#the spirit of the holidays has brought me back to life
deliriousbean · 5 months
It's a bit late but...
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Have a patented Nelson, Murdock, and Page new year's dance party
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We have work days usually on Friday to work on whatever upcoming assignments we have due. I have a lot of costume work (mostly detailing) left for me and theoretically I want everything done by like 3 and I get out of class at 2. Tomorrow is Friday. Which might be a work day for my only class. All of my upcoming assignments r done. I could show up (which would get me out of bed dressed and moving) and then if it’s a work day leave for my costume. This is a very good idea actually I will be doing this
#shoutout to tumblr text posts for cohesiving my thoughts once again#i am. so tired. I’ve been up since 9 took a nap from 5-7 and never really woke up :/#even tho I had so much caffeine!!! no fair!!!!#thank god for my old scene partner friend who had an arts and crafts project and did it at my place or else I probably would’ve never#worker on the costume nearly as much as I did. i got the crafts apartment#me and my hot glue gun against the world. fun fact! that hot glue gun graduated with me from high school bc I took it from the prop room#i did run props. i was the sole person who knew what was in there therefore I got to pick an object to graduate with#i picked my favorite pink hot glue gun and letter opener <3#also. i swear I have spent like the entire last 2 weeks with my old scene partner and our friend#it’s also weird calling him my old scene partner bc like. he and I r very good friends now but also people earn a title in my life#and it rarely changes. and I’d say my only college friend. but he brought one of his friends around enough that we are also friends now so#it’s inaccurate. i wouldn’t say best friend bc that’s a cursed title for me. there’s nothing else that fits. but old scene partner takes#so many characters and I only get 100 per tag lol that’s the real reason it feels inaccurate. very interesting though bc like#bestie cares about me?? and not passively?? he actively cares about me?? i also learned that I am apparently his closest friend I thought#our friend in common was out closest friend. also I showed a human emotion once. and it was a very interesting dynamic change#i come off as way cold and I think he may have genuinely thought I didn’t care much which isnt true at all I doubt I would’ve came back this#year if he wasn’t here. but ever since bestie has like. agreed to anything I ask him to do?? he went to spirit Halloween with me#he hates Halloween. all holidays actually. he keeps staying up late with me even though he doesn’t like doing that??#genuinely so confused bc I’ve never had a friend in person care about me this much it keeps catching me off guard#also he goes out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable which is another thing i have never experienced in my life#he is probably one of the best friends I have ever had. idk what to do about it#especially considering after this April I won’t ever see him again. and I’ll almost assuredly lose contact with him. it’s weird to think abt#soup talks
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fafnir19 · 17 days
Genie's lamp
Lex strolled along the cobblestone streets of the small coastal town, soaking in the salty breeze that whispered tales of the sea. His summer holidays had brought him here, seeking respite from the bustling city life and his studies that had consumed him for so long. As he wandered, a glint of light caught his eye, drawing him to a narrow side street where an ancient-looking shop stood, its wooden sign creaking in the wind. Intrigued, Lex pushed open the heavy oak door and stepped inside, the musty smell of old books and incense enveloping him. Shelves lined with peculiar artifacts and trinkets stretched out before him, each item holding a hint of mystery within its aged confines. "Welcome, young traveler," a voice called out, drawing Lex's attention to a figure behind the counter. Declan, the shop owner, stood before him, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Feel free to browse my collection. I must make a quick errand to the post office, but I'll return shortly." As Declan made his exit, Lex's curious gaze wandered over the shelves filled with curiosities from distant lands. His eyes landed on a tarnished Arabic lamp, its intricate designs whispering of tales untold.
As he lifted the lamp, a playful grin tugged at his lips, recalling childhood tales of genies and their whimsical magic. He rubbed the lamp absentmindedly, half-expecting nothing but a puff of dust to emerge. Lex's eyes widened in awe as he watched the ancient lamp in his hands start to emit wisps of smoke. His heart raced with excitement, a smile spreading across his face. The air crackled with energy as the smoke coalesced into a muscular figure, clad in black leather harem pants, standing with their back to him.
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"Cool, a real genie! I already know what I will wish for! Ahm… what’s actually your name, genie?" Lex exclaimed, overcome with excitement. Turning slowly to face Lex, the genie's eyes gleamed with a potent mix of mischief and malevolence. "I am Jafar," the genie rumbled, his voice laced with authority "You will refer to me as Master, mere mortal." Confusion clouded Lex's features at the genie's command. "Master? What do you mean?" he spluttered, uncertainty tainting his tone. The genie's next words sent a shiver down Lex's spine. "Kneel before me and submit," Jafar commanded, his voice steely with power. Fear gripped Lex's heart, his instincts urging him to flee as he took a step back. With a shaky voice, he stammered, "I...I have to go." His heart raced as he made a break for the door. But before he could make it, an unseen force lifted him off the ground, tendrils of smoke enveloping him. Panic seized him as he felt himself turning to smoke, his very essence slipping away.
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The laughter of the genie echoed around him as Lex found himself being pulled into the ancient lamp. Inside, the world shifted around him, his clothes transforming into exotic harem pants and golden rings adorning his limbs.
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Panic surged through Lex as he pounded against the walls of the lamp, trying to break free from this strange and terrifying prison. Jafar, the genie, held the lamp nonchalantly, observing Lex's futile attempts with amusement.
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"You're quite the spirited one, aren't you?" Jafar's voice dripped with malicious charm. "But fear not, the lamp's magic will soon calm you and make you more... impressionable." A strange calmness settled over Lex, his mind clouding with a soothing fog. "Relax, kneel," the genie's voice commanded, its tone both hypnotic and commanding. Filled with a strange sense of peace, Lex obeyed, his anxiety giving way to a bizarre sense of acceptance.
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Lex's thoughts grew foggy, his will bending to the genie's influence. "It has always been your hidden desire to help others," Jafar purred. "What better way than to serve me?" Finding a strange sense of logic in the genie's words, Lex embraced the idea of serving.
Followed by the genie's revelations about Lex's yearning for confidence and independence hit uncomfortably close to home. "Your struggles stem from your desire to be strong, my dear Lex," Jafar continued, his voice a luring whisper. "You do not need to be strong yourself, but to walk in the shadow of greatness," Jafar's words resonated within Lex's soul. The genie continued, his voice like a hypnotic melody. "Simply follow a strong master, and you shall find your purpose." A revelation dawned upon Lex, a realization that perhaps he had been searching for guidance all along. Lex felt a strange sense of clarity wash over him and gratitude swelled in his chest as Jafar offered his help and guidance. So, Lex embraced the notion of relinquishing his independence and accepted willingly, to follow where the genie led with a newfound sense of purpose.
Jafar's words cut through the haze, revealing a truth about Lex that he had never acknowledged. "All your struggles stem from one simple truth you deny," Jafar's voice carried a weight of finality. "You are secretly gay, Lex." Lex's breath caught in his throat, his mind racing as he grappled with the unexpected revelation. Could it be true? Had he been blind to his own desires all along? “But... but I’ve never...” Lex's voice faltered, uncertainty clouding his mind. Jafar demanded, "Admit it. Say it aloud. Acknowledge who you truly are." Doubt flickered in Lex' eyes, but after a moment of hesitation, he said, "I...I'm..." his voice trembled before he took a deep breath and uttered the words, "I'm gay, Master." Jafar's laughter rang out, a mix of triumph and satisfaction.
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"Well done, my obedient pleasure boy. Embrace your new self." Lex felt a strange mix of liberation and vulnerability wash over him as he acknowledged his hidden truth, sending ripples of change through his being. As the words hung in the air, a wave of acceptance washed over him, mingling with the confusion and fear that clouded his thoughts. Before he could dwell on his newfound revelation, Jafar swiftly sprung into the lamp.
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Jafar's eyes danced with triumph as he took a step closer to Lex, his movements predatory and sinuous. With a swift motion, he caressed Lex thighs and member through the delicate fabric of the harem pants. A moan escaped Lex's lips as he felt the undeniable response of his body to Jafar's touch. The genie's dark eyes held a predatory gleam as he watched Lex' cock respond eagerly to his dominance. "That's mine now, right?" he purred, his voice dripping with power and desire. Lex's response was a guttural moan, a simple "Yes, Master," escaping his lips as he surrendered to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. Jafar's grip on Lex's chin was firm yet gentle as he lifted his gaze, locking eyes with him in an unspoken command. "Show me your devotion," he demanded, his voice laced with undeniable authority. Feeling a mix of devotion and arousal, Lex knelt before Jafar, his hands trembling as he reached for the genie's leather-clad thighs.
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As he sucked Jafar’s dick, his mind clouded with submission, a strange eagerness washing over him. The genie's deep chuckle filled the air as Lex' obedience pleased him.
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As Jafar reached the heights of pleasure, Lex obediently swallowed every drop of his master's cum, savoring it with an appetite fueled by his submission. Jafar's dark laughter mixed with Lex's moans, creating a symphony of domination and pleasure within the confines of the magical lamp.  Just when the intensity of the moment peaked, a sudden interruption shattered the moment. The shop owner's return brought a jolt of reality to the surreal scene unfolding before him. Declan's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of the genie and the student, frozen in a moment of twisted bliss. "Ah, Declan, your timing is impeccable as always," Jafar's voice dripped with smooth amusement, his gaze lingering on Lex with a knowing look. Lex's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal, unsure of what would come next in this unexpected encounter between master, servant, and unwitting spectator. The air crackled with tension, a sense of anticipation hanging heavy in the magical shop.
Declan's voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade, "Jafar, I wish that you let the boy free!" His words held a tone of authority that demanded obedience. Jafar's eyes narrowed, but he begrudgingly complied, knowing he had to obey Declan's wish. "Your wish is my command, master," he hissed through clenched teeth. In a swirl of magic and smoke, Lex was released from the confines of the lamp, standing once more in the shop, his eyes wide with a mix of relief and confusion.
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Declan approached Lex, his gaze filled with sympathy as he explained the gravity of the situation. "I arrived just in time. A few minutes later, and Jafar would have transformed you into a genie for good," he revealed, his tone grave yet comforting. Gratitude swelled within Lex as he realized the extent of Declan's intervention. He had been spared a fate worse than he could imagine.
Lex mind was still reeling from the whirlwind of the events that had unfolded and he felt a sense of overwhelming fatigue wash over him. "I think that's enough excitement for one day. It's time for me to leave," he mumbled wearily, ready to escape the bewildering events of the day. Yet, Declan's words halted him in his tracks, his gaze locking onto Lex with a mix of intent and purpose. "As you have already swallowed Jafar’s seed, you have gained magical powers that need to be trained," Declan explained, his tone unwavering. "You must become my sorcerer apprentice now."
Lex's mind reeled at the sudden shift in his destiny. From a simple student on holiday to now a budding sorcerer under Declan's guidance, his life had taken a dramatic turn.
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Though Declan reassured him that Jafar's revelation about his supposed hidden gay desires was part of the genie's corrupting influence, a lingering sense of longing remained within Lex. The memory of serving Jafar, albeit under false pretenses, had stirred something deep within him.
As Lex embarked on this new chapter of his life, delving into the world of magic and sorcery under Declan's tutelage, he couldn't shake off the echoes of his encounter with the genie. The allure of power, the pull of submission, and the whispers of forbidden desires tugged at the edges of his consciousness.
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And so, Lex's journey into the realm of mysticism and enchantment began, marked by the lingering shadows of his past encounter and the uncertain promise of what lay ahead as he navigated the path to becoming a powerful sorcerer and, perhaps, mastering the depths of his own desires.
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writerscall · 7 months
Baling Christmas cookies with Hazel 😭😭
author's note/s: 742 words. not so much of the baking itself but it does set the scene for this. sapphic fluff 4 dayz, as the kids like to say
If you had to swat her hand away from the bowl of cookie dough one more time, you were going to lose your mind. Or maybe put the bowl in the fridge and find a way to lock it as you finish up your current batch of cookies.
