAH ?? just. doing a school project and ope government is a cult (/hyp)... insane
i actually fucking love the whole like. unwilling chosen one Vibe to all of this ?? yes theyre not chosen nor are they truly unwilling but. the Vibe is the same. the guilt (on thier part) is real...
caroline. love. youre fucked up. just like me frfr. agh thats. so cool tho ?? 'EVERYTJING IS FINE, ALL OF THIS IS A GAME !!' and ljke. fuck thats such a fun thing in fiction when a character copes using that ?? its the perfect level of fucked up bcs it rlyyy drives rhe point home and. im giving them all a shock blanket okay ?
oh boy !! thats fun !! poor sister..
what does the cult worship‽‽ i am so fucking curious..
lso like, whats the difference between each plane? is it an alternate reality sorta situation where things are relatively the same but Different, or is it judt flatout. different EVERYTHING (people, laws of physics, all that jazz)?? or somewhere in between or outside of this ofc.
do all the plane hopper guys like.. stay in different universes and have a branch of the cult established there..
why does the cult run the town in the first place ? was it a thing where like. they wrre the original settlers but then the town expanded aorund and beyond the cult ?? or did they move in and do a slow takeover.....
fuck i have so many questions /pos
this is. so cool. i love the Vibes. theyre so... Impending.. ahdjskdisjjdjsks
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Top Anime of 2022
Considering that I didn't watch anime for at least 30% of the year, there is a significant amount of anime that I missed. As such, ONAs were counted as series (because they practically are). Certain sequels were also counted because I said so. It's my list, and I can do what I want! I will be putting some honourable mentions (but only the ones I plan on watching... eventually).
Honourable Mentions (PTW):
Sasaki to Miyano
Heike Monogatari
Summertime Render
Paripi Koumei
Lycoris Recoil
Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
TOP 11:
There wasn't enough to make an "honourable mention" list for the ones I had completed. For one, some of the shows that I completed were not good. Vampire in the Garden was incredibly rushed with an ending that made less and less sense the more I thought about it (but A for effort as it felt like watching Vanitas but with more likable girlbosses). AkuLas (not gonna bother typing out the full name) just wasn't good, so I'm not even going to give it any more time besides saying it wasted mine, the pacing was wack, and the voice acting tried to carry a story that wasn't there. This ranking was very hard to make. It was incredibly difficult for me to weigh if I should put things higher based on my enjoyment or something else being objectively and critically better. Because of that, a lot of this ordering isn't set in stone, especially for the top places.
11. Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
The first three slots are incredibly heavy on fanservice. Despite my aversion towards it (and the fact that it was distracting), I found myself still enjoying this show. It's very lighthearted, cute, and does exactly what it sets out to do and nothing more than that. Also, some things in this are better to just not think about. What the heck are those talking animals? Just don't think about it. It's all good.
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10. Isekai Ojisan
Maybe it's because I caught up on this recently, but as it stands right now (with many of the episodes locked up by Netflix for whatever reason), this is going to take the #10 spot. This show was refreshing, funny, but a little bit too heavy on the fanservice (seriously, it turned into a h*ntai at some points). Regardless, I still found it very funny at the very least. It subverts many of the tired isekai tropes to make a very unique parody.
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9. Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
I personally don't like fanservice, but this show was still cute as heck. I really like both of the main characters even if Marin is a bit (very) pushy (accidentally). I'm not as attached to the other characters, but that doesn't really matter because I like the main two a lot. Of course, the art is good. I personally didn't like the OP or ED that much even if they were incredibly catchy. Overall, a solid romance that I would rewatch like chicken noodle soup for the soul, and I'm very much looking forward to the sequel.
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8. Chainsaw Man
This was a good show, but I found the cast of characters to be the weakest part of the show. It's not that I hate nor dislike them. I just didn't grow attached to them. As refreshing as it is to have a protagonist who's very clear in his intentions and goals not being about the good of society and/or friendship, I was not entirely sold on liking him as the character. On the other hand, everything else about this anime and the production value was absolutely amazing. The voice acting? Perfect (I do like that casting). The animation? Spectacular. The music? Immaculate. This could easily critically knock out further entries on this list.
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7. Kotaro Lives Alone
This is the anime that probably caught me the most off-guard. This anime's character design looks awful. I was going to skip it based off that, but after watching it, I can say that I came away shaken (in a good way). The way this show portrays child abuse, emotional abuse, domestic abuse, and other heavy topics is absolutely masterful. It left me kinda emotional. I think they made Kotaro the perfect balance of mature and childish at the same time (because watching a realistic child in his circumstances would be unwatchable).
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6. Bocchi the Rock!
"She's just like me fr fr!" This show got the inner dialogue of my brain, and as someone who dropped out in high school and never got that "seishun youthful blue spring" time, I felt a lot of the sentiment that Bocchi feels. I even tried joining a band (but jazz). This show is incredibly funny and uses visual humour skillfully. The voice acting is some of the best I've seen from relatively newer voice actors. That scream lives in my mind rent-free. This is basically K-On mixed with my existential dread and sense of humour. Fantastic.
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5. Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen
Bro, this felt better to watch than it was reading the manga, and that's saying something! The manga was still good, but this really solidified Demon Slayer as an absolute powerhouse! I know people are saying that it lacks the depth of Chainsaw Man or Jujutsu Kaisen, but I don't think things need to be complex to be good. Maybe I just want to see someone slashing some demons.
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4. Spy x Family
This is peak Shonen Jump slice-of-life. Honestly, the only episodes and arcs that were a bit of a bore were still necessary and just lacked Anya. Besides that, this show was magnificent (running out of good synonyms). Anya is one of my favourite characters of the year. She's stupid but extremely caring even if she's a bit off the walls.
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3. Romantic Killer
Anyone with Netflix or a pulse should go watch this show. I wrote a whole thing about it.
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2. Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
I'm not sure what I can say about this show that hasn't been said already. It's a masterclass in romantic comedies, and it doesn't need fanservice (ignore the OVA) to succeed at making a ton of witty parody and comedy that transcends language in itself with an endearing romance that you can't help but root for. The openings are also iconic. Masayuki Suzuki is the king of love songs.
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1. Mob Psycho 100 III
Just like Kotaro Lives Alone, this anime has a uniquely simplistic art style, but don't let that fool you, both of these anime are incredibly good at storytelling. Studio Bones cares about this series a lot, and you can see it through this anime. This is one of the best coming-of-age stories I've seen, and this season was a perfect finale to a story that we've been watching since the beginning. Everything about and from this anime range from great to exceptional.
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Top 7 most cuddleable men in Dragon Age (according to me, a lesbian)
So, a mutual and friend of mine reblogged a post titled “Top 13 Most Unfuckable Men in Dragon Age (according to me, a lesbian)“. I won’t link it or talk about it because the OP of that post seems to have deleted it and I respect that. But! It seemed like such a delightful format to talk about some Dragon Age characters, and I wanted to do something like that. Now, I thought about “Top n most unfuckable women in DA” or “Top n most fuckable women in DA”, but both seem so easily guessable if you know me even a bit. And the gimmick of the original is to have an opinion on men as a lesbian. So lets bring in my favorite activity (cuddling) and have some opinions!
Specifically not on this list: Anders
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Look, it’s a problem of the writers, I get it. I also know that he is not the only offender, but in my opinion, one of the worst when it comes to this: Anders has a hard time accepting platonic affection as platonic and makes it your problem. I mean, every single Hawke I have ever played has gotten intense negative approval from Anders simply for rejecting his flirts. Now, I also like to flirt with the pretty people I meet, but I don’t hold rejection against them. That introduction, Anders, would overshadow all cuddling with you.
7: The Iron Bull
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Would be higher on this list if it weren’t for the fact that I feel like he would like to be the small spoon. He would probably not even mention it, but it still poses a problem. How do you spoon that much of a man? He is what feels like thrice my size. Where do you even position yourself along his back? Would he still feel protected by it? Though he would pick you up for a tight hug when you meet which is a strong positive worth mentioning.
