dragongirlsnout · 10 months
Hi! I installed your dashboard unfucker (which, thank you so much, the new layout was god awful) and I was wondering if there was a way to change the color palette while using it? I normally browse tumblr on dark mode but the code keeps reverting it everytime i refresh the page.
The palettes change just fine for me, not sure what would cause that. Outside of the script, though, the palette settings have been bugged for me since they moved it to /settings/dashboard, try setting it to a different option and then back to dark mode.
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catty-words · 1 year
🔥 fabiola x aneesa! (i mean ik your thoughts on it but like, there's no such things as talking too much about them soo)
no such thing as talking too much about them, SO TRUE
they were such a pleasant surprise from season three, a sweet lil gift, but i wasn't especially upset about the dissolution of their relationship the first go 'round because i think there's something interesting worth exploring about the muddled grey between admiring someone and being attracted to them.
what i don't love about the storyline is how the writers neglected to consider the characters while they were writing in service of the plot, so we miss out on doing anything interesting with the idea that both aneesa and fabiola mistook their bond for romantic because they adore the other so much. they were simply hurried onto the next thing - addison for fabiola, and for anessa uhhh - *white noise*
anyway, because i am stubborn and my brain loves to pick at squandered potential, they are now a ship whose hill i would die on.
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ghostbkg · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to your last ten people in your notifs! You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! ✨
!!!!! thank you so much!!! ahh getting this ask made me so happy T-T
- first and foremost my baby dog (who is 7 now but will always be my baby),, i just love her so so much!!!!
- i’ve been rewatching haikyuu and there are a few moments that just always make me go “!!<3” no matter how many times i watch the anime
- i study linguistics and english and sometimes things that i learned in an english class come up in a linguistics class or vice versa and that always makes me feel very excited
- holding hands with my friends :)
- when people ask me for advice - like, my gf asks me for help or advice when they’re coming up with characters; they are very passionate about that and i get very happy when they like my suggestions and incorporate them!! recently i came up with a name for their dnd character and they (as well as the other people in their campaign) loved it which just felt great! and a few days ago a friend asked me to beta read a story they’d written, and i’m just very happy when i get help people out (plus knowing that they actually value my opinion) <3
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monstrsball · 1 year
Sunshine ☀️☀️☀️☀️ soup 🥣🍲🍜, crazy frog 🟢🟩💚💚🐸🐸and why 🍇👾💜🟪
ahh thank you!!!! 🥹🥹
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dragonsareawesome123 · 6 months
BL Wrapped 2023
template by @loveable-sea-lemon
Tagged by @celestial-sapphicss. Thanks for tagging me!
you watched 9 bls this year but only finished 3. that's about yeah idk what happened this year since i was on a bl roll last year hours! (i think this was more of a kdrama year for me)
Never Let Me Go - finished
Moonlight Chicken - didn't finish
Our Skyy 2 - didn't finish
History1: Obsessed - didn't finish
The Luminous Solution - didn't finish
Dangerous Romance - finished
I Feel You Linger in the Air - finished
Last Twilight - still airing and won't finish airing until next year
Night Dream - still airing and won't finish airing until next year
you primarily watched bls from GMMTV.
you spent way too much time thinking about these characters: Palm, Nuengdiao, Yai, and Jom.
your favorite show was I Feel You Linger in the Air. you kept thinking about it all year.
your overall bl mood was soulmates and yearning.
you read the most fanfiction about Palmnueng. like way too much.
another of your favorites from this year was Never Let Me Go. they captivated your gay little heart.
the soundtracks you listened to the most were I Feel You Linger in the Air. it made you feel really normal.
your favorite acting pair was Brightnonkul. there was just something so mesmerizing about them…
Also, shout out to the GLs I watched/am still watching:
GAP the Series (tv show): finished
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Lucky Fish (short film): finished
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Love Senior (tv show): still airing and won't finish airing until next year
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I'm In Love with the Villainess (tv show): finished
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Green Night (film): finished
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And the non BL GMMTV shows I watched this year:
Home School (tv show): didn't finish
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Enigma (tv show): finished
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Taggging: @benkaaoi, @fiddlepickdouglas, @iamdarthbader, @tenprem, @callipigio, @yourstormthlaylirahh, @laowen, @theheightofdishonor, @williamrikers
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Hi! I read your post on colours in my love mix up and I was wondering if you would mind expanding on aida being a red flag? (I mean I agree lol but I think your thoughts are so interesting) No worries if you don't want to
@theheightofdishonor, you think my thoughts are interesting?!
