#then I’m gonna work on Garcia stuff I’m gonna do it
llama-head · 2 years
Literally my job is so boring that all I do is think abt stuff for my sim stories but it’s also so tiring that when I get home I have like no energy to work on anything
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luveline · 18 days
I’m obsessed with the sister!hotch and Reid fics. I can’t stop imagining that scene where Rossi goes to Garcia’s house and she’s fresh from the shower with Kevin. But instead is Hotch at readers house and Spencer is there.
—you and Spencer are in the midst of a long weekend together when your brother shows up unannounced. fem, 1.3k
“You’re really handsome.” 
Spencer laughs as you drag your hands back over his ears and through his sopping wet hair. The shower water is blissfully warm and soaking your front as it rains down on his head. You shield his eyes but otherwise have your fun. His hair is softer than anything you’ve ever felt. 
He holds your hands flat to his head. “You’re handsomer.” 
“Am I supposed to take that in a good way or a bad way?” you ask. 
“A good way!” he says, forgetting your hands in favour of guiding you under the water. “Handsome has nearly always been used for men more than women, but it didn’t fall out of fashion for girls until the fifties.” He tilts your head upward and to one side as his own begins to fall the other way. “You’re beautiful.” His voice is warm on your lips, “you’re so–”
His kiss is ridiculous; he kisses like he’s starving. You didn’t realise men could actually kiss like this until you met him. It’s not just in the movies, it’s right now, his hand at the back of your neck, unbothered by your laughing or your hand slipping down his wet t-shirt. 
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done,” you say. 
“We were covered in mud.” 
“We should’ve just got naked.” 
“We’re taking things slow,” he says, laughing, “it’s fun. But what are we gonna do about our wet clothes?”
“You got the most of the mud on you,” you say. Spencer had performed a valiant rescue in that when you fell, he was straight down into the grass after you in an attempt to save your jeans. It didn’t work, obviously, but the thought was there, and he’s such a good kisser in the shower that you don’t mind the loss. “I’m gonna get out and get changed, you can have a real shower, okay? I’ll get you a towel and your pyjamas and stuff.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I think all the mud from my top half is gone.” 
Spencer takes your face into his hand. His thumb rubs a line along your jaw. “Now it’s gone.” 
You beam. Who knew Dr. Spencer Reid was such a tender guy? You could sort of guess from looking at him that he’d touch you like that, but it’s a contrast, too, to be kissed as though you’re some irresistible siren and to have your face held like fragile glass. 
You step out of the shower still sodden, clothes heavy, and close the frosted door between you and Spencer to strip down. Separated but still shy, you hurry out of your clothes and into a towel, wrapping yourself tightly to head into your bedroom. 
You put on blissfully dry underwear and blot your face. Next is loose pyjama pants and a big t-shirt: you’ve never worried about being sexy for Spencer and you’re not about to start. Your first date was a walk in the park, your second date at the bowling alley. He’s not concerned with that stuff. It’s why his frankness about wanting to take things slow isn’t scary, because when he holds your face and tells you you’re pretty, you believe it. 
You flinch so hard your neck cracks. “Ow,” you whine. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You walk forward before Aaron can let himself into your bedroom. Sure enough, your older brother is in your apartment (as he’s allowed, given that he furnished the entire place and paid the security deposit, and, also, awfully, is a very nice big brother). He’s smiling, carrying two pizza boxes and a carton atop it that smells like French fries. “What have you done now?” he asks fondly. 
“I hurt my neck, you scared me.” 
“If you answered your phone, you’d know I was here.” 
“I was in the shower!” 
“I can see that. You’re getting slovenly, it’s almost midday.” 
You’re so genuinely happy to see him that you forget for a moment your predicament. “It’s the weekend, I can do what I want.” You’re gonna have to let him down, which won’t be easy. “I’m not feeling the best, actually.” 
Aaron lets the pizza boxes rest against his stomach. “How come?” 
“I don’t know, I just feel tired. Maybe we can do something tomorrow.” 
“Honey,” Aaron says, with all the cadence of someone who’s used to rubbing your back when you’re sick, “what’s wrong? Let’s go sit down, I can make you something less greasy.” 
“I think you should just go home, actually. I might be contagious.” 
He looks less concerned and more gutted. “What? I don’t care if you’re contagious. When has that stuff ever bothered me?” Aaron takes another step toward you, his gaze flitting past you toward your bathroom. “What’s really going on?” 
The age gap between you and Aaron is expansive. Your being adopted is another gap, and neither have ever bothered him. The moment you showed up in his life he gave you everything he could manage, which has manifested in long phone calls, in hugs, in homemade soup and delivery when he couldn’t be there. Asking him not to look after you is like telling him you don’t want him to, and it isn’t true. 
He means a lot more to you than whatever awkwardness your confession will inspire. 
“Aaron,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. “Spencer’s in the shower.” 
He squeezes his pizza boxes. “Sorry?” 
“We went to the park and I fell by the lake. He’s in the shower.” 
“But you were just in the shower,” Aaron says. 
“Well, we weren’t in there at the same time,” you drag. 
Your lie is obvious to him, not just as a profiler but as your brother. His brow pinches and his nose wrinkles, not disgusted with you or anything so cruelly stupid, but dissatisfied, at least. “Did you have to tell me that?” he asks, pained.
“I didn’t tell you that, you profiled that, and it’s sort of not what you think anyways! We didn’t do anything–”
“I’m really sorry, but it’s not what you think.” 
“Listen to me.” The shower turns off and Aaron’s cheek twitches. “You are a grown up. You can do what you like with who you like. It’s my fault for coming here unannounced, I keep thinking of you as younger than you are.” Says the adult. Then, the more friendly part of being a sibling emerges, “Could you send him home?” he whispers. “I got your favourite.” 
You laugh at his proposition. “That’s kinda rude, isn’t it? Can’t he stay? He’s cool.” 
“I’m having trouble coalescing the two of you as more than acquaintances in my mind,” he says, as though he has much more to say about it, even if he’s smiling. 
Spencer chooses that moment to walk from the en-suite bathroom and out of your room, a t-shirt stuck to his chest with damp, his own pyjama pants baggy at the ankles.
“Hey, are you okay?” Spencer grabs your hand impulsively, twining his fingers in yours. Then he sees Aaron and does a double take. “Hotch?”
You give Aaron a sorry smile. “Does that make it easier?” 
“I’ll wait in the kitchen.” 
You and Spencer watch Aaron retreat. His hand stays in yours, but he squeezes you too tightly. “Wait for what?” Spencer whispers fervently. 
You lean up on tiptoes to kiss his eyebrow. “You’re about to get the shovel talk, I think.” 
“Oh. Great.” He drops his forehead against your shoulder, wet hair dripping a path down your shirt. “This is really bad.” 
“He brought pizza.” 
“I don’t think that’s going to help me.” 
You crane your head and kiss-kiss-kiss the top of his ear. “You’re really pretty when your hair is wet.” 
Spencer murmurs to you reluctantly. “You’re really pretty all the time.” 
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greg-montgomery · 1 month
I would love a fic about Reid’s friend coming to visit him at work and as soon as Hotch lays eyes on her it’s love at first sight. But she’s like really girlie and bubbly so the rest of the team is so confused as to why Hotch is so whipped for her :)
“She said that to you?”
“Yeah…I mean the audacity of some people,” you said shaking your head. “I’ve had enough of her. And I promise you, next time I’m telling our manager.” As if to prove the harshness of your words you dropped on his desk a stapler you had been playing with to occupy your hands.
Spencer smiled, entertained as always from your stories involving your least favorite coworker.
“Anyway, enough with her. We can go now, right?”
“Yeah, just let me get all my stuff.”
A deep voice coming from behind you right before you opened your mouth stopped you from complaining. “Reid, that last report needs-
The fact that you turned around to search for the owner of that voice seemed to stop him from speaking any further.
You blinked softly at him melting under the man’s gaze. He was tall, handsome, and looked like he could easily kill you: just your type.  
“Hotch?” you heard your friend’s voice.
That was Hotch?
“You’re Hotch?
“Yeah,” he breathed out a laugh. “And you are?”
“Y/N,” Spencer introduced you to him. “Sorry, she’s just picking me up.”
“That’s alright,” Hotch replied to him while still looking into your eyes. “So I take it you’ve heard about me.”
“Only the best,” you giggled.
“Yes, I’m sure Reid has never complained to you about paperwork or having to work on a weekend,” he rolled his eyes, not entirely convinced.
“I haven’t!” Spencer defended himself.
Hotch laughed and a beautiful smile stuck on his face. No way this was the same man Spencer had talked to you about that ‘never smiled’ and ‘never blinked’.
“Um…you wanted to tell me something about a report?” your friend awkwardly positioned himself next to you trying to get Hotch’s attention.
“Right,” he said. “It’s…it’s fine. It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Do you see that?” Penelope whispered, grabbing Emily with one hand and JJ with the other.
“What is it?”
“Look,” she said pointing at you from afar.
“Who’s that?” Emily asked.
“And why is Hotch looking at her like he’s about to eat her?” JJ added.
“It’s Y/N, Reid’s best friend.”
“Oh…well good thing she’s not his girlfriend ‘cause…”
“Right?” Garcia said. “Oh my God, do you guys think they’re gonna fall in love? It would be so cute…they will start going on dates and we’re gonna get the weekends off!”
JJ tilted her head observing the pair of you. “You wouldn’t think that’s his type. She looks so…sunshine-y.”
“Well, I think that’s exactly what Hotch needs,” Emily said. “Some sunshine.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was hot?” you asked when you were finally out of everyone’s sight.
“Ew…he’s like my dad!”
“To you!” you said opening your car door. “How am I supposed to drive now? My hands are shaking.”
“Because…of my boss?” Spencer asked, sounding confused.
You got into your seat and started giggling, covering your mouth with your hands. “Fuck,” you sighed moving your hands to cup your own cheeks feeling their heat. “This has never happened to me before. I think I just fell in love.”
Spencer gave you a side eye. “We’re still talking about Hotch, right?”
You bit your bottom lip and pulled a little card out of your pocket. “He gave me his number.”
“When did this even happen?”
“When you were putting your stuff in your bag.”
“So he likes you too?”
“I guess,” you smiled.
For a few moments the two of you stared at each other before bursting out in laughter.
“And I always thought Derek would be the one going after you.”
You let out a heavy sigh like a lovesick schoolgirl. “He’s really handsome, Spence.”
“He’s a good man too,” he said.
“So you approve?”
“I would never stand in the way between you and my father figure.”
“Shut up,” you laughed and started your car.
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: fluff, reader is pregnant
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“it’s happening again!” you cried in excitement to the empty room. spencer, the only person with you, nearly dropped his files to scramble over and place his hand on your stomach.
he had the same reaction every time the baby kicked—horrified. to be honest, same as you.
“it’s the parasite.” you whispered to him as you felt what you imagined to be a foot stretching your skin.
he mimicked your words as you both stared at each other in awe.
“i can’t believe you convinced me to have a baby.” he told you and took his hand away.
you laughed.
“i convinced you?” you gawked. “neither of us planned this!”
“you seduced me!” he jokingly accused.
“please! last i remember, you were saying ‘please, please, baby, let me cum—‘“
“—shh!!” reid cut you off, smacking his hand over your laughing mouth. he started giggling as well, and for a moment it was just you two in your own little world. until the rest of the team came in, garcia with her bright, bright smile, octopus mug, and a “ooo, sounds like we’re having a good time! i wanna join in!”
you gave her a huge beam as you told her, “the parasite is kicking!”
the team didn’t quite understand your joke about calling your unborn child a parasite, and even reid’s explanation that technically, the terms coincide with each other and a fetus could be classified as a parasite, they just shook their heads and let you do what you want.
regardless, garcia’s high heels clicked rapidly as she rushed over to your stomach just like reid did.
“oh! my next godchild!” she cried with joy. “i am so ready to spoil you!”
“easy, baby girl.” morgan chided, taking a seat at the table with prentiss. “you’re gonna have a whole army of godchildren.”
“that would be fun.” JJ entered, then asked you and spencer, “how are the parents doing, though?”
“i get no sleep anymore.” spence answered for you two. “she keeps me up all night with her cravings.”
“you get no sleep? i’m growing a human!” everyone erupted into laughter. “i deserve my pickles and mint chip ice cream!”
spencer grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips and holding eye contact. you felt nothing but adoration in that moment.
“okay, okay, less mushy-gushy stuff. let’s get back to work.” prentiss teased.
the team went back to their own things around the table, no longer paying attention to you or spencer, but he kept your hand tightly in his.
your mind went through your entire relationship with him, the germaphobic beginning, the pining, the first times, all to this moment. he got you pregnant, and no, it wasn’t planned, but with the way he always made you laugh, and assured you it would be okay, you couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.
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somethingubercool · 2 years
my petite protégée (bau x reader/spencer x reader)
Y/N is new to the BAU and works under Garcia. she finds herself being able to see something in the case no one else does, impressing the team, including a specific doctor
this is fem!reader but i will try to make my fics more gen later. in requests btw, if you would like to, please specify what gender you would like the reader to be
genre: fluff
word countL 8.7k
trigger warnings: just regular criminal minds stuff
A/N: So, this took a different turn, a fluffier turn. Originally this was gonna be an angst fic but then I was in a cute mood so. Tell me if you guys want me to continue the Techie Reader series because I would be happy too.  Also, the reader is around 20, and I’m placing Spencer at 26-27 so there is a bit of an age difference, but not too much. This is around season 3
 UPDATED A/N: I wrote this in 2020 and then deleted it when I deleted my old Tumblr. But, I was really proud of this fic, so....here it is.
 This system was far more complicated than what you’ve practiced with when you were at the academy, but you shouldn’t be too surprised knowing the kind of equipment that the FBI tended to use, it was all taught to you at The Academy.
 “And I’ve developed all the software myself!”
 In addition to the fact that the software was designed by Ms. Penelope Garcia herself.
 “This is...amazing,” You gawked, eyes scanning over the array of code Garcia so gracefully decided to show you, whether it was for you to study or be in awe at. Either way, you were doing both, leaning forward in order to scan your eyes over as much of the sequences as you possibly could, although you doubt you would remember it all. You were intelligent, IQ of 159 and almost perfect grades throughout all of your schooling, but you were better with making connections and remembering numbers than memory, so even if you wanted to remember all of Garcia’s code, it was nearly impossible
 “That’s right, stare in wonder!” Garcia exclaimed in a grandiose tone, to which you nodded intrinsically, the blue hue of the laptop flashing into your eyes as you scanned the computer one last time.
 “I am in wonder,” You replied directly, turning around in your rolling chair to look at the extravagantly dressed woman in all of her glory. “But how long did it take you to program this?”
 “A magician never reveals her secrets, Y/L/N.” Garcia replied ominously, to which you gave her a deadpan stare before bursting out into a smile and shaking your head playfully.
 “You’re the boss.” You whispered back, spinning around in your chair once more so you would be facing the computers, hearing the rolling of another set of wheels as Garcia pulled up an extra chair next to you.
 “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to someone telling me that, although it feels nice.” She giggled, smiling at me before pulling the keyboard closer to her and entering whatever information was needed in order to pull up the FBI’s security page. As you read through the page, you could see all the requested information pertained to you, and even before you could reply with the needed responses, Garcia began to type.
 “Do you have a middle name?”
 “Oh, wait. Never mind, I know that.” She scrolled further down the page.
 “Oh! You’re a youngster, younger than Reid even.”
 You did not recognize that name but decided to not inquire about it.
 “Oh wait, I know this too. It was on your introductory paper.”
 You begged to wonder why she was asking you these questions in the first place if she knew most of the information, but frankly, you didn’t mind spending time with Garcia so you plainly allowed this to happen.
 “Alright, all your information is in. You’re now my protege, my little bear.” You giggled at the nickname as soon as it left her mouth.
 “Little bear?” You asked, raising your eyebrow amused.
 “Cause you’re cute.” She replied, making you pout appreciatively at her. Yeah, you definitely did not mind spending time with Garcia. 
 “So, what exactly am I supposed to do as your petite protege.” You asked, smirking at her when she raised her eyebrows appreciatively at you for your french,
 “Well, mon petit ours, the BAU will be calling into us multiple times for references, further research on specific dates, events, records, anything regarding the situation at hand or regarding a potential witness or unsub.”
 “Unsub?” You asked, confused.
 “Unidentified subject. The bad guy.”
 “The bad guy.” You confirmed, signaling her to continue.
 “And sometimes, multiple members will call me at once, I’ll be too popular.” She exclaimed playfully, causing you to giggle again at her antics as you nodded in understanding. “So that is where you step in, my little bear. If I am currently researching a topic or on a call with another one of our special agents and am too busy to respond, they can call you.”
 “And I can research the topic as well.” You asked in an attempt to confirm your position, which Garcia affirmed with a single nod.
 “Exactly. I’m going to make a copy of my system to a whole new set of monitors that they should be bringing in tomorrow. It probably would have been here today but--”
 Suddenly, the door was yanked open, shining a bright light into the relatively dimly lit room, causing both you and Garcia to squint and shield yourselves from the scorching rays.
 “Garcia, we have a new case.” You heard a female voice say, one that you were too preoccupied shielding your eyes from to see. 
 “But there is a new case,” Garcia completed, sighing in relief when the blinding ray of light shrunk away as the female voice closed the door. As soon as your eyes were safe, you were able to unfold yourself from your shielded position and look at the source of the voice and the beam of light, a beautiful, petite blond woman with her arms crossed, a manilla folder in her hand, and an amused smile being the origin of it all.
 “Aww, JJ! No sudden lights in the Batcave!” Garcia whined childishly, pouting at the woman, presumably JJ, who was now approaching the two of you with an entertained look in her eyes. She shook her head at Garcia as she leaned against her chair and held the manilla folder up at Garcia’s face. The moment Garcia’s eyes landed on them, they filled with dread.
 “Please tell me this is just penny thievery.”
 “Serial murders.” The woman replied flatly, causing Garcia to shut her eyes in discomfort.
 “That isn’t penny thievery.” Garcia groaned, taking the manilla folder in her hands before throwing you an exasperated sigh to which you sympathetically smiled at. It was at that moment that JJ finally acknowledged you properly.
 “Agent Jennifer Jareau, nice to meet you.” She greeted you, taking your hand in a simple shake as you smiled at her.
 “Y/N  Y/L/N. Techie.” You replied jokingly, to which Agent Jareau seemed to appreciate, smiling at you in a pleased manner.
 “She’s my little protege.” Garcia commented, replying in an exaggerated French accent that caused all three of you to giggle.
 “How old are you, by the way? You seem young.” She asked you, scanning your face as you politely smiled at her. 
 “I get that a lot. Contrary to popular beliefs, I can legally drink within a year.” You replied with a small smile, to which Agent Jareau tilted her head in acknowledgment.
 “Can you believe it? She’s twenty. A literal baby.” Garcia whispered to Agent Jareau, however, clearly with the intention for you to hear, causing you to roll your eyes at her comment. 
 “Again, can legally drink in a year. In Europ,e I can do it right now.” You retorted playfully, smiling at Agent Jareau, shyly, who simply chuckled before nodding her head towards the manilla folder in Garcia’s handande gesturing towards the door.
 “Come on, we need to talk to the rest of the team.” And with that, Garcia got up and prepared to head to where the team was, you presumed, leaving you perplexed on whether you should stay put in the room or follow Garcia and Agent Jareau, not wanting to intrude in places you didn’t know if you were even invited to. However, Garcia answered that question for you rather quickly, stopping her movements in order to spin around at her heel and point at you definitively,
 “You should come with.” She stated, to which you looked back at her with wide eyes and an unknowing stare, baffled to what exactly is taking place. You could see that Agent Jareau had paused and look behind her in the corner of your eye, waiting for the both of you. You gawked at Garcia once again.
 “Ahh...am I allowed to?” You asked dumbly, looking between Garcia and Agent Jareau for a concrete answer. Jareau fixated her eyes on Garcia who looked at you as if you were equally the most precious and most ridiculous person alive. 
 “Of course, you are. But, ah, just for investigation’s sake, why don’t you just sit so that we can give you the information precisely.” Garcia stated, looking back to Jareau for confirmation, to which she nodded and smiled at.
 “Sure.” Jareau simply added, waiting for both you and Garcia to catch up with her. Pushing yourself up from the chair, you adjusted your top before walking towards Garcia, who threw you a proud smile and hum as both of you caught up with Agent Jareau and headed towards the briefing room.
 “We call it the Roundtable,” Garcia whispered to you as the three of you started to mount up a set of stairs, your eyes preoccupied with scanning the numerous amounts of desks and workers around you, watching in awe. Even though you strived to work here one day, called even before you fully graduated, you still could not believe that you were now part of the Bureau. All those sleepless nights where you agonizingly worried if you would ever make it, finishing reports and projects on just caffeine alone, striving to be a part of the Bureau, none of it seemed real now that you were actually there. To you, all of this was insane.
 “And this is it.” You were pulled out of your internal monologue by Agent Jareau’s voice, quickly fixating your eyes on the glass door that separated you and what seemed to be a round table surrounded by various chairs, propped a few feet away from a large screen and projector. Well, at least it fits the name.
 “Come on, we have to set everything up before the team comes in,” Garcia said to you, taking your forearm gently and guiding you inside the room, to which you quickly pushed open and examined your surroundings. Wow, you were actually there.
 “Can you two set up the monitors while I inform the team?” You heard Agent Jareau ask, causing you to turn your head around and stare at her with wide eyes. 
Holy shit you were going to meet the team.
 “Yeah, gotta call everyone in so we can stare at photos of dead bodies like any other Tuesday.” Garcia chirped sarcastically, causing Agent Jareau to throw her a playful, exasperated look while you let out a faint giggle. With that, Agent Jareau left the room, leaving you and Garcia to set up the monitors.
 “Alright, mon petit ours, let’s do this!” Garcia instigated with an encouraging exclamation, to which you smiled and replied to with a slightly less optimistic exclamation of your own. Garcia could have told you to be more cheerful, but you were convinced that she saw your nervousness and decided that what you gave was sufficient. “Can you start setting up the monitors while I get the photos together? I’m gonna transfer you the file so that you can upload it to the monitor from your computer.”
