#then I’m good it’s just so many sims to pose
llama-head · 2 years
Literally my job is so boring that all I do is think abt stuff for my sim stories but it’s also so tiring that when I get home I have like no energy to work on anything
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mattodore · 4 months
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new questionnaire photos <3
#good morning!!! woke up and started editing these right away bc i'm in the hospital with oc plague unforch 😔</3#i just updated the old questionnaires with these actually ‼️#i want to make individual photos for the old ones too with all the bells and whistles but for now these will be the placeholders!#river dipping#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#echthroi#ts4#ts4 edit#simblr#also yeah finally took off the slutty turtleneck only to replace it with a slutty mock neck instead. had to get rid of the label tho#matthias hates branded lettering or imagery on clothes... you would never find this man wearing a graphic t-shirt i think he'd rather die#he's SOOOO snobby lmao#these are from when i was fixing their sims and saving a proper version of their household the other day#i’m still cleaning out my library of trays and getting their outfits in order!#but i’m so close to being ready to rip their sims for poses 🧎#i have so many pose ideas now!! but i think i should probably start working on their homes first#just so i have layouts and everything in mind while making poses#i think theo’s apartment and matthias’s chateau are the ones to work on…#theo’s apartment should be the easiest bc it’s the smallest#but. knowing me… even an apartment is going to take me weeks to make#i really want to start though.#i think of theo’s bedroom in his apartment all the time like in my head it's really cluttered with all these little trinkets#these things theo's picked up over the last three years since he's been living on his own#and it's all dark browns and greens... stained glass... beautiful tiles... ugh#his apartment is so gorgeous in my head!!! trust me!!!#...also by new questionnaire photos i do mean i'm writing a new one lmao jnhkjf not that these are new pics for the old ones—tho they are!#i'm glad to actually be writing abt mattodore again bc the last month or so i was like. controlled by the urge to make edits#like!! enough visuals!! let's write!!!
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butteredfrogs · 28 days
📩 simblr question of the day: any other simblrs that you love
i did something similar to this a while ago but i just wanna spread some love because there are so many amazing and talented people and i just hope you all know i appreciate all of you! (also this post is super long so i apologise i advance)
@squea honestly you are such a sweet person and you’re so so talented! you inspire me so much and you already know i appreciate you but i really do and i’m so thankful to call you my friend💛
@circusjuney june, you are so cool. not only are your edits amazing, you can make poses as well??? you’re so talented and also i love talking to you you’re honestly so lovely and so sweet <3
@youredreamingofroo you have such cool and chill vibes, and your renders are amazing!! i also love reading about your ocs and stuff or seeing the stuff you reblog that reminds you of them, i told you this already but i legit stalked roo and leo’s tag the other day because i wanted to find out more about them!
@druidberries you already know ily, but honestly i am so invested in the tjol gang i love seeing them pop up on my dash and hello the latest update??? i am so excited for baby 3!! also ofc butterberries is the best duo and no i will not accept criticism thank you💛
@sunyos jaci, every interaction i have with you is so chaotic but you never fail to make me laugh so hard! you are honestly so chill and i love seeing your sims so much and i just love talking to you!!
@fizzytoo i love your sims and your gameplay screenshots so so much! honestly your postcard legacy was one of the reasons i wanted to get the horse ranch pack bc you just made it seem so fun! you also just have such good vibes! (also i saw your posts about playing sdv, i’m expecting updates from your farmer butter!!)
@stellarfalls literally where do i even begin. i mean if you haven’t seen bree’s edits already i’m going to assume you’ve been living under a rock? just so talented and honestly you inspire me so much (although i don’t think my edits will ever be on your level)
@stinkrascal honestly again just such a sweet and lovely person!! also i just love your vlad so much and i love reading your story like i love learning more about your characters and their backstories!
@alelelesimz honestly where would we be without your cc free townies, thank you for your service🫡. but not only that the way you style your sims in general is amazing like their outfits are always so so good
@solargrove you are so so sweet! despite the fact we don’t interact much you sent me such a lovely ask after i was upset by that anon and it just really cheered me up! not only that but your builds and your gameplay screenshots always have such a nice warm and cozy vibe to them like they literally can i live in your game pls?
@folkbreeze your edits your gameplay are so so good every time! your screenshots are always so full of life and literally look like they belong in a photo album i love it so much and i just love the way that you edit them as well
@eljeebee such an amazing story teller! if you guys aren’t following lana you should be!!! you put so much love into your stories and it really shows they’re so good! also you are so lovely and have always been so nice and supportive and i appreciate it so much💛
@citrlet honestly i’ve said this so many times at this point but you are so lovely! also your screenshots are so pretty and soft and i love them so much! i also love seeing your stardew valley screenshots like i really love the fairycore/cottagecore vibe <3
@crazy-lazy-elder-sims i’m so sorry i sound like a broken record but you are so lovely!!! every time i’ve interacted with you you’ve just been super sweet or supportive and i really appreciate it! also in general just the fact you reblog so many posts and support so many people is really nice to see honestly i always love seeing stuff that you reblog whether that be sims or not!
@windslar honestly your gameplay screenshots and your edits are so good!! and literally where would simblr be without your psds we would literally be so lost like they’re so good and so useful
@orbitsuns your gameplay posts are so pretty. they have such a sweet and wholesome vibe to them if that makes sense? esp your secret garden screenshots they just feel very cozy and wholesome. also you have the sweetest vibes <3
@wildmelon you have always been one of my biggest inspo esp when it comes to fantasy! also even though you don’t just post sims i love your blog so much. it has such a whimsical vibe and i just always associate you with fantasy <33 (also your sims are STUNNING)
this is already super long so quick fire of some of the other people on here that i love and that you should go show some love to as well @glittermutt @simelune @cottageivy @thefunniestjester @flovoid @finnsim @kopimoss @futurelabs @velvet-disc @aliengirl @zleepyhollow and so so many others that i’m probably missing honestly anyone that i follow has inspired me in some way or another and i appreciate each and everyone of you 💛💛 also just anyone who has liked commented on or reblogged any of my posts i appreciate it so so much thank you all for being here 🫶
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softpine · 4 months
I’ve been wanting to try storytelling for awhile but I have no idea how to do things? Or where to start. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I’ve mainly kept my stories and ideas to myself. Do you have any advice on how to start?
i have a bunch of storytelling tips in my advice tag, but the absolute best advice i can give you is to literally just start. try your hardest to let go of your perfectionist tendencies and remind yourself that this is a hobby and a creative/emotional outlet, not a job. the only person you need to cater to is yourself!! it always kills my soul to see someone give up on storytelling because they were too hard on themselves or compared themselves to other people and got discouraged. you have to be willing to be "bad" at something before you can ever become good at it (i have my gripes with calling art bad/good anyway but you know what i mean)
if you're anything like me, you'll probably be frustrated by the limitations of sim stories in the beginning. there were so many ideas i had to abandon because i didn't know how to make poses, objects, tattoos, etc. to make my visions come true. over the years i've learned SO MANY other skills that have helped me with storytelling, but you have to be patient with yourself and learn things one at a time. i have seen people get overwhelmed by trying to learn everything all at once and they think there's something wrong with them for not "getting it", when the truth is that a ton of us on simblr have been practicing for YEARS and are still learning every day (i've been here for six years and there's still so much stuff i'm in awe of people being able to do, because i have no idea how!) it's cheesy to say, but this is an art form like any other; we all start out with limited abilities and we develop more over time (example...)
to wrap this up: i would LOVE to see more new stories on simblr and i hope you'll give it a shot!! i would love to help you start in any way i can. if you need advice, if you need someone to make you some custom cc (within my skill set lol), quick poses, or editing help, etc. i would genuinely love to help you out. i would also love to just talk to you about your story/characters if you need someone to bounce ideas off of!! 💖
if i sound like i'm frothing at the mouth begging you and everyone else to write a sim story, that's because i am jfkjsdsj
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 2
In this part the couple work together to get the file from the sheriff, Reece learns how bad the attacks were, then the couple unwind at the romance festival.