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I'm always shocked reading statements like that. I offer organized chaos and suppressed unhinged behavior. A day with too much caffeine could lead me to ramble about how a royalty-themed BL would be the perfect opportunity for a Golden Gentlemen and a Purple Prince for hours. But I contain myself for everyone else's safety.
And, thankfully, I got some version of this already:
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Which brings me to this menace:
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Yes, I firmly declared that Aida is a Red Flag, but like a red flag on a golf course, which means he is there to offer guidance but we have to adjust the way we approach him as a character because he is more abrasive and forthright than the other characters.
Reasons Aida is a Golf Course Red Flag
Ida is his best friend, but Ida is quiet and contemplative. Aoki is chaotic but caring and observant. Hashimoto is kind and powerful. Aida is loud, assertive, and impulsive.
Unlike the rest of the characters, he doesn't think before he speaks. His motivation for most of his actions is pure self-pleasure.
Aida does stuff for Hashimoto because he thinks as a girl, she is weak. He grabs props from her and tells her to go help Aoki instead. It should be kind, but it's not. He calls Aoki useless, while Ida tries to find solutions. He tells Aoki he is stupid for only getting a six on the exam. He doesn't think about how his words or actions harm others.
When Aoki volunteers to be Cinderella, he does it to save Hashimoto, who he cares for. Aida immediately laughs at this then volunteers Ida to be the prince. He might be trying to help out his buddy, but really, he just wants to start shit.
Aida always volunteers Ida to do something. Even if he is trying to play matchmaker, Aoki doesn't do that to Hashimoto. Aoki allows Hashimoto to make her own decisions and maneuvers the situation to fit her wishes. Aida simply offers up Ida like a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter without a second thought and waits to see how it pans out.
He lacks emotional intelligence. When he questions Hashimoto about her crush, her demeanor clearly shows she is uncomfortable, but he persists, almost giddy. She looks like she is about to cry, and he looks like this:
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This is further exhibited by him stating that, "if you can't say anything because you're worried about how the other person will react, then you're just making excuses." Aida doesn't think about other people. He doesn't think about their feelings. He only thinks about himself and his happiness.
He thinks Hashimoto is upset because he bad-mouthed Aoki even though she directly told Aida that him being self-centered was the reason she was upset. He never thinks he is the problem!
He pushed Aoki onto the court like he was a discarded rag doll!
He says things and does things simply to set off Hashimoto. Ida admits to doing the same to Aoki because he likes seeing Aoki blush and his reactions, so it makes sense that they are best buddies, but Aida's comments are insulting unlike Ida's.
Aida isn't the worst. However, he is a very typical teenager boy: joking at others' expense, taking nothing seriously, always in someone's personal space, never reading the room or the vibe, and lacking decorum. He evolves throughout the show to be a great friend and ally, but he constantly needs to be reminded to take a seat every now and then.
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Aida isn't horrible, but if you ask me, Hashimoto should've punched him three times instead of only twice.
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telomeke · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by my Internet buddy and fellow QL fan @pandasmagorica! Thanks 🥰
Credit also: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
So let's get into it:
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy, still. After all this time it continues to hold up, I think because it packed so much intelligence into its short run of 12 episodes. I also have a soft spot for Moonlight Chicken, although it is arguably more queer cinema in episodic form and not classically a QL/BL.
Favorite Pairing: Umm, gonna leave aside the ships and talk about professional pairings for QL series. Ohm and Nanon as PatPran still top my list; they tore my heart to shreds in Bad Buddy and healed it too. But I don't need to see them as any other pair in another series also for that reason. MaxTul seem to bring it in any series they're in, so they get a mention too.
Most underrated actor: Have to agree with @pandasmagorica about Fluke Gawin Caskey. They need to use him more – he's doing a truly credible job in Be My Favorite plus wow he can sing really well. And I think Krist Perawat in the same series is also surprising all of us; he's certainly matured since his stumbly, mumbly turn in SOTUS.