6: Blackwall
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Some people say that the Blackwall weirds them out because he reminds them of their respective dads. Blackwall is a man capable of feeling guilt and regret, who owns up to his mistakes, and grows as a human. He does not remind me of my dad. I also think that Blackwall is the perfect combination of muscular and chubby to give amazing bear hugs. The reason why he ranks so low is because I do not trust that beard. I have encountered too many beards in my life that poke your face when you hug the person the beard belongs to. That would just be a massive sensory distraction.
5: Varric
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Varric will, upon sufficient established friendship with him, come over to the couch you are sitting on, lay his head down on your lap, his feet down the other side of the couch, and start gossiping and storytelling. Which is fine and well and you care about his stories and words and damn he has such an eloquent tone but. Varric. Could you please pause for a second. My legs are falling asleep. Varric I really don’t want to interrupt you and I care about what you have to say but I do need to stand up and walk up and down for a bit.
4: Dorian
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Dorian shows friendship and affection very openly and theatrically so he would very much hug you often and sit close to you. Now, where the slight complication for me arises is that I have a friend like that (who, coincidentally, is a gay man on some days) and that I know how it feels like to be affectionate with a person like them. Sometimes it can be slightly overwhelming and intimidating to be close to someone who holds themselves with so much confidence and grace and beauty. That’s a me problem, though, not a Dorian problem.
3: Alistair
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I know he is probably above two meters tall canonically or something but I headcanon him as me sized. The kind of friend with whom I will wait for the train for so long I find myself falling asleep on his shoulder because that’s just the softest spot around. He will attempt to draw something on my face while I do so, and if successful, he will post a selfie with the result in our shared friend group. That’s the price you pay for friendship with him. It’s worth it.
2: Zevran
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I would share a tent on a camping trip with him. I trust him, fully. He is gentle and soft and open when you are good friends with him. If he wanted to sit on my lap I would let him. He would probably let me, upon request. Zevran is the character in DA I wish I had the option for a more dedicated platonic route. Rejecting him at full approval always feels heartbreaking. He could make number one of this list easily.
1: Fenris
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Zevran and Fenris could share first place because they essentially share comparable emotional journeys. Both are surprised to find out that there are people that genuinely care about them. Both are surprised to find that love, be it platonic or romantic, is real; that they do not have to perform in a certain way or constantly prove themselves to attain it. What places Fenris ever so slightly on first spot is that he seems even more so unused to physical expressions of affection. I think he'd genuinely be overjoyed and deeply happy to be casually hugged by someone he trusts. I think it takes him a while to realize that every hug and touch from his friends is genuine. And I think he comes to love it. I personally feel like I very much relate to that. Perhaps I am just projecting. Who knows.
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changyang-cloud · 2 years
A Dream of Splendor 《梦华录》
Overall Rating: 5/5
Former entertainer Zhao Pan’er had her registration lifted and has lived peacefully as a business woman in a small town with a couple of close friends. Unfortunately, her fiancé who was in the capital to take the imperial examination has sent word that he will be marrying someone else, and she, her friends, and an unlikely ally she finds in Gu Qianfan, get swept up into the bustling city and all it entails.
Cast: Liu Yifei as Zhao Pan’er, Chen Xiao as Gu Qianfan, Liu Yan as Sun Sanniang, Fei Xia/Lin Yun as Song Yinzhang
Length: 40 episodes (~45 min)
Character Rating - 4.5/5
Plot Rating - 4.5/5
Aesthetic Rating - 5/5
This isn’t a show that I will be talking about for the next year, but that will absolutely not stop me from giving it top scores. It is objectively better than so so many recent dramas in terms of writing and production - and you can’t forget the cast. It is an amazing drama just for the experience of watching, between the actors and the costumes, and some of the shots are just perfect. It strikes a perfect spot for what dramas are supposed to be about, that spectacle. And it’s not lacking in endearing characters either! Zhao Pan’er is an OP business mastermind of course, and Gu Qianfan cannot take a hint, but the other characters’ moments don’t lack either! Song Yinzhang is a little infuriating, but in the grand scheme of things it’s all intentional. She’s young, she makes the same mistakes, but she does eventually grow, and she has some great one-liners once she does. But the star of the show has to be, surprisingly enough based on his introduction, Chi Pan. He is everything. Hilarious, influential to the plot, and cute at times. He really grows on you, I promise - to the point where his scenes are really carrying the show for a period. Heck, even the Emperor and Empress were incredible interesting! I would highly recommend for a taste of what cdramas can be, as this is an amazing example!
Trigger Warnings: genre typical violence, ableism (du changfeng)
Where To Watch: (eng subs available) YouTube, Viki
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shazzeaslightnovels · 3 months
February 2024 + Top 5 anime of 2023
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(Series: Yagate Kimi ni Naru | Artist: Nio Nakatani )
List of reviews:
Stellar Step 1
Yagate Kimi ni Naru: Saeki Sayaka ni Tsuite 1
Stellar Step 2
So, on to my top 5 anime of 2023. I had a few rules to follow when choosing my picks: obviously, they had to have aired in 2023. I decided I wouldn't choose ongoing series that only aired partially in 2023, unless they finished before the end of January 2024. I decided to not choose any sequels or spin-offs either, despite some amazing ones having aired last year. I know that I am never a fan when a Best Of list includes sequels that I have to be already familiar with the series before I can watch it. Instead, I have put an appendix on twitter with my honourable mentions, best sequels/spin-offs, and favourite characters/ships/ops&eds/etc.
5. The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - I was struggling with what anime to pick as my no. 5, but when I reflected on all the anime that I watched in 2023, I realised that so many anime I came out of thinking, "This series deserved better." A lot of shows deserved better animation (Yuri is my Job, Endo and Kobayashi, Tearmoon Empire, I'm in Love with the Villainess, etc.), some shows deserved better publicity and subtitles (The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons), and some shows deserved not to be delayed for half a year (The Misfit of Demon King Academy). But I came out of MagiRevo feeling so glad that the series got the adaptation that it deserved. The animation is gorgeous, the pacing and voice acting are perfect, and you get the sense that the people who worked on it cared about what they were making and were given the resources to make it good. I actually think it makes improvements over the source material, particularly pacing wise. It's the sort of adaptation that I wish more series would get.
4. Helck - I read the Helck manga around 2019, I think, and I fell in love with it. It felt like it was made to tailor to my tastes specifically with the setting, the characters, the story, the art style, and the humour all really appealing to me. But the thing that made it one of my favourite manga of all time was the focus on a platonic male/female relationship that never turns romantic. And the anime is a really good adaptation so far. It stumbles in parts (the animation could be better and taking 7 episodes to adapt Helck's backstory was a mistake and slowed down the pace too much), but I'm pleased with the anime overall. It's reminded me of how much I loved the manga. Given the mess that was the Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer adaptation, it's a relief that this adaptation has held itself together. While I am placing this series so highly, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it yet. The first season has only covered around half of the manga and there's been no news yet on a second season. While I hope that one does get announced, I feel viewers would be better off waiting for that announcement as the show is incomplete at this stage and ends on a cliff-hanger. If you're interested in the series, I'd recommend just reading the manga.
3. Skip and Loafer - I'm not usually much of a high school romcom fan, but I took a chance on Skip and Loafer due to it's appealing character designs and mesmerizing opening, and I'm really glad I did. It was such a delight to watch this show every week while it was airing. It never failed to lift my mood and I got really attached to the characters. I loved this show and I hope we get more of it down the line.
2. Soaring Sky Precure - I've been a Precure fan for a few years and have now seen 16 seasons. The series always brings me joy and relaxes me, and Soaring Sky is no different. I loved seeing the journey of Sora and her friends, and this has become of my favourite Precure series. The theme of heroism is explored extremely well, and it has a fantastic cast. I feel like it tries to break up a lot of the usual Precure formulae in small, refreshing ways, like having episodes where the Precure don't actually fight any enemies and transform for different reasons. I loved it, and I'd highly recommend it to Precure newcomers and veterans alike.
1. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury - My first Gundam series and it was an amazing one. I was so invested in this show from start to finish. It had some incredible twists, and some fantastic characters. I loved watching it weekly and getting to see reactions of social media after the episodes aired. To top it all off, it had a perfectly satisfying ending. While I would have loved more of the show, I'm glad that it didn't drag out and I'm looking forward to rewatching it in the future.
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amerispeedsite · 2 years
Rocket league multiplayer splitscreen, black around second player screen
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Plus, the game has a pretty fantastic story. Me and a friend running around Albion causing chaos and beating bandits is a memory I always look back on fondly. Fable has always been overlooked by people, yet it was one of the best multiplayer experiences on the Xbox 360. Unlike on PS4, so many great games from previous generations are available for people who may have originally missed out on them. If there’s one thing I admire about Xbox, it’s their commitment to backwards compatibility. It’s a little simplistic for a dungeon crawler, but it’s perfect if you’re playing with a younger relative or somebody new to gaming.įable II was one of Microsoft’s greatest exclusive of the previous generation, and it’s available on Xbox Game Pass. Just like the main game, this spin-off also has local co-op functionality, allowing you to hack and slash your way through zombies and skeletons with a friend. Anything is possible in Minecraft!īut if complete creative control doesn’t tickle your fancy, then why not try out Minecraft Dungeons? Set in the Minecraft universe, Minecraft Dungeons is a dungeon crawler along the likes of Diablo. You can take on the Ender Dragon together or lead creepers to your friend’s house. Yes, you have limitless space to make what you want, but so does your partner. Minecraft on your own is a somewhat tranquil experience, yet playing with a friend makes it much more chaotic. Minecraft is very much a game that vastly improves if you play the game with someone else, and its split-screen functionality makes multiplayer easily accessible.
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However, you rarely see people online playing the game all by themselves. Since Xbox acquired Mojang back in 2014, Minecraft is now on Xbox Game Pass for you to unleash your inner creativity. It’s a game that gives the player complete creative freedom and has been steadily updated ever since its launch in 2009. What can I say about Minecraft that hasn’t already been said? It’s an absolute behemoth of a game, with only Tetris beating it in terms of sales. There’re hundreds of hours of enjoyment to be had with The Master Chief Collection, and it’s even better with friends. I have very fond memories of spending hours on Halo 3 with my friends solely playing these fan-made levels. The creativity and ingenuity on display is genuinely astonishing. There’s also Halo 3’s legendary Forge mode that allows you to create your own levels and download ones that other people have made. With six intense, action packed campaigns for you to play through, it’s a game that is an incredible value for money. Better yet, why not grab a buddy and play through it together with Halo: The Master Chief Collection? Whilst Halo 5: Guardians decided to ditch couch co-op, every game before it let you pair up with someone and fight the Covenant together. With the delay of Halo Infinite, I can think of no better way to pass the time by reliving 117’s journey all over again. Just the sight of his helmet is enough to whip fans into a frenzy. Master Chief is one of the most iconic video game characters out there and is undoubtedly Xbox’s mascot. This next entry on this list needs no introduction. Playing through these games in co-op is one of the best multiplayer experiences out there. Take it from someone who’s been there and done it. You and a pal get to play through a huge story spanning over 14 years of development. That’s six games worth of content to play through with that lucky someone. You can even gun down swarms of Locust with a friend in every single game in the franchise. Whilst I think things have gone downhill since The Coalition took over, they’re still amazing games. It’s a series that was so influential that other developers would use mechanics found in Gears in games for years.
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Renowned for its impressive set pieces and oppressive world, the Gears games are widely considered as some of the best third-person shooters ever made. The series has always committed to couch co-op by having the story revolve around a group rather than an individual. Gears 5 is the latest game in the franchise, but you could substitute this entry with any other Gears game. We’ll start off with some bigger titles on the service.
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animefreak1145 · 3 years
The Brilliance of Break On Through
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Mission Break on Through—An Analysis
I have replayed the campaign of COD:BOCW numerous times—too many times truly. Did a whole playthrough where it was Hardened and soon I’m sure I shall do Veteran(something I have never done for any COD game. Not even Hardened.).
All missions have their own unique qualities—parts where the player gets a little rush of adrenaline depending on the kind of mission and how they choose to play it (Nowhere Left to Run just a plain shooting match while Brick in the Wall you can choose to remain stealthy like the good spy you are or go crazy like an eager homicidal maniac).
Even within the safehouse, there are plenty of little details to discover if you take the time to look around and observe everyone. Or, everything. (The radio if turned to a Russian station/correspondence, Adler changes it back immediately before Da Nang mission. Watching Park’s body language, as you talk to Adler and she periodically looks over to you two. Adler suspicious when you go to the Red Room or the locked room with the arcade. The T.V. being turned on in the Red Room)
But the amount of details, details, in the mission Break on Through is outstanding. I have played this mission more than any other due to me wishing to look at all the details. There’s so many, I think I may miss some. And I can’t show them off all to you cause I suck at creating gifs and don’t know how to transfer that from Xbox to my phone.
To lighten it up a bit, I won’t focus on the four different scenarios you go through—at least not each one. That would take too long and I do not have gifs/pics to show it off since Tumblr limits it to ten anyways.
I will, however, try to guide to what parts of the game you all can explore if you choose to do so. As well just how detailed they did this mission.
I am going to start with the different statements Adler says to you throughout all the Scenarios(17, 6, 11, 1). We only go through four in the actual game—but the fact it goes up to 17 or possibly more shows just how far they went in and messed with Bell’s mind.
Now, Adler seems to be a bit bipolar on how he talks to you whether or not you listen to him and all his directions. Either totally blasé and cold to giving you and pumping you up with more MK or meds, or actually a tad concerned and patient as he guides you through.
If You/Bell Stands Still/Does Nothing:
Example 1
“So you did nothing? What were you, in shock?”
He throws the words callously, mocking. As if Bell isn’t confused and lost at what is going on. He even sounds irritated that you might actually be in shock due to these memories that are just fake—not even real. Not like what he has.
Example 2
“What’s wrong with Bell?” -Adler
“I’m not sure. . .” -Park
“I guess we’ll just wait on you to proceed, Bell.”
The contrast is dizzying. He sounds concerned when he asks Park on what could be wrong with you. If he pushed you too far and now you’re just frozen. And, instead of rushing you due to how the fate of half of Europe is at stake, he decides to give you space. Just wait for you and you’ll come out of it soon enough.
He does these sort of reactions numerous times. Jumping from intimidating to the Adler we knew as the player, as Bell—kind and always in your corner that believes in you. He switches tactics based on what he believes will work really—or he just felt really on edge at times and threw the farce that you two were friends out the window.
Other examples include:
Scenario 11–Napalm Strike-in the lab in the room where you were brainwashed
“Christ, what’s happening with them?”-Adler
“A mild seizure. Sims, past me a benzodiazepine.” -Park
Again, concerned. Worried. Almost…at unease?
In the lab—tripped up on drugs. If you run through the tight shrinking hallway back and forth like so(I suck at making gifs, I’m sorry):
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“Why is Bell repeating themselves?”
“Bell, stop speaking in circles.”
Now, as others may have suspected, Bell is talking to everyone as they’re stuck in this horrible loop of mental torture. Most likely muttering, hands clenching and arms pulling against the straps of the gurney, moving their head back and forth depending on what they’re seeing. I always saw Bell as muttering quickly in Russian as they go through all of this—their mother tongue where it may comfort them as they’re panicking and speaking to Adler.
It’s just a nice detail showcasing how exactly Adler knows that Bell is on script—Bell saying what they’re seeing and doing and what’s going on. It shows also just how hard they put Bell through the ringer(badum tss. I’ll leave now).
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All the details too when the game shows how the drugs they put in Bell affects you. Like so. The hallways appearing long. The lights looking yellow. You feel so fast—look how quick you can run. Run towards the Red Door that Adler so desperately wants and maybe this can stop. Ah, why is it running away from you? What’s going on?