“Hazel, seriously,” you tsk at her.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But I did tell you that I’m a sucker for chocolate chip cookies - baked and unbaked.”
Hazel shrugs and puts her hands up as if to say, ‘What can you do?’, and you can only roll your eyes at her affectionately as you move the bowl away from her. She was always a nice little distraction to your daily tasks and in stressful situations, but you really needed to get your baking done before mid-afternoon. The holidays weren’t in full swing just yet but you didn’t wanna do your Christmas shopping when everyone else was; huge crowds weren’t Hazel’s thing and they weren’t yours either. Besides, even though you didn’t know what to buy, it’d be nice to know which shops to visit again once you do.
“You can have them once they’re out of the oven and cooled. They’re yummier and healthier that way,” you say pointedly. “But that won’t happen if you keep distracting me.”
She hums, walking around the island and stopping right behind you. She presses a kiss to the back of your head before snaking her arms around your waist, her chin resting atop your shoulder. You smile to yourself as you lean back, letting her sway the two of you in silence as you continue shaping the dough.
After a moment, she asks, “Why are you making all of this so early, anyway? Isn’t baking treats supposed to be during the twenties of December when it’s really Christmas already?”
You shrug, placing another cut out soon-to-be sugar cookie on the tray. “Force of habit. It’s kind of like a tradition my parents and I have for the season, helps us prepare to get into the holiday spirit and all that before doing some early shopping or just window-shopping. You have something like that too, right?”
Hazel tightens her embrace as you feel her shake her head. “My family’s not the type. Mom puts in more effort at the PTA meetings for the school’s Christmas events than she does in decorating our own house — and before you ask, yes, the house does have decorations. It’s just that we have people that come over to put them out and around the whole place.”
A frown spreads across your face at that. You knew the Callahan family situation was pretty rocky which was why the two of you never really talked about it unless she brought something up, but hearing little bits and pieces of Hazel’s home life always made you feel sad. It sucked that she and her family fit right into the ‘rich family but not rich in family’ stereotype. “I can help you decorate, if you want.” Thinking about doing her humongous house was a bit dizzying, but it’s not like they had to do it all in a day.
You place the cookie cutter down and turn around to face her, and Hazel has the softest look on her face that you almost forget what you were going to say. “Would that be okay?”
“Yes,” she answers without hesitation. You chuckle at her eagerness, wrapping your arms around her shoulders to bring her closer. “That’d be so okay. I think that would be really, really great actually, and then maybe we can… wait, but didn’t you say you were gonna go look for gifts later?”
“Traditions can be altered. It’d be nice for the two of us to have one of our own, don't you think?”
She rocks back on her heels, beaming at you as she nods vigorously.
You grin back at her before pressing a kiss to her cheek, then moving your positions around so that she was facing the countertop and you were hugging her from behind. “Okay, part of this new tradition too is that you actually help me bake these cookies, so go and get to it, Callahan.”
“Yes ma’am,” she says in a mocking soldier-like voice, but she does pick up the cookie cutter without another word.
You let a few seconds pass before going, “Oh, and Hazel?”
“Please don’t get any ideas about eating the cookie dough again.”
Hazel barks out a laugh. “No promises, pretty girl.”
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firstofficerwiggles · 6 months
Merry Sithmas!
Pairing: Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi x female reader
Rating: M/E, 18+ only
Word Count: ~3600
Warnings: SMUT! Pouty/slightly angsty Sith Obi Wan, oral (f receiving), P in V sex
Author’s note: This is a Christmas gift to my dear friend and fellow Sith Obi-Wan devotee @mysticalgalaxysalad Our beloved Lord Kenobi is a bit softer in this, chalk it up to the holiday spirit, but rest assured he is still a naughty Sith. I hope you enjoy and I hope you all have a great holiday season!
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Another miserable Life Day season, Lord Kenobi thinks to himself as he nurses his hangover with the cup of hot tea you’ve just brought him. There have been far too many parties, galas, and to-dos that he has been obliged to attend all in the spirit of the holiday season. Usually, he enjoys parties, he enjoys drinking, flirting, and finding some lucky person to warm his bed for the night. But Life Day makes him feel lonely. It reminds him of what he doesn’t have, no one who truly loves him, no family that looks up to him with pride, and therefore no real reason for celebrating a day of happiness and joy. 
He sips his tea, it’s perfect with just the right amount of sugar and milk. You are so sweet to him, the perfect assistant. He doesn’t deserve you. You should run from him, especially if you knew the depraved thoughts he has about you. He’s never acted on them, but he has indulged in thinking about you, imagining how he’d like to strip off your uniform and sink between your soft thighs, maybe bend you over his desk, or pull you into his lap right here in his office. He shifts in his seat, his pants are starting to feel tight, and he can’t have that right now. It’s the last day before everyone leaves for the holiday and there is work to be done. Yes, enjoy the last day of work before you’re alone for two whole weeks. He sighs. No pretty assistant to bring me tea with a smile. 
You sit out at your desk worrying about your boss. Lord Kenobi definitely seemed to be in a poor mood this morning. You’ve done what you can by running off people who can absolutely wait to bother him in the new year and making him his tea just as he likes it. There’s really no reason to fuss over him, he probably doesn’t even notice how much you tend to do that anyway. It’s been almost a year working for him and in all that time your crush on him has only grown. It’s silly; you know you’re not supposed to fraternize with your superiors, but he’s so handsome and charming. He treats you with such respect and kindness. How could you not be a little enamored of him? 
You look back at his office and decide he needs a scone too. You quietly bring him one with a soft smile. He looks up at you with grateful eyes,
“You always seem to know exactly what I need,” he comments, “It’s as if you’re the Force sensitive one.”
You laugh lightly, “I just know what you like.”
He gives you that little half-smile of his, “I have a feeling you do,” he murmurs softly.
You smile at him once more, biting your tongue before saying something flirtatious and entirely inappropriate. You turn and scurry back to your desk.
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The day passes rather quickly after that, you both have plenty of work to do, getting all the final tasks completed for the year. As you’re getting ready to go, you head back into Lord Kenobi’s office. You stand there in front of him with a box wrapped in shiny red paper and a golden bow.
“Happy Life Day, sir!” you announce, holding out the gift to him.
“You bought me a gift?” he asks, he’s surprised you would think to do that. 
“Well, you bought me one,” you remind him. He had given all of his subordinates gift cards during the office holiday party. You knew because you had arranged for all of them.
“I don’t know if that counts since I made you get it for yourself,” he says, sheepishly. He really should have bought you something himself.
“Sure it counts, I didn’t use my money,” you tell him with a smirk, “Please, open your gift.”
He takes the box from your hand; his fingers brush yours for just a moment, sending sparks up your arm. He almost seems to linger at your touch and then he gently places the box on his desk. He carefully unwraps it and lifts the lid to reveal a pair of soft leather gloves with a cashmere lining. 
“These are lovely,” he exclaims, pulling them on. They fit perfectly because of course you know exactly what size to buy him.
“You’ve mentioned several times how you hate the cold,” you say with a smile, “I thought maybe you could do with some nice gloves.”
“That was very thoughtful, thank you very much,” he replies. He is very touched by your kind gift. It fills him with a sense of warmth that you took the time to get him a present that you knew he would appreciate. Then he feels guilty again, he should have done this for you.
“Wear them in good health, sir,” you tell him, beaming at him. You’re thrilled he seems to like your gift. 
“What are you doing for the holidays, my dear?” he asks, curious about your private life. He’d be foolish not to expect that you have some man desperate for your attention, waiting for you to be with him.
“Oh nothing very exciting, I’m just going to enjoy my time at home, maybe see some friends. My big plans for tonight are take-out and a cheesy holiday holofilm,” you explain with a bit of a shrug.
“Sounds cozy,” he remarks, and because he can’t help himself, “No boyfriend coming round to see you?”
Your face flames at his question and you stammer an answer, “N-no, no boyfriend.”
“Hmm,” is all he says in response.
You stand there awkwardly, not sure what else to say to him, until finally you figure you should get out of his hair, “Well, sir, if that’s all, I’ll be going now, I hope you have a good night and a wonderful holiday!”
“Oh, well, yes, good night, and have a lovely holiday,” Obi-Wan says. He desperately wants you to stay or to invite you out with him, but he knows that he shouldn’t. 
You give him a little wave and then leave. His office seems colder as soon as you leave. Obi-Wan sits there, staring at his new gloves and feeling sorry for himself. A buzzing on his comm finally breaks him out of his trance-like state. Merry Life Day again, sir! Thank you for a wonderful year! That’s it, he’s not letting this Life Day misery continue. He is Lord Kenobi, a powerful Sith of the Galactic Empire. He doesn’t have to put up with this type of pitiful wallowing. He is going to get what he wants, just as he always does.
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The sound of your doorbell surprises you, you haven’t even ordered your take-out yet, choosing instead to take a hot bath after work. You look down at your pj’s and decide that whoever is stopping by now is going to have to see you like this. You look through your peephole and nearly have a heart attack.
“Lord Kenobi!” You exclaim, opening your door in surprise.
“Hello, my dear,” he says all smiles. His hands, neatly encased in his new gloves, are full of bags. “May I come in?”
“Of- of course, here let me help you,” you say, still so startled by his arrival. You try to reach for one of the bags but he shakes his head, and simply heads for the little table in your dining area. 
You stare at him as he arranges the bags. What could he possibly be doing here?
“I hope you didn’t order dinner yet, because I took the liberty of bringing us some delicious food,” he holds up one bag emblazoned with the logo of his favorite restaurant, one you’d kill to eat at but never could afford. 
“You brought dinner?” you ask, your voice sounding faint with surprise.
“Yes, I thought it would be nice to spend time together, and buying you dinner is the least I could do,” he says with a charming smile.
“What are the other bags?” you wonder, curiously. 
“These are your real Life Day gifts,” Obi-Wan announces proudly, “You deserve better than just a gift card.” 
Obi-Wan is very much enjoying how utterly surprised you are. Plus getting to see you here in your own cozy little home is a nice bonus. He looks over your cute pajamas with your face washed clean, and he decides you’ve never looked more beautiful to him. He pulls out a chair for you.
“Please sit, darling, I can take care of everything,” he encourages you. 
He goes to your kitchen first and finds two wine glasses and a wine opener. He comes back and reveals a fancy bottle of wine from the dinner bag. He pours you both a glass, and encourages you to try it.
“It’s wonderful,” you tell him, “I- I just can’t believe you’re here right now with all of this.”
He sips his own wine and begins taking out the food containers.
“Well, after your lovely gift, I kept thinking about how wonderful you’ve been to me all year, and how I wanted to show you my true appreciation,” he explains, going with the safer reason first. Then he gives you a little smirk and a wink, “Also, I hate to eat dinner alone.”
That makes you laugh, and you feel more comfortable. You take another sip of the delicious wine and relax a bit. Obi-Wan makes you try all of the different food he bought, insisting on sharing with you. It is scrumptious and you swear you’ve never had anything better. He gets more pleasure from seeing you enjoy it so much than he does from actually eating it. After he clears away the last crumbs of a decadent dessert, he pulls out your presents.
“You even wrapped them,” you marvel. There are three nicely wrapped gifts.
“Well, I had the store wrap them,” he admits sheepishly. He pushes the first one towards you, “Go ahead, open them.”
The first one you open is a heated mug warmer for your desk.
“I notice you often have to reheat your tea because you get too busy to drink it while it’s hot,” he remarks.
The second gift is a brand new data pad, a model you didn’t even know had been released yet. He even got you a protective case in your favorite color. 
“Your old one has a crack in the screen,” he comments.
The third present is in a much smaller box, but you can see he saved the best for last. Inside is a beautiful pendant with a sparkling red gemstone on a delicate chain, it’s elegant and stylish. 
“Oh, Lord Kenobi, this is lovely, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” you marvel at the necklace.