I changed my limit of pic collages per story post to 20 a while ago but I felt like I wrote a lot here. I did math and it's 52% longer than part 1 so... grab that snack, grab that coffee, it will probably take a few extra minutes to read so may as well be comfy.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice, mentions of death and violence
Reece: You’re so damn precise, I love it
Samir: Sometimes, like when we’re together, I have to be. Safety first. Other times, well…
Samir pulls out a knife and begins swinging at the block, causing Reece to wobble in his tree pose.
Reece: *shocked* The hell are you doing???
Samir: If they didn’t want me to use a knife for woodworking, why would they include one with the table. There, one horse sculpture done
Reece: *quizzically* Are you… starting another one?
Samir: We have to earn money somehow. But go back to your brainwave
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Reece: My brainwave?
Samir: I know you. If you were thinking about the sheriff then you were bound to come up with a brainwave
Reece: I was thinking, the file on your parents deaths has to have a hard copy in records. Do you know where they’re kept?
Samir: The station is technically a small office above the library, so they’ve got to be kept nearby but not inside
Reece: I was thinking I'll go and talk to Sheriff Captain about the deed stuff while you go have a look for the file. Then we, you know, run away
Samir: I don’t like the idea of using you as a distraction
Reece: I’ll have you know I am very distracting, it’s a quality I have. Besides, I don't think you'd be able to have a conversation with that jerk. Unless it was a see who blinks first contest
Samir: *snorts* Well if Captain seemed to think you were a responsible person, we may as well take advantage
Reece: Okay just... let me take a cold shower first. Hearing you work there gave me... some kind of feelings
Samir: *smirks* Alright but no cheating. Remember, good boys follow the rules
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The two head to the renovated mill which now serves as the Recreation centre for the town. Before heading in Samir grabs hold of Reece’s wrist, and twists him so they’re face to face.
Reece: Are you all right? There doesn’t seem to be too many people around
Samir: It’s not… I mean people are difficult but… I wanted to say, whether we pull this off or not, it means the world to me that you want to help
Reece: Of course I want to help, I love you
Samir: And I love you. Have I told you that today?
Reece: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I object to hearing it again
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Samir: 🎵I… Love… You🎶
Reece: Well be still my beating heart
Samir: I’m so proud of you for coming up with this idea
Reece: It wasn’t that tough, I just… you know… thought it up
Samir: It still came from your brain blondie. You're a genius
Reece: We should get inside before I turn red, or the sheriff hears your singing and figures out what we’re doing
Samir: You go first, then I get the best view. One damn fine backside
Reece: Just admit you want me to fail at not getting off. You’re so- oh hey look, laundry machines!
Samir: Good. You always get your clothes dirty
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Reece: It’s not like I get them dirty by myself. Is it this way
Samir: Should be. Nothing else has changed here
Reece: That’s one big sign. Hey *laughs* do you get the feeling he’s compensating for something?
Samir: Please don’t suggest that to him
Reece: Don’t worry boss. I’m going to distract him, you’re going to find the file, and we’re going to meet back home after, no problems. You should be able to pick it from first page stuff without having to read the details
Samir: *sighs* We can do this?
Reece: We can do this
Captain: Oh, it’s you again
Reece: Yes sir, I’m Reece
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Samir timed the closing of the records room door for when Reece shut the office door. The records room was larger that he thought but didn’t appear to be too disorganised. Now, if he was a cop who thought murders were bear attacks, where would he put the file?
Captain: I hope you didn’t think I was out of line this morning. As sheriff I'm supposed to... extend courtesy to the citizens here
Reece: Seemed to me like you were just making sure no one was damaging the property, for which me and my boyfriend are extremely grateful
Captain: Did you bring a copy of the deed? To prove you have a right to be there?
Reece: Did I- why yes, I did, hold on a second
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Bear attacks would fall under the umbrella of animal attacks. But there was nothing labelled animal attacks. Instead from what he could see every case of an animal attack that the town had had was kept separate from one another. His parents were the only fatalities though. Most others just had people losing consciousness and being unable to say what happened.
Captain: I’m glad to see you’re true to your word
Reece: So is my boyfriend
Captain: *scoffs* he doesn’t seem to say very much
Reece: He doesn't need to. Besides, he’s had a hard life, remember
Captain: Right. Watcher I’ll never forget that scene, I can’t believe they managed to clean it all up to try put the place on the market. I would have just torn the whole thing down
Reece: It was… really bad then?
Captain: I had seen dead things before, growing up near the woods you do. But I hadn’t tossed my stomach like that before, nothing prepares you to see bodies like that for the first time
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Reece: You said there were urban legends...
Captain: Sure. Go anyplace and you're bound to hear about one house where things went sideways, people got hurt, and rumours say you won't survive a trip inside. It so happens your house is that place in Moonwood Mill. The deaths... but that’s just memories now. Good luck renovating and selling the house
Reece: Oh, we’re not selling it
Captain: You’re... not selling it?
Reece: No. We’re going to make a home there
Captain: You mean *scoffs*… you two will be sticking around?
Reece: *carefully* Yes, Samir and I are both big nature fans. The woods here are lovely
Captain: They are but *sighs* nevermind kid. Look, you proved you can be in the house, I have work to do here. You should... you should leave now
Reece turns to go when he hears the sheriff clear his throat.
Captain: I hope you and your boyfriend aren’t doing anything too… intimate. Because if you are getting up to stuff when you’re still a teen, he will be held responsible in the eyes of the law. We take protection of minors seriously here
Reece struggles not to swing for him. How dare he talk about looking after minors when he'd been so insensitve to Samir, who was only 5 when it all happened. He took a deep breath, and chose his next words carefully
Reece: He is a teen himself Sheriff, and I turn 18 tomorrow... but thank you for your concern you... clearly take your job seriously
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Back at home...
Samir: I found the file. It was labelled so I didn't have to look in it. Were you okay
Reece: Piece of cake. Apart from it seeming like he would be a lot happier if we left town
Samir: What did he say
Reece: When he implied we needed to sell the house or when he implied he would arrest you if we had woohoo
Samir: Jerk. Almost makes me want to bend you over the table just to spite him
Reece: I mean you could and I would endorse such action
Samir looks sternly at Reece.
Reece: *sighs deeply* But I can't get off until my birthday, I know
Samir pulls Reece close and kisses him on the forehead before the two turn their attention back to the file in front of them.
Reece: Okay, you ready
Samir: Yeah just... maybe read in your head... please
Reece: You take care of me, I take care of you
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Report of first officer on scene: Sheriff Giles. The station had a call mid-morning from a woman out on a run. She said she saw the door at the Hadji house was knocked in. She told me she approached the property but got a "weird feeling" so decided to call me instead of heading inside. I left Deputy Greenway manning the station and I went over there. I sent her on her way and approached the house. The door was completely detached and the doorframe was splintered. The smell hit you before you could even see inside the house, it's a good thing the woman didn't get closer. My late father used to hunt the wild boar in the area. He would drain the carcass of blood in our backyard before cutting up his kill, the smell put me back there.
Reece: Okay this bit is just saying a Sheriff Giles was first on scene
Samir nods, indicating Reece should keep reading to himself.
