#then act obtuse af
herowithbadpublicity · 5 months
Me waiting for that crosstagger’s next dumbass take:
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hyumjim · 1 year
I just don’t understand acting like sex is so unusual it’s annoying af to me because it is literally like any other human behavior that you may or may not partake in. Such as like, attending baseball games or playing overwatch or shooting heroin or going to burning man. Ok. I don’t do any of that stuff but I’m not like baffled as to why people do it. And I don’t think it’s cute to act willfully obtuse about that shit. Grow up dot gov
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thehedgerider · 1 year
Julie Plec turned the heroine black and proceed to sideline her, IN HER OWN STORY and everyone wants another season of it? Nobody sees anything wrong with this?
It just showed how performative the casting decision was in the first place. There’s been enough talk among both the media and the fans about the misogynoir surrounding Bonnie Bennett/Kat Graham since TVD ended that she knew she had to at least attempt to beat the allegations.
As for the fans that wanted it to continue, they just proved that they’re just as willfully obtuse as she is. Casting a black girl to be in the most popular ship in the series and acting like that solved the problem was reductive af because the issues with Plec and her previous works were always bigger than shipping. And I’m not gonna hold my breath waiting for her or them to get it through their heads that
Black people are not canon fodder.
Black people are not plot devices.
Black people are not one dimensional beings focused solely on the advancement of white stories.
Black people are not invulnerable magical beings who prefer to suffer in silence.
Black people are not—sorry I did not mean for this response to be this long but I came across Plec’s garbage ass response to Megan Thee Stallion’s tweet about her struggles right after she was SHOT and it just sums up everything that’s wrong with that bitch and the shit she puts on tv better than any rant of mine:
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Anon asks! My fingers don’t hurt anymore so let’s goooooo!
I’ve seen people saying Claude’s ruthless actions in the later part of his route make sense because killing his brother broke him/had a heavy effect on him or something, what do you think of that?
Hmmmm. Maybe. But I don’t think so. 
Claude seems ruthless even in other routes too. He just wants Rhea fucking dead. He’s willing to commit a lot of heinous crimes just so his people don’t suffer. I don’t think this Claude was “broken” by any act other than feeling guilty about sacrificing Caspar’s uncle. 
But I am going through the routes slowly now. I’m on SB and I’m editing my recordings as I go for a large super-cut. Then, I’ll have a single giant story to watch and observe carefully. 
Might make a video on my thoughts if I don’t burn out first. 
I’m actually really mad now seeing all the supports because it made me realize byleth didn’t NEED to be silent or an exposition dump since their background is already interesting enough, hell, the s supports can be kept but I was so mad at intsys for wasting zach aguilar and jeannie tirado’s talents, I really like hearing them in character! Quite soothing and soft actually. I think intsys drank the persona koolaid (i don’t like persona characters being silent either but you don’t see people hating on them as much) and wanted to copy that intsead of letting their protagonists’s background that they gave them shine! Shez is fun but wasted on nopes too
I’m loving Byleth here and yeah, it bums me out they are such a non-character in Houses. They have no sense of humor (in a cute, clueless way), are considerate, thoughtful, and quiet. I like them a lot. 
What a waste. 
Shez is alright. I find them a nothing-burger than just so happens to talk.
It feels like 3 hopes like 3 houses before it, wants to have its cake and eat it too. It kinda wants to be in the anti 3 houses in the sense of reducing/getting rid of the academy phase and downplay Byleth's presence but it also doesn't want to invalidate Byleth. It's nice fanservice, but I feel like this game ultimately proves that you shouldn't always listen to fan feedback if it's going to compromise/contradict your original vision.
The devs listening to feedback is both a blessing and curse.
We finally get Ashe and Yuri supports! But who is this Claude?! 
I was really pissed at first but I’ve calmed down a lot. For a few reasons.
I knew it was going to be fan service but ALSO try not to invalidate Houses from the moment it was announced. I just... I knew. I’m old enough to catch these patterns. The reason I was pissed wasn’t because of these things but because I didn’t except the blatant character assassination we are seeing. But when I just view it as a fun game to play, I feel a lot better. 
That’s why I ultimately still bought the game. It’s still fun!
Dumb, but fun.
Also, I don’t think this is the same writing team entirely, which is why things probably feel WAY off. 
The writing is so odd (have seen some people play SB and GE but but not finished.). Seems like overall character interactions are poignant, but story is obtuse? Sometimes I can’t follow the flow of lines in story. Compare Edelgard’s war declaration in the 2 games. It was coherent in the original. Had to reread it 3 times to make sense of it in Hopes. Thoughts?
Like I said in the last answer, I don’t think this is entirely the same writing team. 
But so far, in some ways the writing is REALLY good and solid, but taken as a whole is a disaster. 
I’ve already reached a point in SB where I’m scratching my head. Like, girl, you installed your phony pope, and now we are... rescuing Lonato? Ok.... This is kinda boring, ngl. Why do you want Rhea alive so damn badly? Why are you pretending you just want the Church gone when in reality you want everyone united?
Be honest for 5 seconds, Edelgard. 
It’s these little things that make the story fall apart. But the little stuff like rescuing Dimitri in AG is solid af. 
I know a lot of people don’t like Byleth but I really liked their supports with Jeralt and Shez plus how Zach Aguilar and Jeannie Tirado voiced them plus their voicelines with Sothis and then I got mad and I think devs shafted their own protagonist in Houses! Their story could’ve been so much more interesting! Like they’re already mysterious and weird from the beginning but it sounds like devs had too little time and too much on their plate.
People don’t like Byleth because they are messy and boring in Houses. But here, they are actually kinda interesting. I think some people are going to see Byleth in a new light.
I never hated Byleth, but I was always disappointed in how they were handled and how they ruined the story. So seeing them here is actually really nice like this. 
At least they used this chance to (somewhat) make them something worth caring about. 