“It’s a kyber crystal pendant,” he explains, “Like the type of crystal in my lightsaber.”
“It’s too much,” you say, “This must have cost a fortune.”
He chuckles at that and reaches to remove the necklace from the box.
“Let me put it on you,” he offers.
He drapes the necklace around your neck, his fingers gently brushing your skin as he fastens the clasp. He seems to linger there for a moment. You turn to face him and you’re standing so close to him. In a soft voice you ask him,
“How does it look?”
“Absolutely stunning,” he replies, but he hardly glances at the necklace, he’s too wrapped up in your gorgeous eyes. 
For just a moment, he leans closer to you, his eyes flick down to look at your lips. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Your traitorous body sways toward him. It’s all the encouragement he needs, and he swoops down to capture your mouth with his. His kiss is passionate and thorough. He kisses you as if he means to conquer you and you are very happy to let him. 
“Do you know how stupidly happy I was to hear that you didn’t have a boyfriend?” he asks between breathless kisses.
“You were?” you still can’t believe any of this is real.
“Now you can be all mine for the holidays,” he replies, trailing kisses down your neck until he finds that spot that makes you moan. 
“Is that what you want?” The question sounds a bit silly to your ears, especially as his hand has somehow found its way inside your pajama top, but it’s almost as if you need to hear him say it.
“It’s all I ever wanted,” he says simply. He’s so sincere in that moment, his eyes soft, showing another side of him from the haughty Sith Lord you know. 
You place a hand on his cheek, feeling the soft hair of his beard tickling your palm, and tell him, “It’s what I want too.”
He flashes a bright smile at you, happy but naughty too, “Well then, stop distracting me, darling and let me give you more gifts.”
His hands slip under your pajama top again, coming up to cup your tits and work your nipples into even harder little points of pleasure. He kisses you again, his tongue plundering your mouth and claiming you for his own. He only breaks the kiss to ask you where your bedroom is and then he drags you there between heated kisses to your mouth and neck. By the time you realize he’s got you on the bed, you feel dizzy with excitement. Obi-Wan works your top off, his golden eyes glowing with lust as he stares at you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes, “Do you know I’ve dreamed of seeing these gorgeous breasts? Reality is even better than my imagination.”
“I had no idea you thought of me that way,” you admit, your words coming out between soft moans as he caresses your soft skin. 
“That one time you were warm in the office, and you unbuttoned your blouse just enough for me to see your cleavage… mmmm,” his words dissolve in to a moan, “I came so hard thinking about you that night.”
He drops his head to kiss and suck your nipples. His tongue circles each one carefully and then licks over the hard peaks before drawing them into his hot mouth. He hears you moaning and loves the sound. You arch your back into him, pushing your tits up into his mouth and hands, and he is happy to give you more of his touch.
“I- I think about you too… like that,” you admit to him.
He looks up at you with that naughty smirk of his, “Do you? And do you touch yourself when you think of me like that?” His fingers trail down your body making a path to your waistband. When he gets there he glides his hand underneath, seeking your sensitive pussy.
“I have yes,” you confess, your cheeks are burning as his hand finds how incredibly wet you already are for him.
“And what was I doing in these thoughts of yours?” He asks as his tongue licks at your breasts again before traveling lower.
“You- you were…” you can’t seem to make the words come out.
Obi-Wan runs his fingers through your wetness, finding your clit and circling it lazily. “You know, if you tell me, I’ll do it,” he prompts you. He’s slowly moving down the bed. He reaches your hips and pushes your pajama pants and panties down and off you until he has an excellent view of your most intimate parts.
“You were eating me out,” you say in a rush, shocked by your own daring. 
“Good, I like to think about that too,” he replies with a saucy wink. Then without warning he plunges his tongue deep inside you.
“Lord Kenoooobiiiiii,” you cry out for him, as he devours you like a starving man. His beard tickles your inner thighs as he licks long strokes from the bottom to the top of you. His tongue moves to lick your clit and then he sucks it hard into his mouth. You can’t seem to keep still, your hips buck up at his mouth until he uses the Force to hold you in place. Obi-Wan gets his fingers involved too, pushing two of them inside you and curling them upward. He’s rewarded with a high-pitched moan from you.
“Maker, yes, you’re so good at this, so gooood,” you praise him as he drives your pleasure higher and higher until it crests and the wave of bliss crashes over you. You shudder and mewl for him, feeling euphoric from the incredible sensations he’s given you. 
“Darling, you are a real treasure, letting me enjoy you so much,” Obi-Wan tells you as he gently kisses his way back up your body. 
“I think I’m the one getting most of the enjoyment,” you giggle and pull him in for a passionate kiss. 
“Mmm, that’s debatable,” he murmurs before he kisses you again, ardently.
You can feel him hard against your hip and you reach down to stroke his cock. Obi-Wan moans softly for you and then rolls over on top of you, slotting himself between your legs. Instinctively you wrap your legs around his hips to have him closer. He grinds against your wetness, slicking himself up well.
“Ready for more enjoyment?” He asks with a naughty smirk.
“Yes, please,” you reply, lifting your hips a little higher to encourage him.
He thrusts inside you slowly, he wants to feel every little part of you, to enjoy this first time of making you his lover.
“Ahhh, you’re big, L-Lord Kenobi,” you breathe out. He’s stretching you so well. It has been a while for you and you appreciate that he’s not in a rush.
“Call me Obi-Wan, darling,” he tells you. His voice sounds more affectionate. There is that softness again that you weren’t expecting.
“Obi-Wan, you feel so good,” you tell him, repeating his name. 
Obi-Wan smiles at you and finds your lips again. His kiss is more sensual this time, his tongue dances with yours. It feels more intimate and less demanding than his first kisses. He begins to move his hips more, pulling out of you almost all the way before gliding back in so deep. He does this for a while, nice languid strokes, letting both of you learn the other. When he feels your hands running up his arms and over his back, he moans his approval. So often his sexual encounters are a bit cold and detached, merely a means to get off as quickly as possible. But with you, there is that sweet connection that he craves. You mean more to him and he wants, no, he needs your touch.
“Yes, sweetheart, love the way you touch me, such beautiful hands,” he tells you. He looks down at you, his eyes finding yours and you gasp at the depth of emotion you can see there. Your hands smooth over his skin more, sweeping down over his shoulders and onto his chest. The delighted sounds he makes are music to your ears.
You grip his hips tighter with your legs and it encourages him to go faster. He rolls his hips as he moves, the head of his cock hitting that magical spot that makes you even wetter for him. You try to tell him how incredible he’s making you feel but all you can manage are moans and cries of his name. 
He presses himself closer to you, his chest rubs against yours now and he buries his face in your neck. Your arms wrap around him tight, holding him there. He can feel that you’re getting close, he can sense it through the Force. He whispers in your ear,
“Cum for me, darling, cum hard and I’ll fill you so well.”
“Obi-Waaaan,” you wail his name and clench around him. Sparks of pleasure run through your whole body and you shiver in his arms as your climax hits you. It’s even better than before, more powerful and you swear you can feel it in every pore of your being. 
Obi-Wan manages a few more hard thrusts before he can’t hold it in any longer. He pushes in as deep as he can get and floods your pussy with his cum. He moans your name and presses his body into yours. He takes your mouth again in a tender kiss as he stays inside you, not wanting to be apart just yet.
You catch your breath, your hands caressing him again, moving up to his cheeks. When he finally pulls away from kissing you, you smile at him
“Now that was a fantastic present.”
He chuckles happily in response, “Indeed it was, consider my birthday gift picked out.”
You giggle at that and he kisses you again, cuddling you to him as he gets even more comfortable in your bed.
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A few days later, you’re in Obi-Wan’s posh penthouse sitting in front of his fireplace, a glass of ridiculously expensive wine in your hand. Your Sith lover is snuggled up next to you. It’s been a lovely Life Day, full of sweet surprises, laughter, and romance. Obi-Wan has made you feel like one of those girls from a holiday holofilm. 
“It’s been such a wonderful holiday, I love this time of year,” you say, admiring the pretty decorations you helped him hang just days earlier.
“I never used to like this time of year,” Obi-Wan murmurs, “Before now, I didn’t have good memories of Life Day.”
“But now you do?” you ask hopefully.
“I do,” he confirms and then smiles at you so brightly, “I think that is the best gift you’ve given me.”
“I hope I can give you the same gift next year,” you tell him.
“I hope you will too,” he replies as he pulls you in for a sweet, romantic kiss.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed this fic. Happy Holidays to you all!
Tag list:@boomtowngirl @kavecika @becks-things @mysticalgalaxysalad @catsnkooks @starlightrows @tailorvizsla @bitchin-beskar @lilhawkeye3 @acourtofsnakes @grogusmum @buzzybeebee @deannie13 @ladykatakuri @noodlesfics @the-good-shittt @everythingyouwanted @jewfro24 @vaderthepotater @pinkiemme @laichka @elinedjarin @myeternalsin @kazthedestroyer @writeforfandoms @trekkingaroundasgard @beskarmermaid @flightlessangelwings @mandoloriancookie (p.s. I just tagged my whole tag list for this but if you want to be removed just let me know)
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: fanficmas is hereee!!!! its honestly my fav time and im always so excited to bring you so much content, i hope you guys will enjoy them all!!
SUMMARY: You're decorating your home for the first Christmas you'll spend living together.
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This fic is part of ❄️ FANFICmas 2022 ❄️ Read more about fanficmas here!
It’s been hard for Harry to get into the holiday spirit these past years. With the hectic life he’s been living the past decade, he never really had time to do all the little things that would get him all excited for Christmas. He never decorated, mostly because he didn’t even have anything to hang up around his home. He didn’t have the time to bake cookies and do all the holiday activities people love to do and he doesn’t even know when the last time was he went to a Christmas market.
He always told himself he didn’t care about any of it, he was fine with just going home right before Christmas and spend only a few days dedicated to the holiday that’s the most loved. However, deep down he knew he would love it if it was different.
And this year is when it all changes.
It’s the first year he is approaching the holidays living with you, sharing a home. His place went through a lot of changes since you’ve moved in and he loves it all. He loves seeing you in every corner, your touch has turned it into a home.
He’s known since day one how much you love Christmas and he’s been to your apartment around the holidays before. Unlike him, you take pride in dressing up your home, sprinkling the festive spirit all over it. Secretly, he spent more time at yours around December, enjoying the sweet scent of cinnamon and apples, bask in the beauty of the lights you hung up everywhere you could. He envied the kind of vibe you brought to your own home and dreamed of a day when he could share it all with you.
He’s heading home after a long studio session. He’s had a busy week and he wants nothing else than to just relax and rewind with you, maybe watch a movie and then go to bed, sleeping in tomorrow. With everything on his plate, he barely even processed that December has started.
So when he arrives home, opens the front door, walks in and hears the soft Christmas music playing, he’s surprised at first, but then warmth takes over his chest a moment later.
“Babe?” he calls out with a tiny smile, because he knows you’ve finally started to decorate the place.
“Right here!” your sweet voice answers him and he follows it to the dining table that’s covered in boxes, ornaments and all kinds of decorations flowing out of their storage. He stops for a moment, watching you quietly hum to the music as you sort through some tiny ornaments.
As if you could sense his gaze, you glance up, eyes meeting his and you smile at him warmly.
“Hi there, how was your day?”
“Fine. Good to be back home.” Walking over he leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek before sitting beside you. “I see December has officially started,” he teases you.
“Well of course!” You beam before your face falls and you look at him with big eyes. “You don’t mind that I’m decorating, right?”
“No,” he shakes his head smiling. “I love it. Can I help?”
He is not dreading the kind of relaxing he did before, his plans to do nothing are long gone and all he wants is wants to be with you and do anything that makes you happy, because it makes him happy too. It’s a dynamic he never thought would live to have in his life, finding a person who has such a strong effect on him. But he did and he knows he never wants to let go of you.  