 “Why can’t we just connect the monitor to your computer?” You question with knitted eyebrows, to which Garcia smiled.
“It’s just basic training.” She stated simply, to which you snickered.
 “Doesn’t everyone know how to set up a monitor?”
 “You’d be surprised.” She said with an underlying tone of exasperation, making the smile on your face grow larger. Once you connected the monitor to your computer, you opened your account and waited for Garcia’s transfer, which happened immediately after you opened the account. You looked up at her in playful shock when the little ding exclaimed from your computer. “I’ll teach you how to be fast and efficient later.” She said with a proud smirk.
At that moment, the glass doors of the room were swung open, causing you to jump slightly in shock. In walked four individuals, of them only two recognizable to you, them being Agent Jareau and SSA Aaron Hotchner. He was the one who you first spoke to when you walked into the Bureau, and although he was quite stoic and straightforward, he was nice to you. When you two made eye-contact, he gave you an acknowledging nod, and you gave him a respectful one back, smiling quickly before turning your head towards the laptop, quickly downloading the slide-show that Garcia sent to you before projecting it to the monitor. Once you had finished, you looked up and sent Garcia a nervous smile, to which she sent you an encouraging one back.
At that moment, you could feel two pairs of eyes staring at you, belonging to the other two agents you didn’t recognize, one of them being a beautiful, raven-haired woman and the other a handsome, darker-skinned man, both of them looking between you, Hotchner, and Garcia expectantly. SSA Hotchner turned to Garcia, who jumped into action, walking over to your place in front of the monitor, near the table, and placing two hands on your shoulders with a firm grasp.
“My Power-Rangers, this is Y/N  Y/L/N. Our new Techie and my petite protegee!” She introduced, making you blush at the sudden attention before bowing slightly, one of which you found embarrassing because who even bows in America before straightening yourself and throwing a nervous smile to the two agents. They both gave you polite smiles, the raven-haired lady coming up to you and holding out her hand.
 “Hi, Agent Emily Prentiss.” She introduced, to which you replied with a soft smile before taking her hand and giving it a shake. The male agent followed, holding out his hand as well and throwing you a comforting smile.
“Derek Morgan. Nice to meet you Y/L/N.” He said, smiling as you shook his hand with a slightly more relaxed demeanor now that introductions were essentially over. You pulled away from them and looked at each member of the team, smiling nervously before tilting your head sideways to look at Garcia, who gave your shoulders another encouraging squeeze before you spoke.
“I look forward to working with everyone.” You said politely, to which Hotchner nodded, Agent Jareau smiled, Agent Morgan gave you an amused nod, and Agent Prentiss spoke up.
“Can I ask how old you are? Sorry, you just look so young for someone to graduate from the Academy.” She questioned, looking between Garcia and you for an answer. Before Garcia could explain, you decided to interject. 
“A-actually, ah, I didn’t.” You explained, fumbling slightly as you attempt to elaborate on your response. “The, ah, the BAU was looking for another Technical Analyst to help with the spike in crimes, and, ah…” As you felt your words start to lag, Garcia gracefully stepped in and finished the elaboration for you, thankfully.
“And now she works under me, haha! I am the master.” She explained in an overexaggerated tone, one that made you giggle and relax, in alliance with how Penelope’s jokes usually made you feel.
“That she is.” You agreed, pushing yourself to make a playful comment. Agent Morgan gave you a smile for that, and even that slight gesture made your tension lessen.
“Well, we can all get to know each other later. Right now, we have a case.” You heard Agent Hotchner say, and immediately, your demeanor changed, becoming serious as you nodded at him and walked over to the computer you set up near the monitor. Garcia returned to her respective laptop, pulling a chair to sit in between Agent Morgan and Agent Hotchner as Agent Jareau handed out files to each member of the team. However, you could not help but realize that there were two extra files in her hands after she finished giving each agent their file. Neither you nor Garcia needed one.
Shaking your head slightly, you decided to not dwell on the miniscule detail and focus on the case, pulling up the slideshow Garcia had sent you before reaching for the remote near your hand, handing it to Agent Jareau who thanked you politely and gestured towards the empty chair at the table, inviting for you to sit. You took the invitation, kindly, and watched as various images popped up on the monitor. What you saw, what was presented to you, the team, caused you to flinch and divert your eyes for a second, before you realized that you yourself would now have to see these images almost weekly, daily even. So, stomaching your disgust, you turned back to the monitor and laid your eyes upon the images of the bloody and brutal girls presented on the screen.
“Two days ago, 26-year-old Lina Turner was found dead in her own home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her face was mutilated along with her sex-organs.” You tried to suppress the gag that was coming up your throat when you looked once again at the monitor, photos emphasizing the consequences of the gruesome acts committed flashing before you before the images switched to an entirely new woman, this one with red-hair and of short stature, contrasting the previous woman presented on the screen, who was a slender, yet tall brunette.
“Only thing consistent with the victimology is the fact that they’re females.” You heard Agent Morgan state, his eyes fixating on the two photos of the woman now displaying next to each other on the screen.
“Well, considering the fact that they’re both females and their sex-organs were mutilated,” Emily shook her head in empathy and disgust. “the unsub could be male?”
Your head tilted down as you reminded yourself what the term meant, mouthing ‘unidentified subject’ to yourself before turning and looking back up to the other agents. For a split second, you saw Agent Jareau smile at you endearingly before returning to the table.
“The women were also objectively attractive and fit, coupling that with the mutilation to their genitals, we could most likely have a sexual sadist on our hands.” Agent Hotchner said as he read through the files.
“Well, nonetheless, Philly PD wants us there as soon as possible.” Agent Jareau informed, to which Agent Hotchner closed his case files and stood up from his seat, nodding to Agent Jareau who turned off the monitor and handed me the remote with a quiet thank you. “Wheel’s up in 20.”
“Where are Reid and Rossi?” Agent Prentiss asked, causing your ears to quirk up and your eyes to land on her in confusion before glancing back at Garcia, who acknowledged your confusion with a smile.
“At the Academy. They’re giving a lecture.” Agent Hotchner informed, pushing the leather through the latches of his satchel before heading towards the door.
“Oh boy, Reid trying to talk to a group of young adults, that’s gotta be fun.” Agent Prentiss joked, snickering at Agent Jareau, Agent Morgan, and Garcia who all seemed to share the same opinion and knowledge on a subject you were completely oblivious to.
“At least he’s got Rossi,” Agent Jareau sighed, cradling her files in her hand before catching up with Agent Prentiss.
“Hey, Y/L/N, shouldn’t you be in class now too?” Agent Derek said as he turned towards you, a playful smile on his lips that you internally, greatly appreciated, but externally, you still donned a look of surprise.
“Ah, yeah.” Confidence, Y/N, confidence. “Should probably tell my professor I won’t be able to finish my programming project by tomorrow.” You joked, earing various laughs, chuckles, and snickers from the present agents in the room, causing you to feel accomplished.
“Hope he’s not angry,” Morgan added, leaning against the door.
“Ah, he might be, but I’ll just hack into his computer and delete all his files.”
“You can do that?” Agent Prentiss asked, slightly alarmed. “Those are files secured by the bureau.”
You grinned leisurely and shrugged your shoulders. “It wasn’t too hard.”
“Wasn’t?” Agent Prentiss gawked.
“Uh oh, with her you two are double trouble, mama.” Derek exhaled, to whom you assumed to be Garcia, who let out a chuckle before walking over to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, which you easily relaxed into, feeling quite comfortable with her now, already.
“Apparently all you have to do to get a government job is hack into the government,” Garcia added, leaning her head against your shoulder, causing you to giggle.
“What a simple task.” You replied, sarcastically, causing Agent Prentiss to shake her head in disbelief before smiling at you.
“Oh, I like her.” She commented before pushing open the doors and heading down towards her desk, Agent Jareau laughing at the whole interaction before catching up with the dark-haired agent.
Agent Morgan looked between you two, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek before letting out a quiet chuckle in content. “You two are gonna completely destroy the office,” he said before pushing open the door with his shoulder and turning outward. “See ya later, Baby Girl. See you later, Pretty Protegee!” He called as he walked down the hall and towards the stairs, leaving Garcia smiling and you with a slight blush on your cheeks, a grin plastered over your face as well.
“Pretty Protegee?” You asked, turning towards Garcia with a wide smile.
“Ah, he does that with a lot of people. Although, I will admit—well, gloat,” You snickered at this. “That I have the most nicknames. But yeah, he does that a lot. Its one of his endearing qualities.” She explained, causing you to nod in understanding.
“They’re really nice,” You commented, before remembering something that irked you earlier. “Who are Rossi and Reid, by the way? There names were mentioned before and Agent Jareau had extra files in her hand so, I assume they were for them.”
“Ah!” Garcia exclaimed, wrapping her arm around your bicep as she placed her computer under her arm and started to lead you towards the door, your laptop and file already in your hands. Rossi is this, like, super-rich author who was actually one of the original starters of the BAU. He kind of retired to work on his books, which are like uber-famous, by the way, but came back not too long ago.” You pouted in acknowledgement as she fed you the information, walking across the catwalk with her and towards the elevator. “And Reid—he likes to be called Doctor Reid, by the way.”
“Is he a Doctor?” You inquired, pressing the elevator button corresponding with your floor.
“He has like, 3 PhD’s and can read a bazillion words per minute. He’s super smart, like Einstein smart.” She ranted, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke.
“Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, Garcia.”
“Well, Spencer has an IQ of 187!”
That shocked you, the piece of information donning on you as you both ascended to your chosen floor, your mind trying to rap around the thought.
“Jesus Christ…” You gawked, looking at Garcia with wide eyes.
“Yeah, he’s an actual genius.” Garcia cemented, wide eyes mimicking yours in empathy. You shook your head in disbelief before the doors of the elevator opened, allowing the two of you to step out and head towards Garcia’s lair.
“How old is he? You said he was young.” You asked, opening the door for her, which you thanked you kindly for before walking in.
“You’re kidding…” You whispered, eyes wrapping around the idea of working with a genius. Of course, everyone in the bureau was intelligent, but people easily get wrapped around by numbers, and you were quite enamored.
“Yeah,” Garcia said, waking up her computers before taking a seat in her comfy chair, and you had followed close after.
“Hmm, does Morgan have a nickname for him as well? Young genius? Einstein?” You asked, opening the case file as you started your laptop back up.
“Yeah, it’s Pretty Boy.” She said with a chuckle, causing your head to spin around in interest.
“Pretty Boy?”
“Cause he’s pretty!” Garcia giggled, spinning towards you in her chair, her fingers fiddling with the fluffy end of the pencil that she decided to pick up.
“He’s pretty?” You inquired, raising an eyebrow before turning back towards your laptop, which still had Garcia’s presentation displayed on it. You quickly exited the screen, shivering in disgust at the memory of the photos.
“Yeah…” There was a slight quirk in her voice that did not settle with you well.
“Why are you so fixated on the fact that he’s pretty?”
“I’m not, Garcia I don’t even know him!” You defended, although you don’t know why you were defending yourself at all, but the slightly upbeat in Garcia’s voice pushed you to explain yourself as if you were caught doing something wrong.
“But the fact that he is pretty interests you.”
“Garcia, again, I don’t know him.
“I think you’d like him, my petite protegee. He likes Star Trek and reading and a whole lotta sugar in his coffee.” She giggled, turning back to her monitor, causing you to stare at her in defense as your mouth moved and contorted to spit out explanations and excuses that never came. Instead, you decided to sigh defeated, slumping in your chair before you loaded your file up to the presentation you desperately hated by knew you needed to look at, quickly skipping towards the ID photos of the two victims before you opened up your case file.
A beat of silence went by.
Screw yourself for being inquired by this guy.
“…so, he’s a nerd?”
Another excruciating beat went by.
“Yeah, he is.” A pause. “Are you into nerds, Y/N?”
You do not know how this escalated so fast, but god do you wish you could turn it back.
* * *
“Your magic oracle is here to serve you, oh wise one.” Garcia said as she picked up the phone, causing you to burst out into laughter behind her, earning a playful glance before she turned back around towards the phone. “Ignore my petite protegee, she has lost all her magical senses. Whatcha need?”
You heard a faint question of ‘petite protégée?’’ from the other end of the phone, and as much as you wanted to stop yourself, you could not help but wonder, Reid? However, logically, the voice sounded too old to be Reid, and by process of elimination, assuming that it’s not a Philly officer due to how the voice seemed genuinely confused by your presence, you concluded that it was Agent Rossi. Though, you cursed yourself for allowing even the thought of Reid to slip through your mind.
“Baby girl, can you look up to see if any of the victims recently had a plumber or any kind of manual worker come to visit them recently?” You heard Morgan on the line ask, and even before you could glance at her, Garcia had started to search away, which at this point you should expect.
However, what you did not expect, was for the other desk phone to ring.
Quickly, you looked at Garcia for guidance, who paused her furious typing to stare at you in expectance, encouragingly nodding at you to pick it up. You pushed yourself off your chair to reach for the phone, bringing it up to your ear in preparation.
“Garcia can you check to see if the victims all went to the same school?”
The sudden question surprised you, causing you to become speechless as your nervous mind attempted to connect with your mouth and form concrete setences.
“Ah…I’m not Garcia.”
“You’re not?”
Process of elimination.
“No, I’m her new assistant.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Spencer Reid.”
“So, I’ve heard.”
“Y-you’ve heard about me?”
Your nerves released themselves via soft chuckle as you awoke your laptop from sleep mode.
“Garcia told me a lot about you.”
“What did she say?”
‘Reid.’ It was faint, quiet, but it definitely came from Agent Hotchner, the firmness indicating for Reid to be punctual and to not become distracted by whatever you two were doing. It seemed like the two of your snapped out of your weird trance simultaneously, your fingers hovering over your keyboard and phone placed on speaker as soon as Reid started to talk.
“R-right! Sorry. Y/L/N, can you see if the three victims went to the same high school?”
At this point, you could barely feel the keys on your keyboard as your fingers aggressively typed away, pulling up various records of the victims before key-searching on education and diplomas.
“Same high school.” You concluded, surprised by the connection.
“That’s what I thought.” You heard Reid whisper on the other line, but you were certain that it was more towards himself than you. “Thank you, Y/L/N.”
“No problem, Reid.”
Then the line suddenly cut, and you were left in slight dazzlement at the little interaction you got with Doctor Spencer Reid, the man whose voice was too soft and adorable to be true.  
You turned agonizingly slow in your chair back towards Garcia’s direction, dread evident through your body as your eyes fell upon her plotting grin, her smirk putting the Chesire-cat to shame.
“What was that little thing you two had in the beginning?”
You let out a groan in dramatic agony.
“Garcia! I barely know him!”
“But you seem smitten.” Her last word was too punctuated for you to be comfortable, so you threw her a sharp glare before turning back towards your laptop and pulling up your programming exam.
“Oh, you are not going to ignore me!” She exclaimed behind you in offense, to which you have an exaggerated shrug of your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Garcia, but I have important matters to attend.”
“Oh, this is not over, missy.” She let out an offended gasp, and you bit your inner cheek to inhibit yourself from letting out a chuckle as you loaded up your Java program.
* * *
“Your oracle is ready for you, sir.” You heard Garcia say into the phone, your seat rolled up next to her as you both leaned in towards the device, the entire BAU team compiled on the other end.
“We looked through various records and backgrounds, but no one seems to fit the profile.” You heard Agent Hotchner explain from the other end, Garcia immediately pulling up the information you two have collected on the victims and previous suspects so far. Still, it seemed as if the team has got gotten anything conclusive, and since the last time you called, apparently, another body was discovered in a hotel room, more brutally mutilated than the others.
‘He’s evolving.’ You remembered Doctor Spencer Reid say in a previous phone call, only meaning that the situation was getting worse and the team was running out of time.
“Okay, let’s get over what we know so far,” You heard Agent Morgan start, speaking to both the team and the two of you present in the computer lab. “This unsub is efficient and quick,”
“He sexually assaults the victims, humiliates them,” Agent Prentiss added, disgust and fatigue evident in her voice.
“Mutilates their bodies and their faces, so he has something against their looks” Agent Jareau voice emulated from the speaker.
Why is it…
“All the victims are from the same college, so the unsub is connected to them in that means. Former student or staff member?” Reid threw, voice questioning.
Why can’t it be…
“These girls were all pretty and popular, maybe he was upset that they made fun of him, or never dated him?” Rossi tried, hoping to find something, anything to add to the case.
Hold on.
“Why do you keep saying that the unsub is a ‘he’?” You interrupted, much to the surprise of Garcia, who looked at you, taken aback, and to the silence of the team, which you interpreted as surprise as well.
“…what do you mean, Y/L/N?” You heard Hotch ask through the phone, causing you to become flustered by your outburst, voice wavering slightly as you attempted to justify yourself.
“I-It’s just—” You felt Garcia’s hand squeeze your shoulder, helping ground you, and you took a soft breath before speaking. “You guys kept talking about how the unsub was neat and efficient. You said it was most likely a sneak attack, right?”
“Right, but the preference in females and in relationship with their sex organs—”
“Lesbians exist, Prentiss.” You interrupt, causing both you and her to chuckle slightly before continuing. “But, it doesn’t have to be sexual.”
“You think it might be revenge?” You heard Agent Rossi ask, and before you responded, you pushed yourself away from Garcia’s desk towards your laptop, opening up your closed device and pressing on the various files that you researched during the case.
“So, I got bored when you guys didn’t call us,” You heard Agent Morgan let out a chuckle. “And I started looking into the victim’s high school backgrounds since Doctor Reid mentioned the fact that they all went to the same school.”
“You can just call me Reid.” You heard him tentatively say from the phone, and you forced yourself not to react to Garcia’s smirk before continuing.
“Okay, since Reid mentioned the fact that they all went to the same school. These girls were the queen bees of the school, the Heathers, the Regina Georges.”
“The what?” It was Reid again, and you could not help but let out a giggle at his confusion.
“We’ll discuss that later, Doc. But they were the meanest girls you could think of, and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wanted revenge. You said it might be a boy, but what if it was a girl? Girls, especially high school girls, can be vicious to other high school girls. Maybe one of them snapped.” You explained, displaying your findings to Garcia who scanned them impressed, rubbing your shoulder in pride.
“If they did snap, it would be recent.” You heard Agent Hotchner state quickly before continuing. “Garcia, can you look up any girls from that school who had mental problems during their time in high school, had any psychotic disorders after they graduated, or had any interaction ever with any psych facilities.”
You heard the furious clicking of keys before they came to a sudden halt.
“This is quite a list for such a small school.” Garcia said breathlessly, causing you to shrug.
“Not all of them were bad, some of them might just give anxiety.” You reasoned, to which she smiled softly.
“The unsub, even if brutal, was neat, almost professionally neat. They also would need the specific tools and information to correctly damage and mutilate their sex organs. Baby girl, look up doctors, nurses, med students—”
“Focus on med-students. The victims were 26 and taking in the change that the unsub is also, they probably would still be in med school.” Reid specific, causing Garcia to open her key-searcher and specific the search even more.
“Ahh, geez, I got three names.” She replied, to which you scrunched your eyebrows in shock and disgust.
“How?” You exclaimed softly, to which she shrugged before turning back towards her keyboard.
“The unsub knows the area well to dump the bodies in secluded yet well-visited sites, so search locals, people who were born here, raised here, and stayed here.” Agent Jareau finalized, and in a sudden halt, one name and picture centered at the screen.
“Rebecca Malwizer. Twenty-five. 3356 Walnut Drive.”
“Let’s move.” You heard Agent Hotchner command before the phone was picked up and his voice was heard sharply. “Good work, Y/L/N.” Suddenly, the line was cut, and the bat cave was filled with silence.
Until Garcia enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug and spurted various praises and exclamations to you.
“Ahhh! I have the smartest protegee in all of existence, that was so good!” She gushed, rocking you two back and forth as you laughed at her antics, your hands grasping onto her forearms as you two swayed, chuckling softly at her.
“I learned from the best.” You replied, enjoying the wonderful warmth that was Penelope Garcia.
“Aww, well I can assure you that Doctor Spencer Reid loves smart women like you.”
“Aaaand, you ruined it.” You replied flatly, rejecting her once comforting hug and making attempts to escape them, which she did not allow, only pulling you tighter into her mother-bear embrace.
* * *
“They should be coming any moment!” Garcia exclaimed, jitterily walking towards the elevator with you dragging your feet behind her, smiling softly as you hugged a soft, pink blanket around you,courtesy of Garcia herself.
“They’re probably tired,” You said behind her, catching up to the excited blond with a sigh, leaning against the desk you found yourself near, the entrance to the floor only a few feet away from you. The BAU had been gone for three days now, each day requiring the team to work for countless hours without sleep, meaning neither you nor Garcia got to sleep either. You mentally cursed at the bribing you would have to do with the professor before remembering that you now worked under the Behavioral Analysis Unit and could ask the department to help you be excused.
“Which is why we need to help cheer them up!” She countered, sending you a wide yet strained smile, forcing you to shut up and bend to her will, chuckling to yourself as you cuddled into the blanket, closing your eyes just for a moment as you waited for the team to arrive.
Not even a minute later, the doors creaked open.
“Hello! Hi! Welcome everyone! Hello!” Your head jutted upwards when you heard Garcia exclaim, body jolting straight so you could face the team in front of you.
Agent Prentiss, Morgan, and Jareau all laughed at Garcia’s greeting, with Agent Hotchner giving her a firm nod, acknowledging her before his attention turned to you,
“That was good deduction, Y/L/N.” He addressed to you, giving you a slight grin that filled your whole body with pride, even if all you could return was a tired smile.
“Thank you, Agent Hotchner.” You said, voice as professional as you could make it in your exhausted state.
“Call me Hotch. No one on the team calls me Hotchner,” He said before gracing you with a full smile, which only made you feel more accomplished.
