#then i spend hours looking for references and stuff only to end up not drawing it
hikikomero · 10 months
i got the disease where i see an artwork and immediately want to execute the same idea
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mrsjellymunson · 9 days
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The Biology Tutor | Extra Credits 02
Extra Credits 02: FRENCH
Lesson 1: Female Anatomy | Lesson 2: Male Anatomy | Extra Credits 01: Communication Skills
Pairing: virgin!Eddie Munson x fem!tutor!reader
Series summary: Eddie’s failing Biology class, so you decide to offer two different styles of tuition, textbook-based and *ahem* practical.
Chapter summary: You give Eddie a French lesson.
WC: 2.9k
CW: 🔞 18+ MDNI! This part isn't explicit, but the rest of the series is, so MDNI!! Fluff, kissing, mentions of arousal.
A/N: This takes place between Extra Credit 1 and Lesson 3. It’s an added extra to The Biology Tutor series.
My masterlist
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Despite your best efforts to keep things cool, you and Eddie’s relationship at school has shifted.
Eddie will greet you with a cheery, “Heeey, Princess”, whenever you pass in the corridors, and you’ll sometimes give him a cheeky wave in the lunchroom. You both flush a little whenever your eyes lock, thinking about all the intimate stuff you’ve done together over the past days and weeks.
Thankfully, as yet none of your friends have noticed the way you’ve started to giggle a little more loudly at Eddie’s antics on the lunch tables, or the way he shoots you cheeky glances to check that you’re watching. Each of your social groups would likely have something disparaging to say, and you’d prefer to avoid that kind of attention for the time being.
You’ve become even more aware of your physical proximity in Biology class. Even though you could probably reach out and touch each other (and you would really, really like to do that…) you try not to draw too much attention to yourselves.
You’re finding it hard to keep your focus on the front, knowing that Eddie’s sitting inches away behind you. But you revel in the fact that he’s there at all (and is, in all likelihood, checking out your ass).
At the end of class, Mr Clarke calls you over.
“I wanted to thank you for your efforts regarding the private tutoring. Mr Munson’s work has certainly improved since you began, as has his class attendance, which is remarkable in and of itself. And he seems to have become more enthusiastic about the human biology aspect of the syllabus too, which is… unexpected, but really good to see.”
He looks off to one side, momentarily bemused, but recovers quickly and continues,
“Nevertheless, there is a big test coming up which, as you know, makes up a sizable proportion of your grade. I would very much like to see Mr Munson do well. I was hoping that you might help him prepare, and in the hopes that you’d agree, I’ve already booked private study room 2C in the library specifically for this purpose.”
You know the library well, and the one he’s describing is a particularly quiet one, located at the back of the rarely-used reference section. If you can get Eddie to join you, it’ll be the first time you’ve ever been alone with him at school. You experience a frisson of excitement at the thought.
You readily agree, figuring that even if that wasn’t reason enough, getting further in the good graces of Mr Clarke wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. However, you do think convincing Eddie to relinquish his entire lunchtime might be another matter entirely.
You approach him in the lunchroom, managing to get to him before his usual table fills up with nerds. He was initially aghast that you were anywhere near him, but once he realised nobody was really interested he listened to your proposal.
“You seriously do this shit voluntarily?” is his only response, until you mention, more quietly, how it would mean spending an entire hour in a small, isolated room. With you. Alone.
Suddenly, he’s all for it, packing up his stuff as you exit ahead of him. He extols the virtues of ‘accepting with grace the assistance the universe offers you’ to the smattering of confused Hellfire boys before hightailing it out of the hall, stuffing pretzels into his mouth as he goes.
You reach the study room first, and are already setting out books and pencils as Eddie barrels in. He practically skids to a halt, and ambles towards you, rubbing the back of his neck and trying to act nonchalant.
“Hey, Princess.”
He plops his bag onto the tabletop, and as he gestures to the empty seats next to you and across the table, he drops his voice to a lower timbre as he asks you,
“So, uh, where do you want me?”
Thanks to his mildly suggestive question, an image flashes across your mind of perching him, naked, on the edge of the table and climbing atop him, but you quickly shake it.
You tap your hand on the seat next to you, and he enthusiastically flops himself down in it. He sits up straight, clasping his hands in his lap, theatrically attentive.
As he’s already managed to fluster you, you decide to fluster him right back.
“You’re so good at doing what I tell you, Eddie. I like that.”
Eddie’s cheeks flush pink and he swallows hard. It worked.
It doesn't take long for you to go over the test questions. Eddie’s picked up more than he’d thought from the parts of your sessions where you’d actually studied, and he flies through most of it, only getting stuck on a couple of gnarly chemistry formulae. What’s more, he actually looks like he’s having fun, gaining genuine satisfaction from answering your questions correctly and beaming as you let him know,
“That’s it, Eddie! You’ve got it!”
You can’t tell whether it’s the academic achievement, or the broad smiles and encouragement that you’re giving him, that’s his biggest driver, but at this point you’ll take either as a win.
You've gradually started sitting closer as the session has gone on. You’ve scootched to the edges of your seats, and your elbows and knees are gently knocking together. You can feel Eddie’s breath on your cheek as he jabs at his test total on your pad, screwing up his face and making a fist with his other hand in triumph. You’re genuinely thrilled for him, and not just because the very idea that you could be the reason for those gorgeous dimples popping makes your tummy flip.
Checking your watch, you realise you have a few minutes left before you have to leave, and there’s another new ‘skill’ that you’ve been thinking about trying with him.
Once all your supplies are back in your bag, you check the time again before asking,
“Eddie, would you like to try another quick practical session?”
He looks around the room, eyebrows disappearing into his bangs.
“What, here? Now?”
“Yes, but not like our, um, previous sessions. Something less… involved.”
“Okay, but what is it?”
“Eddie, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but have you ever kissed anyone?”
He looks a little abashed as he answers,
“Umm, does kissing your relatives on the cheek count?”
You can’t help smiling at his cute admission.
“For the purposes of this discussion, I’m gonna say no.”
He looks self-conscious, maybe even a little ashamed. Staring at the edge of the table, he clears his throat before replying,
“Then, uh, no.”
Not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, you reassure him,
“That’s okay, Eddie. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
After a beat, you continue,
“Would you like to try it? With me?”
“Would you like for us to kiss, Eddie?”
His eyes become locked on your mouth. He swallows audibly, eyes shining with want.
“Umm, yeah. Yes. Yes, I absolutely would, Princess.”
“Just so I know how far you want to go, would you like us to… French kiss?“
“You mean… W- with, y’know, tongue?”
“Yes, Eddie. That’s exactly what I mean.”
“Are you okay with that? I mean, you don’t have to…”
Shaking your head a little, you reassure him,
“I’m the one who suggested it, Eddie!”
He looks down at his hands, now clasped again as he rubs his thumbs together.
“Only if you’re sure. I might be awful at it.”
“Well, that’s why we practice, right? So, first of all, we need to get a little closer…”
You turn your seat so you’re facing him directly, encouraging him to do the same. You pull your seat forwards, slotting your knees between his. You see his eyes scanning your face, and his fingers fidget, suggesting he’s not really sure what to do with them.
“You can rest your hands on my legs if you’d like, Eddie.”
He does so, but not without a little trepidation, and you see him swallow again.
“Just relax. I’m not gonna bite you. Not this time, anyway.”
You give him what you hope is a cheeky smirk. He smiles shyly, not sure where to look when you’re this close to him. Nervously, he licks his lips. The sight makes your thighs clench.
“Close your eyes and relax, Eddie. I’m gonna start with a quick peck.”
“O- okaaaay.”
He does as you ask, and you spend a few moments appraising him before you lean into his space. He looks angelic, his wild curls framing his pretty face and his rosy pink lips looking soft and inviting.
You turn your head slightly so your nose will slide past his, close your eyes, and ever so slowly connect your lips with his. Pursing them a little, you press forwards, and you hear a slight intake of breath.
You said it was going to be quick, but you’re enjoying the feeling so much you relish in it for a few moments. Eddie’s lips are plump, warm, and just a little moist from where he’s licked them. A tiny amount of stubble tickles your top lip. He smells of old leather, some kind of spicy cologne and vanilla chapstick, with a hint of cigarettes and weed. It’s a heady scent you could easily get lost in.
Gathering yourself, you pull back, rolling your lips inwards to taste him.
Eddie still has his eyes closed. If you’re honest he looks like he’s about to faint. Even after all you’ve done together you’re still a little nervous, and you’re suddenly mortified that he found it repulsive.
You did remember to brush your teeth this morning, didn’t you? Did you eat garlic last night and forget? Do you have spinach in your teeth, even though you definitely haven’t eaten spinach in weeks??
“H- how was that, Eddie? Did you like it?”
Suddenly, his eyes pop open. His lips part a little and he nods his head quickly, causing his chestnut locks to bounce around his face. He stares at you for a few more moments before he manages to say in a tiny, cracking voice,
“More? Please?”
You smile widely, and lean in again.
This time you move a little, pursing and softening your lips, changing their position slightly to find out what he likes, slotting them in different places.
To your surprise, this time Eddie starts to kiss you back. His plump lips press against yours and the tiniest moan emanates from his chest. He’s tentative at first, but as he gains in confidence he presses a little harder, and moves a little more.
Your lips move in sync as you rhythmically purse and relax them.
Eddie exhales heavily, and more than a little shakily, through his nose, and you feel his warm breath dance across your face and décolletage.
You part from him with a subtle wet smack.
He swallows thickly, and the grip on your knees strengthens.
You smile at him again, and his eyes flick between yours as he mirrors your expression.
“Okay Eddie, if you’re ready, this time I’m gonna use my tongue. You don’t have to do anything, but if you want to, just do what feels good. Alright?”