Warning: long rant about GW Claude
I guess the problem with GW Claude’s characterisation is that the idea of his negative development in an alternate world is only good on paper. It would have been a compelling story if the writing team had successfully pulled off “an alternate Claude letting his own biases get to him,  leading to him unknowingly becoming the villain” while keeping true to Houses Claude’s core personality. Something like “Houses Claude spending a year working closely with Rhea opened his eyes” and “Flame Emperor’s actions made him realise that Edelgard is impossible to work with and there really IS a line that you should not cross”, but Nopes Claude doesn’t experience these events and remains unaware of his own flaws and prejudices.
Claude’s most important traits are his curiosity and open-mindedness, but it seems these traits have been completely ignored in 3Nopes. Nopes Claude obviously doesn’t really understand how Fodlan works and what kind of people his enemies/possible allies are. It’s clear based on how he established the Federation with him being the King, completely disregarding the problem that pretty much every Alliance lord except his hard core stan (Holst and Judith) would be against it. It would be one thing if Claude does try to learn the truth about Fodlan but gets manipulated by Edelgard/TWSITD and ends up being the unwilling villain, but Nopes Claude makes zero effort to do that!
Oh, and the fact that the story-telling of Claude’s route in Houses was not very good certainly didn’t help either. I am happy with all the little bits of history lore they have added in Nopes, but Claude and Edelgard’s character assassination just irritates me to no end. Imma gonna pretend GW is only 8 chapters long and stick with AG for dimidue content.
Nothing to add at this time, anon. Just love the rant. XD 
There is still stuff to enjoy so I hope you like Dimidue!
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
sorry but this needs to be addressed
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There were no racists because my people were still enslaved. WTF?
This is problematic AF.
WTF was she thinking putting this trash out?
Do not come on my page saying she meant it in a different way.
I'm seeing too many of you gaslighting Black people.
For the people who don't get what I'm saying.
Taking out the racism does not stop my people from being enslaved.
So that trumps any racism.
Y'all really think if the racism was gone my people would have been freed?
None of them knew the word. Stop being obtuse.
Some of y'all get on my fucking nerves.
ANYTIME someone Black talks about racism y'all will act like you don't know what they're saying.
THIS is why I never waste my time.
Use your damn critical thinking skills.
Every single year was not the best year for black folks even on a supposed good year for the nation
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artsoupsoupart · 2 months
Ppl who claim to not understand why some tedbecca shippers can’t just be delusional and focus on the aspects of the show that are “good” are really so disingenuous and i simply WISH they would keep shippers out their mouths.
Like it’s been at a point of condescension since s2 but now we’re almost a year out from the end and it’s truly overkill. If you’re not listening to the COUNTLESS reasons ppl still can’t move on, that’s on YOU. you’re being willfully ignorant and obtuse.
I personally feel like i simply do not think or comment on the ppl who have differing opinions about a story than i do. I don’t wonder why they think the way they think or why they interpreted something in a way that i didn’t and i sure as hell don’t try to make myself seem better bc i accepted a story that objectively is awful. And if i did, i definitely wouldn’t voice that where i know ppl who feel that way could see it, thus isolating them even further than how they already feel. Something about that feels akin to bullying to me idk.
Like you think tedbecca shippers WANT to be disappointed???? You think they’re not still trying to find a way to bring back the comfort of their show they once thought it had?? You don’t think they loved those characters separately just as much as they loved the idea of them together??? You don’t think they just wanted tedbecca to have their happiest ending ??? Instead of the POTENTIAL for a happy ending ??? Like, myself included, this is a group of ppl who were dedicated to this show, watching it weekly or multiple times a week before s3 came out. And we got fucking spat on. You can say it was never gonna happen if you believe that, but to try to act like the grievances are unfounded when ppl have spoken ad nauseam about how not getting tedbecca on top of a vast amount of plot deviations made it WORSE ???? Weird af. (Bc let’s be real if other aspects of that show held up, if even the platonic relationship ppl claim Ted and Rebecca have held up, this would not be fan reaction)
You liked the ending of that show and the final season? Fine. But to constantly try to boast and seem high and mighty bc you accepted you had no control over the story and therefore shouldn’t/didn’t have expectations is fine for YOU. Enjoy your show but stop mentioning t/r shippers and trying to look down on them bc they didn’t like so much in addition to tedbecca’s ending…. like how hard is that???
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maidenvault · 1 year
I never take a meme without giving an ask. Number 8 for the fandom of your choice.
TY! ❤️
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I mean this is just a matter of preference but I really don't get the love for pining as a fic trope. So often it just amounts to miscommunication as conflict which is tedious af, or everyone writing the viewpoint character as almost ridiculously obtuse whether it's in-character or not. This can be complicated if it's a queer ship and the characters aren't openly queer, which can really work for me, but I guess that just feels more like a real conflict.
Tension is what it's all about, and kind of by definition tension has to go both ways. Typically with the kind of ship dynamics I like there's an understanding (unspoken or not) that they're attracted to each other and some other reason they're holding back from acting on it. If two people really have a strong connection and understanding of each other, that usually just makes more sense anyway than them being "lol so stupid when it comes to each other."
And idk, in my own experience people are just...not that good at hiding it when they're interested in someone that way, lol. Doesn't mean people won't get insecure about relationships and sabotage things because they think they're not good enough for this person, they're scared of eventually losing them, or something like that. Those are more interesting kinds of problems to me.
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polhassets · 2 years
Shutterbug mag
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these contacts are not there on cameras prior to the K10D. Well if the statment is true they use motors in the lens which are driven by contacts on the body. To bring out new lenses that wont function on older cameras has not been Pentax's way (well at least not in the past). it has been reported that a Pentax person has said that they will have both the USM and the inbody focusing systems in current AF cameras. The putatively sophisticated mythos of the narrative and various plot devices aside (Alex’s journey is clearly intended to be optimistically Orphic, with his camera hanging portentously around his neck like an albatross pendant), Shutterbug is little more than a childishly incoherent, urban fairy tale.Emphasis is mine. The script’s vacuity crescendos in the oneiric third act, where Alex’s ongoing hallucinations of curly-haired females intensify with both rear-projected and chroma-keyed Photoshop landscapes and unconvincingly mobilized toy station wagons, all of which provides the film with a unique look that’s strikingly both digital and handmade but also ultimately hollow beneath the surface.