“Okay, sir.” You replied, glancing slightly to see Prentiss, Morgan, Jareau, and Garcia all smiling at me as well.
“Oh, on that note, call me JJ. That’s what everyone calls me here.” She said, tilting towards you,
“Will do.” You replied, nodding.
“So, you’re the new technical analyst.” The source of the voice was an older gentleman with dark hair and a slight beard, his face appearing as if it had seen the worst that the world had to offer, while at the same time the owner of seventeen yachts. “Y/L/N?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, sir. You’re Agent David Rossi?” You asked, feeling nervous again at the presence of one of the agents, especially one who apparently was world-renowned.
“I am,” He affirmed, holding out his hand to shake, which you took instantly. “So, tell me, what did these knuckle-heads tell you about me?” he teased, earning a chuckle from you, pulling your hand away from him to tug on the blanket that was slipping from your shoulders. You wanted to be polite, but you were cold.
“All good things, I can assure you.” You smiled, looking over to Garcia out of habit. However, when you did, you saw a slight twinkle in her eyes, snarky and maniacal, in the most well-intended, Garcia fashion possible. You decided to follow where she was staring, and as soon as you did, your eyes landed on her intended receiver.
Oh fuck, he was adorable.
“H-hi.” You could physically feel Garcia radiating from where you were.
“I’m, uh, Doctor Spencer Reid.” He said, adorned with a soft, half smile and a quick wave of his hand.
Ohhhh, Garcia was never going to let this go.
“But you told me to call you Reid, right?” you said, smiling at him softly. He looked stunned for a second, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide. He gave you a dazed nod, to which you didn’t know if you wanted to smirk at or blush, so, you decided to do both, looking at your feet timidly.
“Y-yeah. I did.” He finally chirped, his voice a tad higher pitched than it was before, for reasons that you were too red to consider.
“Well then,” Oh you did not like the airiness in Morgan’s voice either. “It looks like everyone knows everyone.”
“Well, we can get to know each other more later. Right now, we all need some rest. All of you have the weekend off.” You heard Hotch announce, followed by various sighs of relief and pure pleasure—that’s the most accurate way you could describe it—by the other members of the team, causing everyone to head to their desks tiredly.
You felt Garcia’s arm wrap around your bicep before she laid her head against your shoulder.
“Please drag me back to the bat cave so I can get my stuff.” She mumbled, cuddling into you, to which you giggled and rested your head on top of her hair.
“Come on, Garcia.” You said, affectionately, maneuvering yourself around so both of you could go back to the tech lab and grab all your supplies.
As you did, however, you quickly locked eyes with Reid, to which both of you gave each other a soft and timid smile before continuing your courses of action.
* * *
“Hey! Y/L/N!” You heard your name be called right as the elevator door was about to close, causing you to glance up in surprise. When your eyes locked with the warm brown ones of a certain doctor, your hand instantly reached for the elevator buttons and you pushed for the doors to open again.
“Thanks,” Spencer whispered softly as he got in, standing next to you in the elevator and waiting for the doors to close.
“No problem, Reid.” You replied, giving him a polite smile as the doors finally shut, and both of you started to descend downward. The both of you were silent initially, and at that moment, you quickly glanced over at the man, taking in his purple cardigan, the brown sweater-vest peaking from under it, as well as the sleeves of his white undershirt, and his leather satchel, which he held onto the strap of with two hands. With the addition of his converse, mismatched socks, one pumpkin themed while the other one contained math equations, and his floppy brown hair, the only thing that radiated from the man next to you was warmth, a warmth that competed with the pink blanket that was wrapped around your shoulders.
Oh, right, you still had that one.
“Is that Garcia’s?” Reid asked, referring to the suspected object.
You gave him a curt nod in affirmation. “Indeed, it is. I should probably give it back to her but its too warm.” You joked, causing both of you to giggle slightly, the young doctor giving you a soft smile that made your heart tighten.
Oh wow, he was adorable.
“You, ah, what you did during the case, that was really cool.” He complimented, looking up at you with appreciation and earnestness.
“Thanks, Reid. But I’m sure you have those breakthroughs all the time, being a genius and all.” You complimented, causing him to shake his head and smile.
“It was still impressive.”
“I appreciate that, Reid.” You thanked, looking at him softly, and keeping your gaze on him, your mouth slightly ajar in thought, to which he waited patiently for. Suddenly, your expression broke, and you decide to ask him now, or never, because what the heck?
“So…you like Star Trek?”
You have never seen a twenty-six-year-old’s eyes widen so fast.
“Do you like it too?” he exclaimed, voice loud and excited, causing you to giggle loudly.
“I prefer Star Wars, but—”
“What?! Why?” The way that he looked so wounded and sounded so devastated almost made your heart break if it was not for the current subject matter, which you were very passionate.
“Because Star Wars is superior!” You exclaimed, causing Reid to audibly gasp in offense.
“I couldn’t disagree with you more.”
“I am so sad that you believe that Star Trek is better than Star Wars, Reid. Truly, that is a great tragedy.” You replied in faux sympathy, causing him to scoff playfully before turning back to you. By this time, the elevator had reached your destination, but both of you were too engrossed in your conversation to care, walking off together into the parking lot.
Both of you continued to argue about which film series was better, animated, and passionate until you reached your car, to which you leaned against before turning back to the young doctor.
“Okay, fine. But answer me this: Sherlock or Doctor Who?” You looked at him challengingly, watching as the man paused his movements to ponder, expression frozen as he tracked through his mind to find his answer.
“Doctor Who.” You wanted to let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, thank god. For a second, I thought I would have to murder you, Doctor Reid.” You joke, causing him to smile at you broadly before laughing himself, making your insides to fill up with warmth like they previously did, smiling dopily as your rested your head against the window.
“I like Sherlock, but the tenth doctor is just—”
“David Tennant is a gift from God, I completely agree.” You said, smiling widely at him. For some reason, this caused a pause in your conversation, one that was not odd, but almost relaxing, natural. You were honestly taken aback by how comfortable and easy the conversation between you and Reid was, and you had a hunch that he felt the same.
“Ah, it’s getting late. You should probably get home.” He said, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“I should get home?” You inquire, causing his eyes to widen and his demeanor to change.
“I-I don’t mean that in, ah, a demanding way, its just ah,” He was fumbling for a response, and you didn’t know if you should relieve him of his anxieties or let him continue out of amusement. “I-I’m sure you’re capable of taking care of yourself—”
“I’m sure that I am too.” You hummed, only causing him to spur further into his defense.
“I—Just, it’s late and unsubs are out at this time and—”
Of course, he still called them unsubs, even off the job.
“Relax, Reid. I get what you were trying to say.” You interrupted, your eyes softening as his body visibly relaxed, head drooping slightly as he looked down at his shoes, giving you a shy smile when he lifted it up once again. You returned him one equally as shy. “But thank you for looking out for me.”
“Ah, no problem…”
Then, you two just looked at each other, eyes soft and demeanors gentle, the quaint and quiet atmosphere that the nearly empty parking lot surrounding you in a serenity that made the situation more intense, but…warm.
Maybe warm was the best way to describe Doctor Spencer Reid.
“I should, ah…” You interrupted softly, breaking the quiet atmosphere that encompassed the two of you, to what seemed like Reid’s disappointment. But you didn’t want to read too much into things. “I should get going.”
“R-right.” He affirmed, nodding towards your car before looking behind him “I should get going too, enjoy the weekend before Hotch calls us in again for a sudden case.”
“Oh, god, does he?” You groaned and looked at him defeated.
“You sadly cannot control when a psychopath will attack”
“Those damn psychopaths.” You murmured jokingly, causing Reid to laugh. You let out another giggle before reaching over and unlocking your car door, throwing your bad into the backseat before turning to Reid once more, holding your blanket closed with one hand before extending the other out to him. “Well, goodnight, Reid.” You said, waiting for him to shake your hand in affirmation.
When he stared at your hand for more than a couple seconds, you could not stop yourself from being confused, scrunching your eyebrows at the young doctor.
“Reid?” You asked, looking up at him.
Suddenly, his head snapped back at you, then glanced back down at your hand, before unwrapping his hand from where it was on his satchel strap and taking yours, holding your hand gently as you shook.
“G-goodnight, Y/L/N.” He said softly, smiling at you timidly. After a few seconds, he stopped shaking your hand, and to your shock—and secret pleasure—he held on for a few more seconds, before letting go and quicklyreturning his hand back to his satchel strap, awkwardly rocking on his feet. “I-I’ll see you Monday.”
“I’ll see you Monday.” You confirmed, looking up at him.
Neither of you made an attempt to move.
“Hey, Reid?” You asked, slightly dazed at the continuous contact.
“Y-yeah?” He replied, seemingly as entranced as you were.
Whatever the hell was happening, you didn’t want to stop. But you had to go home. Your professor might kill you for not turning in your programming assignment on time.
“I really gotta go.” You giggled out, causing the boy to almost jump out of contact with you, pulling back his hand and wrapping it around his satchel strap. You smile at the flustered expression on his face, one that you are sure matches yours.
“R-right. Sorry…” He trailed, but you instantly shook your head.
“Don’t be. It’s just...I got this programming assignment, and my professor would kill me if I don’t turn it in on time.” You explained,
“Oh! I’ve programmed once. I programmed on Java and even was able to create a program where—”
“I gotta go.”
“Right!” He exclaimed, blushing ever so darker at his own antics.
This, however, got you thinking.
“How about you continue your thought Saturday night, at my house.” You offered, and for a moment, Reid didn’t respond, choosing to stare at you stunned. He started at you long enough for you to regret your question, considering it a mistake, before he answered.
“Y-yeah! Sure!” He finally replied, his face sporting a wide smile that immediately allowed you to relax.
“Okay, umm, I’ll text you the address?” You offered, to which he looked at you awkwardly.
“I, uh, don’t text often.”
“But you text on the case?” You asked, puzzled.
“Yeah, but I don’t bring my case phone home.” You explained, to which you let out a soft breath, expecting nothing else from the doctor, with the minimal knowledge you had of him.
You hoped that the knowledge grew.
“Then…your home number? I’ll call you to tell you.” You offered.
“Can’t you just tell me now?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow, to which you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Yeah, but this is more fun.” You giggled, and he smiled in response.
Quickly, you pulled on your backpack so you could unzip the small compartment, pulling out a sharpie before turning around and holding it out for him, as well as extending your wrist.
He ogled the two offerings in confusion.
‘Your number, Reid.”
Quickly, he grabbed the sharpie, and with a gentle hold your wrist, one that caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach, he quickly jotted down his number. Once completed, he let go on your wrist and gave you back your sharpie.
“So, ah, Saturday?” he asked, to which you confirmed with a nod.
“Saturday. Then I can show you how much better Star Wars is than Star Trek.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You retorted playfully, causing you to laugh.
“Okay, okay, or we can watch Doctor Who?” You asked instead, to which he gave you a satisfied nod. “Cool…” You turned back to your car, knowing now that you have to leave, or your professor will murder you. “See you Saturday, Reid;”
“See you Saturday, Y/L/N.”
You could not help your heart from fluttering when you saw Reid stand in the parking lot and watch to make sure you left safely.
You also could not help the soft smile you sported once you got home and when you saw Garcia’s text, exclaiming about how she saw you and Reid, and demanded you tell her the details.
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The Stranger | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Your usual CriMi stuff. Guns. Someone's being shot.
Author's note: Was on my nth rewatch when I thought about this. It's basically season 6 episode 21 - The Stranger. This isn't any good, but I needed to let the idea out and figured I could share it with you.
Words: 4.939
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“It’s so unnecessary. There’s too much blood and gore and… bleh…” 
When Spencer invited me to the horror movie festival at the cinema complex in town, I didn’t expect it to be a group activity. For a stupid, naive moment, I thought the resident genius had actually asked me out on a date but when Penelope and Derek rocked up, I realized it wasn’t a date. 
I had been working at the BAU for about four years. When I first started working there, it was very hard for me to merge with the already super tight group. I didn’t want to impose, so I merely stayed in the background and only did what was asked of me. Until there was one time where I didn’t agree with our boss, Aaron Hotchner, and told that right to his face. 
Ever since, the team held me in high esteem, even Aaron. 
It also brought me and Spencer closer together. Our bond had grown stronger on the field, and subsequently also off the field. I can’t remember at what point we started hanging out after work, too, but it was long before I actually started to develop feelings for my coworker. 
So, when he asked me out to the movies, my heart leapt with joy. 
I had donned a cute outfit, did my hair and makeup all prettily, despite having just come off a twelve-hour workday. 
And then Penelope and Derek joined and I realized Spencer had not only asked me, but our coworkers, as well. It stung, at first, but in the end, I had such a nice time that I didn’t care for it as much anymore. 
“Garcia, it’s a slasher film,” Spencer retorted to our blonde coworker. “How do you do a slasher film without violence?”
“You imply it,” Penelope said, almost angrily. 
“Baby, the movie is called Slice 6. What were you expecting?” Derek questioned, grinning. 
Penelope’s eyes widened, an answer at the ready. “Uh, a refreshing beverage with a twist of comedy.” Spencer and I chuckled at the same time, and our eyes met for a second. “I’m gonna have nightmares for a week.” 
I tilted my head slightly so I could look past Spencer at Penelope. “With everything that we do and see on a daily basis, that got to you?” I asked her. 
“Listen, Blaze, you may be all Sigourney Weaver ass-kicking tough, which is awesome–” I giggled at the nickname Penelope had baptized me with on that day I stood up against Hotch. “But the mystical mavens of innocence like myself jump at things that go bump in the night.” 
Penelope was so intense and dramatic most times, it was my favorite thing about her. 
“Why are you worried? I’m sure that Morgan will protect you,” Spencer added, then looked up at me to share in the upcoming joke. “As long as he’s not jumping out of his chair like a prepubescent schoolgirl.” 
The three of us laughed at Derek’s expense before he started to defend himself. “The only reason I jumped is ‘cause you guys woke me up.” 
“How could you sleep during that?” Penelope asked, grabbing onto Derek’s bicep. It gave me the urge to do the same with Spencer, but I withheld myself from doing so. Instead, I looked up at him and studied his features for a second. 
His side profile really was remarkable. With his sharp jawline and his button nose. I liked his hair short, in comparison to how long it was just a year prior. I liked the dimples in his cheeks when he smiled and I liked how his tie was perpetually crooked. I knew I shouldn’t fall for my coworker, but with Spencer, you couldn’t help but fall for him. 
“Villain,” Spencer’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 
“What?” Derek asked, which reassured me he wasn’t talking to me. 
“In movies, UnSubs are called “villains”.” 
Derek chuckled. “My bad.” 
As the four of us continued our walk towards the car, I couldn’t help my mind to wander. While I was disappointed it wasn’t an actual date, I actually really enjoyed it. Mostly because I had Spencer whispering facts into my ear about the movie or things that didn’t make a lot of sense scientifically, calming the fear that had built up inside of me due to the suspense. 
“Do you wanna know why horror movies are so successful?” Spencer then asked us. 
I couldn’t help but smile while Derek asked, “Why’s that, Genius?” 
“They prey on our instinctual need to survive,” he started. “In tribal days, a woman’s scream would signal danger and the men would return from hunting to protect their pack. That’s why it’s always the women and not the men who fall victim to the bogeyman.”
I smiled and finally stopped fighting my instincts to grab his arm. “Count on you, Reid, to break a movie down to science,” I said, softly squeezing the fabric of his coat. Almost like a secret code to tell him that I loved it when he whispered facts to me during the movie. “My favorite thing about horror movies is the suspense factor,” I then continued. 
“Oh, the ticking clock,” Spencer added, eyes widened slightly for dramatic effect. 
I wiggled my eyebrows, a grin tugging at my lips as I lowered my voice to a suspenseful hush. “The helpless victim walks through the dark… Shadows reaching out to get her.”
Then, Spencer went on, his voice lowering an octave to add a bit of spookiness to his own words. “A sudden noise draws her attention. Is someone there–” He leaned down to say in my ear, “or is it just in her head?” 
“It’s totally unrealistic,” Penelope cut through our scary-movie-rundown. “No one should be walking through a dark alley by themselves at night.”
Derek cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. “Hello?” 
“Ah, no one should be walking through a dark alley without a Derek Morgan by their side,” Penelope corrected herself, grinning up at the man beside her. 
“But the best part of a horror movie,” Spencer went on. “You never know when the end is gonna come.” 
In my mind, I thought, I don’t think I wanna know when the end is gonna come, though I was only thinking of the end of our night. 
“Well, I think the end of this lovely night has come,” Derek said when we had reached the cars and Pen was stifling a yawn. “Another day at work tomorrow,” he reminded us as though we needed it. 
Spencer had carpooled with Penelope and Derek. They had just returned from work while I had to go home first to feed my cat. But instead of joining them by Derek’s car, he remained by my side, even though I had let go of his arm to do so. Seemingly having noticed this, Derek looked at his coworker. 
“You coming with us, Reid?” he asked. 
Glancing over at me, he shook his head. “I think we’ve learned from this movie that we should never leave a woman alone during the night. I’ll see to it that Blaze gets home safe.” 
A flutter erupted in my stomach whilst heat crept up to my cheeks. I was lucky that it was so dark, so no one would be able to notice. “Oh, that’s fine, Spence. I’m sure I won’t be murdered on the way home.” 
“No, I insist,” he said and stepped forward towards my car. 
Penelope grinned and winked at me before saying, “Well, Blaze, seems you’ve got your very own knight in shining armor.” 
Completely ignoring the effect this insinuation had on my body, I chuckled. “More like brains in shining armor, you mean.” 
Only momentarily, and only to give me a hug, Penelope let go of Derek’s arm. “Tell him how you feel tonight,” she whispered into my ear. 
Penelope Garcia was the sole confidante privy to my secret crush on Spencer. Surrounded by a team of keen profilers, one might assume others would catch on, yet fortunately, my feelings remained unnoticed by all except Penelope. It was she who skillfully coaxed the admission from me. Since then, our weekly girls' nights became a sanctuary, overflowing with ice cream and dissecting Spencer Reid's flirtations of the week. Penelope's enthusiasm often led me to believe Spencer reciprocated, only for reality to swiftly dispel such notions upon our next encounter.
“You know I won’t,” I whispered back, only to earn a glare from the blonde. 
“Bye, my loves!” Penelope waved as she made a beeline towards Derek’s car. 
Once Spencer and I had returned the goodbyes to our coworkers, we got into my car. Silence engulfed us, only broken by the soft hum of the engine and soon thereafter, the music playing from the radio. I felt a tingle on the back of my neck, suddenly completely aware that I was all alone with my best friend. 
“Did you enjoy the movie?” He then asked when we drove off. 
I hummed. “Mm-mmm, yeah. My favorite moment was when the slicer’s brother was in the closet. I did not see that coming.” From the corner of my eye, I caught Spencer’s wide smile and the nod of his head. 
“Yeah, I noticed that. I believe you nearly broke my hand from how hard you were squeezing it.” 
My cheeks flushed again at the memory of us holding hands during the movie, just because I was scared. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, chuckling. 
“No, don’t be,” he said. “I didn’t mind it.” 
When I looked over at him for a split second, he was already looking at me, giving me a warm smile. Spencer had the most beautiful smile, one that reached his eyes with a twinkle. Not falling in love with this man was impossible. 
During the car ride, the two of us rehashed our favorite parts of the movie before we lapsed into conversation about work. It was inevitable not to talk about the most recent case we had as it was still so fresh in our minds. 
“Why don’t you come up for a moment?” Spencer asked when we had arrived at his place. “I can tell you’re still a bit shaken up from the case and the movie hasn’t done much good to help that feeling.” 
I hesitated. It wasn’t like I hadn’t been to his apartment before, we’d spent many a day together after hours, just hanging out. But the idea that this evening was a date still haunted the back of my mind. Then again, the idea of being home alone with the anxiety still sitting on my chest didn’t entice me either. 
“Uhm, sure,” I heard myself say before unbuckling and putting the car in park. 
His apartment was cold when we walked in. We had been on the case for a couple of days, so Spencer had turned down the heating, of course. Whilst he took care of turning it back on, I kicked off my shoes and went to find a blanket to wrap around me in hopes it would warm me up a bit. 
As I waited for Spencer to return, I replied to a couple of messages from my mother, my sister and Penelope that I had missed during the movie or, in the last case, during the drive home. 
Tell him!!! 
Penelope’s message read, but it was quickly forgotten when Spencer returned with cups of tea, handing one over to me before sitting down next to me. The steam of the hot beverage wafted in my face and the aroma of it alone told me it was chamomile tea, my favorite. 
As Spencer and I settled onto the cozy couch, steaming cups of tea in hand, the ambiance of the dimly lit room enveloped us in a sense of tranquility. Conversation flowed effortlessly between us, seamlessly transitioning from discussions about our latest case to lighter, more random topics. Spencer's animated gestures and thoughtful insights never failed to captivate me, his intellect a constant source of admiration.
Lost in our exchange, time seemed to slip away unnoticed, until the credits of the movie we had intended to watch began to roll. With a shared chuckle, we realized we had become so engrossed in conversation that we hadn't even started the film. Determined not to let the evening go to waste, we decided to press play anyway.
However, the warmth of the room combined with the soothing rhythm of the movie soon lulled us into a state of relaxation. Before we knew it, our eyes grew heavy, and the soft cushions of the couch beckoned us into a peaceful slumber. Side by side, cups of tea empty on the coffee table, we drifted off into a contented sleep, the gentle glow of the screen casting a serene aura over the room. 
I was startled awake the next morning by the sound of my phone ringing and buzzing on the coffee table. Slowly but surely, my brain started to wake too, which was the moment it dawned on me where I was and what was happening. 
Spencer and I had fallen asleep on the couch, my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around me. The idea of it alone sent shivers down my spine. Though I couldn’t revel in the feeling for too long when my mind snapped back to the ringing on the coffee table. 
Garcia was calling me. 
“Hello?” I greeted, unsure about what she was calling me about. 
“Sorry to be calling so early, my sweetling, but duty’s calling,” she informed me. “So, get Reid up and get your sweet asses to the BAU.” At the mention of his name, my eyes flicked towards Spencer next to me. He was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, making him look like an adorable toddler. 