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Upon entering the property it was clear that there were the remains of two bodies amongst the wreckage, most likely the property owners Othman and Nadia Hadji. Around the body I assumed to be Nadia were chunks of flesh leaving gaping wounds in her back, enough gone to see bone. I'm sorry to say Othman was in several pieces, and the blood pools around him appeared to have been walked through. However it had likely been some hours since the attack, and alongside the main tracks were small tracks, most likely from investigating animals. The larger tracks weren't clear enough to place. Most of the household furniture in that main area had been broken and touched by blood spatter. I looked up and there was even some on the roof, figured whatever did it got mad. I called in to the station then to alert my Greenway to the situation. I told him I would require camera equipment first off, and that he should bring the town doctor with him because we had bodies to process. Poor bloke was silent for the longest time, probably figured all he’d be doing in a small town like this would be parking tickets.
Reece: *softly* Samir... I didn't know
Samir: *clears throat* anything strange yet
Reece: Seems like the sheriff then thought Greenway was not cut out for something like this
Samir: He had kind eyes that sheriff. Giles I think he said he was
Reece: You're right, that's what it says
Reece gave Samir’s hand a reassuring squeeze and carried on reading.
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Once the lads arrived, I set about taking photos of everything I could. The doctor wondered about Samir but whatever did this likely dragged him off, the boy was tiny and would be easy prey for something that took down his parents. I figured if anything needed following up on, we should have original pictures. Sure the scene had clearly been contaminated by wildlife, but the higher powers would want evidence. I had moved on from photos of the bodies and was photographing the door, well what was left of the door, when the doctor said the strangest thing. He said the young Hadji boy was under his mother, and that he had a pulse? I had hoped that if Samir wasn't dead then at least he wasn't in the house when the attack occurred. No such luck. Together, the doctor and I, we shifted Nadia’s body as carefully as we could. Under her it was clear Samir had been torn, the doctor said it looked like the same kind of marks that were on his parents. It was a miracle he was still alive, I know not all the blood was his but those cuts on his chest looked deep, I was sure he didn't have long.
Reece: Your mother… you were stuck under her
Samir: I mean… I can’t remember much of that, I think I’d been in and out of consciousness for too long to take stock of anything *sighs* has it mentioned Greenway again
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Reece: Yeah, down here, hold on
I called out to Greenway who had been tasked with taking pictures of the outside damage and setting up a cordon. The doctor said we had to get the boy to a hospital, that the local clinic might not be enough. I instructed Greenway to call for a helicopter but upon entering the house and seeing the bloodied boy squirming he… contaminated the scene. The helicopter arrived and I helped the doctor carry Samir, who was now crying and trying to push off the material stopping the bleeding. When he was off safe I had Greenway inform the local social worker while I continued cataloguing evidence alone. He contaminated the scene once, I wasn't about to let him lose his insides again. Still can't get the boys wild eyes out of my head though, that poor kid's all alone now.
Reece: This bit makes it sound like… you nearly died
Samir: *shrugs* That’s true. They said…
Reece waits patiently while Samir gets his words sorted in his head
Samir: They said ommi’s weight on my chest stemmed the blood enough to stop me bleeding out. It’s... not exactly the best pillow talk you know
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Reece: I’m so sorry
Samir: *sniffs* Is there anything else in there
Reece: Yeah umm... Coroner’s reports, photocopies of pictures that I do not want to look at right now. Here we go, sheriff’s concluding statement. I guess that's kind of like an inquest
I have talked to the doctor and the local rangers. It seems clear to us that no man committed this crime. The violence was too severe, and too random, to have thought behind it. Doctor determined the victims suffered claw and bite marks, had to be a large predator. I inquired if the damage could have been done with tools, a butcher knife or scythe or something, watcher knows there are enough amateur hunters in the area. Doctor could see no evidence to support the conclusion that instruments were used though. With that knowledge I have determined the most likely culprit was a rogue bear, no other predators would have the strength to smash the door in such a fashion. I know the rangers doubt a bear would wander inside a house but agree bears can hunt down prey. This time the prey was just our citizens. Greenway is keen to support this conclusion, saying he had seen bear attacks like this before-
Reece: Wait, that’s not right
Samir: What isn’t?
Reece: When I was in distracting Captain... he said he’d never seen anything like that crime scene before
Samir: Yeah. That's what he said when I reminded him he vomited
Reece: But in here it says he told the old sheriff he had seen bear attacks that looked the same
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Samir: *sighs* Thank the watcher for you blondie, I knew you’d find something. I know sheriff Giles thought it couldn’t have been a person but it must have been. I mean I can't imagine Greenway lying to protect a rogue bear
Reece closes the file, putting it back on the table. He hold Samir's hand, tracing patterns on the back with his other.
Reece: I just wish I could go back and comfort you. Samir you must have been so scared
Samir holds Reece's hand to his mouth and kisses it softly.
Samir: Pretty sure I wouldn’t have been in the mood to humour a talkative 3 year old, even one as cute as you
He puts his arm around Reece who snuggles closer.
Reece: You knows what I mean. I’m so glad you survived it
Samir smiles, kissing Reece on the forehead again.
Samir: Yeah, I’m pretty glad I survived it too. Now, good boys that find leads deserve rewards
Reece: So you’ll let us-
Samir: Go to the romance festival
Reece: *pouts* well that’s a good second option I guess
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Reece: This tea tastes good
Samir: What’s in it
Reece: I don’t really know. It can’t have any alcohol since it’s a free for all
While Reece continues to speculate what might make the drinks, and themselves, glow Samir took a moment to relax. The past would be solved eventually, tonight he just wanted to be in the moment with the guy he loved. When Reece declared his intention of raiding the gardens for their own stock Samir took the opportunity to approach the romance guru. He didn't believe much in superstitions and fortune tellers but when in Rome.
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After the guru assured him the future was bright Samir approached Reece’s mum who was here selling some of her lower level work.
Samir: *clears throat* Reece’s birthday?
Kayleigh: Don’t worry. Harvey and I figured you two will probably want your space tomorrow, I promise you won’t get swarmed by every Foster in the save
Samir: *chuckles* thanks. Umm… Monday... not busy... if you…
Kayleigh: Say no more, we will be there! Will we get to meet your mum and brother
Samir: Umm… crowds are…
Kayleigh: I understand, Keira is just the same. But Harvey and I would love to meet them sometime if you can arrange it, since the two of you are living together and all
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Reece: What were you talking to mum about
Samir: Oh I said she and your family should come over on Monday
Reece: You? Inviting people over? People plural?
Samir: I know your family are close and I don’t want that to stop just because I can only tolerate people in small doses
Reece: Except me
Samir: Except you. I gladly have you in large doses
Reece: *gleefully* What a concidence, I enjoy your large doses
Samir: *smirks* Do you now?
Samir brushes Reece's hair behind his ear and leans in to whisper.
Samir: Imagine, a pretty blonde piece like you enjoying my "doses"... in you... on your-
Reece: *playfully* Excuse me Mr Hadji but that talk sounds rather forward and I’m under strict instructions not to get off until my birthday so unless you want me to fail you’ll need to dial it back
Samir moves back smiling proudly.
Samir: *chuckles* Good boy, you pass even if you are flushed, but I do love that colour on you. Let’s go get some food
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Samir orders food for them, barely taking his eyes off Reece. When they sit down Samir begins to dig in happily before noticing that Reece is letting out sighs of frustration. Normally he enjoys those sounds, but that's when he's the cause of them.
Samir: Blondie, what are you doing
Reece: It’s these wooden things! How does anyone eat with them
Samir: The chopsticks? Relax, you’re a genius, you’ll figure it out
Reece: Charlie and Kaori make it look so easy!
Samir: Are you-
Reece: Yes! I’m stabbing the food to make it cooperate
Samir watches Reece as he attacks his food, and smiles. He's got most of the morning planned already but he does like running it over in his head to make sure he's thought of every variable.