The stale, didactic dialog is rendered all the more contrived by rigid edits that punctuate nearly every sentence in some scenes basic human gestures, such as hands gripping telephoto lens or clasping quivering wrists, are captured with nervously punched-in, obscene close-ups that fracture whatever natural rhythm may have been achieved and Alex’s various guides through the NYC underworld become unnecessarily antagonistic without warning or provocation (one particularly confusing exchange with a taxi driver ends brutally after Alex simply requests to be taken to an address with no questions asked). But Papas also shares his protagonist’s lack of depth and mind-numbingly flashy self-consciousness, and as a result his film is a lengthy exercise in professionally-executed vapidity. Papas is a gifted photographer, or has at least hired one: The precision of his color-coded yuppy palace, a loft apartment with piercing white window glare and charred yellow tank tops, is scathingly alluring, and a cunning environment against which the flat, crisp resolution of the movie’s digital video can expose the haughtiness of the film’s characters. Papas additionally peppers his pomo-urban microcosm with ghostly Gaussian smears that patrol the borders of Alex’s consciousness and compel him to search for meaning outside the 8×10 glossy-a subplot included mostly to prop the interpretative door just ajar enough for dream logic to squeeze through as an eye roll-inducing explanation for the benignly wacky antics Papas thinks up. After embarking on a hellishly ambulatory night trek through Manhattan’s underbelly, Alex encounters tetchy skaters, homeless sages, condescending cabbies, and other misappropriated Joseph Campbell tropes that evince a tenuous grasp of the mythic New York let alone the genuine one.
The movie follows a celebrated but archetypically cocky photographer named Alex (Nando Del Castillo), who attempts to win arguments with his girlfriend by flinging cheesy black and whites of local architecture and insisting for no apparent reason that his prints are at the core of his tortured identity. One-third lysergic plutonian tour, one-third attempted digital-art mindfuck, and one-third pointlessly phantasmagoric twist thriller, Minos Papas’s Shutterbug stylistically suggests the planate obtuseness of an aesthetically stunted man’s David Lynch and the emotive stiffness of the real M.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
May 2021 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
It’s a cray cray Friday when Vietnam gets its eng subs up before GMMTV Thailand. What alter-reality are we in? Well, the Vietnamese offerings are better right now anyway. (Oooo, feel that burn.) 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Top Secret Together Ep 2 - pulping it up in the best possible way. Sure sound and production values are pants, and in classic Thai fashion the editing in post is exacerbating (rather than fixing) pacing issues, but it’s still CUTE AF. I don’t even mind the added university storyline, because they’ve got good chemistry (and a confident gay fresher after a panicked gay hazer is an old favorite... what can I say, SOTUS was my first love). We aren’t spending too much time with any one couple, so it’s weighted a lot better than Brothers was, but also character development is slow. 
Siew Sum Noi Ep 2 - Unfortunately, it’s just too hard to find, plus no subs. I’m dropping it in the hopes it comes back on my radar some day. 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) It’s rough having a ghost boyfriend, half your friends are scared, the other half think you’re crazy, and kissing shortens your lifespan. This was a cute couple even if I wasn’t wild about the surrounding story. 
Close Friend Ep 5: (Dear My Star/JimmyTommy) - about high school penpals. It had to rely entirely on voice over work as the actors only meet face to face at the end. It’s a good thing they are appealing screen presences on their own, with good vocal control. It’s hard to imagine any other BL pair carrying this kinda plot. It’s by far my favorite of the series so far, and I’m not even a big JimmyTommy fan. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 7 - no subs. Do we care? Not really. Because we have... 
Nitiman Ep 3 - currently my favorite out of Thailand. It’s the university Thai BL i’ve been waiting for since... when was the last good one? My Engineer? Yowza. Anyway we got: head on my shoulder, baby is a floppy drunk (but still wants to be in control), proximity alert, boyfriend’s closet, seme gets seriously jelly, and a cute twist on feeding him. There’s something fun and complex about Jin’s character. He’s not a panicked bi. He knows exactly what’s going on, he just hasn’t decided if he wants Bb or not. He clearly enjoys being looked after, the compliments, and the attention, but he’s not sure if he’s going to like what happens if he gives in. I like that twist on the usual tsundere uke archetype a lot, cautious rather than willfully obtuse or freaked out. We can see Jin realizing in stages: I like this person, I like that they like me, I like the romantic attentiveness. But in the background is... do I actually want to f*k him? It’s a dynamic we don’t often see on BL. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 10 fin - the most ridiculous show using BLs worst tropes in a sort of weird smoothie of bitter greens and too ripe banana. The ending was the sappiest cheesiest thing ever, like cheese syrup tapped from the cheese tree. So of course I loved it, but I’m pretty sure I giggled through all the bits meant to be profound. Because, in the end, to tolerate this show at all, you just can’t take ANY of it seriously. RECOMMENDED (with some SERIOUS reservations and trigger warnings.) Full review here. 
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 1-2 - I don’t mind a damaged seme character but this one is a bit weird for me. Like creepy Cheese in the Trap level weird. On the bright side, the story has given our tsundere uke good motivation for his angst and great existing friendships, loyalty, and likability. Plus I’m invested in the cafe owner/innocent puppy side dishes. So if it’s only the seme character I’m not jiving with, and he’s the most established actor, it should all turn out fine. I believe in you, Taiwanese BL. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 6 fin - speaking of belief. This such a good show but they gave us a cliffhanger ending. Now we must hope against hope for season two. That’s never guaranteed with Taiwan tho. So, I’m docking a few points and saying, RECOMMENDED so long as you realize it’s a cliffhanger. 