Eddie gives you another tiny, fast nod, and you feel him squeeze your knees again.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready…”
He surprises you again as he shifts his hands slightly and slides them up your thighs, leaning into your space a little further. They feel warm, strong, and you can’t help but imagine how they might feel elsewhere.
What would it be like to hold his hand properly? Would his hand feel warm as it cupped your face? Would you be able to feel his rings? How would his calloused fingers feel running up your back, or across your…?
You’re broken from your thoughts as he closes his eyes again, a slight curl to his lips as he lets you know he’s ready.
You lean into his space again, and connect your lips as before. This time, you part your lips slightly and allow the tip of your tongue to poke out, and ever so gently brush across his lower lip. You hear that sharp intake of breath again as he stills, unsure of what he’s supposed to do, but then he parts his lips ever so slightly, and you slide your tongue past his lips and pearly teeth and into his mouth. You move it slowly, enjoying the feeling of his lips against it, the scrape of his teeth, the softness of his tongue beneath yours.
He moans again, and just as your tongue curls up to tickle the roof of his mouth suddenly his tongue is moving against yours, slowly, reverently, experimentally, and another moan leaves his chest.
His grip on your thighs tightens as he gets bolder, eventually pushing his tongue past your lips and into your mouth.
Abruptly, he turns his head slightly and pushes in more deeply, his tongue almost filling you. He’s insistent yet gentle, and now it’s your turn to gasp - he’s good at this - and a low whine leaves you.
You feel a chill on your legs as Eddie’s hands leave them, and you’re momentarily disappointed, but this rapidly turns into delighted surprise when one comes up to cup the back of your neck, the other grabbing the edge of your chair and pulling you closer towards him. He’s moaning continually now, turning his head to try different angles, licking and curling and sucking like you’re the very air he needs to breathe.
He’s pushing hard but not too hard, and when your teeth knock it’s adorable rather than uncomfortable.
It’s wet and messy, and oh, so fucking hot.
Your hands start travelling almost of their own accord, slipping up inside his jacket, sliding around his rib cage and settling on his surprisingly muscular back.
His hand travels up to your hair, mussing it, and you’re making his shirt ride up, but you couldn’t care less, lost in the sensations of your lips melding and tongues dancing.
There’s a pulsing heat in your core, and a wetness building in your underwear. You don’t think you've ever been this turned on just from kissing.
And how on Earth is Eddie so good at it?
You eventually both pull back, needing air, breathy and inhaling deeply.
Your eyes dance around his face, wanting to take it all in. His plump, kiss-bitten lips, his blown pupils, the way he’s looking at you with a stunned half-smile.
Needing a break from the intensity, you drop your eyes. But almost wish you hadn’t when you spot the obvious bulge in the front of Eddie’s pants.
He’s clearly enjoyed this as much as you have.
Just as you’re both leaning forward for another round, lips just brushing, the harsh and loud ringing of the school bell indicates the start of afternoon classes.
You and Eddie break apart with a start, exchanging breathy smiles, both a little surprised at how well that went.
He chuckles as he lets go of your hair, tidying it as best he can, and you pull down the hem of his shirt to straighten it.
”So, uh, I think I’d consider that lesson a success. Wouldn’t you, Mr Munson?”
He huffs out a little giggle, shaking his head slowly. His brow furrows and he fixes his face into as serious an expression as he can manage, as he dips his chin and replies,
“Oh, Princess, that feels like a great start. But you know, lessons work with me. So, just to be on the safe side, I think I might need a whole lot, lot more practice...”
He’s holding your gaze and nodding, raising his eyebrows and pursing his lips for emphasis.
You nearly snort at his brazenness, constantly amazed at how he so easily flips between abject fear and bolshy confidence, and manage to squeak out,
“Well, we’ll just have to see what we can arrange, won’t we?”
He grins at you again, those dimples even deeper this time, and tidies one more strand of hair at your temple.
Reluctantly, you both gather your things and leave the study room, still with shiny lips and heat in your cheeks.
You walk leisurely, your upper arms brushing, through the racks of dusty tomes. Neither of you is in any particular hurry to get to your next class.
You glance to your side, and notice that Eddie seems bigger, taller. He’s puffing his chest and is carrying himself a little differently. You like it.
He turns to you as he asks, “D’you think we should, y’know, leave separately or whatever?”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Awkward questions, and all that.”
You see Eddie’s eyes glance to the floor, then flit to the section containing the large encyclopaedias and dictionaries, before he adds,
“You know what, you go first. There’s something I want to check out in the reference section anyway…”
He flashes you a wink as you round the door jamb, causing something to revolve in your chest as you step out into the corridor. You definitely want to offer Eddie plenty of opportunities to practice this particular new skill.
As you head off to your next class, you wonder what on earth he could be up to. But more than that, you wonder how he’ll react to what you have in mind for your next study session…
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Prev. parts - Lesson 1: Female anatomy | Lesson 2: Male Anatomy | Extra Credits 01: Communication Skills
Thanks so much for reading!
Remember, writers thrive on your comments and reblogs, so if you liked this little extra please show some love 💕
A/N 2: I added this as an extra because I wanted Eddie and reader to share a special first kiss, but couldn’t work out how to fit it into the main Lessons without making them ridiculously long. I hope you like it!
The taglist for this series is open whilst it’s ongoing, and I have a general one now too - just let me know if you’d like to join either 😀 My masterlist, where you’ll find more Eddie and Steddie fics
Taglist (open whilst this series is ongoing): @airen256 @bimbobaggins69 @urlbitchin @jamdoughnutmagician @rustboxstarr @bl4ckt00thgr1n @bexreadstoomuch @cozmiccass @sadlittlesquish @yujyujj @cluz1babe @thunderg @aysheashea @paleidiot @cadence73 @eddie-munsons-wifey @siriuslysmoking @neville-is-my-husband @aestheticaltcow @jjmaybankswifes-blog @lightcommastix @ungracefularchimedes @spenciesprincess @joejoequinnquinn @freshoutthewomb2 @sunshinepeachx @tlclick73 @hellfirenacht @yourdailymemedelivery @wendyxox @madaboutmunson @80s-addict @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @eddiesxangel @bunny7232 @starksbabie
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ferretwhomst · 1 year
blight-deamonne family headcanons that I enjoy
ps somewhere along the line i just start going off the shits about aladarius so watch out for that<33
Amity is a trans girl and has known this since she was very little
She had to go off puberty blockers during her time in the human realm and had to ask Camila to teach her how to shave
Hunter is also transfem (not a binary girl, but her gender is Generally Girlish) but it takes her awhiiiile to realize because she's never really given much thought to gender. She's always been just a Lil Guy in her mind
That being said he doesn't dislike being referred to as he/him necessarily, and she won't correct anyone who uses them for him
When she has the Realization she approaches Darius and Eberwolf first because he's unsure of how to go about it
Darius offers to teach her how to do her own makeup (he already gives Amity tips every so often) and how to sew dresses and skirts if she wants
Hunter ends up borrowing a shitload of Amity and Emira's clothes ("Girl clothes!!!!!") and, with Darius' help, stitches herself matching versions :-)
Amity is sooo mad about the fact that Hunter (who's the same age as the twins) being assimilated into the family further cements her into the role of Youngest Blight Kid. She likes to treat Hunter as the younger sibling sometimes. She may not be able to surpass her in age but she can Pretend
Emira is genderfluid but mostly fem-leaning. She uses her concealment stone to match her appearance with whatever her gender is, only her gender is Fucky in that on fem days she presents more masc/butch (think her canon epilogue design) and on masc days he presents more fem with longer hair and whatnot
Edric is a nonbinary trans guy and is consequently the only Blight kid who doesn't lean towards femininity in any way. Good for them
Hunter definitely makes Edric read Cosmic Frontier btw. CF is to her what the Azura series is to Amity in a way. She infodumps about it to Edric endlessly until the guy gives in and reads it... and of course he loves it. The man's a nerd !
Eberwolf is pangender and uses he/they/she! Hunter calls her Aunt Eber (he has negative associations with the word "uncle" for obvious reasons) and of course they don't mind
Hunter and Luz get into silly fights over who has the cooler aunt
Eberwolf and Emira LOOOVE putting stickers on everything. Sometimes they do it to draw attention to stuff like important dates on the calendar and checklists but mostly they do it because it's fun <3
One year for Alador's birthday the twins and Hunter sewed him a shirt which just said "I used to be worse" in plain font. He wears it proudly whenever he's lounging around the house
Everyone knew this but Alador is autistic and has ADHD. The man has Zero time management skills he'll spend 14 hours working on a project of his and then go "Dang, I finished this whole project in, what, two hours? I've never been so efficient! Wait what in the fresh hell do you mean it's 5am"
Amity is also autistic and while Odalia was around she was masking Hard. She mostly used to mimic the behaviors of her old friendgroup especially pre-Luz, but over time she's become more comfortable being her authentic self <3
This also includes being Ungodly messy compared to how she was pre-Blight family divorce arc. Yes this is semi-canon judging by her appearance in the epilogue but I felt like I should mention it anyway.
Amity's like "the way I keep my stuff looks like a mess to anyone else but to me it makes perfect sense and if you change it I will kick your ass". Luckily the people close to her are on the same wavelength with that stuff. Especially Alador because of course she picked it up from him
Alador and Eda go out drinking every few weeks (they used to do this regularly in their 20s before Alador got married and Eda began distancing herself from the Hagsquad more and more). Shenanigans ensue. Mostly this culminates in them drunkenly hobbling back to the Owl House and falling asleep on the couch. Both of them snore so fucking loudly, it's a nightmare for anyone who happens to live within a 10km radius of them
Sometimes if they aren't drunk enough to fall asleep immediately they'll host a Karaoke Night where they make absolute fools of themselves with Luz, King and Hooty bearing witness
If someone wakes Darius up from a nap for (mostly) any reason he will bug them about it for the rest of the day
He loves giving advice but he detests the fact that somehow everyone only approaches him for advice when he's getting his much needed beauty sleep
Alador and Darius are T4T by the way. Nobody in this fuckin family is cis.
