#there is SOMETHING there
flowersfrombefore · 1 year
Someone could do a clinical study on daddy issues and their affect on relationships with the only data being me and the way I feel about Pedro Pascal’s Joel Miller
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iambecomeafangirl · 5 months
I was watching the last 4 episodes of PJO like: "Well, it might be because they are literall kids, but there isn't any chemistry between Annabeth and Percy"
Watching the "seaweed brain"scene, where they deperately argue about who will sit on the chair: 👁👄👁
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lockhartandlych · 4 months
something about laios' first death being at the hands of living armor and him wanting to eat it
something about him wanting to eat living armor so badly, showing more interest than he did the other creatures, even though the rest of the party emphatically declares it impossible
something about trying to understand that which scares you through the lens of what you love
something about eating your fears
something about consuming and knowing
something about what you eat becoming you
something about your fear becoming you
and you becoming your fear
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miss-tribbiani · 8 months
You got me guys ill start reading lokius fanfics now 🙄🙄 another day another ship
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He's wearing black, she's wearing white, the stab wounds are in the exact same spot...
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muffinlance · 1 year
Atla (Pokémon verse au)
I feel like there’s something there
My friend, may I introduce you to the Carry On For You series by Haicrescendo?
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arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
something something evil murder horse cloning is a metaphor for warren and cryonic preservation
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thespiritbee · 1 month
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(I'll probably be posting about this for the next few days so be prepared)
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
something about how in s3e3 when wille asks simon if he’s going to forgive sara and simon says “would you?” something about how wille just says “erik would never do that to me” something about the music room fight later when wille tells simon about erik and wille gets mad when simon compares the situations… idk. something about that
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horizontalsplash · 18 days
the thing about the new doctor who season is that there’s a 50% chance that this is all planned out intricately and we’ll all look back and see how everything connects in a way that makes all of the slightly weird moments suddenly make so much sense and there’s a 50% chance that this is halfway planned out flying off a cliff into a twist that makes no sense at all. and in reality it’s probably more likely the first one but we’ve all been used to the chibnall “seemingly setting little interactions up to prelude a bigger conclusion but there’s really nothing there” and the moffat “the season seems coherent but then the finale whips around and smacks you across the face” for the past 15 years so it’s kinda hard to believe that there will actually be a clever and carefully attended to plotline that ends with a conclusion that doesn’t hit you in the back of the head
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spulunkur · 4 months
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Do you believe in fate? I don't think I did before but it feels like something has... shifted. Changed. Since a few weeks ago it feels like my own autonomy has leaked out of me and I'm no longer in control of anything. Like I have turned into a narrator for something happening around me. Which is dumb, my life is pretty boring all said and told.
I may just also be freaking out because I was able to go out and explore the woods by my father's place and I found... well I think it had been a basement. Just past this gate that must have been for the house before it got busted down, but it was just a gate not connected to any fence or anything anymore.
Whatever this house and basement and stuff was must have been from way back because as I was poking around I found a hatch into this deeper side room and found... Well I took a couple pictures. I think it was a nuke shelter some paranoid redneck built back in the Cold War. There were some cans, a cot, an actually astounding amount of room, and I'm sure it was just paranoia, and fear, and all that normal stuff but I felt like something was down there. Probably just old creaky echos but still, gave me the jibblies.
I left after about an hour of poking around, and I swear I caught something looking down from above. It's a bit blurry but I fucking swear, it's there. Dad said he didn't know much of anything about any of it but that he does remember a few years back having to stop someone from camping on his property. Some ex prisoner who wasn't able to get anywhere else to live and had been in his woods for like a month. He said he's gonna watch and if need be call the cops but I just got creeped tf out thinking there might have been someone watching me the whole time.
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realgamerdoggo · 11 months
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Missing Person Report Sherbert Harold went missing on November 19 in 1985. He has not been seen since. Last spotted by his neighbor going out for his "nightly walk". This Screencap was from a camera suspected to be his, found on a stairwell by [im too lazy... wait i mean REDACTED] If anyone has any Infomation please call [REDACTED]
(brighten it)
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b-dwolf · 1 year
 the contrast to when eddie first witnessed buck and his near death experience, compared to when buck did actually die and eddie having to witness it.
301: “your life isn’t over just cause you’re not a firefighter” “you know that blood clot could’ve killed you but it didn’t? so why don’t you just take the win and stop feeling sorry for yourself”
612: “you died, buck. you’re gonna feel a lot of different ways about that. sometimes all at the same time. i found the best way to process it is to allow yourself to feel it.” “everyday you open your eyes in the morning, you feel a little less surprised the world is still there”
something about eddie forcing his way into bucks home and dragging him out of bed vs him waiting for buck to come to him and waiting for when he felt comfortable enough to talk about what happened...
like there is something there
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lunannex · 1 year
Anyway Alhaitham and Kaveh are exes. I don’t care what anyone says, they feel like a divorced people. There’s so many misunderstandings and they can’t quite reach each other as well as they used to, but the love is still there. It’s always been there. They just have to find their way back to each other
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pridewon · 1 year
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did you guys know ushijima has a cousin who runs in marathons, cause i sure didn’t.
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aintmyjewelry · 2 years
I feel like I don’t even need to preface stuff with “I was really into sherlock” or “I really used to like doctor who” I feel…as if……everything about me already gives that away
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