The words finally registered in my brain, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion. “Wait– How do you–” 
“I came to pick you up at your place, but when you weren’t here, I figured you’d have stayed at Spencer’s considering the movie we watched last night,” she explained with that cheeky tone in her voice that told me she was smirking all the way through. 
I cleared my throat as I removed the blanket from my body. “Right – We’ll be right there.” 
“Drive careful, my love. Toodaloo.” 
Once Penelope had hung up, I nudged Spencer along. The two of us got ready in silence before heading out the door and getting into my car. We only stopped at the coffee shop at the corner of the street where Spencer got us both coffees. 
Entering the BAU, the two of us were quickly joined by some of the team, though only Penelope shot me a knowing look at the outfit I was wearing; yesterday’s clothes. Rossi, however, was only interested in hearing about the movie we watched, which Spencer was all too happy to divulge into. 
“What we didn’t see coming was that the slicer’s brother was in the closet,” he mentioned, which made me smile. It was the exact moment we had talked about the night before. 
“Frightening,” Rossi commented as the four of us moved through the hallways. 
“Did you tell him?” Penelope asked in a whisper, hooking her arm with mine. 
I shook my head. “I chickened out,” I said, earning a stern glare from the blonde. “I just– I don’t want anything to change between us, Pen. We’re in a really good place right now a-and I don’t wanna blow that.” 
“Speaking of horror,” Rossi’s comment had us all stopping in our tracks when we noticed Strauss talking to Hotch in his office. 
The four of us looked at the scene in front of us as Spencer asked, “What’s Strauss doing here?”
“Whatever it is, I cast my vote on “not good”,” Penelope replied. 
The four of us piled into the briefing room where Derek already was, ready to be presented with the case. It took a few moments before Hotch joined us, undoubtedly getting a stern talking to from Strauss. “Let’s get started,” he muttered once he walked through the door. 
Penelope briefed us about the case and we were soon on the jet to San Diego, bouncing theories off one another with the first impressions we had about the case. As we started building the profile, the UnSub attacked again, leaving us with four victims before we were able to give a profile. 
While Morgan, Rossi and Hotch delivered the profile to the rest of the police department, Spencer and I were tasked to inform the officers on-campus. The entire time we were there, Spencer allowed me to do most of the talking, only chiming in when he felt necessary. It was the perfect dynamic of going back-and-forth. 
Spencer and I turned away from the girls we had been talking to and convened together a little further away, bouncing theories off each other. I was in the middle of a sentence when Spencer reached out and wiped my cheek with his thumb.
"Eyelash," he said, showing me the single lash he had caught on his thumb. The tantilizing electricity zapped between us, sending shivers down my spine.
Before I could say anything else, we were whisked away on the next part of our case. There was never a moment to breathe. 
There were two more victims after that, two in one go before we found who the UnSub could be. As we all geared up to get Greg Phinney, Spencer turned towards me with a worried look on his face. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked. 
“Will you be careful?” his question was intertwined with mine, making it almost impossible to hear it. 
I wasn’t sure where this sudden worry had come from. We’d been doing fine for over four years. He had never worried about me until now. “Of course. Always.” 
With a quick nod, Spencer turned on his heel to join Derek while I tagged along with Hotch and Rossi. Soon enough, we were informed that Greg Phinney wasn’t at his own apartment and that we’d better floor it towards Kate’s. It was a whirlwind of phone calls and theories and words until Hotch snapped me out of it. 
“y/l/n, I want you to come in with me. Leave your firearm here.” There was no time to object, so I handed my gun over to the officer next to me before falling into step with my boss. “Be compassionate and sympathetic to him. Let him tell you how Kate betrayed him and how much you understand his devastation,” he informed me. 
I simply nodded my head and with feigned confidence, I knocked on the mahogany door. As the door softly creaked open, a chill swept through me, raising the fine hairs on the back of my neck. 
Greg's appearance was ordinary yet unsettling, his features shrouded in an eerie stillness. His eyes, a piercing blue, bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. They seemed to hold secrets untold, each glance a silent invitation into the depths of his darkness.
His jawline was sharp, set in a firm line that betrayed no emotion. A hint of fear pooled in his eyes, sending a ripple of unease coursing through me. It was as if he knew something I didn't, as if he held the upper hand in a game whose rules remained a mystery.
In that moment, as our eyes locked in a silent standoff, I couldn't shake the feeling that Greg Phinney was more than just a suspect—he was a predator, waiting patiently in the shadows for his next opportunity to strike.
“I never said you could bring in anyone else,” he said to Hotch, but keeping his eyes on mine. 
“I know, but I thought if we talked inside we could work this out ourselves,” I retorted, surprising myself with the amount of strength that was audible in my voice. 
Greg blinked. “Are you some kind of a negotiator?” 
I didn’t respond, but waited for Greg to make the first move. He looked out towards the police cars standing behind me, officers ready to go in when necessary. 
“No guns,” he finally said. 
“No guns,” I agreed. 
Greg opened the door further, revealing that he had Kate in a chokehold with one arm and a knife against her throat, a gun in his other hand. “Okay,” he whispered and cocked his head to the side, urging us to come in. He moved towards the living room with Kate as Hotch and I followed behind. 
“Close the door,” he ordered to Hotch, who obeyed politely. “All right. Stand over there.” 
Hotch moved over towards the spot Greg was pointing at. “You need to put the gun down,” he said. 
“We need to get out of here. Is that gonna happen?” Greg asked instead. 
“As long as you’ve got a gun, if one of the agents outside has a clear shot, he’ll take it.” 
Inhaling deeply, regaining my determination, I took a tentative step forward. “Tell me what you want, Greg.”
“You know, I don’t want to get locked up again,” said Greg, still holding on very tightly to Kate with a knife against her throat and a gun waving around. 
A thousand ideas were whirling inside my head until I landed on one. “Don’t you really want Kate to apologize for making your dad forget your mom?” I asked, cautiously and very slowly approaching Greg. 
“No, I didn’t do that though,” Kate chimed in. 
My eyes flicked towards Kate, my jaw clenched and my eyebrows furrowed in feigned anger. “Unless the next words out of your mouth are “I’m sorry”, I don’t wanna hear anything else from you.” When I looked back at Greg, I made sure to soften my features. “I understand, Greg. I do. She took care of you. You trusted her. And then she betrayed you as soon as your mother was gone. It must have crushed you when Kate married your dad. How did it make you feel, Greg?” 
Greg didn’t know what was happening. I could see the gears behind his eyes whirling whilst he became more and more agitated. 
“I’m sorry,” Kate whimpered. 
“You felt betrayed, didn’t you, Greg?” I continued, certain of my tactics and it seemed Hotch was on the same page I was. 
“Ask her the question, Greg,” he said. Greg looked at my boss in surprise. “Go ahead.” The young man opened his mouth to ask the question he wanted to ask, but hesitated. “Ask her,” Hotch ordered again. 
Then, the question Hotch and I had both anticipated rolled off Greg’s lips. “Why not me?” A single tear slipped down Kate’s cheek. “Why not me?!” he asked louder. 
“Answer him, Kate,” Hotch ordered. 
Kate whimpered and gasped for air before her answer came out in a whisper. “Because you were just a … boy.” 
Glancing from Kate towards us and back, Greg said, “But I loved you,” and he almost sounded incredulous as if he couldn’t believe she would never reciprocate his feelings. He tightened the knife against Kate’s throat and I knew something needed to happen. “I loved you.”
Hushed apologies rushed from Kate’s lips as Greg continued to declare his love for the old babysitter. 
Behind them, I noticed Rossi sneaking up, gun aimed. Hotch was quick to dive away and as Greg turned, wanting to fire back, I took the opportunity to grab Kate and bring her to safety in a small hallway to our right. Two gunshots went off. 
Greg fell to the floor against the sofa. Through the whirlwind happening in my mind, I heard Hotch call for backup as he himself approached the unconscious young man, discarting him of his firearm before checking his pulse. 
Once the scene was deemed safe, I guided the distraught Kate outside where I brought her to the EMT’s to get checked up. I made sure she was all right before turning to rejoin my coworkers on the scene when another EMT stopped me. 
“Agent y/l/n, is that your blood?” she asked, pointing at my left arm. 
When I looked down, the sleeve of my burgundy long sleeve shirt had turned even darker and was slightly ripped. Only then did I realize that the second gunshot wasn’t Rossi firing twice. It had been Greg, wanting to shoot at Rossi but instead nicking my arm. 
“Huh,” I said before everything went completely dark. 
“You fainted at the sight of blood?” Morgan’s voice chimed through the hospital foyer when he came to pick me up afterwards. I was cleared to go after being treated for the gunshot wound that had grazed my skin. Though I didn’t think it was so bad, I still had to wear a sling for a couple of days. 
I shrugged as the two of us fell into step to walk out to the car. “You know, I think it was the adrenaline of it all more than the blood itself,” I retorted with a giggle and hopped into the passenger’s seat while he took the driver’s. 
“There’s someone who isn’t all too happy with your actions,” he commented. 
I furrowed my brows. “Who?” I asked, certain it wasn’t our boss since it was all his idea. 
“Reid, of course,” he replied as though I should’ve known the answer. For a fleeting moment, our eyes met before Morgan focused back on the road. “I think it’s time you and Reid had a good conversation because this is ludicrous.” 
Before I could even ask him about any of it, we had arrived at the airport where everyone was waiting for us on the jet. Determined to ask Spencer about what was wrong, I approached him but as soon as he saw me, he put on his headphones. Okay, that’s clear, I thought and instead sat down on the other side of the jet. 
“Hey,” Rossi captured my attention. “Good job today, kid.” 
I mustered up the best smile I could give. “Thanks, Dave.” 
All the way back to Quantico, I pondered about what might be happening inside that genius’ brain. Why could he be upset about me doing my job? He had gotten into danger more often than I had, much to my dismay. Those had been the most harrowing cases; where I’d almost lost him or any of our other team members. 
I tried to talk to him when we got back to the BAU, but he simply walked past me and ignored me completely. Though he was going to change his course in a couple of days, I didn’t have much patience for that. So, after a frustrating shower and a change of clothes, I rocked up to his apartment in a fury. 
“What the hell did I do wrong that you don’t want to talk to me?!” I asked as soon as he opened his door, pushing past him and dropping my back on the sofa. 
“Are you kidding?” he asked, then scoffed. “You put yourself in danger and I’m not allowed to be angry?!” His voice matched mine, the anger dripping from his words. 
I shook my head. “No! You put yourself in danger more often than I have and I have never been allowed to be angry at you! I was doing my job, Spence! A dumb bullet just grazed my skin. It’s not like I was inside a building that exploded or got shot in the fucking knee! I’m fine!” 
Spencer’s face faltered. His eyes fell to the floor as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “I was… I was scared to lose you, y/n. I heard you were shot and you were in the hospital and I just… I couldn’t believe Hotch would ever put your life in danger like that. I just– I can’t stand to lose you.”
Suddenly everything clicked in my mind. Every subtle touch, every glance sent my way, all the coffees he’d bought me or when he ordered my favorite food on cases, … All along, Spencer Reid might have felt the same way for me as I did for him. 
As he kept on babbling about how he was so scared to lose me and what the statistics are of people in our field dying during cases, I took a few tentative steps towards him until I was mere inches before him. For a heartbeat, I hesitated, but then a surge of confidence boosted me. I lifted his chin between my index finger and thumb, forcing him to meet my eyes before I softly kissed his lips. 
For a second, I thought I’d made the wrong move until he kissed me back. His lips moved with passion and fervor, his hands covering the sides of my face while my hands moved to his waist, fingers gripping at his shirt. 
In the midst of our passionate embrace, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the heat of our entwined bodies. With each tender caress and fervent kiss, it was as if a lifetime of longing was finally being released, flooding our senses with an overwhelming rush of emotion. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation, only the undeniable truth of our connection, burning brighter than any statistic or fear. As we lost ourselves in the sweet surrender of our love, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, bound by a love that was as unstoppable as it was undeniable. And as the world faded into the background, all that mattered was the beating of our hearts, entwined in a timeless rhythm of love and devotion.
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
Criminal Minds Taglist: 
@kenseverything @samsbirks @tinaasthings @dysphoricsanity @love4lando @elenamoncada-ibarra @r-3dlips @magstheslayer @astess @sylvcaplath @tillypettitt @mordechaisworld @ssameadows @spikedhe4rt @spencers-bookworm @littlemissaddict @kirbybean
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rebelliousstories · 29 days
That’s My Wife
Relationship: Luke Alvez x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Angst, Descriptions of Violence, Fluff
Word Count: 3,662
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Part Two: Coming Home
Summary: When the team gets called in on a case, an interesting revelation comes out about the newbie.
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Khalil Gibran once said, “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”
“What do we know?” Emily was in a mood today, and it was not one to mess with. Having just got off the phone with the director of the FBI, she was frantic in finding out what was going on.
“Earlier today, as in two hours ago, there were reports of a bank robbery in progress. But the M.O. is what caught our attention.” Garcia responded, clicking the remote to activate the tv in the round table room. As the other agents filed in, they were met with a horrifying sight.
Animal masked robbers were parading around the lobby. A lion, a tiger, a wolf, and a shark were present. They waved guns around without a care in the world, and kept their finger on the trigger. Shark took off and began to stuff money into his bags, while the other three kept their eyes on the groups of people they were holding hostage. Everyone was analyzing and scrutinizing every frame of the video feed.
“What bank?” Luke asked, keeping his eyes on the feed.
“Three Ring bank in downtown D.C.” Penelope responded, looking around in confusion.
Without a warning, the agent took off to the bullpen silently. He pulled out his phone and was shocked to see a voicemail in his inbox waiting for him. Luke answered the call and just listened.
“Hey baby. I know you’re probably at work, but I am finally home from tour. I was gonna keep it a secret and surprise you tonight, but I just couldn’t wait. Go catch those bad guys, baby. I’m goin’ to the bank and then goin’ to see our baby at home. I love you, sugar. Go be a superhero.”
His fist clenched as he lowered the phone from his ear. Luke turned and was surprised by Emily standing directly behind him.
“Is everything alright?” She asked, despite knowing the answer to her question. The agent took a moment before he responded.
“Our bank is Three Ring. Specifically, we go to Three Ring in downtown.” Luke whispered, rubbing his hands over his face. Emily held an understanding look on her face as she processed the information.
“Is there anything I can do?” Getting her phone out, she listened and read her text at the same time.
“Just don’t take me off of this case. I need to find her.” Prentiss nodded her head and set a hand on his shoulder.
“Go find a quiet, empty room. Clear your head and get all of your frustrations out. Then I want you back in the round table room and getting to work.” Turning on her heel, she left Luke and trusted he would do what she instructed.
“What have you got, Garcia?” Emily marched in to her lair with determined voice and step.
“Um, so I was looking in to who I could identify on the video feed. Now these guys have been staring at a woman, just one in particular. So I did my usual sleuthing into this mystery woman that seems to have their attention and-”
“Get on with it, Pen.”
“Of course,” she readjusted her glasses, and started again. “This woman is the girl behind the concert we went to last month, Amour Yen. And doing some additional digging I found out her name, address, phone you name it. Maybe we can use it?” The colorful analyst rambled.
“Bring up her driver’s license photo again, and shoot it over to my phone, please.” Emily left shortly afterwards. Everyone was tense and on edge as they tried to find out who the men in masks were, but the unit chief only had one job she needed to do. The ping came through, and she searched the sixth floor empty rooms until she found Alvez sitting in a chair, with his head in his hands. Prentiss closed the door which made the agent look up.
“This is her?” Her tone was soft, as she showed him the DMV photo on her phone. Luke nodded without a word, and bowed his head once more.
“We will get her out safely, Luke. But you need to tell them. We think she’s being targeted.” The agent lifted his head abruptly, and made his way to the round table room. Emily followed close behind, and signaled for everyone else to join them. She shot off a text to Garcia, and was met with the whole team upon entering the room. Shutting the door, Emily addressed everyone first.
“Before we continue our investigation, and get our feet on the ground at the bank, there is something that needs to be revealed as Garcia has pointed out that a specific woman seems to be targeted.” She gave way for Luke to pick up.
“I’ve kept something from the team and I can’t do it anymore. The woman in the video is my wife.” There was a pause as the secret was finally out.
“Is that why her last name is Alvez on her license?” Penelope asked, breathless from the information and fear of her team’s family being targeted. Luke nodded before he continued.
“We keep it a secret and keep it on a need to know basis because of my job. The only person who knew before this was Emily, but that was because I had to list her as my emergency contact. Even when I was in the Fugitive Task Force, we kept it close so that no one could use us against each other. If she is being targeted, it’s because of me.”
“We’ll start by digging into Luke’s background with the FTF, then with the BAU. Garcia, I need everything you can find everything you can about his wife. We need to figure out what we’re up against. Rossi, I want you, Reid, and Simmons with the mobile command center in downtown. Let’s get to it everyone.” As the team dispersed, Luke tried to follow the team going downtown only to be stopped by Emily.
“Please, I need to go make sure she’s okay, Prentiss.” Luke pleaded, watching helplessly as the three men left for the SUVs.
“I said I wouldn’t take you off of the case, even though it is protocol. But I will not have you in the field. You’re going to be more useful to us, and to her, here. Now help us figure out who these people are.” She redirected him to go back to the round table room, and begin sifting through his career.
“Keep your heads down!” Lion shouted, waving his pistol around as people whimpered. Huddled with another woman, determined eyes were assessing the whole situation. She twisted her wedding ring around on its chain around her neck while trying to remember what her husband taught her. There were only four men that she counted, and one entrance and exit. Sirens were already outside, which coupled with the entry and exit point predicament, it meant one thing; everyone in this building were trapped together.
Keeping her breathing in check, her hand reached into her pocket, and tried to type discreetly.
Sierra. Oscar. Sierra. Alpha - Delta.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice startled the phone back in her pocket, and she looked up. Tiger was pointing a gun to her.
“What’s in your pocket?” Reaching her hand back in, she wrapped it around the object and pulled it out to show him.
“Candy? Really?” He asked, not convinced.
“I have blood sugar issues. I keep snacks on me to help regulate it.” She replied, holding the hard candy out for him to take. Tiger snatched it from her hand and slipped his mask up just enough to plop the candy in his mouth. What he did not see, was that she was staring intently at his face at an identifying mark. A long scar on his cheek. Tiger turned around and she hurriedly ducked her head to send another text.
Scar. Tiger.
“What are you doing?” A woman next to her asked. Mrs. Alvez saw the wedding ring on her finger.
“My husband is FBI.” She whispered. “What’s your husband’s name?”
“Frank.” They kept their voices down as they spoke.
“Mine’s is Luke. We’re going to go back to them, okay? They haven’t removed their masks which is a good sign.” A buzz rattled her hand causing her to look down.
Roger. Head down. Romeo, Romeo, Sierra responding. At King Arthur.
The wave of relief at knowing that Luke’s teammates were coming to help her made her relax just a bit. All she could hope for now was that they would get in before the team of robbers dropped their masks and started shooting.
“Just got a text from my wife. She says that the one in the tiger mask has a scar.” Luke walked over to where Garcia was remotely set up at the round table. “Can you search the feed for anywhere that man might have a scar?”
“Of course. Yes. I can do that.” As Garcia worked, Luke watched her efforts on the big tv screen behind them. The tape was rewinding, and rewinding before he intervened.
“Wait, wait, wait. There. Stop.” Penelope followed the order. “There. Do you see it?”
“Yeah. He takes something from her hand and slips it in his mouth.” The tech analyst was confused as she tried to think of reasons, but Luke breathed out a sigh of relief.
“She keeps candy in her pocket for her blood sugar. But I taught her, in a situation like this, she needs to try and find identifying marks on unsubs. Look for men who were put away for armed robbery with a pronounced scar on their faces. Look in neighboring states as well.” Luke turned back to the files as the woman worked beside him.
A big black SUV rolled up on the scene, and out popped three agents already dawning their FBI issued Kevlar vests. Rossi walked forward and went to the command center lead, while the other two trailed behind him.
“You must be captain Romanov. SSA’s Rossi, Reid and Simmons with the BAU. Have there been any demands?” He shook hands with the police captain.
“Not yet. Your guys just finished setting everything up, and helping my guys secure the area. We have access to the security cameras inside, but there has been no contact.” She explained, showing them around. Rossi assumed his position next to the phone box and casted his eyes towards the bank.
“Well, let’s see what we can make happen. Is this tapped in?” With a conformation, he pressed dial.
A shrill ring sounded through the bank. Everyone looked around for the source of the noise, but no one could see it clearly. That was, until, Lion stalked over to a phone that was behind the tellers booth. He yanked the phone off of its resting place, and held it against his ear.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“This is SSA David Rossi. Who am I speaking to?” the man on the other end chuckled as he looked out to the room.
“You can call me Leon.” He answered.
“Okay Leon. What do you say to letting the hostages go? You don’t have to go through with this.” David tried to reason with him.
“No. I don’t think so. There’s some pretty special ones in here that we need.” Leon looked over to the rest of the people around him. His eyes stopped briefly on a woman that his brother stopped by earlier. Shark was trying to find an alternative way out, while Wolf and Tiger were managing the people.
“Is there anything that you want? Something that I can get you?” Rossi asked, looking towards his two other agents.
“We want a way out of here. Call off the cops, call off the feds, and let us go free.” Leon was starting to get agitated the longer he was on the phone.
“I will see about what I can do, but you know that won’t be easy.” The agent was being real, and really hoped that the man with the gun would not use it.
“Tell you what, you call your buddies off, and I don’t kill everyone in here. Deal?” A dull tone rang through as the phone was hung up on Leon’s side. Rossi looked around to his teammates and suddenly had an idea.
“This doesn’t sound like he’s going to follow through. Murder is not in the M.O. but someone inside might. Matt, you and Reid try and find groups of four that commit armed bank robberies. This isn’t their first rodeo.”
Luke marched into Emily’s office with a file and determination. Tara was in there with the unit chief helping her sift through his career.