Love is Science? (Taiwan) Ep 1-9 (BL subplot) - this is a good het romance, but the fact that the BL subplot is a beautifully acted disaster bi + confident gay means you’re hearing about it whether you want to or not. Plus they just added in some GL! Come on! I gotta support Taiwan normalizing queer to this extent. They are fighting the good fight and if I also have to watch a career lady and her much younger softest straight boi get it on, too? Twist my arm with that service sub subtext. Go on Taiwan, TWIST IT. It’s on Viki. Join the revolution.   * Incidentally if you actually like the D/s het dynamic of this show, I highly recommend Japanese Kimi wa Petto - career woman keeps a hot young dancer boy as a pet. Oh yes, an actual pet, that IS the pitch. Never doubt Japan when kink is on the line. It’s also on Viki. Go get your kink on, thank me later. (If it helps: That was not a request.)  
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 2 (AKA 5) - love triangles aren’t my thing, but if you’re gonna do it short form, by all means bring in the lead’s other BL pairing so the chemistry is on point. Now I've no idea who I want him to end up with. Can’t they just be in a poly triad? 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 7 - I’m still enjoying it a lot. It’s still unabashedly queer and the tension is ramping up. We now have secret identity, blackmail, femme fatale, faen fatale, and incoming seme confrontation. Best of all, the series is still airing, which makes it longer than any other Vietnamese BL I’ve seen (aside from Tein Bromance - which is just too weird to count). 
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Gossip - Thai BL 
No one is entirely sure what Studio Wabi Sabi’s Seven Project/7Project will entail. 
It might be like Close Friend (1 episode per couple, no linking), 
or Y-Destiny (2 episodes per couple, loosely linked), 
or The En of Love (4 episodes per couple, linked but independent consecutive stories). 
They’re giving the couple’s arcs separate titles. So each one would be what? Seven Project: Once Upon a Time or the like? We’re in Taiwanese title territory people and NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE. Anygay... 
Once Upon a Time is the BounPrem (og UWMA) anchor story, and seems to be the most dramatic and likely saddest. These two can handle most of what’s thrown at them at this juncture, so it should be good. 
Vs Love is a BoomPeak (og Make it Right) university vehicle. Since I thought Boom was done with our nonsense, I couldn’t be more thrilled and surprised this pair is doing another show together. I don’t think either of them are the greatest actors but I find Peak very endearing and Boom charismatic on screen, so I’ll watch. 
Would You be My Love is the hotly anticipated SantaEarth launch. They’re a (cultivated) IRL ship and Earth is an established BL actor. They have great chemistry and high energy so this could be lots of fun. 
We are also getting a GL from this series from established BL actresses Samantha and Pineare. Nothing teased yet on that, but I’m looking forward to this installment the most. Also curious to see how the ladies handle the branding and promo side, not to mention the culture. (Thailand variety shows gonna force *girls* to play the Pepero game?) 
Secret Crush on You upcoming Thai BL with no release date, co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces. (Previously known as Stalker the series.) It looks like pure pulp and I’m not wild about the plot but could be better than expected as it’s adapted from a novel. Cheewin is an okay director when he has an actual story to follow. 
Don’t Say No the series. Coming from the producers of TharnType this is the JaFirst vehicle many have been waiting for. Friends to lovers + a good boy/bad boy pairing on a sports romance foundation. It’s basketball so they tapped Meen as well (he’s semi-pro). The bad news? You get one guess as to who is writing the darn thing? Yep it’s MAME. So, ya know, expect some slam dunk kidnapping, a light dribbling of rape, and me turning into a basketcase. AKA... 
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Will I have to live blog this series in order to survive it? That seems to be the only way I can. So probably. Which means the bad sports puns will continue. Look, if I’m suffering, SO ARE YOU! 
Rumors of a new YinWar vehicle The Best Story (mini series) coming in July. Also rumors that their previously announced Love Mechanics (full length series) has either been delayed, is facing money issues, or is moving studios, or all three. 
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Breaking News 
DELAYED (I’m talking these three off the watch list until we get new airing dates) 
Love Area’s release was pushed out but it got a trailer. 
Golden Blood was supposed to drop Weds but comments in MDL report that it is delayed due to C19.  
Love’s Outlet (Taiwan) is supposed to have started a 50 episode run (only 3-5 min each, what utter nonsense). Sadly, this delay is due to a surge in cases in Taiwan which was doing so well, but also doesn’t have many inoculations. 
Bad Buddy has started workshopping at GMMTV actual. 
Kang Insoo’s BTS for Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding is SO FLIPPING CUTE. You have to watch it. Trust me, I don’t rec behind the scenes stuff often. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Sascha! :3
How I feel about this character
I used to not give a shit but then you sucked me into them how dare you
They are baby
Mass murdering horrible torturer baby
They've... been through a hell of a lot of trauma and have to process it. They were stuck in that trauma for centuries. Now Ilias is apparently back but he died in their arms, they saw him turn to ash and they have to be dealing with the trauma of that, too.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Ilias cel Frumos, Beckett (but like in a snarky enemies to lovers kind of way), and ofc my own OCs Rose and Nastasya. Wasn't sure about Nastasya/Sascha for a while but suddenly something seemed to click the other night and I think they'd actually work very well together -- their personalities complement each other, I think. Ilias is warm to Sascha's cold, extroverted to Sascha's introvert, but Nastasya is playful to Sascha's seriousness, joyful to their solemnity, vibrant to their reserved nature.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Even before Rose became a romantic partner I shipped the two of them nonromantically too.
Also I like the idea of Sascha being a tsundere Vitriolic Best Buds with Beckett.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think that they would have responded far, far worse to the appearance of Elias Athanasios than I see fandom talk about (sorry, Ry XD). Like, not even as bad as I've mentioned before -- way worse.