It probably takes a While for them to get comfortable enough with each other as friends for them to consider dating again. Alador especially is really hesitant after the way his marriage with Odalia went downhill like it did. So they take it slow at first
Once Alador gets comfortable though, there is absolutely No going back. He is absolutely so fucking cringe and even just downright annoying about the fact that he's dating Darius
He's constantly like "Darius looks gorgeous today have you guys Seen him" "Everyone look at what I made for my husband do you think he'll like it"
(They aren't even married nor do they intend to be For Awhile. It's just that Alador likes that after years of a loveless marriage he can finally associate the idea of being/having a husband with real, genuine love and affection. Idk if I'm making sense here. I really hope so lol)
He's like a teenager about it but to be fair to him he hasn't been so deeply in love with someone in 20+ years, he may be pushing fifty but he deserves it
And of course Darius indulges him. Naturally he'll take any opportunity to be a little extra, but also he genuinely wants to appreciate Alador more openly given Odalia's treatment of him
He's constantly using his gay little nicknames for Alador in private and in public ("darling" is a favorite of his because it always makes Alador all smiley) and not to mention the casual physical affection
And get this: They still passive-aggressively vague each other on Penstagram, only now they do so from across the room and smirk at each other when they see each other's posts.
Everyone who's following them on there but doesn't know them personally is So fucking confused as to what's going on. They're following each other now?? But they're still one-upping each other in every post they make??? Why is Darius in Alador's office in this one photo, I thought they hated each other??? Alador is in the background of like 1/3rd of the photos Darius takes and vice versa??? What is Happening ???????
Together they are the #1 most insufferable middle-aged queer couple on the Isles (Raeda are a close second though and Eda works every day towards besting the abomidads)
if you agree with any of this and enjoyed reading then Please god interact with me i think about this silly little family more than i should and i would fucking LOVE to share my thoughts w more people >:-D
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
chapter 3 of my big fic coming out on the 24th as a final little teaser for all my readers <3 :)
men and minors dni
Your first month at The Last Drop is spent healing. You spend a lot of time with Jinx, coloring and listening to her chatter. You spend a lot of time polishing glasses and watering down liquor bottles at the bar on off hours. You spend a lot of time alone, in the silent corners of the giant building that is Silco’s headquarters. 
You become fast friends with Lock, the giant tattooed man. He’s got a killer sense of humor, and most of his job consists of looking tough outside of Silco’s office. So when you’ve got nothing better to do, you’ll go visit him to chat. You get to know the names of the rest of the crew too. 
Theriam works behind the bar. He’s a cool guy so long as you don’t make a mess on the bar top. Ran-- or as you and Lock call them, Bangs-- is a savant with numbers, geometry, and angles. They’ve never lost a pool game, they’ve never made an incorrect mental calculation, they’ve never missed a target, and they have a photographic memory. They also love karaoke, a fact you and Lock were delighted to find out one late night after the three of you split a bottle of bourbon. Singed is Silco’s doctor and shimmer guy, always tinkering away in his lab, playing with his various creatures. Deckard spends most of his time with Singed acting as a human guinea pig, trying out variants of the drug. And Sevika. 
You don’t know anything about Sevika. From time to time you see her walking out of Silco’s office, but you’ve never spoken. She’s quiet and gruff, and she avoids you like the plague. You think maybe she was really emotionally attached to the boots you barfed on or something. 
You’re often put on what’s referred to amongst the crew as ‘Jinx duty.’ You seem to be the only one who can tolerate her besides Ran and Lock. She’s a cute kid-- if a little disturbed. You haven’t figured out the full story about how she ended up in Silco’s care, but you get the gist. Orphaned children aren’t as rare as they should be in Zaun. You take her quirks in stride, or at least you try to. She seems to like you, though, so that’s all that matters. 
Silco’s headquarters are big enough to house the whole crew. Singed and Deckard stay in the basement where the lab is. Lock, Ran and Theriam have rooms on the ground floor, behind the bar. Silco and Jinx have their quarters on the second floor in the east wing, and you’ve been staying in the west. Your room is sparse. A mattress on the ground, a dresser and bookshelf opposite it. You’ve managed to buy yourself new clothes and a few books but besides that, the room is empty. The green stained glass that lines the far wall is your favorite feature. You love watching people wander in and out of the bar all night, love watching the citizens of Zaun live their lives from your perch. You’ve started pinning up some of Jinx’s drawings on your walls to liven up the space. 
You don’t know where Sevika stays. You think maybe she has her own place. 
Once you get the all clear from Singed that your ribs won’t puncture your lungs if you move too vigorously, you start getting daily assignments. You get to join the rest of the crew in Silco’s office each morning as he gives out commands. Most of your assignments are Jinx related. You’re starting to suspect you’ve been hired as a nanny. You aren’t complaining. 
Today, you and Jinx spent the day practicing self defense skills. Silco was adamant that she practice once a week, much to her dismay. “I just don’t get why I have to learn fighting with my hands when I can fight with guns and stuff.” She’d said. 
“Tell you what… You do all your practice without complaining and I’ll teach you how to properly hold a knife.” You said. She agreed eagerly. After her hand to hand practice, an oath that she wouldn’t snitch to Silco on you for giving her a knife, and some basic grip practice, Jinx got bored and decided she wanted to color in your room. You agreed with a shrug. 
“Do you ever talk to dead people?” Jinx asks you suddenly. You look up from your drawing of a dinosaur. 
“Not anymore.” You say with a shrug. She looks up at you. 
“You used to?” 
“When I was about your age, yeah.” You say. She hums. 
“Who’d you talk to?” She asks. You gulp. 
“Uh, my parents mostly. My baby brothers, sometimes.” 
“You had brothers?” 
“Yeah. They were twins.”
“Cool!” She says. “Twins are super freaky!” You laugh. “I wish I had a twin. You know they have telepathy?”
“I think that’s just a myth.”
“No way.” Jinx says. “They totally do.” She returns to her drawing, humming. 
“Who do you talk to?” 
“My brothers. Sometimes Vander.” 
“‘S that your dad?”
“No, I don’t remember my parents.” Jinx says. Your heart breaks for the poor kid. She’s clearly been through a lot. “Look!” She says, holding her paper up for you to examine. Two stick figures are framed by a rainbow of squiggles. 
“You and Silco?” 
“Nice. I like your hair in this one.” You say, pointing to the blue spikes sprouting from picture-Jinx’s head. “Where’s the rest of the crew?” You ask. Jinx pulls her page back and scribbles away to squeeze in some more figures. You watch in amusement as she draws. Ten minutes later, she finishes, turning her drawing around for your inspection. You laugh at the additional figures she’s added.
You can identify Singed and Deckard by the purple squiggles on their skin. Ran’s bangs make them easy to spot. The figure holding a bottle is obviously Theriam, the one with a red splotch on her neck is you. You particularly admire Jinx’s choice to color Lock’s tattoos green. You point to a figure with horns. “Who’s that one?” You ask. 
“Sevika, duh.” She says. You laugh. 
“What’s with the horns?” 
“She’s evil.” Jinx whispers to you. You chuckle. 
“What makes you say that? Silco likes her.” 
“She hates me. She’s mean. She calls me ‘booger brains.’” You snort. “It’s not funny!” Jinx screeches. 
“Sorry, sorry.” You say. “You should show that one to Silco. He’s gonna wanna hang it up.” You say. 
“You think!?” Jinx asks, excited. You nod. She launches to her feet and takes off. You laugh as her little footsteps fade away as she runs to the other side of the building. 
You slowly push yourself off the ground to follow after Jinx, your sides aching. You shuffle out of your room and start down the hall. When you finally catch up to her, she’s already standing beside where Silco sits at his desk, shoving her drawing in his face. He’s enamored, pointing to various figures on the page and listening to Jinx’s explanation of who they were meant to be. You smile from outside the office at the sweet family scene. Behind you, someone scoffs. 
You whip around. Sevika’s looming behind you, watching the pair with a grimace. 
“Hi.” You say. Sevika’s eyes flick to you, then back to Silco and Jinx. 
“We’ve got a meeting.” She gruffs out, not looking at you. 
“Oh. Cool.” You say. She scoffs again. 
“You stupid or something?” She asks. You freeze. 
“Go do your job and get the brat to scram so we can get to our meeting!” Sevika says. You blink in shock. 
“My--wha--you--” You start, trying to figure out where to even begin with a reply to her demand. “You do it!” You spit out. Sevika finally looks at you. “You’re his personal assistant, you’re the one who’s gotta keep him on schedule.” You say. 
“I’m not his fucking personal assistant.” Sevika growls, taking a step toward you. “You’re fucking lucky you’re--”
“Sevika!” Silco calls out from his office. Sevika freezes, two inches from your face, her face in a scowl. “Come in, we have to go over these numbers before our meeting.” She growls, then turns, hip checking Jinx when she passes her. Jinx grunts and stumbles, then turns around to stick her tongue out at Sevika. Sevika flips her off. 
“Did you see that?!” Jinx asks you, scandalized. Sevika rolls her eyes. 
“Jinx, Sevika, please. Some civility.” Silco grumbles, massaging his temples. 
“She pushed me!” Jinx exclaims. 
“If I pushed you, you’d be flat on your tiny ass.” Sevika snaps. Silco rubs his temples.
“Come on Jinx. Let’s go see what kinda juice Theriam’s got on tap.” You say. Jinx slinks out of the room, and Sevika’s eyes flick to yours. She scowls at you. 
