#the exhasperation
whyeverr · 2 years
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A tremendous thank you to everyone reading, whether you’ve been with me from the start, or are a new follower catching up, or anything and everything in between. 
I’m finally answering any and all questions about this story, so if there’s something you’re curious about that isn’t covered below the cut, send me an ask! 
As many have already successfully deduced, the true story this has been based on is what’s known as “The Galapagos Affair.”
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I first heard this story recounted on a true crime podcast. When listening to this completely ridiculous, stranger-than-fiction story I could see so many scenes playing out in my mind in the Sims. The release of the Island Living EP made the idea seem even more feasible, and it wasn’t long after I finished my Island Living play-through that I decided to head back to Sulani and retell the story that had been living in my head rent-free as best I could with the Sims as my medium. Almost 3 years later, here we are. ☺️
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Of course, from the beginning I've had to lean into certain changes to fit my retelling into the scope of the Sims. Sara’s best friend Fleck the raccoon, in reality, was a donkey (above). The Countess, or rather, Baroness, never carried her signature whip (not that CC objects or poses aren’t available for that, I just wasn’t up to the adventure of sourcing them for my game 😅), and there wasn’t any talk of death by pufferfish in real life. (Thank goodness we got both chickens and canning in game with the release of Cottage Living or I really would have had to deviate from the true story.) 
I changed names, too, so it wasn’t too easy for anyone to Google and spoil the ending for themselves or others. I chose to include the character of the Selvadoradian (read: Ecuadorian) guide who gets written out of the hotel company party, but missed the opportunity to include the overlooked Ecuadorian teenager hired on by Doctor Roder (real name: Ritter) to help them settle into their new surroundings, as I did not learn of him until getting my hands on Dore’s book shortly after beginning my series. (And here I thought I’d done my research...) Out of a desperate need for some comic relief, I dialed up the eccentric in “eccentric millionaire” and made Captain “call me Allan” Wolcott (Hancock) a real character. I’d like to think I did a good job making Sara Dach in Dore Strauch’s likeness, but certainly took my liberties with everyone else. CAS isn’t my strong suit. 
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It honestly feels a bit weird to share these photos, perhaps because I’ve kept the true story inspiration under wraps for the better part of 3 years, but also because they’re real people. With the exception of the Baroness (and arguably perhaps, to a lesser degree, Doctor Ritter), I don’t think any of these people would have necessarily chosen to step into the spotlight that was thrust upon them (though both surviving women did go on to choose to remain in that spotlight in order to tell their own respective versions of events). 
I’m obviously quite unsure of what any one of them would make of having their story fictionalized via screenshots of a life simulation video game posted to a social media platform in the 21st century... 😄 But I’d like to think I've done right by them by exploring their at-times ridiculous words and actions with empathy (yes, even for you, Friedrich) and not charging in with clear-cut hero and villain portrayals based on whatever I might think happened.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Galapagos Affair, there are loads of short and to the point articles out there (some linked below). You might also be interested in watching the documentary (starring the inimitable Cate Blanchett as the voice of Dore) which features a lot of archival footage, news clippings, journal entries, missives, and photos. If you’re really keen, you may even want to read one or both of the survivor’s books. Dore’s book is fairly dense, and focuses exclusively on the events of the Galapagos Affair. Margret’s is a quicker read, though it goes into a lot more detail into everyday life and homemaking on a remote island and also covers their life on the island over the following decades. And of course their retellings of both key and mundane events differ quite a bit. Both are certainly worth exploring!
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The Empress of the Galápagos Islands, Smithsonian Institution Archives Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
The Gruesome History of the Galapagos Islands' Nietzsche-Fueled Homesteader Death Showdown, Gizmodo
The Galapagos Affair, ThoughtCo
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You: the Saga of the Empress of the Galapagos, HuffPost
My Favorite Murder: 129 - Coincidence Island [story beginning at 53:10] I no longer subscribe to or generally recommend this podcast but this one from the archives—where I first heard this story—is still an enjoyable, if not super well researched, listen. 
Do Go On: 173 - The Baroness of Floreana Island [story beginning at 5:35] This is a podcast I do listen to and recommend and, if you can believe it, there’s even a cheeky little Sims reference in this episode! (You might also check out their prequel episode 170 - The Essex and the Real Life Moby Dick about earlier happenings on the island of Floreana.) 
Satan Came to Eden: The Galapagos Affair Available to buy or rent on Apple TV or to stream via Kanopy / your local library and definitely not anywhere else
Satan Came to Eden: A Survivor’s Account of “The Galapagos Affair” by Dore Strauch, Available on Bookshop.org and definitely not anywhere else
Floreana: A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Galapagos by Margret Wittmer, Available on ThriftBooks
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33max · 3 months
what is a porcupine? 😮
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
This needs to become one of those draw the squad things
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groenendaze · 4 months
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big boy harness time :)
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frankenjoly · 20 days
Can you please do “ ‘Why can't you see yourself the way I do?’ ‘Why can't you see the truth about me?’ ” with sskk I love your writing so much 🥺🥺🥺
“C’mon! Please?” Atsushi was saying, gesturing frantically. He didn’t like how the argument was escalating, or how the odds of it blowing up and becoming a full-fledged fight weren’t zero (because, when it was the two of them, they never truly were). “Why can’t you see yourself the way I do?” It wasn’t the best way to put it into words, maybe, but at least his words sounded like a plea instead of commanding. He hoped.