To start: there is no way in hell they're not dealing with hella trauma after the Dracon. That everyone agrees on, but lemme go into detail:
Like imagine not just seeing your lover die in your arms but being unable to really process it because your consciousness just got smooshed with someone else's, with someone who's mourning his own lovers and didn't really care about yours. Oh, and that person's a suicidal but also sadistic psychopath.
So you spend a few centuries torturing people, shit you wouldn't have done before except in extreme circumstances (if at all) and quite enjoying it, and then --
And then you get separated from the part of you that was okay with it because oh, it was actually the other guy who was cool with that stuff, and you were trapped with the brain of the guy who enjoyed everything you did and you felt everything he did as you did it and thought you wanted it, thought you enjoyed it, thought it was you who decided it, but because you were so enmeshed you don't know that you DIDN'T, maybe it WAS you, can you really blame the Dracon?
And maybe it was really you who made those decisions, because after that long fused together... sure, you're separated physically.
But are you really?
You've been together for centuries. After that long you can't have known where one of you began and the other ended, and it must have influenced your true personality. I mean, stick people in a room of people different to them and they adapt their personality and beliefs pretty quickly, like weeks to months, without outside influence.
Like, how much fucking worse would that be if you were actually stuck inside their head, for CENTURIES???
You're apart now, but in a sense you'll always be together.
Stick the both of you in a room and you'd probably talk like a pair of Creepy Twins. You'll finish each other's sentences because you'll both be on the same wavelength, you'll have the same idiosyncratic habits -- scratching your nose with the same finger of the same hand, tilting your head the same way when you think somebody's being annoyingly obtuse, tapping your fingers the same way on the desk when you're thinking.
You've been intertwined for so long that you probably have the same impulses now, the same thoughts, with only the most foundational aspects to the both of you separating you -- the Dracon's still got his sadism, and Sascha is still introverted, so that'll influence subtle differences.
But it'll be buried under seven hundred years of habits you developed together, opinions and thoughts and aversions and passions you developed together, working in sync for every second of existence, dreaming the same dreams, moving the same hands and fingers, doing the same deeds.
You were a gestalt. Are you no longer one just because you're apart? Are you really separated when you were one for so long? Are you even two people any more, or are you just one person with two bodies, now?
It's going to take decades to bring yourself back to a functional level after the identity crisis that causes, and that's not even counting the trauma of the Eldest, or the Dracon's trauma that you remember just as vividly as if it were your own, or the trauma of what Symeon did to you.
You will probably never, ever recover.
There's traumatic events people went through that follow them for decades that only happened over a few hours at most.
How can you come back from seven hundred years?
In a way, it would have been emotionally better for them to have stayed fused to the Dracon forever. At least they would have thought they were themself, then. At least they were used to it. At least they didn't have a conscience. At least they didn't feel as used because half of them was doing the using, if initially unwillingly. They were one; there was no conflict, just two people so in sync they may as well have been one.
Then to add insult to injury, right after the Dracon's pulled from you, a guy identical to the lover you witnessed die in your arms shows up trying to get your attention. That timing is suspicious AF, and any hope Sascha might have had of coming to terms with Ilias's death on their own time comes crashing down as this redhead just casually waltzes on in and just mashes Sascha's trauma buttons by existing, by looking just like him and acting like him and sounding like him and having the same interests as him and and and --
And now half of them is gone. But also -- not gone, never going, never leaving, who are they now? They're missing half of themself but also probably feeling like they'll never be their real self again. Were they ever really Sascha, when that was a name they took on side by side with the Dracon? But how can they be Myca when Myca is seven hundred years away, when he died the moment Ilias did?
Maybe it was Myca who died in his lover's arms, not the other way around.
I think on the outside Sascha would pretend to be furious at Elias Athanasios for posing as their lover, for having the gall to pose as someone they saw turn to ash, but deep down?
I think they're fucking terrified of him.
Because of the traumatic memories he brings back. Because he knows so much about Ilias and Sascha can't figure out who he "really" is and what his true motivations are.
Because after everything Symeon did, after everything the Dracon and the Eldest did, after the evidence in front of Sascha's eyes that Ilias was dead, dead, dead, how can they not be terrified that this isn't another attempt to manipulate them and put them at the complete and utter mercy of another Methuselah or Elder or worse for another few centuries, when they were only JUST set free?
Their nights as the Angel of Caine are done. They've been manipulated so long and now there's someone else using the person that they loved the most as bait to draw them out. Someone they know for certain did not survive. For their own survival, they can't do anything but disappear because given the forces that has had power over them before, they can't take any risks with this one. Sascha keeps trying to find out who he really is and if he's working for someone, what his angle is, but this time their brilliance is getting them nowhere and they cannot find a single scrap of a clue who Elias Athanasios really is, because all evidence points to him being the real thing but he can't be because THEY SAW HIM DIE.
And here Athanasios is, continuing to try to lure them out.
He's convinced Beckett, one of the smartest people Sascha knows, that he's the real deal.
He's convinced Rose that he's the real deal.
He's convinced Sascha's dumbass Vykosovich descendants that he's the real deal -- particularly the descendant that's their biographer, the descendant whose made it her life's work to know everything there is to know about Sascha Vykos. And Athanasios has direct access to her.
He's getting closer and closer to Sascha.
The walls are closing in again.
So, my unpopular opinion?
Sascha Vykos is the most terrified they've ever been in their existence.
(Second opinion, which I don't know if it's unpopular or not, but -- since they used their deadname for centuries before changing it I reckon they'd actually be pretty fine with Ilias still calling them Myca. But, you know, only Ilias, and anyone else gets turned inside out. Not even Rose would get that privilege.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Not exactly answering the question but I am dreading the release of the V5 Sabbat book because I'm so scared they're going to completely ignore what BJD did with Sascha and go back to making them a villain.
Also worried that Sascha's canonically followed the Beckoning. I reckon they'd nope the fuck out of it after what happened in BJD. Something strange trying to manipulate them again? Fuck no.