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The pair arrive home still glowing, but before they can sleep Samir has a gift.
Samir: I know there were a bunch of flowers at the festival, and many of them are more symbolic of love but… yellow is your favourite colour so I wanted to get you a chrysanthemum
Reece: Aww, I love it. I’m afraid I just got you the traditional rose
Samir: Hey blondie, I’ll happily take anything you give me
Reece: *giggles* normally I’m the one saying that
Samir: *chuckles* okay Mr smut for brains, time to go to sleep before you wind your self up
Reece: Do we have to boss?
Samir: Trust me, you are going to need your energy for tomorrow
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tau1tvec · 1 year
hey, maybe you have some advice..but how do you make your gameplay pictures so beautiful? The colours, your sims faces don't look awkward even if they aren't posed, the interior/setting always matches the vibe. Your game looks so so beautiful! Every time I'm playing for fun and take screenshots I feel good. But then I see all those posts on my dash and begin to feel bad about my own.. I want to make my game look magical too. You inspire me to play the game again, every one of your posts is so magical to me and also captures the beauty of gameplay itself. Sorry if this is too much/confusing
Okay, I’m gonna use this ask as an opportunity to be real with you, and anyone else who’s reading who also needs to hear this.
I know it’s common for everyone who’s asked this to be like, “oh no nonny, don’t do that, don’t compare your stuff to other ppl’s stuff, you’re fine the way you are,” and that’s all well meaning and sweet, but sadly this is the real world and society sucks. ✨
Despite how good it is to hear that what and how you do things shouldn’t matter, it doesn’t change the fact that social media doesn’t really care about that, and isn’t built around that mindset. In general, not comparing yourself or your work to others is incredibly difficult to do. Even I do it occasionally, impenetrable self-esteem isn’t a thing, it’s something that’s fragile and easily broken, sometimes without our ever even knowing until it’s too late. So I realized the best way to look at it, is to remove some of the negativity from it.
Controversial take, as a creative, comparing your work to others doesn’t always have to be a downer experience… it can be good, and enlightening even. The great thing about consuming media is that it can do so much for us, the appreciator, like bring us joy, bring us sadness, start a conversation, or stir inspiration, that last bit especially.
Lean into those inspirations, and no I don’t just mean other sims content. Rewatch your favorite old movies, replay your favorite old games, start a Pinterest board, go through some old family photos, create a Spotify playlist that transports you somewhere you’d rather be. Examine them, study them, focus on the colors, the lighting, the textures, there’s formulas in all kinds of media, even your mom’s old Polaroids, aim to create your own.
Learning is a never-ending journey. You can never learn enough about anything. There are so many tutorials on YouTube, and hell, even on here, if you feel like you’ve got somewhere you can improve, don’t be ashamed to do so, and change is good, bc the great thing about change is that you can do it again, and again, and that’s totally okay. Don’t be set in your ways when it comes to content creativity, it’s too beautiful a hobby for there to be any one way to be.
I think the one reason why I love Simblr so much over all other sims communities, is bc everyone here does things their own way, and everyone ( at least I hope ) appreciates each other for that. This adds variety to my dash, and makes it all the more enjoyable to look at. My game looks the way it does bc that’s how I see it in my head. I’m heavily influenced by Hayao Miyazaki, Guillermo del Torro, and old 90’s movies. I lean into the bright colors, I lean into the ideal big kitchen, I lean into the excessive neon lights, and I lean into the cringe dialogue, bc that’s what brings me joy, and that’s what brings me nostalgia.
The Sims itself brings me joy and nostalgia too, and that’s why first and foremost I enjoy playing it, lol, everything else… having a space online to share it with others who also enjoy playing it is just an added bonus.
Now as for the funky faces, there are mods out there that minimize the awkward grin, whether they still work idk tho.
You can also try putting a little more space between the bottom of your sim’s nose and their top lip, it might look weird in CAS, but this will help avoid a lot of the wonkiness from the over-exaggerated smiles in-game.
Learning to love sims for all their quirks, bad animations, and goofiness is also a good tip. 😆
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cinamun · 4 months
Hey fren! I have a ton of questions. Lmk if I’m being too intrusive or nosey lol.
I love your story, I always have to give you your flowers when I write you!! All hail the Queen 🙌🏾🙌🏾💐💐💐
Ok my questions:
For starting out posting and editing, do you keep a schedule for yourself to stay organized? Rn I’m finally posting on my simblr after 3 years but I find myself just constantly taking screenies instead of posting and organizing the story. It feels chaotic lol the only organizing I’ve done just for game play in general is shopping for CC every other day (it’s an addiction)
A question I wanted to ask for a while is, if you are commissioning someone for poses what are the average prices you pay (or better yet, what do you think a good price is to pay for pose commission)? Sometimes I have these perfect poses in my head and when I’ve searched for hours I normally just end up giving up.
Lastly, I noticed your post from yesterday said you had 25 photos loaded in photoshop. Do you have all the art board (or images) side by side to edit them consistently and simultaneously?
Thank you if you answer!!
Good morning bestie!! Let me just go on ahead and adjust this crown right quick lol THANK YOU and I got you!
I'm chaotic and impulsive but I have a little bit of a routine. Follow me under the cut!
Okay, SO!! For the first question about posting and editing.... I usually have an idea for the next scene while working on the previous one. So when I go in-game for story updates, the idea is already there and I'm just setting up shots and making the scenes look good. I don't have a schedule other than my posting schedule, so when you mention last night, I was editing pics that I had taken earlier in the day or the day before. So my schedule is usually sitting in photoshop all night the day before I post.
For pose commissions, I've only done that twice. I've had real good luck over the years finding poses or animations for anything I've needed. I would say make an offer to donate to them if you know their shit is dope and move anywhere between $5 to $10 USD. For the poses I commissioned, they weren't released publically so that's extra special (tip them more!). Also keep in mind if you're asking for accessories to be used, how many sims are in the pose, etc. For pose searching, try to be as vague as you can. "ts4 cleaning poses" and then see what comes up is one example and don't shy away from animations! They work with pose player, most without WW and can make for some great screenshots.
I load up all the pictures in Photoshop plus whatever templates I'm using (like the texting one or the dust overlays), and edit in order of sequence. This is where all the dialogue happens so sometimes I edit out of order if I know the dialogue for one scene already and maybe not the others. I hope i'm making sense lol. I spend a lot of time on this part because the words might change given which picture I've decided on (some scenes I take multiple screenshots of and multiple angles and then decide later which one to use). I go pic by pic, doing editing and adding dialogue individually then saving them, closing them and moving on to the next one. Once I'm completely done then I flip through them a few times as if I were the reader to try and catch any typos, etc.
This got really long but let me know if that helps or if I can elaborate more!!
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duskbats · 2 years
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eden is looking for love! 🖤
i’m doing!! a little challenge!! kind of. i really want to move along in eden’s gameplay and get them a partner, but i have no idea what kind of partner would suit them. 
i’ve decided to do a bit of a lazy take on the bachelorette challenge where i’ll take other people’s sims, put them into a group and have them go and hang out at different places and see who eden takes a liking to the most. there won’t be any rose ceremonies or eliminations so to speak, they’ll all just hang out and get to know each other. if other peoples sims fall for another person’s sim, then those two will become partners too and be friends with eden and their partner!
some info about eden:
pronouns are they/she
young adult & a new vampire!!
materialistic, klepto & jealous 
they live for the drama and love to cause trouble
isn’t very good at hiding the fact they’re a vampire
obsessed with anything occult & paranormal
secretly a huge nerd
posts 90% of her life on simstagram so hopefully ur sim is ok w/ having no private life away from social media
guidelines for entries:
eden is a lesbian so please only female identifying sims.
young adult or adult only.
i originally wanted them to have a werewolf gf BUT i want to keep things interesting for this, so any occult or human sim is fine!!
sims will only be using their everyday, swimwear and party(or formal) so if you don’t want to do all categories, just these ones are fine!
cc is accepted but my mods folder if like 60gb so minimal cc would be nice, but it’s ok if not. just no alpha hair please!
you can provide as much or as little about your sim as you want, considering this isn’t a full-fledged challenge. sexuality & pronouns would be nice to know, though!