“If you want to. You don’t have to though,” you say, peeking at him, but he just leans over and steals a kiss.
“I want to.”
The oven chimes in the kitchen and you perk up.
“Oh, the oranges!” you exclaim as you get up from the table.
“Huh? The oranges?” he asks, following you curiously into the kitchen. He watches as you take a tray out of the oven, full of orange slices.
“I dried them out, gonna put them on a string. It’s pretty and smells amazing,” you explain to him, assessing the slices, making sure they are perfect.
When you look up you catch Harry watching you with a lovestruck look that brings heat to your cheeks.
“What?” you ask.
“Nothing, I’m just… I love you.”
“I love you too,” you reply, his words warming your chest. He steps closer and places his hands to your waist, kissing the side of your head.
“So… we’re putting them on a string?”
“Yeah. Wanna do that? I’ll show you.”
“Sure,” he smiles and he would do just about anything you ask. Whether it’s for Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter, you’ll always be his happiness, his one and only, his forever.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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terras-domain · 7 months
(Thanks)Giving Season
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Characters: Kang Seul-gi (Seulgi), Male Husband (Reader), Husband's Brother
Tags: Cheating, Cuckold, Kitchen Sex, Blowjob, Watching, Caught, Condom, Rough Sex, Forced Submission, Thanksgiving, Cum in Pussy, Abs, Cum Eating
Words: 2941
Author's Note: Hi Hiiiii terra here!!! Been a while since I posted, sorry for that. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Personally I don't celebrate it but I hope to those who did, you guys enjoy it <33 As the tags show it's gonna be a cuckold smut so if it's not your thing, oh well. Enjoy <33
Reader's POV
Thanksgiving. Not the best holiday to be honest, never understood the hype behind it but at least now I have a day off from work to spend some time with my wife, Seulgi. Work has been brutal for me so our time together is precious to me. Opening the front door with a smile to greet her that I'm home, only for me that smile to slowly fade away. "Oh hi, honey!" Seulgi smiled, waving at me as I see her talking to a guest. "Oh hey lil' bro, long time no see hm?" My brother, a person who I haven't seen in years actually. I actually don't bond well with my family in general, which is why my personal time is mostly dedicated to my wife Seulgi. "Hey...what're you doing here?" I asked, an eyebrow lifted as I start to make myself at ease, putting my stuff down and joining my wife and my brother around the living room.
"Awww don't be too cold, lil' bro. Just wanted to see my family for Thanksgiving you know." He gave a big grin, a face that makes me feel so annoyed for some reason, always been all my life. "Now now boys. Let's not be like that, okay? We need to get things done for Thanksgiving" My breath got stuck through my throat. She's right, it's not like I have much time to spend with Seulgi, and I'm not gonna waste the time I get now by arguing with this dumbass. She had planned to cook something special for tonight, so she brought us both to the kitchen, showing the turkey she planned on roasting, only to find it rotten. "Oh fuck! Nooo that fucking butcher lied to me." Now with no turkey, we can't have the so called Thanksgiving spirit. My big brother can't drive, which means there's only one thing I can do now. "I'll go buy you a new one hun. Don't worry about it" Seulgi's eyes sparkled and hugged me tight, euphoric as now her problem has a solution. "Awww thank you sweetheart. I love you." A kiss on the lips I received from my loving wife, followed by her warm smile that just melts my heart. I got myself ready, grabbing my keys and look back to my wife and wave. "I love you Seulgi. And take care of my wife okay?" I looked to my big brother, I don't really like him but I'm sure family still care for each other. "Oh no worries lil bro. Your wife's safe with me."
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Seulgi's POV
I'm glad my husband is around to help me with the turkey. It was silly of me to not realize it was rotting. Oh well, I just have to start prepping food for now. My husband is a big fan of Italian food so I thought making him some fettuccine alfredo might make him happy. Dropping the pasta to boil them while I prepare the sauce was pretty much light work for me, I'm used to working alone in the kitchen since my husband isn't often in the house anyways. I checked around and notice my brother-in-law looking deep into my eyes, sometimes shifting to my cooking elsewhere. "Smells good Seulgi. My brother must be happy to have you." His low voice echoes the kitchen. I didn't know how to respond to that but only smile awkwardly, what a weird thing to say I thought. "Oh come on beautiful. Don't be shy. Live a little we're family right? Nothing wrong with a little compliment, especially if it's for a pretty woman like you~" he kept on going with his praises and weird antics, which start to make me get goosebumps. His footsteps felt heavy but firm, slowly inching closer to me as he started to lean towards me, looking at the pot of fettuccini I'm preparing followed by a sniff, trying to smell the food, or so I thought. His face was closer to my hair than it was to my cooking which made me feel a little uncomfortable and insecure as the thoughts in my head start to turn into a reality. He's groping me!
With his hands reaching under my apron and gripping my chest through shielded by the cloth of my clothes, it was hard to push him away since he's so big and muscular. "W-wait. Please don't do this, your brother won't like this." I mumbled, squirming a bit as I'm overpowered, my whole body held tight as my brother-in-law completely gropes me for his pleasure. "Oh no worries beautiful. Your husband ain't doing shit on me. Now let me see how good you feel." His wide grin send shivers down my spine, but when he started to pull my face for a kiss, I felt unreal. My whole life I've only had intimate relationships with my husband so this felt so bad, but not like my brother-in-law cares about it.
"Mmmh Seulgi. You're quite the curvy babe aren't you?" He chuckled, now biting my lips as he has full control over me. I can't escape and just let him use me, hoping my husband can come just in time to save me from this creep. His hard bulge is pressing on my ass cheeks and it's disgusting, having another man than my own husband using me for pleasure. After a few minutes of making out, he pulled out and gave a big grin. "Well time for the real thing bitch. Get down there." My in law now guides me to be on my knees, facing his stifling bulge before he pulled his pants off, showing his erection pointing straight at me. It's huge. Bigger than anything I've ever seen, it made me nervous since I know what's next.
"Well what're you waiting for hoe? Get to it." His thick length started slapping on my face, making me whimper in inferiority. My husband did tell me how much of an asshole he is, and how violent he can be, so I have no other choice. My mouth slowly opened up as I slowly accepted his cock, taking it in inch by inch. It felt so wrong, the way is thick meat makes me choke just by putting the tip in, the way his hands rub on my cheeks and how I'm actually cheating on my husband right now. "Good girl Seulgi. Just need a little bit of...enthusiasm." As he kept his dominant persona going, his wishes are all coming to a reality as he uses me as he please. His hands are on the back of my head, plunging his cock inside as he thrust his hips back and forth. It hurts. My husband isn't as big nor as rough as his brother so this is all new to me. "ghhhh GAAAAK-!" My mouth just kept on making weird noises and choking sounds as he continues his barrages of mouth fucking on my throat, drilling my mouth and using me as a sex object.
Reader's POV
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Phew! That took a while. turkey secured, and it's fresh from the oven. Too bad traffic isn't really on my side today, man why does life hate me so much. But all that complaining will soon end as I reached home, excited to see my wife. Creaking the door open I was greeted by nothing by a strange noise, a woman who sounded like she was choking over something. I went to explore my own home, looking for the source of the odd sound as I reached the kitchen. Just like the turkey, my heart fell. Seeing my wife sucking on my brother's cock, bobbing her head back and forth just made me feel sick. "Oh, you're finally here lil bro. Gimme a sec!" He grunted as he pulled out, stroking his 8-inch length while looking down at Seulgi. "Open your mouth, beauty, I wanna cum on that face." He ordered, which my wife seems to obey despite taking a few seconds to follow. I can hear a few sobs coming from her. is it shame, is it resent, or is it just the aftereffect from a rough face fucking she just went through. Regardless, it seems my brother enjoyed my wife a lot when he unloaded his load all on her face, splattering everywhere from her forehead to her chin.
Seulgi's face turned away, looking very shy and scared. "Honey..." I tried to approach her, wanting to know what's going on when my she stopped me in my tracks. "I'm sorry baby. He...he made me do this." She sobbed, looking down to the floor as cum dripped down her face. I had a dead stare to my brother, my face inclining so our eyes exchange eye contact. In those few seconds, memories of how much my brother overpower me in any way came back. How he's physically, mentally and even academically superior to me, which makes him so much better than me. I want to confront, I want him to pay. But with what has happened my whole life, it may be best to just give in, I don't have a choice. I could only walk towards Seulgi, holding her tight and give her a gentle soft kiss. "I love you, Seulgi." the kiss ended, interrupted by the after taste of my brother's semen on my lips. After that I just wiped my wife's face with a clean cloth before walking away cowardly. I need to take my mind off of this, and staying in the kitchen won't help me. I took one last look at my brother, sighing. "She's yours." A defeated frown sticked to my face face as the words flew out of my mouth, and my feet drags across the room.
My words seem to influence my brother for some reason. As soon as I sat on the couch, I couldn't distract myself no matter what is on the TV. My mind still wanders in the kitchen where my brother shreds my wife's clothes off, completely taking advantage of the situation where both me and Seulgi are mentally lost. I could hear banging noises coming from the sink, making my lewd mind imagine how Seulgi looked getting fucked by another man, it made me hard. My penis pitching a tent from my imaginations running wild from the voices that both Seulgi and my brother make aroused me and made me touch myself while fully clothed. A pathetic loser touching himself through his pants while his wife gets fucked rough that is me. Soon I can see the pair walking out of the kitchen both half naked. Seulgi seems to have less resistance towards my brother and just embraces him now. "I'm sorry honey." i stared at the floor, ashamed of my incompetence. Seulgi didn't reply with a single word, instead her facial expression is more than enough to show the disgust she had towards me for giving in too easily.
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Seems like they weren't done. No, seems like they were just getting started. My brother sat next to me on the couch, butt-naked while Seulgi climbed up on him, riding his bigger cock as her tight pussy gapes open for her. "Nghhhh ahhh~! Yeah daddy, fuck me, fuck my tight little pussy!" Seulgi's moans and words were like a knife to me, humiliating me as I just looked at my unintended tent, with nobody but myself to please it. I could only resist so much. The bounces Seulgi made, the sheer size of my brother destroying my wife's vagina, the way I was completely ignored. It was degrading me, but at the same time turning me on more, I eventually gave in to my urges and started jacking off, stroking at the site of live porn acted by my wife and my brother. And they both seem to ignore me, it's as if I'm not even there and they just fucked like they've been doing it together for years. "Nghhh fuck Seulgi you little bitch! You love this cock huh? You love it more than you love your husband's? My cock is better than my brother's isn't it?" The questions he asked showed how they both can see me, I'm not invisible, at least not literally. "Nghhh~ yes daddy. Daddy's cock is just too good. My husband feels like a shrimp compared to yours daddy." That single line from my own wife broke me, made me lose myself as I screamed while rubbing my shaft so fast and uncontrollably. It made me cum, splashing drops of dilute cum on my pants. It made me huff and puff for some reason. I've had sex quite some time with Seulgi, but none of them drained me as much as this. I felt like I could pass out, so I retreated and moved to my bedroom to find clarity.
When I thought being alone in the bedroom was enough, it wasn't. My brother crashed in with Seulgi, holding her in his arms carrying like newly weds. They were making out which made me slightly irritated. Again they ignored my existence and just jump on the bed, forcing me to lay on just a small fraction of the mattress. Their make out session broke up and Seulgi now traced back to my brother's long hard shaft. I could've sworn he came a few times already and yet he's still rock solid and raring for more. Seulgi's pretty mouth enveloped his cock, slowly lowering her head before moving back up, and a slow cycle continues as she sucked my brother's cock. What's worse is how I can see our wedding rind on Seulgi's hand, shining to me while her fingers wrap around my brother's shaft. My wife's head game kept on as she went faster after a while, only for my brother to stop her and lift her face up. They made out, making me feel uncomfortable yet so turned on before changed positions, Seulgi's pussy directly above my face.