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fairycosmos · 3 years
My theory is that no Football Guys actually like it bc it's fucking boring af but they need the machismo and social clout that comes with it so the other males of the herd will accept them n that's why they get so pissed up when they watch it bc otherwise why would anyone bother
LMFAOOO wait i support ur theory and would write an academic paper on it if i coukd. honestly wouldn't put it past them theyre just wankers. this is me actively hating on ppl enjoying things and im aware of that but maybe they shouldn't be so fucking annoying about it then -_- like this is a bit of a tangent but it's just so funny that a sector of pop culture that is dominated by straight bro dudes has heaps of racism nd sexism ingrained into it and even funnier that when you bring it up to them they act all blind and obtuse like it's just a sport wahhhh. exactly it's just a sport so shut UUUUP. anyway i agree like if there wasn't a degree of performance and like u said machismo to being such a superfan they prob wouldn't watch at all or at least not as........aggressively.........i get liking a game or two but it's like if you need to be shitfaced to keep up this charade with your mates then maybe calm down god
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dickie-gayson · 4 years
guess what it’s Doctor Mid-Nite loving hour again!
‘but wait! Dickie didn’t u make a Mid-Nite appreciation post recently??’
ur goddamn right i did and ur damn skippy im making another bcus Pieter Cross is literally a saint and i LOVE him. yall!! gonna!! see!! him!!!
for real tho, pls at least humor me and take a look at some things he’s done bcus he’s not just a great superhero - he’s a genuinely good man that works so hard to help everyone around him. like highkey id cuff him if i was given even a split second of a chance and i dont even do relationships. he’s just that genuinely kind-hearted. (Dinah u missed out, girl)
here’s some shit he’s done just as regular Pieter Cross:
1. He treats sex-workers with genuine respect 
and goes out of his way to make sure they’re staying healthy and gives them free condoms to make sure they’re protected. he even comments that he wants to help them stay in business by making sure they’re safe bcus he understands that they’re just making a living and there’s nothing wrong with that. he doesn’t grandstand or judge them or try to change what they do. he accepts them for who they are and treats them kindly. like i dare you to list other heroes who go out of their way to do this on the regular. he does this shit daily.
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2. He takes part in a safe needle exchange. 
He understands that not all addicts are going to quit and those that try likely can’t quit cold turkey and that trying to do so can be super dangerous. he doesn’t posture or insist they stop using right then and there or any of that shit. He provides clean, free needles so that those using are using safely bcus above EVERYTHING he genuinely fucking cares for each and every human. he doesn’t judge. he understands. like Mr Terrific said, his greatest attribute is his compassion. he wants to help those addicted to drugs while also making sure they’re being safe in the process. he wants to help them get better and be healthy in whatever way he can.
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(there was another panel where it’s mentioned he provides clean needles but i forgot to save it and idr which issue it was in)
3. He operates a free clinic. 
Mind you: he’s a world-class doctor who graduated from Harvard Med at 19. He chooses to operate a free clinic and even has a website to offer free advice. He never got into the profession for money (it’s actually mentioned he’ll throw his money around willy-nilly to help others). And it’s said time and time again that he’s a bleeding heart who thinks he can change the world himself. He’s called the ‘Midnight Doctor’ bcus he makes nightly rounds through the impoverished neighborhoods offering free care and supplies to those in need. He helps ppl without hesitation or a second-thought. It’s actually garnered him quite a bit of local loyalty bcus he’s just...so fuckin kind. ppl turn around and try to help him when he needs it.
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4. He doesn’t judge. 
As mentioned in early points he legit does not judge anyone. like...ever. Not unless they’re foul, cruel human beings who hurt others. In that case, he’ll prob try to fight them for being terrible. other than that? he never judges a person for the way they live or what they’ve done. drugs, sex work, poor self-care, impoverished, etc. none of that matters. he looks into the hearts of people. also he always asks if he can help someone. 
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These next ones are just fun bcus i straight laughed at these panels. 
 5. A little oblivious. 
He’s a genuis and a goddamn angel but by god if he isn’t a lil obtuse some times. he shows up in a lady's apartment in the middle of the night looking like a whole-ass villain about to monologue and has the gall to act shocked that she screams and runs right into his bigass friend that looks like a bodyguard/goon. imo it’s bcus he legit forgot that there are really shitty ppl in the world and popping up in random houses looks sketchy af.
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honestly Pieter wtf did u expect to happen. ur lucky she even trusted ur ass after that. must be all the Saintly Vibes he gives off (btw for those curious she has a rare medical condition and uses an illegal and dangerous drug to cope. he saw her at a drug deal so he popped up at her house to offer his help)
6. Kinda goofy
and Not Awesome at the whole ‘secret identity’ thing tbh. at least not at the beginning. these are just mild and tiny things i zeroed in on like a fuckin hawk. He has medical stationery with his superhero name on it. what a goddamn NERD. i LOVE it. also when he became Doctor Mid-Nite he immediately told like...4-5 ppl?? he’s SUPER trusting like that. tbh his Norwegian accent prob doesn’t help since he was living in Oregon at the time. also that free medical advice site he runs?? that’s run as Doctor Mid-Nite lmaoo Imagine going onto the internet and getting medical advice from a goddamn superhero. That’d be so sick.
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(It reads: 
From the Desk of Doctor Mid-Nite
Take three creeps & lock them up forever! 
Doctor Mid-Nite)
what a cornball, im in L O V E.
These boys stole the groceries from a little girl and he swooped in like a fuckin Nightmare to scare the shit out of them and chide them for stealing. Then what does he do???? he walks the little girl home with her bag of groceries and insists they eat healthily and stay well while still in full superhero gear. that lil girl calls him her friend without a second of hesitation. im weak help. 
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Panels from: Doctor Mid-Nite Issues #1 & 3 (mostly 1).