“Is she always like that?” You ask Jinx as you lead her down the hall toward the stairs. Jinx lets out a long suffering sigh. 
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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shuploc · 1 year
i discovered your blog about 10 minutes ago and i am speechless at how masterful these portraits are... and it only takes you 8 hours of drawing on average?? *confused noises and gestures*
my question is : how do you get lighting and color so right every time? do you use many references for lighting? are there any tips you don't mind sharing with a fellow digital artist? x)
Yes, I very much do use reference! It really depends on the piece, but sometimes I'll only use the reference as inspiration, other times I'll completely base the whole piece around it.
In terms of lighting and color specifically, I tend to go with the light source as it appears in one or more of the reference photos, but color is never based on anything and is always something I end up spending pretty much 30 mins to an hour on at the very end. I don't want to toot my own horn in any way, but after a while, you kinda just get an eye for it, y'know. If the colors or the lighting is pretty nice in the reference, but it needs more oomf, I'll try and figure out what's making it looks so nice and amplify it. But yeah, the secret is definitely to use reference!
Thank you so much for asking though, and I'm really glad you like my stuff! 😊
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theworldofotps · 7 months
Captured Soul (Part Two)
Pairing: Bálor x Reader Word Count: 1,570 Description: Y/n recounts how she met Bálor and made the biggest mistake of her life.
Decided to write a part two for my Bálor fic (A Running Soul) I posted in 2021 for 13 nights of Halloween. I hope you enjoy this, and I hope you all have a safe happy Halloween! _________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose​ @99hook @sjwrites22​ @sassymox​ @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex​ @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @demonqueen29​ @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred9​ @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie​ @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty​ @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin​ @ripleyswhore @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @xbreezymeadowsx @mcreignsera If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ________ Three months. 
At least I think it’s been three months since I was brought here. I’ve lost track of the days after the third week locked in this cell. 
My body aches, where my soul once rested is now nothing more than a gaping hole of pain that throbbed dully every now and again. To remind me it’s no longer there, to remind me that HE won in the end. 
You can’t escape y/n, can’t talk your way out of having to spend the rest of your eternity in this hell. 
His voice mocked me as I had fallen to the ground scraping my knees on the dirty cell floor. My arms wrapped around my shivering body as the cool damp air seemed to hit me all at once. This part of the castle was much colder then the other part I was in. 
The room where it happened.
Finn, well, Bálor as it turned out to be, shoved me in here after he ripped my soul out. The hot white pain I felt as he took it, then waved his hand to seal it off left me trembling in agony. 
And afterwards he just left me alone, I was brought two meals a day and was brought out three times a week for a shower which Bálor said wasn’t even needed considering I wasn’t seeing anyone but him or his demons. 
The only thing I was given to entertain myself was a stick which I used to draw in the dirt passing away the endless hours that I wasn’t being tortured. I couldn't believe I hadn't completely put it all together when Finn had started talking about him. I wish I hadn't run from the cabin that night. Wish I never left the company of my friends thinking I could get away. Not where he was concerned I couldn't. Bálor, or better yet the demon king as those around here referred to him, still wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with me just yet. How I despise his very existence, and yet I was the foolish one for even summoning him in the first place all those years ago. ~Ten years prior~ “Please Marcus don’t do this.”
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched my ex-boyfriend packing all of his belongings from our shared dorm room. Marcus simply shook his head as he continued shoving things in boxes and suitcases. 
“I’ll take what I can and in a few weeks I’ll be back to get the rest of my stuff, I’m sorry y/n.”
Watching in heartbreak as he set his bags outside the door for his friends to take down to the waiting van. I couldn’t help the defeated feeling; I knew this breakup was coming for weeks now but it still hurt. Part of me wanted to yell and scream to beg him to reconsider but I knew it was pointless. Marcus gave one last look around the room before his eyes drifted to me then left, grabbing his book bag and walking right out of the door. 
I sit in silence listening to the sound of his fading footsteps, making my way to the window. I watched as he exits the building walking down the street and out of my life. I sobbed for hours just thinking over our past memories, replaying every detail of our relationship. How did it all end up so badly, how could the person who said he loved me more than anything not love me now? Grabbing my laptop after finally drying my eyes I begin scrolling the search engines. Searching for questions that reflected to mine, answers to the questions that bounced around in my mind. 
Now I will admit, searching how to win someone back, how to regain lost love, the list goes on. Was not one of my best periods of time for me. When nothing appeared on the internet I turned to books in the library. Call me desperate or ridiculous but at the time I didn’t care. I managed to drag myself there after a small nap.
Coming across an old leather bound book with the words Ireland Mythology in faded gold letters I decided to check it out. After getting back to my dorm I sat on my bed and began flipping through it. Reading over the different myths and legends. 
Then I stumbled on a section about him. 
I devoured every word spilled out on the pages before me, and once I finally neared the end there was a paragraph. One that claimed could bring him back, I believed it to be total bullshit but it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
Turning off the lights I lit two candles that were kept for emergencies. Clearing my throat, I started reciting the spell. Seeing the flames flicker I continued talking with a clear voice not noticing the dark red mist seeping under my door. Feeling my heart start pounding as the mist slowly began to show itself and shifted into the shape of well sort of a man. 
“Oh fuck.” 
I whisper, setting the book down as he opens his eyes looking at me. I was startled to see a deep red, his skin was a combination of red, black and white. Shifting over his skin like a slithering snake his hands were more like claws, a headdress sat on his head with nothing more than a red wrap around his waist. 
“Are, are you Bálor?” 
“I am who are you to summon me?” 
Swallowing down my panic and fear I set the book to the side of me. 
“I’m y/n I want to talk to you about something and hope to possibly make a deal with you. My boyfriend broke up with me and I want him back.” 
Bálor looked around the room slowly circling it before looking at me. 
“You wish to make a deal with me, to make your ex boyfriend want you again? Am I hearing that right?”
“Yes I know that we could work things out if he would just listen to reason. And I need your help. I never thought this would actually work but now that it has.” 
Spotting the book beside me Bálor’s claw reached up and snatched it looking at the pages in silence.
“Have you read the whole book?” 
“Not just the rest of your section, will you help me or not?” 
“I’m willing to help you, however you must realize once this deal is made you can’t go back on it. I will collect my debt when the time comes.” 
“Okay that sounds good, is it money or something you need?”
I asked hesitantly as I watched him place the book on my desk, he chuckled and shook his head before looking back at me. The light from the candles flickered showing his fangs. 
“No, when we make this deal, your soul will become mine. I will try my best to make your ex come back and then when I’m ready, I will take your soul.” 
Staring at him I rubbed my clammy hands against the fabric of my pants, slowly nodding my head as my eyes met with his. I couldn’t seem to look away and finally spoke.
“Okay I’ll make that deal.” 
This had to be some crazy dream, this wasn’t real I was going to wake in the morning and it was going to be a silly dream. 
Bálor smirked and walked over holding out his claw, slowly placing my hand in it. We shook and he pulled me up into his chest. 
“I’ll see you in a few years, little one and don't try to hide because I'll always find you.”
*Present time*
When I woke up the next morning I had a couple of texts from my ex and we met up after classes. Worked things out and the next couple of months were good, until I found out he was cheating on me. I was devastated, and honestly I forgot all about Bálor for a couple years. Until he started leaving signs that it was almost time for him to collect. Then I began moving around a lot, running every chance I could. 
I thought I had evaded him this time. I hadn't seen or heard anything in months and now I was locked here in this cell.  Sighing I lifted my head when the door to the dungeon opened expecting a guard. I was surprised to see Bálor. Unlocking my door he motioned for me to follow him, slowly lifting to my feet, I came out and followed him up to the main floor.
“I figured out what I’m going to do with you, you are going to be cleaning up the room that I use to torture the darkest of souls. Without a whimper, whine or complain and if you do good you’ll no longer be required to live in the dungeons. If you refuse and fail to obey orders you’ll be returned to your cell and your punishment will be worse then anything you’ve experienced since you’ve been here. Do I make myself clear?” 
“Yes sir.”
I whispered looking at the floor and stopping when he turned towards me with a smirk on his face. 
“Don’t sound so upset, you signed yourself up for this when you opened that book. It’s time for you to pay up y/n welcome to the rest of your eternity.”