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I don’t know about you, but I was so lost and confused at what was going on my first playthrough. For the majority of this mission, the possibility of me being brainwashed didn’t reach the BACK of my mind till probably I actually saw the flashes of scenes about Vietnam and calling Bell a subject. So like right here.
I personally thought that I had a repressed memory or something due to me going through the Vietnam War. That whatever I saw with Perseus, I—or rather Bell—repressed it from our mind due to how violent or horrible what we saw or experienced was. And that Adler suspected and just really wanted to know about it.
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I didn’t expect for the man to actually brainwash my character—us—Bell! The game made Adler your mentor, who always defended you from Hudson and believed in your skills very highly. How he and Bell were basically perfect partners when the two of you were together.
It’s amazing—cause I think that’s what the developers were going for. The absolute trust. The loyalty. The denial that ‘maybe Adler is being a little harsh but hey, this is to help Perseus so it’s okay?’ It’s perfect. Because I’m sure that is what Bell actually felt in real time.
Yet, if you go through the total rebellious choice of not listening to Adler, some thing’s make sense. The Rebellious Side shows you way more than if you just listen to Adler like a Dutiful Soldier.
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You go through this room if you choose the rebellious route, the T.V.’s automatically turning on the closer you get. Of Vietnam. And now, all those T.V.‘s that turned on by themselves(the Red Room, Lubyanka, Cuba) make sense. You were actually being brainwashed. Poor Bell probably can’t ever have a turned off/broken T.V. again. The trauma.
Said trauma being shown multiple times too. Not just the T.V.‘s. But the absolute terror that Bell felt, before they became Bell, with Adler.
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Like do you see this? This terrified me when I saw it at the end of the hallway. I just saw a red shadow in the distance and I legit thought I was about to be chased. Call of Duty became a horror game(I also went through the door to the ground too my first playthrough, so before this I went through zombies and I think my heart was going to jump out my chest) I thought. I didn’t want to get closer. I had to, with each step I see that it’s not a shadow but a body. And than I see the familiar jacket, the sound of whirring in my ears and see it’s Adler’s head being twisted back and forth, side to side, up and down, in a speed that in inhumanely possible.
Makes one wonder if Bell themselves sees Adler as inhumane. Not human. Adler seeming to just be a god in their head. All the Adler shaped rocks/boulders you go through and see. Even one point the V.C. becoming Adler and you killing him over and over and dead bodies of Adler being everywhere.
The man has entered Bell’s head and won’t leave. Just like Adler won’t leave Bell alone.
Heck, there’s one point in my playthroughs of this mission I was by the bridge yet there were parts of the lab by it. I jumped towards it, noticing down below there were different floors of the lab that eventually reach the ground. I jumped to reach the next floor and missed and I died.
And Adler mocked Bell committing suicide.
That was the kicker really that Adler truly is indifferent towards Bell. Like complete disregard. I know it’s fake. We know it’s fake. Adler knows it’s fake—but to Bell, it felt real. That’s the crazy part. All of this—this whole sequence feels real to Bell so each time they die they actually feel it. It’s insane. It’s cruel.
But we all know that Adler isn’t known for his kindness. Still like his character though, he’s layered.
I don’t have the exact quote he said, didn’t wrote it down like the others. I was shook he said it at all.
Moving on to the final details I’m going to talk about.
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When you go through the room, I believe this comes out for both rebellious and dutiful, really depends. You see it filled with post it notes, articles, plans, and newspapers. And you see once more just how Bell has been scarred.
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I don’t know Russian or German, but I imagine the notes are similar to what the English one’s say. If I’m wrong, please point it out.
There’s also post it notes which I believe is in code as well due to all the numbers—I’m not sure what those could mean since I am no decoding expert.
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Poor poor Bell. And with all these pictures and plans—of Adler included—it begs the question that Bell may have been warned about the famous America’s Monster beforehand. Had to have—since Adler is basically Perseus’s adversary due to how stubborn the American man could be. It just adds more to the story, despite Cold War having quite a short campaign, they made it up somewhat with all these details everywhere.
When you finally and actually reach the room.
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As you grow closer to the table, to your chair in the conference room while everyone else seems to have their own spots, there’s something I noticed.
There’s glasses. As well as a hat. And it’s Bell’s. Or at least, it used to be. Why else is it on their side of the table? By their chair? I believe it might be reading glasses due to all the decryptions Bell does, whether on paper or through a computer, it’s hard on the eyes. (I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed this. For look at @second-vtoroy ‘s Bell)
I believe through the brainwashing, Bell might not need glasses anymore. After all, apparently they were a smoker like Adler before too but they took that out of you. What else they changed of Bell? It makes one wonder how far they truly went into molding a person.
Which just adds onto how mind boggling this mission is—this game is. This is my favorite COD game, despite how short it is. The details and choices and interactions with everyone and able to create your own character(albeit it’s very standard and not specific but it’s good enough for me) is AMAZING. I’ve always been a sucker for RPG’s and able to get that even a little in a COD game? Truly wonderful.
I couldn’t touch on everything because it would’ve gotten long, but the fun of the Break on Through mission never gets old. It’s genius multiple ways you can do it. All the details. The feelings you feel as a player as you go through it.
They truly did a unique job with this and I hope they continue with this type of game storytelling. Hopefully longer as well.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this rant basically!
Gifs made by me and used the video down below to help.
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simonsnowichooseyou · 3 years
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This excellent essay was posted by @goodbyedandelion and reposted on Instagram—however their account sadly seems gone now. But it is in rememberence of their Tumblr spirit that I post a continuation to their essay!
EVEN MORE Reasons Why Carry On is so groundbreaking as a YA Fantasy/Romance
Misconceptions/Character Complexity
A large topic in YA Contemporary is gossip, but I feel like fantasy doesn’t touch on this as much. Think of how others perceive one another in Carry On. Early on we learn that Simon, for example, saw Penny as different because of her race. But of course, we quickly know this isn’t true.
But what about Agatha? In Harry Potter, for example, Lavender Brown and other feminine characters are often looked down upon because of their femininity. We often as a culture perceive beauty as overcompensation for what’s inside. Sometimes Agatha is looked at in the same light in Carry On, but when we see things from her POV, we realize that Agatha is perhaps the smartest one there. Maybe she’s not Penny Bunce-smart, but she has the survival instincts that Penny lacks.
Agatha isn’t the only one. Baz looks cold and unfeeling from others’ POVs, but we quickly learn that he is a boy with a soft heart that’s been hardened by his past. Everyone thinks he cares about nothing but we know he cares about his mother and how she’d feel about him; his father and step-mother and siblings; Simon, of course; Bunce, in his own way; he even cares about flowered suits and dramatic entrances! We think Bunce is nerdy and perhaps annoying, but we learn she’s very sweet and like a mother to Simon. And the mage. Ugh, the mage. We think he cares about Simon but we learn that for every bit he cares about Simon, he cares about the war more.
Rowell doesn’t allow any character to be simple, stereotypical, or as they appear. My sister, for example, was saying that Baz sounded like a stereotypical gay man in the media. But he’s not, is he? He might love fashion but Rowell does not make him simple or stereotypical. Everyone is so complex, and she uses the multi-POV to not just show us their complexity but also the complexity of how they are viewed by others.
Woman on Woman Drama/Anger
For years and years, only one woman was allowed to have a true seat at the table in films. Take Indiana Jones, the original Avengers, and Star Wars for example. This woman was often made to be the sex appeal or romantic interest, but I’ll save that for another day. Because of there only being one spot, it set a precedent that women in media needed to fight with each other to take that spot, thus depriving us of women getting along!
At first, I was worried Rowell had fallen into this trap. Bunce thinks Agatha is simple and too feminine, Agatha thinks Bunce is a major pain in the ass. Their dislike for one another is complicated in that they’re essentially two different types of feminism battling it out, and half of their fight was about Simon and their roles in his life.
But in the end, Penny and Agatha create a relationship that exists outside of their relationship with Simon. Penny sees Agatha’s strength and resilience; Agatha recognizes Penny’s harsh exterior for what is is. When Agatha moves away, they text without his even knowing. Penny is the one that decides they need to check on and save her. In the end, penny and Agatha fight alongside one another.