& finally, PLEASE tag me so i can see and download these sims! you can also use the tag #edenjamesbc 
i don’t really want to turn this too much into an actual challenge so i wouldn’t say there are any rules, i don’t mind what traits are given and how many sims are submitted as i plan on using a mod to get as many of them together as possible (but still within reason so things don’t get too laggy). i will of course be posting everything i can, but there’ll be no ceremonies and poses will only be used to “enhance” what’s already happened in game (if that makes sense? basically i won’t be making up situations with poses). the sim that ends up as eden’s partner will be a part of the official legacy!
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nolan-sims · 2 years
With the recent negativity in the community, I figured we could use some uplifting. So I’m asking simblr to pick a blog or two, (or more if you want) and say why they inspire you, or what you admire about them. Or simply.. Why you think they’re cool. Whatever your heart desires. Let’s just spread some good. :) ❤️
Hey anon! This is such a cute idea. So here goes, these are some of the blogs that inspire me ✨ (in no particular order):
@magnolianfarewell makes such beautifully detailed, aesthetic posts and CC. Everything always looks so clean and dreamy~ and I always get excited whenever she shares something new! Her Simblreen items are all permanent fixtures in my game.
@trillyke easily has the cleanest texture work I've ever seen. I'm such a dork when it comes to a good texture, and Trillyke delivers. Just, wow. Not to mention she can bring such a wide variety of styles and fashion to life! And the cherry on top? She's such a kind person and I always look forward to seeing her on my dash/timeline.
@crypticsim makes such beautiful makeup I just swoooon. I sort all of my CC into folders by creator, and his is definitely bursting at the seams haha. Everything he makes is so well made and works on literally any Sim. It's a real treat! I'm so glad to have such a stellar makeup CC creator in this community.
@ratboysims has such entertaining gameplay, amazing poses, and CC. I've never been much of a storyteller myself, so the fact that he can create engaging stories that star such relatable Sims (to the point where they feel like real people) is wonderful. He definitely keeps the storyteller side of Simblr going.
@pictureamoebae has the best vibes. Their reshade presets and resources have been so helpful to so many people. They truly go above and beyond to help others and to be an active participant in this community, no matter what may be going on. I'm always happy to see them pop up on my dash.
@oatberrytea Simblr's favorite grandma! (the little granny icon makes me smile haha) But in all seriousness, I just really enjoy their presence in this community. They're always so kind, encouraging, and supportive of others. Not to mention, their gameplay? An actual dream. All of their Sims and builds are so beautiful. I just adore them.
I could sit here and list folks all day long, but I'll stop myself here! Definitely go check these people out and show them some love. It goes without saying: but if you aren't on this list, do not feel excluded. I love each and every one of you and what you bring to this community! Stay creative, friends 💗
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0-nouke-0 · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs! 📖
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?  
I’m loving 1800-1900 right now but i really love the fashion of 1700-1800.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)  
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I love all of the vintagesimstress creations but this dress is my fav
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?  
Really like Rose but i still love Selena.
4. What is your favorite world?  
Glimmerbrook and Newcrest, i love the woods of glimmerbrook but just aren’t enough lots.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?  
i’m a gameplay blog, yes there is a story but i don’t write it out my writting skills in english just aren’t strong enough, i’m  fluent in english but i have dyslexia so writting is a struggle.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?  
I try to, but honestly they’re so annoying to deal with.  Like why are you running away?? you have food, pets all the time and there is always somebody on the lot.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?  
NPCs.... I delete them, if they’re lucky they get an outfit pasted
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)  
The Vampires gamepack. I always use cc for everything but there are some good pieces in that pack
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?  
right now not a lot i would just love it if they fixed all the buggs. one of my sims was aged up from toddler to child with a dirty diaper she is now a teen and the stink is still following her.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?  
Cottage Living. The farming part. Even if all my chickens want to leave.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?  
There’s so many, but i love  Regency Romance.
but they have so many small mods to help the  immersion.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?  
For gameplay, I  prefer families of 6. but if i have a specific story 3-4
13. Do you use poses?
Only for if i like the sim.....
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
I don’t really know. my sims skincolors aren’t ea if that counts.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?  
I play on the grid, there are to many things that need to be.
16. What lifespan do you play on?  
normal/custom lifespan settings! infant is 5days toddler is 15days child is 15days teen is 35days youngadult is 30days adult is 25days elder is 15days. this is just what works for me.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?  
I started in fantasy gameplay. i started watching historical movies and series and the fantasy part started fading out.
please remember that english is not my native language
Thank you so much for tagging me  @heartblobs
I’ll tag @katssimsdecades​   @ottersinhats   @carousel-of-sims
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simsfanaticforlife · 2 years
about ea’s new policy regarding early access + a message to mod / cc / pose creators ...
my heart truly goes out to those who followed ea’s rules prior to this , as so many of my most favorite pose , cc , and mod creators are now leaving the community and deciding not to produce anymore content due to the vague wording in the policy update on mods and cc . i understand that for almost all of you guys , this is your only ( or one of your only ) source of income that you need to keep a roof over your heads .
it’s the perma-paywallers that thought it okay to keep all ( not most or some , all ) of their stuff locked and didn’t follow tos who screwed you guys and your loyal subscribers over . i understand completely why some creators did the patreon exclusive payments for certain things like subscribers and released some content for free so those who weren’t able to pay would at least have some of their goods , i didn’t mind that at all . if i saw that something was patreon exclusive , sure , i was a tad bummed , but i completely understood and scoured the patreon for free or already-released stuff to download !
i apologize on behalf of those creators who followed the rules . you did not deserve to get screwed over like this . if i was able to , i would sub to your patreons , ko-fis , whatever your source of income at this time is to help you out , but i’m in school right now and am not currently employed ( meaning i have no steady source of income myself to be able to pay monthly ) , so i’m not able to , which is unfortunate because all of you produce such amazing cc / mods .
some of my favorite cc , mod , and pose creators will be tagged under the cut so they see this message , and whatever their decision is regarding mods / custom content , whether they choose to continue or not , just know that i will completely understand !! i highly encourage anyone in the sims 4 tags to check them out because their works are phenomenal , and they deserve so much love !!
@samssims , @aharris00britney , @simsulani , @okruee , @ratboysims , @greenllamas , @historicalsimslife , @simandy , @mel-bennett , @akuiyumi , @akalukery , @arethabee , @oakiyo , @joliebean , @joannebernice , @ridgeport , @talentedtrait , @simstrouble , @littledica , @insimniacreations , @clumsyalienn , @crypticsim , @imvikai , @isjao , @dogsill , @helgatisha , @j-e-n-n-e-h , @jellymoo , @katverse , @cubersims , @sciophobis , and @qicc , just to name a few off the top of my head !! sorry in advance to any cc / mod creators who didn’t want or expect to be tagged , and if you want me to take you off , it’s absolutely no problem !!