“Why can’t I–? Me?” Akutagawa scoffed. “Why can’t you see the truth about me? It’s not difficult.” He didn’t get up from the bed, but moved backwards to sit further from Atsushi, in a demeanor he obviously recognized as defensive. “Besides, those are big words coming from you. Follow your own advice, and then we can talk.”
“Y’know how I can just tell you to do the same, right?”
“And do you know we won’t go anywhere with this, jinko?” Another scoff, which was replied to by a brief groan from Atsushi. It was true; at that rate, they weren’t going to do anything but get stuck in a pointless loop of throwing the same words at each other. 
That was why he fell silent for a while, considering his options before switching strategies.
“Listen.” Atsushi finally went on, motioning to close the small distance Akutagawa had put between them and stretching one hand in his direction. There was a small moment of silence, of stillness, before his boyfriend gave in and liked their fingers together. “I’m looking better than you think, ‘kay?”
“So am I.” Was the immediate answer.
“... Dude.”
“Please, do me a favor and never address me like that again. Anyway, I was talking about my vision of you.” Akutagawa then held onto his hand tighter.
“Alright.” A soft smile started appearing on Atsushi’s face, as he lifted both their hands to leave a kiss over the back of Akutagawa’s. “Can we settle on how each one of us has a more correct perception of the other and go get dinner?”
(Also on ao3.)
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fauxpapillons · 2 months
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Comm for @lunaticpsyker08
an absolutely normal day under the snow! Poor sandalphon gets into situations.... and might need to wash his hair after Belial beast has decided to just staaaaaare the cup the other made for himself. SDÑFDKSÑFDFF thit was so fun to draw!!!!!!
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diifacto · 1 year
it’s a good thing that john is so goddamn dramatic, arthur really could’ve gotten an entity that just described things bare bones but instead we’ve got “the damage of time is heavy down here, the concrete walls that were once painted in soft grey now sport cracks that run deep—”
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sholmeser · 8 months
dude your ace attorney takes are so good youre so smart. do you have any thoughts about robert hammond or are you normal about the people who were involved in dl6 that we barely hear about
THANK U and i dont Particularly have any strong thoughts on hammond but i do think it’s very interesting how he’s one of the more realistic portrayals of criminal attorneys in the aa franchise. while ace attorney shines a spotlight on human empathy and trust and the way that we are willing to put our fates in the hands of the ones we love, hammond takes us back to the Real World in that he kind of just defends people because he…wants to do his job. he doesn’t believe in nor disbelieve in his clients; his goal is a “not guilty” verdict for the sake of obtaining a “not guilty” verdict and doing what he was assigned to do. this doesn’t make him a bad person, even though turnabout goodbyes kind of wants us to think that he is one. his character does a good job of reminding the player that the judicial system isn’t only full of hard-working defense attorneys who wholeheartedly believe in their clients and demonic prosecutors who are willing to send anyone to jail no matter what they have to do; sometimes defense attorneys know that their clients are guilty and work to obtain a reduced sentence anyways. sometimes prosecutors know that defendants are innocent but still have to do what the state has assigned them to do. being an attorney is not so black-and-white of a profession as ace attorney likes to portray it to be, and i think that hammond serves as a good reminder of that.
in regards to DL-6, i don’t think hammond himself has to be expanded on too much, but naturally i do think it would be awesome if we were given more information on the case. while i think that hammond himself is okay as he stands—i don’t think he needs to be too complex to a character—i would really like to see more of his dynamic with yogi and edgeworth. i said this in a comment to you, but i would love for hammond to notice how something seems off with edgeworth—like he’s withholding information or scared to say something—but doesn’t quite care because his insanity plea is going according to plan. i also think it would be cool to see how hammond interacted with grossberg, mia, and maybe even diego. i DO need more grossberg offices interactions like. yesterday. i think they would have been a funny gang
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
the migraines have been particularly bad this week with the major temperature swings back and forth (30-+ degree swings!!) and my return to work has been....almost nonexistent.
If you like what I do and would like to support my work head over to my ko-fi and consider supporting me there.
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vrisbian · 1 year
With Edgin, there are certain elements of his flavoring that are more rogue for sure.
However, I feel his character was leaning into more the performance essence of bardhood- and beyond that- though they didn’t give it a special effect I could feel him giving Bardic Inspiration. He is using spells but only the ones that rally his friends.
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beedreamscape · 1 year
Brennan: Aabria, does Suvi make it [there] in time? Me, shaking my head, knowing he has done it before and will do it again:
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quinnanneslace · 5 months
im obsessed with the way barcus seems to always hate you like just a little bit
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corntort · 5 months
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inever noticed he got a santa hat in the post act 2 fight thats so fucking funny
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2manyfandoms2count · 1 year
Omg there's a horse riding equipment brand called "Felix Bühler"... I need Félix to be the official face of the brand, and keep having to correct people on his name in interviews after competitions because it's Fathom, not Bühler
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moesartblog · 7 months
I gotta be honest I’m a little sick of being recommended endless videos on YouTube about “why aren’t women embracing femininity?” “The not like other girls phenomenon” “femininity is demonized in girls media and it’s time to embrace the sharpays of the movie sphere!”
Blease there’s… so many… and the ones I did end up watching … their analyses are so bad…….
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fated-mates · 10 months
We’re talking about a classic trope that we’ve somehow missed over five seasons — Grumpy/Sunshine! Of course our favorite brand of this particular trope is what our friend @b-andherbooks calls “Exasperated Man™️,” but we’re talking about the whole continuum of grumps and sunshines, including grumpy women (because it’s 2023, and aren’t most women pretty grumpy, honestly). Check out this list of books, and share your own faves!
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