#there’s gotta be crossover fics somewhere
thejadecount · 2 years
God I would absolutely die for a 2012 and Rise TMNT crossover
2012 and Rise TMNT Crossover Masterpost
12 Raph would be angry that he’s the leader in the Rise universe and not his own and so confused/irritated at how the Rise version of himself acts, meanwhile Rise Raph is just confused on why he acts like such a big jerk
12 Donnie would probably be lowkey scared of Rise Donnie meanwhile Rise Donnie thinks of him as the Superior Donnie
(“Where did you get all this supplies for your inventions?” “I stole them” “WHAT? BUT STEALING’S BAD—“ “Maybe for you, my morals however, are much looser—“)
The Mikeys chill. They’re best friends.
Meanwhile 12 Leo is all serious and brooding as the 12 Leader while Rise Leo just constantly makes fun of him but is secretly really impressed with the other Leo’s leadership skills and looks up to him
Meanwhile Giga Chad Rise April to 12 April:
“Why am I white?”
“Wh-what? What does that have to do with—“
“But why?”
“I-I think you’re missing the big point here—“
“Well I’m definitely not missing the point of you that’s for sure.”
“Anyways—“ *moves onto a whole different conversation with the turtles while 12 April is very confused*
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raaorqtpbpdy · 4 months
Brotherhood (2)
Directly following the events of Double Helix, Danny enrolls in Bayville High school and joins the Brotherhood of Mutants. He's not sure if they actually believe he's a ghost and not a mutant, but at least they don't care enough to challenge him on it, and that's good enough for him. This is a direct sequel to Double Helix (linked above), and some parts may be confusing without the context of the original fic. I suggest you read that first.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week 2024, Day 5: The Owl House X-Men Evolution | Shell
I have seen exactly two episodes of The Owl House, and that was like four years ago or something, so I was not confident in my ability to write a crossover for it. Also, from this chapter on, it's unedited and I'll come back to edit later. I just want to actually finish this fic tonight.
I tried to work in a theme of both Danny and Wanda "coming out of their shell" throughout the fic. You can also read it on AO3.
Chapter 2: Transition
[Warning for mental institutions]
"You guys got any plans for the long weekend?" Lance asked as he sprawled out on the shabby couch in the board house. "Kitty told me she and some of the X-dorks are going on an educational retreat to the California redwoods. They decided on it yesterday. Can you imagine being able to just up and fly to the other side of the country on a whim."
"And for educational purposes, yuck!" Toad agreed. "If I had my own jet like they do, I'd go to Vegas!"
"If you could afford a jet like they have, you wouldn't have to go to Vegas," Lance said. "You'd already be rich. If I had my own jet, I would use it to go to all the concerts I'd normally miss because they're too far away."
"I don't need a private jet to go wherever I want," Pietro bragged. "If I want to go to a concert, I'll run right in past security and no one will even know."
"And if that concert is in Europe?" Lance asked. "Or Asia? You know, across a massive ocean? Can you run there?"
"Okay, point taken, but why would I wanna go to a snooty European concert anyway?" the speedster scoffed. "What about you, Danny?"
"What do I need a jet for? I can already fly," he said. "Not that I use it for major travel much. Maybe I should. That's what my cousin does. She flies all over the world."
"Hey! We should do something fun this weekend!" Toad declared. "Maybe sneak into a concert, or go somewhere cool! Show those X losers we know how to have a good time while they use their fancy private jet to go learn things."
"Sure, I'm down," Lance agreed.
"Sorry guys, I'm gonna pass this time. I actually do have plans this weekend," Danny said. "I'm gonna fly upstate and visit a friend. I haven't seen her in a few weeks."
"Her?" Pietro repeated with a smirk. "This wouldn't happen to be a girlfriend would it?"
"It's not like that," Danny said. "She's a friend. She's a girl. That's it."
"Uh-huh... sure," Toad said, sounding unconvinced. "You dog."
"Lay off," Danny said, rolling his eyes. "Come on, we gotta get to school. Long weekend's not here yet."
Toad groaned.
"Buck up, we've only got one more day," Lance pointed out.
When the long weekend finally arrived, Danny filled his pockets with all the things he wanted to bring, said good-bye to the Brotherhood, who barely acknowledged him as they argued about what to do that weekend, and took off. He flew north, toward the mental institution. It had been almost three whole weeks since he'd last been there, but he remembered the way.
Honestly, he hadn't expected to go back so soon, and Wanda probably wouldn't be expecting him either, but it wasn't like he was gonna be an inpatient this time. He would turn invisible and pop into Wanda's room to hang out with her. It hadn't even been that long, really, but he missed her.
Thinking about her in that room all alone again, without anyone or anything to distract her, it almost made him regret leaving in the first place. He should have been more considerate. Even though she said she'd be okay, leaving just because he didn't like Xavier was selfish.
When, after almost a full day of flying, he finally caught sight of the building, resentment gripped his chest. He hated this place. If it weren't for Wanda, he wouldn't have even stayed as long as he had. And if it weren't for her, he definitely wouldn't have come back, ever. No matter what.
But he did. He came back. For Wanda.
Sneaking in went just as planned. No one saw him. No one heard him. He was a ghost, after all. The moment he saw Wanda, he realized that he'd missed her even more than he'd thought.
"Knock knock," he said as he appeared in her room.
She jumped in surprise, but when she saw him, she smiled. "You scared me."
"Should I have said 'Boo', instead?" he asked. "I totally should have. Missed opportunity."
She chuckled slightly and shook her head.
"You seem to be doing pretty well, all things considered," he noted.
She was still wearing a straight jacket, but it looked looser, like whoever had put it on her wasn't as worried about her getting out. Her small smile still seemed genuine. Three weeks on her own again hadn't sent her straight back to her darkest place, it seemed.
"Yeah," she agreed. "I've been taking your advice. Whenever I notice myself getting stuck thinking about the bad memory, I try to think of three good ones. It's hard sometimes, but I think the more effort it takes, the better it works, because it keeps me distracted for longer. Yesterday, I remembered reading that book with you. You know the one. I tried to imagine an ending for it where they were both arrested as war criminals instead of having a happy ending. Do you want to hear it?"
"Absolutely," Danny confirmed.
In truth, he hadn't even thought about that trashy romance novel in ages. It was largely forgettable for him, but if it helped Wanda better navigate her emotions then hell yeah he wanted to hear her ideas for an alternate ending.
In her version of the ending, there was a huge trial. The kings of both sides agreed that the Warlock and Sorceress were guilty of crimes against Arvenia, and sentenced them to live the rest of there lives in a deep, dark dungeon where the lovers could only communicate by having rats deliver notes between them.
Then, after years of planning their escape one note at a time, they broke out and took over the world together, killing the kings and terrorizing the people of Arvenia to keep them in line.
"Ooh, plot twist!" Danny said when she got to that part. "I like that you made them the villains in the end. They should have been the villains from the beginning."
"I agree," Wanda said. "It was stupid that the book just gave them another villain to blame for all the bad things they did and fight off, rather than acknowledging their crimes."
"Totally!" Danny emphatically agreed. "Oh, I just remembered! I brought you some stuff."
He reached into his pockets and pulled out all the stuff he'd brought. He pulled out a deck of cards, a book of MadLibs and a pen, a sheet of stickers. He wasn't sure what they would have the most fun with, so he'd just  brought a bunch of random junk. Lastly, he pulled out a necklace, a black choker with an ankh charm.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Your first goth accessory," he said. "I found it in a random box in the attic where I'm staying now."
"No, I mean what's that symbol?" she asked, repositioning herself so Danny could put the necklace on her.
"Oh, it's an ankh. The Egyptian symbol for life, I think."
"Life, huh? Doesn't sound very goth."
"Well, you would be wearing it ironically," he said. "Most of the other gothy stuff I found had crosses, and seeing as your Jewish and all...." He shrugged. "Felt like it would be disrespectful. So, do you like it?"
"Yeah, I like it a lot," Wanda said. "You know," her voice became suddenly softer than before, like she was nervous. "Professor Xavier is going to come tomorrow. I think tomorrow might finally be the day he takes me with him."
"You think?" Danny asked, excited for her despite his hatred of the professor.
"Yeah," she confirmed. "I've been doing a lot better lately, and I have a really good feeling about it."
"That's awesome, Wanda!" he told her. "In that case, let's call the necklace a good luck charm. I'm rooting for you. I know you can do it."
"You know, I also found this totally sweet red leather coat when I was rooting around in the attic," he said. "Ankle-length, flared collar, and it's your favorite color. Once you're ready to give up the straight jacket, I'll bring it to you as a congratulations present. What do you think?"
"I think you're really trying to motivate me."