“Found the man in the tiger mask.” The file plopped down onto the woman’s desk.
“Theodore Jameson. Served five years for a job he did with his twin brother back in 2010. Got a nasty cut from the botched job. The clerk of the store they were trying to rob got him with some broken glass from a window. It healed over into that jagged scar that we saw on the tape. I was the one that put them away. One of the men has to be his brother, Leonard.” Luke explained, feeling accomplished.
“Good work. But who are the other two? And which one is which?” Tara complimented.
“Tiger is Theodore so Leonard has got to be the Lion. Now we need Wolf and Shark. Have Garcia see if there are any connections in or out of prison.” Emily commented, handing the file back to Luke who took off to do the work.
“Come on man. We need a way out of here.” Leonard commented, badgering Shark.
“I’m trying man. Give me a minute.” He replied, disappearing again. Wolf sat at a table and kept quiet as he observed the place. This entire operation had gone to hell.
“Where is the woman? Where is she?” Leonard barked looking around, scrutinizing everyone from behind his mask.
“I’m looking for a woman with the last name Alvez. Where are you?” He yelled. From his right, a woman stood up, however this was not the one he was looking for.
“I’m Sofia Alvez.” She whimpered, standing on shaking legs. But Leonard just scoffed and waved her over with the hand with the gun. Sofia walked over and was practically shaking in fear. He brought his hand up and pistol whipped the woman. It did not kill her, but rather knocked her out cold. Shaking his head, he looked around to see who else was here.
“I’m bored, Leon.” Theodore commented as he waved his gun around. Without a warning or word, the man grabbed a random man and shoved him towards the glass doors. The entire police and FBI forces were on edge as they watched what was unfurling. A bullet planted itself in between the man’s eyes and he slumped forward. Screams erupted throughout as everyone was startled by the display. Theodore laughed as he stalked around. His mask muffled some of his words but everyone he got close to understood what he was saying.
“Eeny meeny, miny moe.”
Garcia shuffled her way into the round table room with an excited air about her. The remaining BAU members gathered around, and patched in the three that were at the bank.
“Okay, so you asked for any connections that would be relevant and I found it.” Pulling two additional pictures up on the big screen, the colorful analyst began.
“So when the Jameson twins were serving their five in the Virginia corrections facility, they were block mates with another set of twins. This time they were serving ten for pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter after their last job ending in the store clerk being dead. I now present to you Wulfric and Samson Mitchell.” They were drawn to the tv once more.
“Yeah, I remember that case,” came Luke’s voice. “They claimed they were doing the robbing out of necessity and claimed that because they came from a trailer park that the judicial system was prejudiced.”
“So we know who they are. What’s our plan Rossi?” Emily called over the phone.
“They’ve already killed one person. Unsure about anyone else. But we’re trying to establish more contact.” He explained, keeping his eyes aware all around.
“Do we know who was killed?” Luke pleaded urgently.
“It’s not her, Luke.” Garcia confirmed, looking through her screen at the camera. He peered over her shoulder and let out a sigh of relief to see she was telling the truth.
“Rossi, get him on the phone and see if we can break them up. Penelope, give us a full blue print of the bank. I want to know every square inch of the place.” Prentiss ended the call, and delegated the rest of the team to finding out everything they could about the two sets of twins.
“Where are you? I know you’re in here.” Tiger sing-songed as he walked through the lobby waving his gun. When his eyes landed on her, he smiled behind his mask. Stalking forward, he grabbed Mrs. Alvez by her shirt and hauled her to her feet.
“Oh, hello pretty lady. I knew you would be here today.” The man got right in her face, and brought her over to a chair where he dropped her down without grace. “Stay.”
Watching him walk away, she realized that she was in view right in front of the window. She turned and tried to see if she could flag down the uniforms outside.
“Leo! Look at who we have here!” He called out, grabbing his brother’s attention. Leonard came around and laid his eyes on the woman in the chair.
“I think it is high time we have us a little reunion.” Leonard sneered as he neared the woman. Her nerves were going haywire as she realized that they were closing in on her.
Piling in to the SUVs, Luke was furious. These criminals had laid their hands on his wife, and they were going to pay for it. His vest was strapped on tightly, and his firearm was ready.
“How would they know that she was your wife if even the team didn’t know?” Tara pointed out as they drove on.
“She’s a public figure. They could’ve stalked her, or me. Or any variation of the two. Let me get Garcia on the phone.” They turned the corner and parked right as Penelope answered the call.
“Oracle is ready and willing. Whatcha need?” She answered somewhat chipper, but people could tell that it was a flimsy cover.
“Garcia, I need you to track her social media, phone calls, emails, anything. Looking for repeat offenders, text that were deleted or weird phone calls. Anything.” He stated, waiting impatiently with the rest of his team.
“Okay. Don’t know exactly what I’m looking for but…”
“But what Penelope?” Luke was getting fed up with this whole day.
“There’s an account called ‘tigerted’ and it has visited her social medias everyday for the past six months which just so happens to be the same amount of time that all four of the men inside of that bank have been released.” She whimpered.
“Garcia, look into any robberies in the last six months in surrounding states. What’s their endgame?” Matt asked, hands on his hips while they waited.
“I’m not sure,” she started, “they’ve never been around long enough to be caught. They’ve always been in and out with insanely good precision.”
“That’s not going to work, Penelope. Give us something to work with.” Luke growled, pacing back and forth with his phone in his hand.
“I’m trying to help but I have nothing in their previous jobs.” Tears of frustration were starting to build up and push over.
Before anyone else could respond, the phone rang from inside. Rossi held up a finger, and got the phone answered.
“Agent Rossi, my partner has already killed one person. Who else are you going to let die before you let us go, huh?” The voice of Leon answered.
“Leon, who killed the victim? Was it Wulfric? Samson? Theodore?” There was silence over the other end of the phone.
“Leonard, you can end all of this right now if you let the hostages go, and you put down the weapons.” Rossi reasoned, but the sinking feeling in his gut was not helping.
“You know who we are?” Leonard asked, sounding out of breath.
“We know that you and your brother were put away by one of our teammates, and that you met Wulfric and Samson in prison. This is the first time you have ever been caught and cornered and you need to ask why. Somebody betrayed you, Leonard. It’s time to give it up.” There was more silence. It took a minute before someone finally spoke, after some commotion on the other end of the line.
“There’s no giving it up.” Dial tone greeted the BAU as they watched each other for a minute.
Theodore hung up the phone and pranced around the lobby. He removed his mask, which prompted Leonard to do the same.
“They know who we are. Including how we work. They know who we all are.” Leonard spoke, sounding like he was in disbelief.
“So what? No more hiding now bro. Now, we get to have some fun with her.” Theodore waved his gun to where the woman was sitting. She was still watching everyone with skeptical eyes as they moved about. Wulfric, who was sitting partially on a desk, removed his mask when the other two did, yet remained silent.
“You are just gorgeous. Don’t know how that man ever landed you.” As he grew closer, Theodore raised his gun with his finger on the trigger, and fired.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
I'm not sure if you are doing request<3 but I was wondering if you can do aew stars reacting to you bring pregnant and then they tell everyone on social media 🥺❤️
AEW Stars React to: You Being Pregnant
Pairings: Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Hook X Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia X Fem!Reader, MJF X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 778
Supreme Speaks: thanks to anon for requesting! MY INBOX AND REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN. i hope i did this idea justice. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: not proofread sorry, self promoting takes place,
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @hookerforhook @triscillal @eddie-kingstons-wifey @sheinthatfandom
Darius Martin (somewhat shorten version of this...self plug)
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Almost fainted when you first told him
Ran around the hotel telling everyone and their momma about it
This man is the cutest being ever
Made t shirts for him and the lads about being a dad and uncles
Already bought a lot of baby stuff to prepare for future
Will make a long post about you and yall’s relationship
Will talk about how great of a mother you will be
“Thank you for blessing me with a child and I know you will be the best mother in the world.”
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Was in shock at first cause he was nervous about being a dad
Immediately went to his father for advice
Who just told him their is no way to prepare and to take it one day at a time
Is still very nervous about being a parent
“Yeah, I’m scared. But as long as I have you and our child, I’ll be alright.”
Made a very simple post on instagram with a black heart and your expected due date
Will post update pics every trimester and with your permission first
Eddie Kingston
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Now, this man will have a very emotional rollercoaster (but the man is overall thrilled of the news)
Ranging from happy to scared back to happy to nervous to stressed
I feel like Eddie would be worried about not raising your child properly/to the best of his capability
After reassuring him, Eddie would finally put his fears to rest (for now)
Will leave work early for you screaming; “MOVE! MY WIFE/FIANCE/SOULMATE/THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD NEEDS ME!” (He would say that in that order…fight me)
Will buy books about parenting
In terms of posting, he will post a picture dump of your ultrasounds and boxes of nursery
Will curse out anyone if they something negative about you, ya’lls child or about pregnancy in general
Ricky Starks (Honestly a short version of this post….lol self-promotion)
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Like I said in the past MAN IS EXTRA AS HELL
Will cry when you tell him that is gonna be a dad
Like Darius, he already bought a lot of baby stuff
Already set up a gender neutral nursery
Will produce a big blown out baby shower and gender reveal
Im talking waterfalls, two people wrestling to reveal the gender, no gifts are gonna be under 50 dollars, everythang
For the reveal on social media, he will post pictures of the baby shower with a nice caption
“To my future child; I love you and you got the best and most good looking parents in the world. To my future wife; I love you and I cannot wait to grow with you in this next stage. Sincerely, Stroke Daddy.”
Daniel Garcia
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Will joke around about creating a baby with you
“So was it the time I turned you-“ “Shut up you miscreant”
Will become very soft around children and seeing new parents with their kids
He’s thinking about how you guys will act with your kid(s)
Doesn’t go out anymore, rather stays inside with you
Already planned family trips and moments
Will announce it by posting your maternity pictures
“I love you and I cannot wait for my mini-me to come in the world.”
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Y’all know Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s PDA? Yes. That is all.
Will make jokes about you, cross your face out of pictures, talking about how HIS child is coming to the world
It’s okay cause you do the same
But behind doors, he is so hyped about having a child with you
Will request best care and materials for you during your pregnancy and when the child is born
Will ask some of his friends about how to help you during this time
His instagram post will feature a picture of you two (with him having a big ass smile and your face cropped out) with a caption
“My future child is better than you (and your below average child) and you know it.”
Will post the full picture of you guys and say “She said I had to upload the full picture or she’ll choke me with the baby’s umbilical cord.”
Max Caster is def crying and asking to be Daddy #2
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
We’ve all talked about Bradley Bradshaw with a breeding kink, and we’ve discussed the idea of Jake Seresin discovering it—but what about Mickey Garcia? 
Warnings: This is Strictly scandalous, Smut ahead.
Well, if you ask me. Personally I think it’s a kink discovered after the fact and I think that you and Fanboy would be absolutely feral about it. 
Mickey Garcia had always tried to do the right thing in his life, he takes care of his house, his picket fence, his children and his wife—but the way he’s looking at you while you’re laughing at something Phoenix had said he can’t help but want to devour you, stuff you full, and leave you carrying yet a third Garcia child. 
“Excuse me Nix, can I borrow my girl here for a minute?” Mickey is smiling as politely as he can, a gentleman at heart and around his friends. But behind closed doors as of late? He’d been a feral man on a mission to get you pregnant just one more time. 
“Mick—where are we—?” 
“Bathroom, now.” Mickey ushers you through the crowded Hard Deck, his children are with your mum for the night, giving you two so much needed adult time. “It’s six o’clock, your ovulation tracker says it peaks at six, so—bathroom. Now.” 
“Okay but we have to be quick.” Giddy as teenagers, Mickey led you to the bathrooms, passing past his friends as colleagues like he wasn’t about to try and impregnate you. You’d been trying for a third for a while now and for some reason things just weren’t coming around as easily as your first and second had. Both accidentally, both very much loved and cherished. 
“I can be quick.” Mickey smiled as he followed you into the female bathroom, thankfully, no one was present as you rushed to the nearest stall, locking the stall door before Mickey's lips were on yours in a fever dream rush. “Only need five minutes mama—“ Both working to undo and pull up articles of clothing that weren’t needed. 
“You been taking your preconception tablets baby?” It wasn’t the sexy talk that you and your husband had been used to before you were trying for a third, but as Mickey kissed you? He moaned into your mouth as he cupped your cheeks. 
“Oh so fucking many—“ Mickey knew his way around your body, pushing his jeans just down past his ass, enough to have his boxer briefs tugged down and heavy cock springing free. “I liked the gummy version better though, capsules suck ass.” The childishness of Mickey's response had you giggling into his neck as he worked to lift you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he pressed your back into the cubicle stall wall. “What about you?” 
“Every morning, every night.” You mumbled into your husband's mouth as he guided himself into you. Already slick and ready for him just from the anticipation and thought of making a baby at your favorite watering hole. 
“God that's so hot–” Mickey smiled as he sunk his teeth into your bottom lip. “So fucking hot mama.” 
It's fast and quick and it does the job. Mickeys fucking into you all the while he cups a hand over your mouth to soften the sounds of your moans that were echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. He feels so good inside you but again, he was your husband after all. 
“Mick, Baby, faster–” Your panting against his palm as Mickey bucks his hips against you a little faster, hitting that spot he knows you like over and over as his balls slap against the curvature of your ass. “Want you to make me a mama again.” 
“Gonna flood you baby.” Mickey was quick to respond as he groaned against your neck, sucking against the pulse point he knows you love. “Love seeing you all full of my cum.” 
The two of you had a job to do, so when Mickey was feeling your walls begin to tighten around him, those velvet walls that sucked him in and milked him dry? He knew he was a goner. 
“Arruggh, Baby–baby, I’m close so fucking close.” There is a momentary lapse in judgment where Mickey forgets you’re both in the stall of the female bathroom at the back of the Hard Deck. he isn't concerned about the volume of his cries. “Holy shit—gonna cum all up in this pretty pussy of yours love.”
“Shit shit shit shit–” It was as if hearing the term of endearment that your husband chose to call you on a regular basis sent you into the stratosphere. Pushing yourself off the wall and stunballing back so Mickey could sit on the close toilet seat. “I’m there, I’m so fucking there baby!” Bouncing in your husband's lap as his length throbbed inside you, you reached between the two of you as Mickey's hands worked to guide your hips. “FUCK!” Playing with yourself with two delicate digits, Mickey glanced down to watch you as your mouth opened and eyes rolled, your head fell back as a mantra of sighs and pleas and his name in toe escaped. “Mickey! Ahh baby fuck, yesss—-auurrgghh–” That was all Mickey needed to hear as he fucked himself into you, he could feel his orgasm pooling at the base of his shift as he spilled and spilled. 
“Ahhhhhh–” Mickey hissed as he clenched his jaw, his fingertips digging into your hips as he came deep inside you. “Fuck mama, if this doesnt take im getting checked.” He sighed as you leaned forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder. Kissing at his earlobe. “Can't wait to see you all swollen and waddling around again.” 
“You have a breeding kink for sure, Fanboy.” You taunted as you sat up, Mickey still buried to the hilt inside you, working to plug his load. “I have a good feeling about this one.” 
“If not we can just keep trying.” Mickey cooed, leaning in to kiss your sweet lips as his hands held you tight at your hips. Still straddling his waist on top of the closed toilet seat. “But yes, love breeding you, baby. You're just so pretty when you're pregnant.” 
Strictly Scandalous Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
I’m Still Standing
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader (except he’s at home with the kiddos in this one)
Author’s note: yes I was influenced by Pedro’s Actors on Actors interview
Summary: Actors on Actors: You and Carolina Garcia-Long [2.0k]
Warnings: talk of pregnancy/family life, the age gap is finally ✨revealed✨, relationship stuff, Carolina being the best, discussions of sex scenes, I think that’s it!!
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Carolina sits across from you in a beautiful white dress that perfectly compliments her olive skin tone, smiling big and bright. You've already been talking as the crew sets up around you, and you're struggling not to have too much conversation without the cameras rolling. It's been a long time coming, but after more than a decade of working together, you two are finally sitting down with Vanity Fair to discuss your jobs. Somebody calls to action, and a set of questions pops up over Carolina's shoulder, but you don't look at them immediately; you look at her.
"I'm so happy we're doing this," you say, and she smiles. 
"Me too! I feel like I haven't gotten to pick your brain about this stuff in forever." She says, settling into her big plush chair, and you nod.
"Well, it's like every other year one of us is pregnant."
"That's true because you had Sam like three or four years after I had Victoria, and then the girls were born last July, right?"
"Yeah, they're gonna be one soon." You say bittersweetly, and Carolina pouts her lips sympathetically.  
"Do you think becoming a parent has changed the way you work?" She asks, and you nod.
"Oh, absolutely," you say. "Even before we had Sam, Joel and I's older daughters totally changed my life and what roles I took and how much I worked. It's kinda crazy to think about how fast it all happened. Like one day, I was able to binge-watch Law & Order: SVU with no problem, and then all of a sudden, these girls came into my life, and I couldn't even think about it because it would make me sick to my stomach."
"That's how I felt after I had Elizabeth! They just change your whole world, man." 
"And can I gush about you really fast while we're talking about our kids?" You ask, and she laughs.
"Uh oh."
"No, it's all good. After I had Sam, I was so worried about how having a baby would affect my career, and my body looked different and whatever else, but you made me feel so safe and secure and loved. You reminded me I was able to have a career before I was a wife and a mother, and I could continue that career after. I don't know if I can ever describe... what you gave me because it was so integral to the actor I evolved into, and I've always had so much respect for you, not only as a friend and an actor but as a mother. And seeing how hard you worked made me want to work just as hard. Not just for me but for my children. So, thank you." You say, and Carolina reaches across the couch to grab your hand, and you smile. 
"Thank you for saying that. You know how much Ryan and I love you, so I'm glad to know that we were able to give you some actually good advice," she laughs, squeezing your hand. "We've been friends for a really long time now."
"Fifteen years."
"God, are we old?" 
"I don't know. Our first project together is about to turn thirteen." You say, both of you groaning as the fact settles between the two of you.
"Oh, my God, you're right!" She exclaims, dropping your hand to cover her face. "When we did Sweet Water, you had just moved to LA, right?"
"Yeah, it was my first series ever. Ryan told me you had just been cast, but they were still looking for someone to fill the role of Alex, so I went in for the audition, and I wasn't expecting anything, and they cast me right then and there."
"Which never happens."
"No, never." You agree, still not fully understanding what it is those directors saw in your all those years ago to cast you on the spot. Carolina points to her nose like she's remembering something, and you smile at the habit. She always does that when she has something to say.
"I will still get people who come up to me and tell me how much they loved that scene of us in the hospital because it was so raw." 
"Well, yeah, neither of us had slept the night before because we were filming, and we just let whatever was going to happen happen, and it ended up being one of those scenes that is just… once in a lifetime, y'know?" You say, and she nods. "You were and still are such a generous scene partner in everything you do, like in how you listen and react and really find your characters. It was an amazing thing to work on with you, and I still brag about you whenever I get the chance."
"I remember filming the scene where you came into the hospital all bloody and bruised and going home to tell Ryan, 'I think this kid has some serious potential.' I mean, you were just phenomenal, so I was not surprised when you started getting picked up by all these major studios," she says. "Speaking of which, tell me about The Beginning of the End."
"What do you wanna know?" You sigh as memories of those fifteen months flood your brain. 
"Everything. What was it like filming it? What did you think when you read the script? What was it like shaving your head on camera?" She asks. 
"Well, shaving your head on camera isn't much different than actually shaving your head because you pretty much get one shot to make sure it's good, and that's it. But, yeah, that was a hard movie to make. I was in a really weird place mentally, and Ruth was such a complex, nuanced, broken character, so it was interesting getting to know her and hard to let her go when we wrapped up. For better or worse, I still find pieces of her in my daily life."
"I remembered you calling us from Ireland and being like, 'I don't know if I can do this. It's so hard.' And I remember telling you there was no one else out there who could bring Ruth to life the way you did, and I still believe that to my core. There is nobody who could've played Ruth the way you did."
"You and Ryan were such an anchor when I was over there because I was alone and I was working all the time, and then it was always fucking raining, which is just not good for anyone's mental health and-"
"And you and Joel weren't together at this time, right?" She asks, and your jaw drops a little as you look at the cameras.
"Caro," you say, laughing. "I don't think I've ever talked about that publicly before."
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Her hands fly over her mouth, and you reach out to grab her hand.
"No, it's okay. It's fine. All our loved ones already know the story, so it's okay," you say, squeezing her as a comfort. "But yeah, Joel and I were separated at that point which is another reason why it was so weird to be there alone."
"I remember you telling me you guys broke up, but it's been so long, and you are always together, so it's easy for me to forget about that. How long were you guys separated?" 
"Pretty much the entire time I was there."
"Wow," she breathes. "Do you think that separation made your relationship stronger, or have you just not thought anything about it until I brought it up in front of cameras?" She asks, and you laugh.
"No, I definitely think it made us stronger. We were both going through a lot, and I won't speak to Joel's experiences, but for me, separation was the best thing I had to offer at that specific point in our lives. And we really didn't speak at all while I was over there because it just hurt too much, and we were both working, and he was being a dad, and there were just too many moving parts. But when I got back to LA, we had coffee, and it was like no time had passed at all."
"Things were back to normal. Just like that?" She asks, snapping her fingers, and you nod.
"It was kinda crazy because we had both grown so much in that year or so, and I was worried that he wasn't gonna like the person I was coming back as or we wouldn't feel the same, but, oh my God, I'm gonna start crying," you say as you dab at the corner of your eye. "I still had so much love for him, and being with him and the girls… it just felt right like there was nothing I wanted more in the world than to be with them. And I knew if we could survive that, we could survive anything."
"And now look at you." 
"I know. Five kids and ten years later."
"How old were you when you met Joel?" She asks, and you have to look at the ceiling as you do mental math. 
"I was… Gosh, I think I was twenty-eight or twenty-nine. Somewhere around there. We met when Ryan and I were filming Hyde." You say, and she furrows her brows as she thinks.