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domirine · 2 years
You probably do a lot of life drawing seeing as how perfectly fluid your art always is so this ask might be redundant lol but,, i was wondering what kind of references you usually use? Do you just google similar poses, does it come from your mind, or do you have a go-to app to look through like pinterest?👉👈 i ask bc I struggle a lot with poses and usually when i look them up i end up drawing nothing bc its not. Ever good enough for me/what im looking for lol😔 still not sure how to even draw characters smoochin, rip
thank you, nonny!! i do a lil bit of life drawing, but man i really do feel the same way you do. while i'm happy to show some art when i get it done, the process can be a real struggle.
sorry this is gonna be long and all over the place lol hope it helps tho:
life drawing good: i recommend ditching the idea of finding the 100% Perfect Ref right off the bat. studying anatomy and life drawing (this site has a range of body types and fun poses) somewhat regularly, therefore growing my mental library so that i can try and make whatever pose is in my head happen later, has been more viable to me than spending hours looking for the Perfect Ref.
drawing a bunch of generic people skating without pressure of creating proper character art is good practice, and it primes me to then come up with a skating pose of my own.
ref hunting: i save pictures i might use as refs regularly in a browser folder - good refs, bad refs, boring refs - losing a ref standard can be helpful because at the end of the day it’s what you make with it, so it doesn’t have to be particularly mind-blowing to begin with. you don’t wanna reinvent the wheel or create the most never-been-done-before pose, you just wanna get a thing right.
pinterest is very good for poses, yes, though you have to know how to look for them - i.e. i found that typing out "dynamic pose" will not yield organic results, as opposed to looking up people in motion like athletes, boxers, skaters and such. for fighting, i recommend using photos or clips from (ideally staged lol) fights, as opposed to stock images where the models are standing for a while posing - the former preserves a lot of the movement. i also recommend looking up group photos from events or shows for interesting natural poses and people interacting.
best hot tip of all tho: what helped me most is to not treat references very religiously. don't be tied down by what's in your ref, or not finding the perfect one, because then you're focusing on accuracy and not necessarily on what you wanna communicate with your drawing. if you can't find what you're looking for in full, just use a part that you find interesting, and then bullshit the rest and revise accordingly.
idea-generating can be very hard but you can practice it like any other skill, because having a decent idea of what you wanna draw is helpful - you don't have to have the whole pose visualised 100%. it's the mood, body language and expressions, that i think are more important. looking at refs can help reveal your ideas and intentions, but i will not create them for you i’m afraid.
for example, speaking on characters smooching, i've drawn these using refs in   pretty uptight way with no ideas beforehand - and i find them painfully boring because they're not rly communicating anything aside from a anatomical accuracy (more or less);
Tumblr media
i was being too intent on staying faithful to the reference, and they're looking kinda stale to me. the only one that was done without any ref, was the bottom left - which i like! bc it's got spice and it’s portraying some emotion.
but i wouldn't have drawn it if i hadn't already started on the others, so maybe another good tip is to trust the process and not give up mid-work!! drawing stuff you’re not proud of is still drawing stuff, and not everything you create is gonna be satisfying. things are gonna click here and there, but you never know when, so don’t give up on your ugly artsy ducklings!!
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ultimateinferno · 1 year
Something I learned recently as an artist that took me 10 years to settle in is how to balance the different parts of art. I don't mean like composition, value, form, etc. I mean different exercises that are in complete opposition with one another are equally important. Honest to God just learned this right now.
Like, there's taking things slow, really chewing on artistic principles. Doing studies, breaking down reference images and going through the meticulous push and pull of refining your drawing. That's what I personally have basically been doing for a while now.
However, there's also a virtue of throwing all of that to the wind and seeing just how fast you can get stuff done. One of my art professors for a life drawing class told a story about a pottery class. He said that in that class that professor would tell the students at the beginning of the semester they could choose to be graded between two options. The first was quality. They had to make a single pot for the entire semester, and would be graded on how well made that one pot was. The second was quantity. When the semester was over, the professor would take out a scale, put all the pots on it, and if it reached a certain weight they'd pass.
Our professor told us that the students who picked the quantity option ended up producing better pots by the end of the semester than the quality students. Because the cycle of making and completing pieces was invaluable. They were able to bounce back from their mistakes much more quickly because all they cared about was getting stuff done.
This life drawing class ended up being my boon and bane. At this point, I was a "quality" student. I'd take my time with pieces pushing and pulling at the lines to get things just right. When I signed up for the class, my most common subject was people, so I thought it would be easy. However, the thing about life drawings is that there's an actual model before you, and they're not always very good at staying still, especially depending on the pose. So when the 20 or so minutes were up, I would have like a single arm done and nothing else. I had to push myself to achieve something in those 20 minutes. I was the slowest artist in the class. I knew much more theory and fundamentals, but none of that mattered cause I had nothing to show for it. Then poses started getting shorter. 15. 10. 8. 5. 2 minute poses. There was no time to analyze I simply had to draw.
Over the course of that semester I got better of reaching those time limits. By the time it was over, I put down my charcoal and returned to my drawing tablet. Art took me so long that I can only focus so much on an outlet at a time. I could either take classes or draw in my free time. Never both. When I started drawing over the summer, I noticed something: I was faster. My poses were better. I was able to sketch, ink, color and shade a piece in three days. That never happens, it would take me a month to get things just right beforehand. Yet now, even with art pieces where I was allowed to be slow, my speed improved greatly.
And this is because I was put in a class that looked at me and said "I don't want quality. I just need finished pieces. You need to turn in a piece every day." Yet this isn't the "lesson" I'm talking about. I think it's actually very much both. Quality and quantity.
You need to spend long hours breaking down anatomy or values or other fundamentals, to really digest them. You also need to put your feet to the fire and just get shit done. They're both very important skills to learn. Focusing on quality builds up your repertoire and artistic encyclopedia so you can produce artwork from a place of understanding. Focusing on quantity, meanwhile, is all about going through the motions. Learning when to accept "good enough" and apply the knowledge gained from your long-form studies and turn them into instincts. This lets you go back to the studies and build upon your knowledge using the shortcuts gained, continue building up more details to your skills.
Without ever focusing on quality, you will be repeating the same artistic mistakes over and over again with minimal improvement, never actually learning anything.
Without focusing on quantity you'll be so caught up in the details and the studies that you'll be stuck at step 1 indefinitely, breaking down each new part and be cursed to never finish a piece.
Focusing on one is already hard enough, so two would be difficult. However, as a part of the greater process, you don't need to focus on both at once. So long as you keep cycling through taking your time to get things right, and forcing yourself to get things done on dietary occasions, each practice will feed into themselves and each other far more than anything in isolation.
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nick-close · 1 year
i think a lot of current discussion and enjoyment of the fandom is s2 centered? so more s1 stuff is slightly less usual in the show now (despite still having a lot of references lol)
Nothing hurts more than the fact I spent like literally half an hour on a reply and the power went out as I went to post it- but fuck it! We try again. I’ll try to make it shorter this time. (I failed sorry.)
I totally understand that the current fandom is more s2 focused and want different things. But I don’t think that means it shouldn’t be viewed from a s1 lense. The first season set the foundation and appeal of the show as a comedy. Though I do think the fandom is genuinely a lot younger rn and focuses more on ships, character moments, story beats, etc- which is totally fine! I’m not trying to dismiss critiques or say these wants are stupid because of the younger fanbase- I was in this fandom since I was 15. I do think it plays into the wants and appeals of the show though.
And here’s really the thing. S1 is the basis of the show- it should’ve set the expectations for how the podcast goes. Where I think the divide comes from, is that the younger audience usually means people binged s1- rather than listen episodically. Binging it, you don’t have to wait between the stupid five footers and nonsense to get to character beats and emotions because you can just go and go and go to the next episode.
This is why I think people are so impatient in s2. I see people writing their own fanfiction ideas about how the next episode is going to go, spending 2 weeks building up an expectation that is never actually going to meet the show. If they were binging through this, I don’t think anyone would have this strong of a reaction to this episode because they’d just go to the next one to try and get what they want. People love the characters and plot so much they tend to forget the podcast has always been a rowdy comedy podcast at its core.
I actually think one of the reasons s2 struggles so much is because of the huge expectation to live up to the emotional beats of s1 without realizing the stupid moments are the reasons they WORK. You need Henry’s hippie jokes to make Oakvale hit. You need Glenn’s weed joke to Erin so it can come back at the trial. We make jokes about how ‘I’m crying over Glenn Close in Meth Bay lol!’ But that’s why the emotions hit so heavy. They are not SUPPOSED to be every episode.
The podcast is founded on the jokes and the stupid shit- if you want cool dnd shit.. like, this isn’t your podcast. That isn’t me gatekeeping or saying people can’t enjoy it if they come for those moments- but genuinely telling you to remember what you’re coming to. If you love the characters and the story, that’s great- but the comedy and bullshit episodes are always the core of the show for the story to build around. If you’re not gonna like them, that’s okay- but you will only disappoint yourself if you keep coming expecting something else.
You can watch it and hate these episodes. You can feel disappointed or upset something didn’t happen. That’s totally fine. But I really draw an issue with people viewing it as an error on the show’s end. Your personal preference not aligning with the show all the time is cool! But the show doesn’t pretend to be anything but stupid. It’s not bad storytelling to make the comedy show funny. The episode after the Grant Yeet scene, a huge part of it is them looking at Darryl’s shit in the toilet and getting eldritch trauma. You can’t really pick and choose Imo. But hey, do what you want, I’m just some guy! And ultimately if complaining is how you have fun (I get it, I love talking shit) then enjoy fandom however you like.
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karaloza · 7 months
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Undeveloped Ideas
More theme park stuff! This time around, I’m listing some things that I would like to include, but haven’t been able to develop well enough to make “official,” so to speak. I would welcome any ideas my readers might have in that direction.
Desert Area
There is one major recurring environment type that’s missing from the park as it stands, and that’s the desert. The reason for this is twofold. First, the existing themed areas make a nice compact shape, fairly symmetrical and logically arranged with respect to each other. I can’t figure out a place to put the desert that wouldn’t look like an awkward tumor grafted onto the side.
Second, I couldn’t come up with many ideas for attractions in the desert—in the games, such areas mostly seem to be traversal challenges, with hazards along the way that make traveling difficult, but not much to see or do until you get to the dungeon or other destination at the end. And in the real world, deserts mostly are not considered very nice places to visit, unlike forests and waterways and mountains. I bounced around a couple ideas but wasn’t able to make much of them:
A sand-seal racing ride. Pretty much taken directly from the minigame in Breath of the Wild, with ride vehicles shaped like a seal pulling a sled, carrying riders at high speed around a track whilst being threatened by monsters. Fine on its own, but I felt it wasn’t distinct enough, tone-wise, from the other thrill rides I had already developed in more detail.
Kara Kara Bazaar. A colorful mini-district of shops and eateries, to get in some Gerudo cultural flavor while maintaining the worldbuilding detail that where men and boys are forbidden from visiting Gerudo Town itself.
Gerudo martial arts show. Taking place in the Bazaar, this would be a procession of Gerudo performers (tall female athletes with serious abs—what a casting call that would be!) through the area ending at a small stage where they would put on a demonstration of Gerudo combat techniques.