"What can I say? I miss my friend."
"Then we have a deal," she agreed. Tomorrow is gonna be the day. I just know it."
Danny grinned widely at her. 
For the rest of the day, they mostly played MadLibs. They tried a few card games, too, but with Wanda's hands restrained, the only thing they could really do was collaborative solitaire, and that got old fast. Danny stuck little ghost and bat stickers on all the latches on her straight jacket while he told her about the school he was going to, and the board house. How he'd picked the same city the Xavier Institute was in so he could see her again when she enrolled there.
"They're all mutants at the board house," Danny told her. "I don't know if they actually believe I'm not, but they don't push it. They don't even call me a mutant by mistake. I don't know, maybe it's 'cause they're afraid I'll do something, or maybe it's 'cause they just don't care enough to argue with me, but either way, that's better than I ever got from Xavier."
"I'm glad you found people who accept you," Wanda said. "I hope when I go to the professor's school, I will too."
"Me too," Danny agreed. "And hey, even if you don't find them there, you'll still have me."
She smiled at him. Her smile was always small, burdened, a little sad behind the eyes, but it was honest. Danny liked that about her. She never tried to hide anything.
That night, he crashed in her room. Despite being fully padded, it was not very comfortable, but it was better than trying to fly through the night and ending up sleeping in a tree somewhere. He said 'see ya later' and left early in the morning to make sure he wouldn't be seen when the orderlies came to get her for her meeting with the professor, and promised to meet up with her again soon.
Then, he spent another day flying back to Bayville.
"You're getting back a little late, aren't you?" Lance observed when Danny finally returned to the board house. "Did you get to spend some quality time with your girlfriend?"
"Again, not my girlfriend, but yes, I did," Danny responded. "How was your... whatever you guys decided to do this weekend?"
"Oh, we ended up not being able to decide, so we just ordered pizza and stayed here all weekend," Lance answered. "So that was... that."
"Oh, yeah, those X-Men are gonna be soo jealous of the weekend you had."
"Shut up!"
It wasn't until a couple days later that news reached the Brotherhood of the X-Men's newest member. It came by way of Lance's budding relationship with Kitty.
"Really!? The X-Men have a new member?" Danny repeated excitedly when he heard the news after school.
"That's what Kitty said," Lance confirmed. "Apparently she's not gonna start at Bayville High for another few of days so she can get settled, but yeah. I don't know anything about her, though."
"I'm pretty sure I do!" Danny said. "I gotta go!"
Danny didn't bother to explain. He went ghost, made a quick pit-stop in the attic to grab something and then flew straight for the Xavier Institute. He'd never actually been there before, but Tabitha told him where it was a while back. Apparently, she used to be an X-Men trainee before she joined the Brotherhood, and she was still friends with some of them.
Turrets rose up out of the ground the moment he got past the gate. Probably motion-activated. Danny easily avoided getting hit by turning intangible and staying that way until he'd flown straight through the front door. It actually took a while. The grounds were huge.
By the time he got through, there was a group of mutants waiting for him, suited up and ready for a fight.
"Relax, I'm not here to fight," Danny said. He held up the paper bag he'd brought with him. "I'm just bringing a friend a gift."
"Who are you?" demanded a guy with a weird visor. Scott, probably. He seemed like Scott.
"What do you mean who am I?" Danny asked. "You know me!"
"Like, I've never seen you before," Kitty said, crossing her arms. 
How they expected to protect their identities when they didn't even wear masks, Danny had no idea.
"What are you talking about? I—" He stopped himself abruptly. "Oh yeah, my bad," he said, and let the rings of his transformation wash over him, revealing his human form. "Recognize me now?"
Judging by their gasps, the answer was yes, but they didn't stand down.
"What are you doing here?" Jean asked. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with the Xavier Institute."
"I don't wanna join, but it's not like I hate you guys or anything," Danny said. "This just isn't the place for me. And I already told you why I'm here. I'm brought a congratulations present for Wanda. She's your new member, right? Or trainee? Whatever."
"How do you know that?" asked a fuzzy blue mutant that Danny didn't recognize until he started talking. That German accent was unmistakably Kurt.
"Well, when I saw her the other day, she said she felt really confident that she was going to be able to join you guys soon, and then Lance said Kitty said you got a new member, so I figured it must be her."
The others all glared at Kitty.
"What?" she asked. "It's not like it was gonna be a secret for long anyway. We, like, all go to the same school!"
"I wasn't aware you and Wanda were so close," came a familiar voice.
Danny turned to see the professor wheeling in and had to school his face to avoid scowling at him.
"We're friends," he said. "Can I see her or not? And keep in mind if you say no, I'm just gonna find her anyway."
"As long as you haven't come with ill intentions, I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to see her," the professor said. "We're all mutants after all, and a sense of community is important."
"I'm not a mutant," Danny muttered, his scowl finally breaking through.
The professor responded with a tight smile. "Jean, why don't you show Danny to Wanda's room."
"Of course, professor," Jean agreed. "It's this way."
She headed up the stairs and Danny followed.
"So do you and Wanda know each other from the institution?" Jean asked. "I mean, sorry, that's probably personal. I hope you don't mind me asking."
"It's fine," Danny said. "Yeah. Security couldn't exactly hold a guy who walks through walls, so I would sneak into her room sometimes and we'd hang out. She always wanted to be able to come here. I could never really understand it, but I'm still proud of her, you know? I may not agree with you guys, but you're good people. For the most part. I'm not quite sold on Scott, yet."
Jean chuckled. "I guess we can't really ask for more than that." She stopped in the hallway and knocked on a door. "Wanda, you in there? You have a visitor."
The door opened seemingly on its own.
"Danny!" Wanda's voice called. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon."
"I came as soon as I heard, and I guess word travels fast," he replied. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, come in," she said.
"I'll leave you to it," Jean said, as she backed away into the hall and closed the door behind her.
"You look good," Danny said.
Her clothes were a bit mismatched, but it was the first time he was seeing her without a straight jacket, and that was a huge improvement. She was also wearing the choker he'd given her. Her hair looked recently washed, and was neatly combed and tucked behind her ears. 
Even the way she held herself was more confident, happier. Not being in that rotten mental institution was already having a positive affect on her, it seemed.
"I brought something that'll make you look even better." He held up the paper bag.
"The coat?" she asked, rushing forward excitedly to take the bag from him.
"I hope it fits," he told her. "It looked about the right size."
She let the bag drop to the floor as he pulled the coat out and smoothly slid it on. It looked like it might be a little wide in the shoulders, but other than that, it fit like a glove.
"It's perfect," she said.
"I also found some earrings that match the necklace," he said. "I slipped 'em in one of the pockets. I know you don't have pierced ears, but I figured if you ever did, you might like to have them."
She patted the pockets until she found what he was talking about and smiled when she pulled them out. Then, she laid them gently on her dresser.
He didn't think he'd ever seen her smile so much, and so unabashedly. It wasn't the tiny, hesitant smile she'd worn before. She was really coming out of her shell.
"Careful," he said. "Looking at you now, I'd almost think you weren't consumed by rage."
Her smile fell. 
That had been the wrong thing to say.
"I am still angry," she said. "I can't stop it. But... you were right. I didn't need to control my anger. I just had to stop letting my anger control me. Now I can be angry and happy at the same time. Angry and excited. I feel more than just anger now. It feels good."
"I'm happy to hear it," he told her. "So how's this place treating you so far?"
"I have a roommate!" she replied instantly. "Her name is Rahne. And tomorrow, when they're done with school, she and some of the other girls are gonna take me to the mall for new clothes so I don't have to wear stuff from the lost-and-found anymore."
"That makes sense," Danny said.
"Do you wanna come?" she invited.
"I... would... but I might ruin the mood," he said apologetically. "Some of them don't trust me since I'm technically part of the Brotherhood, and we're... enemies? Rivals? Something like that. Plus, you don't want a guy tagging along on your first girl's shopping trip. Trust me. You'll want the full experience."
"You have a point...."
"I'll enjoy the surprise of seeing your new wardrobe when you come to school in a few days," he said.
They hung out and chatted for a little while until Wanda's roommate came back and Danny figured that was his cue to go. As he left her new room, he had the distinct pleasure of telling her he'd see her at school.
He could feel eyes on him until he was all the way off the manor grounds. They may not have hated him, but these X-Men sure as hell didn't trust him either.
Whatever. He didn't care what they thought about him. As long as they took care of Wanda, and left him alone, they were alright in his book. So far, so good.