Favorite Character: Eep. This is like trying to choose among your children. I love so many! Pat and Pran for different reasons (I'm very much like one, more than the other, but I love them both). But I also like Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken, maybe because of his confident self-knowledge, and all the hope he represents for the next generation.
Favorite Side Character: Arm from KinnPorsche for the wrong reasons; devastating combination of nerdy and also hot when shirtless. Also maybe Daddy Chan from the same show. And (odd/unpopular choice) maybe Dissaya from Bad Buddy; I'm just fascinated by her character and backstory, and wish we got told more of it. Also Manaow from Until We Meet Again and Yihwa in Together With Me for being the effervescent supportive besties I wish I had growing up.
Favorite scene in a QL: The opening scene in Ep.5 of Bad Buddy because it tells us so much, in so many layers, and upon the re-watch you can sense that something's starting to turn (though the closing scene on the rooftop is a very close second, for obvious reasons).
Favorite line in a QL: Pat and Pran at the end of BBS Ep.5 going "Do you want us to be friends?" followed by the softest, most gut-wrenching "No..."
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends – looking forward to something steamy for a change. Been too long since KinnPorsche.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: HeartLiMing in Moonlight Chicken. And PatPran in BBS, but only post-Ep.12 timeskip. They're so respectful to each other – but also a bit boring, so I'm not sure I'd want to watch them in another show because a drama with no drama wouldn't be a drama, now then would it?
Most toxic relationship in a QL: VegasPete in KinnPorsche? I'm still divided about their dynamic. Or TharnType in TharnType perhaps. That was just badly written.
Guilty pleasure series: KinnPorsche. Nuff said.
Most underrated series: He's Coming to Me really needs more love. Production values not the strongest but themes, acting, storyline are all top-notch (with some minor points only that I might want to quibble about). One of the earliest to deal with cultural themes in Thai QL and it was fascinating.
Tagging @airenyah, @dribs-and-drabbles, @waitmyturtles, @bengiyo, @twig-tea, @colourme-feral, @miscellar, @ranchthoughts, @chickenstrangers, @dudeyuri, @inventedfangirling, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @wen-kexing-apologist, @starryalpacasstuff, @kattahj, @lurkingshan, @neuroticbookworm...
...@theheightofdishonor, @dimpledpran, @silvercrystal1, @mineonmain, @sharingfandoms and anybody else I might have missed, feel free to play (or not!).
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i am once again thinking about nanfah no last name and how his relationship with Kaewta fell apart because she couldn't tell him and Nannam apart, how Pladao also couldn't tell them apart when she ran into Nannam and Nithan on the roof, and how THAT is what Nanfah touches on when confronting Nannam - that the woman you're in love with and are choosing over me can't even tell us apart.
and then in this post @theheightofdishonor spoke about the possibility of Nanfah being haunted by "the knowledge that he's lying to Pladao like he did with Kaewta, unable to realize that it's different this time" and now I can't stop thinking about how YEAH how could he think things would play out differently between him and Pladao, but also, how could he ever think things would be different for Nannam and Nithan either?
And how much worse did it sting when Nannam never contradicted Nanfah when he brought up how Nithan wouldn't be able to tell who's who (possibly implying Nannam agreed with him), and yet Nannam still chose to pull a gun on his own brother - all for someone who, they both agree, can't even tell them apart.
and then-
Then Nithan did clock that it wasn't Nannam she was getting engaged to. Like Kaewta and Pladao, Nithan had no idea a twin existed, had no idea WHO it was in front of her, but she was certain enough that it wasn't Nannam that she readily gave up the ruse because she refused to get engaged to someone else. Nithan knew Nannam well enough to identify him correctly.
How was this any different from the situations with Kaewta and Pladao? Why couldn't the ones Nanfah fell in love with distinguish between the twins?
and finally, I'm thinking about: "everything seems so easy for Nam".
(that "finally" is a lie because I am also thinking about how, in the same confrontation, Nanfah asks Nannam if he really thinks Fah would've led a woman to kill herself. Until now, Nanfah has had other people not recognise him, but does even Nannam not know him anymore? Does his own twin really think that about him?)
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voidstilesplease · 1 year
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @msmischief101 🖤 Rules: In a new post show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
"I overheard a conversation between dad and his agent this morning," Ivan says softly, eyes downcast.