"I'll fill you up, bitch-" My brother grunted as a tight smack echoes the room, leaving a red handprint on Seulgi's ass. It made Seulgi scream out a submissive moan too and a drop of cum dripped down her pussy and onto my face. It seems like they didn't want to waste any time and went straight to business, with their two bodies connecting, my brother's cock penetrating my wife's pussy and I got the best, or worst view to see it happening. "Ngaaah~! Aaaaah aahhh yessss~!" Seulgi's moans became vocal, the opposite of her behaviour a while back. She's just lost in lust, just like me it seems. "Harder daddy pleaseeee~" She plead, her head twisting back to face my brother acting like it's only them in the room and I'm nowhere in the scene. "Fuucckkk shut the fuck up slut. I didn't tell you can order me around." With a rough yank on her her, Seulgi's moans became only louder. With precum from both of their private parts leaking on me, I couldn't have felt more humiliated, but somehow I'm happy. It made me feel content to listen to my wife's sweet and loud moans, even if it's not from me.
"Mmmh~ Daddy's cock is getting bigger in me oh god!" Her pussy bulges as she finished her sentence. He's about to cum, isn't he, I thought. "Nghhh yeaahhh...fuck I'm gonna fucking fill you up Seulgi!" He grunted, digging his nails into her hips as my brother starts to buckle his hips harder until eventually he came, bursting inside my wife. There's so much cum inside it was up to a point where the cum from the pair drips down on me, covering my face with cum. It was embarassing, having them cum on me in my bed in this manner and cuck me. After all that, Seulgi finally looked at me. "Do you want to cum baby?" Her words are still as sweet as ever, but her expressions sure seemed cold, of course I'd say yes. I was so eager to put my cock in her until she stopped me, handing me over an S size condom.
Of course, it was a bit too tight for me but I don't feel much physical pain. I ended up finally getting to fuck my wife, despite only by wearing a small condom. My thrusts were clear to be ineffective, as Seulgi's fake moans just makes me so humiliated and degraded. "Fuuuck hunny! It feels so good!" I screamed, getting closer to my climax despite only being a few thrusts in. "Mhm, okay sure. Cum then baby" Her replies seem to be short and uninteresting. It just fuels up my self-degradation which made me cum so much sperm in the condom, filling it up. "Aaaaah, nghhhh~" My whimpers were so weak, it sounded like I could faint any moment. But my wife wouldn't let me yet, not after being a coward and not standing up for his wife. She pulled off the condom from my cock and spilt it on her stomach, making her abs more defined. "Eat it" She ordered, and I had no choice but to oblige. Licking and cleaning my wife's fit body, cleaning her abs from my worthless cum felt both horrible and amazing at the same time, most probably because of how fucked my mind is at this point. I felt defeated and lay on my back beside Seulgi, before hearing her whisper. "I love you honey~" followed by a sweet giggle before my brother joins back in bed with her. Sure she still says she loves me, but for some reason I believe she loves his cock more.
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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STRANGERS TO LOVERS FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find more fics that have Harry and Louis barely knowing one another before intimacy. (Part I)
📖 Let Your Heart Be Light by @cyantific (77k)
Louis Tomlinson, a self-proclaimed holiday-hater, loses his job two weeks before Christmas. Broke and desperate to see his family back home in England, he takes the only job left at the mall as one of Santa’s helpers. Harry is an unconventional mall Santa, the youngest one they’ve had in years, but with as much holiday spirit as any other seasoned Saint Nick. He’s determined to un-Grinch the new guy in Santa’s Village if it takes until Christmas, then he finds out the devastating reason Louis has lost his Christmas cheer. Will Harry be just the thing Louis needs to help him get his sparkle back?
Featuring Liam as the manager at Santa's Village, Niall as an easy-going Irish elf and Harry's best friend, grumpy Grinch Louis and his best friend Zayn and one matchmaking Mrs. Claus.
📖 where the tide takes you, i will follow by @pinkcords (53k)
There’s no way around his departure, their inevitable fate. Harry will leave and he will return to London and when he sits in his new flat, wherever it might be, he will think of this summer and the warmth the sun brought him and the way it felt to be loved. He will compare all his future relationships to Louis and when they fall short, he will be disappointed. Harry knows this.
Or, Louis lives in Gloucester and Harry tries to find a way to stay.
📖 You're The Christmas Wonder, That Makes Me A Believer by @lousluv91 (44k)
There were two things that every person in Louis Tomlinson's life knew for sure.
First, he was a perfectionist. A hard-working person, a caretaker who took his responsibilities seriously and often appeared to be kind of intimidating. Though those he trusted also knew his very soft and loving side.
The other thing they all knew was that Louis hated Christmas.
or the one where Louis is a grinch and Harry teaches him to love Christmas. Maybe Louis falls in love with more than just the holidays.
📖 Purring In My Lap (The Kitty Fic) by @yoursolosong (40k)
Louis and Harry are two strangers who find an abandoned kitten at the same time and argue over who's going to keep it. Begrudgingly, they decide to co- parent because they're both stubborn and don't trust the other to take proper care of the kitty.
📖 now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (32k)
In reality, it’s a little different. Because as much as Harry loves the concept of dating, the reality sucks.
📖 Ding-Dong! Daybreak by @thinlinez (28k)
All it took was a flat bike tire, confusing usernames, pumpkin flavored biscuits, a chaotically supportive dog and food deliveries at daybreak for Omega Louis to fall hard.
📖 Sweet as Honey by @teamlouis2023 (21k)
Louis has always been shit at cooking. When he discovers Sweet as Honey on Instagram, owned by chef Harry Styles, he intends to mock him by recreating his recipes with his awful skills, posting photos on his own Instagram account, Nailed It. It's all fun until Harry asks to meet him.
📖 I Just Want To Start a Flame in your Heart by @peachbootylouis (21k)
Harry’s impending album release meant promo season was in full swing. While at an industry party with his manager, a harp player catches his eye and Harry is instantly bewitched.
📖 Checking Them Out?: How To Use Your Library Science Degree To Get an Alpha by @insightfulinsomniac (20k)
When a flirty, attractive alpha patron checks out an entire shelf of literature on omega behavior and omega rights, Harry can’t help but wonder why the man is so interested — is he a really attentive partner, or is he just a creep?
It doesn’t help that this alpha visits weekly to exchange his books… and that he smells absolutely divine.
Whether he likes it or not, Harry has a crush.
📖 lucky me, lucky you by @sun-lt (17k)
He wants to let Louis have that—have him, on his knees, easy and good and willing—badly.
📖 Be Mine? by @softfonds (11k)
Getting dumped the week before Valentine's Day wasn't in Harry's plans, and neither was being dragged to a concert to forget about it. But a sign Zayn brings manages to turn his night around in more ways than he hoped for.
📖 i need something, so tell me something new by @alwaysxlarrie (10k)
Louis goes on vacation to New York City to enjoy the good weather and good food - he even has a list of restaurants he wants to eat at. Much to his delight, his first restaurant stop includes a gorgeous curly boy and his nosy but supportive best friend. Maybe he'll get more than what he came here for.
📖 Wait by the Light of the Moon by @jaerie (5k)
Being a single parent of a newborn was not in Harry's plan. He can barely keep himself together doing everything on his own. He can't explain why he finds comfort in his neighbour next door, but apparently it's mutual.
📖 Get Nesting & Soft Knots by @pocketsunshineharry (5k)
AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
📖 Perfect, For Now by @parmahamlarrie (4k)
Moving to a new city is always hard, being away from home, finding your new community - none of it is easy. Dealing with all of this while being touch deprived is even more difficult.
That is where omega Harry Styles finds himself a few months into his move to Brighton.
Then a mysterious alpha's scent enters his life, and he finds that he can't stay away.
📖 Unplant by @hellolovers13 (4k)
Louis should've looked where he was going, then he wouldn't have to desperately try to save a little flower now.
📖 She is Beauty, We are World Class by @exquisitelycloseted (3k)
A 70's London AU where Louis loses himself, and Harry finds him before he gets lost.
📖 Netflix Original by @allwaswell16 (1k)
Harry's hot neighbor overhears that he doesn't have Netflix.
171 notes · View notes
egginround · 5 months
Winter Sun
Achilles and Patroclus go on a long-awaited day out.
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Achilles x Patroclus, wordcount: 3.3k, CW: None - Written as a gift for @vityamins as part of @thehadeslounge's 2023 Holiday Gift Exchange!
If Patroclus had known Achilles would suggest such outlandish ideas, he would’ve reconsidered following him in such devotion. Though, of course, it is both a blessing and a curse that he can be so utterly persuasive.
Together, they travelled through a dim corridor of the Temple of Styx, far too narrow and winding for any sane shade to wander across. A hand in his lover’s hand, Patroclus let himself get dragged along by Achilles. The blonde warrior himself somehow seemed beside himself in excitement. It was quite a change from his usual wise and mature demeanour.
For Patroclus at least, It wasn’t that he wasn’t used to trusting Achilles. There were many times in their mortal lives where Achilles’ judgement kept them safe from danger, his skill kept him in awe, and his love kept a lightness in Patroclus’ heart, a flutter reserved for only him, that has attached itself irreversibly to his sorry soul. It’s just that, after countless years together, it was unlike his beloved to abandon such care.
Finally, they reached their destination. Dodging the fragile stalactites that grazed his hair, Patroclus took in the damp, dark surroundings. Usually such close quarters with his love wouldn’t be remiss - encouraged even - but the secrecy made a faint furrow appear on his brow.
A rickety old door stood before them. Perhaps an unfinished hallway during the construction of the Temple of Styx, Patroclus mused before his companion brought him out of his thoughts. He huddled in closer before spying Achilles reaching into a leather pouch.
His partner unfurled his fist and within it lay two silver rings. Even in the dark, Patroclus could see their almost ephemeral form, as if they could phase out of existence at any one time. He peered at them, watching the way his beloved thumbed the enchantment etched onto their inner face.
“Hades forgive me for not turning these in as soon as I saw them,” Achilles breathed out. There is no tremble in voice, no doubt that clouds his words, but Patroclus knew him inside out. He knew that he would not risk his master’s anger without due cause.
“My love, do I spy a hint of rebellion?” With a twinkle in his dark eyes, Patroclus rested his hand on the small of his love’s back, encouraging him to go on. “It is unlike you to be this secretive.”
He smiled at the blond man, but a tinge of unease pulled it wider than usual. Intimate years together and unbearable ones apart, their bond was strong and transcended even mortal life. Still, a quiet Achilles was not one he was used to - especially when together (and when his lips were not otherwise occupied). Gently, he nudged him to continue. For all his efforts, Achilles just bumped his forehead against his.
“These two rings from a shade sentenced to Asphodel. One that used to be at the height of fame in Elysium before they were punished for contraband,” Achilles said, rolling them deftly between his fingers. The sleek silver might have seemed at odds with the warrior’s calloused hands, but when it were those same hands had held Patroclus so gently, had soothed the worry from his skin countless times - it only felt right. “Thanatos held onto these prior to me.”
“Ah, the spirit of death?”
“The very same,” Achilles said, fondness colouring his voice. “It was actually by his grace that I came by these. ‘A favour’, he said to me. I think he may have been satisfied to finally see the lad happy, and somehow thought that I was the one to help.”
The gleam in his eyes spoke of memories of fonder times and younger love that squeezed Patroclus’ heart.
“If he is feeling the way that I suspect, then he can only be half as blessed as me.”
“Hush, love.” A silly smile crept onto Achilles face as Patroclus fiddled with the pale hair that peeked out his hair band.
“These relics are powerful. They -”, Achilles cleared his throat. “They could bring us to the surface for but a day.”
Patroclus stilled.
Fear is for the weak, Patroclus knew this. But, a well-advised avoidance to further danger could always be appreciated. A shade stepping out to mortal soil would have been banned thrice over if Hades knew of it, and with the short time that had passed since their reunion, Patroclus could think of nothing worse than to be ripped from Achilles’ arms again.