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artaxlivs · 5 days
20 questions for writers
I was tagged by @corrodedbisexual who is a kickass Steddie writer and you should check them out if you haven't already!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
45 although I have several dropping in June for Bangs (eek!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
419,731 - which is just bonkers.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things, Marvel (Clint Barton centric) and Teen Wolf (I tripped and fell into that one but its just so good...fucking werewolves)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Destroy the Silence (Drummer Steve) - Steddie
An Accidental Flogging - Steddie
The Second Worst Trip to Mordor Ever Taken - Steddie
Even Flowers Have Their Dangers - Steddie
Screw Todd, Steve's Her (His) Daddy Now - Steddie
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Once every three weeks or so, I go through and leave full, complete responses to every single one (It's where I've met some of my favorite peeps!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angsty at the end?? Nah, I like my angst safely in the middle and I give it a nice landing in smut and laughter, thank you.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, all of them? Endings are kind of my specialty - gotta stick the landing, you know? But in my Teen Wolf fic Somewhere Under the Rainbow it ends with a literal happy ending (not that kind you perv)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet but I don't write anything that would inspire hate (Hopefully?)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, yes I do. I really like consent and kink discussions and unlearning all the unhealthy shit society and our parents have dumped on all of us. And service Doms...because ❤️‍🔥
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have a problem with 80s movies and crossing them into fics. Gremlins, Dirty Dancing, etc. But like, just a little. My name is ARTAXLIVS, give me a break!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I mean AI is out there fucking us all without our consent, right?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have one currently being translated (Destroy the Silence)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Winterhawk probably - Clint Barton is just perfectly imperfect and Bucky Barnes is a growling bastard with a thing for idiots.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Fuck my life - don't come for me but There's Something Wrong with Steve has been sitting at 2/4 chapters for like 9 months and I actually have the last two chapters written but there's just something not clicking so I haven't posted them. I will. I WILL.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Endings - as stated, characterization, story flow, cadence, dialogue, smut scenes, minimalist world building but not a lack of - I get a lot of comments from people who also have aphantasia (we can't picture things in our heads) and I think it's because I don't describe every stupid ass tree (Tolkien, I'm talking to you)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Crippling self doubt
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Enh, you do you boo. When I write sign language or D/deaf culture for Clint, I touched base with someone fluent in ASL but I have access to that so...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel - Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton (Winterhawk, my loves)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Pic a favorite? Blergh. I really love when people comment on Even Flowers Have Their Dangers because it's the biggest world building thing I've ever done (there's a DND-like battle scene!) But also, What if Clint Fell has a special place in my heart because I love bashful first time gay Steve and slutty Clint figuring it out during WW2.
Pretty sure i just did one of these 20 questions things a few months ago so I'm gonna no pressure tag the people I'm currently collabing on bangs with so I can learn more about them: @angeleyz4ever @rufferto9 and I don't think @eviscer-8 writes fanfic but they're a bookbinder so maybe they could tweak the questions which would be interesting!
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lamaenthel · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging me @ahsokathegray !!<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
231k lmaoooo when did that happen I feel like I've been in a fugue state since February
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (and technically, TECHNICALLY The Matrix but it's a Star Wars AU fusion lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Porg Eyes, Princess For A Year, Ram'ser'ika, Better Than Nothing, The Contingency
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes every single one omfg I love everyone
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Soft Dark Nothing is Ahsoka and Rex on the moon right after The Tribunal crashed so by default it's gotta be her (rip Jesse my beloved)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not Bad ends up with Snips n Skyguy going to Biscuit Baron lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet but I live in fear every day especially since I'm dipping my toe in the Republic Commandos pond and I know the girlies are passionate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do and it's ridiculously graphic HAHAHA no but there's a reason I haven't posted any Rexsoka smut. Makin y'all wait for it until they COMMIT, gotta keep that tension in there somewhere uwu. But wlw, mlw, mlm, aliens and cyborgs gonna work their way in there eventually (?) I have Not Out Loud, which is an mlm fic with Boba tying up Cal and facefucking him (Kesett nation rise)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Go Ask Ahsoka is the Matrix crossover that I wrote for AU August which I will eventually update lmfao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No but I would cry
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not like… technically but Erika is my beta and my bestie and she comes up with amazing ideas and lets me play with her OCs so honestly she counts (ilu)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Rexsoka 💙🧡, closely followed by Anidala (burning down the galaxy for a single person is objectively WRONG but also hot)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well Do Not Go Gentle is a huge fucking project that I HOPE I finish one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at action. I enjoy it which helps lmao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get really ahead of myself laying out hints and red herrings which I then forget about (Princess For A Year especially is the worst about this, I am so sorry for all of those hints about Sylen being a pretend Mandalorian I fucked up so bad with that one but I'm going to rewrite it eventually to bring back a bunch of my dropped subplots)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I enjoy it and do so regularly. Mando'a nuhur'shya ni ru'kar'tayli. And it makes my brain work in unexpected ways, it's like a puzzle trying to figure out the wacky ass baby's-first-conlang grammar that is Karen's creation (what the fuck kind of language doesn't have a passive voice)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OKAY OKAY TECHNICALLY, TECHNICALLY????? It was the Lion King. I was in first grade and we had to write a little storybook and illustrate the pages they gave us with crayons and my story was How Simba Lost His Mane lmfaoooo
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I have poured my whole heart, soul, brain, and pussy into Tivaevae pls read it it's longer than The Hobbit
no pressure tags: @soliloquy-of-nemo, @tangledlichen, @ink-in-books, @hannah-schooler
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poppypickle · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by mi amor @cfr749, so obvs I gotta do this.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 29
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 230,379
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've written the most for The Rookie. I've also dabbled in: The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Avengers, Community, and Miss Scarlet and the Duke.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Lots of Chenford up in here...
• Come a Little Closer • I Can’t Help Myself • Want You to Stay • Bang Bang (Look What You Started) • Break Up With Him
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do! It's really important to me to respond to anyone who takes the time to leave a comment. That reciprocal appreciation is a really vital part of fandom for me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm...probably Let Me Tell You a Story About War, which adds further angst to the canonically angsty ending for Clint and Natasha in Avengers: Endgame.
But all of my Gale-centric Hunger Games fics are suitably angsty too. 😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Can’t Help Myself is ooey gooey sweet. Let Me Name the Stars for You isn't sweet in the same way, but giving Gale and Johanna a happy ending still warms my heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I have found most people in my fandoms to be very kind and considerate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
"Yup... the horny kind?"
Lana, I LOL'ed. That pretty much sums it up. I had Chenford banging in closets and on tables and in cars and in bar bathrooms! Very satisfying for all, I hope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. They aren't really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I think someone asked me if they could translate Let Me Name the Stars for You many years ago, but I'm not sure I ever saw the finished translation.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Want You to Stay with the amazing @cfr749. The collaboration brought me so much joy, taught me so much about writing with someone else, and helped me push through some major writing block. Lana is an amazing friend and we need to write something together again!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can never choose a favorite, so I'll say that my favorite ships that I never finished fic for are Dan/Blair and Jonsa. I have quarter-written fics for each pairing somewhere in my notes and google docs.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The one I currently have rattling around in my brain where Miss Scarlet and the Duke's William and Eliza try out a Victorian friends with benefits thing. 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
This is too loaded of a question. Hmmm...I think I write humor and banter-laced-with-feelings well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't love writing climactic love confession moments, and I think it shows. I think I could let my characters be sappier sometimes. I also don't write action very well! Muddling my way through the gas station hostage crisis (LOL) in Want You To Stay was a STRUGGLE.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would want a native speaker to review before publishing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote for (but never published) was General Hospital. Jason & Robin 4eva. 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Let Me Name the Stars for You. It's a quiet little thing that covers a lot of emotional ground in not that many words, and I really love exploring how broken people find ways to put themselves back together again.
I also loved some of the moments I created for Hermione in Could You Leave Me With a Scar?
Tagging @itsoneofthemuses @crose84 @farfarawaygirl - but no pressure!
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valdangelodreams · 15 days
AU #4 the crossover
ok, so, I'll admit I spent the entire week consuming MCU fics, so this one came as no surprise.
-so, MCU x PJO obvs, I've seen some actually but...
-also soulmate au: in this one you get colores lines in your wrist for platonic, familial and romantic soulmates
-they only appear in that order, like, you gotta have your platonic bf you get your fam (that was important)
-starts with Shuri getting caught in a monster attack while visiting the us, or maybe the attack just crossed her path?