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
Do you have any tips for getting into/making sims stories? (Idk what to call them lol, but like your strangersville story), and tips for taking posed screenshots because I’m struggling-
Hello, friend! 🤗
I am so genuinely flattered that you would ask me for advice. I'll admit, I've only been officially on simblr for a little over a year and I'm just getting a groove in posting, so I'm still learning about the storytelling format and posing aspect, too. Here are some really great posts that helped me:
@seaslugsims: Storytelling Resources Part 1
and Storytelling Resources Part 2
Storytelling Tips and Tricks thread started by @citylighten (Check the reblogs on this one - so many amazing, experienced creators have weighed in on their personal tips and tricks)
I hate posing sims, but I've found that it just takes practice and patience. @ts4-poses is a great resource blog for finding poses because it is organized into categories, making finding a specific pose less overwhelming. Put all the sims you need for a story post in the same household so you have full control of them all. Ravasheen's ISO Camera for in-game photos is what dreams are made of because the photos always come out perfect and no one has to be behind the camera to take the picture. When taking photos using the tab key, take them from multiple angles so you have a lot of options when editing your posts.
I also would say don't be afraid to just keep asking for advice! If you see a post you like, don't be afraid to ask someone how they did it! I've learned so much just by going to creators like "Hey, this post you made was so great... what editing do you use? Do you use a reshade/gshade shader? Do you resize photos?" You can learn a lot from others, and over time with practice (and a lot of trial and error) you will gain your footing and develop a style of your own!
Now, onto where I have personal experience: getting into stories and making stories! For me personally, a good story is all about characters and world building. Because simblr stories give you an opportunity to show varying perspectives and focus on more than one character's viewpoint (kind of like a comic or TV show), you can best take advantage of that by writing in-depth characters you love (or love to hate, lol). Knowing the setting and how the characters fit into that setting is really the backbone of any good story, and if you care about the details and you care about those characters, your audience will feel that! Also knowing what you like to write helps, too! I like sci-fi, fantasy, and coming of age; I like mysteries and love stories are my lifeblood (I'm a hopeless romantic); and I am a sucker for a good found family trope... so that's what I write! You'll never catch me writing horror stories full of loss, or adult romance stories, nor am I gonna pop out a teen drama (yk like Degrassi-esque or Disney Channel) or something cutting-edge/dark/with a strong visual aesthetic (like Euphoria) because I know that's not my thing (and editing is not my strength - I would HATE spending hours editing posts where some others might love that part of the process. I don't write or create something because I think it will be popular or on-trend or garner viewership (even though wanting validation is not a bad thing imo) I just create to create. I create using my strengths first, and I would recommend you write to your strengths and don't feel like you have to rush the process.
My biggest piece of advice is that if you have a story to tell, tell it! Trust me, someone (or a lot of someones) will love it. You may only get a few views at first, or it may take off right from the jump, but regardless your story is worth telling. Start by just opening a google doc and jotting down ideas as they come to you until one sticks. Don't be afraid to shelf what doesn't work or what you're not feeling any more. My Strangerville story was not my first venture on simblr, but it is the only one I have loved enough to keep up with.
Lastly, please let me know when you do put your story out there. You've already got one fan!!! 📣💕
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whyeverr · 2 years
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A tremendous thank you to everyone reading, whether you’ve been with me from the start, or are a new follower catching up, or anything and everything in between. 
I’m finally answering any and all questions about this story, so if there’s something you’re curious about that isn’t covered below the cut, send me an ask! 
As many have already successfully deduced, the true story this has been based on is what’s known as “The Galapagos Affair.”
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I first heard this story recounted on a true crime podcast. When listening to this completely ridiculous, stranger-than-fiction story I could see so many scenes playing out in my mind in the Sims. The release of the Island Living EP made the idea seem even more feasible, and it wasn’t long after I finished my Island Living play-through that I decided to head back to Sulani and retell the story that had been living in my head rent-free as best I could with the Sims as my medium. Almost 3 years later, here we are. ☺️
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Of course, from the beginning I've had to lean into certain changes to fit my retelling into the scope of the Sims. Sara’s best friend Fleck the raccoon, in reality, was a donkey (above). The Countess, or rather, Baroness, never carried her signature whip (not that CC objects or poses aren’t available for that, I just wasn’t up to the adventure of sourcing them for my game 😅), and there wasn’t any talk of death by pufferfish in real life. (Thank goodness we got both chickens and canning in game with the release of Cottage Living or I really would have had to deviate from the true story.) 
I changed names, too, so it wasn’t too easy for anyone to Google and spoil the ending for themselves or others. I chose to include the character of the Selvadoradian (read: Ecuadorian) guide who gets written out of the hotel company party, but missed the opportunity to include the overlooked Ecuadorian teenager hired on by Doctor Roder (real name: Ritter) to help them settle into their new surroundings, as I did not learn of him until getting my hands on Dore’s book shortly after beginning my series. (And here I thought I’d done my research...) Out of a desperate need for some comic relief, I dialed up the eccentric in “eccentric millionaire” and made Captain “call me Allan” Wolcott (Hancock) a real character. I’d like to think I did a good job making Sara Dach in Dore Strauch’s likeness, but certainly took my liberties with everyone else. CAS isn’t my strong suit. 
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It honestly feels a bit weird to share these photos, perhaps because I’ve kept the true story inspiration under wraps for the better part of 3 years, but also because they’re real people. With the exception of the Baroness (and arguably perhaps, to a lesser degree, Doctor Ritter), I don’t think any of these people would have necessarily chosen to step into the spotlight that was thrust upon them (though both surviving women did go on to choose to remain in that spotlight in order to tell their own respective versions of events). 
I’m obviously quite unsure of what any one of them would make of having their story fictionalized via screenshots of a life simulation video game posted to a social media platform in the 21st century... 😄 But I’d like to think I've done right by them by exploring their at-times ridiculous words and actions with empathy (yes, even for you, Friedrich) and not charging in with clear-cut hero and villain portrayals based on whatever I might think happened.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Galapagos Affair, there are loads of short and to the point articles out there (some linked below). You might also be interested in watching the documentary (starring the inimitable Cate Blanchett as the voice of Dore) which features a lot of archival footage, news clippings, journal entries, missives, and photos. If you’re really keen, you may even want to read one or both of the survivor’s books. Dore’s book is fairly dense, and focuses exclusively on the events of the Galapagos Affair. Margret’s is a quicker read, though it goes into a lot more detail into everyday life and homemaking on a remote island and also covers their life on the island over the following decades. And of course their retellings of both key and mundane events differ quite a bit. Both are certainly worth exploring!
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The Empress of the Galápagos Islands, Smithsonian Institution Archives Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
The Gruesome History of the Galapagos Islands' Nietzsche-Fueled Homesteader Death Showdown, Gizmodo
The Galapagos Affair, ThoughtCo
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You: the Saga of the Empress of the Galapagos, HuffPost
My Favorite Murder: 129 - Coincidence Island [story beginning at 53:10] I no longer subscribe to or generally recommend this podcast but this one from the archives—where I first heard this story—is still an enjoyable, if not super well researched, listen. 
Do Go On: 173 - The Baroness of Floreana Island [story beginning at 5:35] This is a podcast I do listen to and recommend and, if you can believe it, there’s even a cheeky little Sims reference in this episode! (You might also check out their prequel episode 170 - The Essex and the Real Life Moby Dick about earlier happenings on the island of Floreana.) 
Satan Came to Eden: The Galapagos Affair Available to buy or rent on Apple TV or to stream via Kanopy / your local library and definitely not anywhere else
Satan Came to Eden: A Survivor’s Account of “The Galapagos Affair” by Dore Strauch, Available on Bookshop.org and definitely not anywhere else
Floreana: A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Galapagos by Margret Wittmer, Available on ThriftBooks
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igglemouse · 11 months
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @cactusblossom, thank you both for tagging me and I guess I am getting at this late but here it is!
What’s your favourite Sims death?
The old age death because it means a sim has lived like and are gently passing on! I also love that they give a little salute like “It was fun while it lasted but PEACE!” if I have a chance to give a salute and famous last words before I die I know I would!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match not because it looks better but because it blends in with the game.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Do you use move objects?