Ever attendant, Achilles noticed the shock in his beloved’s eyes.
“I know.” He soothed his partner’s panic with a touch, fingers shaking slightly as he laced their hands together. “But please, let me do this for you. Just this once.”
The tension in Patroclus’ throat persisted, but ultimately it was hard for him to resist. Not when the red brushing over his lover’s cheeks seemed to rival the blood of titans themselves. Not for the man he loved.
Patroclus in turn tugged Achilles’ fingers in, curling them further into his palm. The hitched breath his beloved took could have been stolen from his own lungs. Patroclus thinks he’d gladly give him every last one. He gave him an affectionate look before the idea of walking together in the sun sent his heart fluttering.
“Then, my Achilles, let’s go.”
Beaming, Achilles slipped the ring onto the myrmidon’s middle finger and swiftly donned his own. The metal hissed and stretched as it became accustomed to its new home, with its flickering form calming down into a regular thin ring. A day’s use only - it was possible that they were never meant to be enchanted for long. Patroclus flexed his fingers as he examined the curious thing. Satisfied, he looks up to Achilles for the next steps. The smile he sees on his face makes him think the sun is here already.
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The bright light dazzled.
Achilles threw up a hand over his eyes as he side-stepped out of the hidden exit of the Underworld into the snowy landscape. A chill that had nothing to do with the weather dripped down his spine as the fear of Hades’ wrath tinged his mind. His other hand coaxed Patroclus along, hearing a slight chuckle behind him, and he suddenly found it quite hard to care. At least, not for now.
It was definitely a stark difference to the warm darkness they were both accustomed to. The pop and sizzles of lava far away, the slick gushing of blood from the River Styx long gone. The cold of the mortal realm was so biting compared to the fires of the Underworld. As he pressed on, bitterly regretting a lack of proper clothing, Achilles could not help but feel the heat from Patroclus’ hand in his. Maybe he would not feel so cold after all.
Snow crunching under his feet, he led them onwards. He was sure that Patroclus was feeling the sting of the cold as much as he did. In his haste to sneak the two of them out, Achilles had forgotten to warn Patroclus of the icy weather. He turned to apologise, but the wonder on his beloved’s face had the words catching in his throat.
Of course, how could Achilles forget? As a servant of Hades, he had known of the surface world and kept up with their changes from the trickles of gossip that flowed through the House. A resident of Elysium would not.
“Pat, I must apologise. I should have prepared you better-”
“My love,” Patroclus whispered, the reverence in his tone bringing Achilles to a stop. “Was the world always so bright?”
A strange melancholy twists itself in Achilles’ chest.
In their mortal life, their work as soldiers never lent itself well to seeing the beauty of the natural world. He cast his eyes over the snowy mountain caps glittering in the distance, the crisp ice gleaming off the branches flanking their path. He didn’t even know what to say. Instead, he chose to rest his palm on his dearest’s shoulder. Patroclus wrapped his fingers around it absent-mindedly in return as he continued to take in a shocking new world.
“I loved our mortal lives together, but I was callous,” Achilles began. “I made mistakes that cost us our happiness, our future.”
The words welled up in Achilles’ throat, but he pressed on, gasping. “I think that I wanted to relive a moment of that, but without the pointless haste that gripped me before.”
Patroclus knows all too well the regret that wound itself around his love.
“I thought of this the whole while,” Achilles dryly chuckled, laying against his shoulder. “Of what I would do had I another day with you in the mortal realm.”
Raising his other hand to stop before Achilles could continue, Patroclus held Achilles’ hand tighter, feeling the cool metal of the ring clink between the two of them.
“Do not torment yourself, my love. I could think of no realm I would ever want to be in without you - mortal or otherwise.” Softening, Patroclus stroked the hand in his with his thumb. “I mean it. I would trade eternal paradise, a thousand more years walking in the sun, if it meant I could spend even a day more with you.”
The shy grin that he felt pressed into his skin makes one of his own creep onto his face. The two of them swayed there, hands slipping off Patroclus shoulder to stay clasped between their chests, before Achilles jolted.
“How could I forget? We still have to press on, Pat, there’s so much we must not miss!”
Snorting, Patroclus resigned again to Achilles’ lead, fingers tangled a tad tighter in his hold.
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The winter sun was high in the sky when the two of them reached their destination. Standing on a hilltop, Patroclus looked down at a village below. It was not what he remembered. The houses looked the same, yet different - a change in the style of the walls, an adjustment in the slope of the roofs. It’s a weird feeling in the back of his head, he thought, to see the world move on without him. Thankfully though, the afterlife had eroded his ego, his shameless pride, that plagued him in mortal life. There was a comfort in seeing the people live their lives without the fear of war like he did before. It was peace like this that marked humanity, he thought again, not senseless violence or pointless conquest.
The breeze brushed some of Achilles’ hair onto him as they stood together, taking in the sight. Patroclus began to ask where his love was so excited to take him but he spied the same introspection in his eyes. Something in him softened at the look. Instead, Patroclus elected to leave a small kiss on his companion’s forehead, bringing him out his thoughts gently. It seemed that after so long, the need for words had dissolved between them. Achilles finally looks to him too, and he knows they think the same.
“It makes the wars we waged seem so pointless,” Achilles said in a quiet hush, as if the breeze might carry the words away.
“It does,” he replied. “But our time has passed. The fates can be so cruel, and yet these people continue to live on.”
“They do, don’t they?”
“Yes, my love,” Patroclus brought Achilles into an embrace. “And so must we. Elysium gives too many heroes the same glory and fame they chased in life, but I found myself no longer wanting that. I wanted to see the future, with you.”
Achilles hummed. “Shall we see for ourselves what that future might be?”
A tiny sigh of relief escaped Patroclus at the lift of his partner’s mood. They both had their demons to bear, but it was always much easier when they were together. Smiling, Patroclus let Achilles lead him on once more.
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The two of them walked round to the borders of the village. After their solemn moment atop the hill, the tension in Patroclus’ chest had now eased. A silly, almost giddy, grin stretched over his face. One he had neither the control or the will to push down. It had been so long since the two of them had snuck around, just as they did in youth.
Before them stretched a long cobblestone path. Tufts of grass sprouted between the dusting of snow that adorned the grey stones, worn down from years of use. It looked like a busy day to visit. The din of the village centre could be heard even from the outskirts where the two of them stood as clusters of people filled the streets.
Achilles and Patroclus must have stood out like a sore thumb.
Still - one does not become a living legend just by sitting on the sidelines. As such, Achilles charged right into the crowds with his lover in tow. All kinds of people bustled past. People of various styles, tall heights and short, and even several families tugging along petulant children, lined the streets of the village. It seemed there was a festival in town, as there was no way a village so small could sustain the traffic that poured through the stone streets. The people haggled and traded, sang and danced. They ate, laughed and were merry. The same fondness for humanity that Achilles felt on the hilltop stirred in his chest. What a wonderful gift - to be human.
Patroclus was caught in similar musings when the shrill ringing of a child’s voice piped up closeby.
“Sirs! Sirs!” the voice squeaked.
Patroclus furrowed his brows, clearly confused and perhaps a bit dismayed at the interruption of his trip with his dearest. Achilles himself, however, seemed more than amused.
“I believe a little lad is asking for us,” he whispered underneath his breath. The faint smile on his partner’s face has Patroclus relenting yet again. It seemed Achilles could never escape his soft spot for the young.
Again, the voice rang out - “Sirs! The tall sirs in the funny clothes!”
Patroclus’ eyebrow twitched. Whatever attention the child wanted, he certainly had it now. Patroclus pushed through the crowd to find the source of this clearly fashion-forward child, and found him by a stand at the corner of the street.
The stand itself was not a great source of interest. The chipped wood signalled years of reuse, and the faded cloth lining it must have been passed down for generations. What was most interesting about the counter were the piles of golden pastries, freshly-baked bread and iced cakes, almost sparkling in the winter light, that adorned the space. A rumble resonated in Patroclus’ stomach - one he wasn’t sure shades could even do. Achilles thought it was hilarious, before a withering look had him stifling his grin.
The child in question had escaped to the folds of what seemed to be his grandmother’s skirt. The woman herself was tending to the stall and seemed quite busy appeasing the customers eyeing her produce. A shuffle of fabric, and a quick swipe of a chubby hand is all Patroclus spied before the child reappeared again.
“Hello lad,” Achilles began, evidently finding the situation all too amusing. “What could you be calling us for?”
“Your funny clothes look too cold!” the child shouts. This seemed to grab the attention of his guardian, who was wide-eyed in shock and all too ready to apologise for her grandson’s behaviour.
“Aleta!” she reprimanded. “What did we say about bothering nice gentlemen?!”
“They look too cold and skinny, g’ma! You said we should feed the cold skinny ones!” The child waved a golden-brown bun in front of their faces, still steaming in the winter chill.
The woman simply looked aghast.
Achilles chuckled. “Your boy has done nothing of the sort, not at all. If anything, he has done us a favour by bringing us to such a lovely array.”
“Oh,” the old lady breathed a sigh of relief. “You are simply too sweet. These old bones may creek, but I’ll be damned if they don’t whip up something good!”
Huffing, Patroclus ended up finding it hard to stay annoyed at the child. The ex-warrior stood by his love, allowing him to chat with the baker who was charmed at his admiration. It wasn’t long before she shooed the two of them away with a warm smile, thrusting a pair of fresh bread rolls into their arms. Only mildly miffed at Achilles flirting his way into free food (to which he denied), Patroclus found he could not deny his cravings any longer. He thanked the woman and her grandson wholeheartedly, before walking on and tearing into the roll. He savoured the sweet milky filling that spilled forth. It had been so long since he could appreciate the warmth of baked goods on a cold day, and share the delight with his beloved.
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The two of them continued to amble down the streets. Their stomachs were pleasantly full, bringing an ease to their pace. The winter sun no longer seemed so harsh when Patroclus could enjoy himself with Achilles. There was a lightheartedness to him that he wished he saw more in his partner. Too often had guilt and penance chained themselves tight to his lover, and Patroclus was more than glad to see Achilles free of his shackles - if only for a day.
“Achilles, this might have been your best idea yet,” he hummed as the two of them walked side by side. The crowds of people seemed to have died down by then, with most stalls packing up for the day.
“Even better than when I tried to outlaw onions in our barracks, hm?”
“Well … that is hard to beat,” Patroclus said with a sly smile. “But no, I really cannot thank you enough. I do not know how long it has been since we have walked these lands, but I know that whenever I dreamt of it, it was always by your side.”
“You are such a sap sometime, Pat,” Achilles responds, eyes softening in the way reserved for only him, before admitting, “I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.”
A lifetime together and an afterlife more, yet still Patroclus had to look away from his companion, lest the adoration he would see in his eyes cause a falter in his heartbeat, and a stumble in his step.
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The sun had dipped low in the sky before the pair had the good sense to return to the Underworld. Thankfully, Achilles and Patroclus were able to slip back into the Underworld without a hitch. The most reaction they received was from a raised eyebrow from Hypnos - who, if he knew what was good for him, would not dare mention Achilles’ absence if he didn’t want his trysts with a certain ferryman to be made public. It seemed that the House of Hades was incredibly busy yet again, and for once, Achilles was grateful for it.
The journey back to Elysium did not take long. The warmth of the day had nestled itself deeply into Achilles’ heart, and it made their travels seem far too short. Unfortunately however, it soon became time for them to depart.
“My love, I’d wager that this day was worth the years I spent without you,” Patroclus said with a soft smile. “I’d wager again that it will stay with me for years to come.”
A giddy laugh bubbled out of Achilles in response. He held his dear Patroclus’ cheek in his hand, hoping that his touch could convey all that his heart finds so hard to say. The small peck he received on his palm let him know he understood this and more. Achilles could not help but draw him in, lips teasing the edge of Patroclus’ mouth, as he sealed the promise of eternal love with a kiss.