-Leo shows up after the monster, summoning tools and trying to catch the thing, Shuri decides to help with her own tools
-they come into contact and the silver line forms for both of them
-they discuss the demigod world, since Shuri can see the monster, and Leo introduces her to Festus
-Shuri, in turn, introduces her to the superhero world, turns out the mist doesn’t work on any of the mains in the MCU (magic exposure thing)
-Other than his romantic one, all of Leo’s soulmates are somewhere in the teams
-I figure Peter has a sibling bond with Shuri, so Leo cares abt him by proxy
-if you don't think tony stark would fall in love with festus, then Idk what to tell you
-i have no idea who Leo's family bond would be, so y'all can have fun with that one
-I didn't get to see the in between, but eventually Nico gets involved, somehow
-he also gets adopted into the group
-Valdangelo gets to be safe from monsters without having to go to camp (I have much to say abt this but that's not what this blog's abt, unless...)
that's all I really have, it was a kind of confusing dream.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
alright i've been tagged on this a few times so guess it's time to do it....i mean i do luv tag games :)
thanks for the tags @taste-thewaste @agostobuwan @tailsbeth-writes
How many works do you have on ao3?
13- one of which is 25 fics i posted as chapters for a holiday/seasonal themed december thing - most my early work is elsewhere and i didn't do any writing for a good chunk of years lolz
What's your total ao3 word count?
76,771 (most of this was written since nov '23)
What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB currently may dip my toes into 911 at some point (my only non-rwrb fic on ao3 is marvel lol)
Top five fics by kudos:
Ring on His Finger, Putty in HIs Hands (firstprince)
Third Times a Charm? (Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton)
i've got you acting like you want more (firstprince)
- like the way you work it - (firstprince)
gotta sign 'em all (firstprince)
Do you respond to comments?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the only thing i can think of that would be angsty towards the end would be Santa Tell Me from my Holiday Bits and Bobs - it was pretty much 1800 words of angst
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably the second hand unwinds - it was one of my hey sweetheart fics and is pretty much just shy of 3700 words of alex being a sap (and the boys being cute girl!dads)
Do you get hate on fics?
um not hate - but recently a weird 'that couldn't have happened cuz of yada yada' kind of comment
Do you write smut?
LOLZ - that's like most of what i write *gigglesnorts*
Craziest crossover:
don't have any of these
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not yet! but i'm super excited to work on the one with @agostobuwan💚
All time favorite ship?
omg - i don't know that's too hard - i can tell you current fave is firstprince but my all time fave might actually be HP/CharlieW - maybe? or if we're going off amount i've read for it hp/dm or kirk/mccoy oh or bagginshield
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i had always planned go back and do more for my darcy/clint fic and make it into a series, but those ideas that got written down lamented away in a doc and are gone now lol
What are your writing strengths?
um....i don't know do i have these - i can write smut fairly well
What are your writing weaknesses?
i usually hafta go back and make sure i didn't just get uber prose-y and included enough dialogue - unless i'm doing it on purpose
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
cool if it works for the character - i really like when there's a translation somewhere - unless it's obvious what it means
First fandom you wrote in?
wrote in and posted somewhere - HP - followed closely by Idol RPF - i dabbled in other things that never got posted tho b4 that (the usuals for any 'lil geeky girl - star wars, star trek, angel, buffy
Favorite fic you've written?
idk - maybe something in your mouth cuz it just came togther so quickly and was fun to write (even if i intially thought it was gonna be smuttier lolz) or maybe my silly lil fairytale baby just say yes that topped out over 20k it's my first RWRB actual AU posted that wasn't just a small ficlet
alright so few quick tags to: @typicalopposite @adreamareads @inexplicablymine @stellarm
@sophie1973 @suseagull04 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @itsmaybitheway
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bardic-inspo · 3 months
Writer Interview
Tagged by the wonderful @electricshoebox 💜💜💜 Thank you, friendo!!
Tagging forward @vixstarria, @littlejuicebox, @ravnloft if you'd like to do this, too. No worries if not! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
16 (and counting!)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Red Heart indicates smut included somewhere in the fic (or will be included in future chapters)❤️
All are Fallout 4 fics except the last two, which are Baldur's Gate 3.
Bring the Gasoline (MacCready x Sole Survivor Longfic❤️)
No Rest for the Wicked (MacCready x Deacon X Sole OT3)
We Never Go Anywhere Nice (MacCready x Deacon x Sole OT3)
Worried Sick (MacCready x Deacon x Sole OT3)
Midnight Chimes (Astarion x Cursed!Tav longfic❤️)
Honorable Mention: Blood in the Mortar (Ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav❤️❤️❤️)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I'm sometimes (very) fashionably late in doing so. But it's really important to me for a number of reasons. I don't ever want anyone who takes the time to read/comment to feel like I take that for granted (I absolutely don't). It is so incredibly motivating to know there's someone out there enjoying what I'm writing. I want any/all commenters to know I just appreciate them so much.
I've also stumbled into friendships through commenting back and forth on fics before, which was wonderful and unexpected and just opened a new dimension of fandom/community for me. Compliments are wonderful, but I mostly share my writing because I want to feel connected to that sense of community and enjoy that mutual love of whatever universe sprouted the fics in the first place. Responding back to comments makes me feel more in tune with all of that.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I tend to follow a "more hurt more comfort" motto, so most of the angst I write is followed up by comfort (or at least, a comforting note at the end).
I'm gonna say Warm Bodies. It's an angsty Fallout 4 smut fic featuring Deacon x MacCready x Sole Survivor in an established (somewhat domestic) OT3. A close call with death rattles them and they have emotional sex about it. Although there's a lot of comfort with the angst, the ending note is slightly melancholy. It implies that either a) a pretty significant lifestyle change is in order for all of them, which goes against the grain of their characters or b) they'll have more close calls until, one day, it's really too close, and they lose each other for good.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I almost always go for a happy/hopeful ending. It's hard to pick one, but it's probably gotta be one my fluffy domestic MacCready x Deacon x SoSu oneshots, Hungry Hearts. Ends with a big happy family moment.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet, at least. I did once thoroughly outline and started drafting an AU that was basically the plot of Casino Royale with Deacon as Bond and MacCready as Vesper and other Fallout universe characters (like Mr. House) inserted in. I don't see myself going back to finish that one at this point.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nah. I think I'm too small fry for that in terms of my audience size/reach and that's just fine with me. I'm cool tending this cozy little campfire over here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah! I mostly enjoy writing smut with a ton of feelings/history to it, (Warm Bodies is a super emotional comfort sex OT3 fic; Blood in the Mortar is an evil power couple with an established dynamic relishing in some power play and spicy use of their telepathic bond). But I've also dabbled in some kink exploration in Follow Suit, which plays a little bit with dom/sub dynamics and very light bondage.
I'm really looking forward to writing upcoming smut scenes for Midnight Chimes. Astarion's relationship with sex is such a huge part of his arc, and I'm looking forward to writing the smut scenes in a way that shows his own individual progression with that, and also how his relationship with Naomi deepens/changes over time.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I am so feast or famine with my writing process/preferences, I don't think I would make a great writing partner at this point. Maybe someday!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ahh that's tough. It's really going to be, whichever is at the forefront of my mind at the moment. Currently, that's Astarion x Tav (especially my own Tav, who I'm doing a lot OC work/development for). But MacCready x Sole (Natasha) feel like, nostalgic, warm and fuzzy friends to me. I think my heart will always get soft when I think of them together (and with Deacon!).
Really, any ships I used to be more fixated on are just dormant and still have a space in my head/heart.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I could very well come full circle and feel the pull to deep dive into Fallout again (especially if the TV show turns out to be good, or if they release a new single-player game in the series), but the only further Fallout 4 fic I see myself finishing at this point is Bring the Gasoline (most likely by hermit drafting the rest of it and waiting to share further until I'm done). I think the amount of ideas I had, unfortunately, outmatched my motivation/hyperfixation on that universe. I had a lot of ideas for fics showing the actual OT3 relationship "negotiation" that I've had vivid daydreams about, and lots of wild notes for, but I don't have plans to pick up again at this point.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I get a lot of positive feedback on my action scenes. Also a lot of feedback that my writing is really vivid/visceral/immersive. I think I'm good at putting the reader in the character's shoes/in the heat of a moment, and wrapping them into the character's thoughts/feelings right off the bat. I also feel like character work, generally, is a strong suit of mine (character voice, mannerisms, individuality).
Something that has been really touching to hear is how well people respond to my OCs. I've done a lot of work to make unique/compelling/flawed original characters that readers can get invested in. I am still absolutely floored by some of comments I've gotten re: Natasha (my Sole Survivor). And although Naomi (Tav) is a newer character in my arsenal, I've gotten to play with some alternate (evil) versions of her, and folks seem to be intrigued by both.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Echoing Riss on the crutch words and phrases. I do have some editing steps I use to try to mitigate this. In the past, I've also had a bad habit of transposing/mingling words from different fantasy universes (mirelurk vs. mudcrab; Storm Coast vs. Sword Coast) without even realizing I'm doing it. I'm hyperconscious about that, now.