I imagine it is hard not to when you are a competitive sims player lol.
Favourite Mod?
Hmmm, this is hard. I will say Wicked Whims though. I know, I know, you all think i’m super horny over here but really sex is a big part of life it is, one can argue, one of the most important aspects of life itself as one must have sex to create life (kind of at least) so WW really expands on that. Just get rid of the sex animations it adds, ignore that completely, it still adds an indepth menstrual system, attraction system, fertility system, etc! 
WW actually determines how many kids my sims will have for example since some are naturally more fertile than others so yeah!
2nd place is MC Command which is great for just having more control. I mostly use that to make over townies when I see them lol.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
The first one they released? It was either Luxury party or the camping one right? Whichever was the first one lol.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oooh, I actually don’t make many sims since I play legacy and just rely on genetics but I will say Araceli! I made her when I relaunched a legacy and I spent so much time on her! I loved her! I thought of bringing her back in some form so we might not have seen the last of her actually!
Have you made a simself?
I have for the fun of it but i’ve never played it. I hardly make myself in games. I just always think of a character I guess.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Dark brown.
Favorite EA hair?
If you go back I had a vampire in my story named Edda, she wears it. It’s the real short one but ummm, the short one. Most people know by now I do love short hair lol
(EDIT: Not sure why I referenced Edda...Laverne wears this hairstyle lol. There, that is a more recent sim) 
Favorite life stage?
Young Adult! EA just put all the fun in that phase though. 
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I am not that good at building...
Are you a CC creator?
I’ve made poses years ago!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I have simblr friends but part of no squad. I feel like a mostly outsider or lone wolf in the simblr community but im nice to everyone!
Do you have any sims merch?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don’t think it has honestly lol.
What’s your origin id?
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Hmmm, I don’t know! 
How long have you had simblr?
Since 2014 since the game launched in 2014 and I literally had a post the first day it launched.
You can even see this post here!
I’ve been a Sims 4 OG as the kids would like to say and my simblr has really flunctuated in all that time. I’ve had posts getting 100s of likes to now just around 10 lol, I’ve come full circle!
It’s kind of sad because @floofymilk-blog was a real good online friend I had known for years and she was someone you saw constantly liking my posts and commenting at first and she has completely disappeared from like...everything. So yeah T_T, from discord, from steam, from switch, and I always wonder what happened to her and seeing that post and seeing her in the notes there just makes me sad but...she was the biggest AC fan I’ve ever known T_T and a big Sims fan too!
She was Japanese and disappeared before the release of Snowy Escape and I wonder if she would have loved that pack :/
How do you edit your pictures?
I used to do A LOT more but honestly, I just gave up lol. Now I just use a reshade, add a border, and move on. Lazy, I guess? But I’m posting legacy content. What is called a Plotacy. If I hung up on editing every single picture it would slow me down a ton. You can see the story content I tried it was a lot more edited!
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Hmmmmmm seasons, yeah, Seasons!
I will tag @joannebernice - @mysimsloveaffair - @wolfavens - @wannabecatwriter - @lollipopsimblr - @thereesespiece
If you have done it already or dont want to no worries!
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enkisstories · 3 months
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Poe reaches for Hux' collar and drags him outside. The others only hear the distinct hum of a lightsaber igniting - and then a second one.
Why the lightsaber, that neither of them can handle well, why not a blaster or an outright brawl? Hux fervently tries to remember a Psychology class he had attended in his cadet days. The killer who used melee weapons over blasters - was that the one reluctant to actually kill or had it been the other way around?
Armitage: "What is that for?! Finn started flirting with me, not the other way around! I didn't do anything!"
Poe: "You EXIST! That's what this is for! And don't pretend there wasn't a myriad of reasons other than the flirt that you deserve a laserblade into the belly for! I'll be doing the galaxy a favour!"
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Armitage: "Nice feint, but you aimed high, for the head, not the guts. Aaaand parried!"
Poe: "What are you fighting for, even? Everything that is good in the galaxy, or might have become good, you only every destroyed..."
Absorbed in their duel, Poe and Armitage nevertheless glimpse their friends gather around them. Uncertain what to make of this fight, BB-8, Rey and Rose draw closer... too close! After a hectic maneuver of the duelists, Poe's blade very nearly cuts into Rose's shoulder.
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Poe: "Stop me! Please, I beg of you... Block that swing!"
Armitage blocks with all his strength, but now they are locked. Whoever disengages first will get the other's blade into their face full force. Worse: Rose isn't moving. As tipsy from the Rylothberry wine as everyone else, she may not even be aware of what's going on around her.
The seconds stretch and the extended block isn't doing the blades any favour.
Poe: "Where's your tactical genius now?"
Armitage: "Where's your bold creativity?"
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Their arms hurt, fingers grow sweaty, jittery. Wait - fingers? Simultaneously the combatents tilt the hilts of their sabers and push the off-switches. They still double over, but thankfully there are no more lightsaber blades between their bodies anymore.
Poe: "Ugh... what... Rose, I'm so sorry! I didn't want this! BB-8... Anybody..."
In the kitchen Finn is crying. Poe and Armitage don't need to see or hear it. They know, because they, too, cry.
An officer who displays weakness deserves either getting shouted back into shape or a kick in the face. That tenet Armitage has grown up with, but it sounds shallow all of a sudden.
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Poe is shivering. The hero of the Resistance, rescuer of so many lifes - in this moment he is in need of getting held himself. But the one who would be most welcome to do so is slumped on the kitchen table, tearing himself up over a mistake he didn’t really make.
Armitage crawls closer, reaching for Poe, pulling him close. Slowly the shivering ceases, and the pilot’s gasping becomes normal breathing again. His heartrate is still a bit too fast and Poe’s breath betrays why: the blasted Rylothberry wine their host has served them. Calming someone just by holding them is power of a kind Armitage hasn’t exercised before, but power nonetheless. It feels good... or is that the wine muddying his mind? It certainly isn’t doing the Grand-Marshall’s tongue any favours, because he hears himself say:
"We'll end this war. I promise! After this mission, I’ll do whatever it takes to reinstate the truce between the First Order and the reb... the Resistance. No more fighting."
(Sims routing at its finest, lol. I can count myself lucky that BB-8 didn’t roll over Poe’s hand to make this even worse. The last screenshot is posed.)
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 3
Time for Carson to become a teen! He has a birthday party with his friends and Keira and Marta decide to accept Kayleigh's offer of staying at the house until they're ready to head to San Sequoia.
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Low level content warning: Mentions of emotionally abusive ex
Kayleigh: Thanks for coming
Eliza: We were bringing Onyx anyway, it was kind of you to extend the invitation
Bob: Onyx, get off the computer
*computer breaks*
Onyx: Wasn’t me
Paola: Mr Pancakes! Your latest cookbook was amazing, can I have a photo
Bob: Sure *poses*
Kayleigh: I though Bob didn’t do crowds
Eliza: He doesn’t but he needs to up his fame for his final promotion
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Darwin: You excited to get tall Carson
Angel: Yeah tall is good
Carson: Sort of
Harvey: Here’s your cake, make a wish
Onyx: Make it a good wish
Kayleigh: Happy Birthday Carson
Carson: Thanks mum
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Teen Carson! His last favourite colour is blue and his room gets a do over to suit his new style. He rolled the learning and discovery hobby which will pair nicely with his rolled like of archaeology. He also rolled liking pessimistic sims and disliking optimistic sims. He rolled liking flirtation and affection, alongside disliking physical intimacy so I think that makes him asexual but not aromantic. He rolled being biromantic.