You’ll notice that I haven’t been able to get away from the BotW/TotK desert for my inspirations, which is part of my problem. Hopefully I’ll overcome the block and a fully fleshed out desert area can be added to the park!
Great Sea Water Park
As you’ve read through my theme park writeups, you may have noticed few or no specific references to games like Link’s Awakening, Wind Waker, and Phantom Hourglass. This is because the base setting of these games—the ocean and/or islands—is different enough from “standard” Zelda that I couldn’t figure out a graceful way to merge them with the overall themed pastiche. So I decided the best way to include them was in a “sister” waterslide park such as many theme parks have right next door (Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Knott’s Soak City, LEGOLand California Water Park, etc.).
The only problem here is that...I don’t have much experience visiting water parks. When I was a kid, swimming/water fun outings took the form of a) the beach or b) my grandparents’ swimming pool. I remember one trip to a park called Wild Rivers, but not many details—slides, wave pools of varying intensity, a “river” encircling the whole thing where you could spend two hours drifting on the current in an inner tube… It’s not enough for me to make generalizations about water parks as a phenomenon or design my own.
Nonetheless, I think a water park would be the ideal expression of those sea-focused games—slides themed around places like Dragon Roost Island and Mount Tamaranch, pirate ship playgrounds, maybe a flume ride or two, the Windfall Island Ferris wheel… Besides the aforementioned games, features could draw inspiration from seaside areas in other games such as Lurelin Village and the Great Bay (leaving Zora’s Domain in the big park to focus on freshwater.) There’s potential here, I just don’t have the chops to work it out in detail.
Tarrey Town Suites
Another thing you often find in association with theme parks is themed hotels, extending the experience for multi-day guests. This is especially appropriate for Zelda, because have you ever noticed how many of the games begin with Link literally waking up in the morning? And of course inns and taverns have become a common feature in the games, starting with the Stock Pot Inn in Majora’s Mask. I opted to make that one a restaurant in the theme park because of the name, but there was still plenty of material to inspire a hotel, and I soon realized that Breath of the Wild introduced not only unique inns for each of its fantasy races and communities, but a concept for gathering them all in one location.
Tarrey Town Suites would not be a single hotel, but a complex of buildings, each one themed to a different people—Hylians, Sheikah, Gerudo, Gorons, Rito, and Zora—and offering a different aesthetic and vibe for leisure. Common hotel amenities such as a gym, spa, swimming pool, etc. would be divided among the “inns” appropriately (but available to all guests of the Suites, not just the ones staying in the same inn).
Of all the ideas in this post, this is the one I’ve given the most serious thought; I’m just not quite ready to declare it solid.
Something Something Ancient Technology
The Legend of Zelda is traditionally a medieval(-ish) fantasy series, but some of its more recent installments have leaned hard on the trope of “ancient people were way more technologically advanced than us, actually.” The ancient Sheikah and Zonai tech of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, respectively, leap easily to mind, but there’s also the Ancient Robot civilization in Skyward Sword. It’s enough of a phenomenon that I feel like it should go somewhere in the park—or the resort, as it’s becoming with all these ideas—but how best to manifest this particular theme?
One possibility is...Tarrey Town Suites. In Tears, Tarrey Town is adjacent to the Hudson Construction Site, where the locals retrieve Zonai devices that fall nearby and experiment with them to create powered vehicles. So maybe the hotel activities could include some small rides or other attractions centered around funky fantasy tech.
That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!
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lonelywriter26 · 7 months
Okay. So I think I've established I'm mentally ill. And I'm thinking about a character, so I'm forcing the people who follow me to hear about them. Cool? Cool.
I've got this little OC named The Groundskeeper. They started as a joke. They are no longer a joke. I love them. Here we go.
Avery "Aster" Hatchaway, probably like, mid 20s. He/They pronouns, he will take your gender and you can DEAL WITH IT. He worked at a flower shop right out of college and really liked it, made some good friends, got a little apartment, life is good. The flower shop ends up closing and he's like "Shit, I need a new job."
So he looks for jobs, finds out he can get a job as a groundskeeper at a local cemetery. Sure. Why not. He can still do all his planting that he likes while listening to music, the pay is shockingly good, and he needs a new job anyway. He goes, gets the interview, and gets the job. Before he does though, the interviewer (who's the old groundskeeper) is like "Hey, so you're going to have to work nights sometimes and it might get weird" and Avery is like "Sure, whatever, I can do that."
So they go and start working. Job is good, they're good at it. One thing they don't realize: Because they aren't talking to anybody, they don't realize they've begun to refer to themselves as "The Groundskeeper" while in the graveyard. They forget about their name while on the clock. But they don't exactly realize it, and they spend like, a week with the job.
Then, their first nightshift comes. And it's fine for like, an hour or two. They're mostly just confused on why they've been stuck there at night, but fine, why not fuck up their sleep schedule for the day. Then, they hear things. Long story short, paranormal shit happens, the Groundskeeper, reasonably, tries to leave, only to find the gate locked and a note there (Hello Jon, apologies for the deception-💥) basically explaining they can't leave yet, cause yada yada keep the supernatural stuff in check.
So, The Groundskeeper survives. Clearly. And after their shift they immediately go to the old groundskeeper and is like "Why the FUCK wouldn't you tell me??" "I did warn you." "You didn't warn me of SHIT-"
They're mad. They're terrified of the ghosts. But they also need money, so they keep the job, and eventually fall into the rhythm of keeping the supernatural entities who live in the graveyard in check while also maintaining the place. It's fun. They're basically Jon from TMA on a smaller scale. (In the sense that they signed themselves up to deal with paranormal bullshit, I haven't actually finished the podcast so don't come at me-)
Okay. Backstory rant over. Here's some facts about them:
-They have a little toolbelt that holds: A supernatural book they found, a flashlight, extra batteries, scissors, a screwdriver, their phone, and their earbuds.
-They got lost in a liminal space beneath a crypt once because of a ghost trying to fuck with them.
-They got thrown down the stairs of an underground crypt once and needed stitches after.
-They really fucking hate crypts (I wonder why.)
-They dislike coffee and rely on sugar to stay awake.
-The book they keep on them can light things on fire. No, they don't know how it does that.
-They're a cat person, but they think dogs are cute.
-They had to perform an exorcism on a kid who snuck in one night, played with an ouija board, and got possessed.
-They like to draw but aren't good at it.
-They'd have a tumblr account.
-They aren't afraid of the dark, but if they're alone and they think too much about it, they'll get paranoid.
-They definitely saw the FNAF movie.
-They're a gamer.
-They're traumatized but certainly not as bad as they could be.
-They have not told any of their friends about what this job actually entails.
-They're on good terms with a few supernatural entities, including some ghosts and the Näcken that lives in the pond. It's a big cemetery. There's a pond.
Look. It's them. They're probably half awake.