Between their clapsed hands, the silver of their rings glinted in the light.
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aria-ashryver · 7 months
my introverted ass gets a lil shy about participating in fandom events sometimes lol, but I wanted to give some folks some love for ✨Choices Fandom Shoutout Day!✨
Firstly, to all my moots, but especially @pudb1e @alleykatart @icanmakewords @honeyinadream @scrumptioustimemachinetragedy @aces-and-angels @zhoras-bitch @lilyoffandoms and anyone else i've missed! (chemo brain is a bitch)
ngl, every time you guys like something to do with the Starlight blorbos it makes me giddy. You make this such a warm and joyous place to be with every little interaction -- your joy is my joy, and I'm so glad our shared love of ID and Choices fandom stuff (and hopefully, my writing too!) has brought you all some happiness.
I hope something makes you smile today. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I appreciate you all so much 🌻🌼🌷
I wanted to give an extra special shout out to @jerzwriter for making this fandom such an inclusive and welcoming place -- you are just straight up lovely! I know I barely know you, but you have a generosity of spirit that I really, greatly admire.
[Skip this bit if you want, as I'm touching on heavier health stuff]. I realise I haven't actually got around to posting the fic in question yet (writing takes a lot out of me atm), but I have been frittering away at a piece based on the ask you sent me forever ago, and I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to send that ask in the first place. Not only did it make me feel like I really was a part of the community here, but you actually sent me that ask right before a meeting with my oncologist where I was due to find out whether I had been responding to chemotherapy or not. (I am getting better! ✨🎉) It was a pretty rough morning, and through some truly serendipitous timing, you swooped in and offered me the perfect distraction. I immediately found myself imagining all these soft scenarios and trying to cobble together little plot points instead of fixating on my anxiety; you gave me an escape when I really needed it.
And for me, that's exactly what fandom is all about! That's what fanfic writers and fanartists are so wonderful at achieving with their works; is bringing this refuge of joy and levity and beauty when we need it the most. So, truly, thank you -- not just for the ask that day, not just for all your hard work with @choicesficwriterscreations, but simply for being you and for sharing your stories with the world. You really do bring a light 💛
And through all of this, my OG reader and wonderful friend @freedom-kitty ✨ You've been there since the beginning bringing so much enthusiasm and eagerness and leaving some of the most wonderful comments on my fics that I have ever had the joy of reading. I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that you are an absolute GEM and I'm so glad ID brought us together 💖 I have so many of your comments saved to go back and re-read when I'm doubting my own skills, or when I just need a smile (I'm still absolutely cracking up about the Aria the Great saga when I "joined you" on holiday lmao). You are the best ever, and I hope you know it.
Thank you for cheering me on, both in writing and in life with all the bullshit going on this year. You kick ass, lovely, and you should feel awesome about being you 💕
Lastly, thank you so much @choicesfandomappreciation for your hard work and thoughtfulness in hosting such an awesome event!! 🧁🎀 I love seeing events like this!
Sending you all hugs (if you are the hugs sort) and sunshine and warmth (if that's more your jam)
You are loved
You are brilliant
You are capable
You are enough 🌻
all my love,
aria xx
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le-sserafims-blog · 6 months
안녕하세요 여러분!
요즘 날이 많이 춥죠.
시린 공기를 맞으면 살이 쉽게 트고 시린 공기를 한 번에 너무 많이 들이마시면 폐가 따가워지는 그런 추위에요
감기 걸릴 게 걱정돼 소중한 사람들에게 일교차를 한 번 더 알려 주고 싶은 그런 추위.
피어나 여러분들은 따숩게 여미고 다니시죠?
홀리데이는 사람마다 의미가 제각각이에요.
어떤 분들은 설렘만 가득할 수 있으며
어떤 분들에겐 내리는 눈과 함께 우울함이 동반하기도 하고
또 누군가에겐 트리 밑에 화려하게 포장된 선물들 사이에 화려하게 위장된 불안감도 찾아 온다고 할 수도 있죠.
한 챕터의 끝, 그 해의 기록들을 되돌아볼 마지막 체크포인트
그 마지막 페이지에 점점 가까이 가닿을수록, 우리는 시간의 흐름에 대한 놀라운 인식에 직면하게 됩니다.
“시간 참 빠르다“ 우린 흔히 말하죠. “뭘 했길래 벌써 연말이야?“
그러게. 난 그간 대체 무엇을 했던가.
나는 충분히 했을까?
나는 충분해졌을까?
얼마나 끔찍한 일인지 몰라요
내가 원하는 나 자신의 모습과는 아직 거리가 너무나 멀다는 것을 깨닫는 것.
지난 일 년 동안, 여러분들은 극심한 상실감, 고통, 상심, 의심, 새로운 시작, 막연한 끝을 마주했을지도 모릅니다. 자신을 온전히 잃고도 첫 땀 부터 차근차근 자신이라는 태피스트리를 다시 꿰어가는 과정에 있을 수도 있습니다.
또는 새로운 길을 선택했지만 앞으로 나아가기 위해 고군분투하고 있을 수도 있고. 과거의 내면을 치유해 보시고, 자신을 괴롭게 했던 사람들과 연을 끊으셨을 수도 있습니다.
여전히 갇혀 있을 수도
후퇴하고 싶을 수도 있어요.
뭐가 됐든, 현재의 당신들은 눈을 마지막으로 봤을 때와는 다른 곳에 와 있습니다. 그리고 추위는 그것을 극명히 상기시켜 줄 거예요.
하지만 전 당신이 성장했다고 확신합니다.
지금은 모를 수도 있지만, 시간이 지나면, 여러분도 모든 일에 일어난 이유가 있다는 것을 알게 될 거예요. 그 이유는 모든 일이 일어나면 나타날 거고요. 그 순간 마음속에 느끼실 겁니다.
지금은 여러분이 있어야 할 곳에 맞게 와 있습니다.
그것으로 충분합니다.
날이 많이 추워요.
하지만 바람은 항상 실제보다 더 춥게 체감하도록 만들죠.
살이 트고 폐가 따가울 수 있습니다.
트고 따갑다는 것은 당신이 살아있다는 증거에요.
저도 트고 따갑습니다.
다만 이번 겨울에는 따뜻함도 찾으시길 바랍니다.
그리고 만약, 그 따뜻함이 저라면, 저를 품고 가주세요. 저의 가장 쌀쌀한 밤들에 여러분들이 제게 따뜻한 이불을 가져다주셨듯이.
이번 겨울, 가만히 서 있고 싶으시다면, 가만히 서 있으셔도 됩니다. 저도 옆에 서 있을게요.
눈이 내리고 쌓이고 녹아가는 풍경을 함께 보시죠
그렇게 봄은 더 빨리 오겠죠.
happier holidays
hi everyone !
it is very cold out lately.
it’s the kind of cold that cracks my skin and stings my lungs when i inhale too deep all at once.
cold enough to make reminders of the weather to my loved ones, in case they go out and catch a cold.
i hope you all have worn warmly enough.
the holidays may feel different to everyone.
to some, it may simply mean pure joy and spirit.
for others, there may be a sense of sadness when it comes to the end of the year. the holiday season may be nothing more than existential anxiety wrapped in tinsel.
it’s the closing of a chapter — the final checkpoint to look back — and when we near that final page, we find ourselves facing an incredible awareness of the passage of time.
“time flies” we say. “what happened for it to already be the end of the year?“
good question. what have i done?
have i done enough?
have i become enough?
and how harrowing it is to be met by the realization that maybe i am nowhere near the version of myself i want to be.
in the past year, perhaps you have experienced crippling loss (or losses), pain, heartbreak, doubt, beginnings, endings. perhaps you have lost yourself, badly, and are still in the process of piecing yourself back together again.
perhaps you’ve chosen a new path, but are struggling to push forward. you have maybe done some healing, cut some people out of your life.
or maybe you’re still stuck. maybe you want to retreat.
whatever it is, you are not where you were the last time you saw snow. and the cold is a stark reminder of that.
but i can assure you you have grown.
you might not know it now, but in time, you will see that everything has happened for a reason. that reason will appear when everything has happened. you will feel it inside you. you may even already have the answer within you somewhere.
but right now, you are right where you need to be.
that is enough.
it is cold out, yes.
but the wind will always makes it feel colder than it actually is.
your skin may crack and your lungs may sting.
but you crack and you sting because you are alive.
i crack and i sting, too.
i only hope that this winter, you may also find warmth.
if that warmth is by chance me, i ask you to please hold me close. just like how on my coldest nights, you have brought me warmth, without you even knowing it.
if this winter you wish to stand still, you can stand still. i’ll be still right next to you.
and maybe we can watch the snow fall, drift, and melt together.
spring might come faster that way.
happier holidays
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leserafim · 6 months
hi everyone ! it is very cold out lately. it’s the kind of cold that cracks my skin and stings my lungs when i inhale too deep all at once. cold enough to make reminders of the weather to my loved ones, in case they go out and catch a cold. i hope you all have worn warmly enough. the holidays may feel different to everyone. to some, it may simply mean pure joy and spirit. for others, there may be a sense of sadness when it comes to the end of the year. the holiday season may be nothing more than existential anxiety wrapped in tinsel. it’s the closing of a chapter — the final checkpoint to look back — and when we near that final page, we find ourselves facing an incredible awareness of the passage of time. “time flies” we say. “what happened for it to already be the end of the year?“ good question. what have i done? have i done enough? have i become enough? and how harrowing it is to be met by the realization that maybe i am nowhere near the version of myself i want to be. in the past year, perhaps you have experienced crippling loss (or losses), pain, heartbreak, doubt, beginnings, endings. perhaps you have lost yourself, badly, and are still in the process of piecing yourself back together again. perhaps you’ve chosen a new path, but are struggling to push forward. you have maybe done some healing, cut some people out of your life. or maybe you’re still stuck. maybe you want to retreat. whatever it is, you are not where you were the last time you saw snow. and the cold is a stark reminder of that. but i can assure you you have grown. you might not know it now, but in time, you will see that everything has happened for a reason. that reason will appear when everything has happened. you will feel it inside you. you may even already have the answer within you somewhere. but right now, you are right where you need to be. that is enough. it is cold out, yes. but the wind will always make it feel colder than it actually is. your skin may crack and your lungs may sting. but you crack and you sting because you are alive. i crack and i sting, too. i only hope that this winter, you may also find warmth. if that warmth is by chance me, i ask you to please hold me close. just like how on my coldest nights, you have brought me warmth, without you even knowing it. if this winter you wish to stand still, you can stand still. i’ll be still right next to you. and maybe we can watch the snow fall, drift, and melt together. spring might come faster that way. happier holidays 💌
yunjin via weverse
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artisticangel · 6 months
Kirby and Friends: Christmas Movie Headcanons
Christmas has arrived in Popstar and it’s the most wonderful time, a time where all friends and foes Kirby has met over his journeys in the past, decided to take a break from their usual shenanigans by celebrating Christmas with family and friends.
But what are their favorite Christmas movies?
1. Kirby’s Favorite Christmas Movie: Elf (2003) Movie
Kirby can relate with Buddy the Elf whenever he spreads the Christmas Cheer wherever he goes, with a smile on his face, and saving Christmas in the end. Kirby always spread some joy not only on Christmas but every day at every time, especially after he’s done saving Dreamland along with Planet Popstar.
So whenever he’s decorating his house for Christmas, or baking some gingerbread cookies for his friends and himself, he turns on the movie so he can join in on the fun.
2. Meta Knight’s Favorite Christmas Movie: Home Alone
To everyone’s surprise, Meta Knight does have a favorite Christmas Movie, since nobody knows much about Meta Knight’s background as a Star Warrior so everyone assumed he doesn’t celebrate Christmas much since his old comrades “passings”…
Meta Knight likes this movie due to the boys quick thinking, and the two crooks falling into his traps so easily. The movie reminds him of all of the good times he had with his late comrades, his friends. Now with Kirby along with his friends in the present he’ll be able to have good quality times with them, even though if he doesn’t show or admit it.