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@DPS players notably Junkrat/Genji
You are not good at the game. You play an extremely broken character that the entire support/tank base HATES at this point because his damage is absurd and makes the game not even fun anymore. Furthermore you're kind of crappy as a person for relying on a broken character that everyone knows is broken in order to “play” decently. There is no fucking world where you should be getting double and triple kills in entirely different sections of the map because you spam fire a carpet of grenades. Learn to play the actual game instead of exploiting a totally OBTUSE/stupid developer decision that at this point is wildly out of control.
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Genjis. You literally just arent good at the game lol. Jumping around in a circle and bullying healers is not skilled play. Getting free kills when people cluster while randomly mashing dragonblade is not skill. You press space a bunch of times, and left click occasionally. It requires zero thought. Additionally, being stupid over and over again by charging a Symmetra thats clearly baiting and then complaining about her being broken is dumb. Trying to beat your hard counter is stupid and your fault. Not switching (this goes for you sniper mains too) because you're lazy and selfish and have zero social responsibility when you are doing nothing to contribute to the team is ASS. Stop being obnoxious and stupid and charging off by yourself to instantly die while spamming “I need healing.” Its not funny. It never was. Mature and learn to counter.
You know what, lets just quickly discuss bastion too for shits and giggles. Bastion is shitty and is a shitty character to pick and people who play him consistently deserve exactly zero respect. It literally does not fucking matter if hes “easy” to counter. His kit is stupid, his self healing is absurd, and he is annoying af to deal with even if you know how to counter him. Again, learn to play the actual game instead of relying on intrinsically toxic characters that people have hated since launch. Hes not broken, but hes poison to the game, and that alone should be enough.
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Overwatch is a MULTIPLAYER GAME. What this means is that no, you cant just “play however you want” because you are playing the game with other real people. This is called basic fucking social responsibility. If you want to play drunk, or just fuck around, or be stupid, DO IT IN A BOT MATCH. It is INCREDIBLY disrespectful, rude, and asinine to do this shit in a game. Most of us get on to chill and have a good time. Not lose a bunch of matches because one of you self absorbed nerds decided to be a total asshole.
You have a basic social responsibility to be a decent human being when involved in activities that revolve around other humans. Act like it. Dont teabag people, play your best, PROTECT YOUR FUCKING HEALERS, counter when necessary, and if you dont know what character counters who? Ask. Google, whatever, just stop using quickplay as an excuse to play badly for no other reason than you're a selfish hoe. If you play like shit in QP because you refuse to have a basic level of decency, you sure as hell cant do shit in comp. Its not an excuse anymore. Stop using it. I am sick and tired of carrying match after match with zero recognition while one of you ass Genjis/Junks thinks they did shit when I was spam healing them the whole time because yall refuse to move.
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mmecolbert · 7 years
Luke DOES suck - so glad more people are feeling that way! The constant anger, the jealousy issues, the way he handles any and all conflicts, the relentless life-hating bitterness about everything for no reason. And the way he acts about stuff like breastfeeding, surrogacy, international adoption - he's obtuse and ridiculous even by GG standards! How this generally progressive site that hates toxic masculinity worships this man is beyond me. He's not even an interesting jerk - he's boring af!
lol I mean, there are plenty of people who I think can provide fantastic reasons for why Luke is great (and I totally get their POV). But the Luke Sucks club is always happy to gain new members :) 
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Jack Skellington -- Character Sheet
everybody's waiting for the next surprise / skeleton Jack might catch you in the back / and scream like a banshee / make you jump out of your skin / this is halloween, everybody scream
won't ya please make way for a very special guy / our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch / everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — October 31, 1960 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — 7, the enthusiast Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Slytherpuff Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Air
[tw -- miscarriage mention, implied abuse (but v vague)]
Mother — Eve (nee Meyer) Schildkraut (deceased) Father — Benjamin Schildkraut (deceased) Mother’s Occupation — homemaker Father’s Occupation — construction worker Family Finances — Poor (until Jack got rich.) Birth Order — Only child. Brothers —  None. Sisters — None. (Had a miscarried sister.) Other Close Family — Fern Bristlecape (second ex-wife) (FC: Sarah Michelle Gellar), Nemesis Hellsplat (first ex-wife) (FC: Katey Sagal), Hecuba Hellsplat (daughter, 32) (FC: Natalie Portman), Luna Bristlecape (daughter, 22) (FC: Emmy Rossum) Best Friend — None. Other Friends — None. They all dropped him when he fell out of favor, think about THAT. Enemies — None, tbh. Anti-Magick people probably. Pets — None. He should probably get a dog or something. Home Life During Childhood — Rough. His dad was a drinker and spent all their money, and he wouldn’t listen to his wife about needing to save any of it. Jack was always a...creative boy and his father saw it as emasculating, so he didn’t really tolerate Jack’s love of theatre. Which is why he moved out at such a young age (18). Once he had the money, he tried to convince his mom to move to LA with him, it didn’t work. Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake, England (born), LA, California, USA (where he’s lived most of his life.) What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — POSTERS. POSTERS EVERYWHERE. Jack spent the meager amount of money he did make as a young boy mowing lawns to go to the movies and to buy posters to decorate every surface of his room. Any Sports or Clubs — Drama club, secretly. Football, outwardly. Wasn’t actually half-bad but he got benched a lot because his heart just wasn’t in it. Also! Plays jazz piano. His mumma taught him. Favorite Toy or Game — Make-up. Dress-up. Dolls, so that he could act out his favorite scenes from movies. Spent a lot of time just--memorizing shit and monologuing to his mother while she cleaned the house. She called him her little parrot. Schooling — Went to Swynlake Primary and Secondary. No university. Favorite Subject — English and Drama. Popular or Loner — Popular. Definitely. Important Experiences or Events — Moving to LA! His first job! All his subsequent jobs! The birth of his daughters! The destruction of his career. Nationality — British Culture — LA (yes, that is a culture fight me.) Religion and beliefs — Jewish, but nonpracticing. Believes in hardwork.