I also struggle to be concise. I made a commitment to work more on this this year, and in doing so, am trying to strike a balance with it. Ideally, if I have a lot of words, there should be a certain density of ideas/information being shared. So, if a fic gets long because it's packing a lot of punch that way, I don't want to cut it off unless it's too much to share at once. If it's long just because I'm being wordy, well, maybe that comes down to self-confidence, and me needing to let my words stand on their own without so much hedging/propping up.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've experimented with this (and now cringe about it in retrospect), but hey, I think it takes some trial and error to figure out what works. My general preference is to write the lines in the language being used for the bulk of the fic, but then add a phrase like "X character said in Elvish" after. I think the less the writer knows of the other language themselves, the more they should err away from writing a lot in it. I think short phrases or single words in a different language can also be to great effect (as long as they're properly researched/understood).
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Warrior Cats as a kid loose on the internet 😺
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I want to write some Shadowheart/Karlach smut! I'm a little intimidated as I've yet to add F/F to my smut fic punch card, and I wanna get a free sub but I think they have so much angsty sweet potential and I already have a little outline for it!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Bring the Gasoline will always be my baby. It's my first real fic, and the thing that got me through a lot of ups and downs. I poured so much of myself into it.
But for now, I have to go with Blood in the Mortar. I just had an absolute blast writing it. It gave me confidence back in a way I really needed. It made me feel like I'd grown in skills I'd been working on for a while (particularly with writing dialogue and smut, and character work in general). I got to write villains, really for the first time, and was surprised I had so much fun with it. It was the perfect blend of challenge and getting back into my element, and writing/sharing it felt really uplifting. Felt like letting my hair down, hehe.
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divinemissem13 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @ussjellyfish!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 76
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 216,156
3. What fandoms do you write for? Various Star Treks (mostly Voyager, but also Prodigy, TNG, Picard, SNW) The Closer/ Major Crimes Doctor Who
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Gotta Start Somewhere (Trektober 2022) - first thing I ever posted, Trektober prompts for J/C
Rotund - another early one, one shot where pregnant Kathryn messes with Tom and Harry in order to get their table in the mess hall
Kitchen Confidential - one shot where Kathryn is secretly an excellent cook
Aftermath - J/C one shot set immediately post Resolutions (ANGST/ comfort)
Postlude to a Kiss - Part of my 'How Chakotay Met Kathryn' series, set during and after the Vis a Vis body swap incident
5. Do you respond to comments? I try! Often just a ❤️ or a 'Thank you'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Honey, maybe?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Send in the Clowns is not necessarily happier than any of my other endings, but because it's the end of a long and angsty series, I think the payoff is the best.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I will write flirting and a little foreplay, but ultimately, I love a good fade to black.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? So many. Mostly Voyager & TNG/Picard for Beverly/Kathryn fics
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? A short one with @magdalenejaneway from a flash fic prompt. It was fun. I'd do it again.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I've never written for it, but I'm actually gonna say Adama/Roslin because I've shipped them the longest.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a few abandoned WIP one shots that I'll probably never return to... but I also have three multi-chapter WIPs that I still have very high hopes of finishing. I wrote a chapter on one today!
16. What are your writing strengths? Finding character's voices
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm trying to get better at describing things (I have aphantasia and so picturing stuff is really hard but if I can find a good image to base things off of, it goes ok.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Phrases here and there, but I don't know any other language well enough to write a real conversation.
19. First fandom you wrote for? When I was in elementary school, I hand wrote a Muppet Babies and Tiny Toons fic. I did not know what fanfic was at the time and I do not remember anything else about it. I only realized it was technically fanfic many many years later when I started intentionally writing fic (for Voyager, which is probably my actual first fandom)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? All Things Bright and Beautiful. Beverly/ Kathryn set after Picard S3. Writing it was super easy and it still makes me smile to go back and read it.
tagging @curator-on-ao3, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @coffee-in-that-nebula, @madamairlock, @caitylove, @holy-ships-x-red-lips, and anyone else who wants to give it a whirl!
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sunwarmed-ash · 7 months
Fic tag game!
tagged by my buddies @cuillere and @lizzy0305! thank you for this!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
93 😎
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
831,467 (holy fucking shit when did it get that long?!?!?! #ThatsWhatSheSaid
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things, Detroit become human, the breakfast club, marvel/spiderverses, Ted lasso, House MD, Harry Potter
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tony Stark: Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Daddy: (starker) 1074
I think I need help: (harringrove) 927
Call me Doctor: (Chase/House & Chase/House/Wilson 739
Rockabye Baby: (Wincest kinda??) 670
You know what they say about assuming. (steddiegrove) 645
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every. Single. One. Comments are the lifeblood to my work. Its so intimidating to be posting to a empty void but y'alls comments give life to the achieve and are just as important to a WIPs development as anything I write on my own!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Idk, I have ALOT of wips without endings/one shots. Probs the most angsty one I have in general is either The New Kid or Silence isn't Golden
wait wait wait, I found a dual suicide Wincest fic, that wins
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh this Thor/Bruce fic may be the fluffiest one I have haha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
HA! yeah, but oddly its just the ones with sex work in them. Who would have guessed 🙄🙄🙄🙄
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes 😈😈😈 kink wise all over the place, from super vanilla to BDSM and anything else I can think of. Peoplewise LGBTQ and queer characters, canon or fanon, polycules. Trope wise, enemies to lovers is my fav, but I also love pining or tragic love 👌
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes!! not too many, but I've written a few. This one isn't crazy but it is the most developed of all the wips. It's a Supernatural/The Breakfast Club crossover called Supernatural activity at shermer high
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a few times by a bot, im really really hoping it doesn't happen again but with AI about to fuck us all out of work, im a lil worried.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! two of my Starker fics were translated into Russian and on fic book but that website got torched a few years ago :( I think I also had a reader translate a TBC fic into Portuguese
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Many! probably 20-30 at this point
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
not possible for me to choose. So here's my favs of the moment. Hankconvin800 or hankvin1700, steddiegrove, parksborn, steadyhands
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
get a few scotches in him and he'll hit on anything in a 5 mile radius.
its a cowritten work I worked on years ago and just, meh idk I dont really wanna go back to it haha
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten compliments on my dialogue, dynamic character relationships, smut, and angst
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
proof reading and editing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i never trust google translate to do a good enough job so to avoid looking like a fool i dont do it. I should try though, expand my horizons. I'm learning Danish so maybe ill make a fic using that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
all of them hold significant places in my heart. they are all pieces of me and I'm trying to learn to love all of me. And that's gotta start somewhere!
tagging all my mututals and anyone who wants to do it
@sweeteatercat @disdaidal @sweetasblack @writerwhowritesao3 @geekinglikeaboss @destroya-hargrove @kissoflightning @moviemuncherao3 @cuillere @late-to-the-party-81 @spaceofentropy @strangebrainrot @treeffles @heiko-goes-detroit
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moregraceful · 9 months
picture the trope where A rushes up to B at a crowded bar or club and says please please do a me a favor and kiss me/act like my date to make my ex jealous/make this asshole stop hitting on me/some other urgent reason. who on the Giants, Sharks, and/or Cuda is most likely to be A? who as B is most likely to say sure I got ya? who is most likely to say fuck no? you can answer within each team or across teams, however you like.
omg well first of all I would be remiss in admitting that I sort of wrote this fic with Kris Bryant and Brandon Crawford, when I was deep in my Kris Bryant Is A Giant thirst and very foolishly believed Farhan Zaidi did not want me dead in the delta somewhere, BUT it lacked urgency. also it's not very good. but it exists, as a time capsule...