3. King Dededee’s Favorite Christmas Movie: Frosty The Snowman
Back when he was a little prince this movie out of the other holiday movies makes me smile, grinning from ear to ear mostly because his favorite snowman makes children smile, and his parents are here to spend time together with Dededee on Christmas.
But when he saw the little girl crying over Frosty melted away after by bringing her inside the greenhouse he cried with her, thinking Frosty would never come back, but when he saw Frosty brought back to life again he was happy again.
Now that he’s a king and an adult every year he always puts on Frosty the Snowman as part of his own Christmas Tradition, to celebrate Christmas with his friends and to all of his good memories spent together with his parents.
4. Bandanadee’s Favorite Christmas Movie: The Polar Express
Years ago his mother used to read him a story called the Polar Express growing up, but when he saw a poster announcing a movie about his favorite Christmas story Bandanadee didn’t hesitate in buying tickets to go see the movie, and eventually buying a dvd copy.
To this day he still held onto the storybook his mother had given him and every year on Christmas Eve he reads it to the children in Dreamland spreading some Christmas Spirit and wonder for all to enjoy.
5. Elfin’s Favorite Christmas Movie: Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
Kirby recommended that movie for him a year later after the events of Forgotten Lands since Christmas is a new concept to him, so Elfin had a Christmas movie mini marathon with Kirby, and Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas was the first movie he picked out for his little mousey friend. Since this is Elfin’s first Christmas ever he enjoyed it along with the movie.
Hoping he’ll have more Christmases to be just as good as his first one, and more good memories shared with Kirby along with his newfound friends.
(That’s all on Christmas headcanons for now! Thought I’d do a little Christmas headcanon for this year since Christmas is just a week away. Please leave a like, comment, and a reblog. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! 🙂👋)
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On November 21st 1917 Lt Ewart Alan Mackintosh, author of the poem Cha Till Maccruimein, was killed on the second day of the Battle of Cambrai.
Although born in Brighton, of Scottish parents, Mackintosh learned to speak Gaelic and was an accomplished piper. Fishing trips with his father to the Alness area and Highland holidays with two university friends nurtured his sense of Scottishness.
In 1916 during a raid, north of Arras three of his men had arms or legs blown off; despite his struggles to carry them back in, they all died. The action brought him the Military Cross, though he wrote that he would ‘rather have the boys’ lives’. It also inspired one of his best-known poem, ‘In Memoriam’.
The first of the pics show a sculpture by Andy De Comyn Longueval, France, it depicts a piper in full battle dress, kilt and tin helmet climbing up and over the parapet of a trench encouraging the men on with the sound of his pipes. The plaques around the base of the statue show the emblems of regiments who lost pipers during the Great War…the bottom pic is The American War Memorial in Prices Street Gardens Edinburgh.
The plaque has words from the poem Cha Till MacCruimein
The pipes in the street were playing bravely,
The marching lads went by,
With merry hearts and voices singing
My friends marched out to die;
But I was hearing a lonely pibroch
Out of an older war,
'Farewell, farewell, farewell, MacCrimmon,
MacCrimmon comes no more.'
And every lad in his heart was dreaming
Of honour and wealth to come,
And honour and noble pride were calling
To the tune of the pipes and drum;
But I was hearing a woman singing
On dark Dunvegan shore,
'In battle or peace, with wealth or honour,
MacCrimmon comes no more.'
And there in front of the men were marching,
With feet that made no mark,
The grey old ghosts of the ancient fighters
Come back again from the dark;
And in front of them all MacCrimmon piping
A weary tune and sore,
'On the gathering day, for ever and ever,
MacCrimmon comes no more.'
Lines from Mackintosh’s poem ‘A Creed’ are also engraved on the Scottish American War Memorial in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh:
“If it be life that waits I shall live for ever unconquered,
If death I shall die at last strong in my pride and free”
the full poem reads.........
Out of the womb of time and dust of the years forgotten,
Spirit and fire enclosed in mutable flesh and bone,
Came by a road unknown the thing that is me for ever,
The lonely soul of a man that stands by itself alone.
This is the right of my race, the heritage won by my fathers,
Theirs by the years of fighting, theirs by the price they paid,
Making a son like them, careless of hell or heaven,
A man that can look in the face of the gods and be not afraid.
Poor and weak is my strength and I cannot war against heaven,
Strong, too strong are the gods; but there is one thing that I can
Claim like a man unshamed, the full reward of my virtues,
Pay like a man the price for the sins I sinned as a man.
Now is the time of trial, the end of the years of fighting,
And the echoing gates roll back on the country I cannot see.
If it be life that waits I shall live for ever unconquered,
If death I shall die at last strong in my pride and free
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
Recs for Underrated Fics
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Last year to celebrate our anniversary, we asked you to share with us fics that you didn't see recommended often (enough).
Here is finally a list of your underrated favs!
-- Admin Chie
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A Silent Night by idreamofinuyokai
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: For Dokugas holiday carol challenge. Sesshomaru wandered, he was dazed and hollow from madness when he heard her song through the forest, and it soothed his savage spirit. He took her, setting things in motion that would take him far from the life hie had lived and fought for.
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Avenoir by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Life in the blink of an eye.
Status: One Shot
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Binded by Lucymorningstar257
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome, now a modern-day miko, discovers Sesshoumaru's spirit during an exorcism. Desperate for answers to her inconclusive past, she resurrects and binds herself to him—a reckless decision that inevitably leads to catastrophic consequences. Domestic fluff that slips into the dark.
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Deep end of the ocean! by Moonlight Silk
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome's world came crashing down after the death of her first love. With no one else to turn to she decided to seek out her brother in law Sesshomaru. However, what she failed to foresee was the desire and confusion he would awakened in her blood, and the destined path they must now make their own.
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Dirt by NiftyPaint24
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: M
Summary: Sesshomaru is a famous freestyle moto-x rider known for his insane style. What happens when he opens up an academy to teach some of other top riders of FMX how to do his trade mark back flips? Insanity, that's what!
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Ever the Lotus by Kanna37
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: "What are you?" Sesshoumaru asked that question the moment Kagome pulled Tessaiga from its pedestal... and it was never answered. When Kagome disappears back home after the fall of Naraku, Sesshoumaru finds himself searching for that very answer. 1st Best Sesshoumaru Portrayal Dokuga 4th Quarter 2011.
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Ghosts by RosieB
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: After Naraku's death, Kagome returned to her time forever, where she mourns her losses. An older Sesshoumaru offers a deal - a comfortable and secure marriage in return for a child. They'll never love anyone - including each other - again, right?
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His & Hers by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: A demon lord trying to navigate through rapidly changing time. An out of time girl trying to readapt to normalcy. They meet in the middle.
Status: One Shot
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Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: She seemed to be transitory, and dare he say, weird. Her unusual attachment to him was to the point that it was a nuisance. But was it really? Her hands were growing bruised from hanging on too tight. And he had never expected, was not prepared at all, for the moment she would let go. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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Kagome's Trial by FireVixen73
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome has a problem, a very big problem. Inuyasha would kill her if he knew, hell, Sesshomaru would help. Really what could she say to them? 'Your fathers ghost is stalking me, trying to make me save Sesshomaru's life'...that's not going to go over well
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Misery Loves Company by Yanaristocrat
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Unfortunate event have brought Sesshomaru and Kagome to team up and get back at their philandering ex lovers. However, their unexpected friendship forms into something else and they try to fight their perplexed feelings and urges.
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Primero by JeniNeji
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: [COMPLETE] Kagome needs a favor from no other than Sesshomaru. Yes, he, the serious, arrogant, cold and scary Western Lord. But things won't be easy since no one can make Sesshomaru XxxX in fifteen days {Still PRIMERO} Kagome, in a desperate moment, asked Sesshomaru to mate her so Inu-Yasha could mate afterwards. However, she wasn’t expecting the Taiyoukai to agree, much less for them to suffer some unexpected side-effects.
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Red Lotus by Madison/Maddie-san
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Five hundred years later, an obligation brought him to her when the end was near. He could watch her die, or he could vow to look after her until death do them apart.
Status: Abandoned
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Severed Bonds by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: In a world where your soulbond's name is written on the inside of your wrist, all anyone could do was hope that they meet the one made specially for them. When Kagome and Sesshomaru meet, things do not go according to plan. Soon, Sesshomaru learns from his mistakes, and he will have to fight to earn his redemption, all while war follows them only a few paces behind.
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There's Something About Her by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: When her entire life is shattered by a scandal involving her and the school's most notorious playboy, she comes back after a year posed as someone else. It was the perfect disguise- until he sees right through her ruse. How far is he willing to go to keep her? Sometimes, things are not always what they seem to be.
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When the Belladonnas Bloom by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Cursed upon birth, exalted as the most notorious puppet of the Warlord Onigumo, his first and beloved consort finally turns sixteen. A gift from her generous lover: a harem of her own, to quell her insatiable lust. But many a man that stepped in her bedchambers were never seen alive again. That would change tonight, when a golden-eyed concubine accidentally unravels a most hidden secret. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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While You Still Think You Know Everything by KEdakumi
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: Years have passed since her first love had been gone, wondering into her future, she met a boy that would lead her to a new enemy, a new love and a new life. (Written for insomniac_amy's Tou-sama Challenge)
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
Hello. I'm sorry if this is an awkwardly worded question. I am not sure how to ask and also I am going through a time of it emotionally right now. I've been a pagan for around a decade now, but I am repeatedly being met with the suggestion that my family might have been Jews who were coerced into converting to Catholicism. These suggestions have been made by Jewish friends of mine over the years when I've talked about my Yiddish speaking family and how the language died out in our family. I've recently learned from my mother that a woman who had been my grandmother for several years due to a relatioship believed very firmly that we were Jewish given what had been learned about our family from my mother. As a result, I lived several years of my life being taught things about holidays and the like by said woman as though I were Jewish. But that I just didn't know how to do things due to family history. It was very homely and nice, but due to a breakup I fell out of contact with said family. It was very homely though and I've direly missed that environment and culture since then. This along with the general timeframe of my family's fleeing Ukraine and what I've been told about why we fled Ukraine has gotten me wanting to at least do some research on the matter. I'm not really sure how to research though or what to research really. Nor am I entirely sure what it is that I want to learn beyond that I just want to learn. Something. Which is probably very vague. At the very least I've known that we spoke Yiddish for years and have always felt very sad I did not know it or much about the culture the language is from. And I would like to at least learn more about that to honor my long dead great grandmother and great great grandmother. And possibly learn at least something more about them, if not in specific then at least in spirit. But given the whole being a Gaelic polytheist for a decade thing I feel very awkward about researching things. A convert friend of mine who brought up a while back that my family situation sounds like a case of coerced conversion has suggested a book for me which is nice but reading said book is making things even more difficult and confusing. I apologize that this is a bit long and rambling and likely confusing but do you have any advice? Things to read, people to talk to? I suppose the short of it is that I'm finding out I might be Jewish and I'm not sure what to do about that and that at the very least I would like to learn more to respect my now dead Yiddish speaking family members and also that one particular grandma.
Hey there! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner.
I'm not sure what to suggest as far as researching personal family history, since I struggle with that myself. Mine just cuts off behind a paywall and language barrier, and it's extremely likely the specific community they lived in doesn't exist anymore, if it's even discoverable. I think learning about the general history of the area is good, though. :)
If you wanted, Duolingo does have Yiddish now so that could be a nice way to connect and also learn a new language in the process! The announcement picture for it still gives me Feelings
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(Plus there's a rich history of Jewish theatre and literature, which is very neat.)
Sorry I can't be of much more help than that! But hopefully that's useful ^^
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