Rowell didn’t just give us a feminine friendship—she showed us what we’ve been doing, and how to get from Point A to point B. I think it’s the most underrated part of the series.
True Friendship
It might sound bad, but I truly believe a lot of today’s media ruins the idea of friendship. I just feel like none of the portrayals are realistic. Friends are either joined at the hip and have never fought (toxic) or never get along (also toxic). The fact that Baz and Penny and Simon and Penny and Agatha and Penny can get into fights but still continue to love one another platonically is really heartwarming to me.
Trauma/Mental Illness
I remember getting to the end of Harry Potter and thinking “he went through all of that and we’re just supposed to leave him now?” We see some remnants in the most cursed play ever: The Cursed Child. But more than trauma we see someone who looks back on the days they risked their life everyday with *longing.* While that’s about the most Harry Potter thing Harry Potter has ever done (and the most canonical part of that play) it’s so unrealistic. You’re telling me Harry grew up with nothing and was an amazing father—minus a few spats with his son. You’re telling me Harry was able to hold it together emotionally after fighting for his life from ages 11-18 without a therapists help? You’re telling me Harry lost two father figures in the ministry of magic AND spent 7 years going through what amounted to a lesson titled “the government is corrupt” just to be a part of that government!?
Wayward son isn’t like that. Wayward Son shows us what happened to Simon afterwards, and it’s not peaches and cream. He had therapy, he quit therapy. A lot of us have been Simon on that couch, and we all needed the Baz in our life to drag us across a metaphorical America. Wayward Son is hands-down my favorite book. Realistic depictions of mental illness, check. Subverting our expectations of after the end, check. Reading it feels like taking a road trip, check.
As OP mentioned, Simon is a beloved chosen one because he’s just so wrong for the role. He’s not levelheaded where he should be, he’s bold in all the wrong places, he couldn’t possibly maintain a professional relationship with the coven. Meanwhile his super-hot enemy Baz was the absolute perfect choice to be chosen, but he was completely passed over. And part of this chalks up to how Simon became so powerful—fate isn’t twisting its whims this way and that. Simon is only chosen because he was a Petri dish experiment-gone-wrong baby. When Simon asks the fates why, really he should be asking the mage. There’s something delightful about the fact that Simon was made. The chosen one was made, and in the same process, so was the greatest threat.
I think it’s clear by now that Carry On is a great book, Simon Snow is an amazing series, and Rainbow Rowell sure can write. But I feel the need to point out that the end of Carry On wasn’t well-received by everyone. I recommend the series to everyone I know and some people are really disappointed you don’t get a big magical battle at the end. Some people think Simon filling in the humdrum was a cop out. But I disagree. I felt it was thrilling to witness a book where war was as stupid in fantasy land as it can be in real life. This is the first fantasy I’ve ever read where they find a better way to handle conflict than senseless fighting. It’s emotionally rewarding, to me, to see de-escalation. To see conflicts fixed before they start to be huge problems. It was a risky choice for an end, you have to admit. But Rowell pulls it off amazingly.
Nothing is Wrapped in a Bow
A day will never go by without me thinking about the fact that Simon Snow Salisbury doesn’t know who his parents are. Or how Baz will never know what exactly happened with his mother—whether she really ended herself to avoid vampirism and whether she would’ve done it to her too. We’ll never even quite understand the mage’s plan behind fix the humdrum and get an all powerful boy wizard on his side. Rowell doesn’t wrap everything up. She gives you closure as often as she gives you something to ponder. The ending of Harry Potter was so controversial, I think, because it spelled out so clearly much of what was happening. And what you didn’t learn in that epilogue, Rowling released later through Pottermore and interviews. That’s fine and dandy—but there’s something to be said for ending Simon Snow’s books with questions. Not infuriating questions but rather things that I’ll always ponder—that will shed new light on different situations depending on how I look at them. Rowell sets a precedent that you can fill in Simon’s world with your imagination while also reminding us that life doesn’t have endings. Not really, the way books to. Rowell is one of the few writers of today’s fantasy, I’d argue, who’s okay letting things go unanswered. There’s always a thread of fantasy and magic going. It’s something that will keep Simon alive in my heart for many, many years to come.
So yeah, that’s what I think about when I think about Simon Snow. It’s not nearly as coherent as the original post but I hope you enjoy it.
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Can we point out that RWBY also stole Ironwood’s “blow up Salem’s whale” plan too. I mean, once the whale crashed through Atlas’ defences, Ironwood couldn’t run. So he had his army fight and die against the endless grimm horde as long as possible to make a bomb, and just as his forces are about to deliver the bomb (and potentially sacrifice themselves if needed) conveniently our ‘heroes’ blow the whale up first. All the death and sacrifice needed, and our heroes do it completely by accident 1/
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That's actually a very good point and makes everything even more frustrating honestly. Here James is with a desperate hail Mary plan to try and slow down Salem and give his people a chance to survive. Winter and the Ace Ops go to plant the bomb, likely knowing how dangerous it is and how likely they are to die doing it because they similarly are desperate to buy people a chance to escape and are willing to pay the price to do so with their lives. But then someone at Rooster Teeth realized that having the "bAd GuY" be the one to destroy the whale and give people a fighting chance made the mains look bad so they had to accidentally the actual mains of the show into the perfect position to blow up the whale so James never actually does anything good to help people (conviniently forgetting about his orders to have everyone evacuated to the subways). Even worse though is Winter and the Ace Ops had the bomb and where willing to sacrifice themselves to stop Salem. But then on top of that, the mains weren't even the ones to accidentally stumble on the solution the side characters where. The mains aren’t even allowed to be the ones to accidentally happen upon the perfect solution most of them are chilling in the mansion drinking tea and crying about how sad it is while doing nothing to help the problem only to later steal the thunder and pretend they did it. 
James was desperately scrambling for some glimmer of hope for his people to survive after RWBY intentionally trapped everyone in Salem’s warpath. THEY did that. They caused the problem and then they conveniently stumbled onto the solution and they play it off as them being heroic and brave for “solving” the problem ignoring that they caused the damn problem in the first place by not telling James Salem was immortal IN THE FIRST PLACE. If he had known all along he would have had time to plan and work on some sort of solution to the problem. But instead he was dumped the information mere hours before he needed the solution while in the middle of another crisis that needed his immediate attention. Their was no time to figure out a solution, so he tried to escape so as many people as possible could live and keep the world ending relics out of Salem’s control. But RWBY didn’t like that so they then further exasperated the problem y forcing everyone to be trapped and keeping the relic which may have helped limit the number of losses locked up and unusable. Salem is ultimately the one responsible for all of the death, but RWBY certainly made her job much easier and we cannot ignore that. The show however wants us to so it will do everything in its power to make us forget that issue and try and play off the people who caused the problem to be as bad as it was as the heroes and play the guy who was frantically trying to do damage control after discovering the clusterfuck the mains caused the ultimate bad guy instead of the immortal witch who is literally here now and trying to end the fucking world? 
I still cannot fathom what CRWBY was thinking when doing this nor why the fans insist it is perfect flawless writing. Like yes characters can fuck up but the issue is the show won’t let them and pretends their fuck ups where actually them being perfect and flawless and amazing when that is just not the case. Rather then admit that though the fans would rather hiss and scream and throw temper tantrums because to them its better they force people to view the show the way it’s “supposed” to be viewed rather then admit their is a problem. 