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Jeff Goldblum Complexion — Darker skin tone but still fair. Hair Colour — Salt’n’pepper, used to be black. Eye Colour — Hazel. Height — 6’4 Build — Skeletal Tattoos — None. Piercings — None. Common Hairstyle — Coiffed. Clothing Style — Eccentric, loves a good turtleneck. Mannerisms — Very Loud and wiggly. Is never sitting still for long. Likes to climb on furniture. Doesn’t sit in chairs properly. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nah, he’s in good health. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — None. Some depression? Allergies —  Probably seasonal. Grooming Habits — Pretty good, ofc. Has to keep in Tip Top shape, even if he no longer has stylists Sleeping Habits — Has a bad case of insomnia. Eating Habits — Eats well, he’s a vegan. Exercise Habits —  Exercises more or less regularly. Does yoga mostly. And like...cycling. Emotional Stability — Has a lot of shit going on underneath but pretty chill outwardly. Body Temperature — Runs a little cold actually. Always has cold af hands. Sociability — Super social! Though mostly for his own benefit. Addictions — None. Drug Use — Used to be heavier. Probably smokes weed, but also do we want a Jack high on the marijuana? Alcohol Use — Frequent but not abnormal.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Talking over people, being self-centered, being insensitive. Good Habits — He tries !! and he’s very healthy aha Best Characteristic — He CARES, he’s just not great at showing it Worst Characteristic — Literally does not care. Worst Memory — Getting absolutely destroyed by all media outlets and falling from grace. Best Memory — The premiere of hemlock hill ofc! Proud of — His career. Embarrassed by — Not much, really, but deeply upset about his career being trashed. Driving Style — Erratic lmao Strong Points — He is a very good teacher, when he actually focuses properly. Temperament — Always good-natured! Unless you really piss him off, he can turn really cold and vicious almost without warning. Attitude — Happy-go-lucky, outwardly anyway. Weakness — Caring too much what other people think, while also not listening to anything people say when they give advice. Fears — becoming irrelevant. Phobias — None. Secrets — That he is Deeply Unhappy. Regrets — Lots of things, mostly not having a good relationship with his daughter, Hecuba, which is why he has a better one with Luna. Feels Vulnerable When — People drag up the shit that made him lose his career and fame. Pet Peeves — People not recognizing him or being purposefully obtuse. Conflicts — Wanting to continue to be famous v refusing to change. Motivation — To be Famous. Short Term Goals and Hopes — To be Famous again. Long Term Goals and Hopes — To be Famous again. Sexuality — Straight, but he can be convinced, probably has had dalliances with men. Exercise Routine  — Does yoga every morning and evening. Day or Night Person — Night owl, for sure. Introvert or Extrovert — EXTROVERT. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — Jack can play the piano and was in a jazz band for a while, so he loves music, especially jazz! But, really, he can get into anything. He tries to stay #hip for his students. Books — His book, of course, you should read it. Also reads a lot of plays/scripts. Magazines — Any magazine that mentions him. Foods — He’s a vegan! So, vegan food. Loves a good tofu. Has to eat well to keep his svelte figure. Drinks — Tall, half-caff, soy latte at 120 degrees. (I have absolutely no idea what this means but I googled “complicated starbucks orders” and this is what came up.) Also, likes tea. The like one piece of British culture he retained. Animals — Jack is very fond of strange animals–like okapis or the maned wolf. Animals that are just truly bizarre looking. Bonus points if they are obnoxiously large like giraffes. Sports — Played football in secondary. Wasn’t that bad. Social Issues — Magick Rights! Also, considers himself a feminist. (He’s not a terrible ally...but he’s also not perfect by any means.) Favorite Saying — “Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.” ~ Meryl Streep Color — Jack is a big fan of black and white–a solid, classic combination that you can’t go wrong with. That’s not to say he doesn’t love color, because he ABSOLUTELY does. It is just that black and white is his favorite combination. Clothing — Loves to dress brightly and fashionably! Jewelry — Not a whole lot. Wears nice watches, probably some rings/necklaces. Websites — His website, which I should make lmao. TV Shows — Hemlock Hill. Movies — His movies, Greatest Want — To be famous. Greatest Need — To learn.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — A large, eccentric mansion on top of a hill. I like to think that it is across from Cruella’s house. It is, of course, called the Skellington Mansion. Household furnishings — An eclectic combination of modern with like the skeleton of a Victorian mansion, so like really ornate, heavy curtains--but a white leather sofa. Favorite Possession — His Emmys. Most Cherished Possession — Is this not the same thing - Jack Neighborhood — The Woods Married Before — Twice! Once to a sorceress-actress, once to a fairy-model. Significant Other Before — Lots of girlfriends probably (all Magicks). Children — Hecuba Hellsplat and Luna Bristlecape Relationship with Family — Estranged for the most part. He barely, if ever, speaks to his ex-wives. Talks with Hecuba very rarely. Has the best relationship with Luna. She’s his bb girl. Car — Some speedster probably, a nice fancy, flashy car. Career — Actor. Dream Career — Actor. Dream Life — He had his dream life. Cry. Love Life — More or less nonexistent. Talents or Skills — Excellent at memorization. A good parrot (can mimic mannerisms/speech patterns really well.) Can play the jazz piano! Intelligence Level — Quite high on certain things, absolutely clueless on others. There is not a lot of in between, really. Finances — Still wealthy af, he has like a successful 40 year career to live off of for the foreseeable future.
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initiumseries · 5 years
Ugh hard agree with your last response. It annoys me how obtuse people are when they see a cast of majority white/white passing characters and a couple of POC’s thinking this is going to be diverse and the the treatment will be equal. I learnt with Bonnie that it’s never the case, even RNM has done the same with Maria. I’m pretty sure TIU added a black woman to emotionally support a white man and then wrote her out to prop up a white ship. It’s tired 😑
Mhmm it’s tiring AF. The perpetual shock is annoying bc like, we just saw this same shit like 6 months ago guys...how are you acting like this is the first time this has ever happened?
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