Tagging: @lilacsandorangeblossoms, @dearifievenknew, @go-catch-a-chickn, @cescalr, @theheightofdishonor, and everyone else who wants to! :)))
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catty-words · 2 years
13 and 14 for nhie
13. what is one of your favorite underrated parts of canon?
ok gonna ignore the rules right off the bat and give two answers 🤪
firstly, nalini being a complex character with motivations the narrative deems important enough to explore and sympathize with because that’s something that i didn’t get a lot out of the ya media i consumed as a kid but it adds so freaking much to my viewing experience. she’s not someone who knows best just by merit of being the adult in the room. in a lot of ways, she’s still becoming as much as devi.
secondly, i gotta shoutout the paxton-devi-ben dynamic. I know we all have our preferences, but y’all do be bumming me out when you refuse to acknowledge that the boys give devi a platform to explore different aspects of her own identity and they’re equally important relationships. love the whole triangle or bust!!
14. what is one of your favorite pieces of fanon?
it’s gotta be yale-bound ben for me. blue is his signature color, ya know?
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hardcover or paperback? bookstore or library? bookmark or receipt? stand alone or series? nonfiction or fiction? thriller or fantasy? under 300 pages or over 300 pages? children’s or ya? friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? read in bed or read on the couch? read at night or read in the morning? keep pristine or markup? cracked spine or dog ear? No😭😭
Thank you so much for the tag @fluffyyymocha I’m finding I’m actually really enjoying these things!
@murderkitten666 @anime-obsessed @killu-cats-choco @theheightofdishonor @goblinmanifesto
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cescalr · 8 months
15 Questions!
Thanks @theheightofdishonor for tagging me in this... ages ago lmao. Ah well!
1. Are you named after anyone? Not exactly; my mum really liked the name when she first heard it and decided then and there to use it, but it happens to be similar to (and is arguably an extended version of the feminine form of) my grandfather's name.
2. When was the last time you cried? hmmmmmmmm don't remember actually!
3. Do you have kids? Nope
4. Do you use sarcasm? Yeah. Not like, all the time, but it's noticable.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Height, hair, clothes, skin. I'm blind, so most people are Big Things - the shapes that make them up, statement pieces of the wardrobe, dominant colour tones. It takes me a long time to recognise a person, because I can't really go off of faces unless I'm like inches away from them lol. Learning a face requires staring for uncomfortably long amounts of time at still images.
6. What's your eye color? Hazel Green, though the green part is hardly noticeable normally, its there on the only pictures of my eyes I can see (closeups done by the optometrist).
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Why does a scary movie mean it can't have a happy ending? Weird and incorrect dichotomy! But I would prefer to watch a movie that has a happy ending over one that's just trying to be 'scary' instead of like. Tell me a story. Yk? I'm not here to be screeched at by stock violins I'm here to discover a new world full of interesting people borne of some other person's imagination and the talents of their film crew.
8. Any special talents? I'm a touchtypist, I guess that counts?
9. Where were you born? The UK :)
10. What are your hobbies? reading, writing, drawing, gaming, mostly.
11. Do you have any pets? Yes!! Two very adorable cats. And my dad has a cat, too, so technically three :).
12. What sports do you play/have you played? lol
13. How tall are you? 4"9' (4'9" ?? how do the symbols work). Yeah.
14. Favorite subject in school? Honestly don't remember much of my high school experience, but I know I liked Art, DT, CS, and English. In college I preffered my Acting BTEC and my Grahpic Design A Level to the Film Theory A Level i was doing - and the English Lit I dropped when I reset my first year. (Replaced Art and Stats with the other two.)
15. Dream job? Welllllll I'd like to make a game one day. Write interactive stories. Yeah.
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monstrsball · 1 year
I follow you because of your godtier aus and suga hcs ❤️❤️
thank you hehe. <33
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Tag game ♡ rules: post your lock/home screen, the last song you listened to, and the last picture you saved!!
Tagged by @laowen. Thanks for tagging me!
Tagging: @secretly-of-course, @illbeyourreasonwhy, @fiddlepickdouglas, @jewishraypalmer, @yourstormthlaylirahh, @theheightofdishonor
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malepresentingleg · 1 year
15 questions, however many people
Thanks @theheightofdishonor for tagging me!