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche AU
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i feel like he’d be one of the biggest streamers on his platform- probably one of those that everyone has heard of even if they’re not into watching livestreams and all
but between those who do know who he is, they either love him or hate him. no in-between
it’s kind of understandable because his attitude is not suited/can be handled by anyone
he’s brutally honest even when his opinion may be seen as rude (to him he’s just saying the truth so he doesn’t mind if people get offended)
of course he doesn’t try to be rude on purpose but i mean it as in he’ll say what he thinks
imagine he’s playing a game and he doesn’t like a certain mechanic, or he isn’t enjoying the story;
he won’t say the game is bad but he’ll openly say he doesn’t like it/it’s not for him. it makes him seem strict but tbh he’s not that hard to please and even when he complains about one or two things he still enjoys the game
he usually gives every game a chance even when from what he’s seen it doesn’t sound like a game he’ll like. if he turns out to be right he just won’t play it again and if he’s wrong he’s a little too prideful to admit he spoke a little too fast but in the end he will admit the game is good or he’s having fun
probably the kind that just knows so much about all games and all the creators and all the game-making engines and is up to date with every single news of everything video-game + streaming-related,,, how does he do it, i don’t know,,,,
and also since he’s so popular he probably gets packages from game developers with limited edition stuff or merch from different games soooo often
and he placed the ones from his favorite games in his setup room and it looks INCREDIBLE he has so much stuff
he did a room tour stream once talking about all he has, where he got everything, from his monitor to every complement of his computer and like,,,,, the cost of his setup,,,,,,, some people already know they’ll never be able to afford that in their entire life
and he already had a great setup before he even became big as a streamer so people can already guess he’s fairly rich 
also i feel like he would have started his career as a streamer without using a facecam and even like that, he already managed to get very popular because of his professional commentary of game dynamics/playability + you can tell that he’s passionate about this and also he’s very funny without even trying??
he says some stuff so casually that he doesn’t realise how funny it is
probs showed his face after he hit a very important milestone
he never considered showing his face that important but he understood why people would want to see his reactions when playing games (even tho he warned them he’s not the most expressive/dramatique person in the world and they know by now) and would want to put a face to the person who entertains them so much with his streams
and when he does show his face people go absolutely cRAZY BECAUSE he is crazy good looking (if you don’t think he’s good looking i’m sorry for your eyesight. jk i’m sorry in general i just really love him)
some people who didn’t watch his streams will even check them out because of that but literally if you come for the visuals only you won’t stay for long because as i said not anyone can handle his personality
if he sees people being superficial about him too much instead of paying attention to what’s happening in the stream, he will immediately turn the subs mode on in the chat (if he didn’t have it on already)
being rude, being disrespectful/saying discriminating stuff or anything of that sort won’t be tolerated and anyone who does it will be banned instantly
without even interrupting what he was saying before he saw the comment, he’ll just type the ban to whoever said that and go on
and his mods do the exact same. they are just as strict as him
if it ever got too much of course he wouldn’t be afraid to speak up about it and tell his chat to stop that behaviour or else, as they should already know, he won’t be afraid of banning them even if they’ve been subscribed for months or years
why do i feel like he has a super organised chat— as in instead of spamming 5 emotes per comment they all send just one and it looks so tidy and perfect
literally other streamers would be jealous of how not-messy his chat is even when he has thousands and thousands and thousands of viewers all the time
also i have this idea that maybe any of his fans would have designed him as a genshin character (which would be the design of the scaramouche we know (?))
and the little pop-ups (i don’t know the name in english rIP) thingies that show up to notify when someone subscribed or donated would be lil chibi art of that design
it’d be really cool
and since i also doodled what a stream of his could look like (i’ll show it in the future when i’m done!!) i thought that way it’d be more recognisable that the streamer is scaramouche
99% of the people who have seen him irl found him too intimidating to go ask him for a picture or tell him anything
he’s not a huge fan of taking pictures anyway + is more on the introverted/reserved side but he wouldn’t mind if someone went up to him (if he’s not busy with something) to tell him something or say they enjoy his streams
i feel like in a couple occasions he would have played a game with some subscribers and he’d like to tease them speaking with his usual tone and face (in case they’re watching the stream as they talk) so they think he’s serious
“did you watch my 12 hour stream the other day?”  -scaramouche
“ah,,,, i-” -the sub
“think well of what you’re going to answer.” -scaramouche
“i-i couldn’t watch the whole thing,,,” -the sub
“ah, is that so…?” -scaramouche 
he’ll pretend to sound disappointed but at one point he just can’t help but smirk and hold in a chuckle before telling them he’s not serious
(he literally doesn’t know how the hell he survived that stream himself because he isn’t one to stream for that long)
i feel like deep inside people who know him would know he wouldn’t say such things seriously/wouldn’t be disappointed in anyone for not watching every single minute of his streams or not even all his streams
but he says all that so seriously that it’s,,, intimidating and they’re lowkey like “god but what if he’s not joking-”
he’d play games with the other streamers sometimes but i feel like most of the type he’d play more single-player games
it’d be so funny if he plays among us with others and for example one of those others it’s childe
both of them would always be suspecting of the other first/bickering, especially scaramouche
and if one game turns out they’re both the impostors… people would know right away
like, if any of them tried to defend the other, everyone else would be like “!?! what is this? scaramouche and childe defending each other? scary”
they’d vote one of them (maybe scaramouche) out because they started guessing + saying proof of how both of them could be the impostors (but the biggest proof is them not coming for each other’s throats sNKJFNGKJS)
scaramouche would have to resist the urge to S C R E A M
needless to say he doesn’t like when he has to be impostor with childe
and unfortunately for him, fate makes it happen considerably often
i feel like at least one time scaramouche would kill next to childe and then report it and literally blame childe
and childe would be like ?!?!?!?!?? WHAT- NO- (struggles bc his brain instinct is to say ‘it was you!’ but they’re both the impostors??? how-)
and then they’d eject childe,,, and then people wouldn’t suspect of scaramouche for most of the game because ? why would he- blame his partner---
well he did it with no regrets and at the end when they all found out they found it very funny (except for childe, but even he ended up laughing in the end because what a mean strategy sjkfhdsgkj)
i have this feeling that even though they bicker so much and for any strangers it’d seem like they hate each other, when scaramouche does play online games, many times it’d be with childe?
ik they aren’t supposed to get along but for the sake of it being a modern au i don’t want bad vibes between any of the characters pls-
and everyone enjoys their dynamic and those streams always get a ton of viewers sjfhdsgkj and i’m sure both their chats would be good friends (most likely one’s fans would also be a fan of the other too)
very very very rarely (because he prefers just playing and talking while playing) he’d do streams where he doesn’t play anything but just talks with the chat, watches videos that they send him, looks at the fanart they make, just talks about games,,,,
it’d be super chill and the perfect streams for people to be doing homework/work/play games/draw or do basically anything while they listen to his stream in the background
he’d also be answering some of people’s questions about him or about his favorite games, or if he’s playing this new game that came out earlier this week,,,
“will you play ‘it takes two’ with childe?” -someone in the chat
“absolutely not. i won’t play a co-op game with him”
not even 5 days later, tweet from childe saying “streaming in 30 minutes! Scaramouche and I will be playing It Takes Two on my ch---”
anyways this will be all!! (for now?) i obviously knew genshin before this but, yesterday i could finally start playing it myself! so i feel like if not now, soon i will also write headcanons of him playing genshin! i don’t take requests but if you guys have any ideas or anything you want to say about this AU, send me an ask!! i’d love to talk about this and about genshin in general!
also, i was very inspired to write this by @baeshijima​ ! so thank you very much to her for her wonderful streamer AUs and if anyone reading this hasn’t read hers already, go check them out!! they’re amazing!!
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Lost Tomb Reboot Lewks: Part 13
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
Warning: Spoilers for both seasons of The Lost Tomb Reboot and also vaguely for Daomu Biji in general
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Look 66 belongs to Ah Ning, who has chosen, for this adaptation, to go with short hair, heavy makeup, and all-black clothes, but with a bit of a club vibe, rather than her more usual tactical vibe. 
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The short hair is a weird choice. The whole schtick with DMBJ adaptations is that you have to tell who's who by their costuming and styling, since the associated actors toss roles back and forth faster than Wu Xie and Xiao Ge on a date with Liu Sang. 
Hot guy in a hoodie? Xiao Ge. Slightly dorky but ridiculously charismatic guy who dresses like Joey Ramone? Hei Yanjing. Man who's too old for fluffy bangs and puppy-dog eyes but is working the hell out of them anyway? Wu Xie. Ponytail, gun, and a whole bunch of disposable sidekicks? Ah Ning.