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classroomgraffiti · 2 years
(inspired by ”The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs” by Steven Zapata Art on youtube, watch it please)
If youve already decided ai art is bad for the art environment as a whole or have watched the video i referred to above then dont bother with this post as it was probably better elaborated on in said video, however, if you don’t have the time to watch a 47 minute video or are still either on the fence or a supporter of ai art then i implore you to read the rest of this post as im going to list arguments for ai art and try and counter them
firstly, ai art and people using references is not comparable, a person even if they follow an image as closely as possible will still have slight alterations whereas the ai can copy it exactly. to extend upon this akin to how someone may trace or use someone else’s art as a reference, these ai algorithms have databases which contain billions of images, including ones with copyright which we would normally not have access to in order to use like this, from hundreds of thousands of artists and will precisely and electrically splice your art into its results
corporations and stingy bastards stand to make ridiculous amounts from this, as people who may have hired an artist for a job or commission can now tell their ai to pull up desired images instantaneously, not to mention that the ones who sold these people their ai will be getting paid instead, and they will be getting paid NICELY with your money (openai etc)
finally, and i hope iv saved what i feel is my best point for last, is against those who argue “it gives people who were not gifted the ability to make great art” or “the ai is a tool which is dependant on us feeding it prompts”, starting with the first argument, no artist is “gifted” or “talented”, what artists actually are is determined and hard working and pillars of mental fortitude & work ethic, im no fine arts master but personally i have only gotten to the point i’m at because i would often spend all of brake & lunch at school and then anywhere between 1-3 hours nearly everyday just drawing, the fact that the act of drawing is what i use as a coping mechanism for any stressful times in my life is irrelevant as i and anyone else who partakes in art and the craft have only achieved there skill through effort which is possible and obtainable to absolutely anybody, if you are upset by your perceived inability to draw then either simply improve through practice and documentation until you create works which meet yours standards or just stop drawing until you can do it without becoming overly upset at your quality; do not steal the blood sweat and tears of honest artists so you can LARP about as somebody who is actually willing to put the time in for results (this does not refer however to those who happened to have innocently used ai art before or those who credit the specific artist/just share cool ai art as my anger is only directed at those who use this technology to pretend the work is theirs or avoid paying artists, i myself used dalli.mini to import burt reynolds onto the moon and into RGU some time ago out of pure curiosity); continuing further, referring to how this ai needs human made prompts, allow me to forwards you a question if you believe this to be the case, if algorithms akin to the ones on tiktok or other SM platforms and search engines which are massively capable of monitoring a persons searches and precisely adapt at using this info to show the users stuff that they know the user will enjoy, then what is stopping these algorithms from being applied to these ai art generators? if the ai art generator is given the capability to monitor and act upon your searches and info like the algorithms i just mentioned then what is stopping it from, for example, auto generating some images from your interests for you to look at? now consider that this ai will be making a sweatshops worth of generated images for literally everybody and that while this happens, as the the ai produces more and more, whether the prompts were manually put in or not, that it is perpetually and ALWAYS LEARNING. why stop at simple images? books, poems, animation, music, each medium with which man has used to express themselves since the start of time will receive its own ai with which to steal literally every recorded piece of art or literature ever in order to churn into automatic and spontaneous content, by then all we will be left with is this auto generated primordial pool of content puked up by the ai, you may look up references for a cool drawing you are trying to do and five minutes later youll receive a ping from your phone sayin “heres that drawing you were working on, dont sweat it i already finished it for you in color and everything just as you imagined” just so you can scroll through walls of images which each look like they were pulled from your head, 20 minutes later itll send you the drawings you were going to draw 2 years from now, and 55 minutes later it’s going to send you auto generated pictures of you next to your idealised and perfect partner going kayaking, on a picknick, getting married etc in an album under the name “your hopes and aspirations”; because these computers KNOW us, far better than you or anyone else could ever hope to know yourself or eachother, and if there’s anything that these algorithms and corporations know about the human brain it’s that it loves the quick, dopamine inducing, highly addictive, blitz krieg style content which allows tiktok and other SMs to fester in the modern atmosphere
im not saying we need to all smash our phones in tandem as that would be obviously ridiculous, neither do i have an answer as to how we should get rid of or counteract ai art, all i can say is that i believe ai art is the biggest threat to essential human expression, 2nd only to us all nuking eachother, and the we SHOULD be angry about it and SHOULD not simply sit around and let it ruin us, even if it’s jus by bringing up to someone else via conversation how awful ai art is then thats still fighting back art and i would implore that you do that if possible. thanku for reading my ramblings if ur still interested in the topic of ai art then simply search for the video i referred to at the start or do independent research on they topic outside of that, maybe what youll find may debunk me who knows anyway im very tired gn😑👍 (also again let me reiterate that those who use this technology while crediting the specific artist/ sharing cool ai art they prompted while fully acknowledging its ai art and not there own work are completely innocent, i’d rather you just share the work of actual people but whatever its hardly an issue when confined to this scale)
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multiple-authors · 10 months
7 August 2023 (midday)
Slowly feeling a little bit better. Last night helped. Sat in the kitchen with my earplugs in so I can’t hear anything except the dulled out sound of my typing on the keyboard. Have an urge to curl up in a ball and do nothing. I’d end up napping and waking up confused, numb and frustrated that I was on my way to work again. Instead I will get this writing out of me for half an hour which should be more than enough. Then I’ll get to some painting. I’m going to finish the Claude Cahun part of the painting. Finally. I can feel myself putting it off. I also have an urge to look back at what I wrote last night. It still feels like something is evading me. I want to look back at what I wrote last night but I think first I should get these thoughts out first without interference. My hair is getting longer. I kind of like it. Though I do think I’ll want to get a haircut again soon. £50 is a lot of money for a cut.  Feel intimidated by the idea of working smaller/ faster. I feel like I could be wasting my time. I also want to learn how to say what I need to say economically. Not for the sake of it but just so I can say more, or get to the next part faster. Not because I don’t want to sit where I am but there is something evading me and I need to get to it. I want to eat chocolate or something sweet. I want to have a cup of tea. I want to get into bed with the cup of tea and just rest. I know that I’ll end up falling asleep. Just like I did the past few days. I’m not sure that today I want to do that. I have been implementing the social media boundaries I realised I was writing yesterday. Only going on for messages or to post and that’s it. I find myself reaching for my phone to scroll or go on a dating app. And when I’d tire of one I’d move to another and then move along again. When I realised that there would be no reward, I had reduced interest in holding my phone.  I do feel very sleepy right now. Maybe today is the last day where I sit and do nothing, until I go to work. It’s 12:18 right now. I will need to leave at 4 ish. Maybe today I sit and read. I can read Dracula and finish it. With some comfy clothes on. I can maybe spend now getting myself ready for tomorrow and Wednesday of working on my stuff. What do I need to get ready?
Ideas, looking back at yesterday’s writing (or this morning’s), that resonate with me right now are: - Do the work I know I can make easily (small drawings and paintings) - Have a project(s) that is a risk - What daily actions do I take for the art making? The drawings and paintings
And this part: 
If I work offline mostly and just post finished works. Offline mostly, working in private … email me. I can then take the pressure off myself to develop new ways of working
Try painting from imagination small paintings
Drawing from imagination
Images with photo reference
Freer to work through images faster and get to the core of my thinking
Social media: ‘Offline mostly, working in private. Email me’. Only go online to post or message. Reply to Instagram messages every three days. Give number if I want to give faster replies. 
What are works I can crack on with without much thought?
Painting from imagination - as I do now with biro/pencil drawings. How can I elevate some of these into more refined pieces easily. (This is an exercise I can do twice a week, to start with.)  1. Do an easy drawing, no judgment. as I do now with biro/pencil drawings 2. With a particular amount of time available, how do I elevate this? 
I don’t have the answers to the above yet but I will get there. I think I need to do some making.
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caspalooza · 1 year
2022 Art Summary & Reflection!
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A proper blog post, this one! ;D I'll be talking your ear off about my art under the "keep reading" break, if you feel so inclined. Otherwise, please appreciate my 2022 art overview (ooooh. aaaah.)
So! 2022. Oh, 2022. Yeah, this year SUCKED! BIG TIME! Or at least, it sucked in terms of my, ahem, artistic journey (sparkle emoji). Graduating high school and stuff was cool. Anyways, I feel I should be unhappy about my art progress (or lack thereof), and I suppose to a certain extent I am, but at the same time I have a hard time blaming myself for this one. I had so, SO little energy this year, and almost any time I did have energy, I was weighed down by mental blocks, art blocks, creative blocks, you name it. Getting anything finished was very mentally draining, even more so because I wasn't getting any practice, meaning my art abilities weren't quite up to snuff, which discouraged me even more! In the past, whenever I've become discontented with my art, I've liked to do what I call BRUTE FORCING improvement!!! but I just didn't have the energy to do that at ALL this year. My main and possibly only consistent motivator for drawing was my oc, Jesper (this really was the year of Jesper for me, holy jeez!).
But right now, I'm thinking AHEAD! To the FUTURE, BABY! Because I REALLY want to make some progress by the end of 2023. Even though my rendering got a lot better in 2022, I improved pretty much NOT-AT-ALL when it came to the fundamentals. That bothers the HELL out of me and I want that to change next year. I can't describe how it is to SUFFER when I want to render something because it's fun, only to spend hours rendering GARBAGE and looking back at it 5 minutes later and realizing, "Hey wait a minute! That's GARBAGE!"
Lucky me, I'm in a pretty good state of mind about my art right now, and I feel myself fixating on it again (which is pretty good timing since I'm on winter break now). So here are my main improvement goals for 2023:
DRAW MORE and FINISH MORE ART, even if it's SHIT! Which is finally a realistic goal for me since I hate so much of my art that I'm highkey just desensitized to it at this point.
Pay WAY more attention to composition and use of negative space! And not just in color, which for some reason was what I thought negative space exclusively referred to until an embarrassingly short amount of time ago!
Similarly, pay much more attention to pose readability! These poses should be CRYSTAL!
Keep pushing expressions, not just in sketches but FINISHED ART!
And finally, I want to stop worrying so much about making finished art. I want to draw whatever the fuck I want even if that amounts to drawing a guy standing in the void 20 times in a row. If that's what I have energy for, that's what I have energy for! At least it's SOMETHING!
And of course I'd like to improve somewhat with proportions and anatomy and shading and such, but I'm not feeling the urge to focus too strongly on that stuff right now.
My relationship with my art is and has always been that I just want to get it to a point where I don't hate looking at it, because really the only reason I draw is because I either want to vent my love for something and/or because I like looking at my ocs. That's sorta why after improving so much in my first few years of learning to draw humans, I slowed down a ton. It wasn't out of laziness, I was just content, and why would I want to spend all my time and energy practicing when It was already good enough and I could just draw my ocs NOW! I have no professional aspirations for my art. My art's for me first, and I hope it stays that way.
That said, I'm hoping for a lot of changes in general in 2023, some of which aren't strictly related to the visual arts, necessarily! All my ocs and their lore are to be revamped (and some are in the process of it already) to recapture their original vibe which I have missed oh-so-much. I don't want to rush myself with that process, but once the ocs are all set and the basic lore is all set I would love to try making some short comics about them. I don't know if that'll happen this coming year, but it's something i'd like to work towards. I had actually already started working on a comic and had the first few pages thumbnailed before I realized I really, really didn't like the way some of my ocs were characterized. Like, I'm not suggesting they were PROBLEMATIC or something, they just didn't feel right. Like they weren't quite themselves anymore, and I had lost their essence. Also, it was probably a bit too ambitious for a first comic project, anyways. All's that to say, I've an interesting path in front of me! I hope to make some cool stuff this coming year, a healthy mix of epithet erased fan art and original content! And who KNOWS what other fandoms will destroy my life along the way!
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chibinightowl · 2 years
When I wake up in the morning, I really should just go with the flow and see where the brain takes me. Because then stuff like this happens and it makes me smile.
The quiet chime has Jason stirring from his book. Looking up at the view-screen, he smiles at the interstellar cloud his ship is approaching. Most of the more questionable freighters like him are familiar with the ins and outs of what they call the Dragon Nebula. Red and gold light diffuses through the star nursery, but there are pockets where the visible spectrum (to humans, at least) shifts to green, blue, and the richest of purples.
It's a pretty sight, but that's not why he's here.
He'd come across them years ago, back when he was a kid and learning the fine art of smuggling from his dad. His old man hadn't been particularly good at it, but Jason was quick and clever, and while Willis was trying (and failing) to evade the sector police, he'd taken the only escape pod and jettisoned off into the nebula.