Giants: I truly believe Patrick Bailey is so goofy in private that he doesn't know shit about fuck but he IS good in a crisis, so he cheerfully kisses the hell out of Brett Wisely when Brett begs him to play along to get this asshole off his back. (ig we're going rookies tonight.) conversely Joc Pederson would say fuck no bc I don't trust him and also the Rogers twins would be too confused to play along appropriately but their corpse-like pallor and dead-eyed stares would get the job done just the same. I love them. Anyway I chose Brett Wisely for A bc sometimes he reminds me of a nervous purse dog
Sharks: this was so hard bc I don't actually know who is on the Sharks...I think Oskar Lindblom is still a Shark?? and I think he would be in a club and some guys would get too weird about him AND! controversial opinion, I think he would turn to Mario Ferraro for help bc no one's fucking with a guy with no teeth even if that guy reviews bagels on Youtube. Mario doesn't kiss him but he very possessively puts an arm around Oskar and smiles with zero teeth. Also Vlasic would say no to kissing, but he does start talking so loudly about water filtration and body decomposition that the guys who were getting too wild with Oskar get freaked out and leave them alone. Oskar is A because he is very pretty and often looks startled
Cuda: Daniil Gushchin needs to make his ex jealous...thanks for being my guy, tall Russian guy with a sweet smile <3 Nikolai Knyzhov is not his guy, he does not want this, his sexuality crisis is private and personal, but when a feral little man is climbing him like a tree, what is he going to do honestly. This guy seems like he might bite hard enough to draw blood if Nikolai drops him?? Guess he's gotta kiss him. This is a crossover bc I just looked at the Cuda roster and Kny isn't listed however it's important to me that Goosh and Kny kiss. Also I think Shakir Mukhamadullin would be so startled he would say no but then he would feel really bad and buy Goosh a drink so the ex gets jealous in the end anyway. I also got in at the ground floor of the Artem Guryev hype machine last year at the rookie tournament and I'm determined to get everybody on fuckin board this year now that he's with the team for real, so I'm saying he doesn't say yes to kissing but he does IMMEDIATELY start swinging, which is not what Goosh wanted, but is, in some ways, even better.
Thank you for asking...this made me so happy to think about...
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midnightnautilus · 4 months
Wilbur Cross/Wilford Warfstache Fic
Summary: Wilbur Cross finds an anomaly in the Black and White.
Funny little crossover I thought I’d post!
Amongst all the errands and cavorting around Wilbur Cross had to do these days, there were times where he could just stretch his legs and take a break. More than he could say then the hours of the job he used to have, anyways.
Go figure, he thought, grinning to himself as he pulled out a lawn chair with a flat back from the void and propped it up in the ground of the Black. Wilbur took off his jacket and put his arms behind his head as he laid down. The thrum of energies that coursed through the void were nice background noise, and he’d even gotten used to the screaming and wailing.
Maybe he could rile up one of those Sniggles enough to go get him a brewski, make themselves useful.
Wilbur blinked. That voice was new. He craned his neck up, his spine popping as it did so. Wandering through the void was someone he’d never seen before, which he didn’t particularly care for. Nowadays with the help of the Lord in Black, Ol’ Wiley could usually smell a timeline and their baggage on a person.
Still, must have just been a cult member of some poor bastard that wandered into a summoning circle. He certainly had the looks of one of Nibbly’s disciples, dressed from head to toe in glitzy, glittery pink. Even his mustache was tinged a bright bubblegum.
A far cry from a hooded figure, but it takes all kinds to make a reality.
The figure squinted at Wilbur with puzzlement. “Wait just a tick…you’re not Damien. Suppose he wouldn’t be just lying around, anyways.”
Wilbur couldn’t suppress a laugh. He hopped up to his feet to more closely examine the fresh meat. “Well now, aren’t you a big stretch of taffy! I don’t think I’ve met a ‘Damien’, but tell me…do you know where you are?”
This was usually the part where the victim stuck in the Black would realize their scenario and break down, but this guy just shrugged and ignored his last sentence. “Ah, well…he’s around here someplace, that rascal. Might see you later…or earlier…it all depends…”
“Oh no sunshine, you’re not getting away that easily.” Wilbur wasn’t sure what this guy’s MO was, but he wanted to find out before the guy disintegrated. He grabbed one of his suspenders as he walked away, which stretched for about 10 feet before he stopped.
That did it. The mustached man turned around. Annoyed, he yanked the suspender out of his hand.
“Hey! Hands off the merchandise, pally! I’ve gotta be camera ready in 2 hours! Or…two days?” The guy seemed as addled about time as a Spankoffski, muttering to himself about minutes and months. “In any case, it’s common courtesy!”
Wilbur leaned on a non-existent counter, staring down this man like a humorous display in a fashion show. “Pretty big talk from a guy who looks like he just stepped out of a discotheque.”
The man strolled up with a wry smile, apparently alright with the ribbing. “Well, aren’t YOU the clever canary, Mr. uh…”
He peered over to what Wilbur thought was his bare neck.
“Hey, doll, my eyes are up here…and my goods are a little lower,” Wilbur interrupted, hoping to at least get a night out of whatever this encounter was.
“Mmm…uh…John Macnamara? In the military, I see! I used to know…someone in the military, can’t exactly remember which—“
“Wh—-no!” Wilbur’s eyes darted down to find a dog tag around his neck. A remnant of a man he no longer was. How did that get there? He swore he threw it away.
He yanked it off his neck causing the chain to break and threw it behind his back. “My name’s Wiley, if ya must know. And you better ask all your questions now,” he growled defensively before regaining his composure. “before you bite the dust.”
“MhMMMMMM!” The man’s eyes glinted with mischief before getting out a sparkly pen and notepad from…somewhere. “Seems like a bit of a BREAKUP then, eh?” He questioned Wilbur with the air of a teenage gossip. “Some sort of estrangement happen with that little jewelry? Perhaps a—”
As he tried to zone out any of what this mush mouthed weirdo was saying, he looked at the pad of paper. Much too big to fit in a pocket. He rolled his eyes. Of course this fucker had the gift. He’d probably be dead by now if he didn’t. Whoop dee doo.
“Funnily enough, I’m also a Wil— Wilford Warfstache, at your service! You may have heard of my show and this pathos piece just might—“
Wilbur had enough of this guy. He yanked him up by his collar and narrowed his eyes, speaking in a low hissing whisper.
“Listen up, jellybean. Gift or no gift, unless you pledge your soul, you’re gonna DIE HERE. Which sounds better? Being at the mercy of a god…or becoming one?”
His eyes narrowed and glinted a bright green, his menace lacing his usual jovial tone.
Wilford blinked and responded almost admonishingly. “Now what did we say about the merchandise? Jesus, I’m gonna have ta get this PRESSED—“
Without warning, Wilbur sliced through the air with a shining obsidian-colored blade, scratching across the man’s clothes.
Wilford fell to the ground. He groaned with frustration before whipping out a Magnum pistol and firing three shots before Wilbur could blink.
The bullets didn’t hit - the Black made sure of that - but they knocked Wilbur flat on his back with shock, making him out of breath he didn’t know he had.
Wilford cringed at the sight of his destroyed shirt and sighed. “To think, I was gonna have you on for an interview.”
He strolled away, calling out, “Well, I’ll be seeing you, Wilson!” before disappearing completely.
Wilbur got up to his feet and looked around. “It’s Wil—“ But the man was nowhere to be seen.
Where in the fresh hell was that guy?
Had he died already?
And where the hell did he get a gun?
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tabsters · 6 months
woooo chapter two!!!
tagging @mythicalmagical-monkeyman, @hyperfixation-tangentopia, @maiawhimsicalt, and @sweet-star-cookie. if you want to get tagged for when i make zodiac posts or don't want to be tagged, please let me know!
previous chapter is here
next chapter is here
previous posts are here
"I FOUND THE SPIRIT!" Cassie shouted excitedly, looking up at the being staring down at her.
"I SUMMONED A PORTAL!" Ciara yelled in shock, staring at the golden, glowing light in front of her.
"Wait, what?" Both girls asked at the same time.
"ASCLEPIUS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT GIRL?!" Ciara finally noticed what her snake was doing, and dropped her hands. However, the golden light remained. "Oh. I didn't make a portal?"
"FLICKER! I TOLD YOU THE FOOTPRINTS WERE MADE BY A HUMAN!" Cassie shouted. The black and purple snake hovering over her face flicked its tongue out and nuzzled her cheek. "Aw. You're not the spirit, are you? That's okay, you're really cute."
The two of them looked towards each other awkwardly.
"Uh...who are you?" Ciara asked warily, pointing her sword towards Cassie. "Is this strange creature yours?" She pointed towards the tiny golden spirit.
"Yeah, that's definitely mine." Cassie patted the snake's small head. "Is this one yours?"
"That little bastard's mine." Ciara held out her hands and the snake jumped into them. "Surprised he hasn't bitten you, he's pretty hostile towards strangers."
"He's cute!" Cassie said as her little friend flew over and rested on her shoulder. "Mistook him for the spirit I needed to rescue."
"What..." Ciara waved her sword in a circle, pointing at Cassie's left eye, which had a blue star shape between her sclera and her iris. "Exactly are you?"
"What," Cassie pointed to the golden markings circling Ciara's right eye. "Exactly are you?"
"I'll say if you say."
"Well, I'll say if you say."
"Okay...three, two, one, go!"
"There's a magic object called the Starglass in my eye and I can see and interact with celestial spirits and it's my job to rescue the corrupted spirits that are trapped here on Earth." Cassie gestured to the blue star in her eye.