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Ah Ning, Lost Tomb 1 version, with her signature ponytail & disregard for human life.
For this look, Ah Ning has gotten rid of her long hair, henchmen, weapons, and the part of her shirt that normally would cover her belly. This is an outfit that says "I am finally ready to fuck Wu Xie." 
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Unfortunately she decides to accessorize this outfit with a giant deadly snake. 
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This snake, unlike the equivalent snake in uhhhhhmmm a different DMBJ show that Ah Ning might theoretically die in, does not appear to be poisonous or have an unusual instant-kill-you ability. It just squeezes her a little bit, and the boys don't make any attempt to revive her, even though not-breathing is a super survivable condition, if it's corrected quickly. 
This non-poisonous snake accessory is all about killing a woman so that men can feel manpain, and I am kind of offended that this version of Ah Ning went out like that, after being a badass in every other adaptation. 
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(more after the cut!) 
The hypothetical other show where a version of this scene perhaps also happens does correct this, by having her talk about her acceptance of the risk of death, and by having the fucking snake be POISONOUS. I am not naming the show because where’s the fun in that? If you watch TLTR first, like I did, you get to be worried about Ah Ning in every other show she’s in, which is exhausting but also kind of fun. (I don’t mind women dying in fiction, as long as their deaths are an important part of their own stories, rather than just being important for the growth of the men around them.)
Thanks to poor accessory choices, Ah Ning and her snake necklace go the same route as Ye Piaopiao and No-Longer-Mute Chick; fortunately Xiao Ge didn't fall for Tattoo Artist Ah Tou or she'd be in the morgue with the rest of them.
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Look 67 is young Wu Xie's jungle adventure outfit, featuring a bright white popover jacket with cream color sleeves from Scotch & Soda’s Club Nomade collection. Scotch & Soda have have thoughtfully printed their name on the string so that those of you who share Wu Xie's clothing tastes will know where to shop. You know who you are. 
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You would think highly visible bright white would be a bad choice for a jungle adventure, but apparently snakes in these parts are only attracted to goths.
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Wu Xie is also wearing wired ear pods, which did not exist whenever this flashback supposedly happened, but if we're cool with sentient crustaceans and clams that can incapacitate a ruthless trained assassin (clams got legs!), we can be cool with ear pods.
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The show conveys flashback-Wu-Xie's youth and naiveté by having him smile sweetly, not watch Ah Ning take her clothes off, and not attempt CPR after she gets lightly squeezed by a snake.
Looks 68 and 69 belong to Not Ah Ning, who is played by Liu Yuqi, who also plays Ah Ning. Her makeup is much softer and prettier as this character than as Ah Ning; this character’s job is to be pleasing to men, whereas Ah Ning’s job is to get male underlings killed on the regular, so I guess that makes sense. 
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This outfit is an amazing body-hugging soft green jumpsuit with raised quilty detailing on the arms and shoulders. Her jumpsuit perfectly matches the couch she's sprawled on, which is her subtle way of telling Jiang Zisuan that she is a nice comfy place to have a lie down. 
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She accessorizes this look with her usual soft wavy brown hair and a scattering of gold finger rings. I think she also accessorizes this with ass pads, because Ah Ning does not appear to be draggin’ this wagon in her scenes. I checked. For science.  
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When the first outfit doesn't work, she ditches the subtlety and goes for a Chanel-style suit in black, white, and red, with a with a black leather bustier underneath. 
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Unfortunately this is a wasted effort, because the Jiang Zisuan she tries this on is actually Wu Xie in disguise. 
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Wu Xie only likes girls if they are 1. secretly manipulating him while acting like a tiny adorable sidekick, 2. trying to kill him repeatedly while adventuring together, 3. planning to kill him as soon as the roads are clear but willing to bone in the meantime, or 4. are a skin effigy with a sentient crustacean in their head.
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Sorry, Not Ah Ning; this was a good effort. 
Look 70 features Wu Xie in a white thermal shirt, dark blue jeans, and fake facial hair. This is a good look for sitting with your not-quite girlfriend and wondering how you both managed to have romances with Bai Yu in parallel universes. (OP recently watched Love O2O, which is a trip for fans of DMBJ, Guardian, or feminism)
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Fortunately Wu Xie doesn’t know that his second-favorite doctor/Zhan Rishan’s girlfriend also had a romance with Bai Yu or his mind would be entirely blown. 
This is a soft, comfortable look, perfect for torturing someone, with help from your first-favorite doctor, by pretending to poison someone with nicotine, all so you can have a few moments of quality time with a cigarette before said doctor takes them away again. 
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Wu Xie's cigs are stored in a buttery-soft leather case that completely covers the brand name of the cigarettes, so apparently cdramas don’t go in for ciggy product placements. 
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Wo Xie wears this outfit with a silvery-metal watch with a black leather wrist strap. The watch appears to be round, and it probably tells time. (If you’re new to the Lewks series: I lack watch knowledge and that’s not likely to change.)
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Wu Xie finally peels off his fake facial hair so we can see his pretty face again, only to replace the facial hair with an entire fake face. Fortunately, this face, belonging to actor Wu Lipeng, is also pretty. 
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Look 71 belongs to Wu Xie, initially (for this outfit) played by Wu Lipeng until his inevitable unmasking. So many actors have played Wu Xie, this whole disguise thing is barely worth blinking at. Wu Lipeng does a nice job changing his mannerisms to play Wu Xie, and this whole schtick eventually gives us Zhu Yilong's delightful performance as Wang Meng, so even though we eventually get way too much of not-Zhu-Yilong in the role, I’m good with it.
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This outfit features black jeans, black tactical boots & gloves, and Ah Ning’s coin bracelet, although it’s mostly hard to see the bracelet. The outfit’s main feature is a possibly-leather jacket that’s been molded into a hideous and disturbing voronoi pattern. 
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This jacket is probably very expensive and took a lot of work to craft, but it makes him look  like he’s wearing a Glad Force Flex garbage bag. I mean, I guess that's cool. 
This outfit is good for several episodes worth of adventures, including getting tied up and being sassy...
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...and underwater cave exploration, which is totally a thing that a person with critically damaged lungs can do.  
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This outfit is good for homoerotic wrestling...
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...and also for heteroerotic wrestling.
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This is also a good outfit for being gently cradled in the arms of your doctor, while you massage your throat in order to swallow what he's putting in your mouth.
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The fingerless gloves are useful for helping Xiao Bai get out of not one, but two different situations in which she stepped on a trap without realizing it, requiring Wu Xie to get down on the ground and have a tense encounter with her foot. 
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Scenes like this are where costuming really makes a difference. In this shot, we we watch a stunt hand (Zhu Yilong has never had that long of a thumbnail in his life) hold a wire steady, while a stunt foot is pulled out from under it.  
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This shot includes a lot of visual texture and interest, from the hatch lines on the palm of the glove to the cross-striping of the boot lace. The complexity of this glove and this boot help to hold our attention when they’re in the frame, allowing the tension of the scene to build, instead of dissipating when the viewer runs out of things to look at.
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Bonus Look 1
Carrying all that tragic baggage has given Jiang Zisuan spectacular arm muscles.
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Bonus Look 2
Zhu Yilong with not-fake facial hair. 
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cluescorner · 3 years
have any opinions on part 4 of JoJo?
It's the best one in terms of writing, plot consistency, and actually being coherent. The relatively lower stakes (trying to find 1 serial killer instead of trying to save the world) lends itself very well to a story set in a small town and also allowed for more character moments. One of my favorite parts about Part 4 is that we get to see the characters just...being kids together. Like, one of my favorite episodes is the Harvest one where Josuke and Okuyasu are just being dumbasses together constantly.