It was risky, yes. But dying while watching a star being born sounded a hell of a lot better than dying on the end of someone's cock at Blackgate. The prison colony was a death sentence, especially to a boy of only thirteen.
But Jason didn't die out there in the vastness of the nebula. No, he actually made--
Another chime tugs him out of the memories that always came back whenever he arrived here. This one has him sitting up and flipping a few switches while he cuts power to the main engine.
It's easier to drift into the fringes of the nebula using pulse power. Shields up, of course, since the entry is often rocky. But it's better not to blast those fragments into smaller pieces.
The barrier is there for a reason.
Jason spends the better part of the next two hours navigating what amounts to a miniature asteroid field. There's a trick to it, one that he knows quite well at this point. When he comes out the other side into a sea of reddish-gold, he still slumps in his seat because it's exhausting work.
Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
Through the view screen, he spots a ripple in the gas. Then another.
He's been spotted. It won't be long now.
The ripples vanish and Jason runs through his mental checklist to make sure he's not missing anything. He's not so he goes back to his book.
Nearly another hour passes before he hears it--the tap tap tap on his view screen.
Looking up, he smiles.
Tim is waiting for him outside.
Outsiders call the residents of the Dragon Nebula space mermaids of all things. The beings have long iridescent tails and fins that catch and reflect the light of what's around them, so Jason can understand the reference to Old Earth mythology. They weave and roll in and out of the gas clouds, nurturing and feeding the baby stars that take untold millennia to be born.
They are the shepherds of the nebula and Jason is one of the rare few they allow inside their borders.
Jason makes his way to the back of the ship and puts on a special suit that cost him a ton of creds, but is worth its weight in gold for the flexibility it allows him outside. He double checks his oxygen supply and makes sure his mag-boots are working properly.
Then, he climbs into the maintenance tunnel and lets the interior hatch seal completely before commencing depressurization. Gravity becomes non-existent and the exterior hatch opens.
Engaging the mag-boots, he finishes climbing up the ladder to stand on the outside of his ship.
Tim is already waiting for him. His long fins brush against Jason's suit as he twines around him, wrapping him to his semi-transparent body. Thanks to the suit, Jason can feel every touch.
It's their version of a hug.
Tim's upper body draws away, though his lower fins and tail stay firmly in place. He grins and his fingers fly.
It has been too long, my human. I missed you.
Jason reaches out and runs his fingers through Tim's hair. It's as black as the darkest parts of deep space, though it too catches the light. He wishes he could touch it without the barrier of gloves, even with the haptic sensors telling him what he's feeling.
But Tim can't survive in atmosphere and Jason can't survive without it. They were doomed right from the start, two star-crossed lovers who could never physically touch the other. But they can meet like this, in a limbo where nothing else exists but them.
I missed you too, Jason signs. One of my jobs ran longer than I thought. But I got paid extra for it.
Tim's expression brightens. You mean... You have it now.
Jason nods. Yeah. I finally got the last part for your suit.
The special suit is one that has been long in development. Jason has studied hard, tinkered more, and now has a working prototype that he's willing to test with Tim.
Tim releases him and does what can only be described as a happy dance across the top of the ship. His fins and tail flash brilliantly with his joy, but it's his eyes that, as always, capture Jason's full attention.
They blaze a blue so clean and pure that it's difficult to believe they're even real.
When can I try it? Tim signs eagerly.
Jason laughs and holds out his arms. As soon as I get another hug.
He would prefer a kiss. By all the stars in space, he would. But as Tim coils around him again and presses his face as closely as he can to Jason's, he's more than content with this, right here.
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lilblueorchid · 3 years
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Thought process and easter egg on the Digimon Anniversary Illustration! 
Hello everyone, today I feel like explaining some stuff over my Digimon Illustration, mostly why I drew thing this way or point out some little details and easter eggs you might have missed. ;)
Click on read more if you want a LENGTHLY explanation with a lot of rambling from me, or if not you can just enjoy the process gif. <3 
The Digimon illustration was a special one for me for different reasons. Firstly, obviously, Digimon! It was a show I grew up with, and I find it quite fitting that after a tough year of graduation movie under a pandemic, in which I really experienced the pain of growing up, I ended up finding back Digimon. 
Secondly, as a child, I remember spending HOURS looking for fanarts online! I would save all the ones I found pretty and keep them preciously, i still have the folders actually haha. While pursuing art, I always had in mind thatI wanted one day to make a fanart my child self would have gone crazy over! And, i think I achieved that with that one haha. 
Anyway LET’S START! Shall we? 
First off : the illustration process
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When I do an illustration I always do a quick draft first, and most of the time, in colors. I think I’m more of a “color” person than a “line” person, I tend to need to see colors quickly in order to see if it’s ok. 
For this one, I’ve always had in mind it would be a double illustration, with the older Tai’s silhouette acting as a frame for the children illustration. It was a bit tricky, I had to make the children illustration fit nicely into his silhouette, it was hassle around the neck area, that’s why I made little Taichi stand up haha. Also used Mimi’s hat to balance the picture : the bottom part is very heavy and there’s only sky in the upper part, adding the hat helps making it more balanced. 
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The character were the longest and the most challenging part by far. As you can see I had 3 different steps : super rough, they’re almost like stickmen and smiley face, a more detailled one in which I figure out their actual pose and anatomy, then a last one in which I fix some proportion, add details and clean. Fun fact I don’t clean over a new layer... i just erase the unwanted part of my sketch. :’D
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I did a quick pass over the BG after that, then I colored the characters in flat colors before rendering them. It was a back and forth between the BG and the characters to make sure everything was working together nicely. 
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Now was the time to render the BG, I did the tramway first, the flower field after. Fun fact, I did my flower field study in order to know how to approach the flowers in this illustration! If your have the time, i totally recommend finding a photograph close to the kind of BG you wanna do, and make a study of it so you can try your hand at it first and go into your own BG later with an idea of how to approach this.
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Adjust colors, add flower petals and butterflies and emotional text, slap over a paper texture, and THERE. You have it! On to the next part now...
The meaningful details and easter eggs
Be aware there will be spoilers for Digimon Adventure 01 (but I assume you already know it), but also for Digimon Adventure : Last evolution Kizuna, which is the conclusion of the first serie. So read at your own risk! 
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The tramway is obviously a reference to the end of Digimon Adventure 01. The kids used it to go back to their world, so It was their goodbye to their Digimon at this moment. In Kizuna, Tai and Matt find the tramway trapped in crystal in Menoa’s fake memory world. Hinting that had they been caught by her, their memories would have brought them back here.
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Tailmon has Kari’s whistle! At the end of Digimon Adventure 01, Kari gives it to her as a memento. 
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When I drew Sora, I had in mind how she was in Kizuna, very stressed out by her mom’s expectation, which led her to neglect Piyomon. She realized it too late, and after that she refused to fight because she wanted to keep Piyomon with her as long as possible. Tragically, she was the first one to lose her Digimon. Here I tried to convey a softness and a kind of “I won’t forget to appreciate you” vibe in the way she holds Piyomon’s hand. As for Mimi and Palmon, in Digimon adventure 01 Palmon was very emotionally affected by Mimi’s departure, so, a hug was fitting. :’) 
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The screens on the Tramway display DA for Digimon Adventure, and also 01.08.1999 which is the date of the children’s journey’s beginning. :) 
The little drawings also show the 8 crests. 
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There are butterflies flying over the illustration, it’s a reference to Butter-fly, the first Digimon opening, by the late Koji Wada. 
"I'll become a happy butterfly, and ride on the glittering wind, I'll come and see you soon. “
Now, let’s the see the counterpart of the illustration. The one with the grown up Tai from Kizuna.
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I made him wear the hoodie he had in his very last adventure with Agumon.... but truthfully the reason is that I think hoodies are cool lol. And the hood’s volume gave me more space in the silhouette, which made it easier for me to do the other illustration inside.
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You don’t see it clearly, but he is holding his Digivice, albeit the darkened version once his partner bond with Agumon is broken. The Tai in this illustration has already lost Agumon. (Yes it was painful for me to go fetch the screenshots)
He is also holding his dear signature google he used to wear as a child. Fun fact, I rewatched the older movies, and as a kid he even used to sleep with it, how cute haha. 
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Also yes, the crest of Courage over his hand, which is his own. I’m so dumb I realize I should have made the time counter from the movie instead of the crest for a maximum emotional hurt impact. 
And the quote is from one of the trailer for Kizuna, I think.....................
But then you go : Oh that illustration is so depressing then! Well. Yes. But no. but yes. But not really. 
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One of my favorite shot of the movie is this one : this is after Tai and Agumon learn their time together is limited. Agumon asks him if they will have to go separate ways once Tai is all grown up. Tai doesn’t answer, and takes him to eat something instead, as Agumon was hungry. In this shot Agumon eats to his heart content next to Tai, who’s not eating at all and just watches him fondly. I love that the framing doesnt show agumon. It’s a foreshadowing of their unavoidable separation. 
At the very end of the movie, Tai write in his thesis about Human and Digimon’s relationship that Agumon was like a part of himself.
In a way, Agumon symbolizes childhood, the carefree days we would spend as a kid, with our big dreams and hopes. When you grow up, you tend to forget those simple emotions because you get swallowed into the stress of studies, figuring out your carreer, your life path. Just like us, Tai forgot this part of himself. In the madness of growing up, he lost Agumon. 
However, it’s not the end. He will pick himself back up. He will move forward in life despite his worries and incertainities, and he will find himself again. Therefore, he will find Agumon again. The kids in the illustration are waving goodbye, but it’s not goodbye, it’s a see you later.  In the meantime, Tai is holding on to these precious memories, until they meet again. 
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