"I'm a reincarnation of a dead goddess and there's weird gold stuff running through my blood and I can make things blow up with my hands." Ciara hefted her sword. "Oh, and I also have a magic sword that sometimes works."
"No way!" Cassie raised her hand to the eye containing the Starglass. It flashed bright blue, and something began to emerge—the hilt of a sword? The eye stopped glowing, and in her hand was a chunky blue sword with a circular chunk cut out of the blade. It glowed the same bright blue as her eye.
"You just," Ciara gaped. "Pulled a sword out of your eyeball."
"Yeah. It, uh, doesn't come with a sheath like yours. I mean, I guess the Starglass kind of serves as its sheath?" Cassie shrugged. "I dunno. Magic's confusing."
"Yeah, tell me about it." Ciara leaned down to take a closer look at the sword. "My sword doesn't glow. Well, sometimes it does. But only when it works right."
"We should get out of the cold." Cassie touched the flat of the blade to the Starglass, and it vanished. "Or we could end up being buried in the snow."
"Oh yeah. Right." Ciara sheathed her own sword. "What's your name, anyway? You're a cool person with a blue star in your eye that summons a sword. Gotta know your name."
"I'm Cassie." Cassie held out her hand. "And you're a cool person with an equally cool magic snake. I gotta know your name too!"
"I'm Ciara." Ciara shook the girl's hand. "And I'm way cooler than my magic snake."
Cassie giggled. Her small gold spirit fluttered onto her shoulder. "This is Flicker. He's my little dragon buddy."
"He's cute! Way cuter than grumpy old Asclepius here." The snake slithered around Ciara's shoulders. They rubbed against Ciara's cheek. "You heading somewhere?"
"Oh yeah!" Cassie shook her head. "I was on Earth to find and rescue a corrupted spirit! But...I guess there's too much snow to look for it. I should probably head back to the Astral Plane and wait the storm out."
"I can walk you to wherever you need to go to get to the Astral Plane—wait, Astral Plane?!" Ciara asked incredulously as she started to walk with Cassie. "You have an Astral Plane too?!"
"I—uh—you have one too?!" Cassie asked. "No way! We don't share the same Astral Plane—at least, I don't think so—can they coexist?"
"God, maybe we shouldn't think too hard about this." Ciara laughed. "Next thing you'll be telling me, you're friends with the Zodiacs as well!"
Cassie stopped, dead in her tracks. "You...you have Zodiacs too...?"
Ciara stopped as well, both animal companions chirping in surprise. "Oh, Christ on a stick, you have Zodiacs too?!"
"You have—I don't believe this!" Cassie began walking faster, hands moving around rapidly. "A whole other world of Zodiacs—another Astral Plane—"
"Are we from alternate universes?!" Ciara matched Cassie's pace. "Two Astral Planes, two sets of Zodiacs—"
"You're just like me!" Both of them shouted at the same time.
They stared at each other in disbelief, before breaking down into laughter.
"So if there's an Astral Plane, does that mean there's an Abyss in your universe as well?" Ciara asked, much more excited now. "The goddess that made the Astral Plane in my world came from there. She's like—a demon or something, with pitch black skin and white eyes."
"Never heard of an Abyss. But it sounds cool, though! I'll have to ask Libra." Cassie shrugged. "But I do have something called the Voidlands. Sits right underneath the Astral Plane, and underneath all that is Earth. It's where a lot of the Void magic clusters together."
"Huh. The Astral Plane and the Abyss kinda sandwich Earth. Where the Astral Plane and Earth intersect, that's called the In-Between. Dead souls flock there. Same for where the Abyss and Earth overlap." Ciara shook her head vigorously. "Ugh, but enough about me! You mentioned corrupted spirits? Down here on Earth? Tell me more!"
Cassie giggled. Never before had she met someone that she could talk about her magical hijinks with so openly. "Well, every constellation—you have constellations in your world too, right? You do? Okay—anyway, every constellation is made up of a balance between Starlight and Void magic. If there's too much Void magic in a constellation, it starts to become corrupted. They start to fall down to Earth, and they turn into larger, more aggressive versions of themselves. Then it's my job to bring them back to the Astral Plane so they can be healed!"
She looked back at Ciara. "You got anything like that in your world?"
Ciara laughed, a bit too long and a bit too hard. "Oh, God. Yeah, I have that in my world too. Except it's only for Zodiacs. It takes a super long time to explain, though, so..."
"Well, we got a long time to talk!" Cassie said cheerfully. The night was getting darker and colder, and it was getting harder to see. "It's getting...really cold, though."
"Yeah, it is." Ciara looked towards Flicker. "Hey, your little buddy, they don't happen to breathe fire?"
"Nope. Just emits light." Cassie patted their small head, and they hummed happily. "Um...can you do anything with your sword?"
Ciara drew her sword out again. "I can try?" She brandished her sword out in front of her. "Fire!"
The sword rippled with a small flame, which was then smothered by a strong wind. Ciara groaned, and waved it around some more. "C'mon, stupid magic sword! Don't embarrass me in front of my new friend!"
Ciara raised the sword above her head and swung it downwards. "FIRE!"
Flames lit up the entirety of the blade, lighting up the darkness and filling the air with heat.
"That's more like it!" Ciara said with satisfaction. She held it in between the two of them, and both of them huddled closer together. "Alright, what was I saying?"
Cassie grinned. "That's so cool. Oh yeah, you were talking about corruption? In your world?"
"Yeah, right! So, basically, the Abyss place I mentioned—that's where the creator of the Astral Plane came from. Her name's Eclipse. She gave each of the Zodiacs some of her blood, and that's what gave them immortality and stuff. Her blood's gold and it's magic or something. Anyway, her blood kinda messed with the Zodiacs' heads, and if they relive their trauma from when they were mortals, they turn into giant monstrous forms of themselves. Kind of similar to your form of corruption."
"Wait, wait, wait." Cassie waved her hands a bit. "When they were mortal? Are they...dead? And you mentioned you had gold blood too? Are you one of them?"
"Oh yeah. All of them are dead. And all of the constellations too." Ciara said nonchalantly. "And...I kind of am dead too. I'm sort of a reincarnation of Eclipse's dead sister? I was a mortal once, and then I died and now I have weird powers that nobody knows how to manage? Yeah, it's weird."
Cassie raised an eyebrow. "That sounds way more interesting than what happened to me. I was just born with this thing in my eye and nobody knew why. Well, apparently a huge dragon named Lunaris sent the Starglass down to Earth and it chose me to rest in. And...I guess now I'm some sort of 'savior' of the Astral Plane? I dunno, I'm just...trying to figure out my place in all this."
Ciara sighed, her breath like fog in the cold air. "Yeah. I get that. People just...expect a lot of you sometimes, right?"
"Yeah," Cassie seemed to fold in on herself. "But I try not to think too much about it. Oh, wait, look! We're here!"
They came to what seemed like a stone summoning circle on the ground, etched with the glyphs of the Zodiac signs.
"Whoa," Ciara said, pointing towards the circle, sheathing her sword. "What is that?"
Cassie smiled. "My way back to the Astral Plane. Flicker's in charge of activating it." The little dragon puttered around happily on the stone circle, illuminating the glyphs.
"Guess this is where we part ways," Cassie said, stepping onto the circle. "It was nice meeting you, Ciara."
Ciara tapped the choker around her neck twice, stretching her hand out and moving it in a circle. A glowing portal began to form, looking similar to a doorway. The inside of it showed the throne room of a palace. "It was nice meeting you too, Cassie."
A loud rumbling noise from the forest startled both of them. The ground began to shake. Both of their portals' lights began to flicker.
"What was that?!" Ciara shouted, her hand wavering.
"I—I don't know!" Cassie yelled back, trying to keep her balance, but failing. "Wait, what's that?!"
A enormous eagle-like figure loomed in the distance. It looked wispy, almost ghost-like, and the edges of its form shimmered purple and yellow. Its head snapped up, spotting the two of them, and it began lumbering towards them.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Ciara screamed. "IS IT—"
"IT'S THE CORRUPTED SPIRIT!" Cassie shouted, drawing her sword out of her eye again. "DON'T WORRY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT!"
Asclepius began to roar, growing until they were the size of the trees surrounding them. Flicker squawked in alarm. "Danger!"
"ASCLEPIUS!" Ciara unsheathed her sword with her free hand. "HE GROWS WHEN HE'S AFRAID—ASCLEPIUS, NO!"
Asclepius' massive body wriggled around, smacking Ciara into a nearby tree. Cassie managed to duck under the snake's massive tail, and she ran out of the summoning circle.