Josuke is probably my favorite JoJo so far, but I haven't gotten past Part 5 yet so that might change. He really feels like just some guy who happened to be born into the Joestar family and now has to deal with this crazy new world. He makes a lot of mistakes because he's inexperienced and also a LITERAL TEENAGER, but he also is his father's son. He is extremely clever and can quickly manipulate the situation to his advantage. He's like a Joseph who's also a decent person and not friends with a LITERAL N*ZI so that's nice. He also wears his heart on his sleeve and he see him get visibly upset and happy and angry and just overwhelmed throughout the Part. He feels like a real person that I can relate to, not just a badass punch man with 3 personality traits. So he's the best JoJo so far imo.
I also think the general main cast is also all solid. There really aren't any that ruin the show for me, even of the ones I like least. Okuyasu is such a good character and I honestly feel like he was underutilized both as a fighter and as a character. The Hand is so overpowered and literally could neutralize Kira in the span of like 5 minutes, so I feel like giving that overpowered Stand to Okuyasu, a character who isn't exactly bright enough to understand the full capabilites of his Stand and how to utilize them, was a good decision. Even if it was ultimately underutilized a LOT.
And the potential behind his character, a kid who has been only with his brother and his father (who are both kinda monsters in their own right) for as long as he can remember who then LOSES his brother after trying to fight Josuke, who then becomes friends with Josuke DESPITE all of this and quickly works his way into his friends' lives, who has a power related to taking EVERYTHING AWAY IN ONE TOUCH (Stands are a reflection of their user's soul so...), AND who is shown to be extremely kind-hearted despite his trauma but is also likely suffering in silence?? I think Okuyasu had the set up to be the best character of the part but Araki just didn't follow through. This kind of stuff is why I enjoy fanworks so much, I have already read so many that explore Okuyasu and they're all fantastic. I absolutely adore Okuyasu and his 'death' was the first moment in JoJo that I almost cried real tears.
Koichi is...fine. I like him and I get why everyone else likes him. In any other season I'd likely have way more to say about him, but every single character is pretty good in this season so I don't really have that strong of feelings about him.
Rohan is so funny to me. Like, this man only cares about his manga and does NOT care about being a good person and he doesn't try to hide it. One of the first things he does is try to fight our heroes because...he wants Koichi for his manga. He was about to force Okuyasu to kill himself and Heaven's Door is such an OP ability that I feel like I don't have to say anything. And the only reason he loses is because Josuke doesn't like manga and he insulted Josuke's hair. This is the kind of stuff that I love about this part, the ways our heroes win are so weird and clever that it makes the battles feel more real. Rohan is also a pretty well-written character and he contrasts very well with the other characters to create some very fun dynamics.
Part 4 Jotaro is better than Part 3 Jotaro. A major reason why I didn't really love Part 3 is because I didn't like Jotaro as a protagonist. He's too disinterested and stoic for me to enjoy as the LEAD OF AN ENTIRE PART but I always thought that he would work better as something else. And apparently, that something else was a genuinely amazing mentor character. He has seen the worst that Stands have to offer and he's very familiar in dealing with them, so he makes for a great contrast to our extremely inexperienced team. And he's also given less screen time, which means I don't get tired of his stoicism and OP-ness as often. I actually enjoyed that he only uses Time Stop when it's absolutely neccesary, since that's the ability that killed SO MANY OF THE PEOPLE HE KNEW. But Part 4 Jotaro also isn't infallible. He almost dies to a FUCKING RAT and that was honestly one of the most human moments Jotaro has ever been given. He's just waiting for Josuke to figure out what to do while he keeps getting turned slowly yet slower into a pile of fleshy goop. And he also cannot handle Kira on his own like he could handle DIO because Kira is a far more subtle opponent. You can't just beat Kira by punching it until it dies, you have to actually think about what you are and aren't doing. It makes Jotaro feel more like an actual character and less of 'Protagonist Syndrome'.
On the subject of Kira, HOLY SHIT KIRA IS SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN. I still think that DIO is the best villain so far, but I flip flop on him and Kira more often than I'd like to admit. Kira is the perfect 'low stakes' villain. He's a serial killer with a fetish for hands and a desire to live a 'normal' life, which prompts him to stay hidden as long as possible. I tend to dislike whodunnits where the audience knows who the killer is, but Kira's inability to actually stay hidden for long makes sure it never feels like it goes on for too long. I also adored his ability, it's a far more 'planning' based one than any ability we've seen up until this point. You need to know what you're doing with your ability and Kira, though he's also a dumbass at times, knows Killer Queen inside and out. Bites The Dust is also a great ability for him to have and his weird sort of relationship with Shinobu also made him very fun.
The Bites the Dust arc is the best JoJo has to offer. In the same vein that many told me that the DIO's world arc +the final battle was worth every minute of the rest of Part 3, I am telling anyone who is still unsure of whether they want to watch Part 4 that the Bites the Dust arc is worth every minute you spend on Part 4. Though, if you really aren't feeling it, you can start when Kira first shows up and just watch from there. The other episodes are great, but if you don't like low-stakes slice of life stuff then just start when Kira shows up. Because the Bites the Dust arc is so good. It's just so good. It feels like a culmination of everything we've built towards throughout the season with crescendoing character moments and an impossible situation that only desperation and preparation (funnily enough the two traits Kira is most defined by) can solve. Really, the Bites the Dust arc is so good that I'm not even gonna talk about what happens during it explicitly. I refuse to spoil this arc, watch it yourself please. But try to find a Trigger list for it, because it gets DARK. Be safer than I was while watching it, lol.
So yeah, I love Part 4. It's probably the best part so far. Is it my favorite part? IDK, gay italians and women are real in Part 5 so I think I'm still more about that part so far. Part 5 is my favorite, but Part 4 is the best and it's honestly not even close. Even if you don't want to watch JJBA (entirely valid, I hate this show sometimes and if you aren't a fan of sausage fests...this show isn't for you probably) I still recommend Part 4 or at least the Bites the Dust arc. It's the best JoJo part, hands down.
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frappe-art · 2 years
I wanna ask one piece cuz thats what frappe likes best and i want to ask jjk cuz thats what ill actually understand so maybe just do both :3
i severely underestimated how hard this would've been so i said fuck it i can put 2 chars per category if i want (ill do op tomorrow bc TOO MANY CHARACTERS TO RANT ABOUT)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Megumiii! at first i really appreciated that gege refused the sasuke-rival trope with him and made him and yuuji just bffs, and his n toji’s subplot is my fav in jjk. Everything about this kid makes me soft and also I want his technique, imagine being able to summon pets to snuggle whenever you want, doggos, masked birds, FUCKING ELEPHANTS
Gojo tho takes the medal for character I think about the most, but I was tempted to put him in horse plinko. I love making fun of him ok? He’s so perfect in every aspect except personality that I cannot bully him every two sentences.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Yuuji and his million watt smile. He’s the extroverted friend who brings the sun to Megumi and, as a certified introverted, I can’t help but adore him just like Megumi does
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Yuki, I just think she’s hilarious, powerful as a goddess and still running from her responsibilities, found a scrubby kid and decided she wanted to train him, and somehow todo’s personality happened. Also yukichoso owo
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
toji. he’s not obscure, but he has v little screentime AND I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM OK? This man is the absolute worst, almost sold his kid, is a manwhore without a penny because he’s a shit at gambling, a stinking bum and still he keeps haunting the narrative and being bigger than life even after dying, and when gojo isn’t around he snatches all the coolest scenes. I want give him a hug and put him in the washing machine.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
problematic? do I hear problematic? Sukuna then. not unpopular but who cares. 1) I love his tattoos and no I wont stop saying it. 2) he’s such an amazing concept, having mc and villain sharing the same body and not going for the “he’s not that bad, he’s just a powerup” trope. Sukuna is smart, a menace, fucking powerful and he actively works against yuuji, while yuuji is unable let alone to use him, but also to keep a single secret from him. Ah and he’s a villain with a top notch evil laugh who loves theatrics.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I don’t hate naoya, but I want to slap him so bad. I want to move all the furniture in his house 3 cm to the left and watch him bump his thumb against every corner. I want to replace the whipped cream on his cake with toothpaste and his conditioner with mayonnaise.
also gojo for all the reasons above
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
kenjaku. I want geto back and that toothy brain thing gives me the creeps.
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