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Onyx: Woah, I’m so used to you having colourful glasses
Carson: I thought I’d try the see through trend, see what it’s like
Bob: This cake is exquisite, your dad did a good job
Carson: I’m glad you like it Mr Pancakes
Angel: So you coming to high school tomorrow right
Carson: I think so, but I feel like the watcher won’t be coming since it’s career day
Onyx: Career day is so boring, why do we have to have it every week?
Amie: Because we need to “broaden our young minds”
Carson: I don’t get it. Are you imitating someone
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Onyx: *sighs dramatically* Mr Amarinth
Eliza: That man does not make a good principal
Paola: You said it Mrs Pancakes. He’s a stuck up jerk
Christen: Don’t be surprised if he ignores you
William: Or thinks you’re going to be a clone of everyone else in your family
Onyx: Or just refers to you by your last name because “too many kids experiment with identity these days”
Bob: I did call to complain about that, gave him an earful
Onyx: I know dad, thanks
Angle: But there are good things. We’re there, obviously
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Pictures with friends: Onyx, William, Darwin, Christen
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Bob and Onyx autonomously hugging in the background. More pictures with friends: Angel, Paola, Amie
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The party doesn’t last long however as Carson’s llama flu is still bothering him. He takes some medicine but still feels off.
Carson: Hey dad
Harvey: you all right
Carson: Not really. I think it might be something more than llama flu
Harvey: Well there is an after hours clinic on Ohan’ali. We could pop in
Carson: Sure, just let me get changed
Harvey: That jacket is… unique
Carson: I live in Sulani, why not have a pirate phase
Harvey: *chuckles* fair enough, come on
While they’re out Kayleigh takes some time off painting and watches some action on tv.
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Kayleigh: Hey, where’s Carson
Harvey: He’s at the pharmacy
Kayleigh: What was wrong? We got him his vaccinations
Harvey: Can’t vaccinate for asthma sugar
Kayleigh: He’s got asthma?
Harvey: Yeah. Doc said we need to try keep the house dust and dander free, and make sure he doesn’t get too stressed
Kayleigh: With Reece not living here anymore that should be a little easier
Harvey: *laughs* Exactly. But I don’t know what effect it’ll have on his fitness
Harvey and Kayleigh are both active and the family is sporty. They're NOT concerned about weight
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Kayleigh: How are you doing Carson
Carson: I don’t know, it’s weird. I mean who even develops asthma as a teen
Harvey: I’m sure a lot of people do
Carson: Hmm, maybe
Kayleigh: Try not to be too disheartened honey, we can adjust
Carson: But how can I be a scout leader if I can’t hike without collapsing
Harvey: You got the inhaler, you should be okay if you keep it with you. The only way to know is to try
Carson: I guess. Thanks for helping with the project
Kayleigh: No problem. Have a good sleep honey
Harvey: Catch you on the flip as the young ones say
Carson: Ugh no one says that dad
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They all head to bed. During the night Harvey feels like a midlife crisis could be coming along, but doesn’t want to bother any of his family with it when Carson needs support for his diagnosis.
Carson: Morning Dad
Harvey: Good luck on your first day of high school, try not to fall asleep at career day
Kayleigh: Good morning Carson
Carson: Trash is treasure
Kayleigh: That's nice honey. I just wanted to let you know Keira and Marta will be staying here until they’re ready to move to San Sequoia. They’ll have Reece’s old room
Carson: Yeah mum, sure
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Kayleigh: Remember, Marta’s lost her family. We don’t want her to feel excluded from this one
Carson: Yeah yeah, talk to Marta, got it. Hey do you think this light makes my skin look good or amazing
Kayleigh: *sighs* teens
Harvey: We are getting old
Kayleigh: I’m not old
Harvey: Did I say old? I meant better looking
Kayleigh: *laughs* come here you
Carson: Ew! Could you two not kiss when I’m trying to… well do anything really
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Kayleigh: Where’s my eldest baby
Charlie: *laughs* right here mum
Kayleigh: Oh I miss you
Charlie: You saw me a couple of days ago
Kayleigh: Yes but when you’re a parent it can feel so much longer
Charlie: Heads up, I’m getting really good at chess now
Kayleigh: Then how come I have a large pile of your pieces
Charlie: Tactics mum, tactics
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Kayleigh: I just don’t know what to do about your brothers
Charlie: They’ve been knocking heads since they could knock heads mum, that’s not on you
Kayleigh: I just wish they could get along
Charlie: Mum, one of the first things I learned in professional sport, not everyone will get along. Sometimes personalities just clash. It doesn’t make the people bad
Kayleigh: I just worry I did something wrong
Charlie: Mum, you didn’t. You taught us to fight for what we want, it just turns out that both those boys want to be the best, so they fight
Kayleigh: When did you get so wise
Charlie: *scoffs* When I took your queen, checkmate
Kayleigh: When you- hey! Good game. I have to go help your sister move. Take care honey
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Kaleigh heads to Willow Creek but Keira and Marta are running late with packing so she takes a trip to the park while they finish up. She spends some time in the observatory, then collects some fruit from the nearby plants for Harvey to add to his garden.
Kayleigh: Ready to go now
Keira: Yes. It’s been wonderful here, James and Alexander are so generous.  But Liam knows we’ve lived here, we can’t risk staying even if he is locked away for now
Kayleigh: Whatever the reason, I’m always going to be happy when my kids are home
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Keira: Big stuff in storage, clean clothes in bag, I hope I didn’t forget anything
Kayleigh: If you did I’m sure Alexander will send it along
Marta: Why does the water here taste so good
Kayleigh: There’s freshwater springs all around Sulani, we’re lucky
Marta heads upstairs to check out the room. Part of her wishes they could stay here forever, the sights are beautiful. But if Liam could find them from a society wedding, he’d be able to track Keira to her celebrity mum. It’s not worth the fear she’d live in.
Carson: And then I said to him- Marta!
Marta: Hola Carson
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Carson: It’ll be good to have you two here, even if it’s just for a bit
Keira: Thanks. It’s always nice to be back here
Carson breezes through his homework easily enough and then decides to be brave and try swimming some laps. The filtering keeps the pool water clean, but he’s not sure how much he can exercise without upsetting his asthma. He finishes and coughs, and I worry I’ve killed him, but he recovers from coughing without having a full on attack.
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Marta: You use such lovely colours
Kayleigh: Thank you honey. Do you paint
Marta: Me? No. I like singing, but I don’t paint
Kayleigh: If you want to try while you’re here there’s plenty of supplies, just help yourself
Marta: Gracias
*phone rings*
Kayleigh: Hello? Oh Reece honey how are you? Yes your sister got here fine, she and Marta are getting settled. What was that noise? If the turbines are howling you should really get someone to come look at them, you won't be able to sleep with that racket. Talk soon darling
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Kayleigh: How was your first day then
Carson: Not terrible, I’m in the same class as Onyx which is nice
Marta: Who
Harvey: Oh Onyx is Bob’s eldest
Marta: Your cooking friend yes?
Harvey: You got it
Marta: Were the students nice? Spot anyone cute?
Carson: Why
Marta: I’m a romantic, I’m curious about these things
Kayleigh: I had so many crushes in high school
Carson: Excuse me, I just need to text Onyx asking how to get out of this conversation
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Marta: Forgive me, I didn’t mean to overstep
Harvey: If you need to come out as straight son, that’s fine. Straight people are the majority
Carson: Dad! I’m not straight, I’m bi
Marta: Yay! Another one for team bi!
Kayleigh: So it’s official, we failed at passing on our pan genes
Marta: All your kids are queer. That’s something is it not?
Harvey: Of course it is. We love you Carson
Marta pulls Carson in unexpectedly for a hug and whispers.
Marta: Don’t worry, being bi is the best, you’ll love it
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