Ciara's portal began to fade, and the girl muttered several insults about her pet under her breath. She slowly staggered towards back towards the portal. "ASCLEPIUS! I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH STRENGTH IN ME TO MAKE ANOTHER PORTAL! IF YOU COULD JUST—"
The goddamn snake screeched even louder, spinning around, knocking Ciara into Cassie's summoning circle. Walls of golden light erupted from the ground around the circle, and the rush of air filled her ears. "CASSIE?! CASSIE, WHAT'S—"
And then she vanished.
"CIARA?!" Cassie shouted, not knowing what to focus on: the portal, the giant snake, or the corrupted spirit. "CIARA!"
Asclepius wailed, charging towards the dark eagle spirit.
"NO! STOP!" Cassie yelled in vain, brandishing her sword. "YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT! PLEASE!"
The snake screamed, whipping its tail back and forth. It slammed down on the ground, sending Cassie flying through the slowly closing doorway.
And then both girls were gone.
wooooo they finally met!! yeah this was just an excuse to dump a shitton of lore and it was super fun to write
check out @sweet-star-cookie's Starglass Zodiac lore if you liked this!! questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
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nburkhardt · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@strangersteddierthings tagged me and I thought it would be fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 and most are steddie haha
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
35,072 I only just started posting on there like five months ago?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things but its mostly Steddie and/or Steve base lol. I have written for glee (posted on fanfiction.net lol) and Hart of Dixie (also posted on the other site) annnnd just for myself because I refused to enter the crazy that is the mcu fandom, I've written fics for that one too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Be Your Alibi
Lower The Noise (Won't Be Putting My Heart on Display)
Feels Like the World's Gonna End (But I'll Get You Through)
Wanna Share a Last Name?
Oh Sugar, Sugar, I Love You
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes but mostly no. Its because of anxiety :D Just know I get super excited reading comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Somewhere Along the Bitterness I think I nearly made some people cry over it. 😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's gotta be Oh Sugar, Sugar, I Love You I think. Its a very sappy fic tbh
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No? I don't think so, if I do they never comment.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have but I've never posted it lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I never posted it, but I once wrote a crossover for glee & mcu hahaha
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No clue.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Somewhat haha I wrote a bit of something and @estrellami-1 added to something! It's my Steve has death powers and Star wrote this lovely piece!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie, but also Nick and Adalind from grimm!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm going to be completely honest, I don't think I can finish Does The Ghost Know? I just don't know how to make it go anywhere, which sucks because I love the idea
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm great at describing things. Mostly emotions, angsty stuff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not outlining haha. Also dialogue annd spelling. I'm such shit at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never really thought about it before. It's fun to read, weird for myself to do since i only know english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
......... glee.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I got a few!
Love Is....
Really, Him?
Wanna Share a Last Name?
No pressure tags: @gloomysoup @t-boyeddie @estrellami-1 @artiststarme @simplebtromance @momotonescreaming
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winkle-pickers · 2 months
🦈🎁🚀 for the ask game! (If you're still doing it ofc)
Omg YES, I am doing all ask games in perpetuity 😂💞 Thank you for checking, and I'm delighted to answer!
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I think last time I answered Jounouchi, and that is still true to an extent, but oh my god BAKURA. I just tried writing my first Bakura fic recently. Like yes I know being mysterious and strange and (deliberately?) confusing is like his whole thing, but if you haven't been steeped in the Bakurae/Ishtar side of the fandom for the last 20 years...it's a lot of meta to catch up on. A LOT. So many good takes, many in direct opposition to each other, many of them equally compelling despite that. WHEW. I tried my best, I hope I didn't write an offensively wrong Bakura, everyone's gotta start somewhere right?!?! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Ooooh, yes!! A little Kaibros character study from years ago that has been languishing in my drafts, that I'm re-working and may actually publish someday. I'll stick it under a readmore, tell me what you think!
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of brain where I can sit in front of a blank document and think a story out in bullet point form. I desperately wish I did lol. But alas I must charge in headfirst and get a few thousand words in before I have any idea of where I want things to go. Sometimes (often) I blast through the entire thing without outlining. Sometimes I hit a snag somewhere and realize I done fucked up and need to put myself back on the tracks.
And then there was the time I got 100k words into a YGO/Zelda crossover and realized oh no i think this will be MUCH more than 100k and wrote a very rough outline, then another Zelda game came out halfway through the fic and I had to spend a solid month rewriting my outline to accommodate lore from the new game, and also I somehow accidentally turned the whole thing into a huge ensemble cast with multiple concurrent plot threads balancing both YGO and Zelda character arcs, Hyrulean politics, and an imminent multiverse collapse. My Scriv file now has a 120k word planning & research section. (Oops.)
tl;dr I have exactly one fic that is well outlined and the rest are me doing the writing equivalent of a Leeroy Jenkins. congrats if you get that reference and are ancient like me
ANYWAYYYYSS thank you for the ask!!! Kaibros snippet under the cut 🐉
“Come on, nii-sama,” Mokuba pleads. It comes out weirdly desperate, more pathetic than he’d intended. “This is so unfair. It’s unfair enough that I don’t have parents, and it’s even more unfair that you won’t tell me-”
“You do have a parent.” Seto's reply is so sharp that it makes Mokuba flinch.
“I know, I know,” Mokuba replies, irritated at the pedantry. “You’re my parent legally. But you’re not, you know...I just want...”
Mokuba realizes as he’s talking that he’s said something terribly wrong. The change in his brother’s face is minuscule and significant and makes his stomach flip in shame. He trails off, the words curling up and dying as they fall off his tongue.
“Please go to bed,” Seto says. His tone of voice is so perfectly even that Mokuba gets up and leaves without another word.
Mokuba doesn’t go to school the next day, opting instead to stay in bed and stare at the wall. Seto either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care.
For the first time in years, he cries. And then he thinks about the fact that it’s been years since he last cried. Mokuba spends so much time wondering what the fuck is going on in his brother’s head that he’s maybe neglected to turn the same scrutiny on himself. And he’s maybe leaned a little too far into his role as the ‘normal’ Kaiba - the charming one, the easygoing one, the one who exists to balance out the bombastic, powerful force of nature looming tall at his back.
But who had cried - just once - after Gozaburo hurled himself from the top of the Kaiba Corporation building, and who had watched the coroners wheel away the black-draped gurney with impassive, bone-dry eyes?
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dragonsoftheeast · 7 months
i was tagged by @stannisfactions! You're so cool, thanks for thinking of me.
How many works do you have on AO3?
29. I really wanna bring it up to an even 30 tho.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Hotd right now, though sometimes I think about adding more to Glory and Gore, my vikings AU
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fire Made Flesh, Colors in the Night Sky, Millenia, second son, not born but raised
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I take a while, but I'm always ready to talk about my stories! And I love to hide loads of internal references and wordplay in what I write, so when people pick up on them, I get so excited! I also like to hear how people are thinking about characters and if anything's affected them!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Heart Strings gah. Fire Made Flesh may rival it when it's done tho, since it still is the story of the Dance.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
deserving has a pretty happy ending, I think- more satisfying than the canon one, if I do say so myself.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A couple times, all on Helaemond fics. But that's what you get in such a big fandom, I'd never written for such a conflict heavy fandom before.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not really. I'm not really comfortable doing that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've not written a crossover yet- however, I do have a Pacific Rim HoTD fusion somewhere in drafts.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Honestly not sure. This relates to the next question, but I once got asked about a translation and then never heard back so I ended up wondering if it got stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Hopefully, I got Glory and Gore translated into Russian! From the question above.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No- tbh I'm not sure I would be good at it. I'm open to trying, though, and I'm always willing to share ideas.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I've never written for them, only a poem in high school, but Hector and Andromache from the Iliad. I've just read the Emily Wilson translation and...they hurt me but I've always loved them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably Millennia. I had such plans for them, but TVD burned bright and fast as a fandom for me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love my writing voice, I think I change my style up a lot depending on the piece itself, but I always have to like the rhythm of it in my head before I'm good with it. I think I'm fairly good at worldbuilding too, though of course with that some things are weighed with more interest than others.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably increasing tension. I always wanna jump into the resolution and the confrontation! But then I'm like, noooo I gotta provide context and I have to work backwards. ugh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Anyone who's read me probably knows I love to do it! Only conlangs though, with a natural language that's a little beyond me since there is an actual sense of what "feels right." But I love me some HV dialogue, it gives me such a cool
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Right now it's a tie between dropping glasses just to hear them break and delicate in every way but one. They're not my epics but I think I just wrote some of my most beautiful language in them.
Some of you guys might have done this already but I'll tag @emilykaldwen, @carladuquette (I think you've returned to fic!), @volvaaslaug, @lavandorhaze, @qyburnsghost, @appletreeduty
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