"And how old was Joel?"
"Joel was either thirty-nine or forty when we met. Or..." you trail off. "Maybe he was forty because we met in the fall, and his birthday is in September."
"Can I tell you something I've never told you before?" She asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"When Ryan told me you were dating Joel, the first thing I did was google how old he was because I knew he had two kids, so I was a little worried," she says, and you laugh. "But then we met him, and he was so goddamn charming. It's really hard not to like him."
"Isn't it the worst? He's got that accent and those stupid guitarist arms and those big, brown eyes," you gush, rolling your eyes. "And he doesn't even know how pretty he is, which is the most annoying part!" 
"Wait, so if you guys met during Hyde, did he know what the movie was about?" She asks, and you make an eek face.
"No, and I wasn't going to tell him because I didn't know how serious we were gonna get, but then he showed up to set with me one day, and we were filming the cabin scene-"
"Oh, the cabin scene!" She half-yells, and you laugh. "Dude, when that movie came out, I got asked about it all the time."
"Yeah! Well, everyone knew how close the three of us were, and when the movie came out, people were shocked that I would let my husband do a scene like that with one of his best friends. But Ryan told me he wasn't going to take the part until I read the script and approved or disapproved or whatever, but I thought it was just fantastic. Because it wasn't just about this relationship between these two people, it was about the different paths each wanted to take when it came to your character, Amber, being pregnant. Plus, it's just work. It's not like this was a real thing that was happening." She says, and you nod in agreement.
"I remember I got cast first, and then they brought us both in for a chemistry read, and we were like, 'this would be so crazy if we got to be in this movie together,' and then we were. And I think I do recall Ryan saying something about letting you read the script and you encouraging him to do which, thank you, by the way." 
"I didn't do anything except give him a nudge," she shrugs. "Wait, so Joel was there when you filmed that scene?"
"Oh, my God, yeah. I tried to get him to wait in my trailer, but he didn't wanna listen to me. So, he was off in the corner while I'm, like... filming this sex scene, and it was so embarrassing because we had only been dating for a few months at that point. Plus, you're already so vulnerable in scenes like that, but Ryan and Tanya Reid, our intimacy coordinator, were so supportive, so I felt really safe," you explain. "You did a good job with that one." You say, and she laughs.
"Yeah, you too."
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llama-head · 10 months
See I’ve been on an accidental hiatus and now I’m getting back into the sims and all that but I just realized I haven’t cc shopped since like….may….I’ve missed so much
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Soul Mates: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Summary: A man is accused of rape and kidnapping in another state, so he moved across the country to get away from those allegations. Now, the same thing is happening but this time, it might very well be true.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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On the way back to the station, you informed your team there of the news that there is a partner. Spencer immediately goes to work on trying to decode the messages on Will's computer. He's using two different colored markers to determine who said what, but to everyone else, it looks like gibberish.
"Spencer, tell me you found something on his partner," you ask when you walk back into the station.
"It's all so cryptic. They wrote a cluster of others right after the first victim, Kim Groves, was killed."
"We need to figure out how they met. There's gotta be something in all this about their courtship," Derek says.
"It all seemed so hopeless, but I finally learned to rise above it," Spencer reads. "It sounds like William confessed he was feeling incomplete."
"He was. He didn't start killing until he met his soulmate."
"Faith should never be broken." That's another line from the journals. "The longer they got away with it, the stronger their relationship got. Sounds like these two aren't just obsessed with rape and murder. They're addicted to one another."
Jeff and Hotch return back from the crime scene you were at. You were eager to get things moving along which is why you got here before they did.
"We could have saved her," Jeff sighs.
"There were no signs of his having a partner until now."
"I guess that's why he's so cocky."
"Well, his arrogance is typical of a dominant personality. He's found a submissive who's willing to kill for him. We found bite marks on Missy. Will didn't do it, the partner did, and he's white."
"They never did that before," Derek says.
"Well, with William out of the picture, he's changed his behavior. Maybe the partner went back to something that's comfortable, something he's done before. I've got Garcia checking dental records against other cases."
Rossi and Derek walk back to the interrogation room, and you quickly follow them to observe their talk with Will.
"The D. A. was ready to charge him when Missy was still alive. How the hell are we supposed to keep him now?"
"I'm surprised you're writing all this stuff to a fella," Rossi says when they walk inside the room. "It sounds like you have a real special thing going on."
"I mean, I'm thinking if the two of you had just got it on, maybe these women would still be alive," Derek shrugs. "So, where'd you meet him? Chat room? Porn sites? Gay bar? Whoever this guy is, he's looking out for you and cleaning up for you. Missy Dewald is dead."
"Has he called yet? Lee Jarvis, the D.A., I mean. I saw his name on the warrant. He's got the best conviction rate in Florida. Do you know why?"
"I wanna know why your pen pal killed her when he could have let her rot," Rossi glares.
"Jarvis doesn't like to lose. He's not gonna ruin his record over this."
Will refuses to talk about his potential partner thinking the D.A. is going to get him out of this one. However, your team is going to do everything they can to lock this bitch up.
"Wow, this friend of yours wants to please you badly, doesn't he? He's protecting you, doing whatever he's gotta do to make sure that you're innocent. He killed Missy so you could be together again. It's only been a few hours, but he misses you."
"And you've gotten what exactly from all this?" Will asks in a bored tone.
"Proof that someone out there is just as sick as you."
Penelope works her magic and gets results from the bite marks left on Missy. The dental records don't match Will but they do match a reported rape in Manatee County earlier this year. The teeth marks belong to the same person, but they've never been arrested so she can't cross-reference. Connie Mayers is the victim of that rape, so if you're going to have any hope in figuring out who this is, then you have to talk to her.
Emily and Hotch went over to her job as soon as they got that information, but she wasn't too happy about it. No one else knew about what happened to her, but your coworkers did their best to keep it discreet. She works at a flower shop, so Emily bought some flowers as she asks her questions.
Connie's attacker knew what he wanted like he was confident in what he was doing. Connie thought he was a control freak. He wore a mask but she could tell he was shite, proving what you saw using Missy's energy. The partner choked her which took a long time for the bruises to go away. It's not as bad as the bite marks which are just scars now.
"Connie described an anger-excitation rapist just like William," Emily says when she and Hotch return. "We're looking at two dominant personalities."
"It makes sense. They have a similar discourse. They're equally well-written," Spencer says. "It's rare in criminal partnerships. If their personalities are the same, their lives probably mirror one another's as well."
"Harris goes to church, he's on the board of the PTA, he coaches his daughter's soccer team, and he rarely drinks."
"He sounds like a saint," Jordan says.
"With a dark side," Hotch adds. "That's what he connected to in his partner. Prentiss and I will go talk to the family and see if they know who it might be."
Emily and Hotch leave but you stay behind to help Spencer.
"Two alpha males won't be easy to break," Derek says. "The partner is definitely following the investigation."
"Let's do the talking for them," Rossi suggests, holding up a newspaper.
"I think a chatroom might be better. It sounds like they do most of their talking on the computer, but I like where your head's at," you say. "Plus, it's quicker."
"Why would he read it? He knows William won't be writing," Jeff says.
"These men are addicted to each other. Right now, he needs a fix, and the words they've shared are all he has to cling to. His partner wrote 'Faith should never be broken'. A betrayal could devastate him."
"All we have to say is that William's cooperating and then hopes he takes the bait."
Derek and Rossi give you and Spencer some time to come up with something you hope will catch the partner's attention. It's not easy, but you have the journal entries they've already sent to each other. All you have to do is work with the words and language they've already used.
"What have we got so far?" Derek asks after an hour of working.
"We were surprised that you injected yourself into the investigation. You risked a lot in order to help William," you read what you have. "Killing Missy tells us how close you really are. It must be devastating to learn that William is here with us."
Spencer doesn't like what you've come up with in fear the partner will retaliate.
"He's not gonna like that. It sounds like William's cooperating."
"That's exactly what we want him to believe so he'll doubt their alliance."
Derek and Rossi use this information on Will, and you follow them so you can pay close attention to Will. You can talk to Derek and Rossi through the comms just in case you notice something off about Will. After they tell him what they've done, Will just smirks in thought.
"What's that smirk for?
"Sharon is posting bail. I'm thinking about where to go for dinner. Maybe we'll go to Salvatore's."
"Rossi, play it off as if the partner is the alpha male. It might set him off," you say.
"You know, maybe we got it wrong. Maybe they're not both alpha males. The partner made the first move. He's the one with the balls."
"Yeah, and it was pretty risky, too. Think about it. What if you did turn in here? Or at least your partner thought you turned in here, hmm? Then he'd have no choice but to turn himself in. Your lives would be ruined," Derek adds. "That's the reason it works. You both have everything to lose."
"He's only cleaning up because he can't afford to get caught either. Am I right?" William doesn't answer. "How is gonna react to the entry we wrote? He knows we're reading your little love letters, so we decided to send one ourselves and let him know you're in here helping us out."
"He's probably feeling pretty betrayed right about now. If he is, what do you think he's doing about it?"
"William, you wrote, 'Thanks for the perfect place to play'. What were you talking about?"
"Right. What was it like?"
"Perfect," he smirks.
Will is so confident he isn't going to get caught that he's radiating energy that you can feel from outside the room. The energy is allowing you to see images of Will and his partner with a girl they've kidnapped. The girl is one of the girls who was reported missing and found dead. One of the girls was dead before you even arrived in Florida.
"Rossi, I see him and his partner with one of the three girls who were found dead. Keep him talking. The more he thinks he's getting away with it, the more I can use his energy to see more."
Derek sets out pictures of the three dead women since he heard everything you've said to Rossi. All of the women are happy and smiling as if nothing bad could ever happen to them.
"You probably don't recognize them like this, do you, William? Happy and smiling. All these gifts. All these girls."
"This is someone's child. You know, Missy Dewald was supposed to meet her parents for dinner. She was eighteen years old, an only child, and you just took her away."
"I feel sorry for those parents. I really do," Will says without emotion.
"Do you hear yourself? Not an ounce of sincerity. You just proved you were incapable of empathy just like your partner. William, you never would have done any of this without him, but you just weren't complete, right?"
Spencer walks into the room and hands you some papers. The pages are about the love between William and his partner.
"Rossi, we have something."
Rossi leaves the room while Derek stays inside, and you hand him the papers Spencer gave you.
"It's been so long, my heart aches. I need to see that face again soon," Rossi reads the papers when he walks back inside. "I mean, it's pretty obvious there's an emotional connection between you two, huh? You can't deny that, but this doesn't really sound like two buddies to me. Sounds more like two men in love with each other."
"You have no idea what you're talking about."
This strikes a nerve in Will, and this is what you need to get more information from him.
"You're right. I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in love with another man."
"You know, everyone who goes into law enforcement has this air of moral superiority. For you, it seeps out of every single pore. Black cop in the FBI. You got a big chip on your shoulder with a lot to prove."
"Now who's the one who has no idea what he's talking about?"
"Derek, don't let him rile you up. This is just what he wants," you warn your friend.
"We're not so different, you and I. We choose the games we play because they make us feel powerful. So, what do you have, special agent Morgan? Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I have broken the law, but don't you sit there with that smug look on your face and judge me, boy."
This pisses Derek off.
"First of all, I am not your boy, and this look on my face is a look of contempt because you disgust me. You and I are nothing alike. When we do find this friend of yours, there isn't a jury out there who won't find you guilty."
Derek leaves the room, allowing Rossi to be alone with him.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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babymetaldoll · 1 year
Baby, I'm yours - Chapter eleven: “Heartbeat is coming in so strong”
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Summary: Spencer and reader are struggling to try to make it without sex until their wedding day. Bachelorette and bachelor parties are happening. 
Word count: 7,1K
Warnings: Extreme fluff, people will get drunk, there will be strippers, love promises, and all the good stuff we need to go through the week. 
A/N: And just one more chapter left!! Hope you are enjoying all the fluff this chapter has. 
Final chapter: will be posted Wednesday 28th, March. 
Series Masterlist | General Masterlist | Prequel’s Masterlist
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(Y/N)’s point of view 
It was Thursday and I felt that week had been eternal. The longest week of my life. I don’t know if it was because of everything we had to get ready for the wedding, or if it had something to do with my stupid idea of not having sex with Spencer. But the last few days had been endless.
Monday, we picked Diana up from the airport. She and aunt Ethel arrived for the wedding and were staying with Spencer at our apartment. That kept him busy those days. We had dinner with them and my parents, and it all went quite well. My soon-to-be husband was worried Diana might get confused on the trip, and meeting all these new people. But no, she was perfect. We couldn’t have picked a better time for our wedding. Her medicine was working magic on her. 
- “I couldn’t believe it when they told me they had just started dating”- Diana said, making my parents laugh immediately- “All these years I had been sure they were together and had decided to keep me in the dark about it!”
- “You were not the only one!”- my mom added- “I can’t even start telling you the number of times I tried to convince (Y/N) to date Spencer all these years! But she was so stubborn! She kept saying Spencer wasn’t attracted to her!” 
When you put your parents and your husband’s family together in the same room, you only have one result: embarrassment. 
I looked at Spencer and his cheeks were burning red. I held his hand underneath the table and squeezed it. I knew this whole thing was new to him, and to be honest, I wasn’t very experienced myself. He was the first boyfriend I ever introduced to my family. And that was the reason, I wanted to save myself the embarrassment. Clearly I was doomed. And Spencer with me. 
- “Is this going to be a theme at the reception?”- I dared to ask, and my dad chuckled as he replied. 
- “I’m gonna make sure it is.”
Why didn’t we elope? 
Tuesday had been chaos. My dress wasn’t ready. The delay was apparently my fault, for losing weight. I wasn’t even trying to lose weight! I just couldn’t eat 'cause I was too nervous. So the seamstress had to do all the changes again, and my mom freaked out, trying to get me to eat every half hour. 
Suddenly I remembered why I had left the house as soon as I could. 
- “Ok peanut, let me see you”- mom said from the lounge with Lu, Penelope, aunt Ethel and Mrs. Reid. They were my wedding squad, and they were following me all over around… driving me slightly crazy. 
The seamstress finished adjusting the dress and the veil and opened the door for me. I heard mom gasp as I walked toward her and the rest of my squad. 
- “Oh my god, you are an angel.”- I wanted to argue with mom’s words, but all I managed to do was to blush and look down. Diana clapped as she stared at me, and cut me the biggest smile I had ever seen from her. Garcia’s eyes teared up, and she couldn’t stop herself from running to me and rising my veil. 
- “My munchkin! You look so beautiful.”
- “Th… thank you.”- I stuttered and stared at the reflex on the mirror as I tried to take it all in. It was real. I was getting married. Believe it or not, it hadn’t fully hit me until that day. And I was going to marry Spencer. When did that happen?
- “Are you ok?”- Lu walked toward me, holding a box of Kleenex. I simply stared at my reflection in the mirror and saw the tears falling down my cheeks.
- “Lu, I’m gonna marry Spencer this Saturday.”- I announced the breaking news, and she just nodded. 
- “Yes, why? Did you have other plans?”- she joked and adjusted the back of my dress. 
- “I just… I’m getting married.”- I looked at her in shock,, and she just smiled. 
- “Yes, and as far as I know, you are going to stop being (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and you will go by (Y/N) Reid”
I had totally forgotten about that. I was changing my name. Diana looked at me and walked toward the mirror. She simply smiled and held my hand. 
- “I know you will make my boy very happy”- she whispered and kissed my cheek. 
- “Thank you”- I managed to reply and kept wiping the tears from my face. 
- “Do you want to know how I know it?”- Diana asked me and opened her purse.- “He has been writing about you since November 7th, 2005.”
In front of me, there was a stack of letters handwritten by Spencer over the last five years. Diana placed them in my hand and smiled so sweetly I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around her. 
- “Please never tell him I showed you these. You can read them and return them in the morning.”- I just nodded and hugged her again. 
- “Thank you, Diana”
- “Don’t thank me, dear. I know you will always love my boy. And I know you two are gonna give me a lot of grandkids to spoil rotten.”- I chuckled at her words and thanked her again. 
- “Come on! Don’t stain that beautiful dress with any tears or makeup”- Garcia warned us- “You better take that off before you cry your eyes out!”
- “Yes ma’am.”- I replied and walked back to the dressing room.  
Wednesday was a very relaxed day. I went to our apartment to make the bags for our honeymoon. Diana and aunt Ethel were out with my parents, touring around the city, and Spencer soon discovered we had the entire place for our own. And what started like an innocent cuddles session on the couch, quickly developed into a hardcore make-out session that nearly got me to break my promise to stay away from sex until our wedding. 
Spencer’s hands were underneath my shirt, trying to unclasp my bra. I was sitting on his lap, rubbing against his erection, like a little slut. I regret nothing, by the way. 
- “I miss you so much”- he murmured against my skin. He kept biting my neck and licking every inch he could, his tongue tasting me and making me so wet, I was sure I was going cave. 
Spencer groaned against me as my hands palmed his erection, just above his pants. He was so hard my mouth watered up just thinking about how good it’d feel to wrap my lips around his cock. 
- “I miss you too, hon”- I basically whimpered, and let his hands roam my body, hungrily. 
- “I need you”- he breathed against my neck and kept sucking my skin. My hands opened his belt, ‘cos I couldn’t control myself anymore. I needed him. I wanted him. I couldn’t stop thinking about feeling Spencer slipping inside me. Fucking me hard on that couch, like we had done so many delicious times. I wanted him. More than anything. 
- “Please…”- I mumbled as he unbuttoned my shirt. His eyes were hypnotizing. God! I wasn’t going to stop, I just wanted my fiance to fuck me.
- “Hello… Oh my god!!!”- and suddenly, I heard mom yelling, killing the mood in a second. I wrapped my arms around Spencer tight as he tried to cover my slightly naked chest from my mother, his mom, and his aunt. I gasped and stared at him blushing. Mom stayed still at the door, looking at me so embarrassed and shocked I felt like a teenager all over again. 
- “Hey… did you… have fun?”- Spencer asked, in the most awkward tone of voice ever. My cheeks were so red I decided to hide my face in his neck and giggled. Seriously, this was insane, awkward, and bizarre. 
- “Do you want us to wait in the room?”- Diana asked and I basically jumped from Spencer’s lap, buttoning up my shirt and watching my new mother-in-law laughing at us. 
- “No! I’m sorry, we were just… it’s… I’m gonna go.”- I mumbled and started walking to the door, to get my bags. 
- “Wait, chipmunk! No!”- Spencer grabbed my hand and looked at me. He had no idea what else to say, he just stood there in silence with a blank stare. 
- “Are you coming with me?” 
- “Guessing that was his plan before we got here”- Diana mumbled and I gasped in shock. When I thought that moment couldn’t be any worse. 
- “Mom! Please!”- Spencer complained, grossed out, and my mom started laughing. 
- “Ok kids, relax, we won’t make fun of you”- Diana said and walked over to us with a big grin.
- “It’s ok, I really should go. I only came to get a few things and I have to go back home. Lu wanted to talk about the bridesmaids’ chore list.”- I quickly replied. But Spencer didn’t let me go. He held onto my hand and followed me, grabbing my bags for me. 
- “I’ll drive you”- he suggested, though it sounded more like a command. 
- “Your dad is at the house with your brother”- mom announced- “Just in case you are thinking you can…”
- “Mom!!”- I shouted and she just burst out laughing.  
- “I just wanted to save you from another embarrassment”
- “I’ll see you later, mom! Bye, Diana! Bye, aunt Ethel!”
Spencer’s point of view 
There are certain moments in life when you have to ask yourself: “How did I get here?” “Which have been the choices I’ve made in life that lead to this particular moment to develop?” and most importantly “How do I stop it?” 
That was my mood at my bachelor party. 
I was currently at Frank’s apartment. He had taken his best man’s duties very seriously. Maybe too seriously, now that I think about it. All my friends were there: Morgan and Mikey were already kind of drunk. Rossi, Will, and Hotch seemed to be enjoying their time and kept pouring each other whisky. Ethan had traveled to DC for the wedding, and he was currently having what seemed to be the most exciting conversation with Frank, probably music related. On top of everything, Chief (Y/L/N) and (Y/N)’s brother, Phoenix, were there too. After my drug issue confession, and the argument between me and (Y/N) they had witnessed, I talked to them and tried to explain everything, but they shook their head and said everything was ok. They were surprisingly understanding and welcoming.
- “Son, my daughter loves you. I know you are a good guy. Nobody asks you to be perfect, I just want you to promise me you will never hurt her feelings ever again.”- Chief (Y/L/N) said, in a way that might have been threatening, but ended up sounding quite paternal. 
- “I would never do anything that could upset her, sir”- I replied and felt his hand tapping on my back a few times. 
- “I know. You are a good guy, Reid.”
But I still didn’t want to ruin things with them. So I couldn’t get drunk, I couldn’t mess up. I had to be my best self that night. 
And there I was, awkwardly holding a beer, half listening to Rossi’s advice as a “wedding expert” and wondering what that night would bring. I had told Frank I just wanted a quiet get-together with my friends. Maybe play some poker (though no one ever wants to play cards with me), have a few drinks, and call it a night. But when I told (Y/N), she laughed and assured me Frank would never lose the chance to get me a stripper. And that idea scared me. I just couldn’t shake the thought of how dirty strip clubs are. I didn’t want to be there or hang around strippers, as a matter of fact. 
Am I too lame? Probably. That’s why I didn’t even open my mouth and tell my friends about it. I didn’t want to ruin everybody’s fun. That was the perfect time to get called on a case. But, of course, it didn’t happen.
- “Ok guys, anyone needs a refill?”- Mikey asked from the kitchen and grabbed a few beers from the fridge. I  can’t really complain, I had friends. I was having my bachelor party with them, and it was nice. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that could ever happen to me. 
- “Ok doc, ready for your surprise?”- Frank asked and stood next to me. 
- “What?”- I nearly jumped as I heard him, scared of what he might have planned. 
- “I got my old Xbox from my parents!”- Frank looked proud and excited with the news- “So tonight it’s Mario Party night!”    