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
From a show or a book or a movie probably in the past 2 weeks, I cry very easily when I'm by myself😅.
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet! Just some siblings I helped raise and a few friends I parent here and there.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, tho I try to cut back. Definitely less than I used to.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I normally don't really pay attention to people 🙈
Something that can grab my attention is a nice smile tho, or if they have a dog with them.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't think these are on two opposite ends of a spectrum but I both hate scary movies and love happy endings so it works. I don't mind tragedy and angst as much as I do scary movies, but I do much prefer them having a happy ending.
8. Any special talents?
I don't really have any special talents, just some very regular talents.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, cooking, watching tv/movies and engaging in fandom, gossiping (👀), learning languages, technically writing ig.
11. Do you have any pets?
I do not, but I'm a proud aunt of several.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I dance for hmmm 14 years? Now I dabble when I get the chance. I played some volleyball when I was REALLY young, and a few weeks of basketball a few years ago. I really love playing sports but I don't really do that much anymore sadly.
13. How tall are you?
163cm ish
14. Favorite subject in school?
Okay I might be the biggest nerd for saying this but literally everything. I LOVED school and every subject was interesting. Sometimes the classes were bad if we had bad teachers but I still loved it. I guess math was my favorite? Can going to the library be a subject? I was there every single day and the walls are full of my book recs.
15. Dream job?
I wanted to say unemployment bc why would my dream be to have a job but it would drive me up the wall not having a proper occupation.
Probably something with writing code, or discourse analysis (the linguistic kind, not fandom skjsd), and I already have a plan with a friend to open a daycare for toddlers when I'm older so. From unemployment I got to 3 different jobs oh well.
Tagging @singlularbraincel @bagilgulhaze @akaashism @bengalbutch and @shelbychild
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telomeke · 1 year
tag game ♡ rules: post your lock/home screen, the last song you listened to, and the last picture you saved!!
Ooh, thanks for the tag @airenyah!
What's my phone lockscreen? It's this cool 2016 Yamaha YZF-R6:
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I don't ride a bike, and it never appealed to me in the past. But there's just something about this 60th anniversary bumblebee design that I find hard to resist. Not planning to get one, ever (it's better for the environment to use public transport, I don't need one, etc etc.), but still a guy can dream.
The last song I listened to was one that came out of the blue, and it was @markpakin who alerted me to it! (Not tagging you for the game though because you already played right? 😁) And you know the song too @airenyah – it's Stand By หล่อ that the My School President boys sang at the MSP Prom Night concert. But I've been listening to the New Country version, or more specifically, watching their dance video for it (over and over) on YouTube:
Gotta love a song that starts with the word "Donut" – I can't think of any other! 💖 Plus the choreography is mesmerizing and the execution is flawless. I'm particularly impressed by the dancing of the blond guy (Mbow Pantakan, wearing a top that looks a bit like Ink's in Bad Buddy at Ep.4 [3I4] 0.55 😍), as well as that of Guitar Nathaaek (in the checked sweater). Also I can't help thinking Tintin Jarasrawee (in the grey and white hoodie) looks kind of like Korn in Bad Buddy. As always everything leads back to BBS for me!
The last photo I saved is a little mundane:
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The groceries I ordered arrived with a glass jar (containing my favorite freeze-dried coffee granules) shattered by the delivery process. So I took this photo as proof to accompany my request for a refund. Such a waste of good coffee, but the shards of glass are so well mixed in there's no salvaging anything from that jar, unfortunately. And I'm sore about it because I drink a lot of coffee.
I dunno who else to tag! So just doing this off the top of my head – @colourme-feral, @crzshaly437, @seeking-moonscapes, @non-binarypal7, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @waitmyturtles, @miscellar, @dribs-and-drabbles, @wen-kexing-apologist, @respectthepetty, @theheightofdishonor, @lovelyghostv, @grapejuicegay, @transpran, @e-the-village-cryptid, @7nessasaryevils. All people I've been following avidly. Your posts have brought me so much joy! 😍 Feel free to ignore if you don't want to play or have already played, and anyone else whom I've not tagged but who follows me please feel free to play too so I can get to know you better! 💖 I feel bad at not following so many people back but I can barely cope with the dashboard feed as it is. 😰
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