I chuckled and nodded. Now that was entertainment. Over the years, Frank and (Y/N) had managed to teach me how to play video games, it was part of our “game nights” activities, along with a lot of board games and karaoke sessions. I, the guy who had never been good at technology, knew all the different fatalities available in Mortal Combat Armageddon. Not to brag, but I could kick ass. 
- “Are we waiting for someone else?”- Mikey asked when the bell rang. I counted my friends and shook my head. I didn’t know anyone else. Frank jogged to the door and answered, Ethan suggested maybe someone had asked for more pizzas, but there were still four boxes in the kitchen.  
- “Hello”- two girls stood outside the door and walked in. A guy followed them and stood by the door.
- “We heard there was a very smart boy here who loved reading.” 
All the guys started clapping and yelling as they forced me to sit down on a chair and the strippers stood in front of me. Music started playing right away and before I could even argue, one of the girls was dancing in what I could only assume was a slutty librarian costume, and the other was in a slutty teacher costume that left too little to the imagination. 
- “Hello, big boy”- one of them whispered as she leaned in against me and ran her hands down my thighs. I widened my eyes as she did so and looked at my friends, they all seemed to be enjoying the situation very much. And I loathed whoever came up with that idea. 
- “Hey… you know, there is no need to do this”- I managed to mumble as she turned around and sat on my lap, rubbing her ass against me. 
- “I heard you have a big brain. What other of your body members are considered large?”- she whispered in my ear when she turned around and straddled me. I instinctively put my hands behind my back, trying my best not to touch her, or even look at her.
- “Are you shy, big boy?”- I hated how she called me “big boy” the whole time- “Don’t worry, mama is gonna make you feel good.” 
It’s like she wanted to make me feel awkward. 
The girl moved from my lap, thankfully, but started unbuttoning her shirt. Morgan was wooing and clapping like he had been waiting for this moment. Phoenix and Rossi had singles in their hands. Mikey’s jaw was open as he stared at the stripper, and my father-in-law just sat back on the couch and drank his whisky, like he was watching any random football game on a Sunday afternoon.  
- “So, are you sure you wanna get married?”- the other girl asked me as straddled me and started unbuttoning her shirt. 
- “Would you mind not doing that, please?”- I asked and closed my eyes. 
- “What’s the matter baby? Your girlfriend doesn’t want you to enjoy your last night as a single man?” 
- “No, but I prefer not having other woman's breasts on my face. Thank you.”- I kept my eyes closed as she stayed on my lap. She moved along with the music, but I really didn’t feel comfortable at all the entire time. And my friends noticed. 
- “Ok pretty boy, don’t worry, your groomsmen are gonna take care of this for you”- Morgan said and grabbed another chair, making himself available for a lapdance. As soon as the girl moved from me, I stood up and walked away from the scene. I even felt like a needed a shower. 
I stood next to the table and grabbed a whisky. I needed one, for a fact. Phoenix took the chair I had left vacant and the other stripper soon started dancing all over him. 
- “Sorry, Doc. I tried to warn them this was a bad idea”- Frank stood next to me and tapped on my back- “But they insisted”
- “Who? I thought this was your doing?”- I frowned at my friend and he shook his head right away. 
- “I am not the kind of man who says no to a stripper”- Frank confessed chuckling- “But I know you would never be on board with this kind of thing.”
- “You are right, thank you. But then who did it?” 
- “Rossi and Morgan said it wouldn’t be a bachelor party without a stripper. Mikey and I said you were gonna hate it, but everybody else kinda pushed it, and… there you have them.”
To be fair, everybody seemed to be enjoying the strippers. Including Mikey. The girls were now doing some “artistic” scene that included sucking whipped cream from each other’s body. 
- “If it’s of any consolation, we only booked them for half hour.”- Frank added. 
- “Thanks, that helps. I’ll stay here if that’s ok.”- I pointed at the corner of the table- “But if you want to get closer...” 
 - “Nah, I’ve seen them performing live a few times already.”- my friend admitted- “And are you nervous about (Y/N)’s bachelorette’s party?”- I smiled and shook my head.
- “No, I mean, I trust her.”
- “Oh, I know, but do you trust her friends?”- Frank laughed at his remark, probably just trying to play with my brain. And it worked. Suddenly I remembered who was planning her party. Emily “sin to win” Prentiss. That couldn’t be good. 
(Y/N)’s point of view 
It was Thursday and so far, I was having a blast! My girls had the whole “bachelorette party” thing completely down to a T. They had picked me up from my mom’s house for a nice afternoon in the spa. Mimosas, massages, sauna, the whole thing. 
After that, we drove to Pretiss’, where we got ready for a party night. A limo picked us up and took us “bar touring.” It had everything I wanted: loud music, my girls, and tequila. 
- “Come on, Mrs. Reid”- Prentiss grabbed my arm and crawled me out of the current bar we had been drinking at - “We have one more surprise for you!” 
- “What?”- I questioned but one of my friends gave me a decent answer. They all just hopped in the limo, blasting my favorite Distillers song, and took me to the next bar. 
- “So, do you know anything about Spencer’s night?”- JJ asked- “How is his bachelor party going?” 
- “No, I don’t wanna text him yet and look like an obsessive girlfriend”- I admitted, blushing. Those are the kind of things I would only say when I’m already a little drunk.  
- “Awww! Aren’t you sweet!!”- Garcia slurred and sipped the margarita glass he took from the latest bar- “I don’t think Spencer would ever think you are obsessed with him. He loves your attention!” 
- “Pen is right, that man loves you too much to ever get mad at you.”- Lu said and sipped her water- “It’s slightly annoying if you ask me.” 
- “Thank you!”- Prentiss yelled and made everybody in that limo laugh. I, on the other hand, was shocked by her comment. 
- “What the fuck do you mean by annoying?” 
- “You are the definition of fluff!”-  Prentiss sentenced- “You are corny and cheesy, and adorable. You hold hands underneath the table as we go through serial killers’ profiles. Who the fuck does that?!”
- “Oh my god!! You noticed?”- I don’t know why I didn’t see it coming after all.
- “You work with fucking profilers, (Y/N)!”- Emily argued, making me feel like I was dumb for even asking- “We’ve noticed the hickeys, the bruises, that sore muscles. Everything!”
- “Oh shit!”- I covered my face with both hands, embarrassed to the bone. 
- “And now that we are on the subject, munchkin, I’ve been meaning to ask: how is Dr. Spencer Reid in the sack?” 
I swear, there was a deep silence in the limo as soon as Garcia delivered that question. All eyes were on me, waiting for my answer. One I didn’t know how to give. 
- “Come on! I’ve been dying to know!”- Garcia insisted. I sipped my drink and took a deep breath. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t ashamed about talking about my sex life, It’s just that… every time I had done such a thing before, it was with someone who didn’t know my boyfriend. Now we were talking about his friends. When we were back to work, it was gonna be weird, I knew it.
- “Ok, I’ll tell you a little”- all my friends start yelling at my answer- “But not everything!!”
- “So, does he have a mommy kink?? He looks like he is a sub with a breast and mommy kink!”- Garcia started shouting question after question- “Was he a virgin when you first met him? Did he know what to do the first time he got you naked?” 
- “So… no. He is not a sub, he doesn’t have a mommy kink that I know and he wasn’t a virgin. And, I can’t stress this enough: he is a fucking genius!!”
All my friends stared at me in shock. Like I was saying the craziest thing ever. Did they actually expect me to tell them Spencer sucked in bed? I could never, and would never do such a thing, ‘cos I am not a liar. Also, ‘cos I was already half drunk. 
- “Seriously? Reid?”- Prentiss frowned- “But… how?”
- “I honestly don’t know. But trust me, he knows what he is doing.”- I winked and added- “Have you ever noticed how long his fingers are?”
- “Gross!!”- Garcia yelled and jumped on her seas as JJ stared at me, blushing.  
- “Penelope Garcia, you fucking asked!! Why are you grossed out?! I haven’t even told you about his kinks! And lemme tell you…”- at my words, Lu jumped from her seat and covered my mouth with her hand.   
- “I don’t care if she asks, please don’t tell us! I don’t wanna know!”
- “I’m just shocked! I thought you had taught him everything!”- Pen explained- “But don’t get me wrong, I am glad you are enjoying this relationship.” 
- “Trust me, I am. I enjoy it very often”- I smirked and my friends nodded. 
- “We know! I just told you, your hickeys are not invisible, and you are often sored.”- Prentiss pointed out and I would have blushed if I hadn’t been too busy finishing my margarita. 
- “Ok girls, we are here!”- JJ announced and opened the door, leaving me with all the sex details I could have shared, but didn’t. 
- “Where did you take me now?”- I asked as I got off the limo and took a look around- “Emily Prentiss, you have to be fucking joking.”
We were in the Green Zone, right outside a male Strip Club called “Hunk-O-Mania”. I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go in there. I had never been scared to party, but male strippers are way out of my comfort zone. There was only one man I wanted to see naked, and I was counting the hours to fuck him after our wedding.  
- “Come on Mrs. Reid!”- Prentiss grabbed my arm and crawled me in. I looked at my friend’s faces and they were all incredibly excited about the situation. Was I the only one who didn’t want to go there? 
We sat at our table and a hunky waiter without a shirt got us our complimentary drinks. Garcias’ eyes were wide open, looking pretty much like a cartoon character. I thought her jaw was gonna drop and her tongue would roll down the table the second she saw him and the rest of the staff. 
- “Congratulations Mrs. Reid”- the waiter winked at me as he read the sash the girl had gotten me, part of my party props as a bride, that also included a little veil and a crown.  
- “Thank you”- I replied and tried to keep my eyes on his as we spoke. It was quite embarrassing ‘cos he was hot and toned and I know I was supposed to enjoy the view. But it felt weird. And awkward. So I decided not to stare at his body. 
- “Maybe we could get the bride some shots to keep her going”- Prentiss suggested and the waiter nodded immediately. 
- “I never thought we were gonna end up in a place like this.”- I confessed.
- “It’s not a bachelorette party without a good stripper show. We deserve it as the bride’s squad, and you earned it after waiting for Reid all these years!!”- Garcia made a point. I did wait for my man for a very long time. 
- “All those years without sex, I still can’t believe it!”- Prentiss was still shocked about that fact- “I mean, I can believe it from Reid, ‘cos I thought he was a monk. But you?! You could have gotten some!”
I laughed and covered my face with both hands. It wasn’t like we had never talked about sex before, but we had never talked about sex with Spencer. 
- “Got a lot of vibrators though”- I managed to say and all my girls laughed along. 
- “You could have gotten laid way before if only you had heard us when we told you he was crazy in love with you”- JJ pointed out and Lu nodded frenetically. 
- “I told her so many times! So many times!”- my childhood friend seemed to be taking a weight from her chest as she complained about all the years I spent in denial- “But she kept repeating over and over again Reid didn’t love her.” 
- “It was painful to watch.”- JJ commented. Somehow I felt she was awfully quiet that night. Maybe she didn’t want to be at the club either. Perhaps she didn’t want to know any details about Spencer in the sack. Garcia stood up and raised her glass. That wasn’t the first toast of the night. If anything, I had already lost track of how many we had shared already. But that was by far the funniest of them all: 
- “I raise my glass tonight for the cutest bride that has ever existed. I can’t believe you are the first of us getting married after all the years you made us wait to finally confess your feelings to Spencer. But most of all, I can’t believe this might have happened three years ago, but you were so fucking stubborn you made us all wait for the greatest bachelorette party there has ever been!” 
My friends laughed so hard, some girls from other tables turned to look at us, confused by all the noise we were making. A few minutes later, the lights dimmed and the show started. And a few dancers showed up on the stage. Everybody started yelling and clapping, and I took advantage that no one was paying attention, and grabbed my phone to text my boyfriend. 
- “I miss you, hon”- I quickly texted and he replied in a matter of seconds. 
- “Me most. Rossi is drunk btw.”- I chuckled as I read those words, trying to imagine how that party was going. I also giggled thinking Spencer had never texted “btw” before. 
- “Are you having fun?”- I had to ask ‘cos I was worried Frank had planned anything Reid wouldn’t enjoy.
- “Yes! Videogames, pizza, and beer. You?”
- “Male strippers and drinks”- I wrote and after I sent it I realized it might upset Spencer. 
- “Nake guys?! Really?!”
- “They are not naked, and I’m not watching ‘cos I’m texting you.”- I hoped my boyfriend wasn’t mad. I knew he trusted me and loved me. He couldn’t get mad about it, right? 
- “Try to control Garcia. Morgan would never forgive her if he knows what you are doing”- I laughed at his reply, and that was when Prentiss noticed what I was doing, and snatched the phone from my hands. 
- “Stop talking with Reid!”
- “I just wanted to know how he was doing!”- I pouted as I grabbed my phone back and put it in my pocket. 
- “Well, stop this now and watch the guy getting naked!”- my friend commanded, making me chuckle. 
- “Yes ma’am.”
Spencer’s point of view
Around one in the morning, everybody was drunk. Myself included. Whisky, beer, and vodka kept flowing like a river of booze that kept my friends and family going. The jokes never stopped. After the strippers left, we played video games for a while. Frank has also gotten a shot roulette, which Rossi, Chief (Y/L/N), and Hotch seemed extremely into. We also played a lot of drunken Jenga, and even some poker, after my friends were drunk enough to think they could win against me.
Rossi was wasted. He has shared way too much personal info for me to look at him right in the eyes ever again. The story of his latest prostate exam wasn’t necessary. And yet, he gave us all the details we didn’t even ask for. 
At that moment, I was holding a drink. I don’t even remember what it was, but I do know I kept drinking it as Phoenix and Morgan made me laugh. 
- “What was that?”- Mikey asked suddenly and muted the radio. We all looked at each other confused. I hadn’t heard a thing. 
- “Please guys, no more strippers”- I argued immediately, thinking the worst. 
- “I swear, there are no more tits on the agenda. Unless Rossi takes his shirt out.”- Frank answered, laughing. I know it was a joke, but considering how drunk he was, it was a real possibility.
- “Maybe Mikey is paranoid”- Ethan said and chuckled.
- “No, I heard someone yelling”- Mikey argued immediately and we all stayed quiet for a few seconds. But nothing.  
- “Dude, you are drunk.”- Frank tapped on Mikey’s back a few times. Until we all heard it.
- “Hotch!”- someone was screaming Aaron’s name downstairs. Considering how drunk we were, we stumbled to the nearest window and for a moment I didn’t recognize anyone. Until I saw a limo downstairs, and my girlfriend waving and holding a tequila bottle, as we all heard Prentiss yelling:
- “Hotch! You are a dilf!!” 
- “You are such a daddy, Hotch!”- Penelope supported Emily and some neighbor yelled asking them to shut up. 
- “You are Unit chief daddy!!”- Prentiss continued yelling. I chuckled and headed to the door. If my girl was drunk downstairs, I needed to steal a kiss. 
I ran the four floors down the stairs, and when I got to the sidewalk, (Y/N) was already out of the limo. Lu was with her, looking like the only sober person of that party (and mine, as a matter of fact). 
- “Of course, lover boy is here!”- Penelope said and rolled her eyes- “I knew he was going to run to his bride as soon as he saw her.”
I just waved at her ‘cos my eyes were locked in my girl. I hadn’t seen her that day, and I had missed her terribly. I couldn’t wait until Saturday, when we would finally marry and I wouldn’t be forced to spend another day away from her. 
- “Hey”- she whispered when I stood in front of her, just staring into her eyes. She smiled and cupped my face, standing on the tip of her toes, reaching my lips and kissing me. 
- “Oh come on!”- Prentiss argued right away- “We are on the run! Come on, lovers! We have to keep the party going!”
- “But I wanna stay with him”- (Y/N) whined and wrapped her arms around my neck and I did the same, holding her in my arms, keeping her as close to me as possible- “I missed him.”
- “But it’s your bachelorette party tonight! You can’t spend it with your fiance!”- Garcia argued, but her frown disappeared as soon as she saw Morgan, and ran to him. 
- “Pretty boy! What are you doing here? Come on!”- he was there to force me back to the party- “And what the fuck was that “Hotch is a dilf” shit going on?”
- “Oh! Oh! Oh!”- Garcia hyperventilated as she tried to explain. I heard part of what she was saying, ‘cos (Y/N) grabbed my face and planted a deep kiss on my lips, that made me feel more dizzy than I was already. 
- “So, can you save me from my bachelorette party?”- my girlfriend whispered and I chuckled at those words. 
- “If you can save me from mine…”
- “Are you too drunk to drive?”- she asked innocently and I nodded, embarrassed as I tried not to chuckle, I don’t know why, maybe ‘cos I was in fact very drunk.
- “Damn it! We are gonna have to get a cab then”- (Y/N) pouted as she cursed and I remember thinking I wanted to kiss her for the rest of the night. 
- “Are you drunk too?”- I asked, surprised. 
- “Two drinks away from blacking out.”- she replied and giggled- “But still… I would run away with you right now.” 
- “Come on, Mrs. Reid, time to go!”- JJ grabbed (Y/N)’s arms and that was when I noticed the sash on my fianceé’s body. 
- “Oh shit… can you keep that?”- I slurred and (Y/N) blushed immediately. Everyone had heard my question and I knew they kept looking at us, probably figuring out one of my kinks. 
- “I’m gonna try, hon.”- my girl mumbled and giggled.
- “But wait, where are you taking her?”- I asked and held (Y/N)’s hand as JJ tried to take her away from me. 
- “We have to continue with our bachelorette schedule.” 
- “It’s two in the morning, JJ, can we call it a night and stay here for a while?”- (Y/N) begged and turned to Emily, who was now trying to get Penelope away from Morgan. And clearly failing in the process. 
- “Hotch! Thank god you are here!”- (Y/N) said suddenly, as she managed to get rid of JJ’s hold and ran to our unit chief, who was also drunk. 
- “Mrs. Reid! Are you having fun?”- Hotch asked her as my bride wrapped her arms around him and started whimpering. 
- “JJ wants to take me away from Spencer. Please don’t let her.” 
- “I just wanna take her back to her party”- JJ explained, also looking drunk. Will was upstairs, with the rest of the guys, I wondered at that minute if she didn’t want to talk to him, see him or ask him how he was going. 
- “If she doesn’t want to go, she can stay here, we are just playing cards.”- Hotch added, acting so cool about everything you might think he wanted the girls to hang with us. 
- “Cards you said?”- Emily asked and raised an eyebrow- “I could use some extra cash to pay for the party. This was actually pretty expensive.” 
And just like that, Prentiss asked the driver to leave and then started walking back into Frank’s building with Hotch, and we all followed. (Y/N) ran back to me and held my hand as I wrapped an arm around her body and kissed her. 
- “So, no strippers upstairs?”- she whispered and I chuckled immediately.  
- “God! No! It was all Rossi and Morgan’s doing.”- I stopped her from walking and kissed her lips one more time before asking the question that had been spinning my head the whole time- “Why is Hotch daddy, by the way?” 
- “Oh, that’s a good story.”- (Y/N) chuckled as she moved apart from me, still holding my hand and smiled- “So, you noticed we are all pretty much intoxicated.” 
- “Yes, you’ve mentioned it.” - we were all drunk, but still completely aware of our actions. Thankfully. 
- “So, we were in the limo...”
- “Nice ride, by the way”- I interrupted her- “You had a party with style.” 
- “Thanks, Emily planned the whole event down to the minute.”- we stood by the building door, my hands were on her waist and her arms were locked around my neck. I just stared at her for a minute, thinking there was no way she was actually going to marry me. 
- “So, we were drunk in a limo playing “Truth or dare” and one thing led to the other… JJ and Prentiss kissed by the way.” 
- “Really?”- I honestly didn’t care, I was hypnotized by (Y/N)’s lips. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I wanted to do to her and I still wasn’t sure I could wait until our wedding night.
- “Yeah, so we were playing and Garcia said to Emily “I dare you to tell Hotch he is your daddy,” and one thing led to the other and now here we are.”- I nodded at her explanation, barely listening. I leaned over and landed a soft kiss on her lips.  
- “Hey.”- (Y/N) whispered, forgetting about the story and focusing on kissing me again. 
- “Hey.”- I replied and toyed with the gem of her shirt as I felt her fingers playing with my hair. I deepened the kiss and moved her closer to my body, feeling her moan softly against my lips. 
- “Come on, lovers!”- Frank showed up and interrupted what could have been a memorable pre wedding moment- “We are waiting for you upstairs! Chop, chop! Hands where I can see them!” 
- “But Paco!”- (Y/N) whined and her friend simply shook his head. 
- “Not until you are married, I didn’t make the rules, you did.” 
- “Are you trying to make me pay for interrupting you with your girlfriend the other night?”- I asked Frank, holding (Y/N) closer and trying to steal another kiss from her lips. But as soon as she heard me, she stopped and let me go, turning to her best friend in shock. 
- “Girlfriend? You have a girlfriend and you never told me?!”
- “Thank you, doc.”- Frank raised an eyebrow as he turned to me. I simply smiled and waved, knowing that was not the way he wanted to tell her the news. 
- “You have a girlfriend? Shit! Are you bringing her to our wedding? A complete stranger?”- maybe telling (Y/N) about this when she was drunk hadn’t been a good idea after all. 
- “Listen, nugget, before you freak out.”- Frank started explaining. 
- “It might be a little late for that.”- I suggested and the two of them turned to me looking very much furious. I just raised my hands in defeat and closed my mouth.  
- “When were you planning on telling me? This is huge news!”- (Y/N) demanded to know. 
- “I wanted to tell you last week, but clearly it wasn’t the right time. Sorry.”- Paco seemed honestly concerned about (Y/N)’s reaction. I knew they were close, with Mikey and Lu. Closer than me and the BAU team, if you ask me. Which meant (Y/N) was going to be emotional and a little (a lot) overprotective. 
- “But this is huge! Since when? How did this happen? How come you are dating?!”- (Y/N) let me go completely and wrapped her arms around Frank. I don’t know if it was because of the alcohol, but the whole thing was very emotional. 
- “We met a few weeks ago at a local show.”
- “Mikey knows her too?!”- (Y/N) nearly shouted, and hit Frank’s arm. 
- “No, I was alone watching a show, I was going to meet Jerry there, but he never showed up. It was alone, and she was there, we started talking, and we hit it off very fast. So far, it’s been great.”
(Y/N) stayed quiet staring at Frank, processing all the information. I knew he had dated a few girls in the last couple of years, but he hadn’t had a proper girlfriend since way before I had met them. So yes, it was a big deal. 
- “What’s her name?”- my girl asked, trying to look calm and unbothered. 
- “Tarah.”- Frank replied in a split second- “You’d love her.” 
I could feel (Y/N)’s hesitation as she heard her best friend speak. I don’t know if she was jealous, or worried Frank might get hurt. Probably a little bit of both. I know she has always been very close to Frank, Lu and Mikey, and I also knew she hated Mikey’s girlfriend. She wasn’t even invited to the wedding, Mikey had agreed to take Lu as a date because he knew none of his friends liked his girl. So, it was obvious in case any other of her friends got a date, (Y/N) was going to be concerned. 
- “Maybe you could bring her tomorrow for the rehearsal dinner?”- she suggested- “I don’t want strangers at our wedding.” 
Frank’s face lit up at those words, and without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around as he gave her a bone crushing hug. 
- “Thank you, nugget! I love you so much!”
- “I don’t like her yet, save the love for my blessing.” 
- “Come on! We always liked the doc, give her a chance!”- Frank argued, though I knew both of them were joking. 
- “What’s not to love about Spencer, Paco?”- she questioned with a cocky smirk on her lips. 
- “I give you that, freaking doc is adorable.”- Frank chuckled and turned to me- “Thank you for making her so happy, Reid.”
- “My pleasure. I promise I’ll keep doing it until my last day on earth”- I added and I saw how Frank’s eyes teared up in a second. It must have been the booze, but I felt quite emotional at the moment. So I opened my arms and felt him hugging me in less than a second. 
Dear 20 year old me, you are gonna get a lot of hugs and a lot of kisses once you meet the woman that will change your life forever. And trust me, you are gonna love it.  
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babygirl-garcia · 6 months
A request from @jenny-from-the-bau for Jenelope, and boy is this fluff sweet 😭
I have no name for this as of right now, but the doc is called
Historians Will Say They Were Besties
There were lots of things Penelope Garcia was good at: baking, babysitting, cat-sitting, hacking. But if you asked anyone at the BAU, or anyone who had known Penelope her whole life, they would tell you that throwing a killer party would rank very high on that list.
Which was precisely how she, JJ, and Emily had ended up curled up on Penelope’s couch after her birthday extravaganza, Emily sat on the far right, legs over JJ’s, who herself was nuzzled into Garcia’s side. Each of them had a tub of ice cream in hand, and they were currently halfway through an episode of Drag Race.
A shift in Penelope pulled JJ’s focus from the tv to the blonde to her left, and she peered up at her. She watched silently as Garcia scooped a bit of ice cream from the tub, slipping the spoon into her mouth upside down so that the dessert fell flush against her tongue. She pulled the spoon away, observing it, before it met her tongue again, and JJ felt a lump form in her throat as Garcia drug her tongue, flat, up the inside of the spoon slowly, licking it clean.
There were several things Jennifer Jareau was good at: Hand-to-hand combat, cooking, having impeccable music taste-
What Jennifer Jareau was not good at was hiding her feelings for Penelope Garcia.
And even worse, processing those feelings.
JJ scrunched her nose, trying to hide her slight displeasure when Penelope suggested-
“We should do each other’s makeup!” Her grin was so big and bright that it would put the sun to shame. She flipped off the television, sitting up so that she could face JJ and Emily fully.
“Ooh, that could be fun!” Emily interjected before JJ could protest, and the blonde’s gaze flitted to the dark-haired woman, Emily herself fighting a smirk with a grin to match Penelope’s. “JJ can do mine, I’ll do Pen’s, and you can do JJ’s.”
JJ choked a bit, eyes widening. “I-”
“Yeah!” Penelope bounced in delight. “Please, Jaje? It’ll be fuuuun…”
JJ met Penelope’s gaze, bright hazel eyes pleading, and JJ’s heart skipped a beat as Penelople’s lower lip slipped under her teeth. She looked back to Emily, who offered an innocent shrug, not bothering now to hide the smirk that played at her lips. Closing her eyes, JJ took a deep breath. “Okay, sure.” The thought of Penelope that intimately close to her set her heart on fire, her nerves in shatters. But, hey- if you can’t beat fear, do it scared, right?
When JJ opened her eyes, Penelope’s face was full of more joy than she’d ever seen, and she all but dragged her guests to her room, throwing her closet open to retrieve a large box. “Okay, I have so many colors, and glitter and stamps-” She opened the box and presented it before JJ, beaming proudly, and JJ swallowed thickly at the array of items inside, but Penelope was so adorable and excited that she couldn’t bear breaking her heart and telling her no. “Pick your poison, gorgeous. We’re gonna make you even gorgeous…er.”
JJ chewed her lip nervously, and Emily laughed at Penelope’s phrasing. “I… Garcy, I don’t know, I don’t… usually wear any of this stuff… you choose for me, huh?”
This seemed to please Penelope, and the woman wiggled in delight. “Ooh! Okay, with those breathtaking baby blues you’re working with…” Her face scrunched deep in thought as she dug through the box, her lips pursed, before, with a sound of triumph, she pulled a small pallet from it. “…we’ll stick with neutrals, browns and beiges, with a super chic wing, and some mascara for those lil blonde lashes.”
JJ laughed softly, shaking her head in amusement. “Oh, dear Picasso, my face is your canvas.” She teased, giving a soft yelp as Penelope pushed her back onto the bed.
“Oh, no, darling.” Penelope grinned devilishly. “I’m more of a Van Gogh, and you are my Starry Night.” JJ froze, heart practically leaping out of her chest as Penelope climbed on top of her, straddling her carefully. “And an artist needs to focus.” The world around JJ disappeared, and it was just her and Penelope as the other woman leaned in, face inches from JJ’s, tongue peeking out between glossed lips in focus. They remained like that until Penelope giggled softly. “JJ, you have to close your eyes, love.”
Shit. “O-oh-! Shit, you- you’re right, I… m’sorry-”
Penelope waved her comment away, swirling her brush around in a warm brown-colored shadow block. “Don’t apologize, Jaje, it’s your first time.” If JJ didn’t know any better, she’d swear a smirk flashed across Penelope’s before it disappeared just as quickly as it had made itself known. Rather awkwardly, JJ hesitated, trying to figure out what to do with her hands before deciding to rest them, fingers linked, on her own stomach. “Now- eyes closed!”
JJ did as asked, lids fluttering closed, and Penelope was even closer than she had been. So close, in fact, that JJ couldn’t tell if the heat she suddenly felt came from the woman on top of her, or from JJ’s own frazzled state. Either way, her heart raced hard in her chest, and part of her wondered if Penelope could feel it. She shivered as, without warning, Penelope tenderly blew a bit of air onto JJ’s face to get rid of the fallout.
“Right, open.” Came Penelope’s voice from above her, and when JJ followed instructions, her mouth grew dry as she realized Penelope was mere inches from her face, studying her work. “Beautiful.” Penelope said, voice soft, giving JJ’s nose a gentle boop with her pointer finger, earning a chuckle from the blonde beneath her. Penelope set back to work, and JJ opened and closed her eyes where appropriate. “Just about… there…” Penelope mused, before she frowned slightly. “Oops!” She flicked her tongue across the tip of her thumb, and JJ froze below her as she ran her slick thumb along JJ’s cheekbone, fixing a bit of eyeliner. “There…” She said softly. When she was through, however, Penelope didn’t withdraw her hand; instead, she opened her palm, resting it gently against JJ’s cheek, and her thumb stroked the skin there. “Perfect.” Penelope whispered, and JJ let out a shaky breath, leaning slightly into Penelope’s touch.
JJ’s eyes fluttered closed once more, chewing on her lower lip. After a moment, a soft laugh from Penelope urged her to inch an eye open. “What?” JJ asked curiously.
“Hmm?” Penelope hummed innocently. “Oh, nothing, I just thought, with you being a profiler and all, that it would be so fucking easy for you to realize how badly I want to kiss you right now-“
“So do it.” JJ’s mouth moved faster than her brain, but she didn’t care: the broad grin that stretched across Penelope’s face made it all worth it.
“I want you to say it. Consent is important, you know.” She teased, grin not wavering.
“For god’s sake, Penelope-” JJ started with a chuckle of amusement, and used her impressive core strength to lean up to close the distance between the pair of them, lips crashing against the analyst’s. Penelope’s free hand found its way to JJ’s other cheek, holding her close as humanly possible. Garcia tasted of peaches, lips softer than JJ could have ever imagined. Being this close to her, JJ could feel that Penelope’s heart was racing just as fast as her own. Still, neither of them made an effort to take the kiss anywhere hotter, both enjoying the moment as it was- soft and tender.
A soft chuckle from the corner of the room pulled them from each other, both women breathless, and Emily sipped at the glass of wine she’d helped herself to. “It’s about goddamn time.” She said with a grin. “I’m glad that I could be the one you both came to, but damn if keeping mutual pining a secret isn’t difficult-”
JJ fell back against the bed, flipping Emily off with one hand, throwing her other arm around Penelope’s neck so that she fell with her, and they were both enveloped in the other’s intoxicating kisses once more.
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ragingstillness · 2 months
Finally getting around to watching CM:E
Thoughts thus far:
Rossi is sad and I remain pissed that they killed Krystal for no reason
Grey!Em is still my favorite thing
Happy to hear some swearing, the original show needed more of it
Let Rossi say fuck 2k24
“Remote Garcias” “we’re not gonna learn their names” lol Luke stays savage
“Anglophile baking club” oh come on Garcia. We all saw how shockingly queer everyone at that party is. It’s a kiki, plain and simple
Weren’t Luke and Garcia going to go on a date? Oh it’s been three years
“Take your carbs and exit sir” I love Garcia so much
“Hoo-ha” lol, burn Goop to the ground
“Korean drama” it’s a BTS anti unsub
Garcia straight up flapping I love her so much
Damn the writers for this Krystal flashback
Emily is gonna eat this Deputy Director alive
Oh thank fuck at least the rest of Dave’s family is alive
The Galvez cheek kiss *eeeee*
That little head kiss, Rossi’s such a dad/grandad
Damn Sicarius how do you have the time to dig all these holes?
Hahahahahaha I picked up on Tara and Rebecca at the same time as Emily
Waha Tara being openly queer!!!
Paget is like a proud mama that someone in the BAU finally gets to be queer
Dang this cashier girl is like literally saying exactly what I do at work
“My floof” I relate to this girl so hard
“Jagoff!” “Fuckhead!” Get his ass Rossi
Damn this therapy talk is so accurate go Garcia
Garcia and Rossi’s friendship is my Roman Empire
Man I can’t believe Sicarius actually thought that he could control obsessional killers. Dude, they aren’t going to listen to you
Sicarius you anti-retail asshole. I will dream of smashing you in the head with an axe from the hardware store where I work
Emily and Dave walking together both with grey hair look so cool now
“Is everyone but me getting laid?” “I’m not” lol ngl I appreciate the increased sexual humor
That’s my girl Garcia! I hate what it’s gonna do to your mental health to be back but I’m happy to see you
Dude if you’re gonna be a criminal psychopath with these amazing computer skills, how are you not at least making money off of it? Like, there is zero reason for you to be poor. Normally I wouldn’t say that about anyone but dude, are you seriously providing these kill kits for free?
Wait a sec he actually /took/ the dog? He didn’t just kill it? Dickhead!
“This fucking guy” yeah Rossi, read my mind about most unsubs on this show
Rebecca and Tara’s height difference is kind of killing me in this elevator scene they’re so cute
Garcia are you wearing Rocky Horror earrings? Love that
Haha fine furry friends returns
Dang y’all is Rossi the only one allowed to say fuck? It makes him sound like a teenager that just learned all the swear words. Let Garcia say fuck 2k24
I can’t believe that it’s an actual plot line that COVID prevented serial killers from killing so they had to change it up and go online. I’m sure the writers thought it sounded cool but it just sounds silly. What, did Sicarius’ first kill kits also include PPE?
Also why are these guys so willing to kill themselves for Sicarius? They seem like devoted to the cause and frankly, so many of these guys are narcissists and we’ve just seen one defy Sicarius, why are they listening to him? Seriously? No matter what he has on them, why would they consider it more important to follow his orders than their compulsions?
“You two-faced little jerk” yeah I hope he heard that
Soon we’re gonna be seeing Emily’s daydreams about killing people, not just Sicarius’.
Seriously, the idea of Sicarius having money problems is so dumb to me. He’s been shown to have immense resources and technological capability as well as ample time to use them. There is no reason why he should be financially unstable. I get that stuff like private school is expensive but dude, DUDE, you’re running a network of serial killers! It’s not THAT expensive! I feel like this whole plot point is set up to humanize him to a degree and it isn’t working well.
God whatever props guy worked on these posts for the fake forum Sicarius is using had fun. There’s a user named George_Jungle_fkr whose post consists of “I have a waifu, too!!! She lives in the jungle. I fuck in the jungle. I kill in the jungle.” With a profile picture of George of the Jungle. No shit. Pause on that screen, it’s wild. User GetHungry1893 with a post about not judging people and a profile pic of a man with bloody hands sucking on a bone. User NotSoFast with a drag racing car profile pic and with a post titled “I’m getting more guns!” That then goes on to use the phrase “waifu” and *wink wink*. User Tiredoftheblood101 with a bloodspot clipart profile pic and use of the term “OP”, asking about how to kill his MOM (capitalization his). Also in the background a user named Anonymous1232 with the anonymous logo as their profile pic.
Wait Sicarius actually has a real job? He wasn’t just bullshitting about it so he could travel all over the country? What, is running this serial killer network like a side hustle for him? Wait wait wait and he’s going on business trips that the company is actually sending him on? Like he’s following their directives? And driving a company car? This is insane. If they’re gonna characterize Sicarius the way they have been, none of this makes sense. Side note: the guy playing Sicarius is actually a good actor and after some of the previous disappointments (Scratch and the Chameleon) it’s nice to see.
This DEI discussion between Sicarius’ daughter and the redneck neighbor was not something I expected to see in Criminal Minds.
“You fucking beta cuck” yeah pretty much what I’d expect from a guy like this. But also, hysterical to hear incel language being used in real life. Damn man, you just called his daughter a bitch? He’s gonna flay you alive! I wouldn’t provoke anyone like that, even without knowing they’re the head of a serial killer network. Anyone can snap you dumbass.
“Somebody should do something about that guy.” Oh of course she says this to the serial killer. Good lord. “I’m glad you’re not that somebody.” Oh honey yes he is lol. Or he’ll send someone from the network to do it.
Ha I just realized that I carried a case exactly like the kill kit cases when I worked for the Red Cross. Contained equally suspicious things (needles, gauze, etc), if you didn’t know what company I was working for lol.
“Those who bankrolled you” then why is he having money problems god this is so dumb! “I’m not putting a gun to my head” yeah I predicted this would happen.
More hysterical users on Sicarius’ platform: User NotSoFast at it again “I miss my family. Bad aim” User Ript4u, with a muscular torso pic talking about the fruitlessness of love, calling people lemmings, “simps,” “bitchboy,” “I will dominate,” and the delightful paragraph “These bitches think they’re got it all figured out. Walking on a cloud of happy thoughts and unicorn farts.”
Haha Garcia said fan fiction! We made it to the mainstream lol.
“Honey let it go” woman he called your daughter a bitch! I’d punch him for that!
Damn Tara you’re gonna get your gf fired
“Typical bureaucratic bullshit” yes YES the old man is out! Rossi ur a king
Is Sicarius really there in person! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Oh wow he is what a dumbass! And so close to the bomb zone too! Did you want to get blown up too?!
Yeah bringing in domestic terror was a mistake.
“Excellent. I never wanted it in the first place” also kind of misogynistic to turn to Rossi after Emily rejected you.
“Wank-weasel” Garcia ur my spirit animal
“You’re a hedge fund manager with a badge. You have never done anything” get his ass Emily! I guess after Barnes the BAU has completely lost their patience for bureaucratic dickheads
“I just wanted you to hold my hand” they are soft gfs and I love them
About time one of the unsubs turned on Sicarius
Screw the propaganda that you can just make dogs eat people when they’ve been totally docile and relaxed their whole lives
Hey Sicarius, you remembering how annoying it is to do your own cleanup now?
Who the fuck is this guy Elias is hallucinating?
Genuinely curious how he finds time to make these custom foam inserts for the briefcases
Ok why is it taking so long to identify the victims found from Sicarius? This is set in 2022, DNA is fast and common.
Can’t believe this Tyler guy looked into Garcia enough to send her the encrypted locations but not enough to figure out she literally worked for the FBI. His anger over her handing over the info makes zero sense.
I know a lot of ppl hate Will for getting in the way of Jemily but he’s a very good husband. Patient, intelligent, cute. I like him.
“I believe you, but will Mom?” This new sibling energy between Rossi and Emily is everything. Also that burgundy blazer set is amazing on her.
I think Tyler has a little crush on Garcia. He just wants a woman who will kick his ass.
“Because of you I feel safe in our home” so cute literally so romantic I love them when they’re sweet
Only tangentially related but I’d love to see an episode where a serial killer breaks into another serial killer’s house. Like would it go “whoops my bad” or “you asshole you jacked my plan!” or would they just kill each other
Garcia’s little rant is hilarious
“I’m not a problem. I’m a delight. I’m a little dramatic but wonderful” yes you are Garcia
I almost believe the deputy director truly didn’t want to be overseeing this case. My guess, without watching the episode, is that he wants to prove he has some field experience so Emily can’t use it against him anymore. Also he might have a small crush on her and be a little afraid of Rossi. This season is full of men who like dominant women and I support that. I don’t support any sort of relationship between this man and Emily but I support the concept
“Bullshit. She broke your heart.” Welcome to working with profilers sir.
Also finally figured out what Emily’s scathing inditement of the deputy director reminded me of: it’s Hotch’s profiling of his team to defend them against Strauss
Emily’s smile when she finally got one over the deputy director, so pretty
Garcia and her ‘puter like she literally did the cat meme
Ok the orange crocs are a sin I would throw a folder at him too
Not surprised Will doesn’t have cancer but pissed they even teased us with it.
Haha Garcia is gonna make that dude keep the cat lol
Oh hey Sicarius. Nice to see you. Gonna kill a senator now?
lol Sicarius is like yeah I’m not sticking around for this freaky Oedipal shit. You can bankroll me, but I’m not into voyeurism on this
I know we’re supposed to be worried but 1) using a streaming site undercuts the tension of thinking a character will die and 2) that was the sexiest wheels up ever
Hahaha wow they didn’t even try to give us a realistic justification for Sicarius taking off his shirt
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Weekend Update 01/14/2024
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Hey Nerdie! Posting kind late tonight?
Yeah, I worked this weekend. Not bad as far as weekends go.
That’s good. Anything new?
Making a list of Pedro and Oscar shows and movies I wanna watch while I’m off for the next few days.
Going to see a movie with my Mom Tuesday. Also she wants to come over my house to watch “The Grey Man” because it has Regé-Jean Page in it. The more stuff I watch with my mom, the more is becomes apparent that I get my fangirling honestly. 🤔 Interesting. She would never say she is, but I know. Anytime they almost call security on you at a convention, you’re fangirling too hard.
You still have that pickle…can you get rid of it?
That gherkin has grown on me, but I may find something else. 👀
I mean…but what….should we not complain about the pickle then?
Complain about what you want doesn’t mean I’m going to change it. 😎 Or maybe I will. 🤗
Oh dear…I don’t like the glint in your eye. You write anything this week?
I put out two fics this week. One was angsty and sad? I think. 🤔 Not really sure how to describe it but I like it. It’s my first Santiago Garcia fic. Titled “Canto para mí mismo / I sing for myself.” Grief and PTSD. Not heavy at all. It will be a 4 part series.
Then I followed that up with Marcus Pike smut. I wanted to add to the Pike Pool. I had thots about Marcus and “She’s Under the Weather” was written.
I also gave two dissertations on Oscar Isaac’s facial hair and what’s the best date a PP character could surprise you with? @rhoorl and @i-own-loki game me much to think about and to write. 🤣
I’m finishing up a challenge. I may be able to finish it on time. 👀 It’s just going to smell like old pita bread and metal. Like I didn’t know what else to do with the material! The time period is messing me up. 😑
I thought of a short series for Marcus from a movie tag game I think. The thots were thotting with @magpiepills and @maggiemayhemnj so when we have an angsty sexy menace of a Marcus Pike, see these two for your concerns. 🫣
I also fell into whatever Trash Panda pillow fort Dieter has made. I’m working on chapter 4 of “Weddings 101 Dieter.” I had some notes from some comment I made about Dieter doing a solo activity that has now blossomed into smut to the music of Donna Summer. Because if you’re gonna do it, make it disco 🪩 Lastly, working on my Bubble AU where Dieter picks OFC to bunk with him to help him sleep. That’s not going to turn into anything is it? Maybe sweet, maybe manipulative, maybe smut, maybe silly 😝
I think just for @mysterious-moonstruck-musings I’ll include a pomelo in one of my future fics. Might be in the Javier Peña one we talked about or a different one. 😘 We also mentioned another project idea with different food:
A plantain as a prop would be hilarious with the line randomly chosen, “I thought everyone knew how to use one of those, you don’t?” 🤣🤣🤣
The comments and tags are where the comedy gold is. 😂😂😂 I think we also mentioned a family gathering 😂
Good grief Nerdie….should we even ask if there’s anything else?
Still working on school. Took a break from the Statistics class was frustrating me very much. Instead working through a scholarship and leadership class. 😒 I might be useful one day, but likely not.
Have a great week everyone and stay warm!
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Love Nerdie! ❤️🪩
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